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  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    Friday, December 16, 2011

    Frequently Asked QuestionsCOGNOS BI FAQs

    1) What is a Data Warehouse?

    A Data Warehouse Is a Structured Repository of Historical Data.It Is Developedin an Evolutionary ProcessBy Integrating Data from on!integrated "egacy Systems.It Is #sually$ % Su&'ect (riented % Integrated % )ime *ariant % on!volatile


    A Data Warehouse is a collection of data marts representing historical data fromdi-erent operation data sources +(")P,. )he data from these (")P are structured andoptimied for /uerying and analysis in a Data Warehouse.


    Data Warehouse an enterprise structured repository of su&'ect!oriented0 time!variant0 historical data used for information retrieval and decision support. )he data1arehouse stores atomic and summary data. )he data 1arehouse is the source datastored in the data marts.


    Data 1arehousing is the central repository for the data of several &usinesssystems in an enterprise. Data from various resources e2tracted and organied in thedata 1arehouse selectively for analysis and accessi&ility.

    2) Defne Cognos? 3ognos is Business Intelligence and performance management soft1are thatena&les users to e2tract data0 analye it0 and then assem&le reports.3) What are the tiers o the Cognos Ar!hite!ture?

    IB4 3ognos is three )ier Architecture$

    5 We& server5 Applications5 Data

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    ") Defne Business Inte##igen!e Business Intelligence is a &road category of application programs andtechnology used for /uerying0 Reporting and analying the &usiness.

    $) What is a Data %art? A Data 4art is a su&set of a data 1arehouse that can provide data forreporting and analysis.

    &) What is '(QS?Data 4arts are sometimes also called as HP6S +Higher Performance 6uery


    ) What is *u#ti +i*ension ana#,sis?It is a techni/ue to modify the data so that the data can &e vie1 at the

    di-erent levels of details.

    -) What are the res.onsi/i#ities o Cognos A+*inistrator?A 3ognos Administrator is assigned 1ith follo1ing responsi&ilities.

    7. Installations and con8gurations in distri&uted net1or9 environment.:. 3reating the Repository +3ontent Store,.;. Perform &ac9 up and recovery of 4eta Data.. Deployment.

    0) es.onsi/i#it, o Cognos Ar!hite!t?An Architect is responsi&le for designing the interface &y ful8lling the user


    (nce the interface has &een designed it should &e rigorously tested &eforedistri&uting to the end user population.

    1) o#es o the A..#i!ation Dee#o.er? Design the Reports according to the Report re/uirement templates.

    )esting the each report 1ith the follo1ing types of tests.a. #nit )esting&. System )esting

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    c. Performance )esting

    11) What is O4A(? ("AP stands for (nline Analytical Processing. It uses data&ase ta&les +?actand Dimension ta&les, to ena&le multidimensional vie1ing0 analysis and /uerying oflarge amount of data.

    12) What are the t,.es o O4A(s?7. D("AP$!)he ("AP tool 1hich 1or9s 1ith des9top data&ases are called as D("AP

    E2$! ?o2Pro0 3lipper0 D&ase0 Parado2.

    :. R("AP$!)he ("AP tool0 1hich 1or9s 1ith Relational data&ases0 are called as R("AP.E2$!(racle0 S6" Server0 )era Data0 DB:.

    ;. 4("AP$ ! )he ("AP tool0 1hich 1or9s 1ith 4ultidimensional data&ases0 are called as4("AP.E2$ ! ESSBASE0 Po1er 3u&e

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    )he follo1ing are the 1e& &ased components.

    A. 3ognos connection B. 6uery Studio 3. Report Studio D. Analysis Studio

    E. Event Studio ?. 4etric Studio

    10) Co*.onents o Cognos7

    7. ?rame1or9 manager.:. 3ognos connection;. 6uery Studio. Event Studio. 4etric Studio0 4ap manager and 4etrics designer

    2) What are the .hases o the Cognos Wor89o6?Plan0 4anage0 4odel0 Author0 3onsume.

    21) What are the a+an!e+ eatures o Cognos?)he 3ognos Report et has multilingual data&ase accessi&ility.)he parameter maps are 9ey value phase0 1hich are used for 1or9ing 1ith

    local "anguage that the default value is EC.

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    Fra*e6or8 %anager

    22) What is Fra*e6or8 *anager? ?rame Wor9 4anager is 1indo1s &ased metadata modeling tool for 3ognos


    23) Wh, 6e nee+ Fra*e6or8 *anager?

    )o create the interface 9no1n as Pro'ect.

    )o create model the metadata derived from one or more data sources

    2") 'o6 a .ro:e!t a..ears in a Fra*e Wor8 *anager?A frame 1or9 manager pro'ect appears as a folder that contains a pro'ect 8le

    +.cpf, and the speci8c 4" 8les that de8ne the pro'ect.

    2$) What are the Bui#+ing B#o!8s in Fra*e Wor8 %anager?

    )he 6uery su&'ects are called Building Bloc9s in ?rame1or9 4anager.

    2&) What are .hases the 6or89o6 .ro!ess !onsists in Fra*e6or8 %anager?)he 1or9o1 process consists of the follo1ing phases$

    F Design and create pro'ectF Prepare 4etadataF Prepare the Business *ie1F 3reate and 4anger Pac9agesF Set SecurityF Pu&lishF 4anage the Pro'ect

    2) 'o6 ,ou set the se!urit, Fra*e6or8 *anager? )o set the security you have to set as$

    5 De8ne access to pac9ages.5 3reate security 8lters5 De8ne access to o&'ects5 De8ne pac9age administration access

    2-) Defne Na*e S.a!e? In security0 a collection of user accounts and user groups from anauthentication provider.

    A ame Space is a container0 1hich holds the 6uery Su&'ects.

    A ame Space uni/uely represents the 6uery Su&'ects.

    20) Can ,ou +e#ete Cognos na*es.a!e?o0 1e cannot delete 3ognos namespace

    3) What is the Cognos Na*es.a!e? An+ 6hat it !ontains?)he 3ognos namespace is the 3ognos &uilt!in namespaceIt contains 3ognos o&'ects$

    Groups Roles Sources

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    Distri&ution lists 3ontacts

    31) What are the Grou.s an+ o#es? Groups and roles represent collections of users that perform similar tas9s.

    32) What is Fo#+er?A ?older is used to organie the 6uery Su&'ects.

    33) Defne e#ationshi.? A Relationship is a connection that e2plains ho1 the data in one 6uerySu&'ect relates to data in other 6uery Su&'ects.

    3") What is a (a!8age?A container of model or set of models. 4odelers create pac9ages in

    ?rame1or9 4anager to pu&lish models to the 3ognos connection.

    3$) What is (h,si!a# #a,er?)he Physical layer provides the physical /uery layer and is made up primarily

    of data source and stored procedure /uery su&'ects. It acts as the foundation for thepresentation layer.

    3&) What is (resentation #a,er? )he Presentation layer ma9es it easier for report authors to 8nd andunderstand their data. )he Presentation layer is made up primarily of model /uerysu&'ects that you create.

    3) Defne un!tion set7 A function set is a collection of vendor speci8c data&ase.

    )he E2pression editor lists the function sets for all availa&le vendors.Ho1ever0 you can restrict the function sets0 so that it lists only the vendors that you1ant to use in your pro'ect.

    3-) What is a %eta+ata? Data a&out data is called as 4etadata. )he 4etadata contains the de8nitionof a data.

    30) What is a (ro:e!t? When 1e 1or9 1ith a frame1or9 manager you 1or9 in a pro'ect.

    Pro'ect is a set of metadata organied for Report Authors according to theBusiness rules and 4odel.

    A Pro'ect created appears as folder0 1hich contains follo1ing 8les.

    a. Pro'ect ame .3P? +3ognos Pro'ect ?ile,&. 4odel .4"c. Preferences .4"d. 3ustomdata.4"e. archive-log.xmlf. log.xmlg. session-log.xmlh. session-log-backup.xmli. IDLog.xml

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    )he 8les in the folder are uni/ue to that Pro'ect.

    ") Defne (u/#ish?)o transfer all or part of a ?rame1or9 4anager model to the 3ognos

    connection0 so that report authors can use it.

    "1) What a (ro:e!t !ontains?A. A 4odelB. amespaces3. Data sourcesD. Parameter mapsE. Pac9ages?. ?oldersG. 6uery Su&'ectH. 6uery ItemI. Relation ship

    "2) What is a %o+e#? A model in ?rame 1or9 manager is a &usiness presentation of the structure ofthe data from one or more data&ases.

    (rA model is a set of related /uery su&'ects and other o&'ects.

    "3) What are Di*ensions?Dimensions are categories &y 1hich summaried data can &e vie1ed.

    "") What are Confr*e+ Di*ensions?)he Dimensions 1hich are reusa&le and 82ed in nature.

    "$) What are Fa!t 5a/#es?A ?act )a&le is a ta&le that contains summaried numerical +facts, and

    historical data. )his ?act )a&le has a foreign 9ey primary 9ey relation 1ith a

    dimension ta&le.

    "&) What are the t,.es o FAC5s? )he types of ?acts are$

    7. Additive ?acts$ ! A ?act 1hich can &e summed up for any of the dimension availa&lein the ?act )a&le.

    :. Semi!Additive ?acts$ ! A ?act 1hich can &e summed up to a fe1 dimensions and notfor all dimensions and not for all dimensions availa&le in the ?act )a&le.

    ;. on!Additive ?act$ ! a fact 1hich cannot &e summed up for any of the dimensionsavaila&le in the ?act )a&le.

    ") Defne Quer,? A description of the data to &e retrieved from a data&ase.

    "-) ;

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    "0) When the +eau#t +ata sour!e =uer, su/:e!t is !reate+? During the initial metadata import operation0 a default data source /uerysu&'ect is created for each o&'ect you select +for e2ample ta&le, and creates thedefault relationships &et1een /uery su&'ects for you automatically.

    $) 'o6 !an ,ou e+it the +ata sour!e =uer, su/:e!t?

    i. Apply or em&ed a 8lterii. Apply or em&ed a calculationiii. Insert a 4acroiv. Insert a data source reference.v. 3hange the S6" type.vi. 3hange ho1 S6" is generated.

    )hese all are 1e can 8nd it in Edit de8nition 1indo1J.

    $1) What are the t,.es o SQ4? S6" is the industry language for creating0 updating and /uerying relationaldata &ase management system. )ypes of S6".

    7. 3ognos S6":. ative S6";. Pass!through S6".

    $2) Defne Cognos SQ4? By default 3ognos ?rame 1or9 manager uses 3ognos S6" to create and edit6uery su&'ects.

    Advantages$7. 3an contain metadata from multiple data sources.:. Have fe1er data&ase restrictions;. Interact more e-ectively 1ith 3ognos applications.

    Disadvantages$ Kou can not enter nonstandard S6".

    $3) Defne Natie SQ4? ative S6" is the S6"0 the data source uses0 such as (racle S6"0 &ut youcannot uses ative S6" in a /uery su&'ect that references more than one data sourcein the pro'ect.

    Advantages$7. Performance is optimied across all related /uery su&'ects.:. Kou can use S6" that is speci8c to your data&ase.

    Disadvantages$7. Kou cannot use S6" that the data source does not support for su& /ueries.:. )he /uery su&'ect may not 1or9 on di-erent data&ase type.

    $") Defne (ass>5hrough SQ4? Pass!)hrough S6" lets you use native S6" 1ithout any of the restrictions thedata source imposes on su& /ueries.

    Advantages$7. Kou can enter any S6" supported &y the data&ase.

    Disadvantages$7. )here is no opportunity for ?rame 1or9 manager to automatically optimie

    performance. )he S6" may not 1or9 on a di-erent data source.

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    $$) What are Quer, (ro!essing 5,.es?)here are t1o types of /uery processing.

    7. "imited "ocal$ )he data&ase server does as much of the S6" processing andE2ecution as possi&le. Ho1ever0 some reports or report sections use local S6"

    processing.:. Data&ase only$ )he data&ase server does all the S6" processing and e2ecution 1iththe e2ception of tas9s not supported &y the data&ase. An error appears if any reportsof report sections re/uire local S6" processing.

    $&) What is Quer, Su/:e!t? A 6uery Su&'ect maps to the ta&le in the data&ase.

    A 6uery Su&'ect uses an S6" to retrieve the data from the data source.

    A 6uery Su&'ect is also 9no1n as Business *ie1.

    $) What are the t,.es o Quer, su/:e!ts?7. Default data source /uery su&'ects:. 4odel 6uery Su&'ects;. Stored 6uery su&'ects

    $-) What is a Quer, Ite*? A /uery Item maps to columns to the data&ase ta&le. A 6uery Su&'ectcontains 6uery Items.

    $0) 'o6 !an ,ou restri!t the ta/#es retriee+ /, a =uer,? By setting governors 1e can restrict the ta&les.

    &) What is *eant /, Goernors?)o apply privileges and restrictions for a user class. Governor settings are used

    to set restrictions on /ueries &y user class0 such as

    7. Sorting on non!inde2ed columns:. (uter 'oins;. Suppress duplicates. um&er of records. um&er of ta&lesL. 6uery e2ecution time

    &1) What is a ser C#ass?A de8ned group of users 1ith the same data access needs privileges and restrictions.

    &2) What is S!ru//ing at (ro:e!t #ee#?

    According to the report re/uirements derive the ne1 Items 1ith the help of e2isting6uery Items. )his process is 9no1n as Scru&&ing at Pro'ect level.

    &3) 'o6 !an ,ou a++ the !a#!u#ate+ +ata to a re.ort?a. Summarie e2isting detail values prede8ned summary functions +such as sum0avg,

    &. 3reate ne1 report items using data from e2isting report items.c. #se model calculations provided in the pac9age.

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    &") What are the sour!es to !reate ne6 Quer, su/:e!ts? A ne1 6uery Su&'ect can &e created from the follo1ing sources.

    7. 4odel +6uery su&'ects M 6uery Items,:. Data Sources +)a&les and 3olumns,

    ;. Stored Procedure.

    &$) What is %u#ti Data/ase A!!ess in Cognos ? In 3ognos N?rame1or9 4anagerN a Pro'ect can &e created from multipledata&ases. )he data&ases can &e either homogenous or hydrogenous.

    &&) What are (ara*eter %a.s? A Parameter 4ap is a 9ey value pair used in creation of conditional 6uerySu&'ects.

    A Parameter map su& situates the values at the /uery at runtime.

    &) What is the +eau#t or*ats o re.orts?H)4"0 PD?0 3S*0 and 4".

    &-) What are the +i@erent 6a,s to *o+i, *u#ti #ingua# *eta+ata?7. 4acro $! )o modify dynamically:. Directly

    &0) What is a %a!ro?A 4acro is a runtime o&'ect0 1hich uses the parameter maps and session

    parameters in developing the conditional /uery su&'ects.

    ) What is usage .ro.ert,? An+ 6hat are +i@erent settings to set usage.ro.ert,?

    It identi8es the intended use for the data represented &y each /uery item.

    It determines the aggregation rules of /uery items and calculations.

    )he di-erent usage property settings are$ F Identi8es

    F ?act F Attri&ute F #n9no1n

    1) What are the t,.es o f#ters in Fra*e6or8 *anager?In frame1or9 manager 1e can create t1o types of 8lters.

    7. 4odel 8lters.:. 6uery 8lters.

    2) Defne %o+e# Fi#ter? A 8lter is a condition used to restrict the data displayed in the Report.

    4odel 8lter are reusa&le.

    3) Defne Data restri!tion7A 8lter is a condition0 1hich restricts the amount of data displayed in the


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    ") What is !on+ition?An e2pression that yields a Boolean value. 3onditions are used in /uery

    e2pressions0 /uery 8lters0 and Boolean report varia&les that can &e used forconditional formatting0 styles0 data sources0 layouts and &loc9s.

    $) 5,.es o Con+itions7

    3onditions are of : types$7. Static 3ondition$ ! 3ondition doesnCt change 1henever you run the report.:. Dynamic 3ondition$ !A condition can &e 9eep on change 1henever you run the


    &) What are the t,.es o f#ters in e.ort Stu+io? In the report studio 1e can 8nd t1o types of 8lters.

    7. )a&ular ?ilters$! )hese 8lters are t1o typesa. Summary ?ilters&. Detailed ?ilters

    :. Grouped ?ilter

    ) What is a 4oo.?A "oop is a closed path 1hich is resulted due to 'oins.

    A "oop causes performance degradation of /uery e2ecution and 1rong data1ill &e displayed in the report.

    A "oop can &e resolved &y creating the short cuts +Alias,.

    -) What is A#ias 5a/#e?An alternative name for a ta&le generally used in self 'oins.

    0) What are the uses o A#ias 5a/#e?)he uses of Alias )a&le are$

    7. )o resolve the "oops.:. )o create self!'oins 1ith in a ta&le.;. )o provide alternate 'oin structure.

    -) What is Asso!iate+ Data Ite*?A Data Item lin9ed to the group data item. Associated data item suppress

    duplicate data values &ut do not generate a control &rea9. )he associated columndisplays only one data values for the group 1ith 1hich it is associated.

    -1) What is Auto*ati! Asso!iation?)he group association of a ne1ly created summary. )he location of the group

    1here you create the summary determines its automatic association.

    -2) What is an A*/iguous e#ationshi.?An am&iguous relationship is 1here there are multiple relationship paths

    &et1een one or more /uery su&'ects leaving multiple options for ho1 to 1rite a/uery.

    -3) What is a oin an+ t,.es o oins? A Ooin identi8es the columns from one ta&le that are used to lin9 to anotherta&le. A Ooin is commonly formed &y a foreign 9ey de8nition 1ithin the data&ase.

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    )ypes of Ooins$!

    7. E/ui!'oins:. on e/ui!'oins;. (uter 'oins

    -") What is a +i*ension?A &road grouping of descriptive data a&out a ma'or aspect of a &usiness0 such

    as products0 dates0 or mar9ets. Each dimension includes di-erent levels of mem&ersin one or more hierarchies0 and an optional set of calculated mem&ers.

    -$) What is a Confr*e+ Di*ension?If a Dimension is connected to multiple fact ta&les then it is called as

    3on8rmed Dimension.

    -&) What is a un8 Di*ension?A randomly used dimension is Oun9 Dimension.

    -) Defne Surrogate e,?It has system!generated arti8cial primary 9ey values0 1hich allo1s to maintain

    historical records in the Data Warehouse more e-ectively.

    --) What are the ser Intera!e Co*.onents?5 3ognos 3onnection5 Report Studio5 6uery Studio5 ?rame 1or9 manager5 3ognos con8guration

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    Cognos Conne!tion

    -0) Defne Cognos !onne!tion?It is a 1e& portal0 1hich allo1s you to perform the follo1ing tas9s.

    7. 3reating the Reports:. Performing the scheduling tas9s;. Deployment

    #se to access all corporate data availa&le in Reportet.

    0) What are the t,.es o o#+ers in Cognos !onne!tion?Report can &e organied &y creating the folders.

    Pu&lic ?olders$ Pu&lic ?olders can &e vie1ed &y many users.4y ?olders$ Personal ?olders that you can organie according to your


    01) What is a :o/?

    A group of reports and other 'o&s in 3ognos that you run and schedule as a&atch.

    02) What is a :o/ ste.?)he smallest part of a 'o& that can &e run separately. #sually0 a 'o& step is a

    report. A 'o& step can also &e another 'o&.

    03) Defne !ontent #anguage?)he code or setting that speci8es 1hat language and regional preferences to

    use for the data that appears in a report.

    0") What is +e.#o,*ent?)he process of moving a Reports0 models to a di-erent instance of 3ognos. ?or

    e2ample0 you often create reports in a test environment and then deploy them toproduction.When you deploy an application0 you e2port0 transfer0 and import it.

    0$) What is the use o S!he+u#e?)he schedule allo1s you to run a report at a later time or run it on a recurring


    0&) What are the uses o S!he+u#e %anage*ent too#? 3hange the properties of a 'o& 4odify a scheduled report *ie1 the run history of a report Run a scheduled entry once Delete a schedule

    0) What is a Su/ e.ort?A su& /uery that is associated 1ith a main /uery. Kou can include several su&

    reports in one main /uery. Kou can have more than one /uery on a page.

    0-) What is a Cognos S!ri.t?A Script visual &asic used to 1rite macros.

    00) What is a Cata#og?

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    A 3atalog is a data &ase for a user to create o1n ta&les0 'oins0 items0 prompts0calculations and conditions.

    e.ort Stu+io

    1) What is a e.ort Stu+io?#sing Report Studio 1e can create more advanced professional Business


    11) What is /urst?)o create many report results &y running a single report once. ?or e2ample0

    you can create a report that sho1s sales for each employee0 and run it once0 sendingdi-erent results to regional managers &y &ursting on region.

    Kou set up &ursting in Report Studio and ena&le it in the portal.

    12) Defne !a#!u#ate+ *e*/er?A mem&er of a dimension 1hose measure values are not stored &ut are

    calculated at run time using an e2pression.

    13) What is !ar+ina#it,??or ("AP data sources0 cardinality is the num&er of mem&ers in a hierarchy.

    )he cardinality property for a hierarchy is used to assign solve orders to e2pressions.?or relational data sources0 cardinality indicates the nature of the relationship

    &et1een t1o /uery su&'ects0 /uery items0 or other model o&'ects.

    1") Defne re.ort s.e!if!ation?An 4" representation of the /ueries0 prompts0 layouts0 and styles in a report.

    Kou create report speci8cations &y using Report Studio or 6uery Studio0 or &y 1ritingyour o1n report speci8cations in 4".

    1$) What is re.ort ie6?A reference to another report that has its o1n properties0 such as prompt

    values0 schedules0 and results.Kou use report vie1s to share a report speci8cation instead of ma9ing copies

    of it.

    1&) What is re.ort ite*?A /uery item that is added to a report is 9no1n as a report item.Report items appear as columns in list reports0 and as ro1s and columns in

    crossta& reports. In charts0 report items appear as data mar9ers and a2is la&els.

    1) What is 6or8 area?)he area 1ithin a studio that contains the report0 analysis0 /uery or agent

    currently &eing used.

    1-) What is Si*.#e 4ist e.ort?)he data is displayed in a series of columns +)a&ular format,.

    10) 'o6 to set (age Brea8s?)o set the page &rea9s in the report needs to &e designed 1ith either Group or


    Each Group or section 1ill &e displayed in a separate page.

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    11) What is the .ro!e+ure or (age Brea8s?Select the Grouped Report Item0 from the changed layout menu clic9 on set

    page &rea9s.

    111) Defne Se!tions7

    "i9e group a section also eliminates the duplicates and display the report itemas a separate &loc9 and separated from rest of other report items.

    112) 'o6 to e#i*inate +u.#i!ates?)he duplicates can &e eliminated &y creating the Groups

    113) What is a .ro*.t?A prompt is an end users o&'ect 1hich allo1s you to select the values or enter

    the values to restrict the data displayed in the report.

    A report element that as9s for parameter values &efore the report is run.

    A Prompt is 9no1n as dynamic 8lter.

    Prompt can &e created using Parameters enclosed &et1een Q mar9s. E2 $! QpromptQ

    11") What are the t,.es o (ro*.ts?)he follo1ing are the types of prompts$

    7. )e2t &o2 Prompt:. *alue Prompt;. Select and Search Prompt. Date and time Prompt.

    11$) 'o6 *an, 6a,s are there to !reate .ro*.t?

    )o create a prompt you can$5 #se the Build prompt page tool.5 Build your o1n prompt and prompt page.5 3reate a prompt directly in a report page.

    11&) What is a Non>reusa/#e .ro*.t?)he prompts that are created in the report environment are called as on!

    reusa&le prompts.

    11) What is a !as!a+ing .ro*.t?A prompt that uses values from a previous prompt to 8lter the values in the

    current prompt or Pic9 list.

    11-) 'o6 *an, 6a,s 6e !an !reate Cas!a+ing (ro*.t?A 3ascading Prompt can &e developed in a t1o di-erent 1ays.

    7. Single select and auto su&mit cascading prompt.:. 4ulti select and Re!prompt &utton cascading prompt.

    110) What 8in+ o re#ationshi. is re=uire+ or !as!a+ing .ro*.t?)o develop the cascading prompt the relationship &et1een the dimensional

    /uery Items should &e 7 to many +7$ 4,.

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    12) What is a f#ter?A 8lter is a condition0 1hich restricts the amount of data displayed in the


    121) What is Detai#e+ Fi#ter?

    If the 8lter is applied &efore aggregation 9no1n as aggregated records are8ltered. +Detailed Records are 8ltered,

    122) What is Su**ar, Fi#ter?If the 8lter applied after aggregation than aggregated records are 8ltered.

    123) What is Grou. Fi#ter?A 8lter 1hich is applied to the group is 9no1n as Group ?ilter.

    12") Defne Sorting7Sorts the data in the follo1ing : directions

    7. Ascending:. Descending

    )he default sort is donCt sort.

    12$) Defne the Custo* Grou.7 A custom group allo1s you to compare one element in the attri&ute 1ithremaining all elements 1ith in the same attri&ute.

    It is de8ned for comparative analyses.

    It allo1s comparing one element 1ith remaining all.

    12&) 'o6 the .ages o a sing#e re.ort +e#iere+ to the /ro6ser?Based on the order of the pages add to the report.

    12) In 'o6 *an, f#e or*ats 6e !an e

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    132) What are the t,.es o Ca#!u#ations?)here are three types of 3alculations$!

    7. Detail$! 3alculation is performed for non!aggregated +Detail, records:. Group$ ! 3alculation is performed for aggregated records.;. "ayout 3alculation$ ! 3alculation is performed to develop customied report titles0

    page o0 etc...

    133) 5o get the .ossi/#e out!o*es 6hat t,.es o aria/#es ,ou use? Boolean varia&le$ If there are only t1o possi&le outcomes0 1here the value1ill &e KES or (. String varia&le$ If there is more than one outcome0 &ased on string values you1ill specify. "anguage varia&le$ "anguage varia&le 1hen the values are di-erentlanguages.

    13") What is %aster +etai# re#ationshi.? A 4aster detail relationship allo1s you to merge a 4aster /uery and Detail/uery. )o lin9 the 4aster /uery and the Detailed /uery there should &e a commoncolumn &et1een the /uery.

    A 4aster detail report provides navigation form summary to detail.

    13$) What is Dri## 5hrough?A Drill )hrough allo1s you to navigate the information from summery to detail.

    A Drill )hrough id developed 1ith t1o reports7. Parent Report 1hich contains Summary Data.:. 3hild Report 1hich contains Detailed Data.

    )heir should &e a common column &et1een the t1o reports.

    13&) Defne Cross 5a/ e.ort7

    Design a 3ross )a& Report for comparative analysis. 3ross ta& report iscreated 1ith ; drop ones.

    7. Ro1:. 3olumn;. 4easure

    13) What a## the t,.es o Cross 5a/ #a,outs Cognos e.ort Net su..orts?3ognos Report net supports only Basic and ested 3ross )a& layouts.

    13-) Defne a !hart7A 3hart is a graphical presentation of &usiness data.A chart Report is designed for comparative Analysis.

    130) What are the +i@erent t,.es o !harts?7. 3olumn chart:. Bar 3hart;. Pie 3hart

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    1") Defne Co##a.se Grou.7 It 1ill suppress +hide, the details of a grouped report.

    1"1) Defne ;

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    Quer, Stu+io

    1"2) What is Quer, Stu+io?6uery Studio is the adhoc /uerying tool.

    1"3) What is a a+ho! re.ort?An adhoc report is a simple report or one!time report that is outside the set of

    standard reports you may have availa&le to you.

    A design time environment acts as a runtime environment.

    ItCs also 9no1n as self service.

    1"") What is *easure?A /uery item that contains values that can &e aggregated to produce

    meaningful results. ?or e2ample0 product costs can &e treated as a measure &ecauseaverage and total costs have some meaning0 &ut product codes0 though num&ers0 are

    not usually treated the same 1ay. 4easures are /uantitative performance indicators.4easures give the num&ers that usually appear in the cells of cross ta&reports or in the num&ers of a chart.

    4easures are also 9no1n as facts.

    1"$) 'o6 Gran+ tota#s an+ Su/ tota#s are generate+ in Quer, Stu+io?In 6uery Studio the footer summaries +Grand )otals, are automatically

    generated for measures.

    )he su& totals can &e generated &y creating the Groups.

    1"&) Defne #a,out7In reporting0 layout de8nes the appearance of the report0 including formatting0

    style0 and design.In report speci8cations0 layout is also the name of an element that de8nes ho1 thedata returned &y /ueries is presented.

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    Cognos - FAQs

    1") Cognos - 3ognos Reportet 1ith enhancements EP series.

    1"-) Whi!h serer tire is res.onsi/#e or transor*ing inor*ation toCognos - A..#i!ation Serer? A We& server contains one or more 1e& gate1ays 1hich is responsi&le fortransforming the information from one server to an appropriate server.+ 3ognos LApplication Server, .

    1"0) Whi!h Serer 5ire .ro!esses the users re=uest?Application )ire server0 ItCs a main server 1hich process users re/uest.

    1$) What is the ro#e o Data 5ire?

    Data tire contains content store and data source.

    1$1) What is !ontent store?)he data&ase that contains all data that Reportet needs to operate0 such as

    % Report speci8cations0 pu&lished models0 and the pac9ages that containthem

    % 3onnection information for data sources% Information a&out the e2ternal namespace0 and the 3ognos namespace

    itself% Information a&out scheduling and &ursting reports

    Design models and log 8les are not stored in the content store.)he Reportet service that uses the content store is named 3ontent 4anager.

    1$2) What the gate6a,s Cognos 6e/ serer su..orts? 3GI +3ommon Gate1ay Interface,$! )his is the default gate1ay supported toall 1e& servers.

    ISAPI +Internet service Application Programming Interface,$! #se this gate1ayfor 4icrosoft Internet Information Services +IIS, 1e& server.

    Apache!4od $! )his gate1ay is used for Apache We& Server.

    e.ort Stu+io

    1$3) What are enhan!e*ents in #ist re.ort in Cognos - e.ort Stu+io?A list report is enhanced 1ith follo1ing features$7. 3an apply "ist column )itle Style:. 3an apply list column Body Style;. 3an apply the ta&le Style

    1$") What are enhan!e*ents in !ross ta/ re.ort in Cognos -?A 3ross ta& report is enhanced 1ith follo1ing features$

    a. 3an create the union 3ross ta&s.&. 3an create headers and footers for a cross ta&.

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    c. "ist li9e cross ta&.

    1$$) What are enhan!e*ents in Chart re.ort in Cognos -?A 3hart report is enhanced 1ith follo1ing features$

    7. )he follo1ing ne1 charts are add

    a. Gauge 3harts&. ;D point chartc. By polar a2is charts +used for Bio!technology,.

    :. )he chart can &e applied 1ith patterns0 ?onts0 3olors.;. 3an perform drill on chart.

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    )he data in the report can &e formatted &ased on given condition this allo1syou to /uic9ly identify the data for faster analyses.

    %etri! Stu+io A..#i!ation

    1&2)A set of metric types0 metrics0 and scorecards that monitor the performance ofan organiation.

    Each organiation may have several 4etric Studio applications monitoring distinctunits0 such as operating companies or divisions that have di-erent user communities0metric types or reporting calendars.

    1&3) Defne %etri! +esigner? ItCs a 3ognos L modeling tool use to create e2tracts for using 3ognos L scorecording applications.

    5ransor*er1&") What is 5ransor*er in Cognos -?ItCs a modeling tool for creating the Po1er 3u&es for use 1ith 3ognos EP series and

    3ognos L.1&$) What is a (o6er Cu/e?A 8le that contains data that is structured to provide for fast retrieval and e2ploration

    of data in Po1er Play.

    1&&) What is the ro#e o 5ransor*er?)ransformer is used to create dimensional models and also create cu&es.

    ;ent Stu+io

    1&) Defne ;ent Stu+io7#se the event studio to perform the tas9s 1hen the &usiness event occurs. When an event occur people are alerted to ta9e actions.

    1&-) Defne /urst7)o create many report results &y running a single report once. ?or e2ample0

    you can create a report that sho1s sales for each employee0 and run it once0 sendingdi-erent results to regional managers &y &ursting on region.

    Kou set up &ursting in Report Studio and ena&le it in the portal.

    1&0) What is a re.ort?A set of data deli&erately laid out to communicate &usiness information.

    Depending on the conte2t0 NreportN may refer to report speci8cation or report output.Report +more precisely0 report speci8cation, is the generic term for the o&'ectscreated &y edited &y 6uery Studio0 Report Studio0 and Analysis Studio.

    1) What is e.ort s.e!if!ation?)he de8nition of /ueries0 prompts0 layouts0 and styles that ma9e up a report.

    A report speci8cation is com&ined 1ith data &y a run operation to create report

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    outputs. Kou create report speci8cations &y using Report Studio0 6uery Studio0Analysis Studio0 or through the Soft1areDevelopment it.

    11) Defne re.ort out.ut?A report output com&ines data at the point in time 1hen the report 1as run

    1ith a report speci8cation. It is a document that can &e displayed0 printed or emailed.3ognos L can produce report outputs in H)4"0 PD?0 E2cel0 or 3S* formats.

    12) Defne Content %anager7)he 3ognos L service that manages the storage of customer applications0

    including application!speci8c security0 con8guration data0 models0 metrics0 reports0and report output.3ontent 4anager is needed to pu&lish models0 retrieve or store report speci8cations0manage scheduling information0 and manage the 3ognos namespace.

    13) What is +ata sour!e?A relational data&ase0 dimensional cu&e0 8le0 or other physical data store that can &eaccessed though 3ognos L.

    1") Defne +ata tree7Within a studio0 contains o&'ects such as /uery su&'ects0 /uery items0

    dimensions0 levels0 and mem&ers. A data tree is used as a palette of the availa&ledata that can &e inserted into calculations0 8lters0 display areas0 and other authoringgestures.

    1$) Defne +ri## +o6n7)he act of navigating from one level of data to a more detailed level. )he

    levels are set &y the structure of the data.

    1&) Defne +ri## u.7)he act of navigating from one level of data to a less detailed level. )he levels

    are set &y the structure of the data.

    1) What is hierar!h,?A hierarchy represents a collection of dimensional mem&ers organied into a

    tree structure0 1ith each mem&er having one or more parent mem&ers and anar&itrary num&er of child mem&ers.

    )he root of a hierarchy has no parent0 and leaf mem&ers of a hierarchy haveno children.

    1-) What is #a,out?In reporting0 layout de8nes the appearance of the report0 including formatting0

    style0 and design.In report speci8cations0 layout is the portion of the speci8cation that de8nes

    ho1 the data returned &y /ueries is presented.

    10) Defne #ee#7A level is a set of mem&ers that have common attri&utes. ?or e2ample0 a

    geographical dimension might contain levels for country0 region0 and city. "evels areused to de8ne the structure of hierarchies in a dimension.

    1-) What is *e*/er?A mem&er is a uni/ue item 1ithin a level. ?or e2ample0 3amping E/uipment

    and Golf E/uipment are mem&ers of the Product "ine level.

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    1-1) Defne #o!a#e7A code that is used to set the language or dialect used for &ro1sers0 report

    te2t0 and so onT and the regional preferences0 such as formats for time0 date0 money0money e2pressions0 and time of day.

    ?or 3ognos products0 you can specify a locale for the product interface

    +product locale, and for the data in the report +content locale,.

    1-2) Defne *u#ti+i*ensiona# e

  • 8/10/2019 2013 Questions


    By using H)4" o&'ect0 We can insert multimedia 8le into report. At the runtime 1e can see the 8le multimedia 8le.

    10") 'o6 !an 6e use !on+itiona# /#o!8s? 3onditional Bloc9s adds an empty &loc9 that you can use for conditionalformatting. Kou can hide and sho1 report elements.

    10$) What is !u/e grou.?Set of similar cu&es &uilt &y )ransformer.

    10&) What is /urst re.orting? Burst reporting means sending a single report to multiple recipients using3ognos connection.

    10) What is 4ee# S.an? "evel Span is used to avoid 7$7 relationship.