201480667 engine bearing tribology doc

ENGINE BEARING TRIBOLOGY Overview The design of journal bearings is important for the development of internal combustion engines. They experience load that varies both in magnitude and direction, the load being caused by the pressure forces and inertial forces of the crank–slider mechanism. It has been fou nd tha t the most common causes of prema tur e fai lur e in int ern al combu st ion engin e bearings are fatigue, sliding surface wear, erosion due to cavitation phenomena and all these effects are directly or indirectly related to the shape of the oil pressure field in shaft-bearing interface. An accurate estimation of oil pressure distribution characteristics and measurement of oil film thickness in the shaft-bearing interface would allow better prediction of the bearing performance and reliability. The goal of this work is to develop a method for calculating the oil film thickness (OFT), oil film pressure (OFP ) in the shaft-bearin g interface and its validatio n by experimen tal results. The detailed analysis of the lubr ication condition around the position of minimum oil film thi ckness condi tio ns is based on fin ite di ffe rence met ho d of int egrat ion of the Reyn old s equation coupled to the elastic deformations determined by a detailed finite element model. Four non contact eddy current gap sensors mounted on the main bearing of a single cylinder engine are used to measure the oil film thickness and the journal orbit for variable speed and variable loading conditions.  

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Post on 11-Oct-2015




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engine tribology




    The design of journal bearings is important for the development of internal combustion

    engines. They experience load that varies both in magnitude and direction, the load being

    caused by the pressure forces and inertial forces of the crankslider mechanism. It has been

    found that the most common causes of premature failure in internal combustion engine

    bearings are fatigue, sliding surface wear, erosion due to cavitation phenomena and all these

    effects are directly or indirectly related to the shape of the oil pressure field in shaft-bearing

    interface. An accurate estimation of oil pressure distribution characteristics and measurement

    of oil film thickness in the shaft-bearing interface would allow better prediction of the bearing

    performance and reliability.

    The goal of this work is to develop a method for calculating the oil film thickness (OFT),

    oil film pressure (OFP) in the shaft-bearing interface and its validation by experimental results.

    The detailed analysis of the lubrication condition around the position of minimum oil film

    thickness conditions is based on finite difference method of integration of the Reynolds

    equation coupled to the elastic deformations determined by a detailed finite element model.

    Four non contact eddy current gap sensors mounted on the main bearing of a single cylinder

    engine are used to measure the oil film thickness and the journal orbit for variable speed and

    variable loading conditions.

  • Approach

    To arrive at the OFT, the instantaneous eccentricity was used as a starting point along

    with the operating and physical parameters. OFP distribution corresponding to these

    conditions was calculated by a numerical solution of the Reynolds equation. The loading

    information thus obtained was applied to a FEM model of the bearing shell in Hypermesh

    environment coupled to Nastran solver, to determine its elastic deformation. This was fed back

    to the instantaneous eccentricity and an iterative technique leading to the OFT under

    elastohydrodynamic conditions was developed by matching the Load Carrying Capacity at

    every step. The benefit of this model is that is somewhat accurately predicts OFT and the

    corresponding OFP for the real case of an elastic bearing shell.

    The journal orbit was plotted using Mobility method, and compared with the

    experimentally measured orbit. A correlation was established between the two, leading to a

    validation of the elastohydrodynamic lubrication model developed.

  • Flowchart Representing Analysis Methodology

  • Flowchart Representing Operation of Matlab Code

  • Experimental Bearing Model


    Experimental Bearing Model OFT Iteration 2 (Load = 3.11 kN)

  • Pressure Variation for the Elastic Case Bearing Load = 17 kN (Pressure in MPa)

    Pressure Distribution along length of bearing Pressure distribution along width of bearing

  • Pressure Force, Inertia Force and Total Force 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

    Polar Plots of Bearing Loading 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

  • Results Oil Film Thickness vs CAD 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

  • Results Oil Film Thickness vs CAD 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

    Results - Journal Orbit 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

  • Indicated Elastic Deformation = 9 m

    Results - Displacement Indicated by Finite Element Model 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

  • Results Comparison of Journal Orbit determined by Mobility Method with

    Experimental Result 1250 rpm and 3 Nm

    Mobility Method Experimental Result