· 2016-10-06 · mayor, city of...


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Page 1: · 2016-10-06 · Mayor, City of Youngstown, Ohio – 2009 Diana urban Representative, State of Connecticut –

eventsBUILD YOUR STATE & LOCAL GOvErnmEnT mArkET ShArE On the pOweR Of ReLAtIOnShIpS

GOveRnInG / GOveRnment technOLOGY / pUBLIc cIO emeRGencY mAnAGement / centeR fOR DIGItAL GOveRnment

Page 2: · 2016-10-06 · Mayor, City of Youngstown, Ohio – 2009 Diana urban Representative, State of Connecticut –

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The Power of state & Local RelationshipsAt $3 trillion a year, state and local governments represent the single largest market for goods and services in the world.

As the nation’s only media company dedicated exclusively to the state, local and education markets, with a combined audience of more than 240,000 subscribers and 3.9 million unique online visitors, e.Republic makes it easy for you to grow your state and local business.

Because public-private collaboration, idea sharing and partnership begin with relationships, e.Republic’s 150+ national events each year are key building blocks in any state and local market strategy.

Timely, targeted opportunities let you connect with state and local decision makers eager to find out what the leading trends and best practices are, what private-sector solutions are available, and what other districts, institutions, agencies, states and localities are doing to solve common problems.

e.republic Events Give You:

A Seat at the Table: The opportunity to develop meaningful relationships built on public-private sector dialogue and problem solving

State & Local mindshare: Signal your market expertise, thought leadership and trusted-partner status to public-sector clients

Targeted Access: The right people in the right place at the right time — at every stage of the decision-making process — having the conversations that matter most

Building relationships is key to doing business in the state and local government market.

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GOvErnInG EvEnTS reach top policy makers and state and local leaders across multiple government sectors:

GOveRnInG’s Outlook in the States & Localities (market intelligence event)

GOveRnInG’s public Officials of the Year

GOveRnInG Leadership forums Georgia, Michigan, California, Texas

GOveRnInG Summit on the cost of Government

GOveRnInG Summit on healthy Living

GOveRnInG future Structure Summit I: Water, Waste & Energy

GOveRnInG future Structure Summit II: Transportation & the Built Environment

GOvErnmEnT TEChnOLOGY ExECuTIvE EvEnTS reach state and local technology decision makers:

Digital Government Summits 34 state capitals and major metro areas

Government technology conferences California, New York, Texas

CEnTEr FOr DIGITAL GOvErnmEnT EvEnTSBeyond the Beltway (market intelligence event)

Industry Summit


PuBLIC CIO EvEnTS reach federal, state and local technology decision makers:

public Sector cIO AcademiesCalifornia, New York, Texas

public cIO technology Summits Maryland, Colorado

public cIO executive RoundtablesTexas, Colorado, Washington, D.C., New York

EmErGEnCY mAnAGEmEnT EvEnTS reach emergency management, public safetly, homeland security and critical infrastructure decision makers:

emergency management Summits — Aligning solutions for police, fire and the whole community of first responders

14 Summits in top-funded UASI regions: San Francisco, Seattle, New York City, Chicago, Dallas New Orleans, Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Philadeliphia, Houston, Miami

Events are subject to change in date and location.

Plan Your State & Local Relationship-Building Strategy

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GOVERNING is the only media platform dedicated exclusively to reaching state and local leadership and executive-level decision makers across every government sector — from elected and cabinet-level officials to the key decision makers in finance and procurement; transportation, infrastructure, energy and urban planning; HR, management and workforce administration; health and human services; public safety; information systems and technology.

We’ll work with you to craft a state and local event strategy that:

• Lets you target government attendees and speakers by region, sector and role in the decision-making process

• Highlights your expertise and thought leadership and signals your commitment to the needs of state and local governments

• Helps you build a network of personal relationships with the state and local decision makers that matter most to your business

• Meets your branding and lead-generation goals


GOVERNING 2013 / STATE & LOCAL EVENTS January 2013• Outlook in the States and Localities | Washington, D.C.

may 2013• GOVERNING’s Georgia Leadership Forum | Atlanta, GA• GOVERNING’s Michigan Leadership Forum | Lansing, MI

August 2013• Future Structure Summit I: Water, Waste & Energy

September 2013• GOVERNING Summit on the Cost of Government

Washington, D.C.

October 2013• GOVERNING’s California Leadership Forum

Sacramento, CA

november 2013• Future Structure Summit II: Transportation &

the Built Environment• GOVERNING’s Texas Leadership Forum | Austin, TX

December 2013• GOVERNING Summit on Healthy Living | Atlanta, GA

Also in 2013• GOVERNING Policy Breakfast Roundtable Series

Washington, D.C.• GOVERNING Public Finance Roundtable Series• GOVERNING Financial Management Roundtable Series• GOVERNING Pension Roundtable Series

January 2014• GOVERNING’s Public Officials of the Year Awards

Washington, D.C. • GOVERNING’s Outlook in the States & Localities

Washington, D.C.• Custom Events, Online Forums and Webinars

throughout the year

Visit to learn more.

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OUTLOOK is the premiere market intelligence event for anyone looking to do business with or influence policy in state and local governments.

Attending: 200+ executives in government relations, public affairs and business development; top advocacy and non-profits looking to impact state and local policy; and senior leadership from relevant trade associations and policy groups.

Agenda: An early look at the state and local landscape — what the impact of the elections will be, where the market opportunities are, what the economic climate is like, and what policy trends and budget strategies are likely to dominate. In-depth breakout sessions on jobs, infrastructure, health care reform, finance, energy, urban development, and state engagement strategies.

Speakers: 50+ experts include public officials, agency heads, journalists, business analysts, policy specialists, and leaders from state and local associations and policy groups.

Visit for a complete agenda and list of speakers.


January 2014 / Willard InterContinental Hotel, Washington, D.C.

They represent the finest traditions of public service. They inspire and instruct by example. They make our communities better, and they make us proud. They are GOVERNING’s Public Officials of the Year. Since 1994, GOVERNING has honored the best and brightest from state, city and county government.

GOVERNING invites you to join a select number of partner companies and organizations with a strong commitment to public service and a passion for improving government by helping us celebrate the power of states and localities in a year-round tribute to the men and women who have dedicated their careers to improving government and our communities through leadership, innovation and good management.


haley Barbour Governor, Mississippi – 2006

William Bratton Chief of Police, Los Angeles, California – 2007

mitch Daniels Governor, Indiana – 2008

Jay Williams Mayor, City of Youngstown, Ohio – 2009

Diana urban Representative, State of Connecticut – 2010

Dan Liljenquist Senator, State of Utah – 2011

kasim reed Mayor, City of Atlanta, Georgia – 2011

Brian Sandoval Governor, Nevada – 2012

Joette katz Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Children and Families – 2012

Your State & Local Market Intelligence BriefingJanuary 29-30, 2013 / The National Press Club, Washington, D.C.

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Georgia: Atlanta / May 2013 Michigan: Lansing / May 2013California: Sacramento / October 2013Texas: Austin / November 2013

Election impacts. Fluctuating revenues. Increasing service demands. Growing populations. Aging infrastructure. An economy in transition.

Each year, we bring the best of GOVERNING Magazine on the road, assembling state and local leadership and industry thought leaders in pivotal states to discuss the most pressing issues, trends and best practices. The interactive format of each Forum allows relationship building as sponsors work with government leaders to share ideas and formulate solutions.

150-200 attendees at each Forum will include agency and department directors, cabinet secretaries, city managers and other officials across jurisdictions, agencies and the region. Anchor-level sponsors join invited government executives at the podium.

Leadership Forums



Budget Director

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

City/County Auditor

City/County Commissioner

City Councilor

City Finance Administrator

City Manager

Deputy Director, City Redevelopment Authority

Director of Economic Development

Director of Finance

Director of Operations

Director of Technical Services

Executive Director, Planning Commission



State Agency Director

State Senator/Representative

Town Administrator

Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer

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September 17-18, 2013 / The Newseum, Washington, D.C.

At GOVERNING’s third-annual Cost of Government, we will explore the complex dynamics behind a simple question: How can we afford the government we need?

An invitation-only event, the GOVERNING Summit on the Cost of Government convenes the people who make critical policy, planning and investment decisions at the state and local level. Together with the insight of industry experts, these government leaders will share best and emerging practices, compare approaches to budgeting effectively, and collaborate on the challenges of the moment.

Continuing the Conversation with the Cost of Government PlaybookLeaders can’t tackle the challenges they face without a plan. Summit speakers will contribute strategies and best practices, or “plays,” to the Cost of Government Playbook. These plays will be compiled by GOVERNING’s editorial team to capture conversations among leading public officials and facilitate further networking. In addition, Summit partners will have the opportunity to recommend white papers, case studies and solutions briefings for future reference.

SAmPLE ATTEnDEE TITLES:Accountability and Oversight Head

Administration Department Director

Advisor to the Governor

Assets Manager

Audit Services Director

Budget and Control Board Director

Budget Policy Analyst

Chief Economist

Chief Operating Officer

City/County/State Auditor

City/County Manager, Commissioner

State Senate/House Finance Committee Chair

Finance Director

Fiscal Officer

Office of Management & Budget Director

Retirement Systems Director

State Personnel Administration Director

State Senator/Representative

State Treasurer

Workforce Development Director

Praise for the 2012 Summit on the Cost of Government:

“ [I liked] the vertical and horizontal government diversity [of attendees]. I was glad the private sector was in the room [and I liked] the case studies we can all learn something from.”– State Auditor

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8 Request more information at: 800-940-6039 or [email protected]

December 2013 / Atlanta, GA

In spite of spending more per capita on health care than any other nation, the U.S. has some of the world’s highest rates of preventable conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Now in its third year, GOVERNING’s Summit on Healthy Living is a unique gathering of stakeholders in state and local government, the nonprofit and private sectors. With a focus on outcomes, attendees at the Summit will explore ways to build communities that favor healthier lifestyles and improve lives — while reducing government spending and driving economic growth.

Signal your commitment to Healthy Living by sharing your programs, policy proposals and solutions with 70+ executive-level attendees.

Future Structure Summit I: Water, Waste & Energy August 2013

Future Structure Summit II: Transportation & the Built Environment November 2013

“Future Structure” is our term for what we see as five of the most powerful catalysts for innovation in state and local government — an intersection of themes that will be an important focus for GOVERNING and our audience of state and local leaders in the months and years ahead.

As a platform for dialogue, GOVERNING’s Future Structure Summits will bring together public- and private-sector leaders in water, waste and energy; transportation and the built environment to look at strategies to make our cities and states “the best places to live for the people who live there.”

view upcoming GOveRnInG events:



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For 25 years, Government Technology has focused exclusively on advancing technology solutions for state and local government. Our unique position, research expertise, and access to thousands of public-sector IT leaders can help you grow your state and local government IT business.

Government Technology Executive Events bring together top-level state and local government IT executives and industry leaders under one roof to discuss new technologies and best practices for the priority issues impacting key regions.

Our events offer the perfect venue for building relationships with state and local IT buyers including CIOs, CFOs and directors of technology. Each event provides an opportunity to:

• Develop relationships with the “who’s who” in IT leadership in your sales territories.• Share your solutions and expertise in focused, executive settings.• Gain valuable insights into the broader IT initiatives of a region.







New Jersey




GTC Southwest: Texas



AugustNorth Carolina


GTC West: California


Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX

COVITS (Virginia)


Illinois Cyber Security Forum




Los Angeles, CA

GTC East: New York

October Nebraska




New York City, NY

Bay Area, CA



DecemberPacific Northwest



West Virginia




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10 Request more information at: 800-940-6039 or [email protected]

Digital Government Summits Digital Government Summits are planned in the largest state capitals and major metro areas in the U.S. Sponsor companies are positioned as key contributors to the solutions process and network with the primary decision makers across the $93 billion state and local government IT market.

Advisory BoardsThe Advisory Board is the creative brain behind each event. At these meetings, Anchor Sponsors work side-by-side with CIOs to discuss current priorities and develop an agenda to address the unique issues of the region.

Government Technology ConferencesGTC Southwest: Texas / June 2013GTC West: California / August 20 & 21, 2013GTC East: New York / September 2013

The GTCs are the premier conferences on technology and innovation in Texas, California, and New York. The one key event in the region to share knowledge and brainstorm new ideas, each conference attracts hundreds of the state’s IT professionals, industry thought leaders, and top-tier companies to help advance technology use in state and local government.

At each of these events, e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government announces the Best of Texas, Best of California and Best of New York awards. Conducted by the Center, these surveys are the nation’s leading IT benchmarking surveys highlighting the best innovation in projects, applications and leadership in each state. The award celebrations give you an opportunity to network with the best and brightest in public-sector IT innovation.

STrEnGTh In numBErS Top-level Attendee Profile*

Our Summits attract 150 – 400 IT executives including:

• Enterprise CIOs/CTOs• Agency/Department CIOs• Agency Heads/

Department Management• IT Directors/Managers• City Managers/County

Executives• Data Center Directors/

Management• Program/Project

Management• Network/Systems

Management• Elected Officials

* Attendee numbers vary by

jurisdiction and length of event.


“where else besides a Digital Government Summit do you have the opportunity to sit around a table with the leaders making the It decisions for their state?”– Angela Nordstrom, Director of Business Development, NIC

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Public CIO Events bring together a very select IT audience across the entire breadth of the public sector: federal, state and local, and education CIOs and their enterprise IT peers.

Public CIO Events put you at the table with CIOs, CTOs and key IT leaders across all levels of government for engaging conversations and face-to-face networking.


Public Sector CIO AcademiesSacramento, CA / February 6 & 7, 2013Albany, NY / April 2013Austin, TX / October 2013

Our CIO Academies are designed by and for public-sector CIOs, and those being groomed for CIO roles, to facilitate actionable ideas and business strategies on how to lead in the unique management, policy and economic climate at this level of IT leadership. These events give sponsors a valuable opportunity to engage in strategic conversations with the state’s IT leaders, and positioning as a trusted peer in helping to develop the essential skills and expertise of current and future C-level IT leaders.

“we achieved our goals at the cA cIO Academy – namely, quality time with state leaders and a venue to advocate our perspective and our solutions.”– Director, State of California Public Sector, CGIO

view upcoming public cIO and Government technology executive events:

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Public CIO Technology SummitsNational Harbor, MD / June 2013Boulder, CO / December 2013

The only events of their kind that bring together in one room 40-50 key CIOs and CTOs across all sectors of government, Public CIO Technology Summits allow for collaboration and lively discussions around the biggest technology leadership issues. Industry attendees are key participants in the conversations in the room. Two attendees are allowed per sponsor, making networking opportunities with public-sector participants extremely valuable. Note: You must be a sponsor of the PCIO Special Report Program to attend.

The general session format of these Summits encourages conversations around our Special Report topics, along with other top-of-mind challenges and issues of interest to the attendees. Four sponsors receive a speaking role to launch a topic discussion (limited to two speakers per Special Report topic).

Public CIO Executive RoundtablesAustin, TX / Q1 2013 Denver, CO / Q2 2013Washington, D.C. / Q3 2013 Albany, NY / Q4 2013

Our Public CIO Executive Roundtables put you in candid discussions with 8 to 12 of a region’s CIOs and fellow agency leaders. You’ll enjoy a morning of executive introductions and conversation about their current IT initiatives, critical mission requirements and priorities. Bottom line, you’ll get firsthand insight into the area’s technology needs to sharpen your sales strategy and grow your technology business.

view upcoming public cIO and Government technology executive events:

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March 11, 2013 / The Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner, McLean, VA

Beyond the Beltway is the #1 annual market briefing for the state and local government IT market. In FY13, state and local governments will spend an estimated $93 billion on technology solutions and services. Key public-sector IT leaders across the nation will give you a firsthand look into where much of this spending will occur. Join us for this must-attend event for your sales and marketing executive teams!

A forum for information sharing at the highest level, the presentations at Beyond the Beltway are inspiring and well researched and will give you the inside scoop on upcoming market opportunities and where to focus your sales and marketing efforts.


The Center for Digital Government is a national research institute focused on technology policies and best practices in state and local government. For more than 10 years, our experts have worked closely with technology companies to help them develop successful strategies for doing business in the state and local government market.

Each year, the Center for Digital Government hosts three signature events that attract the who’s who in technology innovation. Join us for thought-provoking conversation, a firsthand look at the market and powerful networking opportunities.


PrEvIOuS TOP-LEvEL SPEAkErS:CIO, State of California

CIO, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Executive Director, Texas Department of Information Resources

First Deputy Commissioner, New York City DoiTT

CIO, Bexar County, Texas

CIO, District of Columbia

Secretary of Technology, Commonwealth of Virginia

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July/August 2013 / Location TBA

Specifically designed for state and local IT companies, Industry Summit provides an opportunity to build partnerships with the top technology integrators and VARs, as well as leading regional and “boutique” state and local government integrators from across the U.S. Over a round of golf, at the Best Fit Integrator Awards dinner, and during Summit sessions, you’ll network with senior management from the technology integrator and VAR community. You’ll also hear from a hand-selected group of state and local CIOs and industry experts on the opportunities and trends impacting state and local government the most.

November 2013 / Location TBA

Each year, the Center for Digital Government and a small, elite group of sponsors produce the most thought-provoking and highly-anticipated leadership retreat for our nation’s top state and local government IT influencers. Re:public is the only event where we hand select the doers, dreamers and drivers of the digital government revolution and bring them together in a professional but relaxing environment to interact and enjoy candid, stimulating discussions. The leadership retreat setting positions you as a trusted thought leader and expert in your field.




“the Industry Summit event was very well worth the time. very insightful and great relationship-building opportunities.”– Strategic Account Manager, RIM

“Re:public is proof of the center’s reach and standing in the government market. no one else can fill a room with so many top government It leaders and seamlessly facilitate a more symbiotic interaction on how to transform government.”

– Chief Technology Officer, State and Local Government, Accenture

view upcoming center for Digital Government

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Whether emergencies are storm-related, manmade or just the day-to-day challenges in large urban and suburban areas, government organizations are expected to have the answers. Emergency Management Events bring together the whole community of public- and private-sector leaders to help predict, mitigate and better handle crisis situations in order to save lives and property.

These regional events gather the leaders in emergency management, public safety and homeland security and provide a forum to share best practices, renew relationships and work on new solutions for both the problems that are anticipated — and those that aren’t.


Aligning Solutions For Police, Fire & the Whole Community of First Responders

The 2013 Emergency Management Summits are a rallying point for regional leaders responsible for protecting the safety and welfare of the citizens within their respective jurisdictions. Our audience includes:

• First Responder Senior Command (Police, Fire, EMS, HAZMAT) • Emergency Management Leaders• Critical Infrastructure Authorities (Ports, Rail) • Public Health Professionals• Security Executives • Elected Officials• Commercial/Systems Integrators/Manufacturers

The Summits are held in Tier I and Tier II high-risk regions receiving the lion’s share of the $660 million Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant and the Department of Homeland Security’s $2.1 billion grant allocations. Sponsors have an opportunity to play a major role as presenters on our educational program.

High-value Benefits: • Agile, focused settings facilitate productive conversations• Held in top-funded UASI regions — access to the buying power is exceptional• Fast-paced agendas and simple tabletop logistics get you in and out

in one day• Industry access is reserved for sponsors — valuable leadership networking• Powerful solutions visibility at all levels of sponsorship

2013 Host Cities

view upcoming emergency management events:

Dallas, TX / June 20New Orleans, LA / August 6Atlanta, GA / September 24 Boston, MA / September 26Los Angeles, CA / October 3

San Francisco, CA / April 2Philadelphia, PA / April 23New York City, NY / May 1Seattle, WA / May 7Chicago, IL / June 18

Denver, CO / October 9Minneapolis, MN / November 19Houston, TX / December 3Miami, FL / December 5

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updated 12/20/12

GOvErnInG The States and Localities

GOvErnmEnT TEChnOLOGY Solutions for State and Local Government

PuBLIC CIO Technology Leadership in the Public Sector

EmErGEnCY mAnAGEmEnT Strategy and Leadership in Critical Times

GOvErnInG InSTITuTEAdvances better government through expert state and local government market intelligence, research, consulting services and educational programming.

CEnTEr FOr DIGITAL GOvErnmEnT A national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government.

CEnTEr FOr DIGITAL EDuCATIOn Provides research, analysis and perspective for the education technology market.