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21 Trust Builders for Boosting Your Sales Marketing Checklist

Trust Builder #1: Authority. For example: these “title” words denote authority: author, doctor, lawyer, specialist. So, if you position yourself as a specialist at solving a particular problem for a specific target market and then author a book or information product that shares your specialized knowledge in that area, your “authority” and, therefore, your “trust equity” are bolstered.

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Trust Builder #2: Celebrity. Let’s face it: being a celebrity builds trust. For example: you could position yourself as a mortgage expert by sharing your knowledge on TV or radio. Or you could rent a celebrity spokesperson. For example: Dominion Lending Centres hired Don Cherry, the outrageous but endearing hockey commentator, for this very reason -- it builds their trust equity.

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Trust Builder #3: Affinity. This is when the prospect perceives you as just “like” them. For example, if you’re a golfer, you can gain affinity by marketing to other golfers. You can speak their language and push their hot buttons because you’re one of them. This added affinity builds rapport and likability -- and, therefore, builds trust.

How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #4: Familiarity. This is when your prospects say, “I see you everywhere”. The more often people see you, the more they will trust you. Frequency and repetition breed trust. Chances are, you don’t have millions of dollars to spend on “brand” advertising through mass media (like the BIG dumb companies do). However, you can get the same effect by choosing a specific, narrow niche (starting with your own database) to focus your marketing efforts on, like a laser beam. Remember, focus is power. It’s a lot easier to be a big fish in a small pond.

How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #5: Leadership Position. For example: #1 mortgage provider in the country. Or you can also combine this strategy with Affinity: the #1 mortgage provider for Vancouver Golfers. Even if you’re #1 in narrow category, tout it. People want to work with the “leader”, not the “loser.” So, being the “only” or the “first” or “#1” elicits trust and can boost your sales.

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Trust Builder #6: Demonstration. For example, you can demonstrate your value and expertise by giving away a free report, CD, DVD, online video, etc. This is called “results in advance” marketing. You see, it’s one thing to talk about why you should be trusted. It’s a whole other thing to prove you are trustworthy, by demonstrating your undeniable value with a “free test drive”, in advance of any commitment.

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Trust Builder #7: Endorsement. This is when you get a rave review from a trusted source like the media, centre of influence, friend or family member. The more trusted and influential the source, the better. A dramatic example of this is what I call the “Oprah Effect.” What happens when Oprah recommends a book in her book club? Book sales skyrocket, right? Why? Endorsement = Trust. Trust = Sales.

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2 Different Types of Endorsement: 1. Rented - for example: celebrity endorsement 2. Earned - like client reviews, testimonials, referrals, awards (For example, the fact that I won the Best Industry Service Provider award three years in a row at the Canadian Mortgage Awards naturally builds my credibility). How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #8: Comfort. People are more likely to trust you if you make them feel comfortable and at ease. There are many different ways to elicit comfort, but perhaps the best way is with hospitality. For example, when your prospect or customer calls you on the phone or enters your office, be intentional about making it a positive experience. Smile, have a good sense of humor, laugh. Your positive vibes are contagious. If you're meeting them face-to-face, offer them a drink and or something tasty to eat, have pleasant music playing, turn your office into a beautiful oasis. For a stunning example of this, visit a Disney® resort or cruise -- they have this "comfort" thing mastered! How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #9: Customized Solutions. This is based on the perennial marketing principle that if everyone is your prospect, no one will be your customer. Even if your product or service “could” benefit anyone with a pulse who can fog a mirror, trying to cast such a wide net is counterproductive because your marketing message is too general, too vague. Conversely, if you position yourself and your products and services as a custom-tailored solution for your specific target market’s problem, the more they’ll say, “Hey, this is for me!” Relevancy breeds trust. Generalists survive; specialists thrive. Stop being a vague generality and start being a meaningful specific. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #10: Social Proof. This is like Endorsement but it leans more heavily on the number of endorsements, reviews or testimonials. The more people are singing your praises, the more social proof. The more social proof, the more trust. For example, imagine two different restaurants using the exact same kitchen. One restaurant has no lineup, the other one has a lineup down the block. Which one are you more likely to want to patronize? The one with the long line up! Why? Social proof = less risk, more trust. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #11: Exclusivity. The more readily available something is, the less value we attach to it. On the flip side, we generally want something more if it's in scarce supply. For example, Matt Zagula, a top-producing Financial Planner, restricts access to his services by having a "By Referral Only" policy. He won't even consider working with a client unless they have been "referred" by an existing client. As you can imagine, once someone is "accepted" as a client, they are ecstatic and grateful for being given such a privilege. No price resistance. No objections. That's the power of exclusivity! How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #12: Diagnose + Prescribe. When you go to visit your Doctor, you naturally expect them to diagnose your problem first before they prescribe a treatment. If they didn’t, you’d probably kick your Doctor to the curb! Why? Because your trust in their prescription is primarily based on their ability to effectively diagnose your problem. If that is the case in medicine, why wouldn’t it also apply in business. Salespeople give features and benefits; trusted advisors diagnose and then prescribe. So, instead of just giving a data dump of how great your products and services are, conduct a thorough intake and diagnosis of your prospect's situation. Not only will this make the prospect more receptive to the value you can offer, it’ll allow you to customize your offer to push their unique hot buttons. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?



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Trust Builder #13: Language. There are different dimensions to language. Obviously, if your prospect speaks English, you’ll need to speak English to make the sale – unless you’re selling ice water to sun-beaten desert travelers. By “language”, I mean the specific tone, dialect and jargon that your prospects themselves speak. Your marketing message should be delivered in a way that your prospects can relate to. If you’re selling to seniors and you speak like a pant-sagging Hip Hopper, using words like, “Yanawmean”, “Foe-real-doe” and “Word up”, making a sale is about as probable as a midget doing slam in the NBA – it ain’t gonna happen! The more you sync your message (in content and quality) with the way your prospects already think, talk and feel (both internally and externally), the more trust you’ll elicit and the more sales you’ll make. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?




Trust Builder #14: Longevity. Of course, this only works if you have it. But if you have it, tout it. By longevity, I mean your depth of experience as an expert in your field, typically measured by years in business and/or number of customers. Longevity is a scarce commodity nowadays. People trust things, people or companies who they can rely on yesterday, today and tomorrow. If you've been in business for 10 years or more, it's worth highlighting in all your marketing materials. If you are about to hit a big milestone (e.g. 25 years in business), make a big deal of it. Consider throwing an anniversary party, or at the very least, putting on a special anniversary promotion where your valued customers can take advantage of exclusive discounts and/or bonuses for participating. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?




Trust Builder #15: Place. There are certain places that elicit trust more than others. These places will vary depending on who your customer is. If your customer is a simple southern farmer, then having your headquarters in a small southern farm town they deem as being "safe" and "familiar" would elicit more trust than having an office in a fancy tower in New York City. On the other hand, if your prospect is a middle-aged, middle class, city resident, having your office situated above a bank in a local heritage building would probably elicit more trust than having a lower-priced suite in the outskirts of suburbia. The big idea: place matters so make it count!

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How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #16: Not-a-Salesman Status. In marketing guru Dan Kennedy's book, No B.S. Trust-Based Marketing, he highlights the Top 10 Ways People Know You're a Dangerous Salesman to Be Avoided. Here they are: 1. The shelf of sales performance "trophies" 2. Being too easily and readily available 3. Being too pliable 4. Being too eager 5. Being "pushy" 6. Obviously trying to hurry the prospect 7. Being over-confident and glib, with a quick-triggered answer to everything 8. Pushing products from a pushcart (vs. diagnosing needs, offering custom solutions) 9. Evading or altering questions 10. Using sales tools How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #17: Proof. Any time you make a claim -- especially a big, bold claim -- about the benefits of your products or services, your prospects are apt to be skeptical. That's where proof comes in. Regardless of what you're selling, there are numerous ways to build your case with solid proof that you're the real deal. Examples include customer testimonials (with specific results disclosed), case studies, clinical double-blind studies, statistics, facts, before and afters, live demonstrations, photos or screenshots of evidence, difficult-to-deny-or-manipulate video footage, etc. The more proof the better.

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Trust Builder #18: Risk Reversal. Any time you invite a prospect to take advantage of your products or services, regardless of the price, there will always be some degree of perceived risk. They may fear making the wrong choice, regret, embarrassment, humiliation, or any number of negative scenarios. In order to make the sale, the prospect not only has to believe that your solution works, and that it works for others, but also that it will work for them. Any doubt at any point in this equation can kill your chances of making the sale. One of the best ways to "grease the shoot" and "remove the razor wire" is to protect your customer with a risk reversal guarantee. This is more than just a simple "100% satisfaction guarantee." That's plain old boring. Ideally, you want to make it a better-than-risk-free guarantee. Here's an example of our guarantee for the Testimonial Engine software: How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #19: Believability. Is your marketing message authentic? Is it believable? Or does it come across as crass, commercial hype. Most people would like to think, that their message is believable. The acid test is results. If your message isn't converting a sufficient number of leads and customers to be profitable, you may want to go back to the drawing board and look for believability snags. Ask yourself, "Why might my prospects not believe in my claims?" You need to structure your offer in such a way that it seems plausible, logical and realistic in the eyes of your prospects. If it's too outrageous or "plastic" to believe (even if they really want to), your sales will suffer. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #20: Credibility. The definition of credibility is: the quality of being trusted and believed in. It's a quality that infiltrates everything you do and everything you are. You elicit trust because you are trustworthy. You trust yourself. Others trust you. Your credibility is built on the foundation of a long history of fulfilled promises, doing what is right, going the extra mile and honoring your word. Your word is your bond. How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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Trust Builder #21: Safety. It goes without saying: if your offer isn't deemed to be "safe", no one will “bite”. If your offer has “whiskers”, the mice will flee. That's why your introductory offer should be something that requires the least amount of risk, cost and commitment. In other words, make it an easy yes. Some Internet marketing gurus call this approach the "Trip Wire Offer" because it is a low price point offer ($7-$20) that’s easy to say "yes" to. This lets you convert more prospects into customers and establish that you're a "safe" company to do business with because you deliver real value. The key to making this formula work is to over promise and then over deliver! A happy customer is more likely to buy again and again and refer their friends and family.

How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?



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EXTRA BONUS Trust Builder: Superiority. Why is it that so many people are willing to pay two or three times more for an Apple computer instead of a PC? Simple answer: superiority. Apple has established a brand that positions them as superior. That’s why they can charge so much more. Personally, I used a PC for years and wasn't even remotely interested in buying a Mac. However, after a while I got tired of all the viruses, the "blue screen of death", and the fact that no matter what PC I bought or how fast it was initially, they all got slower and slower with each passing year. Talk about designed obsolescence! Eventually, after weeks of incessant frustration (and me cussing up a storm), my wife finally decided to put an end to the drama and just order me a new iMac, without my permission. The nerve. Well, thanks to Apple's superior product, this was the best thing she could have ever done for me. As the saying goes, "Once you go Mac, you never go back!" It's true. When your product or service is so superior to all your competition, you don't just build trust -- you build a loyal following of raving fans! How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business?


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6 Steps for Creating Your Own Online Testimonial Capture Page

Step 1: Sign up with an online survey provider. Some providers are free; some have a fee. For my recommended vendors, go to…

Step 2: Add your branding (i.e. add your photo and/or logo).

If you had to choose between either a logo or a photo, in most cases with rare exception, I would recommend a photo because people buy from people, not from faceless companies. The more you build a relationship of trust with your customers, the more repeat and referral business you’ll get.

Step 3: Add the survey contact fields. This is where you collect their first name, last name, and in some cases (if you don’t already have this info), you may also want their email address, mailing address and phone number. Keep in mind, the more you ask for, the lower your conversion rate.

Step 4: Add the rating system.

Since most review sites use a 5-star rating system, I recommend doing likewise. It’s an easy way for your clients to score your performance and a quick way for prospective clients to evaluate your reputation at a glance.

Step 5: Add the testimonial box.

Add the testimonial box. This is where your client can write a testimonial or rave review about their experience of working with you. It’s an open-ended “essay box” so the client can write as little or as much as they like.

Step 6: Add the consent disclaimer.

At the end of the survey, you want to confirm that you have your client’s consent to publish their review in your marketing. Here’s how you might word it...

I am authorizing ABC Mortgage to post my review and name online.

I confirm that I have done business with ABC Mortgage and that my review is valid.


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ADVANCED NINJA TIP #1: When your client rates you 4 out of 5 stars or above (a “good review”), direct them to a custom Thank You page that...

• Thanks them for giving you their valuable feedback • Asks them to post their review on up to 3 other review sites -- i.e. Facebook,

Google+, Zillow, Trulia, etc. • And since they’re obviously a raving fan, why not ask for referrals! You could even

include a refer-a-friend form right on the page to make it easy for them to refer!

ADVANCED NINJA TIP #2: Use video instead of just plain text on your Thank You Page. People love video! By asking your clients to post their review on additional review sites, it’ll help to leverage your reviews and build a stellar reputation.

ADVANCED NINJA TIP #3: If you receive 3 out of 5 stars or less (what we’ll call a “bad review”), direct them to a custom Thank You page that...

• Thanks them for their feedback • Empathizes with their concern • Asks them “What went wrong? How can we avoid this in the future? What

suggestions do you have to help us improve?”

“Your reputation can take decades to build and can be threatened by a single event.” – Doren Aldana


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Testimonial Monetization Plan


Traffic Driver #1: Banner or link in your Email Signature.

At the top of the graphic, it might say something like: "How Would You Rate Our Service?". Then below, the call to action it would say, "Click Here to Submit Your Review". That way, every time you send an email to a client, they’re reminded to submit a review of their experience. How’s that for eazy peezy!


Traffic Driver #2: Send a Thank You Card.

After each closed transaction, send a “Thank You” card in the mail with a Thank You gift. In your card, write a P.S. that might say something like this…


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Traffic Driver #3: Email.

If you have a CRM you can get it to automatically send an email out after each closed transaction, asking your client for a review (see samples and examples below). The anatomy of an effective “testimonial magnet” email: 1. Use a short, catchy, relevant subject line 2. Don’t be too formal -- be conversational. 3. Write in the first person (i.e. use “I” instead of “we”) 4. Make it short and to the point 5. Let your clients know that their review is important to you


NOTE: You can buy a custom URL like that for just $12/year. A small price to pay for a memorable review link. For my recommended domain and hosting providers, go to: www.mytestimonialengine.com/resources  

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7 STRATEGIES TO PROFIT FROM YOUR TESTIMONIALS: Strategy #1: Add them to your website.

Sprinkle your rave reviews throughout your website, as well as on a dedicated “client reviews” page.

Strategy #2: Create a testimonial booklet.

ADVANCED NINJA TIP: If you have dedicated pages that cater to specific niches (i.e. first time home buyers, equity take outs, debt consolidation, etc.), only place testimonials on that page that are relevant to that niche. Remember, the more relevant your testimonials are, the more believable they’ll be!  

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Once you’ve collected a couple dozen testimonials, compile them into a multi-page booklet that you can email as a PDF or print up and hand to new clients. Keep adding to it until it’s so fat and juicy that it “thuds” when it hits the desk -- that “Thud Factor” creates instant Trust!

Strategy #3: Add them to all your printed marketing materials.

For example: your business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, etc.

Strategy #4: Ask your testimonial-givers to post their review on their social media networks.

For example, you could ask them to post it on their Facebook and Google+ news feed. When they do, all their friends and followers will see their glowing review of you in their news feed!

Strategy #5: Ask your testimonial-givers to submit their review on your social media networks.

For example, you could ask them to post it on your Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn business pages or profiles. When they do, their rave review will be visible to all of your existing and future fans and followers!

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Strategy #6: Ask your testimonial-givers to submit their review on relevant review sites.

For example, they could submit it on Zillow, Trulia, Yelp, YellowPages, etc. As your positive reviews stack up, so does your credibility and client attraction.

Strategy #7: Ask your testimonial-givers for referrals.

What better time to ask for referrals than just after they submit a glowing rave review! Regardless of whether you ask for referrals using a refer-a-friend form on your online Thank You page, or you call them up and ask for referrals over the phone, asking for referrals will pay you huge dividends!

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21 Ways to Profit From Testimonials

1: Add them to your website

Sprinkle your rave reviews throughout your website, as well as on a dedicated “client reviews” page.

2: Create a testimonial booklet.

Once you’ve collected a couple dozen testimonials, compile them into a multi-page booklet that you can email as a PDF or print up and hand to new clients. Keep adding to it until it’s so fat and juicy that it “thuds” when it hits the desk – that “Thud Factor” creates instant Trust!

3: Add them to all your printed marketing materials. For example: your business cards, brochures, flyers, posters, etc.

4: Ask your testimonial-givers to submit their review on their social media networks.

For example, you could ask them to post it on their Facebook and Google+ news feed. When they do, all their friends and followers will see their growing review of you in their news feed!

5: Post your testimonials on your social media channels.

For example, you could ask them to post it on your Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn business pages or profiles. When they do, their rave review will show up on your news feed and will be visible to all of your existing and future fans and followers!

BONUS TIP: If you have dedicated pages that cater to specific niches (i.e. renters, golfers, nurses, doctors, miners, etc.), only place testimonials on that page that are relevant to that niche. Remember, the more relevant your testimonials are, the more believable they’ll be!

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6: Ask your testimonial-givers to submit their review on up to three relevant review sites.

For example, they could submit it on Google+, Facebook, Zillow, Trulia, Yelp, YellowPages, etc. Limit the options to three so you don’t overwhelm them. As your positive reviews stack up, so does your credibility and client attraction.

7: Ask your testimonial-givers for referrals.

What better time to ask for referrals than just after they submit a glowing rave review! Regardless of whether you ask for referrals using a refer-a-friend form on your online Thank You page, or you call them up and ask for referrals over the phone, asking for referrals will pay you huge dividends!

8: Include your testimonials when applying for industry awards.

SAMPLE EMAIL Subject: Share your positive review

Body Text:

Hi (First Name),

Thanks again for your glowing review. It feels so good to know that we’ve met or exceeded your expectations. Your affirmation means the world to me! :-)

With that in mind, would you be open to helping me get the word out by sharing (just copy and paste) your positive review on (insert social media channel name here)? I’d really appreciate it if you would.

Here’s the review you submitted: [insert their review here]

Please copy and paste your review in the “reviews” section here:

[insert URL to your preferred review page]

Please PRESS REPLY to this email once you submit your review. I have a little “surprise” gift waiting for you as a token of my appreciation. Thanks in advance!

With gratitude,

John Smith


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This is one of the reasons why I won the prestigious “Best Industry Service Provider Award” at the Canadian Mortgage Awards three years in a row and counting!

9: Put them in your paid advertising. Boost the pulling power of your ads by including testimonials from people who just like your target market. The more closely matched your testimonials are to your audience, the more persuasive they will be!

10: Give a special offer or discount to your testimonial-givers.

Use the fact that they submitted a “rave review” as the REASON for the deal. Put together an exclusive special offer for your testimonial givers that is so spectacular, it sweeps them off their feet.

11: Ask your customers to record their testimonial in audio format. Sign up for an online audio service like audioacrobat.com or audiogenerator.com. They will supply you with a toll free number that your customers can call to leave their audio testimonial. Then send an email to your testimonial-givers asking to record an audio version.

SAMPLE EMAIL Subject: Thank you!

Body Text:

Hi (First Name),

Thanks again for your glowing 5-star review of the Testimonial Engine. It feels so good to know that we’ve met or exceeded your expectations. Your affirmation means the world to me! :-)

With that in mind, can I ask for you help with one more thing? I would love it if you could take one minute to turn your review into an audio testimonial in your own voice. That would really help to make it real and bring it to life. Would you be open to that?

INSTRUCTIONS: simply call 800-604-4006 and use Member ID: 4087949. Follow the prompts from there to record your audio. Here's your testimonial:

[Insert the testimonial here]

With gratitude,

John Smith


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12: Compile your audio testimonials and put them on an audio CD.

Once you have several audio testimonials compiled, you can publish the collection as a CD. Sample title: “Vancouver homebuyers speak out”.

Be sure to include an intro at the beginning and a call to action at the end. Then pass it out to new prospects and customers and include it in your direct mail campaigns.

13: Ask your customers to record their testimonial in video format.

Nothing compares to the power and believability of video testimonials. It’s a bit more difficult for your customer to record, but if they have QuickTime Player, Windows Movie Maker or Skype, it’s quite easy.

14: Compile your video testimonials and put them on an a DVD. Once you have several video testimonials compiled, you can publish the collection as a DVD. Sample title: “Vancouver homebuyers speak out”.

Be sure to include an intro at the beginning and a call to action at the end. Then pass it out to new prospects and customers and include it in your direct mail campaigns.

15: Share your testimonials on your waiting room monitor.

Indoctrinate your clients on your unique advantages by sharing your client testimonials (in text, audio or video format) on the TV screen while they’re waiting in the lobby.

16: Share your testimonials on the back of your business card.

Use the unused real estate on the back of your business cards to publish your very best, most compelling customer testimonial. Then give a call to action.

17: Publish testimonials on your tradeshow booth. Take your most powerful, compelling, succinct testimonial and publish it on your tradeshow booth. Of course, all your marketing materials will be sprinkled with testimonials as well.

18: Publish testimonials in your postcard and newsletter mailers. Use your testimonials to provide undeniable proof that your offer is the “real deal”.

19: Publish testimonials on your pay-per-click landing pages. Split test one version with testimonials and one without. Chances are (unless your testimonials are horrible), you’ll get a better conversion with the testimonials.

20: Capture testimonials on behalf of your referral partners.

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Send a survey to your customers asking how their experience was when doing business with your referral partner. Then turn around and share that rave review with your referral partner. This will make you STAND OUT from the crowd!

21: Use testimonials from existing referral partners when marketing to new prospective partners.

Regardless of whether you’re sending messages to prospective partners via email or direct mail, be sure to include rave reviews from your happy referral partners in their same category of business.

BONUS STRATEGY: Share your client success stories (both online and offline).

Use the P.S.R. formula: Start off by sharing the problem your client had before working with you, then the solution you provided, and then finally, the result your client achieved.

Page 23: © 2015 True Trust Marketing Ltd.  · How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business ... In marketing guru Dan Kennedy


© 2015 True Trust Marketing Ltd. www.mytestimonialengine.com


Page 24: © 2015 True Trust Marketing Ltd.  · How can you apply this Trust Builder to your business ... In marketing guru Dan Kennedy


© 2015 True Trust Marketing Ltd. www.mytestimonialengine.com



Here’s How to Get FREE Instant Access To The Customizable Word Doc Version Of All The Templates Presented In This Toolkit!

No need to reinvent the wheel or go through the hassle of typing out any of these templates yourself. Just go to the website below and you can download them all for free… instantly! You’re welcome. ☺

Here’s just a portion of the templates you’ll have access to…

" Testimonial Request Email – for asking your customers to send you a rave review…

" Audio Testimonial Request Email – for asking your clients to take the testimonial they just gave you and turn it into audio format…

" "Power Team" Email Template – for asking your active referral partners to give you a glowing rave review…

" “Share the Love” Request Email – for asking your customers who submit a testimonial to “copy and paste” it on other review sites…

" Testimonial Formatting Examples – showing you how you can use your testimonials in your email signature, review booklet, etc…

" Plus, you get free updates for life as I add more and more cool tools to the library!

So go ahead and grab your free bonus downloads now at…


