2012 solved physical education cbse

8/13/2019 2012 Solved physical education CBSE http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/2012-solved-physical-education-cbse 1/7 CBSE Examination Paper-2012  Solved [All India] Tllne: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 70 General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Question paper carnes two partsA and B. 3. Answers to questions carrying01 mark should be in approximately 30 words. 4 Answers to questions carrying 02 marks should be in approximately 60 words. 5. Answers to questions carrying03 marks shouldbe in a( ~•. oximately 100words. 6. Answers to questions carrying05 marks should be in approximately 150-200words. I PART-A I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1. Differentiate between Aerobic and Anaerobic activities. 2. Explain procedure for giving Bye . 3. Distinguish between hostile and favourable spectators. 4. What are the causes of round shoulders? 5. What is Pranayama? 6. What are proteins? 7. Define Cardiovascular endurance. 8. What is Ethics in Sports? 9. Explain any two components of wellness, in brief. 10. Elucidate the role of individual in improvement of Sports environment. 11. Briefly explain Asanas. 12. Briefly explain the advantages of Fartlek training . 13. Explain goal setting as a technique of motivation, in brief. 14. Mention any six factors affecting physical fitness, in brief. 15. Write about any three essential elements of positive Sports environment. 16. Yoga can playa significant role in Sports. Justify. 17. Adolescence is the age of stress and strain. Explain. 18. What is a league tournament? Draw a fixture for six teams using round robin

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CBSE Examination Paper-2012  Solved

[All India]

Tllne: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions

1. All questionsare compulsory.

2. Question paper carnes two partsA and B.

3. Answers to questions carrying01markshould be inapproximately 30words.

4 Answers to questions carrying02marks should be in approximately 60 words.

5. Answers to questions carrying03marks shouldbe in a( ~•.oximately 100words.

6. Answers to questions carrying05marks should be inapproximately 150-200words.


















1. Differentiate between Aerobic and Anaerobic activities.

2. Explain procedure for giving Bye .

3. Distinguish between hostile and favourable spectators.4. What are the causes of round shoulders?

5. What is Pranayama?

6. What are proteins?

7. Define Cardiovascular endurance.

8. What is Ethics in Sports?

9. Explain any two components of wellness, in brief.

10. Elucidate the role of individual in improvement of Sports environment.

11. Briefly explain Asanas.

12. Briefly explain the advantages of Fartlek training .

13. Explain goal setting as a technique of motivation, in brief.

14. Mention any six factors affecting physical fitness, in brief.

15. Write about any three essential elements of positive Sports environment.

16. Yoga can playa significant role in Sports. Justify.

17. Adolescence is the age of stress and strain. Explain.

18. What is a league tournament? Draw a fixture for six teams using round robin

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20. What are fats? Write a detailed note on its types. Also mention its importance in

the proper functioning of the body. 5

21. Def ine the term strength. Draw eight stat ions c ircui t t raining programme for upperbody strength.


Answer the questions 22 to 26 from anyone sport/game of your choice only.

22. Write about any two fundamental skills of a game/sport of your choice. 2

23. Mention about any four terminologies of a game/sport of your choice. 2

24. Write about any three latest rules of a game/sport of your choice. 3

25. Write about any three important sports personalities of a game/sport of yourchoice.

 b Favourable Spectators. Favourable Spectators are those spectators who love fair

p lay. They always appreciate the good movement or act ion of a player. They usual ly try

to motivate the players to put up better p·erformance. Such spectators are beneficia l for

creating a posit ive sports environment.

.( 4. Causes of Round Shoulders:.,1. Round shoulders may be due to heredity.

2 . Sit ting. standing and walking In bent posit ion may also resul t in round snoulders.

3 By wear ing very t ight c lothes.

4, Sit ting on improper furni ture

5, Lack of proper exercise special ly of shoulders may also lead to round shoulders,

6, To become habi tual to press the chest . spec iall y at the t ime of bench press.



<f Dif ference between aerobic and anaerobic ac ti vi ti es :

Aerobic Act iv it ies . Aerobic ac ti vi ti es are those acti vi ti es which are per formed wi th s low

speed but for longer durat ion. Jogging, cyc ling, swimming, and rhy thmic exercises areincluded in aerobic activities.

Anaerobic Activit ies. Anaerobic act ivit ies are those activit ies which are performed without

oxygen. These acti vi ti es are done at a fas ter rate and for shor t durat ion. Spr int ing events

in athlet ics , shut tle runs, jumping on the spot , weighl /i ft ing, throwing events, s top and gospr ints in var ious games are best examples of these act iv it ies.

<fProcedure for giving Bye . The total number of teams (in case of 11 teams) from 1 to

11 is wr it ten on a plain paper . Af ter that lots are drawn and the names of teams are writ ten

agains t thei r numbers. Then total number of teams isd iv ided into two halves . A fter that the

byes are fixed in upper and lower halves in the following order:

1. The first bye is given to the last team of lower half.

2, The second bye is given to the first team of upper half.

3. The tbird bye is given to the first team of lower half.

4, The fourth bye is given to the last team of upper half.

5. The next bye or byes will be given in the same order as described above.

  a Hosti le Spectators. Hosti le Spectators are those spectators whose behaviours and

at ti tudes are not pos it ive and appropr iate. Such spectators create disturbance to the

players. Such spectators usual ly create hindrCl t l ces in the path of creat ing pos it ivesports environment.

5. Pranayama. Pranayama is the control o f the process of breathing. It means the appropria te

control over inhalation and exhalation, Basicaliy. there are three constituents of pranayama,

ie .. Puraka (Inhalation), Kumbhaka (Retaining the breath) and Rechaka (Exhalation). There

are various types of pranayama such as Ujjayi, Suryabhedi, Sheelkari, Sheelah, Bhastrika,

Bhramari, Murcha and Plavini. I t helps in metabol ic act ivit ies and enhances the function of

hear t and lungs. I t also provides longev ity to l ife.

Proteins . Proteins mean the best substance f rom foodstuf fs . Proteins are compounds,

which are formed by the combination of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. Prote ins

help in growth and development. These repair the tissues of our body. These are also

significant in our mental development.

Two components of wel lness:

 a Emot ional Wellness. Emot ional wel lness is also one of the impor tant components of

wellness. It lays stress on reducing stress and tension. For improving emotional wellness,

an individual should avoid over load, watch comedy f ilms, keep busy in recreat ional

act iv it ies. He should keep distance f rom sadist ic company. He should learn to laugh

heart ily. He should take anger and stress management act ivit ies.

 b Socia l Wel lness. Socia l wel lness lays stress on improving socia l and communication

ski lls of an individual. For developing and improv ing soc ial well ness, an indiv idual

should create pos it ive and las ting f irst impression. He should be r ii st inguished. He

should earn respect. He should tr y to speak in public. H 3 should make others feel

important. He should pay usual visits to neighbours and friends.

7. Cardiovascular Endurance. Cardiovascular endurance is the abil it y of hear t to del iver

blood, oxygen and nut rients present in i t to the working muscles for a prolonged per iod.

In other words , it can be said that i t i s the physical abi li ty to maintain aerobic exercise for

pro longed period of t ime.

Ethics in Spor ts . Ethics is a set of pr inc ipies of r ight conduct. So, ethics inspor ts means

to have an ideal conduct and knowledge of good and evil and what should be done and

what should not be done by the persons, who are engaged in the field of sports andgames.









26. Explain the common soft tissue injuries in a game/sport of your choice.

27. List down the national sports awards and explain Arjuna Award in detail.

238 Me  n Mine Health and Physical


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3- .

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11. Asana. Asana means position or posture of body. It also means to sit in an easy posture.

Asanas are performed to keep the body flexible, agile and young. They also enha:lce the

beauty of the body . There are three types of asanas such as Corrective asanas, Relaxative

asanas and Meditative asanas. These types of asanas have d iff erent t ypes of e ffec ts onvarious organs of body .






Role of an individual in improvement of sports envi ronment. An individual can playa

very effective role in the improvement of sports environment for prevent ion of sports related

accidents. For this purpose a we planned and coordinated programme should be chalked

out to minimise the accidents in the field of sports. So, an individual must have the

knowledge of such fac tors which may cause accidents in spor ts . An ind ividual mus t have

the knowledge of fi tness , ski i , psycholog ica l sta tus and overa ll inte ll igence of p layers He

must lay s tress on sports faci li ties, pro tective equipments , cl imatic condi tions and properofficiatory and coaching.

Advantages of Far tlek Tra in ing :

1. Fart lek training is very s ign ificant fo r enhancing cardiovascular endurance. Hence, i t i s

beneficial f or per forming aerobic exerc:ses for ~ro longed per iod of time.

2. A number of athletes can participate in this t raining simultaneously.

3. There is no problem in organis ing this t raining as itdoes not require any sports equipment .

4 . It can be moulded as per reou;rorT lt;n t o f sportspersons .

5 . It i s he lp fu l in improving both aerob ic and anaerobic capaci ties

Goal setting as a Technique of Motivation. Goal setting is one of the most important

techniques of motivat ion . If you do not set a goal , you cannot ach ieve apex posi tion in your

l ife . So, the sport spersons should be encouraged to set few ambitious but achievable long

term goals. They should set goals according to thei r capabi li ties and capaci ties. To keep

them on the track with their long-term goals, sportspersons should also set the appropr iate

medium-term goals as well as short-term goals. For example, if a sportsperson wants to

get posi tion in Olympic Games, he should a lso set medium- term and short -t erm goals for

getting positi ons at Asian Games and National Games respectively. Goals should be

monitored on a regular basis. The coaches or physical education teachers should not betoo rigid while setting goals for a sportsperson. There should be some flexibil ity in theirapproach.

S ix factors af fecting phys ica l fi tness:

1. Stress and Tension. Stress and tension tend to have a negative effect on physical

f itness. Stress and tension decrease the psycholog ica l power of an ind ividua l, wh ich inturn, reduces the level of physical f itness.

2. Good Posture. Everyone apprec iates the good posture of an ind ividua l. Good posture

enhances the physica l f itness. It i s a lso the symbol o f wel lness. The person who does

not have good pos ture , tends to have lower leve l of physical f itness.

3. Heredity. Heredity also plays a vital role in affecting the physical f itness. In fact, heredity

decides the s tructure of a person. Slow twi tch fibres ( red f ibres) and fas t twi tch fibres

(whi te f ibres) also depend on heredi ty. If the percentage of slow twi tch fibre is more, the




person wil l have more endurance, whereas if the percentage of fast twitch f ibre is more,

the person is l ike ly to have more speed ..So, i t can be said that heredi ty a lso af fects the

physical fitness

4. Environment . The environment , which includes climate, temperature, alt itude, social

and cultural factors, affects the physical f itness of a person. Research studies indicate

that the persons who live in cold climate tend to have more physical f itness incomparison

to those orAs who live in hot climate. There are many societies in the world in which

s tres~ is laid down upon physical fi tness of ind ividua ls. So, as a whole, i t can be said

that envi ronment p lays a vi ta l role in a ffec ting the physica l f itness of a person.

5. S tandard of L iving . Standard of l iVing also affec ts the physical fi tness of an individuaL

I t plays an ind irec t ro le in influencing the physica l fi tness It has been observed that the

peop le who have low s tandard of l iv ing , are l ike ly to have less phYSica l f itness.

6. Balanced Diet. Balanced diet also inf luences the level of physical f itness. Balanced diet

is not only he lp fu l in maintaining the physical fi tness but a lso i t improves the leve l o f

physical fi tness On the other hand. i f balanced d ie t is not taken. i tw i ll have a negat ive

effec t on the level o f physica l f itness .

Three Essential Elements of Posi tive Spor ts Env ironment

 i Normal Climatic Conditions. For posit ive sports environment , there should be normal

c limat ic condi tions . Al though i t di ffe rs from sports to spor ts yet these condi tions p lay

their own role. To practice in extreme heat, cold and humidity may be harmful to

sportspersons. Sportspersons should not do pract ice in such extreme environment .

They should do the ir pract ice in the ear ly morning or late evening dur ing hot seasons.

During winter season, they should use indoor stadiums. Extreme heat and cold conditions

may cause the heat s troke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and frost b ite , etc . So, they

should pract ise in normal c limatic conditions.

 ii Culture and Tradition of Society. Cultures and traditions of society playa vital role

in creating sports environment. Usually, it has been observed that people take directions

established by the cultures and traditions. The people excel in that specific sport which

is pre ferred by the soc iet y. For example, Japan, South Korea, China, usual ly, exce l in

Table Tennis. Hockey is prefer red in Punjab and Footbal l i s prefer red in West Bengal .This is merely owing to the culture and tradition of the society. In fact, culture and

tradition creates a posit ive sports environment.

 iii Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol Free Environment. It is also an important as well as

essential element of posit ive sports environment . The coaches, parents, spectators,

players and other off ic ials should ref rain f rom drugs, alcohol and tobacco. They should

try to promote positive sports environment by refraining themselves from such


Role of Yoga in sports:

Though yoga is not di rectly related to sport s and games yet research s tudies show that

yoga is benef ic ial for the enhancement of health and f itness of sportspersons. Infact , yoga

plays a vital role inthe physiological and psychological aspects of sportspersons. Insports,

i t p lays i ts role in the fol lowing ways:

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6(5) 30-=- = 15 matches

2 2 .

Number of rounds = N - 1 = 6 - 1

= 5 rounds.



16 CD/ 5 CDI /4 CDI/3 CDI12 CD21 4 6 3 5 2 4 6 33 3 2 26 6 5 5 4,

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,,19. Correc ti ve Exercises Rela ted to Kyphos is

1. Lie on back, ie, in supine position with knees drawn up and feet flat on the ground.

Both hands shou ld be at s ides . Then move your arms sideways in horizonta l posit ion.

Palms should be upward. Raise your arms upward over the head, pa lms sti ll up. Hold

t his position for some time After that br ing your arms back in horizontal position.

Repeat the exercise a t leas t 10 t imes.

2 Lie down in prone position. i.e, on chest wit h hands on your hips . Aft er t hat, raise your

head and trunk several inches from the ground. Your chin should be in dur ing this

exerc ise Hold this position for some time and then come back in previous position.

Repea t this exercise at leas t 10 t imes.

3 Sit Inanormal position, with a stick held inhorizontal position overhead, hands well-spread.

After that, lower the stick and then raise i t behind head and shoulders. Whi le performing

this exercise, keep your head and trunk straight. Repeat this exercise 10 to 12times.

Corrective Exercises Related to Lordosis

1 . L ie down in prone pos it ion, w ith hands under abdomen. Then keep h ips and shoulders

down, press hands up on abdomen and raise lower back.

2. Bend knees forward whi le a llowing hips to bend back behind, keeping back straight and

knees po in ted in same di rec tion as feet . Descend un ti l thighs a re jus t pa ral lel to f loor .

Extend knees and hips unt il l egs are s traight . Come back in s ta rt ing pos it ion and then

repeat the same.

3 Lunge forward with knee on a mat . Take position of the foot beyond knee. Place both

hands on knee. St raigh ten hips of rear leg by pushing h ips forwa rd and hold s tretch .

Repeat with opposite side.

4. S it on a chai r w ith feet w ide apar t, Bend and pos it ion your shoulde rs be tween knees.

Then reach to the floor under back of chair . Hold this position for some duration.

5 . L ie inp rone posi tion on the f loor . Keep the palms o f you r hands on the f loor according to

shoulders' width. Push torso up keeping pelvis on floor. Hold this posit ion for some time.

Sit down with knees extended, feet together and hands at sides. After that, bend

forward, touching the f ingers to toes. Hold this pos it ion for some t ime. Then come back

and repeat.

,//20. Fats. Fat is also an essent ial ingredient of food. Fat is also a compound. It is made up of

carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fat provides heat and energy to the body. It also helps in

regulat ion of body temperature. I t i s helpful in making the body sof t and o il y and p rotec ts

the body from external effect of hot and cold climates. I ts accurate quantity makes the body

beautiful . For the purpose ofenergy, fat is considered better than carbohydrate. I f fat is used

with carbohydrates in food, fat can be d igested eas il y as well as rapidly. I fexcess fat i snot

used by the body, i t i saccumulated in the body bywhich various organs of the body do not

work eff ic ient ly. I f fat is availab le in less quantity in the food, carbohydrate changes into fat

up to some extent .

Sources of Fat. Following are the sources of fat:

(a) Animal Sources. Animals are also good source of fat. We get var ious products fr om

anima ls such as ghee, but ter , curd, f ish o il , m ilk , meat and eggs.

(b) Vegetable Sources. We also get fat from various vegetables such as dry fruits, coconut,

soyabean, foodgra ins, mustard oil and cotton seed, etc.

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N(N-1) 6(6-1)=-2-=-2-ota l number of matches

1. It improves concentration power which is required in most of the sports.

2. I t enhances the function of respiratory sys tem spec ia lly pranayamas play significantrole in improving lungs capacity.

3 . I t strengthens l igaments and carti lages

4. It also improves flexibility which is also required in various sports and games

5 . I t i s helpful in p revent ing spor ts injur ies

6. It helps in improvement of motor ski ll learn ing

7. Yogic practices, specially pranayama improves cardlGvascular fitness which is essentialin games and spor ts for improvement in performance

8. I t changes the emotional attitude and helps in quick recovery after injury

Stan ley Ha ll has r ight ly said that ado lescence is the per iod of g reat s tress and strain. s torm

and strife. I n f act. it is a period of fast growth and development . During thiS age. many

bodily or physical changes take place During this age every ado lescen t needs sel f

support. He wants to take his own place in society He desires to live a fruitful life. He

begins to feel himself important. Due to some mental and emotional problems he finds

diff iculty in cooperating others. He does not get proper adjustment. He usually faces

anx iety. They become i rr itated eas il y. Dur ing this age adolescents also face the p roblems

related to sex. They feel restless due to their sexual urge. It has also been observed that

adolescents want to adopt their own way. But society creates many hindrances in their

path. They usual ly revolt against the social customs and traditions It can be said that

during this period many physica l, menta l, physiolog ical , socia l and emotional changes take

place in them. Owing to these changes adolescents face stress and strain. Hence, it canbe said definit ely that adolescence is an age of str ess and strain

League Tournament. In this type of tournament, each team plays with every other team

once, if it is a single league tournament. If it is a double league tournament , each team

plays with every other team twice. In these types o f tou rnamen t, every team p lays withevery other team without any considerat ion of victory or defeat.

Fixtures of 6 teams:

Total number of teams = 6



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  Me n~ MineHt 1fttrand Physica) Education-XII


21. Strength. St rength is t he ability of muscles t o ov ercome resistance. Strength is a-major

component of physical fitness. Strength can also be defined as the amount of force a

mus cle or group of muscles c an exer t. Strength of t he body can be meas ured in pounds

or dYr)es. A certain level of strength is also essential for a common man, whereas for a

spo rtsman i t i s most essen tial to have streng th.

Some spor ts may require les s amount of str ength while other spor ts may require more

strength. I n the same w ay, s ome sport s require one ty pe of str ength, w hile some spor tsrequire other types of strength.

Fo r a bet ter understand ing . s treng th can be divided into two par ts -(a) Dynamic Strength b Static Strength

Circuit Trainig Programme of eight stations for upper body strength:

The main objec t of c ircui t t ra ining is to develop endu rance and streng th s imul taneous ly .

Flexibi li ty and mobil ity are also considered i ts objectives.

D iag ram o f Circu it Training a long with 8 Stat ions

Some Examples of C ir cuit Training Exercises for s trength:

1. R unning on the spo .

2. Throwing medic ine ball and c atc hing it again 15 to 20 t imes.

3. Splits squat - jumps 15 to 20 times.

4. Car rying weight or part ner on shoulder 30 to 50 metres.

5. Chin-ups 5 to 10 times.

6. Pus h-ups 10 to 20 limes.

7. Standing jumps 10 to 20 times.

8. Rope skipping 1 to 2 minut es.

9. Dips 15 to 20 times.

10. Hal f squats with weigh t.

11 . Rope c limbing, once o r twice.

12. To per form bench press w ith hands apar t.

13. Bench press in s it ti ng pos it ion .

Me   Mi;;n;i1triffiI-Phy~taliducation ..XlI0245


Many exercises can be inc luded in th is t raining me thod such as dumb-be lls , ba r-bel l, f ree

hand exercises, frog jumps, different weight training exercises and hurdling, etc. It is essential

to note that the muscles , which were involved in f irst exercise , should no t be involved in the

next exercise . I t means that exercise of the whole body par ts should be g iven in al terna te

manner. There should be no pause or very l it tle pause after each exercise. Incircui t tra in ing,

there should be at least 8 to 10 stations. Exercise can be changed according to the

requi remen t o f the game and ef fi ciency o f the spor ts persons


22. Two f undament al sk ills of Basketball:

1. Bounce Pass. In bounce pass, holding o f the bal l, body pos it ion and pass ing act ion s

app roximately the same as in two hand chest pass. However , in bounce pass, the bal l

is thrown in such a way that the ball should bounce at a specific place so that it may

eas il y bounce up to the waist level of the receive r. This type o f pass can be per formed

only with one hand .

2. Baseball Pass . In t his ty pe of pass, t he ball should be t aken just behind the head on

right or left d irection with a support of upper portion of palm and fingers. One foot should

be kept in fr ont of the other and the ball should be thrown, with a swing, with f ingers.

This pass is , usual ly , appl ied for long passes.

3. Four t erminologies of Bask etball:

(a) Held Bal l. ( I)A s ituat ion inwhich both oppos ing p layers ho ld the ba ll , bu t ne ither of them

gets possession; this i s resolved by the referee by throwing the bal l i n the ai r between

them. (ii) when a player makes no real attempt to put the ball int o play .

 b Jump Bal l. To toss the ba ll be tween oppos ing p layers to s ta rt o r res tar t a game is cal led

a jump bal l.

( c) Rebound. This term is used when the ball bounces off the bac kboard or the bas ket .

( d) Throw in. A method of pulling t he ball into play from out of bounds.

4. Three lates t Rules of Bas ket ball:•..

1 . Now, the res tr ic ted area has been changed to a rec tangle. This area must be pointed .

2. The three-point line has been extended from 6.25 m to 6.75 m.

3. Now, the No-change semici rc le has been star ted . The radius o f a semici rc le wil l be

1.25 m f rom the point on the floor beneath the exac t centre of the bas ket t o the inner

edge of the semicircle.

Impo rtant spor ts pe rsona li ti es of Basketbal l:

1. Ajmer Singh. Ajmer Singh playedfor India inthe intemational competitions more than hundred

times. He received the Aijuna Award in 1982.

2. Suman Sharma. Suman Sharma was a very famous p layer o f Ind ia. She was awarded

the Arjuna Award in 1983.

3. Om Prakash. He was an ou ts tand ing p layer o f basketba ll . He par ti cipated in interna

t iona l compe ti ti ons many t imes. He was awarded A~una Award in 1979 -80.




Curling with





ball throw

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26. Common soft tissue injuries in Basketball. Basketball is such a game in which the

chances of getting injured are maximum. The main reason of injuri es is the rapidity of the

game. The common soft tissue injuries, which may occur in this game, are contusion,

sprain, bruises s train, and abrasion. D islocation of joints and fracture may a lso occur but

these are not very common.

The above indicated sof t ti ssue injuries in Basketbal l may be due to fa ll ing on to the floor

In this way. bruises abrasian or contusion may occur. Strain or sprain may be dup to

spontaneous Jerk in running to get hold on the bailor by taking a jump to grab the ball.

These injur ies may occur a t suddenspurt or co li ision of p layers

The description of such injur ies is ment ioned be low:

i) Contusion. Contusion is a muscle injury. A direct hit In the Basketball with or without

any spor ts equipment can be the main reason of contus ion In contusion. blood vesse ls

in the musc les are broken and sometimes b leeding may occur in the muscles. St iffness

and swelling are common features at the site of contusion Sometimes, in such cases

muscles fail to respond. In severe cases muscle becomes completely inact ive.

 ii) Strain. Strain is also a muscle i njury. Strain can be mil d as well as severe. Sometimes,

the complete muscle can be ruptured. In case of complete rupture, it is not possible to

move that part or l imb. There may be severe pain around the rupture. There may be many

situations dur ing the pract ice or competi tions when a strain may occur.

 i ii ) Spra in. It i s a l igament injury. It may occur due to overst re tch ing or tear ing of l igament.

Generally, sprain occurs at wrist joint and ankle joint. Sometimes, fracture is also

possible along with the sprain. In such injury, swell ing, inf lammat ion, severe pa in and

tenderness are common symptoms. There can be laxity in the ligament. All the

above-mentioned symptoms depend on the severi ty of sprain.

 iv Abrasion. Abrasion is a sk in injury . Abrasion usual ly occurs due to fr ict ion wi th certain

equipment or a fall upon the area where the bone is very close to the skin. It occurs at

the upper part of the skin.

 v) Bru ises. Bruises are not clear ly seen because the upper skin remains unaffected, but

inner t issues are damaged. The affected area becomes b lue. In fac t, the blood spreads

under the skin because of rupture of b lood vessels.

Rules for Arjuna Award. Following are the rules for Arjuna Award:

1. Its main aim is to ameliorate the standard of sports in the country.

2. The Government of India demands the list of sportspersons from National Sports

Federat ions which are recognised by the Government of India. This l ist is submi tted

every year on a fixed date

3 Generally, thiS award ISg iven to only male player of a game but this can be given to

a female player of th,, same game

4. The fixed date can be extended by the Government of India

5. The Government of India forms a spec ial commi ttee which vividly inspects the l ist o f

players already sent by var ious iederat lons of sports After proper inspect ion. the special

commi ttee sends th iS l ist t o the GovernMent o f India.

6. If the Government of India does not receive any list from Sports Federations in any

year, then it may give this award to any specific player for that year.

7. Any sports federation can send a list of three players to the Government of india.

Thougl1 Government of India gives award to only one player but in case of a female,

she can a lso be awarded. So, maximum two players, i .e . one male and one female can

be selected for the award from a game.

8. The f ina l decision regarding Ar juna Award l ies in the hands of the Government o f Ind ia.

9. The Government of Ind ia dec ides the date and venue for the presenta tion of Ar juna


10. Arjuna award cannot be presented to a player, at second time.

11. Arjuna award can also be given posthumously.

12. The Government of India can nul li fy the award of any spor tsperson.

13. The dec ision of the Government o f India is las t and fina l regard ing these ru les . There

cannot be any hear ing about such cases.

14. The individual , whose name is recommended for the Ar juna Award, should obey these

rules properly.

<27.  Impor tant National Sports Awards

 i) Arjuna Award,

ii) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award

 i ii ) Dhyanchand Award

 iv Dronacharya Award

 v Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy

Ar juna Award. Ar juna award is the supreme honour , wh ich is awarded to sport spersons

by the Government of India. This award is given to such sportsperson, who achieves

extraordinary posit ion dur ing that year and who has been giv ing extraordinary performance

during the past three years. This award was started in 1961. Arjuna award includes a

statue of Arjuna  Mahabharata made of bronze, a diploma and ~ 5 lakh in cash. This

award is given in the memory of Arjuna of Mahabharata.


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interstate contacts, fraternity and friendship. The S.G.F.1. is also affiliated to the International

School Games Federation. The S.G.F.I.also provides opportunity to Indian students to participate

in competitions which are organised by International Schools Games Federation.

~7. Physiological and Psychological benefits of Warming-up: -

1 Increases the Body Temperature. A proper warming-up increases the body and muscle

temperature. So, it is beneficial for the sports persons Research studies show that if the

muscles have been slightly warmed-up just before the activity, the performance is

improved. Failure to warm-up before vigorous activity may lead to tearing of muscle

fibres. In fact, if the muscle is warmed-up, the speed with which the muscle contracts

2' and relaxes and the force of contraction are all increased.

2. Decreases the Viscosity of Muscles. Warming-up decreases the viscosity of muscles.

Research studies indicate that if a previously inactive muscle IS stimulated repeatedly,

the first few contractions are often small and irregular and relaxation is incomplete.

After this, the contractions become stronger and relaxation is complete. It occurs due

to decrease in the viscosity of muscles. Hence, the rate of muscular contraction and

relaxation becomes faster and efficient. The chances of injury or wear and tear of

muscles and ligaments are reduced.

3. Increases the Speed of Nerve Impulses. Warming-up increases the speed of nerve

impulses which improves and sharpens the reaction time of sportspersons. Improvement

in reaction time is always beneficial, approximately, in most of the games and sports.

4. Decreases the Resistance in Muscle Capillaries. Research studies also reveal that

warming-up decreases the resistance in muscle capillaries.

5. Increases the Speed of Oxygen and Fuel Transfer to Tissues. A proper warming

up increases the speed of oxygen and fuel transfer to tissues. It occurs due to the

enhancement of blood flow through the muscles by dilating the small blood vessels.

This improves the functional condition of muscle by increasing its oxygen supply.6. Increases Metabolic Rate. Warming-up increases the metabolic rate which ultimately

enhances energy level. In fact, the metabolic rate increases due to rise in core

temperature. If there is an increase in temperature by 0.5°C, the metabolic rate increases

by 7 per cent. If the metabolic rate is higher, there wil be higher production of energy.

7. Reduces the Blood Lactic Acid. Research studies indicate that heart rate and

consumption of oxygen are directly related to muscle temperature. Higher the

temperature, higher will be the consumption of oxygen and heart rate and, thus, blood

lactic acid -is reduced.

8. Increase in Working Capacity. Due to the above-mentioned physiological adaptations

the capacity to do physical work is increased. All the systems of body become efficient

to do their related work.

9. Increase in self-confidence. A proper warm-up is always helpful in boosting the level

of self-confidence. After getting proper warm-up, a sportsperson feels himself more

self-confident, determined and psychologically strong.

1 Helpful in controlling negative emotions. Proper warm-up is helpful in controlling

anger, disgust, fear, negative self thinking. Along with this, it is beneficial for enhancing

positive attitude.