2014 soar annual report

2014 Annual Report SOAR Ministries, Inc.

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This is the year end report of the finances and work of SOAR Ministries for 2014


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S O A R M i n i s t r i e s , I n c .

A M e s s a g e f r o m K e r i

2014 Annual Report

This has been an incredible year for SOAR and as I reflect back on all that happened in the year, I am still in awe that I get to be part of such a ministry. Many people may think that SOAR is just something to spend the extra time helping people experience missions via short term mission trips, but it is that and oh so much more.

When I reflect on the trip to India, it isn’t just going, but the fact that the two young ladies that were the root of the mission are continuing to develop a love for serving the Lord. (Read more about their plans in the article about India.) Then I think about all the girls in the Carmel Girls’ Home, the ministers that we met, and the Sunday School teachers we helped train. We were able to not just see the work of Kerala Christian Mission and spend a couple of weeks there, but we were able to teach and that can have an impact long after we are gone.

The trip to AFE had a very similar impact. It was the first time for those teachers to have such intense staff development and learn new strategies to use in their classrooms. Now the kids they teach each day will be more engaged in their learning and the ripple effect continues. Just as a teacher I participate in on-going staff development to learn the latest strategies for teaching content and learning about some of the latest tools available, we hope to provide yearly staff development to the teachers at AFE.

The Lord has used this year to fan the flame in my soul for the work He called me to years ago. I have been praying about how I can be more involved with SOAR and I don’t know what God has in store, but I do know that I am willing to walk through the doors that He opens. This ministry isn’t my own. This is the Lord’s ministry and He uses each one of you to make it flourish. We need places to go minister, people willing to serve, and prayers and finances to make it all happen.

Will you prayerfully consider becoming a full -time partner with SOAR in the ministry? Maybe you will be a regular prayer partner, maybe a monthly financial supporter or increase your support, or maybe a volunteer to increase our impact with churches and ministries. After the walk of faith we had with Angel Bags, this year is continuing that walk. I know the Lord can raise up the supporters for the ministry if we are to expand so I will just take each step He puts before me and see what God does. Prov. 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”.

Not my will, but yours be done Lord!

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In the summer of 2012, a trip with SOAR to the Indian Christian Church in Yonkers introduced us to Kerala Christian Mission. Since then, India and its people have been on our minds. At the CIY Move conference at Milligan College, a 4 am discussion on the bathroom floor motivated us to get involved to do more. The next day, we asked Keri Duncan what the needs were and she told us about the orphanage (Carmel Girls’ Home) in Kerala that needed funds for their new building. Even though we were just two teenage girls with a vision, we set an audacious goal to raise $10,000 for the orphanage. We decided we would hold a 5K run to be the primary fundraiser, so in the fall of 2013 we began planning and recruiting sponsors. On a beautiful March day in 2014, 200 runners and volunteers participated and over $13,000 was raised when it was all said and done. In addition, the two of us girls each raised about $3,000 more by selling paintings, scarves, and receiving donations from friends to pay for travel expenses to Kerala. In May 2014, we traveled with the SOAR team and spent two weeks in Kerala. We were invited to speak at the dedication of the new orphanage and presented a giant check to Kerala Christian Mission for $13,156. Not only were we able to help with the teacher training and a couple of VBS-type activity days, we were able to spend time at the orphanage that we had been praying for. When we first arrived at The Carmel Girls’ Home and got to see the work that had been done through Christ, we were overwhelmed by the power of God and it was a feeling unlike any other. Getting to meet the girls that we had imagined meeting for such a long time was incredible. We got to put sweet, precious faces to the hard work that had been done up until that point. Just getting to play with them and love on them made every single thing we had done worth it. Our work with SOAR and KCM opened our eyes to the needs of those outside of our little world in North Atlanta.

Now, I, Kerri am planning a trip to Cambodia to work with Rapha House and Kindy is planning on serving in

Nicaragua as well this summer. The world is a vast, vast place with so many people in need that it can be

heartbreaking. But instead of just worrying about the pain that the world is in, we have to remember to pray to our

awesome Creator and Father and not be afraid to get our hands dirty. We are so incredibly grateful for the opportunity

that SOAR provides to get teenagers like us involved in such meaningful mission work.

Written by: Kerri Reid and Kindy Carrier

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H o n d u r a s - T e a c h e r

T r a i n i n g

Often, when God calls us to do something out of the ordinary or out of our comfort zone, our first thought is, “Why me?” Surely God has someone else in mind with better gifts and more skills and talents for the task. As the plane took off from Atlanta to Honduras, these were the thoughts running through my brain. Joining the SOAR team on a short -term mission to Tegucigalpa was very exciting – not my first mission trip to Honduras, but this trip was very different. Our plans were to provide staff development for teachers at the AFE school which serves students from Kindergarten through 11th grade (their Senior year). I wondered how receptive the teachers would be to an American teacher coming in and trying to tell them how to teach.

What I found was a wonderful group of compassionate teachers who were thrilled to see us, excited to learn and inspiring to us all. While many of these teachers have very little teacher training, they more than make up for it in heart and passion. I had some predisposed notion that I would feel overwhelmed for them, or sad about their circumstance. However, after a week with them I remembered why I became a teacher – to help, to guide, to serve and to educate. As I write this from my classroom in Georgia, I look around at all of the “stuff” I have – technology, books, curriculum, supplies, materials and realize that education is not all about these things. I know now that a teacher in a classroom with 3 pencils, and 2 textbooks for 9 students to share can provide an education that meets the needs of those students.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8 Written by: Chris Sapp

This team will be going again June 13—20.

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H a i t i - K e e p i n g I n T o u c h w i t h t h e L o t z F a m i l y

In October 2014, Melinda Wilson, Keri Duncan and I set out for Haiti. It was a different type of mission trip. The Lotz family had moved to Petionville and have a new home. It overlooks the city of

Port-au-Prince and it is a breathtaking view. Breakfast was enjoyed on that balcony. We of course spent time with the six children working on reading, math, science and spending time with them.

We had a workshop planned for the home school students in the area. The students were various ages so we gave them two options. Some were interested in photography so Melinda did a session with some of the older students on learning their cameras and how to take good pictures. We divided the rest into two groups for science that I taught, and then tablet fun when they switched groups. We had fun doing nature walks, making a solar oven and then cooking s'mores.

Yum, yum. We also made lava lamps and learned about science in simple things. They seemed to really enjoy it and hopefully learned also.

Keri had a workshop for some missionary families about third culture kids. They discussed ways to help their children and families, while working with those in Haiti. It was greatly received and some new resources were discussed. We got to play with some of the children while the parents were involved. What fun!!

We went to a new mission business where Haitians are making jewelry and other items to support their families. While spending the morning seeing the different facets of the work, the children even got to make their very own necklaces.

Spending time with our friends the Lotz is always a blessing to us and we hope we were a blessing to those we got to work alongside. We know in Hebrews 3 and 10, it states that we are to encourage one another. That was certainly one of the things we hope we accomplished and hope to continue as long as the Lord allows. Thanks for your prayers for the trip and always for the Haitians and the Lotz family along with the others who are there working for the Lord.

Written by: Wendy Duncan

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On Mission in Yonkers, New York

In July of 2014, I had the opportunity to go on my second mission trip to Yonkers, NY. I had taken my first ever trip at age

50 just two years prior. I was blessed to have my 74 year old mother to join me on the trip. She had been on several mission trips but never within the US. We agreed to help with the driving and God had a hand over our trip. I felt God’s hand as I drove a 15 passenger van for the first time even through New York City at 2:30 am in bumper to bumper traffic. The six young people that were on this trip with us amazed me by the way that they bonded and were willing to help whenever asked. It was a really long trip but gave us plenty of opportunity to bond and make new friends.

It was exciting to see some of the same children that I worked with two years ago. They had grown and matured. One child that was a handful in the preschool class in 2012 was now in the elementary class in which I was a teacher. He came up to me the first day and told me that he missed me. He was pretty much my shadow the remainder of the week. Each afternoon he told me that he was going to miss me. His mother told me how much he enjoyed being in my class. He was very knowledgeable of the Bible. His mother told me that when they did their evening family bible study, he would listen to the verses she read and then afterwards would go to his room and read the entire chapter in which the verses she read were written. She said he had so many questions that she could not answer because though she reads and studies the bible, she did not learn it from a young age in India.

My mom was in charge of crafts. She bonded with the children as well as many of the adults. One of the moms has battled cancer like my mom which made them very close. This mom had a neighbor child whose family practice the Hindu religion. The families are friends though they differ on religion. Her children had invited this child to bible school showing the crafts they made and telling the bible stories they learned. The dad did not want her to attend, but after persistently asking, her dad allowed the child to come midweek. Mom took extra time to catch the child up with the crafts that the children had made earlier in the week. God used the children to draw this family towards him but also used the adults to aid in the process. Though we were there to teach these children on their level and witness to them, we were blessed beyond measure.

Written by Jill McCart

This team will be going to NY again July 18-25.

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Konos academy to afe in honduras

This summer I went on my third missions trip; this particular one being to a school named AFE in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. During the tour of the school that first day the kids would ask us questions, and sometimes we would ask them some in return. The high schoolers, logically, asked the toughest questions. I think after their first few questions, all of us were crossing our fingers that we wouldn’t be chosen because they were asking extremely intelligent questions that required good answers and more brainpower than we’d used all day. But the little man from the day before was looking at me and smiling every time I looked his way, so when he raised his hand to speak I began to mentally prepare myself for a question.

He began in the fashion we all were supposed to, “Hello, my name is Daniel. I’m in the 10th grade and I want to be a civil engineer. And my question is for you,” he had been looking at me the entire time. “When you look at Hondurans, what do you see?”

I laughed and thought a moment, and then answered, “Hi my name is Danielle-”

To which he interrupted, “In Spanish please.”

We all erupted into laughter. He meant it jokingly, and it helped ease the tension a little. So I started over, “Hello, my name is Danielle. I’ll be going into the 12th grade, and I hope to be a writer and photographer.” I paused for a moment, “I see people who need loving, who need God’s love.”

Pastor Jeony nodded in approval, and asked if I was going to write about that. Well here I am, writing about it. Except my view on each and every one of them has changed, and if Daniel were to ask me that question now my answer would be startlingly different. Because I know them now. They are not just children on the side of the road walking to school, or people who I see at church. The garbage dump is not a heap of pity and trash at the top of a hill- it is a home, a workplace. There are people who live, sleep, work, and die there- surrounded by my trash from my hotel room, buzzards, vultures, cows, flies, and stray dogs.

Now, I know something I didn’t know before. Those children are filled up to the brim with love- God’s love. They laugh and tell jokes; tease each other and play on swing sets. Sometimes they don’t pay attention during the lesson, but at the end of the week it doesn’t matter. It is not the lessons, the crafts or the songs that we have come there to bestow upon them, it is our love, and God’s love. Yet, we leave more filled with love than they are left with.

That, when you strip all the rest of it away, is really what AFE is there for. Hope. To provide Godly hope to children and their families, and opportunities for things that none of them ever would’ve dreamed could be possible, to change the future and learn from the past, to change their world.

I do not think that I could give a very good answer if Daniel asked me that question today, not because I don’t have one buried somewhere inside of me. I’m sure I have a suitable reply somewhere in my scattered mind, but I think that when I look at them I see so many things that one answer would simply not suffice. And I know them now, not as a whole, but as individuals, if only just a little, so logically there are different answers for all of them. But I do know that my answer was and still is wrong. They do not need my love. They do not need your love. But oh, do they want it. And how could I, or anyone ever, not fall madly in love with them? They are sons and daughters of The King. They are the people who will change our world. And as for me, I would follow them to the ends of the earth.

Written by Danielle Doverspike

Read the full length of this article at http://www.soarministries.org/team-reflections

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Joy, fellowship, journey, relationships, God’s goodness,

work, thankfulness

What is the thread that connects these words into my story? It is a short term mission with SOAR Ministries. It was a privilege this past summer to travel again to central Mexico and work with Cris Garcia and Bethshean Mexico Mission. Through preparation and planning SOAR ministries worked with our team to accomplish a goal of tiling the church floor at Sauceda.

If you have never traveled on a mission or taken a group with you on a mission, SOAR steps in and makes the impossible, possible. From the start to finish SOAR oversees and guides you along the way. They work hard at preparing you for every contingency.

We arrived in Aguascalientes, Mexico and had the joy to experience the hospitality of Juan Cordova and family. In addition to tiling the church we also had the opportunity to conduct VBS programs in various churches throughout the week.

Relationships with Kingdom friends form on short term missions. Not only do you grow closer to those who travel with you; you also make new friendships and see God’s bigger picture for His church. There is a blessing to be able to return

to a place where you previously served.

Satisfaction comes through accomplishing a task and seeing a job through. We were blessed to have men from the Sauceda church work on the tiling with us. With their expert help a big job was completed sooner than planned.

I admire and appreciate the sacrifice of Cris Garcia. She has served in central Mexico solely for God’s glory in the surrounding villages. You see God’s bigger picture when you realize years ago before SOAR began, God crossed the paths of Keri Duncan and Cris Garcia. Their serving together has created many opportunities for others to serve.

From beginning to end our journey was blessed by God and enhanced by the work of SOAR ministries. Our team had fun learning and experiencing the culture, conducting VBS, working and spending time together. God’s goodness was demonstrated through fellowship. Written by: Patrick Mauger

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Perseverance and Patience & God’s Will

God, whom I serve in my spirit in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you. Romans 1:9-10 (NIV)

The information from Mexico kept us on a roller coaster. First, the Dec 11 departure was canceled due to paper work in Mexico. This kept us up and down until Dec. 26. As we came together at Mount Carmel getting ready to depart for Mexico, the final decision came down that we would not be able to enter Mexico.

Melinda Wilson, one of the SOAR team members, had a wonderful contact at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi. With calls made in 24 hours, we had two churches to visit. We began our trip, knowing that God’s plan was totally different than our plan. We were about 10 miles from the Alabama border and one of the vehicles had a blowout. I know that this may not sound like a good thing,

but the blowout was at an exit that had a pilot station and even though we were there for 3 hours, we were comfortable. GOD IS GOOD!

We arrived in Jackson around 11 pm Friday night. After some rest and breakfast, we began to get ready to go to the first church. We arrived and discovered that 18 churches were coming together to enjoy our program. We had the newspaper, and two TV stations to film and interview Keri Duncan. That afternoon we were able to reach out to over 580 children. That is the largest one stop we have every had for Angel Bags. The next day was Sunday and we found a new church and enjoyed the whole service. That afternoon we went to another church to present our program. They began to come in slowly but by the middle of our program there was standing room only. WOW we had so many blessings with both groups. In total we were able to give out around 800 bags between both churches. The parents were hugging and thanking us for not only the Angel Bags but for doing a program that focused on the gospel. The next day we left Jackson and were able to go to Columbia, Mississippi where tornadoes hit two days before Christmas. We were able to leave them with bags, clothes and other stuff to help the families.

We drove to the border at Eagle Pass to leave what was left of the Angel Bags. Daniel Llamas (our contact/friend in Mexico) said he would try to take a few bags at a time over. So we off loaded all the bags at the Bible College there. The team had a great surprise when Juan Cordava and family as well as Daniel and his wife came over the border to see us and have breakfast with us.

This year we persevered and learned patience as we traveled where God wanted us to go. We discovered that God’s plan is awesome if we only listen and let God be in control. Written by: Rose Riddle

Even though we didn’t make it to Mexico in 2014 for Angel Bags, we do plan to return in 2015 and are working on all needed paperwork to make that happen. To see the news coverage and more go to http://www.angelbags.org/media.html

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I C O M – I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

M i s s i o n s

This year SOAR continued participation in ICOM. Keri, Wendy and I were able to not only man the booth for

SOAR but attend workshops along with morning and evening main sessions. Several of the main sessions were outstanding, but this year was a little different.

A friend , Gary Wayne Spangler, director of CCDM stopped by the booth on Friday. He and I started chatting about people going on mission. He asked if SOAR could help with some people he knows to go on their first mission. You see CCDM stands for Christian Churches Disabilities Ministry. CCDM exists to enhance the lives of persons with physical and developmental disabilities. Gary told of a question that one of the residents asked. They asked, “Many people come here to help us, can we go and help others also?” Well as you might expect, I said yes, we can help. So Gary explained what a few of his residents could do. Later in the day he, Keri and I met to hash out some of the questions and details of the possibilities for CCDM residents. Gary said he would have to go to his board for approval but was sure that would happen. Sure enough, his board approved the mission.

So in 2015 we will be leading a team from CCDM to Atlanta for their first mission. We are in the planning stages now and Keri and I have already made a trip to CCDM to get to know the residents. So, look for news of this wonderful door that the Lord has opened for us at SOAR.

Written by: Melinda Wilson

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Financial Report

Besides just sharing the numbers of SOAR in 2014, I thought I would try to explain a little more about SOAR and the various facets of the ministry.

SOAR was founded to provide assistance for groups that want to get involved in short term missions but just don’t really know where to start. To that end, we work with churches and groups to coordinate short term missions nationally and internationally. That coordination involves training the teams, making all travel arrangements, and traveling with the teams. The funds the team raise are used for their team and project. We ask for a 5% of the total cost to help offset our expenses of travel and training. Any extra funds they raise is used for the mission where they are working.

A couple of years after SOAR was founded, we began the Angel Bags ministry. This ministry takes gift bags and the message of Jesus Christ to children in Mexico that rarely would receive a gift and may not have another opportunity to hear the gospel message. This ministry although started with 30 gifts, has grown to giving around 3000 gifts. As you can imagine it is now a year round focus of SOAR. 100% of all funds designated for Angel Bags is used specifically for that purpose with no percentage received by SOAR.

In 2009 we were approached by Adam and Hollie Macenczak to become their forwarding agents. SOAR receives all of their funds, makes their deposits and payments for them while they serve with AFE in Honduras (Judy Trollinger handles this even though not working with SOAR in other capacities). This year they are completing their 5th year on the field and are continuing to serve until the Lord leads them in a different way. We have enjoyed taking teams to serve along side them at the school of AFE and look forward to many more if the Lord permits.

When looking at the categories of income and expenses, people may wonder what Liaisons are. These are a few ladies that help lead or co-lead some of our teams. They do all of their own fundraising but their funds are kept separately and used as needed. Personnel is currently just funds that I raise for my part time salary when not teaching. At this point all funds are raised and designated separately from general SOAR giving. The general SOAR expenses cover items like travel with teams, conferences, resources working with teams, office supplies etc.

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SOAR General


Angel Bags7%

Teams40% Honduras




Total Expenses = $168,813.71

SOAR General

Angel Bags










Angel Bags8%


SOAR Income - Total $181,077.92






Angel Bags

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Looking forward to 2015

March 12 - 15 - CCDM at Riverwood in Louisville, TN

June 13 - 20 - AFE Teacher training and light construction

Early July - assisting a team to Haiti

July 18 - 25 - New York VBS

Fall - Haiti

October 29 - Nov. 1 - ICOM in Richmond, VA

December 11 - 23 - Angel Bags to Mexico

If you have a group wishing to participate on a short term

mission, there is still space available on the calendar.

Please contact us and we’ll be glad to help.

SOAR Ministries, Inc.

1827 Preserve Creek Way | Loganville, GA 30052

www.soarministries.org | www.angelbags.org | www.facebookcom/SOARMinistriesInc

[email protected]