2014 winter

Masthead & Table of Contents District 7 Bridge Dave Fuller DCAPT-N Robert Weskerna DCOS Commodore John Tyson Braxton Ezell DCAPT-W Gary Barth DCAPT-E District 7 in Action You and the Auxiliary Feature Articles Distric PA-PB Awards Contest Gasparilla Pirate Invasion of Tampa Endangered Species Special Protection Vice Admiral Zukunft Nominated Special Next Issue: Celebrating 75 Years Simulated Fuel Spill Pollution Exercise Smart Captain, Happy Ending Gold Side US Power Squadrons Celebrates Centennial “Coastie” Draws Kids At Show US Power Squadrons Dealer Visitations A New Twist On Safety Checks Which Uniform Is Correct? AUXOP Volunteerism And The Auxiliary District Leadership Workshop Fall Issue: Boot Camp Video Photos

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Winter 2014 Edition of The Breeze, the publication of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, District Seven. We work to promote recreational boating safety, public education, and vessel safety.


Page 1: 2014 Winter

Masthead & Table of Contents

District 7 Bridge

Dave FullerDCAPT-N

Robert WeskernaDCOS

CommodoreJohn Tyson

Braxton EzellDCAPT-W

Gary BarthDCAPT-E

District 7 in Action

You and the Auxiliary

Feature Articles

Distric PA-PBAwards Contest

Gasparilla PirateInvasion of Tampa

Endangered Species Special Protection

Vice AdmiralZukunft Nominated

Special Next Issue:Celebrating 75 Years

Simulated Fuel Spill Pollution Exercise

Smart Captain,Happy Ending

Gold Side

US Power Squadrons Celebrates Centennial

“Coastie” Draws Kids At Show

US Power Squadrons Dealer Visitations

A New Twist On Safety Checks

Which UniformIs Correct?

AUXOPVolunteerism And The Auxiliary

District LeadershipWorkshop

Fall Issue:Boot Camp Video


Page 2: 2014 Winter


BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014

Breeze is the official publication of the

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

7th District


Rear Admiral John H. Korn, USCG Director of Auxiliary District 7

Commander Kathryn C. Dunbar, USCG Operations Training Officer

Chief Warrant Officer Christopher W. Acklin, USCG


Commodore John D. Tyson District Chief of Staff

Robert Weskerna Immediate Past District Commodore Commodore Walter R. Jaskiewicz

District Captain North David M. Fuller

District Captain West Braxton R. Ezell

District Captain East Gary P. Barth

BREEZE is the official publication of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 7th District and is intended as a publication to keep the membership apprised of the activities of the Auxiliary. All articles and pho-tographs submitted must be consistent with the policies of the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary and may not be returned. Electronic submissions are encouraged. Personal information of members is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. The use of these rosters, addresses and telephone numbers on any comput-er or online service including the Internet is pro-hibited by the Act. Send comments and submissions to Editor (DSO-Publications) to: [email protected]. Breeze articles and photos may be reprinted with credit to Breeze and the author. Update your info/address at: auxofficer.cgaux.org.

Volume LIX Winter 2013-2014 Issue


Auxiliary Sector Coordinators ASC Sector Charleston

Reginald B. Hollar

ASC Sector Jacksonville David C. Cawton

ASC Sector Key West Russell D. Jackson

ASC Sector Miami William W. Tejeiro

ASC Sector St. Petersburg Donald C. Hoge

ASC Sector San Juan Mariano Velasquez

Division Commanders 2014 Division 1.........................Ramsey M. Rodriguez-Diaz Division 2...........................................Nan Ellen Fuller Division 3..............................................Daniel A. Hess Division 4.........................................Donald S. Proscia Division 5....................................Gregory Allan Barth Division 6.......................................William V. Tejeiro Division 7..........................................Lawrence A. Neu Division 8.........................................Randall A. Moritz Division 9.........................................David M. Shuster Division 10......................................Charles T. Phillips Division 11...........................................Karen L. Miller Division 12........................................Allen L. Crothers Division 13...........................................Elsie S. Metcalf Division 14.....................................William R. Sekeres Division 15.........................................Paul P. Pelletier Division 16...........................Malcolm H. Sprague, Sr. Division 17..............................................Jack G. Miller

District 7 Directorate Chiefs 2014 Logistics

James E. Dennen, DDC-L

Prevention Judith Hudson, DDC-P

Response Craig Elliot, DDC-R

District Staff Officers Prevention Directorate Lyle E. Letteer.................................................DSO-MS Frank R. Lann..................................................DSO-MT David C. Cawton...............................................DSO-NS Ronald D. Foreman.........................................DSO-PV Gretchen V. Bacon...........................................DSO-PE William S. Griswold..........................................DSO-SL Chuck Kelemen................................................DSO-VE Response Directorate Kenneth T. Plesser..........................................DSO-AV Donald L. Wellons...........................................DSO-CM Dudley W. Davis...............................................DSO-OP Jerald D. Henderson.......................................Chief QE Logistics Directorate David A. Hastings.............................................DSO-CS Carl Lucas........................................................DSO-DM James Andrew Poole.......................................DSO-DV Angela Pomaro................................................DSO-HR Susan Z. Hastings..............................................DSO-IS John Kenneth Hadley.....................................DSO-MA Constance O. Irvin...........................................DSO-PA Stephen A. Ellerin............................................DSO-PB Diane Riggan......................................................NSBW Alejandro de Quesada....................District Historian David A. Hastings .....................................Webmaster Richard Risk...........................................Senior Editor Other Lillian G. GaNun...............................................DSO-SR Douglas L. Armstrong.........................................DFSO Andrew W. Anderson......................................DSO-LP James W. Mayer...............................................DSO-FN Richard J. Leys...................................................PPDCA COMO Walter Jaskiewicz ….District Material Center District Administrative Assistant & Aide Teresa A. Barth....................................................D-AA Richard F. Laughlin.............................................D-AD Carolyn R. Hooley................................................D-AD

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7

FROM THE BRIDGE 4 Prioritize District Commodore John Tyson 6 Push or Pull — You Choose Bob Weskerna, Chief of Staff 7 Does the Minimum Qualify? David M. Fuller, District Captain—North 9 Why Write Reports? Braxton R. Ezell, District Captain—West 11 Developing Leaders Who Lead Gary P. Barth, District Captain—East

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 13 District PA-PB Awards Contest Stephen Ellerin, District Staff Officer—Publications

DISTRICT 7 IN ACTION 14 Annual Gasparilla Pirate Invasion of Tampa Continues a Tradition Dating Back to 1904 Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze, ADSO—Publications 17 Endangered Marine Species Get Special Protection During Gasparilla Boat Parade Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze, ADSO—Publications


20 Which Uniform is Correct? Constance O. Irvin, District Staff Officer—Public Affairs

20 Volunteerism and the Auxiliary Dr. Bill Wendel, Flotilla 23 (Northeast Georgia) 23 District Leadership Workshop Focuses on Problem Solving Nan Ellen Fuller, Commander, Division 2 25 AUXOP: The Operational Auxiliarist Experience Kerry Eakins, Assistant District Staff Officer—Publications


27 U.S. Power Squadrons® Celebrates Centennial Bill Griswold, District Staff Officer—State Liaison 28 U.S. Power Squadrons® Doing Safety Checks Dave Fuller, District Captain—North 30 A New Twist on Safety Checks Bill Griswold, President, United Safe Boating Institute 31 Coastie Fascinates Kids at Myrtle Beach Boat Show Jack Margolis, Assistant District Staff Officer—Publications

WORKING WITH THE GOLD SIDE 32 Vice Admiral Paul F. Zukunft Nominated As 25th

U.S. Coast Guard Commandant 33 Auxiliarists from Division 9 Take Part in Simulated Fuel Spill Pollution Exercise Mitch Schlitt, Flotilla 98 (Charotte Harbor, Fla.), Breeze Contributing Writer 35 Smart Captain, Happy Ending Joe Newman, Vice Commander, Flotilla 12-1 (The Inland Sea

Lake Marion, S.C.)

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BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014


As a member of one of our nation’s premier volunteer organizations, I

am continually impressed by the extraordinary dedication and selfless-

ness of our members. Almost every day, someone tells me about one of

our members who has done something special, like rescuing someone

from drowning, teaching a large gathering of youth about the marine

environment and water safety, spending weeks aboard a Coast Guard

Cutter as the galley cook, recruiting an impressive number of new

members, and more. We are truly fortunate to have so many members

who inspire us by their actions and tireless dedication. They are our

heroes. They seldom seek personal recognition, yet their proficiency

and performance often leads to recognition by their peers and the Coast


One such member is Joel Aberbach from flotilla 67. Joel has worked

diligently throughout his more than 40 years of Auxiliary service to

protect the marine environment. For that service he was recently select-

ed as one of five finalists for the prestigious YachtWorld Heroes award.

The award is given annually to an individual and their organization for

leveraging their love and respect for boating in the oceans, rivers, lakes

and streams into a higher calling.

Joel’s selection as a finalist for the YachtWorld Heroes award also rec-

ognizes his dedication to the Sea Partners and Waterway Watch pro-

grams, and his relentless promotion of marine environmental protec-

tion. Although Joel was not the ultimate winner, he was recognized for

his exceptional work by RADM John Korn, Seventh Coast Guard Dis-

trict Commander, at the Miami Boat Show Press Breakfast on February

13. Joel’s outstanding dedication to protecting the marine environment

is living proof that one dedicated Auxiliarist can inspire his or her ship-

mates to make a real difference in this world. Congratulations Joel!

We are proud of your recognition and devotion to duty. You are one of

our heroes.

Many of you who are reading this column participated in one of the

District’s recent leadership practices workshops. Hopefully each of you

came away from your workshop feeling energized and ready to apply

new leadership practices. Among those practices reviewed were effec-

tive techniques for collaboratively setting flotilla and division priorities.

If you are like me, you have lots of things you hope to accomplish this

year. But just getting “things” done is not what is important. More im-(Continued on page 5)


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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7

portant is completing the things we believe are important. For me, that

is staying focused on the District’s three primary goals: a two percent

annual increase in recreational boating safety missions, a two percent

net increase in membership, and the use of the best leadership practic-

es at all of our units.

Achieving such demanding goals may sound like a tall order. Yet the

key lies in setting priorities, focusing on the things that are most im-

portant. That should not be complicated or difficult—we set priorities

to reach our goals.

During the 2014 leadership practices workshops, we asked more than

250 leaders to work collaboratively, in teams, to choose the six most

important priorities of a new flotilla commander. Some teams brain-

stormed until they found many more than six priorities; most chose

just six. Interestingly, most of the teams chose many of the same pri-

orities, and those that focused on only six priorities kept the process

simple. Those who kept it simple were the ones most successful in

stating their intended outcomes.

The real value of the exercise, however, was not in selecting a list of

priorities, but rather learning a collaborative process by which teams

may make choices. In recognizing the effectiveness of that process,

workshop participants gained a valuable tool to help them throughout

their Auxiliary service.

If you and your unit or staff function have not yet set your priorities

for the year there is still time. Simply choose the two or three things

you feel are most important to you and to your unit, and then live those

priorities. In my view, living your priorities is more important than

simply writing them down (although writing them down provides both

a commitment and a constant reminder of what you hope to achieve).

Then, follow-up every three months with a progress review. By the

end of the year, you and your unit may have done less in some activi-

ties, but you will have accomplished more in the matters that are most


If we stay focused on our priorities, remain true to the core values of

our service, and recognize our shipmates for their dedication and hard

work, we will achieve our priorities and enhance the boating public’s

recognition of the Auxiliary as the nation’s premier volunteer organi-

zation. Semper Paratus,

John Tyson, Commodore, District 7

(Continued from page 4)

On January 9, the crew of The Sentinel and Coast Guardsmen AET Josh Johnson and

AET Tom Stapleton donned Mustang suits to capture this image for Tom Laughlin,

Division 11 SO-PA, aboard No Mercy. The team braved low cloud cover, almost con-

stant light drizzle, and water temperature of 54 degrees. Getting it right took the

several phone calls from the Duty Officer and the pilot of A/C 1706.

Coasties Johnson and Stapleton performed their duties in an exemplary manner,

despite broken lines and quartering waves. The A/C 1706 crew responded with pro-

fessional courtesy in all communications and made the job of the two Auxiliary boats

infinitely easier. A/C 1706 responded to all request for message drops and even

came around for a requested third drop. Auxiliary photo and text by Tom Laughlin.

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BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014


I’m sure many of you may have heard some version of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s aphorism about pushing or pulling on the string. It goes something like this: “Pull on the string, and it will follow wherever you wish. Push it, and it will go nowhere at all.” For me, I recall COMO Jay Dahlgren drilling a version of this into my head many years ago. The thing is, are we all in for pulling on the string, or is pushing your personal philosophy? Let’s exam-ine this further.

We’ll begin by deciding if you subscribe to pushing or pulling. In his book Right from the Start, author Dan Ciampa offers the fol-lowing: “Push tools align effort through authority, fear, and re-ward. Pull tools align effort through inspiration.” I think what he is saying is that effective leaders use influence and some creativ-ity to inspire commitment, to pull others toward their goals or vision. I’ve observed a number of effective leaders at the flotilla level simply adopt this strategy: Start moving, have some fun, and watch the members follow. Of course, you could try standing in front of your group and browbeat the members (pushing the string) into following you. It may work at first, but you very like-ly will end up frustrated and short a few members at the end of your term.

I believe that every one of you has the innate ability to lead

when leadership is thrust upon you. How you choose to lead will leave its mark on the morale, performance and productivity of your group. Understand and appreciate how “pulling on the string” can assist you in gathering the support of your group and pulling them toward accomplishing some goal to which you find yourself tied. That group could be the Vessel Examiners in your flotilla, the entire flotilla, a division, or even the district. Just re-member a few basic rules:

1. Pulling without a direction = no progress.

2. You must MOVE before anyone can follow you.

3. Don’t get too far ahead of your group. Be patient. They’ll come along.

4. A clear vision will pull your team forward. [My favorite]

Let me close with a quote by Lao-Tzu, 604-521 BC. This may not be a perfect fit, but I like the message:

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worse when they despise him. But a good leader who talks little when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: We did it ourselves.”

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7


How often must you practice something to become proficient? Do the words competent, proficient and expert describe a progression toward mastery of a subject? I think most of us have heard the say-ings “practice makes perfect” and “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” It is true that if you don’t use a skill or practice something regularly, you tend to be less proficient, less comfortable and less competent. For this very reason, the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary have estab-lished minimum standards for training and annual currency mainte-nance in our programs. After initial training, members must regu-larly practice what they learned to maintain their qualifications.

While we have many members who perform more than the mini-mum standard for currency maintenance, far too many members just get by with the minimum. Does the minimum activity to retain the qualification qualify you to be competent? Yes, it probably does. Does the minimum make you proficient or expert and a master of the subject? I would argue it does not. The minimum is just what it says — the minimum.

I believe that one reason many of us joined the Auxiliary is because we wanted to be part of an organization of excellence. I know there are many individual reasons why each of us joined, and I explored this topic in my last article of 2013 in the Breeze. The Coast Guard and the Auxiliary have a long and distinguished reputation of excel-

lence for the missions we perform. While not a military organiza-tion, the Auxiliary is built on a military tradition of excellence.

As I look over the final statistics of 2013 activity and missions that our members performed, I am in awe at the sheer amount of volun-teer effort we give back to our local communities, our states and the nation. Some members do more than other members, and some flo-tillas are more active than others. Many flotillas have shown in-creases in activity and missions in 2013 over 2012. However, there are some flotillas in which their activities and missions have been fewer. By the time you read this article, the dashboards should be available to look at your individual flotilla results for the fourth quarter and end of the year 2013.

How many of us make New Year’s resolutions and then follow through and truly change our behavior to allow us to meet these resolutions? Speaking from personal experience (I lost 273 pounds in 18 months and have kept it off), it takes a change of attitude and a willingness to change behavior to reach our goals. If we keep doing what we have been doing in the past, we will obtain the same re-sults. If we want to change the future, we must be willing to commit to changes in behavior.

(Continued on page 8)

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BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014

I would like to challenge members to change their mindset and the culture in their flotilla to move away from the “minimum.” If you agree with my theory that “practice makes perfect” and that “if you don’t use it, you lose it,” then do more than just the minimums.

Teach more boating safety classes; teach more member training ses-sions; and conduct more vessel examinations and program visits. Take a new look at recruiting new members and how to bring in new members while retaining our existing members. Go on more patrols; conduct more watch-standing; and work closer with your stations and sectors to find out what they need. You might be surprised at where you can fit in. The opportunities are almost endless.

I believe the majority of our members have excellence in their lives now or want to have excellence in their lives in the future. Fortu-nately, you are a member of an organization where you have the ability to excel and truly make a difference. You have the power to choose how to excel, where to excel, and our organization gives you the tools to do it. All you need to do is to make the commitment and then follow through. I hope you make the choices that will bring you fulfilment, happiness, and purpose to your life. Do more than just the minimum in everything you do, and you will have more fulfil-ment in your spiritual life, your personal life, your business life, and your Auxiliary life.

Semper Paratus!


In accordance with the new Coast Guard Health and Wellness Manu-al, COMDTINST M6200.1B, the use of tobacco/nicotine is prohibited on small boats. The risk of environmental tobacco smoke and haz-ardous material interactions is higher in these environments and every precaution should be taken to eliminate these risks.

For purposes of this policy, the terms “Tobacco Use” and “Tobacco Products” mean tobacco and nicotine products, including electronic or e-cigarettes, smoking (e.g., cigarette, cigar, pipe), smokeless to-bacco products (e.g., spit, lug, leaf, snuff, dip, etc.) and all other nic-otine delivery systems and products as defined by the commandant (CG-1111) and or the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Preven-tion. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products containing nico-tine and approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration are not considered “Tobacco Products.”

How does this affect Auxiliary vessels while on patrol? When an Auxiliary vessel is underway on Coast Guard patrol orders issued thru the AOM system, they are considered a Coast Guard boat and therefore shall comply with Coast Guard regulations. Besides being a health risk for yourself and other members of the crew, it does not portray a professional image. Please, next time you see a fellow crewmember light up while on patrol, kindly ask him/her to refrain and let them know about the new Coast Guard policy.

Source: CWO C.W. Acklin, D7 Miami, (305) 415-7053


The 2014 Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Campaign (CGMA) has rolled out. Letters to Auxiliarists seeking contributions were mailed on March 1. Auxiliarists are a major part of the Coast Guard family and the CGMA program’s loans and grants have aided Auxiliarists in need over the years. Your support will go a long way in the success of this year’s campaign. Further information about CGMA can be found at www.cgmahq.org.

Source: Mel Borofsky, D7 CGMA Representative, [email protected]

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7


Do you ever feel annoyed or discouraged because you must write a report for your counterpart in the chain of leadership? Do you feel that writing a report is just a boring and tedious duty that you have to do because of some bureaucratic regulation? As we all know, re-ports are required from just about everyone at every level who holds any office in the Auxiliary.

Wouldn’t you rather be doing the “real” work of the Auxiliary in your unit or department, such as working with and influencing members to achieve common goals of the unit or department, or guiding your unit or department through the changes we are experi-encing in the Auxiliary, or training members and watching them learn new skills, or participating in operations?

Well, here is some good news. Report writing is not something sepa-rate from the “real” work of the Auxiliary. It is a necessary and inte-gral part of the work, and it is just as “real” as performing any of our various missions. Writing reports can be challenging, but it is also interesting and even fun.

Report writing is a useful and valuable tool (especially when it is done right). It is an essential element of the duties we assumed as elected or appointed leaders.

Good leaders are good communicators. They communicate their ide-as, their values, their goals and their vision. Report writing is all

about communicating those ideas, values, goals and vision. If you have any questions or concerns, these too can be passed in these re-ports and your questions and concerns can be addressed up the chain of leadership and management (COLM).

The flotilla is the basic working unit of the Auxiliary, the “deck plate.” This is where the policies and programs established by the Commandant of the Coast Guard, the National Commodore (NACO) of the Auxiliary and the National Executive Committee (NEXCOM) are carried out. The commandant and our national leaders all need to know what is happening at the deck plates. They get this infor-mation from reports passed up the chain of leadership from the flo-tillas, divisions and districts.

These reports communicate what is going on in the various flotillas, divisions and districts, and how the Auxiliary’s policies, programs, and strategic plans are being carried out. More importantly, they give credence to all the numbers posted in AUXDATA and AUXINFO.

The bottom line is that information from our reports goes all the way up to NACO and Coast Guard headquarters via the chain of lead-ership. Armed with this information the commandant prepares a report to Congress that shows them what the Coast Guard does, how the Auxiliary assists the Coast Guard, and why the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary should be funded. Information from your

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BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014

reports enables the commandant to confidently state, “A key to our success is the vitally important integration of our Reserve force and the support provided by the nation’s premier voluntary organization, the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Over 28,000 volunteer Auxiliary members donate thousands of hours supporting a wide array of Coast Guard missions.” U.S. Coast Guard Posture Statement, February 2008.

This is why writing reports is an essential element of the duties we assumed as elected or appointed Auxiliary leaders. We should all make a concerted effort to prepare our reports and send them to our division and district officers in a timely manner. Information must flow freely up the chain of leadership and back down to the membership. A break in this chain results in uninformed and un-happy members at all levels of the Auxiliary.

Semper Paratus!

All Vessel Examiners Require Refresher

All Auxiliary vessel safety examiners (VEs) will be required to take a refresher during 2014. The 2014 Vessel Examiner Work-shop is a "required" workshop, available online or in a class-room.

Failure to complete the workshop by June 30 will result in the VE going in REWK (required workshop not met) status. VEs are not authorized to conduct VSCs (vessel safety checks) while in REWK status.

If a member falls into REWK status then, after the workshop is completed, the flotilla commander will submit a Recertification Request through the D7 Help Desk to DIRAUX, asking to return the VE to "current" status.

Failure to complete workshop by Dec. 31 will result in the VE go-ing into REYR (annual requirement not met) status. Anyone in REYR status must complete the required workshop and com-plete two supervised VSCs. The flotilla commander must then submit a Recertification Request, as above, to DIRAUX.

The required VE workshop can be completed at the following site (click to go there). http://wow.uscgaux.info/content.php?unit=V-DEPT&category=WORKSHOPS

A video overview on how to access AUXLMS is available here; for printable directions click here.

Source: V Directorate website

Register Your Beacon To Be Located

Advise boaters who own an emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) to register their beacon with the proper national authority. This links a boater and their beacon together. If it isn't registered, a USCG or Auxiliary search and rescue operation can-not identify your signal. This is also true for personal location beacons (PLBs) and emergency locator transmitters (ELTs).

EPIRBs are generally installed on boats, and can either be operat-ed automatically after an incident or manually. EPIRBs alert search and rescue services in the event of emergency by trans-mitting a coded message on the 406 MHz distress frequency via satellite and earth stations to the nearest rescue coordination center. Some EPIRBs also have built-in global positioning system (GPS), which enables the rescue service (Coast Guard in the U.S.) to locate you within approximately 50 meters.

You can find your National Authority here.

This reference does not constitute an endorsement of the manufactur-er's products by either the USCG or USCG Auxiliary.

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7


We have just completed most of the change of watch programs for our various flotillas and divisions. Though some members re-ceived awards, I was surprised and dismayed at the limited num-ber who were actually recommended. As a division commander, I have had many flotilla commanders and division commanders tell me that no one in their flotilla or division was worthy of an award. This is hard for me to believe, as there are many member activities and responsibilities that warrant an award.

Why do we give rewards? Is it just to appease the upper levels of command? Of course not. The answer should be: We give the awards to recognize the work and accomplishments of our mem-bers. Frequently, a member has been working at a particular of-fice or task for many years. Though they do a great job, they may never have been formally recognized for their efforts. According to the Auxiliary Manual, Chapter 11: “The recognition of an Aux-iliarist’s service, through the presentation of timely and appro-priate awards, is essential to the success of the Auxiliary pro-gram. Recognition of Auxiliarists by Coast Guard unit COs [commanding officers], XOs [executive officers] and all other Coast Guard leaders is very important. In many respects, the recognition they receive through these awards can be considered to be their nominal payment. The service and actions of the Aux-

iliarists should receive the appropriate recognition and awards to the maximum extent possible.”

Another question is, “Who can write an award request?” Any member can request the award for any other member whom they feel is deserving of an award. They cannot propose an award for themselves. Help for writing the award can be found on the Dis-trict 7 webpage, http://www.uscga-district-7.org/.

At the bottom of that page is a link, in yellow, that says AWARDS. If you click this link, it will take you to a page specifically ad-dressing awards. There are definitions of the various awards, templates to assist you in writing the award, information on “How to Write Awards” and other informal ways to recognize members for doing a good job. Awards can be written any time of the year, not just at the end of the year.

When writing an award in District 7, all requests must composed be in Word® document format and accompanied by Form 1650. This form contains information about both the person for whom the award is being submitted and the member submitting the

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award. It also has recommendations going up the chain of leader-ship and management (COLM).

“Sign” the 1650, in the Word® document by typing /s/ and then type your name. This is considered an “electronic signature.” DO NOT print a hard copy and sign that. Sign the document electroni-cally, as explained above, and then forward the award letter and Form 1650 electronically to the next person in your chain of lead-ership for their comments.

Who should not get an award? The Auxiliary Manual, Chapter 11 suggests:

Philosophy—Only the truly deserving should receive recognition. To do otherwise dilutes the significance of the award for the deserving recipient and minimizes the value of these awards to the entire organization. Good performance and service should always be recognized, but the presentation of formal awards should be re-served for Auxiliarists who have truly distinguished themselves in their Auxiliary service.

In closing, if you want to write an award and are having difficulty, contact persons in your COLM who are familiar with writing awards. Most will gladly help you in making certain that deserving members are properly recognized for the service they have given.

Semper Paratus!

(Continued from page 11)

The National Safe Boating Council has stepped up to the plate and now has paddlecraft "If Found — Contact” stickers availa-ble from their Safe Boating Campaign resource page:


These weatherproof stickers for canoes, kayaks or rowboats, bearing the Auxiliary logo, provide room for the vessel owner's name and two phone numbers, to tell emergency responders whom to call when paddlecraft are found adrift without an op-erator.

To order, scroll down to the “Paddle Craft If Found” sticker and order. Limit one pack of 100 stickers per request. While at that web site, you might want to check out and request some of their other resources.

Source: Don Goff, BC-BLC, [email protected]

How to Dock in Four Simple Steps Docking makes boaters nervous. Throw a little wind and cur-rent in the mix, and you can find yourself overwhelmed with things to worry about. Your technique shouldn't be one of your worries. Coming alongside a dock or bulkhead can be accom-plished in just four steps. The procedure in this video from Auxiliary partner BoatU.S. is for outboard or stern-drive pow-ered boats.


Free ‘If Found’ Stickers for Paddlecraft

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7


District 7 is pleased to announce our annual Public Affairs Con-test for 2014. We will offer four different awards—for publica-tion, public affairs, photography and video. The District awards a First and Second Place in each category, at both the flotilla and division levels.

The District's requirements for each award will be the same as those for the National Public Affairs Awards. That should make it easier for our winners to score well at the National level.

District Staff will submit our winners for the Best in Division and Best in Flotilla in each category to the National Public Affairs Di-rectorate as the District 7 candidates for Best in the Auxiliary. (Note that National only accepts entries that have won at the Dis-trict level and are forwarded to them by the appropriate District Service Officer. The District can submit only the first place entry at each level for each category.)

Flotillas and Divisions that wish to submit in any category should visit the Public Affairs Directorate site for full details (click here to do so). Any material submitted for a previous year's award is not eligible for this year's program. All submissions must come from active units. Newsletters must have been published – and

programs or events conducted – between May 1 and May 30, 2014. National Award recipients will be announced at the Nation-al Conference 2014 in Orlando, Fla.

To enter in any category, email your submission to the appropri-ate District 7 Staff Officer (listed below). Here is a summary of the criteria for each category.)

Publication Award Our newsletters are how we communicate with our members. Your submission must be in PDF format, and must include (a) the web address where it is posted and (b) three separate issues of the publication. All issues must have been published within the dates given above.

The District PB Team will judge submissions by standards in the current USCG Auxiliary Publications Manual. Entries that don't fol-low these guidelines can't be considered.

When submitting a publication, please identify the name of the editor and your District, Division, and Flotilla number.

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If your files are large, it won’t be practical to email your newslet-ter to us. In that case, please use your DropBox account (or cre-ate one at https://www.dropbox.com/).

Then please email a “DropBox link” to [email protected]

Public Affairs Public Affairs officers present the Auxiliary message to the pub-lic. Your event should tell the Auxiliary story, promote safe boating classes, or support our active duty partners. Please sub-mit an email description, with photos, dates, and results of your projects or activities. Your public affairs programs must have occurred during the dates described above.

Connie Irvin, DSO-PA, will judge submissions by the standards in the current USCG Auxiliary Publications Manual. The PA Team will evaluate submissions on four criteria:

1. Use of imagination and creativity. 2. Positive promotion of Auxiliary programs and its public

image. 3. Attracting the attention of the media and the boating

public. 4. Clarity of writing and ease of replication.

Email submissions to Constance O. Irvin, DSO-PA, at [email protected] If you have large photos flies, use your Drop-Box account (or create one, as above) and email the link.

Photo Award Challenge us with photographs that capture Auxiliary members and assets in action in the program categories specified below. Each Flotilla and Division may submit up to two photographs for each category. Each submission must carry the correct USCG VIRN, the name of the photographer, the category in which you are submitting it, and a suitable caption. Photographs must have been taken within the identified date range.

Submit it in JPEG/JPG format of least 5 megapixels, and follow the standards of the Auxiliary Public Affairs Policy Guide and the Coast Guard Policy on Photography. If a photo shows identifiable minors, include a signed model release (available from the PA website).

The only digital enhancements allowed are red eye removal, light-ing enhancements, and cropping. Submit in color or black and white. All Auxiliarists must appear in proper uniform and follow-ing proper procedures.

Eligible categories are –

1. Public Affairs 5. Operations 2. Fellowship 6. Public Education 3. Marine Safety 7. Vessel Safety Check 4. Member Services 8. Team Coast Guard

Because photograph files in high resolution tend to be large, it won’t be practical to email submissions to us. Please use your DropBox account (or create one at https://www.dropbox.com/)

Then please email a “DropBox link” to [email protected]

Video As with Photography, capture images of Auxiliary members and assets in action and edit them into a compelling video segment. Video must contain a video slate, as specified in the Coast Guard PA Stylebook. It must be no longer than 5 minutes, with a maximum of 10 shots of about 30 seconds each.

Because video files tend to be large, it won’t be practical to email submissions to us. Please post them to https://vimeo.com/

Then email a link to your submissions to Carl Lucas, DSO-DM at [email protected]

Your entries must reach us by April 20. We look forward to seeing them. For additional information in all categories, please click here and get the full story from the PA website.

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7

Above: The pirate ship José Gasparilla heads for Tampa. Courtesy photo by Tom Ash on WFLA-TV’s Eagle 8. Left: A coxswain takes notes on his copy of the Incident Action Plan. Below left: Manatee Watch liaison Mary James listens to a crew briefing by Cliff Martin, Division 7 operations, in his 14th year coordinating Auxiliary support of Gasparilla. Below right: LTJG Shawn Antonelli, left, represents Sector St. Petersburg as Aux-iliary liaison. Auxiliary photos by Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze.


By Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze

TAMPA BAY, Fla. – Annually since 1904, with only 10 exceptions, Tampa Bay has been “invaded” by pirates. For more than 50 of those years, the U.S. Coast Guard and Auxiliary have assisted in keeping the thousands of boaters who came to watch safe. This year was no different, as the pirate ship José Gasparilla sailed into the Port of Tampa on a cold Saturday, Jan. 25, escorted by the Tampa Fire Rescue fireboat Patriot, with its water cannons fully energized, and trailed by an armada of some 16 vessels for the 2014 Gasparilla Pirate Invasion.

Gasparilla is said to be the largest boat parade in the nation. It has seen as many as 3,000 boats participating in the “Mosquito Fleet,” and, nearly every year, draws 300,000 spectators. One year, the parade drew an estimated one million.

The Coast Guard’s primary mission, along with its partner agen-cies, including the Auxiliary, provided safety and security for the Gasparilla parade, which was attended by thousands of recrea-tional boaters. While Auxiliary units are prohibited from con-ducting law enforcement actions, the 18 Auxiliary facilities pa-trolling the waters along the parade route and at the entrance to the security zones played a major role in educating mariners about the “No Wake” zone and the existence of areas restricted to boaters.

The Auxiliary also supported the Manatee Watch program—required under the marine event permit issued by the Coast Guard to the event sponsor, Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla. Any movement of manatees, an endangered species, into the parade route could have caused a diversion or even a delay of the pa-rade.

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The 18 participating Auxiliary vessels and their support systems were operated by coxswains, boat crew, trainees and radio watch standers from Divisions 7, 8 and 11. They assembled on Thursday, Jan. 23, at Flotilla 79 (Tampa) to review the Incident Action Plan. Linda Churchill, division staff officer for Operations, coordinated the Auxiliary component, ably assisted by her predecessor, Cliff Martin.

Tim Teahan, Flotilla 79, managed Auxiliary communications aboard the Patriot, the primary link to the Coast Guard and other agencies., while David Rockwell, division staff officer for Communications, headed the radio guard from Flotilla 79’s “Tampa Radio One” station at the Salty Sol boat ramp, assisted by watch standers Len Chiacchia, Flotilla 74 (Brandon, Fla.), Judith Clapp, Flotilla 75 (Ruskin, Fla.), and Jim Nelson, Flotilla 72 (St. Petersburg). They were on the air from

6:30 a.m. until 6 p.m., rotating one radio operator and one logger each hour. The third person did plotting and tracking, when needed, and handled landline traffic. They provided radio guard for Auxilia-ry vessels en route to Tampa Bay from points all around; conducted roll calls every half hour, taking status reports while the recreation-al boaters populated the bay; and monitored the Auxiliary vessels as they traveled home after the parade.

USCG CAPT. Gregory D. Case, Commander of Sector St. Petersburg, was the incident commander. Other Coast Guard participants includ-ed the USCGC Hawk, Station St. Petersburg, Station Cortez, Station Sand Key and Aids to Navigation. CMDR Gino S. Sciortino was patrol commander.

LTJG Shawn Antonelli, Sector St. Petersburg liaison to the Auxiliary, expressed his gratitude: "The continued support from Sector St. Pe-tersburg's Coast Guard Auxiliary, once again, provided increased safety and security throughout the Port of Tampa during the annual Gasparilla invasion. Without their help, the success of the parade would be much more difficult. A very special thank you to all of those who helped, both on the water and behind the scenes!"

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Of-fice, Tampa Police Department, and Manatee County Sheriff’s Office also participated in the event. The Ash Group, a local engineering firm, coordinated the Manatee Watch for its client, Ye Mystic Krewe, in coordination with the Hillsborough County Environmental Pro-

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(L to R) Pirate parade heading toward Tampa. Courtesy photo by Tom Ash, aerial observer aboard WFLA-TV’s Eagle 8 helicopter. Auxiliary vessel Allure patrolling pa-rade route, crewed by Dave Langdon, coxswain, Jack Lee and Loren Reuter, owner, all of Flotilla 72 (St. Petersburg). Auxiliary photo by Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze.

Auxiliary vessels prepare to leave Salty Sol boat ramp by Flotilla 79 (Tampa).

Keith Westbrook at the helm of Bayou Bengal, with Patricia Stone and Guy Man-digo, owner, all of Flotilla 75 (Ruskin, Fla.) Mandigo and Stone caution boaters to observe the “No Wake” zone established by the Coast Guard for Gasparilla. Auxil-iary photos by Valerie Fernandes, Flotilla 78 (Pass-a-Grille, Fla.).

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tection Commission, which provided the aerial spotter, Tom Ash. He rode in WFLA-TV’s helicopter, Eagle 8, piloted by Judd Chapin.

Festival Based on Legend of Pirate José Gaspar Legendary Pirate José Gaspar, “the last of the Buccaneers,” called himself “Gasparilla.” A well-educated, Spanish aristocrat, he served as a lieutenant in the Royal Spanish Navy for five years un-til, in 1783, he seized command of a Spanish sloop-of-war and set sail with fellow mutineers for the Florida Straits. He boasted in his diary the seizure and burning of 36 ships in his first 12 years as a pirate, forcing captured crew to join his ranks or walk the plank.

In December of 1821, Gaspar decided to retire as a pirate. He had convinced his crew to divide their ill-gotten gains and disband, but then mistook a U.S. Navy warship for a merchant vessel that was too tempting to resist for one last pillaging. At the end of a bloody battle, as legend has it and as reported on Ye Mystic Krewe’s web-site, “Gasparilla seized a heavy chain, wrapped it around his waist and neck and leaped into the water, brandishing his sword in a fi-nal gesture of defiance, as he sank into the sea.”

In 1904, Tampa’s social and civic leaders planned a city-wide cele-bration with the legend of Gasparilla as their theme. A group of 40, calling themselves “Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla,” masked and costumed as pirates, secretly organized and planned a mock inva-

sion by horseback, “capturing” the city during the festival. The surprise attack was so popular with the citizens of Tampa that the organizers were persuaded to make their group permanent and the invasion an annual event. Today, Ye Mystic Krewe’s member-ship numbers more than 700 of Tampa’s most prominent citizens.

In 1954, Ye Mystic Krewe commissioned a fully rigged pirate ship, the José Gasparilla, a replica of a West Indian ship used the in the 18th century, according to their website. It is constructed of steel, 165 feet in length, with a 35-foot beam and three 100-foot masts. When not invading the city, the José Gasparilla is docked usually at the Tarpon Weigh Station on Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa, where the public can view it.

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Right: Len Chiacchia, Flotilla 74 (Ruskin, Fla.), logs while David Rockwell, Division 7 staff officer for communica-tions, conducts roll call over “Tampa Radio One.” Below: Tampa Fire Rescue fireboat Patriot leads the parade, with water canons fully energized, trailed by an armada of 16 vessels, and flanked by the “Mosquito Fleet.” Auxiliary photos by Dick Risk, ADSO-PB.

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By Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze TAMPA BAY, Fla. – The Gasparilla invasion is an annual marine pa-rade that has been sponsored by “Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla” since 1904. Its sponsors claim Gasparilla is the largest boat parade in the nation, often drawing as many as 3,000 boats and 300,000 spectators, or more. While safety and security for the Gasparilla parade is the primary mission of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and participating law enforcement agencies, the Auxiliary was as-signed the additional role of assisting in the protection of mana-tees, who are at increased risk during an event that might draw thousands of power boats into their habitat. The yearly event takes place in Hillsborough Bay, beginning at the Ballast Point pier by Tampa Yacht Club and ending at the Tampa Convention Center. Manatees feed on sea grass found in shallow waters along the shoreline throughout Tampa Bay, and they take refuge in warm water sites when the water temperature drops, as it had on the day of this year’s Gasparilla parade. Manatees are a protected species under federal and state law. The challenge to the event sponsors is to ensure that manatees and other protected ma-rine species avoid harm during the parade. Manatees, dolphins, sea turtles, cetaceans and small-tooth sawfish are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 and/or the Endangered Species Act of 1973. It is unlawful for any per-son, at any time, by any means or in any manner, intentionally or negligently, to annoy, molest, harass or disturb any protected spe-

cies. The water parade permit issued by the Coast Guard requires measures to protect manatees. “We are conducting this watch on behalf of Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla, which was required to obtain a Permit for Marine Event from the U.S. Coast Guard,” explains Mary James, an ecologist with The Ash Group, a local engineering firm hired by the sponsor to coordinate the watch. “The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reviews the application, and each year adds a condition to the permit that requires the Krewe to have a Manatee Watch Plan in place. We have been assisting with the watch for 10 years now, and we have a team of about 25 volunteer observers in seven boats, two land-based stations and one in the helicopter—our aerial observer. We are required to start our watch at least one hour before the marine parade begins, and continue until 30 minutes after the José Gasparilla docks at the Tampa Convention Center. During this time, we pa-trol our generally assigned areas looking for manatees, dolphins, sea turtles, whales and small-tooth sawfish. These are the protected marine species that could potentially be in Tampa Bay. But, dolphins and manatees are the most likely species to be present this time of year.” The Tampa Bay Times reported on Jan. 24 (page 1B), that a rec-ord 829 Florida manatees died last year from all causes, includ-ing commercial fishing, a Red Tide algae bloom in the Lee and Collier County region, and the mysterious die-off in the Indian River Lagoon on Florida’s Atlan-

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Endangered Marine Species Get Special Protection During Gasparilla Boat Parade

Dozens of manatees congregate in the relatively warm waters off the Apollo Beach Power Plant at Big Bend, just south of the Manatee Watch area. Courtesy photo by Tom Ash aboard WFLA-TV’s Eagle 8 helicopter.

Mary McRae James, senior project scien-tist with The Ash Group, aboard Luv@1st Site, asks boaters to observe the No Wake Zone. Auxiliary photo by Dick Risk, Senior Editor, Breeze.

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tic coast. Of that number, 173 were breeding age females. As of January 2011, there were just 4,834 Florida manatees, according to a report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service published in the Federal Register on Jan. 23, 2014. That report estimated that 99 manatee deaths are human-caused each year. The Tampa Bay Times reported on Feb. 7 (page 1B) that a new count conducted on Jan. 24 and 27 this year determined that there are now 4,831, very close to the 2011 number of 4,834—2,514 of them on Florida’s west coast, 2,317 on the state’s east coast. This suggests that the popu-lation may be stable. However, commentators caution that counts depend on key factors, including cold weather conditions that cause manatees to seek refuge in warm water coves, where they can be spotted from the air, and that there is a great margin for error. Five of the 18 Auxiliary facilities served as Manatee Watch boats, in addition to their vessel safety and security role. Operating pri-marily south of upper Hillsborough Bay and lower Seddon Chan-nel, they carried representatives from The Ash Group, which co-ordinated the manatee watch with the Hillsborough County Envi-ronmental Protection Commission (EPC). Luv@1st Site with Gene Keller, commander of Flotilla 72 (St. Petersburg), as coxswain, served as the mother boat for the observers. Ken Morningstar, Flotilla 74 (Brandon, Fla.), was the manatee lead patrol, as cox-swain of Kamstar. Auxiliary facilities Lil Nan and Sea Hugger, both of Flotilla 79 (Tampa), and Merry K, Flotilla 74, also carried mana-tee observers. Additionally, Tampa Audubon Society contributed to the watch and provided transport for four observers in its boat. More observers were passengers on civilian boats. In all, Manatee Watch observers on the water patrolled Ballast Point, Pendola Point and Port Sutton-East Bay Channel on the south end of Davis Islands, as well as the central portion of Hillsborough Bay, north and south of the parade route. Land-based observers watched

from the roof of Tampa General Hospital, at Ballast Point, and on the Tampa Yacht Club dock. According to The Ash Group, half of the observers had experience with Gasparilla in prior years. Ob-servers without prior experience were paired with experienced ones. Tom Ash, general manager with the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) of Hillsborough County, served as the aerial observer, as he has since 2005. Aerial transport came from the Eagle 8 helicopter, piloted by Judd Chapin, of WFLA News Channel 8, who has also helped the Gasparilla Manatee Watch since 2005. Jan Ash, a professional engineer and principal of The Ash Group, served as “Manatee Command,” the principal coordinator for the event as a passenger on the Hillsborough EPC vessel. Observers were to report to Manatee Command any sightings of a protected marine species within the vicinity of the parade route or in any danger of injury. In turn, Jan was to relay the information to pa-rade officials, who would dispatch additional watch boats to sur-round and protect the marine species from spectator boats. Man-atee Command had the authority to halt or re-route the parade if necessary to ensure the safety of protected marine species. Each watch boat was equipped with 2-foot by 3-foot signs reading “SLOW,” “MANATEE WATCH,” “NO WAKE” and “IDLE SPEED” to wave in support of the “No Wake Zone” established by the Coast Guard for the event. As neither the Auxiliary members nor the Manatee Watch observers have law enforcement authority, they were to report all violations to the Tampa Police Department or Florida Marine Patrol. The Ash Group has coordinated the Manatee Watch since 2005 and, according to their watch plan, “no injuries to manatees or other protected marine species have resulted from the event since that time.”

(Continued from page 18)

Mary James talks to Eagle 8 while it hovers over parade area. “Manatee Com-mand” patrols a cove. Stan Clark, Flotilla 72 (St. Petersburg), observes with volun-teers Joe Milligan and Mark Mostrom, while Gene Keller, Flotilla 72 commander,

Click here to view video on Auxiliary support of “Manatee Watch”

If link does not operate, enter URL: www.vimeo.com/87780283

talks to “Tampa Radio One.” Luv@1st Site serves as mother boat for the observ-ers. Courtesy photo of Luv@1st Site taken by Alicia Slater-Haase. Story and other photos by Dick Risk, Breeze Senior Editor.

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The question comes to me in all forms: “What is the right uniform for a boat show? What should I wear at a static display booth? Why can’t I wear what I want at a public affairs event?” The questions are appropriate, but sometimes the answer I give is neither heard nor accepted.

Nationally, the Public Affairs Department prefers the operational dress uniform (ODU) to be worn at boat shows and static displays at boat ramps. Flotilla commanders quite often are rigid in saying only tropical blues (“trops”) can be worn. Others permit a mish-mash of uniforms, trops along with ODUs, or shorts.

The Auxiliary Manual is quite specific about uniform wear for all of our events with the exception of public affairs. The standard then becomes one that the district Public Affairs Department has

to set. In that case, the decision falls to me. The manual has one brief line, upon which I base my recommendation. Chapter 10, “Setting an Example”: “Uniforms shall be pressed, clean, fit properly, and be in good repair.” It also talks about grooming, weight and overall appearance. This last reference is the key to understanding why I have developed a standard for District 7.

Boat Shows: Inside or Outside? ODUs are preferred, black boots or black tennis shoes—no white tennis shoes. ODUs are what should be worn at outside displays, particularly at boat ramps. At inside events, in which the Coast Guard has members present, ODUs are a must. Coasties will be wearing them and we should mirror them.

Trops are acceptable at inside events, boat shows and static dis-plays unless the Coast Guard is also at the event. Then ODUs come into play. We must remember that many of our members are not in operations and all they have are trops. I do not want someone excluded from helping at an inside event simply because they do not have ODUs. If a member wants to help staff a booth and only has trops, then pair that member with another who will also be in trops. Make the uniforms match for each duty session. The key is grooming and overall appearance.

What about shorts? The truth is, at our age most of us would cer-tainly look better in long pants. On our patrol boats or while doing vessel examinations in the summer heat, those shorts feel good. But at a boat ramp with a safety booth, long pants are my prefer-ence. No shorts. In the summer heat, a clean, new looking Auxilia-ry T-shirt can be worn along with long ODU pants, proper belt, black tennis shoes, black socks and the proper cover (ball cap). You’ll survive, and so will the high standard of appearance that the Coast Guard expects of us. There are hearty souls who wear the full ODU at outside public affairs events all year round. My cover is off to them. Semper Paratus!

Rob Raybuck and Pat McCarn, from Flotilla 9-10 (Ft. Myers and Cape Coral, Fla.), wearing the tropical blue uniform, talk to two visitors at the Fort Myers Boat Show. Auxiliary photo by Constance O. Irvin.

Members of Flotilla 59 (Stuart, Fla.), decked out in their operational dress uniforms (ODUs), pause for a moment in front of their static display in front of a Lowe’s store, complete with “Coastie,” the robot. Auxiliary photo by Hank Cushard.

WHICH UNIFORM IS CORRECT? By Constance O. Irvin, DSO-PA, District 7

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By Dr. Bill Wendel, Flotilla 23 (Northeast Georgia)

Will the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary survive the 21st century?

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is losing members, dropping from an estimated 38,000 in 2004 to about 30,000+ in 2013.

Traditionally, the main avenue for reinvig-orating membership came from students taking the Auxiliary’s public education courses. Smaller numbers came from those recruited from vessel safety checks and those who found out about the Auxiliary by other means. Recruiting drives, where Na-tional asked local flotillas to make a special effort to find and process new members, accounted for others.

In fact, none of these tried-and-true meth-ods now works well enough to make up the Auxiliary numbers. Recruits from public education classes have fallen off dramati-cally, as have the other traditional meth-ods.

Why this drop in recruiting new members? There are many reasons, one of which is that aggressive recruiting is often not done. Some flotillas that take a more laid back approach, only accepting new members if they’re contacted first. Even then, there are many flotillas that don’t accept recruits be-cause, “it’s too much effort to train them,” or “we’re just the right size and don’t want more members,” or “it’s not our job.”

The Auxiliary, late in studying these dy-

namics and playing catch-up, is just begin-ning to look at concepts and processes to retain existing membership, but without an infusion of new members, this program will not ultimately be successful in maintaining viable numbers.

The challenge is to find and implement a course of action to rebuild the Auxiliary’s numbers. To do so, the Auxiliary needs to address the generational changes that have already begun to affect recruiting practices.

Past and present recruiting methods won’t work much longer. New approaches to re-cruiting and retention must be found. And that may change the face of the Auxiliary and how it does business.

Older volunteers aren’t dropping out of vol-unteering—not more rapidly than age and accidents have always accounted for. The difference is that community organizations —like Coast Guard Auxiliary flotillas — are

no longer being continuously revitalized, as in the past, by a steady stream of new mem-bers.

Voting patterns are instructive as a proxy of social engagement. Compared to demo-graphically matched non-voters, voters are more likely to be interested in politics, give to charity, volunteer, serve on juries, attend school board meetings, participate in public demonstrations, and cooperate with their follow citizens on community affairs.

Today, participation in the electoral pro-cess is at one of the lowest points in the country’s history and is the most visible symptom of a broader disengagement from community life. It is not just from the vot-ing booth that Americans are increasingly AWOL. Americans are involved less and less in every aspect of civic engagement than they were 20 years ago.

The Baby Boomers are just beginning to re-tire. If you think of this generation as a gi-ant bell curve, the beginning edge to the curve are those people approaching 65 years of age. Over the next 20 years this generation will surge into retirement.

Marketing specialists, researchers, founda-tions and membership organizations such as AARP are already studying these soon-to-be retirees, and with good reason. This gen-eration has been known for breaking with tradition and charting new courses. This is the 60’s generation that rebelled against authority, organized movements and changed the workplace.

Now, Baby Boomers give every indication of being a new breed of volunteer.

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The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is losing members, dropping from an estimated 38,000 in 2004 to about 30,000 plus in 2013.

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They expect to live longer and they are planning for financial, mental and emotional security.

They believe they have far more choices in terms of activities and lifestyles.

They plan to travel, explore new places and spend periods away from home.

They do not view retirement as the end of a career, but rather as an opportunity to begin a new career.

They are not constrained by traditional ide-as of retirement. They refuse to get old, and they refuse to believe that age will limit them in any way.

They are showing a tendency to remain in the communities where they have lived and work. There are indications they may be less inclined to move to the traditional retire-ment community states.

Volunteer managers are being challenged to design new recruitment efforts, systems and structures to meet this new generation of volunteers.

Current research has identified several themes and priorities to consider:

1. Offer choice, flexibility and responsive-ness to today’s lifestyles. Provide numer-ous options and the ability to choose

what and how much a volunteer can do.

2. Pair volunteer activities with educa-tional and recreational opportunities, life-long learning, domestic and internation-al travel, family and intergenerational relationships, and volunteer service and learning that can lead to new employ-ment options. National organizations in particular may wish to develop volunteer exchange programs with interstate mem-bers/partners.

3. Begin now to develop and promote re-cruitment information for those ap-proaching retirement. This generation is already planning for their retirement years.

4. Use the Internet to give information, make statewide and national connections and to recruit and place volunteers.

5. Enhance marketing messages with pho-tos and images of volunteers doing new, unexpected things, of volunteers having a good time together, of volunteer “experts” solving problems.

6. Don’t rely on “civic duty” and “make a difference” as marketing messages for this generation. Offer opportunities for new experiences, challenges and stimula-tion. Personal growth and the desire for new knowledge and skills are powerful forces within this generation.

7. Develop career paths for volunteers to promote life-long learning, advancement and skill development.

8. Provide opportunities for volunteer to “try-before-you-buy” experiences as a marketing tool. This consumer-oriented generation looks for quality, efficiency and effectiveness. Episodic volunteering has been the norm for many of these busy

working people.

9. Provide clear expectations regarding time, tasks and training.

10. When possible promote the connec-tion to local issues and local problems, and communicate how volunteers will make a difference.

Leadership is often viewed by the older gen-erations as synonymous with commitment, dedication, skills, knowledge and experi-ence. These preconceived ideas of what it is to be in a leadership role create subtle mes-sages for new, younger volunteers about long-term commitment and dedication.

Younger volunteers do not always see them-selves as experienced, skilled or capable of leadership. They do not readily see what’s in it for them. Attracting and cultivating new leadership and new volunteers require new approaches on how to do the work as well as new messages about the value of the work and the personal growth and development that comes from volunteer and leadership service.

Many volunteers are less interested in mak-ing a difference and more interested in the personal return on their investment. To-day’s younger volunteers are attracted to the opportunities for skills building, career enhancement, networking and professional/leadership development that come from board and committee work

Unique styles: Each generation has differing expectations. The challenge is to bring these diverse generations together through multi-ple options and opportunities. The Auxiliary must understand the unique needs and styles of each generation, volunteers and constituents, and create ways for each to receive personal satisfaction and reward.

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The Auxiliary must understand the unique needs and styles of each gener-ation, volunteers and constituents, and create ways for each to receive person-al satisfaction and reward.

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By Nan Ellen Fuller, Division 2 Commander

Nine leadership workshops took place throughout District 7 dur-ing the first quarter of 2014. These workshops continued the dis-trict’s long standing practice of providing training in skills and practices that benefit Auxiliary units and enhance the elected and staff officer experience.

As with past district leadership workshops, instructors for the 2014 workshops came from the district leadership team and dis-trict bridge. The program was organized around four modules of approximately one and a half hours each. The content selected for the 2014 leadership workshops reflected the needs that flotil-la and division commanders expressed in their responses to a re-cent survey.

The first module provided an overview of the district’s progress in meeting its goals and introduced a new “toolbox” for helping leaders to resolve questions and concerns about operational and policy matters. The second and third modules utilized workshop participants’ collaborative skills to determine and prioritize at

least six essential initial ac-tions needed to succeed as a flotilla commander and as a division commander.

During this process, partici-pants had the opportunity to practice team skills, includ-ing, selecting a leader, estab-lishing ground rules, setting an agenda, having a time-keeper, and staying on track. Methods included brain-storming techniques, record-ing actions, how to utilize a “parking lot,” reaching con-sensus, prioritizing, and im-plementing findings. The

Coast Guard Performance Improvement Guide (“PIG book”) helped guide participants through techniques used by effective teams. The goal of these two modules was for participants to effectively utilize teams to understand and utilize the process to achieve the objective and not to jump directly to solving the problem.

Larry Hartman, Flotilla 21 vice commander, records his group’s thoughts. Auxiliary photos, taken in Savannah, Ga., on Jan. 25 and St. Augustine, Fla., on Jan. 26 by Nan Ellen Fuller.

Frank Lann, district training officer, facilitates discussion on team skills.

(Continued on page #)

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The fourth module introduced the new Leadership Develop-ment Center for providing in-structional materials and lead-ership training assistance to divisions and flotillas.

Attendance at this year’s work-shops included division com-manders, flotilla commanders,

division vice com-manders, flotilla vice commanders, district director-ate chiefs, Auxilia-ry sector coordi-nators, division staff officers, flotilla staff offic-ers, as well as other members showing high potential and in-terest in holding future elected offices.

(Continued from page 23)

Left and right: Bob Weskerna, District 7 Chief of Staff, makes his points at Savannah workshop. Center: Sara Snyder, Flotilla 29 Vice Commander, serves as her group’s scribe. Below, Left: Commodore John Tyson joins the discus-sion led by John Hadley, 14-8 (Jacksonville, Fla.) Flotilla Vice Commander. Right: Beth Gallagher, Flotilla 45 (Sanford, Fla.), serves as a group scribe in St. Augustine.

Whether you were new to an office or you had one or more years of leadership under your belt, this year’s workshop had something for you. All participants came away with a few “nuggets” and several new skills to assist them as leaders in the Auxiliary.

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By Kerry Eakins, ADSO-PB District 7

Some Auxiliarists feel that the Operational Auxiliarist designa-tion (AUXOP, AX and AX2) is similar to a Ph.D. level of education. While I do not feel it is that intense, I certainly appreciate the time and effort it takes to achieve this designation, and feel hon-ored to have achieved it myself.

My introduction to AUXOP came while I was working in Virginia, when I had the opportunity to participate in the Fifth Southern District’s unique “Advanced Skills Weekend.” This program ran, in cooperation with the Gold Side, at Yorktown Training Center (Yorktown TraCen).

Auxiliary students took berths on base and ate at the mess hall with the men and women in the active duty Coast Guard. Auxil-iarists were never treated differently than active duty Coast Guard personnel and received the same full measure of respect.

During this training weekend, everyone had an opportunity to participate in everything from AUXCHEF (now Auxiliary Food Services or AUXFS) to data entry to AUXOP clas-ses. Recognition that Auxiliarists were there to support the Coast Guard mission emanated from the lowest ranking seaman up to the base com-mander. Unfortunately, the Fifth Southern District had to discontinue this program, and it is no long-er available.

Viewing the classes available to qualify for AUX-OP, I felt like a child at Christmas, wishing I had time to take all of them in one weekend. Of course,

completing them all did take more than one weekend, but the AUXOP designation provides the widest array of information for Auxiliarists any level. Earning AUXOP provides an education in all aspects of surface operations, beyond the requirements for crewperson or coxswain. Only about 12 percent of Auxiliarists na-tionwide have achieved this rating.

Today one can attain the AUXOP designation by tak-ing courses individually, online, or by taking ad-vantage of flotilla, division or district level training opportunities. The current AUXOP program requires candidates to earn a total of seven credits: one from a

leadership course, three from core courses, and three from an ar-ray of elective courses. As the table on the next page shows, the candidate must take all three core courses, and each course must be passed with a 75 percent or better grade.

Many speak of how difficult the weather class is, but I was lucky to have an aviator as my instructor. His intense weather training and experience flying in all types of weather let him present the course in a down-to-earth manner that made everything easier to understand.

The Communications Specialty teaches proper procedures and etiquette for using a VHF radio. The Seamanship course teaches knots, lines, engines, types of boats, parts on a boat, and many other boating skills. The leadership courses provide specific in-structions for all levels of Coast Guard Auxiliary management, and offer newly promoted personnel insights into their new posi-tions.

The electives cover a wide array of interests. Don’t be fooled by the titles. Introduction to Marine Safe-ty and Environmental Protection (IMSEP) alerts the student provides to different types of pollution and invasive species.

(Continued on page 26)

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When I took the Search Coordination and Execution (SC&E) course, I got an opportunity to look at the Gold Side textbook and realized how surprisingly close the two courses were. Even some of their exercise questions were the same as those in our book. I later learned that my instructor was also the lead instructor for the National Search and Rescue School at the Yorktown TraCen. This course taught me to be more inquisitive with my instructors, and allowed me to appreciate and respect their backgrounds even more than I already did.

In short, my AUXOP training gave me many skills that improved my personal boating abilities. But it also introduced me to better resources and procedures when teaching these skills to others, and I have made lifelong friendships along the way.

(Continued from page 25)

Boat Essentials-USCG Safety Gear is a simple checklist app to help boaters identify the safety items they are required to have onboard. It also suggests other items that will make a boat safer and more comfortable.

Useful for all powered and non-powered boats operated in the United States and territorial waters. This app also contains fea-tures to help maintain a boat, buy supplies for a boat, and helps notify the user of important dates.

Download a PDF version at http://abyc.site-ym.com/store/ViewProduct.aspx?id=2457429 … or order a water-resistant version from the Auxiliary National Supply Center, as item No. ANSC 3030. Get the free app from the iStore — an Android version is not yet available.

The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) was created in 1954 as a non-profit organization to develop safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, repair and maintenance of boats. The mission of ABYC is to improve boating safety and reduce the number of injuries and fatalities.

Free Mobile App (or Paper Checklist)

from American Boat & Yacht Council

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The United States Power Squadrons (USPS) celebrated its 100th birthday here at the end of January. The organization’s publication, The Ensign, covered the history of that storied organization. Here, I’d like to take you through some of that history, about an organization that shares the mission of recreational boating safety with the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Boating in the early 20th century consisted of large, wooden, sail-boats, and most owners belonged to yacht clubs. It was a rich man’s sport, using paid professional crews to man these large vessels. In time, powered pleasure boats entered the scene, caus-ing a split between sail and power which was not always friendly. Roger Upton, a member of the Boston Yacht Club, grew frustrat-ed with his sailboat’s reliance on the wind, so he bought a gas-driven launch to tow his 50-foot ketch when it was becalmed. Soon he replaced the launch with a 60-foot double-ender steam vessel, and that started a movement. Being a good mechanic, he trailed sailing cruises, often either fixing or towing stalled boats back to port. Often, he and 36 powerboat members sailed out to sea, performing maneuvers and drills modeled after the U. S. Na-vy, with the goal of making them an asset in time of war. A remarkable cruise of 40 sailboats and 20 powerboats set out from Portland, Maine, on an annual cruise, when a strong nor’easter caught them. The powerboats rescued many disabled yachts, which was celebrated in the media. Power boats had ar-rived, and yacht clubs began forming power squadrons. At that time, federal laws governing navigation applied only to steam vessels. Federal inspectors had little use for small internal combustion powered craft, but wanted to control them. A group of volunteers formed to protect pleasure boaters from the steam-boat inspectors. They began to offer instructions on the rudi-ments of boat handling. A group within the Boston Yacht Club continued to grow and took on the name “Power Squadrons of the Boston Yacht Club,” drawing the attention of Franklin Roose-velt, then the assistant secretary of the Navy. Roosevelt accompa-

nied the squadron on Upton’s powerboat to observe their drills and maneuvers. With World War I looming, Roosevelt urged Up-ton to create a national organization. The idea spread, and, in 1914, delegates from 20 clubs met at the New York Yacht Club to form the USPS. USPS offered a free nautical school to the public in 1917, but af-ter the war, the organization dwindled. The squadrons still per-formed drills and maneuvers, and members still had to belong to a yacht club. When they dropped the drills and maneuvers and the requirement to be a yacht club member, it rekindled growth in USPS. By 1924, the organization became a teaching organiza-tion and membership hit 323 individuals. In 1939, President Roo-sevelt complimented the USPS on its 25th birthday and accepted an honorary membership. The organization expanded from pri-marily an Atlantic coastal group to one with squadrons in Flori-da, Washington and California. As World War II approached, USPS expanded its instruction pro-grams beyond its original four courses. They also introduced crews to defense issues. Gas rationing in 1942 meant receiving a number of gallons equal to the boat’s horsepower per week. With the evacuation of Dun-kirk in mind, boaters were encouraged to keep their vessels ready for possible employment for war needs. At Dunkirk, British pleasure boats evacuated more than 300,000 British and French soldiers in the teeth of a rapid Nazi advance. USPS membership boomed during the ‘40s and ‘50s, reaching 45,000 in 268 squadrons in 1959. Each year, more people became interested in boating, as fiberglass hulls and outboard engines pushed the national registration of boats to 450,000. On the other hand, an appalling number of small boat accidents highlighted the need for serious education, and the USPS responded. Over the years, USPS has been honored by five U.S. presidents. In 2004, on its 90th birthday, governors of all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands signed the “Proclamation of the Gov-


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ernors,” proclaiming recognition of, and grate-ful appreciation for, the USPS. One of USPS’ most notable chief commanders was Charles Chapman, in 1946, author of the famous se-ries of nautical books, Chapman’s Seamanship. Today, USPS has 403 squadrons and 35,000 vol-unteers, of which 34 per-cent are women. The USPS ensign has flown just about everywhere on Earth, and even been car-ried into space.

The USPS has come a long way, during its 100 years, from the original vision of its first commanders, but undoubtedly they would be proud. Congratulations and Happy Birthday USPS! Here’s to another 100 years in boating safety.

Editor’s note: USPS is des-ignated by the Auxiliary, through a Memorandum of Understanding, to serve in the Vessel Safety Check and, (now) the Recreational Boating Safety Visitation programs. (See next article.)

The Auxiliary is the national director and executive agent for the Coast Guard in the overall operation and ad-ministration of these pro-


Not Your Typical Boot Camp: A Supplement to Traditional Mentoring

To view video that correlates to an article of the same name in the Fall 2013 issue of Breeze, click this link: https://vimeo.com/88105480

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Some of you may be aware that Nan Ellen Fuller, Division 2 Commander, and I attended the 100th Anniver-sary and National Meeting of the U.S. Power Squadrons (USPS) re-cently in Jacksonville. At that meeting, Stephen Ellerin, Chief of the RBS national Liaison Division and District 7 Staff Officer for Publications, presented a “train the trainer” course to train and certify the very first group of USPS program visitors (PVs). In addition to his other Auxiliary duties, Stephen is the liaison at National for USPS.

Stephen quoted statistics during his presentation that I found staggering, concerning the hand-ful of boaters we currently reach with our programs—fewer than three percent. Taking the posi-tive side, we have much work to do and need all the help we can get to push out the message.

The USPS is another major force multiplier for the Coast Guard. Working in partnership gives us greater opportunity to reach the 97% of all boaters who need our message of boating safety.

One point impressed upon the participants several times in the presentation was that the partner visitor (PV) program is a Coast Guard boating safety program and that USPS PVs are also representa-tives of the Coast Guard. The PV program is shared by the Auxilia-ry and USPS in much the same way as the Vessel Safety Check (VSC) program.

After Stephen’s presentation, he gave each participant a written exam and scored them. All partic-ipants scored more than 90 per-cent and passed the exam. At that point, I assisted Stephen in the final step in the certification pro-cess, the supervised dealer visits. We took all students aside and

No One Owns the Territory:


By Dave Fuller, District Captain—North

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Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7

Don’t see your photo or an article about your flotilla in this issue of the Breeze?

Perhaps you forgot to send it to us?

The Breeze features items that show the Auxiliary “in action” that

reflect district and national interest.

Send letters or comments — and article and photo submissions

— to the Editors at [email protected]

took them through process of introducing themselves to a new partner and getting the box and information on the shelf. At the end of the supervised visits, we certified all 18 participants as the first group of USPS members certified as partner visitors (PVs).

Our role in this, as Auxiliarists, is to promote the cooperation and provide the resources required at the flotilla level to help local power squadrons with this program. Auxiliarists will need to cooperate with their local squadrons — Auxiliary PVs will need to assist local power squadrons with the certification process by supervising their two required visits, especially in the initial stages.

USPS members will have their own sources of material and boxes.

A potential problem area that we will need to head off before it begins is that there may be perceived territorial issues between local Auxil-iary flotillas and local power squadrons. As you know, we occasionally have this issue between flotillas and even individual Auxiliarists within the Auxiliary PV program.

It is important to note that no PV or flotilla “owns” a particular territory or partner. In some areas, the Auxiliary may be sharing space on a partner’s shelf with USPS brochures and class sched-ules. and will share some of our brochures. They will likely add

class schedules, membership materials, etc. to their mix of infor-mation to populate the racks, not only at new partners that they set up, but also in display boxes at existing locations,

I do not know how quickly this program will spread throughout the USPS, as we had only 18 initially certified as PVs at the USPS

National Conference, but the participants were from squadrons across the country and eager to launch the program. Eventually, this program will be widespread and will come to all areas as the USPS promotes it internally and it gains criti-cal mass.

Cooperation and partnership between local pow-er squadrons and Auxiliary flotillas will make this a long-term success as has been long demon-strated with the VE program. Please do every-thing you can to promote cooperation and part-ner with local squadrons. This is one more op-portunity to have both organizations work to-gether for our greater goal – the promotion of

boating safety. After all, this is why both organiza-tions exist.

“It is important to note

that no PV or flotilla

“owns” a particular terri-

tory or partner. In some

areas, the Auxiliary may

be sharing space on a

partner’s shelf with USPS

brochures and class


RIGHT: Look for the USPS logo

next to the Auxiliary logo on

future Program Visitor display

racks. USPS PVs are authorized

by the Auxiliary National Com-

modore to add their logo to

the Auxiliary logo on existing

display racks.

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A NEW TWIST ON SAFETY CHECKS Bill Griswold, President,

United Safe Boating Institute & D7 DSO-SL

Recently we began collecting the reasons vessel fail a vessel safety check (VSC). We’re putting them into a database for analysis, and the key to this program’s success is you, the vessel examiner.

Why Do Boats Most Often Fail a VSC? Help Us Find Out

The United Safe Boating Institute (USBI), whose parent organizations include the Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadrons (USPS), Canadian Power Squadrons, American Red Cross, American Canoe Association and US Sailing, has a project underway, funded by a Coast Guard non-profit grant, to gather this information. USBI has database into which you can log the reasons any boat fails a VSC. To do this, we need input from USPS and Auxiliary examiners.

OK, how does this work? An examiner goes out and does several exams, filling out an ANSC Form 7012 for each vessel. Let’s say s/he does eight exams, and two fail. When the examiner gets home, s/he goes to his/her computer and types in http://www.usbi.org/vsc.php. With just few point and clicks, the VE records a few items to describe the boat, type of water used on, state of use and organization of the inputter. with a few more point and clicks, s/he records the reason(s) the boat failed and hits the SUBMIT button. Poof, the infor-mation goes into the database, and s/he enters the sec-ond failure.

This site also has a PowerPoint® that explains the pro-gram, plus an Excel® spread sheet with the data entered sofar. These are available to anyone, and will be used to analyze why boats fail, differences between states or regions, size of boats and type of water on which it’s

used. We can also determine differences between Auxil-iary and USPS examiners, just who is catching what.

The program began in 2012, with USPS entering VSC failures from all states. By July, the Auxiliary began to enter data from six pilot states. Although, at the end of September, Hurricane Sandy flooded the web site’s host equipment, it was restored by the end of the year.

Current data in the spreadsheet reflects about 8,011 failed exams.

What We Know So Far... A couple of quick observations — fire extinguishers are the leading reason a boat fails. Larger boats tend to have more discrepancies per exam. Auxiliarists seem to catch navigation lights more than USPS examiners, while USPS folks nail the fire extinguishers more often.

Results of this program will serve a variety of needs. First, they tell us where we need to strengthen our pub-lic education efforts. Secondly they will tell us how well boaters are complying with the carriage requirements. A long-range hope of the program is to build a compati-ble reporting system into a new version of AUXDATA, so that submitting Form 7012 adds reasons for failure to thia database.

I welcome any and all examiners to enroll themselves in this reporting program. Yes, it’s an extra step; no, it doesn’t confer any credit; but it does give us a glimpse on why 25 percent of vessel exams fail and hopefully will steer our future efforts to better educate the pub-lic.

Comments and questions are welcome, write Bill Gris-wold at [email protected].

West Marine will again offer a discount on safety-related items to boaters who show proof of having had a vessel safety check. Vessel examin-ers can hand out coupons when performing vessel safe-ty checks. Discount coupons are also available on the "B” Directorate site. From the top row of any Flotilla website, click "Directorates" and then select "RBS Outreach" — or click here:

http://bdept.cgaux.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/West-Marine-2014-VSC-Safety-Coupon_colorSm.pdf To save on color ink or toner, the two-sided coupon may be printed in “gray scale.”

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By Jack Margolis, District 7 ADSO-PB

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — Coast Guard Auxiliary members Loren Sgro, Carl Brown, Jeanette Brown and Stephen Clay from Flotilla 12-2 (Grand Strand, S.C.) and Eric Hurlin, Oliver Leimbach Jr, Jack Margolis, Anthony Pres-

son and Vernon Shepard from Flotilla 12-4 (Central Grand Strand, S.C.) interacted with the public during the Myrtle Beach Boat Show Jan. 10-12 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center.

The boat show was well attended by the public even though the weather report was for severe weather in the area on Saturday.

Many people visited the Coast Guard Auxiliary table throughout the three-day event. Most visitors asked for information about outfit-ting their boats to meet federal and state safety standards, when and where the next boating safety classes would be conducted, and to get information about joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary; and of course to see Coastie.

The Auxiliarists staffing the table answered every question enthusi-astically and provided the print material needed. Children received Inky the Whale coloring books.

The biggest hit, as always was Coastie, always a draw for young and old alike. Vernon “Buddy” Sheppard was one of the Coastie opera-tors.

Coastie directed boat show attendees to the Auxiliary table and con-versed with the young. To the children, Coastie is real, and Buddy

was able to draw them into some rather interesting conversations that inevitably turned to being safe while near and on the water. Coastie also worked on getting their parents to come visit the Auxil-iary table.

In addition to answering questions and handing out material to passers-by, the Auxiliary conducted two safe boating seminars and assembled a list of names of visitors who asked to be contacted:

People looking for a boating safety class; People needing Vessel Safety Checks; and People interested in joining the Auxiliary.

Local TV Channel 13 (CBS) mentioned the Auxiliary and Coastie’s participation in the boat show, and safe boating programs.

(Above, L) Coastie converses

with young boat show at-


(Below, R) Buddy Sheppard

operates the robot and talks

through it to the kids. Auxiliary

photos by Jack Margolis, Dis-

trict 7 ASDO-PB.

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February 28, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I am proud to announce President Obama's intent to nominate Vice Admiral Paul F. Zu-kunft as the 25th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard.

Since I became Secretary, I have had the opportunity to get to know Vice Admiral Zu-kunft, and if confirmed he will be a great leader for the future of the Coast Guard. As a 37-year veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard, he has demonstrated this leadership while serving in a number of different capacities, including coordinating federal response to the Deepwater Horizon Spill. During the response, Vice Admiral Zukunft directed more than 47,000 responders, 6,500 vessels and 120 aircraft as the Coast Guard worked to re-spond to and recover from the largest oil spill in U.S. history.

Vice Admiral Zukunft currently commands U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Area, and is a grad-uate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and holds advanced degrees from the U.S. Naval War College and Webster University.

If confirmed as commandant Vice Admiral Zukunft will follow another great leader — Admiral Robert Papp, Jr. I thank Admiral Papp for his years of service to the U.S. Coast Guard, to the Department of Homeland Security, and to this Nation, and I look forward to seeing Vice Admiral Zukunft continue his great work.


Jeh Charles Johnson Secretary of Homeland Security


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Team Coast Guard in Action


By Mitchell D. Schlitt, Flotilla 98 Charlotte Harbor, Fla., Breeze Contributing Writer

FT. MYERS, Fla. – Four members of Auxiliary Division 9 participated in a Team Coast Guard simulat-ed environmental spill exer-cise conducted on Dec. 11, 2013, in Fort Myers, Fla., by Coast Guard Sector St. Peters-burg. Team Coast Guard refers to the four components of the Coast Guard as a whole: Regu-lar, Reserve, Auxiliary, and Coast Guard civilian employ-ees.

Auxiliarists Pat McCarn, Flotil-la 9-10 Ft. Myers and Cape Cor-al; Tom McColough, Flotilla 94 Naples; Mitchell Schlitt, Flotil-la 98 Charlotte Harbor; and Tom Hart, Flotilla 96 Wiggins Pass, all of Florida, reported to the Marine Safety Detached Duty Office in Ft. Myers (DDFM) to join 13 others from active duty Coast Guard and the Reserve for this Federal On-scene Coordinator’s Repre-sentative (FOSCR) and Incident Command System (ICS) simu-lated disaster drill. All four had

taken the Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protec-tion course; McColough is also a certified Assistant Pollution Re-sponder (APR).

Coast Guard Chief Marine Science Technician John Morgan of Sector St. Petersburg, who conducted the exercise, initiated the activity by sending a mock National Response Center incident report to the Ft. Myers detachment indicating that a vessel at the shrimp boat dock in Matanzas Harbor at Ft. Myers Beach had caught fire, releasing an unknown quantity of diesel fuel into the harbor.

As the responders assembled at Salty Sam’s Marina, Morgan ex-panded the details of the scenario, explaining that a 72-foot shrimp boat had caught fire, which had spread to another fishing vessel tied alongside. According to the scenario, efforts by the local fire department failed to extinguish the flames before both vessels sank, releasing some 3,500 gallons of diesel fuel, causing a 500-foot by 30-foot rainbow sheen, moving south-southeast

Although the Auxiliarists were to be observers only, Morgan as-signed McCarn to monitor and take notes on the drill and McColough to perform the ICS function, to monitor the whereabouts of all as-signed personnel. Schlitt and Hart were assigned to the Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team (SCAT), which had responsibility to make initial assessments from shore of the spread and effect of the spill.

The scenario called for the sheen to spread, impacting three areas: a limited access mangrove canal, a private canal across the harbor with mangroves and concrete sea-walls, and the protected man-groves of the Matanzas Preserve.

SCAT leader LT Jessica Paxton as-signed Schlitt to investigate all three sheens and report using the Coast Guard’s Short Shoreline As-sessment Form. This form requires

(Continued on page 34)

Chief Marine Science Technician John Morgan (right), director of the pollution ex-ercise on behalf of Sector St. Petersburg, and Auxiliarist Mitchell Schlitt of Flotilla 98 examine information from diesel fuel spill reports by participants, posted on a Google Earth map. Auxiliary photo by Tom Hart, Flotilla 96.

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drawings and detailed fill-in-the-blank descriptions of the affected areas. The information Schlitt gathered was radioed to the exer-cise operations center, via marine VHF radio, along with marine observation and air operations, so that a spill recovery and reme-diation plan could be formulated. The incident command post staff annotated the information forwarded from on-scene observers on-to large-scale Google Earth maps printed specifically for the drill.

The exercise scenario then called for the simulation of hiring con-tractors to contain and recover the released diesel fuel at the re-ported locations. To add realism, Morgan updated the scenario throughout the drill, including the simulated injury of contractors, who were removed from the incident by emergency medical ser-vice technicians.

Auxiliary members can participate in Marine Safety and Environ-mental Protection in a variety of ways. Citing the Auxiliary New

Member Reference Guide, Chief Morgan points out: “Qualified Auxil-iarists and their facilities are authorized assignment to duty to as-sist in marine safety and environmental protection. Auxiliarists may provide facilities and personnel for public education, for sup-port of pollution prevention activities, for environmental disaster relief operations, and other assistance, as needed by Coast Guard Sectors.”

While Auxiliarists are not actually assigned to DDFM, according to Chief Morgan, they can provide direct support. “They do not have ratings like the active duty component does, so they’re not consid-ered Marine Safety Specialists,” he explains. “However, they may be part of the Marine Safety Program.”

Besides the exposure to way the ICS works, participation in the drill earned the Auxiliarists training toward certification for the “APR” designation. They also honed their critical thinking and communication skills. Best of all, they have a better understanding of what it means to be part of Team Coast Guard.

(Continued from page 33)


Celebrating 75 Years of the USCG Auxiliary

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary turns 75 on June 23, 2014, and the Breeze will dedicate a major part of its Spring 2014 issue to that observance.

Alejandro de Quesada, District 7 historian, is writing a compre-hensive history of the Auxiliary. The Breeze is soliciting historical photographs and articles of significant events that occurred within the District 7, including units that have since been assigned.

Please send digital files of your own article or links to other arti-cles of historical significance describing Auxiliary activity, such as the Auxiliary during World War II, major operations, rescues, sup-port of national or regional events, etc., to: Historian, D7.

Also, please look for historical photos within your units. They may be hanging someplace on the walls of your home flotilla. Photos must be taken by an Auxiliarist, public domain, or accompanied by a release from the owner. Scan them in at least 300 dpi reso-lution and send them, with descriptions, to: Editor, Breeze.

To ensure that your submission is considered for inclusion in the commemorative issue, please submit no later than April 15. Later submissions may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Auxiliary facilities patrol the Atlantic Coast off Savannah,

Ga., during World War II.

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A South Carolina Department of Natu-ral Resources ma-rine patrol officer observes the scene and records the ac-cident of a small fishing vessel par-tially submerged. Auxiliary photo and story by Joe New-man, Vice Com-mander, Flotilla 12-1 (The Inland Sea Lake Marion, S.C.)

Smart Captain,

Happy Ending

Every three or four days, just after daybreak, when the lake is calm, one of my friends, (who is 70-something) motors out a mile or so on Lake Marion to tend to his twotrot lines. He has a trim, 16-foot runabout, with a bow-mounted helm and a brand new Yamaha engine. On Oct. 28, his trip became quite than normal. At around 7 a.m., about a half mile from shore, his boat suddenly veered hard, possibly from hitting a submerged log. He was imme-diately thrown from the boat. At that point, his luck went south. The boat, with the steering locked, circled back and ran over him, perhaps more than once, slicing both legs, and deeply along one leg from ankle to hip as the prop ran up his leg. The boat then flipped over, killing the engine. My friend spent the next 40 minutes in 65-degree water, first making his way to the boat, collecting his thoughts, and finally signaling the only way he could under the circumstances—yelling for help.

Four things saved his life. First, and foremost, he was wearing a hydrostati-cally activated life vest—which inflated as soon as he submerged. Second, he is a former Navy underwater demolition team (UDT) diver, so he did not panic. Third, by what he calls a divine circumstance — a neighbor heard his cries from almost a half-mile away.

The water was calm, the air was still, the victim was motivated, and our mu-tual neighbor, Ed, was out taking a walk. Ed faintly heard a sound that he could not distinguish, but which seemed out of place. He asked his wife to come listen—and between them, they agreed it was someone in distress. Ed ran down to where he could see out onto the lake and spotted the over-turned boat.

He borrowed a neighbor’s pontoon boat, and Ed and his wife, Beth, raced out to the scene. They found the victim conscious, but very weak. They managed to get him into the boat where Beth, a nurse (number four in to-day’s collection of miracles) treated him for cuts, shock and hypothermia. They called 911 and rushed him to shore, where he was stabilized and then transported to the hospital for treatment.

The toll? A few new scars for our UDT man and his boat. We’ll have to wait for the final report on his engine, but my friend has another story to tell and he’s still around to tell it. And for us in the Auxiliary, so many of the things we are taught and that we teach to others played out in this real life drama: wearing a life vest, discipline in an emergency, and emergency med-ical skills paid off. If only he’d been wearing his “kill switch”...

Page 36: 2014 Winter


BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014

Dave Fuller, DCAPT-N, and Stephen Ellerin,

DVC-BL, both of the District 7, prepare,

train, and congratulate members of the US

Power Squadrons as the first USPS Pro-

gram Visitor (PV) trainees. Starting this

year, USPS members join the Auxiliary in

the USCG Dealer Visitor Program. The

training session took place on January

30th, during the USPS National Meeting in

Jacksonville, Fla.

Page 37: 2014 Winter


Winter 2013-2014 BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7

District 7 DTRAIN collage. Auxiliary photos by Bob Fabrich, ADSO-PB-Graphics, and others. Collage by Bob Fabrich.

Page 38: 2014 Winter


BREEZE, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, District 7 Winter 2013-2014

AUXAIR Annual Aviation Safety Workshop at Air Station Borinquen Feb. 28-Mar 2, 2014. All awards were generated, signed and presented by the active duty Coast Guard, including RADM Korn.

Topping the list was the Auxiliary Meritori-ous Service Medal and the first-time-ever 1000 mission hour plaque. This event in-cluded the Dominican Republic Auxiliary, Sector San Juan and BQN command at-tending.

The event included perhaps the first “Vest Fest,” and USCG survival personnel demonstrated egress training.

Auxiliary photos by Bob Fabrich, ADSO-PB-Graphics, and others. Collage by Bob Fabrich.