20120604070621956_new! rex business planning template_kinder (updated may 2012)

Step 1 Information sheet for Kinder/ Preschool Instructions: Answer the questions. Put your answers in the blue areas. Strive to answer all the questions, the more questions you an Proceed to Step 2 when you are done with this sheet Input May we ask a few questions about your school? If the questio 1 Enrollment Kinder and Preschool Grade School High School College and above Total 0 2 How many shifts do you have in your school? 3 4 How many spare classrooms do you have? 5 6 7 8 9 10 How many teachers do you have in your school? How many classrooms do you have in your school? What is your ideal class size in kinder/ preschool? How many sections do you have in your school? school perceived? (H - High; A - Average; L - Low) Do you offer night school in high school? (Y - Yes; N - No) Are you part of school group? (Y - Yes; N - No)

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k-12 kinder


Step_1Step 1Information sheet for Kinder/ Preschool

Instructions:Answer the questions. Put your answers in the blue areas.Strive to answer all the questions, the more questions you answer, the more useful this application will be for you.Proceed to Step 2 when you are done with this sheetAnalyticalInputProcedureConclusionS/OW/T

May we ask a few questions about your school? If the question is silent as to level, answer the question with your kinder and preschool in mind.

1EnrollmentKinder and PreschoolERROR:#DIV/0!Ideally, in a whole school setting, the questions should be presented as a matrix to be answered at different levels. Grade SchoolERROR:#DIV/0!High SchoolERROR:#DIV/0!College and aboveERROR:#DIV/0!Total0ERROR:#DIV/0!

How many teachers do you have in your school? 2The student/ teacher ratio in your school makes ideal class sizes achievable. The student/ teacher ratio in your school seems too high.

How many shifts do you have in your school?3The school can increase usage of facilities with an added shift.

How many classrooms do you have in your school?4

How many spare classrooms do you have? 5The school has spare classrooms that it can use to accommodate more students.You have large class sizes but spare classrooms? Break classes and use the spare classrooms.What is your ideal class size in kinder/ preschool?6

How many sections do you have in your school?7The school can accommodate more students or charge more for smaller class sizesClass sizes seem too large for effective instruction. Break classes into more sections - use spare classrooms, increase shifts, or invest in more classrooms.

8In your area, how are the fees of your school perceived? (H - High; A - Average; L - Low)The price/ quality combination of your school is such that students may transfer to a public school.Parents and students may not be getting value-for-money at your school. Do you offer night school in high school? (Y - Yes; N - No)9Your experience in night school allows you to more readily expand for K-12. Offering senior high school to working HS graduates may be viable.Senior high school may be more readily accommodated if you offer night schoolAre you part of school group? (Y - Yes; N - No)10As part of a school group, your school can benefit from economies of scale and group reputation.11How would you rate the quality of your school compared to the public schools near you? (L - Lower; S - About the same; B- - Slightly better; B - Better; B+ - much better)

By your self-assessment, the quality of your school is better than public schools.By your self-assessment, the quality of your school is at most only slightly better than public schools. Future enrollment may suffer as a result

12How much debt does your school have? (N - None; S - Some; L - Lots)The school has financial flexibility. It may borrow should it decide to expandThe school is restrained in its financing options. Growth may be limited as a result13What are the results of your current operations? (L - Operating at a loss; B - About breaking even; P - Somewhat profitable; P+ - Quite profitable)

The school is profitable and can thus grow, pay debt or return dividendsOperations does not provide a source for growth or financing.

14Is your school located in a city or urban area? (Y - Yes; N - No)Your urban location allows your school to offer levels below kinder or distinctive approaches to teaching.

15Are there public elementary schools in your area? (Y - Yes; N - No)Public elementary schools near you may make offerings below kinder attractive to students who will move on to public schools at K-12 levelsFactors (low fees, urban location, nearby public schools) combine to indicate a large market for kinder/ preschool in your area.The presumption is that public elementary schools have to offer kinder because of the universal kindergarten law but may be cramped by its urban location. An indication that this is favorable for the school would be increasing enrollment.16Are there public high schools in your area? (Y - Yes; N - No)Factors (urban location, nearby public schools) combine to make expanding into senior high school attractive.Factors (spare classrooms, urban location, nearby public schools) combine to make expanding into senior high school quite an attractive option.Factors (low fees, urban location, nearby public schools) combine to make expanding into senior high school a specially attractive option17Are you an ECS/ GASTPE-participating school? (Y - Yes; N - No)You can advocate that ECS/ GASTPE apply to kinder/ preschool.Advocating for ECS/ GASTPE to apply in kinder/ preschool is a specially attractive option. 18Are there higher educational institutions in your area? (Y - Yes; N - No)The absence of HEI's in your area makes offering senior high school attractive.HEI's may compete with your school for senior high school students.

19Are there commercial spaces near you that may be used as classrooms? (Y - Yes; N - No)Expansion, specially as it refers to classrooms, may be easily achieved by renting commercial spaces in your area.

20Are there plenty of semi-skilled jobs in your area? (Y - Yes; N - No)Local businesses can employ SHS graduates. Cater to their needs or partner with them for OJT.

21How strong is your guidance/ counseling department? (W - Weak; A - Average; S - Strong)A weak guidance department can mean senior high school students will not receive proper guidance in specializations.Define what is strong guidance; see pacucoa instrument22How did enrollment in Kinder in SY 2011-12 compare to the previous school year? (I - it increased; D - it decreased; S - it stayed about the same)

Universal kindergarten law may increase enrollment as early education is now seen as essentialUniversal kindergarten law may decrease enrollment as your potential students choose public schools instead.

23Please enter the current number of students in Kinder and Preschool:KinderMuch of your enrollment is outside K-12 levels and thus insulated from its negative effects.Factors (large kinder, decreasing kinder enrollees) combine to make you specially vulnerable to universal kindergarten lawPreschool024Is your school known for something your customers value? Are you offering something distinct compared to other schools in your area? (Y - Yes; N - No)

Your school has a distinct offering that the market valuesYour school does not seem to be distinct from other schools. This makes it vulnerable

25Does your school have a well-defined vision/ mission statement? (Y - Yes; N - No)Your school has a clear direction on where it wants to goYour school does not seem to have a well-articulated direction and may just react to outside events.

Done? Click on this text or on the Step_2 tab below to proceed.


Step_2Step 2What are the opportunities and threats presented by K-12? Instructions:In the blue column, weigh each opportunity or threat. Click on the "Weight" label at the top of the column to know more.In the orange column, rate each opportunity or threat. Click on the "Rating" label at the top of the column to know more.Proceed to Step 3 when you are done with this sheet.Weight
Maria Teresa Brodeth: A. In the column below, weigh each opportunity and threat according to its potential impact. For example, a large weight would mean a major opportunity (or a major threat). Do not think of your school at this point. Just take each item on its own and weigh it in light of its impact.

B. Express the weight in decimals between 0 and 1. For example, if you do not think that an item is an opportunity (or threat) at all, weigh that item 0.

C. The total of the weights of all opportunities and threats must equal 1. An error message at the bottom of this column will appear if the total is not equal to 1. Rating
Maria Teresa Brodeth: A. In the column below, rate each opportunity and threat according to your school's ability to respond to it. Rate in the following manner: 4 - The school has a very strong ability to exploit the opportunity or combat the threat. 3 - The school has a strong ability to exploit the opportunity or combat the threat.2 - The school has a weak ability to exploit the opportunity or combat the threat.1 - The school has a very weak ability to exploit the opportunity or combat the threat.Weighted ScoreOpportunities

00000000000000000000Do you see other opportunities besides those mentioned above? Enter these below.00000000000000Threats000000000000000000000000Do you see other threats besides those mentioned above? Enter these below.00000000000000Total weighted ScoreTotals00Sorry, the sum of the weights does not equal 1

Done? Click on this text or on the Step 3 tab below to proceed


Step_3Step 3What are the strengths and weaknesses of your school?Instructions:In the blue column, weigh each strength or weakness. Click on the "Weight" label at the top of the column to know more.In the orange column, rate each strength or weakness. Click on the "Rating" lable at the top of the column to know more.Proceed to Step 4 when you are done with this sheet.

Maria Teresa Brodeth: A. In the column below, weigh each strength or weakness according to its importance in responding to K-12 reform. Do not think of your school at this point. Just take each item on its own and weigh it in light of its impact. For example, if you think that a strength (whether your school possesses it or not) has little use in responding to K-12, then give it a low weight.

B. Express the weight in decimals between 0 and 1.

C. The total of the weights of all strengths and weaknesses must equal 1. An error message at the bottom of this column will appear if the total is not equal to 1. Rating
Maria Teresa Brodeth: A. In the column below, rate the strengths and weaknesses in the following manner: 4 - A major strength 3 - A minor strength 2 - A minor weakness 1 - A major weakness

B. Note that strengths can be rated only 4 or 3. Similarly, weaknesses can be rated only 1 or 2. Weighted Score
Maria Teresa Brodeth: The numbers in this column are computed automatically. Do not input anything in this column.

00000000000000000000000000000000000000Does your school have other strengths besides those mentioned above? Enter these below.00000000000000Weaknesses:000000000000000000000000000000000000Does your school have other weaknesses besides those mentioned above? Enter these below.00000000000000Total weighted ScoreTotals00Sorry, the sum of the weights does not equal 1

Done? Click on this text or on the Step_4 tab below to proceed.


Step_4Step 4Combining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (the SWOT Matrix)

Instructions:This step is optional but can be rewarding if you give it sufficient thought and effort. It is meant to generate plans based on the inputs you made on the previous stepsFill in the colored boxes with plans that match the strengths/ weaknesses with the opportunities and threats as appropriate.Proceed to Step 5 when you are done with this sheet.StrengthsWeaknesses00000000OpportunitiesPlans that pair school strengths with opportunitiesPlans that pair school weaknesses with Opportunities0000000

ThreatsPlans that pair school strengths with threatsPlans that pair school weaknesses with threats000000000

Done? Click on this text or on the Step_5 tab below to proceed.


Step_5Step 5Planning Map

Instructions: Based on the information you have put in the previous steps, the recommended direction for your school is shown by the area where the bubble is located. More specific options available for the suggested directions are shown in the colored box on the right.Beside the options are numbers. Choose an option (or two) and put the number in the small blue box at the bottomAlternatively, write the plan (or two) in your own words at the green box at the bottomProceed to Step 6 when you are done with this sheet.PlanOptions:NumberPlans to grow and build1Offer kinder to prospective public elementary school students ; advocate GASTPE for Kinder2Expand to elementary levels3Offer more services (e.g., SPED, after school programs, Kumon)4Open kinder/ preschools in other locations5Buy out other kinder/ preschools in your area6Expand enrollment (volume discounts, marketing campaigns, easy payment terms)

Plans to hold and maintain7Review and adjust pricing and services to needs of community8Tie-up with a reputable grade school for your graduates to enroll9Improve teaching effectiveness or operational efficiency10Focus on activities that promote your vision/ mission/ distinction11Focus on curriculum development and teacher training for K-1212Focus on student retention (e.g., more parent interaction, )

Plans to harvest and divest13Offer less classes and lease out excess space14Program to lessen teachers by attrition or retrenchment15Sell unprofitable branches16Sell the school or use the facilities for some other business 17Focus only on specific markets/ levels; shed off unrelated businesses

Tips on choosing an appropriate planA. From Step 4, choose the option that best matches the key strengths and opportunities (those with greater weights) identified in steps 2 and 3.B. Choose the option that best fulfills your vision/ mission. Your vision is:C. Choose the option that further strengthens your distinction. Your distinction is:D. School resources are limited. It is best to choose only 1, at most 2 strategies

The plans I choose are:Input the number of the plan in the blue box or write your own plan in the green box.Choice 1ERROR:#N/AChoice 2ERROR:#N/A

Done? Click on this text or on the Step_6 tab below to proceed.


Step_6Step 6Can I cover my costs? (breakeven analysis)

Instructions:The fees and costs of private education vary considerably. The input cells (in blue) have been pre-filled with default values. Please change the values as it applies to your school.After you have enterred the needed information, change the value in the "Number of Students" cell until the number in the profits cell (colored brown) is closest to zero. This is your breakeven point; i.e., the number of students where revenues about equals your costs. You can also use the "Goal Seek" function of Excel to find the breakeven point. You may examine how costs change with the number of students.Proceed to Step 7 when you are done with this sheet.

Needed Information for High SchoolSensitivity AnalysisFees/ student/ year20000Number of studentsAdditional ProfitNumber of teachers per class1Number of teacher aides/ assistants per class117-85000Maximum number of students per section3018-66000Number of shifts per teacher or teacher aide219-47000Number of shifts per classroom220-28000Pay and benefits of one new teacher/ year21600021-9000Pay and benefits of one new teacher aide/ year1620002210000Cost of a new classroom5000002329000MOOE per student per year8002448000Furniture allowance per student10002567000Estimated life of a classroom in years202686000Estimated life of furniture in years527105000-5-4-3-2-1012345

Number of students22

CalculationsAdditional Profit10000Sensitivity TablesTuition and fees440000340000360000380000400000420000440000460000480000500000520000540000

Variable costsMOOE176001360014400152001600016800176001840019200200002080021600Furniture 440034003600380040004200440046004800500052005400


Number of teachers111111111111Number of teaching aides111111111111Number of classrooms111111111111

Fixed costsSalaries of teachers216000216000216000216000216000216000216000216000216000216000216000216000Salaries of teaching aides162000162000162000162000162000162000162000162000162000162000162000162000Cost of classrooms300003000030000300003000030000300003000030000300003000030000

Additional Profit10000Forecast Profit-85000-66000-47000-28000-90001000029000480006700086000105000

No. of students1718192021222324252627Done? Click on this text or on the Step_7 tab below to proceed.


Step_7Step 7How do I implement?

Step 7A: Total forecast (SY2012-13 to SY2017-18)Step 7B: Forecast in units across the forecast periodStep 7CInstructions:Instructions:There is nothing for you to input in this step. All values are computed automatically.Above all, be conscious of your plans. The plans you chose from step 5 are:In 7A, the numbers enterred in the blue column are total changes for the six years. For each item, spread the number across the years belowERROR:#N/AAt the bottom is "Net Cash Flow". This row shows the change in cash each year as a result of your planned response to K-12ERROR:#N/AYour inputs here are all about forecast changes --- the items that will increase (or decrease) as a result of your planned response to K-12A default option has been pre-filled below. Please change the timeline as you see fit. Also at the bottom is "Cumulative Net Cash Flow". This row shows the running or cumulative change in cash as a result of your planned response to K-12. Negative numbers represent a need for financing and positive numbers represent excess cash. The forecast period is from SY 2012-13 to SY 2017-18. Your plans may be accomplished in less years.First, consider the effect of your planned response on enrollment. The resources you need or can spare depends on the change in enrollment.After you input the forecast increase/ decrease in enrollment, some figures for the resources you need will be suggested. You may override these if you wish.Make sure there are no error messages in the orange column. Put a zero if the error persists.

What and how many resources do I need? (resource plan)When do I need the resource? (implementation plan)How much do I need when? (financial plan)Change
Maria Teresa Brodeth: The values you enter here is your estimate of the aggregate change, the total increase or decrease for the next six years. This amount will be broken down per year in the next table.Annual revenue/ cost per item2012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-18Status Check (Please correct lines with error messages)2012-132013-142014-152015-162016-172017-18Totals

Change in enrollment (in number of students)02000020000Change in enrollment (in number of students)0000000Needed resourcesNeeded resourcesContinuing needsContinuing needsTeachers0216000216000Teachers0000000Teaching aides0162000162000Teaching aides0000000Guidance counsellors00Guidance counsellors0000000Other operating costs/ student0800800000000Other operating costs/ student0000000Other continuing needs?0Other continuing needs?00000000000000000000000000One-time needsOne-time cost per itemOne-time needsClassrooms0500000500000Classrooms0000000Furniture allowance/ student010001000Furniture allowance/ student0000000Curriculum Development00Curriculum Development0000000Teacher Training00Teacher Training0000000Others one-time needs?Others one-time needs?Lab equipment0Lab equipment0000000Computers0Computers0000000Toilets0Toilets0000000000000000000000000000000000

Net Cash Flow0000000Cumulative Cash Flow0000000

Total Enrollment0Breakeven point22OK

