
Fibers & Textiles 21 Towards differentiation that exceed synthetic fibers and natural boundaries. The use of fiber products expanding from clothes to industrial fields. Unitika has been built on its fiber and textile arm ever since being established. Production ranges from yarns to completed products, with uses spreading from clothes such as ladies’, men’s, sportswear and uniforms, to industrial materials for use in architecture, construction and interior, which makes up approximately 50% of the consumption. This industrial materials field is expected to expand dramatically in the near future. Vinylon, which has gained popularity as a substitute for asbestos, and the even stronger Super Vinylon have been developed for the market. Just as in the textiles field, we provide the industrial materials market with our original differential products as main items, leading to the creation of a more comfortable lifestyle.

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Fibers & Textiles


Towards differentiation that exceed synthetic fibers and natural boundaries.The use of fiber products expanding from clothes to industrial fields.Unitika has been built on its �ber and textile arm ever since being established. Production ranges from yarns to completed products, with uses spreading from clothes such as ladies’, men’s, sportswear and uniforms, to industrial materials for use in architecture, construction and interior, which makes up approximately 50% of the consumption. This industrial materials �eld is expected to expand dramatically in the near future. Vinylon, which has gained popularity as a substitute for asbestos, and the even stronger Super Vinylon have been developed for the market. Just as in the textiles �eld, we provide the industrial materials market with our original di�erential products as main items, leading to the creation of a more comfortable lifestyle.


Hygra-LU A useful functional material to soak up water and moistureWhile being a synthetic �ber, Hygra-LU is a useful functional material used in clothes to maintain a permanently dry feeling through its exceptional water absorbency and moisture desorption. Hygra-Lu was created through a combination of Hygra, which features a core of polymer wrapped in nylon holding 30 times its own weight in water absorbency, and Lumiace which o�ers exceptional water absorbency. This material was developed to relieve the discomfort from sweat after intense sports, and is mainly used in sports products. Fiber technology has been applied on a micron level to achieve the ultimate quality and comfort.

Sylph A new ecological natural fiber derived from trees.Sylph is a new natural �ber made from tree pulp. Eucalyptus trees used as the raw materials are taken from plantations, while solvents used in the production process of the raw stock are completely recovered and reused. The material is not only ecological, it has a unique texture and a range of appearances. Compatible with functional �bers such as natural �bers, synthetic �bers, and hollow �bers, a large variety of materials are possible through advanced composite technologies. The possibilities of this ever changing material are endless.

Seglova Anti-erosion sheets to protect river environments.Seglova is an anti erosion sheet for river banks made from polyester �lament yarns. The process involves �lling Seglova steric knitted structure developed with our own unique technology with sand, and then transferring plant seed pots. Erosion resistance is approximately the same as normal concrete block mats. However on a materials production level, Seglova excels due to presenting a much lighter load on the environment as carbon dioxide emissions are approximately 90% of those compared to conventional concrete block mats.

Unitika Vinylon Vinylon used both domestically and internationally as a substitute for asbestos.Vinylon was �rst manufactured approximately 60 years ago as Japan’s �rst synthetic �ber. With high strength, low elasticity, and excellent alkali resistance, Vinylon has been used in various �elds. Its use as an industrial material, such as a reinforcing material in concrete or separator in batteries, increased over recent years. Being a reinforcing material, it has been used as a substitute for asbestos since 25 years, particularly as a roo�ng and construction material called slate. Vinylon can also be found in domestic and international construction and is even used by the world’s leading construction materials manufacturer Eternit (Belgium).


Hygra-BI Unitika Fibers Ltd.A functional material created from composite Hygra and Bioliner. Features exceptional antibacterial and odor resistance, as well as displaying fast moisture absorption and evaporation.

Peos Unitika Fibers Ltd. Unitika Sakai Ltd.A unique bimetal structured yarn with moderate stretchability and excellent resilience. Used in world famous brands.

Sylph Unitika Textiles Ltd.An ecological natural �ber made from pulp obtained from tree plantations. A unique texture with plenty of di�erent appearances.

Aitake(Indigo-bamboo)Unitika Textiles Ltd.A new material using the �bers of natural bamboo as they are. O�ers a refreshing feel and is excellent at conserving resources.

Thermotron Unitika Fibers Ltd.A heat retaining �ber that converts sunlight to heat. Used in sports and outdoor wear.

Wolford Unitika Berkshire Ltd.An international leg wear brand sold throughout more than 60 countries, providing legs with a sense of luxury and unique perspective.

Palpa Unitika Textiles Ltd.A special multilayer yarn developed over 30 years ago. Polyester staple �bers are wrapped in high quality cotton.

Mai-Houoh(Dancing Phoenix)Unitika Textiles Ltd.The world’s highest standard ultra�ne 240 yarn count, made from spin gold. Features the �nest quality texture that exceeds cotton.

Microart Unitika Fibers Ltd.A lightweight �ber construction design featuring a special #-shaped cross-section. Used in outdoor wear for all seasons.

School Gymnastics UniformsUnitika Mate Co., Ltd.School sportswear designed for the fashions of today. Partnerships have also been tied up with designer brands.

Ramco Unitika Textiles Ltd.Super-long Indian cotton is used to make this high strength cotton material. This high quality is obtained from hybrid technologies and many manual processes.

Unitika Super Vinylon Unitika Ltd.With a strength 1.5 times stronger than conventional vinyl �lament yarn, an amazing 80% strength of aramid �ber, has been achieved. High quality available at a low cost.


Various development of synthetic, natural, and composite fibers.The keyword being differentiation.

Unitika Fibers handles all the synthetic �ber products within the Fibers and Textiles department. Our know-how in advanced polymer technologies is applied to the �ber structure and processing techniques on a microscopic level, unseen by the naked eye, Combining di�erent polymers and using modi�cation techniques, a new range of original, comfortable products have been developed, namely Microart and Thermotron.Unitika Textiles, dealing mainly in materials made of natural �bers, has made the remarkable approach to creating di�erential products using unique materials, composite materials, and produced several environmentally friendly products such as Uniecolo and Indigo-Bamboo(Ai-Take). As a materials manufacturer Unitika Textiles has received high appreciation for maintaining this stance of providing all types of materials in the �ber business, from yarn to completed products. The future of the natural materials �eld looks bright as more e�ort will be applied to the product businesses.From planning to development, to production and sales, the clothing business will continue to operate in close cooperation of all our company groups.

A wide range of products and fields of development.High specification industrial materials to meet various requirements.

Unitika’s �ber and textile products are widely used in the �eld of industrial materials . Uses in the construction �eld include construction sheets , mesh sh e e t s used a s f o und a t i o n reinforcements, and seepage control sheets. Other uses include rubber materials to help reinforce tires and belts, �sheries products such as nets, waterproof cloth and tent sheets, and nylon rope to moor tankers to port. Many products have also been developed as interior materials for automobiles. Closer to home are products such as basecloth of poultice and static charge brushes for printers. Final products including a variety of specialist lines are also produced as Unitika Fishing Lines.In addition to the widely popular Vinylon and other reinforcing materials, there are the new products making use of their nonpolluting characteristics and environmentally friendliness, such as carbon substitutes in the FRP �eld, and materials used in boat bodies as glass substitutes. Super Vinylon, with 1.5 times the strength of ordinary Vinylon, has a bright future with a variety of new uses being developed.

Microart Bag Unitika Fibers Ltd.A lightweight polyester material derived from a special #-shaped cross-section design. Used in bag manufacturing.

Industrial Sheet Unitika Fibers Ltd.A super tough and high tenacity polyester yarn is bonded with resin. Features high stability.

Safety Nets Unitika Fibers Ltd.The lightest landlubberly nets in Japan. Made using polyester spun-dyed yarn and o�ering outstanding strength. Used in the construction industry.

Fishing Line Unitika Fibers Ltd.A Specialized �shing line which has been designed for a single purpose ever since it was developed.There are various kinds for lure/bait �shing.