2015 lenten study guide

Lutheran Church of the Resurrecon Study Guide

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Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

Study Guide

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The Lenten Journey

The Adult Faith Formation Team invites you to practice the spiritual discipline of fasting as we journey with Christ from Ash Wednesday to

Easter Sunday. There are many ways to engage in this spiritual discipline and we invite you to begin by reading through the beginning pages of this guide to determine what the best practice for you may be. Open

yourself up to the ways God can change you, your relationships and the ways God calls us to care for and change our world.

We have prepared this Study Guide as a weekly resource for you. In giving something up, you should find yourself with spare time every day

that you fast. Re-commit this time and attention to prayer, book studies, scripture reading and/or journaling. This booklet contains weekly guides

for how to spend this time, as well as suggestions for additional resources. Our hope is that you can make this journey as a family,

adults, youth and children alike.

Finally, the last page of this booklet contains a complete Lenten Schedule. We invite you to join us for any of the activities, gatherings

and worship services that are prepared for Lent. For more information, a complete schedule, and links to the resources listed in this guide, please

visit LCRmarietta.org/LENT.

“A concentrated mind and a sitting body make for better prayer than a kneeling

body and a mind half asleep.”

-C.S. Lewis

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The purpose of picking a “sacrifice” during Lent is to imitate Jesus, who would take whole days to walk alone in the wilderness, fasting and praying. Give God the time and room that He wants. God wants to fill you up and bless you. If we make time to fast, take a break from the “stuff” in our life, there will be a little more time and more room for God.

Listed below are some ideas of things you can “give up” during this Lenten journey. Try not to pick something “easy”, because this is supposed to be a challenge, a practice in discipline. Don’t pick something so difficult that you’ll lose focus or give up. Think about your life, your relationships with others, and your relationship with God. What can you change for forty days? You’ll be amazed at what God can change in you!

Food: Meats, poultry, fats/oils, soft drinks, alcohol, coffee, dairy, solid foods (water/juice only), junk foods, candy, dessert

Media: TV, movies, computer, email (set an auto response), internet, magazines, radio, turn off your cell phone for certain periods of time, handheld games, video games, technology

Luxury/Convenience Spending: drive-thru food/drink, such as coffee, meals, snacks, breakfast, etc., “in-app” spending, non-essential purchases

Attitude: If you struggle with patience, are quick to anger, are the resident pessimist - consider “giving up” these attitudes during Lent.

Other Things: Social events, parties, clubs, shoes, sleeping in/snooze button, mirrors, warm water (showers), parking in the farthest spots or taking stairs instead of escalators and elevators, pillows

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The idea is that you use the daily time and attention you are saving by “giving up” something to connect with God. LCR is offering a number of ways for you to fulfill your commitment to fasting by giving your time to spiritual development and growth.

Converge Fasting Study Most of our small groups will be following the Converge Fasting Study for the duration of Lent. This study helps translate the discipline of fasting into spiritual growth. If you choose a food fast, you may want to read pages 58 –61 (beginning with “Preparing to Fast”) during “Week 1”.

All small groups are ready to welcome you, and this 5 week study is a great opportunity to connect! Books are available in the Narthex for $7 while supplies last. eBooks are available through Amazon as well.

Bright Sadness This online companion study is a wonderful, free weekly resource of scripture and prayer during Lent. If you are choosing to fast from food and drink, the AFF team strongly recommends following Bright Sadness for recommendations on how to do so safely and effectively. Subscribe at BrightSadness.org

The Big Idea If you haven’t tried The Big Idea weekly studies yet, now is a great time to join in! The Big Idea study illuminates the weekly lectionary scriptures by challenging our congregation to think and pray over them before they worship. Get “plugged in” to The Big Idea at LCRmarietta.org/TheBigIdea

ELCA Daily Scripture The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America offers recommended daily bible readings on their website, elca.org/Faith/DailyBible.

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Deepening your connection with God is completely reliant on prayer. While prayer can be as simple as folding your hands and bowing your head, it can also be much more!


There are many ways to prayerfully journal. A simple way to start is to copy your daily or weekly scripture into your journal. Once it’s written, craft a simple prayer that encompasses the passage. End by writing down one way you feel the scripture does or does not apply to your life.

Prayer Partners

Praying with a partner isn’t limited to sitting across from someone and praying with them out loud. There are many ways to connect in prayer with another person! Try using email or text message to build prayer petitions, or agree on a time to stop and pray for one another. Prayer partners are a wonderful way to connect in a new way with someone you see daily, as well as someone who is physically distant from you.

Lutheran Book of Prayer

Martin Luther was never at a loss for a good prayer! The LBP is readily available at online bookstores and there are a few copies in the LCR library (located in the Family Life Center) as well. This resource provides morning and evening prayers for most of the 40 days of Lent.

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Hunger Walk - March 15, 2015

The Hunger Walk/Run is a project of the Atlanta Community Food Bank that unites our community to raise awareness and critical funds for local hunger relief. Proceeds from the event benefit the Atlanta Community Food Bank and Lutheran Services of Georgia, among other organizations that help fight hunger in metro Atlanta. The family-friendly, festival atmosphere at the walk includes food trucks, games, educational activities, live entertainment and more!

Take the next step and join us on March 15, 2015! You can join as a walker or runner for LCR’s team or donate to our team goal at LCRmarietta.org/events. The deadline to sign-up is 3/9.

Easter Breakfast benefitting the ELCA World Hunger Appeal

The ELCA is a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work. Working with and through our congregations, in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Lutheran churches overseas and other partners, ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need. From health clinics to microloans, water wells to animal husbandry, community meals to advocacy, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger make it possible for the ELCA to respond, supporting sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty.

This year, Adult Faith Formation has partnered with Outreach to claim the Easter Breakfast as our “Break the Fast Feast”. The free will donation taken will be given to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. Hunger & Poverty is a $115 million focus of the ELCA’s Always Made New Campaign.

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Week 1 February 19-25

What do I fast for Lent? Adapted from Bright Sadness Fasting Study

For centuries, Christians have observed the season of Lent by fasting from food and observing other sacrificial


These acts help us become more aware of our true needs. When we deny ourselves familiar comforts, whether food or some other part of our daily routine, we are more mindful of our great need for God. Also, when we deny our desires, whether sacred or profane, we become more acutely aware of them, because when they’re not fed, they tend to surface in ways that are hard to ignore.

During Lent, it’s not about taking things in, by taking them away. When we let our stomachs stay empty for just a little bit longer than we’re used to, we learn something powerful about our weaknesses, our needs, our desires. This, in turn, makes room for God to teach us something powerful about his strength, provision and grace.

Remove Distractions

Remember that the important thing is to take away distractions, focusing instead on the mercy, salvation and comforting provision of God. Make time and space for God, and God will meet you there.

What can I give up?

First, some important considerations: if you have any concerns about whether dietary fasting is safe for you, ask you physician, especially if you have a health concern. Don’t fast from food if you are pregnant or nursing; make sure you always get plenty of fluids; finally, don’t make decisions for others. You know yourself best: what might you do without?

How do I give it up?

Start with something achievable, and try adding to your list each week. Take the suggestions one step at a time and make sure you do what is necessary to have energy for your work, community, family.

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In this Study Guide, we are using time as the incremental gauge. If your fast can’t be measured in time, decide what your increments might be, and stick to it!

What days should I fast?

Fast on any day except Sunday, the day of Resurrection, which is a feast day, even during Lent. On Friday, the day of crucifixion, many world Christians will fast, and it can be meaningful to join them. Try fasting from something each day, Monday to Saturday. You may choose one day to fast entirely, or take time each day to fast for parts of the day.

Fasting Etiquette

When you fast, you will occasionally be faced with a dilemma: someone offers you food that you have eliminated from your diet, or invites you to a movie when you’re fasting from media. Not everyone knows you are fasting, nor should they. How do you respond? Let humility be your guide. Resist the temptation to explain and politely refuse. If you are leery of hurting someone’s feelings, the more humble response may be to be accept gratefully. The point of Lent is not elimination, it’s sacrifice. Sometimes the greater sacrifice is to give up the idea of a perfect day of fasting for the sake of another.

Matthew 6:16-18 (Good News Bible)

When you fast, do not put on a sad face as the hypocrites do. They neglect their appearance so that everyone will

see that they are fasting. I assure you, they have already been paid in full. When you go without food, wash your face

and comb your hair, so that others cannot know that you are fasting, only your Father, who is unseen, will know. And your Father, who sees what

you do in private, will reward you.

Converge Study: Read the Intro to prepare for your small group.

Pray about which fast would best serve to focus your attention on your relationship with God. Decide on a fast, set the way you will measure your fasting and prepare to

commit to 40 days of spiritual discipline.

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Week 2 February 26-March 4

Sacrifice: Set aside 30 minutes per day (or equivalent unit of measure for your fast)

Converge Study: Lesson 1 + Chapter Study Questions

Scripture: Mathew 6:1-15

Questions for the Week: Reflect on these questions daily as part of your journaling, ask them around the dinner table, or share them with a friend. Where did you see God today?

When were you God for someone else?

Prayer: Dear God, You are nearer to me than the air that I breathe. Help me to feel Your presence in every situation and in every circumstance. You are with me, Lord, in times of celebration and in times of sorrow. You are with me when I am strong and when I am weak. You never leave my side, even when it seems to me that You are far away. Today and every day, let me feel and acknowledge Your presence in my life. Amen.

Engage: If you haven’t already signed up for the Hunger Walk, consider joining the LCR team, making a donation to our team or bringing your family to the walk to support our runners and walkers and participate in the day’s other activities!

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March 5-11 Week 3

Sacrifice: Set aside 45 minutes per day (or equivalent unit of measure for your fast)

Converge Study: Lesson 2 + Chapter Study Questions

Scripture: Psalm 139

Questions for the Week: Have you seen God answer your prayers today?

Are there any prayers you feel God hasn’t responded to?

Prayer: Lord, teach me to pray more and more. Give me a greater faith in Your promises so that I may pray constantly, knowing that You will always help. Keep me faithful in my daily tasks. Let me see Your loving hand leading me to greater heights of achievement and duty. Amen. Engage: Reflect on these facts, provided by the ELCA:

868 million people – that’s 1 in 8 – are chronically hungry and cannot lead active daily lives

1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty, living on less than $1.25 per day

In the United States, more than 50 million people do not know where their next meal will come from

46.2 million Americans are living in poverty

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Week 4 March 12-18

Sacrifice: Set aside 60 minutes per day (or equivalent unit of measure for your fast)

Converge Study: Lesson 3 + Chapter Study Questions

Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-14

Questions for the Week: What are the blessings in your life?

Is there something new that you have recognized as a blessing from God?

Prayer: Throughout my day, Lord, I am in need of help from You. I thank You for every answer to my prayers and for every blessing in my life; for health preserved and for health restored; for the hope of heaven and the promise of courage. I ask You to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I may know Your will more and more. Let me show my gratitude to You by service to my fellow persons and a greater love for Your world. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Lord. Amen.

Engage: What is it like to live on a limited budget? Have you ever had to make the choice between buying groceries and going to the doctor? These decisions are a reality for many in our community. This web based program simulates the day to day financial choices that often lead to homelessness and poverty.

Go to playspent.org and follow the prompts.

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Sacrifice: Set aside 60 minutes per day (or equivalent unit of measure for your fast) + Give up ALL luxury/convenience spending and set aside to donate to end World Hunger

Converge Study: Lesson 4 + Chapter Study Questions

Scripture: Luke 4:1-21

Questions for the Week: Have you been tempted to “cheat” or stray from your fast?

How have you responded to this temptation

Prayer: My strong and all-wise Father in heaven, give me that true inward happiness which comes from the assurance that in all my weakness, Your power is ready to help and save me. Grant me peace and strength which comes from living close to You. Fill every corner of my heart with Your love and strength. Give my soul courage which comes from Your abiding presence. Remind me again and again that my Lord is always near and that, trusting in Him, I shall never be weak and alone. Help me to hear and understand, to trust and believe, when You say “It is I; be not afraid”. Grant me such faith and strength. Amen.

Engage: Commit to fighting hunger in our community at least two times this year. Sign-up to help prepare meals for the MUST Ministry food kitchen or help deliver for Meals on Wheels. You can also donate canned food to the MUST Ministry food pantry at any time during the year! For more information, visit the Sign-Up Board in the Family Life Center.

March 19-25 Week 5

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Holy Week

Sacrifice: Set aside 60 minutes per day (or equivalent unit of measure for your fast) + Give up ALL luxury/convenience spending and set aside to donate to end World Hunger + Commit to attending Holy Week services

Questions for the Week: How has your fast prepared you for the risen Christ of Easter Morning?

Have any of your personal relationships changed or grown during your Lenten journey?

Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-17

Prayer: Dear Lord, You have loved me, cared for me, encouraged me and saved me. Make me ever grateful for Your grace. Just as You have lifted me up, let me also lift up others in a spirit of encouragement and hope. Today, let me share the healing message of Your Son, and in doing so, care for my brothers and sisters in need. To whatever extent I can be of service to others, Lord, may the glory be Yours. Amen.

Engage: Plan to join us for the annual Easter Breakfast & “Break the Fast Feast” and donate the funds saved during your Lenten fast to the ELCA World Hunger Campaign.

If you donate without attending the breakfast, be sure to designate your offering as “Easter Breakfast Fund” so they are applied to the campaign.

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February 18 Ash Wednesday Worship 12:00 p.m. Worship with imposition of ashes Dinner 5:45p.m. Worship 7:00p.m.

February 25 Wednesday Lenten Services Dinner 5:45p.m. - March 25 Remember to RSVP for dinner! Worship 7:00pm.

March 15 Hunger Walk Gather at 12:30 p.m. Register to walk or run with the LCR team or donate to our team’s goal by 3/9.

March 29 Palm Sunday Sunday Worship All three services include a narrative reading of the Passion text. LCR is proud to use fair trade palms.

Easter Egg Hunt Gather at 9:45 a.m. Children ages 2-grade 5 and their families are invited to participate in our Easter festivities! Middle and high school youth are asked to assist at the event.

April 2 Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00 p.m. Worship with communion & foot washing

April 3 Good Friday Worship 12:00 p.m. Worship 7:00 p.m.

April 5 Easter Sunday Sunday Worship No Sunday School or Small Groups

Easter Breakfast Served 8 - 11 a.m. This annual tradition also serves as AFF’s “Break the Fast Feast” this year! A free will donation is taken and the funds will benefit the ELCA’s World Hunger campaign.

> Nursery Care Provided at all Sunday and Evening Worship Services <

Lenten Calendar

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4814 Paper Mill Rd Marietta, GA 30067 / 770.953.3193 / LCRmarietta.org