2019 litigation tables€¦ · page 5 3. tax rates tax rates (from 01 july 2012 to 30 june 2014)...

Forensic Services Litigation Tables February 2019

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Page 1: 2019 Litigation Tables€¦ · Page 5 3. Tax Rates TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014) General rates – residents Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5% TAX RATES (from 01 July

Forensic Services

Litigation Tables February 2019

Page 2: 2019 Litigation Tables€¦ · Page 5 3. Tax Rates TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014) General rates – residents Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5% TAX RATES (from 01 July

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1. Discount Tables ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Deferred Tables ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Tax Rates................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

4. After Weekly Tax Income Ready Reckoner ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

5. Consumer Price Index (CPI) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

QLD ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

NSW .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

ACT ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

VIC ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

SA ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

6. Average Weekly Earnings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

QLD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

NSW .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

ACT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

VIC .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

SA ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

7. Prospective Life Tables ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

8. 10 Year Treasury Bond Rates ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14

QLD & VIC ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

NSW & ACT ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

9. Injury Scale Values/General Damages (QLD) .................................................................................................................................................... 16

(Civil Liability Legislation) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

10. Injury Scale Values / General Damages (QLD) (Workers’Compensation Rehabilitation Act) ............................................................... 19

11. Injury Scale Values (SA) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 22

(Civil Liability Act 1936) ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

12. Schedule of Indexed Amounts (NSW) ......................................................................................................................................................... 24

Motor Accidents Compensations Act 1999 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Historical Rates ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24

13. Non-Economic Loss Damages (NSW) ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

14. Impairment Benefits – From 01 July 2017 (VIC) ......................................................................................................................................... 26

15. Transport Accident Act Benefits (VIC) ........................................................................................................................................................ 27

16. Interest Up To Judgement (NSW) ................................................................................................................................................................ 28

17. Interest Post Judgement (NSW) ................................................................................................................................................................... 29

18. RBA Cash Rate (South Australia) ................................................................................................................................................................ 30

19. Loss of Superannuation – Najdovski v Crnojlovic Approach (NSW)....................................................................................................... 31

20. Rates for the Provision of Attendant Care Services (NSW) ...................................................................................................................... 32

Page 3: 2019 Litigation Tables€¦ · Page 5 3. Tax Rates TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014) General rates – residents Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5% TAX RATES (from 01 July

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1. Discount Tables

Note that a 6% discount rate / deferral factor is adopted in Victoria for actions brought under the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic) (post 12 November 1997) and Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic).

Present Value of $1 per week over 1 to 80 years at 3%, 5% and 6% p.a.


of Years








of Years








of Years







1 51 51 51 28 994 797 720 55 1,418 996 859

2 101 99 98 29 1,016 810 730 56 1,428 1,000 861

3 150 146 144 30 1,038 822 739 57 1,438 1,003 863

4 197 190 186 31 1,059 834 748 58 1,448 1,006 865

5 243 231 226 32 1,080 845 757 59 1,457 1,009 867

6 287 271 264 33 1,100 856 764 60 1,466 1,012 868

7 330 309 300 34 1,119 866 772 61 1,475 1,015 870

8 372 346 334 35 1,138 876 779 62 1,483 1,017 871

9 412 380 365 36 1,156 885 785 63 1,491 1,020 873

10 452 413 395 37 1,174 894 792 64 1,499 1,022 874

11 490 444 424 38 1,191 902 798 65 1,507 1,025 875

12 527 474 450 39 1,208 910 803 66 1,515 1,027 876

13 563 502 476 40 1,224 917 808 67 1,522 1,029 877

14 598 529 499 41 1,240 925 813 68 1,529 1,031 878

15 632 555 522 42 1,255 932 818 69 1,536 1,032 879

16 665 579 543 43 1,270 938 822 70 1,542 1,034 880

17 697 603 563 44 1,285 944 826 71 1,549 1,036 881

18 728 625 582 45 1,299 950 830 72 1,555 1,038 882

19 759 646 599 46 1,312 956 834 73 1,561 1,039 883

20 788 666 616 47 1,325 961 837 74 1,567 1,040 883

21 816 686 632 48 1,338 967 841 75 1,573 1,042 884

22 844 704 647 49 1,351 971 844 76 1,579 1,043 885

23 871 721 661 50 1,363 976 847 77 1,584 1,044 885

24 897 738 674 51 1,374 981 849 78 1,589 1,046 886

25 922 754 687 52 1,386 985 852 79 1,595 1,047 886

26 947 769 699 53 1,397 989 855 80 1,600 1,048 887

27 971 783 710 54 1,408 993 857

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2. Deferred Tables

Present Lump Sum Equivalent in Value to an Income of $1 Deferred for Periods from 1 to 80 Years Calculated at Interest Rates of 3%, 5% and 6%

Note that a 6% discount rate / deferral factor is adopted in Victoria for actions brought under the Workplace Injury

Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic) (post 12 November 1997) and Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic).


of Years


Sum 3%


Sum 5%


Sum 6%


of Years


Sum 3%


Sum 5%


Sum 6%


of Years


Sum 3%


Sum 5%


Sum 6%

1 0.971 0.952 0.943 28 0.437 0.255 0.196 55 0.197 0.068 0.041

2 0.943 0.907 0.890 29 0.424 0.243 0.185 56 0.191 0.065 0.038

3 0.915 0.864 0.840 30 0.412 0.231 0.174 57 0.185 0.062 0.036

4 0.888 0.823 0.792 31 0.400 0.220 0.164 58 0.180 0.059 0.034

5 0.863 0.784 0.747 32 0.388 0.210 0.155 59 0.175 0.056 0.032

6 0.837 0.746 0.705 33 0.377 0.200 0.146 60 0.170 0.054 0.030

7 0.813 0.711 0.665 34 0.366 0.190 0.138 61 0.165 0.051 0.029

8 0.789 0.677 0.627 35 0.355 0.181 0.130 62 0.160 0.049 0.027

9 0.766 0.645 0.592 36 0.345 0.173 0.123 63 0.155 0.046 0.025

10 0.744 0.614 0.558 37 0.335 0.164 0.116 64 0.151 0.044 0.024

11 0.722 0.585 0.527 38 0.325 0.157 0.109 65 0.146 0.042 0.023

12 0.701 0.557 0.497 39 0.316 0.149 0.103 66 0.142 0.040 0.021

13 0.681 0.530 0.469 40 0.307 0.142 0.097 67 0.138 0.038 0.020

14 0.661 0.505 0.442 41 0.298 0.135 0.092 68 0.134 0.036 0.019

15 0.642 0.481 0.417 42 0.289 0.129 0.087 69 0.130 0.035 0.018

16 0.623 0.458 0.394 43 0.281 0.123 0.082 70 0.126 0.033 0.017

17 0.605 0.436 0.371 44 0.272 0.117 0.077 71 0.123 0.031 0.016

18 0.587 0.416 0.350 45 0.264 0.111 0.073 72 0.119 0.030 0.015

19 0.570 0.396 0.331 46 0.257 0.106 0.069 73 0.116 0.028 0.014

20 0.554 0.377 0.312 47 0.249 0.101 0.065 74 0.112 0.027 0.013

21 0.538 0.359 0.294 48 0.242 0.096 0.061 75 0.109 0.026 0.013

22 0.522 0.342 0.278 49 0.235 0.092 0.058 76 0.106 0.025 0.012

23 0.507 0.326 0.262 50 0.228 0.087 0.054 77 0.103 0.023 0.011

24 0.492 0.310 0.247 51 0.221 0.083 0.051 78 0.100 0.022 0.011

25 0.478 0.295 0.233 52 0.215 0.079 0.048 79 0.097 0.021 0.010

26 0.464 0.281 0.220 53 0.209 0.075 0.046 80 0.094 0.020 0.009

27 0.450 0.268 0.207 54 0.203 0.072 0.043

Page 5: 2019 Litigation Tables€¦ · Page 5 3. Tax Rates TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014) General rates – residents Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5% TAX RATES (from 01 July

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3. Tax Rates

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5%

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2018 to 30 June 2022)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 2.0%

Taxable income $ Tax Payable $ Taxable income $ Tax Payable $

0 – 18,200 Nil 0 – 18,200 Nil

18,201 – 37,000 19% excess over 18,200 18,201 – 37,000 19% excess over $18,200

37,001 – 80,000 3,572 + 32.5% excess over 37,000 37,001 – 90,000 3,572 + 32.5% excess over 37,000

80,001 – 180,000 17,547 + 37% excess over 80,000 80,001 – 180,000 20,797 + 37% excess over 90,000

180,001 + 54,547 + 45% excess over 180,000 180,001 + 54,097 + 45% excess over 180,000

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2014 to 30 June 2016)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 2.0% and Budget Repair Levy on Higher

Income Earners of 2.0%

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2022 to 30 June 2024)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 2.0%

Taxable income $ Tax Payable $ Taxable income $ Tax Payable $

0 – 18,200 Nil 0 – 18,200 Nil

18,201 – 37,000 19% excess over 18,200 18,201 – 41,000 19% excess over 18,200

37,001 – 80,000 3,572 + 32.5% excess over 37,000 41,001 – 120,000 4,332 + 32.5% excess over 41,000

80,001 – 180,000 17,547 + 37% excess over 80,000 120,001 – 180,000 30,007 + 37% excess over 120,000

180,001 + 54,547 + 45% excess over 180,000 180,001 + 52,200 + 45% excess over 180,000

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2017)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 2.0% and Budget Repair Levy on Higher

Income Earners of 2.0%

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2024 to 30 June 2025)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 2.0%

Taxable income $ Tax Payable $ Taxable income $ Tax Payable $

0 – 18,200 Nil 0 – 18,200 Nil

18,201 – 37,000 19% excess over 18,200 18,201 – 41,000 19% excess over 18,200

37,001 – 87,000 3,572 + 32.5% excess over 37,000 41,001 – 200,000 4,332 + 32.5% excess over 41,000

87,001 – 180,000 19,822 + 37% excess over 87,000 200,001 + 56,007 + 45% excess over 200,000

180,001 + 54,232 + 45% excess over 180,000

TAX RATES (from 01 July 2017 to 30 June 2018)

General rates – residents

Excluding Medicare levy of 2.0%. The Temporary Budget Repair Levy

of 2% was removed on 01 July 2017.

Taxable income $ Tax Payable $

0 – 18,200 Nil

18,201 – 37,000 19% excess over 18,200

37,001 – 87,000 3,572 + 32.5% excess over 37,000

87,001 – 180,000 19,822 + 37% excess over 87,000

180,001 + 54,232 + 45% excess over 180,000

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4. After Tax Weekly Income - Ready Reckoner

Before Tax

Weekly Income


After Tax Weekly



Before Tax

Weekly Income


After Tax Weekly



Before Tax

Weekly Income


After Tax Weekly



0 0 1,400 1,089 2,750 1,917

100 100 1,450 1,122 2,800 1,948

150 150 1,500 1,155 2,850 1,978

200 200 1,550 1,187 2,900 2,009

250 250 1,600 1,220 2,950 2,039

300 300 1,650 1,253 3,000 2,070

350 350 1,700 1,286 3,050 2,100

400 394 1,750 1,317 3,100 2,131

450 432 1,800 1,347 3,150 2,161

500 467 1,850 1,376 3,200 2,192

550 505 1,900 1,406 3,250 2,222

600 544 1,950 1,436 3,300 2,253

650 584 2,000 1,466 3,350 2,283

700 623 2,050 1,495 3,400 2,314

750 658 2,100 1,525 3,450 2,344

800 693 2,150 1,555 3,500 2,370

850 727 2,200 1,585 3,550 2,397

900 761 2,250 1,614 3,600 2,423

950 794 2,300 1,644 3,650 2,450

1,000 827 2,350 1,674 3,700 2,476

1,050 860 2,400 1,704 3,750 2,503

1,100 893 2,450 1,734 3,800 2,529

1,150 925 2,500 1,765 3,850 2,556

1,200 958 2,550 1,795 3,900 2,582

1,250 991 2,600 1,826 3,950 2,609

1,300 1,024 2,650 1,856 4,000 2,635

1,350 1,056 2,700 1,887 4,050 2,662

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5. Consumer Price Index (CPI)

ABS Catalogue 6401.0


Period Australia Brisbane

Period Australia Sydney

Index % change Index % change Index % Change Index % Change

Jun-90 57.1 55.3 Jun-90 57.1 57.2

Jun-91 59.0 3.3% 57.2 3.4% Jun-91 59.0 3.3% 58.9 3.0%

Jun-92 59.7 1.2% 57.9 1.2% Jun-92 59.7 1.2% 59.5 1.0%

Jun-93 60.8 1.8% 59.3 2.4% Jun-93 60.8 1.8% 60.5 1.7%

Jun-94 61.9 1.8% 60.3 1.7% Jun-94 61.9 1.8% 61.4 1.5%

Jun-95 64.7 4.5% 63.2 4.8% Jun-95 64.7 4.5% 64.4 4.9%

Jun-96 66.7 3.1% 65.1 3.0% Jun-96 66.7 3.1% 67.0 4.0%

Jun-97 66.9 0.3% 65.5 0.6% Jun-97 66.9 0.3% 67.1 0.1%

Jun-98 67.4 0.7% 66.2 1.1% Jun-98 67.4 0.7% 67.8 1.0%

Jun-99 68.1 1.0% 66.6 0.6% Jun-99 68.1 1.0% 68.7 1.3%

Jun-00 70.2 3.1% 68.3 2.6% Jun-00 70.2 3.1% 70.9 3.2%

Jun-01 74.5 6.1% 72.5 6.1% Jun-01 74.5 6.1% 75.4 6.3%

Jun-02 76.6 2.8% 74.7 3.0% Jun-02 76.6 2.8% 77.5 2.8%

Jun-03 78.6 2.6% 76.7 2.7% Jun-03 78.6 2.6% 79.4 2.5%

Jun-04 80.6 2.5% 79.1 3.1% Jun-04 80.6 2.5% 81.2 2.3%

Jun-05 82.6 2.5% 81.1 2.5% Jun-05 82.6 2.5% 83.2 2.5%

Jun-06 85.9 4.0% 84.5 4.2% Jun-06 85.9 4.0% 86.4 3.8%

Jun-07 87.7 2.1% 86.7 2.6% Jun-07 87.7 2.1% 87.9 1.7%

Jun-08 91.6 4.4% 91.1 5.1% Jun-08 91.6 4.4% 91.7 4.3%

Jun-09 92.9 1.4% 92.9 2.0% Jun-09 92.9 1.4% 92.9 1.3%

Jun-10 95.8 3.1% 95.9 3.2% Jun-10 95.8 3.1% 95.6 2.9%

Jun-11 99.2 3.5% 99.6 3.9% Jun-11 99.2 3.5% 99.2 3.8%

Jun-12 100.4 1.2% 100.5 0.9% Jun-12 100.4 1.2% 100.5 1.3%

Jun-13 102.8 2.4% 102.5 2.0% Jun-13 102.8 2.4% 103.1 2.6%

Jun-14 105.9 3.0% 105.8 3.2% Jun-14 105.9 3.0% 106.0 2.8%

Jun-15 107.5 1.5% 107.4 1.5% Jun-15 107.5 1.5% 108.3 2.2%

Jun-16 108.6 1.0% 109.0 1.5% Jun-16 108.6 1.0% 109.3 0.9%

Jun-17 110.7 1.9% 111.0 1.8% Jun-17 110.7 1.9% 111.7 2.2%

Jun-18 113.0 2.1% 112.9 1.7% Jun-18 113.0 2.1% 114.0 2.1%

Dec-18 114.1 1.0% 114.0 1.0% Dec-18 114.1 1.0% 115.2 1.1%

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ABS Catalogue 6401.0


Period Australia Canberra

Period Australia Melbourne

Index % change Index % change Index % Change Index % Change

Jun-90 57.1 56.8 Jun-90 57.1 58.0

Jun-91 59.0 3.3% 58.6 3.2% Jun-91 59.0 3.3% 60.3 4.0%

Jun-92 59.7 1.2% 59.9 2.2% Jun-92 59.7 1.2% 61.1 1.3%

Jun-93 60.8 1.8% 61.2 2.2% Jun-93 60.8 1.8% 62.2 1.8%

Jun-94 61.9 1.8% 62.2 1.6% Jun-94 61.9 1.8% 63.3 1.8%

Jun-95 64.7 4.5% 65.3 5.0% Jun-95 64.7 4.5% 65.6 3.6%

Jun-96 66.7 3.1% 67.4 3.2% Jun-96 66.7 3.1% 67.3 2.6%

Jun-97 66.9 0.3% 66.8 -0.9% Jun-97 66.9 0.3% 67.7 0.6%

Jun-98 67.4 0.7% 67.3 0.7% Jun-98 67.4 0.7% 68.0 0.4%

Jun-99 68.1 1.0% 67.4 0.1% Jun-99 68.1 1.0% 68.6 0.9%

Jun-00 70.2 3.1% 69.9 3.7% Jun-00 70.2 3.1% 70.9 3.4%

Jun-01 74.5 6.1% 74.0 5.9% Jun-01 74.5 6.1% 75.1 5.9%

Jun-02 76.6 2.8% 76.2 3.0% Jun-02 76.6 2.8% 77.3 2.9%

Jun-03 78.6 2.6% 78.1 2.5% Jun-03 78.6 2.6% 79.6 3.0%

Jun-04 80.6 2.5% 80.4 2.9% Jun-04 80.6 2.5% 81.3 2.1%

Jun-05 82.6 2.5% 82.1 2.1% Jun-05 82.6 2.5% 83.0 2.1%

Jun-06 85.9 4.0% 86.0 4.8% Jun-06 85.9 4.0% 86.2 3.9%

Jun-07 87.7 2.1% 87.7 2.0% Jun-07 87.7 2.1% 87.9 2.0%

Jun-08 91.6 4.4% 91.6 4.4% Jun-08 91.6 4.4% 91.8 4.4%

Jun-09 92.9 1.4% 93.5 2.1% Jun-09 92.9 1.4% 92.9 1.2%

Jun-10 95.8 3.1% 95.6 2.2% Jun-10 95.8 3.1% 95.8 3.1%

Jun-11 99.2 3.5% 99.2 3.8% Jun-11 99.2 3.5% 99.2 3.5%

Jun-12 100.4 1.2% 100.3 1.1% Jun-12 100.4 1.2% 100.4 1.2%

Jun-13 102.8 2.4% 102.5 2.2% Jun-13 102.8 2.4% 102.6 2.2%

Jun-14 105.9 3.0% 104.8 2.2% Jun-14 105.9 3.0% 105.9 3.2%

Jun-15 107.5 1.5% 105.6 0.8% Jun-15 107.5 1.5% 107.1 1.1%

Jun-16 108.6 1.0% 106.4 0.8% Jun-16 108.6 1.0% 108.6 1.4%

Jun-17 110.7 1.9% 108.6 2.1% Jun-17 110.7 1.9% 111.0 2.2%

Jun-18 113.0 2.1% 111.6 2.8% Jun-18 113.0 2.1% 113.8 2.5%

Dec-18 114.1 1.0% 113.1 1.3% Dec-18 114.1 1.0% 114.6 0.7%

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ABS Catalogue 6401.0


Period Australia Adelaide

Index % change Index % change

Jun-90 57.1 55.8

Jun-91 59.0 3.3% 58.4 4.7%

Jun-92 59.7 1.2% 59.6 2.1%

Jun-93 60.8 1.8% 61.2 2.7%

Jun-94 61.9 1.8% 62.3 1.8%

Jun-95 64.7 4.5% 64.7 3.9%

Jun-96 66.7 3.1% 66.5 2.8%

Jun-97 66.9 0.3% 66.4 -0.2%

Jun-98 67.4 0.7% 66.7 0.5%

Jun-99 68.1 1.0% 67.3 0.9%

Jun-00 70.2 3.1% 69.5 3.3%

Jun-01 74.5 6.1% 73.6 5.9%

Jun-02 76.6 2.8% 75.7 2.9%

Jun-03 78.6 2.6% 78.6 3.8%

Jun-04 80.6 2.5% 80.9 2.9%

Jun-05 82.6 2.5% 82.7 2.2%

Jun-06 85.9 4.0% 85.8 3.7%

Jun-07 87.7 2.1% 87.3 1.7%

Jun-08 91.6 4.4% 91.3 4.6%

Jun-09 92.9 1.4% 92.7 1.5%

Jun-10 95.8 3.1% 95.3 2.8%

Jun-11 99.2 3.5% 99.0 3.9%

Jun-12 100.4 1.2% 100.2 1.2%

Jun-13 102.8 2.4% 102.3 2.1%

Jun-14 105.9 3.0% 105.5 3.1%

Jun-15 107.5 1.5% 106.8 1.2%

Jun-16 108.6 1.0% 107.5 0.7%

Jun-17 110.7 1.9% 109.2 1.6%

Jun-18 113.0 2.1% 112.1 2.7%

Dec-18 114.1 1.0% 113.0 0.8%

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6. Average Weekly Earnings

Note: From May 2012, Average Weekly Earnings statistics were published on a bi-annual basis only in May and November.

QLD NSW Original Queensland All Employees (Full-Time) Ordinary Time Earnings As per Australian Bureau of Statistics Catalogue 6302.0 - Table 13C

Original New South Wales All Employees Total Earnings As per Australian Bureau of Statistics Catalogue 6302.0 - Table 13A

2007 2013 2007 2013 February 1,008.40 February 916.10 May 1,028.70 May 1,423.60 May 918.90 May 1,107.80 August 1,042.00 August 929.70 November 1,053.00 November 1,422.00 November 929.30 November 1,112.90 2008 2014 2008 2014 February 1,064.60 February 937.80 May 1,086.00 May 1,438.80 May 921.60 May 1,118.30 August 1,122.40 August 933.50 November 1,129.60 November 1,456.90 November 938.50 November 1,129.50 2009 2015 2009 2015 February 1,149.40 February 946.40 May 1,152.90 May 1,440.90 May 939.00 May 1,154.80 August 1,185.80 August 959.90 November 1,215.10 November 1,446.70 November 969.40 November 1,176.30 2010 2016 2010 2016 February 1,224.10 February 989.90 May 1,222.70 May 1,460.30 May 986.90 May 1,199.20 August 1,239.50 August 985.50 November 1,266.20 November 1,482.10 November 996.40 November 1,190.80 2011 2017 2011 2017 February 1,260.20 February 1,025.90 May 1,274.40 May 1,496.10 May 1,026.00 May 1,205.80 August 1,287.10 August 1,027.10 November 1,299.90 November 1,527.80 November 1,016.30 November 1,222.10 2012 2018 2012 2018 February 1,329.10 February 1,054.70 May 1,322.40 May 1,541.90 May 1,054.50 May 1,241.30 November 1,370.10 November 1,574.00 November 1,081.20 November 1,261.70

Civil Liability Act 2003 (Qld) defines average weekly earnings as follows: for a financial year, … the amount of Queensland full-time adult persons ordinary time earnings declared by the Australian Statistician in the original series of the statistician's average weekly earnings publication most recently published before the start of the financial year.

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Note: From May 2012, Average Weekly Earnings statistics were published on a bi-annual basis only in May and November.

ACT VIC Seasonally Adjusted Australian Capital Territory All Males Total Earnings As per Australian Bureau of Statistics Catalogue 6302.0 - Table 12H

Original Victoria All Employees Total Earnings As per Australian Bureau of Statistics Catalogue 6302.0 - Table 13B

2007 2013 2007 2013 February 1,119.40 February 823.20 May 1,159.90 May 1,597.40 May 819.60 May 1,046.00 August 1,143.30 August 836.90 November 1,175.10 November 1,493.70 November 820.80 November 1,064.20 2008 2014 2008 2014 February 1,168.40 February 839.10 May 1,199.70 May 1,499.80 May 836.30 May 1,057.00 August 1,239.40 August 854.80 November 1,244.90 November 1,523.30 November 852.10 November 1,056.80 2009 2015 2009 2015 February 1,241.80 February 867.80 May 1,236.90 May 1,517.70 May 870.30 May 1,055.60 August 1,260.50 August 885.40 November 1,314.00 November 1,543.00 November 902.60 November 1,073.70 2010 2016 2010 2016 February 1,357.10 February 930.00 May 1,373.50 May 1,509.10 May 949.00 May 1,092.60 August 1,371.10 August 946.80 November 1,398.40 November 1,517.60 November 963.80 November 1,111.10

2011 2017 2011 2017 February 1,417.40 February 966.90 May 1,420.60 May 1,556.10 May 967.60 May 1,128.10 August 1,443.00 August 971.60 November 1,443.50 November 1,585.30 November 997.50 November 1,153.80 2012 2018 2012 2018 February 1,021.80 May 1,540.10 May 1,646.10 May 999.80 May 1,171.30 November 1,583.00 November 1,676.10 November 1,023.70 November 1,190.70

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Note: From May 2012, Average Weekly Earnings statistics were published on a bi-annual basis only in May and November.

SA South Australia, Males Full Time Ordinary Time Earnings As per Australian Bureau of Statistics Catalogue 6302.0 - Table 13D

2007 2013 February 1,025.70 May 1,041.40 May 1,356.40 August 1,060.30 November 1,086.70 November 1,399.60 2008 2014 February 1,086.60 May 1,100.10 May 1,444.30 August 1,125.60 November 1,159.10 November 1,412.20 2009 2015 February 1,157.80 May 1,180.40 May 1,401.80 August 1,189.90 November 1,193.70 November 1,425.00 2010 2016 February 1,204.10 May 1,190.80 May 1,473.00 August 1,200.00 November 1,231.10 November 1,504.50 2011 2017 February 1,243.20 May 1,261.50 May 1,499.70 August 1,294.70 November 1,287.70 November 1,494.80 2012 2018 February 1,282.90 May 1,302.20 May 1,499.60 November 1,341.10 November 1,514.70

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7. Prospective Life Tables

As adopted in Golden Eagle International Trading Pty Ltd v Zhang (2007) HCA 15. Expectation of life at exact age (x). Age(x) Male Female Age(x) Male Female Age(x) Male Female

0 82.81 85.86 34 49.39 52.36 68 18.13 20.21

1 82.07 85.12 35 48.41 51.37 69 17.31 19.34

2 81.09 84.13 36 47.44 50.39 70 16.50 18.48

3 80.10 83.14 37 46.47 49.40 71 15.71 17.63

4 79.10 82.14 38 45.50 48.42 72 14.92 16.79

5 78.10 81.15 39 44.53 47.44 73 14.15 15.97

6 77.11 80.15 40 43.57 46.47 74 13.40 15.15

7 76.10 79.16 41 42.60 45.49 75 12.66 14.35

8 75.10 78.16 42 41.64 44.51 76 11.94 13.57

9 74.10 77.16 43 40.69 43.54 77 11.24 12.80

10 73.10 76.16 44 39.73 42.57 78 10.56 12.05

11 72.09 75.16 45 38.78 41.60 79 9.90 11.32

12 71.09 74.16 46 37.83 40.63 80 9.26 10.60

13 70.08 73.17 47 36.88 39.67 81 8.65 9.91

14 69.08 72.17 48 35.93 38.71 82 8.06 9.24

15 68.08 71.18 49 35.00 37.75 83 7.51 8.60

16 67.08 70.18 50 34.06 36.79 84 6.98 7.99

17 66.08 69.19 51 33.13 35.84 85 6.48 7.40

18 65.09 68.20 52 32.20 34.89 86 6.01 6.85

19 64.11 67.20 53 31.28 33.94 87 5.58 6.33

20 63.12 66.21 54 30.36 33.00 88 5.17 5.84

21 62.14 65.22 55 29.45 32.06 89 4.79 5.38

22 61.15 64.23 56 28.55 31.12 90 4.45 4.96

23 60.17 63.24 57 27.65 30.19 91 4.13 4.57

24 59.19 62.25 58 26.75 29.26 92 3.84 4.22

25 58.21 61.26 59 25.86 28.34 93 3.58 3.90

26 57.23 60.26 60 24.98 27.41 94 3.35 3.62

27 56.25 59.27 61 24.10 26.50 95 3.15 3.38

28 55.26 58.28 62 23.23 25.58 96 2.97 3.17

29 54.28 57.29 63 22.36 24.67 97 2.82 3.01

30 53.30 56.30 64 21.50 23.77 98 2.69 2.89

31 52.32 55.31 65 20.65 22.87 99 2.57 2.83

32 51.34 54.33 66 19.80 21.97 100 2.47 2.81

33 50.36 53.34 67 18.96 21.09

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8. 10 Year Treasury Bond Rates

QLD & VIC Per Reserve Bank of Australia, “Capital Market Yields - Government Bonds - Daily”

2008 2014

beginning of January Qtr 6.34% beginning of January Qtr 4.33%

beginning of April Qtr 6.02% beginning of April Qtr 4.13%

beginning of July Qtr 6.50% beginning of July Qtr 3.59%

beginning of October Qtr 5.43% beginning of October Qtr 3.49%

2009 2015

beginning of January Qtr 3.96% beginning of January Qtr 2.87%

beginning of April Qtr 4.39% beginning of April Qtr 2.33%

beginning of July Qtr 5.50% beginning of July Qtr 3.01%

beginning of October Qtr 5.28% beginning of October Qtr 2.62%

2010 2016

beginning of January Qtr 5.76% beginning of January Qtr 2.82%

beginning of April Qtr 5.75% beginning of April Qtr 2.53%

beginning of July Qtr 5.08% beginning of July Qtr 1.96%

beginning of October Qtr 5.07% Beginning of October Qtr 1.99%

2011 2017

beginning of January Qtr 5.50% beginning of January Qtr 2.75%

beginning of April Qtr 5.51% beginning of April Qtr 2.68%

beginning of July Qtr 5.28% beginning of July Qtr 2.61%

beginning of October Qtr 4.00% beginning of October Qtr 2.87%



beginning of January Qtr 3.84% beginning of January Qtr 2.66%

beginning of April Qtr 4.13% beginning of April Qtr 2.61%

beginning of July Qtr 3.09% beginning of July Qtr 2.60%

beginning of October Qtr 2.90% beginning of October Qtr 2.68%



beginning of January Qtr 3.40% beginning of January Qtr 2.29%

beginning of April Qtr 3.40%

beginning of July Qtr 3.82%

beginning of October Qtr 3.85%

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NSW & ACT Per Reserve Bank of Australia, “Capital Market Yields - Government Bonds - Daily”

2003 2012

beginning of January Qtr 5.15% beginning of January Qtr 3.84%

beginning of July Qtr 5.00% beginning of July Qtr 3.09%

2004 2013

beginning of January Qtr 5.67% beginning of January Qtr 3.40%

beginning of July Qtr 5.86% beginning of July Qtr 3.82%

2005 2014

beginning of January Qtr 5.47% beginning of January Qtr 4.33%

beginning of July Qtr 5.05% beginning of July Qtr 3.59%

2006 2015

beginning of January Qtr 5.23% beginning of January Qtr 2.87%

beginning of July Qtr 5.75% beginning of July Qtr 3.01%

2007 2016

beginning of January Qtr 5.90% beginning of January Qtr 2.82%

beginning of July Qtr 6.20% beginning of July Qtr 1.96%

2008 2017

beginning of January Qtr 6.34% beginning of January Qtr 2.75%

beginning of July Qtr 6.50% beginning of July Qtr 2.61%



beginning of January Qtr 3.96% beginning of January Qtr 2.66%

beginning of July Qtr 5.50% beginning of July Qtr 2.60%

2010 2019

beginning of January Qtr 5.76% beginning of January Qtr 2.29%

beginning of July Qtr 5.08%


beginning of January Qtr 5.50%

beginning of July Qtr 5.28%

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9. Injury Scale Values/General Damages (QLD) (Civil Liability Legislation)


ISV Injury between 01 Jul 11 - 30 Jun 12

Injury between 01 Jul 12 - 30 Jun 13

Injury between 01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between 01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between 01

01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between 01

01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury after

01 Jul 18

1 1,220 1,290 1,360 1,410 1,440 1,480 1,530

2 2,440 2,580 2,720 2,820 2,880 2,960 3,060

3 3,660 3,870 4,080 4,230 4,320 4,440 4,590

4 4,880 5,160 5,440 5,640 5,760 5,920 6,120

5 6,100 6,450 6,800 7,050 7,200 7,400 7,650

6 7,550 7,980 8,410 8,720 8,910 9,150 9,450

7 9,000 9,510 10,020 10,390 10,620 10,900 11,250

8 10,450 11,040 11,630 12,060 12,330 12,650 13,050

9 11,900 12,570 13,240 13,730 14,040 14,400 14,850

10 13,350 14,100 14,850 15,400 15,750 16,150 16,650

11 15,050 15,890 16,740 17,360 17,760 18,210 18,770

12 16,750 17,680 18,630 19,320 19,770 20,270 20,890

13 18,450 19,470 20,520 21,280 21,780 22,330 23,010

14 20,150 21,260 22,410 23,240 23,790 24,390 25,130

15 21,850 23,050 24,300 25,200 25,800 26,450 27,250

16 23,790 25,100 26,460 27,440 28,090 28,800 29,670

17 25,730 27,150 28,620 29,680 30,380 31,150 32,090

18 27,670 29,200 30,780 31,920 32,670 33,500 34,510

19 29,610 31,250 32,940 34,160 34,960 35,850 36,930

20 31,550 33,300 35,100 36,400 37,250 38,200 39,350

21 33,730 35,600 37,520 38,910 39,820 40,830 42,060

22 35,910 37,900 39,940 41,420 42,390 43,460 44,770

23 38,090 40,200 42,360 43,930 44,960 46,090 47,480

24 40,270 42,500 44,780 46,440 47,530 48,720 50,190

25 42,450 44,800 47,200 48,950 50,100 51,350 52,900

26 44,880 47,360 49,900 51,750 52,970 54,290 55,930

27 47,310 49,920 52,600 54,550 55,840 57,230 58,960

28 49,740 52,480 55,300 57,350 58,710 60,170 61,990

29 52,170 55,040 58,000 60,150 61,580 63,110 65,020

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ISV Injury between 01 Jul 11 - 30 Jun 12

Injury between 01 Jul 12 - 30 Jun 13

Injury between 01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between 01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between 01

01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between 01

01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury after

01 Jul 18

30 54,600 57,600 60,700 62,950 64,450 66,050 68,050

31 57,270 60,420 63,670 66,030 67,610 69,290 71,390

32 59,940 63,240 66,640 69,110 70,770 72,530 74,730

33 62,610 66,060 69,610 72,190 73,930 75,770 78,070

34 65,280 68,880 72,580 75,270 77,090 79,010 81,410

35 67,950 71,700 75,550 78,350 80,250 82,250 84,750

36 70,870 74,780 78,800 81,720 83,700 85,780 88,390

37 73,790 77,860 82,050 85,090 87,150 89,310 92,030

38 76,710 80,940 85,300 88,460 90,600 92,840 95,670

39 79,630 84,020 88,550 91,830 94,050 96,370 99,310

40 82,550 87,100 91,800 95,200 97,500 99,900 102,950

41 85,680 90,400 95,280 98,810 101,200 103,690 106,860

42 88,810 93,700 98,760 102,420 104,900 107,480 110,770

43 91,940 97,000 102,240 106,030 108,600 111,270 114,680

44 95,070 100,300 105,720 109,640 112,300 115,060 118,590

45 98,200 103,600 109,200 113,250 116,000 118,850 122,500

46 101,330 106,900 112,680 116,860 119,700 122,640 126,410

47 104,460 110,200 116,160 120,470 123,400 126,430 130,320

48 107,590 113,500 119,640 124,080 127,100 130,220 134,230

49 110,720 116,800 123,120 127,690 130,800 134,010 138,140

50 113,850 120,100 126,600 131,300 134,500 137,800 142,050

51 117,200 123,630 130,320 135,160 138,450 141,850 146,220

52 120,550 127,160 134,040 139,020 142,400 145,900 150,390

53 123,900 130,690 137,760 142,880 146,350 149,950 154,560

54 127,250 134,220 141,480 146,740 150,300 154,000 158,730

55 130,600 137,750 145,200 150,600 154,250 158,050 162,900

56 133,950 141,280 148,920 154,460 158,200 162,100 167,070

57 137,300 144,810 152,640 158,320 162,150 166,150 171,240

58 140,650 148,340 156,360 162,180 166,100 170,200 175,410

59 144,000 151,870 160,080 166,040 170,050 174,250 179,580

60 147,350 155,400 163,800 169,900 174,000 178,300 183,750

61 150,910 159,160 167,760 174,010 178,210 182,610 188,190

62 154,470 162,920 171,720 178,120 182,420 186,920 192,630

63 158,030 166,680 175,680 182,230 186,630 191,230 197,070

64 161,590 170,440 179,640 186,340 190,840 195,540 201,510

65 165,150 174,200 183,600 190,450 195,050 199,850 205,950

66 168,710 177,960 187,560 194,560 199,260 204,160 210,390

67 172,270 181,720 191,520 198,670 203,470 208,470 214,830

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ISV Injury between 01 Jul 11 - 30 Jun 12

Injury between 01 Jul 12 - 30 Jun 13

Injury between 01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between 01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between 01

01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between 01

01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury after

01 Jul 18

68 175,830 185,480 195,480 202,780 207,680 212,780 219,270

69 179,390 189,240 199,440 206,890 211,890 217,090 223,710

70 182,950 193,000 203,400 211,000 216,100 221,400 228,150

71 186,740 197,000 207,620 215,380 220,590 226,000 232,890

72 190,530 201,000 211,840 219,760 225,080 230,600 237,630

73 194,320 205,000 216,060 224,140 229,570 235,200 242,370

74 198,110 209,000 220,280 228,520 234,060 239,800 247,110

75 201,900 213,000 224,500 232,900 238,550 244,400 251,850

76 205,690 217,000 228,720 237,280 243,040 249,000 256,590

77 209,480 221,000 232,940 241,660 247,530 253,600 261,330

78 213,270 225,000 237,160 246,040 252,020 258,200 266,070

79 217,060 229,000 241,380 250,420 256,510 262,800 270,810

80 220,850 233,000 245,600 254,800 261,000 267,400 275,550

81 224,860 237,230 250,060 259,430 265,740 272,260 280,560

82 228,870 241,460 254,520 264,060 270,480 277,120 285,570

83 232,880 245,690 258,980 268,690 275,220 281,980 290,580

84 236,890 249,920 263,440 273,320 279,960 286,840 295,590

85 240,900 254,150 267,900 277,950 284,700 291,700 300,600

86 244,910 258,380 272,360 282,580 289,440 296,560 305,610

87 248,920 262,610 276,820 287,210 294,180 301,420 310,620

88 252,930 266,840 281,280 291,840 298,920 306,280 315,630

89 256,940 271,070 285,740 296,470 303,660 311,140 320,640

90 260,950 275,300 290,200 301,100 308,400 316,000 325,650

91 265,190 279,770 294,910 305,990 313,410 321,130 330,940

92 269,430 284,240 299,620 310,880 318,420 326,260 336,230

93 273,670 288,710 304,330 315,770 323,430 331,390 341,520

94 277,910 293,180 309,040 320,660 328,440 336,520 346,810

95 282,150 297,650 313,750 325,550 333,450 341,650 352,100

96 286,390 302,120 318,460 330,440 338,460 346,780 357,390

97 290,630 306,590 323,170 335,330 343,470 351,910 362,680

98 294,870 311,060 327,880 340,220 348,480 357,040 367,970

99 299,110 315,530 332,590 345,110 353,490 362,170 373,260

100 303,350 320,000 337,300 350,000 358,500 367,300 378,550

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10. Injury Scale Values / General Damages (QLD) (Workers’Compensation Rehabilitation Act)


ISV Injury between 01 Jul 12 - 30 Jun 13

Injury between 01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between 01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between 01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between 01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury after

01 Jul 18

1 1,270 1,310 1,360 1,390 1,410 1,450

2 2,540 2,620 2,720 2,780 2,820 2,900

3 3,810 3,930 4,080 4,170 4,230 4,350

4 5,080 5,240 5,440 5,560 5,640 5,800

5 6,350 6,550 6,800 6,950 7,050 7,250

6 7,880 8,130 8,440 8,630 8,760 9,010

7 9,410 9,710 10,080 10,310 10,470 10,770

8 10,940 11,290 11,720 11,990 12,180 12,530

9 12,470 12,870 13,360 13,670 13,890 14,290

10 14,000 14,450 15,000 15,350 15,600 16,050

11 15,790 16,290 16,910 17,310 17,590 18,100

12 17,580 18,130 18,820 19,270 19,580 20,150

13 19,370 19,970 20,730 21,230 21,570 22,200

14 21,160 21,810 22,640 23,190 23,560 24,250

15 22,950 23,650 24,550 25,150 25,550 26,300

16 24,980 25,740 26,720 27,370 27,810 28,630

17 27,010 27,830 28,890 29,590 30,070 30,960

18 29,040 29,920 31,060 31,810 32,330 33,290

19 31,070 32,010 33,230 34,030 34,590 35,620

20 33,100 34,100 35,400 36,250 36,850 37,950

21 35,400 36,470 37,860 38,770 39,410 40,590

22 37,700 38,840 40,320 41,290 41,970 43,230

23 40,000 41,210 42,780 43,810 44,530 45,870

24 42,300 43,580 45,240 46,330 47,090 48,510

25 44,600 45,950 47,700 48,850 49,650 51,150

26 47,160 48,590 50,440 51,660 52,510 54,100

27 49,720 51,230 53,180 54,470 55,370 57,050

28 52,280 53,870 55,920 57,280 58,230 60,000

29 54,840 56,510 58,660 60,090 61,090 62,950

30 57,400 59,150 61,400 62,900 63,950 65,900

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ISV Injury between 01 Jul 12 - 30 Jun 13

Injury between 01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between 01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between 01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between 01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury after

01 Jul 18

31 60,200 62,030 64,390 65,960 67,060 69,110

32 63,000 64,910 67,380 69,020 70,170 72,320

33 65,800 67,790 70,370 72,080 73,280 75,530

34 68,600 70,670 73,360 75,140 76,390 78,740

35 71,400 73,550 76,350 78,200 79,500 81,950

36 74,470 76,710 79,630 81,560 82,920 85,480

37 77,540 79,870 82,910 84,920 86,340 89,010

38 80,610 83,030 86,190 88,280 89,760 92,540

39 83,680 86,190 89,470 91,640 93,180 96,070

40 86,750 89,350 92,750 95,000 96,600 99,600

41 90,050 92,750 96,280 98,620 100,280 103,390

42 93,350 96,150 99,810 102,240 103,960 107,180

43 96,650 99,550 103,340 105,860 107,640 110,970

44 99,950 102,950 106,870 109,480 111,320 114,760

45 103,250 106,350 110,400 113,100 115,000 118,550

46 106,550 109,750 113,930 116,720 118,680 122,340

47 109,850 113,150 117,460 120,340 122,360 126,130

48 113,150 116,550 120,990 123,960 126,040 129,920

49 116,450 119,950 124,520 127,580 129,720 133,710

50 119,750 123,350 128,050 131,200 133,400 137,500

51 123,270 126,970 131,810 135,050 137,320 141,540

52 126,790 130,590 135,570 138,900 141,240 145,580

53 130,310 134,210 139,330 142,750 145,160 149,620

54 133,830 137,830 143,090 146,600 149,080 153,660

55 137,350 141,450 146,850 150,450 153,000 157,700

56 140,870 145,070 150,610 154,300 156,920 161,740

57 144,390 148,690 154,370 158,150 160,840 165,780

58 147,910 152,310 158,130 162,000 164,760 169,820

59 151,430 155,930 161,890 165,850 168,680 173,860

60 154,950 159,550 165,650 169,700 172,600 177,900

61 158,700 163,410 169,660 173,810 176,780 182,210

62 162,450 167,270 173,670 177,920 180,960 186,520

63 166,200 171,130 177,680 182,030 185,140 190,830

64 169,950 174,990 181,690 186,140 189,320 195,140

65 173,700 178,850 185,700 190,250 193,500 199,450

66 177,450 182,710 189,710 194,360 197,680 203,760

67 181,200 186,570 193,720 198,470 201,860 208,070

68 184,950 190,430 197,730 202,580 206,040 212,380

69 188,700 194,290 201,740 206,690 210,220 216,690

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ISV Injury between 01 Jul 12 - 30 Jun 13

Injury between 01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between 01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between 01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between 01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury after

01 Jul 18

70 192,450 198,150 205,750 210,800 214,400 221,000

71 196,430 202,250 210,010 215,160 218,840 225,580

72 200,410 206,350 214,270 219,520 223,280 230,160

73 204,390 210,450 218,530 223,880 227,720 234,740

74 208,370 214,550 222,790 228,240 232,160 239,320

75 212,350 218,650 227,050 232,600 236,600 243,900

76 216,330 222,750 231,310 236,960 241,040 248,480

77 220,310 226,850 235,570 241,320 245,480 253,060

78 224,290 230,950 239,830 245,680 249,920 257,640

79 228,270 235,050 244,090 250,040 254,360 262,220

80 232,250 239,150 248,350 254,400 258,800 266,800

81 236,460 243,490 252,850 259,010 263,490 271,630

82 240,670 247,830 257,350 263,620 268,180 276,460

83 244,880 252,170 261,850 268,230 272,870 281,290

84 249,090 256,510 266,350 272,840 277,560 286,120

85 253,300 260,850 270,850 277,450 282,250 290,950

86 257,510 265,190 275,350 282,060 286,940 295,780

87 261,720 269,530 279,850 286,670 291,630 300,610

88 265,930 273,870 284,350 291,280 296,320 305,440

89 270,140 278,210 288,850 295,890 301,010 310,270

90 274,350 282,550 293,350 300,500 305,700 315,100

91 278,820 287,150 298,120 305,390 310,670 320,220

92 283,290 291,750 302,890 310,280 315,640 325,340

93 287,760 296,350 307,660 315,170 320,610 330,460

94 292,230 300,950 312,430 320,060 325,580 335,580

95 296,700 305,550 317,200 324,950 330,550 340,700

96 301,170 310,150 321,970 329,840 335,520 345,820

97 305,640 314,750 326,740 334,730 340,490 350,940

98 310,110 319,350 331,510 339,620 345,460 356,060

99 314,580 323,950 336,280 344,510 350,430 361,180

100 319,050 328,550 341,050 349,400 355,400 366,300

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11. Injury Scale Values (SA) (Civil Liability Act 1936)


ISV Injury between

01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between

01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between

01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 16

Injury between

01 Jul 16 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between

01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury on or after

01 July 2018

1-10 - - - - -

11 3,000 3,090 3,120 3,150 3,210 3,280

12 4,000 4,120 4,160 4,200 4,280 4,370

13 5,000 5,150 5,200 5,250 5,350 5,460

14 6,000 6,180 6,240 6,300 6,420 6,550

15 7,000 7,210 7,280 7,350 7,490 7,640

16 8,000 8,240 8,320 8,400 8,560 8,730

17 9,000 9,270 9,360 9,450 9,630 9,820

18 10,000 10,300 10,400 10,500 10,700 10,910

19 11,000 11,330 11,440 11,550 11,770 12,000

20 12,000 12,360 12,480 12,600 12,840 13,090

21 13,000 13,390 13,520 13,650 13,910 14,180

22 14,000 14,420 14,560 14,700 14,980 15,270

23 15,000 15,450 15,600 15,750 16,050 16,360

24 16,000 16,480 16,640 16,800 17,120 17,450

25 17,000 17,510 17,680 17,850 18,190 18,540

26 18,000 18,540 18,720 18,900 19,260 19,630

27 19,000 19,570 19,760 19,950 20,330 20,720

28 20,000 20,600 20,800 21,000 21,400 21,810

29 21,000 21,630 21,840 22,050 22,470 22,900

30 22,000 22,660 22,880 23,100 23,540 23,990

31 23,000 23,690 23,920 24,150 24,610 25,080

32 26,000 26,770 27,070 27,240 27,790 28,420

33 29,000 29,860 30,190 30,380 31,000 31,700

34 32,000 32,950 33,310 33,520 34,210 34,980

35 35,000 36,040 36,430 36,660 37,420 38,260

36 38,000 39,130 39,550 39,800 40,630 41,540

37 41,000 42,220 42,670 42,940 43,840 44,820

38 44,000 45,310 45,790 46,080 47,050 48,100

39 47,000 48,400 48,910 49,220 50,260 51,380

40 50,000 51,490 52,030 52,360 53,470 54,660

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ISV Injury between

01 Jul 13 - 30 Jun 14

Injury between

01 Jul 14 - 30 Jun 15

Injury between

01 Jul 15 - 30 Jun 16

Injury between

01 Jul 16 - 30 Jun 17

Injury between

01 Jul 17 - 30 Jun 18

Injury on or after

01 July 2018

41 53,000 54,580 55,150 55,500 56,680 57,940

42 56,000 57,670 58,270 58,640 59,890 61,220

43 59,000 60,760 61,390 61,780 63,100 64,500

44 62,000 63,850 64,510 64,920 66,310 67,780

45 65,000 66,940 67,630 68,060 69,520 71,060

46 70,000 72,060 72,880 73,360 74,800 76,520

47 75,000 77,210 78,090 78,600 80,140 81,990

48 80,000 82,360 83,300 83,840 85,480 87,460

49 85,000 87,510 88,510 89,080 90,820 92,930

50 90,000 92,660 93,720 94,320 96,160 98,400

51 95,000 97,810 98,930 99,560 101,500 103,870

52 100,000 102,960 104,140 104,800 106,840 109,340

53 105,000 108,110 109,350 110,040 112,180 114,810

54 110,000 113,260 114,560 115,280 117,520 120,280

55 115,000 118,410 119,770 120,520 122,860 125,750

56 120,000 123,560 124,980 125,760 128,200 131,220

57 125,000 128,710 130,190 131,000 133,540 136,690

58 130,000 133,860 135,400 136,240 138,880 142,160

59 135,000 139,010 140,610 141,480 144,220 147,630

60 140,000 144,160 145,820 146,720 149,560 153,100

61 145,000 149,310 151,030 151,960 154,900 158,570

62 150,000 154,460 156,240 157,200 160,240 164,040

63 155,000 159,610 161,450 162,440 165,580 169,510

64 160,000 164,760 166,660 167,680 170,920 174,980

65 165,000 169,910 171,870 172,920 176,260 180,450

66 170,000 175,060 177,080 178,160 181,600 185,920

67 180,000 185,290 187,400 188,640 192,350 196,750

68 190,000 195,580 197,810 199,120 203,040 207,680

69 200,000 205,870 208,220 209,600 213,730 218,610

70 210,000 216,160 218,630 220,080 224,420 229,540

71 220,000 226,450 229,040 230,560 235,110 240,470

72 230,000 236,740 239,450 241,040 245,800 251,400

73 240,000 247,030 249,860 251,520 256,490 262,330

74 250,000 257,320 260,270 262,000 267,180 273,260

75 260,000 267,610 270,680 272,480 277,870 284,190

76 270,000 277,900 281,090 282,960 288,560 295,120

77 280,000 288,190 291,500 293,440 299,250 306,050

78 290,000 298,480 301,910 303,920 309,940 316,980

79-100 300,000 308,810 312,340 314,400 320,570 327,910

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12. Schedule of Indexed Amounts (NSW)

Motor Accidents Compensations Act 1999 Section 125 - Damages to Past and Future Economic Loss - Maximum for Loss of Earnings, etc.

In the case of any such award, the court is to disregard the amount (if any) by which the injured or deceased person's net weekly earnings would (but for the injury or death) have exceeded an amount.

Latest Amount $ Net Weekly Earnings 01/10/2018 5,008 Section 134 - Maximum Amount of damages for Non-Economic Loss 01/10/2018 546,000

Civil Liability Act 2002

Section 12 - Damages for Past and Future Economic Loss - Maximum for Loss of Earnings, etc.

In the case of any such award, the court is to disregard the amount (if any) by which the claimant's gross weekly earnings would (but for the injury or death) have exceeded an amount that is 3 times the amount of average weekly earnings at the date of the award (Section 12(2)).

For the purpose of this section, the amount of average weekly earnings at the date of an award is the amount per week comprising the amount estimated by the Australian Statistician as the average weekly total earnings of all employees in New South Wales for the most recent quarter occurring before the date of the award for which such an amount has been estimated by the Australian Statistician and that is, at that date, available to the court making the award (Section 12(3)(a))

Average Weekly


Maximum Amount

Allowable Gross Weekly Earnings 18/05/2018 1,241.30


Historical Rates It is our understanding that the rates applicable to a claim for the various sections is the latest indexed rate. For information purposes only, the historical indexed rates are noted below.

Effective Date Non-economic Loss Max. Eco. Loss

MAA 1988 MAC 1999 CLA 2002 MAC 1999

01/10/2003 329,000 329,000 384,500 3,021

01/10/2004 341,000 341,000 400,000 3,127

01/10/2005 359,000 359,000 416,000 3,296

01/10/2006 366,000 366,000 427,000 3,362

01/10/2007 381,000 381,000 442,000 3,500

01/10/2008 390,000 390,000 450,000 3,584

01/10/2009 408,000 408,000 473,500 3,749

01/10/2010 432,000 432,000 500,500 3,966

01/10/2011 450,000 450,000 520,000 4,129

01/10/2012 462,000 462,000 535,000 4,236

01/10/2013 477,000 477,000 551,500 4,376

01/10/2014 492,000 492,000 572,000 4,512

01/10/2015 511,000 511,000 594,000 4,688

01/10/2016 521,000 521,000 605,000 4,777

01/10/2017 527,000 527,000 612,500 4,834

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13. Non-Economic Loss Damages (NSW)

Section 16 Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW) (For personal injury and death claims from 20 March 2002)

Severity of non-economic loss as a proportion of a most

extreme case

Damages to be awarded for non-economic loss as

a proportion of the maximum amount

Current dollar


01/10/15 to 30/09/16


Current dollar


01/10/16 to 30/09/17


Current dollar


01/10/17 to 30/09/18


Current dollar


01/10/18 to 30/09/19


15% 1.0% 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,500

16% 1.5% 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,500

17% 2.0% 12,000 12,000 12,500 12,500

18% 2.5% 15,000 15,000 15,500 16,000

19% 3.0% 18,000 18,000 18,500 19,000

20% 3.5% 21,000 21,000 21,500 22,000

21% 4.0% 24,000 24,000 24,500 25,500

22% 4.5% 26,500 27,000 27,500 28,500

23% 5.0% 29,500 30,500 30,500 32,000

24% 5.5% 32,500 33,500 33,500 35,000

25% 6.5% 38,500 39,500 40,000 41,500

26% 8.0% 47,500 48,500 49,000 51,000

27% 10.0% 59,500 60,500 61,500 63,500

28% 14.0% 83,000 84,500 86,000 89,000

29% 18.0% 107,000 109,000 110,500 114,500

30% 23.0% 136,500 139,000 141,000 146,000

31% 26.0% 154,500 157,500 159,500 165,000

32% 30.0% 178,000 181,500 184,000 190,500

33% 33.0% 196,000 199,500 202,000 209,500

34% to 100% 34% to 100% respectively 194,500 to 572,000 202,000 to 594,000 208,500 to 612,500 216,000 to 635,000

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14. Impairment Benefits – From 01 July 2018 (VIC)

Transport Accident Act (1986) For accidents on or after 16 December 2004

Degree of Impairment

Impairment Benefit

Degree of Impairment

Impairment Benefit

Degree of Impairment

Impairment Benefit

% $ % $ % $

1 - 35 52,330 68 131,480

2 - 36 54,420 69 134,280

3 - 37 56,510 70 137,080

4 - 38 58,600 71 139,880

5 - 39 60,690 72 142,680

6 - 40 62,780 73 145,480

7 - 41 64,870 74 148,280

8 - 42 66,960 75 151,080

9 - 43 69,050 76 153,880

10 - 44 71,140 77 156,680

11 7,720 45 73,230 78 159,480

12 9,150 46 75,320 79 162,280

13 10,580 47 77,410 80 167,830

14 12,010 48 79,500 81 173,410

15 13,440 49 81,590 82 178,990

16 14,870 50 84,270 83 184,570

17 16,300 51 86,710 84 190,150

18 17,730 52 89,150 85 195,730

19 19,160 53 91,590 86 201,310

20 20,980 54 94,030 87 206,890

21 23,070 55 96,470 88 212,470

22 25,160 56 98,910 89 218,050

23 27,250 57 101,350 90 229,380

24 29,340 58 103,790 91 240,570

25 31,430 59 106,230 92 251,760

26 33,520 60 109,080 93 262,950

27 35,610 61 111,880 94 274,140

28 37,700 62 114,680 95 285,330

29 39,790 63 117,480 96 296,520

30 41,880 64 120,280 97 307,710

31 43,970 65 123,080 98 318,900

32 46,060 66 125,880 99 330,090

33 48,150 67 128,680 100 352,460

34 50,240

* Minor benefit $181.

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15. Transport Accident Act Benefits (VIC)


01/07/2014 01/07/2015 01/07/2016 01/07/2017 01/07/2018

MEDICAL EXCESS: 623 623 629 651 N/A


Maximum Weekly 1,250 1,250 1,260 1,300 1,350

Minimum Weekly (or 100% of pre-accident weekly earnings) 612 612 618 640 665

Dependants - first 173 173 175 181 188

Dependants - other 55 55 56 58 60


Maximum Weekly 1,060 1,060 1,070 1,110 1,150

Minimum Weekly (or 100% of pre-accident earning capacity) 569 569 574 594 617

Dependants - first 160 160 162 168 174

Dependants - other 54 54 55 57 59

Supported Employment Program - Unaffected Earnings * 155 157 160 162 166

SAFETY NET INCOME BENEFIT (Weekly): *** 1,250 1,250 1,260 1,300 1,350


Maximum Weekly 1,250 1,250 1,260 1,300 1,350

Minimum Weekly (or 100% of the deceased's earning capacity) 612 612 618 640 665

Dependants - first 173 173 175 181 188

Dependants - other 55 55 56 58 60

Lump Sum CPI 172,770 175,240 178,540 181,180 185,140

Education Allowance 2,760 2,800 2,850 2,890 2,950

Family Counselling Allowance 15,410 15,630 15,920 16,160 16,510

Funeral Expenses **** 14,520 14,730 15,010 15,230 15,560

Travel & Accommodation to Attend Funerals (applies to accidents on or after 14 Dec 2016) N/A N/A 5,000 5,070 5,180


Maximum Allowance per Claim 10,270 10,420 10,620 10,780 11,020

CAPPED AMOUNT FOR DAILY LIVING EXPENSES (applies to TAC clients residing in Shared Supported Accommodation facilities or Supported Residential Services)

33.80 33.80 34.50 35.00 35.8


Travel to Work Allowance 1,330 1,350 1,380 1,400 1,430

Post Hospital Support Allowance ** 4,870 4,870 4,920 5,090 5,290

MAXIMUM NO-FAULT: 166,120 168,500 171,670 174,210 178,010


Threshold 51,070 51,800 52,770 53,550 54,720

Maximum Pecuniary Loss 1,149,780 1,166,240 1,188,180 1,205,730 1,232,060

Maximum Pain/Suffering 510,990 518,300 528,050 535,850 547,550

Maximum Wrongs Act 836,950 848,930 864,900 877,860 896,850

CPI INDEX 2.7451% 1.4313% 1.8815% 1.4774% 2.1838%

AWE INDEX 3.9562% 0.0000% 0.8927% 3.4833% 3.8430%

* Applicable from 1/1/2005 ** Applicable from 1/3/2005 *** Applicable from 28/11/2007

**** Applicable from 20/11/2013

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16. Interest Up To Judgement (NSW)

Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 - Rule 6.12(8) and Civil Procedure Act 2005 - Section 100 - NSW

Published Date

Applicable Period RBA Cash Rate Interest Rate

30/06/2003 01/07/2003 to 31/12/2003 4.75% 8.75%

31/12/2003 01/01/2004 to 30/06/2004 5.25% 9.25%

30/06/2004 01/07/2004 to 31/12/2004 5.25% 9.25%

31/12/2004 01/01/2005 to 30/06/2005 5.25% 9.25%

30/06/2005 01/07/2005 to 31/12/2005 5.50% 9.50%

31/12/2005 01/01/2006 to 30/06/2006 5.50% 9.50%

30/06/2006 01/07/2006 to 31/12/2006 5.75% 9.75%

29/12/2006 01/01/2007 to 30/06/2007 6.25% 10.25%

29/06/2007 01/07/2007 to 31/12/2007 6.25% 10.25%

31/12/2007 01/01/2008 to 30/06/2008 6.75% 10.75%

30/06/2008 01/07/2008 to 31/12/2008 7.25% 11.25%

31/12/2008 01/01/2009 to 30/06/2009 4.25% 8.25%

30/06/2009 01/07/2009 to 31/12/2009 3.00% 7.00%

31/12/2009 01/01/2010 to 30/06/2010 3.75% 7.75%

30/06/2010 01/07/2010 to 31/12/2010 4.50% 8.50%

31/12/2010 01/01/2011 to 30/06/2011 4.75% 8.75%

30/06/2011 01/07/2011 to 31/12/2011 4.75% 8.75%

30/12/2011 01/01/2012 to 30/06/2012 4.25% 8.25%

29/06/2012 01/07/2012 to 31/12/2012 3.50% 7.50%

31/12/2012 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2013 3.00% 7.00%

28/06/2013 01/07/2013 to 31/12/2013 2.75% 6.75%

31/12/2013 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2014 2.50% 6.50%

30/06/2014 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2014 2.50% 6.50%

31/12/2014 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015 2.50% 6.50%

30/06/2015 01/07/2015 to 31/12/2015 2.00% 6.00%

31/12/2015 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016 2.00% 6.00%

30/06/2016 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2016 1.75% 5.75%

31/12/2016 01/01/2017 to 30/06/2017 1.50% 5.50%

30/06/2017 01/07/2017 to 31/12/2017 1.50% 5.50%

31/12/2017 01/01/2018 to 30/06/2018 1.50% 5.50%

30/06/2018 01/07/2018 to 31/12/2018 1.50% 5.50%

The prescribed rate at which pre-judgment interest may be awarded is 4% above the last cash rate published by the Reserve Bank of Australia ("RBA") before the period commenced, by reference to the periods: • 1 January to 30 June in any year; and • 1 July to 31 December in any year.

Source: www.rba.gov.au/statistics/tables/index.html#interestrates

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17. Interest Post Judgement (NSW)

Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 - Rule 36.7 and Civil Procedure Act 2005 - Section 101

Published Date

Applicable Period Schedule 5

Rate RBA Cash

Rate Interest


01/09/1991 to 28/02/1992 15.00% 15.00%

29/02/1992 to 31/08/1992 13.00% 13.00%

01/09/1992 to 31/08/1993 11.25% 11.25%

01/09/1993 to 28/02/1995 10.50% 10.50%

01/03/1995 to 28/02/1997 12.00% 12.00%

01/03/1997 to 31/08/1997 10.50% 10.50%

01/09/1997 to 31/08/1998 10.00% 10.00%

01/09/1998 to 29/02/2000 9.58% 9.58%

01/03/2000 to 31/08/2000 10.00% 10.00%

01/09/2000 to 31/08/2001 11.00% 11.00%

01/09/2001 to 28/02/2002 10.00% 10.00%

01/03/2002 to 31/12/2006 9.00% 9.00%

01/01/2007 to 05/03/2009 10.00% 10.00%

06/03/2009 to 30/06/2010 9.00% 9.00%

30/06/2010 01/07/2010 to 31/12/2010 4.50% 10.50%

31/12/2010 01/01/2011 to 30/06/2011 4.75% 10.75%

30/06/2011 01/07/2011 to 31/12/2011 4.75% 10.75%

30/12/2011 01/01/2012 to 30/06/2012 4.25% 10.25%

29/06/2012 01/07/2012 to 31/12/2012 3.50% 9.50%

31/12/2012 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2013 3.00% 9.00%

28/06/2013 01/07/2013 to 31/12/2013 2.75% 8.75%

31/12/2013 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2014 2.50% 8.50%

30/06/2014 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2014 2.50% 8.50%

31/12/2014 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015 2.50% 8.50%

30/06/2015 01/07/2015 to 31/12/2015 2.00% 8.00%

31/12/2015 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016 2.00% 8.00%

30/06/2016 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2016 1.75% 7.75%

31/12/2016 01/01/2017 to 30/06/2016 1.50% 7.50%

30/06/2017 01/07/2017 to 31/12/2017 1.50% 7.50%

31/12/2017 01/01/2018 to 30/06/2018 1.50% 7.50%

30/06/2018 01/07/2018 to 31/12/2018 1.50% 7.50%

The prescribed rate at which post-judgment interest may be awarded: • Up to and including 30 June 2010 interest is to be calculated by reference to Schedule 5 rates. • From 01 July 2010, the prescribed interest rate payable is 6% above the last cash rate published by the Reserve Bank

of Australia

before the period commenced, by reference to the periods: • 1 January to 30 June in any year; and • 1 July to 31 December in any year.

Source: www.rba.gov.au/statistics/tables/index.html#interestrates

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18. RBA Cash Rate (South Australia)

Per Reserve Bank of Australia, “Interest Rates and Yields - Money Market"

Published Date

Applicable Period RBA Cash Rate Interest Rate

30/06/2003 01/07/2003 to 31/12/2003 4.75% 8.75%

31/12/2003 01/01/2004 to 30/06/2004 5.25% 9.25%

30/06/2004 01/07/2004 to 31/12/2004 5.25% 9.25%

31/12/2004 01/01/2005 to 30/06/2005 5.25% 9.25%

30/06/2005 01/07/2005 to 31/12/2005 5.50% 9.50%

31/12/2005 01/01/2006 to 30/06/2006 5.50% 9.50%

30/06/2006 01/07/2006 to 31/12/2006 5.75% 9.75%

29/12/2006 01/01/2007 to 30/06/2007 6.25% 10.25%

29/06/2007 01/07/2007 to 31/12/2007 6.25% 10.25%

31/12/2007 01/01/2008 to 30/06/2008 6.75% 10.75%

30/06/2008 01/07/2008 to 31/12/2008 7.25% 11.25%

31/12/2008 01/01/2009 to 30/06/2009 4.25% 8.25%

30/06/2009 01/07/2009 to 31/12/2009 3.00% 7.00%

31/12/2009 01/01/2010 to 30/06/2010 3.75% 7.75%

30/06/2010 01/07/2010 to 31/12/2010 4.50% 8.50%

31/12/2010 01/01/2011 to 30/06/2011 4.75% 8.75%

30/06/2011 01/07/2011 to 31/12/2011 4.75% 8.75%

30/12/2011 01/01/2012 to 30/06/2012 4.25% 8.25%

29/06/2012 01/07/2012 to 31/12/2012 3.50% 7.50%

31/12/2012 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2013 3.00% 7.00%

28/06/2013 01/07/2013 to 31/12/2013 2.75% 6.75%

31/12/2013 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2014 2.50% 6.50%

30/06/2014 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2014 2.50% 6.50%

31/12/2014 01/01/2015 to 30/06/2015 2.50% 6.50%

30/06/2015 01/07/2015 to 31/12/2015 2.00% 6.00%

31/12/2015 01/01/2016 to 30/06/2016 2.00% 6.00%

30/06/2016 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2016 1.75% 5.75%

31/12/2016 01/01/2017 to 30/06/2017 1.50% 5.50%

30/06/2017 01/07/2017 to 31/12/2017 1.50% 5.50%

31/12/2017 01/01/2018 to 30/06/2018 1.50% 5.50%

30/06/2018 01/07/2018 To 31/12/2018 1.50% 5.50%

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19. Loss of Superannuation – Najdovski v Crnojlovic Approach (NSW)

Years to retirement Average super % Years to retirement Average super %

1 11.61% 25 14.18%

2 11.61% 26 14.20%

3 11.81% 27 14.21%

4 12.07% 28 14.23%

5 12.34% 29 14.25%

6 12.63% 30 14.26%

7 12.92% 31 14.27%

8 13.14% 32 14.28%

9 13.31% 33 14.30%

10 13.44% 34 14.31%

11 13.56% 35 14.32%

12 13.65% 36 14.33%

13 13.73% 37 14.34%

14 13.79% 38 14.35%

15 13.85% 39 14.35%

16 13.90% 40 14.36%

17 13.95% 41 14.37%

18 13.99% 42 14.38%

19 14.02% 43 14.38%

20 14.06% 44 14.39%

21 14.08% 45 14.40%

22 14.11% 46 14.40%

23 14.14% 47 14.41%

24 14.16% 48 14.41%

The above table provides indicative average superannuation rates to be applied to the after tax lump sum future loss of income amount claimed / awarded when assessing future loss of superannuation entitlements in respect of those claimants who are entitled to claim for loss of superannuation entitlements (e.g. salary and wage earners).

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20. Rates for the Provision of Attendant Care Services (NSW)

Period Gross Wage before

Tax Rate per hour


22/02/2003 to 16/05/2003 776.70 19.42

17/05/2003 to 15/08/2003 789.10 19.73

16/08/2003 to 21/11/2003 800.00 20.00

22/11/2003 to 20/02/2004 814.50 20.36

21/02/2004 to 21/05/2004 800.90 20.02

22/05/2004 to 20/08/2004 804.40 20.11

21/08/2004 to 19/11/2004 813.70 20.34

20/11/2004 to 18/02/2005 838.80 20.97

19/02/2005 to 20/05/2005 845.60 21.14

21/05/2005 to 19/08/2005 871.90 21.80

20/08/2005 to 18/11/2005 874.60 21.87

19/11/2005 to 17/02/2006 878.10 21.95

18/02/2006 to 19/05/2006 868.90 21.72

20/05/2006 to 18/08/2006 884.00 22.10

19/08/2006 to 17/11/2006 892.30 22.31

18/11/2006 to 17/02/2007 916.10 22.90

18/02/2007 to 18/05/2007 918.90 22.97

19/05/2007 to 17/08/2007 929.70 23.24

18/08/2007 to 16/11/2007 929.30 23.23

17/11/2007 to 15/02/2008 937.80 23.45

16/02/2008 to 16/05/2008 921.60 23.04

17/05/2008 to 15/08/2008 933.50 23.34

16/08/2008 to 21/11/2008 938.50 23.46

22/11/2008 to 20/02/2009 946.40 23.66

21/02/2009 to 15/05/2009 939.00 23.48

16/05/2009 to 21/08/2009 959.90 24.00

22/08/2009 to 20/11/2009 969.40 24.24

21/11/2009 to 19/02/2010 989.90 24.75

20/02/2010 to 21/05/2010 986.90 24.67

22/05/2010 to 20/08/2010 985.50 24.64

21/08/2010 to 19/11/2010 996.40 24.91

20/11/2010 to 18/02/2011 1,025.90 25.65

19/02/2011 to 20/05/2011 1,026.00 25.65

21/05/2011 to 19/08/2011 1,027.10 25.68

20/08/2011 to 18/11/2011 1,016.30 25.41

19/11/2011 to 17/02/2012 1,054.70 26.37

18/02/2012 to 18/05/2012 1,054.50 26.36

19/05/2012 to 16/11/2012 1,081.20 27.03

Page 33: 2019 Litigation Tables€¦ · Page 5 3. Tax Rates TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014) General rates – residents Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5% TAX RATES (from 01 July

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Period Gross Wage before

Tax Rate per hour


17/11/2012 to 17/05/2013 1,107.80 27.70

18/05/2013 to 15/11/2013 1,112.90 27.82

16/11/2013 to 16/05/2014 1,118.30 27.96

17/05/2014 to 21/11/2014 1,129.50 28.24

22/11/2014 to 15/05/2015 1,154.80 28.87

16/05/2015 to 20/11/2015 1,176.30 29.41

21/11/2015 to 20/05/2016 1,199.20 29.98

21/05/2016 to 17/11/2016 1,190.80 29.77

18/11/2016 to 19/05/2017 1,205.80 30.15

20/05/2017 to 17/11/2017 1,222.10 30.55

Source: ABS Catalogue 6302.0

Page 34: 2019 Litigation Tables€¦ · Page 5 3. Tax Rates TAX RATES (from 01 July 2012 to 30 June 2014) General rates – residents Excluding Medicare levy of 1.5% TAX RATES (from 01 July