2016 winter spring newsletterpccwebsite.com/ocoin/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/...reports, two...

1 State Update OCMA’s Board, Officers and Staff have been extremely busy the first part of 2016 as the Legislature and State Regulators have been working on a number of issues with YOUR state associa,on to ensure the con,nued viability of offerings by Ohio coin machine entertainment industry. First, as you know, with the passage of HB 64 last year, it gave the Ohio Casino Control Commission (CCC) addi,onal authority to reg- ulate, license and inves,gate “games of skill”. During the last decade, with the addi,on of skill games, casinos, racinos, charity raffle devices, instant ,ckets for chari,es, etc Ohio’s law enforcement communi- ty was very confused. However, with the passage of HB 64 and other statues, it seems that many local and state law enforcement agencies are becoming more ac,ve in enforcing Ohio’s gaming laws (see sepa- rate story below. Please make sure you con,nue to follow Ohio’s laws and contact the OCMA office if you have ques,ons. The CCC is in the process of dra;ing administra,ve regula,ons to regulate games of skill. OCMA has been interac,ng with the CC and believe we are all working toward regula,ons that will ensure the con,nued economical opera,on of the various forms of equipment that you operate in various loca,ons. Even though the process is taking longer than an,cipated, we are confident that they are trying to cra; regula- ,ons that are fair and comprehensive. The main point is that licensing is on the way and OCMA is work- ing on your behalf each day and that we urge you to con,nue to operate games of skill within the law so there will not be any issues when applying for CCC licenses. Electronic raffle devices (primarily operated in fraternal and veteran clubs), remain influenced by the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) granted in a lawsuit in Franklin County almost two years ago remains in affect against the Department of Public Safety and the A>orney General. The TRO has created an op- portunity for several organiza,ons to operate electronic raffle devices throughout Ohio, the largest of which is the Ohio Veterans & Fraternals Charitable Coali,on (OVFCC) which filed and received the TRO. Raffles are statutorily permi>ed in Ohio but the ques,on raised by the court case is whether electronic raffles are legal in Ohio. Since we are approaching the second anniversary of the TRO, we believe there may be a reply by the court soon. OCMA’s Jukebox Sales Tax Issue is currently being addressed and we hope to be able to report soon that we have been successful in addressing this extremely unfair and fiscally damaging employment provision. We want to thank all of you that have contributed your “Assessment” in your annual dues. We are using these funds very cau,ously in order for us to help us “cross the finish line”. For more informa,on on any of the above topics, please don’t hesitate to contact the OCMA office. Winter/Spring 2016 614/784-9772 3757 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, OH 43214-3753

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Page 1: 2016 Winter Spring Newsletterpccwebsite.com/ocoin/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/...reports, two manufacturer panels, Jukebox License Office report, operator panels on gaming, leagues,


State Update OCMA’s Board, Officers and Staff have been extremely busy the first part of 2016 as the Legislature and

State Regulators have been working on a number of issues with YOUR state associa,on to ensure the

con,nued viability of offerings by Ohio coin machine entertainment industry. First, as you know, with the

passage of HB 64 last year, it gave the Ohio Casino Control Commission (CCC) addi,onal authority to reg-

ulate, license and inves,gate “games of skill”. During the last decade, with the addi,on of skill games,

casinos, racinos, charity raffle devices, instant ,ckets for chari,es, etc Ohio’s law enforcement communi-

ty was very confused. However, with the passage of HB 64 and other statues, it seems that many local

and state law enforcement agencies are becoming more ac,ve in enforcing Ohio’s gaming laws (see sepa-

rate story below. Please make sure you con,nue to follow Ohio’s laws and contact the OCMA office if

you have ques,ons.

The CCC is in the process of dra;ing administra,ve regula,ons to regulate games of skill. OCMA has been

interac,ng with the CC and believe we are all working toward regula,ons that will ensure the con,nued

economical opera,on of the various forms of equipment that you operate in various loca,ons. Even

though the process is taking longer than an,cipated, we are confident that they are trying to cra; regula-

,ons that are fair and comprehensive. The main point is that licensing is on the way and OCMA is work-

ing on your behalf each day and that we urge you to con,nue to operate games of skill within the law so

there will not be any issues when applying for CCC licenses.

Electronic raffle devices (primarily operated in fraternal and veteran clubs), remain influenced by the

Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) granted in a lawsuit in Franklin County almost two years ago remains

in affect against the Department of Public Safety and the A>orney General. The TRO has created an op-

portunity for several organiza,ons to operate electronic raffle devices throughout Ohio, the largest of

which is the Ohio Veterans & Fraternals Charitable Coali,on (OVFCC) which filed and received the TRO.

Raffles are statutorily permi>ed in Ohio but the ques,on raised by the court case is whether electronic

raffles are legal in Ohio. Since we are approaching the second anniversary of the TRO, we believe there

may be a reply by the court soon.

OCMA’s Jukebox Sales Tax Issue is currently being addressed and we hope to be able to report soon that

we have been successful in addressing this extremely unfair and fiscally damaging employment provision.

We want to thank all of you that have contributed your “Assessment” in your annual dues. We are using

these funds very cau,ously in order for us to help us “cross the finish line”.

For more informa,on on any of the above topics, please don’t hesitate to contact the OCMA office.

Winter/Spring 2016 614/784-9772

3757 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, OH 43214-3753

Page 2: 2016 Winter Spring Newsletterpccwebsite.com/ocoin/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/...reports, two manufacturer panels, Jukebox License Office report, operator panels on gaming, leagues,


2016 Membership Roll of Honor

The following OCMA members have paid their 2016 membership dues and have been placed on the

2016 Membership Roll of Honor:

Associated Vending Steve Robinson, Cincinna,

Automa�c Music & Vending Sal Lazuka, Concord

B & B Music Evan & Greg Brown, Cleveland

B J Novelty Jeff Reed, Covington, KY

Banilla Games, Inc. Brooks Lee, Greenville, NC

Bell Music Company, Inc. David A. George, Akron

Bremer Vending Jim & John Bremer, Toledo

Bristol Bay Management Bre> Leslie

Cadillac Music Corp. James Comella, Cleveland

City Amusement Enterprise

Richard & Patrick Webb, Portsmouth

Clearly The Best Coin-OP Chris DeSarro, East Liverpool

Elum Music Company Phillip & George Elum, Massillon

H & B Music (D & D Darts), Bud Dunlap, Jewe>

R L Hull & Sons, Inc. Bob Hull, Mt. Vernon

Jay Gee Specialists, LLC Leah Bonny, Bellbrook

J & S Electronics Mike & Jason Musser

L & P Vending Larry Parsons, Lancaster

Lorain Music Mike Zappa, Crestline

M & G Services, Inc. Michael Saadeh, Brookfield

Metropolitan Vending John Iafelice, Cleveland

Modern Music & Games, Inc. Lee Edmison, Hinkley

Nexgen Vending Brent Clark, Moraine

Ohio Vending Machine Roy Fankhauser

Pace-O-Ma�c Michael Pace, Norcross, GA

Pioneer Vending

Bill Westerhaus/Luke Adams, Cincinna,

Priority Vending, Joe Abraham, Cleveland

Remember, if your 2016 Membership Dues are not

paid in full prior to the Dart and Pool Tournaments

Your teams will NOT be permi>ed to par,cipate.

Primero Games, LLC Lauren Fabbri, Duluth, GA

Sco4’s Viending Sco> McClain, Lakeview

Shaffer Amusement Kerry Shaffer, Dayton

Shaffer Distribu�ng, Inc. Sco> Shaffer, Columbus

Shaffer Entertainment Andy Shaffer, Columbus

Stebelton Music & Vending

Rodney Stebelton, Lancaster

Telu Enterprises Stacey Kimrey, Charlo>e NC

WT Games Sco> Carpenter, Portage

Walter Music & Vending Co., Inc. Walter Lazuka, Mentor

A big thank you goes out to the following firms

who have paid their 2016 Jukebox Assessment:

Associated Vending, Automa�c Music, B & B

Music, BJ Novelty, Bell Music, Bremer Vending,

Cadillac Music, City Amusement, Elum Music, RL

Hull & Sons, L & P Vending, Lorain Music, M & G

Services. Metropolitan Vending, Modern Music,

Nextgen Vending, Ohio Vending, Pioneer Vend-

ing, Priority Vending, Sco4’s Vending, Shaffer

Amusement, Shaffer Entertainment,

Stebelton Music, Thomas Vending, and W T

Games, and Walter Music.

Does OCMA have your correct e-mail?

In order to take advantage of the miracles of technology in the 21st Century, please let us know your e-mail address. Just e-mail it to [email protected]. You don’t want to miss any important communications from your association!

Page 3: 2016 Winter Spring Newsletterpccwebsite.com/ocoin/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/...reports, two manufacturer panels, Jukebox License Office report, operator panels on gaming, leagues,


Casino Control Commission Announces Gambling Violation Plea Deal

The Ohio Casino Control Commission announced a plea deal with the owner of a Pickaway County skilled

games establishment. Stephen Cline, the owner and operator of Spinners Skill Stop Games near Cir-

cleville, pleaded guilty to one felony count each of money laundering and opera,ng an illegal casino.

The commission said that it launched an inves,ga,on a;er receiving a complaint that Spinners was pay-

ing out cash in viola,on of Ohio law. Gaming agents and representa,ves of the Pickaway County Sher-

iff’s Office and the Bureau of Criminal Inves,ga,on seized $94,000 in cash and 140 machines in April


“Ohio law is clear about the paying out of cash prizes, and the commission will con,nue to hold account-

able anyone who conducts illegal gaming in Ohio,” said Ma>hew Schuler, execu,ve director of the Ohio

Casino Control Commission. “This case is one example of our ongoing vigilance to maintain the integrity

of gaming in Ohio, and we appreciate the assistance we received from the Pickaway County prosecutor

and sheriff’s offices as well .


Annual Meeting Of

Council of Affiliated States

AMOA’s annual mee,ng of the Council of Affiliated States was held in San Antonio January 28-30. A

total of sixty a>endees from 24 states were in a>endance. OCMA was represented by OCMA Execu,ve

Director Judith Mar,n.

The informa,on packed agenda included a legisla,ve update from John Russell of Dentons,

Legisla,ve Counsel for both AMOA and AAMA. Mr. Russell reported the industry was successful in

gePng Sec,on 179 deduc,on made permanent. This deduc,on allows business to immediately deduct

up to $500,000 of the cost of qualifying asset acquisi,ons. It was part of the 2008 s,mulus package but

its future was always uncertain. This means that businesses can expense equipment purchases right

away instead of having to depreciate the cost over a number of years. Also on the program were state

reports, two manufacturer panels, Jukebox License Office report, operator panels on gaming, leagues,

state tournaments and promo,ons. Also included was a management session for state associa,on

execs only.

On another note AMOA Execu,ve VP Jack Kelleher announced he would be transi,oning to a part ,me

role and Lori Schneider, Deputy Director would become the Execu,ve Vice President effec,ve October 1.

A>endees agreed this was one of the best and most informa,ve mee,ngs the Council has held.

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OCMA Scholarship Program Honors Two Students

Scholarships are awarded annually on a non-discriminatory basis accord-ing to the following criteria: 1) Academic quality of student; 2) leadership ability; 3) finan-cial need; 4) is applicant working in the industry and 5) is applicant a family member of someone working in the industry? For those who are new to the scholarship program, you should know that the OCMA - Paul A. Corey Scholarship Fund is a non-profit corporation, established under Ohio Law and officially recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Charitable Educational Foundation, and can accept personal and corporate donations. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

*Since the incep�on of the Scholarship Award program in

1997, OCMA has presented $500 scholarships to 44 deserving

young individuals.*

**Attached is an OCMA Scholarship Application. Remember, Applications are due no later than April 30th.

Date Set for OCMA Annual Meeting

Mark your calendar NOW for OCMA’s 41st Annual Meeting and Baseball Game!

June 8 is the date for OCMA’s Annual Meeting, Pool and Dart Charterholder meetings and Clippers Baseball game. The meetings will be held in the Bullpen Suite at Clippers Stadium, 330 Huntington Park Ln., Columbus, OH 43215. The Charterholder meetings will begin at 11 AM and will run concurrently with the Annual Meeting, following will be the 1 PM Game and Luncheon. Complete details and registration forms will be sent out shortly, so watch for all this important information. In the meantime, reserve the date and plan to join your colleagues for an informative and fun filled day at Clippers Stadium!

See you in Columbus on June 8th!


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2016 Tournaments Set

The 2016 Dart Tournament will be held at the Canton Civic Center April 1-3. We are

expec,ng approximately 1200 darters to compete at this, our 27th

Annual State Dart Championship Tournament.

Friday will feature the Open Singles, Ladies Singles, Open D division & Lower; Ladies A & Lower, Open Mas-

ters A, B & C and Ladies Masters. Saturday play will begin at 9AM with Mixed Doubles , Masters A-D, 301

Open Team A-E, 501 Masters and 301 Ladies Team Masters A-D. Sunday will feature 501 Open Doubles,

Masters A-D Divisions 501 or 301 Ladies Doubles and Masters A-C


Deadline for e-mailing spreadsheets was February 29th.


SINGLES TOURNAMENT IS BACK! The 35th Annual OCMA Pool Tournament will be held at the Canton Civic Center

April 28-May 1 for regular tournament play. We are expec,ng approximately 1800


For the first ,me in more than a-decade we will be holding a Singles Tournament. This event will take place

on Thursday, April 28. Open “A” Play will begin at 9AM. Ladies “A” begins at 11 AM. Open “AA” and

Ladies “AA” will begin at noon.

Team tournament play will begin Friday at the usual ,mes.

Team Registra,on Forms have been mailed. Deadline for submission is April 8th.

If you have not sent in your paperwork and fees for the tournaments do so TODAY.


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What is Cyber Liability Insurance? Do You Need It?

What is a Cyber Policy? -A Cyber liability policy provided first and third party coverage for damages when private, personal and financial information is compromised due to a data breach orNetwork intru-sion. While exact wording and terms vary, typically the first party insuring agreements consist of:

- Incident Event Management: provides a timely response to a security failure or private breach, paying for the costs of services to assist in managing the cyber incident. - Regulatory Defense: responds when the insured is named in a lawsuit for failure To protect information is the insured’s care. -Business Interruption and Extra Expense: responds to lost income and continuing arising out of a cyber incident for the time the insured is unable to continue operations. -Network Extortion: responds to a credible cyber threat from an outsider attempting To extort money, security, or other valuables. -Digital Assets: provides payment for the cost to restore damaged or destroyed data, software, and hardware. Typically the third party insuring agreements consist of: -Privacy Liability: Coverage for failing to property maintain confidential information. -Network Security Liability: Coverage for failing to prevent transmission of malicious code. -Internet Media Liability: Coverage for infringement of copyright, defamation, violations of rights of privacy, and plagiarisms arising out of a cyber claim. Why Do Business Need Cyber Liability Insurance? There is a gap in traditional insurance coverage when it comes to information protection from a network security breach. While a good first line of de-fense, IT Departments can no longer be the sole source of defending against cyber risk. Today compa-nies are dependent on technology and network downtime is more costly than ever, directly impacting the bottom line. The reputational and financial damage caused by an incident from a compromise of your data or your client’s data can impact a company for many years to come. State and federal laws are also currently being drafted to address cyber issues and the associated penalties for non-compliance. Having a cyber insurance policy may allow you to react more quickly. Your carrier will have pre-negotiated rates and vendor relationships for PR, Legal and Notification services available to handle your claim when it comes in. More companies are also starting to require their vendors to purchase minimum limits for cyber liability prior to awarding business. As technology evolves so do cyber criminals’ methods to allow them to find new ways to steal personal, medical, or financial information. With the use of cloud computing and mobile technology, a lost or stolen laptop, iPad, or smart phone is a potentially costly security breach. Other situations to consider: Acci-dental employee actions can expose client or internal data; Disgruntled employees can act maliciously and their activities may go undetected for long periods of time; Improper disposal or theft of paper docu-ments containing sensitive information can result in cyber claim; Your vendors can cause errors; Third party access to data creates another opportunity for information to be compromised.

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Official Publication of the Ohio Coin Machine Association

Executive Committee

Michael Zappa President

Patrick Webb Vice President

Jason Musser Secretary

Rodney Stebelton Treasurer

David A. George Board Chair


James Bremer Phillip Elum

James Comella Dewey Laughlin

Luke Adams Kerry Shaffer

Patrick Webb

Staff David Corey Execu,ve Vice President

Judith Mar,n Execu,ve Director

Kimberly Corey Administra,ve Assistant


3757 Indianola Ave. Columbus, OH 43214-3753

614/784-9772 * FAX 614/784-9771

E-mail [email protected]

Web site www.the-ocma.org

Jukebox License Office

All JLO licensees pay the same amount for se-

curing one jukebox license, but on the second

and all subsequent licenses purchased by an

AMOA operator, a substan�al discount kicks in.

For 2016 the fee on the first license is $477. On

the second and all jukeboxes purchased there-

aJer next year, a non-AMOA operator member

pays $110, while AMOA members pay only $81,

a savings of $29 per jukebox.

To qualify for this discount, jukebox operators

must first renew their 2016 AMOA member-

ships and provide JLO with their AMOA provid-

ed ID numbers.

For more details on the JLO licensing fee struc-

ture, including a rate calculator to do the math,

go to www.amoa.com /benefit-jukebox-
