2016-2021 strategic plan - hass avocado board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating...

2016-2021 Strategic Plan 25212 Marguerite Pkwy, Suite 250 | Mission Viejo, CA 92629 | www.hassavocadoboard.com

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Page 1: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

25212 Marguerite Pkwy, Suite 250 | Mission Viejo, CA 92629 | www.hassavocadoboard.com

Page 2: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s

Strategic Planning Process


Table of contents

Purpose, Mission, Vision

02Guiding Values


Strategic Priorities

045 Year Working Goals


06Strategic Priorities & Program Areas

Page 3: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


Strategic Planning Process

Avocado ForumGlobal

stakeholder survey

One-on-one stakeholder interviews

Stakeholder Meeting

Finalize & Approve

Through the strategic planning process we scrutinized intelligence drawn from HAB’s first

industry-wide avocado forum, global stakeholder survey, a series of one-on-one interviews and

a planning meeting including influential avocado players from around the world. In May 2016,

HAB finalized and approved the plan.

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

Page 4: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


Purpose, Mission, Vision

Purpose: The end benefit of

a product or company to

people or society.

Hass avocados improve

lives through a unique,

flavorful eating experience

and health benefits.

Mission: An organization’s

core business

HAB exists to support the

global avocado industry

stakeholders in our

collective efforts toward

market expansion in the


Vision: A vivid description of

a specific destination for the

Hass Avocado Board

HAB is the catalyst for

fresh avocados being the

No. 1 consumed fruit in the

U.S. and industry

stakeholders being


2016-2021 Strategic Plan

Page 5: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


Guiding ValuesCore principles that drive HAB’s decision making

• Think future

• Be inclusive

• Respect one another’s point of view

• Operate with an open mind

• Build on agreements

• Follow through on commitments to


• Be transparent

• Celebrate success

• Collaboration

• Learning

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

Page 6: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


Strategic Priorities

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

Strategic Priorities








Supply &



Page 7: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


5 year working goals for each priority

Build Demand

Annual per capita

consumption of fresh

avocados in the United

States will be 14 pounds or

$28 by 2021.


The growing scientific body

of evidence will be relevant,

translational and credible

to support health benefits

associated with consuming

more avocados.

Supply and Demand Data

Goal 1: Research and obtain

industry information about

where Hass or Hass-like

avocados are produced, how

much, and when.

Goal 2: Research and obtain

industry information about

where Hass or Hass-like

avocados are sold, how much,

and when.

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

Page 8: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


5 year working goals for each priorityQuality

HAB’s quality related

information pertaining to

the proper handling of the

fruit in the U.S. supply chain

is used by handlers,

importers, distributors and

marketers that supply the

U.S. market. Companies

that move 85% of the

volume will report having

the information available and

among them 80% will report

finding the information


Industry Engagement

Increase the percentage of

Hass avocado producers

and importers in the U.S.

that are subject to HAB

assessments who (A) are

familiar with HAB from the

2017 baseline of 64% to

90% (B) know what HAB

does from the 2017

baseline of 67% to 90% and

(C) whose overall opinion

about the work of the

Board is “somewhat

satisfied or “very satisfied”

increased from 48% to 75%.


Research how key U.S.

consumers and health

professionals think about

sustainability. Characterize

the U.S. Hass avocado supply

chain environmental, social

and economic impact.

Develop a strategy for

positioning avocados within

sustainable diets.

2016-2021 Strategic Plan

Page 9: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


Strategic Priorities and Program Areas

Build Demand

Nutrition Marketing

Target Audience Research


Nutrition Research

Nutrition Affairs

Supply & Demand


Supply and Demand




Industry Engagement

Industry Engagement



2016-2021 Strategic Plan












Page 10: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


Ambitious? Yes. Doable? Yes … with a little luck and a collaborative avocado brethren.

It was a 20-member planning team of growers, importers and exporters and the Hass Avocado Board staff that met during a

few rainy days in San Diego. The group scrutinized mounds of intelligence drawn from HAB’s first industry-wide issues

forum, a survey of supply chain stakeholder and a series of one-on-one interviews with influential avocado players from

around the world.

The planning team dug deep, forming a new HAB vision for the future: the catalyst for making fresh avocados the No. 1

consumed fruit in America. And an industry frolicking in prosperity. It’s a vision called on to de-throne the banana from its

mighty perch. All agreed on a mission of supporting market expansion for avocados in the U.S. The team then took planning

to a whole new level, framing up a purpose -- the avocado’s essential reason for being above and beyond the almighty dollar.

Its purpose—rooted in improving lives of people and/or society—took note from the world’s most successful companies

that now credit their success to being purpose-driven. The avocado purpose: to improve lives through a unique eating

experience and health benefits.

Fast-forward to 2021 and Boom! The plan is coming to fruition…

The avocado has become the poster child for nutritious foods. The health benefits of avocados are a hot topic on the food-

health front—at professional meetings, in health periodicals and peer-reviewed journals. Avocados are recognized by health

authorities as being an essential part of a healthy diet.

The good news has trickled down to consumers, who read about the numerous health benefits of the avocado in traditional

and social media. People of all ages are talking about the product’s unique taste and its growing bundle of health assets. It’s

come a long way since “healthy fats.” HAB investments in nutrition research continue to uncover all kinds of reasons for

adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a

baby’s first “must-have” food, the avocado is the talk of consumers all over the world.

Hass Avocado Board

Circa 2021: Hass avocados are the number one consumed fruit in the USA with

the industry enjoying prosperity …

Page 11: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s


The avocado has become the poster child for nutritious foods. The health benefits of avocados are a hot topic on the food-

health front—at professional meetings, in health periodicals and peer-reviewed journals. Avocados are recognized by health

authorities as being an essential part of a healthy diet.

The good news has trickled down to consumers, who read about the numerous health benefits of the avocado in traditional

and social media. People of all ages are talking about the product’s unique taste and its growing bundle of health assets. It’s

come a long way since “healthy fats.” HAB investments in nutrition research continue to uncover all kinds of reasons for

adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a

baby’s first “must-have” food, the avocado is the talk of consumers all over the world.

At the grocery store, avocados have become a regular item in most shopping baskets. When consumers buy an avocado they

have come to expect quality. As avocados grew in popularity, so did people’s understanding of how to maintain perfect fruit

quality. Retailers, foodservice operators and consumers all know how to select, care for and prepare avocados, leading to an

unbeatable eating experience.

Sustainability initiatives are underway that focus on balancing the three “Ps” – a healthy public, planet and profitable avocado

stakeholder. Metrics were developed to get ahead of consumer’s demand for transparency, regulatory agencies and retailers

pushing harder and harder on continuous improvement. HAB is ahead of the curve on merging nutrition and sustainability

attributes into broader dietary recommendations well suited to the fruit.

HAB is now viewed as the catalyst for bringing the industry together on shaping the future. United like never before, the

industry is thriving and HAB is focused on its niche. Topping the list of HAB strategic priorities are nutrition research and

the collection of global supply and demand data. Facilitating industry-wide understanding of the supply and demand picture is

allowing the market to prosper like no time in history.

These days the industry stands up and applauds HAB’s leadership as the driving force for bringing countries together to

think big and take the lead on non-competitive industry issues. It’s these issues that HAB champions that repeatedly present

new roads to prosperity. This is not likely to change.

Cont’d Hass Avocado Board

Circa 2021: Hass avocados are the number one consumed fruit in the USA with

the industry enjoying prosperity …

Page 12: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan - Hass Avocado Board...adding the avocado daily and at multiple eating occasions. From quality of life to heart health to weight management, to a baby’s