2015 09 sp mathematics sa2 solved 01 ans kme

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  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    CBSE Sample Paper-01 (solved) 



    Class – IX 

    Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 90


    1.  (c)

    2.  (a)

    3.  (c)

    4.  (d)

    5.  Let the ede o! the cu"e "e # x u$its

    %$creased ede #10 11

    100 10

     x x x units+ =  

    &rii$al sur!ace area # 26 x  

    'ew sur!ace area # 2121

    6 x100


    %$creased i$ area #2

    2 2121 1266 x 6

    100 100

     x x x− =  

    ∴  erce$tae o! i$creases area #2


    126 x 100

    6 x 100


     x# 21

    *.  +rra$i$ the data i$ asce$di$ order:


    * is re/eated maximum $um"er o! times that is 4 times

    ∴ Mode #*

    -.  %$ OAB∆ a$d ' 'OA B∆  

    &+ # &+

    & # &

    + # +

    ∴   OAB∆  # ' ' 'O A B∆  

    ' ' AOB A OB⇒ ∠ = ∠  

    .  ro"a"ilit ("atsma$ hits a "ou$dar) #4


    ro"a"ilit ("atsma$ does $ot hit a "ou$dar) #4 30 4 26 13

    130 30 30 15

    or −

    − = =  

    9.  +rea o! the recta$le # Le$th x readth

    # /roduct o! adace$t sides

    # 1* x

    # 12 cm2 

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    +rea o! a /aralleloram # ase x +ltitude

    # 10 x *

    # *0 cm2

     10. iameter # 3.5 cm

    ∴ adius (r) #3.5


    m m=  

    e/th (h) # 12 m

    ∴  6a/acit o! the co$ical /it # 21

    3r hπ    

    # 2 31 22

    (1.75) 123 7

     x x x m  

    # 3.5 kl7ectio$ 8 6

    11. 2x 8 3 # 12

    2 12


     x y


    he$ x #02(0) 12


     y  −

    = = −  

    he$ x #32(3) 12


     y  −

    = = −  

    he$ x #*2(6) 12


     y  −

    = =  

    lotti$ the ordered /airs (0,4),(3,2) a$d (*,0) a$d oi$i$ them, we et a straiht

    li$e ;.

    Thus, ; is the ra/h o! 2x 8 3 # 12

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    12. %$  APB∆  a$d CQD∆  we ha=e

     APB CQD∠ = ∠  

    + # 6

    &//osite sides o! /aralleloram +6[ || ] APB CQD AB CD and AB is a transversal∠ = ∠  

     APB CQD∴ ∆ = ∆  

    7i$ce  APB CQD∴ ∆ = ∆  

    ∴ Their corres/o$di$ /arts are e>ual

    + # 6;

    13. Let 3 2( ) 3 2 7 2 p x x x x= − − −  

    3 2(2) 3(2) 2(2) 14 2 p   = − − −  

    2 is a ?ero o! /(x)3 2

    1 1 1 13 2 7 2

    3 3 3 3 p

      − − − − = − − −


    #1 2 7

    2 09 9 3

    −− + − =  



    −⇒  %s a ?ero o! /(x)

    1( 2)

    3 x x

    − +


    ( ) ( )3 2 23 2 7 2 3 5 2 1 x x x x x x− − + − − = +  

    1 x∴ = − is the third ?ero o! /(x)

    14. + /aralleloram +6 a$d is its diao$al

     ABD∆ a$d CDB∆  are co$rue$t.

    7i$ce +6 is a /aralleloram the$

    + # 6 a$d + # 6

    # commo$

     ABD CDB∆ = ∆  

    15. %$$er radius o! the ra/hite (r1) # 0.5 mm

    &uter radius o! the /e$cil (r2) # 3.5 mm

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    ∴  @olume o! the wood # 2 22 1

    ( )r r hπ     −  

    2 222[(3.5) (0.5) ] 140

    7 x= −


    # 520 mm2 &r

    r # -m, h # 3m

    @olume o! the wheat 21

    3r hπ  =  

    31 227 7 3 154

    3 7 x x x x m= =


    2 29 49 58l h r m= + = + =  

    222 58l m=  

    1*.  || AB CD∵  a$d + is a tra$s=ersal.

    0180 A D∠ + ∠ =  

    0180 D A∠ = − ∠  # 1440 

    +ai$ + AA 6 a$d 6 is a tra$s=ersal

    0180 B C ∠ + ∠ =  

    0180C B∠ = − ∠

     # 990

     ∴  The re>uired measures o! 0 0  144 99 A and D are and ∠ ∠  

    1-. %$itial radius (r1) # - cm

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    Se#$%o& – '

    19. Bi=e$ 2 6 x y+ =  



     x y

      −⇒   =  

    he$ 0 x = , the$6 0


     y  −

    = =  

    he$ 2 x = , the$6 2


     y  −

    = =  

    he$ 4 x = , the$6 4


     y  −

    = =  

    e et the !ollowi$ ta"le o! =alues  x  a$d  y  

    x 0 2 4

    3 2 1(x, ) (0,3) (2,2) (4,1)

    ased o$ the ta"le =alues /lotti$ the ordered /airs (0, 3), (2, 2) a$d (4, 1) a$d the$ oi$i$

    them, we et the ra/h o! 2 6 x y+ =  

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

    Portal for CBSE Notes, est Papers, Sample Papers, ips and ric!s

    20. %$ the a"o=e !iure /aralleloram +6 is 7aras /iece o! la$d a$d  BOE ∆ is ahul /lot.

    7i$ce co$rue$t tria$les ha=e same area.

    ∴ e a=e to cut o!! a$

    ∆ alo$ 6, which is co$rue$t to  BOE 


    Coi$ & i$ the /aralleloram +6, + AA 6 a$d + # 6

    D # 6

    'ow i$  BOE ∆  a$d COD∆ , we ha=e

    OBE OCD∠ = ∠  

     BOE COD∠ = ∠  

    D # 6

     BOE COD∆ = ∆  

    ( ) ( )ar BOE ar COD∆ = ∆  

    Thus tria$ular /ieces &D a$d 6& ca$ "e excha$ed.+reas o! /aralleloram a$d tria$les

    6harit a$d 6oo/eratio$.

    21. Let ede o! cu"e # x u$its

    ∴  7ur!ace area # *x2 s>uare u$its

    'ew ede #25 5

    100 4

     x x x units+ =  

    'ew sur!ace area # 225


     x x  s>uare u$its # 275


     x square units  

    %$crease i$ sur!ace area #2 2 275 27

    68 8 x x x− =  

    erce$tae o! i$crease #




    8 100 56.25%6


     x x


    22. +6 is a /aralleloram a$d + a$d 6; are /er/e$dicular !rom =ertices + a$d 6 o$ diao$al


    a)  %$  APB CQD∆ = ∆ , + # 6

     ABP CDQ∠ = ∠  

    ∵  + AA 6 a$d tra$s=ersal i$tersects them

     APB CQD∠ = ∠  

    +s /er ++7 rule each 900 

     APB CQD∴ ∆ ≅ ∆  

    ")  ∵   APB CQD∆ ≅ ∆  !rom the a"o=e e>uatio$


    + # 6; is /ro=ed.


    Bi=e$ a /aralleloram +6. + circle /assi$ throuh +, a$d 6 is drae$ such that it

    i$tersects 6 at D.

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    ∵ +6D is a cclic >uadrilateral.

    0180 AEC B∠ + ∠ =   (i)

    %! +6 is a /aralleloram

     D B∴ ∠ = ∠   (ii)


    Ee$ce + # +D

    23. Let +6 "e a$ e>uilateral tria$le such that

    + # 6 # +6 # 9 cm each

    Let us draw a media$ + corres/o$di$ to 6


    2 BD BC ∴ =  

    1 99

    2 2 BD x cm cm= =  

    +$d also + is /er/e$dicular to 6

    %$ riht  ADB∆  2 2 2

     AD AB BD= −  2

    2 2 9 9 9

    9 9 92 2 2 AD

      = − = − +  

    29 27 9 9 9

    3 32 2 2 2 2

     x x x

    = = =



    2 AD cm=  

    7i$ce i$ a$ e>uilateral tria$le, the ce$troid a$d circumce$tre coi$cide.

    : 2 :1 AO OD∴ =  

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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    2 2 93

    3 3 2 AO AD x= =  


    3 3 3



    e>uired radius # 3 3cm  

    24. Le$th o! the metal /i/e # -- cm

    ∴  %t is i$ the !orm o! cli$der.

    ∴  Eeiht (h) o! the cli$der # -- cm

    25. Bi=e$

    %$$er diameter is 4 cm

    ∴   %$$er radius (r) #4

    2# 2 cm

    &uter radius () #4.4

    2# 2.2 cm

    a)  6ur=ed sur!ace area # 222

    2 2 x x 2 x 777

    rh cmπ     =  

    # 9* cm2 


    &uter sur!ace area # 2222 2 x x 2.2 x 777

     Rh cmπ     =  

    22 x 22 x 22 x 11


     # 10*4. cm2

    c)  Total sur!ace area # Fi$$er cur=ed sur!ace areaG H F outer cur=ed sur!ace areaG

    H FTwo "ase circular lami$aG

    2 2[2 ] [2 ] [2 ( )]rh Rh R r  π π π  = + + −  

    2 2 2 222[986 ] [1064.8 ] 2 x (2.2 2 )

    7cm cm= + + −  

    # 2032. cm2 H 5.2 cm2 # 203.0 cm2

    Bi=e$ 8 +6D is a /e$tao$. + li$e throuh /arallel to +6 meets 6 /roduced at

  • 8/9/2019 2015 09 Sp Mathematics Sa2 Solved 01 Ans Kme



    Material downloaded from http://myCBSEguide.com and http://onlineteachers.co.in 

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