tttt · 2014-02-26 · tttt ectio,is, hooks of reference, and estintates of the pro-posed works to...

[1449 Bank 11 oli(ltvs lit rj0w1H Specified. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALiA, By Ills Excellency Sir James Mitchell, TO WIT K.C.M.G. Lieutenant-GorerOOr in and JAMES MiTes, iLL, over the State of Western Australia Lieutenant-Ooveraor. and its Dependencies in the Common- [U.S.] wealth of Australia. IX pti 15 aattee of the proVisiOlts contained itt the fifth S ctioti of the Batik Holidays Act, 1884, 1, the Lieuten- ant- (1 overuor of the so i 0 S tote, dO by this my Pro- elam,ttiOfl appoint special dityS to be observed as Bank flobdays, as follows :- Date aiid Town. Friday, 8th Septetisber, 1939Morawa. Friday, 8th September, 1939Cunderditt. Saturday, 9th September, 1939Balhidu. Tuesday, 1 2th September, 1 939Wongats fulls. Wednesday, 1 8th September, 1939Bruce Thtttrsday, 14th Septettther, 1939Dangitt. Thursday, 14th Septetther, 1939Qutairadhsg. F'riday, 1 5th Septetn her, I 939Taminin. Friday, I 5th Septeoiher, 1939Pithara. Saturday, 16th September. 1939Kondinitt. Sttturday, 16th September, 1939Mitlheivt. Thursday, 21st Septeuiber, 1939Mingenew. Friday, 22ttd September, 1 939Kellerberrin. Friday, 10th November, 1939Bridgetowti. Given under mY hand and the Public Seal of the sawl State, at Perth, tIns 11th day of August, By Has Excellettct- 'a Command, A. II. PANTON, for Clnef Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING Flock. AT a uteetiitg of thee Executive Council held ill the Executive Coutteil Chatnbers, Perth, this ninth day of August, 1939 the following Orders in Council were attthorised to be issued: Water Boards Act, 1904. Butibury 1g'uter Area. ORDER IN COUNCIL. P.W.W.S. 669/32. WHEREAS by the Water Boards Act, 1904, it is pro- vided that before a Water Board undertakes the con- struction of water works the Minister shall submit plans, 1k TERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 330 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, FElINE, FOR TRANSMISSION SF POST AS A HEWSPAPSR.] tttt ectio,is, hooks of reference, and estintates of the pro- posed works to tIme Govertior for approval and that if they are approved the Governor may forthwith by Order in Coutteil empower the Water Board to ttndertake the construction of tIme proposed works: Now, tlterefore, His Excellettey the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, hereby approves of the plaits, eectiotss, books of reference, and estintates marked 1'.W.D., WA., No. 28989, for the construction of water works witina the Bunbury Water Area, which were duly submitted for approval, aatd hereby enspowers the Bunburv Water Board to undertake the construction of time said worlcs. L. E. SI-IAPCOTT, Clerk of the Council. kite Meti'opoli tan Water Supply, Sewerage, and Draittage Act, 1909. ORDER IN COUNCIL. M.W.S. 1048/37. WHEREAS by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewer- age, and Drainage Act, 1909, it is provided that, sub- jcct to the provisiotis of the Act, tIme Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage, atid Drainage shall, with the approval of the Governor, have power to construct and extend water works, sewerage works, and stormwater drainage uvorks : And whereas tile preliminary requirements of the said Act have beetm complied with, and plans, sections, and estimates itt respect of time works hmereitsafter men- tioncd have been subttutted to and approved by the Governor in Council: Now, therefore, His Excellency tho Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, does hereby empower the Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage to undertake the construction of the following works under tue said Act, naniely :- Metropolitan Water Supply Improvements, City of Fremantle and North Fremnanthe Municipality :Thte construction of a twenty-four inch diameter water mails (length about twenty-seven chains) over new trac bridge, Frettuantle, and the lifting of the existing twenty-fottr inch diameter water main (length about twenty-five chains), as shown in red on Plan M.W.S.S. & D.D., WA., No. 6346. This Order in Council shall take effect from the 18th day of Angtmst, 1939. L. E. SHAPCOTT, Clerk of the Executive Council. No. 39.] PERTH : FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. [1939.

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  • [1449

    Bank 11 oli(ltvs lit rj0w1H Specified.PROCLAMATION

    WESTERN AUSTRALiA, By Ills Excellency Sir James Mitchell,TO WIT K.C.M.G. Lieutenant-GorerOOr in and

    JAMES MiTes, iLL, over the State of Western AustraliaLieutenant-Ooveraor. and its Dependencies in the Common-

    [U.S.] wealth of Australia.IX pti 15 aattee of the proVisiOlts contained itt the fifthS ctioti of the Batik Holidays Act, 1884, 1, the Lieuten-ant- (1 overuor of the so i 0 S tote, dO by this my Pro-elam,ttiOfl appoint special dityS to be observed as Bankflobdays, as follows :-

    Date aiid Town.Friday, 8th Septetisber, 1939Morawa.Friday, 8th September, 1939Cunderditt.Saturday, 9th September, 1939Balhidu.Tuesday, 1 2th September, 1 939Wongats fulls.Wednesday, 1 8th September, 1939BruceThtttrsday, 14th Septettther, 1939Dangitt.Thursday, 14th Septetther, 1939Qutairadhsg.F'riday, 1 5th Septetn her, I 939Taminin.Friday, I 5th Septeoiher, 1939Pithara.Saturday, 16th September. 1939Kondinitt.Sttturday, 16th September, 1939Mitlheivt.Thursday, 21st Septeuiber, 1939Mingenew.Friday, 22ttd September, 1 939Kellerberrin.Friday, 10th November, 1939Bridgetowti.Given under mY hand and the Public Seal of the

    sawl State, at Perth, tIns 11th day of August,

    By Has Excellettct- 'a Command,

    A. II. PANTON,for Clnef Secretary.



    AT a uteetiitg of thee Executive Council held ill theExecutive Coutteil Chatnbers, Perth, this ninth day ofAugust, 1939 the following Orders in Council wereattthorised to be issued:

    Water Boards Act, 1904.Butibury 1g'uter Area.ORDER IN COUNCIL.

    P.W.W.S. 669/32.WHEREAS by the Water Boards Act, 1904, it is pro-vided that before a Water Board undertakes the con-struction of water works the Minister shall submit plans,

    1k TERN AUSTRALIA.[Published by Authority at 330 p.m.]



    ectio,is, hooks of reference, and estintates of the pro-posed works to tIme Govertior for approval and that ifthey are approved the Governor may forthwith by Orderin Coutteil empower the Water Board to ttndertake theconstruction of tIme proposed works: Now, tlterefore,His Excellettey the Lieutenant-Governor, with the adviceof the Executive Council, hereby approves of the plaits,eectiotss, books of reference, and estintates marked1'.W.D., WA., No. 28989, for the construction of waterworks witina the Bunbury Water Area, which wereduly submitted for approval, aatd hereby enspowers theBunburv Water Board to undertake the constructionof time said worlcs.

    L. E. SI-IAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.

    kite Meti'opoli tan Water Supply, Sewerage, andDraittage Act, 1909.

    ORDER IN COUNCIL.M.W.S. 1048/37.

    WHEREAS by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewer-age, and Drainage Act, 1909, it is provided that, sub-jcct to the provisiotis of the Act, tIme Minister for WaterSupply, Sewerage, atid Drainage shall, with the approvalof the Governor, have power to construct and extendwater works, sewerage works, and stormwater drainageuvorks : And whereas tile preliminary requirements of thesaid Act have beetm complied with, and plans, sections,and estimates itt respect of time works hmereitsafter men-tioncd have been subttutted to and approved by theGovernor in Council: Now, therefore, His Excellencytho Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice and consentof the Executive Council, does hereby empower theMinister for Water Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage toundertake the construction of the following works undertue said Act, naniely :-

    Metropolitan Water Supply Improvements, City ofFremantle and North Fremnanthe Municipality :Thteconstruction of a twenty-four inch diameter water mails(length about twenty-seven chains) over new tracbridge, Frettuantle, and the lifting of the existingtwenty-fottr inch diameter water main (length abouttwenty-five chains), as shown in red on Plan M.W.S.S.& D.D., WA., No. 6346.

    This Order in Council shall take effect from the 18thday of Angtmst, 1939.

    L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Executive Council.

    No. 39.] PERTH : FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. [1939.

  • 1450 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [AuucxsT is, 1939.

    AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in theExecutive Council Chamber, at Perth, on the 16th dayof August, 1 939, the following Orders in Council wereauthorised to be issued:

    Health Act, 1911-1937(as reprinted under th. A meudmeuts Ircorporation

    Act, 1938).ORDER iN COUNCIL.

    WrITEREAS it is enacted hr section 20 of the HealthAct, 1911-1937 (as reprinted under the AmendmentsIncorporation Act, 1998), that a local board of healthshall condst of not more than seven members, to beippoiited from time to time by the Governor, and thatthree members of a local board shall constitute aquorum: And whereas it is enacted by subsection (11)of section 20 iforesaid that the Minister may at anytime direct liv notice lmlilhslied in the Government Gazettethat after the expirv of the term of office of the thenexisting members of any local hoard of health namedin the notice, the ,neinlers of such board shall for thefuture he chosen by election: And whereas the Governor,acting hi i rsuanee of section 20 of the said Aet,appointed srven persons to he tb members of theYouainnj Local Board of health under and for thel)tiPO5CS of the said Act, and in accordance with sec-tion 20 aforesaid the twins of office of all the saidmembers expired on the 31st day of May, 1939: Andwhereas the MinGter, acting pursuant to subsection(11) of section 20 aforesaid, by notice puhlisheci in the

    Department con-cerued.


    Gorci'nment Gazelle on the 21St day of April, 1939,directed that after the raid 31st day of May, 1939, themembers of the Youanini Local Board of health as thenconstituted shall for the future be chosen by electioninstead of being appointed by tile Governor as hitherto:And whereas, at an election held on the 3rd day ofJune, 1939, to elect the members of the Youaimn LocalBoard of health in the place of the meuihers hithertoappointed by tIle Governor as aforesaid, whose termsof office expired on the 91st day of May, 1939, as afore-said, only five persolls were nominated and elected to besuch members as aforesaid : And avhierees it is nowdeemed desirable and expedient to reduce the numberof members to constitute the Younmn Local Board ofhealth from seven to five: Now, therefore, his Excel-lency the Lieutenant-Governor, acting with the adviceand consent of the Executive Council, and in exerciseof the powers conferred by the said Act and of all otherpowers in this ii -hal £ him enabling, cloth hic-reby declareand direct that as from and after the 31st day of Slay,1939, the Youanmi Local Board of health constitutedunder anti for the purposes of the Health Act, 1911-1937, shall bc deemed to have consisted of and shallconsist of five utemlaurs instead of seven membc-rs ashitherto, and that the number of members to constitutethi e said Youan nil 1_oc il Boa ri I of I lea Itli shi all lie to-(lucedi accordingly.

    L. hi. ShlAi'COT'i','lork of the Executive Council.


    File No. Under what Act. Date.

    1999/3S Forests Act, 191 S

    Public Works Act, 1902-1933.South Suburban School.ORDER TN COUNCIL.

    \\ 846/14; Ex. Co. No. 1694.IN pursuance of the po\ers conferred by section 11 ofthe Public Works Act, 1902-1933, Ills Excellency theLieuteinuit-Goverjior, acting by and with the advice andconsent of the Executive Council, dotli hereby autliorisethe 11 onourahle Minister for Works to undertake, con-struct, or provide South Suburban School on the landshown coloured green. on the Plan P.W.D., WA., 28937(L.T.O. Diagram 11292), which may be inspected at theOffice of the Mhiister for Works, Perth.

    L. E. SIIAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.

    The /ifetropolit ni 1,V'-ter Supply, Sewerage, andDrainage Act, 1909.

    ORDER IN COUNCIL.M.W.S. 309/39.

    WHEREAS by the Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewer-age, and Drainage Act. 1909, it is provided that, sub-ject to the provisions of the Act, the Minister for \VaterSupply, Sewerage, and Drainage shall, with thc approvalof the Governor, have power to construct and extendwater works, sewerage works, and stormwater drainageworks: And whereas the preliminary recuirements ofthe said Act have been couiphied with, and plans, sec-tions, and estimates in respect of the works hereinaftermentioned have been suhnntted to and approved by theGovernor in Council: Now, therefore, Ills Excellencythe Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice and consentof the Executive Council, does hiereb3 empower the Miii-ister for W'ater Supply, Sewerage, and Drainage toundertake the conitruetion of the following works underthe said Act, namely:

    Metropolitan Sewe age, Perth Distriet, ReticulationArea No. Ph 6-inch and 4-inch diameter pipe sewers,with nninholcs and all other apparatus connected there-

    Purport of Order.

    1(9-5-39 exoishig Nelson I mutton 11292 (Plan 4381)/40. B Idfrom State Forest No. 37, and Nelson Location11301 (Plan 4381), 40. Al) from State ForestNo. 38.

    (Sgd.) L. Ii. SHA.P('OTT,Clerk of the Exccutive Council.

    with, beta ecu Green Rreet, Loch street, Charles stied,and Dunedin street, us shown in pinlc on h'lan SIW5S& h),b)., WA., No. 6331.

    This Order in Council shall take effect frons the 18thhiy of August, 1939.

    L. Ii. SIL&PCOTT,Clerk of the Executive Council.

    Bulk Handling Act, 1935.ORDER iN COUNCIL.

    Agric. No. 376/13, iTol V.WHEREAS it is enacted by flue proviso to subsection(1) of section 20 of the BulIc handling Act, 1935, thatlie Govern or may by Order hi Council published iii the

    Corerinnesut GazeIl( vary from tinie to tinie all or anyof the terms and conditions prescribed in the SecondSchedule to the said ,\ct : And whereas by an Order inCouncil Outed the I 3th day of November, 1936, Condi-tion 6 prescril)ed in the said Second ficliedule wasamended: And whereas it is now deeuied desirable andexpedient further to vary the said Condition 6 amendedas aforesaid in the manner hereinafter mentioned : Now,thcrcfore, Ills Excellency tIme Lieutennnt-Governor, act-ing' with the advice and consent of the ExecutiveCouncil and its exercise of the power conferred upon himby sectiomi 20 of the said Act, doth hereby vam'y andnuiend Condition No. 6 as contained in time SecondSchedule to the Bulk Handling Act, 1933, as reprintedin the Appendix to the Sessional Volume of tIme Statutesfor the year 1936 in the mnamlrr mentioned in theSchedule hereunder, and doth hereby cleclare that thusOrder in Council shall hive effect as fronm the date ofthe publication thereof in the Goveritinent Gazette.

    Schedule.Condition No. 6 in time Second Schedule to the Bulk

    Ilmimidhing Act, 1935, as reprinted in the Sessional Volume


    of the Statul es for 1 lie vlows:

    (a) by deleting subparagraph (b) of paragraph (1)and insert P. g in ii s dare i m ii sub a rag rapli(h) as follows

    (b) In the event of delivery not being sotaken the company shall he relieved of itsobligation to dehver the wheat under the war-rant, and niav at any tinie thereafter sell aquantity of wheat equivalent to that coveredby the warrant, either separately or together,with any other wheat liv aylneheyei' of the fol-lowing methods seems in the opinion of thecompany most likely to yield the best price tothe grow-el :-

    by pnhlie tender advertised in the publicpress; or

    at market price as detnied in sectionsixteen of the Act; or

    at the best price the company can obtainoverseas.

    If the company d 'hi-1 to sell the wheat over-seas it may make a liv shipping arrangementswhich it enstd'vo i'''sx:svra:yisabhe.

    by adding at the' sad ' subparagraph (e) thewords ''and (as the vase univ require), togetherwith all expei ses lion rred in the shippnig andselling of th wheat by the coinpally

    by adding to p1 'agrapli (1) after paragraph (d)a new subparigvapli, to st 111(1 11 subparagraph(e) in the 1>11cc of a snhparagraphi (e) pie-vionsly repealcl, as follows:

    (e) If arrang nients cannot lie made for thedelivery of renmainiag' iii store on thethirtieth day of S'ptemnbcr in any year, tileresponsibiitv ot tlii' company iii relation tothe care f ivlea t shall, except in I lie case ofivilful negligence on the part of its servants,cease after the said tiurlieth day of September.The company may at any time thiersafter re-move such w lie: it from the bins in which it isstored to any other safe, secure, and sufficientstorage it may scle't 01' provide, and hold itin such other storage until it is t iken by thewarrant h ol de vs (I r add in ace om'd a nec lvi tli theterms of lb is iou di ti oil, a iol lii ay charge tli cholders of n-a rra lit S for 511(11 ivlieat nil expensesincidental to suvh re nioval a net storage Oil d sill

    (Sgd.) L. F. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Executive Council.

    ( b


    1 93ti is' aiiieiided as fol-

    JUSTICES OF rjhII I'EACE.Prenner 's Department,

    Perth 1 11th August, 1939.ThIS Excellency the Livid enant-Coveriior iii ExecetiveCotmcil has been pleased to approve of the followingappointments to the Commission of the h'eace

    William Arthur llntclnnon, Esquire, Council of l"ireand Accident Underwriters, 60 Market Street, Mel-bourne, as a Justice of the Pence for thii' State of Wes-tern Australia;

    i[ontford i)ayis Mi'ars, Esvpimre, Coiunimssioncr ofTaxation, Perth, as a ,J ust ire of the Pease for the PerthMagisterial 1)istrict

    Aubrea- hhahph Thomas Brown, Esq., Assistant UnderSecretary for Lands, Perth, as a .Justiee o,' the Pencefor the PerCh Magisterial District

    Johii Bradshiamv, Esquire, Superintendent, Old Memi'sHome, Claremont, as a .1 ust ire (. ihi, Ps lice for tilePerth Magistermal District

    John Denis Teahan, Esquire, of ST Ilurt street, Bouliler, as a Justice of tile Peace t or the [fast CoolgardicMagisterial District;

    Thomas Peart, Esquivi , of''' a .Ini. as a Justice oflie Peace for the East Murchi is ii Magisterial Disti'ict

    in addition to tile Mui'i'hnsomi ,'. a 'ml T) istrietJames Sini, hfsq'mire, liii nrort street Moinit

    Lamvley, as a ,Jilstice of the Piece for the Pi viii Magic-termal Distrii'I mi lieu of the Ni':'t 0 iii Mgisti viol DOtrict.

    A 11(1 to a crept t lie ii's ignition of ha voId I arlli'tt, Es-quire, of Corrigin, as a Justice of die Peace for theVork Magisterial Distrirl.

    L. F. ST[APCOTT,tinder Secretary i'rcnnev 's Department.

    ['AlU'IERS' DEBTS ADJUSTMENT AC'J', 1930-1934.NO'l'TC'E is hereby given that the following Stay Ordersloire been issued in accordance with section 7, subsee-tiomi (I), of the F:n'iners ' Debts Adjustment Act, 19301934, wInch reads as follows:

    A Stay Order shall direct that no action, exeenthou, distress for remit, proceedings on ilefauht forhivcaeh of coi enant nader any mortgage or othersecurity for money, or other process or proceed-lag, shall lie conimneuced or proceeded with or put inforce against the farmer or any of the farmer 'sassets, whether utilised in connection ivithi or forni-lag portion of the assets comprised iii Ins farmhmghinsacss or not, during the operation of such StneOm her: Provided that, by leave of a Judge, anyaction 'nay, notwithstanding tIne Stay Order, hi'instituted and/or carried on against the tai',sier,hut hot beyond judgment.

    Granted undor section 11 (Writing deiv,i or siispemisioiiof Debls).

    Farmer (Surnanie and Christian Nanies), Address, aimdDate of Order.

    lIr( iregor, h"rederich5 J:iiiies, Bvoonieliill. 9th August,1939,

    (hip, .1 o-eph1 Charles, Calllpion, 11 thi August, 1939.Osborne, 3latthiew [[envy, Wubin, 1 ithi August, 1939.Kni ithisomi, Thionias. ('avon, 1 5th August, 1939.

    A hi cl:ni'is ag:nnst these farmers to be fom'wardcd tohe I) vi dv, Temuiphe ('oust, \Vilhiani street, l0erthi.

    W. A. WHITE,Director.

    PA LITuFEIRS ' DEPTh A1).JUSTMENT ACT, 1930 1934.P OTI(' F is Ii 'm'ehv given theit the folhoiving Stay Ordersis- ned nmiiler section 11 of tile Act have been cancelledas fi'olli the d:i I e speci tied : '-hladdingtoa, henry,hi vellihecli ; Dnfticld, ,'sl [red Ilamnlyn, Bumm'racoppiihfttv, Robert Jauies, Ifoorda ; 16th August, 1939.

    W. A. WHITE,Director.

    FARMERS' DEBTS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1930-1934.NOT IC F is hereby gil-en (hint adj ustlnent of debts undersection 11 of the Act of the Ikdlowing farmers has beenlimialised and the Stay Orders have lapsed as from thed:i to spii'i fled: I'rawfurd. Edward 0 corge, Tanimin;Barrow s, Mary Anne Lavina, Burakimi ; Bradley, ThomasLeo, Morawa; Doivie, .fohin Muim', \\Tmahimi Edwards,Jack Leslie, Mukinbudin ; Lefroy, Wilhiammm Edward heCourco- mmd I-herbert Kitchemier, Youannmi; Mam'riott,hubert Kenneth, Koorda; O'Brien, Albert James,Dunibleynmig; Scott, CoBb Gordon; Kellerbervin; Simon,Frank Leslie, Narrikup ; Sutton, Percival Sydney,Jsnnunoppimm; Troy, hubert Leslie, Gimm gin; Wihhiani-soil, Boy Edwin amid Pem'cival Edward henry, Canna;I 6th August, 1939.

    W A. WHITE,Director.

    1 (ithi August, 1939.

    'lIfE AUDIT ACT, 1904.The Treasury,

    Perth, 10th, August, 1939.Treasury No. 16/39.

    IT is [arch published, for geneval informatiomm, thatSlessm's. tV. Bromf'eld and B .J. Bond have been ap-pointed Certifying Officers for the Supem'annuationBoard.

    The Treasimm'y,Perth, 16th August, 1939.

    Treasury No. 149/35.IT is hereby published, for general iuforsnation, thatMr. P. II. Mahiem' has been appointed Receiver of Revenuefor the Metropolitan D'atem' Supply, Sewerage, andDrainage Department in place of Mr. C. E. Savihle,ii hiose mippoifltmnemlt is hereby cancelled as from ] 5thAugust, 1939.

    A. J. REID,hinder Treasurer.

  • 1452 (IiOVE1NMiNT GAZEPI'TE,

    Cluef Secretary's ......

    Crowit Lair


    Iletropolitari Water Supply

    Assistant tnder Secretary5

    Clerk of Courts, Beverley (Item 1407)

    Clerk of Courts, Merreclin (Item 141:1)

    Superintendent of' Rorticniture

    kuider Secretary

    Oflice of Public Service Coinnussiouer,Perth, 17th August, 19.19.

    1-ITS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has approved of the following appointments:

    Ex. Co. 1700Roy iKernot, under section 29 of thePublic Service Act, to be Irrigation Officer, harvey,Public Works Department, as from 1st November, 1938;

    Ex. Co. 1700; ['S.C. 464/36 James Capelli, underseehiun 28 of the Public Service Act, to be JuniorClerk, Metropolitan Water Supply Department, as from1st February, 1.939;

    Ex. Co. 1700; P.S.C. 194/37 :Ed,vurd Sydney Box-burgh, under section 28 of the Public Service Act, toIto Junior Clerk, Native Affairs Branch, NorthWestDepartment, as frout 1st February, 1939;

    Ex. Co. 1689; P.S.C. 508/35 :,l. Bradshaw, Store-keeper, Mental llospita Is Department, to be Super-intendent, Old Men 'ii 1 lonty, Medical and I-Iealth Dc-1nctnteiit, as from 12th July, 1939;

    Ex. Co. 1537 :L. U. Chapman, Junior Clerk, AuditDepartment, to lie Clerk as from 1st July, 1939.

    CEO. 4\T SiMPSON,Public Service Connuissioner.

    ('loOn .1 'in I )epart thenPerth, 171 Ii 'cup ust, lOt')

    IllS Cx diluiet the I ivuti'tauf-Goveruur in l'xevnti, eCot i' ii has, in exe cvi s of' the po 0 e cc conre ccii up onhihu by s''etiou 21 oh' th' Lh'cu lug 'ccl, 1011 (a- ic-printe[ with aiuemhueu - s), reappoiht ed 'ilieliadl .1 ultuCalull and J :' I a at But gc.', atul ha sop' oil tedPeter .1 'un's 1 'u ey 'is Licensing II a gist rates , nelireappoi utmeuts and up ui itt ineid to date trout and inelusis e of 17th August, 1939 and has appoi uted thesaid Slichinel John ( alibi to be I Itailnian of the Licnsing Court and the en Id .1 time William lInt ges.s to beh)epcd v Cli airman ut lIt.' I ii' en sing Court.

    HIS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has approved of the undet'nten tioned appoint-ments :-

    B. C. Aldersow as acting Clerk of the Local Cou-tand acting Clerk to Magistrates, Nortltaiu, during theabsence of E. P. Foreman, on leave;


    Class 1,£666f699Class 7,

    £342f 366:1.Class 5,

    £31 Sf 330Class 1,

    £666f 699£530f 1,000

    rATGTJsT is, 193g.


    19:19.19th August.

    26th August.


    3ist Auttust-.

    hIt Ii September.

    *When the Under Secretary, Chief Secretary's Department, retires or ceases to be Chairman of the Perth Hospital Board,the question of continuation of this office wifi be reviewed.

    I Limit fixed (4354) in accordance with clause 10 of Clerical Agreement.Applieations are also called under section 29. Applicants must possess sufficient knowledge and administrative ability

    to take charge of the Horticultural BranchAs Superintendent of }Iortieulture of all inspectorial work required by legislationAs Chief State Supervising Officer (Fruit) of the inspection of all fresh and dried fruits exported from this State.

    An intimate knosvlcclge of the pi'iiic'iples of fruit production and ability to lecture and demonstrate tile essc-ut-iil.A Degree of Bachelor of Science, with special reference to horticulture, is desirable.

    Applications are called under section 38 of the Public Service Act, 1904, and are to be addressed tothe Public Service Commissioner and should be made on the prescribed fortn, obtainable from the offices ofthe various Permanent Heads of Departments.

    CEO. W. SIMPSON,Public Service Commissioner.

    C. T. 7viehhtuvsiup as acting Clerk of the Local Courtand acting Clerk to Magistrates, Meekathacra, during'the absence of N. N. Houston, on leave;

    M. S. Benbow its Substitute Returning Officer for theirwin-Moore Electoral District, during the absence of'tV. Newman;

    Constable S. b. hamilton as acting Clerk of the LocalCourt and acting' Check to Magistrates, Pinjarra, dur-ing the absence of Constable S. Bert, on leave;

    Keith Robei't Donald Snuff', Ilfsq., uf Northatu, as aswore valuator tinder the Transfer of Land Act, 1893.

    TI-IF ELECTORAL ACT, 1907-1936.P11111 lIon. Minister for Justice has, in accordance withthe p'ovisiuus of section 99 of f-lie Electoral Act, 1907-1936, appouted The Lesser Hail, Moora, as the CluefPolling I 'lace of the brivin-Muure Di,sti'iet in connectionGtl: the Legislative Assemb]v Bv-elcetioa to be held onhaturday, 9th Septeuiher, 1939.

    THE lion. Minister for Justice has approved of theuudei'tuentioued appointments and cancellations of ap-pnini iucnts of Postni Vote Officers under the provisionsof ceetion 59 of the Elect or,d Act, 1907-1936.

    API'OTNTMENTS.Avon District.

    School, UoodlalcineI'ctts, Williani bleary.

    Irwin-Moore District.Post Office, NaiuljauWood, 1-1. 51.

    TKaaowna District.Circle ValleyEvans, A. 11.'Yarri---Overall, Percy.l'iu,'tvilleProbcrt. Arthur Adrian.Mt. N[ongerSmitli, Karla Ehine (Mrs.).

    lKimberley District.Police Station, Broome--Cowie, James Duff.Anon Plains Station via BrootncI-Inl:iltard, Deanld

    Frank.Mt. Lconorn Sub-District.

    Menzics---Summers, Richard 17osier

    Mt. Marshall District.WyalkntchemEmbersoa, Edward Percival.

    Department. Position. Salary.

  • AIJGtJST 18, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 145:3

    CANCELLATIONS.Avon District.

    Gooma rinBiggers, Edwin Claremont, Jun.Nokaningllawkins, Frank Arthur.

    Beverlex II) ,strict.Dale RiverLupton, J.'aul Arthur.Quairading--IRcnvick. S tunes.

    Brown Hill-Ivanhoe District.ParkestonGlover, Peter Patrick.

    Bunhury District.62 Spencer street, BunhuryTrotter, lbiiidolph

    Francis 0.

    Forrest District.Forestry Department, Mt. CookGaudy, Arthur

    Henry.TrcesvilleMeDoardd, Hector Charles.Wluttaker 's BushSit nv, Joim.

    Fremantle District.(38 High street, FremantlePtnii e,M ark.151 High street, FreniasitleYench, Fred.

    Geraldton District.iN1irnguluCarr.Joliu i(einieth.

    Greenougl District.Bunt lie Cook, Charles Ernest.

    Hannaiis District.PaddingtonFoley, George F.BlaSk FlogParker, Walter Chance.

    irni i-Sd oore District.NambanBntler, Patrick Joseph.

    Kanowna District.BeniaT\leiileniett, turtle i:.J;ivertoii---'l'ciiiier, ,Jl1ilt(5i\iliiiilIiliOiIt.

    kin lait iting Diotrit.lilt. !krke--ilv(iliin, Jove e Alenidi 51,

    Rinil;ertev i)31 hi.juinr StatIOn, 'at liii! o Cieikfhniv, 111111

    IF' no us is.

    IFlorr \raJloy Station, flail 's (J reek--I teen awn t,William Alexander.

    Lamboo Station, Fitzroy Crossing--Booty, Fred-erick Charles.

    Ivanhoe Station, WynfihamJones, William Jack C.Mun a Station via BroomcMcBeath, Charles

    Lewis; McBeath, Euphcmia Adehine.Bohemia Downs Station, W KinibcrleyMnlke

    run, Mai'tin.DerbyPryor, William Arthur.Turkey CreekRhatigan, Eileen; l3liatigais, John

    Jo sepli.Police Station, BroonieTiuiuis, A I ifred George S.

    Middle Swan District.13 Garrett road, BayswaterWard, John I-bury.

    Mt. Leoisora Sub-District,MensiesEast, Frederick William.Ida Valley Station, Mt. IdaMaeNamana, John


    Mt. Magnet District.EvanstonDavies, William Aubrey M.YouanmiEverett, B. T.Edah Station via YalgooMaiitle, Arthur


    Mt. Marshall Disti-iet.Ma ngowineT-Iorking, Frederick.WvalkatcheinMelrose, Andrew lInden.

    Mnrchison District.Turn of the Tide G.M., BeedysDing, James S.Tainerow via CueSmi ft. Charles.

    Nedlands District.26 Higlivay, Nediaudi;-5Veston, Margaretta Ma

    Nelson District.Forest Department, East ManJimnupSntton, D. N.

    Perth Distriet.Electoral Department, PortliO 'Neil, Charles.

    IRoebourne District.Mia Mia Station via CarnanvonAnnear, Ken.

    Sussex District.AngnstBnskerville, George Joins.Yelverton via BusseltonDay, ilcury Stuart,

    Sn-an District.DarlingtonLeslie, A.

    Toodyay District.Moore BiverDarcli, Francis John.CoondleHogers, Robert N.

    Yilgarn-Coolgardie District.C ibraltarColling, 0.CartertonGurr, Lily Adelaide (Mi-s.).Evanston via BullfinchMnstey (Mrs.)

    York District.Ii rucc FiocicIPinel, Pinlip Amy.

    H. B. GORDON,Under Secretam-y for Law.

    TIlE HOSPITALS ACT, 1921.Department of Public Health,

    Pci-tb, 16th August, 1939.HIS Excellency the Lieutcnant-Oovernom- in Council hasheen pleased to appoint:

    ii It D 14/2) Ii C ii hb P liii] I Buike 1'if ijoi I I I cii i , i J ii mu i, i \ Cli inmhci

    In in, IV. lJ. Bolter! suit, .1. 0. Money, P. D. Valentine,if, \T itoive, \V. F. Ilunstan, and \V. A. SI mini to bemenibei-s of the Leonor I I [ospi tat Boti rd for a penioti ofI ivelve months commend i mmg on the ist A i gust, 1 939, and

    MITT). 948/33 :Tli levels 'all ii tIme Scheduletis-eunder to he nienihere of (lie Isin it Borts-cls ofControl and liLa a -clint open i lied fo- period of tvehtuontlis from (Ito Js( A ugust, 1939.

    F. J. HUELIN,Under Secretary.


    Name of Beard and Names of Members.Biuce Rock wai- Memom-ial Hospital Board :W. S. But-

    lei-, A. M. Bullem-, ID. B. Black, 0. A. Falconer, SquireFletcher, J. Lethlean, S. G. Sippe.

    Dalvallinu TIospital Board :fI . 0. Srnitl, A, 14.Ilidi I ( 5leidows 1) 1 Sine, Ihomis Nixon \\ mllint n Bionic, 0. .1. But elier,

    Divellingup hospital Board F, A. Henna, F. A.Sanders, fT. J. Schofield, H. E. Loekhait, 11, N. Sweeney,B, Moon, K. MarrIott, .J. (5, Usher, W, B, Wallace, J,Schunke, C, J. Stephens.

    Gnooangvvup Hospital Boartcl ID. K. House, T.Pinner, B. C. Austin, S. W, Stewart, ,J, L. Ball, JohnAndensou, Mrs. P Austin, Mrs. E. M. Black.

    Goomalling and Districts Ilospital Boom-fl :E. J.Waterhonse, (leoi-ge Langford, F. Shomt, H. B. Kespei-,B. Baud, Geoige Hewitt, I. 0. Royal, W. H. Eaton, Rev-erend I-I. Baxter, Reverend A. Wilbuny, Mrs. B. Baird.

    Greenbuslies Hospital Board :H. E. Lindsay, Wil.hans Thomas, James Patterson, Andrew Patterson, flee-toy Patterson, Bruce Herbert, Mrs. M. SI. Millmaa, Mrs.Florence Young-, Mrs. Betsy Stnpley.

    Eastern Distnictt; Memorial 1-lospital Board (Keller-hennin) Il. Deane 1-lommond, 4. Dinan, J. (Ii. Cangen,i N Si ott ( I ppmll I ' 1\ Punsl s S Mooseii. III. Mahieson, H P. Gorlin.

    I it c ( i iv 1Iepit it I oil d J 11 Coid, Ii noldClarke, C. C. Fletcher, C. I-I . Alldnidge, S. J. Bishop,,iaincs Motion, ii .E.Keahiey.

  • Liiverton Dictriet ilospital Board :IV. B. LeonardW. Slater. 3. Gravestock, .1. Ii. Caunte, J. IV. Aulil.IV. R. Rendell, IV. IT. Ilunge, II. L. harsh, B. Court.

    Mo ran-a Dhfrict hospital Iii)ard 'A. 11. Budhtoii,C. TI. Tiilv, \Y. S. L,'\vii', A. .1. Smith, Reverend 11. C.Ilawki,is.

    Iloora i)istriet hospital Board I)r. IV. S. Myles, 11.1). Broad, B. IF, Bullock.

    Mount Megiet IlospiCal lYard: F. S. .Jusies, 11. L.Rena, L. hirDcuild, P. Foster, P. Sullivan, 1. A liarne.

    rein heeii a ft I )istri et Mciii rial II OSi it iii Board -Robert Perry. C, S Dayivaa, C. II. limit. William Jarrott, \. IV. Latham, S. C. Longliurst, A. S. OveningtolA. A. C. Walker, ITirs Audrey Tiardingliaui.

    orthauipl on I lop al Road :Thc iirthaiuli1 iiiGoad Boa ri

    Reedy h[ospit:il Heal ft Agnew. C. 1. Arnold, C.1[ati'h, C. Ti. ,Ji-iini en. I. S. T.nngniore, W. MeCutclieon,\V hleDonalil, .J, S. Il-Gi. I . II. I\liiteliead.

    hl]ack flange l)istni-i Tin-in;' I liiiid (Sainistone) :-.1. (1 .1. Si don, F, C Cliuidi, S. IV. Allen. Peter Mor-rissey, Ii. IT. thrill, P A . IM ic,, IV. C licCorkill, B..1. Morris.

    The Aorth Midhinds 1) isf ri et TI ospit a I Board ( 'Flu-ceSprings): C. Caldosv. P. .1. Lynch, .1. 1K. A lIeu, IV.Sargent, B. lieddiiig, T. Morconihc, II'. .1. Petliiek, IV.C. torfian, S. 4. Morg; n, C. II Nairn, F. II. A ruth, M.Ii. \\'ilson, V. Ti, iii'. M. A. Mayrhofer, C. M.hialey, I". Com;a ugi 1 i:, IV. Q Iii rris, C. B. Thiunias,(' Ii, Fiarrett,

    \"es oiva I)istricl Hospital Board N Class, .1.\V. Young, II. B. Corn, A. C. Emery, .1. N. Bartley, IV.C. Cruse, IV. TI. Marks, Mrs A. .1. Shei ri 11, Mrs. F.I 'olkin glornc.

    ILl ekep in I) istri it Wa 1' idleniori a I II oiu ) i tel Boa i'd -.1. 8. Turner, T. 3. McCraelcau, .1. RI. Nelmes, N. D.Perryman, 8. F. 1 Ia nimond. IV. II. lii icicle.

    Jarrnhdalc District hospital hoard IF. P. Ronan,II'. Austen, F. Berthiold, U. C. Watkins, A. IV. Middle-ton, J.P., B. M. Rose, J.P., IV. P. Nairu, JR.

    'i'TiE hEALTh ACT, 1911-1937.Appoint inents.

    '011 Ii fol loud n(( a ppoi utnients made by lii e undern en -tinned local health authorities are hereby approved :-

    Marble Bar Bond Board :Dr. TI. C, Dicks to hi'Medical Officer of l[ea]thi as from lii Itli Aunust, 1939.

    Municipality of Cottesloe Dr. Ii 14. il-halt to lieMedical Officer of health vice Dr. IV, IT, Bieckall. resigned.

    ITVERITT ATKINSOF,mini issi mm ne, of Public Hen ltli

    1 7th .4iiguet, 1 939.

    'l'I[E TIEALTI-T ACT, 1911-1937.Department of Public health.

    M.hl.D. 334/36. Perth, 10th August, 1 939.IllS Excellency I lie Lieutenant-Governor hi Council lineappi'oved of time Il uii icipal Council of IKalgocirlie beingthe In al authority for the Kalgoorlie health Dis-trict, nuder the hmorroiving powers conferred by itslocal governing Act, raising a special Loan of £19,000for the im'posi' of financing the cost of extensions ofthe sewerage scheme alreadv'alpi'oved mid the cost offurther house instahlatious for snclm extensions of thesewerage m.clmeiue oh heh elf of ratepayers, hi a ci'orduurewith the provisions of the IlealtIm Art, 1911-1937.

    1-'. .1. ETCELIA),Fnder Secretui-v.

    ChILl) \VELFAI1E DEPARTMENT.('.IV.l). 2669/21.

    IT is herehiv notified, for general inforuiation, that 'illPolim-e OIliccrs throughout th, Ste te of IVestern Aus-tralia are hiereb appoiited, undei- the pi'ovisions of theClulml ICc l 'are Art, section 120, subsection (1), to con-dime I maci-s ion and on lmehialf of the Child Welfai'eDehiartiient ondei- the Child Welf;ire Act, 1907-27.

    A. IL H. HAW[KE,Minister for Child Welfure,

    FORFEITURES.'I'TIE undcrnmentioned Le;ises have been cancelled undersei'tioii $2 of I lie Land Art, I 5th, ;nnil/or section 23 of1 lie Lmnnl let, 1933 1937, for non-payment of rent orother seasons:

    S mime, Lease. Distrirt, Ben -on, Corr. No., Plan No.Benson, A. Il - IlL; 332/525; T(elniscott; abandoned;

    3071/13 ;;nnion, .1 nan ; 311 6/680 ; Pont h[cilland 169; eLan-

    /oaed: '908/99; Pont Iledland.Ilnidges. P. IV.; 3117 2009; Smikaniug- 12,'abandoned

    2409/3 1 : Nakaning.('haniherlain, A. C.: 42595/55 : Ninglian 23911; £1 iTs.

    0(1,; 4435/27; 5-h/SO, B1.('lianihenlabi, A. ('. : 12857/56; Niuglian 803: £25 4s.

    Sd.; 4139/22; .54/80, Bi.(lianibei-lmun, A. C.; 39324/33; Niuglian 81 I ; £28 lOs.

    Sd.; 1158,22; 54 80, 132.timamnime,Iain .1. C.; 22966/7-t ; Ninghan 2111; ahami-

    ihuied 4101/22; 54/SO, P2.('Ii;is -, B, C , 311(1/701); Ninghi;iu 3315, 3318, 3319 ; £8

    l5s. 0(1., 23 l/:lS: 55/SO, ('1)4.I 'munni ins, Arthin r ; 12329/36 , _\ von 1421)5 ; md iandoned

    :1124/19; 3.5/80, A2.(umi mn ins, Arthur ; 53 I .5/56 ; Won 1120:1 ; ;ih;i n doned

    2886/TO; 35/80, A2.Gordon, 1V. IlL ; 332/53(1 'lyon; abandoned; 6558/12;

    376 & 3 77/80.lImii'tnett, '1'. Hand hi. A.; 20/1 701: Nelson 8295, 8296;

    £419 lSs. Id.; 0683/20; 414D/40, 134.T[itchcocic, 11' L. ; (18/1975: IVilliamns 12564 and 1:1184;

    211 us. 4i1.: 3177/29; 38511/40, 133.IKe;il\-, Edivaril : 20/1570; Wellington 31325 (Uduc

    Estate) ; £ i5( lOs. 9d.; 2)43/20; 38313/40, B4.iling, .1. IV.; 39597/55; Ningliami 1909; £31 9s. 3d.;

    294S '22; 66/SO, C & P4.TKrntoehvitl, h'liihp ; 275/T-5:IC ; Murray 944; aban-

    doned; 5232/12; 350/80, D3.Lmminhert, Frederick : 3117/2)198; Boogai'die 74; £0 15s.

    Od.; 11284/05; Boogardie.Ilfachcie, RoTirt; 347/1558; Victoria 7203; non-compli-

    ance with conditions; 2020/37; 95/80, A3 & 4.Mets, Eigil; 25116/73 ; OldIleld 353; abandoned;

    1964/25: )20B/2O, Fl, 405/80, F4.Met-c, EiU ; 20530/68; Oldflelil 384; £5 7s. Gd.;

    1963/25: 12013/20. Fl. 40.5/80, F4.Nicholls, A. V.; 3117/2256: Knlgooi'lie 1625; £0 lOs.

    Od.; 6346/OS: TKalgooi-hie 2.Roffehl, TI. A,: :48843/55; Avon 9720; £118 15s. Oft.;

    .3739/21: 345/80, Cl -Roberts, 13. TI.: 342/1326: Carn;u'von Lot 400; £2 9s.

    7d. ; 870/35; Cam'narvon.Tiolserts, 13 IL; :;42/324; Cai-narvon Lot 404; £10 14s.

    Gd.; 871/35; C;n-nnrvon.Roberts, B. TI.: 342/525: Carnarvon Lot 405; £7 l6s.

    lTd.; 872/3.3; Carnaryon.Suuinsers, C. IV.: 3S756/55; Avon 18701; £177 7s. 4d.;

    (855/21; 376/SO, Dl -Smnnmm-i-s, ft IV.: 14.3-TI '68 ; Avon 1870-i; £243 Os, 7d.;

    45-54/21 ; 376/SO, Dl.Tomnsett, 4. II. : 318/649 ; Sussex 2543, 2.344; aban-

    doned: 2706/36; 41 SD/4O, C3 & 4.Vincent, \. IV.; 20840/68; Avon 15283; almandoned;

    430.5/26; 5/80. Cl.IVeatwood, N. B.; 31111/625; Victoria 1467, 1458; ahan

    cloned; 1619/33; Pa'kington.C. L. NEEDT-TASI,

    Tindei' Secretary foi' Lands.

    flOVERNMENT LAND SALES.TilE underuientioned allotments of land will be offeredfor 'ale at public auction on the dates and at the places,reejuied islam nuclei- flip provisions of the Land Act,1933 1928. nod its regulations:

    IV AChY.5th Septi'iimhmm r, 11)39, at 11 mini., it the District Lands

    OlOcm'-:TNeivdcgah.--Town 57. 1 r. 0 2p., £20.

    CUE.6th. Septemlim-, 1939. at 2 p.'u at tIme Mining- Regis-

    tr;mn's Office.1 gin wTos-n 20, ln., £12 lOs.ReedyTown 5. Ta-.. 22.3; Il -41, 142, 1-13, 1 r. euch,

    165, 174, 39.111. each, 175, 176, 177, 178, Ir.mcli, £12 lOs. cmli.

    Gig Bi'Il'l'osi-n 1-57, ln., il 5; l 71, Ir.. £12 lOs.

    1454 14OVIRNMFINT GAZETTE. W.A. [AlIenisT iS. 1939.

  • LEONORA.Otis September. 939. at 2 p.m.. at the Mining Regis-

    tier's Oflice--;-Leoaora Town 482 and 738, Sip., £15; 481. 31 .Sp.,

    531, ir., 168, Ir., r493 30p., £12 lOs. each.MEEKATIIARRA.

    6th Septenlber. 1939, at ii a rn., at the Mining Regis-tr:ii' 's Office

    Peak hillTown 125, lr., £12 lOs.NARROGIN.

    'itli September. 1939, at 12 111)011, at the District LandsOffice-::Cuba1lhig '254, 2a., 255, 2a. 2r., 256, 2a. 2i'. 22p.,

    257, 2i, 2r. l9p., 258, 2a. 2i'., 259, 2a., £5 each.

    NO USES[AN.7th September, 1939, at 11 n.m., at the Mining Regis-

    trai' 'S Oldee-Aoi'seiiian--Town 332, 333, 334, 711, lr. each, £10

    (111(11, 9eptimlier, 1939, at 11 am., at the Departuient ofLands a11d Surveys,-(:Beinaaup'169, 3a. 2r. 37p., £25.:iDw'llingup' 80, 4. 3r. Op., £4.:.Fl;l,1 riTown 9, 39.lp., £15.:: ii a ron Town 26, 27, 1 r. each, £12 lOs. each.

    'Snl,u rhaii for ('lilt ivation.fSold subject to the condition that tile lessee shall

    not carry on, or suffer or permit to be carried on, onthis lot any trade or bus iess whatsoever without theecnsent in writing of tile Minister for Lands being firstOh tamed; and, further, the conditions under which thislot is made available shall not entitle the lessee now orat any fat lire time Ill I lIe right to convert same to feesimple.

    :Tlie provision of clause 22 of the regulations for thesale or leasing of Town and Suburilan lands at auctionshall not apply at the sale of tilese lots.

    tSubject to the payment of £60 for improvements, ifpurchased by other titan tIle o\vner thereof.

    ¶Snbject to tile pa neat of £200 foe' improverneut,if purchased by ((tiler thai tile owner thereof.

    All improvements on tile 'and offcrell for sale are thepropel't y of tile Crone, an I shall be 1)0)11 for as theMinister may direct, whose valuation shall be final and1)11)11 1fl 011 the purchasem'.

    Plans and further particulars of these sales mar beobtained at tins office. Land sold to a depth of 200feet below the natural surface, except in mining dis'tricts, where it is granted to a depth of 40 feet or 20feet only.

    G. L. NEEDHAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    LANI) Ol'EN FOR PASTORAL LEASINGUnder Fart VI. of the Land Act, 1933-1938.

    II' is liereh' notified that tile land described liercnndeiwill hi' available for general selection under Part VI. ofthe Land Act, 1933.193S, on and after the date speci.fled


    Eastern Division.11)11111 District. (near the Miss Fairbairn hills)

    Corres. 372/23. (Plea 71/300.)Those areas of unsurveved 1)111db,, containing about

    20,000 acres, 73,566 acres, and 100,010 acres, being IV.II. Brown's forfeited Pastoi'al Leases Nos. 395/740,395/419, and 395/752.


    Kbaberley Diviioa.Dampier District (near Couloalb Pt., about 32 miles

    north of Broome).Posies. No. 1267/3 I. (Plan 136/300.)Tllat area of nnsurveyed lead, containing about 77,700

    acres, being Streeter and 3hle, Limited 's, forfeitedPastoral Lease No. 396/417.


    North-West Division.\V i ndell 1)istrict (near llarnes'sley Range).

    ('orres, 2370/24. (Plans 98/300, 97/300, 92/300,9l3UO.)

    'lliose areas of ullsul'veyed lands, containing aboutil',72fl acres; being II. 3. Watson's forfeited PastoralLeases Nos. 3497/96, 3504/96, and 20.57/96; subject top)li'lli lit fOl' nproveinents.

    P. L. NEEDHAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION.IT is hereby notified, for general inforniation, that theareas scheduled hereunder are available for selectionunder Part V. of tile Land Act, 1933-1938, and theregulations appertansig thereto, subject to the pro-visions of time said Act.

    Applications must be lodged at the Land AgencyOffice as specified hereunder not later than the datespecified, but may be lodged before such date if sodesired.

    All applications lodged on or before such date will betreated as having been received on tIle closing day, andif there are illore applicants tllan one for any block, theapplication to he granted will be determined by tileLand Board. Should any lands l'emain unselected suchwill continue available until applied for or otherwiseii 'oh t u-i tli.

    If a Land Board sitting becomes necessary, the appli-cants for tIle blocks will be duly notified of the date,time, and place of tile meeting of tile Board, and thereshall be an interval of at least three days between theclosing date and the sitting of tile Board.

    If an applicant wishes to appear before the LandBoai'd in person he isay apply to the Head, Office orto the Clerk in Charge of any of the District or BranchLand Oflices fom' a certificate to the Railway Depart-ment which, on presentation at tile nearest RailwayStation will entitle hlun to a Return Ticket, at Excur-sion Rates, to the place where tile Board will sit, avail-able for seven days from the date of issue.

    The selector of a Homestead Farm from any locationmust take the balance tllercof, if any, under ConditionalI'i,rchm ase.

    All marketable timber, including sandalwood andmallet, is reserved to time Crown, subject to the pro-visions of clause 18 of the regulations.



    Wellington Disti'ict (near Bowelling).Corr. No. 1713/38. (Plan 410D/40, C3.)Location 4446, containing 328a. 3r. 3p., at 7s. per

    aCre, excluding survey fec; Pastoral Lease 392/436 ishereby reduced.


    Avon District (about 41/,, miles north-west ofYouraling).

    Corr. No. 347/20. (Plasm 342C/40, 173.)Locations 17865 and 12242, containing 840a. lr. 2p.,

    at Ss. 3d. per line; classification page 21 of File347/20 ; subjec) to pa)'melIt for improvenients, if any,and to exemptina Irons road rates for tw'o years fromdate of approval of application; being W. E. T.Grigsby 's fort 'ited Lease 14462/68.

    NARROGTN LAND AGENCY.Avon District (about 10 miles north of .hitarning).Corr. No, 687/37. (Plan 377/80, D2.)Location 19642, containing l,287a., at lOs. 6d. per

    acre; classification page S of 868/19; subject to Agri-cultural Bank indebtedness; being P. 51. Dethnidge 'sforfeited Lease 347/1623.

    Jç[rc4p 18, 1939.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. WA. 1455

  • NORTIIASI LAND AGENCY.Ninglian District (about 4½ miles north-east of

    )Jarindo).Corr. No. 2S67/32. (Plan 66/80, Dl & 2.)Location 2977, containing 1,430a. Or. 26p., at Os. 66.

    per acre; classification page 39 of File 5537/27; sub-Ject to Aricultura1 Bank indebtedness; being A. SF.\Vatson 's forfeited Lease 53/24S1.

    Ninghan District (about 10 miles south of BonnieBock).

    Corr. No. 3285/28. (Plan 54/80, Bi.)Location 3168. containing 999a. 3r.i 4p., at us, per

    acre; classification page 15 of File 6455/27; subjectto Agricultural Bank indebtedness; being E. J. Peter'sforfeited Leases 55/7172 and 74/359.

    PEI3TI[ LANI) AGENCY.Oldfield District (about six milks south-cast of

    Rnvensthorpe).Corr. No. 6235/23. (Plan 420/SO, 1)1.)Locations 65 and 15.5, containing S38a., at 3s. 60. per

    nero; classification page 30 of 6255/23; subject toAgricultural Bank indebteduese and to mining condi-tions, and to a Grazing Lease expiring 31/3/1940. TInscancels the previous Govccnincni Cued Ic notice relatingto these blocks.

    l'cel Estate (about 3½ miles northwest of Karnup)Open under Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938.Corr. 4690/29. (Plan 341D/4O.)Lot 327, containing iOn. 3r. lip.; pui'chase money

    £236 lOs.; first half-yeai' 's instalment as deposit-2;h aif-vearly instalin ellis over 29 -ea1'c, including piosi-eipai and interest: to civilians, at 5 pci' cent. pa.£7 13s. 46.; to rcturn 6 oldierc, at 4½ per cent. 9.i1.£7 4s. 7d.; subject to the special conditions applyingto this Estate; behig F. A. Groves' forfeited Lease35/1705.

    SOTJTTI C RN CROSS LANI) AGENCY.Vilgn ru 1)ist tb-I (about 3 mii's north of \Vari ic'huppin)

    Corr. No, 1329/36. (I'lnn 54/80, E4.)Location $53, -ont:uuing 1,81611. Sr. iSp., it is. Pd.

    er acre; elasilicat io pge 6 of 367/26; subject toA grie n to cal ii:i uk i in eht eduess ; ho ing S. Cooper 's foe-tcitod Lease 41887/55,

    Yilgarn I)isti'ict (about two miles ivest of Boodaroelcin)Forr.No. 3929/32. (Plans 54/80, EF4, 33/SO, EEl.)Location 3S4, containing 2,276a. 3,'. '7p., at 2s. per

    acre; classification page 30 of 2682/26; subject to mill-ing and timber conditions, to the Governiiicnt retain-in g I lie iiglt I to yes nine for i-nil way or oth or public put'-poses Ii ny land i'ccluired, free of conipensation, and also0 exemption from road intel for two years from date

    of approval of a p p1 ica t ion. PIt IS ccc uceis the pino-io usGut'ernaccnt Gaz 'e notice relating to this block.


    Plantagenet District (about 3'/2 miles north-east ofNarrikup).

    Corr. No. 5009/27. (Plan 451/80, BC2.)Location 3488, containing lOa., at 14s. per acre;

    classification page 17 of File 5009/27; Location 4531,containing 18a. lr. 38p., at 12s. 96. per acre; classi-fication page 3 of File 5465/27, and Location 4532,containing 7a. ir. 27p., at 17s. per acre; classificationpage 3 of File 5466/27; subject to payment for improve-mnents, if any; these locations must be selected ucidersection 354 of the Land Act; being S. I-I. Jolly's for-feited Leases 2053/60, 2061/60, and 2062/60.

    l'lanlageuet District (about six unlee icortli-west ofAlbany).

    Con'. No. 2657/31. (Plan 4-51/80, C4.)Location 4741, containing 77Oci. Or. 511., at 3s. 96. 3101

    acre; classification page 7 of File 2657/37; subject totimber condit ion5 and to exeimiption from road ratesfor two years from date of approval of application;heimtg S. A. Palfrcy 's forfeited Lease 68/3502.

    BEVERLEY LAND AGENCY.Avon District (about 13 miles north of Dii arda)

    ('or-. No. 2490/32. (Plan 379 B/4O, D2.)Locations 17527, 1TS2S, 17829, 18510, 18511, and

    1 8313, cooitamiig 2,603ci, 3i-. flSp, at is. Gd. per acre;classification page 9 of File 39S2/23 ; subject to Agri-cultural Bank jiidohteclncss. to the reservation of market-able tinibec' to the Crown, nail to the condition that thepOinol must he eradicated to Cite satisfaction of theSliuitei' for Lands before (lie Crown grant ivill issue;being the forfeited Lase 65, 3676 of 11. A. Pridmoreand A. Johnson.

    Bi'vemlev A.A. (about six nules ivest of Sit. 1(okcby)Corn. No. 631 7/26. (Plan 342B/4O, F2.)Lots 132 and 133, (-ontaluncg 2lOa., classifications

    pages 3 of 6089, ii ut'] 3 ut 6090/14; if thC so lots arende-ted together tile pin-c will be Sc. per acre; sub-('ci to exeni p iii) ii l'ro in no oh boa i'd rates fo m' two ycal's

    finn date of approval of application and subject topaynient for improvements, if any; being TI. Bari'ett-Li'unand's furf cited Lease 21271/68,

    1ioe District (about 1-5 miles east of Eniu hill).torn. No. 939/37. (Plans .5/80, E4, and 345/80, El.)Location 228, containing 727a. 3r .3p., at 2s. pci'

    nrc; (-lassification page S of File 939/37; subject toavuient for nu movements ; being W. F. Cl. Bellamy's

    forfeited Lease 348/727.

    BUNBURY LAND AGENCY.Sinrrae- District (abooit five miles west of Yalup

    Brook).('ocr. No. 306/39. (Plan 383A/4O, Dl & 2.)Location 276, cont a imuimg i-SOc. Location 911, con-

    1 lining 200a -, cusd Location 1213, containing about1, (tOn, available subject to survey, classification, pile-i ng and the usual tiniber reservation conditions.

    [ml uc A_i. (about 31/, miles south-west of Cookernup)Comm. .5/u. 1133/37. ( i'lau 18315/10, 153.)I_mm'Olilmmi 37, rontaimnmig 10.111 _,,'tt 1)5. lid. pci' net-c;

    m'lasnc'aticn page 13 ot Vile 1199/37; subject to (liem'igiit (If tite (100,1 to cuter lum' the pul'pose of' ('((li-st tinting ud illicit1 taimciug dicu ilis Icee ut ('0ili0li5il boll,11110 to cxi 11110 imlli fcoui c'oiiml lilt ('5 101' two years (i-outii itt (1 I' t p owen I of 11111) hicIlt ion ; Ii dug land (blot ccl(coot (3. 6, and (3, 11. Payne's application.

    ivellingtou District (about tlii'ce miles northwaed ofBoweiling).

    Corn, No, 1543/38. (Plan 41OD/40, 133.)Location 4445, containing l92a. 3i'. 2p., at 7s. per

    aol-c; (xcluding' survey fee; classification page 17 ofFile 1345/38 ,' available subject to the usual tinmluer re-scrvcctiou conditions.

    GERALDTON LAND AGENCY.Victom'ia District (about 3½ miles north-cast of

    Kockatca).Con,'. No, 268/23, (Plan 156B/4O, F2.)Location 6103, containing 2129la,, at 7s. pam' acm-c;

    classification page 22 of 10300/11; subject to exemp-tion from toad boam'd mates fom' two years fm'oni dateot' approval of applicatiomi amid to payment for improve-mumctc, if any; being Sliss N. H. Langridge 's forfeitedLease 18754/68.

    Victoria District (about five miles north-east ofTenindewa).

    Cony. No. 1337/22. (Plan 156/80, C2.)Location 7611, containing 3a. 3m'. 2p., at l5s. per

    acne; availabLe onl to the owner of ad;joining land;being TV. J. Gee's forfeited Lease 1191/57,

    Vi'-toi-ia District (about 20 mimihes north of Siullewa),Coin. No, 2388/32. (Plan 161/80, P2 & 3,)Location 9371, contabm big 2,974cm, 2r, iSp., at 6s. 66.

    PcI' acne; classification page 3 of File 2682/30; sub-,jeit t (I I 'av,uient lot' imulpros-emnen ts, if nay, and to exemccp-thin from road board rates for two veal's fi-om date ofappnoo-al of application : being SI. II - F. Tucker's for-('cited Lease 68/3669.

    1456 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [AUGUST 18, 1939.

  • Victoria District (near Waggrakine Well).Corr. P7o. 226/39. (1'lan 1S7D/40, B4.)Location 96.57, containiac Sn. Sr. 2p. ; Location 965S.

    containing Sn. I r. 27p. Location 9661, containing Sn.Sr. 1 S9.: Location 9662. eontainiiig Sn. Sr. I Sp., at £7per acre each : Location 9664, eontainiag 9a. 2r. lep., at410 per acre, and Location 9665, containing Sn. 3r. 35p.,at £9 per acre; classifications page 1.58 of File 7106/02;ccubect to the special conditions applying to blocks inthis vicinity: being the cancelled applications of 1). E.Scully, .1. IV. Beattie, K. V. Adams, 0. 1). A dams, IV.Ward, and J. Tlenstridge.

    NAIITIOGI N LAN!) ACENCV.Williams and A von 1)1st jets (about 2/ miles south-west

    of Popanyinning)Con'. No, 4426/20, (Plan 3780/ tO, 113.)Wit lianis Locat ion 12-I S S and Avon Loca t ion 8693,

    containing S4Sa. ii'. Sip.. at Is. Gd. pci' acl'e : classifica-tion page 30 of 4426/20; suh,ject to payment foc' un-l)ru\enccnts aicd to the condition that the poison mustbe eradicated to the satisfaction of the Minister forLands before the Croon grant will issue; being J. IV.1. Davidson's forfeited Lease 16865/68.

    Williams District (near Kuender).Purr. No. 564/39. (Plan 387/SO, C2.)Location 12S62, containing 652a. 3i'. 28p., at Gs. Gd.

    pci' acre; classification page 21 of File .5767/27; sub-,ec-t to payment foi' improvements; being the cancelledapplication of L. 11. and 0. M. Eggers.

    NORTITAM LAND AC I2NCY.Avon District (hear Narembeen).

    ('ocr. No. 553(1/10, Vol. 3. (Plan 5/SO, B4.)Location 16240, cont.cining (ISa., at I Us. pci- acre;

    available subject to excision of a camping reserve of 5acres; Reserve 13092 (Water) is hereby cancelled.

    A von District (about five miles north of Ti'ayniiig)('ocr. No. 5896/25. (Plan 34/SO, Di,)Location 20421, cocitcnuing 1 101a .Sr. Sp., cit Gs. (hi.

    lilac' cc: "hcssIIi.'nt in page 26 of liSle 1.1450/2; sub-,jec'L to excmpt iuic froici road hcicc cd rates (nc two .1-cal'sfrom hcle ut approval ut applu';ttcomi ; hieing it, J,

    l'orfe.iti'ii Lease 19609/68,

    PERTH LAND AGENCY.Peel Estate (near VlTellard)

    Open under Part V. of the Land Act, 193338.Corrcs. 397/31. (Plan 341D/40, B3, Peel Estate

    Sheet 1,)Lot 82, containing S3ci. 2r. 33p.; purchase money-

    2135 2s. Gil. : first half-year's instalment as deposit£2; half early instalments over 29'/2 years, including1crimccipcil and interest to civilians, at 5 P01' cent. pa.$4 7s. 3d.; to i'eturnod soldiers, at 4½ per cent. p.a.

    2s. 26.; mcd Lot 15, containing 106a. ir. 3Op.;curchase money-1124; first half-year's instalment asdeposit$2; half-yearly instalments over 291/, years,including principal and interest to civilians, at 5 percent. p.a.-14s. 106.; to returned soldiers, at 41/, percent, p.a..13s. 96,: subject to Agricultural Bank in-debtednoss and to the conditions governing selection intins Estate, This cancels the previous GovernmentGavette notice relating to these blocks.

    Peel Estate (near White Lake).Open under Pact V. of the Land Act, 1933-38.Com'res. 1/31.. (Plan 341D/40, B3.)Lot 297, containing 55a. Or. 25p.; purchase money

    £95 iSs.; first half-year's instalment as deposit$2;half-yearly instalments over 29½ years, including prin.cipal and interest to civilians, at 3 per cent. p.a.-25 is. 7d.; to returned soldiers, cit 4½ per cent, pa.£2 iSs. ; cuni Lot 298, containing 43cc. iii'. SSp.; purchaseniuiic',cl$ 1 first licilf-,veac' ' instcilment as deposit$2; lccilf- early insuclncecits over 291/, years, includingprinc'cpcil :ucd iict crest to civilians, cit 5 l:cr cent.

    -22 1 2s. ; to returned soldiers, ct 4) per cent. p.a(2 Si, liii.; subject to the coinlit ions :ipplyiug to tinsh2st:cte, This i'cinc'c'ls (lie 110(1cc in the Govei'cnicc,iI(lace It c icc ted t lie I 6th 1 Nc>' niher, 153S. i'elating to theseblocks.

    Peel Estate (about tln'ee miles north-west ofKarnup).

    01 ('a cinilci' Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938.('err. 1019/39. (Plan 341D/4O, Bi.)lot 354, containing 50cc. 2i'. 181).; puc'chase money

    £96: firsi lccclf-vear 's inst cclinent cis deposit-22 ; half-)-eccrlv icist:clncents ovec' 29) years, including prmcipal:ind mt erest to civilians .at S pci' cent. p.a.$3 is.(Id. to returccr'd sjldiers, at 4) per cent. p.a.$2 iSs.lii.; subject tic tile conditions applying to tins Estate.This rccncels the previous Govcrnicicnt Gazctte notice re-al ing tic thi is block.

    Peel Estate (about seven iiiiles eccst of Karnup).Open cinder Part V. of (Ice Land Act, 19.33-38.'orres, 2577/37. (Plan 3411)/4O, C4.)

    Lot 3.59, con ta in big S In. 21'. 24p. ; purchase money£115; first lccclf-\-c'ccr 's instalment as deposit$2 ; half-c-e:crlc- iicstahinents over 29 '/2 years, including principalacid interest (o ci'i inns, at S per edit. p.a.$4 is.2(1.; to returiicd soldiei's, cit -1½ per cent. p.a.$4 2s.lii.; subject to the conditions applying to this Estatecad tic grcczillg rights; being H. G. Tonkin 's cancelled


    Peel Estate (about 7½ miles ecist of Karaup).Open under Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938.Porres, 2553/37. (Pl:in 341D/4O, C4.)Lot 833, conta ung 105cc. 2r. 151).; purehccse moiley-

    £179 10 '.; first half-year's instalment as deposit$2hiahf-eai'hy iiistalments over 25 t2 years, including pi's-cclxii ccnd interest ---to eic-ihiaas, at 3 per cent. p.a.-(S iGs. 2d.; to retcirmced soldiers, at 4'/ per cent. pa.-45 Ss. lid, : subject to the conditions applying to thislIst ate ccnd to the marketable timbe,' being reseri-ed tothe (.'rO\va ; being J. 13. Lacuna's forfeited Lease1-17/1655.

    Swcin i)istriet (cit Lake Pin,jar).on', Nc. 4691)/i 1. ( i'lccmi 28/SO, 134.)

    ioc'itcuii 112-5, contcnning 16cc. ii'. Sp.,at h2s. Gd. pi'rlyre, i'xc'jcichuc suryc)- tee; i'icissitii'citicn page 32 ot'Fit>' 1)19)). 15: subject to iciynceuL liii' improvements, ifciii),

    tSivccii I)ist 'jet (ccicucct 30 niiies irostcvard of \Vaiuiaumai)

    ('ccii. No. 1-111:1/38. (Plan 30/80, F3.)Location 4375, containing 1,2Ola. 3r. 121)., and Loca.

    thou 4376, containing 1,009a. 2i'. Lip., at 2s. per acreeach, excluding survey fee; classifications page 10 of1433/38 and page 9 of 1852/38; Pastoral Lease 3985/93is hem'cby reduced to exclude portions of these locations.

    Sivan District (near King's Brook).tori'. No. 2422/36. (b'hcm IT/SO, A4.)'1' lie n nsni'veyed a i'e:c , r'oni a i icing cc bout 301) acres,

    1,oandoct on the north be Locations 2641 acid 2248, ontice east by Location 2669, on ticc south by Locatiomm1373, on the west by a line about 60 chains from andparallel to a west boundnry of Location 2669 aforesaid,cxcludiicg m'eads; available subject to survey, elassifica.tion, and pricing.

    SALMON GUMS LAND AGENCY.Fitzgerald District (about 2½ miles south-west of

    Dowak).Corr. No. 2822/24. (Plan 392/80, AB2.)Location 400, containing l,lOOa. ir. 4p., at 5s. per

    acre; clasLflcntion page 17 of 2822/24; subject to pay-icceict for iniprox eineiits ; being the forfeited Leases40898/55, 21027/71, ccni 24026/74 of L. A. acid B. S.\Veeks.

    Fitzgei'cild District (about two nules east of CircleValley).

    (',crr, Ncc, 1131 '37, (Plan 392/SO, C3 & 4.)1 ucit i ccci 41.5 cnni 416, containing 2,2 I 8cc. 2r. l3p.,

    cit tis. Gd. pci' ccere; subject to Agricnhtm'al Bank in-debtedness; being F. C. Davies' forfeited Lease 348/700.


  • 1458 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [AUGUS'r 18, 1939.

    SOUThERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.Jilbadji District (about 9½ miles south of Garratt).

    (ocr. No. 1510/28. (Plan 23/80, El.)Location 390, containing l,017a. 2r. 22p., at 4s. Gd.

    pci' acre; clas-iltcation page 171 of 13813/01; subjectto payment for i inprovcinents (capitalised at £375) andto mining and I iuilicr conditions. This cancels the pre-vious Govcensnes t Gazette notice relating to this block.

    Jilbadji Distrirt (about six miles north of IIolleton).Corr. No. 1300/34. (Plan 6/80, B2.)Location 558, containing 959a. 3r. 5p., at 5s. 6d.

    per acre; classification page 1 of 1788/28; subject tomining ('onditions and to paysucit for improvements, ifany; no further advance will be made by the Agricul-tural Bank. Tins cancels the previous GovernmentGazette notice relating to this block.

    Vilgarn I)istricl (about 12 miles north-east ofBullfinch).

    Curs'. No. 2654/31. (Plan 53/80, E3.)Location 1277, containing 999a. ir. 37p., at 4s. per

    acre; classification page 18 of File 2654/31; subject tomining conditions and to payment for iniprovements,if any; being (1. (luadagain 's forfeited Lease 55/2242.

    \VAG1N LAND AGENCY.Williams I)istrict (about 14½ miles vest of Piesseville).

    Purr. No. 4475/20. (Plan 409A/40, AB1.)Locations 12293 and 12509, containing 169 acres; sub-

    ject to classification and pricing and to exemption fromi'oad board sates for two yeas's fi'omn date of approvalof application; being A. TI. Richards' forfeited Leases22126/74 and 1153/57.


    Sussex District (about two miles east of Yoongam'illnp).Curs'. No. 1474/25. (Plan 4]3C/40, E3.)location 898, containing 100 acres; subject to pricing.

    Sussex l)ists'ict (about three miles south-west ofYokonup).

    (om'i'. No, 831 /30. (Plan 41 3B/40, F2.)Location 1788, cositaining 99a. ir. 131)., at 7s. pci'

    ore; classification page 9 of File 6050/22; subject todrainage conditions, to the reservation of all marketabletimber to the Crow-n, and to exemption from road boardsates for two years from date of approval of applica-tion; being K. M. MeLeod's forfeited Lease 55/1800.

    Vpper Capci iRepurchaseci EstateWellington District(about 4½ miles west of Kirup).

    Open nuder Past V. of time Land Act, 1933-1938, asmodified by Past VIII.

    Comics. No. 3607/28. (Plami 41415/40, B3.)Location 2539, coatai'iissg lIla. Si'. 25p.; pus'cliase

    immoneyfS47 lOs, ; half-yearly hsstalmnents, first five yearsinterest only :to s-cturned soldiers, at 41/2 per cent.p.a.f19 is. Sd.; to civilians, at S per cent. p.a., £213s. 9d.; half-yearly instalments ores' the balance (35years), including principal amid interest :to returnedsoldiers, at 4½ per cent. p.a.-523 12s. Gd.; to civilians,at 5 per cent. p.a.25 2s. Sd.; subject to Agricultui'alBank iisdebtedsiess asid to time conditions applying tothis Estate; being 0. Ryall 's forfeited Lease 20/2320.


    l'lantagesict Dists'ict (about three miles south ofNarrikup).

    Cos'r. Xe, 3678/30. (Plan 451/80, B2 & 3.)Location 4686, containing 480a. Or. lop., at Is. Gd.

    pci' acre; classification page 8 of 3678/30; Location1105, containing 1 OOa,, at Is. Gd. pci' acre; ciassifica-timi page 6 of 1106/34; amid Location 4687, containing207a. 2r. 8p., at Ss. per acs'e; classification page 7 of3679/;30; subject to pa3nlicnt for improvements, if ally,and to time reservation to the Crown of all marketabletimber; Locations 4686 rind 1105 are also subject toexemption from road hoard rates for two yeas's fromdate of appi'ova I of application; being C. H. hyde 'aforfeited Leases 68/3189, 347/642, and 68/3190.

    I'lantagenet Dists'ict (about 22 miles from Toonipup).Cos's'. No. 1829/31. (Plan 446/SO, Dl.)Locations -1732 and 2648, containing 779a. Si'. iSp.,

    at is. 9d. pci' acre; classifications pages 12 of 1829/31and 11 of 4102/IS; subject to the poisosi beimmg ei'adi-cateci to the satisfaction of the Minister foi' Lands be-fore the Crown gramst will issue and to payment forups'oveineats; being- C. Gardusier 's forfeited Leases

    68/3410 and 71/1438.

    Tos-hai- .\,X. (about 141 miles south of Torhar).('on-, No, 12218/00, Vol. 2. (Plan 437/A4O.)

    Pi'icei ,oc. A sea. pci' a ci'e, Iic'nmmm m'ks,No. a, r . p. £ s. d.(12 80 (1 5 2 1 3 ('lisa p. il) of 12218/00, Vol. 2.(13 ga 2 2-5 1 17 3 Class. p. 88 of 12218/00, Vol. 2.(14 36 2 ii 3 7 3 Class. p. 87 of 12218/00, Vol. 2.((5 68 1 36 2 ii 3 Class. n. G of 12215/00, Vol. 2.6 23 (( 24 8 0 ci ('lass. p. 84 of 12218/00, Vol. 2.69 23 2 7 7 15 1 Class. p. 83 of 12218/00, Vol. 2.70 43 1 27 3 13 3 Class. p. 82 of 12218/00. Vol. 2.71 65 3 35 2 9 6 Class. p. Si of 12218/00, Vol. 2.

    Subject to drainage cuidifiosis, (o tin' conditionsapplviig to sehi ctioa in is maca, asid to exeniption fromroad hoard rates for Inc s-ears from date of approvalof application.

    '['ins cancels (lie previous Goi'cm'iinm'im I Gavcttc noticesrelating to these blocks.

    BEVERLEY LAND AGENCY.Noommibhing Estate, Williamcis Dists'ict (about 21/2 miles

    nos'ths-east of 41{ooterclinc).Opess nudes' Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938, as

    niodified by Part VIII.Comm. 1769/37, (Plami 379C/4O, F3 & 4.)Locations 12524 and i357O, containing i3O45a. Os'.

    )Sp.; moneyfi7Oi) 1 Os. 3d.; half yearly in-stalinents fist fire yeas's, interest emily :to returnedsoldies's, at 4) per cesit. p.a.filS his. Gd.; to civilians,at 5 per cent. 7 12s. 9d.; half-yeas'ly instal-niessts over (lie balance (3.5 years), including principaland isitcs'cst :to returned soldiers, at 4) per cent. p.a.fi19 13s. 3d.; to civilians, at 5 per cent. p.a.-2OiSs. Gd.; s'ibject to Agm'icnitural Bank indebtedness.These blocks will emil)- lie approved to the applicantwho satisfies the Land Board that lie has the necessarycapital and expei'iencc for successfully workimsg the hold-ing; also subject to timber conditions. Tlus cancelstIme previous (lovesncsncim I (lazctle notice s'clntisig to theselocations.

    GERALDTOX LAND AGENCY.Victoria District (about 13 miles north-west of

    Tenindewa).('on'. No. 4972/25. (Plan 156/80, Al.)Location 6068, containing 1,94Th,, also Location 4464,

    c'omstansing 9761, 2s'. 21).; classification page 6 of 4972/23;suhiect to Agricultural Bank and I.A.B. indebtedness,(o pricumig and to time i'ight of the Go\-em'llmcnt to resumefor raihva- or otlses' public purposes any laud required,amid no compensation to be givesi; being B. Bisby 'sforfeited Leases 19794/68 and 19795/68.

    Victom'ia Dists'ict (about 16 suiles east of Maya).Corr. No. 97-1/35. (Plan 96/80, DE4.)Location 95.51, cosstauusig 3,159a. Os'. I lp.; subject

    to pricmsmg; classificatiosi page 20 of 974/35; subject topayment foi' improvesuemits ; being J. M. Bercsford 'sfoi'fcitcd Lease 347/964,

    KATANNING LAND AGENCY.Ko,jonup Disti'ict (about five uules northi-ivest of

    Nyabing).Com'i'. Xe. 1833/38. (Plan 408/80, E4.)Locations 7292 and 8519, containing l,OSOa., at 5s.

    pm' acre; classification nago S of 1833/38; subject to(lie condition that (lie polsosi insist be eradicated to (liesatisfaction of tIn' Ministem' foi' Lands before time Crowngrant will issue; being .1. hlaydock 's cancelled applica-tion.

  • AUGTST 18, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. 1459

    NORTTIASI LAND AGENCY.Avon District (about 10 miles north-east of Wogarl).

    Corr. No. 194/32. (Plan 5/80, E2.)Locations 19208 and 26841, containing 995a., at 5s. Gd.

    per acre; classification page S of 1741/27; subject topayment for improvements; being W.J. Cooper's for-feited Leases 68/3404 and 74/1433.

    Avon District (about 1013 miles south-east of Yelbenil.Corr. No. 1948/35. (Plan 34/80, B4.)Location 19934, containing 1,139a., at hs. Gd. per

    acre; classification page 4 of 9122/12; subject to pay-ment for improvements being .J. S. Evans' forfeitedLease 347/969.Jilbadji District (about 1 0/ miles south of Carrahin).

    Corr. No. 1063/26. (Plan 24/80, E2.)Location 120, containing 995a. ir. 38p., at is. 6d.

    per acre; classifications pages 76 and 77 of 1063/26;subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness, to miningand timber conditions, and to the right of the Govern-ment to resume fm railway or other public purposesany land required free of compensation; being E. Matfin's forfeited Jeaso 41813/55.

    Melbourne District (about half mile north- ivest ofKorraling Siding).

    ('orr. No. 2384/38. (Plan 57/SO, D2.)Locations 3217, 3248, and 2266, containing 2,O43a. 3r.

    3p., at 4s. per acre; classification page 41 of 2384/38;subject to payment for improvements, if any; beingW. C. Eci-noidson 's cancelled application.

    Ninghau District (about 11 snilcs south-east ofBallidu).

    Corr. No. 714/35. (Plans 64/80, F4, 65/80, A4.)Locations 180, 20, and 1441, containing 1,192a. 3r.

    23p., at Os. per acre; classification page Sa of 714/35;subject to payment for uuprovenicnts and to the rightof the Governnicnt to resume for railway or other publicpurposes any land required, and no compensation tohe given; being J. W. hayden 's forfeited Lease347/818.

    Ninglian District (about 10 miles north-east ofKalannie).

    ('orr. No. 4421/30. (Plan 88/80, 04.)Locations 2907 and 3495, containing 1,450a. ir., at

    lOs. Gd. per acre; classification page 28 of 1388/30, Vol.1; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness; being' J forfeited Lenses 55/1872 and 74/1009.

    Ninghian Distri,t (about two miles north-east ofMarindo).

    Corr. No. 39428. (Plan 66/80, BC2.)Location 2991, containing l,008a. 2r. 171)., at lOs.

    per acre; classification page 10 of 5537/27; subject toAgricultural Bank indebtedness; being A. F. Moor-head's forfeited Lease 5.3/1694

    Ninghan District (about six miles south of Bonnie Rock).Corr. No. 6086/28. (Plan 67/80, AB4.)Locations 3404 and 3423, containing 1,S96a. Ir.3Gp.,

    at 7s. per acre classification page 57 of 6455/27; sub-ject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness; being A. Ilarnil-ton's Leases 68/973 and 74/539.

    SALMON GI 'MS LAND AGENCY.Fitzgerald Dist net (ii bout three miles east of (1 rass

    Patch).Ccii. No. 643/33. (Plan 402/SO, C & DI.)Location 41, containing 8(0a. 1 r., at (is. Gd. pci acre;

    classification page 8 of 643/33, subject to payment forinmprovemcnts valued at f30. This cancels the previousGorern iient Gazette notice relating to this block.

    SOTTTHERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.Yil;n-n District (about 41/., miles north-west of

    Warrachmuppin).Parr. No. 6a47/27. (Plan 4/80, DE4.)Location 354, eolltainmg 2,112a. ir. l9p., at Is. per

    acre; classification page 1 of 981/26; subject to Agri-cultural Bank indebtedness, to mining conditions, andto tile right of the Government to resume for railwayor other public i mrposes any land required, free ofcompensation; being A. T. Wilkins' forfeited Lease22760/68.

    Yilg-arn District (about 413 miles north-west ofNoongaar).

    Corr. No. 1501/23. (Plan 36/80, A3.)Location 473, containing lIOGa. 3r. tOp., at 7s. Gd.

    per acre; classification page 80 of 4543/22; subject toAgricultural Bank am 0 l.A .13. indebtedness and to mii-ing timber and Goldfields Water Supply firewood coil-ditions; being A. \V. Johnson's forfeited Lease39990/55.

    \mlgarn District (about 81/, miles south of Baladjie).Corr. No. 2238/35. (Plan 36/80, AB1 & 2.)Locatmon 974, containing 2,O8Ga. 3r. l2p., at 4s. 3d.

    p r acre; classification page 19 of 426/26; sub;ject topayment for improvenients and to nhining and timberconditions. This cancels tIle previous Goverwmen IGacette notice relating to this block.


    Nelson District (about I j nnles south-east ofEastbrook).

    Purr. No. 918/39. (Plan 442B/40, E2.)Location 8226, containing 80a. Or. Sp., at 17s. Gd.

    11cr acre; classification page S of 987/20; subject to,\_anienlfural Bank i ndehtcdness and to the marketabletimber being reserved to the Crown ; being L. Do Vat--timiio 'ii (-ahicelled application.

    G. L. NEEDHAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    TIlE ROAI) DTSTRICTS ACT, 1919-1933.WHEREAS the Hon. the Minister for Lands, being theowner of land over or along which the undermentionedroad, in the NEDLANDS Road District passes, hasapplied to the Yedlaids Road Board to c-lose the saidroad, which is inure pa rticuiarlv described hereunder,that is to say: -

    2288/35.N. 280 :Thiose parts of Road No. 6142 comprised

    in Cottesloe Lots 204 and 205 (as shown on DiagramNo. 60584). (hOamis Cottesloe and lD/20, NW.)

    A mid whereas such) application has been duly publishedin time Government Gazette:

    And whereas the said Board has assemited to the saidapplication:

    And whereas thc- Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has confirmed tIm said assent:

    It is hereby notified that the said Road is closed.Dated tins ] 8th day of August, 1939.

    G. L. NEEDHAM,'nder Secretary for Lands.

    TIlE ROAI) l)ISTR1CTS ACT, 1919-1934.Closure of Roads.

    1, CI. N. LEWIS, being the oirner of land over or alongwhich portions of roads hereunder described pass, haveapplied to the Kojonup Road Board to close the saidportiomis of roads, viz.:-

    Kojonup.1340/36.K. 272: Portion of Road No. 9907 bounded by lines

    c-commencing on the west side of the present road 11ehlliins 37.6 links north from time south boundary ofKojommup Location 4515 and extending 300deg. 2Gnun.I chain 1 3 links, GOdeg. S2mimin. 4 chain; thence l8Odeg.1 c-baum to the starting p0 it.

    Portion of Road No. 9907 bounded by lines coni-mnenciag on the south boundary of Kojonup Location4024, 2iOdeg. 2 chains from its original south-eastcorner and extending I5dcg. I cimain 41.4 links, l8Odeg.1 chain: thence 27Odeg. 1 chain to the starting point.(Plan 438B/40, El.)


    I, Ralph Beimmm, on behalf of the Kojonup I-load Board,hereby assent to time above application to close time roadstherein described.

    R. BENN,Chairman Kojonmmp Road Board.

    1.lmhm August, 1939.

  • 14(30 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [AUGUST 18, 1939.

    THE ROAD D[STdJCTS ACT, 1919-1934.Closure of Roads.

    \V If, I' A. Morris and If. il. (liirke, being the ownersof land over or along w'liiei portions of roads hereunderdescribed pass, live applied to the Dumbleyung RoadBoard to (lose the nod porlions of roads, viz.:

    I )uinbleyung.1021/39.B. 264: The surveyed roads(a) Along the north boundar of Williams Loeation

    S211 from the north corner of said location to asurveyed road at its north-east corner.

    (b Along the east boundary of Location 7093 andthrough Location 121 i 1 from a surveyed road at thesouth-east corner of he former location to Road No.821 3 pa ssi iig a br I g tli soot Ii rn ii do of t lie I) uniblevung-Knkerin 1iaihiva,v resel Ce. (I'lan 408/SO, Dl.)


    1, iMattbew Dart, on behalf of the I)unihleyung Road(hoard. hereby assent to the above application to close

    the roads therein described.b. DART,

    Cliairnian Dnnbleyung Road Board.5th August, 1939.

    TRANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893.Application No. 2219/1937.

    TAKE notice that Alfred Llewellyn Saloni of The (inn-vah Brnnswic 1 junction farmer has nia (10 ajipl i c itionto be registered under (lie Trinsf r of Land Act 1893as the proprietor of air estate in fee simple in p08-session in the following parcel of land situate in theWellington (list net and b,ing

    portion of Wellington Location 1 containing isithe aggregate 206 acres 1 rood 2 perches

    Firstly :Portion of (lie said Wellington Location Icmii a liii ng 11(0 ic res 1 ro id

    liosnided o'o (lie east liv the west boundary of (lie1nrt ion of \Velling'ton Loi-at ion 1 known as Rural Lot9 1rCill road nieiisnririg ihint I I rlinrm 55 links

    On thc south-west in' part of the right hinik if' (lieBrrnssoi'k riser flirsue by lines along a fence niersuririgin :ill 33 lrnns 38 and uivr'-tenf iii links again br partof the right lriisik of (lie lhr'nir'-avick river igton li_s lincoalong a fence neasniing in all 25 nih ins 6? a nil sinetenths links and (nice again by part of the eight bankof tim Brunswick river,

    And on the north-west by part of the left bank ofthe Wellesley river,

    Secondly: Portion of the said Wellington Location 1containing 98 acres 1 rood 30 perches

    Bounded on the south-west by the north-east boun-dary of the portion of Wellington Location 1 known asRural Lot 1 Wellesley road nicasuring about 43 chains60 links

    On the north-west and north by part of the left bankof the Wclleslca- river and by lines along a fence inca-suring together 6 chains 24 and eight-tenths links

    On the north-east by part of the south-west bonn-clary of the portion of Wellington Location 1 comprisedjil Diagram 2095 deposited in the Office of Titles ineasuring 35 chains 57 and six-tenths links

    And on the south-east by 29 chains 89 and nine-tenthslinks of the north-west boundary of Brunswick EstateLot 9.

    Thirdly :Portion of the said Wellington Location 1containing 5 acres 12 perches

    Bounded on the south by 8 chains 80 and six-tenthslinks of the north side of Melville road

    On the north-west by a south-east boundary of theportion of Wellington Loeatiois 1 known as Rural Lot 1Wellesley road incasurisig 17 chains 44 and six-tcntlislinks

    Arid on (lie eastward by a u esterlv hionnda ry of'Brunswick Estate Lot 9 measuring 12 chains 30 andthree-tenths links.

    Fourthly : - Portion of (lie si iii Well i ngt oil Lo rat i onI contain' ng 2 ic res 2 ro oils

    Bounded by line start big froni a hionit on (lie ivestninida ry of the portion of We Ihi ngt on Loc it ion I

    knotvn as floral Lot 2 51hs ille road situate about if

    chains 30 links south along' the said boundary fromthe loft bank of (lie \Vellesley river and extending south-eastw'irds about 95 chains 9 links to (lie north side ofMelville road on thio east boundary of the said RuralLot 2 thence south 1 chain and six-tenths of a link along(lie ii est hiounda rv of Melville road (Ii enne south-west-ward about 24 chains 80 links to a point on the westboundary of' the said Rirril Lot 2 situate about S chains22 Ii nks n oi'tb a long' the said ho undarv from die rightI nik of the Di nnswiyk river tIn-ne,- north about 57 andfive-tenths links in extension of the said west boundary(lien noi-thi-eastwards about 24 chains 6-5 links thencenorth-westwards about 24 chains 94 links to the westboundary of the said Rural Lot 2 and finally noi'tli-ira (Is oh nut 58 and two-i enthis links in extension ofthe said west bonnda rv to I lie startnig poiflt the so hIhues nieasni'ing 24 chains 65 links ntiS 2-I chains 94links being' parallel respectively to those measuring 24chains SO links and 25 chinns 9 links.

    The fenced and s'ivel- bonndai'ies referred to lire moreparticularly defined on Plan 5911 deposited in the Officeof Titles.

    And firthier take notice that all pes'somss other thanthe appin-ant claiming to have any estate right title orinterest in the above parcel of land and desiring toobject to (lie said application are hereby reqnii'ed tolodge in (Ins Office on or befoi-e (lie 22nd day of Sep-teni lies' text a cr vent foul nil diii g t lie i'cgi stri tio 1 of thesaid Alfred Lheivehlvn Sabom as such proprietor as afore-said.

    F. B. FE\\T1XOS,Registrar of Titles.

    016cc of Tithes, Pei'thi,4th day of August, 1939.

    lfasruiais & .Jenom', Bnnbur'y. Solicitors for the applicant.

    TRANSFII ii OF LANI) ACT, 1803.'pphieation No. 1595/1930.

    TA K If notice flint The Luff i-rh l'rcss Lhiintecl whoseregistei-ed office is situate at 971 hay street Perth inhr ntite of Western Australia has made application

    In Ii: registered nniher Pie Transfer of Land Act 1S93is hhie proprietor rif iii estnte ur fee sirnrphc in posses-

    shin ni the following hin'edl of hand situate in tirebwiui list rirl a ii being-

    LI 23 of -firm Ioirtirrn IS r'ointrininig I. rood9 nil (miii' t ent hi pc'chiss

    hirniinrhel on I lie scsi by 1 chain S and tln'ee-(dnthmsinks if' the rist ide nt Wcoxtoii streetOa the noi'thi by the south boundary of Lot 121

    lnieiSuring' 2 chains 63 and ((nec-tenths linksOn (lie east by parts of the west boundaries of Lots

    127 and 125 measuring together 1 chain 5 and three-tenths links

    Anih on (lie sooth by (lie north boundary of Lot 123measuring 2 drains 63 and three-tenths links

    The hand is snore particularly defined on Plan 2130deposited in tire Office of Tithes

    Auiih fur(hier take notice (brat all persons other than(lie applicant claiming to have lily estate right titleoi- irterc st Sri (lie abot e parcel of land and fleshing too 1,5 oct to t lie said a pphication are hereby required tolodge in tins Office on oi before tire 29th Septemberne-at a caveat forbidding (lie said land being broughtnuder the operatiosm of the said Act.

    E. E. FEWJNGSrRegistrar of Tides.

    Office of Tit]s. Perth,thus 7th August, 1939.

    V. 0. Fabricius, Perth, Solicitor for tire Applicant.

    Ti-IANS10ER OF LAND ACT, 1893.Application Au. 1544/1939.

    'hAKE notice that Ronald Charles Woodland of thePolice Station Fi-emanthe police constable has madeaipheatton to be registered under (lie Transfer of LandArt 1193 its (hid proplietor of an estate in fe simple

    ussessuon in time following pareeh of land situate inlb e town of ISo i'knnghi :nis and hiei ng-

    hiorkinghraun Town Lot 78 contaiumiuig 2 roothsIloiinlel on (Ire north-west by past of a south-east

    boundary of _'Iau'ine ten'ace sneasurnlg 1 chainOn tin- mirth-east by (lie south-west hioiundni-y of

    Itor-kinighnarn h-it 77 measuring S ehiiuis tiud one-tenthof a link

  • On ilw south-cast by part of a north-west boundaryo Ix cal sleet inca su ring I chas

    A i,j on the south-west by the north-east boundaryof Rorkingliam Lot 79 measuring 5 chains.

    And further take notice that all persons other thanthe aplilielnit claim lag to have any estate right titleor interest in the above parcel of land and desiring toobject to tile said application are hereby required to

    Date ofNotice.


    Aug. 9

    Aug. 9

    Aug. 9

    Aug. 9

    Aug. 9

    Aug. 16

    Nature of Work.

    Fremantle 1-1 arbour Cottages, I ukinroadSale of (S953)

    Perth-Freuiautic C o\erniulcllt build-ingsChimney Sn eeping (S954)

    Wyalkatehem H ospitalAddit ions(8955)

    Bollard District Medical Otticer'sQuarters Sale of (8956)

    Duihehling School Sale of (8957)

    Naremnhcen SchoolNec (lassrooii(8958)

    Date and Timefor Closing.

    1939.(230 p.m. on Tuesday)29th August

    29th August

    29th August

    29th August

    29th August

    5th Septem her

    Tenders, together with the prescribed deposit, are to be adOressed to ' Tue Hon. tile Minister for Works,Public Works Department, rjlIe Barracks, St. George's terrace, Perth,' and must be indorsed ''Tender.''The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.

    W. S. ANDREW,Under Secretary for Public Works.


    Petition to sever l)ort ion of 1le City of Perth andannex it to the Perth Road District.

    Department of Public Works,IbW. 1274/37. Perth, 26th July, 1939.

    IT is hereby notified, for general information, that apetition, the substance and prayer whereof are here-under set forth, has been presented to Ills Excellencythe Lieutenant-Governor in accordance with the provi-sioiis of the Road Districts Act, 1919-1938, and the51 uuicipal Corporations Act, 1906 1938, praying' for theseverance of that portion of the City of Perth shownedged blue on the said petition and tile annexationthereof to time Perth Road District.

    (Sgd.) W. S. ANDREW,Iiiider Secretary for Public Works.

    1 'etition.The substance amid prayem' of the petition arc as fol-

    lows:That the petitioners are all rotepayers of the Perth

    Road District.That that portion of the City of Perth shown edged

    blue on the plan annexed to the petition and describerlin the Schedule hereto should be transferred to thePerth Road District and form portion of the Osborne°5Tard

    That notices may be served on the petitioners at theOflice of the Perth Road Board, Atlas Buildings, TheEsplauade, Perth.

    Schedule.All that portion of the City of Perth bounded on the

    north-westward by time south-eastern boundary of Perth-shire Location Au, on the north-eastw ard by the centreof Charles street to its junction with a line in prolonga-Con of the centre of Walcott street; thence by saidlhoe to the north-eastern boundary of Swan Location


    lodge in tIns Office on or before the tRim October nexta caveat forbidding the said land being brought undertime opem-atiomi of the sa iii Am- t.

    E. E. FEWINGS,Registrar of Titles.

    Clii ce o fT ill es Perth,hi is 15th Aug ust, 11)39.

    Where and when Conditions of Contract, be seen.

    Contractors' Room, Perth, and Court House, Fre-mantle, on and after Tuesday, the 15th August,1939.

    Contractors' Room, Perth, on and after Tuesday, the15th August, 1939.

    C tractors Room, Perth ; Hospital Boarmi Office.\Vymmlkatchein, a ni Commit House, SI erred in, on andafter 'I'miesday, the 15th August, 1939.

    Contractors Room, Perth. and Court louse, Pie-mantle, on and after Tuesday, the lstlm August,1939.

    (outm'actors Room, Perth, and Water Supply Office,Northam, on and after Tuesday, the 15th August,1939.

    Contram-tors Room. Perth Court I-louse. Slerredin,and I UIV. I)., Katanu lug, on and after Tuesday, the22nd August, 1939.

    1073; thence by tIme said boundary amid that of SwanLocation 4074, and on the southiavard by the southernside of Green street and its production to time centreof' ('Ii a m'les st sect.

    ROAI) DISTR I CTS ACT, 1919-1938.Perenjori and Dalwalhinu Road DistrictsAlteration of

    Commmmnon BoundaryNotice of Intention.Department of Public Works,

    P.SV. 647/39. Perth, 25th July, 1939.[T is hereby notified, for general information, tlmat itis the intention of his Excellency the Lieutenant-Coy-em-nor, under the provisiomms of the Road Districts Act,191 9-1938, to alter tIme common boundary between thePerenjori and Dalwahlinu Road Districts by severingfreni t lie Dahwallimmn Road District all that portion ofLocation 8187 lying within the Dalwallinu Road Districta md ann 'xiug it to m lie b'erenjori Road District.

    Phi mm ohio avi ng the hrohOseml ahtcii tiiii Only be seenat the Local (lovermim nt 0111cc, Department of PublicWorks, Peitli.

    (Sgd.) W. S. ANDREW,Under Secretary foe- Public Works.

    ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1938.Bi-idgetown Road Board.

    Departnoent of Public Works,P.W. 1516/38. Perth, 16th August, 1939.

    IT is hereby mietified, for general information, that HisExcellemicy tIme Lieutenant-Governor has approved of acontribution towards the cost of additions and altera-tions to the Bi-idgetowu Public Hospital as an under-taking for whoehi mooney may be borrowed undom- PamtVII. of time Road Districts Act, 1919-193S, by tlmeBridgetowu Road Board.

    (Sgd.) W. S. ANDREW,Under Secretary for Public Works.

    Aix; PST 8, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZTT, W.A. 1461

  • 1462 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [AUGUST 18, 1939.

    TilE ROAI) l)ISTR[CTS ACT, 1919-1938.Bayswater Road BoardBuilding By-laws.

    P.\V. 1078/35.WhEREAS by the Road Districts Act, 1919-38, theRoad Board of any district may make, alter, and repealbr-laws for all or auy purposes mentioned in the saidAct, the Bayswater Road Board, in pursuance of thepowes vested in the said Board, under and by virtueof the said Act and of every other authority enablingit in this hehaif, (10th hereby make and P jlisli thefollowing by-laws:

    Fees and Permit.l'aragraph 2 of the Building by-lairs pcililishecl in the

    G-ovei-flmenf Gaettc on 22nd Februam-v, 1929, is herebyrepealed and the following by-law- made in its stead:

    Paragraph, 2.Fees and Pci-nut.o person slìall confluence any building, erection, os

    structure, or any addition or alteration to any building,erection, or structure, without having first obtained fi-omthe surveyor a written perunt to,- time commencementof same, and without having first paid to the Boardthe fees in respect thereof set fom-th in these by-law-s.

    Each building, erection, or stm-ucture must be com-pleted within twelve uionths froni the date of issue bythe Board of tIle permit tises-efom-. The fees payable inrespect of buildings, em-ections, om- structures shall be atthe rate of one shilling and tlu-ecpenee (fO is. lcl.) per100 square feet of floor a rca, provided that no fee shallbe less than 2s. 6d.

    Building By law No. 44Xumbes-ing of houses.l'aragraph 1 of by-law No. 44, published in the Coy-

    erflment Gazette on 19th September, 1930, is hereby 1-c-pealed and the following pam-agra phi inserted in itstead:

    Paragraph 1.Numbering of houses.Every owner, builder, om householder shall accept such

    house numbers as shall be issued by tIme Bayswater RoadBoard and shall affix same iii a place on the fenceapproved by the Board '5 building surveyor.

    Such house number shall be issued free to all ownersof new houses erected omi and after tIme date of gazettalof tins paragraph. The Board may order any ow-ncror householder of any house erected 1)riom- to the gazettalof this paragraph to affix house nuuibers at his owncost of a standard design approved by the Board, whichmay be purchased from the Board at cost ps-ice.

    Passed at a meeting of thc Bayswatcr Road Boardheld on tIme 31st day of May, 1939.

    ROBERTS V. HILL,Chairman.

    ALFRED B. BONE,Secretary.

    Recommended-(Sgd.) TI. MILLINGTON,

    I\iinister for Works.

    Approved by I-us Excellency the Lieutenant-Governorin Executive Council this 3rd day of August, 1939.

    (Sgd.) L. E. SHAPCOTT,Clerk of the Council.

    PIT E BOAT) DI STII lOTS ACT, 1919-1934.[Pper Rlackwood Road District.

    Proposed Loani32,000.NOTICE is hereby given that the Upper BlackwoodRoad Board proposes to borrow tIme sum of £2,000 (twothousand pounds) , to be applied in tIme purchase ofpowem- plant for road works.

    This amount is proposed to he raised by the sale ofdebentures repayable with interest at time rate of £4 Os.per ecntum per annum by 10 eoual half-yearly instal-ments ovem a period of five years after the iss,me thereof,in lieu of tIme formation of a sinking fund.

    The amounts of the said debentures and interest willhe pa able at time Commonwealth Bank of Australia,Pci-tb.

    'Ole specifications and the estimate of tIme cost of suchplant, and the statenmemmts showing- time proposed cx-i.endlitnre of the money to be bun-owed, are open forinspection of ratepayens at time Office of the Boam'd fom-((lie months after the last publication of this notice. Thehours during wInch such inspection flay be made are9 to S S[ondav to Fm-iday, and to 1 pm. onSaturday.

    Dated this 10th day of August, 1939.

    P. D. FORREST,Chairnman.

    H. Ii. CONNOLLY,Secretary.

    THE ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1934.Bnidgetown Road Board.

    Notice of inteation to Borrow.NOTICE is hereby given that the Bridgetown RoadBoard proposes to borrow the smun of £1,800, pursuantto tIme provisions of section 27 (2) of tIme 1-lospitals Act,1921, to enable the Bridgetowrc Road Board to contri-bute that suns towards the capitmil cost of tIme enlarge-immemef amid improvenmeuts d the Public hospital atBridgetown, estimated to (-ost £3,600, tIme Minister fos'Public health having given a valid undertaking pus'-summt to section 27 (5) of the hospitals Act, 1927, to-oatnibute the sun, of £1,800 towards the cost of theenlargement and inmpm-ovements of the said Public Hos-pital, hereinafter m-efcrred to as ''the said works andunclert akings.

    The plans and specilications, and the estimate of timecost of time said works and undertakings, and statementshowimmg time proposed expenditure of the mo