2020 • trout lake school • 2021

ACTIVITY CALENDAR & STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 Trout Lake School 2021 “Trout Lake is a small community-oriented school with genuine interest in the success of every student.” - TROUT LAKE PARENT -

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2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

“Trout Lake is a small community-oriented school with genuine interest in the success of every student.”


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1P.O. BOX 488Trout Lake, WA 98650-9799(509) 395-2571FAX (509) 395-2399www.troutlake.12.wa.us


As a district, we commit to:

1. Providing a positive environment that supports the whole child.Students, teachers, staff, parents and community work together supporting the educational process and forming relationships to optimize student growth. A breadth of experiences, programs and opportunities beyond core academics are provided to students that help them become healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

2. Preparing students through innovative programs.The curriculum carefully focuses on teaching common core competencies and academic disciplines. Additionally, students apply academic knowledge and are engaged in programs that help them pursue their individual passions and help broaden their life experience. Examples include: - service learning - enrichment activities - experiential education - musical opportunities - use of technology in every classroom - college credit classes

3. Hiring, retaining and developing a staff committed to team work, collaboration, and continual improvement.

4. Responsibly managing school resources and tax payer dollars.

5. Building and maintaining positive relationships with the local community. Examples include: - access to school facilities - school publications - free admission to athletic events - community service projects - special community events - concerts, plays, and school events


Sometimes Trout Lake School District uses student photos in its publications and on its website. Student names are not given whenever pictures are displayed. However, if you would not like your student’s picture used on our website or publications, please let the office know.

17DISCIPLINE PLANOne of our goals at Trout Lake School is to continue to offer as fine of an educational experience as is possible and also maintain and improve on a positive learning situation for all students. It is with this in mind that we have adopted the following simple discipline plan for students at Trout Lake School.

Level 1 First Office Referral may result in the following

a. Student conference with principalb. Parental notificationc. Possible work dutyd. Lunch time detention

Level 2 Second Office Referral may result in the following

a. Student conference with principalb. Parental notification and conference with principalc. Possible work dutyd. After school detention

Level 3 Third Office Referral may result in the following

a. Student conference with principalb. Parental notification and conference with principalc. 1-2 day suspension from school

Level 4 Fourth and Subsequent Referrals may result in longer suspensions and possible expulsion from school.

The above plan will be used on a semester basis. Incidents of exceptional misconduct dealing with issues such as drug, alcohol, weapons, violence or threats of violence, and serious vandalism will result in emergency suspension from Trout Lake School.

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYINGThe goal of Trout Lake School is to make the school environment safe for all students both physically and psychologically. Therefore there will be rules enforced by all staff members that relate to harassment, intimidation, and bullying.

Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any intentionally written message or image- including those that are electronically transmitted- verbal, or physical act, when an act:

a. Physically harms a student or damages the student's property;

b. Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education;

c. Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or

d. Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

(Trout Lake School District Policy 3207)


• Racist (taunts, gestures)• Sexual (unwanted physical contact or abusive comments)• Verbal (name calling, spreading rumors, malicious teasing,

slurs, threats)• Physical (hitting, pushing, kicking, punching, or any use of

violence)• Emotional (excluding, tormenting)

BASIC SCHOOL RULES AS IT RELATES TO BULLYING1. We will not bully other students. We will treat all students and

staff with respect.

2. We will help others who are being bullies and those being bullied by speaking out and getting adult help if necessary.

3. We will use extra effort to include all students in activities at our school.

CONSEQUENCES FOR BULLYING BEHAVIOR1. Referral to the office. Conference with principal and

disciplinary action. Notification of parents or guardians.

2. Discipline referral to office. Conference with principal, parent conference and disciplinary action.

3. Discipline referral, parent conference and in-school or out-of-school suspension.

4. Continued referrals may result in longer suspensions up to long-term suspension and expulsion. (see TLSD Policy 3207.)

PROCEDURES1. All students have the right to report incidents of harassment,

intimidation, and bullying both informally or formally in writing (see procedure of policy 3207.)

2. Reports should be investigated and handled appropriately by respective staff members in a confidential manner.

3. Trout Lake School District prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant.

Discipline, Harassment, Intimidation, & BullyingDangerous Weapons(policy 4210)

It is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities.

The superintendent is directed to see that all school facilities post “Gun-Free Zone” signs, and that all violations of this policy and RCW 9.41.280 are reported annually to the Super-intendent of Public Instruction.

The following persons may carry firearms into school buildings, as necessary, although students engaged in these activities are restricted to the possession of rifles on school premises:

A. Persons engaged in military, law enforcement, or school district security activities;

B. Persons involved in a school authorized conven-tion, showing, demonstration, lecture or firearm safety course;

C. Persons competing in school authorized firearm or air gun competitions; and

D. Any federal, state or local law enforcement officer.

School officials shall notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, including a one-year expulsion for a violation involving a firearm. However, the superintendent may modify the one-year expulsion on a case-by-case basis.

Welcometo Trout Lake School

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Carl Allaway, Position 5Facilities

18 Stoller RoadTrout Lake, WA 98650


Ken BeLieu, Position 4Financial, Personnel

PO Box 26Trout Lake, WA 98650


Joe Dean, Position 2 Facilities, Financial

PO Box 302Trout Lake, WA 98650


Camden McMahon, Position 3Personnel, Policies

PO Box 109Trout Lake, WA 98650


Brendan Norman, Position 1Personnel, Academic/Curriculum, Policies

Legislative RepresentativePO Box 81

Trout Lake, WA 98650509-395-0006

Board of Directors and School Staff 2P.O. BOX 488Trout Lake, WA 98650-9799(509) 395-2571FAX (509) 395-2399



ADMINISTRATION AND OFFICE STAFFCrystal Lanz .......................................................................... Superintendent/PrincipalEthelyn Beeks ....................................................................... Business ManagerKristin Schmid ..................................................................... Administrative SecretaryStephanie Rubesh..................................................................School Secretary/ TransportationWilliam Walters.................................................................... Counselor/Senior ProjectsSteve Allaway........................................................................ Athletic Director/ Director of Maintenance

TEACHING STAFFDennis Anderson ................................................................. Computers/ScienceWendy Baker ........................................................................ 4th GradeRobin Cael ............................................................................5th GradeSean Coleman ....................................................................... MusicMichele Davis ....................................................................... 2nd GradeDoug Dearden ......................................................................Middle School Social StudiesJohn Elyard ........................................................................... Science OnlineJulie Fink ............................................................................... High School MathKira Fogarty .........................................................................Art, 6th Grade ELALisa Fus .................................................................................. Special Ed (ESD 112)Kara Jackson .........................................................................1st GradeEricka Miller ......................................................................... 3rd GradeTina Nakae ............................................................................ Middle and High School Math, ALTAEllen Simonis ........................................................................ EnglishTimmy Waller....................................................................... History, Sports Medicine, PEDebbie Wroe ........................................................................ KindergartenDeanna Zalaznik ..................................................................Spanish, ELL


Jennifer Fuentes.................................................................... Food Service CoordinatorNancy Horne ........................................................................ CustodianSuzy Anderson, Dannet Wheelhouse, Samantha Curtis,TyAnne Parker ..................................................................... Special Ed. Paraeducators (ESD 112)Jodie Wurzer, Amber Basch, Heidi Crow ......................... ParaeducatorsKaren Smith .......................................................................... LibrarianLinda Turner, Micah Anderson, Bill Anderson ............... Bus Drivers

Appeal to the School DistrictIf you disagree with the school district's decision, you may appeal to the school district's board of directors. You must file a notice of appeal in writing to the secretary of the school board within 10 calendar days after you recieved the school district's response to your complaint. The school board will schedule a hearing within 20 calendar days after they received your appeal, unless you agree on a different timeline. The school board will send you a written decision within 30 calendar days after the district received your notice of appeal. The school board's decision will include information about how to file a complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

Complaint to OSPIMany programs for the children in our schools are provided at no cost to you. Our schools offer special programs such as speech therapy, physical and occupational therapy, Title I and special education academic programs. Development screening and/or comprehensive assessments for children who are suspected of having a disability which could adversely affect their educational development are available at no cost to you. If you do not agree with with the school district's appeal decision, state law provides the option to file a formal complaint with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI.) This is a separate complaint process that can take place of one of these two conditions has occurred: (1) you have completed the the district's complaint and appeal process, or (2) the district has not followed the complaint and appeal process correctly.

You have 20 calendar days to file a complaint to OSPI from the day you received the decision on your appeal. You can send your written complaint to the Equity and Civil Rights Office at OSPI:

Email: [email protected] ; Fax: 360-664-2967 ; Mail or Hand Deliver: PO Box 47200, 600 Washington St SE., Olympia, WA 98504-7200

For more information, visit our website, or contact OSPI's Equity and Civil Rights Office at 360-725-6162/TTY: 360-664-3631 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Other Discrimination Complaint OptionsOffice for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education 206-607-1600 ; TDD: 1-800-877-8339 ; OCR.Seattle.ed.gov ; OCR Website

Washington State Human Rights Commission 1-800-233-3247 ; TTY: 1-800-300-7525 ; Human Rights Commission Website

Discrimination Complaint and Appeal ProceduresDISCRIMINATIONTrout Lake School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, creed, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:

Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Officer: Will Walters; [email protected]; PO Box 488, Trout Lake, WA 98650

Section 504 Coordinator: Crystal Lanz; [email protected]; PO Box 488, Trout Lake, WA 98650

You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below.) For a copy of your district's nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school or district office.

SEXUAL HARASSMENTStudents and staff are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in a school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus during a school-sponsored activity.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct or communication. Under federal and state law, the term "sexual harassment" includes:

- acts of sexual violence; - unwelcome sexual or gender-directed conduct or communication that interferes with an individual's educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; - unwelcome sexual advances; - unwelcome requests for sexual favors; - sexual demands when submission is a stated or implied condition of obtaining an educational benefit; - sexual demands where submission or rejection is a factor in an academic, or other school-related decision affecting an individual

Examples of Sexual Harassment: - Pressuring a person for sexual favors - Unwelcome touching of a sexual nature - Writing graffiti of a sexual nature - Distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures - Making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks - Physical violence, including rape and sexual assault

You can report sexual harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX officer, who is listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below.) For a copy of your district's sexual harassment policy and procedure, contact your school or district office.

COMPLAINT OPTIONS: DISCRIMINATION AND SEXUAL HARASSMENTIf you believe that you or your child have expreienced unlawful discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment at school, you have the right to file a complaint.

Before filing a complaint, you can discuss your concerns with your child's principal, Title IX Officer, or Civil Rights Coordinator, who are listed above. This is often the fastest way to revolve your concerns.

COMPLAINT TO THE SCHOOL DISTRICTStep 1: Filing of complaint.In most cases, complaints must be filed within one year from the date of the incident or conduct that is the subject of the complaint. A complaint must be in writing. Be sure to describe the conduct or incident, explain why you believe discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual harassment has taken place, and describe what actions you believe the district should take to resolve the problem. Send your written complaint by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery to the district superintendent or civil rights compliance coordinator.

Step 2: School Disctrict Investigates Your ComplaintOnce the district receives your written complaint, the coordinator will give you a copy of the complaint procedure and make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The superintendent or designee will respond to you in writing within 30 calendar days, unless you agree on a different time period. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that demand a lengthier investigation, the district will notify you in writing to explain why staff need a time extension and the new date for their written response. Step 3: School District Responds to Your ComplaintIn its written response, the district will include a summary of the results of the investigation, a determination of whether or not the district failed to comply with civil rights laws, notification that you can appeal this determination, and any measures necessary to bring the district into compliance with civil rights laws. Corrective measures will be put into effect within 30 calendar days after this written response, unless you agree to a different time period.

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SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS OVERVIEWThe Trout Lake School Board of Directors, along with the Superintendent, commit to providing educational leadership. They also remain accountable to the local community and its electorate for the proper operation of the District.

As the Board leads the District, the members agree to gauge and test decisions against two fundamental beliefs: schools are for kids and schools belong to the community.

The above is described in detail in the “Operating Principles”—an agreement between the Board and Superintendent. A copy of the “Operating Principles” is available at the school office.

ABOUT THE STAFFThe District employs 36 full or part time certified staff members including a superintendent/principal and one full-time counselor. Twelve of the certificated staff hold a master’s degree. The support staff includes three teacher assistants, a librarian, the school secretary, the administrative secretary, business manager, director of maintenance, custodian, a transportation coordinator, and four regular bus drivers. In addition, the District contracts with the Educational Service District #112 (ESD 112) for special education and other services.

As a parent of a student at Trout Lake School, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information regarding your child’s classroom teachers, and requires us to give you this information in a timely manner. Specifically, you have the right to inquire about:

• Whether the teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject matter he/she teaches.

• Whether the state has waived it's qualifications to permit teachers to teach on an emergency or provisional basis.

• The teacher’s college major, any graduate

3School Overviewcertification or degrees, and field of discipline of those certificates or degrees.

• Teachers’ aides or paraprofessionals’ qualifications

PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTWashington law requires state and local agencies, which includes public schools, to make public records available to the public. This law, the Washington State Public Records Act, which is found at RCW 42.56, supports the public’s right to be informed about what their government is doing.

The law lists certain public records that do not have to be disclosed. These exemptions are intended to prevent unreasonable invasions of personal privacy or the use of public records for personal or commercial gain. If certain information contained in a document is exempt, it will be redacted (blocked out) from the document, but you will still be provided a copy of the document.

The law requires that the public records requested are “identifiable.” Your public records request must include enough specific description so the district can locate the record you are requesting. A general question is not a public disclosure request. For example, if you are requesting the district budget, be sure to state for which year you want the budget and if you want the entire document (about 100 pages) or a summary. Please submit the request by completing the district’s Request for Public Record form.

The law requires that within five(5) business days from receiving the request, the public agency will:

a. provide you the records requested or;

b. provide a reasonable estimate of when the records will be available if the records are not readily available because of (1) the time necessary to gather them, (2) determine whether they are exempt, (3) redact any exempt information, (4) contact people or other entities to let them know the information is being released, and/or (5) to

gain clarification of the request; or

c. deny the request and give the legal reason for the denial.

MAINTAINING PROFESSIONAL STAFF/ STUDENT BOUNDARIESIn a professional staff/student relationship, school employees maintain boundaries that are consistent with the legal and ethical duty of care that school personnel have for students.

An inappropriate boundary invasion means an act, omission, or pattern of such behavior by a school employee that does not have an educational purpose; and results in abuse of the staff/student professional relationship.

Students and their parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to notify the superintendent if they believe a teacher or other staff member may be engaging in conduct that is inappropriate.

Training is provided annually for all staff.

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLANTrout Lake School District, as a recipient of public funds, is committed to undertake affirmative action that makes effective equal employment opportunities for staff and applicants for employment. This affirmative action includes a review of programs, the setting of goals, and the implementation of corrective employment procedures to increase the ratio of aged, handicapped, ethnic minorities, and women who are under-represented in the job classifications in relationship to the availability of such persons having requisite qualifications. Such affirmative action also includes recruitment, selection, training, education, and other programs.

OPERATING BUDGETThe 2020-21 expenditure budget is $4 million.

VOLUNTEERSDuring the 2019-20 school year, Trout Lake School had many hours of volunteer service. Volunteers include parents, community members, and students. The whole school benefits from the

work of people who freely share their talents and resources.

The major goal of our school volunteer program is to assist our school in providing the best possible education for each student and to provide leadership opportunities for students. Volunteers help our District accomplish many tasks at school, including the following:

• Relieve teachers of non-instructional work. With this help, teachers have more time to work with students.

• Enrich the curriculum and students’ learning opportunities.

• Provide individual attention to those needing one-to-one assistance.

• Have our students serve in the community when needs become apparent.

• Help with maintenance and enhancement of school facilities.

• Regular volunteers will need to have a background check.

• If you are interested in volunteering, check with the school office.

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August 2021

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Trout Lake School

August 2020


In order for a non-Trout Lake student to be admitted to Homecoming, Prom or any other school related dance, this form must be completed and turned in to the office three days prior to each dance.

In signing this form you give your school permission to release personal information.

Dances at Trout Lake School are not public dances and must be approved by the class advisor and administration. Most dances are for Trout Lake students or an invited high school-age friend. Older persons may be invited to Homecoming and Prom. Guests must be under 21 years of age. As an older person, homecoming is reserved for alumni of Trout Lake School. In addition, former students who have had significant discipline or attendance issues while attending Trout Lake are likely to be excluded from dances. PLUS

Trout Lake guest must produce valid, up-to-date, picture identification at the dance (NO EXCEPTIONS).

I will comply with the Trout Lake School’s rules and expectations for behavior while attending the Trout Lake sponsored dance.

_________________________________ ________________________________Guest’s name (printed) School Guest Attends (printed)

_________________________________ ________________________________Guest’s Signature Guest Home Phone Number

_____________________________ ________________________________

Trout Lake Student’s Name (printed) Grade Level

_____________________________Date of Dance

This additional information is required for guests that are high school students.

The student listed above is a student in good standings at our school. He/She has had no significant behavior or discipline issues while attending our school.

The student listed above is not a student in good standing at our school.

_____________________________ ____________________________Signature of Principal Phone Number of school where student attends

Trout Lake School reserves the right to exclude or remove anyone prior to or during the dance at the discretion of school authorities.

Trout Lake Administrative approval _________ FAX Number: 509-395-2399

Trout Lake SchoolGuest Dance Registration Form

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PESTICIDE USEAs set forth in RCW 17.21.415, Trout Lake School District is providing annual notification of its policy regarding the use of pesticides.

• The district may, if needed, apply pesticides on playfields and rooms within the school as appropriate.

• If pesticides are used, there will be an advanced notification of 48 hours. Notification will include posting at the school, post office and general store.

• Pesticides will be used in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines and the laws of the state of Washington.

• Areas where pesticides have been used will be posted for 48 hours following use.

• All pesticide use will be documented. For more information, contact the school office.

• If you would like to be notified personally following each pesticide use, please contact the school.

4School Hours, Health Information & School Visitors

TRUTHFULNESS Earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts.

SCHOOL HOURSSchool office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. During these hours all school rules and procedures are in force. Parents are to supervise their children on school property outside of school hours, including parental supervision during scheduled school events such as games, plays, banquets, and concerts.

EMERGENCY INFORMATIONThe school uses K12 Alert. This system provides email, text messages, and phone calls to alert you about inclement weather or emergency situations. There will also be information placed on the school website. Please make sure all contact information is updated with the district office.

In the event of an early school closure, an assistant will ride each bus to help insure the safe delivery of children in primary grades. If no one is at home, the primary youngster will be returned to school, and at that time an attempt to contact their parents will be made.

In the event of an emergency in which the school facility must be evacuated, students will be evacuated to Jonah Ministries on Little Mtn. Road. Students may be picked up there by parents.

HEALTH INFORMATIONWe all want children to be healthy. Timely immunizations against infectious diseases are vital to a child's health and are required prior to school entry. For information on required doses, please contact the school office.

For the protection of all students including your own child, please abide by the following guidelines:

• Never send an obviously ill child to school.

• A child with a sore throat, a severe cough, vomiting, or who has had a fever of 100 degrees or higher without fever reducers within the past 24 hours should not be sent to school.

• A child with a known communicable disease or infestation, such as chicken pox, impetigo, strep throat, scarlatina, scabies, or ringworm, should not be sent to school without the approval of a physician.

• A child with a skin rash must be cleared prior to entry to class.

• In other instances, use common sense and good judgment as to

whether or not to send a student to school.

Health inventory and medical forms are available in the school office. We would like one to be completed for each student with a health need. This provides the school with information about the general health of the students, any physical limitations as well as potentially life-threatening medical conditions, acute or chronic conditions and any other health concerns.

DOES YOUR CHILD:• See a doctor or other health care professional on an ongoing

basis for anything?• Take medication regularly?• Have any past medical concern that you feel the nurse should

know about?• Need to take medication at school?• Have an illness, disease or injury that has been diagnosed by a

health care professional? Like:• Asthma• Allergies with SEVERE allergic reaction (to bee stings,

medicines, etc.)• Cardiac (heart) problems or disorders• Diabetes• Seizures• Or any othersIf so, please contact the school nurse or office!

Important information will need to be obtained for the safety and well-being of your child at school.

SCHOOL VISITORSParents and community members are welcome to visit the school and to observe the learning activities. Please arrange your visit in advance with teachers. As a protective measure, visitors must report to the office and get a visitor’s badge upon entering the school. When bringing items such as lunches, books, or clothing for your child, please take them to the office to avoid disruptions to the classroom. Students who wish to bring a visitor to school must have a signed permission form at least 24 hours in advance. These forms are available at the office, and must be signed by the parents, superintendent or principal, and teachers.

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Trout Lake School

July 2021

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September 2020

ALERTNESSBeing aware of what is around me so I can have the right responses

Appendix B- OSAA Requirements

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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6 7

Labor Day(No School)


First Day of School

9 10 11 12

13 14

Last Day to Add/Drop Courses

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Board Meeting 7pm


Blood Drive 1-6pm

25 26

27 28

Grade Check

29 30

Trout Lake School

Staff Meetings


1 . Must not be older than 19 on August 15. 2. Must reside in the Trout Lake School District or be on an inter-district (choice) transfer. All transfer students must check to see if they meet OSAA requirements for athletics. 3. Must be enrolled in, and currently passing, at least five credit courses. 4. Participants may participate in only one Trout Lake sport per season. A student who wishes to participate in multiple activities may appeal to the Athletic Director.

Additional Participation Requirements for All Middle and High School Students

1. Fees must be paid before participation in prac-tice or games. 2. Unless pre-excused for a valid reason, a participant must be in attendance for all of their scheduled classes in order to participate in athlet-ic practices and games on that same day. If an ab-sence from school is due to illness, the participant may not participate on the same day. 3. All participants must have a physical exam-ination form on file in the office. Physicals are required in the first year of participation and every two years afterward. 4. No participant may partake in the athletic program without insurance coverage. Participants who do not have a family medical insurance pol-icy, must purchase a school insurance plan at the high school’s main office. 5. The Extracurricular Participation Code out-lines behavioral expectations for all Trout Lake participants. Both the participant and their parent are required to READ AND SIGN the Extracur-ricular Participation Code. 6. Students must meet academic eligibility re-quirements of Trout Lake School. 7. Initial academic eligibility for a fall sport will be determined by the final semester grades of spring

The OSAA and Trout Lake School believe that interscholastic activities programs are essential to the education of youth, and therefore are an integral part of the school curriculum. The value of high school ac-tivities and their impact upon the lives of Americans are immeasurable. Not only do interscholastic activities benefit and directly influence participants, but they also instill pride and unifying spirit among students, fans, schools and communities throughout the nation.

FeesAssociated Student Body Card - $30Sport/Activity Fee - $40

Practice Requirements Before the First ContestMiddle School - 8 practices High School - 10 practices

The Student and Spectator Should:1. Realize that they represent the

school as does the athlete.2. Always conduct themselves in a

sportsmanlike manner.3. Accept decisions of the officials

without question.4. Insist that visiting teams and

visitors receive the utmost courtesy while in town and on school property.

5. Acquaint elementary pupils and others in the community with the ideals of good sportsmanship.

6. Be acquainted with state eligibility rules and support their strict enforcement.

The Coach Should:1. Have fair and unprejudiced

relationship with their athletes.2. Not strive to win at any cost but

teach their athletes to win only through legitimate means.

3. Have absolute control over themselves at all times.

4. Always discourage profanity and obscene language.

5. Only use a competent official whose decisions will always be supported. Criticism of the actions of the officials before players and spectators is unethical.

6. Counteract unfounded rumors of questionable practice by opponents.

7. Have their players in the best possible physical condition.

The Athlete Should:1. Play fair at all times.2. Play for the joy of playing and

the success of the team.3. Play hard to the very end.4. Respect the officials with the

expectation that they will enforce the rules.

5. Accept victory modestly and defeat gracefully.

6. Not quit, cheat, bet, “grandstand”, or abuse the body.

7. Be physically fit and observe all training rules.

The Activities Director Should:1. Arrange only schedules that are

educationally and physically sound for the athletes.

2. Always treat visiting teams and officials as guests and provide in every way possible for their comfort.

3. Endeavor to foresee possible misunderstanding with other schools and insofar as possible settle them before they materialize.

4. Be honest in certification of players, refusing approval for participation where there is a doubt concerning their eligibility.

5. Encourage and promote the school’s support of its team but never at the expense of friendly relations. The entire school should always conduct itself in a sportsmanlike manner.

Sports Expectations

Staff Meetings

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5Medication at SchoolMEDICATION AT SCHOOL

Ideally, it is best to give medication to children at home and not at school. However, if a student's medication program requires medication during school hours, the following must be in place before medication can be given at the school:• "Authorization to Dispense

Medication" form completed by a physician and filed in the school office. (Forms are available in the school office and from most local medical offices.) Included in this is mandatory authorization for the school to dispense over-the-counter and prescription medication.

• Parent Permission form completed and signed by the parent or guardian of the child who is to receive the medication.(In our district the parent's permission form and the physician's authorization are all on one form.)

• The medication must be in an original container along with the child's name, dosage and frequency instructions.

• The only medications that can be administered by Washington State Law are oral medications. Oral medications are those taken by mouth. They need not be swallowed, but may be inhaled through the mouth. Oral medications administered through the gastrostomy tube are also considered oral. This

excludes administration of topical ointments or creams or any medication given by a route other than oral.

• Special arrangements need to be made for students taking medication on a field trip. Please see the office should your child be facing this situation. This includes one day and over night trips.

Note: For the safety of students, we discourage the dispensing of medication at school and encourage parents and physicians to avoid this if possible. For instance, the use of extended release medications which require less frequent doses can sometimes be ordered (consult your child's physician). Also, medications that do not have specific times for doses can often be given at home. i.e., a medication ordered "three times a day" could be given before school, after school, and before bedtime. Your physician or healthcare provider can provide guidance in this.

June 2021

ORDERLINESSArranging myself and my surroundings to achieve greater efficiency.

Senior Presentations 3:30pm

Projects Night 6pm

All School BBQ

Last Day of School for Seniors

Softball Game (Grades 6-12)

Elementary Field Day (Grades K-5)

Early Release 11amKindergarten

Graduation 2pm

Last Day of SchoolElementary Awards 9am

Graduation 6pm

Board Mtg. 7pm

Middle School Academic Awards 2pm

High School Academic Awards 2pm

High School Athletic Awards 6pm

SAT Testing at Trout Lake

Middle School Athletic Awards 6pm

Flex DayFlex Day

Flex Day Flex Day

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28

Grade Check

29 30

Trout Lake School

Flex Day

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October 2020

BOLDNESS Confidence to say or do what is true, right, and just.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,3,5Parent/Teacher



Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,6,7Parent/Teacher


23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Trout Lake School

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 3,4,5,6Parent/Teacher


Early Release 11:48Periods 4,5,6 7

PSAT 8:30am-12:30pm

SAT Test @ Trout Lake

13Extracurricular Participation (continued)

• vandalism to school property. • Any conviction by the judicial process for the violation of any

felony conviction.

The following rules will be strictly adhered to:• A student will consult his/her coach in advance if practice,

game or meeting must be missed. Illness, death in the family, medical appointments or an extreme emergency would be excusable reasons for missing.

• A student will refrain from using profanity or vulgar language or gestures during practice, games or activities.

• A student will not show disrespect for officials, participants, equipment, coaches, teammates, or any other person or properties associated with the practice, contest or activity.

• A student is representing his/her school, community and self. It is expected that the behavior and dress of the student will be appropriate.

• On all athletic or extracurricular trips by bus, boys and girls will sit in separate seats both going to and returning home.

• Personal entertainment devices are allowed only when used with headphones.

• A student will stay in the activity area; i.e., gym, track, field, etc. unless accompanied by a coach or chaperone.

The OSAA Requirements and the Sports Expectations are just included in the this handbook.

Extracurricular activities, such as holding an ASB office, are subject to the Extracurricular Participation Code.

SCHOOL DANCESDances at Trout Lake School are not public dances and must be approved by the class advisor and administration. Most dances are for Trout Lake School students or an invited high school-age friend. Older persons may be invited to Homecoming and Prom. Guests must be under 21 years of age. As an older person, homecoming is reserved for alumni of Trout Lake School. ALL guests must sign the Trout Lake School Dance Consent

Registration Form. The guest’s name must be placed on a guest list at least three days before the dance. The guest list will be the responsibility of the dance advisor. One guest is allowed per student. All participants, including guests, must conform to all of the conduct expectations for Trout Lake School dances. The faculty advisor of the group sponsoring the dance is responsible for supervision of the dance. Below are other requirements for dances:• Dance advisors must be present at all times.• At least two other adult chaperones, approved by the administration, must be present at all times.• Each student must stay in the designated area. A student leaving this area cannot reenter the dance.• The dance advisor must sign an agreement of responsibility and submit this to the office.

Page 10: 2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

6Testing, Academics

May 2021

DISCRETIONRecognizing and avoiding words, actions and attitudes that could bring undesirable consequences.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14Kindergarten

Roundup 9:30am


16 17 18

Spring Band Concert(Grades 5-12) 6pm

19 20 21 22

23 24

31Memorial Day


Grade Check

26 27 28 29


Trout Lake SchoolBoard Mtg. 7pm

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 3,4,5,6

Grade Check

Grades 3-8 and 10-12 will take the Smarter Balanced testing. These tests measure learning in reading, science, writing and math.

CERTIFICATE OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT (CAA)Washington State requires every student to earn the CAA, or CIA (or equivalent) prior to graduation. To earn this certificate, a student must meet a standard on the writing and reading portion of the HS Smarter Balanced ELA test, HS Smarter Balanced Math Test, the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science, and complete a culminating high school project along with a 13th year plan.

ARMED SERVICES VOCATIONAL APTITUDE BATTERY (ASVAB)The ASVAB is a career test available to interested students in grades 10-12. It measures a student's abilities and predicts what he or she could accomplish occupationally with further training and education.

PRE-COLLEGE TESTSPreliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT)

The PSAT is given to college-bound students in October in the 10th or 11th grades. It measures aptitude in both verbal and math areas. It also serves as a "trial run" for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), which many students will take in their junior and senior year. The PSAT is also the qualifying test for National Merit Scholarship competition, as well as the vehicle for receiving information from many colleges throughout the country.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)The SAT is offered on Saturday mornings five different times during a school year. The SAT will be offered on 2 Saturday mornings at Trout Lake School, on October 5 and May 2. Like the PSAT, the SAT measures aptitude in verbal, math, and writing areas.

Checkout the website www.collegeboard.com for more information.

American College Test (ACT)The ACT is also offered on Saturday mornings five different times during a school year. The ACT measures achievement in English, math, reading, and science reasoning. www.act.org.

WHICH TEST DO I TAKE?Most college-bound students will take the PSAT and either the SAT or ACT pre-college tests. Some students may take both tests and pick the highest score. Application forms and study guides for the SAT and ACT are available in the counseling office.

ONLINE LEARNINGOnline learning opportunities allow students to take Advanced Placement and Honors classes, as well as classes that Trout Lake School cannot offer.

A limited number of credit recovery classes are also available. Provided appropriate funding, students may consider online learning or independent learning. The student and student’s parent(s) must be involved in working with the classroom teacher or counselor to determine the course needed.

AP CLASSES (ADV PLACEMENT)Trout Lake School currently offers AP English Literature and Composition.

RUNNING STARTRunning Start is a special opportunity program in Washington in which 11th and 12th grade students may apply to enroll in courses or programs in a community or technical college (such as Columbia Gorge Community College) without charge, except for books and lab fees. Students will receive dual credit (both high school and college) for successful completion of coursework. An official transcript will be maintained at each institution. Running Start grades will not be included in the honor roll.

COLLEGE IN THE HIGH SCHOOLTrout Lake School offers optional college credit

from CWU in the following classes for the 2020-21 school year: Pre-Calculus (Math 153 and 154). Students who take these classes for college credit may need to pay additional fees.

ACADEMIC REPORTINGTeachers report academic progress each term for all students. To better communicate, the District schedules parent conferences twice a year—fall and spring. In addition, a grade check is made every 15 school days for grades 5-12. A copy of this report is sent home.

Kindergarten through 4th grade students are standard-based graded using a numerical system 1-4. Traditional letter grading is used in 5th grade through 12th grade classes.

The Honor Roll is published each term and semester in the Enterprise. Students must receive a minimum grade point average of 3.0 and be enrolled in at least four classes.

PHYSICAL EDUCATIONAll or part of the requirement to participate in Physical Education Classes may be waived by participation in Organized Athletics. Though no credit will be granted for this participation, one-half credit of the PE requirement may be waived by participation in and completion of each season of any sport or cheerleading. This waiver will be at the maximum rate of one credit per year.

Elementary Spring (K-4) Concert 6pm

Snow Day No School

Page 11: 2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

November 2020

trout lake school

FLEXIBILITYWillingness to change plans or ideas without getting upset.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Daylight Savings Time Ends

2 3 4 5 6 7

Cross Country

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

Trout Lake School

Board Mtg. 7pm

End of First TermGrade Check

Early Release 11:48Periods 1,2,3,7

Thanksgiving Break-No School

Grade CheckEarly Release 11:48am

Periods 4,5,6,7

Veteran’s DayObserved No School

EXTRACURRICULAR OVERVIEW Extracurricular activities are also important to the learning process. Students may choose extracurricular activities such as Destination Imagination, Robotics, school plays, or Pep Band. The middle school and high school students may participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, cross-country and track. Many awards for extracurricular competitions are show-cased in the entrance to the school.


A student who makes a choice to be involved in a sport or other extracurricular activity does so knowing that extra effort, time, and sacrifice are needed for success. With this choice comes the opportunity to participate in well organized programs that will stress the following objectives:

• Academics: Learning to plan and organize your time to best balance your activity responsibilities with your most important academic responsibilities.

• Responsibility: This will be emphasized for attendance at practice, contests, meetings, care of equipment, and communicating schedules with your parents.

• Self-Improvement: You will learn to set goals to improve yourself mentally and/or physically.

• Cooperation: You will learn to cooperate with your coach, teammates, and officials.

• Sportsmanship: Learning to win, lose, and accept decisions with dignity and class is an important part of being involved with a team at Trout Lake School.

RATIONALEIn order to accomplish the traits set forth, it is necessary to develop and maintain a team spirit that is based on appropriate standards. Certain regulations are necessary to prevent disruption of team spirit.

In athletic teams, Middle School and Junior Varsity Programs are to emphasize developmental skills and training techniques to maximize a student’s potential. Varsity programs are to attempt to proceed to post season goals while the team maintains the above objectives.

LOCKER ROOM CONDUCT• Locker rooms are off limits until coaches

or a supervisor are present - you must have permission to be in the locker rooms.

• Keep assigned lockers clean - do not leave valuables outside lockers.

• Be sure to turn off all showers before leaving.

• “Rough-housing” or “horse-play” of any sort in the locker room is dangerous and will not be permitted at any time.

PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS• Students who participate in extracurricular

activities must be a member of the Associated Student Body. The process begins by purchasing a Student Body Card and signing the Extracurricular Activity Participation Code.

• Students wishing to be on a sports team must also complete a sports physical and insurance waiver, and pay a sports fee. This must be done prior to any participation in a sport, including practice.

• Students must attend all of their classes on the day of their contest, practice or extracurricular activity in order to participate in that event. If a student is ill and does not attend school, the student may not participate in the practice, game or activity. Exceptions may be made if an absence was because of a school activity, or if it was pre-approved by the coach or athletic director.

• Excessive tardies may affect a student's ability to participate in extracurricular activities.

• A student is financially responsible for any equipment issued to him/her for the activity he/she is participating in.

• An athlete dismissed from a team for disciplinary reasons shall not participate in another sport, or use school facilities for training during that sport season.

• An athlete who turns out for a sport cannot quit and turn out for another sport during the same season without permission of both head coaches and the activities director.

• All students who participate in extracurricular activities must maintain

12Extracurricular Activity Participation Code

academic and citizenship standards as set forth (1) in the OSAA Handbook, and (2) by Trout Lake School District Student Handbook. Furthermore, Trout Lake School District requires a student who is participating in an extracurricular activity or sport to maintain a GPA of 2.0 and no failing grades. Grade checks will be held every 15 days. If a student fails to meet the academic standard at grade check, reasonable attempt will be made by the Activities Director or designee to contact both the student and guardian personally or by telephone by the school day following grade check. (All assignments are due at the end of the school day prior to grade check unless other arrangements are made by teachers.) Also, on the day following grade check, the Activities Director or designee will make reasonable effort to mail a notice informing the student and guardian about failing to meet the academic standard. In any event, the student will be removed from the activity two days following grade check (i.e., if a grade check is Monday, the student will be ineligible to participate Wednesday). The student will be able to participate in practice, games or activities following a one game or activity suspension. If the student fails to meet the academic standard on the next or a subsequent grade check during the activity season the student will be suspended from participation with the group and/or team.

Page 12: 2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

7Graduation Requirements & Student Records

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY (NHS)Trout Lake School maintains a charter with this national organization. Membership is both an honor and a commitment to the school and the community.

Nominations for membership are made in the fall of each school year. The nominee must be a sophomore, junior or senior and have attended Trout Lake School for at least one full-time semester, earning a GPA of 3.3 or better. Nominees are rated in the following area: Academic Achievement, Service, Leadership, and Character. Please contact the NHS Advisor, Julie Fink, for more information.

COURSE CHANGEIt is the responsibility of the student to fill out and submit a complete (including all signatures) course change form within five days of the start of a semester. Forms are available and may be turned in to the office or to the counselor. A course may be dropped at the term but not added. It is the responsibility of the student to fill out and submit the course change form on the first day of the new term. If a student

transfers from one class to another within the first five days of the semester, they will be responsible for all make-up work missed in the first five days. All absences and/or tardies accrued in the course being dropped will be transferred to the added course. Students dropping a class after the five-day add/drop period may receive a failing grade.

STUDY HALLStudents wishing to take a study hall must receive permission from the school counselor. Students must arrive in the library on time and remain there for the entire period. Ninth and tenth graders may take a study hall only if enrolled in 7 other classes. Eleventh and twelfth grade students may sign up for a study hall if they have a "hole" in their schedule and are not able to leave campus at that time.

STUDENT RECORDSTrout Lake School maintains confidential student records. Student records remain the property of the District, but are available for viewing by parents or emancipated students upon request.

FAMILY ACCESS TO STUDENT RECORDS This system allows parents and students to access information from their computer at home about the student’s general information, scheduling, attendance, and health information. If your child is in grades 5-12, you will also be able to access the gradebook feature. Please contact the school office for more information about Family Access and for your login and password.

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTSFor high school graduation, students must complete the following credits. One semester class equals 0.5 credits. Specific credit requirements are as follows:

April 2021

trout lake school

DILIGENCEInvesting all my energy to complete the tasks assigned to me.


English 4.0 Mathematics 4.0 Science (1 credit w/ lab) 3.0 US History and Government 2.0 Contemporary World Issues 1.0 PACE (Personal Accelerated Career Exp.) 1.0 PE 2.0 Home & Family and Life Skills 1.0 Fine, Visual, or Performing Arts 2.0 Senior Project 1.0 World Language 2.0 Electives 3.0 Total 26.0

Washington State History is a non-credit requirement. Successfulcompletion will be noted in transcripts.(Please be advised that additional requirements are required for admittance by most colleges and universities.)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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25 26 27 28 29 30

Trout Lake School

End Term 3Grade Check

Board Mtg. 7PM

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,3,4

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 4,5,6,7

If a student is enrolled for a term, they will be eligible to earn grades for the courses taken. Students enrolled for less than a term must arrange with their teachers to complete the course work for the term in order to be eligible to receive grades or credit. Students who do not make these arrangements will receive no credit.

Students may, with teacher approval, enroll as a “Teacher Assistant” for credit, but the amount of this credit will be limited to one credit per year and no more than two credits total.

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 4,5,6,7

Page 13: 2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

December 2020

PUNCTUALITYShowing esteem for others by doing the right thing at the right time.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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13 14 15 16 17 18 19

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27 28 29 30 31

Trout Lake School

Board Mtg. 7pm

Grade Check

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 4,5,6,7

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,3,4

Winter Break - No School

Winter Break - No School

COMPLAINT OR CONCERNIf a student or parent has a concern about a school policy or an employee, the following procedure should be followed in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible:1. First, contact the person who you have a complaint about to discuss

both sides of the issue. 2. If the problem still exists, contact the Superintendent. 3. Finally, if unresolved, ask the superintendent to place the complaint

on the following month’s School Board agenda for further discussion.

CONDUCT IN SPECIFIC PLACESA number of procedures apply to specific areas of the campus. These include the following:

Hallway• Treat everyone, personal property and the school property with

respect.• Walk in the hall.• Keep student belongings in lockers. Articles left in the hallways or

on the floors of the locker rooms may be redeemed in the office or lost and found.

• Students are assigned lockers where they may temporarily store personal belongings. A locker assignment does not imply that it is a safe place to store valuables or that items are safe from theft. The school is not liable for stolen articles. Locks for lockers are recommended to minimize theft.

• Pictures on and inside lockers will be appropriate.Bathroom• Use a soft voice.• Use the toilet or urinal properly.• Stalls are for use by one person at any given time.• Wash and dry hands for health reasons.• Do not loiter.• Dispose of paper towels in containers provided.Playground• Use school equipment appropriately.• Take turns.• Do not jump from the equipment.• Climb only where equipment is meant for climbing.• Do not consume food or beverages on the playground unless

supervised.• Do not wrestle or play harmful games.

• Use only designated playfields. Designated playfields include the elementary playground, soccer field, and baseball/softball fields. The crater or trail leading to it are not considered designated areas.

Gym• Use gym shoes on courts.• Do not hang on the basket rims.• Use bleachers only when they are pulled out.• Use locker rooms only during physical education classes and sports

activities.• Leave locker rooms tidy following PE, practices and games.• Avoid slamming balls against backboards and rims.• Please stay out of the designated ball room.Cafeteria• Walk in the cafeteria. • Practice good table manners.• Dispose of leftovers and trash properly.• Eat only in the multipurpose room or student lounge, unless

authorized by staff member. • Dispose of gum before getting in lunch line.• Wash hands before entering lunch room.


The District transports approximately 100 students to and from school for a total of 25,000 miles each school year. Bus and school vehicle drivers are the authority while transporting students. In addition to general school rules, the following conduct is expected while boarding, riding, or departing District vehicles:• Use soft voices.• Throw no objects.• Do not sit with feet in the aisle.• Do not stand or move from your seat while the bus is in motion.• Do not chew gum, drink, or eat, unless expressly allowed by the

driver on the extracurricular trips.• Do not extend any part of your body outside the window.• Do not use any article or object that may adversely affect the safety

of the students or the driver.• Do not wear track or spike shoes.• No glass of any kind allowed on the bus.

11Complaint or Concern, Conduct, TransportationFor extracurricular trips, students will use the school-provided transportation. If a student rides a bus to an activity, they must return on the bus unless the parent takes their child from there. Parents must sign off their student with the bus driver before leaving.

If a parent wishes their child to go home with another adult from an extracurricular event, a written note must be in the office 24 hours in advance.

All students will use the school provided transportation for extracurricular trips. Specific exceptions may be made, provided the office is contacted 24 hours in advance.

For bus notes or changes in your child's transportation plan, please notify the office before noon.

Page 14: 2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

ATTENDANCESchool attendance is important for a good education. However, students may be absent for a variety of reasons. An excused absence or tardy includes the following:• Notification from parent or guardian.• Illnesses or medical and dental appointments. Absences

of five (5) or more days should be accompanied by a physician’s excuse.

• School related absences, such as field trips, musical tours, athletics, counselor appointments or suspensions.

• Class work for excused absences may be made up, usually at the rate of one day for each day of absence.

• Up to 9 tardies per semester may be excused by serving 1 hour after school detention per tardy.

Every three tardies, excused or unexcused, become an absence.

A teacher may require students who accumulate 4 or more excused or unexcused tardies in a semester to serve an after school detention.

A failing grade will be given to each class that is missed due to truancy (course work for truancies or unexcused absences cannot be made up.) Repeated truancy will result in disciplinary action. (RCW 13.34.300) Examples of truancy include:• Leaving school without signing out in the school office.• Being absent from school without prior permission of

parents.• Being absent from class without permission.• Failing to attend a required assembly.

Upon returning from an absence, a student is to bring a note from a parent/guardian to the office stating the reason for and the dates of the absence. The student is to take the note to the office before school.If a student must leave school early for an appointment, the

student is to bring a parent’s excuse and take the note to the office before signing out and leaving the campus.

If a student has a long-term illness resulting in an absence of four weeks or more, a home tutor may be available. Parents are asked to contact the school counselor or principal for this service. Please notify the school by 8:19 AM if your child will be absent. To obtain work from an absence, parents and children may e-mail teachers directly.A copy of the Attendance Procedures is included as in the back of this handbook. Students transferring to another school or withdrawing from school are to have a parent notify the school counselor. The student must also report to the office on the last day of attendance to receive a checkout slip. All books and materials loaned by the school must be returned and all fines and bills settled before proper clearance can be made.

8Class Schedule, Grade Marks & Attendance


ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOURSGrades K-5................... 8:19 am-2:12 pm Lunch ................................. 12:29-1:19pm

MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL HOURS0 Hour ........................................7:13-8:161st Period .................................. 8:19-9:09 2nd Period .............................. 9:12-10:023rd Period ............................. 10:05-10:55 4th Period ............................. 10:58-11:48 Lunch .................................... 11:48-12:29 5th Period ............................... 12:29-1:19 6th Period..................................1:22-2:12

March 2021

THOROUGHNESSKnowing what factors will diminish the effectiveness of my work or words, if neglect-ed.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Daylight Savings Time Begins

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28 29 30 31

Trout Lake SchoolBoard Mtg. 7PM

Grade Check

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,3,7

Spring Break - No School

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January 2021

trout lake school

RESPONSIBILITYKnowing and doing what is expected of me.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7

Grade Check

8 9

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17 18 19 20 21 22 23



25 26 27 28 29 30

Trout Lake School

Winter Break - No School

MLK Jr. BirthdayNo School

Board Mtg. 7pm

School BoardAppreciation

First Day Backto School

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,3,5

Grade CheckEnd of 1st Semester

Early Release 11:48amPeriods 1,2,6,7

GENERAL EXPECTATIONSThe following are general guidelines for student conduct:• The use of tobacco products is prohibited

on school district property. This includes all District buildings, grounds, and vehicles. (RCW 28A 635.060)

• Students are not to possess, use, transmit, be under the influence or show evidence of having used alcoholic beverages or illegal chemical substances on any District property. (Policy 3240)

• Hand holding, walking arm in arm and hugging on campus or at school related events and activities is permissible. Being overly affectionate in school creates an environment that is not conductive to concentration and learning, therefore students should refrain from inappropriate displays of affection (IPDA). IPDA such as kissing, pinching, groping, sitting on one another's lap or linking arms in such a way that impedes others' movements is disallowed.

• Personal music devices may be used before school, after school, during passing periods, and during lunch. Use outside of these times may result in loss of this privilege.

• Use of cell phones during class is not allowed. Cell phones may be used before school, after school, during passing periods, and at lunch. Use outside of these times may result in loss of all cell phone privileges.

• Using bicycles, rollerblades, and skateboards during school hours is not permitted.

• Park bikes in the bike rack. Do not ride bicycles on school property during school hours.

• All traffic laws, including proper licensing and insurance, must be followed by students driving to school. Vehicles are to be parked in the designated parking areas during the school

10General Expectationsday.

• Drive slowly in the school parking lot, as student activity in the area is not always readily obvious.

• Profanity, rude remarks or gestures made by students while in the building, on school grounds or on buses during school or extracurricular activities are disallowed.

• A suspended student may not come on campus. Students who are suspended will not participate in or attend any extracurricular activities. Violation of this policy could result in an additional suspension or expulsion.

• The goal of Trout Lake School is to make the school environment safe for all students both physically and psychologically. Therefore there will be rules enforced by all staff members that relate to harassment, intimidation, and bullying.

• Students must obey reasonable requests by staff members. Failure to do so is considered serious and may result in suspension from school.

DRESS CODEThis code is intended to preserve a beneficial learning environment and assure the safety and well-being of all students.The responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and their parents or guardians.

Goals of Our Student Dress CodeA student dress code should accomplish several goals:• Maintain a safe learning environment in

classes where protective or supportive clothing is needed, such as chemistry/biology (eye or body protection), wood shop (eye or body protection), or PE (athletic attire/shoes).

• Allow students to wear clothing of their choice that is comfortable.

• Allow students to wear clothing that expresses their self-identified gender.

• Allow students to wear religious attire without fear of discipline or discrimination.

• Prevent students from wearing clothing with offensive images or language, including profanity, hate speech, and pornography.

• Prevent students from wearing clothing with images or language depicting or advocating violence or the use of alcohol or drugs.

• Ensure that all students are treated equitably regardless of gender/gender identification, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, body type/size, religion, and personal style.

Allowable Dress & Grooming• Students must wear a top (shirt, blouse,

sweater, sweatshirt, tank, etc.), bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts, dresses, etc.), and footwear.

• Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front, back, and on the sides (under the arms and at least to the belly button).

• Clothing must cover undergarments (waistbands and straps excluded).

• Fabric covering private parts (nipples, genitals, buttocks) must be opaque (not able to be seen-through).

• Hats and other headwear must allow the face to be visible to staff, and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff. Hoodies must allow the face to be visible to school staff.

• Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop, and other activities where unique hazards exist.

• Specialized courses or activities may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.

• No exceptions to the dress code will be made for extra curricular clubs or activities. (School dances, clubs, or activities may be exempted with administrator approval.)

Non-Allowable Dress & Grooming• Clothing, jewelry, or personal items may

not depict, advertise, or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other controlled substances.

• Clothing, jewelry, or personal items may not have weapons displayed.

• Clothing, jewelry, or personal items may not depict pornography, nudity, or sexual acts.

• Clothing, jewelry, or personal items may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected groups.

• Clothing, jewelry, or personal items may not threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff.

Attire worn in observance of a student's religion is not subject to this code.

Physical Education and Extracurricular Activities1. All jewelry must be removed before

participating in PE and sporting events.2. Coaches and PE teachers will determine

practice wear and PE attire.

Violation of Dress Code1. The teacher or staff member will address

the situation in an appropriate manner. The teacher or staff member will request that the student change, cover-up or turn clothing inside out.

2. The teacher or staff member will refer the student to the office. Parents will be notified.

3. Parent conference.4. Disciplinary action will be taken such as:

detention, work-duty, or suspension.

The Superintendent may make exceptions to this policy as needed.

As with any policy, inclusion of all possible situations is difficult. Please remember, the Trout Lake Staff may sometimes have to use its discretion regarding student dress.

Page 16: 2020 • Trout Lake School • 2021

February 2021

trout lake school

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Beginning of 2nd Semester

2 3 4 5

Early Release 11:48Periods 3,4,5,6Last Day to Add/Drop Courses


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Trout Lake School

President's DayNo School

Grade Check Board Mtg. 7PM

SINCERITYEagerly doing what is right with transparent motives.

Snow DayNo School

ASVAB 8:30am

9AbsencesEXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES (see policy 3122)Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each day. Teachers shall keep a record of absences and tardiness.

EXCUSED ABSENCESThe following are valid excuses for absences and tardiness. Assignments and/or activities not completed because of an excused absence or tardiness may be made up in the manner provided by the teacher.

A. Absence for parental-approved activities or illness. This category of absence shall be counted as excused for purposes agreed to by the principal and the parent. An absence may not be approved if it causes a serious adverse effect on the student's educational progress. In participation-type classes (e.g., certain music and physical education classes), the student may not be able to achieve the objectives of the unit of instruction as a result of absence from class. In such a case, a parent-approved absence would be an adverse effect on the student's educational progress, which would ultimately be reflected in the grade for such a course.

B. Absence resulting from disciplinary actions - or short-term suspension. As required by law, students who are removed from class or classes as a disciplinary measure or students who have been placed on short-term suspension shall have the right to make up assignments or exams missed during the time they were denied entry to the classroom, if the effect of the missed assignments shall be a substantial lowering of the course grade.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES (Work cannot be made up)Unexcused absences fall into three categories:

Failing to submit any type of excuse statement signed by the parent, guardian or adult student. This type of absence is also defined as truancy.

A. Each unexcused absence shall be followed by a warning letter to the parent of the student. Each notice shall be in writing in English or in the primary language of the parent.

A student's grade shall not be affected if no graded activity is missed during such an absence.

B. After two unexcused absences within any month, a conference shall be held between the parent, student and principal. Not later than the student's fifth unexcused absence in a month, the district shall enter into an agreement with the student and parents that establishes school attendance requirements, refer the student to a community truancy board or file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010.

C. No later than the seventh unexcused absence within any month during the current school year or upon the tenth unexcused absence during the current school year the district shall file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010 by the parent, student or parent and student. The petition consists of written notification to the court alleging that:

1. The student has unexcused absences in the current school year.

2. Actions taken by the school district have not been successful in substantially reducing the student's absences from school; and

3. Court intervention and supervision are necessary to assist the school district to reduce the students' absences from school.

D. A student who has been expelled for attendance violations may petition the superintendent for reinstatement. Such petition may be granted upon presentation of a firm and unequivocal commitment to maintain regular attendance.

E. Any student who presents false evidence, with or without the consent of his/her parent, in order to wrongfully qualify for an excused absence shall be subject to the same corrective action that would have occurred had the false excuse not been used.

Students are expected to be in class on time. When a student's tardiness becomes frequent or disruptive, the student shall be counseled. If counseling, parent conferencing or disciplinary action is ineffective in changing the student's attendance

behavior, he/she may be given an office referral.

All sanctions imposed for failure to comply with the attendance policies and procedures shall be implemented in conformance with state and district regulations regarding corrective action or punishment.

LOSS OF CREDIT DUE TO LACK OF ATTENDANCE IN HIGH SCHOOL1. Teachers shall keep daily attendance on a class by class

basis and send attendance information to the office via the computer.

2. Records of attendance kept in the office shall constitute the official school record.

3. Three tardies in any class, is equal to one absence.4. The office shall notify a student and his or her parents in

writing when the student's record shows four or more absences in any class. At eight or more absences, the office shall make effort to arrange a conference with a parent and student. Although individual teachers syllabus may vary, generally when the student's absence record indicates that he or she has missed a class more than twelve times, the student and his or her parents will be notified that credit may be lost.

5. Upon receipt of notification of loss of credit, the student will have the right to request a hearing.

6. Notice of request for hearing must be within 5 school days of notification of loss of credit.

7. Attendance Hearing committee will meet within 5 school days of notice of appeal to consider the appeal.

8. Students and parents will be notified in writing of the decision of the Attendance Hearing committee.