2015 04 as magazine

32 April 2015 50 p Suggested contribution Magazine for All Saints’ Church and St Mary & St Peter’s Church, Salcombe Regis

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All Saints' Sidmouth April Magazine


Page 1: 2015 04 as magazine


April 2015 50 p

Suggested contribution

Magazine for

All Saints’ Church and

St Mary & St Peter’s Church,

Salcombe Regis

Page 2: 2015 04 as magazine


Mission Action Plan 2015 The congregation of St Mary and St Peter were invited to talk

over our priorities for 2015. We met for a couple of hours one Saturday morning in February, and produced lots of ideas. The

PCC refined them down to one target in each area. Here are our conclusions:

Mission Action Plan; in 2015 we will

Discovering the Heart of God Decide on a new hymn book.

Growing Disciples Establish a regular Prayer and Bible study


Reaching New Generations

Explore stronger links with the Scouts once the new HQ is built nearby.

Transforming Communities Continue to serve the town through commitment to local groups and charities.

Practising Generosity Help a deserving family have a holiday in


The progress made toward achieving these goals will be reviewed at every PCC meeting.

So everyone, what’s your part in improving our life together?


What do we see? Why is it that when different people see something, they perceive different things? You may or may not have got caught up the dress dilemma. Some people see it as white and gold, and others as black and blue. So why are they wrong? Because it’s clearly white and gold isn’t it?

There’s a famous story of the demo tape made by four young musicians, which they gave to a man at Decca records – he wasn’t impressed. But when they offered it to George Martin at EMI he signed them, and the Beatles went on to make history. You probably have at least one of their songs in your CD collection or on your music player. Same tape different reactions. One decision regretted, one decision celebrated.

Next month will see the Eurovision Song contest again. We all see the same acts, and hear the same songs, but we react in different ways – loving or loathing the offerings of the various countries (bizarrely including Australia this year).

People react differently to Jesus on the cross – actually they always have.

All those years ago, there were two men who were physically very close to Jesus, they were crucified on either side of him! One of them hurled insults at Jesus, but the other prayed for Jesus to remember him in death. Same information, but different reactions. Why does that happen?

This Easter there will be a number of events and services taking place – for some people it’s the highlight of their year, but for others it’s just a long weekend off work. What is to you? What is your opinion of the man on the cross? Was it a miscalculation on Jesus’ part? A miscarriage of justice? Or was it God’s way of changing the world and giving people new life?

If you see God at work on the cross, what can you do to help others see that too? What do you see? Happy Easter.

From the Vicarage

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Diary Dates for April All Saints’ &

St Mary & St Peters Churches See regular activities page 4 Tuesday 31st March 7.30 pm Prayer and Praise AS Maundy Thursday 2nd see below Good Friday 3rd. see below. Plus big screen Episodes from The Bible 7:30 pm p29 Sunday 5th Rose Lawn 4.30 pm Tuesday 7th- Snack ‘n Chat 12 noon. P4 Tuesday 14th Friendship group 10 am p4 Tuesday 14th April Rose Lawn Holy Communion 11am led by Revd. David Lewis Tuesday 14th APCM 7.30 SR

Wednesday 15th by 9am Magazine copy date - please see note on page 19

under magazine editors - Joyce Missing regarding articles for publishing. Saturday 17th Man to Man 8am p4 Sunday 19th Rose Lawn 4.30pm led by Rev. Brian Hadfield Tuesday 21st APCM 7.30 pm AS Monday 27th Prayer for the Nation 2pm Saturday 25th Coffee & Co. meeting on 10am to noon p4

Notes from the Vicarage

Maundy Thursday, April 2nd. This year, we will have a said service of Holy Communion in All Saints’ at 7.00pm. This will be a simple and reflective time of worship.

Good Friday, April 3rd, there is also an hour of hymns and readings at Salcombe Regis from 2.00pm to 3.00pm. (see services ps 16 & 17)

Easter Sunday early morning. We shall meet on the seafront at 7.30am, (by the Bedford steps) and then join in Holy Communion at 8.00am in the Parish Church.

The Annual Church Meetings take place this month: Salcombe Regis: April 14th

All Saints’: April 21st both at 7.30 pm in All Saints’ Hall

We shall be electing wardens, and PCC members as well as hearing reports and reflecting upon our Mission Action Plans. Keep these meetings in your prayers.



Our Mission: We exist to see lives transformed by Christ.

Our Vision is that All Saints’ should be increasingly:

God honouring, Christ following, Spirit-led and Bible-based

Welcoming, open hearted, outward looking and relevant

A people who are humble, gracious, generous and servant hearted.

Our service times are scheduled on page 16 of the magazine. The 8am Holy Communion follows the Book of Common Prayer. The 9.45 Service offers informal contemporary worship during which there’s seekers@saints, separate age related activities in five different groups for those aged 3 to teens. There are crèche facilities for the under 3s. The 11.15 am Service follows Common Worship.

We hope you will always find a warm welcome here, and worship which is both reverent and meaningful.

For disabled people we have level access into the Church by all doors, and a ramp to the Hall and toilets (including adapted toilet); we also provide baby changing facilities. There is an efficient loudspeaker system for those who find listening difficult. A hearing loop, covering most of the church and hall, serves those with hearing aids switched to the ‘T’ position. The car park is available free for those attending services and meetings. Permits for parking at other times are available for church members.

All Saints’ Church is part of the Sid Valley Mission Community in the Devon Anglican Diocese.

P 2 Salcombe Regis Mission Action Plan 2015 P4 Regular activities P5 Editors Note & All Saints’ PCC mtg. P6 & 7 Around Salcombe Regis Parish P8 - P9 Kirsty’s Zone & parable P10 & P11 SID Family Mission P12 Arch Bishop Welby’s letter P13 Poems for Easter


P14 Acknowledgement and Events P15 Prayer Focus P16 All Saints’ Services for April p17Salcombe Regis Services for April P18 - P19 Who’s Who & Contacts P20 - p29 Adverts P 29 Events Continued P30 Diary Dates & Vicar’s notes P31 Vicar’s Letter P 32 Kirsty’s Zone photos


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Prayer Groups

Weekly prayer, Friday 9.00 - 9.30 am in Church.

Monthly prayer and praise, 7.30 pm the first Tuesday of each month in Church

Men’s Prayer group, 7am each Friday morning in church. Contact Phil Cranch.

Prayer for the Nation, 4th Monday at 2pm in Church. Contact Joyce Missing.

House Groups There are many groups which meet at various places in the valley on different days and times. Please contact Brenda Richards for information.

Pastoral Team (vacancy) Anyone who would like to discuss potential visits should initially contact the Vicar.

Friendship Group for retired people, meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10am - 12noon for coffee, board games, and other varied activities. Chris Lowden manages this event.

Happy Feet babies and toddler group for pre-schoolers and their families

Tuesday mornings 10-11.30am (term-time) for play, craft, story time and songs

for children and chat, support and home-made refreshments for adults. Contact Helen Barrett.

Me and My Dad, A monthly group for fathers and their children First Saturday of the month 8.30 am.

Coffee & Co is a group for people who would like to meet others just for friendship. Biddy Miller manages this event which meets on the 4th Saturday of each month 10 am - 12 noon.

Snack ‘n chat meets for a simple lunch, from 12.15 pm on the first Tuesday of the month from October to April. Anne Kay manages this event.

Man to Man Breakfast for the men normally on a third Saturday of a month at 8am – some for Christian men only and some outreach events. Contact Robin Johnson

Messy Church is a fun packed session for children of all ages, accompanied by a parent, with games, craft, storytelling, songs, short bible talk and supper.

3.30pm - 5.pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month, but not April.

Contact Kirsty Hammond

Missionary partners and Interests A blue leaflet in the foyer gives an overview of information. More detailed information is available on the notice board in the Church Hall.

See page 18 for contact tel. numbers


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Editor’s Note - The regular layout is slightly changed

this month. Roger’s letter is on page 31, so that we could have the Mission Action Plan for Salcombe Regis church on p2 and colour for that all important dress!

The events this month are on pages 14 and 29 (don’t miss them). I thought since we had no profile this month the lovely testimony from Andrea and Chris Thomas found on their Sid family Mission letter would be ideal. If you would like their colour version the sheets are available in the Link. Instead of the Team Rector's letter there is an important letter from Archbishop Justin Welby on p 12. Since the Mission Community Easter Services were in last month’s magazine I have not repeated it this month, but there is an additional Maundy Thursday service at All Saints’, not on that list, see Roger’s notes page 30 May you have a joy filled Easter!


The last PCC Meeting of the year, before our April APCM, took place on Tuesday March 10th. Below is a summary of the topics discussed. Approved Minutes of the previous February PCC Meeting are in the Lounge PCC File for your review and information.

As we approach our APCM, to be held on April 21st this year, please hold in your prayers those in our fellowship who continue to serve (please see PCC List) and those standing down at this time. Please pray for people who may be thinking of offering to serve on PCC in future, asking they may be given wisdom in making that important decision. Blessings, Tony Miller

March 2015 PCC Meeting Agenda

Progress of the Mission Acton Plan (MAP)

Vicar’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Nursery School Parking

Service Times Review

Electoral Roll Report

Health and Safety Report


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Around the Parish at Salcombe Regis

As we approach Holy Week, the culmination of the Passion of Christ, our thoughts focus on that time of the year on which the reason for our belief in Jesus Christ hangs.

Easter is the most important festival of the Christian calendar. It is a moveable feast, not dictated by the civil calendar but by the Gregorian calendar. This owes its name to Pope Gregory who deemed that Easter Sunday should be held on the first Sunday after the Pascal Full Moon, the first moon which falls after the 21st. March. The date of Easter can, therefore, vary between 22nd.March and the 25th.April.

Easter customs vary throughout the world. Sunrise services on Easter Sunday (Sidmouth seafront, at Bedford Steps at 7.30am.) and decorations within the churches, particularly of the Easter Lilies (symbols of the Resurrection) in the chancels but additional customs have crept into the celebrations for both Christians and non-Christians; Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, Easter parades and in some countries bonfires and special foods.

This year all the churches within the Sid Valley Mission Community have been tasked with planning for the future—the way to go for each individual church. An open meeting was held in St. Mary’s & St. Peter’s church on Saturday, 21st. February and was led by the Revd. Roger Trumper. It was a very positive meeting when some good ideas were put forward, some taken on board for future discussion and implementation by the PCC. and some discarded because of the limitations of the space in our church.

Also, quite recently, the third Parish lunch was held at The Bowd Inn where thirty-eight of us enjoyed a lunch which we didn’t have to cook! Much appreciated too were the posies of flowers which were distributed on Mothering Sunday.

It is also the time of year when the Electoral Roll is checked for any changes of addresses, or additional names added before the Annual Parochial Church


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Council Meeting which, for St. Mary and St. Peter Parish Church, is to be held on Tuesday, 14th. April at 7.30pm. at All Saint’s Church Hall. Please come!

The election of Churchwardens kick starts the Meeting and this year we look to elect a new Churchwarden (I have completed the six year limit permitted by the Church of England) and elect/re-elect members to the Parochial Church Council not forgetting sidesmen/women. It is hoped that members of the congregation, and whose names are on the Electoral Roll, will volunteer for these vacancies. Many hands make light work!

Since I became Churchwarden in April 2009 there have been changes which have spread some of the burden of caring for the smooth running of the Church, not only in ensuring a place of welcome for those wishing to find that living relationship with God in Jesus Christ but to create a positive community feel within, while we encourage those in the community to join us. The Maintenance, Pastoral and Social groups are invaluable in maintaining the fabric of the Church, the care for the parishioners and the growth within the parish. We are also blessed with an army of ‘helpers’ who are unfailing, and unflinching, in the time they give to decorating the church, serving Sunday afternoon teas, coffee making and in a multitude of other ways.

Finally, thank you to everyone for your support and friendship which has so enhanced my time in post. It has been a time of considerable learning for me; the historical origins of St. Mary & St. Peter and ensuring that the requirements laid down in the Cannon Law are implemented. However, most importantly, it has provided me with an opportunity to get to know you all so much better. I am very grateful to Roger who is always very helpful in so many ways and his positive approach when something untoward happens is very calming for the Churchwardens!

Erica Hodgson.


26TH.February. Angela Mary Bedford, died 8th. February 2015.

May God grant Angela a share in his Kingdom.

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The Zone “In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see

the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in Heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

On Friday 7th March a large group of us

descended on KFC. Only not only was our

group of 20, but there was another youth

group from Seaton and we met up with

another group from North Tawton -as we

needed pre-fun food. So, a huge gang of

young people walking somewhere along the

path of Christianity basically invaded and

took over the Fast Food Restaurant. I felt

we should have broken into song (that may have

been a bit weird though!) as someone commented on

it being a Holy KFC that night. We followed the

tasty food (some of us had really full tummies,

another story) by going to FNX and jumping around

on an assortment of

inflatables. Here, a couple

of hundred teenagers joined

together for a Friday Night Experience in a secondary

school in Exeter (FNX). It was amazing to see so

many people together enjoying themselves, making new

friendships, finding where they are walking in life, and

listening to an incredible youth speaker Mark

Yaconelli. It was encouraging for our kids (and adults) to see God is alive out

of the valley, and his spirit is living through these people. A city on a hill

cannot be hidden, let’s not put the light under a bowl. Here (and in KFC) the

light was on a stand shining out brightly to everyone in the house!.

At the moment I really feel that Messy Church is becoming “salty” again. The

other day I was reading that Messy Church is a more like a church plant

rather than simply an outreach event. It’s not the same as our Sunday

services, but it’s still “church”. It’s a wonderful way to connect with people

and to share God’s word in an accessible way in our Messy lives. If you do not


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Page 9: 2015 04 as magazine


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understand what Messy Church is, I will briefly

explain. It starts with parents and children having

a drink and snack, followed by messy crafts,

games, building, puzzles, chatting etc. Then we go

into the church for a celebration- story, sing and

pray. This is all wrapped up with a simple meal and

cakes for the children. I really want to make a

point of saying a big thank you to those people who are involved (crafts,

food, clearing away, story, music, checking toilets, talking to families) and

showing enthusiasm with this monthly event, which works! It’s great to be

part of such an amazing team and I can’t wait for the summer to take Messy

Church out into the community. If anyone would like to be involved,

(especially in the kitchen) or come and see what we do please come and speak

to me. - “You are the salt of the earth”.

Kirsty Hammond, Youth Worker.

The parable of the Prodigal Son Feeling foot loose and frisky, a feather brained fellow forced his fond father to fork over the farthings and flew far to foreign fields, and frittered his fortune feasting fabulously with faithless friends. Fleeced by his fellows in folly, he found himself a food flinger in a filthy farmyard. Fairly famished, he fain would have filled his frame with foraged food from fodder fragments. “FOOHEY! My father’s flunkeys fair far finer,” the frazzled fugitive forlornly fumbled, frankly facing facts. Frustrated by failure and filled with foreboding, he fled forthwith to his family and falling at his father’s feet he forlornly fumbled, “Father I’ve flunked and fruitlessly forfeited family favour!” The farsighted father, forestalling further flinching, frantically flagged the flunkeys to fetch a fatling from the flock and fix a feast. The fugitives’ fault-finding brother frowned on fickle forgiveness of former folderol, but the faithful father figured ‘filial fidelity is fine, but the fugitive is found; what forbids fervent feasting?’ Let flags be unfurled. Let fanfares flare. Father’s forgiveness formed the foundation for the former fugitive’s future fortitude.

Submitted via Barbara Butts.

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EVANGELISM is not simply a “survival strategy” for the Church of England, but a fundamental imperative for all those who know Christ, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

Telling others the Good News should not be motivated by a desire to fill pews, but to share the light of the Gospel in a “dark world,” Archbishop Justin Welby said. “Our motive driving this priority for the Church is not, not, not – never, never, never – that numbers are looking fairly low, and the future is looking fairly bleak. Never.

“Of course, we want to see full churches, but the Church which is concerned primarily for its own life or survival… is signing its own death warrant.”

Archbishop Welby was speaking at Lambeth Palace on Wednesday, at the first in a new series of Lambeth Lectures. He told the audience that both an apathetic approach to mission and too much “frantic action” masked a lack of confidence in God.

Instead, “the love that has found us in Christ compels… us to speak,” he said. “Having received the goodness of God in Jesus Christ, it obviously becomes a priority for us, as his Church, to let others know of what God has done for them.”

Evangelism is one of Archbishop Welby’s three priorities as Archbishop of Canterbury; but he said that he suspected that some in the Church felt their hearts sink when he announced a new focus on witness. But it was a priority for him, because it was a priority of the “Church of Jesus Christ,” he said.

Witnessing to an often uninterested world was not done by trying to force people into preconceptions of what it meant to be a Christian, he said. “So often we want to fit people who are not Christians into our Church, not make the Church fit for new Christians. Anything manipulative or coercive, anything disrespectful or controlling, is ruled out because of who Jesus is.”

But he also warned against passivity, urging his listeners to reject the saying attributed to St Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel at all times; where necessary, use words.”

“Don’t even think about it – mainly for the reasons that he almost certainly didn’t say it, and, even if he did, he was wrong,” he said. Speaking the Good News to people was unavoidable, he continued, although it should always be accompanied with listening, and living it out, too. He quoted the American


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theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, who once asked why Christians often resembled celebrities endorsing products they would never use themselves: “Why should people believe what we say about forgiveness and grace, reconciliation and sacrifice, love and commitment, welcome and acceptance, if, when they look at the life of the Church, they see something so diametrically opposed to it?”

Archbishop Welby closed with a reference to the 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians murdered by Islamic State in Libya last month. The Coptic Bishop in England, Bishop Angaelos, had said that each of the 21 men shouted “Jesus Christ is Lord” as they were killed. “Their last words were witness,” Archbishop Welby said. “The question is not whether we want to be witnesses: it is whether we are faithful witnesses. We are all witnesses; it’s just whether we live that out.”

A poem for Good Friday.

They stood there shouting, mocking, scoffing, “Save yourself if you’re the King!” Jesus hung there silently suffering, And He kept on loving them.

They humiliated Him beyond measure. “You, Christ of God, save yourself”. Jesus, broken in body and heart, Kept on loving them. Anon

A poem for Easter Sunday - The Joy of the Lord.

The joy of the Lord is an unquenchable thing.

This joy fills our souls, and our hearts really sing, As the source of the rivers is way up high, So unquenchable joy in our Lord does lie. It matters not what our circumstances are, Whether ones we love are near or far, In sorrow and suffering His joy remains there, When all around us seems utter despair, As the water from rivers fill crevice and crack, So the joy of the Lord - no shortage, no lack! The joy of the Lord is an unquenchable thing. The portals of heaven continually ring. With joy, full of glory, unspeakable joy, Delightful, everlasting unspeakable joy. Anon

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Mary Eleanor

David and family would very much like to convey our sincere and grateful thanks to everyone who sent lovely cards and wrote beautiful letters, which I have read many times over again. These have been a wonderful help at this time of sadness and deep loss.

After a truly memorable service which so many attended, and also were able to celebrate with us all at Woodlands her happy and caring life and the lovely smile we all knew so well.

My sincere and ever lasting thanks to you all. Blessings,


EVENTS (also on page 29)


Dr. Zaw Moe Aung,

County Leader



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TEAM RECTOR - Sidmouth Parish Church Rev. Philip Bourne 512595 [email protected]

All Saints & Salcombe Regis Rev. Roger Trumper 515963 Mark Barrett 512645 Kirsty Hammond 07588 817590 St. Francis, Woolbrook and Sidbury & Sidford Rev. Susie Williams 516036 [email protected]

Clergy & Staff Rest Days Rev. Roger Trumper - Thursday Mark Barrett - Wednesday Rev. Susie Williams - Wednesday

Magazine Editors Sidmouth Parish Church

Margaret Jewes 512020

St Francis, Woolbrook

(Grapevine news letter)

Jackie Herbert

[email protected]

Sidbury & Sidford

Janice Salway 514862

E-mail: [email protected]

Contacts for Salcombe Regis

Church Annette Newman 513313

[email protected]

Erica Hodgson 577216

[email protected]


Rev. Roger Trumper - Vicar & Chairman Phil Cranch - Warden re-elected 2014 Rupert Crofts - Warden elected 2014 Gill Johnson - Treasurer elected 2014 Tony Miller - Secretary elected 2014 Barbara Allen - elected 2013 Alastair Bates elected 2014 Peter Fung - elected 2012 Chris Hamilton - elected 2012 Fran Lee - elected 2013 John Montgomery - elected 2014 Hannah Vicarage - Deanery Rep June Glennie - Deanery Rep Jennie Crabtree - Deanery Rep Mark Barrett - Curate Carole Hawkins - Reader John Dunster - Reader

If you have an issue you wish to raise for the PCC's consideration, please write to Tony Miller - PCC Sec.


All Saints’ & Salcombe Regis

Parish Churches

Joyce Missing 516806

E-mail: [email protected]

If you have an article for All Saints’

magazine, please send by email if

possible; or put it in the “M” pigeon for

my attention, and confirm by phone

call, many thanks.

I welcome your views.

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Friendship Group Chris Lowden 489246

Children’s Ministry Tracey Tipton 576804 Prayer Chain Margaret Jenkins 577981 Man to Man Robin Johnson 578433 Men’s Prayer Phil Cranch 515677 Snack ‘n’ Chat

Anne Kay 579040

Coffee & Co Biddy Miller 513697 Hall Bookings & Flower Rota Biddy Miller 513697 Messy Church Sally Marvin 514475

Car Park Permits Tony Miller 513697 Notice Board Geraldine Gee 579604 Heating Tony Miller 513697 Sound System Martin Allen 579152 Bible Reading Notes Rosemarie Luff 579345 House Groups Brenda Richards 07763 169255 WEBSITE Editor Paula Mills 515488 ([email protected])

PCC SECRETARY Tony Miller 513697 [email protected]

PCC TREASURER Gill Johnson 578433

GIVING Freewill Offering Geraldine Gee 579604 Gift Aid Gill Johnson 578433

ELECTORAL ROLL SECRETARY Brenda Richards 07763 169255


CHURCH ADMIN. ASSISTANT Phil Cranch Office email : [email protected] CHURCH WARDENS Phil Cranch 515677 Rupert Cropfts

DEANERY SYNOD June Glennie 578722 Jennie Crabtree 568750 Hannah Vicarage 07944222276

WHO’S WHO VICAR - Rev. Roger Trumper, The Vicarage, All Saints Road, Sidmouth, EX10 8ES

Tel.: 515963 Email: [email protected]

CURATE - Mark Barrett, 25 Lymebourne Park, Sidmouth EX10 9HZ

Tel: 512645 Email: [email protected]


Tel 07966 060350. Tel. Email: [email protected]

ALL SAINTS WEB SITE : www.allsaintssidmouth.org.uk

All Saints’ Church charity number 1128968

HON. ASSISTANT CLERGY Rev. Handel Bennett 514211

Rev. Kenneth Crooks 489254

Canon Dennis Gurney 515362


Mrs. Carole Hawkins 515674

Mr John Dunster 578332

Reader Emeritus Mrs Joyce Blackwell 515436



All Saints’ Church Fellowship Prayer list for April

Intercessions for the Mission Community for April Pray for faith to issue in action: * For the continued development and implementation of the Mission

Community's Mission Action Plan and the Clergy and Churchwardens' group as they oversee it.

* For our forthcoming Annual Meetings and those to be elected to serve as Churchwardens and PCC members.

* For awareness of opportunities to act and speak as Christians in our everyday life and work, and for the grace and courage to share our faith.

* For our observance of Holy week and our celebrations of Easter. * For the Good Friday Walk of Witness and our Easter Day celebrations. * For outreach to those occasional visitors who will come to hear the Easter

message, that they will respond in faith. * For The Reverend Susie Williams, who is unable to work at the moment due to

ill health.

Rev. Philip Bourne, Team Rector

1. Joyce Blackwell

2. Hannah Boyd

3. David Brand

4. Margaret Bryant

5. Pat and Graham Bungay

6. David Burgoyne

7. Shirley Burrough

8. Anne Buttery Vega

9. Barbara Butts 10. Roger and Felicity Carver 11. Peter and Julia Cauchois 12. John and Debbie Chadwick 13. Douglas “Jim” Challis 14. Pete and Ali Champain

15. Alan and Nancy Channon 16. David and Annie Clark 17. Mollie Clark 18. David and Barbara Clarke 19. Alex Cousins 20. Malcolm and Jennie Crabtree 21. Phil and Jenny Cranch 22. Barney and Zsa Zsa Croft 23. Rupert Crofts and Julie Wheeler 24. Ken and Pam Crooks 25. Avril Dale 26. Peter and Sheila Darby 27. Tom and Rachel Darlami 28. Mary Davies 29. Jennifer Dickens 30. Amanda Drake

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3 April Good Friday

11:00 am All-age Service Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett 5 April Easter Day

10:30 am Morning Service and Holy Communion Title: Easter Surprise Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Isaiah 25: 6 - 9; Mark 16: 1 - 8 12 April Second Sunday of Easter

9:45 am& 11:15 am Morning Services Title: Thomas and us Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett 9:45 am Reading: John 20: 19 - 31 11:15 am Readings: Acts 4: 32 – 35; John 20: 19 - 31 6:00 pm Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 19 April Third Sunday of Easter

8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Rev Mark Barrett 9:45 am& 11:15 am Morning Services Title: A change of direction. Preacher: Julie Wheeler 9:45 am Reading: John 21: 1 – 14 11:15 am Readings: Acts 3: 12 – 19; John 21: 1 – 14 26 April Fourth Sunday of Easter 9:45 am & 11:15 am Morning Services and Holy Communion Title: Peter and Jesus Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 9:45 am Reading: John 21: 15 – 25 11:15 am Readings: Acts 4: 5 – 12 John 21: 15 – 25

7:00 pm for 7:30 pm Encounter



3 April Good Friday

2:00 pm Before the Cross Hymns, Readings and Prayers Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 5 April Easter Day

9:15 am Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett 11:00 am Matins Title: Easter Surprise Preacher: Rev Mark Barrett Readings: Isaiah 25: 6 - 9; Mark 16: 1 - 8 12 April Second Sunday of Easter

8:00 am Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Thomas and us Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Acts 4: 32 – 35; John 20: 19 - 31 19 April Third Sunday of Easter

9:15 am Parish Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper 11:00 am Matins Title: Breakfast on the beach Preacher: Rev Roger Trumper Readings: Acts 3: 12 – 19, (Zeph 3: 14 – 20), John 21: 1 – 14 26 April Fourth Sunday of Easter

8:00 am Holy Communion Preacher: Rev Roger Shambrook 9:15 am Parish Communion Title: Peter and Jesus Preacher: Rev Roger Shambrook Readings: Acts 4: 5 – 12; John 21: 15 – 25