2014/15 as physics handbook

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AS Physics Handbook for the 2014/15 academic year at Barnet & Southgate College


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AS Physics

Subject Handbook


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Welcome to AS Level Physics 2014-2015 This booklet will give you an outline of what you can expect from the Physics department

over the next year - and what we will expect from you. We hope it will give you answers to

some of the questions you may have, but please do ask if you wish to clarify anything or

have questions about issues not addressed in the handbook.

Physics is a fascinating subject. It aims to explain the processes at work at the

microscopic scale of atoms and that of the macroscopic scale of galaxies. In short it aims

to explain the nature of our universe. Being able to apply the laws and principles of the

natural world in a wide range of circumstances is an important aspect of the AS Level

course. As with all subjects, the more you are prepared to put in, the more you will get out

of studying Physics.

It’s not simply about using the correct formulae; it requires you understand quite abstract

ideas and put them into your own words, using good English. It is a very demanding subject

and requires a lot of work from you. You will need to be motivated and organised and this

booklet has been designed to help provide you with the initial guidance and advice to enable

you to make a good start to studying Physics. It is also intended to be used as a reference

throughout the course and you should keep it in your Physics file.

Additional information about specific aspects of the course will be provided throughout

the year, but we hope this will give you an understanding of the course and enable you to

acquire the key study skills necessary for success.

What do I need to know or be able to do before taking this course?

The qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and process skills that you will

have developed in GCSE Science. Students are expected to have achieved at least a GCSE

Grade B in Mathematics and a grade B in GCSE Physics or a B in Additional Science GCSE.

Furthermore if you took GCSE English Language you must have achieved a grade C. You will

also need to pass an assessment test in your induction week. We strongly recommend that

you take AS Mathematics (Mechanics) alongside your AS in Physics. You will need to be

able to communicate effectively, be able to research and critically think about problems.

You will learn theory and develop relevant practical skills throughout the course.

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Aims & Objectives AS level physics aims for students to:

sustain and develop their enjoyment of, and interest in, Physics.

develop essential knowledge and understanding in Physics.

develop the skills needed for the use of this knowledge and understanding in new and

changing situations.

develop an understanding of the link between theory and experiment.

appreciate how physics has developed and is used in present day society.

show how Physics links with social, philosophical, economic, industrial and

environmental matters.

recognize the quantitative nature of Physics.

understand how mathematical expressions relate to physical principles.

bring together knowledge of ways in which different areas of Physics relate to each

other and study how scientific models develop.

In brief our aim is that, as well as preparing you for higher education courses or for a

career involving a knowledge of Physics, the course will stimulate an interest in the social

and economic implications of the applications of Physics in society. Applications of Physics

are emphasised throughout the course.

Practical work is used to foster the development of investigational, manipulative and

observational skills as well as to allow for the application of principles and concepts for the

design of experiments and the interpretation of results

We hope to fulfil these aims and to enable you to achieve your maximum potential in the


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AS in Brief AS is short for Advanced Subsidiary and is completed in one year. It is a stepping-stone to

the full A Level qualification. You can take just the AS on its own if you wish and you and

your subject tutor agree that this is best for you. The full A Level can be achieved by

passing the AS examination in the first year with a grade D to allow you to progress in to

the A2 year of the course.

AS physics is suitable for students who:

want to go on to the full A level (AS and A2 modules)

want a grounding in a relevant worthwhile qualification of recognized value;

want to broaden their educational experience before making a decision about which A

levels to take;

are taking A levels in the other Sciences and/or Mathematics or other relevant courses

such as Design and Technology and want to take another course that will support their


A2 Physics is suitable for students who:

pass the AS exam in year one;

have an interest in, and enjoy physics;

want to find out about how things in the physical world work;

enjoy applying their mind to solving problems;

enjoy carrying out investigations by the application of imaginative, logical thinking;

want to use physics to support other qualifications or progress onto further studies or


The Syllabus The syllabus used at Barnet & Southgate College is that produced by Edexcel.

Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Physics (8PH01)

Edexcel Advanced GCE in Physics (9PH01)

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Breakdown of AS Year

Three units, 1,2 & 3 must be taken to achieve the AS Level, they are:

Unit 1 – Physics on the go (6PH01)

This unit involves the study of mechanics (rectilinear motion, forces, energy and power) and materials

(flow of liquids, viscosity, Stokes’ Law, properties of materials, Young’s’ modulus and elastic strain


Part of this topic may be taught using applications that relate to, for example, sports. The other part

of this topic may be taught using, for example, a case study of the production of sweets and biscuits. It

may also be taught using the physics associated with spare part surgery for joint replacements and lens


Assessment: This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of 1 hour 30 minutes duration, which will

consist of objective questions, short questions and long questions.

Unit 2 – Physics at Work (6PH02) This unit involves the study of waves (including refraction, polarisation, diffraction and standing

(stationary) waves), electricity (current and resistance, Ohm’s law and non-ohmic materials, potential

dividers, emf and internal resistance of cells, and negative temperature coefficient thermistors) and

the wave/particle nature of light.

Several different contexts may be used to teach parts of this unit including music, medical physics,

technology in space, solar cells and an historical study of the nature of light.

Assessment: This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of 1 hour 30 minutes duration, which will consist of objective questions, short questions and long questions.

Unit 3 – Exploring Physics (6PH03) This unit involves an experiment that is based on a physics-based visit or a case study of an application

of physics.

Assessment: This unit is assessed by means of an experiment that is founded on either a physics based visit or a

case study of an application of physics. Students carry out a practical investigation and write a report

on their visit/case. This is carried out over three sessions that are under exam conditions. This is then

externally marked by Edexcel.

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Breakdown of A2 Year The full A Level qualification is made up of the AS units plus three more units which are

studied at a higher level in the A2 year. You don’t necessarily have to take the full A Level

qualification; you can still get a certificate just for the AS, and your subject tutor will

advise you on what is best. If you do decide to take the second half of the course it will

cover the three units described below.

Unit 4 – Physics on the Move (6PH04) This unit involves the study of further mechanics (momentum and circular motion), electric and

magnetic fields, and particle physics. Several different contexts may be used to teach parts of this

unit including a modern rail transport system, communications and display techniques.

Particle physics is the subject of current research, involving the acceleration and detection of high-

energy particles. This area of the specification may be taught by exploring a range of contemporary


Assessment: This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of 1 hour 35 minutes duration, which will

consist of objective questions, short questions and long questions.

Unit 5 – Physics from Creation to Collapse (6PH05) This unit involves the study of thermal energy, nuclear decay, oscillations, astrophysics and cosmology.

Several different contexts may be used to teach parts of this unit including space technology, medical

physics and the construction of buildings in earthquake zones.

The astrophysics and cosmology section of this specification may be taught using the physical

interpretation of astronomical observations, the formation and evolution of stars, and the history and

future of the universe.

Assessment: This unit is assessed by means of a written examination paper of 1 hour 35 minutes duration, which will

consist of objective questions, short questions and long questions.

Unit 6 – Experimental Physics (6PH06) This unit involves planning an experiment, carrying out an experiment and analysing experimental


Assessment: Students must plan an experiment and then carry out a plan of an experiment which may be their own

plan, a plan provided by Edexcel or a plan devised by the centre. Students carry out an investigation and

write a report over three exam type sessions that is externally marked by Edexcel.

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Overview of AS and A2 Units

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Scheme of Assessment

The scheme of assessment is in two parts. Three units make up the Advanced Subsidiary

(AS) assessment, and a further three (A2) units make up the six units required for

Advanced (A) GCE assessment. The three AS units have a total weighting of 50% of the

full A Level. Practical tests are held on different days to unit and topics tests.

Unit Number Unit Title and Method of Assessment

Level Time AS A Content

1 6PH01 Unit 1 Physics on the go

AS + A

1 h 30 min


20% Structured questions, long and short

2 6PH02 Unit 2 Physics at Work

AS + A

1 h 30 min


20% Structured questions, long and short

3 6PH03 Unit 3 Exploring Physics

AS + A

Approx Three Physics Lab sessions



Experimental write up based on a visit or a case study involving an application of physics (measurements, errors etc)

4 6PH04 Unit 4 Physics on the move

A 1h 35 min


20% Structured questions, long and short.

5 6PH05

Unit 5 From creation to collapse

A 1h 35 min


20% Long and short structured questions

6 6PH06 Unit 6: Synthesis Synoptic Test PHY6 (Terminal Unit)

A Approx Three Physics Lab Sessions


10% Passage Analysis 45 min Three long structured questions 25 min each

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AS/A2 Syllabus Content

Concepts studied in AS and A2 Physics

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How can I develop my full range of skills by doing this qualification?

As well as studying A level Physics, this course will enable you to develop some Key Skills.

These Key Skills will be essential to you whatever you go on to do afterwards. You can

develop all the Key Skills when you study physics. By keeping a well ordered set of class

notes, practical reports and homework problems, you will be able to use them as evidence

for accreditation for an AS in Key Skills.

The Key Skills are in two groups:

1. Three that form the Key Skills qualification which is worth the same as an AS

2. Three more that are called wider Key Skills – these are very important to show skills

that are valued by higher education and by employers.

Examples of Key Skills Development in Physics Communication

Taking part in discussions about investigations or issues

Preparing written documents for your practical work

Researching from books, CD-ROMs and the Internet

Application of number

Planning to collect results from your experiments and investigations and analysing

and presenting them in a suitable way

Carrying out calculations on the data collected in experiments and investigations

Interpreting the results from experiments and seeing how this relates to your plan

Information technology

Researching from CD-ROMs and the Internet

Using word processing software to present written reports and prepare

presentations about an investigation or an issue you have researched

Plan and design a spreadsheet to support your experiments, be able to select a

suitable graphical format to show trends and patterns in your data

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Working with others

Discussing in a group to plan a task such as a plan for an investigation or a

presentation to the group

Deciding who does what in the group and successfully completing the task by working


Reviewing the task and agreeing ways that you could have co-operated even better in

your group

Improving own learning and performance

Setting targets with a timetable to improve your learning or skills

Seek support and use different ways of learning

Monitoring the marks awarded for your work and taking action to improve them

Problem solving

Planning an investigations into some aspect of physics to answer a question

Working out at least two different ways to solve a problem

Carrying out one of your plans and consider how well it is going so far

Deciding how to evaluate your plan and doing so

Lesson structure and Homework

The Physics teaching staff are Gary Stuart and George Georgiou. Both lecturers are

involved in teaching parts of the AS and A2 Physics courses.

A minimum of five hours per week per subject should be devoted to each subject studied

at AS/A2 Level. This should be time spent going over the main lectures and finishing set

homework as well as generally getting to grips with the subject. Usually you will have one

set of problems and one practical write up each week. Usually you have one week to

complete the set homework and it is returned to you within two weeks.

If you have particular difficulty and cannot complete set work in time you must see your

subject tutor and negotiate a new course of action. Remember your tutor is more likely to

be sympathetic to your cause if you consult him/her before the deadline. Continued

absences and/or failure to produce work or work that is completed constantly below

standard will result in you being placed onto the colleges’ student disciplinary procedure;

this could eventually result in you being asked to leave the course.

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The delivery of Physics at Barnet & Southgate College employs a variety of teaching and

learning strategies. These include small and large group discussions, group presentations,

teacher-led sessions, research, videos and computer exercises using laptops. A wide range

is used in order to help you develop the skills necessary for success in AS/A-level Physics.

If at any time you are unclear about anything then do ask. This is a new subject for you, it

is a difficult subject and it uses complex concepts and terminology sometimes. We are very

aware that students can sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed, particularly in the first few

weeks. If you let us know when you are concerned then we will be able to reassure you.

Lessons range from those which deliver the core material in the syllabus, the group is

divided into smaller classes for practical (laboratory) sessions. Some lessons will be

problem solving sessions designed to back up the core material and others will focus on

exam techniques and tests.

As the course progresses you will be asked for your continuous feedback on your

experience of learning. This will help us to reflect on the teaching/learning methods and

course design. You will also be asked to evaluate the course more formally via a

questionnaire, at the end of the first term and year.

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Our recommended textbooks are prepared by Edexcel. They follow the arrangement of the

Edexcel AS/A2 Physics syllabus, and provide basic coverage of each of the units. It will be

possible to purchase the books through the science department at the college. Much of the

teaching will develop further the contents of the books. Classwork and homework will on

occasions be based around them. It is therefore important that you obtain the book,

“Edexcel AS Physics Students’ Book”. These Edexcel resources are distributed by Pearson

Education. The AS textbook comes with a unique interactive CD-ROM, allowing you to use

the book on screen and link directly to useful resources such as key definitions and target


Author Title ISBN Publisher

Mike Benn Edexcel Physics 978-0340-88802-5 Hodder Graham George for AS Education There are a number of good A2/AS Physics textbooks available that can also help support

your learning.

Among other books which you may find helpful or preferable are:

Edexcel Edexcel AS Physics 978-1-4058-9638-2 Edexcel Students’ Book (Pearson)

Akrill T B and Physics 0-240-54242-X Hodder and Bennet G A G Stoughton and Millar C J Azzopardi F Accessible Physics 0-333-62780-6 Macmillan Stewart B for A Level

A Guided Course book Breithaupt J Physics 0-333-73302-9 Macmillan Duncan T Advanced Physics 0-71955199-4 John Murray You should have a personal copy of the recommended textbook and be prepared to refer to

other books if you need extra help with particular aspects of the course.

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An excellent magazine aimed at A Level Physics students is Physics Review, it contains

excellent coverage of the material in the syllabus with tips for answering exam questions.

This is highly recommended and can be obtained through the Physics department.

Physics Review ISSN 0959-8472 Philip Allan Publishers A comprehensive list of supplementary reading is provided in the handbook of articles

from Physics Review that will complement the core syllabus. Copies of Physics Review are

also obtainable from the Independent Learning Centre.

Past Papers and Exam Pro

You are also expected to obtain past examination papers to gain practice in answering exam


A full range of specimen papers, past papers and mark schemes is available from Edexcel

Publications. The test papers from the previous syllabus are still generally helpful for the

new specification.

The college network also provides you with the opportunity of accessing past papers using

Exam Pro online, follow the links under Computer Aided Learning.

Edexcel publications are available from:

Edexcel Publications Tel: 0800 579 579

Adamsway Fax: 01623 450 481

Mansfield E-mail:www.edexcel.org.uk/GCE2008


NG18 4LN

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A Quick Guide to Using Exam-Pro &


Exam-Pro provides a database of real examination material from which questions, their mark schemes, chief

examiners' reports and the current syllabus can be viewed and then printed. To ensure that you can get

optimum use from the data, the questions have been analysed against the latest syllabus and can be accessed

against specific criteria which you can define. This is an important resource from which you can access and

practice past paper AS and A2 Physics problems

You can access past papers in Physics, Chemistry and Biology in Exam-Pro by following the links;



2. Select the topic, type and level of

question from the question finder

window here.

1. Read the initial guidance

window to help you with using


3. The question you selected is

highlighted here and appears in the

question viewer here

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4. Clicking

on the

green tick

brings up


answer to



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7. To print out the question and answers

Click the standard print icon in the tool bar as usual. You can

also export the mark scheme to a word document also and

e-mail it to yourself at home, you’ll then save on print credits!

6. Once you have selected a

question, clicking on the

create mark scheme button,

will automatically create the

answers to the question also

5. To print out the question

and answers click on the copy

to document button here.

You will find that the

question and answers will

appear in the Window at the

bottom left of the screen

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Physics on the Moodle @ Barnet & Southgate College Once you have access to the college computer network there are a number of Physics resources available to

you. The schemes of work for your course are available on the college Moodle. (The college will be changing to

iLearn in 2013 as its preferred virtual learning environment)

The resources on the MLE have a number of links to web sites that will be useful for your studies. One click is

enough also to take you to a number of virtual laboratories and simulations that will help support your Physics


Formulae Sheet

A formulae sheet is always provided in the unit tests, it is at the back of the handbook. In

class you will need to have this list available to you for problem solving, so make sure the

handbook is always with you for each lesson.

Essential Mathematics It is very useful though not essential to study AS Level Mathematics alongside AS Level

Physics. You will be expected to be familiar with nearly all the Mathematics studied at

GCSE. There are regular Maths Workshops that you can drop into if you need to brush up

on certain things e.g. changing the subject of an equation.

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As the course progresses your maths skills will grow stronger. To help you further, there

are regular features in the Physics Review, that deal with the mathematics in Physics

problem solving. The list is not compulsory reading, although all the articles are all relevant

and worthwhile.

Physics Conferences

At some point in the course students will be attending a Physics conference which will be

addressed by the chief examiners of the Edexcel AS Physics course. The cost of the trip

is £25 so you are advised save up early for this trip. Think of this as investing in your own


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