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Page 1: · 2018-09-05 · PSSA calendar 6 Set subjects and inspirations ... COM Wall of Fame 23 BOKSBURG CAMERA CLUB



Photo by Marie Botha







August 2018

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Publisher: Boksburg Camera Club

Editor: Annemi Taljaard

Cover photo: Marie Botha

Index From the chairman 2 About Boksburg Camera Club 4 Club Events and Birthdays 6 PSSA calendar 6 Set subjects and inspirations 7 Pygmy Photography 26 Bulletin board 30 Members list 31 BCC Service Desk 32 PSSA feature 34 Committee 2017 35 Features: On the road 9 Editing, retouching, post processing, post production- What is the difference? 12 Winners: Salon results 16 August cell phone winners 17 August e-photography winners 18 COM Wall of Fame 23

BOKSBURG CAMERA CLUB Visit our website: Photo‐Vault‐Online‐Entries BANKING DETAILS: First National Bank Sunward Park Branch: 201209 Current account no: 62482721406

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From the chairman

Get inspired! Inspirational photography quotes are great for three reasons. First, they sound good, providing us motivation to pursue our craft.

Second, you know they're words of wisdom because people don't quote other people who aren't particularly good at something! In other words, these motivational quotes are words who belong to some of the best photographers to ever live. Lastly, these photography quotes serve as inspiration, and sometimes they can pull you out of creative ruts when you least expect it. Here is the go-to list of photography quotes. Check it whenever you feel like you need an old man whispering in your ear, telling you what to do. Happy reading! “Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.” Ansel Adams By crops Mr. Adams means an entire year's work, of course. Some digital kids might mistake it for something else. “Taking pictures is savouring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” ― Marc Riboud Talk about living photography to the max. “You don't take a photograph, you make it.” ― Ansel Adams It's not all about capturing things. Sometimes you have to make stuff happen on your own.

“For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” ― Henri Cartier-Bresson Emphasize the word "instrument”. “Photography is an itch that won’t go away. No matter how much you scratch it.” — Dara McGrath I know many will understand this. “The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.” — Andy Warhol I know this is a rather too famous quote, but its meaning is timeless, regardless of how many people with no real interest in photography share it. “One doesn’t stop seeing. One doesn’t stop framing. It doesn’t turn off and on. It’s on all the time.” — Annie Leibovitz Photography is not a job, it's a lifestyle. Leibovitz knows best. "Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst". –Henri Cartier-Bresson Of course, this was written in a time when 10,000 photos meant a lot. Add another 0 to bring it up to date. “Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times… I just shoot at what interests me at that moment. –Elliott Erwitt Need I say more?

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''If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough ''. Robert Capa Robert Capa was never afraid of getting too close. Eventually it led to his end, but it also made him a legend. '' The more you photograph, the more you realize what can and what can’t be photographed. You just have to keep doing it. ''Eliot Porter It's a thing of personal development, but you'll get it eventually. " Which of the photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. " Imogen Cunningham Cunningham probably knew he was never going to feel content with his work as long as he could still create. "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding still. " Dorothea Lange One of the few things that has remained unchanged throughout the history of photography is its unique ability to freeze time. "Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take pictures. " Helmut Newton The world would be a much better place if more photographers were this humble. "Don't pack up your camera until you've left the location.” Joe McNally Always be prepared because unique opportunities won't wait for you to take your camera out. "Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships. ~Ansel Adams" Some photographers will be shocked to find out that editing techniques are a lot older than Photoshop "“All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice.” – Elliott Erwitt "Good eyes" will take you far in this line of work, in case you haven't already noticed that

"When people ask me what equipment I use – I tell them my eyes.” – Anonymous This is the only anonymous quote on the list and it’s here because it carries a lot of weight "I guess I’ve shot about 40,000 negatives and of these I have about 800 pictures I like.” – Harry Callahan That's one good example of the ratio between how much you must shoot to get good stuff. Keep on getting inspired by the accomplished greats in photography, and keep those shutters clicking!

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About Boksburg Camera Club

Here is a summary of what you can expect to

see at our club meetings and hopefully it will

explain some of the frequently asked

questions that we get at the club. Should

you have any further queries please do not

hesitate to speak to one of our committee


Opening of the Meeting:

Either the Chairman or the secretary will

open the meeting and discuss the latest

happenings and upcoming events.

The judge will then be introduced, and

he/she will present a short lecture with

examples of his/her own photos when

applicable. After this judging of images will

start. The points will be given as “Bronze,

Silver, Gold or COM”. The judge will also

give you feedback on how your photos can

be improved to obtain higher points in

future, where necessary. We will also break

for “supper” – please feel free to join us

after which judging will continue.


STAR: This indicates the level that the club

member is on. (For example – you will start

as a One Star worker).

AWARD: Our judge for the evening will call

out one of the following awards: “Bronze,

Silver, Gold or COM – Certificate of Merit.

Each award has a specified point associated

with the award.

SALON: A salon is a photographic

competition that members can enter. This

competition is sometimes held by other

clubs or is a national or international

competition. At these competitions, you can

win medals etc.

Our Club Levels or Star Ratings:

When you join our club, you start with a One

Star Rating. After you have been awarded a

certain amount of points you move up to the

next level or rating. You are required to

have a certain amount of points and gold

awards to move to the next star rating. Our

ratings are from One to Five Star Masters.

More details will be given to you on

enrolment as you will receive a copy of the

club rules.

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CERTIFICATE OF MERIT (COM): is the highest

award = 5 points

GOLD AWARD: 3 points

SILVER AWARD: 2 points


Set Subject for the Month:

There is a set subject competition that is held each month. The subject is a different topic each month and each member can enter one entry as an e- photograph. The judge will pick a winning photo from the 1 - 3-star workers and one winner from the 4 – 5-star workers. The extra points will be added to your grading sheets.

Photography Winners:

Once all the photos have been displayed a winner will be selected by the judge for each star rating. We send the winning photos to the Boksburg Advertiser for publication if they have space before publication. The winning images will also be published in the club’s newsletter, Shutternews


Members are given Certificates for their GOLD, COM and winning photos which will be emailed to you. The Boksburg Camera Club committee members will be more than willing to help you should you have any further queries. We are all like-minded people who have a love and passion for photography. This is a wonderful forum to be able to meet new people and to share your talents with people that want to learn.

Our Website

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Club Events and Birthdays


11- Jackie Du Plessis 12- Club evening 18- Noma Matsiliza 26- Frans Grotius 29- Marievale Outing Deon Mostert


3- Silvi-Mari Herman

4- Jacques Taljaard

10- Club Evening

16- Madleyn Labuschagne

23-Johannes Vorster


28- Annemi Taljaard

31- Hennie Bestbier

Please be on the watch for more exciting outings and workshop

PSSA Salon Calendar

8/9/18- Rustenburg PDI Salon

22/9/18- Western Cape Photographic forum PDI Salon

9/10/18- 3rd Camera Obscura International Circuit

13/10/18- Kroonstad PDI Salon

27/10/18- 14th PSSA Up and Coming Competition

27/10/18- 6th Swartland Fotografieklub Salon 2018 PDI and Prints

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Set subjects for 2018 January- Shapes/Abstract

February- Humour

March- Low Key

April- Minimalism

May- Landscapes with Human element

June- Kitchen utensils

July- Night scapes

August- Leading lines

September- Commercial

October- Framing

November- Trophy evening January2018- Contrasting colours

Set subject Definition and inspiration for

September: Commercial

The purpose of commercial photography is to sell or promote a certain item, place or


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Inspiration for September: Commercial

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On the road

Marie and Johan Botha

On December 7th, 2017 we embarked on an adventure of a lifetime when 4 vehicles left Boksburg for

Angola. Three days later we met up with the rest of our convoy as well as our guide, Martin le Roux, at


The border crossing into Angola took more than 3 hours. Patience! We crossed a historical Bailey Bridge,

also called the Bridge of War, that was erected by S.A. soldiers. (photo 1) All along the way you could still

see remnants of the Bush War. We stopped at a military camp where saw the Mine Wolf that was used to

sweep for landmines. (photo2) As there is no Caravan Parks or camping facilities in Angola we bush

camped every night. In Cahama we visited a Cuban Gravesite and a Cuban Monument opened by Fidel

Castro after the war. Cahama played a big role in die Bush War. We then visited an old Army base where

T64 and T62 tanks as well as lots more Russian tanks were just left. This is now a playground for the local

children. (photo 3) We also paid a visit to the Cuban HQ and here we could climb down into the

underground bunkers built by the Cubans. (photo 4)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Our next stop was Lubango. On the outskirts of Lubango we visited an “Anorthosite” mine. (photo 5) A

course grained Crystalline rock. We stopped at a Cucashop (shebeen) for an ice-cold Angolan beer. (photo

6) That night we slept high on the cliffs overlooking the Leba Pass. (photo 7) There was no fuel in Lubango,

so we drove down the Leba Pass and headed for the coast and the town of Namibe where we got fuel only

after the third garage and a long wait in the queue. (photo 8) From Namibe all the fuel is distributed to the

whole of Angola.

5. 6. 7.


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From Namibe we drove north all along the coast to Luanda. We saw beautiful cliffs and sandstone

formations along the beach. We stopped at Dombe Grande, an oasis in the desert, and got to fill our water

cans with sweet fresh water. (photo9). We drove on through lush green forests of Baobab trees and made

camp in the middle of road still under construction to be awakened by bulldozers. We crossed the Kwanza

River (the only tollgate in Angola) into Luanda where we visited their Military museum. They have a display

cabinet for Wynand du Toit, the South African that was held captive after the war ended. Our next stop

was 30 km north of Luanda at Barra do Dande. Again, we slept high on the cliffs overlooking a ships

graveyard. (photo10&11) With the independence of Angola the Portuguese were given 48 hours to leave

Angola. Most of the boat owners could not get diesel for their boats and decided to drive into the sea and

then turn around to make up speed and then to beach their boats. The boats that had diesel then picked

up the crew of the beached boats. They reckon there must be about 57 boats. From here we turned South

again and crossed the Lucala River to see the Calandula Falls. (photo 12) This is the 2ndbiggest waterfall in

Africa. Vic Falls is the biggest. Our next stop was Huamba where we visited the bombed house of Dr. Jonas

Savimbi. (photo 13) On our way south we slept in a ploughed mealie field and were awakened by the

farmer coming to work the lands with his team of oxen. (photo 14)

9. 10. 11.

12. 13. 14.

Back in Lubango we paid a visit to the Christo Rei looking out over the City. (photo15) This is a replica of

the Statue of Christ overlooking Lisbon in Portugal. Still low in fuel we were rationed to only 50 litre fuel

per vehicle. We drove down the Leba Pass again back to Namibe and prayed that we would get fuel or else

we would not be able to continue our trip and could be stuck for days. Prayers were answered, and we left

for Tombua, the last stop to fill up with fuel and fresh water before we entered the Iona National Park. We

made camp in the desert and the next morning we entered the Park on our way to the notorious Death

Acre. (photos16&17) This is an extremely hazardous stretch of beach driving between the ocean on your

right and the high dunes on your left and can only be driven from north to south and at low tide and if you

get it wrong you are stuck and nowhere to go. This road is approximately 170 km long and ends at the

mouth of the Cunene River mouth. The last stretch of the road widens up nicely, so we got to play in the

dunes. (photo 18)

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15. 16. 17.


The last stretch was a 240km route through the Angolan side of Kaokoland and it took us two and a half

days to drive to Ruacana where we all said our goodbyes, and everybody went their separate ways.

We left for Kaokoland in Namibia and the dry (or so we thought) river beds in search of the desert


We got stuck in a muddy riverbed and never saw the elephants. (photo 19)


Angola is a Beautiful country with very friendly people and well worth a visit, but not without a guide. Our

biggest problems was the language, they only speak Portuguese, the driving on the wrong side of the road

and the potholes!!!

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In digital world of photography editing, post production, retouching, or simply post-

processing appertain to work that is done on the images after they have been captured by

the camera. We have gathered information about the photo editing terms and their


In digital world of photography editing, post production, retouching, or simply post-

processing appertain to work that is done on the images after they have been captured by

the camera. Nowadays there are many ways to make your photo look extraordinary and

suit all modern requirements. Image editing programs such as Photoshop CC, PixIr or Acorn

often offer basic automatic image enhancement features as correcting colour and

brightness, red eye removal, sharpness adjustments, and zoom features.

Image editors also have a possibility to create new components of the photo. These

changes can be artfully made using painting tools, eraser tools and drawing tools.

Professional photographers often use human powered online photo editing service. We

have gathered information about photo editing terms and their difference not to be

confused creating order.


Many people mixed up image retouching terms saying that they have the same meaning.

But it is not true. Photo editing is the process of correcting an original photo to create a

masterpiece. Many dictionaries describe the word `editing` as revising or adapting of

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photos for publication or presentation. It does make sense; we often use it not only for

fixing family photos but also for publications in magazines, newspapers or advertising.

First and utmost it is selecting images to be edited. When you deal with this kind of picture

changing, you can assume the next measures: simple light or colour adjustment,

sharpening, removing stray hairs, changing the background, removing an object

accidentally left on set, adding an item into the picture, getting rid of zits, editing model`s

size or even use photo restoration services if it's needed. Without doubts, these touch ups

are necessary to be used for each photo.

It should be said that image file editing depends on the post-processing editor. There are

enough techniques in one of the greatest industry editing leaders, Adobe Photoshop, in

which photographers can retouch their pictures completely in different variations. Also,

there is a huge list of filters, plug-ins which can also be added to the original software



When we are talking about retouching, sometimes called airbrushing, it is easy to become

confused about its meaning. Initially, people said it being used only for film making,

secondary, they called it the function that was not for digital work on a photo.

Nevertheless, this term describes the process of enhancing an image. According to

retouching functions we can name removing suddenly appeared face of the stranger and

other things and manipulation, moving the object `physically`, using filtering or blur, taking

care of red eye or other photos post processing technics.

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Many glorious advertising and model agencies use retouching methods to work over

obvious imperfections and flaws of the face and body, to correct the skin, pores, and

blemishes like pimples and scars. Even the fashion representatives, although gorgeous,

have their flaws as well. One more prominent feature of this process is the fact that some

photo re-touchers may also make a photograph subject look slimmer. This may exist on

certain parts of the face or body, such as the chin or legs, or it may be required on a

subject`s entire body. Retouching is harder and more difficult to make than editing, it is

most likely to be used in creating arty-crafty pictures.

Post Processing VS Post Production

These terms are absolute synonyms. At the same time, they can be interchangeable. Post-

processing implies darkroom-like activities on the image. This would include sharpening,

cross-processing, etc. Minimal post processing should be present on each digital image. It

works with everything from simple whole-image adjustments to detailed per-pixel touch-up

work. Especially when you shoot RAW, make it a rule using post production photography.

Small corrections in curves, levels or saturation will transform your picture to a `bonne


In plain English, post processing is addition or removal of objects in the frame. To this

category cloning out things and face retouching techniques for glamour pictures will fall.

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Post-production refers to the targets that have to be completed or executed after the

shooting ends. Besides, it is the last step in photo edition but not the least.

The software industry suggests a great variety of photo edition and making correction. You

will not find any image without being retouched previously. If you want to see these

corrections on the real examples, you have a chance to look through our previous article

Winter Photo Secrets: Tips and Tricks to Shoot in the Snow.

There are many of editing systems and these are increasing rapidly as mobile computer

technologies. Basically, you can buy a program which has a price from a few tens of dollars

to over a thousand dollars. These are best loaded onto your telephone or laptop

computers. But if you have no excellent computer skills, this doesn`t mean the end.

On the contrary, using web professional photo re-touchers is making it easier to edit your

photos. If you want to make it quickly, qualitatively and at a reasonable retouching prices

use our image retouching services. We have intense and diverse experience in edition in

itself, that is why we are perfect for amateur photographers, but at the same time, our

retouching services are especially useful for professional photographers too.


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Salon results

2018.07.14 5th Bosveld Fotoklub Salon Name Acceptance COM

Charmaine Zietsman 2

David MacIntyre 4

Esme Bruwer 3

Hannes Bronkhorst 1

Jackie Cilliers 1

Johan Botha 3

Kierie Viljoen 4

Kerry Mellet 1

Marie Botha 3

Mark Preston-Whyte 4

Vivienne Murray 3

2017.07.28 Southern Suburbs PDI Salon Name Acceptance COM

Charmaine Zietsman 3

David MacIntyre 3

Mark Preston-Whyte 1

Nico Grobbelaar 1

Thomas Bingle 1

Vivienne Murray 2

Remember all members. Salon

acceptances and COM’s will help

you progress in your star levels.

Check out our events calendar for

upcoming Salons

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August- Cell phone winners

1-3 Star

Hennie Blignaut

Lazy 4-5 Star

Percy Mitchell


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August e-photography results

2 Star

Dionne Annandale

A Flowering spread

1 Star

Hennie Blignaut

Zebra Run

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3 Star

Frans Grotius

Stop your nonsense

4 Star

Jackie Cilliers

Kick start

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5 Star

Percy Mitchell


1-3 Star Set Subject


Hannes Bronkhorst

Smokey leading lines

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1-3 Star Set Subject

Runner up

Alan Driver

Making Hay

4-5 Star Set Subject


Laetitia Kenny

Dune Patterns

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8 COM’s received in July (refer to the COM - Wall of


A big thank you to our judge, Don Brotherston,

for your feedback and advice on the photos


4-5 Star Set Subject

Runner up

Vivienne Murray

Grand Lodge Grand Entrance

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COM - Wall of Fame Hennie Blignaut- Lazy

Percy Mitchell- Sunrise

Alan Driver- Making Hay

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Hennie Blignaut- Zebra Run

Hannes Bronkhorst- Smokey leading lines

Jackie Cilliers- Kick Start

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Laetitia Kenny- Dune Patterns

Percy Mitchell

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Pygmy photography

7 educational photography projects for kids

Susan Stephenson

Photography has become much more accessible with the advent of digital cameras, which

have given children new ways to experiment and learn. In this article, education writer

Susan Stephenson outlines seven photography projects that teach kids to think critically

and creatively about what they see.

Digital photography is available to lots of children nowadays, not necessarily because they

own a separate digital camera, but often because they have access to a device like a tablet

or smartphone.

While your kids may prefer to play games on those devices, with a little encouragement and

photography advice, they can be creating via the inbuilt camera instead.

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Here are seven great educational projects your children can undertake with either a digital

camera or the inbuilt camera of a device. Some of these projects link photographs to

reading and writing – an opportunity to sneak a little literacy into the fun!

1. Embark on a photo scavenger hunt

Younger kids will enjoy capturing pictures from all sorts of angles and perspectives. Take an

interest in their shots and find time to comment on them, pointing out what you liked.

After the first rush of experimenting is over, introduce the idea of a photo scavenger hunt.

Pack the tablet, the phone or a real camera on a family outing and set the kids tasks like:

find and photograph something red, something with legs, something with wavy lines,

something tall, something that seems out of place.

2. Create a digital book

A great project for younger kids that links with reading is for you to help them create a

digital book of their photos. Ask children to take, for example, one picture of each of their

toys, or each member of the family. Record names over the images with a photo editor or a

text-adding app, then compile them into a digital book with a word processor or print out

and keep them in a plastic sleeve folder. Books like this not only help kids with reading,

they make wonderful memories too.

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3. Observe the world around you

Scavenger hunts for older kids might involve a search for patterns in nature, angles in

architecture, interesting people, problems in the environment, things that make them

happy - whatever fits in with your child’s current interests and enthusiasms. Hunts like

these not only give children a purpose for being out in the fresh air, they help them really

look at and observe the world around them.

4. Analyse effective communication

Kids in the later primary and early high school years are learning lots about communication

- what makes a communication effective, and how they can develop skills in communicating

via different media. For them, you could suggest they use inbuilt cameras to capture a

record of anything they see that IS an effective communication. After snapping anything

from warning signs, to ads, to posters, discuss with them why it worked, and see if you can

both analyse the features used to make it effective.

5. Put your communication skills into practice

Once children have observed and thought about how others communicate via images and

text, it’s time for them to put their own skills to work. Encourage them to think about what

it is they want to say, and how best to say it. They can then work out how to set up and

take photos that best convey this message. Such projects can be as simple as telling a little

story using toy figurines, or as complex as costuming friends and relatives into scenes that

provoke others to think about world peace.

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6. Experiment with photo editing

Teens may love to experiment with some of the many photo editing tools available. Using

apps presents them with another way to think creatively about a subject. By tweaking and

experimenting with settings, they can accentuate or minimise elements in their digital

photos, honing in on exactly what impression they want to give.

7. Become a photojournalist

Recording a family trip or get-together is an excellent role for any budding photographer.

Encourage kids to think about framing their shots, and to look for photo opportunities.

Having to wait somewhere is never boring when you’re busy trying to get a close-up of

Grandpa’s nose hair or a line of ants heading into the picnic basket! If children show real

interest in such a project, they may go on to write about it too, combining words and

images into a presentation for the next family meet-up. They could also combine

words/captions and images into a movie with software like iMovie or Movie Maker or make

a slideshow.

Encouraging your kids to try projects like those above is not only a way for them to have fun

with a camera, it’s a way for them to learn more about the world around them. By creating

with images, children have the chance to express themselves, and the opportunity to learn

skills that will help them communicate at school and in their daily lives.

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Bulletin Board

Camera sale Nikon D300 (Good condition)

18-200 Zoom lens

16MB memory card

Compact Flash

Trigger cable

Price: Get everything for

R9000 in the original


Contact the editor, Annemi –

079 499 5281


Free photographic youth

fun (7-17years) No

experience needed! Do you

love taking photos? Join us

from 9am – 12. Cell phone,

tablet, compact or DSLR is

just fine.

15 September 2018

Clarissa 011 425 1768

– 85 Main Road,

Farrarmere, Benoni

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Members list Alan Driver Johannes Vorster Ursula Herbst

Alan Rankin Kerry Mellet Vivienne Murray

Albert Pijl Kierie Viljoen Willie Pieterse

Alex Pawley Laetitia Kenny Yolanda Taljaard

Alta Neto Lynn Perry

Andre Koekemoer Madleyn Labuschagne

Amelia Vorster Magda Van Vreden

Annemi Taljaard Marie Botha

Barry Clayton Mari Kok

Berrie Labuschagne Mark Preston-Whyte

Biance Schmidt Mavis De Rouwe

Casey Lana Blomerus Mel Walsh

Channette Coetzee Nadine Weideman

Charmaine Zietsman Nico Grobbelaar

David Macintyre Noma Matsiliza

Debbie Russell Paula Rutherford

Denise Smith Percy Mitchell

Deon Mostert Renee de Klerk

Dionne Annandale Roger Pike

Edwin Hawthorn Ronald Reeves

Erich Schober Rudolf Schmidt

Errol Wagg Ruzaan Blignaut

Esme Bruwer Sandra McCallum

Frans Grotius Sarah-Blair Penrose

Glynnis Riekstins Sharon Naude

Hannes Bronkhorst Silvi-Mari Herman

Hennie Bestbier Sonja Nel

Hennie Blignaut Steve Koekemoer

Jackie Cilliers Theo van der Merwe

Jackie du Plessis Therese Schmidt

Jacques Taljaard Thomas Bingle

Johan Botha Ulandi Wagg

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BCC Service desk Many of our members are not only excellent photographers; they also

have other great qualities. Please support a familiar face and refer to

our extra service desk. If you would like to add your details to the

service desk, please email it to the editor:

[email protected]

Member Service Contact details

Annemi Taljaard Dietetics [email protected]

079 499 5281



Char’s Designs

(For floral

requirements to

home, office, hotels,

functions and


[email protected]

082 458 2266



Priority Insurance





[email protected]

082 458 2266

Debbie Russell Debra Russell’s Art


(Art lessons for all




082 937 8468

[email protected]

Denise Smith Lawnmower Mecca

and Locksmiths

011 917 7679

Jackie Cilliers Gymnastics and

Tumbling club

(For gymnastics and

tumbling classes for

boys and girls from

18 months)



011 917 1054/ 082 463 1710

[email protected]

Page 34: · 2018-09-05 · PSSA calendar 6 Set subjects and inspirations ... COM Wall of Fame 23 BOKSBURG CAMERA CLUB


Jacques Taljaard Pretera Accounting


(Bookkeeping, Tax,

VAT, Management

accounts, Financial




[email protected]

083 6544 614

Magda van Vreden Artist Facebook


083 448 3965/ 011 896 1246

Magda van Vreden SCIO-therapy [email protected]

083 448 3965/ 011 896 1246

Mari Kok The Rabbit’s Hole

(Trendy fashion

items for kids)

082v560 4581/081 798 6697

Paula Rutherford Getpix Creative

College for

photographic tuition



[email protected]

011 425-1768

Percy Mitchell Out of Africa




[email protected]

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What is PSSA?

The Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA) is the officially recognised body presenting photographers

in South Africa. The aim of the society is the promotion of photography in all aspects through individual

membership, affiliated clubs and other photographic groups.


As the internationally recognised Society, the PSSA actively embraces the future in its services to all



• To bring together those interested in photography.

• To promote the highest possible standards.

• To embrace the future of photography while continually supporting the present.

Benefits of joining PSSA

• Become part of the world-wide photographic community.

• Nationally and internationally recognised Honours and Awards.

• Diamond ratings for achievements at National and International salons.

• Receive a quarterly glossy A4 magazine, “IMAGE”.

• Access the online newsletter and members’ section of the website.

• Publish articles and images in “IMAGE” and on the website.

• Evaluation of members’ photographs on the website

• Learn new skills through workshops, tutorials and training DVD’s.

• Attend workshops to obtain accreditation as a judge of photography within the Society.

• Discounted entry fees to photographic salons recognised by PSSA.

• Awards for service and excellence in photography.

• Discounts given to PSSA members attending national and regional congresses.

Join today!

Membership of PSSA is open to all photographers

For application forms and other information, access the website:

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Committee 2018

Errol Wagg


082 491 8710

David Macintyre

Vice Chairman

083 461 3589

Denise Smith


076 731 1980

Nico Grobbelaar

E-photo coordinator

082 448 4299

Jacques Taljaard


083 654 4614

Annemi Taljaard


079 499 5281

Erich Schober



083 447 8014

Vacant Position

Currently being

manned by Erich




Workshops and


Magda van Vreden



083 448 3965