2012 28/52

Stefano Mirti’s facebook wall 28/52 2012 timeline archive: a personal collection of curiosities Stefano Mirti’s facebook wall https://www.facebook.com/stefano.mirti.3

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Stefano Mirti's facebook wall:timeline archive 2011/2014----------------------------a collection of curiosities----------------------------more files & info in "timeline archive" collection


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Stefano Mirti’s facebook wall


timeline archive:a personal collection of curiosities

Stefano Mirti’s facebook wall


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Abadir (Arts Between Architecture Design & Interdisciplinary Research)

Windless Day

Planning and plotting and imagining a lot of nice things with Abadir people… http://www.abadir.net/

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S. Agata Li Battiati

Breakfast on a Turkish Cloth

Soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnpil_pRUiw

...I'm he as you are he as you are me and we are all together…

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.

I'm crying...

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Victoria Station

Mirror Garden (When De Carlo Went Postmodern)

Very curious work by the late Giancarlo De Carlo. The garden at the Monastero dei Benedettini in Catania.Not 100% convinced, but I'm happy that I've seen it.

Here some other images: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/...

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Donato Bramante, Ninfeo

The building was never finished and there is no written evidence that Bramante was the architect making it.

Finally, it is very beautiful and very special.

Really a nice suggestion (thanks to Antonio Scarponi).

More (in Italian) at: http://www.genazzano.org/ninfeo-bramante.html

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Fondazione Fiumara d'Arte Sicilia

Stanza di Barca d'Oro

This is a special work by Hidetoshi Nagasawa. It is the last work (2000) added by Antonio Presti to his "Fiumara d'Arte" project / collection.

Images of some of the other works there at: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.399896870074850…

More on the whole project at: http://www.librino.org/SITO/librino.html

Thanx to Elisa Ossino, for sharing the images.

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Vico del Gargano

Cave Living (More Than One Thousand Years Old)

Here an image from Remo Ricchetti.

We are in Apulia, in a "trappeto ipogeo" (an underground oil mill). Remo underlines that not only the place is special, but also its guide is worth the stop.

A passionate and - at the same time - melanchonic guide.

More on these "trappeto" at: http://www.salentoalacarte.it/.../trappeto_and...

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Abadir (Arts Between Architecture Design & Interdisciplinary Research)

Culilisci (Flatasses)

Culilisci (flatasses) are a special kind of lavic stone. They come from the Etna vulcano, they get into the sea, and the waves and water levigates the stones till they become this curious black spongy stone.

Very special, indeed…

"If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?"

(Khalil Gibran)

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Akademie Schloss Solitude

Sybille Neumeyer's Seeds

"Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities - that's training or instruction - but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed."

(Thomas Moore)

Some other images of ms Sybille Neumeyer's work at: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/…

Some more about her work at: http://sybilleneumeyer.de/

Image above: Sybille Neumeyer, Flocks, seed wall installation, 2012/on-going.

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Villa Margi Beach

A Window to the Sea

It's an odd (but powerful) project by Tano Festa. A sculpture on the beach, to get the landscape in tension.

The title of the work is: "Monumento per un poeta morto" (Monument for a dead poet) and it is dedicated to his brother, Francesco Lo Savio.

Thanks to Elisa Ossino for the link.

More (in Italian) at: http://www.librino.org/.../festa%20finestra%20-%20opere.htm

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Certosa di Pavia

The House of the Monk

The Certosa in Pavia is truly beautiful. But what is even more stunning than the church (and its facade) are the 24 house.

Each monk had one. Two floors, a garden. The interior design is fantastic. Mies would have paled compared to it.

More at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certosa_di_Pavia

Thanks to Lu Ca Lard Era for the remind...

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Charles, Sivori and Boniperti

Last night my grand-mother (known to my friends as "nonna giovanna"), died after some weeks of illness.

Very fine person, very decent grand-mother.

The thing that made her special was the throughout all her life she had one and only passion: Juventus football club (she also liked very much Roger Federer, but compared to "Juve", it was nothing).

She was very old: this means that she had the chance to see a lot of different line-ups and players and teams. Between the various, I know that the "Juve" she loved the most was the one where you had John Charles, Omar Sivori and Giampiero Boniperti as superstars.

It was between 1957 and 1961, as much as i dislike "Juve", I guess they were quite excellent players.

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This looks a very nice place / project. A sound garden in Florence. Thanx to Maria Azzurra Rossi for the link.

This is not just a simple garden like others, is a complete entity that covers art, sculpture, sound search and architecture. The sound garden is an idea of Lorenzo Bruzzi, sound designer, and Stefano Passerotti, environmental designer. They took advantage also of other collaborators from various fields.

Keep reading at: http://discoverflorence.blogspot.com/.../giardino-sonoro...

Giardino Sonoro (Sound Garden)

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This should be quite an interesting place. It's a wood, not far from Viterbo, where Anne Demijttenaere and Costantino Morosin set up an impressive amount of things, activities, projects and much more.

Here the link to their webpage: ww.operabosco.eu

Here the link where you can see some of the works in the woods: http://www.operabosco.eu/opere.php?lan=en

Thanks to Felice Gualtieri for the link + Image above: one of the works by Anne Demijttenaere.

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Benedict Canyon

There are only three real geniuses in America.

"There are only three real geniuses in America, you and me, and the third changes all the time."

(Timothy Leary to Andy Warhol)

(via @lucadegennaro @GiuliLuLa, Twitter)

Image above: Timothy Leary, portrayed by Dean Chamberlain. Link to the original (digital) image: http://mavericksofthemind.com/tleary.jpg

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Los Angeles – discoverLA.com

Lumi: Print on Textiles with Sunlight

From their website:

"We believe photographs shouldn't be limited to a page or a frame. They're meant to be lived with, cared for, and last forever. That's why we create photography you can touch.

Lumi is a design team pioneering the Lumityping process, a revolutionary photographic print process for textiles and natural materials. We're taking photography out of the darkroom by using sunlight to make durable prints on sustainable materials."


(via @espiekermann @carodebartolo, Twitter)

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Turin, Italia


Today I've received a mail from Luca Ballarini, giving me the link to this nice documentary on the history of "Label" magazione. It's nice, because it takes me back to Torino Politecnico, where Luca, Roberto and lots of other people started to work on this new magazine called "Label"...

Here is the link to the documentary: https://vimeo.com/45465391

Here is my folder with some cute images: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/…

While, if you are curious on what was "Label", here is the link you need: http://www.labelmag.com/

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Anna Magic Art

Eleonora Odorizzi found another special character in the Trentino mountains. Ms. Magic Art, a very odd lady specialized in all kind of curious activities.

Here you can read some more about her: http://www.annamagicart.eu

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Paris, France

Dada goes for a field trip.

It was the 14th of April 1921. The Dada people organized a trip outside Paris. Destination to the church at St. Julien le Pauvre, simply because there was no reason to go there.

The firs visit to a series of places having no reasons to exist.

Here in the image you can recognize André Breton, Tristan Tzara et René Hilsum.

Here the link to the original invite: http://shigepekin.over-blog.com/article-dada-en-1921-la...

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Dro, Trentino

Morpheus Buyback

If you are at Centrale di Fies in late July, you shouldn't miss this great piece by Apparatus 22 people.

Here is the description:

"Morpheus Buyback is an immersive walk-in installation and performance that shapes a disruptive and otherworldly shopping ceremonial: nightmares of the visitors and citizens of Dro are bought by Apparatus 22 collective in exchange of totems and amulets issued of positive voodoo.Going further the rationale of the prevalent market economy, using knowledge of ancient Romanian rituals and imagining new objects of innovative transaction in the gift economy, Apparatus 22’s Morpheus Buyback is calling for positive help from other worlds. Collecting the nightmares, the performance is investigating the collective subconsciousness of the citizens of Dro

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in a confrontation with the private, uncharted wilderness."

performance for one person per timewalk-in installation and performancecoproduction Centrale Fiespresented with generous support from Accademia di Romania in Romacourtesy the artists and KILOBASE BUCHAREST


26.07 from 18.00 to 24.0027.07 from 18.00 to 24.0028.07 from 18.00 to 24.00intervals for visiting the installation without taking part in the performance19.45 – 20.0021.45 – 22.00forgia15 min

Here is the program of the whole festival: http://www.centralefies.it/festival/drodesera12.html

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New Pictoresque

Laura Cantarella and Lucia Giuliano volunteers to organize a special trip in the Belice Valley. To see things we know, but more, to see things we never seen before.

Is it possible to give a new definition to "pictoresque"?In Italy, an interesting question…

In the image above the old theatre of Poggioreale, a town that remained exactly as it was when the 1968 earthquake stroke...

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Milano, Italia


Devotional is a film about 2012 elections in Egypt, Russia and USA. Saverio Pesapane and his friends, needs help and supporto to produce it and make it…

Here the link to get all the needed info: http://www.indiegogo.com/devotional

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Hoxton Square

The Weather Yesterday

Very nice installation by London-based Troika. Thanks to this device you are able to know the weather conditions of the previous day.


If you want to know/see more here is the link: http://www.dezeen.com/.../the-weather-yesterday-by-troika/

(via @alicerawsthorn on Twitter)

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Long Beach Ca

Swiss Poster Generator

This is quite fantastic. A software generating "swiss style" posters.

Here is how it is explained on the website:

"Swiss Poster Generator was conceived during the Summer of 2012 as a collaborative project between brothers Ben and Clark DuVall. It merges their respective disciplines of graphic design and software engineering, exploring the nexus of art and technology, modernism and post-modernism."

And here is the link: http://swisspostergenerator.com/

(thanx to @____thenomad on Twitter)

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La Biennale di Venezia, architettura, 2012

Esperimento per la Biennale di Venezia

La domanda che ci è stata posta è semplice: come si fa a costruire una comunità digitale (utilizzando in prima istanza i social media), attorno ai temi definiti da Luca Zevi (curatore del Padiglione Italiano)?

Per rispondere a questo tipo di domanda, la cosa più semplice è quella di fare un esperimento…


L'immagine sopra è: Franco Vaccari, "Lascia su queste pareti una traccia fotografica del tuo passaggio", XXXVI Biennale di Venezia 1972.

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You Get an Earthquake (That Is not a Nice Thing)

Everything you have is gone, your house destroyed, people die and you think life sucks.

But then, imagine, when Paolo Portoghesi comes to rebuild your little village. That is doomsday!

Here above Paolo Portoghesi reconstruction of Poggioreale in Belice Valley (Sicily).

Thanx to Laura Cantarella and Lucia Giuliano for the link.Next time in Belice, no more Burri, only Portoghesi…

Franco Purini is another chap (expert on arriving in disaster area and building lots of funny things...)

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Sign of Times

Folding steel shutters and bullet-proof glass protect the new reception of the Belgian Embassy in Athens by Buerger Katsota Architects.

Here to read more, and to see more: http://www.dezeen.com/.../embassy-of-belgium-by-buerger.../

(via @mariofaranda / Marco Ferrari on Twitter)

And here is the Sign "O" the Times soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zIjtwsrXfk&feature=related

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What's going on?

Design Academy Eindhoven is the most famous design school in the world (ok, let's say it is in the topten list). So, when the heads of their masters resign (three at once), this means that something (quite big) is happening.

BIg changes, not only in Eindhoven, but in design world (or, if you prefer, in education in design world)...

If you want to more you can read: http://www.dezeen.com/.../masters-courses-heads-at.../




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I am sure that this story will effect in a very short term a lot of other institutions around Europe...

Image on top: one of the projects from the Design Academy Eindhoven: Graduation Galleries 2008.