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1 YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti 2020: A Branded life? Life of brands and the evolution of identity. Prof. Andrea Moretti Udine University - Italy YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti Agenda YCGG2008 and broad context: interesting research lines Citizenship and consumption The main issue: management of brands & brand management in 2020 Brand and identities: a firm problem and a community issue Some research suggestion

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YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

2020: A Branded life?Life of brands and the evolution of


Prof. Andrea MorettiUdine University - Italy

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


YCGG2008 and broad context:interesting research lines

Citizenship and consumption The main issue: management of

brands & brand management in 2020 Brand and identities: a firm problem

and a community issue Some research suggestion


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

YCGG2008 and broad context:interesting research lines

03. Growth and Global Governance:new Theories, applied Models andPolicies

06. Innovation and newTechnologies

07. Innovation, ICT,Nanotechnologies, Logistics,Environment: further Evolution inCorporate Management

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

YCGG2008 and broad context:interesting research lines

A micro economic perspective A perspective in which the

relationship between firms andcustomers is the focus

In a Business to Consumerperspective (but also in B2B couldbe partially applied)

Consumption as an action ofcitizenship


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


YCGG2008 and broad context:research lines of interest

Citizenship and consumption The main issue: management of

brands & brand management in 2020 Brand and identities: a firm problem

and a community issue Some research suggestion

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Citizenship Citizenship is membership in a society,

community, and carries with it rights topolitical participation; a person having suchmembership is a citizen.

Some evolving elements: The idea of community is evolving with

different configuration Single subjects are living multiple-citizenship

with a multi tasking appropriation processes. CONSUMPTION is becoming a psychological

and sociological process of multiplecitizenship.

Buying and consumption processes as“political” actions.


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Multiplicity of consumptionprocesses for a subject

Consumption A

Consumption D Consumption C

Consumption B

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Consumption & Production

Projected at multinational level Internationally realized With local implications With international implications With intergeneration, international,

intersocial, inter….. effects…

i.e. electronic waste traffic around theworld

Some examples


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Consumption and citizenship

AIR JORDAN shoe was thebest selling and mostpopular basketball shoe onthe market during ‘90ies.

Anglo-Saxon world valuesAfro-American successSpots action…..Produced in Vietnam andFar-East countries

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Consumption and citizenship

British,Germany quality (Mini is a BMW brand)‘60ies values (freedom, individuality,cooling, innovation, etc.)


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Consumption and citizenship

Value: Empowering farmers. Protecting the environment.

Fair Trade principles include: Fair price Fair labour conditions Direct trade Democratic and transparent organizations Community development Environmental sustainability

• International brand• Local consumption• Inter-firms cooperation• Legitimating of values• Glocal action

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


YCGG2008 and broad context:research lines of interest

Citizenship and consumption The main issue: management of

brands & brand management in 2020 Brand and identities: a firm problem

and a community issue Some research suggestion


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Management of brands & brandmanagement in 2020

Two main drivers:1. From customer loyalty to customer

identification2. From specific issue brand to

“global brand”Forecasting evolution of brands …

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

1. From customer loyalty tocustomer identification

In general firms want to obtain notonly loyal customers but witnesscustomers

Customer that diffuse the “word ofbrand”.

i.e. Mac Users i.e. Body Shop customers i.e. …


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

2. From specific issue brandto “global brand”

All brands are developing astretching process trying to includeincreasing part of customer life

i.e. Giorgio Armani i.e. I Phone

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Giorgio Armani world

dress beauty


leg & bodywear








SPA - wellness



YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Iphone 3G world

From connecting people to Managing communicationEnjoinmentMemoryIdentity (???)

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Forecasting evolution of brands &brand management to …. 2020

‘80 - Levitt and thehomogenization ofproduct/brand/consumption

‘90 - Globalization of brand ‘00 - Glocalization of brand ‘10 - Style life brands ‘20 - Identity brands


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


YCGG2008 and broad context:research lines of interest

Citizenship and consumption The main issue: management of

brands & brand management in 2020 Brand and identities: a firm problem

and a community issue Some research suggestion

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Brand and identities: a firmproblem and a community issue



What’sbrand is for


Communication processes


What’sbrand forcustomers

Tradition perspective


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Brand and identities: a firmproblem and a community issue



What’sbrand is for


Communication processes


What’sbrand forcustomers

With ICT & mediarevolution

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Brand and identities: a firmproblem and a community issue



What’sbrand is for


Communication processes


What’sbrand forCITIZENS& GROUPS

With ICT & mediarevolution


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Brand and identities: a firmproblem and a community issue

Brand construction “We” need to create reputation

(EVERYBODY) Starting process (The first step) Accumulation (Coherence in the

process) Enlargement (Stretch the values of

brand) Activation (Experimentation)

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

A tradition case studyUnited Colours of Benetton

Benetton Group, original an Italian knittermaker become a organization with a brandinvolved in the definition and discussion ofwhat’s difference, humanities and values ofbecoming together in and interdependentworld.


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Breastfeeding -1989 Priest and Nun -1991

AIDS David Kirby -1992 Hearts -1996

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


UCB brand and United Nation VoluntaryCampaign

The communication power of UCB is usedto diffuse the values of UN VoluntaryOrganization


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


Diffusion of thevalue of differencenot only betweenhumanities butalso with others…

“A very close “faceto face” with theliving beings whoshare our planetand over 96percent of ourDNA”.

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


Microcreditfor AFRICA;program ofBIREMAorganizationbecome thefocus of UCBcampaignThecommunicationpower of UCB isused …


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Brand and identities: a firmproblem and a community issue

Brand construction “We” need to create reputation

(EVERYBODY) Starting process (The first step) Accumulation (Coherence in the

process) Enlargement (Stretch the values of

brand) Activation (Experimentation)

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Case: a flag as a symbol


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Case: a flag as a symbol

PACEGay Pride

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

In recent years, especially in connection with the 2003Invasion of Iraq, there has been a surge in popularity ofthe Peace flag, a series of seven rainbow colours (redon bottom) with the word PACE (Peace in Italian andRomanian, derived from the Latin word pax) boldlyprinted across the middle. The more recent usageoriginated in Italy.

Identification product (flags, t-shirt, video ofmeeting, discussion, books, communitiesactivities)



YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Gay pride

International organization Local group Local events and activities Discussion Group and communities Annual international Gay Pride Day

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

All group need to face thebrand construction process

Brand construction processWe need to create reputation Starting process (The first step) Accumulation (Coherence in the

process) Enlargement (Stretch the values of

brand) Activation (Experimentation)


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti


YCGG2008 and broad context:research lines of interest

Citizenship and consumption The main issue: management of

brands & brand management in 2020 Brand and identities: a firm problem

and a community issue Some research suggestion

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Some research suggestionback to the research lines

03. Growth and Global Governance:new Theories, applied Models andPolicies

06. Innovation and newTechnologies

07. Innovation, ICT,Nanotechnologies, Logistics,Environment: further Evolution inCorporate Management


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

03. Growth and Global Governance: newTheories, applied Models and Policies

The concept of GROWTH as a Brand(as utility of as well been) must benot only elaborated but also createbetween local communities andareas.

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

06. Innovation and new Technologies

Be careful: don’t miss the role oforganizational innovation andmarketing innovation.

Technology without consumer andcitizenship is not useful


YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

07. Innovation, ICT, Nanotechnologies, Logistics,Environment: further Evolution in Corporate


New Corporate governance implythe presence of all stakeholder inthe definition of an intangible assetlike brand

Brand as a interlocking mechanismwith communities, group, customer,…..

YICGG2008 Andrea Moretti

Thak you for you attention!

Prof. Andrea MorettiDipartimento Scienze EconomicheUniversità degli Studi di UdineVia Tomadini 30/A - 33100 Udine - ItalyPhone + 39 0432 249237Fax + 39 0432 249229Mail to [email protected]