21-30 of presentation slide

Here’s an example of an inspiring double page spread…

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Here’s an example of an inspiring double page spread…

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I found this double page spread very effective for theses reason:

Images: the images are effective due to the technique used to make the first image transparent apart from where the artist name is capturing the importance of who the artist is. I also found the second image effective as it was a large scale image of the artist looking happy and relaxed sending off a positive atmosphere.

Colours: the use of colours was very clear as it informed the reader the difference in when the artist was speaking and when the interviewer was speaking. It also remained consistence throughout including in the title.

Layout: the use of columns was effective as the passage because clear to read and understand because everything was placed in a neat and ordinary fashion. You also have the flying text by the side of the first image a common thing you tend to see on double page spreads.

Text: I believe that the text also has a part to play as it is lined up within the margins and is consistence with the choice of colour and the front. It is not too big nor too small and fulfils the purpose of this article.

This is why I think that double spread works

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This is my double-page spread

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Image: The images that I used for my content page are very striking and eye-catching due to the layout of the image being in placed two columns. Also due to the effects that used it made the images stand out from the surface and works well as the effects was not too much but fitted my target audience.

Layout: Three columns used were also effective as they made the page seem more clear and enabled me to add more information to the page which will relates to the thing expected from my target audience such as the article's in the feature and regular sections. The layout is overall simple and my research indicated that that gospel magazines are very simple. This therefore means my layout fits the codes and conventions of a gospel magazines. I also used margins and grids to ensure that all the text are neatly located in the text box provided and does not run off the page. This also makes everything located in the middle and the pages looks not only professional but classy.

Colours: the colours used are simple and bold. Some of the colours used are the same used on the front cover and could be seen as a link between the front cover and the content page. The colours used does not clash with one another instead it complements one another. One thing that made sure I did while picking the images that I were to use for the content page was to ensure that they do not clash with one another or overpower each other. For that reason I made sure that the images used all had the same effect and the background colour was not too striking.

Masthead & Title: in order for people to know the purpose of the page I made sure that the page was titled “content”. I sued a large and bold front size/type to guarantee that it does not go under noticed. I also placed my masthead on the top left corner of the page to link both my front page with the magazine.

My content page works because through the research I done I made sure that everything that I found out was applied to my content page to ensure that it fits it with the codes and conventions of a gospel music magazine but to also ensure that it is suitable for my target audience. I was able to accomplish this by adding key features such as images, and effective layout, bold colours that complements one another, a masthead and title, guide and margins and boxes that captures

This is how my double page spread works

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Colours: The use of colours are a key link as it shows the similarities between the pages. I believe that the main colours that were used that linked the pages together were black, white and brown. I choose these colours as black can be seen as a harsh colour and white as a pure colour that can give a warmth to the page that black is not. I also choose the colour brown as it is a calm, warm colour that will brightening up the page.

Text: The size are in similar front I order for everything to remain consistence. On the front cover, content page and the double page spread the text are all very simple in order for it to be readable and suitable for my target audience.

Images: The images are all linked together as the image on the front cover is also the image on the content page as it represents another article. On the content page there is also an image of the same person on the double page to represent the article based on this person.

Layout: On all three pages I made sure that the layout is kept simple as through the research I done I found out that’s one the requirements. I also made sure that I used columns in all three pages to make sure everything is clear. Another link between the three pages is that I have used margins and guides for all of them to ensure that nothing runs off the page.

Masthead: The masthead was a key element that linked both the pages to one another and to ensure that the pages are linked to the magazine. for that reason I made sure that both the content page and the front cover had the masthead to illustrate what magazine it comes from.

This is how all three components are linked together….

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Key modifications from feedback

One of the feedback that I received told that my main cover line was spread across the gentlemen's hand in the image I was also told that my page looks too crowded with all the cover lines as they are not all needed. With feedback I had received I deleted one of the cover stories and just placed in on the content page as I did not want my front cover too look over crowed. I then had more room on the right had side of my page so I made my other cover lines smaller and placed my main cover line also on that side. I then made a double of that cover line to add effect and make it stand out from the other cover lines. My front cover was not as crowded as it previously was and there was nothing obstruction my main image.

Cover Page

This is my re-drafted cover page

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Key modifications from feedback

Originally I was told that my content page looked too empty and did not have a lot going for it. I then decided to create complete new draft layout which I worked with to create a new content page.

Cover Page

This is my re-drafted contents page

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Double spread

This is my re-drafted double spread

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Key modifications to double spread from feedback

The two pictures that I first had it mind for my double page spread did not look good together as they cashed, the feedback that I was given was to use only one of the images and use the tools available to create effect on the image.

I was also told that my text looks too dull and does not stand out as much as it could which lead me to place a stroke on my text.

Lastly I was told make sure that everything is placed in the right columns and are lined up correctly so I went over my work to make sure everything was lined up correctly.

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You can find my blog here:http://ononghinlan.blogspot.co.uk/

And You can find my evaluation with responses to the 7 questions here:http://ononghinlan.blogspot.co.uk/
