2020 coordinator training...• community shares of minnesota (csm) • creating healthier...

Welcome to the session! 2020 Coordinator Training 9/28/2020 1

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Page 1: 2020 Coordinator Training...• Community Shares of Minnesota (CSM) • Creating Healthier Communities (CHC) ... •Include campaign articles in agency newsletter, intranet sites

Welcome to the session!

2020 Coordinator Training

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Page 2: 2020 Coordinator Training...• Community Shares of Minnesota (CSM) • Creating Healthier Communities (CHC) ... •Include campaign articles in agency newsletter, intranet sites


• Greeting, Introductions, General Overview (Jeff)

• Federations & Charities (Allie)

• Coordinators Roles & Responsibilities (Jeff)

• Planning for virtual events (Ruby)

• Pledging System (Jeff)

• Resources Available and Wrap Up (Jeff)

• Q&A

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Welcome to the session!

Welcome and Introduction of Presenters

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• Changes this year – virtual campaign

• Attendees will be muted

• Type questions into the chat feature. Time permitting, we will answer questions at the end of the presentation.

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General Overview of the Campaign

General Overview of the Campaign

Presenter Jeff Gintz

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General Overview of Campaign

• Belongs to all State Employees

• Opportunity to donate to charity of choice

• Easy and Convenient Payroll Deduction

• Occurs Every October

• Board of Directors

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General Overview

• Paycheck deductions as small as $1 per pay period

• Flexibility in giving

• Tax deductible

• Convenient

• Easily documented

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General Overview

• Connects employees to their communities

• Offered as a benefit program to employees

• One campaign at one time period and less disruption in the workplace

• Predictable, constant time period allows for better campaign planning and oversight

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Federations and Charities

Federations and Charities

Presenter Allie Schatza

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Relationship of Federations & Charities

• Federation: an organization, comprised of a set of smaller organizations or companies, which seeks to bring attention to issues that are of importance to its members. Each organization that comprises the federation maintains control over its own operations

• Member Charities: the charities apart of a particular federation that align with that specific issue

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2020 Participating Federations

• Community Shares of Minnesota (CSM)

• Creating Healthier Communities (CHC)

• Greater Mankato Area United Way

• Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW)

• Head of the Lakes United Way

• Local Independent Charities of Minnesota (LIC-MN)

• Minnesota Environmental Fund (MEF)

• Morrison County United Way

• Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless (OYH)

• PeaceMaker MN

Ri C t A U it d W

• United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

• United Way of 1000 Lakes

• United Way of Becker County

• United Way of Bemidji

• United Way of the Brown County Area

• United Way of Carlton County

• United Way of Cass-Clay

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2020 Participating Federations Continued

• United Way of Central Minnesota

• United Way of Douglas & Pope Counties

• United Way of Freeborn County

• United Way of Goodhue, Wabasha & Pierce Counties

• United Way of Hastings

• United Way of Mower County

• United Way of Nobles County

• United Way of Northeaster MN

• United Way of Olmstead County

• United Way of Otter Tail & Wadena Counties

• United Way of Pipestone County

• United Way of Sherburne County

• United Way of Southern Minnesota

• United Way of St. Croix Valley

• United Way of Steele County

• United Way of Washington County-East

• United Way of West Central Minnesota

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Perks of Donating Through the Combined Charities Campaign

• Federations are vetted by the state – meet the highest standards of performance

• Participating Federations combined support over 1,000 different charities – this means you have CHOICE over where you donate your money to

• Ability to give to ANY 501 (c)3 charity in MN – write in

• Payroll deductions are the most efficient and effective way to give to a charity/federation

• Efficiency of federations ensures the maximum amount of the donor’s gift going to the charity they select

• Federations facilitate the acknowledgment of gifts to the donor

• Combined giving means an even larger impact is made on the community

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CCC Federation Pages

• https://mn.gov/mmb/combined-charities/charities/

• Includes an overview of each federation, federation videos, member charity lists, administrative fees, dollar statements, designations and a lot more!

• Federation Packet – new this year

• Use this information in your department wide emails

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Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities

Coordinator Roles & Responsibilities

Presenter Jeff Gintz

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Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities - Planning

• Motivate and encourage employees to participate in payroll deduction

• Promote awareness and understanding of the campaign• Familiarize yourself with the Campaign

• Get Leadership involved• Create a team to help you coordinate

• The 3 P’s…….. Plan, Publicize, Promote• This campaign does NOT work without all of YOU!

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Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities - Prepare


• Get leadership support

• Recruit volunteers

• Plan virtual events

Set a goal • Motivate and inspire• Review previous

participation rate• Establish new goal • Weekly reports available• Share goal

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Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities - Publicize

•Educate employees

•Spread the word

•Create a communication plan

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Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities - Promote Pledging

• Understand the pledging process

• Educate and help employees

• Answer questions and seek help from the Board of Directors when needed

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Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities – Check List

Campaign Coordinator Check List:

Discuss Campaign with senior management, get their support and participation

Become familiar with the Campaign website

Train yourself on the payroll deduction system so that you can answer common questions

Plan campaign opening virtual announcement

Make sure employees know you are the coordinator and can ask you questions

Distribute/post electronic posters announcing campaign

Keep employees aware of campaign progress

Complete the coordinator survey sent by the Board

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Planning for the Campaign

Planning for the Campaign

Presenter Jeff Gintz

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Planning for the Campaign

This is NOT your typical campaign

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Planning for the Campaign - September

Create a communications plan

• Send email to employees to remind them about the Campaign starting in October

• Include campaign articles in agency newsletter, intranet sites

• Prepare script for yourself and any other team members who are helping you on the campaign, to use when talking at department meetings

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Planning for the Campaign - Early October

• Send email to employees that the campaign has officially started (include electronic postcard)

• Be prepared to speak at department or division meetings

• Get the word out to supervisors to have them publicize the campaign at staff meetings during October

• Email instructions to employees for pledging using SEMA4

• Hold virtual informational event with federations9/28/2020 24

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Planning for the Campaign - Mid-October

Send weekly emails: • Campaign progress

• How the campaign helps charities and local impact

• Time left in campaign

• Offer to answer questions

• Offer to help with pledging process

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Planning for the Campaign - Late October

• Remind about time left in campaign

• Thank everyone who made pledges and helped in the campaign

• Inform that pledges can be made at any time

• Can make changes to their pledges

• Explain how to make pledges outside of the campaign

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Planning for the Campaign - November

• Reconvene your team and any volunteers to debrief

• Assess what worked well

• Identify what didn’t work so well and maintain a lessons learned to be used in future campaigns

• Thank them all for their help

• If you plan to return, start planning for next year

• Complete the coordinator survey sent by the Board

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Planning for Virtual Events

Presenter Ruby Simmons

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Events - Role of Events in Campaign

• Raise awareness and enthusiasm

• Motivate to donate through payroll deduction

• Connect employees with charities and local impact

• Answer questions

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Events - Inviting Federation Representatives

• Why

• Options

• Form ‘Invite a Charity to your Event’ -https://mn.gov/mmb/combined-charities/coordinator-resources/campaign-events/charity-event-request.jsp

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Virtual Event Ideas

• Remote Work and/or Conference Call Bingo

• Crazy Meeting Attire

• Nailed It! Competition

• Various Virtual Contests/Competitions

• Virtual Scavenger Hunts

• At-home Volunteer Projects

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Presenter Jeff Gintz

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How to Pledge in Self-Service

1. Look through the different charitable federations participating in the campaign this year to find the one or more charities to which you would like to donate. More information about each participating federation and their affiliated charities can be found at www.charities.state.mn.us/char-feds. Once you find your choice(s), continue with the following steps:

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How to Pledge in Self-Service

2. Log into the State of Minnesota Employee Self Service website: https://rsp/pages/default.aspx

3. Select “Other Payroll”

4. Select “Charitable Deductions”

5. Select “Charitable Deductions”

• If you pledged last year, you’ll see a summary of those pledges.

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How to Pledge in Self-Service

6. Select “Add Deduction”

7. Select the magnifying glass to bring up the list of charitable federations.• Important Note: if you wish to donate to the same federations next year as this year,

you must click “Add Deduction”. DO NOT click the Edit button. Because participating charitable federations change year after year, we are not able to extend the giving period by editing the “stop date” of current deductions beyond this year.

8. Select a charitable federation• For more information about these federations, go to www.charities.state.mn.us.

Under the Employee Information menu on the right side, click on “Charitable Federations”.

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How to Pledge in Self-Service

9. Enter in the Amount to be deducted (per pay period) and select “Save”

10. The Save Confirmation screen will appear

11. Select OK

You are Done!

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Resources Available and Wrap Up

Presenter Jeff Gintz

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Resources Available for Coordinators

Website: mn.gov/mmb/combined-charities/• Coordinator Resources

• Participating Federations

• How to Give

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Resources - Federations

• How to contact the Federations

• Invite the Federations to your virtual events

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Resources - Board Members

• Get your questions answered:

• Campaign email: [email protected]

• How to contact Board members:

• Contact a specific Campaign Board Member

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Wrap Up

Any questions not covered?

Thank you!! We are only as successful as you are.

We appreciate all you do for the Campaign.

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