2012 holiday consumer catalog

Holiday Catalog 2012 Wisdom Publications

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Wisdom Publicaitons' 2012 Holiday Consumer Catalog


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Holiday Catalog 2012

Wisdom Publications

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WISDOM PUBLICATIONSisdom is pleased to once again present our new and notable releases.

Our readers choose our books for different reasons—some for schol-arly research, others for daily practice, and others for an introduction to Buddhism.No matter what your background or interests, we think you’ll find something thatappeals to you. As always, by ordering direct through Wisdom, you can save 20%.We are very excited to announce the long-awaited Numerical Discourses of the

Buddha: A Translation of the Aºguttara Nik›ya (page 9) by Bhikkhu Bodhi, contin-uing our Teachings of the Buddha series. You’ll find three books from some of thegreatest teachers of our time: Like a Waking Dream (page 3) by Geshé LhundubSopa, The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Plain English (page 5) by BhanteGunaratana, and a new edition of our perennial classic Wisdom Energy (page 6) byLama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Two new titles examine the burgeoningworld of Buddhist chaplaincy and pastoral work: The Arts of Contemplative Care(page 11) and Buddhist Care for the Dying and Bereaved (page 10). Jampa Ludrupshares his years of expertise with Feng Shui: Seeing Is Believing (page 13). And finally,James Ishmael Ford illuminates his journey into Zen with If You’re Lucky, Your HeartWill Break (page 7). We are also pleased to provide a sneak peek of our upcoming titles. December

brings two exciting books: The Ceasing of Notions (page 14) by Soko Morinaga illu-minates the ancient writings discovered in China’s Dunhuang caves; Dosung Yooanalyzes the Heart Sutra through a Won Buddhist lens in Thunderous Silence (page17). In early 2013 come two more books: Thupten Jinpa brings us Wisdom of theKadam Masters (page 15), the second in Wisdom’s Tibetan Classics series; CyrusStearns guides us through the sixteenth-century Tibet of Tsarchen Losal Gyatso inSong of the Road (page 16). You’ll also find a listing of our most enduring books, perfect for practice, further

study, gift-giving, and more.

We hope you’ll enjoy these titles as much as we do.

Thank you for your continued support! Don't forget, most of our books are available in

digital editions for your favorite eReader.

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Like a Waking DreamThe Autobiography of Geshé Lhundub Sopa

Geshé Lhundub Sopawith Paul Donnelly

foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Hardcover | 368 pages | $24.95

Includes a sixteen-page color insert.

Prior to his thirty-year career in thefirst-ever academic Buddhist studies

program in the United States, GeshéSopa was the son of peasant farmers, anovice monk in a rural monastery, a vir-tuoso scholar monk at one of the prestigious central monasteries inLhasa, and a survivor of the Tibetan uprising and perilous flight intoexile in 1959. In Like a Waking Dream, Geshé Sopa frankly and obser-vantly reflects on how his life in Tibet, a monastic life of yogic simplic-ity, shaped and prepared him for the unexpected. The account of hisyears in Tibet preserves, as well, valuable insight and details about anow-vanished era of Tibetan religious culture. His is a tale of an exem-plary life dedicated to learning, spiritual cultivation, and the service ofothers from one of the greatest living masters of Tibetan Buddhism.

Geshé Lhundub Sopa is an emeritus professor of South Asianstudies at the University of Wisconsin and a respected monk and spir-itual teacher. He is the founder of Deer Park Buddhist Center in Wis-consin, where he lives.

Paul Donnelly is an associate professor and director of the reli-gious studies program at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.

Steps on the Path to EnlightenmentA Commentary on the Lamrim ChenmoBy Geshé Lhundub Sopa

Volume 1: The Foundational Practices

Hardcover | 608 pages | $29.95

Volume 2: Karma

Hardcover | 512 pages | $29.95

Volume 3: The Way of the Bodhisattva

Hardcover | 624 pages | $29.95

Forthcoming Volume 4: Calm AbidingVolume 5: Special Insight

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Mindfulness in Plain English224 pages | $14.95

“Mindfulness in Plain English is a classic and ahelpful guide and good friend on the path.”—Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence

“A masterpiece.”—Jon Kabat-Zinn

Eight Mindful Steps to HappinessWalking the Buddha’s Path288 pages | $16.95

“This wonderful book is a practical and personalguide for those truly interested in what it meansto be happy.”—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness

Beyond Mindfulness in Plain EnglishAn Introductory Guide to Deeper States of Meditation240 pages | $15.95

“A joy to read and a great gift to us all.”—Joseph Goldstein, author of A Heart Full of Peace

Journey to MindfulnessThe Autobiography of Bhante G.272 pages | $18.95

“This plain-English look back at seventy-fiveyears of a mixture of adversity, humility, andhard-won wisdom tells an engaging story.”—Publishers Weekly

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The Four Foundations ofMindfulness in Plain English

Bhante Gunaratana192 pages | $15.95

“In Bhante Gunaratana’s experiencedhands, all the facets of The Four Foun-dations of Mindfulness really do cometo life in plain English, for the potential

benefit of those who drink it in. Myadvice: Drink long, drink deeply.”

—Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Mindfulness for Beginners

“Exceptionally helpful. Bhante’s works stand out for their depth ofwisdom, clarity of expression, and warm-hearted accessibility.”

—Joseph Goldstein, author of A Heart Full of Peace

This book is based on a classic text known as the Satipatthana Sutta,one of the Buddha’s most powerful and succinct presentations,

which has become the basis of all mindfulness meditation. The prac-tice of contemplating the Four Foundations of mindfulness—mindful-ness of the body, feelings, mind, and phenomena themselves—isrecommended for all people at every stage of the spiritual path.

“Bhante makes one of the most profound and transformative sutrasof the Buddha accessible to the modern mind.

This is a wonderful addition to the In Plain English series.”—Matthew Flickstein, author of The Meditator’s Atlas

“Simple, clear, and practical, without losing any of the depth of theseteachings—how wonderful! Highly recommended.”

—Larry Rosenberg, author of Breath by Breath

Bhante Gunaratana is one of the most venera-ble and senior members of the Buddhist community.He is the founder of the Bhavana Society in WestVirginia and travels and teaches on six continents.

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Wisdom EnergyBasic Buddhist TeachingsLama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche160 pages | $15.95

“Immensely practical adviceand suggestions.”—The Middle Way

“This is a superb book.”—Resource Magazine

Wisdom Energy is a simple andcompelling introduction to Bud-

dhism by two Tibetan lamas renowned for their insight and skill inteaching. Containing an entire meditation course, it encapsulates theheart of a basic Buddhist practice, discussing the meaning and purposeof meditation, the causes of unhappiness and their remedies, and themethods for gaining control over our minds and lives. Wisdom Energystill preserves the power, humor, and directness of the lamas’ first teach-ing tour of North America in the ’70s, capturing the feeling of receiv-ing intimate, personal guidance from two highly respected teachers.

Lama Yeshe was born in Tibet in 1935,attended Sera Monastic University in Lhasa fornearly twenty years, and followed His Holinessthe Dalai Lama into exile in 1959. He taughtfrom 1965 until his passing in 1984. He is theauthor of Introduction to Tantra, When theChocolate Runs Out, and The Bliss of Inner Fire.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche is the spiritualdirector of the Foundation for the Preservationof the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), an inter-

national network of Buddhist centers, monasteries, health clinics, andschools. He is the author of many books, including Transforming Prob-lems into Happiness and How to Be Happy.

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If You’re Lucky, Your Heart Will BreakField Notes from a Zen Life

James Ishmael Ford5x8” | 200 pages | $16.95

“An example of engaged, moving, eye-opening, and contemporary Zen,

lived deeply in the world.”—SweepingZen.com

“Informative, down-to-earth, practical.”—Publishers Weekly

“A must-read addition to the growing literature on ‘Western Zen’—with an engaging clarity and easygoing sophistication.”

—Zoketsu Norman Fischer, author of Sailing Home

Using vignettes and anecdotes from his own life—as well as quota-tions drawn from sources as varied as the Bible, Yiddish apho-

risms, and stand-up comedy—Zen teacher and Unitarian Universalistminister James Ishmael Ford shares the gifts won over his lifetime offull-hearted engagement with the Zen path. “I’ve found myself brokenopen,” Ford says, “and found in that opening my fundamental con-nection to the whole world.”

If You’re Lucky, Your Heart Will Break breathes new life into theBuddhist ideas of karma and rebirth—as well as the Buddhist preceptsof ethical action—and reveals their kinship with other spiritual endeav-ors. Even the most cynical of hearts will find resonance in Ford’s com-passionate presentation of basic human truths.

James Ishmael Ford is the author of ZenMaster WHO? and the coeditor of The Book ofMu. He is an ordained Zen priest, one of the guid-ing teachers of Boundless Way Zen, and a Uni-tarian Universalist minister at the First UnitarianChurch of Providence. Ford lives in Pawtucket,Rhode Island.

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The Connected Discourses of the BuddhaA New Translation of the Sa˙yutta Nik›yaTranslated by Bhikkhu BodhiHardcover | 2080 pages | $95.00

The Middle-Length Discourses of the BuddhaA Translation of the Majjhima Nik›yaTranslated by Bhikkhu Ñ›˚amoli and Bhikkhu BodhiHardcover | 1424 pages | $49.95

The Long Discourses of the BuddhaA Translation of the Dıgha Nik›yaTranslated by Maurice WalsheHardcover | 648 pages | $45.00

In the Buddha’s WordsAn Anthology of Discourses from the P›li CanonTranslated by Bhikkhu BodhiPaperback | 512 pages | $18.95

Great Disciples of the BuddhaTheir Lives, Their Works, Their LegacyNyanaponika Thera and Hellmuth HeckerEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPaperback | 448 pages | $18.95

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The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha

A Translation of the Aºguttara Nik›yaTranslated by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Hardcover | 5.375x8.5” | 1944 pages | $75.00

This much-anticipated volume con-tains a full translation from the P›li

of the Aºguttara Nik›ya, the fourth col-lection of the canonical discourses of theBuddha. The primary focus of the Aºgut-tara Nik›ya is practice, which it treatsfrom a wide-angle perspective, advancingfrom basic ethical observances, throughthe pillars of mind training, to the highest meditative attainments. TheAºguttara is also distinguished among the Nik›ya by its interest in typesof persons, which it describes in detail and with memorable similes. TheNumerical Discourses of the Buddha continues Wisdom’s Teachings ofthe Buddha series, which has been praised by scholars and practitionersalike for its beautifully presented, highest quality, annotated translationsof the words of the Buddha.

Bhikkhu Bodhi is an American Buddhistmonk from New York City. After completinghis university studies he traveled to Sri Lanka,where he received both novice and full ordi-nation under the late Ven. Ananda Maitreya,the leading scholar-monk in Sri Lanka ofrecent times. Widely considered the premierP›li scholar, he was previously the presidentof the Buddhist Publication Society in Kandy,Sri Lanka. He returned to the U.S. in 2002

and currently resides at Chuang Yen Monastery in Kent, New York,and is in demand worldwide as a speaker and Buddhist teacher.

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Buddhist Care for the Dying and BereavedEdited by Jonathan S. Watts and Yoshiharu Tomatsu312 pages | $22.95

“An unprecedented look into modernBuddhist practices of caring for the

dying and bereaved, and an indispensi-ble field manual for anyone drawn toend-of-life care.”—Willa B. Miller and

Cheryl A. Giles, coeditors of The Arts of Contemplative Care

“A valuable and amazing resource!”—Pat Enkyo O’Hara, guidingteacher, New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care

Since its beginning, Buddhism has had as one of its hallmarks an inti-mate understanding and acceptance of death and dying. Over the

past forty years Buddhist chaplains and caregivers have drawn on thattradition to contribute greatly to the development of modern palliativecare. Buddhist hospice programs bring the application of traditionalBuddhist practices of preparing for death, attending the dying, and com-forting the bereaved to the secular world at large. Buddhist Care forthe Dying and Bereaved contains comprehensive overviews of the bestof such palliative care programs, drawn from diverse Buddhist tradi-tions, and written by practitioners who embody the best of contempo-rary Buddhist hospice care programs practiced all over the world today.

“A wonderful contribution to the emerging discussion on how todevelop spiritual, compassionate support for the dying in our society.”

—Anyen Rinpoche, author of Dying with Confidence

Jonathan S. Watts is a research fellow at Jodo Shu Research Insti-tute in Tokyo, where he studies death and dying issues. He lives inKamakura, Japan. Yoshiharu Tomatsu is the founder and direc-tor of Jodo Shu Research Institute’s Ojo and Death Project. WithJonathan Watts, he coedited Never Die Alone: Death as Birth in PureLand Buddhism and Traversing the Pure Land Path. He lives in Tokyo.

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The Arts of Contemplative Care

Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work

Edited by Cheryl A. Giles and Willa B. Miller

Foreword by Judith Simmer-BrownPreface by Pat Enkyo O’Hara

Hardcover | 368 pages | $34.95

“This inspiring collection marks thecoming of age of Buddhist chaplaincy.It will be the principal handbook forsuch ministries in the years to come.”

—Christopher Queen, editor ofEngaged Buddhism in the West

The Arts of Contemplative Care collects the voices of pioneers inthe emerging domain of vocational Buddhism. This anthology cap-

tures the richness and diversity of practices in the fields of chaplaincyand ministry. This volume outlines a robust intellectual and spiritualfoundation for the discipline and establishes the methods for practic-ing contemplative care on college campuses, in hospitals, prisons, andthe military, and in hospice environments. This is the first comprehen-sive overview of Buddhist chaplaincy of its kind—sure to become atouchstone work for engaged Buddhists as they forge their place in theworld of pastoral care.

“Destined to become the core text of Buddhist chaplaincy. A radical andwise offering to the world.”—Noah Levine, author of Dharma Punx

Cheryl A. Giles is a licensed clinical psy-chologist and the Francis Greenwood PeabodyProfessor of the Practice in Pastoral Care andCounseling at Harvard Divinity School. Shelives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Willa B. Miller is the author of Everyday Dharma and the founderof Natural Dharma Fellowship. She lives in Arlington, Massachusetts.

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The Library of Tibetan Classics is a special series being developed bythe Institute of Tibetan Classics, in association with Wisdom Publica-tions, to make key classical Tibetan texts part of the global literary andintellectual heritage. You can download a catalog with information onall thirty-two planned volumes at www.wisdompubs.org.

“I am delighted that the Institute of Tibetan Classics is compiling athirty-two-volume series representing all major Tibetan schools and

traditions. Such an ambitious series could make Tibet’s classical thoughttruly a world heritage, an intellectual and spiritual resource open to all.”

—His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Book of KadamThe Core TextsTranslated by Thupten JinpaHardcover | 752 pages | $59.95

The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical SystemsA Tibetan Study of AsianReligious ThoughtThuken Chökyi NyimaTranslated by GeshéLhundub Sopa, et al.Edited by Roger JacksonHardcover | 696 pages | $59.95

Mahamudra and RelatedInstructionsCore Teachings of theKagyü SchoolsTranslated by Peter A. RobertsHardcover | 800 pages | $59.95

Mind TrainingThe Great CollectionTranslated and edited byThupten JinpaHardcover | 720 pages | $49.95

Mirror of BerylA Historical Introduc-tion to Tibetan MedicineDesi Sangyé GyatsoTranslated by Gavin KiltyHardcover | 696 pages |$59.95

Ornament of Stainless LightAn Exposition of the K›lacakra TantraKhedrup NorsangGyatsoTranslated by Gavin KiltyHardcover | 736 pages |$59.95

Taking the Result as the PathCore Teachings of theSakya Lamdré TraditionTranslated by Cyrus StearnsHardcover | 784 pages | $59.95

A Lamp to Illuminate the Five StagesTeachings onGuhyasam›ja TantraTsongkhapaTranslated by Gavin KiltyHardcover | 672 pages | $59.95


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Feng Shui: Seeing Is BelievingEssential Geomancy for Beginners and SkepticsJampa LudrupForeword by Lama Zopa Rinpoche8x9” | 168 pages | $19.95

Full-color illustrations throughout.

“Feng shui is an important way for people to improve their lives and helps others.”

—from the foreword by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

In this pithy and practical handbook, Ven. Jampa Ludrup lays outthe fundamentals of feng shui without any of the opaque mysticism

that sometimes clouds the practice. “The aim of this book,” he writes,“is to help you have more happiness in your life.” Through his easy-to-understand instructions, diagrams, and photos, Ludrup illustrates howsimple alterations to the layout of your home can vastly improve spe-cific areas of your life—romance, prosperity, health, or whatever istroubling you. With nothing more than this book and a good compass,you can rearrange your house, your fortune, and your life.

The book comes with a handy pocket-sized chart that you can carrywith you to job interviews or first dates—any important events—sothat you can be confident that you will be able to achieve the best pos-sible outcome.

Ven. Jampa Ludrup is a former student offeng shui Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai and Lil-lian Too, and he has given feng shui courses andconsultancy to many businesses, institutions, andindividuals all across the globe. He is also a for-mer attendant to Lama Zopa Rinpoche and aformer tutor to Lama Osel. He has been a resi-dent at Sera Je Monastic University in SouthIndia since 1998.

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The Ceasing of NotionsAn Early Zen Text from the DunhuangCaves with Selected CommentsSoko Morinaga Introduction by Martin Collcutt5x8” | 128 pages | $15.95


“This powerful little book is a jewel ofZen Buddhism. Roshi Soko Morinagagoes right to the point of practice andrealization.”—Joan Halifax, founding

abbot, Upaya Zen Center

“A delightful volume sure to provide plenty of food for thought for bothexperienced Zen students and newcomers alike.”—TheZenSite.com

Discovered in the early twentieth century, The Ceasing of Notionsis one of the ancient writings from the Dunhuang caves. It takes

a unique form: a fictitious dialogue between a master and his disciple,in which the disciple tenaciously pursues the master’s pithy utteranceswith follow-up questions that propel the dialogue toward ever moreprofound insights. And these questions prove to be the reader’s veryown. Soko Morinaga brings alive this compact and brilliant text withhis own vivid commentary. This volume also includes a generous selec-tion from Morinaga’s acclaimed autobiography, Novice to Master: AnOngoing Lesson in the Extent of My Own Stupidity.

Soko Morinaga (1925–95) was ordained as amonk by Zuigan Goto and trained in the monasteryof Daitokuji, where he received the seal of Dharmatransmission from Sesso Oda Roshi. While activelyworking in the lay community, he served as the headof Hanazono University, the primary training uni-versity of the Rinzai sect, in Kyoto.

Martin Collcutt is a professor of East Asian studies and historyat Princeton University.

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Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Translated and introduced by Thupten Jinpa

5x7.75” | 224 pages | $16.95


The phrase “Kadam masters” evokesfor many Tibetans a sense of a

golden age—an idyllic image of a spiri-tual community of wise monks dedi-cated to a spiritual life of mentalcultivation. These eleventh- and twelfth-century masters were particularly famedfor their short, poignant utterances that captured essential teachings indigestible bites. In these sayings one unmistakably detects a clearunderstanding of what comprises a truly happy life, grounded in adeeply felt sense of concern for the welfare of others.

This volume offers, in an accessible format, a collection of some ofthe most beloved teachings of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, a highmark in the long human quest to understand the meaning of life.

Also in the Tibetan Classics series:

Essential Mind TrainingEdited and translated by Thupten Jinpa5x7.75” | 296 pages | $16.95

“The clarity and raw power of these thousand-year-oldteachings of the great Kadampa masters are astonish-ingly fresh.”—Buddhadharma

Thupten Jinpa is the principal English-languagetranslator for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and hastranslated and edited many of his bestselling books. Heis currently the president of the Institute of Tibetan Clas-sics in Montreal, where he lives with his wife and twodaughters.

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Song of the RoadThe Poetic Travel Journal of Tsarchen Losal GyatsoCyrus StearnsHardcover | 6.5x7.5” | 192 pages | $24.95


In Song of the Road, Tsarchen LosalGyatso, an unsurpassed sixteenth-century

master of the Sakya tradition of TibetanBuddhism, weaves ecstatic poetry, song,and accounts of visionary experiences

into a record of pilgrimage to central Tibet. Translated for the first timehere, Tsarchen’s work, a favorite of the Fifth Dalai Lama, brims withstrikingly detailed reports of divine and apocalyptic visions, as well aslyrical depictions of Tibetan landscapes that vividly capture the spiri-tual awe they inspire. The literary flights of Song of the Road areanchored by Tsarchen’s candid observations on the social and politicalclimate of his day, including a rare example in Tibetan literature ofopen critique of religious power.

In his introduction and copious notes to the translation, CyrusStearns unpacks the dimensions of meaning concealed in the text, exca-vating the history, legends, and lore associated with people and placesencountered on the pilgrimage, fully revealing the spiritual topogra-phy over which Tsarchen’s long road carried him. The book includesa number of illustrations, including photographs of the region and ahand-drawn map.

Cyrus Stearns is one of the most admiredtranslators of Tibetan literature today. Hisnumerous books include Taking the Result asthe Path, Hermit of Go Cliffs, and King of theEmpty Plain. He is currently a fellow at theTsadra Foundation and a translator for TheLibrary of Tibetan Classics. He lives in thewoods on Whidbey Island, north of Seattle,Washington.

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Thunderous SilenceA Formula for Ending Suffering:

A Practical Guide to the Heart SutraDosung Yoo224 pages | $17.95


“Simple, powerful, and accessible, I can-not recommend it highly enough.”—HisHoliness Venerable Chwasan, formerHead Dharma Master of Won Buddhism

“Rev. Dosung Yoo’s practical guide tothe Heart Sutra uses concrete examplesdrawn from everyday life to help thereader understand and embrace the concept of emptiness.”—RobertE. Buswell, Jr., Distinguished Professor of Buddhist Studies, UCLA, andauthor of Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul’s Korean Way of Zen

Thunderous Silence unravels the Heart Sutra—a pithy encapsula-tion of the essence of Perfection of Wisdom literature—using step-

by-step analysis in an easy, conversational voice. Dosung Yoo examinesthe sutra phrase by phrase, using explanations and metaphors drawnfrom Korean folklore, quantum physics, Charles Dickens, and every-thing in between to illuminate its content. Thunderous Silence invitesus to examine the fundamentals of Buddhism—the Four Noble Truths,emptiness, enlightenment—through the prism of the Heart Sutra. Boththose new to Buddhism and longtime practitioners looking to revisit acore text from a fresh perspective will find this work appealing.

Rev. Dosung Moojin Yoo was ordainedin the Won-Buddhist Order in Korea in 1993. Heteaches at the Won Dharma Center in Claverack,New York, where he lives, and at the Won Insti-tute of Graduate Studies. He has translated sev-eral Won Buddhist texts and is interested inbridging the gap between the teachings of Chris-tianity and Buddhism.

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Living by VowA Practical Introduction to Eight Essential Zen Chants and TextsShohaku Okumura320 pages | $18.95

“An important and much-needed book.”

—Steve Hagen, author of Buddhism Plain

and Simple

Insight into EmptinessKhensur Jampa TegchokEdited by Thubten Chodron296 pages | $18.95

“One of the best introductions to the

philosophy of emptiness I have ever

read.”—José Ignacio Cabezón, XIV

Dalai Lama Professor, UC Santa Barbara

To Dispel the Misery of the WorldWhispered Teachings of the BodhisattvasGa RabjampaForeword by Khenpo AppeyTranslated by Rigpa Translations224 pages | $16.95

“For anyone yearning to lead a saner and more altruistic

life.”—Sogyal Rinpoche, author of The Tibetan Book of

Living and Dying

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This Truth Never FailsA Zen Memoir in Four Seasons

David Rynick5x8” | 248 pages | $15.95

“This book made me laugh and cry—sometimes at the same

time. Everything about David Rynick’s book is beautiful.”

—Mark Williams, coauthor of

The Mindful Way through Depression

Journey to CertaintyThe Quintessence of the

Dzogchen View: An Exploration of Mipham’s Beacon of Certainty

Anyen RinpocheTranslated and edited

by Allison Choying Zangmo248 pages | $17.95

“A must read for philosophers and practitioners.”

—Erik Pema Kunsang, author of

Wellsprings of the Great Perfection

Faces of CompassionClassic Bodhisattva Archetypesand Their Modern Expression

—An Introduction to Mahayana BuddhismTaigen Dan Leighton

Foreword by Joan Halifax352 pages | black-and-white illustrations | $18.95

“What Leighton offers is the living tradition of Mahayana

Buddhism: diverse, mysterious, vibrant, real.”

—The Journal of Buddhist Ethics

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The Foundation of Buddhist Thought series was recently completedwith the release of Tantra and is an excellent systematic introduc-

tion to Buddhist philosophies and practices, particularly to those ofTibetan Buddhism. This unique set of books, developed by Geshe TashiTsering of London’s Jamyang Buddhist Centre, is based on the cur-riculum of his popular course of the same name.

Geshe Tashi’s presentations combine rigor and comprehensivenesswith lucidity and accessibility and are never devoid of the basic human-ity and warmth of his personality. This series makes his insights avail-able for the enjoyment and edification of both specialists andnewcomers to the Buddhist tradition.

The Four Noble TruthsVolume 1192 pages | $14.95

Relative Truth, Ultimate TruthVolume 2208 pages | $14.95

Buddhist PsychologyVolume 3176 pages | $14.95

The Awakening MindVolume 4192 pages | $14.95

EmptinessVolume 5184 pages | $14.95

TantraVolume 6240 pages | $16.95

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9780861716159 | 128

pages | $15.95

eBook 9780861719259

We are proud to be the leading publisher of English-language texts by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Here are just a few of his important works.

Mind in Comfort and EaseThe Vision of Enlightenment in the Great PerfectionForeword by Sogyal RinpocheHardcover | 352 pages | $24.95

The Compassionate Life6.25x7.25” | 128 pages | $11.95

The Middle WayFaith Grounded in ReasonTranslated by Thupten JinpaHardcover | 200 pages | $19.95

The Good HeartA Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of JesusIntroduction by Laurence Freeman, OSB224 pages | $15.95

The Meaning of LifeBuddhist Perspectives on Cause and EffectTranslated by Jeffrey HopkinsForeword by Richard Gere160 pages | $15.95

Sleeping, Dreaming, and DyingAn Exploration of ConsciousnessEdited by Francisco J. Varela264 pages | black-and-white illustrations | $16.95

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The Banyan DeerA Parable of Courage and CompassionRafe Martin, illustrations by Richard WehrmanHardcover | 5.5x6.5” | 48 pages | $15.00

two-color illustrations

Taneesha Never DisparagingM. LaVora Perry

5x7.5” | 216 pages | $8.95

Her Father’s GardenJames Vollbracht Illustrations by Janet Brooke8.5x11” | 40 pages | $12.95

full-color illustrations

Prince SiddharthaThe Story of Buddha

Jonathan Landaw and Janet Brooke7.75x10” | 144 pages | $19.95

full-color illustrations

Mindful Monkey, HappyPandaStory by Lauren Alderfer

Illustrations by Kerry Lee MacLeanHardcover | 10x8” | 32 pages | $15.95

full-color illustrations

Moody Cow MeditatesKerry Lee MacLean

Hardcover | 10x8” | 32 pages | $15.95

full-color illustrations

Moody Cow LearnsCompassionKerry Lee MacLeanHardcover | 10x8” | 32 pages | $16.95

full-color illustrations

Look for the Moody Cow Mind Jar App for iPhone and iPad!

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These small books are full of insightful life lessons and humor. With shortpassages that are ideal for daily reflection, these little gems make great gifts.

How to Be HappyLama Zopa Rinpoche

Hardcover | 4.5x6.5” | 144 pages | $9.95

“Rinpoche works with determination and great sincerity in

the service of Buddha’s teachings and sentient beings.”

—His Holiness the Dalai Lama

When the Chocolate Runs OutLama Yeshe

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