2016 south australian redistribution analysis of new ... · analysis of new electoral boundaries...

2016 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REDISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS OF NEW ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES CONTENTS PAGE Background and Summary 1 Comparison of Old and New Margins 5 Electoral Pendulum for 2018 Election 6 Detailed Listings for all Districts 7 Detailed Listings for Abolished Districts 63 Transfer of Old District Enrolments 67 2014 Election - Summary of Two-Party Preferred Results 69 2014 Election Pre-Election Pendulum 70 2014 Election Post-Election Pendulum 71 Appendix Details of Calculations and Methodology 72 Antony Green ABC Election Unit November 2017

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ANALYSIS OF NEW ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES CONTENTS PAGE Background and Summary 1 Comparison of Old and New Margins 5 Electoral Pendulum for 2018 Election 6 Detailed Listings for all Districts 7 Detailed Listings for Abolished Districts 63 Transfer of Old District Enrolments 67 2014 Election - Summary of Two-Party Preferred Results 69 2014 Election – Pre-Election Pendulum 70 2014 Election – Post-Election Pendulum 71 Appendix – Details of Calculations and Methodology 72

Antony Green ABC Election Unit November 2017

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The Author Antony Green is an Election Analyst with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and has worked for the ABC on every federal, state and territory election coverage since 1989. Antony studied at Sydney University, obtaining a Bachelor of Science in mathematics and computing, and a Bachelor of Economics with Honours in politics. He is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney. Antony produces regular publications on electoral matters for State Parliamentary Libraries.

Party Abbreviations ALP Labor Party FFP Family First GRN The Greens IND Independents LIB Liberal Party OTH Others

Comments and Feedback This publication has been prepared based on 2014 election results combined with the reports, enrolment data, maps and electronic boundary files made available by the South Australian Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission (EDBC). Calculations of new district margins has been made by re-allocating booths to new districts. In some cases, polling places have been split to match enrolment data. Note that this publication does not use the same methodology for calculating new margins as the EDBC. Details on the calculations used in this publication can be found in the Appendix on page 72. A summary of the old electorate margins, this publication’s estimated new margins, and the estimates by the EDBC can be found on page 5. Comments and suggestions on the transfer of polling places are welcome. Messages can be sent to [email protected] .

Source Material

The final determination of the Electoral District Boundaries Commission and associated data

can be found at http://edbc.sa.gov.au/

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 1

BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY The South Australian Constitution Act requires that a review of the state’s electoral boundaries be undertaken at the mid-point of each parliamentary term. Under Section 77 of the Constitution, the new boundaries must be drawn to ensure that enrolments for all districts are within 10% of the state average or quota. Meeting the quota requirement of Section 77 is the primary objective of the redistribution, but Section 83 of the Constitution sets out further requirements for the new boundaries and criteria to be applied.

83 – Electoral fairness and other criteria

(1) In making an electoral redistribution the Commission must ensure, as far as practicable, that the electoral redistribution is fair to prospective candidates and groups of candidates so that, if candidates of a particular group attract more than 50 per cent of the popular vote (determined by aggregating votes cast throughout the State and allocating preferences to the necessary extent), they will be elected in sufficient numbers to enable a government to be formed.

(2) In making an electoral redistribution, the Commission must have regard, as far as practicable, to—

(a) the desirability of making the electoral redistribution so as to reflect communities of interest of an economic, social, regional or other kind;

(b) the population of each proposed electoral district;

(c) the topography of areas within which new electoral boundaries will be drawn;

(d) the feasibility of communication between electors affected by the redistribution and their parliamentary representative in the House of Assembly;

(e) the nature of substantial demographic changes that the Commission considers likely to take place in proposed electoral districts between the conclusion of its present proceedings and the date of the expiry of the present term of the House of Assembly, and may have regard to any other matters it thinks relevant.

(3) For the purposes of this section a reference to a group of candidates includes not only candidates endorsed by the same political party but also candidates whose political stance is such that there is reason to believe that they would, if elected in sufficient numbers, be prepared to act in concert to form or support a government.

The criteria in section (2) include similar grounds to those in the Commonwealth Electoral Act and in the relevant laws of other states and territories. Paragraph (1) of Section 83 is unique to South Australia and is usually referred to as the ‘fairness’ criterion. Paragraphs (1) and (3) have been interpreted to mean that the EDBC must try to draw boundaries so that the major party that wins the majority of the state’s two-party preferred vote should also win a majority of seats in the House of Assembly. The fairness criterion was added after the 1989 election when the Bannon Labor government was re-elected despite polling only 48.1% of the state-wide two-party vote. The Labor Party won 22 seats and formed government with the support of two Labor-aligned independents. The new provision was first applied in drawing boundaries ahead of the 1993 election. At both the 1993 and 1997 elections, the Liberal Party won a majority of the two-party preferred vote and formed government. The Labor Party has formed government after the last four elections since 2002. At only one of those elections, in 2006, did the Labor Party record a majority of the state-wide two-party vote.

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In 2002 the Labor Party recorded 49.1% of the two-party preferred vote and finished one seat short of a majority, winning 23 of the 47 seats in the House of Assembly. The Liberal Party won 20 seats, the balance of power with three Independents with past ties to the Liberal Party, and one National MHA. The Labor Party formed government by obtaining the parliamentary support of Peter Lewis, a conservative independent and former Liberal MHA who held a seat that otherwise would have been won by the Liberal Party. In 2010 the Labor Party was re-elected to government with 26 members from a minority 48.4% of the two-party preferred vote. The Liberal Party won 18 seats and there were three Independents. The Liberal Party’s failure to win resulted from the swing in marginal seats being significantly smaller than the state-wide swing. The EDBC had drawn new boundaries based on 2006 election results such that a uniform swing of 6.9% should have delivered the Liberal Party majority government. The state-wide swing was 8.4% but not uniform, with only two of the seven seats in the EDBC’s target range being won by the Liberal Party. Labor’s two-most marginal seats in fact swung to the Liberal Party. The Labor Party’s campaign in the marginal seats was more effective than the Liberal Party’s. In its 2012 redistribution report, the EDBC ruled that the 2010 result was due to campaign factors. The EDBC decided that the boundaries drawn in 2008 had met the fairness criteria based on past voting patterns, and the EDBC couldn’t have predicted the changed voting patterns that produced 2010 result. The EDBC chose to make only minor boundary changes ahead of the 2014 election. In 2014 there was a further state-wide swing against the Labor Party. The Liberal Party recorded 53.0% of the two-party preferred vote and won 22 seats against 23 for Labor. Independents won the other two seats, both of which recorded Liberal majorities based on an alternate two-party preferred count. As in 2002, the Labor Party formed government after gaining the support of the crossbench members holding underlying Liberal seats. Beyond the Independent seats, there was a question whether application of the fairness criteria should have produced more than a bare majority of 24 underlying Liberal seats for a 53.0% Liberal state-wide two-party preferred vote. After two elections that produced the ‘wrong’ winner, the EDBC embarked on a more drastic re-drawing of boundaries. In its 2016 deliberations, the EDBC abandoned some of the boundary arrangements that had evolved over two decades, and instead gave greater weight to correcting the imbalance produced by the 2014 election result. In its report the EDBC maintained a link between several old and new districts despite radical changes to boundaries. This publication has chosen to treat some of the more radical changes as being cases of districts being abolished and created. This publication treats four former districts as being abolished, four new districts as being created, with three other districts treated as being re-named. In summary the abolished, created and re-named districts are –

• The elongated north-south aligned districts of Bright and Mitchell in southern Adelaide have been abolished, replaced by the more rectangular Black and Gibson.

• The anti-clockwise rotation of districts through southern Adelaide results in Fisher being abolished and a new seat called Hurtle Vale being created to the south-west.

• North of Elizabeth the district of Napier has been abolished and a new seat called King created to the east of Elizabeth.

• The re-named districts are Ashford becoming Badcoe, Goyder now known as Narungga and Little Para reverting to its former name Elizabeth.

The following points summarise the political consequences of the new boundaries.

• The previously Labor held districts of Colton, Elder, Mawson and Newland become notional Liberal seats on the new boundaries.

• The district of Fisher was won by Independent Bob Such in 2014. The district recorded a Liberal majority by the alternate two-party preferred count. Fisher has been abolished and

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 3

the new seat of Hurtle Vale has been created to the south-west as a notional Labor seat. Note that calculations in this publication do not take account of Labor’s victory in Fisher at the December 2014 by-election following the death of Bob Such.

• The new seat of King is a very marginal Labor seat where the abolished district of Napier had been a safe Labor seat.

• The district of Light loses its remaining rural component and becomes a largely urban district based on Gawler and Munno Para.

• The district of Mawson moves out of the metropolitan area, retaining only McLaren Vale, McLaren Flat and Willunga from its former boundaries. The district gains Aldinga Beach and Port Willunga from Kaurna, and Kangaroo Island and the western Fleurieu Peninsula from Finniss. As noted the district’s Labor majority is overturned and the new Mawson is a notionally Liberal-held seat.

• Changes have little impact on the Liberal margin for Finniss, but the new boundaries make the district into a largely urban seat covering the shore of Encounter Bay.

• Lee is significantly weakend for Labor, losing Largs and Semaphore to Port Adelaide while gaining Henley Beach from Colton.

• Morphett remains a safe Liberal seat but its margin is weakened as a result of the changes that make neighbouring Colton a notional Liberal seat.

• Port Adelaide and Elizabeth become safer for Labor in the same changes that make Lee and the new seat of King marginal for Labor.

In addition to the boundary changes, three members will re-contest as Independents against their former party – Frances Bedford (Florey, ex-Labor), Duncan McFetridge (Morphett, ex-Liberal) and Troy Bell (Mount Gambier, ex-Liberal). This publication does not account for the possible impact of Nick Xenophon’s SA Best party on the 2018 election. The table below summarise the changes in party standings ahead of the 2018 election. 2018 Election – Notional Party Status of New Electorates

S e a t s H e l d b y P a r t y Labor Liberal Independent Total

Old Boundaries – 2014 result 23 22 2 47 Old boundaries (Two-party preferred) 23 24 .. 47 New Boundaries (Two-party preferred) 20 27 .. 47 New Boundaries with Independents 19 24 4 47

New District Margins – Comparing this Publication’s Estimates to the EDBC Report. As set out in the Appendix, this publication calculates new margins by transferring polling place results from old to new districts, either in full or by estimating a split between new districts. Declaration votes (absent, postal, pre-poll votes) for old districts are apportioned to new districts based on enrolment transfers, but the votes transferred are weighted based on party vote in the polling places contained in the transferred area. The EDBC transfers polling place results using accurate information drawn from roll mark-off data. Ballot paper secrecy means the EDBC cannot know the vote an elector casts at a polling place. However, roll mark-off data allows the EDBC to know the proportion of electors voting at a polling place that came from specific census collector district (CCD). All addresses on the electoral roll are located within the geographic area of a CCD. The EDBC also uses roll mark-off data to allocate declaration votes back to CCDs. However, the EDBC’s method allocates declaration votes to CCDs so that every CCD in a district is recorded with the same ratio of party votes. The CCDs were the geographic building blocks used by the EDBC to draw new boundaries. To calculate the estimated margins for each new district, the EDBC accumulates the party votes from each CCD into totals for each new district. The EDBC also makes some adjustments by projecting forward based on population and demographic trends in each new district.

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The major differences between the estimated district margins in this publication and those produced by the EDBC are due differences in dealing with the declaration vote. The EDBC’s method spreads the ratio of declaration party votes evenly across a district. This publication weights the proportion of declaration party vote to match the varying proportions of polling place party vote across a district. The differences produced by the two methods are small in most districts, but more significant where former districts had clear geographic patterns to the party vote. As an example, the former electorate of Lee extended north of Bower Road into Semaphore and Largs Bay. This area recorded much higher levels of Labor vote than areas south of Bower Road. Bower Road is the new boundary between Lee and Port Adelaide, which means a strong Labor voting area previously in Lee has been transferred to Port Adelaide. The EDBC has estimated the new Labor margin for Lee as 2.6% where this publication using weighted declaration vote data estimates a weaker margin of 1.5%. The same transfer helps explain why the EDBC estimate for Port Adelaide’s new Labor margin is 12.5% and this publication’s estimate is 14.0%. Another example is the electorate of Adelaide. It loses an area around the Prospect North booth to Enfield, while gaining parts of Collinswood covered by the Walkerville North joint booth from Enfield. The Liberal two-party preferred percentage for Adelaide in 2014 was 52.4%. The Prospect North booth Liberal result was 43.6% compared to the much stronger Adelaide declaration vote of 54.5%. The Liberal result in the Walkerville North booth transferred into Adelaide was 57.9% compared to a much weaker 44.4% for the Enfield declaration vote. This publication’s estimate for Adelaide has the Liberal margin rising from 2.4% to 3.0%. The EDBC estimate sees the Liberal margin decline to 2.0%. This publication weighted the declaration vote to reflect the booth results and produced an increase in the Liberal margin. The EDBC’s method of evenly divided the declaration vote for Adelaide and Enfield and produced an estimate where the Liberal margin declined. The table on the next page shows the margins for existing districts along with this publication’s and the EDBC’s estimated new margins. Districts with a significant difference between the two estimates are highlighted. These differences have little impact on the overall impact of the redistribution. The EDBC report estimates that a uniform swing of 3.2% is needed for Labor to gain the four seats it needs for majority government. This publication estimates the swing as 3.1%. Neither of these estimated swings take any account of Independents or third parties winning seats. Acknowledgements My thanks to the staff of the SA Electoral Commission and the Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission for assistance in providing the source data used as the basis of analysis. All errors and omissions are entirely the fault of the author. Antony Green November 2017

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Comparison of Old and New 2-Party Preferred Margins

Old EDBC Publication District Margin Margin Estimate Notes

Adelaide ** LIB 2.4 LIB 2.0 LIB 3.0 Badcoe ALP 1.9 ALP 4.2 ALP 4.1 Formerly Ashford Black (New seat) LIB 2.6 LIB 2.3 Bragg LIB 18.7 LIB 16.6 LIB 17.1 Bright LIB 3.3 (Abolished) (Abolished) See Black and Gibson Chaffey LIB 25.1 LIB 24.4 LIB 24.0 Cheltenham ALP 14.3 ALP 14.4 ALP 14.4 Colton ALP 1.5 LIB 3.7 LIB 3.9 Croydon ** ALP 18.9 ALP 19.6 ALP 21.2 Davenport LIB 8.1 LIB 8.9 LIB 9.5 Dunstan LIB 3.1 LIB 3.9 LIB 3.6 Elder ALP 1.8 LIB 4.3 LIB 4.1 Elizabeth ** ALP 7.4 ALP 9.9 ALP 11.0 Formerly Little Para Enfield ALP 8.1 ALP 6.2 ALP 5.6 Finniss LIB 13.8 LIB 13.7 LIB 13.1 Fisher + LIB 7.2 (Abolished) (Abolished) See Hurtle Vale Flinders LIB 29.2 LIB 28.7 LIB 28.9 Florey ALP 2.5 ALP 9.2 ALP 9.1 Frome + LIB 10.8 LIB 10.5 LIB 9.8 New 2CP IND 9.4 v LIB Gibson (New seat) LIB 3.2 LIB 3.7 Giles ALP 7.0 ALP 5.7 ALP 5.2 Hammond LIB 14.6 LIB 16.3 LIB 16.8 Hartley LIB 2.4 LIB 3.3 LIB 3.1 Heysen ** LIB 13.5 LIB 13.2 LIB 12.2 Hurtle Vale (New seat) ALP 1.7 ALP 1.3 See Fisher Kaurna ALP 7.7 ALP 8.4 ALP 9.2 Kavel LIB 14.0 LIB 14.1 LIB 13.8 King (New seat) ALP 1.4 ALP 0.1 Lee ** ALP 4.5 ALP 2.6 ALP 1.5 Light ALP 2.8 ALP 3.9 ALP 4.0 MacKillop LIB 26.7 LIB 26.7 LIB 26.7 Mawson ** ALP 5.6 LIB 3.2 LIB 4.2 Mitchell LIB 1.2 (Abolished) See Black and Gibson Morialta LIB 10.0 LIB 11.6 LIB 12.0 Morphett LIB 12.9 LIB 7.7 LIB 7.8 Mount Gambier LIB 21.4 LIB 21.6 LIB 21.4 Napier ALP 9.1 (Abolished) See King Narungga LIB 12.9 LIB 13.8 LIB 14.1 Formerly Goyder Newland ALP 1.4 LIB 0.1 LIB 0.2 Playford ALP 12.6 ALP 11.5 ALP 11.7 Port Adelaide ** ALP 10.6 ALP 12.5 ALP 14.0 Ramsay ALP 18.4 ALP 17.4 ALP 17.8 Reynell ** ALP 10.0 ALP 9.8 ALP 10.8 Schubert LIB 14.6 LIB 12.4 LIB 12.3 Stuart LIB 20.5 LIB 20.1 LIB 20.1 Taylor ALP 11.6 ALP 8.8 ALP 8.5 Torrens ALP 3.5 ALP 2.6 ALP 2.5 Unley LIB 9.8 LIB 9.2 LIB 8.9 Waite LIB 11.4 LIB 10.4 LIB 10.1 West Torrens ALP 10.8 ALP 12.2 ALP 12.3 Wright ALP 3.0 ALP 4.5 ALP 4.3

Underlining indicates seats that change notional party status on the new boundaries. ** indicates seats with significant difference in estimates (> 1%). + Fisher and Frome were won by Independent at the 2014 election.

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

6 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Electoral Pendulum for 2018 Election Electorate Margin Electorate Margin

Labor Seats (20) Croydon 21.2 Ramsay 17.8 Cheltenham 14.4 Port Adelaide 14.0 West Torrens 12.3 Playford 11.7 Elizabeth 11.0 Reynell 10.8 Kaurna 9.2 Florey ** 9.1 Taylor 8.5 Enfield 5.6 Giles 5.2 Wright 4.3 Badcoe 4.1 Light 4.0 Torrens 2.5 Lee 1.5 Hurtle Vale 1.3 King 0.1

Liberal (26) Flinders 28.9 MacKillop 26.7 Chaffey 24.0 Mount Gambier ** 21.4 Stuart 20.1 Bragg 17.1 Hammond 16.8 Narungga 14.1 Kavel 13.8 Finniss 13.1 Schubert 12.3 Heysen 12.2 Morialta 12.0 Waite 10.1 Frome (IND held) 9.8 Davenport 9.5 Unley 8.9 Morphett ** 7.8 Mawson 4.2 Elder 4.1 Colton 3.9 Gibson 3.7 Dunstan 3.6 Hartley 3.1 Adelaide 3.0 Black 2.3 Newland 0.2 Independent (1) Frome (v LIB) 9.4

Underlining indicates districts that have notionally changed party status on the new boundaries. Hurtle Vale is listed as a Labor gain compared to the notional Liberal status of Fisher at the 2014 election. (See redistribution summary on preceding pages.) Frome is shown with both its estimated Independent margin versus the Liberal party, and with its alternate Liberal two-party margin. ** indicates districts where the sitting member elected for a party in 2014 will re-contest as an independent. The above pendulum does not take account of how campaigning by Nick Xenophon’s SA Best will impact on the marginality of seats.

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Format for Listings A summary table of new party totals is provided at the top of each district listing. The summary table includes a line for each party that recorded votes within the district at the last election. There is a column of first preference votes and percentages, of two-candidate preferred votes and percentages, and a two-party preferred vote and percentage. In most districts, the two-candidate and two-party preferred totals are the same. In districts that include parts of the former districts of Fisher, Frome, Heysen and Mount Gambier, different two-candidate and two-party preferred results are shown. The final lines in each summary table list the formal, informal and total votes for each new district. A percentage indicating the 2014 votes transferred as a percentage of 2016 redistribution enrolment is also shown. After the summary table, a series of mini-tables and totals are provided that correspond to transfers of enrolment between old and new districts. Each listing includes a separate total for each transfer. Transfers from old to new district are listed first, followed by transfers out of the existing district and into a new district. An example of an enrolment transfer table is shown below.

Badcoe includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Ashford (14997 voters, 13854 last election votes, 92.4% of enrolment) Black Forest, Black Forest East, Clarence Gardens, Clarence Park (75%), Edwardstown, Goodwood (50%), Keswick, Kurralta Park, Melrose Park, Plympton (50%), Plympton Park (50%), South Plympton (50%), South Plympton North, Declaration Vote (60%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 7222 6226 5515 5566 1711 511 145 % 53.7 46.3 41.0 41.4 12.7 3.8 1.1

This example shows a transfer ‘From’ the old district of Ashford to the new district of Badcoe. The full listing for Badcoe also includes transfer from the old district of Elder and West Torrens, and transfers out to the new districts of Elder, Morphett and Unley. Each entry includes a line showing the total of enrolled voters transferred, as well as the calculated number of votes and the total votes as a percentage of enrolled voters transferred. Below this is a list of all booths that form part of the transfer. Booths that have been split are shown with a percentage indicating the proportion of the booth transferred. A percentage of declaration votes transferred is also shown. Totals of two-party preferred and first preference votes are shown for each transfer. Where a transfer includes an area that finished as a two-candidate preferred contest in 2006, a separate 2-candidate preferred total is also provided. Details of transfers from the four electorates defined as being abolished can be found on page 63. A detailed explanation of the methodology and calculations used in this publication can be found in the Appendix on page 72.

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

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Adelaide Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 7372 35.3 9804 47.0 9804 47.0 Liberal Party 10283 49.3 11063 53.0 11063 53.0 Greens 2487 11.9 Family First 25 0.1 Dignity for Disability 692 3.3 Independent 9 0.0 Formal Vote 20868 Informal Vote 407 1.9 Redistribution enrolment 24620 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 86.4%

Adelaide includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Adelaide (23988 voters, 20718 last election votes, 86.4% of enrolment) Adelaide, Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide South, Adelaide West, Nailsworth, North Adelaide, North Adelaide East, Prospect, Prospect South, Walkerville, Walkerville North, Declaration Vote (94%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 9576 10749 7198 10002 2434 692 % 47.1 52.9 35.4 49.2 12.0 3.4

From: Enfield (632 voters, 556 last election votes, 88.0% of enrolment) Broadview (5%), Walkerville North, Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 228 314 174 281 53 25 9 % 42.1 57.9 32.1 51.8 9.8 4.6 1.7

The following areas have been transferred out of Adelaide 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Enfield (1640 voters, 1369 last election votes, 83.5% of enrolment) Prospect North, Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 739 590 617 539 116 56 % 55.6 44.4 46.5 40.6 8.7 4.2

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Badcoe (replaces Ashford) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9057 41.6 11794 54.1 11794 54.1 Liberal Party 8849 40.6 9995 45.9 9995 45.9 Greens 2568 11.8 Family First 934 4.3 Dignity for Disability 236 1.1 FREE Australia 145 0.7 Formal Vote 21789 Informal Vote 744 3.3 Redistribution enrolment 24560 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 91.7%

Badcoe includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Ashford (14997 voters, 13854 last election votes, 92.4% of enrolment) Black Forest, Black Forest East, Clarence Gardens, Clarence Park (75%), Edwardstown, Goodwood (50%), Keswick, Kurralta Park, Melrose Park, Plympton (50%), Plympton Park (50%), South Plympton (50%), South Plympton North, Declaration Vote (60%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 7222 6226 5515 5566 1711 511 145 % 53.7 46.3 41.0 41.4 12.7 3.8 1.1

From: Elder (5664 voters, 5019 last election votes, 88.6% of enrolment) Ascot Park, Edwardstown, Park Holme South (50%), South Plympton (75%), Declaration Vote (23%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2643 2172 1958 1865 506 250 236 % 54.9 45.1 40.7 38.7 10.5 5.2 4.9

From: West Torrens (3899 voters, 3660 last election votes, 93.9% of enrolment) Kurralta Park, Netley (50%), Plympton, Plympton West, Declaration Vote (16%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1928 1597 1583 1418 351 173 % 54.7 45.3 44.9 40.2 10.0 4.9

The following areas have been transferred out of Ashford

To: Elder (1872 voters, 1508 last election votes, 80.6% of enrolment) Daw Park, Westbourne Park, Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 672 786 459 689 236 50 22 % 46.1 53.9 31.5 47.3 16.2 3.4 1.5

To: Morphett (6738 voters, 5906 last election votes, 87.7% of enrolment) Camden Park, Novar Gardens, Plympton (50%), Plympton Park (50%), Plympton West, South Plympton (50%), Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2720 2972 2168 2673 519 261 70 % 47.8 52.2 38.1 47.0 9.1 4.6 1.2

To: Unley (1222 voters, 1106 last election votes, 90.5% of enrolment) Clarence Park (25%), Goodwood (50%), Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 627 450 448 412 187 19 11 % 58.2 41.8 41.6 38.3 17.4 1.8 1.0

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Black (New seat) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 8757 35.5 11009 44.6 11783 47.7 Liberal Party 10465 42.4 12649 51.3 12895 52.3 Greens 1894 7.7 Family First 1096 4.4 Independent 2465 10.0 1020 4.1 Formal Vote 24677 Informal Vote 659 2.6 Redistribution enrolment 27486 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 92.2%

Notes: See abolished seat details for Bright and Mitchell.

Black includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bright (14617 voters, 13396 last election votes, 91.6% of enrolment) Hallett Cove, Hallett Cove East, Hallett Cove South, Marino, Seacliff, Declaration Vote (58%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6274 6806 5171 6135 1201 573 % 48.0 52.0 39.5 46.9 9.2 4.4

From: Davenport (401 voters, 369 last election votes, 92.0% of enrolment) Bedford Park (50%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 178 179 126 154 49 28 % 49.9 50.1 35.3 43.1 13.7 7.8

From: Fisher (1716 voters, 1698 last election votes, 99.0% of enrolment) Happy Valley West (50%), Declaration Vote (7%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 774 883 365 546 92 57 597 % 46.7 53.3 22.0 33.0 5.6 3.4 36.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 637 (38.4%) OTH 1020 (61.6%)

From: Mitchell (10752 voters, 9874 last election votes, 91.8% of enrolment) Seacombe Heights (35%), Seaview Downs, Sheidow Park, Sheidow Park South, Decl Vote (43%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 4557 5027 3095 3629 552 439 1868 % 47.5 52.5 32.3 37.9 5.8 4.6 19.5

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 11

Bragg Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 5630 24.3 7614 32.9 7614 32.9 Liberal Party 14818 64.0 15552 67.1 15552 67.1 Greens 2567 11.1 Family First 102 0.4 Dignity for Disability 48 0.2 Formal Vote 23165 Informal Vote 419 1.8 Redistribution enrolment 25844 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 91.3%

Bragg includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bragg (19977 voters, 18496 last election votes, 92.6% of enrolment) Beaumont, Burnside, Glen Osmond, Glenunga, Kensington, Kensington Park, Linden Park, Rose Park (45%), Summertown (25%), Tusmore, Wattle Park, Declaration Vote (79%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 5418 12764 3879 12234 2070 % 29.8 70.2 21.3 67.3 11.4

From: Dunstan (2364 voters, 1863 last election votes, 78.8% of enrolment) Kensington, Norwood (25%), Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 913 908 685 850 238 48 % 50.1 49.9 37.6 46.7 13.1 2.6

From: Hartley (3461 voters, 3216 last election votes, 92.9% of enrolment) Kensington Gardens (50%), Tranmere (75%), Declaration Vote (14%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1279 1874 1063 1729 258 102 % 40.6 59.4 33.7 54.9 8.2 3.2

From: Morialta (9 voters)

From: Waite (33 voters)

The following areas have been transferred out of Bragg 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Dunstan (2186 voters, 1906 last election votes, 87.2% of enrolment) Rose Park (55%), Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 621 1250 444 1201 227 % 33.2 66.8 23.7 64.2 12.1

To: Heysen (1566 voters, 1474 last election votes, 94.1% of enrolment) Crafers, Piccadilly (50%), Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 627 820 334 791 322 % 43.3 56.7 23.1 54.7 22.3

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12 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

To: Kavel (320 voters, 296 last election votes, 92.5% of enrolment) Piccadilly (50%), Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 103 188 61 177 53 % 35.4 64.6 21.0 60.8 18.2

To: Morialta (1095 voters, 1111 last election votes, 101.5% of enrolment) Summertown (75%), Uraidla, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 401 691 242 634 216 % 36.7 63.3 22.2 58.1 19.8

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 13

Chaffey Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 3710 17.5 5506 26.0 5506 26.0 Liberal Party 13462 63.7 15635 74.0 15635 74.0 Greens 1175 5.6 Family First 2794 13.2 Formal Vote 21141 Informal Vote 762 3.5 Redistribution enrolment 23558 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 93.0%

Chaffey includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Chaffey (22268 voters, 20657 last election votes, 92.8% of enrolment) Barmera, Berri, Cobdogla, Glossop, Loxton, Loxton North, Lyrup, Monash, Moorook, Paringa, Ramco, Renmark, Renmark North, Renmark West, Swan Reach, Waikerie, Winkie, Declaration Vote (90%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5110 14825 3408 12724 1111 2692 % 25.6 74.4 17.1 63.8 5.6 13.5

From: Schubert (254 voters, 209 last election votes, 82.3% of enrolment) Sedan, Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 77 126 49 113 19 23 % 37.9 62.1 24.0 55.4 9.3 11.3

From: Stuart (1036 voters, 1036 last election votes, 100.0% of enrolment) Blanchetown, Cadell, Morgan, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 320 683 253 625 45 80 % 31.9 68.1 25.2 62.3 4.5 8.0

The following areas have been transferred out of Chaffey 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Hammond (2368 voters, 2011 last election votes, 84.9% of enrolment) Karoonda, Lameroo, Nildottie, Pinnaroo, Purnong, Declaration Vote (10%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 334 1632 205 1475 87 198 % 17.0 83.0 10.4 75.1 4.4 10.1

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

14 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Cheltenham Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11524 55.3 13412 64.4 13412 64.4 Liberal Party 6137 29.5 7418 35.6 7418 35.6 Greens 1826 8.8 Family First 1343 6.4 Formal Vote 20830 Informal Vote 737 3.4 Redistribution enrolment 25375 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 85.0%

Cheltenham includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Cheltenham (23116 voters, 19637 last election votes, 84.9% of enrolment) Albert Park, Cheltenham, Findon, Findon West, Pennington (75%), Queenstown, Rosewater, Royal Park (35%), Royal Park South (35%), Seaton Park, St Clair, Woodville Gardens (50%), Woodville South, Woodville West, Declaration Vote (87%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 12138 6825 10461 5643 1611 1247 % 64.0 36.0 55.2 29.8 8.5 6.6

From: Croydon (2259 voters, 1930 last election votes, 85.4% of enrolment) Beverley, Kilkenny (50%), St Clair, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1275 594 1063 493 215 96 % 68.2 31.8 56.9 26.4 11.5 5.1

The following areas have been transferred out of Cheltenham 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Croydon (1107 voters, 929 last election votes, 83.9% of enrolment) Pennington (25%), Woodville Gardens (50%), Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 620 281 547 225 54 74 % 68.8 31.2 60.8 25.0 6.0 8.2

To: Lee (2186 voters, 1971 last election votes, 90.2% of enrolment) Royal Park (65%), Royal Park South (65%), Seaton, Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1221 668 1039 538 164 147 % 64.6 35.4 55.0 28.5 8.7 7.8

To: Port Adelaide (132 voters, 25 last election votes, 18.9% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 15 9 13 7 2 2 % 62.5 37.5 54.2 29.2 8.3 8.3

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 15

Colton Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9244 39.2 10870 46.1 10870 46.1 Liberal Party 11782 50.0 12713 53.9 12713 53.9 Greens 1754 7.4 Family First 803 3.4 Formal Vote 23583 Informal Vote 614 2.5 Redistribution enrolment 27270 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.7%

Colton includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Colton (18197 voters, 16347 last election votes, 89.8% of enrolment) Fulham, Fulham Gardens, Henley Beach, Henley Beach South, Kidman Park, Lockleys, Lockleys North, Declaration Vote (69%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 8000 7911 6985 7332 1075 518 % 50.3 49.7 43.9 46.1 6.8 3.3

From: Morphett (8377 voters, 7321 last election votes, 87.4% of enrolment) Glenelg (25%), Glenelg North, West Beach, Declaration Vote (34%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2658 4497 2085 4161 633 275 % 37.1 62.9 29.1 58.2 8.8 3.8

From: West Torrens (696 voters, 529 last election votes, 76.0% of enrolment) Lockleys, Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 213 305 174 288 46 10 % 41.1 58.9 33.6 55.6 8.9 1.9

The following areas have been transferred out of Colton 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Lee (8225 voters, 7509 last election votes, 91.3% of enrolment) Grange, Seaton Park, Seaton West, Declaration Vote (31%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3937 3351 3408 3032 509 340 % 54.0 46.0 46.8 41.6 7.0 4.7

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

16 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Croydon Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11665 60.4 13756 71.2 13756 71.2 Liberal Party 4546 23.5 5569 28.8 5569 28.8 Greens 2005 10.4 Family First 933 4.8 Independent 175 0.9 Formal Vote 19324 Informal Vote 718 3.6 Redistribution enrolment 24162 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 82.9%

Croydon includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Cheltenham (1107 voters, 929 last election votes, 83.9% of enrolment) Pennington (25%), Woodville Gardens (50%), Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 620 281 547 225 54 74 % 68.8 31.2 60.8 25.0 6.0 8.2

From: Croydon (17681 voters, 14714 last election votes, 83.2% of enrolment) Allenby Gardens (50%), Brompton, Challa Gardens, Croydon, Croydon Park, Ferryden Park, Kilkenny (50%), Renown Park, West Croydon, West Hindmarsh (50%), Woodville Gardens, Declaration Vote (71%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 10192 4029 8545 3418 1708 551 % 71.7 28.3 60.1 24.0 12.0 3.9

From: Enfield (5374 voters, 4399 last election votes, 81.9% of enrolment) Ferryden Park, Mansfield Park, Woodville Gardens, Declaration Vote (22%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2944 1259 2573 903 243 308 175 % 70.0 30.0 61.2 21.5 5.8 7.3 4.2

The following areas have been transferred out of Croydon 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Cheltenham (2259 voters, 1930 last election votes, 85.4% of enrolment) Beverley, Kilkenny (50%), St Clair, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1275 594 1063 493 215 96 % 68.2 31.8 56.9 26.4 11.5 5.1

To: West Torrens (5108 voters, 4614 last election votes, 90.3% of enrolment) Allenby Gardens (50%), Flinders Park, West Hindmarsh (50%), Declaration Vote (20%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2700 1753 2271 1542 421 218 % 60.6 39.4 51.0 34.6 9.5 4.9

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 17

Davenport Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 4522 20.1 3678 16.3 9115 40.5 Liberal Party 9548 42.4 10821 48.0 13416 59.5 Greens 1680 7.5 Family First 979 4.3 Independent 5803 25.8 8032 35.6 Formal Vote 22532 Informal Vote 496 2.2 Redistribution enrolment 24743 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 93.1%

Davenport includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Davenport (10423 voters, 9566 last election votes, 91.8% of enrolment) Aberfoyle Park North, Bedford Park (50%), Bellevue Heights, Flagstaff Hill, Flagstaff Hill East (75%), Declaration Vote (41%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3678 5668 2684 5030 1098 535 % 39.4 60.6 28.7 53.8 11.7 5.7

From: Fisher (14320 voters, 13461 last election votes, 94.0% of enrolment) Aberfoyle Park, Aberfoyle Park Central, Aberfoyle Park North, Aberfoyle Park South, Cherry Gardens, Clarendon (40%), Happy Valley (50%), Happy Valley West (50%), Declaration Vote (55%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 5437 7748 1838 4518 582 444 5803 % 41.2 58.8 13.9 34.3 4.4 3.4 44.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 5153 (39.1%) OTH 8032 (60.9%)

The following areas have been transferred out of Davenport 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Black (401 voters, 369 last election votes, 92.0% of enrolment) Bedford Park (50%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 178 179 126 154 49 28 % 49.9 50.1 35.3 43.1 13.7 7.8

To: Waite (14547 voters, 13282 last election votes, 91.3% of enrolment) Belair, Blackwood, Blackwood Central, Coromandel Valley, Eden Hills, Flagstaff Hill East (25%), Hawthorndene, Declaration Vote (57%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5657 7345 3688 6397 2322 596 % 43.5 56.5 28.4 49.2 17.9 4.6

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

18 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Dunstan Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 7896 35.7 10273 46.4 10273 46.4 Liberal Party 11150 50.4 11855 53.6 11855 53.6 Greens 2477 11.2 Family First 120 0.5 Dignity for Disability 486 2.2 Formal Vote 22129 Informal Vote 498 2.2 Redistribution enrolment 25317 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 89.4%

Dunstan includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bragg (2186 voters, 1906 last election votes, 87.2% of enrolment) Rose Park (55%), Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 621 1250 444 1201 227 % 33.2 66.8 23.7 64.2 12.1

From: Dunstan (19943 voters, 17964 last election votes, 90.1% of enrolment) College Park, Kent Town, Marden, Maylands, Norwood (75%), Norwood West, St Morris, St Peters, St Peters West, Trinity Gardens, Declaration Vote (79%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 8258 9311 6289 8785 2009 486 % 47.0 53.0 35.8 50.0 11.4 2.8

From: Hartley (3188 voters, 2758 last election votes, 86.5% of enrolment) Felixstow, Glynde (50%), Declaration Vote (13%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1393 1295 1163 1164 240 120 % 51.8 48.2 43.3 43.3 8.9 4.5

The following areas have been transferred out of Dunstan 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Bragg (2364 voters, 1863 last election votes, 78.8% of enrolment) Kensington, Norwood (25%), Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 913 908 685 850 238 48 % 50.1 49.9 37.6 46.7 13.1 2.6

To: Torrens (2780 voters, 2615 last election votes, 94.1% of enrolment) Klemzig, Vale Park, Declaration Vote (11%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 1125 1433 909 1339 221 89 % 44.0 56.0 35.5 52.3 8.6 3.5

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 19

Elder Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 7630 34.0 10317 45.9 10317 45.9 Liberal Party 10642 47.4 12142 54.1 12142 54.1 Greens 2419 10.8 Family First 1032 4.6 Dignity for Disability 714 3.2 FREE Australia 22 0.1 Formal Vote 22459 Informal Vote 721 3.1 Redistribution enrolment 25925 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 89.4%

Elder includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Ashford (1872 voters, 1508 last election votes, 80.6% of enrolment) Daw Park, Westbourne Park, Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 672 786 459 689 236 50 22 % 46.1 53.9 31.5 47.3 16.2 3.4 1.5

From: Elder (9590 voters, 8214 last election votes, 85.7% of enrolment) Daw Park, Melrose Park, Mitchell Park, Mitchell Park South, St Marys, Declaration Vote (39%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 4272 3646 3278 3153 758 410 319 % 54.0 46.0 41.4 39.8 9.6 5.2 4.0

From: Waite (14463 voters, 13457 last election votes, 93.0% of enrolment) Clapham, Colonel Light Gardens South, Daw Park, Hawthorn, Pasadena, St Marys, Westbourne Park, Declaration Vote (57%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 5373 7710 3893 6799 1425 572 394 % 41.1 58.9 29.8 52.0 10.9 4.4 3.0

The following areas have been transferred out of Elder 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Badcoe (5664 voters, 5019 last election votes, 88.6% of enrolment) Ascot Park, Edwardstown, Park Holme South (50%), South Plympton (75%), Declaration Vote (23%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2643 2172 1958 1865 506 250 236 % 54.9 45.1 40.7 38.7 10.5 5.2 4.9

To: Gibson (6599 voters, 5988 last election votes, 90.7% of enrolment) Marion, Marion South, Morphettville, Oaklands Park, Warradale, Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2685 3112 2066 2756 513 242 219 % 46.3 53.7 35.6 47.6 8.9 4.2 3.8

To: Morphett (3045 voters, 2679 last election votes, 88.0% of enrolment) Park Holme, Park Holme South (50%), South Plympton (25%), Declaration Vote (12%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1351 1232 1051 1048 214 134 136 % 52.3 47.7 40.7 40.6 8.3 5.2 5.3

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

20 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Elizabeth (replaces Little Para) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11129 49.9 13609 61.0 13609 61.0 Liberal Party 6453 28.9 8691 39.0 8691 39.0 Greens 1676 7.5 Family First 2450 11.0 Dignity for Disability 592 2.7 Formal Vote 22300 Informal Vote 966 4.2 Redistribution enrolment 27667 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 84.1%

Elizabeth includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Little Para (13632 voters, 11642 last election votes, 85.4% of enrolment) Craigmore South, Elizabeth, Elizabeth East, Elizabeth Grove, Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth South, Elizabeth Vale (75%), Hillbank (20%), Declaration Vote (50%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6999 4139 5755 2990 732 1069 592 % 62.8 37.2 51.7 26.8 6.6 9.6 5.3

From: Napier (14035 voters, 11625 last election votes, 82.8% of enrolment) Craigmore, Craigmore North, Craigmore South, Elizabeth Downs, Declaration Vote (54%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6610 4552 5374 3463 944 1382 % 59.2 40.8 48.1 31.0 8.5 12.4

The following areas have been transferred out of Little Para 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: King (11090 voters, 9298 last election votes, 83.8% of enrolment) Elizabeth Vale (25%), Golden Grove, Greenwith West, Hillbank (80%), Salisbury Heights, Salisbury Park, Declaration Vote (41%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 4402 4505 3638 3717 563 717 272 % 49.4 50.6 40.8 41.7 6.3 8.0 3.1

To: Taylor (2343 voters, 1968 last election votes, 84.0% of enrolment) Elizabeth North, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1171 696 905 496 164 212 90 % 62.7 37.3 48.5 26.6 8.8 11.4 4.8

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Enfield Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 8995 46.1 10857 55.6 10857 55.6 Liberal Party 7242 37.1 8672 44.4 8672 44.4 Greens 1631 8.4 Family First 1218 6.2 Dignity for Disability 56 0.3 Independent 386 2.0 Formal Vote 19528 Informal Vote 758 3.7 Redistribution enrolment 24603 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 82.5%

Enfield includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Adelaide (1640 voters, 1369 last election votes, 83.5% of enrolment) Prospect North, Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 739 590 617 539 116 56 % 55.6 44.4 46.5 40.6 8.7 4.2

From: Enfield (17583 voters, 14974 last election votes, 85.2% of enrolment) Blair Athol, Blair Athol North, Broadview (85%), Clearview, Enfield, Enfield South, Kilburn, Nailsworth, Prospect North, Declaration Vote (72%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 8038 6334 6624 5199 1238 925 386 % 55.9 44.1 46.1 36.2 8.6 6.4 2.7

From: Torrens (5380 voters, 3945 last election votes, 73.3% of enrolment) Northfield, Northgate (75%), Declaration Vote (21%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2081 1748 1754 1504 277 293 % 54.3 45.7 45.8 39.3 7.2 7.7

The following areas have been transferred out of Enfield 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Adelaide (632 voters, 556 last election votes, 88.0% of enrolment) Broadview (5%), Walkerville North, Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 228 314 174 281 53 25 9 % 42.1 57.9 32.1 51.8 9.8 4.6 1.7

To: Croydon (5374 voters, 4399 last election votes, 81.9% of enrolment) Ferryden Park, Mansfield Park, Woodville Gardens, Declaration Vote (22%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2944 1259 2573 903 243 308 175 % 70.0 30.0 61.2 21.5 5.8 7.3 4.2

To: Torrens (972 voters, 780 last election votes, 80.2% of enrolment) Broadview (10%), Hampstead Gardens, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 352 408 289 342 63 44 22 % 46.3 53.7 38.0 45.0 8.3 5.8 2.9

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

22 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Finniss Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 4998 24.6 7481 36.8 7494 36.9 Liberal Party 10599 52.2 12815 63.1 12816 63.1 Greens 2468 12.3 14 0.1 Family First 2136 10.5 Dignity for Disability 2 0.0 National Party 108 0.5 Formal Vote 20311 Informal Vote 618 3.0 Redistribution enrolment 23189 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment – 90.2%

Finniss includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Finniss (16187 voters, 14265 last election votes, 90.4% of enrolment) Middleton, Mount Compass, Port Elliot, Victor Harbor, Victor Harbor East, Victor Harbor South, Declaration Vote (79%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5156 9058 3380 7337 1834 1664 % 36.3 63.7 23.8 51.6 12.9 11.7

From: Hammond (6826 voters, 6267 last election votes, 91.8% of enrolment) Currency Creek, Goolwa, Goolwa Central, Declaration Vote (28%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2325 3735 1612 3242 627 472 108 % 38.4 61.6 26.6 53.5 10.3 7.8 1.8

From: Heysen (176 voters, 37 last election votes, 21.0% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 13 23 7 20 7 2 % 36.1 63.9 19.4 55.6 19.4 5.6

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 22 (61.1%) GRN 14 (38.9%)

The following areas have been transferred out of Finniss 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Heysen (255 voters, 268 last election votes, 105.1% of enrolment) Yundi, Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 84 177 41 145 41 34 % 32.2 67.8 15.7 55.6 15.7 13.0

To: Mawson (8899 voters, 7839 last election votes, 88.1% of enrolment) American River, Cape Jervis, Kingscote, Myponga, Parawa, Parndana, Penneshaw, Second Valley, Sellicks Beach, Yankalilla, Declaration Vote (35%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2767 4842 1760 4151 1008 689 % 36.4 63.6 23.1 54.6 13.2 9.1

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 23

Flinders Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 3113 15.6 4206 21.1 4206 21.1 Liberal Party 14297 71.7 15730 78.9 15730 78.9 Greens 1258 6.3 Family First 1268 6.4 Formal Vote 19936 Informal Vote 481 2.4 Redistribution enrolment 22738 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 89.8%

Flinders includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Flinders (22738 voters, 20417 last election votes, 89.8% of enrolment) Arno Bay, Ceduna, Cleve, Coffin Bay, Cummins, Darke Peak, Elliston, Far West Mobile, Karkoo, Kirton Point, Lock, Minnipa, North Shields, Poochera, Port Kenny, Port Lincoln, Port Lincoln Central, Port Lincoln South, Port Neill, Smoky Bay, Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay, Ungarra, Wangary, Warramboo, Wirrulla, Wudinna, Declaration Vote (96%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 4206 15730 3113 14297 1258 1268 % 21.1 78.9 15.6 71.7 6.3 6.4

The following areas have been transferred out of Flinders 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Giles (930 voters, 908 last election votes, 97.6% of enrolment) Cowell, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 135 749 102 696 42 45 % 15.3 84.7 11.5 78.6 4.7 5.1

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

24 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Florey Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11698 49.9 13869 59.1 13869 59.1 Liberal Party 8065 34.4 9597 40.9 9597 40.9 Greens 1561 6.7 Family First 2142 9.1 Formal Vote 23466 Informal Vote 936 3.8 Redistribution enrolment 26694 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 91.4%

Florey includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Florey (9690 voters, 9018 last election votes, 93.1% of enrolment) Modbury (75%), Modbury North, Modbury West, Para Hills East (50%), Para Vista, Valley View, Declaration Vote (41%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 4621 4103 3879 3478 641 727 % 53.0 47.0 44.5 39.9 7.3 8.3

From: Playford (17004 voters, 15383 last election votes, 90.5% of enrolment) Ingle Farm, Ingle Farm North (50%), Para Vista, Pooraka (90%), Pooraka North, Valley View, Walkley Heights, Declaration Vote (67%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 9248 5494 7820 4587 920 1415 % 62.7 37.3 53.0 31.1 6.2 9.6

The following areas have been transferred out of Florey 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Newland (5354 voters, 4405 last election votes, 82.3% of enrolment) Hope Valley North, Modbury (25%), Modbury South, Redwood Park (25%), Ridgehaven, St Agnes West, Declaration Vote (23%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2166 2103 1822 1809 282 357 % 50.7 49.3 42.7 42.4 6.6 8.4

To: Torrens (1789 voters, 1645 last election votes, 92.0% of enrolment) Gilles Plains, Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 931 646 767 528 147 136 % 59.0 41.0 48.6 33.5 9.3 8.6

To: Wright (6660 voters, 6135 last election votes, 92.1% of enrolment) Modbury Heights, Para Hills East (50%), Redwood Park (75%), Wynn Vale West, Declaration Vote (28%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3034 2888 2514 2504 447 457 % 51.2 48.8 42.5 42.3 7.5 7.7

Note: The sitting member for Florey, Frances Bedford, has announced her resignation from the Labor Party and intention to contest the 2018 election as an Independent.

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 25

Frome Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 2548 12.4 8221 40.2 Liberal Party 7236 35.3 8314 40.6 12251 59.8 Greens 574 2.8 Family First 1071 5.2 National Party 4 0.0 Brock 8983 43.9 12159 59.4 Independent 57 0.3 Formal Vote 20473 Informal Vote 534 2.5 Redistribution enrolment 23101 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 90.9%

Note: The two-candidate preferred estimate is based on adjusting first preference votes by comparing major party votes in the Assembly and the Council, and then applying the 2014 distribution of preferences for Frome.

Frome includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Frome (22102 voters, 20086 last election votes, 90.9% of enrolment) Auburn, Balaklava, Blyth, Brinkworth, Clare, Crystal Brook, Georgetown, Manoora, Marrabel, Napperby, Port Pirie, Port Pirie South, Redhill, Risdon Park, Risdon Park South, Riverton, Saddleworth, Solomontown, Tarlee, Watervale, Yacka, Declaration Vote (86%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 7874 11718 2307 6782 507 1013 8983 % 40.2 59.8 11.8 34.6 2.6 5.2 45.9

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 7875 (40.2%) OTH 11716 (59.8%)

From: Goyder (999 voters, 921 last election votes, 92.2% of enrolment) Hamley Bridge, Owen, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 347 533 241 454 67 58 61 % 39.4 60.6 27.4 51.5 7.6 6.6 6.9

The following areas have been transferred out of Frome 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Narungga (2325 voters, 2254 last election votes, 96.9% of enrolment) Alford, Bute, Lochiel, Port Broughton, Snowtown, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 672 1535 219 1053 47 113 776 % 30.4 69.6 9.9 47.7 2.1 5.1 35.1

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1161 (52.6%) OTH 1046 (47.4%)

To: Stuart (1135 voters, 1117 last election votes, 98.4% of enrolment) Gladstone, Laura, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 432 660 74 378 25 31 585 % 39.6 60.4 6.8 34.6 2.3 2.8 53.5

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 400 (36.6%) OTH 692 (63.4%)

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

26 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Gibson (New Seat) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 7635 34.7 10174 46.3 10174 46.3 Liberal Party 10029 45.6 11800 53.7 11800 53.7 Greens 1938 8.8 Family First 819 3.7 Dignity for Disability 219 1.0 Independent 1333 6.1 Formal Vote 21973 Informal Vote 583 2.6 Redistribution enrolment 25549 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.3%

Note: See abolished seat details for Bright and Mitchell.

Gibson includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bright (9243 voters, 8233 last election votes, 89.1% of enrolment) Brighton, North Brighton, North Brighton West, South Brighton, Declaration Vote (37%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3640 4448 2935 4113 795 245 % 45.0 55.0 36.3 50.9 9.8 3.0

From: Elder (6599 voters, 5988 last election votes, 90.7% of enrolment) Marion, Marion South, Morphettville, Oaklands Park, Warradale, Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2685 3112 2066 2756 513 242 219 % 46.3 53.7 35.6 47.6 8.9 4.2 3.8

From: Mitchell (8526 voters, 7461 last election votes, 87.5% of enrolment) Oaklands Park, Seacombe Heights (65%), Sturt, Warradale, Declaration Vote (34%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3605 3626 2448 2590 560 300 1333 % 49.9 50.1 33.9 35.8 7.7 4.1 18.4

From: Morphett (1181 voters, 874 last election votes, 74.0% of enrolment) North Brighton West, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 243 614 186 570 69 32 % 28.4 71.6 21.7 66.5 8.1 3.7

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 27

Giles Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9902 49.6 11012 55.2 11012 55.2 Liberal Party 7830 39.2 8944 44.8 8944 44.8 Greens 984 4.9 Family First 1241 6.2 Formal Vote 19957 Informal Vote 605 2.9 Redistribution enrolment 23485 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 87.6%

Giles includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Flinders (930 voters, 908 last election votes, 97.6% of enrolment) Cowell, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 135 749 102 696 42 45 % 15.3 84.7 11.5 78.6 4.7 5.1

From: Giles (22555 voters, 19653 last election votes, 87.1% of enrolment) Andamooka, Coober Pedy, Far North 1 Mobile, Hawker, Iron Knob, Kimba, Quorn, Roxby Downs, Whyalla Central East, Whyalla Central West, Whyalla Norrie East, Whyalla Norrie North, Whyalla Norrie North-West, Whyalla Norrie South, Whyalla Stuart South, Whyalla Stuart West, Woomera, Declaration Vote

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 10877 8195 9800 7134 942 1196 % 57.0 43.0 51.4 37.4 4.9 6.3

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

28 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Hammond Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 4881 23.9 6801 33.2 6802 33.2 Liberal Party 11683 57.1 13660 66.8 13660 66.8 Greens 1257 6.1 1 0.0 Family First 1834 9.0 National Party 807 3.9 Formal Vote 20462 Informal Vote 682 3.2 Redistribution enrolment 24602 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 85.9%

Hammond includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Chaffey (2368 voters, 2011 last election votes, 84.9% of enrolment) Karoonda, Lameroo, Nildottie, Pinnaroo, Purnong, Declaration Vote (10%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 334 1632 205 1475 87 198 % 17.0 83.0 10.4 75.1 4.4 10.1

From: Hammond (17473 voters, 15199 last election votes, 87.0% of enrolment) Coomandook, Jervois, Langhorne Creek, Milang, Murray Bridge, Murray Bridge East, Murray Bridge South, Murray Bridge West, Mypolonga, Ponde, Tailem Bend, Wellington, Woods Point, Declaration Vote (72%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 5021 9689 3692 8207 824 1180 807 % 34.1 65.9 25.1 55.8 5.6 8.0 5.5

From: Heysen (15 voters)

From: Kavel (1465 voters, 1124 last election votes, 76.7% of enrolment) Callington, Harrogate, Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 426 663 273 551 139 126 % 39.1 60.9 25.1 50.6 12.8 11.6

From: Schubert (3281 voters, 2806 last election votes, 85.5% of enrolment) Cambrai, Mannum, Palmer, Walker Flat, Declaration Vote (13%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1019 1674 710 1447 206 330 % 37.8 62.2 26.4 53.7 7.6 12.3

The following areas have been transferred out of Hammond 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Finniss (6826 voters, 6267 last election votes, 91.8% of enrolment) Currency Creek, Goolwa, Goolwa Central, Declaration Vote (28%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2325 3735 1612 3242 627 472 108 % 38.4 61.6 26.6 53.5 10.3 7.8 1.8

To: MacKillop (124 voters, 38 last election votes, 30.6% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 13 24 9 20 3 3 2 % 35.1 64.9 24.3 54.1 8.1 8.1 5.4

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 29

Hartley Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 8409 39.4 9997 46.9 9997 46.9 Liberal Party 10173 47.7 11340 53.1 11340 53.1 Greens 1683 7.9 Family First 1073 5.0 Formal Vote 21338 Informal Vote 690 3.1 Redistribution enrolment 24483 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 90.0%

Hartley includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Hartley (17746 voters, 16022 last election votes, 90.3% of enrolment) Campbelltown, Glynde (50%), Hectorville, Hectorville South, Kensington Gardens (50%), Magill, Newton, Paradise West, Rostrevor South, Tranmere (25%), Declaration Vote (73%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 7518 8042 6318 7218 1306 718 % 48.3 51.7 40.6 46.4 8.4 4.6

From: Morialta (6737 voters, 6006 last election votes, 89.1% of enrolment) Athelstone South (50%), Newton, Paradise, Declaration Vote (26%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2479 3298 2091 2955 376 356 % 42.9 57.1 36.2 51.1 6.5 6.2

The following areas have been transferred out of Hartley 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Bragg (3461 voters, 3216 last election votes, 92.9% of enrolment) Kensington Gardens (50%), Tranmere (75%), Declaration Vote (14%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1279 1874 1063 1729 258 102 % 40.6 59.4 33.7 54.9 8.2 3.2

To: Dunstan (3188 voters, 2758 last election votes, 86.5% of enrolment) Felixstow, Glynde (50%), Declaration Vote (13%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1393 1295 1163 1164 240 120 % 51.8 48.2 43.3 43.3 8.9 4.5

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

30 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Heysen Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 4463 20.3 1000 4.5 8299 37.8 Liberal Party 11900 54.1 13091 59.6 13683 62.2 Greens 4306 19.6 7647 34.8 Family First 92 0.4 Dignity for Disability 1036 4.7 Independent 186 0.8 245 1.1 Formal Vote 21983 Informal Vote 600 2.7 Redistribution enrolment 24644 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 91.6%

Heysen includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bragg (1566 voters, 1474 last election votes, 94.1% of enrolment) Crafers, Piccadilly (50%), Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 627 820 334 791 322 % 43.3 56.7 23.1 54.7 22.3

From: Finniss (255 voters, 268 last election votes, 105.1% of enrolment) Yundi, Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 84 177 41 145 41 34 % 32.2 67.8 15.7 55.6 15.7 13.0

From: Fisher (490 voters, 439 last election votes, 89.6% of enrolment) Clarendon (60%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 136 295 34 171 27 13 186 % 31.6 68.4 7.9 39.7 6.3 3.0 43.2

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 186 (43.2%) OTH 245 (56.8%)

From: Heysen (21609 voters, 19825 last election votes, 91.7% of enrolment) Aldgate, Ashbourne, Bradbury, Bridgewater, Crafers, Echunga, Kangarilla, Macclesfield, Meadows, Mylor, Prospect Hill, Stirling, Stirling West (75%), Strathalbyn, Upper Sturt (75%), Woodchester, Declaration Vote (83%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 7163 12121 3811 10558 3879 1036 % 37.1 62.9 19.8 54.8 20.1 5.4

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 11638 (60.3%) GRN 7647 (39.7%)

From: Kavel (4 voters, 1 last election votes, 25.0% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 0 1 0 1 0 0 % 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1 (100.0%)

From: Mawson (720 voters, 576 last election votes, 80.0% of enrolment) Woodcroft (20%), Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 289 270 242 235 37 44 % 51.7 48.3 43.4 42.1 6.6 7.9

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 31

The following areas have been transferred out of Heysen 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Finniss (176 voters, 37 last election votes, 21.0% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 13 23 7 20 7 2 % 36.1 63.9 19.4 55.6 19.4 5.6

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 22 (61.1%) GRN 14 (38.9%)

To: Hammond (15 voters, 3 last election votes, 20.0% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 1 2 1 2 1 0 % 33.3 66.7 25.0 50.0 25.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 2 (66.7%) GRN 1 (33.3%)

To: Kavel (3144 voters, 2959 last election votes, 94.1% of enrolment) Hahndorf, Mount Barker, Mount Barker South, Declaration Vote (12%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 913 1972 550 1743 474 117 % 31.6 68.4 19.1 60.4 16.4 4.1

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1891 (65.5%) GRN 994 (34.5%)

To: Mawson (22 voters, 4 last election votes, 18.2% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 2 3 1 2 1 0 % 40.0 60.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 3 (60.0%) GRN 2 (40.0%)

To: Waite (960 voters, 816 last election votes, 85.0% of enrolment) Stirling West (25%), Upper Sturt (25%), Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 303 498 157 441 167 37 % 37.8 62.2 19.6 55.0 20.8 4.6

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 484 (60.3%) GRN 318 (39.7%)

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

32 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Hurtle Vale (New Seat) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 8113 36.6 7685 34.7 11360 51.3 Liberal Party 7981 36.0 9867 44.5 10803 48.7 Greens 1479 6.7 Family First 1833 8.3 Independent 2418 10.9 4611 20.8 Independent 339 1.5 Formal Vote 22163 Informal Vote 801 3.5 Redistribution enrolment 25831 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.9%

Note: See abolished seat details for Fisher.

Hurtle Vale includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Fisher (9355 voters, 8418 last election votes, 90.0% of enrolment) Happy Valley (50%), Reynella East, Woodcroft, Declaration Vote (36%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3675 4488 1926 2992 407 420 2418 % 45.0 55.0 23.6 36.7 5.0 5.1 29.6

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 3552 (43.5%) OTH 4611 (56.5%)

From: Mawson (3917 voters, 3137 last election votes, 80.1% of enrolment) Woodcroft (80%), Woodcroft West, Declaration Vote (16%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1558 1483 1292 1287 211 252 % 51.2 48.8 42.5 42.3 6.9 8.3

From: Mitchell (2503 voters, 2216 last election votes, 88.5% of enrolment) Old Reynella (80%), Declaration Vote (10%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1045 1100 739 776 157 133 339 % 48.7 51.3 34.5 36.2 7.3 6.2 15.8

From: Reynell (10056 voters, 9191 last election votes, 91.4% of enrolment) Hackham, Morphett Vale (25%), Morphett Vale East, Old Reynella, Onkaparinga Hills, Pimpala, Woodcroft West, Declaration Vote (40%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5082 3731 4156 2926 704 1027 % 57.7 42.3 47.2 33.2 8.0 11.7

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Kaurna Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9420 46.6 11950 59.2 11950 59.2 Liberal Party 6378 31.6 8250 40.8 8250 40.8 Greens 1746 8.6 Family First 1520 7.5 Independent 1137 5.6 Formal Vote 20201 Informal Vote 715 3.4 Redistribution enrolment 25147 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 83.2%

Kaurna includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Kaurna (14116 voters, 11503 last election votes, 81.5% of enrolment) Maslin Beach, Old Noarlunga, Port Noarlunga South, Seaford, Seaford East, Seaford Rise, Declaration Vote (55%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6379 4746 4922 3472 976 618 1137 % 57.3 42.7 44.2 31.2 8.8 5.6 10.2

From: Mawson (11031 voters, 9412 last election votes, 85.3% of enrolment) Hackham, Huntfield Heights, Noarlunga Downs, Old Noarlunga, Onkaparinga Hills, Declaration Vote (44%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5571 3505 4498 2906 770 902 % 61.4 38.6 49.6 32.0 8.5 9.9

The following areas have been transferred out of Kaurna 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Mawson (8506 voters, 6752 last election votes, 79.4% of enrolment) Aldinga Beach, Aldinga Beach West, Declaration Vote (33%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3769 2738 2759 1929 735 568 515 % 57.9 42.1 42.4 29.6 11.3 8.7 7.9

To: Reynell (3102 voters, 2824 last election votes, 91.0% of enrolment) Christies Beach, Port Noarlunga, Declaration Vote (12%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1592 1141 1164 831 329 163 247 % 58.3 41.7 42.6 30.4 12.0 6.0 9.0

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

34 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Kavel Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 4361 21.9 6298 31.6 7211 36.2 Liberal Party 10822 54.4 12608 63.4 12689 63.8 Greens 3241 16.3 994 5.0 Family First 1359 6.8 Dignity for Disability 117 0.6 Formal Vote 19900 Informal Vote 576 2.8 Redistribution enrolment 23110 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.6%

Kavel includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bragg (320 voters, 296 last election votes, 92.5% of enrolment) Piccadilly (50%), Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 103 188 61 177 53 % 35.4 64.6 21.0 60.8 18.2

From: Heysen (3144 voters, 2959 last election votes, 94.1% of enrolment) Hahndorf, Mount Barker, Mount Barker South, Declaration Vote (12%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 913 1972 550 1743 474 117 % 31.6 68.4 19.1 60.4 16.4 4.1

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1891 (65.5%) GRN 994 (34.5%)

From: Kavel (19646 voters, 17221 last election votes, 87.7% of enrolment) Brukunga, Charleston, Littlehampton, Mount Barker, Mount Barker Central, Mount Barker South, Nairne, Oakbank, Woodside, Declaration Vote (76%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6196 10529 3750 8902 2714 1359 % 37.0 63.0 22.4 53.2 16.2 8.1

The following areas have been transferred out of Kavel 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Hammond (1465 voters, 1124 last election votes, 76.7% of enrolment) Callington, Harrogate, Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 426 663 273 551 139 126 % 39.1 60.9 25.1 50.6 12.8 11.6

To: Heysen (4 voters, 1 last election votes, 25.0% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 0 1 0 1 0 0 % 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1 (100.0%)

To: Morialta (4707 voters, 4598 last election votes, 97.7% of enrolment) Birdwood, Gumeracha, Lenswood, Lobethal, Mount Torrens, Declaration Vote (18%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1419 3055 823 2650 629 371 % 31.7 68.3 18.4 59.2 14.1 8.3

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 35

King (New seat) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9453 41.1 11500 50.0 11500 50.0 Liberal Party 9542 41.5 11497 50.0 11497 50.0 Greens 1470 6.4 Family First 1921 8.4 Dignity for Disability 272 1.2 Independent 339 1.5 Formal Vote 22997 Informal Vote 899 3.8 Redistribution enrolment 27002 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.5%

Note: See abolished seat details for Napier.

King includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Little Para (11090 voters, 9298 last election votes, 83.8% of enrolment) Elizabeth Vale (25%), Golden Grove, Greenwith West, Hillbank (80%), Salisbury Heights, Salisbury Park, Declaration Vote (41%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 4402 4505 3638 3717 563 717 272 % 49.4 50.6 40.8 41.7 6.3 8.0 3.1

From: Napier (1479 voters, 1206 last election votes, 81.5% of enrolment) One Tree Hill (85%), Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 446 727 335 631 98 110 % 38.0 62.0 28.5 53.7 8.3 9.4

From: Newland (396 voters, 354 last election votes, 89.4% of enrolment) Surrey Downs (14%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 183 160 156 134 22 30 % 53.4 46.6 45.6 39.2 6.4 8.8

From: Wright (14037 voters, 13039 last election votes, 92.9% of enrolment) Golden Grove Central, Golden Grove East, Greenwith, Greenwith West, Salisbury East North, Declaration Vote (55%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6468 6105 5323 5061 787 1064 339 % 51.4 48.6 42.3 40.2 6.3 8.5 2.7

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

36 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Lee Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9517 42.1 11645 51.5 11645 51.5 Liberal Party 9237 40.9 10965 48.5 10965 48.5 Greens 1351 6.0 Family First 877 3.9 Independent 1628 7.2 Formal Vote 22610 Informal Vote 797 3.4 Redistribution enrolment 26164 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 89.5%

Lee includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Cheltenham (2186 voters, 1971 last election votes, 90.2% of enrolment) Royal Park (65%), Royal Park South (65%), Seaton, Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1221 668 1039 538 164 147 % 64.6 35.4 55.0 28.5 8.7 7.8

From: Colton (8225 voters, 7509 last election votes, 91.3% of enrolment) Grange, Seaton Park, Seaton West, Declaration Vote (31%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3937 3351 3408 3032 509 340 % 54.0 46.0 46.8 41.6 7.0 4.7

From: Lee (15753 voters, 13927 last election votes, 88.4% of enrolment) Grange, Royal Park, Royal Park South, Seaton, Seaton West, Semaphore Park, Semaphore Park South, West Lakes Shore, Woodville West, Declaration Vote (58%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6487 6945 5069 5667 679 390 1628 % 48.3 51.7 37.7 42.2 5.1 2.9 12.1

The following areas have been transferred out of Lee 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Port Adelaide (11190 voters, 9930 last election votes, 88.7% of enrolment) Birkenhead, Ethelton, Largs Bay, Largs Bay Central, Semaphore, Semaphore South, Declaration Vote (42%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6044 3520 4350 2546 1116 297 1254 % 63.2 36.8 45.5 26.6 11.7 3.1 13.1

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Light Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9197 46.7 10624 54.0 10624 54.0 Liberal Party 7941 40.4 9051 46.0 9051 46.0 Greens 1149 5.8 Family First 1388 7.1 Formal Vote 19675 Informal Vote 579 2.9 Redistribution enrolment 24660 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 82.1%

Light includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Light (21738 voters, 18055 last election votes, 83.1% of enrolment) Andrews Farm, Evanston, Evanston Gardens, Gawler, Gawler East, Gawler South, Gawler West, Hewett, Smithfield Plains, Willaston, Declaration Vote (82%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 9338 8232 8151 7315 1007 1097 % 53.1 46.9 46.4 41.6 5.7 6.2

From: Napier (2922 voters, 2199 last election votes, 75.3% of enrolment) Munno Para, Munno Para East, Declaration Vote (11%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1286 819 1046 626 142 291 % 61.1 38.9 49.7 29.7 6.7 13.8

The following areas have been transferred out of Light 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Schubert (2603 voters, 2255 last election votes, 86.6% of enrolment) Angle Vale (25%), Roseworthy, Sandy Creek, Wasleys, Declaration Vote (10%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1104 1094 970 975 113 140 % 50.2 49.8 44.1 44.4 5.1 6.4

To: Taylor (2031 voters, 1760 last election votes, 86.7% of enrolment) Angle Vale (75%), Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 892 817 798 720 73 118 % 52.2 47.8 46.7 42.1 4.3 6.9

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38 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

MacKillop Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 3108 14.6 4952 23.3 4952 23.3 Liberal Party 13823 65.0 16304 76.7 16304 76.7 Greens 1215 5.7 Family First 1605 7.6 National Party 2 0.0 Independent 1503 7.1 Formal Vote 21256 Informal Vote 639 2.9 Redistribution enrolment 23478 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 93.3%

MacKillop includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Hammond (124 voters, 38 last election votes, 30.6% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 13 24 9 20 3 3 2 % 35.1 64.9 24.3 54.1 8.1 8.1 5.4

From: MacKillop (23354 voters, 21857 last election votes, 93.6% of enrolment) Beachport, Bordertown, Coonalpyn, Coonawarra, Coorong Mobile, Frances, Furner, Glencoe, Hynam, Kalangadoo, Keith, Kingston, Kybybolite, Lucindale, Meningie, Millicent, Millicent South, Mount Burr, Mundulla, Nangwarry, Naracoorte, Naracoorte South, Padthaway, Penola, Rendelsham, Robe, Southend, Tantanoola, Tintinara, Western Flat, Willalooka, Wolseley, Declaration Vote

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 4939 16280 3099 13803 1212 1602 1503 % 23.3 76.7 14.6 65.1 5.7 7.5 7.1

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 39

Mawson Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 6768 33.0 9401 45.8 9403 45.8 Liberal Party 9126 44.4 11135 55.2 11135 54.2 Greens 2362 11.5 2 0.0 Family First 1764 8.6 Independent 515 2.5 Formal Vote 20535 Informal Vote 616 2.9 Redistribution enrolment 24091 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment – 87.8%

Mawson includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Finniss (8899 voters, 7839 last election votes, 88.1% of enrolment) American River, Cape Jervis, Kingscote, Myponga, Parawa, Parndana, Penneshaw, Second Valley, Sellicks Beach, Yankalilla, Declaration Vote (35%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2767 4842 1760 4151 1008 689 % 36.4 63.6 23.1 54.6 13.2 9.1

From: Heysen (22 voters, 4 last election votes, 18.2% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 2 3 1 2 1 0 % 40.0 60.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 3 (60.0%) GRN 2 (40.0%)

From: Kaurna (8506 voters, 6752 last election votes, 79.4% of enrolment) Aldinga Beach, Aldinga Beach West, Declaration Vote (33%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3769 2738 2759 1929 735 568 515 % 57.9 42.1 42.4 29.6 11.3 8.7 7.9

From: Mawson (6664 voters, 6556 last election votes, 98.4% of enrolment) McLaren Flat, McLaren Vale, Willunga, Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2866 3552 2249 3043 619 507 % 44.7 55.3 35.0 47.4 9.6 7.9

The following areas have been transferred out of Mawson 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Heysen (720 voters, 576 last election votes, 80.0% of enrolment) Woodcroft (20%), Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 289 270 242 235 37 44 % 51.7 48.3 43.4 42.1 6.6 7.9

To: Hurtle Vale (3917 voters, 3137 last election votes, 80.1% of enrolment) Woodcroft (80%), Woodcroft West, Declaration Vote (16%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1558 1483 1292 1287 211 252 % 51.2 48.8 42.5 42.3 6.9 8.3

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40 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

To: Kaurna (11031 voters, 9412 last election votes, 85.3% of enrolment) Hackham, Huntfield Heights, Noarlunga Downs, Old Noarlunga, Onkaparinga Hills, Declaration Vote (44%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5571 3505 4498 2906 770 902 % 61.4 38.6 49.6 32.0 8.5 9.9

To: Reynell (2804 voters, 2480 last election votes, 88.4% of enrolment) Hackham West, Declaration Vote (11%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1675 697 1415 512 203 242 % 70.6 29.4 59.7 21.6 8.6 10.2

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 41

Morialta Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 6496 27.7 8920 38.0 8920 38.0 Liberal Party 13024 55.5 14542 62.0 14542 62.0 Greens 2536 10.8 Family First 1405 6.0 Formal Vote 23461 Informal Vote 695 2.9 Redistribution enrolment 25778 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 93.7%

Morialta includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Bragg (1095 voters, 1111 last election votes, 101.5% of enrolment) Summertown (75%), Uraidla, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN Votes 401 691 242 634 216 % 36.7 63.3 22.2 58.1 19.8

From: Kavel (4707 voters, 4598 last election votes, 97.7% of enrolment) Birdwood, Gumeracha, Lenswood, Lobethal, Mount Torrens, Declaration Vote (18%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1419 3055 823 2650 629 371 % 31.7 68.3 18.4 59.2 14.1 8.3

From: Morialta (18149 voters, 16978 last election votes, 93.5% of enrolment) Athelstone, Athelstone South (50%), Cudlee Creek, Highbury (90%), Montacute, Norton Summit, Paradise East, Rostrevor, Rostrevor South, Declaration Vote (70%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6444 10034 4897 9063 1585 934 % 39.1 60.9 29.7 55.0 9.6 5.7

From: Newland (1827 voters, 1470 last election votes, 80.5% of enrolment) Highbury, Declaration Vote (7%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 656 762 535 677 107 99 % 46.3 53.7 37.7 47.7 7.5 7.0

The following areas have been transferred out of Morialta 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Bragg (9 voters, 2 last election votes, 22.2% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1 1 1 1 0 0 % 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0

To: Hartley (6737 voters, 6006 last election votes, 89.1% of enrolment) Athelstone South (50%), Newton, Paradise, Declaration Vote (26%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2479 3298 2091 2955 376 356 % 42.9 57.1 36.2 51.1 6.5 6.2

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42 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

To: Newland (452 voters, 381 last election votes, 84.3% of enrolment) Paracombe, Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 122 255 76 212 38 50 % 32.4 67.6 20.2 56.4 10.1 13.3

To: Torrens (464 voters, 344 last election votes, 74.1% of enrolment) Highbury (10%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 134 202 103 184 30 18 % 39.9 60.1 30.7 54.9 9.0 5.4

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 43

Morphett Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 7302 32.6 9432 42.2 9432 42.2 Liberal Party 11694 52.3 12940 57.8 12940 57.8 Greens 2241 10.0 Family First 929 4.2 Dignity for Disability 136 0.6 FREE Australia 70 0.3 Formal Vote 22372 Informal Vote 700 3.0 Redistribution enrolment 26122 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.3%

Morphett includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Ashford (6738 voters, 5906 last election votes, 87.7% of enrolment) Camden Park, Novar Gardens, Plympton (50%), Plympton Park (50%), Plympton West, South Plympton (50%), Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 2720 2972 2168 2673 519 261 70 % 47.8 52.2 38.1 47.0 9.1 4.6 1.2

From: Bright (1234 voters, 1064 last election votes, 86.2% of enrolment) Somerton Park, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 459 577 384 534 84 33 % 44.3 55.7 37.1 51.6 8.1 3.2

From: Elder (3045 voters, 2679 last election votes, 88.0% of enrolment) Park Holme, Park Holme South (50%), South Plympton (25%), Declaration Vote (12%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1351 1232 1051 1048 214 134 136 % 52.3 47.7 40.7 40.6 8.3 5.2 5.3

From: Morphett (15105 voters, 13424 last election votes, 88.9% of enrolment) Glenelg (75%), Glenelg East, Glenelg East Central, Glenelg South, Glengowrie, Morphettville, Park Holme, Somerton Park, Declaration Vote (61%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 4903 8159 3698 7439 1424 501 % 37.5 62.5 28.3 57.0 10.9 3.8

The following areas have been transferred out of Morphett

To: Colton (8377 voters, 7321 last election votes, 87.4% of enrolment) Glenelg (25%), Glenelg North, West Beach, Declaration Vote (34%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2658 4497 2085 4161 633 275 % 37.1 62.9 29.1 58.2 8.8 3.8

To: Gibson (1181 voters, 874 last election votes, 74.0% of enrolment) North Brighton West, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 243 614 186 570 69 32 % 28.4 71.6 21.7 66.5 8.1 3.7

Note: Sitting Liberal MP Duncan McFetridge has resigned from the Liberal party and will re-contest as an Independent in 2018.

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

44 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Mount Gambier Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 2338 10.9 6132 28.6 Liberal Party 11100 51.8 12251 57.2 15304 71.4 Greens 1031 4.8 Family First 1095 5.1 Independent 5872 27.4 9185 42.8 Formal Vote 21436 Informal Vote 616 2.8 Redistribution enrolment 24686 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 89.3%

Mount Gambier includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Mount Gambier (24686 voters, 22052 last election votes, 89.3% of enrolment) Carpenter Rocks, Compton, Glenburnie, Kongorong, Moorak, Mount Gambier, Mount Gambier East, Mount Gambier North, Mount Gambier Park, Mount Gambier West, Port MacDonnell, Suttontown, Tarpeena, Yahl, Declaration Vote

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6132 15304 2338 11100 1031 1095 5872 % 28.6 71.4 10.9 51.8 4.8 5.1 27.4

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 12251 (57.2%) OTH 9185 (42.8%) Note: Sitting Liberal MP Troy Bell is no longer a member of the Liberal party and will re-contest as an Independent in 2018.

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 45

Narungga (replaces Goyder) Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 5797 26.5 7172 32.8 7844 35.9 Liberal Party 11693 53.5 13629 62.4 14003 64.1 Greens 636 2.9 Family First 1571 7.2 National Party 388 1.8 Independent 776 3.6 1046 4.8 Independent 987 4.5 Formal Vote 21848 Informal Vote 804 3.5 Redistribution enrolment 24318 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 93.1%

Narungga includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Frome (2325 voters, 2254 last election votes, 96.9% of enrolment) Alford, Bute, Lochiel, Port Broughton, Snowtown, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 672 1535 219 1053 47 113 776 % 30.4 69.6 9.9 47.7 2.1 5.1 35.1

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1161 (52.6%) OTH 1046 (47.4%)

From: Goyder (21993 voters, 20397 last election votes, 92.7% of enrolment) Ardrossan, Arthurton, Coobowie, Corny Point, Curramulka, Dublin, Edithburgh, Hardwicke Bay, Kadina, Maitland, Mallala, Marion Bay, Minlaton, Moonta, Paskeville, Pine Point, Point Pearce Mobile, Port Clinton, Port Victoria, Port Vincent, Port Wakefield, Stansbury, Wallaroo, Wallaroo Mines, Warooka, Yorketown, Declaration Vote (88%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 7172 12468 5578 10640 589 1458 1375 % 36.5 63.5 28.4 54.2 3.0 7.4 7.0

The following areas have been transferred out of Goyder 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Frome (999 voters, 921 last election votes, 92.2% of enrolment) Hamley Bridge, Owen, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 347 533 241 454 67 58 61 % 39.4 60.6 27.4 51.5 7.6 6.6 6.9

To: Schubert (422 voters, 371 last election votes, 87.9% of enrolment) Two Wells (20%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 149 205 116 176 18 24 21 % 42.1 57.9 32.7 49.6 5.1 6.8 5.9

To: Taylor (1619 voters, 1471 last election votes, 90.9% of enrolment) Two Wells (80%), Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 592 814 460 697 70 94 85 % 42.1 57.9 32.7 49.6 5.0 6.7 6.0

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

46 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Newland Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9369 41.0 11371 49.8 11371 49.8 Liberal Party 9859 43.2 11467 50.2 11467 50.2 Greens 1721 7.5 Family First 1888 8.3 Formal Vote 22837 Informal Vote 687 2.9 Redistribution enrolment 25713 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 91.5%

Newland includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Florey (5354 voters, 4405 last election votes, 82.3% of enrolment) Hope Valley North, Modbury (25%), Modbury South, Redwood Park (25%), Ridgehaven, St Agnes West, Declaration Vote (23%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2166 2103 1822 1809 282 357 % 50.7 49.3 42.7 42.4 6.6 8.4

From: Morialta (452 voters, 381 last election votes, 84.3% of enrolment) Paracombe, Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 122 255 76 212 38 50 % 32.4 67.6 20.2 56.4 10.1 13.3

From: Napier (254 voters, 212 last election votes, 83.5% of enrolment) One Tree Hill (15%), Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 78 128 59 111 17 19 % 37.9 62.1 28.6 53.9 8.3 9.2

From: Newland (17545 voters, 16560 last election votes, 94.4% of enrolment) Banksia Park, Fairview Park, Hope Valley, Houghton, Ridgehaven (25%), St Agnes, St Agnes West, Surrey Downs (86%), Tea Tree Gully, Declaration Vote (70%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 8198 7887 6815 6784 1177 1309 % 51.0 49.0 42.4 42.2 7.3 8.1

From: Schubert (1268 voters, 1230 last election votes, 97.0% of enrolment) Forreston, Kersbrook, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 489 698 326 597 160 104 % 41.2 58.8 27.5 50.3 13.5 8.8

From: Torrens (840 voters, 736 last election votes, 87.6% of enrolment) Highbury, Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 317 397 271 347 46 49 % 44.4 55.6 38.0 48.7 6.5 6.9

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The following areas have been transferred out of Newland 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: King (396 voters, 354 last election votes, 89.4% of enrolment) Surrey Downs (14%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 183 160 156 134 22 30 % 53.4 46.6 45.6 39.2 6.4 8.8

To: Morialta (1827 voters, 1470 last election votes, 80.5% of enrolment) Highbury, Declaration Vote (7%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 656 762 535 677 107 99 % 46.3 53.7 37.7 47.7 7.5 7.0

To: Wright (5279 voters, 4473 last election votes, 84.7% of enrolment) Redwood Park, Ridgehaven (75%), Declaration Vote (21%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2359 1953 1968 1674 335 334 % 54.7 45.3 45.7 38.8 7.8 7.7

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48 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Playford Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11171 52.1 13223 61.7 13223 61.7 Liberal Party 6721 31.4 8204 38.3 8204 38.3 Greens 1522 7.1 Family First 2013 9.4 Formal Vote 21427 Informal Vote 882 4.0 Redistribution enrolment 25805 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 86.5%

Playford includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Playford (6783 voters, 5991 last election votes, 88.3% of enrolment) Ingle Farm North (50%), Para Hills East, Para Hills West, Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3713 2017 3076 1685 421 547 % 64.8 35.2 53.7 29.4 7.3 9.5

From: Port Adelaide (12286 voters, 10342 last election votes, 84.2% of enrolment) Mawson Lakes, Mawson Lakes North, Parafield Gardens, Parafield Gardens Central, Parafield Gardens North-West, Declaration Vote (44%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5560 4448 4790 3686 714 818 % 55.6 44.4 47.9 36.8 7.1 8.2

From: Ramsay (6736 voters, 5977 last election votes, 88.7% of enrolment) Parafield Gardens, Parafield Gardens Central, Parafield Gardens North-West (75%), Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3950 1739 3305 1350 387 647 % 69.4 30.6 58.1 23.7 6.8 11.4

The following areas have been transferred out of Playford 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Florey (17004 voters, 15383 last election votes, 90.5% of enrolment) Ingle Farm, Ingle Farm North (50%), Para Vista, Pooraka (90%), Pooraka North, Valley View, Walkley Heights, Declaration Vote (67%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 9248 5494 7820 4587 920 1415 % 62.7 37.3 53.0 31.1 6.2 9.6

To: Port Adelaide (415 voters, 319 last election votes, 76.9% of enrolment) Pooraka (10%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 205 101 174 83 17 31 % 67.0 33.0 57.0 27.2 5.6 10.2

To: Wright (1254 voters, 858 last election votes, 68.4% of enrolment) Gulfview Heights, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 356 476 271 436 69 56 % 42.8 57.2 32.6 52.4 8.3 6.7

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 49

Port Adelaide Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11527 51.0 14472 64.0 14472 64.0 Liberal Party 6292 27.8 8138 36.0 8138 36.0 Greens 2239 9.9 Family First 1298 5.7 Independent 1254 5.5 Formal Vote 22610 Informal Vote 848 3.6 Redistribution enrolment 27452 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 85.5%

Port Adelaide includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Cheltenham (132 voters, 25 last election votes, 18.9% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 15 9 13 7 2 2 % 62.5 37.5 54.2 29.2 8.3 8.3

From: Lee (11190 voters, 9930 last election votes, 88.7% of enrolment) Birkenhead, Ethelton, Largs Bay, Largs Bay Central, Semaphore, Semaphore South, Declaration Vote (42%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6044 3520 4350 2546 1116 297 1254 % 63.2 36.8 45.5 26.6 11.7 3.1 13.1

From: Playford (415 voters, 319 last election votes, 76.9% of enrolment) Pooraka (10%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 205 101 174 83 17 31 % 67.0 33.0 57.0 27.2 5.6 10.2

From: Port Adelaide (15494 voters, 13146 last election votes, 84.8% of enrolment) Largs Bay, Largs Bay Central, Mansfield Park, North Haven, Ottoway, Port Adelaide, Rosewater, Taperoo, Taperoo East, Declaration Vote (56%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 8185 4494 6970 3644 1101 965 % 64.6 35.4 55.0 28.7 8.7 7.6

From: Taylor (221 voters, 39 last election votes, 17.6% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 23 14 19 12 3 4 % 62.2 37.8 50.0 31.6 7.9 10.5

The following areas have been transferred out of Port Adelaide 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Playford (12286 voters, 10342 last election votes, 84.2% of enrolment) Mawson Lakes, Mawson Lakes North, Parafield Gardens, Parafield Gardens Central, Parafield Gardens North-West, Declaration Vote (44%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5560 4448 4790 3686 714 818 % 55.6 44.4 47.9 36.8 7.1 8.2

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50 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Ramsay Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 11940 55.5 14566 67.8 14566 67.8 Liberal Party 5479 25.5 6930 32.2 6930 32.2 Greens 1607 7.5 Family First 2469 11.5 Formal Vote 21495 Informal Vote 1041 4.6 Redistribution enrolment 26317 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 85.6%

Ramsay includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Ramsay (16009 voters, 13109 last election votes, 81.9% of enrolment) Parafield Gardens North-West (25%), Paralowie, Salisbury, Salisbury Central, Salisbury Downs, Salisbury North, Salisbury Park, Declaration Vote (64%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 8555 3921 6971 3092 954 1459 % 68.6 31.4 55.9 24.8 7.6 11.7

From: Taylor (10308 voters, 9429 last election votes, 91.5% of enrolment) Lake Windemere (50%), Parafield Gardens North-West, Paralowie, Paralowie West, Salisbury North, Declaration Vote (40%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6011 3009 4969 2388 652 1010 % 66.6 33.4 55.1 26.5 7.2 11.2

The following areas have been transferred out of Ramsay 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Playford (6736 voters, 5977 last election votes, 88.7% of enrolment) Parafield Gardens, Parafield Gardens Central, Parafield Gardens North-West (75%), Declaration Vote (27%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3950 1739 3305 1350 387 647 % 69.4 30.6 58.1 23.7 6.8 11.4

To: Wright (2271 voters, 2057 last election votes, 90.6% of enrolment) Brahma Lodge, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1238 698 1007 546 143 241 % 63.9 36.1 52.0 28.2 7.4 12.4

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Reynell Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9891 49.1 12243 60.8 12243 60.8 Liberal Party 5949 29.5 7908 39.2 7908 39.2 Greens 1768 8.8 Family First 1833 9.1 Independent 710 3.5 Formal Vote 20151 Informal Vote 904 4.3 Redistribution enrolment 24398 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 86.3%

Reynell includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Kaurna (3102 voters, 2824 last election votes, 91.0% of enrolment) Christies Beach, Port Noarlunga, Declaration Vote (12%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1592 1141 1164 831 329 163 247 % 58.3 41.7 42.6 30.4 12.0 6.0 9.0

From: Mawson (2804 voters, 2480 last election votes, 88.4% of enrolment) Hackham West, Declaration Vote (11%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1675 697 1415 512 203 242 % 70.6 29.4 59.7 21.6 8.6 10.2

From: Mitchell (3476 voters, 2976 last election votes, 85.6% of enrolment) Old Reynella (20%), Reynella, Declaration Vote (14%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1452 1405 1029 997 206 163 464 % 50.8 49.2 36.0 34.9 7.2 5.7 16.2

From: Reynell (15016 voters, 12775 last election votes, 85.1% of enrolment) Christie Downs, Christie Downs East, Christies Beach, Christies Beach North, Lonsdale, Morphett Vale (75%), Morphett Vale North, O'Sullivan Beach, Reynella, Declaration Vote (60%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 7523 4664 6284 3608 1031 1265 % 61.7 38.3 51.6 29.6 8.5 10.4

The following areas have been transferred out of Reynell 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Hurtle Vale (10056 voters, 9191 last election votes, 91.4% of enrolment) Hackham, Morphett Vale (25%), Morphett Vale East, Old Reynella, Onkaparinga Hills, Pimpala, Woodcroft West, Declaration Vote (40%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5082 3731 4156 2926 704 1027 % 57.7 42.3 47.2 33.2 8.0 11.7

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

52 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Schubert Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 5941 26.7 8397 37.7 8397 37.7 Liberal Party 11646 52.3 13887 62.3 13887 62.3 Greens 2092 9.4 Family First 2584 11.6 National Party 5 0.0 Independent 17 0.1 Formal Vote 22285 Informal Vote 681 3.0 Redistribution enrolment 25301 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 90.8%

Schubert includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Goyder (422 voters, 371 last election votes, 87.9% of enrolment) Two Wells (20%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 149 205 116 176 18 24 21 % 42.1 57.9 32.7 49.6 5.1 6.8 5.9

From: Light (2603 voters, 2255 last election votes, 86.6% of enrolment) Angle Vale (25%), Roseworthy, Sandy Creek, Wasleys, Declaration Vote (10%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1104 1094 970 975 113 140 % 50.2 49.8 44.1 44.4 5.1 6.4

From: Schubert (19981 voters, 18487 last election votes, 92.5% of enrolment) Angaston, Eden Valley, Freeling, Greenock, Keyneton, Lyndoch, Moculta, Mount Pleasant, Nuriootpa, Sandy Creek, Springton, Stockwell, Tanunda, Williamstown, Declaration Vote (81%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6214 11737 4096 9765 1834 2256 % 34.6 65.4 22.8 54.4 10.2 12.6

From: Stuart (129 voters, 37 last election votes, 28.7% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 11 26 9 24 2 2 % 29.7 70.3 24.3 64.9 5.4 5.4

From: Taylor (2166 voters, 1816 last election votes, 83.8% of enrolment) Angle Vale (20%), Two Wells, Virginia (20%), Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 919 825 750 707 125 162 % 52.7 47.3 43.0 40.5 7.2 9.3

The following areas have been transferred out of Schubert 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Chaffey (254 voters, 209 last election votes, 82.3% of enrolment) Sedan, Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 77 126 49 113 19 23 % 37.9 62.1 24.0 55.4 9.3 11.3

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To: Hammond (3281 voters, 2806 last election votes, 85.5% of enrolment) Cambrai, Mannum, Palmer, Walker Flat, Declaration Vote (13%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1019 1674 710 1447 206 330 % 37.8 62.2 26.4 53.7 7.6 12.3

To: Newland (1268 voters, 1230 last election votes, 97.0% of enrolment) Forreston, Kersbrook, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 489 698 326 597 160 104 % 41.2 58.8 27.5 50.3 13.5 8.8

To: Stuart (6 voters, 1 last election votes, 16.7% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 0 1 0 1 0 0 % 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1 (100.0%)

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54 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Stuart Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 4863 23.1 5877 27.9 6310 29.9 Liberal Party 13537 64.2 14505 68.8 14765 70.1 Greens 1013 4.8 Family First 1076 5.1 Independent 585 2.8 692 3.3 Formal Vote 21074 Informal Vote 541 2.5 Redistribution enrolment 23594 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 91.6%

Stuart includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Frome (1135 voters, 1117 last election votes, 98.4% of enrolment) Gladstone, Laura, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 432 660 74 378 25 31 585 % 39.6 60.4 6.8 34.6 2.3 2.8 53.5

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 400 (36.6%) OTH 692 (63.4%)

From: Schubert (6 voters, 1 last election votes, 16.7% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 0 1 0 1 0 0 % 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 1 (100.0%)

From: Stuart (22453 voters, 20497 last election votes, 91.3% of enrolment) Barrier Highway Mobile, Booborowie, Booleroo Centre, Burra, Eudunda, Far North 1 Mobile, Farrell Flat, Hallett, Jamestown, Kapunda, Leigh Creek, Melrose, Orroroo, Peterborough, Point Pass, Port Augusta, Port Augusta Central, Port Augusta West, Port Germein, Robertstown, Spalding, Stirling North, Terowie, Truro, Willsden, Wilmington, Wirrabara, Declaration Vote (95%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5877 14104 4789 13159 989 1045 % 29.4 70.6 24.0 65.9 4.9 5.2

The following areas have been transferred out of Stuart 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Chaffey (1036 voters, 1036 last election votes, 100.0% of enrolment) Blanchetown, Cadell, Morgan, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 320 683 253 625 45 80 % 31.9 68.1 25.2 62.3 4.5 8.0

To: Schubert (129 voters, 37 last election votes, 28.7% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 11 26 9 24 2 2 % 29.7 70.3 24.3 64.9 5.4 5.4

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 55

Taylor Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 10020 47.9 12241 58.5 12241 58.5 Liberal Party 6730 32.2 8673 41.5 8673 41.5 Greens 1494 7.1 Family First 2496 11.9 Dignity for Disability 90 0.4 National Party 19 0.1 Independent 66 0.3 Formal Vote 20915 Informal Vote 940 4.3 Redistribution enrolment 26628 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 82.1%

Taylor includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Goyder (1619 voters, 1471 last election votes, 90.9% of enrolment) Two Wells (80%), Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 592 814 460 697 70 94 85 % 42.1 57.9 32.7 49.6 5.0 6.7 6.0

From: Light (2031 voters, 1760 last election votes, 86.7% of enrolment) Angle Vale (75%), Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 892 817 798 720 73 118 % 52.2 47.8 46.7 42.1 4.3 6.9

From: Little Para (2343 voters, 1968 last election votes, 84.0% of enrolment) Elizabeth North, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1171 696 905 496 164 212 90 % 62.7 37.3 48.5 26.6 8.8 11.4 4.8

From: Napier (7334 voters, 6022 last election votes, 82.1% of enrolment) Davoren Park, Elizabeth North, Smithfield, Smithfield Plains, Declaration Vote (28%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3610 2101 2879 1369 521 941 % 63.2 36.8 50.4 24.0 9.1 16.5

From: Taylor (13301 voters, 10633 last election votes, 79.9% of enrolment) Andrews Farm, Angle Vale (80%), Burton, Davoren Park, Lake Windemere (50%), Smithfield Plains, Virginia (80%), Declaration Vote (51%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5976 4245 4977 3447 666 1131 % 58.5 41.5 48.7 33.7 6.5 11.1

The following areas have been transferred out of Taylor 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Port Adelaide (221 voters, 39 last election votes, 17.6% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 23 14 19 12 3 4 % 62.2 37.8 50.0 31.6 7.9 10.5

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56 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

To: Ramsay (10308 voters, 9429 last election votes, 91.5% of enrolment) Lake Windemere (50%), Parafield Gardens North-West, Paralowie, Paralowie West, Salisbury North, Declaration Vote (40%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6011 3009 4969 2388 652 1010 % 66.6 33.4 55.1 26.5 7.2 11.2

To: Schubert (2166 voters, 1816 last election votes, 83.8% of enrolment) Angle Vale (20%), Two Wells, Virginia (20%), Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 919 825 750 707 125 162 % 52.7 47.3 43.0 40.5 7.2 9.3

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Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 57

Torrens Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 9007 42.6 11105 52.5 11105 52.5 Liberal Party 8654 40.9 10060 47.5 10060 47.5 Greens 1986 9.4 Family First 1408 6.7 Dignity for Disability 89 0.4 Independent 22 0.1 Formal Vote 21166 Informal Vote 740 3.4 Redistribution enrolment 25000 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 87.6%

Torrens includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Dunstan (2780 voters, 2615 last election votes, 94.1% of enrolment) Klemzig, Vale Park, Declaration Vote (11%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 1125 1433 909 1339 221 89 % 44.0 56.0 35.5 52.3 8.6 3.5

From: Enfield (972 voters, 780 last election votes, 80.2% of enrolment) Broadview (10%), Hampstead Gardens, Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 352 408 289 342 63 44 22 % 46.3 53.7 38.0 45.0 8.3 5.8 2.9

From: Florey (1789 voters, 1645 last election votes, 92.0% of enrolment) Gilles Plains, Declaration Vote (8%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 931 646 767 528 147 136 % 59.0 41.0 48.6 33.5 9.3 8.6

From: Morialta (464 voters, 344 last election votes, 74.1% of enrolment) Highbury (10%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 134 202 103 184 30 18 % 39.9 60.1 30.7 54.9 9.0 5.4

From: Torrens (18995 voters, 16520 last election votes, 87.0% of enrolment) Dernancourt, Gilles Plains, Greenacres, Greenacres North, Hampstead Gardens, Hillcrest, Holden Hill, Klemzig, Northgate (25%), Windsor Gardens East, Windsor Gardens West, Declaration Vote (75%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 8563 7370 6939 6260 1525 1210 % 53.7 46.3 43.5 39.3 9.6 7.6

The following areas have been transferred out of Torrens 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Enfield (5380 voters, 3945 last election votes, 73.3% of enrolment) Northfield, Northgate (75%), Declaration Vote (21%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2081 1748 1754 1504 277 293 % 54.3 45.7 45.8 39.3 7.2 7.7

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58 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

To: Newland (840 voters, 736 last election votes, 87.6% of enrolment) Highbury, Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 317 397 271 347 46 49 % 44.4 55.6 38.0 48.7 6.5 6.9

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017 59

Unley Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 6877 29.7 9508 41.1 9508 41.1 Liberal Party 12724 55.0 13645 58.9 13645 58.9 Greens 2668 11.5 Family First 19 0.1 Dignity for Disability 854 3.7 FREE Australia 11 0.0 Formal Vote 23153 Informal Vote 438 1.9 Redistribution enrolment 26316 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 89.6%

Unley includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Ashford (1222 voters, 1106 last election votes, 90.5% of enrolment) Clarence Park (25%), Goodwood (50%), Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 627 450 448 412 187 19 11 % 58.2 41.8 41.6 38.3 17.4 1.8 1.0

From: Unley (25094 voters, 22485 last election votes, 89.6% of enrolment) Fullarton, Glenunga, Goodwood, Millswood, Myrtle Bank, Parkside, Unley, Unley Park, Unley South, Wayville, Declaration Vote

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 8881 13195 6429 12312 2481 854 % 40.2 59.8 29.1 55.8 11.2 3.9

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

60 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Waite Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 6200 26.1 9158 38.5 9490 39.9 Liberal Party 12644 53.2 14248 60.0 14274 60.1 Greens 3705 15.6 318 1.3 Family First 894 3.8 Dignity for Disability 294 1.2 Independent 26 0.1 40 0.2 Formal Vote 23763 Informal Vote 497 2.0 Redistribution enrolment 26837 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 90.4%

Waite includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Davenport (14547 voters, 13282 last election votes, 91.3% of enrolment) Belair, Blackwood, Blackwood Central, Coromandel Valley, Eden Hills, Flagstaff Hill East (25%), Hawthorndene, Declaration Vote (57%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 5657 7345 3688 6397 2322 596 % 43.5 56.5 28.4 49.2 17.9 4.6

From: Fisher (304 voters, 69 last election votes, 22.7% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 29 39 12 24 3 3 26 % 42.6 57.4 17.6 35.3 4.4 4.4 38.2

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 28 (41.2%) OTH 40 (58.8%)

From: Heysen (960 voters, 816 last election votes, 85.0% of enrolment) Stirling West (25%), Upper Sturt (25%), Declaration Vote (4%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN OTH Votes 303 498 157 441 167 37 % 37.8 62.2 19.6 55.0 20.8 4.6

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 484 (60.3%) GRN 318 (39.7%)

From: Waite (11026 voters, 10094 last election votes, 91.5% of enrolment) Belair, Kingswood, Mitcham, Netherby, Declaration Vote (43%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3501 6392 2344 5782 1213 295 258 % 35.4 64.6 23.7 58.5 12.3 3.0 2.6

The following areas have been transferred out of Waite 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Bragg (33 voters, 7 last election votes, 21.2% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (0%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3 4 2 4 1 0 0 % 42.9 57.1 28.6 57.1 14.3 0.0 0.0

To: Elder (14463 voters, 13457 last election votes, 93.0% of enrolment) Clapham, Colonel Light Gardens South, Daw Park, Hawthorn, Pasadena, St Marys, Westbourne Park, Declaration Vote (57%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 5373 7710 3893 6799 1425 572 394 % 41.1 58.9 29.8 52.0 10.9 4.4 3.0

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West Torrens Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 10777 50.6 13277 62.3 13277 62.3 Liberal Party 7129 33.4 8036 37.7 8036 37.7 Greens 2480 11.6 Family First 928 4.4 Formal Vote 21314 Informal Vote 729 3.3 Redistribution enrolment 25531 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 86.3%

West Torrens includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Croydon (5108 voters, 4614 last election votes, 90.3% of enrolment) Allenby Gardens (50%), Flinders Park, West Hindmarsh (50%), Declaration Vote (20%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2700 1753 2271 1542 421 218 % 60.6 39.4 51.0 34.6 9.5 4.9

From: West Torrens (20423 voters, 17428 last election votes, 85.3% of enrolment) Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Park South, Cowandilla, Lockleys North, Mile End, Netley (50%), Richmond, Torrensville, West Richmond, Declaration Vote (82%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 10578 6283 8505 5587 2058 710 % 62.7 37.3 50.4 33.1 12.2 4.2

The following areas have been transferred out of West Torrens 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Badcoe (3899 voters, 3660 last election votes, 93.9% of enrolment) Kurralta Park, Netley (50%), Plympton, Plympton West, Declaration Vote (16%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1928 1597 1583 1418 351 173 % 54.7 45.3 44.9 40.2 10.0 4.9

To: Colton (696 voters, 529 last election votes, 76.0% of enrolment) Lockleys, Declaration Vote (3%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 213 305 174 288 46 10 % 41.1 58.9 33.6 55.6 8.9 1.9

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2016 South Australian Redistribution

62 Antony Green – ABC Election Unit – November 2017

Wright Redistributed Totals First Preference 2-Candidate 2-Party Preferred Party Votes % Votes % Votes %

Labor Party 10277 44.7 12487 54.3 12487 54.3 Liberal Party 8781 38.2 10506 45.7 10506 45.7 Greens 1648 7.2 Family First 1928 8.4 Independent 358 1.6 Formal Vote 22992 Informal Vote 912 3.8 Redistribution enrolment 27100 Transferred votes as a percentage of redistribution enrolment - 88.2%

Wright includes transfers from the following old districts 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

From: Florey (6660 voters, 6135 last election votes, 92.1% of enrolment) Modbury Heights, Para Hills East (50%), Redwood Park (75%), Wynn Vale West, Declaration Vote (28%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3034 2888 2514 2504 447 457 % 51.2 48.8 42.5 42.3 7.5 7.7

From: Newland (5279 voters, 4473 last election votes, 84.7% of enrolment) Redwood Park, Ridgehaven (75%), Declaration Vote (21%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 2359 1953 1968 1674 335 334 % 54.7 45.3 45.7 38.8 7.8 7.7

From: Playford (1254 voters, 858 last election votes, 68.4% of enrolment) Gulfview Heights, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 356 476 271 436 69 56 % 42.8 57.2 32.6 52.4 8.3 6.7

From: Ramsay (2271 voters, 2057 last election votes, 90.6% of enrolment) Brahma Lodge, Declaration Vote (9%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1238 698 1007 546 143 241 % 63.9 36.1 52.0 28.2 7.4 12.4

From: Wright (11636 voters, 10381 last election votes, 89.2% of enrolment) Gulfview Heights, Salisbury East, Salisbury East South, Wynn Vale, Wynn Vale West, Declaration Vote (45%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 5500 4491 4517 3621 654 840 358 % 55.0 45.0 45.2 36.2 6.5 8.4 3.6

The following areas have been transferred out of Wright 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: King (14037 voters, 13039 last election votes, 92.9% of enrolment) Golden Grove Central, Golden Grove East, Greenwith, Greenwith West, Salisbury East North, Declaration Vote (55%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 6468 6105 5323 5061 787 1064 339 % 51.4 48.6 42.3 40.2 6.3 8.5 2.7

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Abolished Electorates

Bright (Abolished)

The following areas have been transferred out of Bright 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Black (14617 voters, 13396 last election votes, 91.6% of enrolment) Hallett Cove, Hallett Cove East, Hallett Cove South, Marino, Seacliff, Declaration Vote (58%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6274 6806 5171 6135 1201 573 % 48.0 52.0 39.5 46.9 9.2 4.4

To: Gibson (9243 voters, 8233 last election votes, 89.1% of enrolment) Brighton, North Brighton, North Brighton West, South Brighton, Declaration Vote (37%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3640 4448 2935 4113 795 245 % 45.0 55.0 36.3 50.9 9.8 3.0

To: Morphett (1234 voters, 1064 last election votes, 86.2% of enrolment) Somerton Park, Declaration Vote (5%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 459 577 384 534 84 33 % 44.3 55.7 37.1 51.6 8.1 3.2

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Fisher (Abolished)

The following areas have been transferred out of Fisher 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Black (1716 voters, 1698 last election votes, 99.0% of enrolment) Happy Valley West (50%), Declaration Vote (7%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 774 883 365 546 92 57 597 % 46.7 53.3 22.0 33.0 5.6 3.4 36.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 637 (38.4%) OTH 1020 (61.6%)

To: Davenport (14320 voters, 13461 last election votes, 94.0% of enrolment) Aberfoyle Park, Aberfoyle Park Central, Aberfoyle Park North, Aberfoyle Park South, Cherry Gardens, Clarendon (40%), Happy Valley (50%), Happy Valley West (50%), Declaration Vote (55%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 5437 7748 1838 4518 582 444 5803 % 41.2 58.8 13.9 34.3 4.4 3.4 44.0

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 5153 (39.1%) OTH 8032 (60.9%)

To: Heysen (490 voters, 439 last election votes, 89.6% of enrolment) Clarendon (60%), Declaration Vote (2%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 136 295 34 171 27 13 186 % 31.6 68.4 7.9 39.7 6.3 3.0 43.2

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 186 (43.2%) OTH 245 (56.8%)

To: Hurtle Vale (9355 voters, 8418 last election votes, 90.0% of enrolment) Happy Valley (50%), Reynella East, Woodcroft, Declaration Vote (36%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3675 4488 1926 2992 407 420 2418 % 45.0 55.0 23.6 36.7 5.0 5.1 29.6

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 3552 (43.5%) OTH 4611 (56.5%)

To: Waite (304 voters, 69 last election votes, 22.7% of enrolment) Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 29 39 12 24 3 3 26 % 42.6 57.4 17.6 35.3 4.4 4.4 38.2

2-Candidate Preferred: LIB 28 (41.2%) OTH 40 (58.8%)

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Mitchell (Abolished)

The following areas have been transferred out of Mitchell 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Black (10752 voters, 9874 last election votes, 91.8% of enrolment) Seacombe Heights (35%), Seaview Downs, Sheidow Park, Sheidow Park South, Declaration Vote (43%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 4557 5027 3095 3629 552 439 1868 % 47.5 52.5 32.3 37.9 5.8 4.6 19.5

To: Gibson (8526 voters, 7461 last election votes, 87.5% of enrolment) Oaklands Park, Seacombe Heights (65%), Sturt, Warradale, Declaration Vote (34%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 3605 3626 2448 2590 560 300 1333 % 49.9 50.1 33.9 35.8 7.7 4.1 18.4

To: Hurtle Vale (2503 voters, 2216 last election votes, 88.5% of enrolment) Old Reynella (80%), Declaration Vote (10%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1045 1100 739 776 157 133 339 % 48.7 51.3 34.5 36.2 7.3 6.2 15.8

To: Reynell (3476 voters, 2976 last election votes, 85.6% of enrolment) Old Reynella (20%), Reynella, Declaration Vote (14%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP OTH Votes 1452 1405 1029 997 206 163 464 % 50.8 49.2 36.0 34.9 7.2 5.7 16.2

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Napier (Abolished)

The following areas have been transferred out of Napier 2-PARTY PREFERRED PRIMARY VOTES

To: Elizabeth (14035 voters, 11625 last election votes, 82.8% of enrolment) Craigmore, Craigmore North, Craigmore South, Elizabeth Downs, Declaration Vote (54%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 6610 4552 5374 3463 944 1382 % 59.2 40.8 48.1 31.0 8.5 12.4

To: King (1479 voters, 1206 last election votes, 81.5% of enrolment) One Tree Hill (85%), Declaration Vote (6%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 446 727 335 631 98 110 % 38.0 62.0 28.5 53.7 8.3 9.4

To: Light (2922 voters, 2199 last election votes, 75.3% of enrolment) Munno Para, Munno Para East, Declaration Vote (11%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 1286 819 1046 626 142 291 % 61.1 38.9 49.7 29.7 6.7 13.8

To: Newland (254 voters, 212 last election votes, 83.5% of enrolment) One Tree Hill (15%), Declaration Vote (1%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 78 128 59 111 17 19 % 37.9 62.1 28.6 53.9 8.3 9.2

To: Taylor (7334 voters, 6022 last election votes, 82.1% of enrolment) Davoren Park, Elizabeth North, Smithfield, Smithfield Plains, Declaration Vote (28%)

Labor L/NP ALP LIB GRN FFP Votes 3610 2101 2879 1369 521 941 % 63.2 36.8 50.4 24.0 9.1 16.5

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TRANSFERS OF OLD DISTRICT ENROLMENTS Old Electorate Electors Transferred to

Adelaide Adelaide 23988 (93.6%) Enfield 1640 (6.4%)

Ashford Badcoe 14997 (60.4%) Morphett 6738 (27.1%) Elder 1872 (7.5%) Unley 1222 (4.9%)

Bragg Bragg 19977 (79.5%) Dunstan 2186 (8.7%) Heysen 1566 (6.2%) Morialta 1095 (4.4%) Kavel 320 (1.3%)

Bright Black 14617 (58.2%) Gibson 9243 (36.8%) Morphett 1234 (4.9%)

Chaffey Chaffey 22268 (90.4%) Hammond 2368 (9.6%)

Cheltenham Cheltenham 23116 (87.1%) Lee 2186 (8.2%) Croydon 1107 (4.2%) Port Adelaide 132 (0.5%)

Colton Colton 18197 (68.9%) Lee 8225 (31.1%)

Croydon Croydon 17681 (70.6%) West Torrens 5108 (20.4%) Cheltenham 2259 (9.0%)

Davenport Waite 14547 (57.3%) Davenport 10423 (41.1%) Black 401 (1.6%)

Dunstan Dunstan 19943 (79.5%) Torrens 2780 (11.1%) Bragg 2364 (9.4%)

Elder Elder 9590 (38.5%) Gibson 6599 (26.5%) Badcoe 5664 (22.7%) Morphett 3045 (12.2%)

Enfield Enfield 17583 (71.6%) Croydon 5374 (21.9%) Torrens 972 (4.0%) Adelaide 632 (2.6%)

Finniss Finniss 16187 (63.9%) Mawson 8899 (35.1%) Heysen 255 (1.0%)

Fisher Davenport 14320 (54.7%) Hurtle Vale 9355 (35.7%) Black 1716 (6.6%) Heysen 490 (1.9%) Waite 304 (1.2%)

Flinders Flinders 22738 (96.1%) Giles 930 (3.9%)

Florey Florey 9690 (41.2%) Wright 6660 (28.3%) Newland 5354 (22.8%) Torrens 1789 (7.6%)

Frome Frome 22102 (86.5%) Narungga 2325 (9.1%) Stuart 1135 (4.4%)

Giles Giles 22555 (100.0%)

Goyder Narungga 21993 (87.9%) Taylor 1619 (6.5%) Frome 999 (4.0%) Schubert 422 (1.7%)

Hammond Hammond 17473 (71.5%) Finniss 6826 (27.9%) MacKillop 124 (0.5%)

Hartley Hartley 17746 (72.7%) Bragg 3461 (14.2%) Dunstan 3188 (13.1%)

Heysen Heysen 21609 (83.3%) Kavel 3144 (12.1%) Waite 960 (3.7%) Finniss 176 (0.7%) Mawson 22 (0.1%) Hammond 15 (0.1%)

Kaurna Kaurna 14116 (54.9%) Mawson 8506 (33.1%) Reynell 3102 (12.1%)

Kavel Kavel 19646 (76.1%) Morialta 4707 (18.2%) Hammond 1465 (5.7%) Heysen 4 (0.0%)

Lee Lee 15753 (58.5%) Port Adelaide 11190 (41.5%)

Light Light 21738 (82.4%) Schubert 2603 (9.9%) Taylor 2031 (7.7%)

Little Para Elizabeth 13632 (50.4%) King 11090 (41.0%) Taylor 2343 (8.7%)

MacKillop MacKillop 23354 (100.0%)

Mawson Kaurna 11031 (43.9%) Mawson 6664 (26.5%) Hurtle Vale 3917 (15.6%) Reynell 2804 (11.2%) Heysen 720 (2.9%)

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Mitchell Black 10752 (42.6%) Gibson 8526 (33.8%) Reynell 3476 (13.8%) Hurtle Vale 2503 (9.9%)

Morialta Morialta 18149 (70.3%) Hartley 6737 (26.1%) Torrens 464 (1.8%) Newland 452 (1.8%) Bragg 9 (0.0%)

Morphett Morphett 15105 (61.2%) Colton 8377 (34.0%) Gibson 1181 (4.8%)

Mount Gambier Mount Gambier 24686 (100.0%)

Napier Elizabeth 14035 (53.9%) Taylor 7334 (28.2%) Light 2922 (11.2%) King 1479 (5.7%) Newland 254 (1.0%)

Newland Newland 17545 (70.0%) Wright 5279 (21.1%) Morialta 1827 (7.3%) King 396 (1.6%)

Playford Florey 17004 (66.8%) Playford 6783 (26.6%) Wright 1254 (4.9%) Port Adelaide 415 (1.6%)

Port Adelaide Port Adelaide 15494 (55.8%) Playford 12286 (44.2%)

Ramsay Ramsay 16009 (64.0%) Playford 6736 (26.9%) Wright 2271 (9.1%)

Reynell Reynell 15016 (59.9%) Hurtle Vale 10056 (40.1%)

Schubert Schubert 19981 (80.6%) Hammond 3281 (13.2%) Newland 1268 (5.1%) Chaffey 254 (1.0%) Stuart 6 (0.0%)

Stuart Stuart 22453 (95.1%) Chaffey 1036 (4.4%) Schubert 129 (0.5%)

Taylor Taylor 13301 (51.2%) Ramsay 10308 (39.7%) Schubert 2166 (8.3%) Port Adelaide 221 (0.9%)

Torrens Torrens 18995 (75.3%) Enfield 5380 (21.3%) Newland 840 (3.3%)

Unley Unley 25094 (100.0%)

Waite Elder 14463 (56.7%) Waite 11026 (43.2%) Bragg 33 (0.1%)

West Torrens West Torrens 20423 (81.6%) Badcoe 3899 (15.6%) Colton 696 (2.8%)

Wright King 14037 (54.7%) Wright 11636 (45.3%)

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Electoral 2PP Votes 2PP Percent District Labor Liberal Labor Liberal Swing

Adelaide 10313 11341 47.6 52.4 1.8 to Labor Ashford 11247 10427 51.9 48.1 1.3 to Labor Bragg 7171 15711 31.3 68.7 1.5 to Labor Bright 10375 11829 46.7 53.3 3.7 to Liberal Chaffey 5447 16454 24.9 75.1 3.3 to Labor Cheltenham 13993 7782 64.3 35.7 1.8 to Liberal Colton 11938 11262 51.5 48.5 2.2 to Liberal Croydon 14156 6386 68.9 31.1 3.5 to Labor Davenport 9513 13192 41.9 58.1 2.8 to Labor Dunstan 10292 11656 46.9 53.1 1.7 to Labor Elder 10945 10168 51.8 48.2 0.1 to Liberal Enfield 11550 8327 58.1 41.9 0.9 to Liberal Finniss 7998 14086 36.2 63.8 2.6 to Liberal Fisher ** 10049 13456 42.8 57.2 6.5 to Liberal Flinders 4340 16480 20.8 79.2 3.0 to Liberal Florey 10755 9739 52.5 47.5 1.1 to Liberal Frome ** 8974 13917 39.2 60.8 9.1 to Liberal Giles 10877 8195 57.0 43.0 4.9 to Liberal Goyder 8259 14022 37.1 62.9 2.8 to Labor Hammond 7363 13444 35.4 64.6 3.1 to Labor Hartley 10183 11217 47.6 52.4 2.6 to Liberal Heysen ** 8394 14620 36.5 63.5 3.0 to Labor Kaurna 11740 8624 57.7 42.3 1.2 to Liberal Kavel 8031 14258 36.0 64.0 1.8 to Labor Lee 12530 10466 54.5 45.5 3.2 to Liberal Light 11334 10144 52.8 47.2 (No swing) Little Para 12573 9338 57.4 42.6 3.9 to Liberal MacKillop 4939 16280 23.3 76.7 2.0 to Liberal Mawson 11925 9540 55.6 44.4 1.0 to Labor Mitchell 10656 11161 48.8 51.2 3.6 to Liberal Morialta 9178 13793 40.0 60.0 7.3 to Liberal Morphett 7809 13264 37.1 62.9 2.4 to Liberal Mount Gambier ** 6132 15304 28.6 71.4 5.9 to Liberal Napier 12024 8334 59.1 40.9 7.1 to Liberal Newland 11394 10763 51.4 48.6 1.2 to Liberal Playford 13533 8076 62.6 37.4 2.0 to Liberal Port Adelaide 13745 8943 60.6 39.4 2.1 to Liberal Ramsay 13742 6359 68.4 31.6 0.5 to Labor Reynell 12600 8401 60.0 40.0 0.5 to Liberal Schubert 7799 14237 35.4 64.6 3.2 to Labor Stuart 6208 14812 29.5 70.5 12.8 to Liberal Taylor 12940 8082 61.6 38.4 1.0 to Liberal Torrens 10958 9517 53.5 46.5 4.7 to Liberal Unley 8881 13195 40.2 59.8 2.2 to Labor Waite 8877 14106 38.6 61.4 0.7 to Labor West Torrens 12716 8188 60.8 39.2 (No swing) Wright 11965 10599 53.0 47.0 1.8 to Liberal

Total 478361 539495 47.0 53.0 1.4 to Liberal

** - electorates did not finish as a two-part contest in 2014. Swings calculated compared to pre-2014 election margins calculated by the author, not the EDBC’s estimates. Pre-2014 estimated margins are shown in the pendulum on page 70.

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2014 South Australian Election - Pre-Election Pendulum

Electorate Margin Electorate Margin

Labor (26) Ramsay 17.8% Napier 16.1% Cheltenham 16.0% Croydon 15.5% Playford 14.7% Port Adelaide 12.7% Taylor 12.6% Giles 11.9% Little Para 11.3% West Torrens 10.8% Reynell 10.5% Enfield 9.0% Kaurna 8.8% Torrens 8.2% Lee 7.6% Wright 4.9% Mawson 4.5% Florey 3.6% Colton 3.6% Light 2.8% Newland 2.6% Mitchell 2.4% Elder 2.0% Ashford 0.6% Bright 0.5% Hartley 0.1%

Liberal (18) Chaffey 28.4% Flinders 26.2% MacKillop 24.7% Bragg 20.1% Schubert 17.8% Hammond 17.7% Heysen 16.5% Kavel 15.8% Mount Gambier (IND held) 15.5% Goyder 15.7% Waite 12.1% Unley 12.0% Finniss 11.2% Davenport 10.9% Morphett 10.6% Stuart 7.6% Dunstan 4.8% Adelaide 4.2% Morialta 2.8% Frome (IND held) 1.7% Fisher (IND held) 0.7% Others (3) Fisher (v LIB) 17.4% Frome (v LIB) 6.7% Mount Gambier (v LIB) 0.5%

All 47 districts are listed in order of descending Labor or Liberal two-party preferred margin. The three Independent-held seats are shown bottom right with their two-candidate preferred margins, but also highlighted with alternative Liberal two-party preferred margins under Liberal seats.

Note that the EDBC estimated that Bright became an ultra-marginal Liberal seat as a result of the 2012 redistribution, but the author’s estimate indicated the seat was still narrowly held by Labor.

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2014 South Australian Election - Post-Election Pendulum

Electoral Margin Electorate Margin

Labor (23) Croydon 19.0 Ramsay 18.5 Cheltenham 14.4 Playford 12.7 Taylor 11.7 West Torrens 10.9 Port Adelaide 10.7 Reynell 10.1 Napier 9.2 Enfield 8.2 Kaurna 7.8 Little Para 7.5 Giles 7.1 Mawson 5.7 Lee 4.6 Torrens 3.6 Wright 3.1 Light 2.9 Florey 2.6 Ashford 2.0 Elder 1.9 Colton 1.6 Newland 1.5

Liberal (22) Flinders 29.3 MacKillop 26.8 Chaffey 25.2 Mount Gambier 21.5 Stuart 20.6 Bragg 18.8 Schubert 14.7 Hammond 14.7 Kavel 14.1 Flinders 13.9 Heysen 13.6 Morphett 13.0 Goyder 13.0 Waite 11.5 From (IND held) 10.9 Morialta 10.1 Unley 9.9 Davenport 8.2 Fisher (IND held) 7.3 Bright 3.4 Dunstan 3.2 Adelaide 2.5 Hartley 2.5 Mitchell 1.3 Independent (2) Frome Fisher

All 47 districts are listed in order of descending Labor or Liberal two-party preferred margin. The Independent-held seats of Frome and Fisher are shown bottom right with their two-candidate preferred margins, but also highlighted with alternative Liberal two-party preferred margins under Liberal seats. Underlining indicates seats that changed party status at the 2015 election.

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APPENDIX – DETAILS OF CALCULATIONS AND METHODOLOGY To calculate the political impact of the new electoral boundaries, polling place level results from the 2014 election have been accumulated by party and re-assigned to match the new electoral boundaries. The following notes explain the assumptions and calculations used in producing this publication. Candidate versus Party vote An assumption has been made that votes are cast for party rather than candidate. This is a reasonable assumption, but ignores the impact of popular sitting members. For instance, a well-known sitting member for a political party may have a significant personal vote which means their vote is higher than the party vote in neighbouring districts. Personal votes are not reflected in calculations based on party vote, which means calculations can mix-out the impact of a popular sitting member when polling places are moved to a new district. Database of Election Results The results of the 2014 South Australian election have been stored in a database, including primary votes by candidate for each polling place. The database also includes the SA Electoral Commission’s actual two-party preferred results by polling place, and a two-candidate preferred result where appropriate. Four districts at the 2014 election did not finish as two-party preferred contests with final candidates representing the Labor and Liberal Parties. These seats were Fisher, Frome and Mount Gambier (Independent versus Liberal) and Heysen (Liberal versus Green). Liberal versus Green two-candidate preferred polling place figures for Heysen have been estimated based on the distribution of preferences. Transferring Polling Places to New Electorates The Electoral Districts Boundaries Commission published tables of enrolment transfers from old to new districts. A summary of the transfers from old to new districts can be found on page 67, while the transfers into new districts are included in the full district listing. New and old district maps, as well as the addresses of 2014 polling places, have been used in conjunction with the enrolment transfers to determine how many 2014 votes should be transferred. In some cases polling places have been split, decisions made based on the maps and the enrolment. Similar decisions have also been made concerning external joint polling places. Dealing with Declaration Votes All Declaration votes (Absent, Postal, Pre-Poll votes) are published by the SA Electoral Commission as a single total. The total declaration vote has been transferred from old to new districts in proportion to the transfer of enrolment between districts. The party proportions of the declaration vote have been weighted to reflect the party vote by booth in the areas transferred. For instance, the abolished district of Napier produced transfers to five new districts. These transfers were at widely different levels of party support. The declaration vote transferred to the new districts has been weighted to reflect the results in polling places transferred. By-Elections and Changes in Party Membership All calculations are based 2014 results. The results of by-elections have been ignored. Where appropriate, reference is made to by-elections, as well as reference to sitting members who have resigned from their party and will contest the 2018 election as Independents.