2019 start of school summit...7 2019 start of school campaign priorities audience • lea english...

2019 Start of School Summit Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University 2 #OSSEStartofSchool

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  • 2019 Start of School SummitTuesday, June 11, 2019Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University

    2 #OSSEStartofSchool

  • Using English Learner Data for a Successful Start of SchoolDivision of Teaching & Learning (TAL)• Jennifer Norton• Anika Harris


  • 4

    Start of School Summit Agenda


    Time Activity

    8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Check-in + Registration

    9:00 – 9:20 a.m. Summit Opening

    9:20 – 9:30 a.m. Break + Transition

    9:30 – 11:00 a.m. LEA POC Breakout Session #1

    11:00 – 11:15 a.m. Break + Transition

    11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. LEA POC Breakout Session #2

    12:30 – 1:30 p.m. LEA Team Working Lunch + OSSE Resource Fair

    1:30 – 2:45 p.m. LEA POC Breakout Session #3

    2:45 – 3:00 p.m. Break + Transition

    3:00 – 4:00pm OSSE Staff Office Hours

  • 5

    Session AgendaTime Activity

    5 minutes Introduction

    10 minutes Overview of EL Qlik App

    20 minutes ELs by grade, proficiency level, and transfer status

    20 minutes ELs’ ACCESS growth targets

    5 minutes Introduce additional data examples and uses

    10 minutes Data Errors

    5 minutes Q + A, Closing + Next Steps


  • 6 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Session Objectives

    3. Improve data quality through changes to their school’s SIS or OST tickets.

    Learn about exceptions to the data policy Learn how to correct data errors

    2. Be better prepared for incoming English Learners by understanding the characteristics of the students who will enroll

    Look at historical EL data Prepare to collaborate with other stakeholders

    1. Utilize the Early Access to English Learner (EL) Data Qlik App to access and analyze their data

    Look at data to map ELs for staffing Look at data to prepare for instruction

    By the end of this session, participants will

    PresenterPresentation NotesWe understand you have a specific POV [avoid people thinking they are coming to this meeting to provide input on weedy technical details]

  • 7

    2019 Start of School Campaign Priorities

    Audience• LEA English Learner, Special Education POCs

    Goal• Provide LEAs with timely access to critical information on

    incoming high school students and students with disabilities (SWD) and English learners (EL) using the EL, SWD, and High School Transition Qlik applications

    How We’ll Get There• Addition of IDEA Part C data elements to the SWD app• Additional data to be included in the EL app• Addition of rising ninth and tenth grade student information in

    the High School Transition app


    PresenterPresentation NotesAdditional EL data available in the Early Access to EL Qlik application:�The updated tool will launch in late April and will once again enable LEA teams to identify newly enrolled English Learners and access critical information about them, such as prior ACCESS scores and EL proficiency level. The updated application provides additional information on Access Growth Target, re-identification of a student as EL, and if the student was ever EL.

    Additional Part C data available in the Early Access to SWD Qlik application:�An updated application in Qlik for students with disabilities will launch in late April and will once again provide timely and appropriate access to information for students with disabilities. The updated application also flags when a student under the age of 6 had previously received IDEA Part C early intervention services.

    Additional data available in High School Transition Qlik application:An updated application in Qlik that includes 9th, 10th and 11th Grade Transition students will launch in the beginning of June and will provide key enrollment and academic data on incoming 9th, 10th and 11th graders. App previously included repeater info, at-risk indicator, SWD status, FARMS status, homeless indicator, EL indicator, sending school, and other useful items. For 2019-20, app will also include enrollment data for incoming 10th and 11th graders as well as academic outcome data for incoming 10th graders.   �

  • 8

    What’s New for EL POCs?


    • 2019-20 release of Delivering Education Services to English Learners

    • Increased guidance around EL identification procedures for students with previous enrollment in other DC schools (See page 9)

    – Streamlined procedures to follow when a student transfers to a new DC LEA.

    – The Early Access to EL Data application allows LEAs to identify newly enrolled students who are ELs.

    • New information about EL status for adult students transferring across adult-serving programs and traditional pathways (See pages 11-12)

    • Streamlining procedure for re-identifying a student in ‘EL Monitored’ status as EL (See page 21)

    PresenterPresentation NotesHLS date in SIS?


  • 9

    What’s New for EL POCs?


    • 2019-20 Start of School Checklist for LEA English Learner Points of Contact

    – English Learner POCs who complete the items in the checklist will assist their LEAs in preparing to serve incoming ELs and ensure that both staff and students experience a great start to the 2019-20 school year.

    • Quality Programs for English Learners: A School Readiness Reflection Tool

    – The purpose of the School Readiness Reflection tool is to provide local education agencies (LEAs) and schools with insight into current strengths and gaps in program support services for ELs in their school setting. In using the tool’s rating system, school-based leadership, EL program coordinators, and other relevant school-based staff can work together to complete the self-assessment. This tool is to be used by LEAs/schools for informational and planning purposes only.

    PresenterPresentation NotesWe understand you have a specific POV [avoid people thinking they are coming to this meeting to provide input on weedy technical details]


  • 10 #OSSEStartofSchool

    • New EL Qlik application data– Re-identification of a student as EL– If the student was ever EL– EL status in 2018 Audit– ACCESS Growth Targets (currently showing 2018-19)

    • New EL Qlik app access– Now available to Principals as well as LEA Data Managers,

    Heads of School, ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Coordinators and ELL/LEP Coordinators

    What’s New for EL POCs?

  • 11

    5 Things English Learner POCs Should Know


    *Limited exceptions, which are outlined in OSSE’s EL policies and procedures

    The EL Qlik application shows student-level EL data for currently enrolled students and students expected to enroll in SY19-20

    The EL Qlik app relies on enrollment data from MySchoolDC until LEAs send enrollment information to the SLED

    The app is now available to principals as well as LEA data managers, heads of schools and EL POCs

    Screeners only need to be administered once*

    OSSE is here to assist LEAs in correcting EL data errors in their SIS

    PresenterPresentation NotesWe understand you have a specific POV [avoid people thinking they are coming to this meeting to provide input on weedy technical details]

  • 12 #OSSEStartofSchool

    • How to leverage student-level data using the EL Qlik app• Strategies for program planning and staffing• Tips for sharing data with school-level staff• Troubleshooting for data errors

    Refer to the 2019 release of Delivering Education Services to English Learners for policies and procedures about:• EL identification;• Screening;• Instructional considerations;• Assessment and accountability; and• Exiting and monitoring.

    Session Overview


  • 13 #OSSEStartofSchool

    There are multiple ways to access Qlik. Two common ways are: 1. Go to https://sled.osse.dc.gov/ and click on the Reports tab. Click the OSSE

    Analysis Tool option; or

    2. Go directly to: https://analysis.osse.dc.gov

    Early Access Qlik Applications


  • 14 #OSSEStartofSchool

    OSSE has created three Early Access Qlik applications:

    • 2019-20 Early Access to Students with Disabilities (SWDs) Data

    • 2019-20 Early Access to English Learners (ELs) Data

    • 2019-20 High School Transition

    Early Access Qlik Applications

    SY19-20 High School Transition

  • 15 #OSSEStartofSchool

    • The purpose of the Early Access to SWD Qlik application is to provide a preview of student-level special education related data for all the students pre-registered in the LEA. This application allows LEAs to plan and prepare to serve the student population.

    • LEAs are able to view special education data, including – Eligibility and IEP start and end dates– Special education and related services details– Dedicated aide and assistive technology needs– Transportation information– Indication of prior receipt of IDEA Part C services *new*

    2019-20 Early Access to Students with Disabilities (SWD) Data Qlik application

  • 16 #OSSEStartofSchool

    • Access is available to the below eSchoolPLUS POCs:– LEA Data Managers – Heads of School– Principals *new*– Special Education POCs– Pre-K Special Education POCs– Early Childhood Transition Coordinators*new*

    • EL POCs should work in collaboration with SE POCs and Data Managers for SWD information on students dually identified as EL and SWD

    • Application released: Apr. 26

    2019-20 Early Access to Students with Disabilities (SWD) Data Qlik application

  • 17

    • The purpose of High School Transition Qlik application is to provide LEAs participating in the Bridge to High School Data Exchange a preview of student-level enrollment and outcome data to support their students prior to the first official day of school.

    • LEAs are able to view student data, including – Student enrollment data for 9th, 10th, and 11th grades *new

    for 10th and 11th grades*– Demographic data– Attendance data– Statewide Assessment data– Math and English course name and grade for 8th and 9th

    grades *new for 9th grade*

    2019-20 High School Transition Qlik Application


    PresenterPresentation NotesContext from last year’s presentation: Part of the reason I’m not showing you the system is because most of you probably won’t have access to it, but I want you to know what information is available to your LEA. Connect with your LEA data manager or SE POC to see how your LEA wants to handle disseminating and discussing the data available in the system.

  • 18

    • Access is available to the below eSchoolPLUS POCs:– LEA Data Managers– Heads of School– Counselors *new*

    • EL POCs should work in collaboration with School Counselors and LEA Data Managers for information on course and grade data for EL students.

    • Release of enrollment data in the application: June 3• Release of grade data in the application: Aug 2

    2019-20 High School Transition Qlik Application


    PresenterPresentation NotesContext from last year’s presentation: Part of the reason I’m not showing you the system is because most of you probably won’t have access to it, but I want you to know what information is available to your LEA. Connect with your LEA data manager or SE POC to see how your LEA wants to handle disseminating and discussing the data available in the system.

  • 19

    • The purpose of the Early Access to EL Qlik application is to provide a preview of student-level English Learner-related data for all the students pre-registered in the LEA. This application allows LEAs to plan and prepare to serve the student population.

    • LEAs are able to view EL data, including – Current EL status– Historic EL status– Screener scores– ACCESS scores– ACCESS Growth Target *new*– Re-identification of a student as EL *new*– If the student was ever EL *new*– Enrollment Audit EL Status *new*

    2019-20 Early Access to English Learners (ELs) Data Qlik App


    PresenterPresentation NotesContext from last year’s presentation: Part of the reason I’m not showing you the system is because most of you probably won’t have access to it, but I want you to know what information is available to your LEA. Connect with your LEA data manager or SE POC to see how your LEA wants to handle disseminating and discussing the data available in the system.

  • 20

    • Access is available to the below eSchoolPLUS POCs:– LEA Data Managers– Heads of School– Principals *new*– ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Coordinator– ELL/LEP Coordinator

    • Release of the application: April 30• Release of the 2018-19 school year ACCESS scores in the

    application: July 31

    2019-20 Early Access to English Learners (ELs) Data Qlik App


    PresenterPresentation NotesContext from last year’s presentation: Part of the reason I’m not showing you the system is because most of you probably won’t have access to it, but I want you to know what information is available to your LEA. Connect with your LEA data manager or SE POC to see how your LEA wants to handle disseminating and discussing the data available in the system.

  • 21 #OSSEStartofSchool

    • Before LEA SIS switch over to 2019-2020 school year

    – MySchoolDC is the data source for students pre-registered for 2019-2020 school year

    – LEA SIS is the data source for 2018-2019 enrollments

    • After LEA SIS switch over to 2019-2020 school year

    – LEA SIS is the data source (switch over occurs approximately three weeks prior to start of school)

    EL Qlik App Data Sources

    PresenterPresentation NotesThe application shows 2019-2020 school year grade for students Pre-registered for 2019-2020 school year. 2018-2019 school year grade is shown for students currently enrolled for 2018-2019 school year.

  • 22 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Basic Navigation in the EL Qlik AppThree base sheets

    Upper left corner: Tools for easy navigation within a sheet


    Clear search


  • 23 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Basic Navigation in the EL Qlik App

    Toggle between pages using arrows or select from drop down in upper right corner

    Upper right corner: Tools for easy navigation within a sheet

    Open and close data selection tools

  • 24 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Steps for Exploring EL Qlik App

    Use the app to answer key

    questions and plan next steps

    for your LEA

    Discuss how these data can be

    used for planning, using an example and

    an LEA perspective

    Review key data points available

    in the EL Qlik app

    1. 3. 2.

  • 25 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Key EL Data for Start of School Planning1. Number of EL students per grade and ACCESS

    proficiency level

    2. Identify whether transfer students are ELs

    3. ACCESS growth target (scale score to meet to be considered making adequate growth)

    4. Students considered long-term ELs (in EL status more than five years) and dually-identified students (EL and Special Education status)

    5. Students in EL monitored (ELm) status and ever EL

    6. Languages spoken by EL students

    PresenterPresentation NotesWe will review data and conduct practice using the app for #1-3. For #4 -6 in your handout you have all the steps on how to do these and planning questions and samples you can use afterwards, back at your LEA. We will introduce the steps to you today, but given time constraints, you will carry those out afterwards, or do your own if you finish other practice activities quickly.

  • 26 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Number of EL Students and Proficiency Levels

    Early Access EL Data How You Can Use the Data

    1. Number of EL students per grade and ACCESS proficiency level (by campus)

    • To ensure sufficient qualified staff for serving your EL students

    • To plan for EL services based on students’ proficiency level

    • Program model• Staffing

    • Differentiation• Scheduling


    PresenterPresentation NotesWhat program model does your LEA use to provide language assistance to EL students?How many staff do you need to support EL students per grade, given your program model and your EL population?How can you differentiate the EL supports that they receive?What scheduling do you need to plan out to meet your EL students’ needs?

    You should be able to filter by who is enrolled for 19-20.

  • 27 #OSSEStartofSchool


    Grade Screener-Not Proficient

    ACCESS Level 1

    ACCESS Level 2

    ACCESS Level 3

    ACCESS Level 4

    ACCESS Level 5


    PreK3 30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30PreK4 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25Kindergarten 35 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35Grade 1 2 5 5 15 3 30Grade 2 5 5 15 5 30Grade 3 5 5 10 10 30Grade 4 2 3 15 5 25Grade 5 5 10 5 20Total 225

    • Program model• Staffing

    • Differentiation• Scheduling


  • 28 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Qlik steps

    1. Go to the ELs Student Level Data: SY18-19 and SY19-20 page

    2. In the top left corner, filter “EL 2018-19” to “YES”

    3. Search by Grade (KG, 01, 02, 03, etc.) by clicking on the magnifying glass in the “Grade” column

    4. You can click on any of the blue bars at the top to see more information by level of proficiency on screeners, ACCESS, and ALT-ACCESS

    Complete Question 1 on your handout.

    Practice TimeEarly Access EL Data How You Can Use the Data

    1. Number of EL students per grade and ACCESS proficiency level (by campus)

    • To ensure sufficient qualified staff for serving your EL students

    • To plan for EL services based on students’ proficiency level

    PresenterPresentation NotesNote on using app: they can also sort the grades by clicking on the column header or filter by clicking on the magnifying glass next to the "grade" column header.

    What are the data points?Why are they useful/how can they be used?Qlik stepsApplicaton

  • 29 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Transfer Students Who Have EL Status

    • Additional student data • Planning EL services

    • Setting English language development goals


    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 2. Identify whether transfer students are ELs

    • To determine whether anincoming transfer student is EL and their proficiency level

    • To prepare for EL services for the student

    PresenterPresentation NotesTransfer Students (for receiving school or LEAs)

    If a student is identified as EL in the Early Access to EL Data application in Qlik or in SLED, the student does not need to be rescreened.

    If the student is not an EL in Qlik, and has a screener status of proficient, accept the screener data as valid and do not rescreen the student. Exceptions are: When the LEA believes the child is an EL based on the student’s performance on previously administered tests, teacher observations and/or input from parents or guardians.The incoming student is in PreK or Kindergarten and, therefore, should be rescreened in the spring of their Kindergarten year or spring of their 1st grade year. 

    If a student has a home language survey that indicates a language other than English AND a screener status is not provided in Qlik and the student has not yet taken ACCESS, then the school or LEA personnel should attempt to contact the former school to confirm the student’s current EL status before administering a screener.

  • 30 #OSSEStartofSchool


    Grade Screener-Not Proficient

    ACCESS Level 1

    ACCESS Level 2

    ACCESS Level 3

    ACCESS Level 4

    ACCESS Level 5


    PreK3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0PreK4 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1Kindergarten 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2Grade 1 3 3Grade 2 2 3 4 9Grade 3 1 1 4 6Grade 4 1 1 1 3Grade 5 2 2 4Total 28

    • Additional student data • Planning EL services

    • Setting English language development goals


  • 31 #OSSEStartofSchool


    Qlik steps:1. Go to the English Learners (ELs) Summary: SY18-19 and SY19-20 page2. Filter by Student Status in the top left corner: select “SY19120 New Pre-

    Enrolled”3. Go to the ELs Student Level Data: SY18-19 and SY19-20 page4. Search by Grade (KG, 01, 02, 03, etc.) by clicking on the magnifying glass in

    the “Grade” column5. You can click on any of the blue bars at the top to see more information by

    level of proficiency on screeners, ACCESS, and ALT-ACCESS

    Complete Question 2 on your handout.

    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 2. Identify whether transfer students are ELs

    • To determine whether an incoming transfer student is EL and their proficiency level

    • To prepare for EL services for the student

  • 32 #OSSEStartofSchool

    ACCESS Growth Targets Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data

    3. ACCESS growth targets (scale score the student needs to meet to be considered making adequate growth; updated after 2018-19 data validation is finalized)

    • To develop language goals with the student

    • To develop instructional plans

    • To communicate those language goals with families

    • Goal-setting• Instructional


    • CommunicationConsiderations

  • 33 #OSSEStartofSchool


    • Goal-setting• Instructional planning

    • CommunicationConsiderations

    Student Name Student 12018-19 ACCESS Composite Score 4.02019-20 Growth Target 4.4Difference (Composite-Target) 0.4Actual Growth 0.32018-19 ACCESS Reading Score 4.02018-19 ACCESS Writing Score 3.72018-19 ACCESS Speaking Score 4.32018-19 ACCESS Listening Score 4.4English Language Development Goals in: • Reading • Writing• Speaking • Listening

    Check Can Do Descriptors for levels 4 and 5

    PresenterPresentation NotesYou will see ACCESS score and 2019-20 growth target for 18-19 July 31.

  • 34 #OSSEStartofSchool


    Qlik steps:1. Go to the ELs Student Level Data: SY18-18 and SY19-20 page2. Click on a student who has a 2017-18 ACCESS score, and scroll to the right to

    find their accompanying 2018-19 ACCESS growth target proficiency level and 2018-19 composite score

    3. Go to the Historic English Learners page4. Scroll right to see the student’s 2017-18 ACCESS domain scores.

    Complete Question 3 on your handout.

    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data

    3. ACCESS growth targets (scale score the student needs to meet to be considered making adequate growth; updated after 2018-19 data validation is finalized)

    • To develop language goals with the student

    • To develop instructional plans• To communicate those language

    goals with families

    PresenterPresentation NotesSays 2017-18 for today’s exercise, but starting July 31 you will look for what? Answer: 18-19 and 19-20 growth targets

  • 35 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Long-term and Dually-Identified ELs

    • Needs• Supports

    • Goals• Growth


    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 4. Students considered long-term ELs (in EL status more than five years) and dually-identified students (EL and Special Education status)

    • To reflect on students’ needs and how to support growth

    • To ensure sufficient qualified staff for serving your dually-identified EL students

    • To plan for both special education and EL services • To determine scheduling to allow for EL, SpEd and

    general education teachers’ co-planning

  • 36 #OSSEStartofSchool


    • Needs• Supports

    • Goals• Growth


    Status NumberAll dually-identified as ELs and students with disabilities (SWD)


    All Long-term ELs (EL since before school year 2015-16)


    • Long-term ELs who are dually-identified as students with disabilities (SWDs)?


    • Long-term ELs who are not dually-identified


  • 37

    Qlik steps:1. In the top right corner, click on the box with the arrow2. Search for “Year Student First Identified”, click on all of the years prior to 2015-16,

    then click on the green arrow3. Make sure that “EL 2018-19” is still filtered to “YES”4. Click on the box with the arrow in the top right corner to return to data5. You can also filter for dual identified students in any of the pages6. Return to the Summary page to get total numbers after applying filters.

    Complete Question 4 on your handout.



    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data

    4. Students considered long-term ELs (in EL status more than five years) and dually-identified students (EL and Special Education status)

    • To reflect on students’ needs and how to support growth

    • To ensure sufficient qualified staff for serving your dually-identified EL students

    • To plan for both SpEd and EL services • To determine scheduling to allow for EL, SpEd

    and general education teachers’ co-planning

    PresenterPresentation NotesYou can also go to the Historic English Learners page, scroll to the "Year Student First Identified as EL" column, click on magnifying glass, and select the years. Or, in the way you have listed, you can search for the field you want instead of scrolling.

  • 38 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Monitored ELs (ELm) Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 5. How many students are in EL monitored (ELm) status

    • To prepare your system for monitoring these students in ELm status

    • To allocate trained staff to monitor exited students

    • Monitoring system• Transition planning

    • Monitoring documentation

    • Staff allocations


  • 39 #OSSEStartofSchool


    Grade Number of students in monitored status

    PreK3 N/APreK4 N/AKindergarten N/AGrade 1 1Grade 2 5Grade 3 5Grade 4 7Grade 5

    • Monitoring system• Transition planning

    • Monitoring documentation

    • Staff allocations


  • 40 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Qlik steps:1. Close out previous filters at the top of the page2. In the top right corner, click on the box with the arrow3. Under “EL Monitored”, click on M1, M2, M3, and M4; click green arrow4. In the top right corner, click on the box with the arrow to return to data

    pages5. In any of the data pages, you can scroll to see additional information

    Complete Question 6 on your handout.

    PracticeEarly Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 5. How many students are in EL monitored (ELm) status

    • To prepare your system for monitoring these students in ELm status

    • To allocate trained staff to monitor exited students


  • 41 #OSSEStartofSchool

    EL Students’ Languages

    • Translations• Interpretation

    • Outreach • Cultural responsiveness


    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 6. Language spoken by EL students • To plan for language access, e.g.,

    translations and interpreters

    • To learn about your students

  • 42 #OSSEStartofSchool


    • Translations• Interpretation

    • Outreach • Cultural



    Language Number of SpeakersSpanish 105Amharic 45Vietnamese 15Chinese 25Korean 15French 0Arabic 5Tigrinya 15Russian 5

  • 43 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Qlik steps:1. Go to the ELs Student Level Data: SY18-19 and SY19-20 page2. Filter by EL 2018-19 in top left corner3. Go to the English Learners (ELs) Summary: SY18-19 and SY19-20 page4. The SY1819 Student Count by Native Language bar chart provides the data

    Complete Question 6 on your handout.


    Early Access EL Data How LEAs Can Use the Data 6. Language spoken by EL students

    • To plan for language access,e.g., translations and interpreters

    • To learn about your students

  • 44 #OSSEStartofSchool

    We reviewed tips to manage your LEA’s EL-related data.

    1) Name two EL-related data that appear in your SIS.

    2) Name two ways you can use the app for planning purposes.

    3) Name one next step at your LEA to use the Early Access to EL Data Qlik app.

    Check for Understanding

  • Resolving Data Errors


  • 46 #OSSEStartofSchool

    Why do data errors matter?

    • Risk of underidentifying– A student who has previously been EL without exiting may

    not receive needed receive services or take ACCESS• Risk of overidentifying:

    – A student who has previously exited without being purposefully re-identified may be inadvertently placed in unneeded services or unnecessarily take ACCESS

    Resolving data errors can avoid unnecessary confusion for students, parents, teachers and administrators.

    Importance of Resolving Data Errors

  • 47

    Assessment Errors

    • Students who were identified as EL in 2014-15 or later and are in grade 1 or higher, but do not have an ACCESS score

    – Resolution: Assess the student on ACCESS, ensure student is on school-level EL lists

    Data Errors


    PresenterPresentation NotesHighlight that the audit values are considered authoritative, and that they should compare audit lists to their own lists to ensure that students don’t fall through the cracks. If a student is mis-identified, go through exceptions policy.

  • 48

    Screener-Related Errors

    • Students who are classified as EL, but don’t have a screener or ACCESS score

    – Resolution: Ensure that students have been screened or the student took ACCESS in 2018-19. Enter screener score into school’s SIS

    • Students whose screener status is proficient but they are classified as EL

    – Resolution: Ensure student has been properly screened and that original screener status is reflected in the school’s SIS.

    – Remember, students cannot exit EL status based on a screener.

    – If the student should not have been identified as EL, submit an OST ticket with appropriate documentation (see the EL Exceptions Policy)

    Data Errors


    PresenterPresentation NotesHighlight that the audit values are considered authoritative, and that they should compare audit lists to their own lists to ensure that students don’t fall through the cracks. If a student is mis-identified, go through exceptions policy.

  • 49

    Parents Waive Services

    • Students whose parents waived services, but are not labeled as ELs and/or do not have ACCESS scores

    – Resolution: Students should still be classified as ELs and take ACCESS, even if their parents waive services

    – Change the student to EL-YES in the school’s SIS and administer ACCESS

    Data Errors


  • 50

    Native Language

    • Students who are classified as EL but whose native language is English

    – Resolution: Double-check that the native language on the Home Language is correct and change the value in your school’s SIS if it is not

    – NOTE: English may be the only language on the most recent version of the HLS, so listing English as the native language is acceptable

    Data Errors


  • 51

    Unified Data Errors

    • “Identified as English Learner in Past Two Years – Not ACCESS Proficient” or “Not English Learner but Not ACCESS Proficient”

    – Student has been identified as EL by OSSE based on historical data, and should continue to be EL unless resolved through the exceptions policy.

    NOTE: You can also look in the Unified Data Errors (UDE) Qlik App, under “assessment errors”, though the deadline for resolving these errors for 2018-19 has passed. If students’ EL statuses are not correct, follow the same procedures in the EL Exceptions Policy to have errors removed for 2019-20.

    Data Errors


  • 52

    If you are having login issues, please check your user credentials provided by OSSE.

    Submit a ticket to the OSSE Support Tool for: • Access to the Qlik system • Qlik system issues • Student-level data issues

    Troubleshooting Tips


  • Q&A








    Following Up

    For additional assistance, please reach out to

    • Chandi Wagner [email protected]

    • Anika Harris [email protected]

    • Jennifer Norton [email protected]

    Or visit https://osse.dc.gov/page/english-learners-els


  • Thank you for your participation!


  • Appendix


  • 57

    Qlik is a data visualization tool used for interactive reports and dashboards with charts and graphs. It serves as a visualization software to simplify data analysis and helps make informed business decisions.

    • Qlik offers and presents data through:– Visualization – User-driven, drag-and-drop creation– Ease of exploration – Collaboration and storytelling

    • A user’s role in eSchoolPLUS will determine if they have access to a particular OSSE Qlik application.

    • Reach out to LEA Data Manager to confirm your role in eSchoolPLUS.

    Early Access Qlik Applications


    PresenterPresentation NotesQlik contains multiple apps

    Slide Number 1Slide Number 2Slide Number 3Start of School Summit AgendaSession AgendaSession Objectives2019 Start of School Campaign PrioritiesWhat’s New for EL POCs?What’s New for EL POCs?What’s New for EL POCs?5 Things English Learner POCs Should KnowSession OverviewSlide Number 13Slide Number 142019-20 Early Access to Students with Disabilities (SWD) Data Qlik application2019-20 Early Access to Students with Disabilities (SWD) Data Qlik application2019-20 High School Transition Qlik Application2019-20 High School Transition Qlik Application2019-20 Early Access to English Learners (ELs) Data Qlik App2019-20 Early Access to English Learners (ELs) Data Qlik AppEL Qlik App Data SourcesBasic Navigation in the EL Qlik AppBasic Navigation in the EL Qlik AppSteps for Exploring EL Qlik App Key EL Data for Start of School PlanningNumber of EL Students and Proficiency LevelsExamplePractice TimeTransfer Students Who Have EL StatusExamplePracticeACCESS Growth Targets ExamplePracticeLong-term and Dually-Identified ELsExamplePracticeMonitored ELs (ELm) ExamplePracticeEL Students’ Languages ExamplePracticeCheck for UnderstandingSlide Number 45Importance of Resolving Data ErrorsData ErrorsData ErrorsData ErrorsData ErrorsData ErrorsTroubleshooting TipsSlide Number 53Following UpSlide Number 55Slide Number 56Early Access Qlik Applications