2018 - glastonbury.thehearth.net · 2018 happy valentine’s day and happy healthy heart month!...

February 2018 Happy Valenne’s Day and Happy Healthy Heart Month! Here is to a month of loving the special people in our lives on Valenne’s Day and then loving ourselves for the rest of the month for a Healthy Heart Month. We will be recognizing Naonal Wear Red Day, Friday, February 2 nd . Residents, associates, and staff, are encour- aged to parcipate in raising awareness for heart disease, parcularly in women, and the preventable measures it aempts to decrease risks by wearing red According to the Naonal Heart, Lung and Blood Instute (N.I.H.) in the U.S, Coronary Heart Disease is the “#1 killer of women in the United States”. The day, which was first observed in 2002, aims to bring naonal aenon to this fact, and to raise awareness of women’s heart health. In addion to keeping our hearts healthy, we want to re- mind everyone of the severity of this year’s flu. See the insert from our VP of clinical services on ps on how you can help prevent the flu. Stay healthy & stay well. Sandra Carlmark

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Page 1: 2018 - glastonbury.thehearth.net · 2018 Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Healthy Heart Month! Here is to a month of loving the special people in our lives on Valentine’s Day and



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Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Healthy Heart Month!

Here is to a month of loving the special people in our lives on Valentine’s Day and then loving ourselves for the rest of the month for a Healthy Heart Month.

We will be recognizing National Wear Red Day, Friday, February 2nd. Residents, associates, and staff, are encour-aged to participate in raising awareness for heart disease, particularly in women, and the preventable measures it attempts to decrease risks by wearing red

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (N.I.H.) in the U.S, Coronary Heart Disease is the “#1 killer of women in the United States”. The day, which was first observed in 2002, aims to bring national attention to this fact, and to raise awareness of women’s heart health.

In addition to keeping our hearts healthy, we want to re-mind everyone of the severity of this year’s flu. See the insert from our VP of clinical services on tips on how you can help prevent the flu. Stay healthy & stay well.

Sandra Carlmark

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Pickle Winner of the Month

This month’s pickle winner is Carra Buckley! She is a great example a wonderful member of our nursing team here at the Hearth at Glastonbury. We are very lucky to have her here, especially over the nights! Thank you Carra for your commitment to our residents and the team! Have a wonderful month!!

Influenza Prevention and How You Can Help: By: Janet L. Haynes RN VP of Clinical Services This year the Influenza season has already proven to be quite difficult. The flu has hit early and hard with cases quadrupling in one weeks’ time across the country. There has also been a lot of mis-communication about the effectiveness of the vaccine which has not helped in vaccination rates. The truth is that one of the 4 strains has proven to only be 10% effective in protecting people against the influenza virus. The other 3 strains of flu are covered at about 50-60%. That being said, people who are vaccinated and become ill generally have less severe symptoms which last fewer days. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) getting an annual Flu vaccine is the first and best way to protect yourself and your families from the Influenza Virus. Flu vaccines can reduce Flu re-lated hospitalizations, loss from school/work and reduce flu illnesses and doctor’s visits. For anyone that has not been vaccinated, it is not too late, which is your first step in prevention. As a community, we have taken steps to prevent the Flu by: posting signs in our entrances to encourage sick visitors to visit another time, increased housekeeping efforts using products that kill the virus and educational in-services to our employees. Hearth Management has also provided Home Office support during times of illness to your community. As you may have noticed, we have posted signs in our entrances stating if you have a cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, or body aches, please consider rescheduling your visit with us. There-fore, if you could ask your visitors if they have been ill to visit you at least 48 hours after their illness to prevent transmission. Other flu preventative measures are: cover your mouth upon coughing with a tissue and dis-pose of tissue in trash after use, good hand washing (friction for 40 to 60 seconds) before and after meals, after blowing your nose or coughing to reduce the spread of germs, get the proper amount of rest, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as germs spread this way, clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water daily. Notify the Wellness Department if you are not feeling well: Body aches, malaise, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, runny nose, headache or cough. If you are feeling ill, after notifying the Wellness Department it may be prudent to receive room service for meals and stay comfortable in your apartment for a few days. We have potentially another 12 weeks in this year’s Flu Season and we all need to be hypervigi-

lant to our responsibility in preventing this in our Communities. Thank You for doing your part and If

you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your Wellness Director or your

Wellness Office.

Wellness Tip from VP of Clinical Services

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Upcoming Events and Outings Entertainers 2/1 Sandy’s Painting


2/1 Andy Weil Poetry Workshop

2/5 Card Making with Paula

2/11 Love Songs by Samantha Goodman

2/13 Devotions with Reverend Allen

2/14 Communion and Ashes with Mary Lou

2/15 Sweethearts Dinner with music by


2/19 Jeff the Plant Guy

Outings 2/2 University of St. Joseph

Art Museum

2/9 Lunch Outing

2/16 Barnes & Noble

2/17 APDA’s Valentine’s Luncheon Dance & Annual

CT Board Meeting

2/22 Red Hearth-throbs Lunch Outing

2/23 Mohegan Sun

2/26 Shopping Trip

2/27 Buckland Theater Movie Outing

Parkinson's Support Group: February 13th at 11am in the Exercise Room

Mardi Gras Happy Hour:

February 13th at 4:00pm in the Café

Wellness Day: Blood Pressure Clinic & Hearing Clinic with Audiologist Dr. Cross

February 14th

Veterans Meeting: February 16th

Resident Spotlights

National Wear Red Day: Raising awareness for heart disease

February 2nd

Super Bowl Happy Hour starting at 3:30pm in the Café with viewing in the Theater at 6:30pm: February 4th

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