2012 surviving sepsis campaign guidelines syed

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  • 7/26/2019 2012 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines SYED


    2012 Surviving Sepsis

    Campaign Guidelines

  • 7/26/2019 2012 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines SYED


    AgendaUnderstand the scope of the sepsis epidemic1

    Become familiar with the Surviving SepsisCampaign and the SCCM defined sepsis


    Recognize how time-criticaltherapies can save lives inthe emergency departments and ICUs


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    Comparable GlobalEpidemiology

    95 cases per 100,000

    2 week surveillance

    206 French ICUs 95 cases per 100,000

    3 month survey

    23 Australian/New

    Zealand ICUs

    51 cases per 100,000

    England, Wales andNorthern Ireland.

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    Severe Sepsis: Comparison With

    Other Major Diseases








    AIDS* Colon Breast


    CHF Severe




    Incidence of Severe Sepsis Mortality of Severe Sepsis







    AIDS* Severe




    National Center for Health Statistics, 2001.

    American Cancer Society, 2001. *American Heart Association. 2000.Angus DC

    et al. Crit Care Med.2001

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    Sepsis Epidemiology: Effect of the Aging Population











    0 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

    Without Comorbidity

    With Comorbidity


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    Economics of Sepsis Severe Sepsis

    $22,000 per case

    US annual cost $16.7Billion

    Nosocomial Sepsis

    increased LOS - ICU 8 days, Hosp 24 days $40,890 per case

    Angus CCM, 2001

    Pittet JAMA, 1994

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    Time Sensitive Interventions


    StrokeTime is Brain

    The sooner that treatment begins, the better are ones

    chances of survival without disability.

    TraumaThe Golden Hour

    Requires immediate response and medical care on the scene.

    Patients typically transferred to a qualified trauma center for care.

    Door to PCI

    Focus on the timely return of blood flow to the affected

    areas of the heart.

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    Severe Sepsis vs. Current Care Priorities

    Care PrioritiesU.S.

    Incidence# of Deaths Mortality Rate

    AMI (1) 900,000 225,000 25%

    Stroke (2) 700,000 163,500 23%

    Trauma (3)

    (Motor Vehicle)

    2.9 million(injuries)

    42,643 1.5%

    Severe Sepsis (4) 751,000 215,000 29%

    Source: (1) Ryan TJ, et al. ACC/AHA Guidelines for management of patients with AMI. JACC. 1996; 28: 1328-1428. (2) American HeartAssociation. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics2005 Update. Available at: www.americanheart.org. (3) National Highway TrafficSafety Administration. Traffic Safety Facts 2003: A Compilation of Motor Vehicle Crash Data from the Fatality Analysis Report ingSystem and the General Estimates System. Available at http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/. (4) Angus DC et al. Crit Care Med2001;29(7): 1303-1310.

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    Surviving Sepsis Campaign

    Launched in Autumn 2002 as a collaborativeeffort of European Society of Intensive Care

    Medicine, the International Sepsis Forum, andthe Society of Critical Care Medicine

    Goal: reduce sepsis mortality by 25% in the next5 years

    Guidelines revealed at SCCM in Feb 2004,REVISED 2008

    Critical Care MedicineMarch 2004 32(3):858-87.

    Website: survivingsepsis.org

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    What is sepsis?

    Sepsis, Septic Shock,

    SIRS (systemic inflammatory responsesyndrome),

    SSI (signs and symptoms of infection),

    Septicaemia, Bacteraemia,Toxic Shock Syndrome,

    Bloodstream infection etc, etc.

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    Inflammatory response to

    microorganisms, or

    Invasion of normally steriletissues

    Systemic Inflammatory

    Response Syndrome (SIRS)

    Systemic response to a

    variety of processes


    Infection plus

    2 SIRS criteria

    Severe Sepsis


    Organ dysfunction

    Septic shock Sepsis

    Hypotension despite fluid


    Bone RC et al. Chest.1992;101:1644-55.

    ACCP/SCCM Consensus Def ini t ions

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    A systemic response to a nonspecific insult

    Infection, trauma, surgery, massive transfusion, etc

    Defined as 2 of the following:

    Temperature >38.3 or 90 min-1

    Respiratory rate >20 min-1

    White cells 12

    Acutely altered mental state

    Hyperglycaemia (BM>7.7) in absence of DM


    What is SIRS?

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    Pneumonia 50%

    Urinary Tract infection



    Device related

    Central line


    Abdominal 25%Pain


    Urgent laparotomy

    Soft tissue/ musculoskeletal


    Septic arthritisFasciitis

    Wound infection

    What counts as an infection?

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    SIRS due to an infection

    what is Sepsis?

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    Sepsis with organ dysfunction, hypoperfusion or hypotension

    CNS: Acutely altered mental status

    CVS: Syst < 90 or mean < 65 mmHg

    Resp: SpO2>90% only with new/ more O2

    Renal: Creatinine >177 mol/l

    or UO 34 mol/l

    Bone marrow: Platelets 2 mmol/l

    Coagulopathy: INR>1.5 or aPTT>60secs

    What is Severe Sepsis?

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    Tissue perfusion is not adequate for the

    tissuesmetabolic requirements

    What is shock?

    Septic Shock

    Shock secondary to systemic

    inflammatory response to a

    new infection

    Types of Shock





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    Tissue perfusion is not adequate for the

    tissuesmetabolic requirements

    For sepsis, shock is one of:

    SBP < 90 mmHg

    MBP < 65 mmHg after IV

    fluidsDrop of < 40 mmHg

    Lactate > 4 mmol/l

    What is shock?

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    The Sepsis Continuum

    A clinical responsearising from anonspecific insult, with2 of the following:

    T >38oC or 90 beats/min

    RR >20/min

    WBC >12,000/mm3or 10% bands

    SIRS = systemic inflammatoryresponse syndrome

    SIRS with a


    or confirmed


    Chest 1992;101:1644.




    Sepsis with

    organ failure



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    Are any 2of the following SIRS criteria present and new to your patient?

    Obs: Temperature >38.3 or 20 min-1

    Heart rate >90 bpm Acutely altered mental state

    Bloods: White cells 12x109/l Glucose>7.7mmol/l

    (if patient is not diabetic)

    If yes,

    patient has SIRS

    Severe Sepsis Screen ing Too l

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    Is this likely to be due to an infection?For example

    Cough/ sputum/ chest pain Dysuria

    Abdo pain/ diarrhoea/ distension Headache with neck stiffness

    Line infection Cellulitis/wound infection/septic arthritis


    If yes,

    patient has SEPSIS


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    Severe Sepsis: Ensure Senior Doctor/ITU to

    attend NOW!

    Check for SEVERE SEPSIS

    BP Syst < 90 / Mean < 65 mmHg

    (after initial fluid challenge)

    Lactate > 4 mmol/l

    Urine output < 0.5 ml/kg/hr for 2 hrs

    INR > 1.5

    aPTT > 60 s

    Bilirubin > 34 mol/l

    O2 Needed to keep SpO2 > 90%

    Platelets < 100 x 109/l

    Creatinine > 177 mol/l or UO < 0.5 ml/kg/hr

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  • 7/26/2019 2012 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines SYED


    What is a Bundle?

    Specifically selectedcare elements

    From evidence basedguidelines

    Implemented togetherprovide improved

    outcomes compared toindividual elementsalone

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  • 7/26/2019 2012 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines SYED


    Initial Resuscitation

    Protocolized, quantitative resuscitation of

    patients with sepsis- induced tissue

    hypoperfusion (defined in this document as

    hypotension persisting after initial fluidchallenge or blood lactate concentration 4


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    Initial Resuscitation

    Goals during the first 6 hrs of resuscitation:

    Central venous pressure812 mm Hg

    Mean arterial pressure(MAP) 65 mm Hg

    Urine output 0.5 mL/kg/hr

    Central venous (superior vena cava) or mixed venous

    oxygen saturation 70% or 65%, respectively (grade 1C).

    In patients with elevated lactate levels targetingresuscitation to normalize lactate (grade 2C).

    Screening for Sepsis and

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    Screening for Sepsis and

    Performance Improvement

    Routine screening of potentially infected

    seriously ill patients for severe sepsis to

    allow earlier implementation of therapy

    (grade 1C).

    Hospitalbased performance improvement

    efforts in severe sepsis (UG).

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    Culturesas clinically appropriate before

    antimicrobial therapyif no significant delay

    (> 45 mins) in the start of antimicrobial(s)

    (grade 1C).

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    At least 2 sets of blood cultures (both aerobic

    and anaerobic bottles) be obtained before

    antimicrobial therapy with at least 1 drawn

    percutaneouslyand 1 drawn through eachvascular access device, unless the device was

    recently (

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    Use of the 1,3 beta-D-glucan assay (grade 2B),

    mannan and anti-mannan antibody assays (2C), if

    available and invasive candidiasis is in differential

    diagnosis of cause of infection.

    Imaging studies performed promptly to confirm a

    potential source of infection (UG).

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    Antimicrobial Therapy

    Administration of effective intravenous antimicrobials within the firsthour of recognition of septic shock (grade 1B) and severe sepsiswithout septic shock (grade 1C) as the goal of therapy.

    Initial empiric anti-infective therapy of one or more drugs that haveactivity against all likely pathogens (bacterial and/or fungal or viral) andthat penetrate in adequate concentrations into tissues presumed to bethe source of sepsis (grade 1B).

    Antimicrobial regimen should be reassessed daily for potentialdeescalation(grade 1B).

    Use of low procalcitonin levels or similar biomarkers to assist theclinician in the discontinuation of empiric antibiotics in patients whoinitially appeared septic, but have no subsequent evidence of infection(grade 2C).

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    Antimicrobial Therapy

    Combination empirical therapy for neutropenicpatients with severe sepsis (grade 2B) and forpatients with difficult-to-treat, multidrug resistantbacterial pathogens such as Acinetobacterand

    Pseudomonas spp. (grade 2B).

    For patients with severe infections associated withrespiratory failure and septic shock, combination

    therapy with an extended spectrum beta-lactam andeither an aminoglycoside or a fluoroquinolone is forP. aeruginosa bacteremia (grade 2B).

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    Antimicrobial Therapy

    A combination of beta-lactam and macrolide forpatients with septic shock from bacteremicStreptococcus pneumoniae infections (grade 2B).

    Empiric combination therapy should not beadministered for more than 35 days.

    De-escalation to the most appropriate singletherapyshould be performed as soon as thesusceptibility profile is known (grade 2B).

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    Antimicrobial Therapy

    Duration of therapy typically 710 days; longer courses may

    be appropriate in patients who have a slow clinical response,

    undrainable foci of infection, bacteremia with S. aureus;

    some fungal and viral infections or immunologic

    deficiencies, including neutropenia (grade 2C).

    Antiviral therapy initiated as early as possible in patients with

    severe sepsis or septic shock of viral origin (grade 2C).

    Antimicrobial agents should not be used in patients with

    severe inflammatory states determined to be of

    noninfectious cause(UG).

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    Source Control

    A specific anatomical diagnosis of infection requiring

    consideration for emergent source control be sought and

    diagnosed or excluded as rapidly as possible, and

    intervention be undertaken for source control within

    the first 12 hr after the diagnosis is made, if feasible(grade 1C).

    When infected peripancreatic necrosis is identified as a

    potential source of infection, definitive intervention isbest delayed until adequate demarcation of viable and

    nonviable tissues has occurred (grade 2B).

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    Source Control

    When source control in a severely septic patient is

    required, the effective intervention associated with the

    least physiologic insult should be used (eg,

    percutaneous rather than surgical drainage of an

    abscess) (UG).

    If i.v access devices are a possible source of severe

    sepsis or septic shock, they should be removed promptly

    after other vascular access has been established (UG).

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    Infection Prevention

    Selective oral decontamination and selectivedigestive decontamination should beintroduced and investigated as a method toreduce the incidence of ventilator-associatedpneumonia;

    This infection control measure can then beinstituted in health care settings and regions

    where this methodology is found to be effective(grade 2B).

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    Infection Prevention

    Oral chlorhexidine gluconate be used as a form of

    oropharyngeal decontamination to reduce the risk of

    ventilator-associated pneumonia in ICU patients with

    severe sepsis (grade 2B).

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    To reduce organ dysfunction and

    multi-organ failure

    By optimising tissue oxygen delivery

    By increasing organ perfusion

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    DO2 = Oxygen delivery to the tissue

    CaO2= Amount of O2 in arterial blood

    Fluid therapy improves cardiac output by increasing

    venous return to the heart

    CaO2= ([Hb] x SaO2x 1.34) + (PaO2x 0.0225)

    DO2= CaO2x CO

    Optimising oxygen delivery

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    Fluid Therapy of Severe Sepsis

    Crystalloidsas the initial fluid of choice inthe resuscitation of severe sepsis and septicshock (grade 1B).

    Against the use of HESfor fluid resuscitationof severe sepsis and septic shock (grade 1B).

    Albuminin the fluid resuscitation of severesepsis and septic shock when patients requiresubstantial amounts of crystalloids (grade 2C).

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    Fluid Therapy of Severe Sepsis

    Initial fluid challenge in patients with sepsis-induced tissuehypoperfusion with suspicion of hypovolemia to achieve aminimum of 30 mL/kg of crystalloids(a portion of this may bealbumin equivalent).

    More rapid administration and greater amounts of fluid may beneeded in some patients (grade 1C).

    Fluid challenge technique be applied wherein fluid

    administration is continued as long as there is hemodynamicimprovement either based on dynamic(eg, change in pulsepressure, stroke volume variation) or static(eg, arterialpressure, heart rate) variables (UG).

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    Vasopressor therapy initially to target a meanarterial pressure (MAP) of 65 mm Hg (grade 1C).

    Norepinephrineas the first choice vasopressor(grade 1B).

    Epinephrine(added to and potentiallysubstituted for norepinephrine) when anadditional agent is needed to maintain adequateblood pressure (grade 2B).

    Vasopressin0.03 units/minute can be added tonorepinephrine (NE) with intent of either raisingMAP or decreasing NE dosage (UG).

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    Low dose vasopressin is not recommended as single initial

    vasopressor for treatment of sepsis-induced hypotension

    .vasopressin doses higher than 0.030.04 units/minute

    should be reserved for salvage therapy (failure to achieve

    adequate MAP with other vasopressor agents) (UG).

    Dopamineas an alternative vasopressor agent to

    norepinephrine only in highly selected patients (eg, patients

    with low risk of tachyarrhythmias and absolute or relativebradycardia) (grade 2C).

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    Phenylephrineis not recommended in thetreatment of septic shock exceptin circumstanceswhere

    (a) NEis associated with serious arrhythmias,(b) cardiac output is known to be highand bloodpressure persistently low or

    (c) as salvage therapy when combined

    inotrope/vasopressor drugs and low dosevasopressin have failed to achieve MAP target(grade 1C).

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    Low-dose dopamine should not be used for

    renal protection(grade 1A).

    All patients requiring vasopressors have an

    arterial catheterplaced as soon as practical if

    resources are available (UG).

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    Inotropic Therapy

    A trial of dobutamine infusion up to 20mcg/kg/min be administered or added tovasopressor (if in use) in the presence of:-

    (a) myocardial dysfunction as suggested byelevated cardiac filling pressures and lowcardiac output,

    (b) ongoing signs of hypoperfusion, despiteachieving adequate intravascular volume andadequate MAP (grade 1C).

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    Inotropic Therapy

    Not using a strategy to increase cardiac index to

    predetermined supranormal levels (grade 1B).

    C i id

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    Not using intravenous hydrocortisone to treatadult septic shock patients if adequate fluidresuscitationand vasopressortherapy are able torestore hemodynamic stability.

    In case this is not achievable, i.v hydrocortisonealone at a dose of 200 mg per day (grade 2C).

    Not using the ACTH stimulation test to identifyadults with septic shock who should receivehydrocortisone (grade 2B).

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    In treated patients hydrocortisone taperedwhen

    vasopressors are no longer required (grade 2D).

    Corticosteroids not be administered for the treatment of

    sepsis in the absence of shock (grade 1D).

    When hydrocortisone is given, use continuous flow

    (grade 2D).

    l d d d i i i

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    Blood Product Administration

    Once tissue hypoperfusion has resolved and in

    the absence myocardial ischemia, severe

    hypoxemia, acute hemorrhage, or IHD

    guideline recommends red blood cell

    transfusion occur only when Hb concentration

    decreases to

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    Blood Product Administration

    Not using erythropoietin as a specific treatment of anemiaassociated with severe sepsis (grade 1B).

    Fresh frozen plasma not be usedto correct laboratoryclotting abnormalities in the absence of bleeding or plannedinvasive procedures (grade 2D).

    Not using antithrombin for the treatment of severe sepsisand septic shock (grade 1B).

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    Blood Product Administration

    In patients with severe sepsis, administer platelets

    prophylactically when counts are 50,000/mm3 [50 x 109/L]) are advised

    for active bleeding, surgery, or invasive procedures (grade 2D).

    I l b li

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    Not using intravenous immunoglobulins

    in adult patients with severe sepsis or septic

    shock (grade 2B).

    S l i

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    Not using intravenous selenium for the

    treatment of severe sepsis (grade 2C).

    History of Recommendations Regarding Use of

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    y g g

    Recombinant Activated Protein C (rhAPC)

    A history of the evolution of SSC

    recommendations as to rhAPC (no longer

    available) is provided.

    Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute

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    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

    Target a tidal volume of 6 mL/kg predicted body weight in patientswith sepsis-induced ARDS (grade 1A vs. 12 mL/kg).

    Plateau pressures be measured in patients with ARDS and initial

    upper limit goal for plateau pressures in a passively inflated lung be

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    Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

    Recruitment maneuvers be used in sepsis patientswith severe refractory hypoxemia (grade 2C).

    Prone positioning be used in sepsis-induced ARDSpatients with a P:F ratio < 100 mm Hg in facilities that

    have experience with such practices (grade 2B). That mechanically ventilated sepsis patients be

    maintained with the head of the bed elevated to 3045 degreesto limit aspiration risk and to prevent the

    development of ventilator-associated pneumonia(grade 1B).

    M h i l V il i f S i I d d A

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    Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

    Noninvasive mask ventilation (NIV) be used in

    that minority of sepsis-induced ARDS patients in

    whom the benefits of NIV have been carefullyconsidered and are thought to outweigh the

    risks (grade 2B).

    M h i l V til ti f S i I d d A t

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    Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

    A weaning protocol be in place and that mechanically ventilatedpatients with severe sepsis undergo spontaneous breathing trialsregularly to evaluate the ability to discontinue mechanical ventilationwhen they satisfy the following criteria:

    a) arousable; b) hemodynamically stable (without vasopressor agents);

    c) no new potentially serious conditions;

    d) low ventilatory and end-expiratory pressure requirements;

    e) low Fio2 requirements which can be met safely delivered with a

    face mask or nasal cannula.

    If the spontaneous breathing trial is successful, consideration shouldbe given for extubation (grade 1A).

    M h i l V til ti f S i I d d A t

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    Mechanical Ventilation of Sepsis-Induced Acute

    Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

    Againstthe routine use of the pulmonary arterycatheter for patients with sepsis-induced ARDS(grade 1A).

    A conservative rather than liberal fluid strategyfor patients with established sepsis-induced ARDSwho do not have evidence of tissuehypoperfusion (grade 1C).

    In the absence of specific indications such asbronchospasm, not using beta 2-agonistsfortreatment of sepsis-induced ARDS (grade 1B).

    Sedation, Analgesia, and

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    , g ,Neuromuscular Blockade in Sepsis

    Continuous or intermittent sedation beminimizedin mechanically ventilated sepsispatients, targeting specific titration endpoints

    (grade 1B). Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) be

    avoided if possible in the septic patientwithout ARDS due to the risk of prolonged

    neuromuscular blockade followingdiscontinuation.

    Sedation Analgesia and

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    Sedation, Analgesia, and

    Neuromuscular Blockade in Sepsis

    If NMBAs must be maintained, eitherintermittent bolus as required or continuousinfusion with train-of-four monitoring of the

    depth of blockade should be used (grade 1C).

    A short course of NMBA of not greater than48 hours for patients with early sepsis-induced ARDS and a Pao2/Fio2 < 150 mm Hg(grade 2C).

    Glucose Control

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    Glucose Control

    A protocolized approach to blood glucosemanagement in ICU patients with severesepsis commencing insulin dosing when 2

    consecutive blood glucose levels are >180mg/dL.

    This protocolized approach should target anupper blood glucose 180 mg/dL rather than

    an upper target blood glucose 110 mg/dL(grade 1A).

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    Glucose Control

    Blood glucose values be monitored every 12hrs until glucose values and insulin infusionrates are stable and then every 4 hrs

    thereafter (grade 1C). Glucose levels obtained with point-of-care

    testing of capillary blood be interpreted withcaution, as such measurements may not

    accurately estimate arterial blood or plasmaglucose values (UG).

    Renal Replacement Therapy

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    Renal Replacement Therapy

    Continuous renal replacement therapies and

    intermittent hemodialysis are equivalent in

    patients with severe sepsis and acute renal

    failure (grade 2B). Use continuous therapiesto facilitate

    management of fluid balance in

    hemodynamically unstable septic patients(grade 2D).

    Bicarbonate Therapy

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    Bicarbonate Therapy

    Not using sodium bicarbonate therapy for

    the purpose of improving hemodynamics or

    reducing vasopressor requirements in

    patients with hypoperfusion-induced lacticacidemia with pH 7.15 (grade 2B).

    Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis

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    Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis

    Patients with severe sepsis receive dailypharmacoprophylaxis against venous thromboembolism(VTE) (grade 1B).

    This should be accomplished with daily subcutaneous low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) (grade 1B versus twicedaily UFH, grade 2C versus three times daily UFH).

    If creatinine clearance is

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    Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis

    Septic patients who have a contraindication forheparin use(eg, thrombocytopenia, severecoagulopathy, active bleeding, recent intracerebralhemorrhage) not receive pharmacoprophylaxis

    (grade 1B), but receive mechanical prophylactictreatment, such as graduated compression stockingsor intermittent compression devices (grade 2C),unless contraindicated.

    When the risk decreases start pharmacoprophylaxis(grade 2C).

    Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis

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    Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis

    Stress ulcer prophylaxis using H2 blocker or

    proton pump inhibitor be given to patients

    with severe sepsis/septic shock who have

    bleeding risk factors (grade 1B). When stress ulcer prophylaxis is used, proton

    pump inhibitors rather than H2RA(grade 2D)

    Patients without risk factors do not receiveprophylaxis (grade 2B).


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    Administer oral or enteral (if necessary)feedings, as tolerated, rather than eithercomplete fasting or provision of onlyintravenous glucose within the first 48 hours

    after a diagnosis of severe sepsis/septic shock(grade 2C).

    Avoid mandatory full caloric feeding in the first

    weekbut rather suggest low dose feeding (eg, upto 500 calories per day), advancing only astolerated (grade 2B).

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    Use intravenous glucose and enteral nutritionrather than total parenteral nutrition (TPN)alone or parenteral nutrition in conjunction withenteral feeding in the first 7 days after a diagnosis

    of severe sepsis/septic shock (grade 2B).

    Use nutrition with no specificimmunomodulating supplementationrather

    than nutrition providing specificimmunomodulating supplementation in patientswith severe sepsis (grade 2C).

    Setting Goals of Care

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    Setting Goals of Care

    Discuss goals of care and prognosis withpatients and families(grade 1B).

    Incorporate goals of care into treatment and

    end-of-life care planning, utilizing palliativecare principles where appropriate (grade 1B).

    Address goals of care as early as feasible, but

    no later than within 72 hours of ICU admission(grade 2C).

    ED Critical Care Bringing Upstairs

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    ED Critical Care Bringing Upstairs

    Care, Downstairs

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    THANk YoU