2015 international ict leading seagulls_multiple intelligence

GREAT EXPECTATIONS Multiple Intelligence and Diversity in Early Childhood

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. GREAT EXPECTATIONS Multiple Intelligence and Diversity in Early Childhood
  2. 2. Brain is Nothing Without Touching
  3. 3. GROUP MEMBERS MERVEGL BAYRAM (21) Research Assistant TALTA HAMUR (22) Group Leader BETL TEMZER Communication Manager (20) SELEN YAVUZ (19) Technical Assistant MEETING PLACES North Study Room K-park Cafe North Canteen MEETING DATES Every monday at 2 p.m Average age: 20.5
  4. 4. The aim of project Fishbone Diagram Matrix Diagram Gantt Card Literature Review Survey Results Conclusion Suggestion References C O N T E N T
  5. 5. Teachers can help children to find out their talents. Therefore, our purpose is to create awareness that teachers can change children lives with little touching. THE AIM OF OUR PROJECT
  6. 6. Intelligence is the ability to think abstractly or to solve problems effectively. (Stregberg, 1997) www.edutopia.org The purpose of school should be to develop intelligence and to help people reach vocational goals that are appropriate to their particular spectrum of intelligences. People who are helped to do so feel more engaged and component, and therefore more inclined to serve he society in a constructive way. (Gardner, 1993) http://www.famouspsychologists.org/robert-sternberg/ LITERATURE REVIEW
  7. 7. Childrens exceptional talents can be identified at an early age and that the profile of abilities exhibited by preschoolers can be clearly distinguished from one another. We also consider some of the educational implications of an approach that focuses on the early identification of areas strength and weakness. ( Gardner p.87) LITERATURE REVIEW www.johnston.k12.ia.us.com
  8. 8. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE CHARLIE CHAPLIN- Body kinesthetic Intelligence MOTHER THERESA- Interpersonal Intelligence SIGMUND FREUD- Intrapersonal Intelligence CHARLES DARWIN- Naturalist Intelligence LAO TZU- Spiritual- existential Intelligence www.jurnal.md.com www.imgkid.com www. 1000kitap.com www.wikipedia.org www.searchquotes.com
  9. 9. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE ABRAHAM LINCOLN - Linguistic Inteligence FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT - Visual- Spatial Intelligence MOZART - Musical rhythmic and harmonic intelligence STEPHEN HAWKING - Logical mathematical intelligence www.wikipedia.orgwww.telegraph.co.uk www.classictic.com www.healtydebates.com
  10. 10. CLASSFAMILY CURRICULUM FINANCIAL SUPPORT consciousness corner of interestsparticipation size controlling practice materials books Why isn't the necessary importance given to multiple intelligence in ECE? FISHBONE DIAGRAM
  11. 11. MATRIX DIAGRAM CURRICULUM FAMILY FINANCIAL SUPPORT CLASS 28 12 18 21 7 5 4 3 7 1 4 6 100% 42.85% 64.28% 75% 7 3 5 6 BETL MERVEGL SELEN TALTA TOTAL PERCENTAGE 7 3 5 6
  12. 12. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TOPLAM
  13. 13. www.kazanmakisteyenler.com
  14. 14. GANTT CARD STEPS WEEKS 5 March 10 March 15 March 20 March 25 March 31 March 5 April 10 April 15 April 20 April 28 April Identify topic Approval Literature review and target identification Cause-affect analysis Approval of the main cause Solutions for the future Determined solution topic Preparing survey & starting data collection Analysis of data Conclusion & suggestions Preparing PPT & report Self-assessment Plan Do Check Act presentation EXPECTED OBSERVED
  15. 15. Q1) Do you know what multiple intelligence is? 62% 0% 38% Agree Disagree Not sure
  16. 16. Q2) Do you think that every child has different kinds of intelligence? 85% 15% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  17. 17. Q3? Do you think curriculum of early childhood education measure up to find out children intelligences? 50% 10% 40% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  18. 18. Q4) Do you pay attention childrens desire and wants in activities? 80% 20% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  19. 19. Q5) Are there different tools in your class that children can prove their talents? 80% 20% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  20. 20. Q6) Do you make something when you are aware of children talents? 75% 25% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  21. 21. Q7) Do you communicate with parents about children talents? 90% 10% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  22. 22. Q8)Do you give time for children to make activities individually? 30% 70% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  23. 23. Q9)Do you think that you have enough materials that children can discover their talents? 50% 20% 30% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  24. 24. Q10) Do you work with parents about children talents? 50% 15% 35% Agree Disagree Not Sure
  25. 25. SURVEY RESULTS In our survey, we found that most teacher are aware of that every child is special. Many teacher give time children to think, discover, produce or create. However, few of them do not have adequate materials to help children to find their talents. Also, some teachers do not deal with parents about childrens intelligences and it causes to hide children talents. However, most teachers have a difficult to help children due to curriculum because it does not give an enough importance different intelligences. http://www.cumlesozluk.com/word/984/result.html
  26. 26. SUGGESTIONS We found that curriculum which does not have rich content effects children intelligences negatively. To remove this negative effect, our suggestions are: Teachers should have rich materials and do activities which can improve 9 different kinds of intelligences. FOR; Verbal/Linguistic Activities to create newspaper, write their own stories and play word games Math/Logical Activities to solve mysteries using deductive reasoning and number or logic puzzles. Spatial Activities to play a Pictionary-style game, art activities such as painting and play dough
  27. 27. SUGGESTIONS Musical Activities to create songs or rhytms, perform dance routines Kinesthetic Activities to use different body parts to measure objects, learn folk dances that represent different cultures Interpersonal Activities to work in small groups on a project, team building exercises. Intrapersonal Activities to work independently, keep a journal as drawing. Naturalist Activities to go on nature walks, collect items from nature
  28. 28. Every child is unique. We should know and be aware of that they need our help to discover their talents because only with this way they can be creative, innovative and productive so we as a teacher should be a guide for children. n addition, when children come to our class, we should have rich curriculum to colour their life. For permanent influence, we should work with parents. To sum up, BRAIN IS NOTHING WITHOUT TOUCHING. CONCLUSION
  29. 29. SPECIAL THANKS TO DR. HAYAL KOKSAL www.bilisimcimartilar.com
  30. 30. SPECIAL THANKS TO ZEKERYA KMRC TO PREPARE OUR LOGO www.makingdifferent.com
  31. 31. REFERENCES Imece Circles Methodology by Hayal Koksal, Istanbul 2014 http://kids.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Classroom_Activities_for_Multiple_Intelligences www.tegm.meb.gov.tr Gardner H.(1993), Multiple Intelligences the Theory in Practice.United States of America:BasicBooks Tugrul, B. & Duran, S. (2003). Her ocuk Baarl Olmak in Bir ansa Sahiptir: Zekann ok Boyutlulugu oklu Zeka Kuram. Hacettepe Universitesi Eitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 24, 224-233. Kksal, M. (2006). Kavram retimi ve oklu Zeka Teorisi. Kastamonu Eitim Dergisi, 14, 473-480 .pred 104