20110701 zsc2011-advanced proxying-formatted

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Advanced Proxying

Good things to know

- Any Zarafa server is an entry point for your multi-server environment

- All requests are redirected if they not belong to them

- Zarafa does not act as a proxy

- Your store-server has to be able to be reached by the client directly

Why proxying?

- Scales on the Application-Level, because:

- With round-robin DNS it scales very well and overhead is very small (redirection). - It can handle sticky sessions (stay on the same server)

Hardware SSL-Balancers

- Yes, they work

- They are a bit expensive, but if you can afford go for it ;) - Be aware that they really only balance SSL, nothing else

LVS (Linux Virtual Server)

- Yes, they work as well

- It is indeed a good approach, but requires higher skills and a special setup to be maintained - keeping systems up to date is a bit more work

- The combination of pacemaker and this solution outnumbers in scalability

Balancing with Apache 2.2

- Works out of the box with mostSystems

- Helps you scale to whatever youWant or to

- Fully compatible with any service,
so z-push, webaccess, zarafa,
autoupdater all work

Apache Proxying

- You need SSL, at least only this makes sense

- Sticky sessions by mod_rewrite

Config (I)

### Cookie Handling

RewriteEngine On

# Cookie not set? Well then, here we go...RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !BALANCEMERewriteRule .* - [CO=BALANCEME:balancer.server1:zarafa.com:15]

# IMPORTANT Renew the cookie!RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} BALANCEME=(balancer.server1)RewriteRule .* - [CO=BALANCEME:balancer.server1:zarafa.com:15]

# Think of failover covered laterInclude /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/00-zarafa-cookie-failover.inc

Config (II)

### Load-Balancing by the cookie value to internal zarafa-vhost

ProxyPass / balancer://cluster/ lbmethod=byrequests stickysession=BALANCEMEProxyPassReverse / balancer://cluster/

BalancerMember http://server1.zarafa.com route=server1 BalancerMember http://server2.zarafa.com route=server2 BalancerMember http://server3.zarafa.com route=server3 BalancerMember http://server4.zarafa.com route=server4

Proven Architecture

Endless Possibilities

- Secure your cluster with Pacemaker (following up)

- Combine with zarafa-msr for direct (non-proxied) access to store


- Make sure you share your state-dir (z-push) like NFS

- Think of clustered Mail delivery

- Auto-Updater (!)

- Thank you very much for listening! -

Don't hesitate to contact us for questions or support.

Millenux GmbHLilienthalstr. 2/170825 Korntal/Stuttgart

Tel.+49 711 88770 300Fax+49 711 88770 349

[email protected]



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