2016 journal - episcopal diocese of springfield · the bishop then declared the synod in recess for...

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Page 1: 2016 Journal - Episcopal Diocese of Springfield · The Bishop then declared the Synod in recess for Eucharist, to resume on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. The Bishop called the Synod


2016 Journal

Diocese of Springfield

Page 2: 2016 Journal - Episcopal Diocese of Springfield · The Bishop then declared the Synod in recess for Eucharist, to resume on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. The Bishop called the Synod


2016 Journal

Minutes of the 139th Synod ..................................................................................................2

Appendix I – Attendance – Delegates ...............................................................................12

Appendix II – Committee Membership .............................................................................15

Appendix III – Election Summary .....................................................................................16

Appendix IV – Bishop’s Address ......................................................................................16

Appendix V – Treasurer Report (2015 Year End) .............................................................17

Appendix VI – Finance Report (2017 Budget) ..................................................................23

Appendix VII – Continuing Committee Reports ...............................................................28

Legislation .....................................................................................................................28

Resolutions .....................................................................................................................31

Appendix VIII – Reports ...................................................................................................35

Trustees .........................................................................................................................35

Deanery Reports ............................................................................................................35

Division of Administration and Finance .......................................................................59

Stewardship ...................................................................................................................59

General Mission Strategy ..............................................................................................60

Communication .............................................................................................................60

Division of Mission and Worship .................................................................................60

Christian Education .......................................................................................................60

Evangelism and Spiritual Enrichment, Cursillo ............................................................60

Christian Social Concerns, Anti-Racism Commission..................................................61

Young Adult and Higher Education Ministries .............................................................62

Ecumenical Relations ....................................................................................................63

Youth Work, Camp .......................................................................................................63

National and World Mission .........................................................................................64

Secretary ........................................................................................................................64

Standing Committee ......................................................................................................65

Commission On Ministry, Board of Examining Chaplains, Disciplinary Board ..........66

Chancellor .....................................................................................................................67

Historiographer ..............................................................................................................68

Episcopal Church Women, Church Periodical Club, United Thank Offering ..............69

Appendix IX – Appointments ............................................................................................71

Appendix X – Deans & Deanery Representatives to Council ...........................................72

Appendix XI – Minutes 138th Synod .................................................................................73

Appendix XII – Bishop’s Report .......................................................................................80

Licensed Lay Ministries ................................................................................................82

Parochial Reports Summary – 2016 .............................................................................87

Revised Constitution and Canons ......................................................................................89

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Minutes of October 21-22, 2016 Meeting

1. Call to Order and Invocation: The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins, 11th Bishop of Springfield,

called the business session to order at the St. Boniface Catholic Church, Edwardsville, Illinois at

1:30 p.m. on Friday October 21, 2016 and opened the session with prayer.

2. Report on Registrations/Quorum: The Rev. Bill Howard, Secretary of the Diocese,

reported that 33 clergy delegates who had registered for Synod were present and that 51 of 54

registered lay delegates were present. A Quorum for the conduct of business was declared.

3. Welcome: The Rev. Ralph N. McMichael, Priest-in-Charge, St. Andrew’s Church,

Edwardsville, welcomed everyone to Synod and to the community.

4. Special Order: The Bishop introduced the Very Rev Jeffrey Goeckner who brought

greetings and welcome from St. Boniface Catholic Church, Edwardsville.

5. Approval of the Minutes of the 138th Synod: The minutes of the previous Synod (as shown

on page 57 of Appendix II of the Synod booklet) were approved as presented.

6. Appointments to Continuing Committees and of the Parliamentarian: Those individuals

who are listed on Appendix I of page 56 to the Synod report were appointed as listed.

7. Election of the Secretary of the Diocese and the Appointment of an Assistant Secretary:

The Rev. Bill Howard was elected to be Secretary by a voice vote. The Rev. Sylvia L. Howard

was appointed to be Assistant Secretary.

8. Disposition of Issues Pertaining to the Seating of Delegates: No disputed credentials were


9. Resolutions: The Rev. Richard A. Swan presented five Courtesy Resolutions (Appendix A

to these minutes), which were approved by Synod:

Resolution 16-C-1 Granting Seat and Voice to Guests of the Synod

Resolution 16-C-2 Welcome to New Clergy

Resolution 16-C-3 Companion Relationship - Tabora

Resolution 16-C-4 Companion Relationship - Peru

Resolution 16-C-5 Greetings to Retired Bishops. The Secretary was directed to convey

greetings to those retired Bishops.

10. Appointment of Inspectors of Elections: Those persons who were listed on Appendix I,

page 56 of the Synod booklet, were appointed.

11. Nominations for Elective Offices: The persons listed on page two of the Synod booklet

(Item #13) were nominated for election to the offices listed. The Bishop called for further

nominations separately for each of the offices described in Section 13 and there were no further


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12. Synod Address: Bishop Martins addressed the Synod extemporaneously.

13. Elections: Mr. Kevin Babb was recognized and moved that a unanimous ballot be cast for

the offices for which there was only one nominee, except for elections to the Standing

Committee which requires a vote by orders. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

The following persons were then elected by unanimous vote.

Treasurer (1 Person – 1yr) Rod Matthews

Trustee (1 Member – 5yr) Martin Rowe

Diocesan Council ( 1 Clergy – 2 yr) The Very Rev. Andrew S. Hook

Diocesan Coucil (1 Lay – 2 yr) Gerry Smith

Commission on Ministry (1 Clergy – 6yr) The Rev. David J. Halt

Commission on Ministry (1Lay-6yr) Angela Rowe

Disciplinary Board (2 Clergy – 3yr) The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Langlord

The Rev. David L. Wells

Disciplinary Board (1 Clergy, 1yr- vacancy) The Rev. Gregory A. Tournoux

Disciplinary Board (1 Lay – 3yr) Lori Dobrik

Provincial Synod Delegate (1 Person – 3 yr) Kevin Babb

Provincial Synod Delegate (1 Person - 1yr vacancy) The Very Rev. Cn. Dale D. Coleman

Elections to the Standing Committee were by orders. Upon motion made, seconded, and

unanimously carried, the sole nominees for Standing Committee, (1 Clergy - 4 yr.) The Very

Rev. Mark E. Evans and Standing Committee (1 Clergy - 1 yr. - vacancy) The Very Rev. Beth

Maynard, were elected by unanimous vote in each order.

Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the sole nominee for Standing

Committee (1 Lay 4 yr.), Joe Patterson, was elected by unanimous vote in each order.

Resolution re election of clerical deputies to General Convention:

Moved by Kevin Babb, Lay Delegate - St. Andrew’s, Edwardsville:

1. A unanimous ballot is cast in favor of The Reverend Sheryl Black, the Very Reverend

David Halt, The Very Reverend Mark Evans, and the Reverend Richard Swan;

2. For purposes of reporting this election to the Secretary of General Convention, the

Secretary of Synod is authorized and directed to assign random ranks to each of the

above clerical deputies elected;

3. A unanimous ball is cast in favor of the Very Reverend Dale Coleman and The

Reverend Ian Wetmore as Alternate Clerical Deputies to General Convention; and

4. Should a vacancy arise among the Clerical Deputies to General Convention, the

selection of the Clergy Alternate to attend General Convention among these Alternate

Deputies shall be determined by lot as soon as practicable after the such vacancy


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Motion seconded.

During debate, and on the suggestion of the Fr. Richard Swan, the Chair gave Mr. Babb

permission to modify his motion to provide that the determination of rank among the two

Alternate Deputies shall be determined at the conclusion of the Synod.

Motion passed, October 21, 2016.

Ballots were then issued for General Convention Deputies in the Lay order with four to

be elected.

14. Report – Treasurer: Mr. Rod Matthews gave the Treasurer’s Report for the calendar year

2015. He offered thanks to Diocesan Administrator Sue Spring, the Ven. Shawn Denney,

Archdeacon, and assistant Molly Henderson for their outstanding work in helping with the

financial operations of the Diocese, together with the help of the Finance Department. He

commented that 2015 had been a good year overall, with pledges under budget offset by

payments of prior year’s pledges. He commented upon an extraordinary unbudgeted accounting

expense resulting from the write off of the obligation of St. Thomas, Glen Carbon. He remarked

that the audit was clean. A copy of the audit was available at the Secretary of the Diocese. Upon

motion made seconded and unanimously carried the Treasurer’s Report was accepted.

15. Report – Department of Finance: The Chair called upon The Very Rev. Mark E. Evans,

Chair of the Department of Finance to present the proposed 2017 budget as recommended by the

Department of Finance and approved by Diocesan Council. Fr. Evans outlined the primary

points in the proposed budget. He discussed changes from the 2016 budget and changes in the

financial operations of the Diocese with more of those operations being moved into the Diocesan

office. Increases were being offset by probable decreases in cost in the lines for financial officer

in that the Treasurer Rod Matthews is serving without salary. He remarked that increases for the

Diocesan Administrator and Archdeacon were recommended because of increased

responsibilities caused by the changes in the financial operations. He also discussed insurance

costs reflected in the budget. Fr. Evans moved adoption of the budget which the Chair noted

required no second because moved by a department. The Chair called for questions or comments

and there were none. Upon voice vote, the budget was approved.

16. Report - Continuing Committee: The Chair remarked that legislation under item 16,

Constitutional Amendments and Canonical Revisions, would be delayed for consideration until

Saturday morning.

Bishop Martins then called on the Rev. Richard Swan who presented the following

additional courtesy resolutions which were approved by Synod:

16-C-6 Clergy who have left the Diocese.

16-C-7 Clergy who have died. Bishop Martins also recognized Sandy Henry,

wife of the Very Rev. John Henry who died suddenly shortly before

Synod and asked the House to stand in silent prayer for all who have died.

All stood for a moment of silence.

17. Report of the Trustees: By title.

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18. Deanery Reports:

Darrow Deanery - By title.

Eastern Deanery - By title.

Hale Deanery - By title.

Northeastern Deanery - By title.

Northern Deanery - By title.

Northwestern Deanery - By title.

19. Reports - Division of Administration and Finance:

Department of Stewardship was offered by title by Chair Randy Winn who also wished to

propose a resolution. Fr. Swan then brought to the floor Resolution 16-P-1 submitted by the


The Very Rev. Beth Maynard moved to remove the last two resolves of the resolution

which was seconded. After discussion, the Chair called for vote by standing. The tellers of

election counted 49 ayes 46 nays. It was noted that there were fewer registered delegates than

the votes counted and therefore the Chair declared the vote invalid.

It was announced that the following were elected on the first ballot in the Lay order as

Deputies to convention: Kevin Babb, Sharon Hoffman, and Angela Rowe.

The Bishop then declared the Synod in recess for Eucharist, to resume on Saturday

morning at 9:00 a.m.

The Bishop called the Synod back to order at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 22, 2016. It

was announced that there were present 52 Lay Delegates registered and 32 Clergy Delegates

registered for a total of 84.

A motion was then made relating to election of lay delegates and deputies to Convention,

which was ruled out of order under Canon 48.

The Chair then returned to the Maynard Amendment to Resolution 16-P-1. A call was

made for vote by orders which had support of at least 5 more delegates. In the clerical order

there were 12 for and 19 against with one abstention. Therefore the motion failed.

The Chair then returned to the main motion. Motion was made by Mother Molly Ward to

strike the word “essential” and to replace it with the word “important” which was seconded and


A motion was then made by Fr. McMichael to strike the word “essential” and replace

with the word “vital” which was seconded and carried.

A motion was made by Fr. Clavier to amend the last Resolve to strike the words “as they

put God to the test”. That motion was seconded and carried.

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Fr. Swan then called for the question on the main motion as amended twice which was

seconded and carried. The Chair then called for a vote on the Resolution with the two

amendments which had been made. The motion as amended was carried on voice vote.

The Chair then announced that the vote in the Lay order for Lay Delegates to General

Convention was inconclusive and ballots were passed out again.

The Chair then recognized the Rev. Dr. Tom Langford, Chair of the Committee on

Legislation who presented Resolutions 16-L-1 and 16-L-2. The Chair then called on the

Chancellor who spoke to Resolution 16-L-1 Constitutional Amendments.

Pursuant to Article XVIII of the Constitution, the proposed Amendments having been approved

at two consecutive Synods, by the vote of a concurrent majority of all Clergy and Lay delegates

entitled to seats in those Synods,


That the Constitution of the Diocese of Springfield be, and hereby is, amended in accordance

with the form first approved by the 138th Synod.

The Chancellor noted that the Constitutional Amendments would effective on January 1,

2017 if adopted. After discussion, the Amendments were adopted by voice vote with one


It was announced that there were present 53 Lay Delegates and 32 Clergy Delegates

registered for a total of 85.

Mr. Babb then spoke to Resolution 16-L-2, and noted that the proposed amendments had

been presented to the Secretary more than 60 days in advance of Synod as required by Canons.

The Secretary noted that there were now present 54 registered Lay Delegates and 32

registered Clergy Delegates for a total of 86.

The Chair recognized Don Monty who presented three amendments to

Resolution 16-L-2:

The following Amendment #1 was seconded and adopted by voice vote:

Amendment Re Members of Trustees:

1. Amend lines 1773-74 to read:

Membership. The Board of Trustees of the Diocese of Springfield shall consist of

five members, exclusive of the Bishop, Treasurer of the Diocese and Chancellor.

2. Amend line 1832 to add the text:

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The Chancellor of the Diocese shall be a member ex officio of the Trustees having

seat and voice, but shall not be entitled to vote concerning matters coming before the


3. Amend lines 1835-1839 to read:

The Bishop of the Diocese. The Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield shall be ex

officio a member of the Board of Trustees, having seat, voice and vote in all matters

coming before the Trustees, and shall have access at any time to the books, records

and accounts of the Board of Trustees for inspection of the same and for such

information as he shall desire to obtain; and he may call meetings of the Board of

Trustees as he may deem necessary.

4. Amend lines 1841-1842 to read:

The Treasurer of the Diocese. The Treasurer of the Diocese shall be a member ex

officio of the Trustees, with seat and voice, but without vote concerning matters

coming before the Trustees.

Amendment #2 Canonical References to Deaneries was seconded and adopted by voice


1. Amend line 67 to read:

Canon 29. Of Dependent Parishes Of Deaneries, Deans, and Assistant Deans

2. Amend line 1674 to read:

Of Deaneries, Deans, and Assistant Deans

Amendment #3 Election of Lay Alternate Delegates to Diocesan Council was seconded

and adopted with one no vote.

Amend line 1730 by adding the text:

Each Deanery may elect an alternate lay representative to the Council of the Diocese, in

the same manner as provided for the election of the lay representative to Council, from

among the elected lay delegates to the Deanery Convocation, and subject to the

provisions regarding lay representatives set out in Canon 31, section 3(c). An alternate

lay representative of a Deanery may attend any meeting of Council at which the elected

lay representative from that Deanery is absent, and at such meetings shall have all such

rights and privileges as the elected Deanery representative.

The Chair recognized Mother Ann Tofani who made the following motion which was


I wish to make an amendment to the resolution referring to transitional Eucharistic

Communities and Eucharistic Communities. Where that phrase is used to describe the mission

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churches I propose that it be struck and that the mission churches be referred to simply as

Eucharistic Communities and to distinguish them from those congregations that are currently

parishes that these be referred to as Incorporated Eucharistic Communities.

During discussion the Bishop relinquished the Chair to Fr. Halt, President of the Standing

Committee, in order to speak. After speaking the Bishop then returned to the Chair.

Following discussion the above amendment was adopted by voice vote with two


The Chair then recognized Kevin Babb who moved to amend lines 442-445 as to

Commission on Ministry transition, as a technical amendment. That motion was seconded and

adopted by voice vote with one abstention.

The Chair then recognized the Rev. Richard Swan who moved that wherever the term

“communicant in good standing” appeared in the Canons that the word “confirmed” be added for

election to offices. Discussion followed. Archdeacon Denney spoke to the history of the term

“communicant in good standing” and the requirements for election. Mr. Kevin Babb spoke to

the definition in the National Canons. The Bishop relinquished the Chair to Fr. Halt again to

speak and then regained the Chair after having spoken to mission leadership. Kevin Babb then

referred to line 306 of the proposed amendments to Canons and noted that the requirement is

already there. Fr. Swan then withdrew his amendment and the second agreed to the withdrawal.

The Chair recognized Cindy Lynk who spoke as to spelling and Mr. Babb indicated that

was already in the resolution.

Mother Jeffrey move to amend lines 1311-1312 to remove the requirement for

confirmation for election to Mission Leadership Team which was seconded. Deacon Brooks

asked whether or not the National Canons require confirmation and Mr. Babb responded. The

Chair ruled that Mother Jeffrey’s motion was in order and after discussion the motion failed by

voice vote.

The Chair recognized Fr. Henry who discussed his concerns on membership on the

Commission on Ministry.

There being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote on the canonical

amendments presented with the amendments that had been passed during discussion. The

canonical amendments were adopted in the clergy order unanimously with one abstention and in

the lay order unanimously.

The tellers of election reported that the election for Lay Delegates to General Convention

was again inconclusive and ballots were passed out for the fourth balloting. Randy Winn asked

to not be considered in the next balloting. It was moved that the two lowest vote getters be

omitted for general convention deputy in the lay order which was adopted by voice vote.

The Chair then returned to Reports.

Department of General Mission Strategy. No report

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Department of Communications. No report.

20. Reports - Division of Mission and Worship:

Department of Christian Education - No report.

Department of Evangelism and Spiritual Enrichment - By title.

Cursillo: Ms. Erin McCrary gave a presentation, reporting that the 2016 Cursillo was an

excellent success, including four candidates from Church of the Redeemer, Cairo. The 2017

Cursillo will be June 22-25 at Todd Hall. She described briefly the Cursillo three-day weekend

“Growing with Christ, Saying Yes”.

The tellers of election then reported that an election for lay delegate to general

convention resulted in Gerry Smith having a majority.

The Chair called for additional nominations for alternate lay delegate to general

convention. Randy Winn asked to be returned to the ballot for consideration. That left four

candidates for the four positions as alternate deputies to general convention, Joe Patterson,

Martin Rowe, Frederick Velde, and Randy Winn. Kevin Babb then moved a unanimous ballot

for the four persons as alternates and that their ordering would be by lot following Synod. The

motion was seconded and passed unanimously by voice vote.

The Chair then returned to reports from departments.

Department of Christian Social Concerns - By title.

Department of Young Adult and Higher Education Ministries - By title.

Department of Ecumenical Relations - No report.

Department of Youth Work: By title. Fr. Hankinson further reported that St.

Michael’s Youth Conference would be June 11-17 at St. Michael’s, O’Fallon, which permits

costs reduced for attendees. He noted that attendance qualifies as preparation for confirmation.

Department of National and World Mission - By title.

21. Report of the Secretary - By title.

22. Report of the Standing Committee - By title.

23. Report of Commission on Ministry - By title.

24. Report of the Chancellor - By title.

25. Report of the Historiographer - By title.

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26. Episcopal Church Women: The report was made by Jan Goosens and Carol McCrary.

Jan noted that a new UTO Chair is needed. The UTO ingathering at mass the previous evening

had raised approximately $2,700.00 with a total of about $7,800.00 for the year. As of

December 2 the website would have criteria and method for grant submissions. Carol McCrary

gave a presentation on the Church Periodical Club. Donations are used for our seminarians for

books. She commented on Church Periodical Sunday as well, asking that people be generous for

this good cause.

The ECW outreach for 2014-15 was for girls’ hostel at Tabora which was either under

construction or completed. The 2015-16 project was for Magdalene House, St. Louis.

Mother Sherry Black then reported on the 2016-17 ECW projects which will be for

Family Friendship Funds for Charity Care through Southern Illinois Healthcare.

Chris Dewitt reported on the ECW Lent retreat for ECW March 24-26 at Todd Hall. The

ECW website is ecswboardspringfield and the theme for the retreat is “Encountering Jesus-Walk

With Women Who Knew Jesus”.

Jan Goosens then reported that the Province V collaborative grant programs are available

as well.

27. Miscellaneous Business:

The Bishop noted that appointments will not exist under the new Canons but called

attention to the appointments on page 53-55. He also noted that the elections of Deans of each

deanery must be ratified by Synod. It was moved, seconded and carried by voice vote that the

election of Deans be ratified.

The Bishop was asked about designation for funds from the offering at the Synod mass.

He said that designation had not be made prior to the offering and so that would be decided by

Diocesan Council at the November meeting.

The Bishop then reported that only 22 clergy were registered so far for the Clergy

Conference at Todd Hall in November and suggested that all clergy register.

28. Good of the Order:

Sharon Hoffman, Chair of the host committee St. Andrew’s Edwardsville requested that

all delegates remove the contents and leave the binders and name tag holders for use at the next


Fr. Coleman moved that all rise in appreciation to the Chancellor for his extraordinary

work and patience in the constitutional and canonical revisions. The entire Synod delegation

rose in appreciation and applause.

29. Committee on Resolution: Fr. Swan presented the following:

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Resolution 16-C-8: Thank You for Service to the Diocese. The Synod Delegates rose

in appreciation and applause.

Resolution 16-C-9: Thank You to Host Congregation which was approved

unanimously to applause.

Delegates from the McLean County Parish offered to host the 140th Synod of the

Diocese and gave warm invitation. The Bishop accepted and noted that another invitation that

had been in the works would be next up for the 141st Synod.

Motion was then made to adjourn which was seconded and unanimously passed. The

Synod was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted:


The Rev. Bill Howard


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Names with an asterisk (*) indicates presence at Synod

BISHOPS *The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins

The Rt. Rev. Peter H. Beckwith

The Rt. Rev. Donald M. Hultstrand


The Rev. Ann L. Alley

The Rev. Christopher L. Ashmore

The Very Rev. Can. David M. Baumann

The Rev. Dr. Virginia L. Bennett

*The Rev. Sheryl L. Black

The Rev. Canon Elliot H. Blackburn

The Rev. Carl R. Bloom

The Rev. David J. Boase

The Rev. Philip D. Boeve

The Rev. Canon Martha J. Bradley

*The Rev. Anthony F. M. Clavier

*The Very Rev. Canon Dale D. Coleman

The Rev. M. Joan Coleman

*The Rev. Donald E. Coventry

The Rev. James O. Cravens

*The Rev. Matthew C. Dallman

*The Ven. Shawn W. Denney

The Rev. Paul R. Dicks

*The Very Rev. Mark E. Evans

The Rev. James H. Fedosuk

*The Rev. Sean D. Ferrell

The Very Rev. Canon Gus L. Franklin

The Rev. Timothy A. Goodman

The Rev. Jon E. Griffin

The Rev. Dr. E. Eugene Hall

The Rev. Canon Timothy J. Hallett

*The Rev. David J. Halt

*The Rev. Benjamin D. Hankinson, Jr.

*The Rev. Robert D. Harmon

*The Rev. Brant V. Hazlett

*The Very Rev. John R. Henry

*The Rev. Dr. Arnold R. Hoffman

*The Very Rev. Andrew S. Hook

*The Rev. Christine C. Hopkins

*The Rev. George W. Howard, III

*The Rev. Sylvia L. Howard

*The Very Rev. Kathryn G. Jeffrey

The Rev. Dr. Daniel N. Karanja

The Rev. Brian T. Kellington

The Rev. Laurie R. Kellington

The Rev. Canon R. Brien Koehler

The Rev. Jeffrey F. Kozuszek

*The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Langford

The Rev. Donald H. Langlois

The Rev. Maurice C. Lee

The Rev. Philip M. Lewis

*The Rev. Richard I. Lewis

*The Very Rev. Beth H. Maynard

*The Rev. Dr. Ralph N. McMichael

The Rev. Canon William H. Moore, Jr.

*The Rev. James K. Muriuki

The Rev. Thomas D. Patton

*The Rev. Canon Dr. George E. Pence

The Rev. Dr. David W. Peters

The Rev. T. Larison Phillips

The Rev. Gerald W. Raschke

The Rev. Charles J. Reischman

The Rev. John D. Richmond

The Rev. Geoffrey E. L. Scanlon

The Rev. Donald J. Schroeder

*The Rev. Cynthia A. Sever

The Rev. J. Victor Sheldon

*The Rev. Eugene A. Stormer

*The Rev. Richard A. Swan

*The Rev. Steven T. Thorp

*The Rev. Ann H. Tofani

The Rev. William L. Toland, Jr.

The Rev. Dr. Gregory A. Tournoux

The Rev. Dr. John F. Wall

The Rev. Mary Christine Mollie Ward

*The Rev. David L. Wells

*The Rev. Ian C. Wetmore

The Rev. Mark S. Winward

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An asterisk (*) indicates presence at Synod

Albion, St. John’s

*David Works

Alton, Episcopal Parish

*Ann Bromaghim

*Kareen Eagleton

*William Eagleton

*Martha Fisher

*Diane Martin

Belleville, St. George’s

*Chuck Evans

*Cindy Lynk

*Brian Maves

Steve Skaff

*Michelle Ziegler

Bloomington, St. Matthew’s

*Rose Adams

*Shelley Brenneman Carter

Roy Laws

Cairo, Redeemer

*Dana Harris

Carbondale, St. Andrew’s

*Don Monty

Carlinville, St. Paul’s

*Charlie Rice

Centralia, St. John’s

*Carol McCrary

Champaign, Chapel of St. John the Divine

*Gary Chamberlain

*Samuel McGlathery

*Kathleen Ricker

*Joyce Wright

Champaign, Emmanuel

*Ruth McCauley

*Patrick Morse

*Michael Kovach

*Hediye Scheeler

Danville, Holy Trinity

*Richard Tribe

Decatur, St. John’s

*Susan Currie

*M. Christine Gregory

*Melissa Rhodes

Edwardsville, St. Andrew’s

*Kevin Babb

*Earl Goodman

*Sharon Hoffman

Glen Carbon, St. Thomas’

*Laura Beggs

Granite City, St. Bartholomew’s

*Mary Martin

Harrisburg, St. Stephen’s

*Mike Baglio

Havana, St. Barnabas’

*Mark Opp

Jacksonville, Trinity

*John Hayter

Lincoln, Trinity

*Sharon Reynolds

Mattoon, Trinity

*David Maurer

Morton, All Saints’

*Myrna Bietz

Mt. Carmel, St. John the Baptist

*Chris DeWitt

Mt. Vernon, Trinity

*Randy Winn

Normal, Christ the King

*Laurie Walter

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O’Fallon, St. Michael’s

*Dana Meyer

*Tiffany Tergesen

Pekin, St. Paul’s

*Stephen Pearson

Rantoul, St. Christopher’s

Fran Biederman

Robinson, St. Mary’s

*R. J. Rains

Salem, St. Thomas’

*Danny Shuler

Springfield, Cathedral Church of St. Paul

*Nora Hoover

*Joe Patterson

Springfield, Christ Church

*Lawren Tucker

*Nancy Tucker

Springfield, St. Luke’s

*Patricia Jackson

*William Jackson

West Frankfort, St. Mark’s

*Claudia Byrne

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Inspectors of Elections - Clerical The Rev. Ann H. Tofani

Donald Monty

Inspectors of Elections - Lay The Rev. Sheryl L. Black

Chris DeWitt

Committee on Credentials *The Rev. Benjamin D. Hankinson, Jr.

Carol McCrary

Cindy Lynk

Committee on Dispatch of Business *The Rev. Dr. Ralph N. McMichael

Stephen Pearson

Committee on Incorporation and Kevin J. Babb

Admission of Parishes

and Organized Missions

Committee on Privilege *The Very Rev. Kathryn G. Jeffrey

Laurie Walter

William Jackson

Committee on Legislation *The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Langford

(Constitution & Canons) The Ven. Shawn W. Denney

Kevin J. Babb

Committee on Resolutions *The Rev. Richard A. Swan

Randy Winn

Parliamentarian Kevin J. Babb

* Indicates Chair of Committee

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Treasurer (1 Person – 1 yr.) Rod Matthews

Standing Committee (1 Clergy – 4 yr.) The Very R. Mark E. Evans

Standing Committee (1 Clergy – 1 yr. - vacancy) The Very Rev. Beth H. Maynard

Standing Committee (1 Lay – 4 yr.) Joe Patterson

Trustee (1 Member – 5 yr.) Martin Rowe

Diocesan Council (1 Clergy – 2 yr.) The Very Rev. Andrew S. Hook

Diocesan Council (1 Lay – 2 yr.) Gerry Smith

Commission on Ministry (1 Clergy – 6 yr.) The Rev. David J. Halt

Commission on Ministry (1 Lay – 6 yr.) Angela Rowe

Disciplinary Board (2 Clergy – 3 yr.) The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Langford

The Rev. David L. Wells

Disciplinary Board (1 Clergy – 1 yr. - vacancy) The Rev. Dr. Gregory A. Tournoux

Disciplinary Board (1 Lay – 3 yr.) Lori Dobrik

Provincial Synod Delegate (1 Person – 3 yr.) Kevin Babb

Provincial Synod Delegate (1 Person – 1 yr. - vacancy) The Very Rev. Cn. Dale D. Coleman

General Convention Deputy – 2018 (4 Clergy) The Rev. Sheryl L. Black

The Very Rev. Mark E. Evans

The Rev. David J. Halt

The Rev. Richard A. Swan

General Convention Deputy – 2018 (4 Lay) Kevin Babb

Sharon Hoffman

Angela Rowe

Gerry Smith

General Convention Alternate Deputy - (Clergy) The Very Rev. Cn. Dale D. Coleman

The Rev. Ian C. Wetmore

General Convention Alternate Deputy - (Lay) Joe Patterson

Martin Rowe

Frederick Velde

Randy Winn



No written report.

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As of year-end December 31, 2015, the Diocese of Springfield had a deficit of

- $192,599 compared to a budgeted deficit of - $49,908.

Calendar year 2015 pledges received were -$74,648.13 under budget and offset by +

$166.970.11 of prior year pledge payments received. Total revenue of $751,959.41 exceeded

budget by + $82,909.41.

Total budgeted expenses paid of $630,883.80 were under budgeted expenses of $718,958 by


The deficit was primarily driven by Other Expenses (extraordinary/unbudgeted) of $

313,674.23 driven by the write-off of a $316,359.39 loan to St. Thomas Episcopal Church’s

Child Care Center (Glen Carbon).

The 2015 Diocesan financial statements have been audited by an independent CPA firm.

This report continues with the 2015 budget and actual expenses. Note: The audit is available for

your review from the Secretary.

Respectfully submitted,

Rod Matthews, Treasurer

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Retained Earnings 622,735



General Reserve 2,434

General Convention Travel 2,559

Lambeth Conference 9,510

Mission Development 49,156

Mission & Ministry Grant Fund 4,603

Campus Development 303

Seminarian Aid 12,050

Camps and Conferences 35,019

Camp Scholarship 24,444

St. Peter's Chesterfield 4,027

Gillette/Clergy Fund 5,540

Continuing Education Fund 6,967

National Gathering 330

Bishop’s Auto Reserve 15,732

Redeemer – Cairo (70)

Rental House 8,753

Effingham Capital Fund 5,820


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2015 Actual 2015 Budget


4010 Pledges 451,551.87 526,200.00

4011 Pledges - Prior Years 166,970.11 0.00

4045 Interest Income 8,943.34 8,600.00

4050 Miscellaneous 590.92 2,000.00

4060 Endowment of the Episcopate 104,008.17 100,000.00

4075 Springfield Current – Gifts 1,305.00 1,500.00

4076 Other Income 18,590.00 30,750.00

TOTAL INCOME 751,959.41 669,050.00




5112 Stipend 75,094.92 75,095.00

5114 Pension 21,077.16 21,077.00

5116 Travel 16,006.85 14,000.00

5117 Car Purchase Reserve 0.00 7,900.00

5119 Continuing Education 3,182.85 5,000.00

5126 Housing Allowance 42,000.00 42,000.00

5130 Health, Dental & Life Insurance 25,884.80 24,000.00

Total – Bishop 183,246.58 189,072.00

Diocesan Administrator

5202 Salary 49,397.04 49,397.00

5204 Pension Plan 4,445.76 4,446.00

5206 Social Security Expense 3,778.86 3,779.00

5208 Health Insurance 4,509.40 4,372.00

Total - Diocesan Administrator 62,131.06 61,994.00


5252 Stipend 36,320.04 36,320.00

5254 Housing Allowance 8,715.96 8,716.00

5256 Pension 8,106.48 8,107.00

5260 Travel & Conference 2,932.14 2,905.00

Total – Archdeacon 56,074.62 56,048.00

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2015 Actual 2015 Budget

Financial Officer

5271 Salary 27,602.04 27,602.00

5272 Social Security 2,111.57 2,112.00

Total - Financial Officer 29,713.61 29,714.00

Total - Support of Episcopate 331,165.87 336,828.00


5302 Outreach Fund 0.00 12,750.00

5303 DFMS 8,799.15 12,750.00

5304 Provincial Synod Dues 489.00 2,000.00

5310 General Convention Travel 11,000.00 11,000.00

5314 Lambeth Conference 0.00 2,000.00

Total - Non-Diocesan 20,288.15 40,500.00


5362 Additional Office Staff 8,393.14 8,400.00

5363 Social Security 1,932.64 1,400.00

5366 Treasurer's Expenses 40.26 200.00

5368 Accounting 6,285.00 6,180.00

5369 Annual Audit 6,550.00 6,350.00

5370 Office Expense 4,899.73 7,250.00

5372 Bank Charges 50.00

5378 Utilities 7,667.48 8,000.00

5380 Telephone 4,874.82 6,100.00

5382 Maintenance - Yard Work 20,891.95 12,000.00

5383 Conferences 4,669.84 5,000.00

5384 Diocesan Synod Expense - Host 0.00 500.00

Sub-total 66,254.86 61,380.00


5452 Clergy Group 150,639.38 197,000.00

5454 Property/Liability 6,647.00 6,500.00

5460 Worker's Compensation 2,111.00 2,400.00

5461 Insurance Reimbursement 2,307.42 0.00

Sub-total 161,704.80 205,900.00

Total - Diocesan 227,959.66 267,280.00

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2015 Actual 2015 Budget



5563 Clergy & Family Wellness 4,747.40 7,000.00

5564 Stewardship 45.00 0.00

5566 Dept. of Gen. Mission Strategy 674.84 1,500.00

5570 Communication (Current) 9,369.26 8,300.00

5572 Editor's Compensation 9,999.96 10,000.00

5574 Web Site 143.40 150.00

Total - Division of Administration & Finance 24,979.86 26,950.00


5602 Christian Education 0.00 3,500.00

5604 Evangelism & Renewal 3,483.01 6,000.00

Sub-total 3,483.01 9,500.00

Young Adult & Higher Education Ministries

5706 College Programs 0.00 0.00

5710 Diocesan Programs 0.00 0.00

Sub-total 0.00 0.00

Department of Youth

5802 General (4,250.00) 4,100.00

5804 Work Week 0.00 0.00

5805 Episcopal Youth Event 0.00 0.00

5806 Summer Camp Support 12,000.00 12,000.00

5808 Camp Scholarships 590.00 1,500.00

Sub-total 8,340.00 17,600.00

Dept. of National & World Missions

5754 Ecumenical Relations 0.00 0.00

5850 National & World Mission 7,569.25 8,500.00

5852 Commission on Ministry 2,098.00 5,000.00

5854 Support of Seminarians 5,000.00 5,000.00

Sub-total 14,667.25 18,500.00

Total - Division of Mission & Worship 26,490.26 45,600.00

Total – Program Departments 51,470.12 72,550.00

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2015 Actual 2015 Budget


5904 Standing Committee 0.00 0.00

5906 Secretary of the Diocese 0.00 200.00

5908 Historiographer 0.00 100.00

5910 Disciplinary Board 0.00 0.00

5912 Episcopal Church Women 0.00 0.00

5914 Contingencies 0.00 1,500.00

Total - Miscellaneous 0.00 1,800.00

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 630,883.80 718,958.00

Excess Revenues over Expenditures or <Deficiency> 121,075.61 (49,908.00)

Other Expense

6050 Realized/Unrealized Gains (2,685.16) 0.00

6000 Debt Forgiveness 316,359.39 0.00

Adjusted Excess Revenues over Expenditures or

<Deficiency> (192,598.62) (49,908.00)

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2017 Council




4010 Pledges 526,200 526,200

4045 Interest Income 8,600 8,600

4050 Miscellaneous 1,250 1,250

4060 Endowment of the Episcopate 105,000 105,000

4075 Springfield Current - Gifts 1,500 1,500

4076 Other Income 54,764 30,750

TOTAL INCOME 697,314 673,300




5112 Stipend 76,266 76,266

5114 Pension 21,288 21,288

5116 Travel 14,000 14,000

5117 Car Purchase Reserve 7,900 7,900

5119 Continuing Education 1,500 5,000

5121 Sabbatical 11,000 1,000

5126 Housing Allowance 42,000 42,000

5130 Health & Disability Insurance 19,900 24,000

Total - Bishop 193,854 191,454

Diocesan Administrator

5202 Salary 49,891 54,880

5204 Pension Plan 4,491 4,939

5206 Social Security Expense 3,817 4,390

5208 Health Insurance 4,372 4,722

Total - Diocesan Administrator 62,571 68,931


5252 Stipend 36,683 38,517

5254 Housing Allowance 8,803 9,243

5256 Pension 8,188 8,474

5260 Travel & Conference 2,934 2,934

Total – Archdeacon 56,608 59,168

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2017 Council



Financial Officer

5271 Salary 27,878 19,500

5272 Social Security 2,133 1,560

Total – Financial Officer 30,011 21,060

Total - Support of Episcopate 343,044 340,613


5302 Outreach Fund 39,014 13,500

5303 DFMS 10,000 13,500

5304 Province V Synod 2,000 2,000

5310 General Convention Travel 11,000 11,000

5314 Lambeth Conference – 2020 0 2,000

Total - Non-Diocesan 62,014 42,000


5362 Additional Office Staff 8,400 8,450

5363 Social Security 1,400 1,600

5366 Treasurer's Expenses 200 200

5368 Accounting 6,180 8,500

5369 Annual Audit 6,350 7,100

5370 Office Expense 7,250 7,250

5378 Utilities 8,000 8,000

5380 Telephone 6,100 6,100

5382 Maintenance 12,000 14,000

Capital Improvements 0 5,000

5383 Conferences 5,000 5,000

5384 Diocesan Synod Expense - Host 500 500

Sub-total 61,380 71,700


5452 Clergy Group 181,200 190,000

5454 Property/Liability 6,500 8,000

5460 Worker's Compensation 2,400 2,400

Sub-total 190,100 200,400

Total - Diocesan 251,480 272,100

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2017 Council






5563 Clergy & Family Wellness 7,000 7,000

5564 Stewardship 0 0

5566 General Mission Strategy 2,000 2,000

5570 Communication (Current) 8,300 8,300

5572 Editor's Compensation 10,000 10,000

5574 Web Site 150 150

Total - Division of Administration & Finance 27,450 27,450


5602 Christian Education 3,500 0

5604 Evangelism & Renewal 4,000 4,000

Sub-total 7,500 4,000

Department of Youth

5802 General 7,100 4,000

5804 Work Week 2,000 0

5806 Summer Camp Support 12,000 12,000

5808 Camp Scholarships 1,500 1,500

St. Michael’s Conference 0 6,000

St. Michael’s Confer. Scholarships 0 1,000

Sub-total 22,600 24,500

5754 Ecumenical Relations 0 0

5850 National & World Mission 7,500 7,500

5852 Commission on Ministry 3,000 3,500

5854 Support of Seminarians 5,000 10,000

Sub-total 15,500 21,000

Total - Division of Mission & Worship 45,600 49,500

Total - Program Departments 73,050 76,950

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2017 Council




5904 Standing Committee 0 500

5906 Secretary of the Diocese 200 200

5908 Historiographer 100 100

5910 Disciplinary Board 0 0

5912 Episcopal Church Women 1,000 1,000

5914 Contingencies 1,500 1,500

Total - Miscellaneous 2,800 3,300

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 732,388 734,963

Excess Revenues over Expenditures or

<Deficiency> (35,074) (61,663)

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Location Church









Albion St. John’s $2,100 $2,358 $2,358

Alton Episcopal Parish in Alton $25,709 $25,892 $24,700

Belleville St. George's $34,942 $32,633 $32,738

Bloomington St. Matthew's $35,724 $35,657 $28,500

Cairo Church of the Redeemer $0 $1,578 $2,000

Carbondale St. Andrew's $19,133 $19,299 $16,602

Carlinville St. Paul's $17,412 $18,560 $14,828

Centralia St. John's $2,893 $3,000 $3,000

Champaign Chapel of St. John the Divine $39,625 $42,890 $40,136

Champaign Emmanuel Memorial $69,700 $71,749 $61,300

Danville The Church of the Holy Trinity $7,387 $6,970 $7,000

Decatur St. John's $34,536 $31,931 $30,401

Edwardsville St. Andrew's $28,600 $30,682 $32,000

Glen Carbon St. Thomas' $0 $0 $120

Granite City St. Bartholomew's $4,038 $3,714 $2,580

Harrisburg St. Stephen's $7,400 $8,000 $8,300

Havana St. Barnabas' $500 $500 $2,000

Jacksonville Trinity $35,345 $36,755 $34,013

Lincoln Trinity $22,137 $24,660 $22,000

Mattoon Trinity $6,468 $5,457 $4,916

Morton All Saints' $5,900 $6,314 $6,250

Mt. Carmel St. John the Baptist $45,321 $28,395 $29,220

Mt. Vernon Trinity $17,308 $14,721 $13,500

Normal Christ the King $0 $16,153 $6,742

O'Fallon St. Michael's $12,000 $10,900 $11,557

Pekin St. Paul's $16,780 $16,742 $15,000

Rantoul St. Christopher's $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

Robinson St. Mary's $800 $1,165 $1,000

Salem St. Thomas' $1,500 $3,800 $1,500

Springfield Cathedral Church of St. Paul $33,481 $29,727 $28,559

Springfield Christ Church $57,449 $58,846 $30,000

Springfield St. Luke's $10,008 $10,538 $9,540

W. Frankfort St. Mark's $3,595 $3,990 $2,964

TOTAL $598,791 $604,576 $526,324

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LEGISLATION – The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Langford, Chair


Pursuant to Article XVIII of the Constitution, the proposed Amendments having been approved

at two consecutive Synods, by the vote of a concurrent majority of all Clergy and Lay delegates

entitled to seats in those Synods,


That the Constitution of the Diocese of Springfield be, and hereby is, amended in accordance

with the form first approved by the 138th Synod, and as published of record in the Journal of that


Summary from Kevin Babb, Chair, Committee on Constitution and Canons:

The Commission on Constitution and Canons has submitted a resolution proposing amendments

to the Diocesan Canons, for consideration by the 139th Synod. These canonical changes are

submitted in conjunction with the second reading of Constitutional changes, completing the

process of Constitutional amendment that began with first reading approval at the 138th Synod.

To facilitate your consideration of the proposed canonical revisions, I have prepared this

summary of some of the proposed changes, and notes on the procedures relating to the

amendment process. This memo is as merely an unofficial guide to your review of the proposed

changes; the text of the resolution is the “final word”.

Members of the Committee on Constitution and Canons will be present at the Fall Deanery

meetings, to answer questions and receive concerns. Discussion and debate of the resolutions,

both before and at Synod, and including amendment as appropriate, are integral to the

process of revising the Canons.

Please note that text that is proposed to be deleted is struck through; text that is proposed to be

added is underscored. The lines of the text have been numbered for your reference. Without

attaching any special emphasis to some proposed changes over others, I would call your attention

to the following lines of text:

Generally, the proposed canons eliminate the current categories of congregations in favor of four

types of congregations: Eucharistic Communities (Line 1051 and following); Transitional

Eucharistic Communities (Lines 797 and following); Dependent Eucharistic Communities (Line

1598 and following), and Communities in Formation (Line 1485 and following). The bodies

with responsibility for the temporal affairs of these congregations are referred to universally as

Mission Leadership Teams (Lines 860-876; 1180-1210).

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Lines 233-237; 943-947, 1253-1260: Effective January 1, 2018, no person may serve as a

Treasurer if that person has served as Treasurer for more than six years, unless at least two years

have elapsed since that person last served in that capacity.

Lines 286-284: To determine if a congregation’s lay delegates are entitled to vote at Synod, a

congregation’s Diocesan pledge is “paid in full” if the Diocese has received all payments due

through June 30 of the current year.

Lines 425-437: The Commission on Ministry is reduced in size from fifteen members to nine

members, with six members to be appointed by the Bishop, and three members to be elected by


Lines 832-853: Congregations currently organized as missions are designated as Transitional

Eucharistic Communities; requirements are established for organization of Transitional

Eucharistic Communities.

Lines 863-876: Mission Leadership Teams of Transitional Eucharistic Communities are elected

by the congregation rather than being based on episcopal appointment, as is currently the case

with Missions.

Lines 1004-1013: The annual pledge for a Transitional Eucharistic Community is determined by

the Bishop, in consultation with other Diocesan and Congregational bodies. If no other pledge is

determined, the congregation’s pledge shall be 15% of net disposable income.

Lines 1023-1030; 1451-1460: All congregations shall submit pledge payments on a quarterly

basis, so that by the end of the 1st quarter, the congregation has paid 25% of its total annual

pledge, 50% by the end of the 2nd quarter, etc.

Lines 1032-1035: Each congregation shall submit an annual Mission Strategy Plan to the


Lines 1055-1056: All congregations currently organized as parishes are designated as

Eucharistic Communities, requirements for organization of new Eucharistic Communities (lines


Lines 1451-1460: The amount of each Eucharistic Community’s pledge to the Diocese shall be

set by Synod as a percentage of “net disposable income”; however, if the Synod does not set

another figure, the measure for the pledge is 15% of “net disposable income”.

Lines 1537-1544: Provision is made for the designation of “mission fields”.

Lines 1545-1555: Provision is made for congregations to act together as a “geographic parish”.

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Lines 1860-1891; 1893-1907: Diocesan Council is reduced from a maximum membership of 42,

to a maximum of 23, and certain Diocesan officers, and the Department Chairs, are non-voting


Lines 1915-1920: Department Chairs are limited to three two-year terms, with a year between

each maximum period of service.

Lines 1993-2143: The number of Diocesan Departments is reduced from 11 to three; the

Department of Finance continues, and Departments of Mission and of Audit are created.

Lines 2282-2295: The Springfield Current is no longer designated as the official publication of

the Diocese. This does not provide that the Current cease publication, but gives the Diocese

flexibility to adopt other forms of communication, should such be more conducive to the work of

the Diocese.

Lines 2351-2411: Provisions regarding the Church Pension Fund eliminated as unnecessary. I

personally conferred with the General Counsel of the Church Pension Fund, who told me that

such diocesan canons are unnecessary, and in fact she had never heard of a Diocese having such

a canon.

Lines 2787-2790: Clergy prohibited from entering into any financial transaction regarding the

cleric’s congregation, except for those matters relating to discretionary funds. (See also on this

issue, Lines 927-931 and 1255-1256, prohibiting any cleric from serving as a Treasurer).

Notes on Procedure:

Consideration of the resolution will proceed pursuant to Canon 54, which provides:

1. The resolution may be amended by a majority vote of all delegates present, voting as a single


2. Any amendments must be “germane” to the resolution; that is, closely related to or having a

direct bearing upon the provision sought to be amended.

3. Passage of the final version of the resolution, including any amendments, requires an

affirmative vote of 2/3 of the clerical and the lay delegates, each order voting separately.

Any delegate moving an amendment to the resolutions is requested to submit a written copy of

the amendment before or at the time that the delegate moves the amendment.


Pursuant to Canon 54, the clerical and lay delegates of this 139th Synod having voted in the

affirmative by concurrent votes of at least two-thirds of the delegates casting votes in each order,

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1. That the Canons of the Diocese of Springfield be, and hereby are, amended in accordance with

the attached text; and

2. That the Commission on Constitution and Canons is authorized to make non-substantive

changes to the proposed canonical amendments.

Note: Canonical Revisions Document is printed on colored paper and located in the

back of this Synod book.

RESOLUTIONS – The Rev. Richard A. Swan, Chair


WHEREAS, God calls us in Scripture to recognize that all we are and all we have has come from

a gracious giver of all things; and

WHEREAS, we are not our own but “were bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20); and

WHEREAS, a steward is a manager of property that belongs to another; and

WHEREAS, Holy Scripture and numerous resolutions passed by General Convention commend

the principle of returning a tenth of one’s income (tithing) to God through His church as a part of

being responsible stewards of God’s property entrusted to us; and

WHEREAS, God promises to “throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much

blessing that you will not have room enough for it” for those who “test [Him] in this.” —(Malachi


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 139th Synod of the Diocese of Springfield hereby

commends the Biblical standard of the tithe to all members of the diocese as a vital element of

being faithful Christians.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 139th Synod encourages all members of the diocese who

have not yet adopted the tithe as part of their personal financial commitment to God to move

toward the tithe with all deliberate speed by giving to God a larger percentage of their income in

each of the next three years with the firm purpose of achieving the tithe by A.D. 2020.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 139th Synod expects God to pour out his blessings upon

His faithful people in the Diocese of Springfield in the matter of the tithe.

Respectfully submitted,

The Department of Stewardship

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WHEREAS, The Rev. Zachary D. Brooks who is currently licensed to officiate in the Diocese of

Springfield, is attending this Synod; and

WHEREAS, By virtue of his ministries of service in Christ’s Church, this person honors us with

his presence and enriches us by his witness; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield extend to

The Rev. Zachary D. Brooks a warm welcome with seat and voice in the deliberations of this



WHEREAS, The Rev. Richard I. Lewis was ordained Deacon on May 31, 2016 and The Rev.

Matthew C. Dallman was ordained Deacon on June 11, 2016, The Rev. David L. Wells was

ordained Priest on May 14, 2016 and The Rev. Cynthia A. Sever was received from the Diocese

of Western New York; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield extend a

warm welcome and assurance of prayers and support to these shepherds and servants as they

begin their ministry among us.


WHEREAS, We are blessed in our mission and ministry by our companion relationship with the

Diocese of Tabora and its people; and

WHEREAS, We rejoice in the opportunities this relationship affords in strengthening our

knowledge of the breadth of the Anglican Communion and the richness of its witness to Jesus

Christ; and

WHEREAS, We are enriched as a Diocese by the friendships between parishes and people that

have resulted from this companion relationship; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield send the

warm greetings of the clergy and people of this Diocese to the clergy and people of the Diocese

of Tabora, expressing to them our thanks for all that has occurred since the institution of this



WHEREAS, We are blessed in our mission and ministry by our companion relationship with the

Diocese of Peru, its Diocesan Bishop Jorge Aguilar, and its people; and

WHEREAS, We rejoice in the opportunities this relationship affords in strengthening our

knowledge of the breadth of the Anglican Communion and the richness of its witness to Jesus

Christ; and

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WHEREAS, We are enriched as a Diocese by the friendships between parishes and people that

have resulted from this companion relationship; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield send the

warm greetings of the clergy and people of this Diocese to the clergy and people of the Diocese

of Peru, expressing to them our thanks for all that has occurred since the institution of this



WHEREAS, the Rt. Rev. Donald M. Hultstrand, IX Bishop of Springfield, and the Rt. Rev. Peter

H. Beckwith, X Bishop of Springfield, each served this Diocese faithfully during his episcopate;


WHEREAS, These retired chief pastors continue to labor for the cause of Christ and His Church

in areas outside the boundaries of this Diocese; and

WHEREAS, These loving shepherds are remembered with affection in the hearts of the people

who benefited from their gifts in ministry and their faithfulness in responding to God’s call;

therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield extend

warm greetings, best wishes and assurance of our continuing prayers to the Rt. Rev. Donald M.

Hultstrand and the Rt. Rev. Peter H. Beckwith, retired bishops of this Diocese.


WHEREAS, The Rev. Dr. Desmond C. Francis has served as a priest of this Diocese and is now

serving in the Diocese of Albany; and

WHEREAS, The Rev. Bruce U. DeGooyer has served as a priest of this Diocese and is now

serving in the Diocese of Hawaii; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield wish

these shepherds and servants Godspeed in their new endeavors and extend to them the assurance

of our prayers for them, their families and their continuing work in Christ’s ministry.


WHEREAS, The Rt. Rev. Donald J. Parsons served this Diocese faithfully as Assisting Bishop

and died on January 4, 2016; and

WHEREAS, The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. served this Diocese faithfully as a retired

Bishop and died on June 29, 2016; therefore be it

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RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield rise in

silence and remember these servants who have joined the Church Triumphant with prayer.


WHEREAS, The Rev. David J. Halt has served with dedication as President of the Standing

Committee; and

WHEREAS, Rod Matthews has served with dedication as a member of the Standing Committee

WHEREAS, The Rev. Christopher L. Ashmore has served with dedication as a member of the

Standing Committee and as a Provincial Synod Delegate; and

WHEREAS, The Very Rev. Dale D. Coleman has served faithfully as Dean of the Darrow

Deanery; and

WHEREAS, The Rev. Bruce U. DeGooyer has served with dedication as General Mission

Strategy, Chair and as a member of the Diocesan Council; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Cindy Lynk has served with dedication as a member of the Diocesan Council;


WHEREAS, The Rev. Sheryl L. Black and The Rev. Christine C. Hopkins have served with

dedication as members of the Commission on Ministry; and

WHEREAS, The Rev. Brian T. Kellington, and The Rev. David J. Boase have served with

dedication as members of the Disciplinary Board; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Bill Techau has served with dedication as Christian Education, Chair; and

WHEREAS, The Rev. Geoffrey E.L. Scanlon, Mr. Randy Winn and Mr. Joe Patterson have

served with dedication as General Convention Deputies; and

WHEREAS, JoAnna McCullough has served faithfully as a Deanery Representative to the

Diocesan Council; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield rise in

honor of these faithful servants and express thanks for their ministry among us.


WHEREAS, Christian hospitality has been so warmly and graciously extended to the members

of this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod by the congregation of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church,

Edwardsville; and

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WHEREAS, Their preparations to receive us have facilitated our work, enhanced our times of

worship and fellowship and nourished our sense of community as a Synod and as a Diocese;

therefore be it

RESOLVED, That this One Hundred Thirty-ninth Synod of the Diocese of Springfield express

its sincere thanks to the congregation of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Edwardsville, and

especially to the Rev. Dr. Ralph N. McMichael and all those whose work contributed to the

success of this gathering.




As of June 30, 2016 the Diocesan Endowment Fund balance was $2,422,704 and the Combined

Fund balance was $2,863,504.

Fidelity/Bush O’Donnell Investment Advisors 12/31/15 6/30/16

Diocese-Endowment $2,403,916 $2,422,704

Combined $2,821,713 $2,863,504

Bank of America

Putnam Charitable Trust $7,803,852 $7,681,413*

*Market value includes $784,101 for oil rights.

The trustees are responsible for oversight of the Endowment Fund of the Episcopate and

Trustees’ Combined Account. Bush O’Donnell Investment Advisors, St. Louis, Missouri

continues as manager of the accounts. Bush O’Donnell serves foundations, endowments,

corporations, and individuals and has a conservative approach to investing consistent with the

Diocese’s investment philosophy.

The Putnam Charitable Trust Fund is invested with Bank of America. The bank and the Bishop

of Springfield are co-trustees of the Fund. The Diocesan Trustees act in an advisory role at the

request of the Bishop of Springfield.

In addition to the Chair, Trustees were:

Mr. Randy Winn, Ms. Mary McGrath, The Very Rev. Mark Evans, and Mr. Martin Rowe

Respectfully submitted,

Don Monty, Chair


DARROW DEANERY St. Paul’s Church and Trinity Chapel - The Episcopal Parish of Alton

Greetings to Bishop Daniel and delegates to the 139th Synod!

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The Episcopal Parish of Alton has had a remarkable year! Our wonderful news is that the EPA

has a new Rector! The Reverend Cynthia A. Sever (“Mother Cindy”) celebrated her first mass

with us on Easter Sunday. On Saturday, May 21st Mother Cindy’s installation as the 27th Rector

of the Episcopal Parish of Alton was a glorious, God filled celebration which was followed by a

reception in Heneghan Hall. The Diocese of Springfield, the EPA and the entire Riverbend

community are blessed to have her enthusiastic presence in our midst!

Our interim priest, Fr. Gary Goldacker was forced to retire at the end of October 2015 due to

health reasons. Thanks to the hard work of the Vestry in finding supply priests, Fr. Arnold

Hoffman, Fr. Gary Nowlin and Mother Jane Flaherty we were able to continue our regular

schedule of masses: Sunday – 8:15 a.m. at Trinity and 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s; Tuesdays – 9:30

a.m. at Trinity prior to Bible Study; and 12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Holy Eucharist and Healing

Service, also at Trinity Chapel.

Since last October, we have observed the following feasts, fasts and extra services:

• Blessing of the Animals

• All Saints and All Souls Days

• Advent Vespers

• First Mass of Christmas

• Mass of the Nativity

• Mass of Christmas Morning

• Feast of the Epiphany

• Ash Wednesday-Imposition of Ashes

• Wednesday evening Lenten masses

• Blessing of the Palms-Palm Sunday

• Holy Week

o Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday masses at Trinity Chapel

o Maundy Thursday with Stripping of the Altar and Watch over the Altar of Repose

o Good Friday Liturgy

• Flowering of the Cross-Easter Sunday

• Ascension Day-with Deanery wide mass at St. Andrew’s, Edwardsville.

• Day of Pentecost

• Celebration of New Ministry for the Rev. Cynthia A. Sever

• Holy Eucharist and Parish Picnic

We also express deep appreciation to Ken Rueter and the choir for the beautiful music in our

worship during the past year.

Even in the absence of a Rector for part of the year, the EPA continued to maintain an active

schedule of fellowship and service.

During the fall Stewardship Drive parishioners were given the opportunity to ask questions and

voice concerns at several small “Cottage Meetings”. The Evangelism and Outreach Commission

sponsored our yearly collections of “Sock and Skivvies” for Riverbend Headstart and Family

Services, as well as new and gently used “Coats for Kids”. The Guild of Grace continued its

36th year tradition with the Annual Halloween Chili Supper for the community.

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In November the Church School Harvest Feast yielded a $600 donation to Heifer International

and the Missouri Women’s Chorus performed again at St. Paul’s.

As we approached Advent and Christmas the Guild of Grace held its annual Christmas Mystery-

gift Party to benefit children in the community. The guild also held a Parents’ Day Out during

which food and activities were provided for youth while their parents enjoyed time off for

Christmas shopping. The ECW made and delivered blankets to our shut-ins and teamed with the

ECM to provide an elegant dinner following Advent Vespers. The children of the parish

performed their yearly Christmas Pageant after a Sunday mass. Sixteen carolers spread cheer to

parish shut-ins and the Altar Guild conducted their semi-annual brass and silver polishing in

preparation for Christmas.

In January 2016 it was officially announced that we had a new Rector and that the faithful,

patient, persevering Search Committee had been disbanded. Our January 24th Annual Meeting

was well attended and a large group picture was taken to welcome Mother Cindy, her husband

Byron, their two pugs, 2 cats and rabbit to Alton and to the EPA.

As Lent and Easter approached, the ECM sponsored its Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, as well

as its pre-Holy Week Fish Fry. Throughout Lent Fr. Gary Nowlin led us on a review of the

Episcopal Church each Wednesday following mass and a soup and cheese dinner. We also

participated in an instructed Eucharist.

During the spring and summer our ministries continued. The ECW hosted a Paint and Pour with

proceeds going to their project of Hug Blankets for school children and they continued to make

sure that parish shut-ins continued to receive monthly greeting cards.

Groups from the EPA participated in the Alton City Clean Up and again supported the Bucket

Brigade by painting the house of someone in need. The ECM held another successful geranium

sale and hosted a breakfast, open to all, with guest speaker Brant Walker, mayor of Alton.

Church School did not take a vacation but continued throughout the summer. The Education

Commission along with Mother Cindy sponsored a “Pizza and Brainstorming Party” in June.

The 20 people who attended were encouraged to think “outside of the box” to come up with new

innovations for Christian education programs for all ages. The Education Commission also held

a VBS Family Fun Night in June. The story of David and Goliath was explored through a

variety of activities.

For the 5th summer the EPA supported the SAK (Serving Area Kids) free summer lunch program

for children with hunger issues during the summer vacation from school. Thanks in part to

monetary donations and 312.75 volunteer hours from the EPA, 20,261 lunches were served.

In August volunteers from the parish joined those from our neighboring churches for the 8th

Annual Market Street Community Block Party and Health Fair. Twelve hundred people of all

ages enjoyed the many Block Party activities and 632 people took advantage of the Health Fair

offerings in Heneghan Hall.

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Much planning has been underway in August as we begin revamped Adult Education programs,

the addition of an evening Bible study group and work on many more new ideas for the EPA.

Thanks to Mother Cindy we now have a Facebook page: Facebook.com/episcopalalton.

Through our on-going ministries we continue to support Crisis Food Center, Oasis Women’s

Shelter, Riverbend Headstart and Family Services and monthly worship for residents at

Rosewood Care Center. Other offerings and activities that have continued since our 2015 Synod


• Monday Morning Prayer Group

• Tuesday Mass and Bible study

• The Home Touch Ministry of Daughters of the King

• The ECM Booknook

• The Parish Library

• The Bookstore and Gift Shop

• Nursery Care for Sundays

• The provision of meeting spaces for AA and Riverbend Headstart

• Our parish nurse, Amy Bohn, has continued to watch over our health.

We are deeply thankful for the hard work of the Vestry, Wardens and Commissions, the Search

Committee, the staff and for the many others who have put their hearts into the worship and

service to our Lord over the past year.

On July 4th St. Paul’s celebrated the 180th anniversary of its founding by Benjamin Godfrey in

1836. As we remember all those saints of the church who have worshipped and served the Lord

through those many years, we pray for God’s continued guidance and inspiration as we live our

mission statement: “To live and show Christ in our midst.”

(Submitted by Diane Martin)

St. George’s Episcopal Church, Belleville

We celebrated Christmas services at St. George's with the great highlight being the large

presence of children. Their liveliness at both our Christmas pageant, and at the 5:00 pm

Christmas Eve Eucharist inspired the congregations. Since changing over to Godly Play led by

May Scott, and a number of mothers and grandmothers, our Sunday School has affected much of

our Church life for good.

Our Annual Meeting was held after the Eucharist the last Sunday in January and following a

simple lunch, nearly 65 folks were in attendance for the meeting. Our highly respected treasurer

Ruth Ann Weber, ably assisted by senior warden Frank Rogers and Investment chairman Chuck

Evans, reported and responded to all questions concerning our finances. We reported a deficit of

$25,000 in our operations, and the Budget Committee led by Frank, assured the congregation the

expense side of our budget would be reined in for 2016. With nearly a complete plateau for our

pledged amount of giving for 2016 after 2015, a few changes were made to lower salaries for our

employees. Several deaths among our older parishioners, in fact 12 deaths in 2015, which

included some of our more generous givers, has affected our pledged totals, as well as our

average Sunday attendance. We dropped from 125 to 121 on Sundays. A discussion was opened

up about our finances, and the need to raise capital funds to pay for $150,000 worth of

replacement and major maintenance around the buildings. This set off a number of parishioners

speaking to this question, with many longtime parishioners sounding gloomy (with the exception

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of Barb Gates at 88), and a number of younger and newer folks expressing more hopeful

attitudes. After the meeting Frank Rogers once again was named by the rector as Senior

Warden, Candi Hamill was elected by the Vestry as Junior Warden, Ruth Ann elected to another

term as Treasurer, and Duffy Walters as Clerk.

Lent this year included a special Lenten Series on the Church as Eucharistic, and the spelling out

by Fr. Ralph McMichael on aspects of what this means in the lives of all who are part of the

Body of Christ. Fr. McMichael is a longtime friend of mine, since going to Nashotah House in

the late 1970's. 15-20 folks came weekly to hear this very fine theologian.

Also during Lent our Liturgies on Sundays were Rite I with Healey Willan's Mass music.

Throughout Lent, our Music Director, Nancy Ypma, the adult choir, and our young choristers, all

put in a great deal of time to ensure a high standard of sacred music especially during this

season, Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Our services were well attended, and I noted how many

of our younger folks appreciated Rite I.

Our Deacon, Jody Coleman, sees that everything is coordinated as she works with the lectors,

acolytes, Sunday School, and musicians. She is the key liaison as well to Duffy Walters and the

Altar Guild.

On Fridays at 12:10 we joined with our companion churches, St. Luke Roman Catholic, and St.

Mark ELCA, in praying the 14 Stations of the Cross. Our Good Friday Noon service is also this

devotion, with 80 or so parishioners from these three churches, joined this year by St. Michael's,

O'Fallon, and Fr. Wetmore. My Spiritual Directors, Sr. Grace and Pastor Ron Neustadt join us as


This year I announced Private Confessions most Sundays, and I heard a half dozen parishioners'.

I was taught that a priest ought not to hear confessions unless they make their own. I make mine

at the Pre-Lenten Clergy Retreat.

Our Toddhall Board is working smoothly with Dan Duncan's leadership. Toddhall itself has

improved immensely with guests coming in non-stop throughout the year. Charles Todd's gift of

$750,000 has enabled us to get a lot of work done, including a new entrance for the chapel,

which is now accessible. Our Parish Picnic, a Diocesan Clergy Conference, Diocesan Cursillo,

The Royal School of Church Music, the Diocese of Missouri's Clergy Retreat, are only a few

held at Toddhall. The Chapel has been re-situated so that it is now a recognizable Episcopal

Worship space, complete with Aumbry and stationary Altar. Thank you to Deacon Jody and Fr.

Wetmore for seeing this through. As Rector of St. George's and therefore vicar of this Chapel, I

have become more involved in giving approval for worship, and alerting any Episcopal group

that they may worship in the chapel, most fitting for the celebration of the Eucharist.

The Rector's Bible Study worked through the Gospel of St. Mark, in which I utilized two

Commentaries, Robert Gundry's, and supplemented with Bishop N. T. Wright's popular guide.

Over the past several years we have studied I Corinthians (Anthony Thiselton), Revelation or

Apocalypse (G. K. Beale), and John J. Collins' Daniel. These are all considered the finest for

these Biblical Books. We have anywhere from 15-45 at these classes.

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We grieved over many parishioners’ deaths, including Mary Reed, Bob Hall, Frank Cattaneo,

many who had been regular attendees. We are noting our attendance falling, in part due to death.

Over two months we lost 15 faithful parishioners who all moved or were re-deployed. This was

registered in our Summer attendance. We were 20 down on average compared to last year during

the summer months.

Two young men were part of our worship, both of whom have indicated a possible call to the

Priesthood. Alva Gene Hart is a Lt. Colonel in the US Army, and active. He and his family were

very active here for two years. Gene assisted in many ways liturgically and pastorally-the latter

especially needed with a rapidly growing list of parishioners unable to get to church since they

are affected by old age and illness. However, he was re-deployed to Germany. Will Campbell, a

Pastor in the United Methodist Church, joined St. George's and was confirmed by the Bishop in

May. He too has entered a time of discernment concerning a call to the Episcopal Church's


My own schedule has changed drastically as I visit a rising number of older parishioners who

received Communion at their residences, or hospital, or in a nursing home. Some of our older

folks are also much more prone to be hospitalized, sometimes as often as twice a month. I

consider this an essential pastoral ministry by the priest to his or her people. If folks enter a St.

Louis hospital I can spend two and a half days-mostly- getting around to visit.

More and more I bring up my own awareness that as the Episcopal Church shrinks, for many,

many reasons, and that this diminishment is mostly noticeable in New England, the Rust Belt,

and all rural areas. The Episcopal Church's membership was at 3.8 million in the late 1960's, and

has now fallen under 1.8 million according to the 2015 official statistics. One concern according

to an excellent study requested by the Episcopal Church, notes that churches in inner city areas

or in the downtowns of older communities dating back to the 19th century are shedding folks

faster than those in newer areas of a city or suburb. We talk about this at St. George's, and I urge

that the Diocese begin preparing for a general re-alignment which will affect most Dioceses in

the next 5-10 years. For St. George's we may well have a choice to align with the Diocese of

Chicago (possibly becoming once again the Diocese of Illinois, or the Diocese of Missouri).

I am daily grateful for my call to serve the people of St. George's. I am grateful for our Bishop's

leadership, and for my brothers and sisters in Christ throughout this faithful Diocese.

(Submitted by The Rev. Canon Dale Coleman, Rector)

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Edwardsville

No Report

St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church, Glen Carbon

Fr. Tony Clavier’s 50th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood celebration on September

29th was a very joyous celebration.

The Child Care Center and Preschool is increasing in all classes. The school age children went

on field trips and had a wonderful summer at the day care. Bible Class on Thursdays for half an

hour for the Twos, Pre K 1 & 2’s and School Age children was provided. The graduation

celebration was held at St. Thomas’ on August 12th for the six children graduating to

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Kindergarten, complete with red caps and gowns. The Bible Class continues for the 2 – 5 year

olds. The Christmas pageant done by the children was inspiring.

Fr. Tony Clavier completed rehabilitation from a broken hip in February and is our celebrant on

Sundays now. Thank you to Fr. David Boase and Fr. Gary Goldacker for being our Sunday

celebrants during this time.

The ECW is having a Soup and Salad Luncheon with Bake Sale on February 20th with the

proceeds going to the Diocesan ECW Project Magdalene House in St. Louis and the capital

campaign for the church roof.

Fr. Tony Clavier explained a few “Stations of the Cross” each Wednesday during Lent to

members of St. Thomas’, Glen Carbon and St. Bartholomew’s, Granite City. Then a soup and

bread supper followed at St. Thomas.

The ECW is having a Spaghetti Fest with Bake Sale on May 21, 2016, with the proceeds going

to the capital campaign for the church roof.

Fr. Tony Clavier meets with members of St. Thomas’ and St. Bartholomew’s on the first

Wednesday of each month to answer our questions.

The Child Care Center and Preschool had its graduation ceremony on August 12th, for 12 of our

students that are going to kindergarten. The center had a good summer and is now transitioning

to the school routine.

The new church roof was completed on August 19th.

St. Thomas’ will host the Darrow Deanery meeting on September 18th.

The joint picnic will be held on October 9th at Miner Park in Glen Carbon starting with


(Submitted by Jan Goossens)

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, Granite City

No Report

St Michael’s Episcopal Church, O’Fallon

No Report.

Respectfully submitted,

The Very Rev. Canon Dale D. Coleman, Dean



Clergy, delegates, alternates, and visitors attended the Pre-Synod Deanery meeting at Trinity

Church in Mount Vernon on Sunday, September 25. There were 20 people present: six of the

seven deanery clergy, four lay delegates, three alternates, and seven visitors including two

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members of the clergy and four members of the Committee on Constitution and Canons. Fr. Ben

Hankinson, host Rector for the meeting, volunteered to take minutes.

As the major agenda item, Kevin Babb presented and explained the constitutional and canonical

changes to be considered at Synod. After his presentation, there were several questions and some

lively and encouraging statements.

Toward the end of the meeting, a few of those present announced some events at the deanery and

diocesan level that would be taking place in the coming year. These included Cursillo and the St.

Michael’s Youth Conference.

The meeting closed with a time of prayer in which all present were given the opportunity to offer

petitions and thanksgivings.


The clericus of the Eastern Deanery consists of the Revs. Ann Tofani, Brant Hazlett, Bill and

Sylvia Howard, Ben Hankinson, Jim Fackler, and David Baumann. For over a year it has been

our custom to meet about quarterly at the home of David and Elizabeth Baumann in Salem on a

Monday evening. After Evening Prayer, dinner is served and good fellowship and discussion

take place. The evening closes with any sharing of matters of concern that anyone wishes to

present, and the support and counsel of the others is given, followed by group prayer.


The congregation at St. John’s continues to be busy as the Episcopal presence in Edwards

County. The county has neither Roman Catholic nor Lutheran churches.

We have held several work days to maintain the fabric of our historic church building and the

Parish Hall, now on the National Register of Historic Places. We gave special attention to

repairs and sprucing up for the wedding of one of our longtime members. It was heartwarming

to have the church completely filled.

We have held services every sabbath and major feast days. We celebrate Rite II during the year

except in Lent when we switch to Rite I. Our Vicar continues to help us explore the Book of

Common Prayer.

The Bishop’s Committee meets monthly. We remain in the black and pay our pledge on time


A regular feature of committee meetings and coffee hours is “ask the priest” and lively

discussion follows. Fr. Bill has been leading Sunday School lessons twice monthly.

St. John’s has continued their outreach for ECW projects and a missionary known to the


Dan Scherer and Judith Puckett continued to work as Historiographers reorganizing and

cataloging materials at the Diocesan Center.

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Fr. Bill attends meetings of the Edwards County Ministerial Alliance, keeping people in Edwards

County more aware of the presence of St. John in their midst and keeping our congregation more

connected to possible local opportunities to serve.

Pastoral care is a high priority. The people of St. John’s are extremely faithful in attendance, in

participation, in volunteering, in outreach, and in the joy of Christ.

(Submitted by The Rev. Bill Howard, Vicar)


St. Mary's church in Robinson conducted services each Sunday during the previous twelve

months. We had services during Holy Week and on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We met

on Wednesdays for evening prayer and Eucharist and during Lent for Stations of the Cross. We

tried to insure our shut-ins received communion and were visited during the week.

We joined the Hutsonville Historical Society's annual "Junque in the Trunk" rummage sale.

Cleaned out unused items in the basement; maintained the grounds and contracted for a new

roof for the church. There were also other minor repairs made.

We lost one member to death and two others for other reasons. We are financially in good shape

and spiritually growing. We trust God to take care of the rest as we begin a new church year.

(Submitted by The Rev. Ann Tofani)


The Very Rev. Canon David M. Baumann, Priest-in-Charge

The new year began with a Teaching Mission for three days in mid-January for both

congregations and the wider community. The missioner was Dr. Kevin Pittle, a Messianic Jew

who gave his testimony and offered two lectures and a Bible study on significant passages in the

New Testament explained from their Hebrew background. An hour’s live radio interview on this

topic was part of our outreach to the community.

St. John's offered a cooking class for teenagers late in the spring, which was attended and much

enjoyed by three teens from the local community. On the Sundays in Eastertide St. John's hosted

a public lecture series for the community in a boiled-down version of confirmation class

material. This was put together at the request of people at St. John's after a similar but more

comprehensive sermon series began on Sundays. Although we only had one person from the

community who attended, and he only came to one class, the people of St. John's themselves

attended regularly.

St. John’s presented a Vacation Bible School during the first week of August, in which eleven

children took part, seven of them from “off the street” whose families responded to flyers that

were posted throughout the city. The people of St. John’s, as always, put on a terrific program.

After a hiatus for Lent and Eastertide, St. John’s offering of Solemn Evensong to the wider

community resumed in September, with Jeff Stewart, hospital chaplain in Centralia and Mount

Vernon, and a lay member of Trinity Church in Mount Vernon, as guest preacher.

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St. Thomas’ annual Rummage Sale was most successful, with over $1,100 raised for outreach.

Similarly, its used book sale was well attended and also raised money for outreach. St. Thomas’

had Mass at its lovely outdoor altar twice in the summer, set in St. Fiacre’s Garden.

Confirmation instruction is taking place at both churches in the fall, with one person at St. John’s

preparing for confirmation and three at St. Thomas’. Members of St. Thomas’ who are already

confirmed were urged to attend the classes for a refresher course, and some have responded. The

confirmation curriculum, the result of over forty years of teaching such classes by Father David,

has been produced in hardcover book format for all interested members.

One of the newer members of St. Thomas’ and a candidate for confirmation hosted “the

Gathering”, a social event for all members of both churches. This welcome and thoughtfully-

prepared event was well-received and much-enjoyed.

A cell of the national Society of Mary was started in the spring with a total of eight members

from both churches as well as one from Trinity in Mount Vernon.

Father David visited a citizen of Salem when she was in jail, and when she was released on

parole affiliated herself with St. Thomas’. She is now in the confirmation class and is

encouraging others of her acquaintance to attend St. Thomas’.

St. Thomas’ lost three members to death and one long-time member to moving out-of-state, and

St. John’s lost its oldest member to death; she had been a member of St. John’s for nearly

seventy years. Requiem liturgies for the departed were Easter-themed, and the Gospel

proclaimed to those who attended the services. St. Thomas’ welcomed its newly-baptized

twelve-year-old as a skilled and eager acolyte, as well as a new couple who were married in May

and have remained as active members.


Over the last year, Trinity, Mt. Vernon has initiated some new ministries. Last fall we began a

joint youth ministry with two other churches in Mt. Vernon, meeting once a month to serve

dinner at the local homeless shelter. Next, we added a monthly service in one of the area nursing

homes. Advent saw us spearhead a new ecumenical service of Lessons and Carols between five

churches with a seventy member combined choir and an offering designated for the community’s

homeless shelter. This Spring we put a new roof on the Parish Hall.

In terms of returning ministry ventures, Trinity went out on the town several times for food and

fellowship at Trinity on the Move. All Souls’ Day was observed with a Requiem for the faithful

departed. The annual chili luncheon fundraiser put on by the St. Anne’s Guild was a success as

was our annual stewardship campaign. Lent saw us contemplate the Passion in our weekly

Stations of the Cross with our neighboring Roman Catholic parish. The summer was bracketed

on one end by the 2nd Annual Trinity Sunday celebration and cookout and on the other end by

the annual Parish Picnic. During the summer we welcomed back the U. of I. Extension Office to

our Parish Hall to hold a free cooking class for area youth.

In addition to the local context, members of Trinity have been spotted at various diocesan events.

Trinity sent two youth to the 2016 St. Michael’s Youth Conference. Members attended the ECW

retreat in the Spring, and we had two parishioners on team at Cursillo.

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Spiritual formation played a regular role in parish life at Trinity. An Anglican rosary prayer

group meets faithfully, and we continue to observe all of the Holy Days. Sunday School pursued

a topical approach last year, touching on: The Daily Office; lectionaries; Christian symbolism

(liturgy, architecture, etc.); a Lenten look at confession; Rule of Life and accountability.

Midweek studies honed in on Anglican church history.

Looking forward to the year ahead, we will continue to pursue formation as we worship together

regularly and pursue studies on prayer and Genesis. Fellowship, a strength of our worshipping

community, will take many shapes and sizes with an eye on new and expanding possibilities.

Being mindful of such possibilities in all areas of our common life, we have begun to consider

anew what mission and vision God is calling us to here at Trinity. Two areas of growth have

already begun. First, we have revived our children’s Sunday School thanks to the infusion of

new children and the willing volunteers who have come forward to serve. And secondly, in

addition to our regular worship schedule at the church, we have been invited to hold services on

Tuesday mornings in the chapel at Good Samaritan Hospital. These services, broadcast to patient

rooms throughout the hospital, allow us to be a prayerful and pastoral presence to many even

though they are unable to join us in person.

We are excited about what is happening at Trinity to the glory of God, and we look forward to

seeing the movement of the Spirit in our lives and in our ministry to those around in the name of

Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Submitted by Fr. Ben Hankinson)


Since our last Synod Report St. John’s has had a few maintenance items we have had to

deal with. Toward the end of 2015 the heating and air conditioning for the Church and office

area started to give us trouble and both systems had to be replaced in early February. Later in

April our front doors began to show their age and had to be replaced also. Vandals smashed a

light that illumines the cross and sign on the front lawn. This caused a short in the wiring which

required new wiring and conduit to be buried and a new light with a more secure base to it set in

place. Since then we haven’t had any problems.

Much of our energies have been spent on Outreach to the local community and beyond.

We were able to provide funding for Bishop Elias to secure transportation and we continue to

support mission work through Global Team Ministries. During the Thanksgiving and Christmas

seasons we continued to participate in the local Ministerial Alliances Operation Share program.

This program provides food for the needy at Thanksgiving and Christmas and provides presents

for children. Over 400 families were fed through these efforts for both Thanksgiving and

Christmas and around 450 children were provided presents for Christmas through these efforts.

St. John’s also adopted a family for Christmas and provided gifts for the children. A gift

wrapping get-to-gather was held at a member’s house to prepare the gifts. All had a wonderful

time in participating. Later on Epiphany we held a party to raise money for next year’s family

and over $350 was raised for this project for next year.

St. John’s is heavily involved in the local homeless shelter program. The shelter is a

community run and supported program that receives no government support. St. John’s provides

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a monthly monetary gift to help pay for insurances and other costs of operation. Plus, we have

begun a monthly ingathering for the shelter. On the third Sunday of the month we gather items

of need and deliver them for their use. We have another ingathering on the first Sunday of the

month for WADI. WADI is the governmental support organization for the low income and needy

in the area. We support their pantry program with our ingathering and we provide funds when

needed to help with rent and utility needs of those in need.

During the summer months we had another gathering of supplies for needy children who

would be heading back to school. The schools do not supply the regular needed supplies such as

paper and pencils, colors, erasers, etc. So we go shopping to provide these items. We also

donate to provide gym uniforms and tennis shoes. The kids are not allowed to use the same

shoes on the gym floor they wear outside daily. Some of the kids cannot afford two pair of shoes

and so a fund is provided to buy shoes for those who cannot get them on their own. St. John’s

has been participating in this program for the past nineteen years.

St. John’s is also providing two local students with scholarship funds to help them get

through college. We have decided to support two students who may not have had the means to

get through college in any other way. Our goal is to help them achieve and grow as God would

have them grow. They report their progress on a regular basis and are doing well. All in all, the

people of St. John’s have been blessed and are trying to be good stewards with what the Lord has


(Submitted by Fr. Brant V. Hazlett, Rector)

Respectfully submitted, The Very Rev. Canon David M. Baumann, Dean


Church of the Redeemer continues to make excellent progress amidst the challenges in

Cairo. Synod Delegate Dana Harris reports that:

• * 9 received confirmation into the faith

• * 2 members were received into the Episcopal Church

• * 2 members received reaffirmations of Baptism

• * 1 member was baptized

• * 4 attended Cursillo

• * 2 attended the Youth Conference at St. Michael

• * Several community service projects were completed, including

• a city-wide clean-up and the building of a basketball

• court

• * A 2-day church retreat was conducted on Memorial Day week-

• end

• * Visits to the sick and shut-in continue.

• +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

The highlights of the last year at St. Andrew’s in Carbondale include the revival of some old

traditions with the inauguration of some new. We celebrated our patronal feast day with a Vesper

Service of Taize music. It was well-attended with high demand for recordings from the prayerful

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event. We marked Good Friday with a three-hour service focusing on Jesus’ last words from the

cross. Clergy and parishioners from seven different churches in town participated. We used the

“Life and Lectionary” program to build community among those seeking the various rites of

initiation. Of the five persons who attended the gatherings along with their sponsors, three

decided that they were ready respectively for reaffirmation, reception and confirmation.

Bonnie Lindquist worked hard to secure the donation of a state-of-the-art digital piano for our

mission church, St. James’ Chapel in Marion. She then directed a “Springing Forward”

Concert with four different musicians highlighting the versatility of the instrument. We

celebrated the Feast Day of St. James with a peach festival featuring chilled peach soup and

short-cake. Donning special St. James t-shirts created by Erica North, we enjoyed an outing to a

Miners’ baseball game. We cheered them from a 1-10 start to recover amazingly and win, 11-10!

We continue to build our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, and used our growing

library of Montessori resources for a vacation Bible School in Marion. An adult study group

explored the relationship between monks and artists. Senior Warden and retired art professor

Michael Onken added a beautiful, new icon of St. Andrew to the artwork he has donated to the

parish, and a parishioner is planning to direct a play she adapted from a little-known Tolkien

story. Our ministry to college students is taking a new direction with a focus on service projects,

including making mats for the homeless, and dorm presentations on meditation and

contemplation. In all this, we seem to be discerning a possible vocation to evangelism through

creativity and beauty. Rector Kate Jeffrey continues to serve as Director of Foundations for

Christian Discernment and local dean.

+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

From Mother Sherry Black: “St. Mark's in West Frankfort is most definitely a family

church. As a mission church, our foundation is a handful of families and multiple generations. In

the last few years, we have focused time, energy, and engagement with our children, who at

times comprise a third of our Sunday attendance and are the future of our church. Last fall started

with a blessing and distribution of school supplies for our kids and a pajama day when their

lesson was about the darkness before creation to kick off their learning about the 7 days of

creation. Then our children began making ornaments for the Jesse Tree for Advent, and

practicing for a Christmas program (presented on December 20th). They were wonderful, with

huge thanks to Claudia Byrne our Organist, and perennial thanks to Nancy Summers who

creatively engages our kids.

“The last Sunday after Epiphany we baptized an 8-year-old girl -- she was so lovely and

excited! We had a "Mixed Up Lent," and the children read the lessons and did a skit for the

homily one Lenten Sunday. As always, we had a great turn out of children and adults on Easter!

Sadly, in June, one of our precious children died, and the whole church grieved. It was a shock to

lose one so young, and we gathered strength from one another. But as the life cycle goes on, we

are training acolytes this summer and fall, and we baptized and welcomed another child to our

family in July. And the cycle continues as we gear up for school supplies and the year ahead.”

+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

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Father Tim Goodman reports from Harrisburg that “It's been an interesting year for Saint

Stephens. After my open heart surgery, the church's people took a leadership role using

morning and evening prayer in my absence. Father John Griffin provided most of the Sunday

services for us. Thanks to the good Lord, His doctors and nurses, and my wife, Carol, I was able

to start back to church in only two months. I went from using a wheel chair and a very low altar,

to a full standing position.

“We finished the year with a surplus of funds, again with God's help and the gifts from the

people of Saint Stephens. We used some of this surplus to help out CASA, a local children's

advocate organization.

“Although we have had no major building problems this last year, we are planning on a

small project next year to repair a wall that has lost grouting allowing rain water to enter the


“We had a very welcomed visit from our Bishop in May, and are looking forward to his

next visit. We held our annual Italian dinner again to a sold out crowd. We cleared some

$1300.00 in profit all of which was divided between two local charities. All and all, it was a

good year filled with God's blessings.”

+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

As a deanery, we tested out a novena-by-conference call that seemed to work well for us to

join in prayer, despite the geographical distance that spans our churches. Once again, we

commenced our annual deanery meeting with a Eucharist, and look forward to supporting each

other during the coming year in the various special events that our churches sponsor.

Respectfully submitted,

The Very Rev. Kathryn G. Jeffrey, Dean

NORTHEASTERN DEANERY The Church of the Holy Trinity, Danville

The following information reflects activities at the Church of the Holy Trinity:

• Father Scanlon, Father Halt, and Father Wells continue to oversee our sacramental life

• Celebrated one Baptism, one Marriage, and said two funeral liturgies

• Continue outreach relationship with Downtown Neighborhood Association and The

Vermilion County War Museum

• Vestry developed long term strategic plan; addresses strengths and weaknesses; presented

and explained at annual parish meeting. Plan is revisited and updated monthly

• Addressing several building maintenance issues and prioritizing improvements to be

made on the gym, office areas, church entrance

• Honored Father Geoffrey Scanlon, retired priest of parish, with title, Priest Emeritus

• Held spiritual pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham with four local Roman

Catholic parishes

• Invited neighboring apartment complexes to parish Thanksgiving dinner

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• Observed Advent and Christmas with weekly devotions, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer

and Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve

• Bishop Martins celebrated Mass and the Liturgy for the Imposition of Ashes on Ash


• Observed Lent with weekly devotions, Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Morning Prayer,

and Evening Prayer

• Celebrated the Liturgies for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Transferal of the Blessed

Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Mass of the


• Joined with the Diocese in making the Novena to the Holy Spirit in preparation for

Pentecost and added Choral Evensong, Holy Hour, and Benediction of the Blessed

Sacrament to the daily reading of Morning and Evening Prayer during the nine days

• Richard Lewis ordained Deacon by Bishop Martins

• September Day of Renewal kept before the Blessed Sacrament with individual Holy Hour

followed by devotions and sermon at the end of the day

St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Rantoul

St. Christopher’s vicar is Rev. Steve Thorp and assisting deacon is Rev. Ann Alley. Our Sunday

attendance averages 12.

For our Lenten program this year we viewed the video series Final Words from the Cross with

Adam Hamilton. Hamilton examines Christ’s dying hours and his final words as seen and heard

through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross.

Our Maundy Thursday service included foot washing, and was very meaningful to all who

attended. The service was followed by a soup supper.

During April we conducted a 4-week session on “Exploring Prayer.” We held an Ascension Day

Service and participated in the Diocesan “Wave of Prayer” from Ascension Day through


Rev. Steve Thorp became a grandfather on August 30. His daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and

Ben Johnson, had a son and named him Ezra!

Our annual fall bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 10th. If you’re in our area, stop in.

Lots of goodies!

(Submitted by Rev. Ann Alley)

The Chapel of Saint John the Divine – Champaign, IL – The Reverend Sean Ferrell

The last year has been a lively and grace-filled time in the life of the Chapel of Saint John the


Canterbury Student Gatherings

Our Canterbury program continues to be a vital program serving the UIUC campus. Students are

engaging in the life of this parish both on Sunday mornings and at our weekly Canterbury

gatherings on Wednesdays. Twelve to fifteen students are gathering at 5:15 p.m. each week for a

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full celebration of the Eucharist over the past year, and even more students gather with us at our 8

am and 10 am services of Sunday.

Our Wednesday gathering also includes a free home-cooked meal provided by the parish.

Matthew Cross and Ben Norton are serving as peer ministry interns. Four persons who have been

active participants in our Canterbury program recently made significant life transitions. Will

Dickinson (MA, Library Science), Julia Cater (MA Library Science), both have graduated and

have moved to the east coast for positions, and Richard Bukenya (PhD Nutrition and Food

Science) will continue his dissertation research in Tanzania. Elizabeth Sloffer (PhD Nutrition

and Food Science) is doing research for her dissertation in Honduras.

The Parish

In January, we held our annual parish meeting on January 17. A couple of the highlights of the

meeting were as follows:

• Our average Sunday attendance was up for 2015 to 124 from 117 in 2014. This total does

not count our regular Wednesday services that serve the university community. That

service averages an additional 12 for a total average weekly attendance of 136.

• Four new babies were born in our parish in the last year, and the parish continues to be

age diverse with persons from 1 to over 91.

• Kevin Thomas, Amy Weber, and Kelley Wegeng were elected members of our vestry.

The good work at considering how we might alter or replace our Canterbury House to more

appropriately meet our ministry needs as a parish and chaplaincy continues. Our vestry is

working on a ministry inventory and, over the next couple of months, we will be soliciting input

from the parish to assist and further our discernment about how to best bring the good news of

God in Christ at the corner of Wright and Armory in the heart of the University of Illinois

Urbana-Champaign campus.

The Parish is thriving and we have added lots of programmatic opportunities for participation

throughout the year:

• We held the Blessing of the Animals service on the feast of Francis of Assisi.

• At the beginning of December, we held a St. Nicholas celebration. Our Canterbury

students graciously hosted the wider parish on that evening as we celebrated the

Eucharist and ate dinner together and had a visit from Bishop Nicholas himself.

• Our Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols was well attended and beautifully celebrated

on the Second Sunday of Advent.

• We continue to have great participation in our “Dinners for Eight” or “Foyers” program.

• Our Canterbury program hosted the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We were pleased

to see over 80 were in attendance.

Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church, Champaign

To Know Christ, and to Make Christ Known

I will sketch some of its highlights of our year under the four headings of Formation,

Community, Worship, and Mission.

Formation: Children’s formation on Sunday mornings continues under the capable leadership of

Bill Techau, with two lectionary-based classes for kids. Our adult formation groups this past

year took a video course on discernment, studied Ephesians, enjoyed a workshop on “spiritual

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types,” and participated in a parish-wide focus on Anglican basics including a sermon series, two

video courses from Bexley Seabury faculty, Lenten evenings on “famous Anglicans,” and an

instructed Eucharist narrated by a team of laity. Deacon Christine Hopkins continued leading

our youth group in Sunday evening meetings and on a trip to Chicago for a Cubs game. We also

now distribute a weekly “taking faith home” handout with activities and questions for all ages

related to the lectionary.

Community: Continued diversification of the demographics at Emmanuel has led us to ask

questions about how to build connections among shorter and longer term parishioners and those

of different generations. A survey on social events was helpful in hearing how members find it

natural to connect and how we could improve community. In spring about 85 of us celebrated the

Bishop’s visitation with a BBQ supper of local food, designed by a mixed team of newer and

longer-term parishioners, including donated beer from a local microbrewery (owned by the

parents of a Baptismal candidate) and a brief teaching on discipleship. We honored our long term

Hospitality chair, Kim McQueen, as she stepped down from that ministry this program year; her

beautiful receptions and events will be a hard act to follow!

Worship: We are privileged to have a solid crew of lay leaders, including teenaged acolytes, an

adult choir plus Choral Scholars, musicians Michael Fisher and our new choirmaster Geoffrey

Williams, adult servers and lectors, the altar guild, and the usher corps. We continue to see

steady commitment among a small group of diverse ages to praying the Daily Office. A special

event for us was a 1662 Book of Common Prayer Choral Evensong. This model of an historical

“period piece” Evensong has been growing dramatically in popularity elsewhere, and we found

that it fit well with both Emmanuel’s particular ethos and the culture of Champaign-Urbana. We

will be offering three more 1662 Prayer Book Evensongs in the coming program year.

Mission: Our second Illinois Marathon outreach saw a team of parishioners handing out

jellybeans to runners from a tent flying the Episcopal flag. We also built community connections

by serving as home base for the downtown Holiday Trolley program in December and hosting

the choral ensemble ECCO for a Mother’s Day concert. We continue handing out sack lunches

every weekday (now with parishioner participation), as well as making donations to local

outreach organizations. A highlight of the Spring was the kickoff of our outreach partnership

with empty tomb, the social service ministry our year-long outreach discernment process

identified. We are also offering financial and prayer support to Diane and Allen Wakabayashi,

our postulants whom we have just sent forth to Nashotah House.

I am grateful for our wardens, vestry, and staff in what has been a very active year, as well as to

all those Baptized Christians whom God has called to be part of the outpost of his Kingdom at

the corner of State and University in Champaign. Blessed, praised, worshipped and adored be

Jesus Christ.

(Submitted by The Very Rev. Beth Maynard, Rector)

Trinity, Mattoon

In October we held our Annual Animal Blessing in Friendship Park, Mattoon, in conjunction

with the United Methodist Church of Mattoon. Attendance seems to grow every year.

In November, Trinity held a joint service with The Church of Mattoon and enjoyed the musical

talent of their praise band, The Surrender Praise Band. Another Agape meal followed this

service; boy, we sure like to break bread with our neighbors!

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The Mattoon Jewish Community Center which also uses Trinity Episcopal Church for their

worship space, has joined us for a couple of services and Agape meals. The members of Trinity

have also attended a few of their services and enjoyed discovering and comparing our beautiful

liturgies. Both communities are currently looking forward to holding a joint Seder Meal during

Passover in April.

In July, Trinity Episcopal Church continued its community outreach by handing out bottled

water to the participants of Mattoon’s 4th of July Parade. The parade began at the footsteps of

Trinity Episcopal Church.

In August, we had a successful Church Clean-Up Day where several church members came out

to clean up the church property. Later in August, after receiving several inches of rain, both

sump pumps failed and the church basement flooded with four inches of water. Cheri Prahl,

Mission Warden, organized the clean-up and had both sump pumps replaced.

Cheri Prahl announced that the painting of the inside of the church will begin this coming


The Mattoon Jewish Community informed Trinity that they now have a rabbi and presented us

with a full schedule of Shabbat services to be held at Trinity on Friday nights this semester.

We are also busy planning a series of organ recitals for 2017 celebrating the 100th Anniversary of

the church organ. Donations are being accepted to help offset the costs of the recitals, since

organists from around the country will be performing in Mattoon for this special occasion.

Book discussion is offered every second and fourth Tuesday night, immediately following the

midweek service. We are currently studying the Gospel of Mark while using N.T. Wright’s study


(Submitted by Fr. Jeff Kozuszek)

Respectfully submitted,

The Very Rev. Beth H. Maynard, Dean

NORTHERN DEANERY The Northern Deanery met on September 11, 2016. Clergy and representatives from St.

Matthew’s, Bloomington, the Tazewell County parish and Trinity, Lincoln attended. Our guest

was Chancellor Kevin Babb who discussed the proposed Canons revision. No other business

was transacted.

Trinity, Lincoln

Calendar 2016 began with a great deal of activity at Trinity; Bishop Martins’ visitation and our

Annual Meeting were on consecutive weekends in January. Bishop Martins returned to Trinity

during Lent when he led our Lenten study group on the subject of prayer. The classes were well

attended with both long-time and some newer members participating. Holy Week and Easter

were glorious due to the efforts of our dedicated parishioners, many of whom put in long hours

that week.

Trinity hosted the graduation for Jobs for Life again; seven students received their certificates of

completion and two of our members served as mentors in the classes. It is always gratifying to

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see the change in attitude and demeanor among the students as they are equipped to improve

their employment opportunities.

Fr. Mark participated in CREDO training in February and helped lead a conference in April.

CREDO offers a way for him to stay connected to the wider Church. Fr. Mark joined with other

pastors in the Lincoln area to offer prayers in the courthouse rotunda on the National Day of


On Trinity Sunday, we celebrated our festal day by hosting a luncheon where we made our

outreach contributions. Community Action Partners, the Pregnancy Resource Center, our

companion diocese and Nashotah House are the recipients of our outreach this year and checks

were presented to representatives of these organizations.

Trinity sent one student to the St. Michael’s Conference this summer.

After a long hiatus, many years in fact, Sunday School for children is returning to Trinity. We

are still in the rollout phase but plans are coming together to provide Christian education for

elementary aged children. We do not have a lot of space but crews of people have been hard at

work to clear, clean and sort through the rooms that will become our nursery for pre-school

children and a classroom for the older kids. Later this fall, after we have honed the class with

current members, we plan to invite the community at large to be a part of our education


Spring has been a time of many building issues. Our chapel A/C unit gave out and after some

missteps, we are now enjoying cool, refreshing air again. The discharge water pipe on one

furnace leaked into the ceiling of our library for some time before it was noticed – by dumping a

few gallons of water onto our library books. After cleanup and replacement, all is well. The

largest project, and the one that took the longest to repair was our roof. The flashing between the

roof and the brick walls succumbed to age since the roof was replaced 30 odd years ago but is

now ready for another few decades.

Trinity is again part of the Jobs for Life program with members acting as mentors for students in

the program, graduation was held at Trinity on September 22 with seven graduates and their

family and friends.

(Submitted by Fr. Mark Evans, Rector)

St. Matthew’s, Bloomington

St. Matthew's continues to experience the ups and downs associated with being a church in the

mainline tradition. We have said goodbye to good friends who have retired or moved, and are

trying to witness to our ever increasing secular world without losing our core catholic identity.

This spring, we began exploring a joint ministry with Christ the King in order to begin the

process of living out Bishop Martin's vision of the geographic Parish of McLean County. At the

end of the small group sessions, it was determined that a need in our area was significant

marriage support work. The Vestry of St. Matthew's has signed off on the proposal, and once we

have heard from our partners, we will begin the process to offer PREP to our wider community.

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St. Matthew's and Christ the King also shared services on Ascension and the Vigil of Pentecost.

Each service was well attended, and a time of good fellowship was had after the Vigil.

St. Matthew's continues to recover from an event of last October. The hole caused by the

entrance of the van has been rebuilt using the original stone, and it looks better than before. The

interior stairs have been rebuilt with new steel supports. We are still waiting for the installation

of a new door, new exterior steps, a full cleaning of the organ pipes, and the reinstallation of our

priceless Emil Frei company stained glass. We have discovered that our organ intake was fouled

by the dust of the crash and requires a motor repair and a full cleaning of the pipes. We are

hopeful that insurance continues to cover the majority of the expenses, but estimate that the

entire event will have cost us close to $5,000.

This summer, six members of St. Matthew's attended the St. Michael's Conference. We also had

four members traveling to St. Vincent on mission. We raised over $5000 to put a roof on St.

John's Church in Owia, and $500 for school supplies to take with us. We partnered with six

members of St. John's Church, Lancaster, Ohio. Fr. Halt also served as an unintentional curate

while on the island by preaching and celebrating at the weekday services and preaching at a


We experienced some minor flooding during the last major storm system. This was due to a

clogged sewer line, which is being repaired. We are very thankful for the men of St. Matthew's

who helped do the major clean-up and mitigated the damage of the event.

We are excited as we begin the fall to have our worship space back in order, and for our

launching of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd on Wednesday evenings in conjunction with our

adult formation activities.

Attendance is trending up, and we have welcomed several new young families to St. Matthew's

over the past several months.

Fr. Halt has also continued to serve as once a month supply for Holy Trinity, Danville during

their transition. He will also begin his "residence" work at the Antiochian House of Studies on

August 29 with classes in Maximus the Confessor and the Theology of the Person. This is the

initial coursework towards a PhD in Orthodox Studies.

We were blessed to be able to shepherd The Rev. Matthew Dallman through his ordination

process and are very happy that he is serving in Tazewell County, and are looking forward to the

ordination of Mr. Tim Leighton to the Diaconate in the next several months.

(Submitted by Fr. Dave Halt, Rector)

Tazewell County – St. Paul’s and All Saints’

The Parish of Tazewell County (Saint Paul's, Pekin and All Saints', Morton) called a full-time

cleric, the Rev. Matthew C. Dallman, who started his ministry on July 1. He along with his wife

Hannah and their four daughters relocated from Chicago to the Rectory in Pekin. Deacon

Dallman's ordination to the Priesthood is scheduled for the Feast of Saint Lucy (Dec 13) at Saint


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The two churches continue to seek God's will as to what it means, and can mean, to maintain

their distinctiveness and community heritage yet also be a Parish. Both communities used the

RenewalWorks program earlier in the year before the arrival of Deacon Dallman, and the Parish

is exploring ways to apply the learnings gained through that program. This includes forming a

Parish Council made up of members of both churches to continue to discern further the shape

and character of our mission.

In addition to the ordination in December, the Parish is looking forward to the Lessons and

Carols service that All Saints' will host on December 18, an event the church has hosted before

with great success.

(Submitted by the Rev. Matthew C. Dallman)

Respectfully submitted,

The Very Rev. Mark E. Evans, Dean

NORTHWESTERN DEANERY The Northwestern Deanery meeting was hosted by St. Paul’s-Carlinville on Sunday, 18

September 2016 with 7 ordained, 6 lay representatives, and 3 guests present. Each church in the

Deanery was represented. Mr. Charlie Rice of St. Paul’s-Carlinville was elected to a two-year

term as lay representative of the Deanery to the Diocesan Council. Archdeacon Denney and

Deacon Langford led a discussion on the proposed canonical changes to come before synod.

They were assisted by Mr. Larry Clark and Mr. Charlie Rice, members of the committee.

St. Paul’s-Carlinville

The Episcopal Parish of Macoupin County continued into its 167th year with its St.

Paul’s Episcopal church in Carlinville and St. Peter’s Chapel in Chesterfield. The Eucharist at

St. Paul’s is celebrated every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. with an average attendance of about

28. Evening prayer is said the first, second, and fifth Wednesday evening at 7 p.m.; the third

Wednesday of the month the Eucharist is celebrated; and the fourth Wednesday is compline.

The Eucharist at St. Peter’s is celebrated on Saturday evening at 5:00 p.m. with an average

attendance of 5. In the interest of getting to know the whole Prayer Book services were held

using Rite I, Prayer I; Rite II Prayer A; Rite II Prayer B; Rite II Prayer C; and Rite II Prayer D.

The Great Vigil of Easter was held at St. Peter’s and Easter Mass was celebrated at St. Paul’s.

We host the local Alcoholic Anonymous group three evenings each week and a Drug

Anonymous group two evenings each week in our Parish Hall. The Carlinville Birth-3 Program

continues to use space in our parish hall for their office. Members of our parish contribute

canned food regularly to the local food pantry and Fr. John serves as a member of that group’s

board. Members of the parish volunteer at the Food Pantry on the fifth Wednesday of the month.

Fr. John also serves as Secretary of the Carlinville Ministerial Association. Fr. John continues to

be Midler Spiritual Director at church camp and is in the middle of his term as Dean of the

Northwestern Deanery and Chairman of the Commission on Ministry. This year the parish

adopted a specific mission budget. One-third of this budget goes to seminary support and the

remainder is divided between various community and diocesan groups.

We have completed improvements to our church physical plant including painting the

inside and outside of St. Paul’s, completing a totally remodeled kitchen, and re-roofing St.

Paul’s. We completed major repairs to our organ. At St. Peter’s we successfully passed a

foundation inspection.

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As this report is written we are looking forward to Bishop Martins’ visit to our parish on

November 6.

Fellowship activities at St. Paul’s included our Church Eucharist and Picnic at Lake

Rinaker on October 2 and a lively coffee hour each week after mass. As this report is written

we look forward to our annual parish fish fry at the Stocks’ on October 29 and a brunch after the

Bishop’s visit on November 6.

The sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered three times and we have a wedding

scheduled for November 5. We recognized teachers, retired teacher, and students as school

resumed in August.

(Submitted The Very Rev. John R. Henry, Rector)

St. Luke’s-Springfield

We have had a Busy Synod year at St. Luke’s.

The Bishop’s Committee held a retreat day in December, facilitated by Fr. Bruce

DeGooyer. We had a very productive day beginning discussion on a variety of items. We are

looking forward to a follow-up gathering during which we can begin to flesh out several ideas.

One idea suggested was that we seek to partner with the Christian Student Fellowship at

the University of Illinois, Springfield. Several from St. Luke’s attended the group’s annual

fundraiser. Our own Professor Keenan Dungey, who is the faculty advisor/sponsor of the group,

received an award in the course of the evening. A need pointed out at the time was provision of

refreshments for the group’s weekly meetings, as well as snacks for the final exam period. The

women of St. Luke’s took up the challenge and provided 60 snack bags that were distributed the

week of finals.

We had a busy Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. In addition to a full schedule of services at

St. Luke’s, Fr. Denney travelled to Jacksonville to celebrate on Maundy Thursday and on Good


Daily Events were held to respond to the Bishop’s call for a Wave of Prayer for renewal

and evangelism in the Diocese of Springfield. We joined with Trinity Church-Jacksonville to

begin the week with Mass on Ascension Day. The clergy from both congregations participated

in the service, with Fr. Denney celebrating. Singers from St. Luke’s joined the Trinity Choir,

and the service was well attended by members of both congregations. Trinity provided a meal

after the service, so there was good opportunity for fellowship. Resources provided by the

Bishop were used throughout the week, and the opportunity for intentional prayer invoking the

Holy Spirit has strengthened all participants.

David Wells, assisting Deacon at St. Luke’s, was ordained to the Priesthood on Saturday,

May 14. Though held at St. Paul’s for space reasons, the service was being largely staffed and

prepared for by parishioners from St. Luke’s.

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St. Luke’s sent three young people and one counselor to Episcopal Church Camp. This

was again a tremendous experience for all involved, and we look forward to finding ways to

strengthen the work of the camp and our participation.

The Denney family traveled again this summer to Taormina, Sicily, where Fr. Denney

served as locum chaplain for July at St. George’s Church (C of E). It was again a great

opportunity to meet Anglicans from around the Communion as well as a significant number of

English-speaking visitors. A highlight was meeting and worshipping with a congregation of

Italian-speaking Anglicans that has recently been formed in Sicily. We gathered with them for

two services using forms of the Church of England’s Common Worship translated to Italian.

Thanks to Frs. David Boase and David Wells for keeping a full schedule of services during our


We have had three baptisms this year, with another scheduled in September. We are also

reviving our monthly Sunday Healing Service.

We look forward to a busy Fall.

(Submitted by Shawn W. Denney+, Vicar)

Christ Church-Springfield

No report submitted.


We said good-bye to both our ministers this year. On January 31st we celebrated the

retirement of our rector Fr. Christopher Ashmore, who has served our congregation for 18 years.

On July 31st we said good-bye to our deacon, the Rev. Thomas Langford. Deacon Langford has

served Trinity Church for 20 years and has been our interim minister during our rector search.

We offer our gratitude to God for both of our ministers’ long years of service and wish them a

long and restful retirement.

Our rector search process commenced in January and on Trinity Sunday the vestry

announced that it had called the Rev. Deacon Zachary Brooks. Rev. Brooks grew up in

Lafayette, Indiana and attended seminary at Boston College. He was ordained a deacon in June

in St. Paul’s Cathedral in Boston, Massachusetts and will be ordained a priest here at Trinity

church this coming December. Rev. Brooks, his wife Leah, and son Abraham moved to

Jacksonville at the end of July, and Rev. Brooks started as rector-elect on August 1st. While Rev.

Brooks serves as a transitional deacon, Fr. David Boase and Fr. Shawn Denney will visit

periodically to celebrate the Eucharist.

Trinity Church has already begun a major round of maintenance and improvements to our

building. The gutters will be cleaned out and new flashing installed while minor leaks in the roof

resulting from said lack of flashing will be repaired, crumbling mortar will be replaced, the locks

will be replaced and brought up to code, the heating/cooling system for the parish hall will be

completely replaced, a new a/c unit for the sanctuary has already been put in place, the windows

in the parish hall will be resealed, painted, and cracked panes will be replaced, the exterior walls

will be power washed and the space between the walls and foundation will be caulked, and the

slate porch will be repaired.

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We greatly improved our web outreach with a brand new, professionally designed

website. In Lent we collected food and toiletries for the New Directions homeless center. On

April 10th our church school children joyfully offered $2,251.39 that they raised for Heifer

Project International. We continued our participation in the Jacksonville Doorbell Dinners

program which delivered hot meals and sack lunches to needy people in the community. In June

we assisted Grace Methodist Church with the Summer Good and Fun program, which provides

hot lunches for school children.

(Submitted by The Rev. Zachary Brooks)

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul’s-Springfield

No report submitted.

St. John’s-Decatur

In November, 2015, we had about 20 members assist the Decatur “Judy Mason”

Thanksgiving basket project on two occasions. 4,000 Thanksgiving baskets were put together on

Nov. 22nd for the needy in Macon County. The second week of November was our week to

assist Meals on Wheels by covering 18 delivery routes during the week. We were pleased to be

a stop on the Heritage and Holly Tour Thanksgiving Weekend 2015, 360 visitors came to see St.

John’s on Friday and Saturday of that week-end. Our annual Advent Service of Lessons and

Carols was held on December 13th, with a reception following. We had good attendance at our

two Christmas Eve masses, with a children’s choir singing at the early service. On December

27th we celebrated our Patronal Feast with a Pot-luck following the 10:00 am Mass.

On January 9th, we had our first bi-monthly Cursillo Ultreya of the year. On January 22nd

we celebrated the life of Richard Pharis, who died unexpectedly the week prior. We held our

Annual Meeting following a combined 9:00 am Holy Eucharist on Sunday, the 24th of January.

We celebrated the life of long-time member, Jayne Evey-Hicks, on Monday, the 1st of

February. On February 6th the Vestry gathered for our annual Vestry Retreat. On the 9th of

February the men prepared pancakes for the Annual Pancake supper---this year there was also

the option of having Jambalaya to spice things up. We began our weekly Stations of the Cross

on Friday the 12th at 6:00 pm.

Bishop Martins made his annual visitation on Sunday the 14th of February, Megan Jordan

was Confirmed. Our Lenten study series began on Wednesday the 17th following the weekday

Eucharist. This year we had five sessions looking at the Book of Common Prayer. Stations of

the Cross continued every Friday at 6:00 pm through Lent.

On Sunday, March 6th we held our Lenten (Rite I) Evensong. On March 13th we had our

bi-monthly Cursillo Ultreya. On the evening of March 20th (Palm Sunday) we came together as

a group to watch the live broadcast of “The Passion” musical from New Orleans. We enjoyed

our fellowship and snacks while watching the production. During Holy Week we had Tenebrae

on Wednesday evening; after Maundy Thursday Service there was a continuous vigil at the Altar

of Repose. On Good Friday we had a final Stations of the Cross at 11:30 am with Good Friday

at Noon and at 6:30 pm. The Great Vigil of Easter was celebrated at 9:00 pm on Holy Saturday.

Sunday Easter services were well-attended. Our Festive Choral Evensong for Easter was held on

April 17th. From the 18th to the 22nd St. John’s volunteers helped cover routes for Meals on

Wheels. The Ecumenical Clergy alliance met at St. John’s for their April monthly meeting on

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the 19th. We scheduled picture taking for our new Pictorial Directory on Saturday the 23rd and

Sunday the 24th. The Methodist Women’s Bible Study, from 1st Methodist Church, visited St.

John’s on the 26th to learn about Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church. On the 30th we closed a

busy month with an evening of chili and games in the Parish Hall.

St. John’s hosted an Organ Recital for Peter K. Miller, a Doctoral Candidate at U of I.

On the 4th we had our Ascension Even Mass in the Nave with Choir. Afterwards twenty-four of

us went to a local restaurant as a group to complete the celebration. On Friday, May 6th, several

members went to support two of our Millikin students at their Senior Vocal Recitals. On

Mother’s Day the children’s Sunday school classes gave each lady a handmade clay ornament.

Each mother also received a long stemmed white carnation. The 10th to the 12th brought St.

John’s phone system into the 21st Century. On Saturday the 14th of May we held our Road Rally

Scavenger Hunt. On Sunday the 15th we honored five College level graduates at Coffee

Fellowship Hour.

On the first of June, members of St. John’s filled a table at the Decatur Community

Prayer Breakfast. We had our annual outdoor Eucharist and Parish Picnic at Spitler Woods on

Sunday the 5th. Members continue to volunteer at the Good Samaritan Inn on the second

Tuesday of each month to help prepare and serve approximately 300 meals. On the 25th of June

we had our training of Ushers and Vestry on our new A.E.D. device. St. John’s Annual Blood

Drive was organized by our Parish Nurse, Susan Currie, on the 28th. We had 21 pints collected.

Our bi-monthly Cursillo Ultreya was on Saturday, July 9th. On the 14th of July we

celebrated the life of long-time member Elzora Channer. On the 23rd of July Anni Watts and

Brandon Pilger were united in Holy Matrimony. We began gathering the items needed for our

annual Christmas Child event through Samaritan’s Purse.

For the second year, one of our college students, Abbey Keith, organized a set of 4 “Pie

Sunday” events in order to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. We have the

opportunity to bid on fresh baked pies in a silent auction at Coffee Hour. In August we began

the search for a new organist, with Holly Farrow leaving for a new position in Champaign. On

August 20th we enjoyed our annual Mix & Mingle in the Parish Hall.

Children’s Sunday School and Adult Sunday Bible Study began on the 11th of September.

That day at our coffee Fellowship Hour, we had an Ice Cream Social. On the 24th we had our bi-

monthly Cursillo Ultreya.

On October 1st, we had our annual Blessing of the Animals. On the 8th Roger and

Debbie Hunt hosted our annual Brats Party.

(Submitted by The Rev. Richard A. Swan, Rector)

Respectfully submitted,

The Very Rev. John R. Henry, Dean



The members of the Stewardship Task Force are:

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The Reverend Mark Evans Trinity, Lincoln

Ms. Trish Guyon St. Andrew’s Carbondale

The Reverend David Halt St. Matthew’s Bloomington

Mr. Gerry Smith Christ the King, Normal

Mr. Norman Taylor Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Springfield

The Reverend Ann Tofani St. Mary’s, Robinson

Mr. Randy Winn Trinity, Mt. Vernon

The Rt. Reverend Daniel Martins ex officio

The Stewardship Task Force has been relatively un-busy this year. I am aware that members

have visited our churches in Havana, Normal and Edwardsville to discuss stewardship.

It is my personal belief that stewardship is the crucial element to our faith. To add some

plausibility to what may seem an absurd statement: if we are right with our giving, that is, we

give for the right reasons and for the proper motivation, the other elements of our faith seem to

fall into place. The other meatier concerns will take their proper positions. However, to give as

our Lord commands (And yes, we are commanded to tithe. It is not a request.) is not a simple

request. Giving at the level of a tithe requires us to properly place Christ in the center of our

lives. So, we come to beginning of the circle. It doesn’t matter exactly where we enter the circle;

what is vital is that we love our Lord with our whole hearts, and give in a way that demonstrates

that love.

Stewardship is a journey, not a destination. Whether or not you are giving at the tithe or at a

lesser level, I urge you to consider accepting the tithe as your standard of standard of giving. It

really doesn’t matter where you might be in relation to the tithe. My suggestion is that we all

pledge to reach the level of tithing over a three-year period (or some manageable time period)

and work hard and prayerfully to accomplish that goal.

Respectfully submitted,

Randy Winn, Chair





No report.


DESE has not been active as a department in 2016 in anticipation of being removed as a standing

department under the proposed canonical changes.

Other work that DESE has been involved in may be seen in the Youth Work report and report of


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Cursillo During the past ten months there were several Cursillo events, including Ultreyas (gatherings)

and a retreat. These included silent auctions as a way to help cover scholarships for the


This year the secretariat appointed Mark Waight, St. Michael’s O’Fallon, as the Rector for

Cursillo weekend number 34. The weekend number 34 was conducted at Toddhall Conference

Center from June 23rd to the 26th. Mark had called together a good team from around the

Diocese and there had been five team meetings in preparation for the weekend. There were

eleven candidates who went through the weekend with four from Redeemer, Cairo! Since the

weekend in June, three of these new Cursillistas have gone on to serve on a Kairos Team at


We held a Grand Ultreya on July 23rd at St. Michael’s, O’Fallon to welcome the new Cursillistas.

This coming year Cindy Lynk, St. George’s, Belleville, will be the Rectora. She has begun

calling her team together. The dates for weekend number 35 are June 22nd to the 25th.

If you are looking for a way to increase activity at your Mission, or Parish, Cursillo is one of the

renewal tools available. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Waight at 804-512-2115

or Fr. Dick Swan at 217-521-2559.

(Submitted by Fr. Dick Swan)

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. David J. Halt, Chair

DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN SOCIAL CONCERNS At our 2015 Synod we voted to add two line items to our diocesan budget:

5608 Advocacy for Persecuted Christians $500.00

5609 Pro Life Ministries $500.00

During the February Diocesan Council meeting, it was decided that these line items would go to

the Department of Christian Social Concerns for disbursement. In order to support these

ministries, we sent $500.00 to Open Doors USA (www.opendoorsusa.org) and $500.00 to

Anglicans for Life (www.anglicansforlife.org).

Anti-Racism Commission

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

1) Begun in 2015 and continuing in 2016, the communities of both Springfield and

Champaign have shown the film, “Racial Taboo” with discussions following. These

discussions have been on-going as small groups are meeting on a regular basis for those

interested. The film was written by Brian Grimm, a North Carolina business man, who

realized in his 50’s that he had no friends who were African American. The film explores

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racism as a mechanism that keeps people apart and seeks to bring people into

conversation with each other. It also includes some history of racism in the United States

that has not always been a part of school text books. Watch for the film to come to an

area near you. It is an excellent way to begin to talk about the issues of race without

blame or shame.

2) The chair of the commission continues to participate in the ecumenical anti-racism work

of the Illinois Conference of Churches.

3) The commission has a reading list which is available by request.

Contact the chair if you would like more information on any of these items, or if you feel God is

calling you to ministry in this field.

(Submitted by The Rev. Christine Hopkins, Chair)

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. Sheryl L. Black, Chair



Some items of note over the course of the past year:

The chaplains of Province V gathered in Chicago in October 2015 for their annual chaplain’s

gathering. From the Diocese of Springfield, the Rev. Sean Ferrell attended on behalf of the

campus ministry work going on at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Brent House at

the University of Chicago and the Reverend Stacy Alan played host to the event.

College students and chaplains from around Province V gathered for our annual conference at

the International Hostel in Chicago from February 19th-21st. The theme of the conference was

Sing to the Lord a new song! The conference focused on music in corporate worship, its role in

the spiritual life, and the effects of music in our individual and corporate lives. The conference

featured a group called Music that Makes Community and the weekend was filled with

workshops and worship experiences that emphasized the power of music to deepen our faith and

stand as a metaphor for the different ways in which we encounter the world.

Society for Campus Ministers

At a national level, the Reverend Sean Ferrell continues to serve on the board of the Society of

Campus Ministers, a group that was once known as ESMHE, or “the Episcopal Society for

Ministry in Higher Education.” The Rev. Sean Ferrell continues to oversee the higher education

cycle of prayer.

Ministry in our higher education communities in the Diocese of Springfield are alive and well.

We appreciate your ongoing support.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. Sean D. Ferrell, Chair

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No report.


The Department of Youth Work seeks to serve as a resource to the parishes and missions

of this diocese. To gain a fuller perspective on youth ministry at the local level a survey was sent

out to each of the churches this year with many responding. If you have an upcoming event or

any questions, please share it with the Department Chair so that we may continue to work

together in this ministry field.

In addition to the work which is going on at the local level, there are at present two

diocesan level ministries to youth: St. Michael’s Youth Conference and Episcopal Church Camp.

Beginning with the latter, Church Camp 2016 saw a rise in attendance of 15 youth, with the

Junior session having over 30 campers in their session alone. The theme of this year’s program

centered on the Family of God. Each session lived out this theme in our worship and our play.

This important ministry draws campers from around the state and beyond, and thanks to the

wonderful work of the staff and counselors we are able to provide a warm environment in which

youth can encounter Jesus Christ.

The second annual St. Michael’s Youth Conference was held at the National Shrine of

Our Lady of the Snows. The week centered around our corporate worship with daily Mass and

the Offices. Our studies this year were focused on the means and ends of prayer, Sacraments in

the life of the church, understanding Genesis in context, and the intersection of faith and culture.

Nearly half of the Michaelites this year were returning students, a testament to the year before.

As of the writing of this report the 2017 SMYC is already in the works.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. Benjamin D. Hankinson, Chair


The Episcopal Church Camp of Illinois is a shared ministry between the Diocese of Quincy

[ACNA] and the Diocese of Springfield [TEC]. The camp is divided into three sessions. Juniors

are second through fifth graders, Middlers are sixth through eighth graders, and Seniors are ninth

through twelfth graders. Each session has a director and a spiritual director as well as cabin

counselors and a craft person. The coordinator serves as a focal point for communication

between the session and spiritual directors, registrar, treasurer, the East Bay camp staff, parents,

and the two dioceses.

ECC 2016 was held from July 3 through July 9 at East Bay Camp near Hudson, Illinois. Camp

this year involved 77 campers and 30 staff. Each year we have an overall theme for the camp.

This year the theme was “This Family of God.” Our goal was to explore what it means to be a

Christian Family, as the church, in our camp, and in our own lives. Each day the spiritual

director for each session conducted class time relating to the theme. Other daily activities

included celebration of the Eucharist as well as swimming and boating. Throughout the week

there were also special events including hay rides, picnics, archery, and an all camp dinner

known as the ‘Bish-B-Que”. High points of the week included an all camp evensong on

Wednesday evening and the Healing Services in each session. It was evident throughout the

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week that the power of the Holy Spirit was working to bring all of us closer to each other in

community and closer to Christ individually.

The camp program is the foundation for youth ministries in our two dioceses and is the only

ministry opportunity for grade school youth above the congregation level. Due to ever

increasing expenses coupled with the desire to keep the cost charged per camper as low as is

possible so as not to be beyond the reach of any individual or congregation I continue to request

the support and cooperation from each diocese for this youth ministry which in my view is vital

to the future of the Church.

Respectfully submitted,

David E. Lattan, Chairman


2015 was an “off” year for World Missions activity. Other than maintaining email contact with

Tabora and Peru, no actions were taken.

Goals for 2016 include:

• A visit by Bishop Martins to Tabora to attend their Synod

• Continuation of building and maintenance of a relationship with Peru

No plans are yet in place, due to the bishop’s sabbatical. More information will be forthcoming

before the end of the year.

Sandy Moore 217-871-2697 or [email protected]



Respectfully submitted,

Sandy Moore, Chair


The Diocesan Council met three times since Synod of 2015 on the following dates:

1. November 20, 2015 meeting was canceled.

2. Meeting of February 13, 2016

3. Meeting of May 20, 2016

4. Meeting of August 27, 2016

The minutes for the Council meetings were recorded and prepared by the Rev. Bill

Howard, Secretary of the Diocese. A complete set of these minutes along with reports which

were presented at each meeting are maintained on permanent file at the Diocesan center. These

minutes are available for inspection upon application to the Diocese.

The Holy Eucharist was celebrated in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul prior to the beginning

of the business sessions at each meeting. The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins Bishop of Springfield

was Celebrant and Preacher for all of the services. A clergy member and a lay member of the

Council served at each service.

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Meeting of February 13, 2016

The Council met on February 13, 2016 to consider the following:

Treasurer Rod Matthews reported a year to date budget deficit of $192,599.00 compared to

a budgeted deficit of $49,908.00. That deficit was primarily driven by extraordinary/unbudgeted

items particularly the write off of loan to the childcare center at St. Thomas.

Actual pledge payments lagged behind budgeted pledges but pledges from a prior year had

been made so that revenue exceeded expenditures.

The Department of Finance presented a proposed revised budget based upon pledge

payments received and expenditures anticipated. Council discussed expenses of the Bishop's

Sabbatical and budget rearrangement to pay for that. The revised budget was approved.

Fr. Van Hankinson reported on a survey underway, St. Michael's conference, and summer

camp for the summer.

Meeting of May 20, 2016

The Treasurer reported a year to date surplus with 2016 pledges received being under

budget but offset by pledges paid from the prior year.

The Department of Finance presented a resolution allocating undesignated outreach fund

money from 2015 contributions which was approved.

Council discussed a need for improved Diocesan communication and a software contract

recently entered into.

The Bishop reported upon the progress of vacancies being filled at parishes and missions.

Meeting of August 27, 2016

The Treasurer reported a surplus year to date primarily based on pledges from the prior year

having been received during the current year. Total revenue exceeded budget by reason thereof.

The Department of Finance presented a proposed budget for 2017 which was discussed and

approved for presentation to Synod. The Chancellor discussed procedural matters for revisions to the

Canons which had been recommended by the commission and forwarded to Clergy prior to

Deanery convocations.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. Bill Howard, Secretary


1. Election of The Rev. David J. A. Halt as President.

2. Election of The Rev. Ian Wetmore as Secretary

3. Consent to the Election of The Rev. P. Moises Quezada Mota as Bishop of the Diocese

of the Dominican Republic.

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From May 2016 Report

1. Considered Consent to the election of The Rev. Dr. Douglas Sparks as Bishop of the

Diocese of Northern Indiana. Motion did not carry.

2. Considered Consent to the Election of The Rev. Patrick Wells as Bishop of the

Diocese of Eastern Oregon. Motion carried.

3. Considered Consent for the Diocese of Los Angeles to hold an election for a Bishop

Coadjutor. Motion carried.

4. Certified Matthew Dallman as a Candidate for Holy Orders.

5. Certified G. Timothy Leighton as a Candidate for Holy Orders.

6. Certified The Rev. David Wells for Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests.

7. Certified Mr. Richard Lewis for Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons.

Via e-mail:

1. Considered Consent for the Diocese of West Texas to hold an election for a Bishop

Suffragan. Motion carried.

2. Elected The Very Rev. Beth Maynard to fill a seat vacated by The Rev. Kip Ashmore.

Seat will be formally elected by the next Synod.

3. Considered Consent to the election of The Rev. Santosh K. Murray as Bishop of the

Diocese of Easton. Motion carried.

4. Considered Consent to the election of The. Rev. Jose A. McLoughlin as Bishop of the

Diocese of Western North Carolina. Motion carried.

5. Concurred with a request made by The Rt. Rev. Daniel Martins to The Most

Reverend Michael Curry to have The Rev. Anthony Clavier’s episcopal ordination

recognized by The Episcopal Church.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. David J. Halt, President

REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON MINISTRY The Commission on Ministry is charged with the responsibility of advising and assisting the

Bishop of the Diocese in the determination of present and future opportunities for the ministry of

all baptized persons and for the design and oversight of the ongoing process for the recruitment,

discernment, formation, and assessment of individuals for the service of the Diocese.

During the past year, the Commission on Ministry has recommended action by the Bishop and/or

Standing Committee without re-interviewing: Rev. David Wells

During the past year, the Commission on Ministry has interviewed the following individuals and

has recommended action by the Bishop and/or Standing Committee:

Mr. Allen Wakabayashi Mrs. Diane Wakabayashi

Mrs. Christine Gregory Mr. G. Tim Leighton

Mr. Richard Lewis Mr. Matthew Dallman

Mr. Shane Spellmeyer

The following individuals have served on the Commission on Ministry during the past year:

The Rev. Molly C. Ward (2021) The Rev. Sheryl L. Black (2016)

The Rev. Christine Hopkins (2016) The Rev. David J. Boase (2017)

Ms. Tracy Barding (2017) Ms. Stacie Wachtel (2018)

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Ms. Katie Cave (2018) The Rev. Sean D. Ferrell (2019)

The Very Rev. John R. Henry (2019) The Rev. Jeffrey F. Kozuszek (2020)

Mr. Chris Bennett (2020) The Rev. Ralph McMichael (2021)

The Rev. David Halt (2021)

( ) Indicates retirement year from the Commission in October

Respectfully submitted,

The Very Rev. John R. Henry, Chairman


There has been no activity or action taken by the Examining Chaplains of the Diocese for this

Synodical Year.

Respectfully submitted,

The Rev. Christopher L. Ashmore, Chair


No report on discipline issues is a good report.

Respectfully submitted,

Frederick P. Velde, President


My primary work this year has involved the preparation of proposed amendments to the Canons

of the Diocese. The Committee on Constitution and Canons has met regularly during the past

year in an effort to prepare canons that focus on facilitating the mission of the Church. I hope

that the Synod finds the proposed canons to be: 1. contemporary in language; 2. practical in

application; 3. sufficiently specific to provide guidance in a variety of situations, and 4.

sufficiently direct in form to promote use regardless of the extent of the reader’s prior legal

and/or ecclesiastical training and experience.

The following persons have served as members of the Committee, and have all performed

diligent and faithful service, bringing a variety of useful skills and experience to the Committee:

The Venerable Shawn W. Denney, Vice-chair (Diocesan Staff and St. Luke’s, Springfield)

Mr. Joseph Cobetto, Secretary (Episcopal Parish of Alton)

The Right Reverend Daniel H. Martins, ex officio 11th Bishop of Springfield

Larry Clark, Esq. (St. Paul’s, Carlinville)

The Reverend Anthony Clavier (St. Bartholomew’s, Granite City,

and St. Thomas’, Glen Carbon)

The Very Reverend Dale Coleman (St. George’s, Belleville)

Thomas Denby, Esq. (St. Paul’s, Carlinville)

Mr. Chuck Evans (St. George’s, Belleville)

Maria Hafford, Esq. (St. Andrew’s, Carbondale)

The Reverend David Halt (St. Matthew’s, Bloomington)

The Reverend Benjamin Hankinson (Trinity Church, Mt. Vernon)

Mrs. Sharon Hoffman (St. Andrew’s, Edwardsville)

The Reverend Dr. Thomas Langford (Trinity Church, Jacksonville)

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Mrs. Claire Ribelin (Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Springfield)

Mr. Charles Rice (St. Paul’s, Carlinville)

In addition, during the course of the year since the last Synod, the following persons have also

provided valuable assistance to the work of the Committee: The Very Reverend Mark Evans—

Chair of the Finance Committee, and Rector of Trinity Church, Lincoln; The Very Reverend

Kathryn Jeffrey-- Rector of St. Andrew’s, Carbondale and Dean of the Hale Deanery; and Mr.

Rod Matthews—Treasurer of the Diocese, and member of Christ the King, Normal.

In addition to my work on the Canons, during the prior year I have provided advice to clergy and

lay leaders of congregations regarding various issues of civil and canon law, as requested to do

so, and I continue to be available for such counsel.

On a personal note, I continue to find my work as Chancellor to provide a most rewarding

opportunity to combine several callings in one office, and I appreciate the confidence of the

Bishop and Synod in permitting me to serve the Diocese in this way.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin Babb, Chancellor


The goal of the St. John’s, Albion, Historiography Team is to return the Diocesan

archives to an organized and accessible state for research and preservation of records and

materials related directly to the history of the Diocese of Springfield.

Our process is to reduce surplus and irrelevant material, consolidate related files, improve

the use of current space, and, as necessary, seek limited off-site storage. Finally, we will

conclude by printing a fresh inventory and bibliography and a “map” of the re-organized

collections so researchers can both access and accurately return files. This should also allow

Diocesan staff to deal with inquiries and incoming materials more easily.

In an archive that operates without an in-house historiographer, it is critical to have a

system where “everything has a home” and each location is easily identified.

Near the conclusion of our project we will have to develop a simple system to record new

materials so the inventory can be easily updated over time.

Currently the archive’s contents need serious culling and consolidation. Rare and delicate

books need special storage attention. Outdated general interest books, surplus or non-relevant

publications, and documents past practical archival purpose all need to be evaluated. Similar

items which are stored in multiple places need consolidation. Multiple copies of the same

document will be reduced to one or two.

In particular the enormous space devoted to two closed parishes needs to be reduced

through applying the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists (NEHA) criteria printed in the

“Archives for Congregations: An Introduction and Guide”. This booklet has a clear rationale for

what to keep and what to toss. These two parishes currently use nine file drawers and fill a

dozen storage boxes.

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So far we have created a draft bibliography of the books in the room. Furthermore, we

have done a complete general inventory of the forty-one file drawers as well as the various tubs,

“bank” boxes, and archival storage boxes. This allowed us to get an overview of space and

contents. As mentioned, we quickly found redundant materials, files without a clear home and

stacks of publications of questionable archival value.

We have begun culling the St. Anne’s, Caseyville materials down from the current twelve

boxes. Following that, we will do the same for St. Laurence’s, Effingham. Our evaluation for any

archival review will be consistent by using the NEHA criteria.

It is important that all are aware that the preservation of historically meaningful material

is a priority, regardless of space limitations. Limiting the archival collection to Diocesan-

relevant materials, discarding outdated or minor items, and not attempting to duplicate

publications available in national collections or online will all contribute to a more useful and

valuable archival collection.

After a delay, our team is making solid progress on our goals. We are committed to

continuing our regular work days in the coming few months. Our intention is to conclude the

major work by early 2017.

On a final note, we will provide to the Diocese a summary of the NEHA guidelines—

even shorter than the booklet-- for congregations to use. This should help promote some long-

term consistency in both local and diocesan archives.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Puckett



2016-2017 Officers: President: Jan Goossens

Vice-President: Natalie Tate

Secretary: Laura Beggs

Treasurer: Chris DeWitt

Chaplain: Rev. Mollie Ward

Committee Chairs: Communications: Liz Hinman

Website: Chris DeWitt

2016-2017 Outreach: Rev. Sherry Black

2015-2016 Outreach: Liz Hinman

Lenten Retreat: Rev. Mollie Ward, Rev. Ann Tofani,

and Rev. Sherry Black

Church Periodical Club: Carol McCrary

United Thank Offering: Vacant (Jan Goossens is still accepting the


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2016 Lenten Retreat was held on March 4-6 at Toddhall: The theme of the retreat was "Why

Episcopal?" We shared our stories about choosing the Episcopal Church. “It felt like I was

home”, was the usual conclusion. We had sisters from other denominations that told their story

and how they feel at home. Mothers Mollie Ward, Ann Tofani and Sherry Black were our

leaders. Henry Evans joined us on Saturday evening to play the organ at St. Cecilia’s Chapel for

a sing along.

Church Periodical Club: The 2015 contributions were $196.19. Roberta Clark resigned and

we would like to say thank you for all your years as the Church Periodical Club Coordinator.

Carol McCrary is the new Church Periodical Club Coordinator. Please contact her at:

[email protected].

United Thank Offering: The 2015 contributions were $10,467.32. The 2016 Spring

Ingathering was at the Diocesan ECW Annual Meeting on April 23rd at BroMenn Hospital in

Normal, IL. The Spring Ingathering is $5,092.23. The Fall Ingathering will be at the Diocesan

Synod Meeting.

Outreach Project 2014-2015: Hostel for Girls in Tabora. $14,285.09 was sent and the Girls’

hostel is being built now. Pictures will be on the website.

Outreach Project 2015-2016: Magdalene House in St. Louis. The home houses 8 women at a

time that have been affected by human trafficking.

Outreach Project 2016-2017: Southern Illinois Healthcare Services’ Family

Friendship Fund.

Annual Meeting: Thank you to Rev. Mollie Ward for being our hostess at the Annual Meeting

on April 23rd at Advocate BroMenn Medical Center in Normal, IL. We had ten attendees. Rev.

Cheree Johnson, Chaplain at BroMenn explained how 82 churches work in conjunction with

Advocate BroMenn Medical Center and gave us a tour.

Province V ECW Conference and Annual Meeting - “Navigating Life’s Currents”, was held

at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island, May 13-15. Eight members from the Diocese of

Springfield attended.

Planning Meeting: The Board met on July 18th at St. Thomas’, Salem.

Diocesan Synod: The ECW will have a display table with information about UTO, CPC,

Lenten Retreat, and the Outreach Projects.

2017 Lenten Retreat: The 2017 Lenten Retreat will be held on March 24-26, 2017 at Toddhall.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Goossens, President

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Appointments (includes re-appointments and continuing) for 2016 – 2017: *Indicates new appointment

Division of Administration and Finance, Director Vacant

Department of Finance, Chair The Rev. Mark E. Evans

Trinity, Lincoln

Department of Stewardship, Chair Randy Winn

Trinity, Mt. Vernon

*Department of General Mission Strategy, Co-Chairs Gerry Smith

Christ the King, Normal

Randy Winn

Trinity, Mt. Vernon

Department of Communication, Chair Marti Coffman

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Danville

Division of Mission and Worship, Director Vacant

*Department of Christian Education, Chair The Rev. Richard A. Swan

St. John’s, Decatur

Department of Evangelism/Spiritual Enrichment, Chair The Rev. David J. Halt

St. Matthew’s, Bloomington

Department of Christian Social Concerns, Chair The Rev. Sheryl L. Black

St. Mark’s, West Frankfort

Anti-Racism, Chair The Rev. Christine Hopkins

Emmanuel Memorial, Champaign

Department of Young Adult and Higher Education, Chair The Rev. Sean D. Ferrell

Chapel of St. John the Divine, Champaign

Department of Ecumenical Relations, Chair The Rev. Geoffrey E.L. Scanlon

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Danville

Department of Youth Work, Chair The Rev. Benjamin D. Hankinson

Trinity, Mt. Vernon

Department of National and World Mission, Chair Sandy Moore

Trinity, Lincoln

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Commission on Ministry, Chair The Very Rev. John R. Henry

St. Paul’s, Carlinville

*Commission on Ministry (term expires October, 2022) The Rev. M. Joan Coleman

St. George’s, Belleville

Examining Chaplains, Chair The Rev. Christopher L. Ashmore

Trinity, Jacksonville

Chancellor (term expires October, 2018) Kevin Babb

St. Andrew’s, Edwardsville

Historiographer (term expires October, 2017) Dan Scherer\Judith Puckett

St. John’s, Albion

Cursillo Spiritual Director The Rev. Richard A. Swan

St. John’s, Decatur

Diocesan Council The Rev. Ian C. Wetmore

St. Michael’s, O’Fallon

Diocesan Council The Rev. Ann H. Tofani

St. Mary’s, Robinson

Diocesan Council Youth Representative Vacant

Diocesan Council Youth Representative Vacant


Deans and Deanery Representatives to Council (* denotes elected at fall deanery meeting)

*Darrow Dean (18) The Very Rev. Ian C. Wetmore

St. Michael’s, O’Fallon

Darrow Representative (17) Tiffany Tergesen

St. Michael’s, O’Fallon

Eastern Dean (17) The Very Rev. Canon David M. Baumann

St. John’s, Centralia & St. Thomas’, Salem

Eastern Representative (17) Chris DeWitt

St. John the Baptist, Mt. Carmel

*Hale Dean (18) The Very Rev. Kathryn G. Jeffrey

St. Andrew’s, Carbondale

*Hale Representative (18) Henry Kammerer

St. Andrew’s, Carbondale

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Northern Dean (17) The Very Rev. Mark E. Evans

Trinity, Lincoln

Northern Representative (17) Stephen Pearson

St. Paul’s, Pekin

Northeastern Dean (17) The Very Rev. Beth H. Maynard

Emmanuel Memorial, Champaign

*Northeastern Representative (18) David Maurer

Trinity, Mattoon

Northwestern Dean (17) The Very Rev. John R. Henry

St. Paul’s, Carlinville

*Northwestern Representative (18) Charles Rice

St. Paul’s, Carlinville

APPENDIX XI Diocese of Springfield


Minutes of October 16-17, 2015 Meeting

1. Call to Order and Invocation: The Rt. Rev. Daniel H. Martins, 11th Bishop of Springfield,

called the business session to order at the Hamilton’s South Ballroom, Jacksonville, Illinois at

1:30 p.m. on Friday October 16, 2015 and opened the session with prayer.

2. Report on Registrations/Quorum: The Rev. Bill Howard, Secretary of the Diocese,

reported that 38 clergy delegates who had registered for Synod were present and that 59 of 59

registered lay delegates were present. A Quorum for the conduct of business was declared.

3. Welcome: The Rev. Christopher L. Ashmore, Rector, Trinity Church, Jacksonville,

welcomed everyone to Synod and to the community.

4. Approval of the Minutes of the 137th Synod: The minutes of the previous Synod (as shown

on page 69 of Appendix II of the Synod booklet) were approved as presented.

5. Appointments to Continuing Committees and of the Parliamentarian: Those individuals

who are listed on Appendix I of page 68 to the Synod report were appointed as listed.

6. Election of the Secretary of the Diocese and the Appointment of an Assistant Secretary:

The Rev. Bill Howard was elected to be Secretary by a voice vote. The Rev. Sylvia L. Howard

was appointed to be Assistant Secretary.

7. Disposition of Issues Pertaining to the Seating of Delegates: No disputed credentials were


8. Resolutions: The Very Rev. Richard A. Swan presented four Courtesy Resolutions

(Appendix A to these minutes), which were approved by Synod:

Resolution 15-C-1 Granting Seat and Voice to Guests of the Synod

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Resolution 15-C-2 Welcome to New Clergy

Resolution 15-C-5 Greetings to Retired Bishops. The Secretary was directed to convey

greetings to those retired Bishops.

Resolution 15-C-8 Thanking James R. Donkin for service to the Diocese.

Fr. Brian Kellington reported on the condition of Bishop Donald J. Parsons, currently in

the hospital, that he is doing well, and sends his greetings.

9. Appointment of Inspectors of Elections: Those persons who were listed on Appendix I,

page 68 of the Synod booklet, were appointed.

10. Nominations for Elective Offices: The persons listed on page two of the Synod booklet

(Item #13) were nominated for election to the offices listed. The Bishop called for further

nominations separately for each of the offices described in Section 13 and there were no further


It was then announced that the Diocese had received Letters Dimissory for the transfer of

Fr. David Baumann to the Diocese of Springfield. He was therefore added as a voting clergy

canonically resident making 39 clergy registered.

11. Special Order of Business: The Bishop introduced the Rt. Rev. Elias Chakupewa, Bishop

of the Diocese of Tabora Anglican Church of Tanzania and his wife Lucy Chakupewa, who

brought greetings from the Diocese of Tabora.

The Bishop then introduced the Rev. David Copley, team leader of Global Partnerships

and Officer Admission Personnel of The Episcopal Church. Rev. Copley gave a presentation on

the activities of Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel, including a slide presentation, and

invited clergy and laity of the Diocese to contact his office for any assistance on mission strategy

and global partnerships.

12. Synod Address: Bishop Martins addressed the Synod. (The Synod Report contains a full

text of his address.)

13. Elections: For the offices which had only one candidate listed, the following persons were

elected by voice vote to the following offices:

Treasurer (1 Person – 1yr) Rod Matthews

Standing Committee (1 Clergy – 4yr) The Very Rev. Richard A. Swan

Standing Committee (1 Lay – 4yr) Carol McCrary and Claire Ribelin

Trustee (1 Member – 5yr) Don Monty

Diocesan Council (1 Clergy – 2yr) The Rev. Beth M. Maynard

Diocesan Council (1 Lay – 2yr) Joseph Cobetto

Commission on Ministry (1 Clergy – 6yr) The Rev. Dr. Ralph N. McMichael

Disciplinary Board (1 Clergy – 3yr) The Rev. G.W. “Bill” Howard III

Disciplinary Board (1 Lay – 3yr) Fredrick Velde

Provincial Synod Delegate (1 Person – 3yr) Jan Goossens

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Elections to the Standing Committee were by orders. Upon motion made, seconded, and

unanimously carried, the sole nominee for Standing Committee – Clergy was elected by

unanimous ballot in each order.

Ballots were then distributed by the tellers of election for the office of Standing

committee – Lay for which there were two nominees, Carol McCrary and Claire Ribelin. While

the ballots were being counted by the tellers of election, the business of the Synod continued.

14. Report – Treasurer: Mr. James R. Donkin Treasurer reported that the Diocese ended the

calendar year 2014 with a budget deficit of $12,516.00 as opposed to an adopted deficit of

$36,030.00. Revenues were $4,952.00 less than budgeted revenue and actual expenses were

$28,466.00 less than budgeted expenses. He announced that the 2014 Diocesan financial

statements had been audited and the audit statement is available from the Secretary. The

Treasurer responded to questions. It was then moved, seconded, and unanimously carried that

the financial report be approved.

15. Report – Department of Finance: Proposed 2015 budget. The Chair called on Treasurer

James R. Donkin to present the budget as approved by Diocesan Council and recommended to

the Synod. The Treasurer outlined the primary points in the proposed budget, responded to

questions, and a substantial discussion followed. Fr. Ferrell moved to delete line 5302 and to

increase line 5303 by the same amount. That motion was seconded. Following much discussion,

Fr. Coleman moved to amend Fr. Ferrell's motion to rescind prior actions of the Diocesan

Council to permit Parishes and Missions to direct portions of the pledge to the Diocesan outreach

fund rather than the DFMS budget line so that the line of choice for Diocesan pledges for

Missions and Parishes would be removed. Substantial discussion then followed.

A request for a vote by orders on both Fr. Coleman's amendment and Fr. Ferrell's

amendment was joined by sufficient delegates and it was so ordered.

The Chair called for a vote on Fr. Coleman's amendment which failed by a vote of 11 yes

and 21 no in the Clergy order and therefore the amendment failed. Thereupon the Chair called

for a vote on the Ferrell amendment which was approved by 19 yes and 14 no votes in the Clergy

order and 31 yes and 26 no votes in the Lay order.

The Bishop then noted that the results from ballots for Standing Committee - Lay would

be announced the next morning when Synod resumed and the meeting was then adjourned at

4:15 p.m., to reconvene at 8:30 a.m. October 17.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Following Morning Prayer at 8:00 a.m. the Bishop called the Synod back to order at 8:30

a.m. He reported that Carol McCrary had been elected to the Standing Committee and thanked

her and Claire Ribelin for standing for election.

The Chair recognized Fr. Andy Hook, Provost of the Cathedral. Fr. Hook reported on the

condition of the Cathedral roof which was leaking and badly needed to be repaired. He gave

thanks for an unexpected gift of $30,000.00 from the congregation of St. John the Baptist, Mt.

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Carmel which together with other funds permitted the replacement of the roof. He provided to

Fr. Brant Hazlett a gift of thanks.

The budget then resumed discussion of the budget as previously amended. Mother

Kathryn Jeffrey moved to amend the budget by adding line 5609 for $500.00 for Pro-Life

Ministries and line 5608 for $500.00 for Advocacy addressing Christian Persecution. That

motion was seconded. A motion to divide the question carried by voice vote. The Chair noted

that the result of the amendments would be to increase the budget deficit. After discussion, the

Chair called for vote on the amendments. The vote on adding line 5609 Pro-Life Ministries

carried by 44 yes 42 no. The amendment for adding line 5608, Advocacy for Persecuted

Christians passed by a voice vote.

Thereupon, there being no further discussions the Chair called for a vote on the main

motion, being the budget as originally presented as then amended by the Ferrell amendment and

by the Jeffrey amendment. The budget, as amended, was passed by voice vote.

16. Report – Continuing Committee:

Legislation. The Rev. Dr. Thomas W. Langford Chair presented the proposed

amendments to the Constitution and deferred to Chancellor Kevin Babb for discussion. The

Chancellor then described the primary changes to the constitution which had been proposed by

the Committee appointed by the Bishop, as then further revised after discussions at the Deanery


Fr. Brian Kellington congratulated the Committee and then moved to amend Article 1 to

add the words "in our Lord Jesus Christ" after the words "historic faith", which was seconded.

Fr. Coleman moved to divide consideration and vote by each of the Articles in the

proposed constitutional amendment, which was seconded. That motion failed on voice vote.

Fr. Ferrell moved to end debate which was passed by voice vote. Thereupon, the Bishop

called a vote upon the Kellington Amendment which was adopted.

Deputy Gary Chamberlain moved to amend Article VI to remove the word "himself" and

add “personally” which was seconded and the amendment was carried by voice vote.

The Rev. Dr. Thomas Langford rose to a point of personal privilege and presented a

request as follows:

In order to preserve a legislative record with regard to the proposed Article I

of the Diocesan Constitution before this Synod as circulated October 13,

2015, I would request that the Secretary spread upon the minutes of this

deliberation that in speaking to the author of this Article I it was affirmed that

the intent in referencing the Preamble to the Constitution of the Episcopal

Church, in particular "...upholding and propagating the historic Faith and

Order as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer." It is intended to include

the totality of The Book of Common Prayer (of 1979), including the Psalter,

Ordinal, Rubrics, Catechism, and the Historical Documents. And further that

the proposed Article is predicated upon the continuing, unhindered,

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relationship of The Episcopal Church as a full member of the worldwide

Anglican Communion.

The Chair directed the Secretary to add the above language to the minutes.

Deacon Coleman moved to amend Article V to change the number of delegates per

average Sunday attendance for each church as follows:

ASA 1- 50 2 delegates

ASA 51 - 75 3 delegates

ASA 76-100 4 delegates

ASA 101 and up 5 delegates

The motion was seconded. Discussion then followed. Fr. Kellington requested a vote by

orders which was supported by the requisite number of delegates under the canons. The motion

failed by voice vote in the Clergy order.

Delegate Will Lane then moved to strike section 3 of Article XIV which was seconded.

Delegate Pearson requested vote by orders on the main motion which was ruled out of order by

the Chair because that is already required by canon.

A motion was made to end debate on the Lane motion which was carried. On voice vote

the Lane motion failed.

Mother Jeffrey moved that Article II be amended to strike the last line. That motion was

seconded. Discussion followed. Bishop Martins then ceded the Chair to Fr. David Halt,

President of the Standing Committee in order to speak against the motion of Mother Jeffrey.

After so doing, the Bishop returned to the Chair.

There being no further discussion, the Jeffrey amendment failed by voice vote.

Fr. Winward referred to Article XV section 3 as it affects canonically resident Chaplains

voting for a new Bishop. He moved to strike the last sentence of the proposed section which was

seconded. Following discussion and a five-minute recess, the motion and the seconded were


Fr. Swan then moved to delete the words "personally and" in line 3 which was seconded

by Mother Jeffrey. After discussion Mother Jeffrey withdrew her second. There being no

second, the motion failed.

Fr. Swan then moved to end debate on the Constitutional Amendments as amended

during Synod, which was seconded and carried.

The Bishop then called for vote by orders. The Constitutional Amendments as amended

were then carried by voice vote of the Clergy and by voice vote of the Laity.

The Chancellor then recognized the Committee members by name and thanked them for

their diligent work. The Committee will now address amendments to the canons which would

need to be provided to all delegates 60 days before convening of the 139th Synod in 2016.

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RESOLUTIONS. Fr. Swan presented the following courtesy resolutions:

Resolution 15-C-3 Companion Relationship - Tabora

Resolution 15-C-4 Companion Relationship - Peru. At the request of the Bishop

that resolution was amended to make particular reference to the Vicariate of

Arequipa and its Vicar, the Rt. Rev. Alejandro Mesco.

Resolution 15-C-6 Clergy who have left the Diocese.

Resolution 15-C-7 Clergy who have died.

17. Report of the Trustees: By title.

18. Deanery Reports:

Darrow Deanery: By title.

Eastern Deanery: By title.

Hale Deanery: By title.

Northeastern Deanery: By title.

Northern Deanery: By title.

Northwestern Deanery: By title.

19. Reports – Division of Administration and Finance:

Department of Stewardship: By title.

Department of General Mission Strategy: By title.

Department of Communication: By title.

20. Reports – Division of Mission and Worship:

Department of Christian Education: No report.

Department of the Evangelism and Spiritual Enrichment: By title.

Department of Christian and Social Concerns: By title.

Department of Young Adult and Higher Education Ministries: By title.

Department of Ecumenical Relations: No report.

Department of Youth Work: By title

Department of National and World Mission: By title

21. Report of the Secretary: By title

22. Report of the Standing Committee: By title. It was announced that this Committee would

meet immediately after Synod adjourned.

23. Report of the Commission on Ministry: By title.

24. Report of the Chancellor: By title.

25. Report of the Historiographer: No report.

26. Other Reports:

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Episcopal Church Women: By title.

United Thank Offering: By title. Jan Goossens added that a packet was being

distributed to each church for grant applications for the coming year. She reported that donations

for the year-to-date were $7,050.79. Mother Black reported that the ECW retreat would be held

March 4, 5 & 6.

Liz Hinman, outreach project chair reported on the Magealene House St. Louis for

woman who had been abused and used including sex trafficking used by fraud, force, or


Linda Thomas reported that the ECW gift to the Diocese of Tabora of $10,573.90 was

being donated for construction of the girl’s hostel and that there could well be more to come.

She asked Bishop Elias and his wife Lucy to come forward to accept a representative check.

Jan Goossen then reported that Province V grants for collaborative ministries would be

available in February.

27. Miscellaneous Business: The appointments described on page 65-67 were approved by

voice vote.

28. Good of the Order: Fr. Coleman reported that Fr. Emery Washington had died two weeks

ago. He had served as an interim at St. George’s. The funeral will be at 4:00 p.m. that afternoon

in St. Louis.

Fr. Hankinson urged all to send their youth ages 13-19 for the second annual St.

Michael’s youth conference June 12-17 and introduced the Christian Hokey Pokey. The Bishop

again declared that any youth who had completed the youth conference would be counted as

having had preparation for confirmation.

29. Committee on Resolutions: Father Swan presented

Resolution 15-C-9: Service to the Diocese

Resolution 15-C-10: Thanks to Trinity Church Jacksonville, Illinois.

30. Invitation to the One Hundred Thirty-Ninth Synod: Fr. Ralph McMichael extended an

invitation to the Diocese to attend the 139th Synod to be hosted by St. Andrew’s Edwardsville.

The event would be held at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church next to St. Andrew’s and would

be the third weekend in October which is October 21-22, 2016.

31. Blessing and Adjournment: Bishop Martins gave his blessing and adjourned the Synod at

10:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, The Rev. Bill Howard, Secretary


A – Courtesy Resolutions 15-C-1 through 15-C-10

B. Independent Auditor’s Report by the firm Murphy & Associates, CPAs, LL

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Location Church Confirmations Receptions Gifts

Albion St. John’s 0 0 $195.00

Alton St. Paul’s 2 3 $206.00

Belleville St. George’s 1 0 $45.00

Bloomington St. Matthew’s 4 0

Cairo Church of the Redeemer 9 2

Carbondale St. Andrew’s 1 1 $333.00

Carlinville St. Paul’s 0 0 $125.00

Centralia St. John’s 1 0

Champaign Chapel of St. John the Divine 5 0 $45.00

Champaign Emmanuel Memorial 3 1 $440.01

Danville Holy Trinity 0 0 $500.00

Decatur St. John’s 1 0 $200.00

Edwardsville St. Andrew’s 1 0

Glen Carbon St. Thomas’ 0 0

Harrisburg St. Stephen’s 0 0 $200.00

Jacksonville Trinity 0 0 $457.00

Lincoln Trinity 0 0 $385.00

Mattoon Trinity 1 0 $160.00

Morton All Saints’ 0 1 $296.00

Mt. Vernon Trinity 0 0 $65.00

O’Fallon St. Michael’s 1 0

Pekin St. Paul’s 0 0 $15.00

Robinson St. Mary’s 0 0 $50.00

Salem St. Thomas’ 1 0 $166.00

Springfield Cathedral Church of St. Paul 8 0 $128.50

Springfield Christ Church 4 0

Springfield St. Luke’s 0 0 $177.00

W. Frankfort St. Mark’s 0 0 $75.00

Total - Confirmations / Receptions and

Bishop's Discretionary Fund Gifts 43 8 $4,263.51

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The Rev. Richard I. Lewis 05/31/2016 Holy Trinity, Danville

The Rev. Matthew C. Dallman 06/11/2016 St. Paul’s, Riverside


The Rev. David L. Wells 05/14/2016 Cathedral, Springfield

The Rev. Richard I. Lewis 12/08/2016 Holy Trinity, Danville

The Rev. Matthew C. Dallman 12/13/2016 St. Paul’s, Pekin


The Rt. Rev. Donald J. Parsons 01/04/2016 Peoria, IL

The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. 06/29/2016 St. Louis, MO


The Rev. Cynthia A. Sever 04/28/2016 Western New York

The Rev. Zachary D. Brooks 12/12/2016 Massachusetts


The Rev. Bruce U. DeGooyer 05/18/2016 Hawaii


M. Christine Gregory 02/20/2016 St. John’s, Decatur

David R. Knox 11/23/2016 Trinity, Mattoon

Diane C. Mumma-Wakabayashi 02/20/2016 Emmanuel Memorial, Champaign

Shane A. Spellmeyer 05/21/2016 St. Andrew’s, Edwardsville

Mark Waight 11/23/2016 St. Michael’s, O’Fallon

Allen M. Wakabayashi 02/20/2016 Emmanuel Memorial, Champaign


Matthew C. Dallman 03/19/2016 St. Matthew’s, Bloomington

G. Timothy Leighton 03/19/2016 St. Matthew’s, Bloomington


(Not included in a Parochial Report)

Celebrations of Holy Communion 57 Number of Sermons 81

Assisting at Holy Communion 15 Counseling Sessions 208

Morning/Evening Prayer Services 51 Lectures 5

Baptisms 4 Pastoral Visits 139

Marriages 3 Burials 1

Presented for Confirmation/Reception 0 Other 1

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Worship Leader

Puckett, Judith (19) Scherer, Dan (19) Works, David (19)


Worship Leader

Fisher, Tom (17) Lukasik, Susan (17) Mary Molloy (17)

Eucharistic Minister

Cobetto, Joseph (17)

Criteser, Gerald (17)

Derricott, Rod (17)

Dunnagan, Jeffrey (17)

Eagleton, Kareen (17)

Eagleton, Tim (17)

Elkins, Alvin (17)

Fisher, Donna (17)

Hutchinson, Laurna (17)

Lukasik, Susan (17)

Martin, Diane (19)

Slaughter, Carl (19)


Eucharistic Minister

Blistain, Margaret (17)

Bono, Joe (17)

Boschert, Tom (17)

Brown, Margaret (17)

Cattaneo, Mickey (17)

Evans, Marti (17)

Graboritz, Beth (17)

Hamill, Candi (17)

Hooten, Joe (17)

Howard, Robert (17)

Jesenick, Craig (17)

Laedlein, Charles (17)

Ludwick, Carol (17)

Lynk, Cindy (17)

Maves, Brian (17)

McNitt, Fred (17)

Rogers, Elisabeth (17)

Rogers, Frank (17)

Schneider, George (17)

Scott, Nathan (17)

Slocomb, Richard (17)

Weber, Ruth Ann (17)

Walters, Duffy (17)

Zimmerman, Claudia (17)

Eucharistic Visitor

Boschert, Tom (17)

Brown, Margaret (17)

Hall, Vicki (17)

Lavely, David (17)

McNitt, Fred (17)

Paeltz, Terry (17)

Schneider, George (17)


Worship Leader

Lavikoff, Emily (19)

Eucharistic Minister

Leighton, Tim (17) Pitts, Jack (17) Lavikoff, Emily (19)


Eucharistic Minister

Utz, Carole (16)

Ackerman, Kenneth (17)

Althoff, Charles (17)

Balestro, Don (17)

Ewing, Norma (17)

Guyon, Patricia (17)

Jackson, Joe (17)

Medlin, Matthew (17)

Monty, Donald (17)

Poulos, Eugenia (17)

Rabone, Matthew (17)

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Eucharistic Visitor

Crelling, Elizabeth (17) Shipley, Walter (17)

Worship Leader

Casebeer, Sue (17) Monty, Donald (17)


Worship Leader

Clark, Larry (17)

Clark, Barbara (17)

Herndon, Elisabeth (17)

Ogle, William (17)

Eucharistic Minister

Clark, Larry (17) Zimmerman, Tobias (17)


Eucharistic Minister

Baumann, Elizabeth (19) Shook, Steve (19)


Eucharistic Minister

Brandt, Sean (17)

Buzard, John (17)

Cross, Matthew (17)

Kellman, Julia (17)

Knox, Emily (17)

Mulhall, Peter (17)

Prisland, Ann (17)

Rao, Chris (17)

Reedy, Frances (17)

Sloffer, Liz (17)

Smith, Joseph (17)

Smith, LaVerne (17)

Tracy, Dillon (17)


Eucharistic Minister

Allen, Robin (17)

Bouton, Larry (17)

Burrus, Roger (17)

Burrus, Sara (17)

Dobrik, Lori (17)

Hopkins, Mike (17)

Iben, Miriam (17)

Kobel, Terri (17)

Kocheril, Abe (17)

Kocheril, Lisa (17)

Kovach, Michael (17)

Link, Bill (17)

McCauley, Ruth (17)

McGrath, Mary (17)

McQueen, Kim (17)

Morgenstern, Jean (17)


Diane (17)

Noel, Dan (17)

Rounds, Alex (17)

Russell, Craig (17)

Ryle, Lynn (17)

Salim, Emil (17)

Scheeler, Hediye (17)

Sonnichsen, Laura (17)

Weaver, Carl (17)

Smith, Stephanie (18)

Wakabayashi, Allen (18)

Eucharistic Visitor

McQueen, Kim (17)


Worship Leader

Bell, Allan (17)

Ellison, Robert (17)

Swan, Mary Ann (17)

Gregory, M. Christine (19)

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Eucharistic Minister

Causey, Robert (17)

Davis, Donna (17)

Ellison, Judy (17)

Ellison, Robert (17)

Gucker, Doug (17)

Gucker, Jane (17)

Lancaster, Wilbur (17)

Roe, Terry (17)

Gregory, M. Christine (18)

Keith, James (18)

Kitchens, Tyler W. (18)

Eucharistic Visitor

Davis, Donna (17)

Ellison, Robert (17)

Gucker, Doug (17)

Gucker, Jane (17)

Keith, James (18)

Gregory, M. Christine (19)


Eucharistic Minister

Atwood, Tom (17)

Babb, Kevin (17)

Buckley, Susan (17)

Burns, Miriam (17)

Donald, Ralph (17)

Dudding, Keith (17)

Edwards, Elizabeth (17)

Ireland, Donna (17)

Nabe, JoAnn (17)

Sauermann, Candace (17)

Smithson, Marian (17)

Soule, George (17)

Travis, Paula (17)

Warren, Matthew (17)

Wilson, Rudy (17)

Boyd, Meredith (16)

Caspers, Mary (16)

Gillentine, Jimmy (16)

Eucharistic Visitor

Greve, Lance (16)

Buckley, Susan (17)

Burns, Miriam (17)

Greve, Margaret (17)


Worship Leader

Goossens, Gary (18) Goossens, Jan (18) Paddock, William (19)

Eucharistic Minister

McDonald, David (16)

McDonald, Karen (16)

Foster, Linda (18)

Goossens, Gary (18)

Goossens, Jan (18)

Paddock, William (18)


Worship Leader

Bennett, Dee (18)

Rowe, Angela (18)

Williams, Debbie (18)

Williams, Helen (18)

Eucharistic Minister

Rice, Lori (17)

Baglio, Jane (18)

Goodman, Carol (18)

Rowe, Garrett (18)

Rowe, Martin (18)

Williams, Debbie (18)

Williams, Edward (18)

Williams, Helen (18)

Eucharistic Visitor

Williams, Helen (18)


Worship Leader

Aune, Barbara (17)

Opp, Mark (17)

Pietrzak, Robert (17)

Stephens, Shirley (19)

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Eucharistic Minister

Aune, Barbara (17) Opp, Mark (16) Pietrzak, Bob (16)


Worship Leader

Keaton, Forrest (19) Tracy, Alice (19)

Eucharistic Minister

Keaton, Forrest (19) Mumford, David (19) Tracy, Donald (19)


Worship Leader

Phillips, Vernon (18)

Eucharistic Minister

Phillips, Vernon (18) Thompson, Betty (18)

Eucharistic Visitor

Phillips, Vernon (18)


Worship Leader

Kammerer, Henry (17)

Eucharistic Minister

Kammerer, Henry (17)

Eucharistic Visitor

Kammerer, Henry (17)


Worship Leader

Keil, Dick (19)

Ludewig, Pat (19)

Luthy, Carolyn (19)

Mayhoff, Joseph (19)

Placko, Judy (19)

Shipley, Beth (19)

Eucharistic Minister

Keil, Richard (19)

Ludewig, Pat (19)

Luthy, Carolyn (19)

Placko, Judy (19)

Shipley, Beth (19)

Smith, Tracy (19)

Eucharistic Visitor

Ludewig, Howard (19)

Ludewig, Pat (19)

Luthy, Carolyn (19)

Luthy, Mike (19)

Placko, Judy (19)

Shipley, Beth (19)


Worship Leader

Bruce, Barney (16) Wagner, Nancy (16)

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Eucharistic Minister

Adams, James (16) Campbell, Anne (16) Meads, Edward W. (16)

Eucharistic Visitor

Campbell, Anne (16) Meads, Edward W. (16) Schelosky, Esther (16)


Worship Leader

Hambleton, Peter (18)

Matthews, Rod (18)

Smith Gerry (18)

Walter, Laurie (18)

Lavikoff, Emily (19)

Eucharistic Minister

Brown, Judy (18)

Gehrand, Keith (18)

Matthews, Rod (18)

Smith, Gerry (18)

Vitti, Joe (18)

Walter, Laurie (18)

Lavikoff, Emily (19)

Eucharistic Visitor

Brown, Judy (18) Smith, Gerry (18)


Worship Leader

Gore, Harry (16)

Waight, Mark (16)

Schneider, George (18)

Schneider, Lynette (18)

Wetmore, Catherine (18)

Eucharistic Minister

Gore, Harry (16)

Waight, Mark (16)

Schneider, George (18)

Schneider, Lynette (18)

Wetmore, Catherine (18)

Eucharistic Visitor

Baltz, Beverly (16)

Cahill, Narni (16)

Clark, Roberta (16)

Dusenbery, Bill (16)

Meek, Judy (16)

Schneider, George (18)

Schneider, Lynette (18)


Eucharistic Minister

Evans, Ken (16) Hutchcraft, Bryan (16) Swaar, Warren (17)


Worship Leader

Dungey, Keenan (17) Sherman, Pete (19) Torgerson, Kevin (19)

Eucharistic Minister

Dungey, Keenan (17)

Meek, Harold (17)

Hopper, David (19)

Jackson, Willian (19)

Hopper, Marian (19)

Sherman, Pete (19)

Torgerson, Kevin (19)

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Vital Statistics 16

City Congregation Active Members

Communicants in Good Standing

Others Active

Average Sunday Attendance

Sunday Eucharists

Baptisms 16 yrs and Older

Baptisms Under 16 Years

Confirmed or Received

Albion St John's 14 14 0 11 43 0 0 0

Alton Episcopal Parish in Alton 350 109 51 77 93 0 1 5

Belleville St George's 356 324 6 111 103 0 2 1

Bloomington St Matthew's 483 191 7 94 100 0 3 4

Cairo Church of the Redeemer 38 38 12 24 53 3 0 11

Carbondale St Andrew's 103 93 2 48 104 0 0 2

Carlinville St Paul's 39 36 1 35 93 0 3 0

Centralia St John's 24 24 2 21 52 0 1 1

Champaign Chapel of St John the Divine 249 233 0 118 112 1 1 5

Champaign Emmanuel Memorial 396 243 42 141 101 0 3 4

Danville Holy Trinity 63 54 0 39 18 0 1 0

Decatur St John's 240 184 14 92 103 0 0 1

Edwardsville St Andrew's 237 144 3 69 87 0 4 1

Glen Carbon St Thomas' 54 54 0 26 45 0 0 0

Granite City St Bartholomew's 15 9 0 10 50 0 0 0

Harrisburg St Stephens' 37 37 0 19 49 0 1 0

Havana St Barnabas' 15 15 7 7 31 0 0 0

Jacksonville Trinity 93 73 11 50 53 0 0 0

Lincoln Trinity 62 59 0 40 101 0 0 0

Mattoon Trinity 35 35 8 33 48 0 2 1

Morton All Saints' 51 41 6 28 49 0 1 1

Mount Carmel St John the Baptist 47 46 11 25 53 0 0 0

Mount Vernon Trinity 76 64 2 34 55 0 1 0

Normal Christ the King 63 54 4 29 50 0 0 0

O'Fallon St Michael's 109 98 20 54 54 0 1 1

Pekin St Paul's 45 41 4 29 47 0 0 0

Rantoul St Christopher's 24 17 1 15 53 0 2 0

Robinson St Mary's 15 15 0 9 48 0 0 0

Salem St Thomas' 33 33 0 23 53 0 2 1

Springfield Cathedral Church of St Paul 429 134 0 79 101 1 4 8

Springfield Christ Church 131 131 2 91 90 0 0 4

Springfield St Luke's 136 101 5 42 154 0 4 0

West Frankfort St Mark's 38 26 3 18 52 0 2 0

Grand Total 4,100 2,770 224 1,541 2,298 5 39 51

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Financial Statistics 16

City Congregation

Plate & Pledge Income

Operating Revenues

Total Revenues

Operating Expenses

To the Diocese

Outreach & Development

Total Expenses

Albion St John's 14,451 14,596 14,819 11,526 2,358 500 11,526

Alton Episcopal Parish in Alton 161,268 165,306 182,640 198,107 26,320 7,500 215,441

Belleville St George's 218,044 223,499 223,499 240,928 33,525 0 240,928

Bloomington St Matthew's 212,036 241,058 256,415 280,497 26,793 33,058 319,313

Cairo Church of the Redeemer 20,130 20,130 47,238 23,338 2,000 8,500 27,338

Carbondale St Andrew's 99,792 121,390 121,641 132,867 19,819 847 133,118

Carlinville St Paul's 60,999 118,625 162,575 158,481 16,376 17,556 178,747

Centralia St John's 28,952 28,952 29,225 31,339 3,000 40,000 71,612

Champaign Chapel of St John the Divine 182,754 266,037 471,385 266,037 39,905 65,226 332,435

Champaign Emmanuel Memorial 384,581 487,262 588,249 420,410 61,300 33,588 467,777

Danville Holy Trinity 49,053 68,482 68,482 19,735 7,000 0 19,735

Decatur St John's 198,276 219,932 248,558 243,716 33,964 35,959 287,914

Edwardsville St Andrew's 183,456 202,405 268,911 205,415 32,000 55,311 265,470

Glen Carbon St Thomas' 40,035 40,035 53,405 39,161 120 13,915 53,076

Granite City St Bartholomew's 7,267 12,640 16,473 27,690 2,580 4,654 32,296

Harrisburg St Stephens' 42,239 44,450 44,450 32,159 8,300 1,019 32,159

Havana St Barnabas' 11,667 67,108 67,108 32,945 2,000 0 33,793

Jacksonville Trinity 55,790 229,238 397,723 227,436 34,500 181,101 409,691

Lincoln Trinity 139,799 148,701 148,701 163,055 22,293 22,338 183,055

Mattoon Trinity 43,927 51,127 59,013 57,959 4,916 0 59,233

Morton All Saints' 47,908 58,494 63,102 43,141 5,337 647 44,089

Mt. Carmel St John the Baptist 27,767 243,902 243,902 171,816 31,987 37,816 217,485

Mt. Vernon Trinity 115,484 116,034 163,751 97,795 17,348 46,345 144,735

Normal Christ the King 59,660 62,050 70,447 54,606 12,845 7,626 62,777

O'Fallon St Michael's 115,252 191,202 198,115 173,932 11,600 5,691 180,724

Pekin St Paul's 87,403 104,403 169,392 103,051 15,661 6,383 169,857

Rantoul St Christopher's 12,182 20,460 20,460 20,665 2,000 0 20,665

Robinson St Mary's 10,385 10,413 11,289 10,752 1,000 6,340 17,467

Salem St Thomas' 38,473 38,675 46,572 43,437 1,500 1,053 43,768

Springfield Cathedral Church of St Paul 196,218 205,331 308,097 200,795 29,673 0 200,795

Springfield Christ Church 256,745 409,426 501,919 58,846 58,846 25,794 87,440

Springfield St Luke's 56,206 58,826 78,173 67,661 10,070 8,338 71,931

W. Frankfort St Mark's 23,670 24,893 25,143 25,364 2,964 500 25,614

Grand Total 3,201,869 4,315,082 5,370,872 3,884,662 579,900 667,605 4,662,004

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Constitution of the Diocese of Springfield (as amended by Synod, October 22, 2016)


I Of the Title and Bounds of Diocese

II Of Accession to the General Convention

III Of Ecclesiastical Authority

IV Of Regular and Special Synods

V Of Members of the Synod

VI Of the Synod Eucharist

VII Of President of the Synod

VIII Of Secretary of the Diocese

IX Of Treasurer of the Diocese

X Of Transaction of Business

XI Of the Standing Committee

XII Of Deputies to the General Convention

XIII Of Eucharistic Communities

XIV Of Forfeiture of Privileges

XV Of Election of a Bishop

XVI Of Amendments

Article I

Declaration and Bounds of the Diocese

The Diocese exists to proclaim the Historic Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as the worldwide

Anglican Communion has received the same, in conformity with the Preamble to the

Constitution of the Episcopal Church, and the Book of Common Prayer.

The Diocese shall be known and distinguished as the DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD, a

constituent part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in this land. Said Diocese shall

contain that portion of the State of Illinois lying south of the counties of Woodford, Livingston,

Ford and Iroquois, and east of the Illinois River.

Article II

Accession to the General Convention

The Diocese accedes to the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the

United States of America, commonly known as the Episcopal Church, which is a constituent

member of the worldwide Anglican Communion of churches, and recognizes the Constitutional

authority of the General Convention of the same.

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Article III

Ecclesiastical Authority

The Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese shall be the Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, then the

Bishop Coadjutor; or if there be no Bishop Coadjutor, then the Suffragan Bishop, senior in

Consecration; or if there be no Suffragan Bishop, then the Standing Committee.

Article IV

Regular and Special Synods

Section 1.

There shall be one Regular Synod of the Church in the Diocese each year, the exact day and

place being fixed by the Ecclesiastical Authority.

Section 2.

The Ecclesiastical Authority may call Special Synods and fix the time, place, and date they shall


Section 3.

Notice of the time, place and date when every Synod, Regular or Special, is to convene shall be

given to every Member of the Clergy, and to the Wardens of every Eucharistic Community of

the Diocese at least thirty days before the time appointed. The notice in case of a Special Synod

shall also specify the purpose for which the Special Synod is called, and no business shall be

transacted at such meeting other than as stated in the notice.

Section 4.

The Synod shall have power to provide for all matters not governed by the Constitution and the

Canons of the General Convention or by this Constitution.

Section 5.

The Synod shall have power to raise money for the work of the Church from the Eucharistic

Communities of the Diocese. All appropriations and proposed expenditures included in the

budget adopted by the Synod shall be considered assessments under this Section. Any

assessment against any Eucharistic Community shall be reviewed at its request as may be

provided by Canon.

Article V

Members of the Synod

Section 1.

The Synod shall be composed of Clergy and Laity.

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Section 2.

The Bishop, the Bishop Coadjutor, and the Suffragan Bishop, if there be such, and every

Member of the Clergy canonically resident in this Diocese, and in good standing, shall be

entitled to a seat and vote in the Synod, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution.

Section 3.

Every Eucharistic Community of the Diocese shall be entitled to representation by two or more

Lay Delegates. Representation shall be based upon average Sunday attendance (ASA) as

reported in the most recent Parochial Report filed by the Eucharistic Community, in accordance

with the greatest number of delegates derived by application of the following formula: ASA of

74 or fewer, two (2) delegates; ASA of 75 or more, three (3) Delegates; ASA of 125 or more,

four (4) Delegates; and ASA of 200 or more, five (5) Delegates. No Eucharistic Community

shall have more than a total of five Lay Delegates. Each regular Lay Delegate, elected and

present at the Synod shall have one vote. All Lay Delegates must be at least eighteen years of

age and confirmed communicants in good standing, as defined in the canons of the Episcopal

Church. Lay Delegates shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of each Eucharistic Community

A sufficient number of Alternate Delegates shall be elected at that same meeting. Vacancies in

Delegate positions may be filled by the Vestry or Bishop’s Committee. The Diocesan Office

shall be notified immediately of the names and addresses of all Delegates and Alternates.

Section 4.

It is the duty of every Member of the Clergy entitled to a seat to attend the meetings of the

Synod, and of every Eucharistic Community to send one or more Delegates.

Article VI

The Synod Eucharist

During every Synod there shall be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist; and if there be a sermon,

the Preacher shall be appointed by the Bishop, unless the Bishop personally shall preach or

deliver a charge.

Article VII

President of the Synod

The Bishop presides as President of the Synod, and is entitled to every privilege of membership

in the body. In the absence of the Bishop, the Bishop Coadjutor, if there be one, or in his or her

absence, the Suffragan Bishop, if there is one, shall preside with like powers. If no Bishop,

Bishop Coadjutor or Suffragan Bishop shall be present, the President of the Standing Committee,

or in his or her absence any Presbyter of the Standing Committee, shall call the Synod or order

and proceed to the election by the Synod of a President pro tempore from among the Presbyters

of the Synod.

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Article VIII

Secretary of the Diocese

At each Regular Synod, a Secretary of the Diocese shall be elected from among the members

thereof, who shall continue in office until a successor be elected. His or her duties shall be to act

as the Secretary of the Synod, to take minutes of the proceedings, and, when approved, to enter

them in the Journal; to preserve the Journals and records; to attest the public acts of the body;

and faithfully to deliver to his or her successor all records which may be in his possession. He or

she shall also give the prescribed notice of the meeting of each Synod. An Assistant Secretary

may also be appointed by the Secretary from among the members of the Synod, with the

approval of the Synod. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of the Secretary of the

Synod, his or her duties shall be performed by the Assistant Secretary and if none by the

Secretary of the Standing Committee.

Article IX

Treasurer of the Diocese

Section 1.

At each Regular Synod, there shall be elected a Treasurer of the Diocese, subject to the approval

of the Ecclesiastical Authority, who shall take office on January 1st of the following calendar

year and who shall serve until a successor is elected and qualified. The Treasurer shall receive,

disburse, and annually account to the Synod for all money collected under the authority of the

Synod. All accounts held by the Treasurer shall be audited annually by an independent Certified

Public Accountant or otherwise as the Canons of the General Convention may direct. The

Treasurer shall be entitled ex officio to all the rights and privileges of membership in the Synod

except that of voting. The Treasurer shall be adequately bonded as required by the Canons of the

General Convention, the cost of procuring such bond to be provided by the Synod.

Section 2.

In the case of a vacancy in the office of Treasurer, the Ecclesiastical Authority shall have power

to appoint a Treasurer, with the advice and consent of the Council of the Diocese, to act until the

next Synod.

Article X

Transaction of Business

Section 1.

Fifteen of the Clergy entitled to seats in the Synod, and Lay Delegates from ten of the

Eucharistic Communities entitled to representation, at any time duly assembled, shall constitute a

quorum for the transaction of business, except that a smaller number may adjourn from time to


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Section 2.

In all matters that shall come before the Synod, the Clergy and Laity shall deliberate as one

body, and the Clerical and Lay Delegates shall vote as individuals, unless a vote by separate

orders is called for by any five members of the Synod.

Section 3.

When the Synod deliberates as one body, if a quorum be present, a majority of all members

present shall be necessary to a decision. But when a vote by separate orders is taken, the

concurrence of a majority of the members present in each order shall be necessary to a decision.

Section 4.

The election of officers provided for in this Constitution shall be by ballot, unless the same be

dispensed with by the Synod; and in the event of a failure or neglect to elect at any Synod, the

person or persons already in office shall hold over until successors are regularly elected and


Article XI

The Standing Committee

Section 1.

The Standing Committee of the Diocese shall consist of four Presbyters and four Lay Persons.

At each Regular Synod there shall be elected by the concurrent vote of both orders one Presbyter

and one Lay Person, each to serve for a term of four years. Upon the expiration of the full term

of office of a member of the Standing Committee, he shall not be eligible for election to the

Standing Committee until one year shall have elapsed after the expiration of his or her term of


Section 2.

The Presbyters must be from among those entitled to seats and votes in the Synod and the Lay

Persons must be confirmed communicants in good standing (as defined by the canons of the

Episcopal Church) of one of the Eucharistic Communities of this Diocese.

Section 3.

The Committee, at its first meeting, shall choose a President and a Secretary from among its

members. The Secretary shall keep a record of its proceedings, which record shall be subject to

the examination by of the Bishop and the Synod. A full report of its acts shall be made at each

Regular Synod. Any five of the members, the whole having been summoned, shall be a quorum.

It may make rules of procedure not inconsistent herewith and alter and repeal them from time to

time. Vacancies in said Committee, occurring by death or otherwise, shall be filled by the

concurrent vote of the remaining Clerical and Lay members of the Committee. Such ad interim

members shall serve until the next Regular Synod which shall elect members to the Standing

Committee to fill the unexpired terms.

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Section 4.

When functioning as the Ecclesiastical Authority, the Standing Committee shall exercise the

powers and duties of the Bishop in matters of discipline; provided, that no sentence shall be

pronounced upon a member of the Clergy or Laity, except by a Bishop; and when there is such

occasion, the Standing Committee may invite a Bishop to exercise this office.

Article XII

Deputies to the General Convention

Four Clerical and four Lay Deputies, or such other number as the General Convention or the

Synod may prescribe, shall be elected by the Synod to represent this Diocese in the General

Convention of The Episcopal Church. The Synod shall also elect a sufficient number of

Alternate Deputies to supply any deficiency that may occur in the representation of the Diocese.

In case the Regular Synod shall neglect to elect Deputies or Alternate Deputies, those acting as

Deputies and Alternate Deputies for the preceding General Convention shall continue to

represent the Diocese until their Successors shall be elected.

Article XIII

Eucharistic Communities

Every Parish and Mission which has previously been a constituent member of the Diocese is a

Eucharistic Community of the Diocese of Springfield. All existing Eucharistic Communities

shall retain the rights, privileges and status held by them or conferred upon them at the time of

their admission unless those rights and privileges are voluntarily relinquished or are modified

pursuant to constitutional or canonical procedures. New Eucharistic Communities may be

established in a manner provided by the canons of the Diocese.

Article XIV

Forfeiture of Privileges

Section 1.

Any Eucharistic Community may be suspended from the right of representation in the Synod, or

otherwise disestablished, by a vote of two-thirds of those present in each Order, whenever the

same shall be deemed necessary. Should the Bishop signify to the Synod that in his judgment

action is necessary, the Synod shall proceed at once without regard to the regular order of

business to the consideration of such action as the case may in its judgment require.

Section 2.

If a Eucharistic Community shall neglect or decline to appoint delegates, or if those appointed

neglect or are prevented from attending, or if a Eucharistic Community shall incur any

suspension or forfeiture of privileges, owing to the neglect of canonical assessments or

otherwise, it shall nevertheless be bound by all the acts of the Synod the same as if fully


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Section 3.

Lay Delegates shall not be seated at any Synod unless the Eucharistic Community they represent

is current, as specified in the Canons of the Diocese, on all Pledges, Assessments or other sums

owed to the Diocese.

Article XV

Election of a Bishop

Section 1.

The election of a Bishop for this Diocese may be made in a Regular Synod, or in a Special Synod

called for that purpose.

Section 2.

The election shall be conducted in the following manner:

1. The Order of the Clergy and the Order of the Laity shall vote separately by ballot, for

some fit and qualified Member of the Clergy for that office, and a concurrence of both Orders

shall be necessary to a choice.

2. If two-thirds of all the Clergy entitled to vote are present, and two-thirds of all the

Eucharistic Communities entitled to vote are represented by a Lay Delegate or Delegates, then a

majority of each Order shall determine a choice.

3. Should there not be present two-thirds of the Clergy and a representation of two-thirds of

the Eucharistic Communities, then two-thirds of the votes of each Order shall be necessary to

determine a choice.

Section 3.

In all cases of the election of a Bishop, no Member of the Clergy shall be entitled to vote unless

he or she shall have been for at least six months immediately preceding the election personally

and canonically resident in this Diocese. A Member of the Clergy regularly settled and

functioning in a Eucharistic Community of this Diocese shall be considered personally resident

even if domiciled outside the boundaries of the Diocese.

Article XVI


No amendment shall be made to this Constitution except in the manner following:

A proposed amendment shall be introduced in writing at a Regular Synod, and, if approved by

the vote of a concurrent majority of all the Clergy and Lay Delegates entitled to seats, voting by

orders, shall lie over to the next Regular Synod; and if again approved in the same manner in

said Regular Synod, such amendment shall be valid and obligatory; provided that no amendment

to the Constitution, or of Canons enacted under it, shall be valid without the concurrence of the

Ecclesiastical Authority.

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CANONS OF THE DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD (as Amended by Synod, October 22, 2016)



Canon 1. Of the Clerical Members of Synod

Canon 2. Of the Lay Members of the Synod

Canon 3. Of the Duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer

Canon 4. Of the Business of the Synod

Canon 5. Of Rules of Order


Canon 6. Of the Definition of Titles

Canon 7. Of the Commission on Ministry

Canon 8. Of the Support of Ministers

Canon 9. Of the Clergy in Charge

Canon 10. Of Parish Registers and Parochial Reports

Canon 11. Of Discretionary Funds

Canon 12. Of Memorial Funds

Canon 13. Of Officiating in Other Cures


Canon14. Of the Organization and Administration of a Eucharistic Community

Canon 15. Of the Organization and Administration of an Incorporated Eucharistic Community

Canon 16. Of the Wardens

Canon 17. Of the Mission Leadership Team

Canon 18. Of the Officers of the Mission Leadership Team

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Canon 19. Of the Annual Congregational Meeting

Canon 20. Of the Holding of Church Property, Custody Thereof, and the Reversion and

Transfer Thereof

Canon 21. Of Relations to the Bishop and Diocese

Canon 22. Of Legal and Canonical Prerogatives of Incorporated Eucharistic Communities

Canon 23. Of Communities in Formation

Canon 24. Of Mission Fields

Canon 25. Of Geographic Parishes

Canon 26. Of Congregational Boundaries

Canon 27. Of Inactive Congregations

Canon 28. Of Dependent Eucharistic Communities


Canon 29. Of Deaneries, Deans and Assistant Deans

Canon 30. Of the Trustees of the Diocese of Springfield

Canon 31. Of the Council

Canon 32. Of the Chancellor of the Diocese

Canon 33. Of the Archivist


Canon 34. Of the Trial and Discipline of a Member of the Clergy Not Being a Bishop

Canon 35. Of the Due Celebration of the Lord’s Day

Canon 36. Of the Members of the Church

Canon 37. Of the Transfer of Members


Canon 38. Of Elections

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Canon 39. Of the Requisites of a Quorum

Canon 40. Of Business Methods in Parochial and Diocesan Affairs

Canon 41. Of Definitions

Canon 42. Of Amendments


Canon 1.

Of the Clerical Members of the Synod

Section 1.

Within one week before the meeting of every Synod of this Diocese, the Ecclesiastical Authority

shall prepare or cause to be prepared a list or roll call of the Clergy of the Church canonically

resident in this Diocese, annexing the names of their respective Cures; and such list shall be

certified by the Ecclesiastical Authority, and shall be evidence of the regular admission of the

Members of the Clergy to the rights and privileges of the Synod as provided in the Canons and

Constitution of the Diocese.

Section 2.

The right of any Member of the Clergy of this Diocese to a seat in the Synod shall, if disputed or

claimed, be determined according to the provisions of Article V of the Constitution, by the

Synod itself.

Canon 2

Of the Lay Members of the Synod

The appointment of a Lay Delegate to the Synod of this Diocese shall be certified in writing by

the Clergy in Charge of the Congregation of which that Lay Delegate is a representative, or when

there is no Clergy in Charge, by one of the Wardens. Every certificate of the appointment of a

Lay Delegate shall show upon its face that the appointment has been made in pursuance of all the

requirements of the Canons, and shall certify that the Delegate has the qualifications required by

Article V of the Constitution.

Canon 3

Of the Duties of the Secretary and the Treasurer

Section 1.

In addition to those duties set out in the Constitution, it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary

to transmit to each General Convention a certificate of the appointment of Clerical and Lay

Deputies, and to do such other acts as may be from time to time required of him or her by

authority of the General Convention or the Diocesan Synod.

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Section 2.

In addition to those duties set out in the Constitution, the Treasurer shall maintain proper

accounting records in which shall be entered accounts and statements in detail of all money

received and disbursed by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall make deposits of funds received by

him or her, and make disbursements authorized by the Synod or other competent Diocesan

bodies, in accordance with such guidelines as may be established by the Department of Finance.

The Secretary’s journals and records, and the Treasurer’s books shall be at all times open to the

inspection of the Bishop and the Standing Committee of the Diocese. Before the opening of each

Regular Synod, the Treasurer shall prepare a list of all Congregations delinquent in the full

payment of pledges, assessments or other charges imposed by the order of the Synod. At each

meeting of Diocesan Council, and at each Regular Synod, the Treasurer, in conjunction with the

Department of Finance, shall submit a written report concerning the financial position of the

Diocese, said report to include an income statement and balance sheet. The Treasurer shall notify

the Congregations of all assessments, pledges or other obligations due from them, and shall

regularly pay all stipends and salaries authorized by Synod, or by the Council.

Section 3.

The fiscal year for the purposes of Diocesan financial affairs shall be established by the

Department of Finance. The Department of Finance shall obtain a surety bond, at the expense of

the Diocese, for the faithful performance of the duties of the Treasurer and of any other persons

who may be authorized to handle funds on behalf of the Diocese.

Section 4.

The Treasurer shall inform the Congregations of the formula by which assessments in support of

the Diocese are to be determined, and of any special assessments that may be imposed for the

support of the Diocese, and shall also provide the Congregations with a periodic accounting of

the assessments made, and money paid, by each Congregation.

Section 5.

No Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election after having served six consecutive years as

Treasurer. A Treasurer who has served six consecutive years in that office shall not again serve

as Treasurer, whether pursuant to election or appointment, until two years have elapsed from the

date of the Treasurer’s last service in that office. The foregoing limitation on the time in office

of Treasurer shall become effective on January 1, 2018.

Canon 4

Of the Business of the Synod

Section 1.

The Bishop shall be the Presiding Officer of the Synod. In the absence of the Bishop, the

Presiding Officer shall be the Bishop Coadjutor, if any. In the absence of a Bishop Coadjutor, the

Presiding Officer shall be the Bishop Suffragan, if any. In the absence of a Bishop Suffragan, the

Presiding Officer shall be the President of the Standing Committee. If the President of the

Standing Committee is not present at Synod, or if that office is vacant, the Clergy present shall

elect one of their number to serve as Presiding Officer.

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Section 2.

Order of Business. The following matters shall be taken up during the Synod, in the Order

determined at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may also bring to the

attention of the Synod such other matters which may be needful or beneficial to the Diocese, or

to the Synod.

1. Declaration of a quorum necessary to conduct business.

2. The election of a Secretary of the Diocese and the appointment of an Assistant Secretary.

3. The names of congregations listed by the Treasurer as delinquent in the payment of pledges,

assessments or other charges imposed by the Synod, as of June 30 of the calendar year in which

the Regular Synod is held, shall be reported to the Synod for action on the seating of their lay

delegates. As used in Article V, Section 3 of the Constitution, a Congregation’s “Pledges,

Assessments, or other sums as fixed by the Synod” shall be considered to be “paid in full” under

those circumstances where the Treasurer of the Diocese has received payment of all “Pledges,

Assessments or other sums as fixed by Synod” due through June 30 of the calendar year in which

the Regular Synod is held.

4. The appointment of Inspectors of Elections--one Member of the Clergy and one member of

the laity for the clerical votes, and one Member of the Clergy and one member of the laity for the

lay votes, severally, for the disposition of all issues requiring a ballot.

5. Report of the Treasurer of the Diocese.

6. Report of the Committee on Resolutions.

7. Report of the Committee on Legislation.

8. Report of the Department of Finance on the proposed budget and action thereon.

9. Report of the Department of Audit.

10. Report of the Department of Mission.

11. Elections.

12. Report of the Trustees of the Diocese.

13. Report of the Secretary.

14. Report of the Standing Committee.

15. Report of the Commission on Ministry.

Section 3.

The Continuing Committees of the Synod are the following:

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a. Legislation--consisting of at least two clerical and two lay members; and

b. Resolutions--consisting of two clerical and two lay members.

Members of the Continuing Committees shall be appointed by the Ecclesiastical

Authority and shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.

Canon 5

Of Rules of Order

Except when in conflict with the Constitution, Canons, or Rules of Order adopted by the Synod,

the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the procedure to be followed by the

Synod in the conduct of its business.


Canon 6

Of the Definition of Titles

For the purpose of these Canons and of the Constitution, and in order to determine the

ecclesiastical and legal contract contained or implied in each case within the Diocese, these

respective Titles are defined as follows:

“MINISTER” shall mean in a general or liturgical sense in executor officii one who is duly

licensed or ordained to perform sacred functions in this Church, and includes, but is not limited

to, the three Orders of Bishop, Priest and Deacon, and lay persons authorized to act in any of the

capacities set forth in Title III, Canon 4.1.a. of the Canons of the General Convention.

“RECTOR” shall mean a Priest who is canonically settled in a Congregation whose settlement is

without limitation of time, and the stipend relating to whose call is held as a permanent contract.

“VICAR” shall mean a Priest who is appointed by the Bishop to be in charge as the Bishop’s

representative of Congregation whose settlement is determined as to time and condition by

agreement with the Bishop.

“PRIEST IN CHARGE” shall mean a Priest of the Church who is appointed by the Bishop to be

temporarily in charge of a Congregation.

“ASSISTANT MINISTER” or “CURATE” shall mean a Member of the Clergy called on the

nomination of a Rector, to assist the Rector.

Canon 7

Of the Commission on Ministry

Section 1.

The Commission on Ministry of the Diocese shall perform the duties and discharge the

responsibilities as may be assigned to a Diocesan Commission on Ministry under Title III of the

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Canons of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, or as may be requested by the

Ecclesiastical Authority.

Section 2.

a. The Commission on Ministry shall consist of nine persons.

b. Implementation. This Canon shall be implemented through the following procedure:

1. At the next Regular Synod following the effective date of these Canons, the terms of

all persons serving on the Commission on that date shall expire. 2. At the next Regular

Synod following the effective date of these Canons, the Synod shall elect one Layperson

to serve a term of one year, one Presbyter to serve a term of two years, and a second

Layperson to serve a term of three years. 3. At the next Regular Synod following the

effective date of these Canons, the Bishop shall appoint six persons, two to serve terms of

one year each, two to serve terms of two years each, and two to serve terms of three years

each, as determined at the sole discretion of the Bishop.

c. At the second Regular Synod following the effective date of these Canons, and for

each regular Synod thereafter, the Synod shall elect a person to serve a term of three

years, said person to be of a different ministry order than the member elected by Synod

whose term next expires.

d. At the second regular Synod following the effective date of these Canons, and for

each regular Synod thereafter, the Bishop shall appoint two persons, each person to serve

a term of three years.

e. No person, having served on the Commission for a full term of three years, shall be

eligible for re-appointment to the Commission until the lapse of one year.

f. The Bishop shall appoint persons to fill any vacancies which may occur among the

members of the Commission. Such persons shall serve for the entire unexpired term of

the person they are chosen to replace.

h. The Diocesan Deployment Officer, the Chair of the Board of Examining Chaplains

and the Dean of the Springfield School for Ministry shall have seat and voice, but not

vote, in deliberations of the Commission.

i. The Ecclesiastical Authority may appoint a representative to attend meetings of the

Commission on Ministry in the absence of the Ecclesiastical Authority. Such

representative shall be accorded seat and voice in all meetings which the representative


Section 3.

The Commission may adopt rules not inconsistent with the Canons of the Diocese or General

Convention and subject to the approval of the Bishop.

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Section 4.

The Chair of the Commission shall be appointed by the Bishop from among its members. The

Commission may appoint from time to time, with the approval of the Bishop, such other officers

or persons it may need to assist in the performance of its duties. Appointees other than the Chair

shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission.

Canon 8

Of the Support of Ministers

It shall be the duty of the Mission Leadership Team of each Congregation to provide for the

payment of the amount stipulated for the compensation of the Member of Clergy in Charge or

Assistant Minister at such intervals and on such conditions as have been agreed.

Canon 9

Of the Clergy in Charge

Section 1.

The control of the worship and the spiritual jurisdiction of the Congregation is vested in the

Member of the Clergy in Charge, subject to the Rubrics of the Book of Common Prayer, the

Canons of the Church, and the Godly counsel and authority of the Bishop. All other Ministers of

the Congregation, by whatever name they may be designated, are to be regarded as under the

authority of the Member of the Clergy in Charge.

Section 2.

For the purposes of his or her office and for the full and free discharge of all functions and duties

pertaining thereto, the Member of the Clergy in Charge shall, at all times, be entitled to the use

and control of the Church and Congregational buildings together with the appurtenances and

furnishings thereof, and to access all records and registers maintained by or on behalf of the


Section 3.

The Member of the Clergy in Charge shall have the full direction and control of the Church

Schools, and all other educational and charitable associations within the Congregation. He or she

shall call meetings of the Mission Leadership Team, or officers of the Congregation, and of the

Congregation as a whole and is ex-officio President of the same, and of all guilds and societies

formed in the Congregation and is entitled to speak and vote on all questions before these bodies.

Section 4.

A Rector shall have the right, with the consent of the Mission Leadership Team, to elect as

Assistant Minister (or Curate) from year to year, any Priest whose name has been submitted to

the Bishop as provided in the Canons of the General Convention, provided, however, that upon

the expiration of the first year, the Rector may remove such Assistant Minster upon ninety days’

written notice

Section 5.

A Minister is settled, for all purposes here or elsewhere mentioned in these Canons, who has, as

applicable, either been called by a Congregation, or appointed by the Bishop to serve in any

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Congregation, permanently, according to the rules of the Diocese, provided no Assistant Minister

shall be considered “settled” in the sense of having a contract of indefinite or unlimited duration.

Canon 10

Of Parish Registers and Parochial Reports

It shall be the duty of every Minister of this Church to keep the Parish Register and records

required in the Canons of the General Convention and to make the reports required thereby or by

the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese. In every case where a Congregation is without a

Minister, the Register and Records contemplated in this Canon shall be maintained by, and the

reports shall be made by, the Wardens.

Canon 11

Of Discretionary Funds

In each congregation, and on a monthly basis, an amount of money equal to 25% of open

offerings collected by the congregation, not otherwise designated for specific purposes, shall be

made available to the Clergy in Charge of the Congregation as a Discretionary

Fund, for such pious and charitable uses as the Clergy in Charge of the Congregation sees fit. All

funds made available hereunder shall be subject to audit as funds of the Congregation, with due

regard for necessary confidentially which may be associated with their distribution.

Canon 12

Of Memorial Funds

Records shall be maintained on any special funds given as memorials to a Congregation, which

records shall include the names of the persons in whose memory such donations are is made and

the names of the donors, if known; and if no specific direction for the expenditure of such funds

shall be made by the donors, such funds shall be expended at the discretion of the Member of the

Clergy in Charge and the Mission Leadership Team. All such memorial funds shall be

transferred to the Treasurer and held in a special fund.

Canon 13

Of Officiating Within Other Cures

No Member of the Clergy shall officiate, either by preaching, reading prayers in public worship,

administering the Sacraments, or performing any other sacred function, in a Congregation or

cure whose boundaries have been defined by the Bishop without the express permission of the

Member of the Clergy in charge of the Congregation or cure. If, because of the absence or

disability of the Member of the Clergy in charge, provision has not been made for stated or

necessary services within a Congregation or cure, a Warden may give consent.


Canon 14

Of the Organization and Administration of a Eucharistic Community

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Section 1.

Any Congregation that was organized as a Mission on the effective date of these Canons shall be

a Eucharistic Community.

Section 2.

A Congregation wishing to be recognized as a Eucharistic Community pursuant to Section 1

above shall be recognized as a Eucharistic Community upon satisfaction of the following


a. Written application to the Bishop by twelve or more persons of at least eighteen years

of age, who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, and who attest that they wish to form a

Eucharistic Community within this Diocese, that they will promote the regular worship of the

Church, and that they will conform to the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of the Church;

b. Certification of the Ecclesiastical Authority approving of the establishment of the

Eucharistic Community;

c. Approval by the Synod of the organization of the Eucharistic Community, or of a

Synod specially convened for the purpose of voting upon the application for admission of the

proposed Eucharistic Community; and

d. A pledge to the Diocese in an amount determined the Department of Finance with

the advice of the Bishop and the Department of Mission.

Section 3.

Of the Vicar or Priest in Charge.

The Vicar or Priest in Charge shall be appointed by the Bishop with the advice of the Mission

Leadership Team.

Section 4.

Of the Mission Leadership Team.

As soon as practicable following Synod approval of organization of a Eucharistic Community, a

majority of the adult communicants of the Congregation shall convene for the purpose of

electing a Mission Leadership Team for the first year, consisting of at least three and not more

than twelve members, who shall be communicants in good standing of at least eighteen years of

age. Thereafter the members of the Eucharistic Community shall elect members for the Mission

Leadership Team at each annual meeting. The Vicar, or Priest in Charge, is an ex officio

member of the Mission Leadership Team and is its presiding officer. The Mission Leadership

Team shall be responsible for the management of the temporal affairs of the Eucharistic

Community, and shall meet at least four times annually.

Section 5.

Of the Wardens.

a. There shall be two Wardens in each Eucharistic Community, to be known respectively as the

Senior Warden and the Junior Warden who shall always be communicants in good standing.

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b. The Senior Warden shall be nominated annually by the Vicar or Priest in Charge from among

the members of the Mission Leadership Team His or her duties shall be to look after the personal

interests of the Vicar, or Priest in Charge, to see that his or her stipend is promptly and fully paid,

and that provision is made for supplying his or her place in case of his necessary absence.

c. The Junior Warden shall be elected annually by the Mission Leadership Team from among its

number. He or she shall represent the members of the Eucharistic Community in the temporal

affairs of the Congregation, report to the Mission Leadership Team needed repairs of the Church

property, and in the absence or disability of the Senior Warden perform his or her duties.

d. It shall be the duty of the Wardens to procure a place to be used for public worship, to see that

the same be kept clean and in good repair, and that it be provided with all things necessary for

conducting the services of the Church decently and in good order: and, in case of a vacancy or

the absence of the Minister, to take charge of the Sacred Vessels and other property of the

Congregation, to be custodian of the Registers and Records and to make entries therein, to fill

out the Parochial Reports to the Bishop, and also to endeavor to arrange for maintaining required

services subject to the approval of the Bishop. And, further, the Wardens and the Mission

Leadership Team shall at all times be responsible to the Bishop for the safe keeping of all the

temporalities of the Congregation.

e. In case there be no Vicar or Priest in Charge, or in his or her absence or inability to act, the

Senior Warden, or in the absence of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, shall preside at all

meetings of the Mission Leadership Team, and of the Congregation. Special meetings may be

called by the Vicar or Priest in Charge, or in case of a vacancy, or the inability of the Vicar or

Priest in Charge to act, by one of the Wardens, at any time; and whenever three members of the

Mission Leadership Team request in writing, a special meeting shall be called by the Vicar or

Priest in Charge, or if none, or if he shall fail to act within a reasonable time, by a Warden;

provided that the Vicar or Priest in Charge shall be notified of such meeting and shall be entitled

to be present and to preside. No meeting of a Mission Leadership Team shall be held to be valid

in which there shall not be present either the Vicar or Priest in Charge, or one Warden.

Section 6.

Of the Clerk and Treasurer.

a. A Clerk and Treasurer, who may or may not be members of the Mission Leadership Team,

shall be annually elected by the Mission Leadership Team. No Vicar,

Priest in Charge, Warden, Clerk, or other Member of the Clergy shall also serve as Treasurer.

b. It shall be the duty of the Clerk, under the direction of the Vicar or Priest in Charge, to keep

the minutes of all meetings and generally to handle the correspondence of the Congregation.

c. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the Congregation to collect or receive all money

contributed to the Congregation, the collection and disbursement of which are not otherwise

provided for; and to remit and disburse them in accordance with the Constitution and Canons.

d. No Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election after having served six consecutive years as

Treasurer. A Treasurer who has served six consecutive years in that office shall not again serve

as Treasurer, whether pursuant to election or appointment, until two years have elapsed from the

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date of the Treasurer’s last service in that office. The foregoing limitation on the time in office

of Treasurer shall become effective on January 1, 2018.

Section 7.

Of Other Congregational Staff.

The Vicar, or Priest in Charge, in consultation with the Mission Leadership Team, shall appoint

the Sexton, Organist, Choir Director, Church School Superintendent, and any other staff

members as he or she may find necessary or convenient; but in case there be no Minister, the

right of such appointment shall rest with the Mission Leadership Team. All members of the

Congregational Staff, including but not limited to those staff members specifically described

herein, shall serve at the pleasure of the Vicar or Priest in Charge or, in the absence of such

Clergy, the Mission Leadership Team.

Section 8.

Of the Annual Meeting.

a. A meeting of the Eucharistic Community shall be held annually, at such time and place as the

Vicar, or Priest in Charge, or in a congregation lacking resident clergy, the Wardens, may

appoint. At this meeting the Vicar, or Priest in Charge, or in his or her absence, the Senior

Warden, or in his or her absence the Junior Warden, shall preside. The Annual Meeting will elect

members of the Mission Leadership Team, and the Wardens and Clergy shall provide the

meeting with such information as is necessary to give the members of the Congregation an

accurate picture of the financial and spiritual state of the congregation and its ministry.

b. In lieu of electing the entire Mission Leadership Team annually, any Eucharistic Community,

at its annual meeting, by a majority of votes present, may decide, by such plan as they see fit, to

divide the members of the Mission Leadership Team into classes in respect to their term of

office, but no term of office shall be created for a longer period than three years; and in such case

of division into classes, no member who has served a full term shall be eligible for reelection

until the expiration of one year thereafter. In such case of a Mission Leadership Team divided

into classes, if there shall be a vacancy in the body, the Mission Leadership Team shall fill the

vacancy only until the next annual meeting, at which time a member shall be elected to serve any

remainder of the unexpired term.

c. Qualifications for voting at the Annual Meeting of a Eucharistic Community shall be the same

as those established for Eucharistic Communities in Canon 19, Section 3. Members of the

Mission Leadership Teams of Eucharistic Communities shall possess the same qualifications

required of members of the Mission Leadership Teams of Eucharistic Communities under Canon

19, Section 1(b)

Section 9.

Of Relations with the Bishop and Diocese.

a. Each Eucharistic Community shall make an annual pledge to the Diocese, in such form as

shall be provided by the Department of Finance, and in an amount determined by the Bishop, in

consultation with the Mission Leadership Team of each Eucharistic Community, the Member of

the Clergy in Charge of each Eucharistic Community, the Department of Finance, and the

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Department of Mission. In the event that such a pledge is not established in accordance with this

procedure, the annual pledge for each Eucharistic Community shall be 15% of that

Congregation’s net disposable income, as defined in Canon 41.

b. The Vicar, or Priest in Charge, or, if none, the Senior Warden, shall prepare annually a report

for the Eucharistic Community for the year ending December thirty-first preceding, in such form

as may be adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and which

shall be sent not later than March first to the Bishop, or the Ecclesiastical Authority.

c. During each quarter of the calendar year, each Eucharistic Community shall submit payment

to the Diocese of: (1) an amount equal to at least one quarter of its total pledge for that year; or

(2) an amount that shall, when combined with its prior payments during that calendar year,

constitutes full pro rata payment of its pledge through the quarter of the calendar year in which

payment is made.

d. The Mission Leadership Team of every Congregation, in conjunction with the Member of the

Clergy in charge of the Congregation, shall annually submit a Mission Strategy Plan, in a manner

prescribed by the Ecclesiastical Authority in conjunction with the Department of Mission.

Section 10

Dissolution of Eucharistic Communities.

A Eucharistic Community may be dissolved upon action of the Bishop, with the advice and

consent of the Standing Committee.

Section 11

Construction with Constitution and Canons of Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States

of America.

For the purposes of the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the

United States, or for any other act of the General Convention, a Eucharistic Community shall be

considered to be a “mission” and/or a “mission congregation”.

Canon 15

Of the Organization and Administration of an Incorporated Eucharistic Community

Section 1.

Any Congregation that was organized as a Parish on the effective date of these Canons shall be

an Incorporated Eucharistic Community.

Section 2.

A Eucharistic Community may be organized as an Incorporated Eucharistic Community upon

approval of Synod, following submission of the following documents to the Secretary of Synod

not less than sixty days previous to the Regular meeting of the Synod at which the Congregation

wishes the matter to be considered:

a. A certificate from the Ecclesiastical Authority approving its change in status from

Eucharistic Community to Incorporated Eucharistic Community.

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b. A Constitution subscribed by the Wardens, expressly acceding to the Constitution

Canons, Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United

States of America, and to the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese.

c. Proof of legal incorporation.

d. Minutes showing the adoption of a resolution approving application to the Synod for

status as an Incorporated Eucharistic Community.

e. Proof that the Congregation has legal access to a suitable location at which services

may be held on a regular basis;

f. Proof of Congregational income sufficient to pay to each Member of the Clergy called

by the Congregation a level of compensation to be established by the Synod; provided that, in the

event that the Synod shall fail to establish a minimum level of compensation for clergy, that

amount shall be set at a total of $45,000.00 for all elements of compensation used by the Church

Pension Group in calculating pension assessment. However, an Incorporated Eucharistic

Community may provide compensation to retired, supply and bi-vocational clergy in an amount

less than these minimum compensation levels.

g. A Diocesan Pledge in conformance with Canon 21.

h. The Ecclesiastical Authority may recommend to the Synod that the requirements set

forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) above be waived, or be required at some time following admission

of the congregation as an Incorporated Eucharistic Community. However, the waiver of one or

more requirements in individual cases shall not be considered a revocation or amendment of the


Canon 16

Of the Wardens

Section 1.

There shall be two Wardens in each Incorporated Eucharistic Community, to be known

respectively as the Senior Warden and the Junior Warden, who shall always be communicants in

good standing.

Section 2.

The Senior Warden shall be chosen by the Rector from the Mission Leadership Team within

reasonable time after the annual election, and his or her duties shall be to look after the personal

interests of the Rector, to see that the Rector’s stipend is promptly and fully paid, that provision

is made for supplying the Rector’s place in case of absence, and generally to do all things that

may be necessary to promote the Rector’s efficiency.

Section 3.

The Junior Warden shall be elected by the Mission Leadership Team from among their number.

The Junior Warden shall represent the members of the Congregation in the temporal affairs of

the Incorporated Eucharistic Community, report to the Mission Leadership Team concerning

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needed repairs of the Congregation’s real property, and in the absence of the Senior Warden

perform his duties.

Section 4.

It shall be the duty of the Wardens to ensure that the records concerning the operation of the

congregation and kept and appropriately maintained.

Section 5.

The Wardens shall take measures to ensure that the Church Building and premises be kept in

good repair and free from all uses prohibited by the Constitution and Canons.

Section 6.

In case there be no Rector, or in his absence or inability to act, the Senior Warden, or in absence

of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden shall preside at all meetings of the Mission Leadership

Team, and of the Congregation. No meeting of a Mission Leadership Team shall be held to be

valid in which there shall not be present either the Rector or one Warden.

Canon 17

Of the Mission Leadership Team

Section 1.

The Mission Leadership Team shall, in conjunction with the Bishop and the Rector, define and

carry out the mission of the Congregation in promoting the Gospel, and shall have the

responsibility and authority, within the Congregation, of taking such action, not inconsistent with

the Constitution and Canons, appropriate to carry out that mission. The Mission Leadership

Team shall ensure that the Congregation is provided with accurate and timely information

concerning the affairs of the Congregation.

Section 2

The Mission Leadership Team shall meet monthly, where practicable, but, in any event, not less

that once in each calendar quarter. A special meeting may be called

at any time by the Rector, or in the case of a vacancy, or the inability of the Rector to act, by one

of the Wardens. Further, the Rector shall call a special meeting upon the request of any three

members of the Mission Leadership Team in writing, or by electronic means. During a vacancy,

or upon the failure of the Rector to act within a reasonable time, the requested meeting shall be

called by a Warden. In the latter circumstance, the Rector shall be notified of the meeting and

shall be entitled to be present and to preside. Reasonable notice, which may include notice by

electronic means, must be given of every meeting to every Member of the Mission Leadership

Team and to the Rector.

Section 3.

It shall not be lawful for the Mission Leadership Team of any Incorporated Eucharistic

Community to borrow for the purpose of meeting ordinary current expenses any amount in

excess of 20% of the average annual net disposable income of the Congregation, as defined in

Canon 41, for the three years preceding the date of the proposed borrowing.

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Canon 18

Of the Officers of the Mission Leadership Team

Section 1.

A Clerk and a Treasurer, who may or may not be members of the Mission Leadership Team,

shall be elected annually by the Mission Leadership Team, and shall serve until their successors

in office are chosen. No Rector, spouse or child of the Rector, Warden, Clerk, or other Member

of the Clergy shall also act as Treasurer. A Treasurer who has served six consecutive years in

that office shall not again serve as Treasurer, whether pursuant to election or appointment, until

two years have elapsed from the date of the Treasurer’s last service in that office. The foregoing

limitation on the time in office of Treasurer shall become effective on January 1, 2018.

Section 2.

It shall be the duty of the Clerk to attend all meetings of the Mission Leadership Team to take,

preserve and attest to minutes of its proceedings; to preserve its reports, journals and other

records; to attest the official acts of the Mission Leadership Team and perform such other duties

as may be assigned by the Mission Leadership Team, or the Constitution and Canons of this

Diocese, or of General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The Clerk shall deliver

into the hands of his or her successor all books and papers which may be in the Clerk’s


Section 3.

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all money accruing to or offered to the

Congregation, and to disburse all money authorized by the Mission Leadership Team, the receipt

and disbursement of which is not otherwise provided for.

Section 4.

No money shall be paid out by the Treasurer, except pursuant to prior budgetary authorization or

upon approval by the Mission Leadership Team recorded in the minutes. The Treasurer shall

present to the Mission Leadership Team, at each regular meeting, a full and accurate statement of

all money received and paid out since the last statement. The Treasurer shall also present to the

Mission Leadership Team, before the annual meeting of the Congregation complete financial

statements showing all receipts and disbursements for the preceding year and the assets,

liabilities and fund balances of all Funds as of the end of the preceding year.

Section 5.

The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the Mission Leadership Team, be guided by its advice

in all matters pertaining to the duties of the office, and be ready to answer all questions as to the

state of the treasury. The Treasurer’s books and papers shall always be subject to inspection by

the Rector, Wardens, Mission Leadership Team, and/or the Diocesan Department of Audit.

Canon 19.

Of the Annual Congregational Meeting

Section 1.

a. After the meeting for primary organization, each Incorporated Eucharistic Community shall

meet annually in January, at such time and place as the Rector may appoint, of which due notice

shall be publicly given no later than three weeks prior to the date of the Annual Meeting.

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b. At the Annual Meeting, in addition to the other business which may be there transacted,

the members of the Incorporated Eucharistic Community who are qualified and entitled to vote

for officers as defined in Section 3 of this Canon, shall elect by ballot, by a majority

of votes present, a Mission Leadership Team of not less than three nor more than twelve lay

persons of at least eighteen years of age who are communicants in good standing as defined in

Canon 36, Section 3, and who have been confirmed by a Bishop of this Church or received into

this Church as having been properly confirmed. The Mission Leadership Team elected shall

continue to discharge the functions of its office during the year, and until its successors are

elected, and may fill vacancies in its own body.

c. In lieu of electing the entire Mission Leadership Team annually, any Incorporated Eucharistic

Community at any Annual Meeting, by a majority of votes present, may decide, by such plan as

they see fit, to divide the members of the Mission Leadership Team into classes in respect to

their term of office. In such circumstance, the term of office for members of the Mission

Leadership Team shall not exceed three years, and no member of the Mission Leadership Team

who has served a full term shall be eligible for re-election until the expiration of one year

thereafter. When a vacancy occurs in a Mission Leadership Team that has been divided into

classes, the Mission Leadership Team may fill the vacancy until the next Annual Meeting, at

which time a member shall be elected to serve for any portion of the term that remains


Section 2.

In case any Incorporated Eucharistic Community shall fail for the period of two years to elect a

Mission Leadership Team, as hereinbefore directed, the Ecclesiastical Authority may call a

Congregational meeting, upon ten days’ public notice given in such Incorporated Eucharistic

Community, for the purpose of electing a Mission Leadership Team to serve until the next

annual Congregational meeting or until its successors are elected

Section 3.

All communicants in good standing as defined in Canon 36, Section 3, who are at least sixteen

years of age and who have been duly recorded and are recognized as such, shall be qualified to

vote for a Mission Leadership Team and at the Annual Meeting.

Section 4.

The presiding officer at the Annual Meeting is the Rector or Priest in Charge, or, in the case of

his or her absence, or of a vacancy, one of the Wardens. If no Warden is present, a member of

the congregation chosen by the meeting shall preside. The presiding officer shall decide on the

qualifications of those who offer to vote, subject to an appeal to the decision of the qualified

voters present. The meeting shall elect a Secretary. The result of the ballots for election shall be

declared by the presiding officer, and recorded by the Secretary before the adjournment of the

meeting; the poll shall be open and not closed until all qualified persons present have had the

opportunity of casting their votes. Each member chosen to serve on the Mission Leadership

Team shall be notified by the Secretary of his or her election, and the new Mission Leadership

Team shall be convened for organization and business as soon as practicable after election. In the

event any qualified member of the Congregation present at the Annual Meeting challenges the

validity of any election concerning the Incorporated Eucharistic Community, whether due to

irregularity of procedure, exclusion of qualified voters or inclusion of unqualified voters, the

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Annual Meeting shall resolve the challenge by either affirming the challenged election or

declaring the election void, in which circumstance a new election shall be held. At no time shall

voting by proxy be permitted. The Presiding Officer may, at his or her discretion, permit

members of the congregation to attend any congregational meeting by electronic means.

Canon 20

Of the Holding of Church Property, Custody Thereof, and the Reversion and Transfer Thereof

Section 1.

Every Incorporated Eucharistic Community of this Diocese shall become incorporated under the

general law of the State of Illinois providing for the incorporation of religious societies, and

thereafter all real estate and personal property given to, or purchased by, any such Incorporated

Eucharistic Community shall vest in and be the sole property of such Incorporated Eucharistic

Community, subject to the provisions of these Canons. PROVIDED, that all real estate hereafter

purchased or acquired by any Eucharistic Community in the Diocese or by any Incorporated

Eucharistic Community prior to its legal incorporation, shall be conveyed to the Bishop of

Springfield, his successor or successors in office, as trustee for the use and benefit of the

Eucharistic Community or Incorporated Eucharistic Community so purchasing or acquiring such


Section 2.

No Member of the Clergy in charge of a Congregation or in case of vacancy or absence, no

Wardens or Mission Leadership Team, shall permit any person to officiate therein, without

sufficient evidence of his being duly licensed or ordained to Minister in this Church, or in

another Church in full communion with this Church.

Section 3.

It shall not be lawful for any Mission Leadership Team, Trustees or other body authorized by the

law of this State to hold property for a Congregation to encumber or alienate any dedicated and

consecrated Church or Chapel, or any Church or Chapel which has been used solely for Divine

Service, belonging to the Congregation which they represent, without the previous consent of the

Bishop, acting with the advice and consent of the Standing Committee.

Further, no Mission Leadership Team, Trustee, Trustees or other body, authorized by the law of

this State to hold, manage or administer real property for a Congregation, shall encumber or

alienate the same or any part thereof without the written consent of the Bishop acting with the

advice and consent of the Standing Committee. Provided, however, that real property other than

a dedicated and consecrated Church or Chapel, may be encumbered in an amount no greater than

the Congregation’s average annual net disposable income, as defined in Canon 41for the three

years next preceding, without the consent otherwise required by this Section.

Section 4.

No Church or Chapel shall be removed, taken down, or otherwise disposed of, for any

unhallowed, worldly or common uses, nor shall any Congregation change the location of its

Church or Chapel, without the previous consent of the Bishop, acting with the advice and

consent of the Standing Committee. When a church building shall cease to be used and is to be

disposed of for purposes other than worship prescribed by this Church, a service of

deconsecration shall be used.

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Section 5.

In case of any disfranchisement as provided in the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese, or

upon dissolution of a Congregation, the property belonging to the same shall vest in the Bishop

of the Diocese, and his or her successors in office, in trust, to be held and conveyed, subject to

the disposition and direction of the Bishop and by and with the consent of the Standing

Committee, and not unless that body shall direct and authorize the disposition of the said

property. The proceeds of sale or disposition of any such property may be used by the

Ecclesiastical Authority with the advice and consent of the Standing Committee for any

religious, charitable or educational purpose in the Diocese of Springfield. Whenever the property

of any Congregation shall revert to the Bishop, pursuant to this Canon, the Churchwardens,

Mission Leadership Team, Trustees, or other persons having possession of any title papers or

archives of such Congregation, shall promptly, upon notification by the Ecclesiastical Authority,

deliver peaceable possession of such property to the Ecclesiastical Authority.

Section 6.

In the event that a Eucharistic Community shall become an Incorporated Eucharistic

Community, title to the church building and other real property used by the Eucharistic

Community in its worship and programs may be transferred to the Incorporated Eucharistic

Community, but only upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the

Ecclesiastical Authority and the Mission Leadership Team of the Incorporated Eucharistic


Canon 21

Of Relations to the Bishop and Diocese.

Section 1.

Each Incorporated Eucharistic Community shall make an annual pledge to the Diocese of at least

that percentage of “net disposable income” (as defined in Canon 41) as has been established by

Synod as the standard for giving by Incorporated Eucharistic Communities. In the event that

Synod fails to establish such a percentage, the minimum annual pledge to the Diocese from each

Incorporated Eucharistic Community shall be 15% of “net disposable income”. During each

quarter of the calendar year, each Incorporated Eucharist Community shall submit payment to

the Diocese of: (1) an amount equal to at least one quarter of its total pledge for that year, or; (2)

an amount that shall, when combined with its prior payments during that calendar year,

constitutes full pro rata payment of its pledge through the quarter of the calendar year in which

payment is made.

Section 2.

The Mission Leadership Team of every Congregation, in conjunction with the Member of the

Clergy in Charge of the Congregation, shall annually submit a Mission Strategy Plan, in a

manner prescribed by the Ecclesiastical Authority in conjunction with the Department of


Canon 22.

Of Legal and Canonical Prerogatives of Eucharistic Communities

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Section 1.

Secular Corporate Organization. The rights and prerogatives conferred upon Incorporated

Eucharistic Communities under civil law, including civil law relating to corporate formation,

shall not be limited or impaired by operation of these Canons, nor shall these Canons be

interpreted as attempting to limit or impair such rights or prerogatives.

Section 2.

Construction with Constitution and Canons. Incorporated Eucharistic Communities shall have

all such status, rights and prerogatives, if any, as are conferred upon Parishes under the

Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church, or under any valid act taken by the

Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society or any of its constituent bodies, and the Mission

Leadership Teams of said Incorporated Eucharistic Communities shall have all such status, rights

and prerogatives, if any, as are conferred upon Vestries under said Constitution and Canons, or

under any such acts.

Canon 23

Of Communities in Formation

Section 1.


A Community in Formation may be established by the Synod, with the advice and consent of the

Ecclesiastical Authority, or by the Ecclesiastical Authority, with the advice and consent of the

Standing Committee. A Community in Formation shall meet each of the following


1. The Community in Formation will conduct regular public worship, to include

celebration of the Eucharist on all Sundays; provided, that the celebration of the Eucharist on a

Saturday in anticipation of the Sunday Eucharistic shall satisfy the requirement that the Eucharist

be celebrated on Sunday;

2. Within three years of first holding services, and for each year thereafter, the

Community in Formation shall make a financial contribution to the work of the Diocese; and

3. The Community in Formation shall submit to the Ecclesiastical Authority an

annual report, at such time and in such form as shall be established by the Ecclesiastical

Authority, of the Community’s work and mission.

Section 2

Governance and Administration

A Community in Formation shall come within the oversight of one of more existing Eucharistic

Communities or Incorporated Eucharistic Communities. Those persons worshipping with a

Community in Formation may be members of a Eucharistic Community or Incorporated

Eucharistic Community having oversight of the Community in Formation, but need not be

members of any Congregation. Matters concerning governance of the Community in

Formation, and the conduct of its financial affairs, shall be determined by collaboration between

and among the persons worshipping with the Community in Formation, the Mission Leadership

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Team of the Congregation having oversight of the Community in Formation, the Bishop, and the

Department of Mission.

Section 3

Transition to Eucharistic Community or Incorporated Eucharistic Community

A Congregation in Formation may become a Eucharistic Community upon satisfaction of the

requirements set out in Canon 15 herein, or may become an Incorporated Eucharistic Community

upon satisfaction of the requirements set out in Canon 14 herein.

Section 4


A Congregation in Formation may be dissolved at the request of the persons worshipping in that

Congregation, at the request of the Mission Leadership Team of the Congregation having

oversight of the Congregation in Formation, or by the Ecclesiastical Authority, with the advice

and consent of the Standing Committee.

Canon 24

Of Mission Fields

With the approval of the Diocesan Council, and after receiving relevant information from the

Department of Mission, the Ecclesiastical Authority, having sole discretion in the matter, may

designate as “Mission Fields” any geographic areas within the Diocesan that are located at such

distance from any existing congregation as to make impracticable any joint ministry with an

existing congregation .

Canon 25

Of Geographic Parishes

A Geographic Parish is formed when two or more Congregations combine their resources for

more effective mission and ministry. A Geographic Parish may be formed at the request of the

Mission Leadership Teams and Members of the Clergy in Charge of each Congregation to be

included in the Geographic Parish, with the permission of the Ecclesiastical Authority. The

specific nature of joint ministry, and the means and methods by which the resources of the

congregations shall be utilized in that ministry, shall be determined collaboratively by the

Congregations comprising the Geographic Parish, and the Ecclesiastical Authority.

Canon 26

Of Congregational Boundaries

The boundaries of Eucharistic Communities and Incorporated Eucharistic Communities shall be

fixed by the Ecclesiastical Authority, in consultation with the Department of Mission.

Canon 27

Of Inactive Congregations

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Whenever any Congregation shall for three years either fail to elect a Mission Leadership Team,

or to make report as required by the Canons, unless the reasons for these failures are satisfactory

to the Bishop, the Bishop may, with the concurrence of the Standing Committee, dissolve the

Congregation or, in the case of an Incorporated Eucharistic Community, declare that the

congregation shall be considered to be a Eucharistic Community.

Canon 28

Of Dependent Incorporated Eucharistic Communities

Section 1.

In order to assist any Incorporated Eucharistic Community facing financial or other difficulties

that might impair its ability to continue to sustain its work, the Ecclesiastical Authority may

designate the Incorporated Eucharistic Community to be a Dependent Incorporated Eucharistic

Community, if requested to do so by the Mission Leadership Team of that Incorporated

Eucharistic Community, or, on advice of the Standing Committee, under any of the following


a. That in the preceding year the Rector’s stipend was less that level of compensation of

Members of the Clergy in Charge of Incorporated Eucharistic Communities, unless it be shown

that a part-time Rector is sufficient for the needs of a given Incorporated Eucharistic


b. That for the two years next preceding, the pledge payment by that Incorporated Eucharistic

Community to the Diocese was less than the minimum pledge for Incorporated Eucharistic

Communities established by Synod, or as otherwise provided for under these Canons.

Section 2.

The Incorporated Eucharistic Community designated as a Dependent Incorporated Eucharistic

Community may request aid from the Diocese for an amount and purposes to be negotiated with

the Department of Finance, in consultation with the Department of Mission, and under such

terms as may be set by Council.

Section 3.

During its term as a Dependent Incorporated Eucharistic Community, any such Incorporated

Eucharistic Community shall retain its Congregational status as regards holding and custody of

church property and the retention of a Rector. Should the office of Rector be vacated during the

term of a Dependent Incorporated Eucharistic Community, the Bishop shall appoint a Minister in

charge until the end of the appointed term or such time as the conditions requiring Diocesan aid

have been relieved.

Section 4.

If, at the end of the appointed term or negotiated extension, the conditions requiring designation

as a Dependent Incorporated Eucharistic Community have not been relieved, said Incorporated

Eucharistic Community shall be designated a Eucharistic Community subject to the Constitution

and Canons pertaining thereto, and the Mission Leadership team shall deed over to the Diocese

all property at such time and in such manner as may be required by the Ecclesiastical Authority.

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Canon 29.

Of Deaneries, Deans and Diocesan Assistants

Section 1.

This Diocese recognizes and adopts the use of the title ‘Dean’ and hereby establishes the office

and jurisdiction of each.

a. The territorial jurisdiction of a Dean, except for the Dean of the Cathedral, shall be a

geographical subdivision of the Diocese as defined by the Synod of the Diocese and changed by

the Synod as the needs of the Church may demand, and to be known as a Deanery. There shall be

one Dean for each such Deanery such Dean to be nominated biennially from among the Priests

of the Deanery.

b. The Dean of each Deanery shall be nominated by majority vote of the delegates to the

Deanery Convocation and appointed by the Bishop, such meeting of the Deanery Convocation to

be held as determined by the Dean, in consultation with the Ecclesiastical Authority, and he shall

take office upon the adjournment of the Regular Synod following his appointment. The Dean

shall be eligible for re-election, which shall be by secret ballot. (The senior priest of the Deanery

shall call and preside over the first such meeting of the Convocation.) The Dean shall take office

upon the adjournment of the Regular Synod following appointment, and shall be installed in

office at such time and in such manner as may be determined by the Ecclesiastical authority.

c. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Dean, a new Dean shall be nominated at a

regular or special meeting of the Deanery Convocation called by the senior priest of the Deanery

as soon as practicable following the occurrence of the vacancy.

Section 2.

The Dean shall assist in the administration of the Diocese within the bounds of his or her

Deanery in such a manner as may be determined by the Ecclesiastical Authority.

Section 3.

The Dean, under the Ecclesiastical Authority, shall be the spiritual leader of the Deanery.

a. The Dean shall serve as the coordinator of ministerial functions within the Deanery as

determined by the Deanery Convocation and as desired by the Ecclesiastical Authority.

b. Whenever an Ordination is held by the Bishop, the candidate shall be presented by the

Dean from whose Deanery the candidate may come. If the said Dean be absent, then the

candidate shall be presented by the Dean of the Deanery within which the Ordination is held or

by a priest designated by the latter.

Section 4.

Each Dean shall call a meeting of the Deanery Convocation at such other times as the Dean shall

deem necessary, but at least annually. Voting delegates of the Deanery Convocation shall consist

of the clergy of each Congregation within the Deanery, and one or two lay members from each

Congregation within the Deanery elected at the annual meetings thereof, at least one of whom is

an elected delegate to the Synod of the Diocese next following. The Dean shall preside at such

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meetings. The Deanery Convocation may establish such committees as may be necessary to

facilitate its work. The Deanery Convocation shall elect a Recording Secretary who shall take

office upon the adjournment of that meeting and who shall serve for a term of one year, or until a

successor is elected and qualified. The Deanery’s lay representative to the Council of the

Diocese shall be elected from among the elected lay delegates to the Deanery Convocation in

accordance with Section 2(c) of Canon 31 and shall take office upon the adjournment of the

Regular Synod next following. Each Deanery may elect an alternate lay representative to the

Council of the Diocese, in the same manner as provided for the election of the lay representative

to Council, from among the elected lay delegates to the Deanery Convocation, and subject to the

provisions regarding lay representatives set out in Canon 31, section 3(c). An alternate lay

representative of a Deanery may attend any meeting of Council at which the elected lay

representative from that Deanery is absent, and at such meetings shall have all such rights and

privileges as the elected Deanery representative.

Section 5.

The foregoing duties and responsibilities of Deans do not apply to the Dean of the Cathedral

unless he is also elected to the office of Dean in the Deanery within which the Cathedral is


Section 6.

a. Diocesan Assistants, with additional titles specified at the time of selection, may be

appointed by the Ecclesiastical Authority, with the approval of the Diocesan Council. Any

Assistant so appointed shall hold office at the pleasure of the Ecclesiastical Authority and shall

perform such duties as shall be assigned in writing by the Ecclesiastical Authority or set forth in

the Constitution or Canons of this Diocese.

b. Compensation of a Diocesan Assistant shall be in the manner and amount agreed between the

Assistant and the Ecclesiastical Authority and approved in accordance with Diocesan budgetary


Canon 30

Of Trustees of the Diocese of Springfield

Section 1.

Trustees. The elected body known as the Trustees of the Diocese is recognized as

a Diocesan Corporation. The corporation may hold and administer trust funds of the Diocese and

such other property, real and personal, as may from time to time be conveyed to it and may

receive property in the name of the Diocese of Springfield by gift, devise or purchase and may,

with the advice and consent of the Ecclesiastical Authority, make, erect, and build thereon such

houses, buildings or other improvements as may be necessary for the convenience and comfort

of any organization of the Diocese of Springfield. The Trustees may, in their discretion, create a

common fund for the investment of such money or other properties which may be invested or

deposited in said fund either by the Trustees or by other persons or organizations. Upon the

creation of such fund, the Trustees shall provide by written declaration the rules and regulations

to be applied to the calculation and distribution of income; provided that said declaration shall

not discriminate between or among holders of certificates of beneficial interest therein. Upon the

creation of such common fund, the management thereof shall be in accordance with the

provisions of this Canon. All documents authorizing financial transactions by the Trustees

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regarding funds managed by the Trustees shall be signed by at least two members of the

Trustees, exclusive of members ex offico, by the Ecclesiastical Authority, in conjunction with the

Treasurer of the Diocese.

Section 2.

Membership. The Trustees of the Diocese of Springfield shall consist of five members, exclusive

of the Bishop, Treasurer of the Diocese, and Chancellor. At each Regular Synod one member

shall be elected for a term of five years. Members of the Trustees shall hold office until their

successors are elected. If a member shall die or resign, the place may be filled by the remaining

trustees to serve until the next Synod, at which a new member shall be elected to fill the

unexpired term

Section 3.

Officers. The Officers of this Corporation shall be a Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer, who

shall be elected at the meeting of the Trustees which shall be held as soon as practicable

following adjournment of the Regular Synod. The Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer shall be

chosen from among the members of the Corporation.

Section 4.

Duties of the Officers. It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to preside at all meetings of the

Trustees and to see that all orders of the Trustees are duly executed. The Secretary -Treasurer

shall keep the minutes of all meetings. The Secretary-Treasurershall keep an accurate account of

the receipts and disbursements of the Trust Funds.

Section 5.

Meetings. Regular meetings of the Trustees shall be held at least once in each year, exclusive of

the meeting for organization, for the transaction of business, and the preparation of a report for

the past year. Special meetings, for the transaction of such business as may come before the

Trustees may be held at the call of the Chairman or Bishop upon reasonable notice thereof

having been given to all the Trustees. At all meetings for the transaction of business and the

election of Trustees to fill vacancies on the Board, the presence of a majority of the Trustees

shall be necessary to constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time.

Section 6.

Investments. The Trustees may invest (where not otherwise instructed by the will, deed, decree,

gift, grant or other instrument whereby assets or other funds are donated to the Diocese) in any

property, real, personal or mixed, including, but not limited to, shares of capital stock or other

interests in or obligations of domestic or foreign corporations, situated in or out of the State of

Illinois; may sell or retain any such property as well as any property originally received for

management by the Trustees and may reinvest the proceeds of any such sale or sales in the

manner aforesaid. In the management of the trust investments, the Trustees may act directly or

through any state or national bank or brokerage institution regulated under the laws of the United

States or of the State of Illinois.

Section 7.

Seal of the Corporation. The Trustees shall have and use a Corporate Seal bearing the legal title

of the Corporation. The Seal shall be in the custody of the Secretary-Treasurer.

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Section 8.

Chancellor of the Diocese. The Chancellor of the Diocese of Springfield shall be

ex-officio the Legal Advisor of the Trustees, and shall, upon request of the Trustees, meet with

and advise the Trustees in the making of loans, or other investment of Trust Funds, and in the

investigation of the title to real estate offered as security for the investment of Trust Funds held

by the Corporation, and his legal advice shall be asked by the Corporation in all other business as

need may arise therefor. The Chancellor of the Diocese shall be a member ex officio of the

Trustees, having seat and voice, but shall not be entitled to vote concerning matters coming

before the Trustees.

Section 9.

The Bishop of the Diocese. The Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield shall be

ex-officio a member of the Trustees, having seat, voice and vote in all matters coming before the

Trustees, and shall have access at any time to the books, records, and accounts of the Trustees for

inspection of the same and for such information as he shall desire to obtain; and he may call

meetings of the Trustees as he may deem necessary.

Section 10. The Treasurer of the Diocese. The Treasurer of the Diocese shall be a member

ex officio of the Trustees, with seat and voice, but without vote concerning matters coming

before the Trustees.

Section 11.

The financial records of the Board of Trustees shall be audited annually by an independent

Certified Public Accountant.

Canon 31

Of The Council

Section 1.

The Diocesan Council shall work in concert with the Bishop in carrying out the mission and

ministry of the Diocese.

Section 2.


The Council shall consist of members who hold their office by election, by appointment, or by

virtue of the office or position they hold in the Diocese, as follows:

a. The following shall be members of Council with seat, voice and vote: the Bishop

of the Diocese; the Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese, if there be one; the Suffragan Bishop of the

Diocese, if there be one; the President of the Standing Committee; the Archdeacon or Canon to

the Ordinary of the Diocese, if any; the Deans of the several Deaneries; a Lay Representative of

each of the several Deaneries, as elected by the Convocations of those Deaneries: two Members

of the Clergy elected at large by the Synod; two Laypersons who shall be elected at large by the

Synod; and not more than two persons who may be appointed by Bishop, if the Bishop sees the

need for representation of some interim body, or of a group whose interests, in the judgment of

the Bishop, would not otherwise be adequately represented on the Council.

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b. The following shall be members of the Council with seat and voice, but without

vote: the Secretary of the Diocese; the Treasurer of the Diocese; the Chancellor of the Diocese;

the Chair of the Department of Finance; the Chair of the Department of Audit; and the Chair of

the Department of Mission.

Section 3.

The term of Office for members of the Council shall be as follows:

a. Members of the Council who hold office by virtue of an office or position which

they hold in the Diocese shall be members of the Council so long as they occupy that office or


b. Members of the Council who hold office by virtue of appointment by the Bishop

of the diocese shall be members of the council for two years, and shall be eligible for re-

appointment at the pleasure of the Bishop. Such appointments shall be limited to 3 terms in the

case of Department Chairs. One year shall have elapsed after the expiration of said 3 full terms

before eligibility for re-appointment is again established.

c. Members of the Council who are elected by the Convocations of the Deaneries

shall hold office for two years, and are eligible for re-election, not to exceed two consecutive

terms. Two years shall have elapsed after the expiration of said 2 full terms before eligibility for

re-election is again established.

d. Members of the Council who are elected by the Synod of the Diocese shall

hold office for two years, one Clerical member and one Lay member being elected each year;

and shall be eligible for re-election, not to exceed two consecutive terms. One year shall have

elapsed after the expiration of said 2 full terms before eligibility for re-election is again

established. In the event of a vacancy during the first year of a term of office, the Synod next

following shall fill the unexpired term caused by the vacancy.

Section 4.

The work of the Council shall be directed by the following officers:

a. The Bishop of the Diocese shall be the President of the Council, and shall preside

at all meetings of the Council at which he or she may be present.

b. The Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese, if there be one, or the Suffragan Bishop of

the Diocese, if there be one, or the President of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, if there

be no Bishop Coadjutor or Suffragan Bishop, shall be the Vice-President of the

Council, and shall preside at any meetings of the Council at which the President of the Council

may not be present. No meeting of the Council may be held unless the President or Vice-

President be in the Chair.

d. The Secretary of the Diocese shall be the Secretary of the Council, and shall keep

an accurate Record of all business transacted by the Council, and each year shall compile from

the Record a summary of the actions of the Council, which shall be submitted to the Synod of the

Diocese for its information.

Section 5.

The Council shall meet at least three times during the year, of which one meeting shall be held as

soon as practicable following the adjournment of the Regular Synod of the Diocese.

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a. A meeting of the Council may be called by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the

Diocese upon reasonable notice to the members thereof, including notice by electronic means.

b. Ten voting members, with the President or Vice-President, shall constitute a

quorum for the transaction of business.

c. Decisions of the Council shall be determined by a vote of the majority of the

members present, the whole having been duly summoned and a quorum determined. In the event

of a tie vote, the presiding officer may cast the deciding vote.

Section 6.

There shall be a Department of Finance, of which the Treasurer shall be a member ex officio,

whose duty it shall be to plan and supervise the finances of the Diocese, subject to the approval

of the Synod and Council, and to supervise the work of the Treasurer. It shall make

recommendations to the Council annually to enable the Council to fulfill its responsibilities in

preparing a budget for the operation of the Diocese, and may, from time to time, make such

recommendations as it may deem necessary for the financial well-being of the Diocese.

Section 7.

There shall be a Department of Audit, whose duty it shall be to monitor the work of the

Treasurer, and .any other persons involved in financial transactions of the Diocese. The

Department of Audit shall have the authority to engage a Certified Public Accountant, or other

professional chosen at its discretion, to audit the financial records of the Diocese; to review all

financial reports tendered to the Diocese by any congregation or other entity; and to audit the

financial accounts of any congregation or other entity within the purview of the Diocese.

Section 8.

There shall be a Department of Mission, whose duty shall be to assist the Bishop in promoting

the mission of the Church in the Diocese. The Department shall report concerning such matters

as are assigned to them by the Bishop, and shall investigate the potential for congregational

development in particular geographic areas of the Diocese; the potential and advisability of

consolidating congregations, or of closing congregations; the advisability of changing the

canonical status of congregations; and exploring means to assist the ministry of congregations

facing financial difficulties, or other factors that may impair its mission work.

Section 9.

The Bishop shall appoint the members of the Departments set out in Sections 6-8 above,

including the Chair of the Department, with the advice and consent of the Synod. The Bishop

may appoint members to each Department in such number as he or she feels necessary to permit

each Department to effectively carry out its work. The members of the Department shall consist

of communicants in good standing of congregations of the Diocese, and clergy canonically

resident in the Diocese, but the Bishop may, at his or her own discretion, or at the request of the

Chair of each Department, appoint other persons whose presence may benefit the work of the

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Department. Each Department member shall serve a term of one year, and shall be eligible for

re-appointment, subject to the term limitations imposed on Department chairs in Section 3(b)

above. However, a Department chair who is barred under that provision from re-appointment as

Chair shall be eligible for re-appointment to the Department in a capacity other than Chair,

Section 10.

All appointed and elected members of the Council shall take office on the adjournment of the

Regular Synod at which they are appointed or elected, and shall hold office for such terms as are

stipulated in Section 3. of this Canon, or until their successors are duly selected and qualified.

Section 11.

The Bishop of the Diocese shall be a member ex-officio of each Department of the Council, and

shall have a right to seat, voice and vote in the deliberation of each Department

Section 12.

The Council shall have the power to receive and administer all funds raised for the development

and prosecution of such work for the Church as shall be committed to it by the Synod of the

Diocese, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese, and to the

directions of the Synod; provided, that all trust funds now in the possession of the Trustees of the

Diocese, or that shall hereafter come into their possession, shall remain in their hands, and that

the income from such funds shall be appropriated according to the terms of the trust.

Section 13.

Between meetings of the Synod and as circumstances may require, the Council shall initiate and

have power to propose amendment of the Budget adopted by the Synod and such other measures

as may be necessary to meet the financial needs of the Diocese.

Section 14.

The Council shall hear and determine any request by Eucharistic Community or Incorporated

Eucharistic Community for adjustment of its assessment or of any pledge made by it to the


Section 15.

All salaries and stipends other than those fixed by the Synod shall be fixed by the Council.

Section 16.

The Council shall submit to the Diocese at the Regular Synod each year, for its approval and

adoption, a Budget for all the work of the church, or for such action as the Synod may desire to

take. Provision shall therein be made for the reasonable expenses of the Council.

Section 17.

If at any time it shall become apparent that any Department as established by this Canon shall no

longer meet the needs of the Church in the areas in which it operates, the Bishop may, with the

consent of the Council, suspend the operation of such Department indefinitely by withholding

appointment of the Chairman and members of the Department. At any subsequent time the work

of the suspended Department may be reactivated by the appointment of a Chairman and

members as provided in this Canon.

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Section 18.

The Bishop may, with the consent of the Council, at any time he sees need for such action,

establish Provisional Departments under either of the Departments provided for in this Canon.

He shall set forth in writing to the Council his reasons for this action, and shall delineate the

areas of concern to which the Provisional Department shall address itself. This statement shall be

entered in the Record of the Council by the Secretary, and the establishment of such Provisional

Departments shall be reported to the next Regular Synod for confirmation as regular


a. Chairs and members of such Provisional Departments shall be appointed in the

same manner as Chairs and members of regular Departments of the Council, as provided

elsewhere in this Canon.

b. Such Provisional Departments shall function in every respect, saving vote for

their Chairs, as regularly established Departments of the Council, until and unless confirmed and

established by a Regular Synod of the Diocese.

Canon 32

Of the Chancellor of the Diocese

There shall be appointed by the Bishop, subject to the approval of the Synod, an officer learned

in the law and a communicant of the Church, under the title of “Chancellor of the Diocese,”

whose duty it shall be, as legal counselor of the Bishop and of the Standing Committee in matters

affecting the interests of the Church, to give such professional counsel as may be asked or

required. As Chancellor of the Diocese he shall be ex-officio entitled to a seat but no vote in the

Synod. The Chancellor of the Diocese shall hold his office for the term of three years. In event of

a vacancy, the Bishop with the approval of the Standing Committee shall have power to appoint

a Chancellor to act until the next succeeding Synod.

Canon 33

Of the Archivist

There shall be an Archivist, whose duties shall be to safeguard and organize the historic records

and archives of the Diocese, to receive such documents from Congregations and sources outside

the Church, and to facilitate access to such documents by persons interested in same. The

Archivist shall be appointed by the Ecclesiastical Authority, and shall hold office for a term of

three years. In the case of vacancy in the office, the Ecclesiastical Authority shall appoint a

successor for the unexpired term.


Canon 34

Of the Trial and Discipline of a Member of the Clergy Not Being a Bishop

Section 1.

Those provisions of Title IV of the Canons of the General Convention of the Domestic

and Foreign Missionary Society (“the Episcopal Church”) which are applicable to the

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Diocese are hereby incorporated as part of this Canon. To the extent that any of the

provisions of this Canon are in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of Title

IV, the provisions of Title IV shall govern.

Section 2.

a. Disciplinary Board. The Board shall consist of seven persons, four of whom

shall be members of the Clergy and three of whom shall be Laity. Members of the Standing

Committee are not eligible for service on the Disciplinary Board.

b. Clergy Members. The Clergy members of the Board must be canonically

resident within the Diocese.

c. Lay Members. The Lay members of the Board shall be adult Communicants

in good standing of a congregation within the Diocese of Springfield.

d. Election. The members of the Board shall be elected by the regular Synod.

Each member shall be elected for a three (3) year term; except, if a member is elected to fill a

vacancy, the term of such member shall be the unexpired term of the member being replaced.

The term of the member shall commence upon the election of that member to the Board. The

terms of office of the Board shall be staggered and arranged into three classes.

e. Vacancies. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled as follows:

1. Upon the determination that a vacancy exists, the President of the Board

shall notify the Bishop of the vacancy and request appointment of a replacement member of the

same order as the member to be replaced.

2. Bishop shall appoint a replacement Board member with the advice

and consent of the Diocesan Council.

3. Persons appointed to fill vacancies on the Board shall meet the same

eligibility requirements as apply to elected Board members.

4. With respect to a vacancy created for any reason other than pursuant to a

challenge as provided below, the term of any person selected as a replacement Boar

d member shall be until the next regular Synod. With respect to a vacancy resulting from a

challenge, the replacement Board member shall serve only for the proceedings for which the

elected Board member is not serving as a result of the challenge.

f. Preserving Impartiality. In any proceeding under this Canon, if any member

of a Conference Panel or Hearing Panel of the Board shall become aware of a personal conflict

of interest or undue bias, that member shall immediately notify the President of the Board and

request a replacement member of the Panel. Respondent’s Counsel and the Church Attorney

shall have the right to challenge any member of a Panel for conflict of interest or undue bias by

motion to the Panel for disqualification of the challenged member. The members of the Panel not

the subjects of the challenge shall promptly consider the motion and determine whether the

challenged Panel member shall be disqualified from participating in that proceeding.

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g. President. Following each regular Synod, the Board shall convene as early as

practicable to elect a President to serve for the following calendar year.

h. Intake Officer. The Intake Officer shall be appointed from time to time by the

Bishop after consultation with the Board. The Bishop may appoint one or more Intake Officers

according to the needs of the Diocese. The Bishop shall publish the name(s) and contact

information of the Intake Officer(s) throughout the Diocese.

i Investigator. The Bishop shall appoint an Investigator in consultation with

the President of the Board. The Investigator may, but need not, be a Member of the Church.

j. Church Attorney. Following each regular Synod, the Bishop shall, as soon as

practicable and in consultation with the Standing Committee, appoint an attorney to se

rve as Church Attorney to serve for the following calendar year. The person so selected must be

a Member of the Church and a duly licensed attorney, but need not reside within the Diocese.

k. Pastoral Response Coordinator. The Bishop may appoint a Pastoral Response

Coordinator, to serve at the will of the Bishop in coordinating the delivery of appropriate pastoral

responses provided for in Title IV.8 of the Canons of the General Convention, and of this Canon.

The Pastoral Response Coordinator may be the Intake Officer, but shall not be a person serving

in any other appointed or elected capacity under this Canon.

l. Advisors. In each proceeding under this Canon, the Bishop shall appoint an

Advisor for the Complainant and an Advisor for the Respondent. Persons serving as Advisors

shall hold no other appointed or elected position provided for under this Canon, and shall not

include chancellors or vice chancellors of this Diocese, or any person likely to be called as a

witness in the proceeding.

m. Clerk. The Board shall appoint a Board Clerk to assist the Board with records

management and administrative support. The Clerk may be a member of the Board.

Section 3

The reasonable costs and expenses of the Board, the Intake Officer, the Investigator, the

Church Attorney, the Board Clerk and the Pastoral Response Coordinator shall be the

obligation of the Diocese, subject to budgetary constraints as may be established by the

Synod and Diocesan Council. In the event of a final Order dismissing the complaint, or

by provisions of a Covenant approved by the Bishop, the reasonable defense fees and

costs incurred by the Respondent may be paid or reimbursed by the Diocese, subject to

budgetary constraints as may be established by the Synod and the Diocesan Council.

Section 4.

a. Records of Proceedings. Records of active proceedings before the Board,

including the period of any pending appeal, shall be preserved and maintained in the custody of

the Clerk, if there be one, otherwise by the Diocesan offices, under the direction of the Archivist.

b. Permanent Records. The Bishop shall make provision for the permanent

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storage of records of all proceedings under this Title at the Diocesan office, under the direction

of the Archivist, and the Archives of the Episcopal Church, as prescribed in Title IV of the

Canons of the General Convention.

Section 5.

All proceedings convened under this Canon, or in accordance with Title IV of the Canons

of the General Convention, shall proceed within the geographic area of the Diocese, and

at a place convenient to the residence of all interested parties.

Section 6.

No hearing convened under this Canon, or in accordance with Title IV of the Canons of

the General Convention, shall proceed with less than thirty days’ written notice to the

Respondent, the Respondent’s Attorney, and all Complainants and Complainant’s

Attorneys. Notice shall be considered to be effective upon any of the following: personal

delivery; delivery to a person’s residence or regular place of business; or the mailing of

such notice via U.S. Postal Service, or any commercial courier service to a person’s residence

and/or regular business address. Notice by U.S. Postal Service or commercial courier service

shall be considered to be effective four days after mailing.

Section 7.

To the extent not inconsistent with provisions of Title IV of the Canons of General

Convention of the Episcopal Church, all proceedings of the Hearing Board shall be

governed by the Illinois Supreme Court Rules and the Illinois Code of Civil

Procedure. All public hearings of the Hearing Board shall be recorded by a method to be selected

by the Disciplinary Board.

Canon 35

Of the Due Celebration of the Lord’s Day

It is the duty of all persons within the Church to hallow and keep the Lord’s Day, commonly

called Sunday, by regular participation in the public worship of the Church, by receiving the

Holy Communion, by hearing the Word of God read and taught, by private and public prayer, by

other exercises of devotion, and by works of charity, using all godly and sober conversation, and

abstaining as much as possible from common secular business and employments.

Canon 36

Of Members of the Church

Section 1.

All persons who have received the sacrament of Holy Baptism with water, in the Name of the

Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in this Church or in another Christian

Church, and whose Baptisms have been duly recorded in this Church, are members thereof.

Section 2.

All members of this Church who have received Holy Communion in this Church at least three

times during the preceding year are to be considered communicants of this Church.

Section 3.

All communicants of this Church who for the previous year have been faithful in corporate

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worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying and giving

for the spread of the Kingdom of God, are to be considered communicants in good standing.

Section 4.

Communicants sixteen years of age or older are to be considered adult communicants.

Canon 37

Of the Transfer of Members

Section 1.

A communicant or baptized member of this Church may apply for transfer of his or her

congregational membership by presenting a certificate from the minister of the Eucharistic

Community or Incorporated Eucharistic Community of his or her last residence, or if there be no

Minister, from one of the Wardens, stating that he or she is a communicant or baptized member

in good standing; and the Minister of the Eucharistic Community or Incorporated Eucharistic

Community into which such person moves shall not record his or her name on the Eucharistic

Community list or Incorporated Eucharistic Community list until such letter of commendation

shall be delivered or a satisfactory reason be given why the same cannot be obtained.

Section 2.

Members of the Clergy in charge of congregations, or, in the absence of such Clergy, either of

the Wardens of a Congregation, may issue a certificate of good standing in the following form:

“I hereby certify that A. B., who has signified to me his or her desire to be transferred to the

Congregation of ________________________ is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church

in the United States, and has been a communicant or baptized member in good standing for

________ years last past in the Eucharistic Community of ____________________________

and as such is affectionately commended to the charge of ____________________ as his or her

Pastor in the Church of God.

This certificate, if not presented within six months from date, may be held to be void, and it is

not to be used as a general testimonial.


Rector or Minister or Warden

-if there be no Rector or Minister

Dated _________”


Canon 38

Of Elections

Elections by ballot when required by the Canons, can only be dispensed with by a vote of the

Synod; and when an election is by ballot, a majority of the votes in each Order shall be necessary

to a valid election, unless a two-thirds vote be specially required.

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Canon 39

Of the Requisites of a Quorum

In all cases in which a Canon of this Diocese directs a duty to be performed, or a power to be

exercised by any body consisting of several members, a majority of said members, the whole

having been duly called to meet, shall be a quorum, and a majority of the quorum so convened

shall be competent to act, unless otherwise expressly required by the Constitution or a Canon.

The Chairman or President of any such body shall not abate nor be excluded from his full

privilege as a member, by reason of his being in the chair, but may exercise the same entirely as

another member, and may, in addition, when he has not otherwise voted, give a casting vote in

the case of a tie.

Canon 40

Of Business Methods in Parochial and Diocesan Affairs

In every Congregation and Institution connected with this Diocese, the following business

methods shall be observed:

1. Funds held in trust, endowment and other permanent funds shall be deposited in

an insured financial institution, placed in the combined investment funds maintained by the

Trustees of the Diocese, or invested with a financial firm or institution duly licensed and

authorized to engage in such business. Securities represented by physical evidence of ownership

or indebtedness shall be under the care of the persons or corporations properly responsible for

them, as shall such funds too small to be accepted by a financial institution. All financial

transactions shall require the signatures, written approval or authorization of at least two

members of the Congregation or other entity on whose behalf the transaction is made. No

Member of the Clergy shall be authorized to enter into any financial transaction on behalf of a

congregation or other Diocesan entity; however, this prohibition shall not apply with respect to

Discretionary Funds over which the Member of the Clergy has authority or control.

2. Records shall be made and kept of all trust and permanent funds showing at

least the following:

a. Source and date.

b. Terms governing the use of principal and income.

c. To whom and how often reports of condition are to be made.

d. How the funds are invested.

3. Treasurers and other persons having possession and/or control of financial assets

belonging to a Congregation shall be bonded. Insurance coverage providing indemnity in the

event of defalcation of funds by congregational officers and employees shall be considered to

constitute a “bond” for the purpose of this Section.

4. Books of account shall be so kept as to provide the basis for satisfactory


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5. All accounts of congregations or other institutions shall be audited annually by an

independent Certified Public Accountant, or independent Licensed Public Accountant, or such

audit committee as shall be authorized by the Department of Audit, or other appropriate

Diocesan authority. All reports of such audits, including any memorandum issued by the auditors

or audit committee regarding internal controls or other accounting matters, together with a

summary of action taken or proposed to be taken to correct deficiencies or implement

recommendations contained in any such memorandum, shall be filed with the Bishop or

Ecclesiastical Authority not later than 30 days following the date of such report , and in any

event, not later than September 1 of each year, covering the financial reports of the previous

calendar year. Audits of funds collected and distributed pursuant to Canon 11, and any other

discretionary funds, shall be conducted and reported with due regard for necessary

confidentiality which may

be associated with the distribution of such funds.

6. All buildings and their contents shall be kept adequately insured.

7. The Department of Audit may require copies of any or all records described in

this Canon to be filed with it and shall report upon reasonable request to the Synod of the

Diocese, the Bishop, and the Diocesan Council upon its administration of this Canon.

Canon 41

Of Definitions

The term “net disposable income”, as applied to a Congregation, is defined to include the

aggregate of all plate offerings, pledge payments received from members of the Congregation,

unrestricted contributions received from organizations within the Congregation, operating

investment income, assistance from the Diocese, unrestricted testamentary and non-testamentary

gifts except to the extent that such gifts are designated by the Mission Leadership Team to be

used for endowment or capital improvement purposes, and all other operating income.

Canon 42

Of Enactment, Amendment, and Repeal of Canons

Section 1.

These Canons may be amended at the Regular Synods of the Diocese by resolution adopted by

the concurrence of a two-thirds majority of both Orders present, provided that the proposed

Canon or change shall have been submitted to the Secretary of the Diocese in writing, by at least

two delegates to the Synod, or by the Committee on Constitution and Canons, at least sixty days

prior to the Synod. The Secretary shall transmit a copy of the proposal to the Eucharistic

Communities and Incorporated Eucharistic Communities at least thirty days before the meeting

of the Synod. The proposed Canon or change, before final adoption in accordance with this

section, may itself be amended by the Regular Synod by resolution adopted by a majority of

delegates present. Any such amendments must be germane to the substance of the proposed

Canon or proposed amendment to an existing Canon, germaneness to be determined by the

Ecclesiastical President of the Regular Synod.

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Section 2.

The resolution, if by way of amendment of an existing provision, shall be in substantially the

following form: “Resolved, that Canon ... (or Section ... or Clause ... of Section ... of Canon ...)

be, and is hereby amended to read as follows: (here insert the new reading).” In the case of a new

canon, or of a new section, or clause, in a canon, or of the repeal of an existing canon, or of a

section or clause, the numbering of the canons, or of divisions of a canon, which follow shall be

changed accordingly.

Section 3.

All canons and all amendments and repeals of canons, unless otherwise expressly stated in the

enacting resolution, shall take effect on the first day of January following the adjournment of the

Synod at which they were enacted or made.