2012 the golden age - english first chapters


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First Chapter of 2012 The Golden Age. The best sellers book in Brazil from the Carlos Torres. The same writer of The Law of Atraction, Message of the new world, Messages of Blue People and The Big Pulse.


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1. Preface

2. First Message of Rathal Zeh

3. First Message of Joahdi

4. Second Message of Rathal Zeh

5. Second message of Joahdi

6. First Message of El Morya

7. Third Message of Joahdi

8. First Message of Bem Pandir

9. Toth or Imhotep

10. King Tut and the Atlantean Ring

11. The Mayas

12. Message of the Intergalactic People under the command of Archangel Michael

13. Message of the Ashtar Sheron Team

14. Message of Hilarion

15. Second Message of Rathal Zeh

16. First Message of Khuan Yin

17. The Eight Laws of the Universe

18. First Message of Saint Germaine

19. First Message of Melchesidek

20. Second Message of Melchesidek

21. Message of Rathal Zeh and Joahdi

22. Fourth Message of Rathal Zeh

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23. Second Message of Khuan Yin

24. Message of Joahdi about Brazil

25. Channeled by Tania Resende on March 23, 2008

26. Last Message of Rathal Zeh and Joahdi

27. Final Message of Master Jesus

28. Channeled by Tania Resende on October 12, 2005

29. Contact with the Angels by Rosa Teubl

30. Participating Masters

31. Interdimensional Brothers

32. About Nikola Tesla

33. Mayan Glyphs – most correlated to the cardinal points in your calendar

34. Final Tips

35. Source of Research

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Welcome to the New Earth!

It is not by chance that this book is in your hands. The Golden Age is arriving and with it a big vibrational transformation. The changes have already begun and they are coming with total force. The world will change radically. Our objective is to activate you and prepare you for the new journey, for a new world, a new model of integration amongst people.

The government systems we believe are indestructible will also suffer great mutations, since the world finds itself in an immense governmental abyss of extreme social-economic inequality, on the brink of chaos. They must be modified and reformulated urgently to move towards the New Age, in which the events lived up to now will be the mere remembrance of a past that has gone by. People will feel these changes rapidly as of the end of 2008, in the world economy, in culture, in the relationship with money and in their own way of facing life and personal relationships. The peak of this transformation will happen in the year of 2012, when humanity enters the Great Golden Age of Aquarius. Everything will become more accelerated and the mental vibrations will accompany this acceleration.

As you read this book, you will come to understand that we are all walking towards an era of destruction and despair like many are preaching; yes, we are living something never seen by mankind, which happens cyclically in the Universe, and at the same time, we have never had the opportunity to witness it happen. We will have the possibility of seeing and feeling the passage of this new era. Many changes will come. However, they are meant to broaden our growth and our evolution as human beings.

Our finality is to help people prepare themselves and rid themselves of the fear under which they are living. The Golden Age means the age of well being and abundance, but before that, there is a need to prepare, for a passage in an era is not like erasing and lighting a light. You need a period to establish this passage, in order to adjust the human consciousness of all beings and of everything that exists. You will come to understand through this reading what The New Golden Age really means and where we are moving towards.

Our previous book, entitled “The Law of Attraction” was nationally recognized and we now understand that the real reason for this subject to expand throughout the world with such strength and acceptance. We have arrived at a critical point in our evolution with mankind. The world is ready and available to reactivate the ancient knowledge about the Universal Laws and to reconnect with the Creator Source. The mysteries and secrets of the Universe are infinite, but as humanity expands its needs, it faces the will to restore the truths that immediately begin to reveal themselves and thus an access, an energy channel of free information opens up, bringing to pass the information on a mass level.

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We have noticed, however, that the knowledge about the Universe have remained in few hands. The age of doctrine and dogmas is also ending. We have entered the era of information and knowledge, and nothing more will stop our expansion.

Many will still fight to witness the apocalypse and the end of times; many will continue submissive to this model, but these efforts will be in vain. The force of expansion and the truth will prevail. Due to this, our intention is to show exactly the opposite, that the positivity, the abundance and the well being are our universal inheritance to begin to manifest our entry into the era, establishing once and for all the full life of abundance which is our birthright.

We have had help from people around the world to write this book. With great peace, all of them showed up in our path; a connection to similar purposes and very strong intentions happened, uniting us towards this project and making it a reality. We also had the participation and manifestation of our Interdimensional Brothers, who gifted us with all their knowledge through the most beautiful channeled messages exclusively for this book. They are information received by non physical beings or spiritual beings, interdimensional mentors who have already ascended and vibrate at this moment with all their strength to help us in this new journey of evolution, manifesting in us through an intentional force, extremely strong, the power of unconditional love, unconditional love, the most powerful energy of the Universe.

To us, authors, it was a great honor to have them with us in this long journey of spiritual awakening which we were a part of. At the request of the masters and mentors, we call them the Brothers of Higher Dimensions or The Interdimensional Brothers from now on.

We wish you, the reader, to participate in this great transformation towards the Golden Age which awaits you with open arms. Allow yourself to use this reading, not concerning yourself in believing it or not, questioning or doubting. Free yourself from judgments and prejudices. Open up to the truths of the Universe. Feel at home and free, as you are about to reactivate something so intense that already dwells within your soul. Our suggestion is that you read, believe in everything that is written; though take in only what is needed for yourself.

Feel at home in the presence of God.

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Chapter 1

The First Message of Rathal Zeh

About Us – Channeled by Tania Resende on February 15th, 2008.

You have never been alone. Throughout the history of humanity, you have been in the company of Friends and Brothers of Higher Dimensions.

We have always been here to guide you in your evolutionary path. Notice everything that evolves and everything that moves towards the union with the Creator Source of existence; notice that you are all part of a bigger process which involves the entire Universe, and we are united in Love and Light, so that we can together learn and grow on all levels.

I speak to you in the name of all these Brothers of Light!

Everything in the Universe constantly moves, nothing is stalled, nothing is stagnant.

You are souls that have chosen to experience form and throughout this experience, you opted for paths which made you feel alone, disconnected and isolated from Source. You forgot who you really are, forgot that we are united, and your consciousness has become so fragmented that you ended up feeling isolated from the Universe. And you really did isolate yourselves.

We have been following you in all your most important moments and now we can be seen and felt by many. Now, we have more conditions to communicate with you because Earth is experiencing a series of openings that have never happened before. You have the opportunity to feel again, being part of the Intergalactic Brotherhood, from which you distanced yourselves and from which you felt disconnected although we have always been here.

We are in a great Project of Light that has the sole objective of reentering mankind within the Divine and Perfection realm, in the Sacred Universal Laws, which are unique and real. The Universal Laws are Divine and act without distinction of race, religion and beliefs. They act even though you have no awareness of them. However, now, they need to be known so you can use them in its full potential. You have the opportunity to be reinserted in a place within the Universe from which you should have never left and we are grateful and happy to participate in this immense Project as you are loved beings by all of us and it makes us happy to have you again with us.

As I have mentioned before, you forgot who you really are and what you came to do here in the dimension of form and mass. You disconnected yourself from your divine role in the Universe. The moment now is to remember. The moment now is to know yourselves and know the Universe of which you are a part of. The moment now is to feel connected to the Creator Source. Now, you must remember who you really are.

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And I affirm: you are God-Creators and are part of the All which vibrates and emanates constantly the purest form of Love. You are a part of us, and we are all together in this path of growth. We are here to help you remember.

We are here to tell you that you can and must request your place in the perfect and harmonious Universe and that you can and should request this position consciously within the Universe.

We are Beings of Light like yourselves and we want you to remember this.

We are happy to be able to reactivate our communication and shorten the distance between us.

We suggest that you look inside and notice yourselves as Beings of Light, besides the physical body you have. They are made of Light before even turning into a physical body. Request the reactivation of your stellar and divine memory. Request your Creator power and expand your consciousness to the point where you can feel yourself being a part of the Brotherhood of Light which grows each day through humanity’s awareness in this process.

Reestablish your positions as children of God, connected to Source, made in the image and similitude of God, in all His attributes.

We share with you this Gift and we want you to only remember. Desire to remember. This is our goal.

To have the opportunity to participate in this book and through it provide information is for us a great advance within the process of humanity’s evolution.

Know that there is an intense exchange of information and knowledge which are shared by all People of the Intergalactic Confederation and you are each time closer to becoming members again.

We are immensely grateful to the authors of this book who have opened to us and placed themselves in the service of the Higher Light in benefit of the collective. Our intention here is to reach many of you, activating your divined codes through the information we send you, guiding you to remember your Soul’s Purpose.

We welcome you and wish that this reading will bring you joy on all levels of Being!

In light, Rathal Zeh – The Blue People – The Orion Constellation

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2012 – The Cosmic Awakening

In the middle of the second semester of 2012, the Sun will shine so intensely that its golden rays will invade all the cells of each being alive throughout the planet. Before this great event, we will have, due to the change of the Earth’s polarity, three days of extreme darkness. In this moment, the fear of humanity will reach its peak. During 72 hours, we will only have darkness, all the systems of communication will enter into collapse and the greatest fear of mankind will manifest itself in its plenitude; reclusive and pensive, all will manifest a state of guilt and in this moment, we will be under the dominion of Poseidon’s mind (Neptune, the King of the Seas). For the non believers in God and for many, this will be the prelude to the end of times, but on the fourth day the Sun will reemerge with a brilliant and golden light never seen before by any human being. We will see in the horizon a New Sun which will bring with it the true prelude: The Golden Age has arrived!!

In this moment, God will definitively show to all in the most sublime and powerful way, how the true architect of the Universe and will place us before Him again. The real message will arrive immediately to the mind of all, all guilt will vanish; the love of God will remove the fear of Poseidon and a long silence almost absolute will take over human minds. No sermons, lectures or dogmas, just truth presenting itself individually and each one will know exactly how to move forward. Everyone will understand the message and from there, the concepts about the Universe and God will transform. We will finally understand that there is a greater force, a supreme energy which governs all and we will notice that we are not who we think we are; the only sovereign owners of the Universe. Before Him, the masks will drop, the truth will come to reveal itself and a new cosmic cycle will begin.

The big golden rays of the new sun will shine in the west and surprise everyone with its magnitude; the emotion will be indescribable and a feeling of victory will invade the Earth like an avalanche of peace and union. The fabulous and spectacular golden rays of the new Sun will finally show the power of the Golden Age on Earth. We will be able to definitively register the most important historical moment for all of humanity; the big age which will last approximately two thousand years and will be marked by abundance and well being.

But what about the disasters and the catastrophes which everyone is prophesying?

Remember that the future always depends upon us. If we authorize and accept the condition of destruction, then it will present itself; if we fear, then fear and the forces of Poseidon will manifest. If we have the conviction that the worse will happen, then prepare yourself for the worse. This is the premise of Creation, you create your own reality and together we create our own realities. Some things may be pre-determined but it doesn’t mean that they must happen; destiny is only one path, not a certainty .

Then, what should I do?

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Just, do not fear, do not give room to fear to enter into your life; the main message is to not accept it as a condition. Overcome fear and neutralize it with love. Start by changing yourself and consequently, you will change everyone around you.

Forget the violence and it shall not be part of your daily life; forget the lack of money and it shall never lack; forget the lack of opportunities and attract prosperity; forget the people who do you harm and they will disappear from your life; forget despair, because it does not exist; forget the negative information that enters your home through means of communication. Why authorize the catastrophes and tragedies to enter your own home? This creates a field of negativity, destructive in your own home. What for? Why feed off this? Notice that this will not add to anything, it only strengthens the negativity in your life. Evil only brings evil. Only neutralize this idea; these moments, turn off the TV and none of this will be part of your life. Choose to read a good book, practice some physical activity, listen to good music or simply change the channel; anything positive, as small as it is, is certainly better than something negative. You don’t have to omit events, you will continue to know that it exists and happens, but you won’t be part of it. Finally, forget evil and feed yourself upon goodness. Goodness builds, and evil destroys, that is the great Law of Earth. So, in which Earth do you wish to be in?

Always choose love, always, this is the path and there is no other. Forget everything that makes you feel bad, eliminate any sequel of fear, of violence, of the evil that exists within you; flood your life with positive words and let them manifest, flood yourself with prosperity, harmony, peace, trust, happiness, solidarity, compassion, gratefulness, gratitude, conviction, opportunities, perfection, beauty, enthusiasm, motivation, disposition, satisfaction, pleasure, growth, knowledge, strength, will, perseverance, courage, wisdom and love.

This will be your protective shield. You will become a vibrational being of positivity, emanating each day more light and protection to the great aura of consciousness which is bigger than the body of Earth.

Feel at peace. Be yourself. Find yourself and you will find the treasures of the Universe. The most valuable ones are inside you. You are a creator being. This is exactly what you are doing in this exact moment. Creating your own reality at each instant through your thoughts, desires and memories, moving to create and modify your own life and of all those who surround you.

Being conscious of this power of creation is a virtue which will place you in a sovereign position and of comfort in a new process for your life, the most efficient form of attraction of new possibilities and opportunities. To grow is to become conscious of who you really are and what you really want.

Inner growth does not mean going higher, it means getting closer.

If you do so, you will never feel hostage of your own condition. You will bring to pass the indisputable free will which was given to you as a gift when you were born and that you can use

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after reading this book, one of the most noble and sublime feelings already experienced: the freedom of consciousness.

Wisdom is without a doubt, the most ancient and efficient power of freedom we have; however, at some point in history, we forget or we are made to forget. You will see that besides free will and the power of choice, we have to improve our power of freedom. We will never be able to buy, exchange, bargain or negotiate the power of freedom, we will only be able to achieve it through searching and through inner will to grow and learn.

The eight Laws of the Universe we describe in the final chapters of this book will make you connect to the Supreme Mind, Source of Higher Energy, the Light, the Cosmos, and the All, if you so desire. If you allow this reconnection, you will feel a new link to the Great Creator; you will definitively be together with God Father/Mother, the magnificent and splendor being whom we cannot see, but we feel the presence and vibration in all the cells of our body every time we open ourselves to it.

“God is not out there, watching or judgment. He is present within. Within you. In each cell of your body.”

You are a perfect replica of the Great Creator, that is why you have come into this world with the mission of creating and so you should. If we have the power to think, feel, vibrate, create and modify the world and people through our actions and thoughts, then, in fact, we are active particles of Him, creating and transforming the world as Him. You can be conscious of this or not, but believe it, you are sovereign and can be and have everything you desire. You only have to really want it and truly wanting it means truly feeling it deep down in your soul.

We bring with us all this potential for connection. In our consciousness energy, everything is well integrated; we just need to improve upon the gift that was given to us. Not only improve through techniques but especially through knowledge.

We are used to the mechanization and prefer to always receive everything ready and completed. We choose to buy, open and consume, we are conditioned to do so; fragmenting our own perception of reality and consequently, becoming beings susceptible to frustrations and disappointments.

We dream of the idea of going to a supermarket and buying happiness, prosperity, mental and physical health, wealth, prosperity, etc. Though these goods are not consumption goods, we can only obtain them as we evolve the awareness and understanding of the world which surrounds us, through a constant improvement of the emotions and intuitive perceptions and the forces of creation.

Some people do not need any improvement. They are ready and they use this intuitive power without even knowing that it exists. Others need to remember who they really are and need reactivation. Others are still in a state of hibernation or numb before the vibrational avalanche in which they find themselves, contrary to their own natural standards. Others feel a great

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disconnection with the world in which they live, especially due to their thought patterns and old belief systems; they cannot find harmony and live in constant conflict with themselves, they do not understand the people who live around them and they don’t understand the reason for this condition. They constantly see themselves before diverse situations totally incompatible with their way of thinking. They see an inexplicable moral discrepancy in society, accepting this situation as normal for some time, but soon fall into the internal conflicts again. Many are perfectly healthy and active, apparently there is nothing wrong with them (externally), they are only vibrating in different frequencies and they put themselves in a situation of non resonance with the Universe. This is harmful, but perfectly able to be neutralized through a simple awareness that the world is going through changes in great proportions and that besides them, there are millions of people who find themselves in the same situation, but are still unaware. So, becoming aware is without a doubt, the first step.

The changes in behavior, the changes of values will come with the vibrational acceleration that Earth will suffer from now on. When this collective awareness becomes real, everything will be clear like the original light.

Many of us bring as baggage experiential knowledge and wisdom, for in some place in time we all lived in places of extreme spirituality; we lived through great transformations and we had access to the greater knowledge about the truths of the Universe. This information is all filed in each individual consciousness; we only need to reactivate them.

We have a great potential, easiness and abilities that are necessary to have a prosperous and opportune life; we are extremely intelligent, well informed about all current topics, financial market, new trends, quality of life, real estate, relationships, healthy lifestyle, etc. However, we cannot turn off for a moment from the external reality and from the thinking mass in which we are inserted. We created a stressful and cruel reality and we are all diving in it. We have not even stopped to notice that we are beings of Light, that we came to this world with a purpose, to achieve something greater for ourselves and for others. We forget to be grateful for what we have achieved, for the fruits that we have already harvested, for everything that we planted and we begin to incessantly complain about what we don’t have, creating an existential emptiness which does not correspond to some of the great Spiritual Laws that rule our world. All of this instantly provokes a disconnection. We end up, believing that this type of situation is normal.

Desperate and really in disbelief, we begin the addictive process which creates a world of nightmares and great difficulties, false hope, anxiety and the incessant belief in lack, difficulty and competition as the norm; this is pure spiritual unpreparedness. We forget that there exists a great Creator Source of extreme abundance, who is generous and who can provide us whenever we need. But we are so stuck in our comfort zone and prefer to find other forms of energy, much denser and limiting to fuel us on a daily basis. Human beings need vital energy, but they have forgotten how to find it. We have learned throughout centuries not to nurture ourselves from this Higher Energy like the people in ancient civilizations.

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Since we don’t know where else to search for this essential vital energy for our survival, we learn with time to resist and to search for this energy in other forms; unfortunately, the only way we managed was to find vital energy from other people. We transformed ourselves in energy feeders and we feed upon each other and we do it unconsciously all the time. Notice how people feed off each other, generating an enormous vibration unbalance. Through intolerance, fights, envy, attachment, emotional despair, judgment, fear, lack of love and so forth. This format is the main cause of all conflicts amongst people, from a small misunderstanding within couples, within a family to a city and amongst countries, for this format fabricates fear, the reverse power of love. This condition must be transmuted and each person must become sovereign and whole, letting go of the huge descending spiral of dense energy and reconnecting with the true source generator of vital energy that can nurture us perfectly under any damage or difficulty. We will guide you through this process and show you that there is a road that can take you directly to this pure energy that comes from an abundant and infinite source.

During this reading, you will notice the constant emphasis given to this word, reconnection for this is the major objective of our work: to reconnect.

The intention is to show that there is the possibility of doing this reconnection, with the Universe and definitively establish an internal and infinite contact with Him, with the neutral energy, the neutral energy of unconditional love which builds everything.

There is the possibility of finding inner peace and moving ahead, supported by the power of determination and conviction. Believe it, everything can manifest through the means of certainty. You only need to reconnect with yourself, with your personal purpose, with your personal mission, with your real intentions before life and your most latent emotions. If you so allow, then your reconnection will be established once again and everything will flow into extreme perfection and without any effort. You will be reconnecting to yourself and vibrating from there in the same frequency in which the Planets, the Stellar Systems, the Sun, The Earth, all of Via Lactea and the great Cosmos. You will be in resonance with the neutral energy of the Universe, the energy of love.

“Know yourself and you will know the Universe and t he Gods.” Socrates

Religions, throughout the centuries, were molded after standards based on each time period, creating ‘laws’ in which human beings became victims of the current system, hostages of manipulations and impositions which prevented the creator power to manifest in its plenitude. Suffering and judgment were looked upon as principles to be accepted. Humanity began to believe in these concepts which came from God, the Supreme Creator of all Universe. But, if we were made in the image and similitude of God, how could we live at the mercy of judgment and suffering? If we were given free will, how do we judge our choices?

“A Father does not judge a child. He supports him in his choices.”

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Before this premise, how can a religion convince you that you do not have the power to create your own reality?

It is exactly this power that we need to reclaim. It is necessary to find another way of living the ‘religious’ aspect. There is nothing wrong with having a religion, it is very important in our path of spiritual expansion, but to live your religion, your reconnection, in the fullness of its meaning, without judgments, without prejudices, without blame, without impositions, you must be free to feel God alive in every cell of your body.

The word religion comes from the greek word ‘reli gare’ and its meaning is nothing more than to reconnect. This is the biggest intention of all existent religions in the Universe: that you find yourself again, reconnect with your God through yourself.

God is not outside you but within you and you are 2 4 hours connected to Him, without effort or penitence.

This is the focus and the main message of our Brothers of Higher Dimensions who participated in this work to spread the word. We like to emphasize the word ‘brothers’ when we refer to them, as they requested. Though we are in different dimensions, they are always by our side supporting and guiding us in our learning. They explain repeatedly that the difference amongst us does not exist, what exists are the degrees of evolution but never as genre. We are all brothers; we have come from the same place and will return to the same place. That is why we desire to be called brothers and not masters.

Due to this specific moment that we are going through in the Planet and in all Galaxy, the communication with all non physical beings is being extremely facilitated around the globe. They are very present mainly to guide us in this passage that is so important and unique to humanity, for a New Age of wisdom, peace and evolution, the Golden Age which will last approximately two thousand years.

We want to convey in the simplest way possible all the messages that are coming through, in a way that helps you to rethink your condition, to guide and show you that you are not alone in this word, let alone excluded for exclusion does not exist in the Universe. You are part of something greater and you are essential as a being.

The messages come through channeling. The channeling, as the word already states, is a channel that opens to establish the communication with these non physical Beings. This channel establishes for people who are more vibrational and intuitively sensitive. As time passes, this channel can broaden and from there the person who channels becomes a loyal link and spontaneously participates only activating the intuitive and intentional power.

We like to define channeling as:

“The divine and inspired words of God, given to humans through humans.”

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This means that not only the majority of the sacred scriptures of all religions were originally channeled, but also that of artists and musicians. It is something absolutely common, as many other emerging processes of the New Era are. God did not write the Bible but men did, while they were divinely inspired.

Our ascended friends desire that you read, believe and take in all the messages in a unique and very particular way without prejudice or judgment. What is useful for you will automatically be absorbed, for only this will matter.

They are messages never before divulged to the public, they are thrilling and at the same time simple and direct. They come to show us once and for all the reality that we are in, that we cannot see or we don’t want to see beyond what we can see with our own eyes, because of the infinity of sales and masks that have been implanted during millions of years throughout the centuries.

However, we still have an alive consciousness. It keeps itself shielded and intact inside time and space. It is ready to be opened again. The key is in your hands and it is only up to you to open it or not.

This magnificent creation, known as consciousness, is our biggest instrument of perception and understanding of the world. Our Eternal Eyes inside eternity, that can see, understand and feel all.

When we speak of eternity, it is inevitable to speak of spirituality and reincarnation. In our previous book, The Law of Attraction, we did not focus on spirituality for very clear and specific reasons, in order to access as many people as possible. But now that the seed has been planted, we can and we must give the continuity to disseminate each day the maximum amount of information, for the New World Order that draws upon us can be summarized in two simple words: Share and Evolve.

This can only be done in one way, through people; we are really the only vehicles capable of doing this transposition with the help of Mentors, Angels, Supporters and Spiritual Guides. Yes, but the responsibility is ours and only ours. The knowledge and information is the path that will lead us to the truth. We have to act and not live in hope, because those who live in hope are always waiting for something distant to arrive. We should act, for those who act prosper. Our consciousness is alive, it is in constant expansion and never regresses; it is present in all things that existed, exist and will exist.

“Time is only a Portal, what is meant to be, already is.”

When we become aware of the power within the present, which is eternal, the above quote becomes almost like a personal Mantra.

We begin to understand that we are the ones in command, that we are One, and we understand that the only reality we have is the present, the eternal present. It is exactly in this that we are immersed in and should shift our attention to. If we keep conscious and aware of this, then we will be in complete command of ourselves and our reality.

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The future is simply the exact representation of what is happening now. The future obeys the present with perfection for it depends upon it. So, we need to concentrate in the present, the future is the simple result of what we desire now.

Therefore, pay attention to what you desire, for yo ur desires can come true. Awake, be conscious, believe and have faith, for what is mean t to be, already is.