2020-21 budget developmentf… · tier 1 reductions (4/21) 3.69% 22.4 fte recommended approach...

2020-21 Budget Development Board of Education May 11, 2020

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Page 1: 2020-21 Budget Developmentf… · Tier 1 Reductions (4/21) 3.69% 22.4 FTE Recommended Approach 2.15% 35.35 FTE Contingent Budget 0% 53.35 FTE* Updated Tax Levy Scenarios $1.1 Million

2020-21 Budget DevelopmentBoard of Education

May 11, 2020

Page 2: 2020-21 Budget Developmentf… · Tier 1 Reductions (4/21) 3.69% 22.4 FTE Recommended Approach 2.15% 35.35 FTE Contingent Budget 0% 53.35 FTE* Updated Tax Levy Scenarios $1.1 Million

Tonight➔ What’s the Story of our Budget?

➔ Budget Status Report

➔ Pre-COVID-19: Reductions

➔ COVID-19 Impact: Savings & Potential State Aid Reduction

➔ Reserve Management

➔ Budget Vote Process

➔ Recommended Approach

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Niskayuna Strategic PlanEstablished 2016

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Our Program VisionDeeper learning experiences that focus on problem-solving

Flexible spaces that enable hands-on activities

Student choice & ownership of their learning; Emphasis on growth toward standards and progress

Incorporates modern technology

Space where groups of various sizes can come together for learning, community building

Greater social and emotional support; time and space for this

Cross-curricular learning & teamwork

Off-campus learning experiences, community service, mentors, intern/externships

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➔ The last several years have been good. We’ve been able to add many positions keep the average tax levy increase at 1.5% in the last five years in particular.

➔ We’ve been planning for the future. We added social-emotional support, technology, expanded programs and learning opportunities for all students and , conducted extensive professional development. As things went well financially, we were also able to set aside money for future facilities improvements in the newly voter-approved capital reserve fund.

➔ As we approached the 2020-21 budget, things looked different. As costs grew, minimal growth in state aid and a restrictive 2.15% tax cap would not provide the revenue to support everything we are currently doing. We had to look at cost reductions.

Continued >

What is the story of our budget?

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➔ The good news is that we have a budget that allows us to continue many of the investments we have made in our students and future in recent years, albeit not at the same level in some areas. Forward progress will continue.

➔ Further, we also have options to bring down the tax levy for our community, recognizing there is uncertainty ahead.

What is the story of our budget, continued…➔ While we would never minimize the loss of any position, we have gone

about the reductions carefully with the goal of mitigating the impact on students and the ability of the organization as a whole to move forward.

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Investing in Our Students, Our Future


In the last five years, we have:

➔ Implemented an Elementary Class Size Management Plan

➔ Significantly strengthened social emotional support In all schools

➔ Increased English as a New Language Support

➔ Implemented a High School Alternative Education Program

➔ Expanded & strengthened our Special Education continuum

➔ Increased IT & Buildings and Grounds Capacity, Safety Enhancements

➔ Implemented a tiered Response to Intervention Plan to support individual academic progress

➔ Implemented Professional Development, Curriculum Development, Program Reviews

➔ Added extracurricular and athletic opportunities and increased necessary support for student athletes

➔ Maintained and enhanced world-class visual and performing art programs

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2020-21 Budget Development


Where We StartedMarch 9


$2.7 Million Budget Gap Identified

2 FTE Reductions

6.86% Tax Levy Increase to Close the Gap

This had nothing do with COVID-19

Budget StatusApril 21


Reductions in All Budget Areas

22.4 FTE Reductions

Use of $390,000 in additional reservesLoss of $359,213 anticipated Foundation Aid

Funding for Class Size Management Plan MS Special Education Needs

Many Initiatives & Investments Preserved

4.09% Tax Levy Increase

Except for the loss of Foundation Aid, this had nothing do with COVID-19

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Building the Budget From Scratch➔ Work with Leadership, faculty members, Advisory

committees to develop program, student support and professional development goals

➔ Identify desired staffing levels and resources to address priorities

➔ Build a budget aligned with those priorities as well as other known costs (e.g. salary, benefits, insurance, legal fees, utilities, etc.).

➔ Adjust based on revenues

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Spending Category2019-20



March 9


April 21

Salaries and Benefits $62,068,661 $65,771,485 $64,392,455

Equipment, Books, & Materials $2,781,661 $2,897,709 $2,767,203

Contractual Items $10,891,414 $11,735,802 $11,498,272

Other Items

(Includes Debt Service)$11,726,738 $11,716,095 $11,711,095

Totals $87,468,474 $92,121,091 $90,369,225

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Summary of Reductions

Area/Category FTE Savings

Non-FTE Reductions – $1,502,340

BOCES – $316,447

Contractual – $660,960

Equipment/Materials/Supplies – $342,544

Transfers – $25,000

Personnel (Non-FTE) – $157,389

FTE Reductions 22.4 $1,518,168

Administrative/Trans/O&M 4.0 $411,279

CA/SCA/EA/TA 4.69 $129,107

Teaching 13.693 $977,782

Total Reductions 22.4 $3,020,508

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Expenditure Breakdown


% of Budget (4/21) % Reduced

BOCES 6.4% 5.2%

Contractual Expenses 7.2% 9.3%

Equipment 0.8% 20.5%

Materials and Supplies 2.4% 7.2%

Transfers 0.3% 8.3%

FTE/Personnel 71.1% 2.9%

Debt Service 11.8% 0.0%

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We Don’t Want to Reduce Personnel.

$1.5 Million was reduced from 30% of the budget

And, $1.5 Million was reduced from 70% of the budget.


Equipment, Materials, Supplies

Salaries & Benefits

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Scenario Tax Levy WorkforceReductions

No Workforce Reductions 6.69% 0

4/21 Budget Status 4.09% 22.4 FTE

At the Tax Cap 2.15% 35.35 FTE

Tax Levy Scenarios - 4/21 Meeting

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COVID-19Nothing on the previous slides except the loss of $360,000 in anticipated state aid had to do with COVID-19. Yet the pandemic will continue to have an impact on school budgets.

➔ Planning for Re-Opening

➔ Anticipated State Aid Reduction (May 15)

➔ Closure Savings 2019-20

➔ Updated Tax Levy Scenarios

➔ Budget Vote Process

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Back to School: Assessing and Addressing the Impact of COVID-19

Compensatory Education: Planning for going Back to School, Summer 2020 & the Long-Term➔ Assessing individual student gaps and providing targeted support➔ Credit recovery ➔ Supporting students with varied needs

Mental Health Considerations➔ Students, Family, Staff


➔ Planning to be 1:1 Grades 3-12

Facilities & Transportation

➔ Social distancing

➔ Cleaning procedures

The actions on this page will take place

within available resources.

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Impact of COVID-19 on State Aid• New “Pandemic Adjustment” Aid Reduction, offset for now by federal

stimulus funding.

• Recent report indicates that the economic impact of COVID-19 on the state is likely to be worse than post-9/11 and the Great Recession.

• NYS budget calls for periodic review of actual state expenditures and revenues during 2020-21 with the potential for subsequent aid cuts.

– 1st Review Period: April 1 - April 30, 2020– 2nd Review Period: May 1 - June 30, 2020– 3rd Review Period: July 1 - Dec. 31, 2020

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State Aid Reduction: We Should Know More by May 15

“This week, we're going to do a state forecast, if they exclude

state government again, our state forecast will project - without

any federal funds, you can't spend what you don't have - if you

were to allocate the shortfall relatively on a flat basis across

need, you would be cutting schools 20 percent, local

governments 20 percent and hospitals 20 percent. This is the

worst time to do this.”

- Gov. Andrew Cuomo, 4/20/20 Press Briefing

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Potential State Aid Reduction Scenarios

Reduction Levels Amount

10% Reduction $1,083,541

15% Reduction $1,625,312

20% Reduction $2,167,082

Without federal help, this can only be covered by additional spending reductions or greater use of fund balance.

20-21 Foundation Aid $10,835,411

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Savings from the Closure

Updated Projections Based on Closure

Projected Expenditures under (over) Budget $3,067,000

Actual Receipts over (under) Projections $322,000

Total $3,389,000

2020-21 Budget

Assigned $1,548,000

Balance $1,841,000

Projected Surplus - March 2020(Pre-Closure)


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Using fund balance to close budget gaps.

Fund balance represents the ability to sustainably provide opportunities for students and to guard against larger tax increases in the future.

This Year Next Year The Year After That

State Aid+

Property Taxes


State Aid+

Property Taxes


State Aid+

Property Taxes


Fund BalanceFund


No More Fund Balance

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Recommended Approach


➔ Plan for the loss of state aid: It would be irresponsible to not use the limited time we have to plan for the loss of more state aid. We are using the 10% or $1.1 million figure.

➔ We can’t plan on federal stimulus funds: This is best-case scenario, but it would be imprudent to plan on them in light of current uncertainty.

➔ Use savings and additional spending reductions to bring down the tax levy and weather the potential for mid-year cuts.

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Balancing the Budget at the Tax Cap

Use of Additional Fund Balance

10% Loss of State AidTax Revenue Reduction

Levy from 4.09% to 2.15%

Tier 2Spending Reductions

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Recommended ApproachOffset State Aid Reduction & Bring the Tax Levy to the Limit


Expenditures Revenue

Current Budget Status $90,369,225

Projected Revenue @ 2.15 Tax Levy Limit $390,000 in Reserves, $1,548,000 in Fund Balance $1,083,541 State Aid Loss


Tier 2 Reductions $897,080 Additional Fund Balance Reflects Closure Savings $1,319,511

Budget Total $89,472,145 Total Revenue $89,472,145

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Tier 2 ReductionsAdditional Reductions in these Areas:

● Administration● Faculty & Student Services● Support Staff● District Operations

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2020-21 Budget Vote Process


Budget vote and board election will be June 9 by absentee ballot only

➔ May 12: First Postcard Mailing

➔ May 15: State Aid Update - Anticipated Cut

➔ May 19: BOE Budget Adoption

➔ May 26: Budget Hearing

➔ May 27: Budget Newsletter Mailing

➔ By June 1: Absentee Ballots Mailed to community

➔ June 9: Absentee Ballot Vote

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Exceeding the Tax Cap


● Requires the support of 60% of voters

● Under usual circumstances:

○ If the budget is defeated, the district can revise the budget and hold a second vote on a designated day statewide.

○ If a second vote is defeated, the district must adopt a contingent budget - with no allowable tax levy increase ($0).

● We don’t know if there will be a second vote day this year.

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Contingent Budget = 0% Tax Levy Increase


Current Year Tax Levy2019-20 $58,381,872

Tax Levy at the CapRecommended Approach $59,639,263

DifferenceAt Contingency, This Would Need to be

Made Up by Further Reductions in Workforce$1,257,391

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Scenario Tax Levy Workforce Reductions

No Workforce Reductions 6.29% 0

Tier 1 Reductions (4/21) 3.69% 22.4 FTE

Recommended Approach 2.15% 35.35 FTE

Contingent Budget 0% 53.35 FTE*

Updated Tax Levy Scenarios$1.1 Million State Aid Reduction & Additional $1.3 Million in Fund Balance

*Based on dividing remaining budget gap by an average dollar figure per FTE.

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Projected Tax Increase$250K Property

Projected Tax Increase$350K Property

Projected Tax Increase$500K Property

Tax Levy Increase Annual Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Monthly

2.15% $105 $9 $147 $12 $210 $18

Tax Levy Increase with the Recommended Approach

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We are a future-focused community.

✔ Unwavering commitment to students and learning

✔ Equity

✔ Multiple pathways

✔ Mental health of all

✔ The new three C’s: Compassion, Connections, Civility

✔ Being flexible and understanding; Learning together from every situation

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Supplemental InformationItemized Budget Reductions & Impact 4/21

Responsible Debt Service Management & Facilities Stewardship

Prudent Management of Fiscal Reserves

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Tier 1 Budget Reductions by Area


Category Adjustment

BOCES Reduction of 1 day/week of BOCES Health and Safety Services

BOCES Reduction of 1 day/week of BOCES Communications Services, Additional Service & Printing Reductions

BOCES Reduction of 1 Tech Valley HIgh School Tuition (student returned to district)

BOCES Reduced Out-of-District Placements

BOCES Reduced Technology Purchase

BOCES Reduced Science Kit Purchase

BOCES Reduction in BOCES Transportation Budget

BOCES Software Adjustment

BOCES Total $316,447

Contractual Reduced Out-of-District Tuition

Contractual SCCC Lease

Contractual O&M Contractual Exp

Contractual Instructional Contractual Exp

Contractual Administrative Contractual Exp

Contractual Curriculum Contractual Exp

Contractual Transportation/Superintendent/BOE/Business/Communications/Legal

Contractual 4/21-Instructional/O&M/Business/Superintendent/Equity

Contractual Total $660,960

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Tier 1 Budget Reductions by Area


Category Adjustment

Equipment, Materials & Supplies Reductions in equipment, materials & supplies, textbooks

Equipment, Materials & Supplies Reduced technology requests

Equipment, Materials & Supplies Textbooks (purchase with 19-20 funds)

Equipment, Materials & Supplies IT and Instructional Equipment/Transportation and Business Office Supplies

Equipment, Materials & Supplies4/21-Instructional equipment/Textbooks/Instructional supplies /O&M supplies/Business office supplies/HR supplies

Equipment, Materials & Supplies Total $342,544

Transfers Reduced transfer to support the School Lunch Fund

Transfers Total $25,000

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Tier 1 Budget Reductions by Area


Category Adjustment

Personnel Reduction in O&M Substitute Costs/Transportation Salaries

Personnel Summer Professional Development Reductions

Personnel Instructional Substitute Reduction

Personnel 4/21-Superintendent Wage Freeze

Personnel (Non-FTE) Total $157,389

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Tier 1 Staffing Reductions

Department/Area Position FTE Savings Impact

Admin HR Director 1 $171,755 Redistribution of duties

Admin PPS Director 1 $142,269 Redistribution of duties

Total Administration 2 $314,025

Transportation Utility 1 $42,242 Work will be redistributed to other staff

Total Transportation 1 $42,242

O&M Environmental Tech 1 $55,013

Work will be redistributed to other staff and outside contractors will be used if


Total O&M 1 $55,013

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Tier 1 Staffing Reductions

Position FTE Savings Impact

Supervisory Clerical Assistant (SCA) 0.85 $19,221 Redistribution of responsibilities

Clerical Assistant (CA) 1.4 $16,742 Redistribution of responsibilities

Teaching Assistant 1.84 $50,391 Redistribution of responsibilities

Educational Assistant (attrition) 1 $24,457 No redistribution required

Total TA/SCA/EA 4.69 $129,107

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Tier 1 Staffing Reductions

Subject FTE ELEM FTE MS FTE NHS Net FTE Reduction Savings Impact


0.08 GC 0.08 CR 0.04 RO

Net after staffing for

new sections

0.05 VA0.05 IRO

0.8 1.1 $73,611HS Adv. Studio, Dig. Photo, combine Film I, Film II, Adv. Film,

combine Combine Adv. Photo with 2, Animation, Cpr Arts, K-12 scheduling, IRO and VA gr. 7, elem. reductions

Business 0.6 0.6 $52,819 HS combine GWEP into CEIP, reduce law, other reductions taken at sectioning

Counselor 1 1 $120,332 Redistribution of caseload to counselor, teacher leader

ELA 0.2 IRO 1.3 1.3 $114,624 IRO gr. 7, HS teacher leader, HS AIS, 9H, 10H, 11H and Drama and Creative Writing sections reduced

Library 0.2 VA 0.2 $12,477 Decreased availability of LMS

Math0.2 IRO

+0.41.2 1.0 $72,547

IRO gr. 7, HS teacher leader, Geometry, Comp Sci, other section reductions taken at sectioning; MS increase to meet Special

Education needs


0.075 BW0.175 CR0.175 GC0.075 HI0.125 RO

0.05 VA0.05 IRO

.45 1.175 $92,165Larger lessons, cancel HS Orchestra Winds, combine Music Theory

I/II, MIDI I/II, accomp., K-12 scheduling, , IRO and VA gr. 7, elem. reductions

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Tier 1 Staffing Reductions


Reduction Savings Impact



Net after staffing for

new sections 0.1 IRO 1.3 1.268 $82,568IRO gr. 7, HS teacher leader, lifeguarding, adventure, girls

lifetime sports

Science 0.2 IRO 1.0 1.2 $90,105IRO gr. 7, HS teacher leader, Nano, Environmental, Physics

sections reduced

Social Studies 0.2 IRO 1.3 1.5 $105,591

IRO gr. 7, HS teacher leader, Soc., Psych., US, Global 10, Civil Rights sections reduced

Tech0.1 VA0.1 IRO 1.2 1.4 $72,664

DDP, Adv. Manu., Robotics, Electronics, Senior R & D, Civil Engineering, IRO and VA gr. 7

WL0.2 IRO0.4 VA 1.0 1.8 $92,245 IRO .2, VA .4, HS teacher leader, HS Chinese program

Culinary0.1 VA

0.05 IRO 0.15 $8,744 Grade 7- .05 at IRO. .1 at VA

Health 0.05 IRO +.3 +0.25 -- Grade 7 IRO; Add meets HS Special Ed needs

Total Teaching Positions 13.693 $977,782

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Capital Project vs. Operating Budget

➔ The debt service from the capital project we are planning has NO impact on next year’s budget.

➔ All of the debt service in the 2020-21 budget is for projects that have already happened

➔ The capital project that we have been discussing would not have an impact on the operating budget until at least 2023-24.

➔ We are focused on a long-term plan that allows us to keep debt levels stable while improving our facilities.

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Managing Debt LevelsCurrent Debt

Service Schedule

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Why “Letting the Debt Fall Off” is Not Good

We still need to maintain our schools.

Tax Rate Turbulence

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Debt Service Levels: Our PlanTax Rate Impact Steady

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Management of Fiscal Reserves (4/21)

● We have identified an additional $390,000 from our original plan that will be used toward the budget.

● Depleting reserves any further would cause greater fiscal challenges in the long-run. They exist for a reason.

● Appropriating more unassigned fund balance will cause us to enter subsequent budget years with a greater deficit. We have to be cautious about using one-time revenues for recurring expenses. What will support that expense next year?

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Fund Balance & Reserves: April 21 Information


6/30/19 BalanceProjected Balance


Planned Use2020-21(4/21)

Workers' Compensation Reserve $284,068 $284,068 $50,000

Unemployment Insurance Reserve $58,267 $208,267 $30,000

Retirement Contribution Reserve (ERS) $402,876 $502,876 $100,000

Retirement Contribution Reserve (TRS) $650,000 $850,000 $200,000

Insurance Reserve $252,396 $552,396 $0

Tax Certiorari Reserve $1,947,062 $1,947,062 $10,000

Employee Benefits and Accrued Liability Reserve $355,745 $355,745 $0

Total - Planned Use of Reserves in 2020-21 $390,000

Appropriated Fund Balance $1,548,000 $1,548,000 $1,548,000

Unappropriated Fund Balance (4%) $3,497,673 $3,612,673 $0

Capital Reserve $7,647,416 $7,647,416