2013 10 steps to voting compressed

PREPARED BY: ANA DE VILLA SINGSON PPCRV National Communications and Media Director

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Page 1: 2013 10 Steps to Voting Compressed


PPCRV National Communications and Media Director

Page 2: 2013 10 Steps to Voting Compressed

!  It’s May 2010, time to exercise our all-important right to choose our country’s leaders.

!  The newness of the procedure may cause some to worry, be apprehensive , even afraid. But knowledge has a happy way of equalizing fears.

!  As part of our Voter’s Education mandate, PPCRV has prepared this step by step photo journal to walk you through the upcoming election process.

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1. Voter looks for his/her name in the Posted Computerized Voters’ List (PCVL). Remember your precinct number and Sequence number. 2. Voter approaches the BEI and gives his/her name, precinct number sequence number. 3.BEI(board of election inspector/teacher) checks if voter’s name is in the PCVL. If yes, you will be allowed to vote. If no, you will be asked to leave the polling place.

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!  I 4.If allowed to vote, BEI will check voter’s fingers for stain marks of indelibile ink. It stained, it is assumed that voter already cast his vote and will be asked to leave the polling place.

5. BEI will ensure that you are the voter by checking your signature, valid ID with photo and signature(barangay clearance is not a valid ID).BEI will say your name out loud giving others a chance to challenge your identity. If your identity is challenged, you may be asked to swear an oath of identity. If your identity is not satisfactorily established, you will be asked to leave the polling place. 6. If it is established that you are the voter, you will be asked to sign your name in the “Voter’s Signature” portion of the EDCVL. If unable to sign, your thumbark will be affixed to the EDCVL.

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7. The bEI Chirman will hand you your ballot Inspect the ballot. Make sure it is not torn, crumpled ,pre-shaded or marked in any other way. You will not be given another ballot after you leave the BEI Chairman, so inspec your ballot well. If the ballot is clean and unmarked, it will be handed to you in a Ballot Secrecy Folder. You will also be given a marking pen. Regarding the ballot, it will be long and is one of the largest in the world. The front part is for National positions (Senators), while the back portion is for local positions.


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7.  Vote according to your conscience. Choose your candidate by shading the oblong immediately to the left of the candidate’s name. Shade the oval fully. Do not shade beyond the oblong. Do not vote more than the required number per position. For senators, you ou can vote until 12 times. For local positions and Party List, you can only choose one. Do not vote more than the required number of votes or your votes for that position will not be counted. If you vote less than the number of votes required for the position, your votes for that position will be coutned.

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8.  Once you have filled the ballot, return it to the Ballot Secrecy Folder. It is against the law to show your accomplished ballot to anyone. YOUR VOTE IS SACRED. DO NOT SELL IT. YOUR VOTE IS YOUR FUTURE, VALUE IT!

!  Prepare to feed the ballot into the PCOS machine . Leave 3-4 inches of the ballot extended above the Ballot Secrecy Folder. This will make it easier to feed the ballot into the PCOS machine.

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9.  The voter goes to the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machine and personally places his/her ballot into the machine to be scanned and counted. The PCOS Machine should indicate” “Please Insert Ballot.”

•  The voter must look at the electronic meter [ the small monitor at the lower right part of the PCOS machine] indicating the number of ballots counted by the machine. The number should increase by one once t the PCOS has scanned the OMR ballot the voter has placed into the machine.)

•  The ballot may be placed or fed into the PCOS machine whether upside down or bottom first; and

•  If your ballot is properly fed into the machine , it will indicate “Congratulations IYour Vote has Been Counted!”

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1. The ballot was previously scanned and inserted. It is cannot be used twice and is no longer valid a second time around. 2. The ballot was intended for this precinct. It is not valid for this particular PCOS machine. 3. Your ballot was misread and the barcode cannot be verified. This happens if the barcode is tampered with or has extra markings. This ballot is no longer valid. 4. The ballot has ambigous markings. Check your ballot ad shade the ovals you selected completely. AFTER CORRECTING #4, YOU CAN RE-INSERT




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!  9.The voter returns to the . The BEI then applies a drop of indelible ink at the base and extending to the cuticle of the right index fingernail of the voter. It is against the law to resist having your finger stained with Indelible Ink. In the absence of the right index finger, any other finger may be stained with Indelible Ink by the BEI.

!  Return the Ballot Secrecy Folder and the Marking Pen to the BEI.

!  Leave the Polling Place immediately. Loitering inside the Polling Place is not allowed.

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!  Voting period will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. of May 13, 2013. It is best to arrive early to avoid congestion in the polling centers and precincts. At76 p.m. polling centers will close, allowing only those within 30 meters of the polling center to cast their votes.

!  There is only one ballot per person. No additional ballot will be given if a voter wants to make changes. Vote carefully!

!  Do not overvote. The PCOS mach\ine is programmed to count the designated number of candidates per position. If you vote for more than the required number of candidates, your votes for the designated position will not be counted. i.e. The maximum number of senators that one can vote for is 12. If a voter shades 14 ovals, the votes for the senatorial position will not be counted.

!  Do not make extra markings on the ballot. The PCOS machine counts votes based on the markings. A cross, a check, any mark may be counted. Do not crease nor put markings on the sides of the ballot.

!  You have the absolute right to secrecy when casting your ballot.

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!  The PCOS machine will reject or spit out ballots for the following reasons: the ballot is not intended for this specific machine or precinc, the ballot being inserted was already previously inserted in a PCOS machine, the ballot is misread due to tampered bar code or unnecessary markings, the marks are ambiguous in which case, shade the ovals you selected completely then re-insert the ballot into the PCOS machine.

!  If a voter is illiterate or has a disability, this should be indicated in the EDCVL or Voter’s Registration Record. If it is recorded as such, then the voter may be assisted in filling out his ballot by a relative within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, any person the voter trusts who belongs to the same household or a member of the BEI.

!  Still worried that you might not know how to vote properly? There will be a Voter’s Assistance Desk located close to the entrance of each polling center. Our PPCRV volunteers will be happy to give you on the spot tutorials on how to fill the ballot right before you enter the precinct. You will know us by the I.D. bearing our logo and our shirts which have our logo. There will also be a PPCRV pollwatcher in every precinct. The PPCRV watcher will be the watcher closest to the BEI!



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