2013 january issue

Birmingham City Schools Special points of inter- est: Feb. 8 Jobs will be here with cap and grown dead line is Feb. 4 late fee 30.00 Mr. Hoomes the AP Govern- ment class placed 2nd in the 7th Congressional We the People congressional hear- ing. Senior Night is Feb. 4 ALL SENIORS WEAR 90s clothing. Feb. 14—Valentines Day March 22nd Night a The Inside this issue: Ask Vikki 2 PALS Interview 3 All About Mrs. Pearson 3 Fashion & Entertain- 4 ADs 6 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! 8 Principal's Corner 8 Volume 3, Issue 4 January 31, 2013 By. Alexandria Mitchell On Monday, January 21,2013, on Martin Luther King Observance day, President Barack Obama was sworn in for his second term in office. President Obama was sworn in with the same Bible that President Abraham Lincoln used in 1860 as well as another bible that Martin Luther king used years be- fore. It was a monumental occasion. Millions of citizens joined in the celebration to witness the president and vice president's acceptance of this powerful position. Many speakers spoke powerful words of encouragement. Mrs. Myrlie Evers-Williams represented with a wonderful prayer, Richard Blanco wowed us with his motivational speech 'One Today', and Reverend Dr. Luis Leon moved us with his benediction. Also, the musical selec- tions by The United States Marine Band, New York and Lee University Festival Choir, The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson, and Beyonce entertained us. Meanwhile, President Obama motivated the world with his wonderful speech. "Starting today, we must pick our- selves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America," said the President during his speech. Statistics say that this statement made by the President will be one of the most quoted sentences of his speech. The years theme was the "Faith in America's Future". It reflected on the United States perseverance and unity which marked the celebration of the 150th year of the placement of the Statue of Liberty upon the Capitol Dome in 1863. The final event of the night was the Inaugural Ball. First Lady Michelle Obama appeared in a stunning red gown, designed by Jason Wu, and the President wore a custom made suit by Hartmax for their first dance. Several students in our school, Mr. Micah Kemp’s class, were able to attend the Inauguration. Inauguration: Join in and Celebrate Four More Years in Office! King would be very proud to see that every- thing he ever wanted is really happening. I challenge you, Huffman High School, to Carry yourselves as respectful young men, and women. When you are in class, try your best, and don’t give up easily. As your great grandfathers and great grandmoth- ers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins sat at those counters and were spit on, abused, and arrested, they thought about their future children—you sitting in class right now. They sat there all for you. Nothing in life is easy. I can imagine that it was not easy for those who sat in, but they had the determina- tion and drive to make change happen. To this generation, carry on the legacy of King’s dream. “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: " ’We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." By: Jameria Johnson But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drink- ing from the cup of bitterness and ha- tred.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., born as Michael King Jr. a man most known for his belief in equality for not only blacks, but everyone. His efforts have strongly paved the way for African Americans today. It is hard to think about what life would be like today without Dr. King’s fight for justice. How do you think the world be today? Dr. King did was and is greatly appreciated. In today’s society, there are many opportunities offered to everyone, and no one really cares to think that if it weren’t for Dr. King, and many other leaders and activist of the Civil Rights movement, we wouldn’t even be able to think of taking advantage of opportunities great and small. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. King, change happened. There was a time when it was illegal for slaves to learn how to read. Now, the popular saying is, “If you wanted to keep any- thing from an African American put it in a book.” We've come so far because of great leaders like Dr. King.Many people have worked hard for us to be able to learn. Today’s society should take a step back to realize the way things could have been if not for Dr. King. Be appreciative for what your ancestors have done for you. Prove that all Dr. King’s work hasn’t gone to waste. This black history month we should all take recognition for the great works of those that came before us. Dr. Has Martin Luther King’s Dream Came True? Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -Martin Luther King Jr.

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This is the January issue of the Viking Voice News


Page 1: 2013 January Issue

B i rmingham C i t y

S choo ls

Special points of inter-


Feb. 8 Jobs will be here with

cap and grown dead line is

Feb. 4 late fee 30.00

Mr. Hoomes the AP Govern-

ment class placed 2nd in the

7th Congressional We the

People congressional hear-


Senior Night is Feb. 4 ALL

SENIORS WEAR 90s clothing.

Feb. 14—Valentines Day

March 22nd Night a The

Inside this issue:

Ask Vikki 2

PALS Interview 3

All About Mrs. Pearson 3

Fashion & Entertain- 4

ADs 6


Principal's Corner 8

Volume 3, Issue 4 January 31, 2013

By. Alexandria Mitchell

On Monday,

January 21,2013, on Martin

Luther King Observance day,

President Barack Obama was

sworn in for his second term

in office. President Obama

was sworn in with the same

Bible that President Abraham

Lincoln used in 1860 as well

as another bible that Martin

Luther king used years be-

fore. It was a monumental occasion. Millions of citizens joined in

the celebration to witness the president and vice president's

acceptance of this powerful position. Many speakers spoke

powerful words of encouragement. Mrs. Myrlie Evers-Williams

represented with a wonderful prayer, Richard Blanco wowed us

with his motivational speech 'One Today', and Reverend Dr. Luis

Leon moved us with his benediction. Also, the musical selec-

tions by The United States Marine Band, New York and Lee

University Festival Choir, The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir,

James Taylor, Kelly Clarkson, and Beyonce entertained us.

Meanwhile, President Obama motivated the world with his

wonderful speech. "Starting today, we must pick our-

selves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking

America," said the President during his speech. Statistics say

that this statement made by the President will be one of the

most quoted sentences of his speech.

The years theme was the "Faith in America's

Future". It reflected on the United States perseverance and

unity which marked the celebration of the 150th year of the

placement of the Statue of Liberty upon the Capitol Dome

in 1863.

The final event of the night was the Inaugural

Ball. First Lady Michelle Obama appeared in a stunning red

gown, designed by Jason Wu, and the President wore a

custom made suit by Hartmax for their first dance. Several

students in our school, Mr. Micah Kemp’s class, were able to

attend the Inauguration.

Inauguration: Join in and Celebrate Four More Years in Office!

King would be very proud to see that every-thing he ever wanted is really

happening. I challenge you,

Huffman High School, to Carry

yourselves as respectful young

men, and women. When you are

in class, try your best, and don’t

give up easily. As your great

grandfathers and great grandmoth-ers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles,

and cousins sat at those counters

and were spit on, abused, and

arrested, they thought about their future

children—you sitting in class right now.

They sat there all for you. Nothing in life is

easy. I can imagine that it was not easy for

those who sat in, but they had the determina-tion and drive to make change happen. To

this generation, carry on the legacy of

King’s dream.

“I have a dream that one day

this nation will rise up and live out the true

meaning of its creed: "’We hold these truths

to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

By: Jameria Johnson

“But there is something

that I must say to my people who stand

on the warm threshold which leads into

the palace of justice. In the process of

gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek

to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drink-

ing from the cup of bitterness and ha-


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,

born as Michael King Jr. a man most

known for his belief in equality for not only blacks, but everyone. His efforts

have strongly paved the way for African

Americans today. It is hard to think

about what life would be like today

without Dr. King’s fight for justice. How

do you think the world be today? Dr.

King did was and is greatly appreciated.

In today’s society, there are many opportunities offered to everyone,

and no one really cares to think that if it

weren’t for Dr. King, and many other

leaders and activist of the Civil Rights movement, we wouldn’t

even be able to think of

taking advantage of

opportunities great and

small. Thanks to the

efforts of Dr. King,

change happened.

There was a time when it was illegal

for slaves to learn how to

read. Now, the popular

saying is, “If you wanted to keep any-

thing from an African American put it in

a book.” We've come so far because of

great leaders like Dr. King.Many people

have worked hard for us to be able to learn. Today’s society should take a step

back to realize the way things could have

been if not for Dr. King. Be appreciative

for what your ancestors have done for

you. Prove that all Dr. King’s work

hasn’t gone to waste.

This black history month we should all take recognition for the great

works of those that came before us. Dr.

Has Martin Luther King’s Dream Came True?

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and

conscientious stupidity. -Martin Luther King Jr.

Page 2: 2013 January Issue

The Viking Voice Page 2

What’s PAL? By: Se’Nia Robinson

Most of us don’t know what a PALS representative is or what this or-

ganization has to do with Huffman. The Viking Voice went in to see

what they are all about. In an interview with Brandon Prince, the pres-

ident of PALS, we found out what it takes to be a PAL. Se’Nia Robinson- Thank you for meeting with me, it’s a true pleasure. So let’s start with what does PALS stand for? Brandon Prince- PALS stands for Peer Assistance Leader Society. SR- What is the sole mission of PALS? BP- The mission of PALS is to steer the 9th graders in the right direction so that they become great advocates for classes to come. The point is that if they come in right, they’ll leave right. SR- How did you get selected to be the President of PALS? BP- (Laughs and scratches head) Well, I was selected by Mr. Lyons and Mr. Shine because, I’ve shown not only academic excellence but athletic abilities as well. I’ve proven that I’m a true role model for the freshman. I care that after I leave, great things will happen for my school. And if I want that then I have to start with the freshmen. SR- How do you think PALS will help you later in life? BP- Being the president of PALS is a leadership role that I have taken on because I feel that I, and my fellow classmates, can help the freshman learn the basics of high school. This is going to look good on transcripts and the fact that I have had the experience in leading someone to a better future means quite a lot in my book. SR- What does it take to be a PAL? BP- It takes hard work, dedication, and time. A PAL is someone who is dedicated in helping/mentoring someone who has the chance at a great future, but doesn’t quite see it yet. SR- How do you think PALS will help the freshmen? BP- PALS are going to help them start on the right path as freshman in high school. This way the freshman take the things taught now all the way through high school. SR- What do the PALS have in store for the freshmen? PALS have planned lots of workshops to help build character. SR- How long have you attended Huffman High School? BP- I’ve attended Huffman for a year and half.

Dear Vikki, My clique is really cool but there is this one boy who is dating a girl with a bad reputation for dating. On the other hand, I’ve liked this guy since we first met. I don’t want to seem like a bad friend or like I’m being selfish…HELP! -OREO Dear Oreo, Chances are this guy already knows this girl’s reputation. Boys talk more than you know. On the flip side, I know you may like this guy, but he is off limits. That is your friend’s boyfriend. Boyfriends come and go, but some friends are forever.


Dear Vikki, Okay so yesterday I had a dream about my ex. The dream was that she told me she was preg-nant. But when I woke up it was real. Is that normal? -Very Depressed Dear Very Depressed, Sometimes, people experience Deja vu. However, maybe you weren’t dreaming at all. The

news may have been so catastrophic that it felt like a dream. Good luck with the new family.

Vikki Dear Vikki, My boyfriend has a baby by another girl. The baby’s mama doesn’t like me and now she’s trying to fight me. What should I do?

-Baby Momma Drama Dear Baby Momma Drama, If I were you, I wouldn’t fight your boyfriend’s baby momma. It is not worth the time, energy, effort, or drama. It

doesn’t matter if she likes you. She does not have to deal with you. Her beef is not with you, it’s with her baby’s father. You have a long life ahead of you, and you can’t fight all the baby mommas in the whole world. Chill out! Pretty girls/ladies don’t use hands to fight. They use the law.

Vikki Dear Vikki, Ummm, I think I’m prego (pregnant) and I don’t know who the father is. And I don’t want to tell him and he’s not the father. What should I do?

-Baby Dad Problems Dear Baby Dad Problems, Sounds like you are about to have a difficult

conversation with both your parents and your boy-friend. You have to accept responsibility for the consequences of your actions. It’s not going to be easy, but I definitely would have a DNA test at the hospital when the baby is born. That will eliminate later complications and arguments. You want your baby to know their father. It would not be fair to the possible fathers or the child if any deceit is involved. This will be a long journey for you. I wish you well.

Vikki Dear Vikki, I found out that my boyfriend got another girl pregnant while he was with me. But he say he love me. What should I do?

-Lost Girl Dear Lost Girl, Obviously, if he liked you he would not have been engaging in any “extracurricular” romanc-es or activities on the side. If you excuse his behavior once, he’ll think that he can do it again. What is your bending or breaking point? If I were you, I wouldn’t allow myself to be treated less than the best. You deserve someone who only wants to be with you. Move on to the next!


January 7th, 2013, Alabama versus Notre Dame in the 2013 Dis-cover BCS National Championship was easily the biggest game of the year

for Tide fans (like me) and Irish fans. When the ball got kicked off, everyone

down in Miami, Florida was up on their seats (or sitting down on their couches) eager for a great game. But what was thought to be a great game

ended as the Tide washed away the Irish (pun intended). Alabama crushed

Notre Dame 42-14 with one guy on control of the entire game. That man was Nick Saban, a great coach with a big heart. The big names in this game was AJ McCarron, Amari Cooper,

and of course the unstoppable duo of TJ Yeldon and Eddie Lacy. McCarron threw for four touchdowns and 264 yards while completing 20 of 28 at-

tempts without throwing an interception. Eddie Lace rushed for 140 yards

and a touchdown while averaging seven yards per carry, while Cooper re-ceived for six passes for 105 yards and two scores, and running back T.J.

Yeldon rushed for 108 yards and a touchdown as the Tide offense flourished

behind an outstanding performance by its offensive line. And who do we thank for all of this? The headline of Alabama football, the head coach him-

self, Nick Saban. Saban has compiled a 153-55-1 (.734) record as a college head coach and has gone 60-7 (.896) in the past five seasons in Tuscaloosa, which

includes a 35-5 mark in regular-season conference play. In 2012, the Tide

reached the 10-win milestone for the fifth consecutive season under Saban. Alabama has remained at the forefront of the college football world in 2012

with an explosive offense and a retooled defense that has remained one of

the most dominant units in the nation. The Crimson Tide won the program's 23rd SEC Championship (by far the most in league history) with a victory

over Georgia that propelled Alabama into the 2013 Discover BCS National Championship Game. The Tide boasts a 12-1 record and a No. 2 national

ranking headed into the game against top-ranked Notre Dame. Alabama is the best team in college football, and with Nick Sa-ban, they may very well stay that way. They have won the BCS champion-

ship 3 times out of the last 4 years, the first in the BCS to do that. And that

one time when they didn’t win the championship in the last three years, it

was Auburn. That means that a college from the state of Alabama has won

the BCS championship for the last 4 years in a row, another record. All in

all, nobody plays foot ball like we do here in the great state of Alabama.

Got Problems? Ask Vikki! She can help.

Submit your question into the ask Vikki

box located in your English Teacher’s

Page 3: 2013 January Issue

Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

All About Art With Mrs. Pearson

What Is A True Friend? By: Jameria Johnson & Alexus Davis

A true friend is someone who sticks by your side no matter


They are there for you when the going gets tough.

True friends are loyal, patient, and caring. They

are reliable, loving and honest.

True friends, best friends, whose relationship will

never end.

When push comes to shove we can always rely

on our love for each other.

A true friend wouldn’t trade you for any other.

By: Alexus Davis

Do you want to be an inspiring artist? Are

you interested in art? Would you like to go to school for

art? Are you interested in starting your own art project or

your own art program? Do you need advice on how to

become an artist? I interviewed Mrs. Pearson to ask her all

about art.

I asked Mrs. Pearson what inspired her to be an

artist and an art teacher and she told me her inspiration

came from her mother who observed and noticed that every

time she had a homework assignment she would always

doodle or draw some kind of picture on her reports and on

all her assignments. So her mother made her start taking art

classes in junior high school and high school. Her senior

year it was obvious of what she was going to become, an

artist, a masterpiece. She was going to create, but when she

got to the University all they offered at the time was art

education, which is the study to become an art teacher. Mrs.

Pearson attended Alabama A&M University. The home of

the maroon and white, bull dogs territory!

The most recent program that Mrs. Pearson

was working on was a show that was on January 18th at

Birmingham Southern University. Thirteen students were

interviewed, and also had to present their work to the pub-

lic. The names of these students are: 12th graders, April

Dix, Justice Easter, Juan Velasquez, Brandon Knight, Elgin

Washington, Mon-

terrious Taylor,

Jasmine Thomas,

11th graders, Gene-

sis Mullens, Kenon

Prevo, and 9th

graders, Christina

Ford, Darrell Rich,

and Axel Higareda.

They were compet-

ing against Wood-

lawn High School,

Parker High School,

and Carver High

School. The Viking

territory ruled. According to Mrs. Pearson, another art

show will be held at the Civil Rights Museum in April.

Meanwhile, there are student art shows at the Downtown

Public Library.

Recent projects that Mrs. Pearson is working

on as the art teacher at Huffman High School are the

Black History Program which will be held in February.

She is in the process of making huge figure drawn por-

traits of famous African Americans that we hardly hear

about like Nanny of the Maroons, Paul Laurence Dunbar,

the first black samurai, and the first black Sherriff that

arrested over 300 criminals in a month. The second

project is the Divine Nine Greek Program, that will be

held February 28th. This program allows Juniors and

seniors tosee the professional/business side of black

Greek life. All sororities and Fraternities will be represented.

Mrs. Pearson and her students are in the process of creating

back drops along with Greek Roman attire on black figures.

As far as being an art teacher, the proudest art

exhibit Mrs. Pearson has ever done was when she was at

Carver High School. She had a student expedition at the

Civil Rights Museum. She had the students work on display

in the atrium of Carver Hall. She didn’t know that the CEO

and some other businessmen were visiting the principalat

Carver, and they happened to see the artwork. The business

men were so impressed by her student’s work that they

invited her and her students to display their art work to

display their work at the Civil Rights Museum. Fox 6 News

interviewed the students and the work was displayed in the

Museum from April to June.

“For people who are pursing an art career you

must first become truly knowledgeable and skillful. For

example, being able to draw accurately in proportion. You

must know your terms, art history, and art appreciation. You

have to have a huge portfolio of various types of subject

matter such as, landscapes, real life figure drawings, abstract

designs, etc. In this day and time, they now do digital portfo-

lios. I encourage you to study, study, study, and prepare.

You just can’t pick up a pencil and draw what’s off the top

of your head or be able to look at something to draw. This

has to come from out of your mind without looking at any-

thing. So, study to show thyself approved,” says Mrs. Pear-


By: Marladrian Compton

Life is all what you make it, and every obstacle

you encounter your going to have to face it.

Life is a journey full of wild experiences and

something you should take very serious.

Life will take you through a lot to teach you les-

sons but in the end you will receive each of your


Life is a crazy emotional ride but what happens

throughout is what you decide.


Page 4: 2013 January Issue

The Viking Voice Page 4

The new styles that

arrived at the end of 2012 are

quickly appearing in 2013.

All around the world people

are starting to become more

and more fashionable. These

hot items have been seen eve-

rywhere and on everyone. As

the days go by, being “in

style” is becoming less ex-

pensive, which is putting everyone in


The new hot thing for girls is

heelless shoes. These are shoes that are

made with no heel; however, they still

New Style, True Style. Fashion Galore!

support your foot and

make your legs look

amazing, like heels are

supposed to. These heels

can go with anything.

You can wear them with

a dress, a shirt, and may-

be even some nice pants.

The new style

for boys would have to be

the new clothing line by current rapper

Dewayne Michael Carter Jr. better known

as Lil Wayne. Trukfit has shirts, hoodies,

pants, socks, under clothes, hats, skate-

boards, etc. Trukfit is a great clothing line

to express your swag.

Shoes that are both for girls

and boys would have to be Toms or

Bobs. These shoes compete in the shoe

market. Both Toms and Bobs donate one

pair of shoes to someone in need when

you buy a pair. Some people prefer

Toms and some people prefer Bobs.

Toms cost around $55 - $60 whereas

Bobs cost $45 - $55 dollars. There isn’t

much of a price difference. If you don’t

want to pay the extra money, you might

want to go with Bobs. Both shoes are

amazing and comfortable.

Page 5: 2013 January Issue

Page 5 Volume 1, Issue 1

Must See Movies

Warm Bodies Girls Against Boys

The Haunting In Connecticut Ghosts Of Georgia

The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia

Sound City Identity Thief Side Effects

Beautiful Creatures

Must See DVD’s Cosmopolis

House At The End Of the Street –

Taken 2


Hotel Transylvania

Paranormal Activity 4

Flight – February 5, 2013

Here Comes the Boom – February 5, 2013

Alex Cross – February 5, 2013

Skyfall – February 5, 2013

The Man with the Iron Fist – February 12,


Argo – February 19, 2013

Sinister – February 19, 2013

New Album Releases

LL Cool J-Authentic Hip Hop-Feb. 12

Lil Wayne – I Am Not A Human Being II –

February 19, 2013

Tamar Braxton – Love and War – Febru-

ary 12, 2013

Beyoncé Knowles - Date Un-

known Must See Reality TV

Totally T-Boz Dance Moms Mob Wives

The Biggest Loser Love & Hip Hop NY

Bad Girls Club Kourtney & Kim Take Miami

Mob Wives Real Housewives of ATL

Sister Wives

Page 6: 2013 January Issue

Viking Voice Page 6

Attention Lovebirds:

Do you love your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, or yourself?

Express your love through the Viking Voice Newsletter. Tell your

special someone just how special they are in a

Love Note

Love note(1-2sentences) $1

Love note+ picture $2

We will feature these Love notes in our February issue of the Viking

voice newsletter.

Page 8: 2013 January Issue


Huffman High School

950 Springville Road

Birmingham, AL 35215

Bi rmingham C i ty S choo l s

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Q: What type of bow can never be


A: A Rainbow.

Q: What do you get when you cross

sneeze and a punchline?

A: A sick joke.

Q: Why did the brunette keep ice cubes in the freezer?

A: So she could keep the refrigerator cold.

A: Why can’t Blondes dial 911?

Q: They can’t find the 11 on the phone!

Yo mama so old she was a waitress at the Last Supper.

Yo mama so bald, when she goes to bed, her head slips off the


Yo mama so bald that she took a shower and got brain-


Yo mama teeth are so rotten, when she smiles they look like


Caption describing picture or


Fax: 205.231.5056

E-mail: [email protected]

website: vikingvoicenews.weebly.com

Principal’s Corner

We met up with Mr. Lyons to get his prospective on Huffman’s Happenings. Why silent lunch?

Mr. Lyons said that “Silent Lunch” makes it possible to visualize who is eating lunch and who is not. Conse-

quently, it provides a way for us to monitor students more efficiently. In some instances, there is a need to

highlight security in the Galley.

In regards to the recent violence happening in the news, he said that five administrators can’t do

it all. Teachers may have to intervene when problems occur. This means that the teachers’ will receive more

training in the area of conflict resolution, increasing professional development, and grade level meetings

more often. We do not want what happened in that small elementary school to happen here. We have put in

place extra efforts to ensure our students safety.

Let’s discuss extra curricular activities. Word is that nothing has been denied according to Mr.

Lyons. He responded that if everything goes right in the next couple of weeks, we can look forward to some

Dances, Talent shows, Step Show , and much more. However, it depends on you Huffman students to make

these events happen. Each activity planned has been arranged for the enjoyment of all students willing to


When asked if he had any closing remarks, Mr. Lyons replied, “Every day is a new challenge.

Knowing that I am having an impact on a young life means more than any policy. I want each student to be

successful and that is what I get up to do each day. Things will get better with time and work, one day at a

time. “

Lawson State Community College – Duel Enrollment

Lawson State Community College is authorized to establish Dual Enrollment with Huffman High School’s Building/Construction Technology Program. Courses offered by postsecondary institutions shall be of postsecondary level. This program al-lows qualified high school students with a 2.5 GPA to earn college hours while currently in high school. There is no cost for tuition or

books. High achievers are going to college in any case. Dual enrollment can motivate students who aren’t on the college track. Even those who’ve struggle in high school classes can rise to the challenge, motivated by the change to “try on the role of a college student.” While some states cover all of the costs, others ask students to pay for textbooks or community college tuition.

~Courtesy of AL.com