21 day raw food cleanse - groundednutrition.com...nov 21, 2016  · 1. they are high in water and...

21 Day Raw Food Cleanse eBook Grounded Nutrition

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Page 1: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

21 Day Raw FoodCleanse


Grounded Nutrition

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21 Day Raw Food CleanseGroundedNutrition 2014

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We are thrilled that this book is in your possession! No one owns this information as it is inherent, intuitive knowledge that already exists within every human body.We were the creative conduit who put the information into order and spent a lot of energy creating this eBook for your reading pleasure and education. We appreciate that you give us

working toward vibrant health for you and your family.

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Page 4: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Welcome to your 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse!

Raw foods are among the most powerful when it comes to supporting the bodies natural detoxification processes. Their high water and fibre content helps to flush out your system, and the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other phytochemicals they contain all work together to help draw toxins from your system, stimulate your detox organs, and support all the other chemical reactions necessary for a good, clean, well functioning body.All that being said, you do not need to eat an all raw diet all the time to reap the rewards of raw foods. It does not have to be all or nothing, but doing a short cleanse is often times just what the body needs to jump start it’s healing process. This 21 day cleanse plan is designed to show you how filling, satisfying, easy, fun, tasty and healing raw foods can be! This is not your run of the mill restriction style detox. This plan is all about abundance - abundance of the foods that serve your body best! One of the beautiful things about using raw foods for healing is that you get to totally indulge your senses as your cleanse and heal your body. If you find that the foods on this plan are not palatable to you, that is okay. If you tend to eat more processed foods than whole foods, you may have dulled your taste buds a little. As you increase your intake of raw foods, you will start to enjoy them more and more.

Page 5: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Why Raw Foods?

There are so many reasons to include more raw foods into your life, and to use raw foods as a reset for your body that we could not possibly list all of them here.

For the purposes of this program, here is what you need to know about raw foods:

1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food categories. This means that they are going to help pull toxins out of your intestinal tract, as well as helping to flush out your kidneys. These two things combined will kick start your body in moving out old, stored wastes.

2. They are hydrating - Raw foods help to properly hydrate your body on a cellular level. Drinking water is one thing, and one thing that you should continue doing, but the hydration that you get from fruits and vegetables has been naturally filtered by the plant, and is going to work to hydrate your body on a whole new level.

3. They stimulate the liver - Raw foods, especially dark leafy greens are very powerful cleansers for the liver, which is your bodies main detox organ. Most people do not realize just how vital the liver is to health. It has over 90 functions it performs on a daily basis. Nor do people realize how much the liver needs a boost until they give it one! Including lots of raw foods in your diet is one of the fastest and easiest ways to cleanse, detoxify and kick start your liver so that it is working in a more optimal way.

4. Easy to absorb nutrition - Raw foods are minimally processed foods, which means that the nutrients they contain remain in their natural state. Because of this, your body is able to easily break down and absorb those nutrients and put them to use. When we cook foods the nutrients they contain are going to be altered, and sometimes this means that the body is not fully able to utilize them. With raw foods this is not the case.

5. A break for digestion - In general, cooked foods tend to be harder on the digestive system than raw foods. The extra water and fiber content of fruits and vegetables are going to be healing to cleanse your digestive system, and because they are unprocessed they are closer to the way nature intended them to be. Remember that your body has not evolved very much in the last 1000 years, and it is still adapted to eating whole, raw unprocessed foods. This means that by eating and abundance of raw foods you will be giving your digestive system a break, which means your body will have more time for healing and regenerating.

Page 6: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Possible benefits of cleansing • Improved immune function• Increased mental clarity and sharpness • Elimination of toxins • Regeneration of healthy cells in your body • Cleanses mucous, congestion, fermentation, inflammation out of your digestive tract • Purifies blood • Reform from lifestyle addictions such as sugar, salt, high glycemic carbohydrates, alcohol, junk foods, nicotine, etc• Weight loss• Increased blood circulation • Increased energy• Increased zest for life

Possible “healing crisis”/detox symptoms *You may experience these before witnessing the benefits. • Headaches • Muscle cramps/ muscle weakness • Diarrhea• Fatigue • Restlessness • Insomnia• Sinus drainage• Fever• Skin eruptions• Strong emotions or mood swings • Lack of appetite• Increased appetite• Feelings of frustration

Page 7: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

More On Fats

Fat had a pretty bad reputation back in the 70’s and 80’s and has recently been enjoying a bit of a comeback. Even with the recent change in public opinion with regards to fats, most people are still pretty confused about what is and what is not considered healthy when it comes to fats.

Basically, the most important thing to know about fat is that the closer your fats are to their natural state the better. Fats that have been heavily processed are damaged fats that will damage your body.

Raw nuts, seeds, avocados, and other raw fats are ideal for the body because they are easy to digest, they are whole and natural and your body knows what to do with them. These fats will not make you fat.

More on Sweeteners

your body. Know that every single cell in your body runs on glucose, which is a simple sugar. This means that your body requires sugars in order to function. (Your body can convert proteins and fats into sugars, but this is not what you want your body to be doing long term or full time

sugars is that unprocessed sugars (like those found in fruits, vegetables, coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey, etc.) contain vitamins, minerals, fibers and other nutrients along with the needed glucose. This means that they will not spike your blood sugar as processed sugar would. Sugar is not the enemy here, it is the processing and what has been removed from and then added to your sugar sources that is the issue. Stick with foods that are close to nature and you can be sure you are nourishing, rather than harming your body.

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Example of natural sweeteners are:

• Green unprocessed stevia• Pure maple syrup• Coconut sugar• Coconut sap • Maple sugar• Raw unpasteurized honey• Fresh non-pitted dates• Date sugar/powder • Carob• Whole fruits• Dried fruits

Sugar to avoid:

• Refined white sugar • Beet sugar• Cane sugar• Raw sugar • Pancake syrup • Corn syrup• Xylitol (anything ending with “tol”)

Page 9: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Timing Of Eating

For best results, your day should look something like this:

1. Drink your lemon water as soon as you wake up, or as close to your wake up time as possible. Directions: Fill a glass or mason jar with 500ml - 1L of room temperature filtered water, or slightly warm filtered water. Juice ¼ of a fresh organic lemon and add to the water. For a milder taste, just add a few slices to the water.2. Have your breakfast about 15-20 minutes after you finish your water.3. Eat your morning boost any time you feel hungry during the morning. If you tend to get up later in the day, you can move your morning boost to the afternoon and have two afternoon snacks, or just skip one altogether.4. Eat your lunch when you feel your breakfast and snack have fully passed through your stomach. Generally give yourself 3-4 hours between breakfast and lunch.5. Enjoy your afternoon boost when you feel hungry. Again this plan is about abundance not deprivation, so never feel like you have to go hungry! If you are feeling overly full, especially in the first week, you can skip your boosts. 6. Try to finish your dinner 2-3 hours before you go to bed. This will facilitate a deeper, more restful sleep, and will ensure that your body is not busy digesting food during the night. As you sleep, your body should be focusing its energy on repairing and healing your body, not digesting your dinner!

Page 10: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

How to Make Nut Milks

Making nut milks from scratch means you know they are fresh, raw and that there is no preservatives or “junk” added! Here is a quick easy way to make your own nut milks at home.

You will need:

• A good quality blender• A jam bag or nut milk bag• A container to catch your milk in

How To:

Place 1 cup of soaked, drained and rinsed raw nuts, seeds or unsweetened shredded coconut into your blender. Add 4 cups of filtered water to the blender. Blend on high for at least 30 seconds or until smooth. Strain mixture through a nut milk bag into a container. Save the liquid milk. store in the fridge. You can save and freeze the pulp for raw flours to use later.

Don’t have a jam bag or nut milk bag?

Simply add 2 - 4 tbsp of organic natural nut or seed butter to a blender with 4 cups of filtered water and blend until smooth. There is no need to strain. Store in the fridge.

Page 11: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

How This Plan WorksStep 1. Make sure you have all the equipment you will need to make the dishes.

Step 2. The plan is broken up into 3 seven day menus. Go grocery shopping for all items you will need for 1 week of your cleanse at a time. You can even break it into 2 shops per menu if you wish.

Step 3. Follow the recipes, and enjoy your food!

As you get started, or as you progress along your journey, these are the items we recommend you make a part of your raw foods kitchenHigh Quality Blender

A blender is one of the most important and versatile items you can have in your kitchen. Whether you are eating lots of raw foods or not. In your raw food kitchen your blender will make raw soups, smoothies, desserts, puddings, and a whole host of other dishes. You will wonder how you lived without an amazing blender for so long once you get the hang of having one at your disposal!

We really like: • Vitamix • Blendtec

These two brands make the highest quality blenders on the market, and are going to be the best option you have if you want a blender that can do pretty much anything and will last you for years.

For less expensive options, we all like:• Ninja• Anything by Kitchenaid

Vegetable Spiralizer

A vegetable spiralizer is used to create pasta shapes out of fruits and vegetables, which can add some creativity and fun to your raw food meals.

The brands we like the most are:• Spirooli• Paderno• Joyce Chen

If you do not want to spring for a vegetable spiralizer, you can create a similar effect with a mandolin slicer or a handheld vegetable peeler or julienne peeler.

Food Processor

A food processor is another one of those kitchen tools you will wish you had always had once you bring one into your kitchen. They are awesome for making quick dips and spreads, RAW food ice creams, dessert balls, bars and so much more. We love the wider base as it is easy to get thicker substances out of the bottom.

We generally recommend going for a mid sized food processor. The really big ones are generally unnecessary for most people, and the very small models can be limiting. We prefer having a 7 cup food processor.

Some brands we like:• KitchenAid• Cuisinart

Small Blender or Coffee Grinder

Having a small blender is really handy when you want to grind spices, when you want to make a small serving of something like dressings or sauces, or make a small batch of something. These are not a necessity by any means, but are nice to have.

Here are some great brands:• Nutra Bullet• Magic Bullet• Cuisinart• KitchenAid

Food Dehydrator

If you want to get the most out of your cleanse but still feel like you are eating, hearty warming food, having a dehydrator will really make things easier for you. It is not mandatory to have one for this cleanse but if you can borrow one or purchase one it will be a welcomed addition to your experience.

Brands we like:• Excalibur• Sedona

Glass Mason Jars

Finally, having some good, strong glass jars to store food in, to drink out of, to store juices and smoothies, and to store nuts and seeds in will make your life so much easier. Also they will help you to avoid putting your food and drinks into plastic containers which often contain endocrine disrupting chemicals that you do not want coming into contact with your food.

Page 12: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

How This Plan WorksStep 1. Make sure you have all the equipment you will need to make the dishes.

Step 2. The plan is broken up into 3 seven day menus. Go grocery shopping for all items you will need for 1 week of your cleanse at a time. You can even break it into 2 shops per menu if you wish.

Step 3. Follow the recipes, and enjoy your food!

As you get started, or as you progress along your journey, these are the items we recommend you make a part of your raw foods kitchenHigh Quality Blender

A blender is one of the most important and versatile items you can have in your kitchen. Whether you are eating lots of raw foods or not. In your raw food kitchen your blender will make raw soups, smoothies, desserts, puddings, and a whole host of other dishes. You will wonder how you lived without an amazing blender for so long once you get the hang of having one at your disposal!

We really like: • Vitamix • Blendtec

These two brands make the highest quality blenders on the market, and are going to be the best option you have if you want a blender that can do pretty much anything and will last you for years.

For less expensive options, we all like:• Ninja• Anything by Kitchenaid

Vegetable Spiralizer

A vegetable spiralizer is used to create pasta shapes out of fruits and vegetables, which can add some creativity and fun to your raw food meals.

The brands we like the most are:• Spirooli• Paderno• Joyce Chen

If you do not want to spring for a vegetable spiralizer, you can create a similar effect with a mandolin slicer or a handheld vegetable peeler or julienne peeler.

Food Processor

A food processor is another one of those kitchen tools you will wish you had always had once you bring one into your kitchen. They are awesome for making quick dips and spreads, RAW food ice creams, dessert balls, bars and so much more. We love the wider base as it is easy to get thicker substances out of the bottom.

We generally recommend going for a mid sized food processor. The really big ones are generally unnecessary for most people, and the very small models can be limiting. We prefer having a 7 cup food processor.

Some brands we like:• KitchenAid• Cuisinart

Small Blender or Coffee Grinder

Having a small blender is really handy when you want to grind spices, when you want to make a small serving of something like dressings or sauces, or make a small batch of something. These are not a necessity by any means, but are nice to have.

Here are some great brands:• Nutra Bullet• Magic Bullet• Cuisinart• KitchenAid

Food Dehydrator

If you want to get the most out of your cleanse but still feel like you are eating, hearty warming food, having a dehydrator will really make things easier for you. It is not mandatory to have one for this cleanse but if you can borrow one or purchase one it will be a welcomed addition to your experience.

Brands we like:• Excalibur• Sedona

Glass Mason Jars

Finally, having some good, strong glass jars to store food in, to drink out of, to store juices and smoothies, and to store nuts and seeds in will make your life so much easier. Also they will help you to avoid putting your food and drinks into plastic containers which often contain endocrine disrupting chemicals that you do not want coming into contact with your food.

Page 13: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

How This Plan WorksStep 1. Make sure you have all the equipment you will need to make the dishes.

Step 2. The plan is broken up into 3 seven day menus. Go grocery shopping for all items you will need for 1 week of your cleanse at a time. You can even break it into 2 shops per menu if you wish.

Step 3. Follow the recipes, and enjoy your food!

As you get started, or as you progress along your journey, these are the items we recommend you make a part of your raw foods kitchenHigh Quality Blender

A blender is one of the most important and versatile items you can have in your kitchen. Whether you are eating lots of raw foods or not. In your raw food kitchen your blender will make raw soups, smoothies, desserts, puddings, and a whole host of other dishes. You will wonder how you lived without an amazing blender for so long once you get the hang of having one at your disposal!

We really like: • Vitamix • Blendtec

These two brands make the highest quality blenders on the market, and are going to be the best option you have if you want a blender that can do pretty much anything and will last you for years.

For less expensive options, we all like:• Ninja• Anything by Kitchenaid

Vegetable Spiralizer

A vegetable spiralizer is used to create pasta shapes out of fruits and vegetables, which can add some creativity and fun to your raw food meals.

The brands we like the most are:• Spirooli• Paderno• Joyce Chen

If you do not want to spring for a vegetable spiralizer, you can create a similar effect with a mandolin slicer or a handheld vegetable peeler or julienne peeler.

Food Processor

A food processor is another one of those kitchen tools you will wish you had always had once you bring one into your kitchen. They are awesome for making quick dips and spreads, RAW food ice creams, dessert balls, bars and so much more. We love the wider base as it is easy to get thicker substances out of the bottom.

We generally recommend going for a mid sized food processor. The really big ones are generally unnecessary for most people, and the very small models can be limiting. We prefer having a 7 cup food processor.

Some brands we like:• KitchenAid• Cuisinart

Small Blender or Coffee Grinder

Having a small blender is really handy when you want to grind spices, when you want to make a small serving of something like dressings or sauces, or make a small batch of something. These are not a necessity by any means, but are nice to have.

Here are some great brands:• Nutra Bullet• Magic Bullet• Cuisinart• KitchenAid

Food Dehydrator

If you want to get the most out of your cleanse but still feel like you are eating, hearty warming food, having a dehydrator will really make things easier for you. It is not mandatory to have one for this cleanse but if you can borrow one or purchase one it will be a welcomed addition to your experience.

Brands we like:• Excalibur• Sedona

Glass Mason Jars

Finally, having some good, strong glass jars to store food in, to drink out of, to store juices and smoothies, and to store nuts and seeds in will make your life so much easier. Also they will help you to avoid putting your food and drinks into plastic containers which often contain endocrine disrupting chemicals that you do not want coming into contact with your food.

Page 14: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Bonus Cleanse Activities

Here is a list of things you can add to your day to make it extra nourishing and extra supportive of your bodies detoxification processes, Please refer to the “Holistic Habits Guide” bonus eBook for more detail.

• Dry Skin Brush• Go for a walk first thing in the morning - or do another gentle form of exercise.• Rebound• Sit in an infrared sauna• Practice yoga• Sit in a steam room• Take an epsom salt bath and/ or an essential oil bath• Journal your feelings• Practice any form of meditation that resonates with you

You do not have to do any extra things outside of the food to get the benefits of this cleanse, but it may feel really good to pamper yourself!

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FAQDo I need to eat all of the meals?

You do not need to eat all of the meals if you do not feel like doing so. Do keep in mind that RAW and unprocessed foods contain more water and more fibre than their cooked and processed food counter parts. This adds to their volume, but not to their caloric content. Due to this fact, RAW foods have less calories per gram than cooked foods - generally speaking. Meaning that you need to eat a larger volume of RAW foods to get adequate calories than you would have to eat if you are eating more cooked foods.

Essentially what this means for you is that if you are use to eating more cooked than RAW foods, your stomach is going to be use to a smaller volume of food. Which means that you may need to space out your meals or split your meals into two portions to give your body time to adjust to the new volume of food that is needed to meet your caloric needs. We do not recommend that you stuff yourself or eat to a point where you are totally uncomfortable, just know that as you begin this RAW food journey you may feel like it is too much food in the beginning, but as you stick with it your body will adjust. The key is to eat enough so you are avoiding cravings and binges.

Can I rearrange the order of the meals?

We have arranged the meals in a specific order to help optimize your digestion. The meals on this plan are organized from light to heavy - meaning that you start your day with lighter foods, and move into heavier foods as the day progresses. This is the ideal way to serve your digestive system. When you start your day with lighter foods, your body has to do less work to digest and extract the nutrients they contain. This means you have more energy left over for all the things you have to do in your life! Then moving to eat your heavier foods at night means you have time to rest and properly digest your foods, as most of us are not super active in the evenings. This is why we recommend that you eat the meals in the order provided.

What if the serving sizes are too big for me, can I split the meals in 2 or save leftovers?

Yes you can :) As we explained above, RAW foods are very high in water and fibre, meaning that you may feel like the volume of food on this plan is too much to handle at first. So if you need to split the meals into two portions or save some food as leftovers please feel free to do so. Just know that as you go through the three weeks you may find that your digestive system adapts and that you are able to handle the full portions by the end.

Where will I get my protein on this cleanse?

You do not have to worry about protein on this cleanse. RAW foods contain plenty of protein in the form of amino acids, in a very clean and digestible form. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please check out this artilce here - http://www.groundednutrition.com/healthandnutrition/need-know-protein/

Page 16: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

FAQDo I need to eat all of the meals?

You do not need to eat all of the meals if you do not feel like doing so. Do keep in mind that RAW and unprocessed foods contain more water and more fibre than their cooked and processed food counter parts. This adds to their volume, but not to their caloric content. Due to this fact, RAW foods have less calories per gram than cooked foods - generally speaking. Meaning that you need to eat a larger volume of RAW foods to get adequate calories than you would have to eat if you are eating more cooked foods.

Essentially what this means for you is that if you are use to eating more cooked than RAW foods, your stomach is going to be use to a smaller volume of food. Which means that you may need to space out your meals or split your meals into two portions to give your body time to adjust to the new volume of food that is needed to meet your caloric needs. We do not recommend that you stuff yourself or eat to a point where you are totally uncomfortable, just know that as you begin this RAW food journey you may feel like it is too much food in the beginning, but as you stick with it your body will adjust. The key is to eat enough so you are avoiding cravings and binges.

Can I rearrange the order of the meals?

We have arranged the meals in a specific order to help optimize your digestion. The meals on this plan are organized from light to heavy - meaning that you start your day with lighter foods, and move into heavier foods as the day progresses. This is the ideal way to serve your digestive system. When you start your day with lighter foods, your body has to do less work to digest and extract the nutrients they contain. This means you have more energy left over for all the things you have to do in your life! Then moving to eat your heavier foods at night means you have time to rest and properly digest your foods, as most of us are not super active in the evenings. This is why we recommend that you eat the meals in the order provided.

What if the serving sizes are too big for me, can I split the meals in 2 or save leftovers?

Yes you can :) As we explained above, RAW foods are very high in water and fibre, meaning that you may feel like the volume of food on this plan is too much to handle at first. So if you need to split the meals into two portions or save some food as leftovers please feel free to do so. Just know that as you go through the three weeks you may find that your digestive system adapts and that you are able to handle the full portions by the end.

Where will I get my protein on this cleanse?

You do not have to worry about protein on this cleanse. RAW foods contain plenty of protein in the form of amino acids, in a very clean and digestible form. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please check out this artilce here - http://www.groundednutrition.com/healthandnutrition/need-know-protein/

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21 Day Raw food Meal PlanDay 1-7





Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7


Blueberry Blast


Carob Date Fruit and Nut


Apple Spice Chia Pudding

Pineapple Pear Green Smoothie

Sliced Fruit With Banana


Hemp and Walnut Berry


Raw Apple Crumble

Mango Sorbet Chocolate Pudding Banana Split Raw Turtles Coconut


Blueberry Pie

Raw Pad Thai Mock Tuna


2 Bite Brownies

Chia Lime Fresca

Ginger Lemonade

Hot Carob Drink

Orange Pineapple


Strawberry Lemonade

Orange Slushie


Rawcamole Salad

Shredded Carrot Salad Caesar Salad Fennel and

Orange Salad

Sea Veggie and

Cucumber Salad

Dilly Avocado Green Salad

Arugula and Grapefruit


Mashed Cauliflower

and Marinated


Pesto Pasta Vegetable Nori Rolls

Jicama Fries and Sunny


Zucchini Mac n’ No Cheese

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21 Day Raw food Meal PlanDay 8-14





Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14

BreakfastBok Choy and

Banana Smoothie

Coconut Milk Chia Pudding

Blueberry Pie Smoothie

Pineapple Raspberry

BowlApple Strudel

Chocolate Shake


Berry Chia Pudding

Walnut Spice Balls

Guacamole and

Cucumber Chips

Salsa and Celery Sticks

Apples with Caramel


Grape, Orange and Apple Salad

Creamy Herb Dip And Zucchini


No Meat Taco Wraps

Coconut Curry

Energy Rich Trail Mix

Orange Pineapple


Raspberry Lemonade

Warm Chai Kale and Grape Juice

Spiced Almond Milk

Sweet Green Juice

Hot Carob Cocoa

Beet, Kale Miso Salad

Chili Spiced Jicama Salad

Almond Ginger Green


Better Than Ranch Salad Kale Salad Walnut Pear


Herbed Zucchini


Cauliflower Couscous Lasagna Bowl

Creamy Green Dream

SoupRaw Chilli

Celeriac Carrot

Fettuccine Alfredo

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21 Day Raw food Meal PlanDay 15-21





Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21


Orange Delight


Hemp Strawberry

Banana Bowl

Pumpkin Seed Date

Apple Bowl

Creamy Coconut Milk


Chia Pudding With Banana And Walnuts

Green Goddess


Coconut Topped

Smoothie Bowl

Almond Date Bites

Sunflower Seed Carob


Spinach Dip And Carrot


Pineapple Mango


Apple With Strawberry

Date Dip

Walnut Chia Balls

Rich Sprout Salad

Alfredo Zucchini


Blueberry Pudding

Green Lemonade

Turmeric Hazelnut Milk

Orange Strawberry


Strawberry Lime Chia


Zingy Fresh Green Juice

Spiced Walnut Milk

Orange Carrot Juice

Crunchy Coleslaw

Creamy Mint Cucumber

SaladTaco Salad Toona Salad Kitchen Sink

SaladMinted Pea

Salad Pizza Salad

Deconstructed Sushi Bowl

Asian Lettuce Wraps And

Creamy Dipping Sauce

Margarita Pizza Bites

Chunky Tomato Soup

Sweet And Sour Raw

Rice Wraps

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21 Day Raw FoodCleanse

We have provided both daily and weekly shopping lists for you to choose from. The daily lists are handy if you only wish to incorporate a few meals per week, and the weekly lists

are perfect for anyone that wishes to follow the full plan.

Shopping List

GroundedNutrition 2015

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Week 1

• 13 bananas• 1 ½ cups frozen or fresh blueberries• 22 medjool dates• 4 limes• 9 lemons

• 2 cups frozen mango• 1 fresh mango (optional)• 1 cup frozen or fresh cherries• 5 apples• 21 oranges

• 2 cups fresh or frozen pineapple• 3 pears• 3 cups fresh or frozen strawberries• 1 kiwi

• 2 cups fresh or frozen berry mix• 1 grapefruit

• 4 cups spinach• 3 cups spinach or kale• 5 - 6 hearts of romaine lettuce• 1 head green leaf lettuce• 1 head butter lettuce• 4 cups arugula• 6 ribs celery

• 3 cherry tomatoes• 3 green onions• ½ cup red onion• 200g button mushrooms or 2 portobello mushrooms• 1 head cauliflower• ¼ green cabbage• 1 medium beet

• 1 1⁄2 red peppers• 1 ½ yellow bell peppers• 1 cup fennel bulb• 1 jicama• 5 - 6 avocados• 3 ½ zucchini• 3 ¼ cucumbers• 7 - 8 carrots

• 2 cups daikon or watermelon radish• 4 tbsp fresh dill• 2 sprigs cilantro• ½ -1 cup basil leaves• 2 tbsp parsley• 5 ½ cloves fresh garlic

• 4 ¼ cups coconut water• 5 tbsp chia seeds• 3 tbsp coconut sugar/sap• sea salt to taste• pinch cumin• 1/2 tsp cayenne• 2 ¾ tsp paprika• ½ cup canned coconut milk• 1 cup nutritional yeast• ⅓ cup coconut aminos/tamari/braggs• 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar• 1 sprig of thyme• black pepper to taste• 1 tsp non salt organic all purpose seasoning• 3 tbsp raw carob powder • ¾ cup raw walnuts + 3 raw walnuts pieces• ¼ cup raw pine nuts• 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp hemp seeds

• 3 3/4 cups cold filtered water or naturally carbonated water carbonated water• 2 inch ginger• 2 tbsp raisins (optional)• the meat from 1 young Thai coconut (can be bought frozen at the health food store)• ¾ cup organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil• 4 cups raw homemade almond milk (if making will need 1 cup of raw almonds)• 2 ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ¼ tsp allspice powder • 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice• 1 tsp of miso (chickpea miso if available)

• 5 roasted nori sheets• 4 raw pecans• 2 tbsp + 1 tsp cacao butter• 2 tbsp + 1 tsp organic virgin coconut oil• ½ cup pure maple syrup• 6 tbsp raw cacao powder• pinch of garlic powder• pinch of onion powder• poultry seasoning• ¼ cup golden flax seeds ground• 2 tbsp raw tahini• 1 tsp dijon mustard• 2 tbsp wakame seaweed• ¾ cup dried, shredded unsweetened coconut• 2 tbsp carob powder• 1 cup raw cashews • 2 pieces oil free salt free sun dried tomatoes• 3 tbsp natural almond butter

• ½ tsp coriander powder• ¼ tsp nutmeg• 1 ¼ tsp vanilla powder/pure vanilla extract• 1 cup + 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• ⅓ cup raw pumpkin seeds

Shopping List




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Week 2

• 5 bananas• 10 ½ oranges• 2 cup fresh or frozen pineapple• 8 limes

• 3 cup fresh or frozen blueberries• 3 cups fresh or frozen raspberries• 29 medjool dates

• 13 ½ lemons• 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice• 5 cups organic grapes (any kind will do)

• 8 apples• 2 pears• 1 cup frozen berries

• 2 heads baby bok choy• 3 tbsp fresh dill• 1 ½ bunches kale• 1 ½ beets• 2 ½ cucumbers• ½ head cauliflower• 2 cups jicama• 8 carrots• 4 green onions

• 4 bell peppers• 6 tomatoes• 3 ½ cloves garlic• 2 avocados• ½ cup cherry tomatoes• 10 leaves basil• 12 tbsp fresh parsley• 10 cups spinach• 4 cloves garlic

• 9 ribs celery• 1 cup fresh or frozen green peas• 2 scallions• 2 ½ zucchini• 1 ½ cups fresh or frozen organic corn• 3 small heads celeriac (celery root)

• 9 cups baby kale• 2 heads romaine lettuce• 2 tbsp cilantro• 2 tbsp mint

• ¾ cup natural almond butter • 2 tbsp miso paste (chickpea miso if available)• 3 ½ inch piece ginger• ½ cup + 3 tbsp raw walnuts• 3 tbsp hemp seeds• sea salt to taste• ½ cup + 4 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut• 4 cups homemade coconut milk (if making will need 1 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut) • 6 tbsp chia seeds

• 1 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil• ½ tsp cumin• 3 tbsp nutritional yeast• 4 tbsp tahini• 1 tsp dried oregano• 1 cup raw cashews• 4 ½ tbsp pure maple syrup• 3 tbsp chili powder (spice mix not straight chilis)• 8 pieces oil free salt free sun-dried tomatoes• 6 cups homemade almond milk (if making will need 1 1/2 cups of raw almonds)

• 3 tsp cinnamon powder• 1/2 tsp allspice powder• ¼ tsp cardamom powder• 2 tbsp raw carob powder • 3 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos• black pepper to taste• chili flakes to taste• 2 tbsp goji berries• ½ tsp onion powder• ½ tsp garlic powder• 1 tbsp organic virgin coconut oil• 4 tbsp raisins• ¼ cup + 2 tbsp raw almonds

• 1 tbsp dijon mustard• 1 tbsp cocoa powder• 4 tbsp dried cranberries• 2 tbsp raw pine nuts• ¼ cup + 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• 1 tbsp curry powder of choice

Shopping List




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Week 3

• 5 cups pineapple• 15 1/2 oranges• 8 bananas• 6 apples

• 11 1/4 lemons• 27 medjool dates• 8 cups strawberries• 7 limes

• 2 cups mango• 3 cups mixed berries• 2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)

• 4 cucumbers • 11 ribs celery• 1 cup green cabbage• 1 cup purple cabbage• 12 carrots• 7 green onions• 9 avocados• 4 1/2 cloves garlic• 2 small heads cauliflower

• small bunch mint leaves• 6 heads romaine lettuce• 2 beets• 4 ½ bell peppers• 1 cup organic corn• 10 cups spinach• 9 tomatoes• 13 basil leaves• 4 ½ zucchini

• 1 cup cherry tomatoes• 1 large bunch parsley• 1 handful cilantro• 1 head green leaf lettuce• 1 head butter lettuce• 2 cups fresh or frozen organic peas• 2 cups sprouts of choice• 1 head red leaf lettuce

• 6 cups homemade almond milk ( if making will need 1 1/2 cups raw almonds)• ¾ cup raw almonds • 1 tbsp + 1 tsp coconut sugar• 2 nori pieces• 2 tbsp hemp seeds• ¼ cup raw hazelnuts• ¼ tsp turmeric powder• 5 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• 5 tbsp unsweetened, shredded dried coconut• 3 tbsp natural almond butter• 5 tbsp braggs/tamari/coconut aminos• 2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds

• 3 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder• 6 tbsp tahini• 6 tbsp nutritional yeast• pinch chili flakes• pinch cumin powder• 4 cups homemade coconut milk (if making will need 1 cup unsweetened, shredded dried coconut)• 8 tbsp chia seeds• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup• ½ cup macadamia nuts• black pepper to taste• pinch vanilla powder or vanilla extract• 5 inch piece ginger

• ½ cup + 2 tbsp raw walnuts• ¼ tsp cardamom• 2 tbsp raisins• 2 ½ cups raw cashews• 12 pieces oil free salt free sun dried tomatoes• 2 tbsp raw pine nuts• 1 tsp dried oregano• sea salt to taste• 1 tbsp carob powder• 2 tbsp dried basil

Shopping List




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Day 1

• 2 ripe bananas• 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries• 2 medjool dates • 1 large or 2 small limes• 1 lime/lemon • 2 cups frozen mango• 1 fresh mango (optional)

• 2 cups spinach • 1-2 hearts of romaine lettuce• ½ red pepper• 1 rib celery• 1 large or 2 medium avocados• 3 cherry tomatoes• 1 green onion• 2 sprigs cilantro• 1 large clove garlic• 200g button mushrooms or 2 portobello mushrooms• 1 head cauliflower

• 2 tbsp coconut aminos/tamari/braggs• 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1 sprig of thyme • black pepper to taste • 1 tsp non salt organic all purpose seasoning• ¼ cup coconut water

• 3 cups coconut water• 2 tbsp chia seeds • 2 tbsp coconut sugar/sap • sea salt • pinch cumin• pinch cayenne• pinch paprika• ½ cup canned coconut milk 3 tbsp nutritional yeast

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 2

• 3 bananas• 1 cup frozen or fresh cherries • 3 1/2 small lemons• 1 tart apple • 2 oranges

• ¼ green cabbage • 1 medium beet• 1 head romaine lettuce• 2 large carrots • 1 cup daikon radish• 1 zucchini• ½ -1 cup basil leaves• 1 clove garlic

• 2 tbsp raisins (optional) • the meat from 1 young Thai coconut (can be bought frozen at the health food store) • ½ cup coconut water• 3 tbsp organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil • sea salt • black pepper• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast • 1 - 2 medjool dates

• 3 tbsp raw carob powder or 1 tbsp raw cacao powder• 1 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds • 3 tbsp raw cashews• 3 tbsp raw walnut pieces • ¼ cup raw pine nuts• ⅛ cup hemp seeds • sprinkle of coconut sap sugar • 3 34/ cups cold filtered water or naturally carbonated water • 1 inch ginger• 2 tbsp pure maple syrup

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 3

• 1 apple• 2 medjool dates• 1 fresh banana• 4 fresh or thawed strawberries• 2 peeled frozen bananas

• 1 head of romaine lettuce• 1 carrot• ½ cucumber• 1 avocado• 1 clove fresh garlic

• sea salt• black pepper • ¼ cup raw cashews or raw sunflower seeds• 3 raw walnuts• dash coconut water/coconut milk• 2 tbsp raw cacao powder• 2 tbsp pure maple syrup• 1 tsp organic virgin coconut oil/cacao butter• 4 roasted nori sheets• 2-3 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos

• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 2 cups raw homemade almond milk• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ¼ tsp allspice powder• 1 tbsp carob powder• ½ tsp cinnamon • 3 tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil or hemp seed oil• 2 tbsp of raw apple cider vinegar/lemon juice• 3 tbsp of hemp seeds• 1 tsp of miso (chickpea miso if available)• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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Day 4

• 2 cups frozen pineapple• 2 pears • 8 oranges• 2 medjool dates

• 2 large carrots • 3 stalks celery• ½ cup red onion • 2 garlic cloves • ½ yellow bell pepper • 1 cup fennel bulb• 1 head of romaine lettuce• 1 jicama• 3 cups spinach or kale

• pinch of garlic powder• pinch of onion powder• pinch cayenne • ½ cup raw sunflower seeds• poultry seasoning• ¼ cup golden flax seeds ground• ¼ cup nutritional yeast• 2 tbsp raw tahini • 1 tsp dijon mustard• small piece of fresh ginger

• 4 raw pecans • 2 tbsp melted cacao butter• 2 tbsp melted organic virgin coconut oil• 2 ½ tbsp pure maple syrup • black pepper • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder • sea salt • 3 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil or hemp oil • 2 tsp paprika

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 5

• 1/2 cup frozen strawberries• 1 kiwi• 1 apple• 1 pear• 3 medjool dates• 3 lemons• 3 bananas

• 1 cucumber• 2 cups spinach• 1 avocado• 2 zucchini • 1 yellow bell pepper• ½ clove garlic• 1 green onion

• ½ cup raw cashews or raw macadamia nuts• 2 pieces sun dried tomato • 4 tbsp nutritional yeast• sea salt

• 2 tbsp wakame seaweed • 1 nori sheet• 4 tbsp dried, shredded unsweetened coconut• 1 tbsp carob powder

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 6

• 2 cups fresh or frozen berry mix• 1 banana• 8-10 oranges• 2 limes• 2 medjool dates• ½ cup frozen and thawed blueberries• squeeze of lemon juice

• 1 head green leaf lettuce• 1 avocado• 1 ½ cucumbers• 1 rib celery• 1 head butter lettuce• 1 red bell pepper• 1-2 carrots• 1 cup daikon or watermelon radish• 2 tbsp fresh dill

• 2 tbsp natural almond butter• 4 tbsp coconut water• ½ tsp paprika• ½ tsp coriander powder• 1 tbsp coconut oil

• 1 tbsp hemp seeds• 5 tbsp raw walnuts• 1 tsp pure vanilla extract• ½ cup coconut water• sea salt• 1 tsp pure maple syrup

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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Day 7

• 2 apples• 9 medjool dates• 1 ½ oranges• 1 banana • 1 grapefruit• 1 lemon

• 4 cups arugula• 1 rib celery• 1 carrot• ¼ cucumber• 2 tbsp fresh dill• 2 tbsp parsley• 1 green onion• 2 cups romaine lettuce• 1 avocado• ½ zucchini

vanilla extract• 2 tbsp + ¼ cup raw sunflower seeds• 1 tbsp natural almond butter• 1 tbsp cocoa powder• sea salt• ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds

• 5 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut• 4 tbsp raw walnuts• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• 2 cups homemade almond milk• 1 tsp cinnamon• ¼ tsp nutmeg• ¼ tsp vanilla powder/pure

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 8

• 2 fresh or frozen bananas• 6 ½ oranges• 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple• 2 lemons• 2 medjool dates

• 2 heads baby bok choy• 1 clove garlic• 2 tbsp parsley• 2 tbsp dill• 1 bunch kale• 1 beet• 1 cucumber• ½ head cauliflower

• ½ inch piece ginger• 3 tbsp raw walnuts• 3 tbsp hemp seeds• sea salt• 2 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut

• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 1 tbsp natural almond butter• 1 tbsp miso paste• 1 tbsp tahini• 1 tsp cinnamon

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 9

• 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries• 1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries• 4 medjool dates• 3 limes• 2 ½ lemons

• 2 cups jicama• 1 carrot• 1 rib celery• 2 green onions• 2 bell peppers• 2 tomatoes• 1 ½ cloves garlic• 1 avocado• 1 cucumber• 1 zucchini• ½ cup cherry tomatoes• 1 cup spinach• 7 leaves basil• 2 tbsp fresh parsley

• 1 tbsp tahini• 1 tsp dried oregano• sea salt• ¼ cup raw cashews • 1 tbsp pure maple syrup• 1 tbsp chili powder (spice mix not straight chilis)• 5 pieces sun-dried tomatoes

• 1 cup homemade coconut milk• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 2 tbsp dried, unsweetened shredded coconut• 1 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil• ½ tsp cumin• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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Day 10

• 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries• 1 fresh or frozen banana• 2 medjool dates• 2 limes• 1 lemon

• 3 cups spinach• 1 carrot• ½ beet• 1 tomato• 1 bell pepper• 2 green onions• 2 cloves garlic• 1 avocado• 3 ribs celery• 2 cups spinach• ½ cucumber• 1 cup fresh or frozen green peas• 1 cup chopped celeriac root • 1 tbsp fresh dill

• 1 tbsp raw carob powder (optional) • ½ tbsp pure maple syrup• 1 ¼ inch piece ginger• 1 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos• black pepper• sea salt• chili flakes to taste

• 3 tbsp natural almond butter• 1 cup + 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• ½ cup dried unsweetened shredded coconut or raw hazelnuts • ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ¼ tsp allspice powder• ¼ tsp cardamom powder

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 11

• 1 cup frozen or fresh pineapple• 1 cup frozen or fresh raspberries • 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice • 8 medjool dates• 4 cups organic grapes (any kind will do) • 2 lemons• 3 apples• 1 lime

• 3 stalks kale• 2 cups romaine lettuce• 2 cups spinach• 1 carrot• 1 rib celery• 2 scallions/green onions• 2 tbsp fresh parsley• 2 tomatoes• ½ zucchini• 1 bell pepper• 1 clove garlic• 1 cup fresh or frozen organic corn

• black pepper• 2 tbsp pure maple syrup • 1 tbsp natural almond butter • 1 tbsp organic virgin coconut oil• 1 tsp cinnamon • 1 tbsp chili powder (spice mix not straight spicy chilis)• 3 pieces sun dried tomatoes

• ¼ cup soaked raw sunflower and raw pumpkin seeds mixed • 2 tbsp goji berries • ¼ cup raw cashews• ½ cup unsweetened plain homemade almond or coconut milk• ½ tsp onion powder• ½ tsp garlic powder• sea salt

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 12

• 3 apples• 7 medjool dates• 3 oranges• 2 lemons• 1 cup grapes

• 4-5 cups baby kale• 2 ribs celery• 2 carrots• 1 small head celeriac (celery root) • 1 clove garlic• 2 tbsp parsley

• 1 tbsp dijon mustard• ½ cup raw cashews • 2 tbsp tahini• 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos

• 2 tbsp raisins• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ¼ cup raw almonds• ½ tsp cinnamon• 1 inch piece ginger• ¼ tsp allspice• ½ raw almond butter• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup• 1 tbsp miso paste or tamari

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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Day 13

• 2 peeled and frozen bananas• 2 medjool dates• 2 apples• 3 lemons• 2 pears• 1 orange• 1 lime

• ½ cucumber• 2 ribs celery• ⅓ bunch parsley• 1 head red leaf lettuce• 2 avocadoes• 2 cups spinach• 2 tbsp fresh dill• 2 tbsp fresh parsley• 2 cloves garlic• 1 head romaine lettuce• 3 zucchinis• 2 tomatoes• ½ bell pepper• 1 green onion

• pinch sea salt• ½ cup raw walnuts• 2 tbsp dried cranberries

• 1 cup homemade coconut milk• 1 tbsp cacao powder• 1 tbsp chili powder

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 14

• 4 medjool dates• 1 cup frozen berries• 1 lemon• 1 lime

• 1 head romaine lettuce• 1 zucchini • 2 tbsp parsley• 2 tbsp cilantro• 2 tbsp basil• 2 tbsp mint• 1 tomato• ½ cup fresh or frozen organic corn• 1 carrot• 2 cups spinach

• 2 tbsp dried cranberries• 2 tbsp raw almonds• 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• 2 cups homemade coconut milk• 1 tbsp curry powder of choice• ½ inch piece ginger

• 3 cups homemade almond milk• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 1 tbsp carob powder• ½ tsp cinnamon• sea salt• 2 tbsp raw pine nuts• 2 tbsp raisins

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 15

• 1 cup frozen or fresh pineapple• 1 orange• 1 banana• 2 apples• 3 lemons• 5 medjool dates

• 1 cucumber• 4 ribs celery• 1 cup green cabbage• 1 cup purple cabbage• 2 carrots• 1 green onion• 2 avocados • 1 clove garlic• 1 small head cauliflower• 1 head romaine lettuce

• 1 tbsp coconut sugar• 2 nori pieces• Braggs/tamari/coconut aminos

• 1 cup + 3 tbsp homemade almond milk• sea salt• 5 raw almonds

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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Day 16

• 2 cups frozen or fresh strawberries • 1 banana• 7 medjool dates• 1 lemon• 1 ½ oranges

• 2 tbsp fresh mint leaves• 1 ½ cucumbers• 2 heads romaine lettuce• 1 carrot• 1 beet• 1 bell pepper• 1 clove garlic

• 2 tbsp unsweetened, shredded dried coconut• 3 tbsp natural almond butter• 1 inch piece ginger, minced fine• 1 tbsp braggs/tamari/coconut aminos• 1 tbsp raw carob powder

• 2 tbsp hemp seeds• ½ tsp cinnamon • ¼ cup raw hazelnuts• ¼ tsp turmeric powder• ½ cup raw cashews• 4 tbsp homemade almond milk• sea salt• 1 tsp coconut sugar• 3 tbsp raw sunflower seeds

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 17

• 2 apples• 4 medjool dates• 6 oranges• 2 cups frozen or fresh strawberries• 3 limes• 2 lemons

• 1 bell pepper• 1 green onion• 1 avocado• 1 head romaine lettuce• 1 cup organic corn• 1 avocado• 3 cups spinach• 1 clove garlic• 3 carrots• 3 tomatoes• 1 bell pepper• 5 leaves basil• 2 zucchinis

• 3 tbsp nutritional yeast• pinch chili flakes• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• pinch cumin powder• 3 sun dried tomatoes

• 2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• sea salt• ½ cup raw cashews• 2 tbsp tahini

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 18

• 2 frozen bananas• 2 limes• 2 cups strawberries• 1 ¼ lemons• 2 cups mango• 2 cups pineapple

• 1 cup spinach• 3 ribs celery • 3 green onions• 1 tbsp fresh parsley • ½ clove garlic• 1 avocado• 1 heart romaine lettuce • 2 tomatoes• ½ bell pepper• 2 tbsp parsley• 2 leaves basil• 1 cup cherry tomatoes

• ½ cup raw macadamia nuts• sea salt • black pepper• pinch vanilla powder or pure vanilla extract• 3 pieces sun dried tomatoes

• 4 cups homemade coconut milk• 1 tsp cinnamon powder• 2 tbsp chia seeds• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup• ½ cup raw almonds• ½ cup raw cashews

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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Day 19

• 1 banana• 1 lemon• 1 lime• 2 oranges• 2 apples• 1 cup strawberries• 4 medjool dates• 2 cups pineapple

• 1 cucumber• 4 ribs celery• 1 handful parsley• 1 handful cilantro• 4 carrots• 3 avocados• 1 beet• 1 head green leaf lettuce• 2 green onions• 1 small head cauliflower• 1 tomato• 1 head romaine lettuce

• 1 inch piece ginger• 2 tbsp tahini• 1 tbsp Braggs or Tamari• 2 pieces sun dried tomato • sea salt

• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 2 tbsp raw walnuts• 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• ½ tsp cinnamon powder

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 20

• 2 cup berries• 1 banana• 4 medjool dates• 1 lime• 1 lemon

• 1 avocado• 6 cups spinach• 1 head butter lettuce• 2 cups fresh or frozen and thawed peas• ½ bunch mint leaves• 2 cups sprouts of choice• ½ zucchini• 2 tomatoes

• sea salt• 2 tbsp chia seeds• 2 tbsp raisins• ½ cup raw cashews • 2 pieces sun dried tomatoes• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast

• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 2 inch piece ginger• ½ cup raw walnuts• 1 tsp cinnamon• ¼ tsp cardamom

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

Day 21

• 2 bananas• 1 cup berries• 1 cup strawberries• 5 oranges• 2 lemons• 2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)• 3 medjool dates

• ½ cucumber• 2 carrots• 1 head red leaf lettuce• 1 tomato• 6 basil leaves• 1 bell pepper• 2 zucchinis• 1 clove garlic

• sea salt• 1 tbsp chia seeds• 1 tbsp carob powder• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• 2 tbsp dried basil• ½ cup raw cashews • 2 tbsp tahini

• 2 cups + 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• 3 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut• 1 inch piece ginger• 2 tbsp raw pine nuts• 2 sun dried tomatoes• 1 tsp dried oregano• 2 tbsp Braggs/tamari/coconut aminos

Shopping List

Fruits Vegetables Other

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21 Day Raw FoodCleanse


GroundedNutrition 2014

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Lunch Rawcamole Salad

Day 1 Recipes

Breakfast Banana Blueberry Blast Smoothie

Morning Boost Chia Lime Fresca

Ingredients: • 2 bananas, peeled • 1 cup coconut water or filtered water • 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries• 2 cups spinach • 2 medjool dates

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender (preferably a high speed blender) and blend until smooth. Drink immediately or store in a mason jar in the fridge until ready to drink. It will separate in the fridge so you will have to shake it!

Ingredients: • 2 cup coconut water • 1 large or 2 small limes, juiced• 2 tbsp chia seeds • 1 tbsp coconut sugar/sap

Directions: Combine ingredients in a large mason jar and shake until well combined. Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Chia will become jelly like. Drink or eat with a spoon for an energy boost!

Salad Ingredients: • 1-2 hearts of romaine lettuce, chopped • ½ red pepper, chopped • 1 stalk celery chopped

Guacamole Ingredients: • 1 large or 2 medium avocados, pitted• 3 cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters• 1 green onion, sliced• 2 sprigs cilantro, chopped• 1 lime/lemon, juiced• 1 large clove garlic, minced• sea salt to taste• cumin, cayenne and paprika sprinkled on top (optional)

Directions: Mash guacamole ingredients in the bottom of a mixing/salad bowl. Add lettuce, red pepper and celery to the guacamole and stir to distribute guacamole through veggies. Enjoy!

Page 33: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Mango Sorbet

Dinner Mashed Cauliflower and Marinated Mushrooms

Mashed Cauliflower Ingredients: • 1 avocado • 3 cups cauliflower, chopped• ¼ sweet onion or green onion chopped• generous pinch of sea salt• 3 tbsp nutritional yeast

Marinated Mushroom Ingredients: • 200g button mushrooms, cut in half or 2 portobello mushrooms sliced • 2 tbsp coconut aminos/tamari/braggs• 1 tbsp coconut sap sugar • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1 sprig of thyme • black pepper to taste • 1 tsp non salt organic all purpose seasoning

Directions: Process all ingredients in a food processor until smooth and creamy. If you want less of a cauliflower taste you can lightly steam your cauliflower before adding it to the food processor.

Directions: Combine coconut aminos, sugar, vinegar, thyme, pepper, and all purpose seasoning in the bottom of a 8X8 glass baking dish. Combine with a fork. Place cut mushrooms in the dish with the sauce. If you have a dehydrator put the dish in there for 4 hours at 118F or if you have an oven place the dish in there at 170F for 1-2 hours. Serve marinated mushrooms over cauliflower and enjoy for Dinner.

Ingredients: • 2 cups frozen mango• ½ cup canned coconut milk • 1 fresh mango (optional)

Directions: Blend ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor until smooth. Scoop into a bowl with the ice cream scoop and enjoy. You can freeze this recipe overnight or for the day if needed, but it is not recommended as fresh tastes the best.

Page 34: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Shredded Carrot Salad

Day 2 Recipes

Breakfast Carob Date Fruit and Nut Bowl

Morning Boost Ginger Lemonade

Ingredients: • 2 bananas, peeled• 1 cup frozen or fresh cherries • 1 tbsp raw carob powder or 1 tbsp raw cacao powder• 1 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds • 3 tbsp raw cashews, soaked 30+ minutes in water, drained and rinsed • sprinkle of coconut sugar (optional)• 1 - 2 medjool dates, pitted

Directions: Blend bananas, cherries, carob, dates and 2 tbsp raw cashews in a blender until smooth. Pour into a serving dish or small mason jar. Crumble leftover cashews and pumpkin seeds on top. Lightly sprinkle coconut sugar on top if desired. Store in fridge until ready to eat, or consume fresh.

Ingredients: • 3 ¾ cups cold filtered water or naturally carbonated water • 2 small lemons, juiced • 1 inch ginger, microplaned or finely grated • 2 tbsp pure maple syrup

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a large 1L mason jar. Stir to combine. Let sit in the fridge for 1 hour-overnight. Strain through a sieve keeping the liquid. Drink the liquid!

Ingredients: • 2 large carrots, shredded • 1 tart apple, shredded• ¼ green cabbage, shredded • 1 medium beet, shredded• 1 head romaine lettuce, shredded • 3 tbsp raw walnut pieces • 2 tbsp raisins (optional) • 1-2 oranges, juiced• ½ lemon, juiced• 1 tbsp organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil • sea salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Shred carrots, apple, cabbage, beet through the shredding blade on a food processor or with a hand grater. Combine OJ, lemon juice, oil and seasoning in the bottom of a salad bowl. Add shredded fruit and veggies to the dressing. Top with walnuts and raisins. Let marinate for at least 2 hours before serving. Add shredded romaine lettuce just before serving.

Page 35: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Chocolate Pudding

Dinner Pesto Pasta

Ingredients: • 1 cup daikon radish, julienned or spiralized • 1 zucchini, spiralized • ½ -1 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped• 1 lemon, cut in half• 1 clove garlic, minced• 2 tbsp organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil • sea salt to taste • ¼ cup raw pine nuts• ⅛ cup hemp seeds • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast

Directions: Spiralize the daikon and zucchini into “noodles”. Squeeze half of the lemon and sprinkle sea salt over the noodles and lightly massage with your hands to soften. In a food processor or blender combine, basil, the juiced from the rest of the lemon, garlic, pine nuts, hemp seeds, and nutritional yeast and blend until smooth. While the blender or processor is still running add the oil and blend to incorporate. Add pesto to noodles, combine and enjoy!

Ingredients: • meat from 1 young Thai coconut (can purchase fresh or frozen at most health food stores or Asian grocery stores) • ½ cup coconut water• 2 tbsp raw carob or cacao powder • 1 banana, peeled

Directions: Cut open the young Thai coconut and remove the meat, or defrost the coconut meat if using frozen. Add the meat, water, chocolate powder and banana to a high speed blender or food processor. Blend until smooth and creamy. Cool in the fridge until ready to eat. Enjoy!

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Lunch Caesar Salad

Day 3 Recipes

Breakfast Apple Spice Chia Pudding

Morning Boost Hot Carob Drink

Ingredients: • 3 tbsp chia seeds• 1 cup raw homemade almond milk• 1 apple, chopped• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ¼ tsp allspice powder

Directions: Place chia seeds, almond milk, cinnamon and allspice in a bowl and stir to combine. Allow mixture to sit for 30-60 minutes, or until chia seeds have absorbed all the milk. Add chopped apple. Stir and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 cup raw homemade almond milk• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 1 tbsp carob powder• ½ tsp cinnamon

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend on high for 1-2 minutes. This will thoroughly blend the ingredients, as well as heat the drink so that it is warm. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 head of romaine lettuce, washed, dried and chopped• 4 tbsp cashew parmesan (recipe below)

Dressing Ingredients:• 3 tbsp organic cold pressed olive oil or hemp seed oil• 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar/lemon juice• 3 tbsp of hemp seeds• 2 tbsp filtered water• 1/2 clove fresh garlic minced• 1 tsp of miso (use chickpea miso if available)• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast• sea salt and pepper to taste

Cashew Parmesan Ingredients:• 1/4 cup raw cashews or raw sunflower seeds• ½ clove of garlic• ½ tsp Himalayan Pink Salt

Parmesan Directions: Add all ingredients to your food processor/magic bullet and pulse/chop to a fine 'parmesan' powder. This stuff is so amazingly good, so make sure to add it to the salad!

Assembly Directions: Blend Dressing ingredients together in blender (I use a magic bullet). Toss with salad ingredients in a large salad bowl, top with parmesan and enjoy.

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Afternoon Boost Banana Split

Dinner Vegetable Nori Rolls

Ingredients: • 1 carrot, sliced into thin strips• ½ cucumber, sliced into thin strips• 1 avocado, cut into strips• 1 cup sprouts of choice• 4 roasted nori sheets• 2-3 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos for dipping

Directions: Place one nori sheet on a cutting board, with the shiny side up. Wet your fingers with a little water, and moisten half of the nori sheet that is closest to you. Place ¼ of your veggies on the moistened side of your nori sheet, and gather them so that they are packed close to the end of the sheet. Next, pick up the nori sheet from the side closest to you and fold it over the veggies, and roll it tight being careful not to tear your nori sheet. Continue to roll until almost fully rolled. Moisten fingers again and wet the free edge of the nori sheet and complete the roll, pressing on the seam to seal. Repeat with remaining 3 nori sheets and veggies. Slice rolls into 6-8 pieces with a very sharp knife. Dip and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 fresh banana, sliced in half lengthwise• 4 fresh or thawed strawberries, sliced• 3 raw walnuts, chopped• 2 frozen bananas, blended into “ice cream” in a high speed blender or food processor • coconut water/coconut milk• chocolate sauce (recipe below) Chocolate Sauce Ingredients:• 2 tbsp raw cacao powder• 2 tbsp pure maple syrup• 1 tsp organic virgin coconut oil/cacao butter, melted over warm water

Sauce Directions: Whisk together maple syrup and coconut oil. Add in cacao – Taste and play with ratio to suit taste. Whisk until smooth. Drizzle over banana split.

Assembly Directions: Place sliced bananas in appropriate serving dish. Make ice cream by blending frozen bananas with a little coconut water or coconut milk until smooth and creamy. Scoop ice cream on top of bananas. Top ice cream with strawberries, walnuts and chocolate sauce. Enjoy.

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Lunch Fennel and Orange Salad

Day 4 Recipes

Breakfast Pineapple Pear Green Smoothie

Morning Boost Orange Pineapple Juice

Ingredients: • 1 cup frozen pineapple• 2 pears, cored • 3 cups spinach or kale• 1 stalk celery• 2 cups filtered water

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Drink immediately or store in a mason jar in the fridge until ready to drink. It will separate in the fridge so you will have to shake it!

Ingredients: • 6 oranges, juiced • 1 cup frozen pineapple • small piece of fresh ginger to taste (optional)

Directions: Blend oranges, pineapple and ginger in a high speed blender until smooth but not too foamy. Strain the liquid through a sieve, nut milk bag, cheesecloth or jam bag. Drink the strained liquid!

Salad Ingredients: • 1 cup fennel bulb, thinly sliced • 1 orange, cut into wedges • 1 head of romaine lettuce, shredded • sea salt and pepper to taste

Dressing Ingredients:• 1 tbsp hemp seed oil or cold pressed extra virgin olive oil • 1 orange, juiced • 2 tbsp raw tahini • 1 tsp dijon mustard• 1 tsp pure maple syrup (optional)

Directions: In the bottom of a salad bowl combine oil, orange juice, tahini, mustard and maple syrup with a fork. Add in salad ingredients and stir to combine. Dust with sea salt and pepper to taste.

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Afternoon Boost Raw Turtles

Dinner Jicama Fries and Sunny Burgers

Jicama Fries Ingredients: • 1 jicama, skin removed and sliced into thin strips• ½ tsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil• 1 tsp paprika• pinch of garlic powder• pinch of onion powder• pinch of paprika • pinch of sea salt• pinch cayenne (optional)

Sunny Burgers Ingredients:*Adapted from Uncooking with Raw Rose • ½ cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked 8 hours in water, drained and rinsed• 2 large carrots, peeled and cut into chunks• 2 stalks celery, cut into 2 inch chunks• ½ cup red onion, peeled and cut into chunks• 2 garlic cloves, peeled • ½ yellow bell pepper, cored and cut into chunks• 1 tsp poultry seasoning• Dash of cayenne pepper• ½-1 tsp sea salt• ¼ cup golden flax seeds, ground• ¼ cup nutritional yeast

Directions: Peel and chop Jicama into fry like shapes, toss with spices in a bowl. Enjoy Raw!

Directions: In a food processor, grind all vegetables and seasonings. Add sunflower seeds and grind until the mixture is the texture of a puree. Add the ground flax seeds and nutritional yeast. Form into patties and dehydrate at 105F for 10-12 hours, turning over once and rearranging the tray so all patties dehydrate evenly. If a drier texture is desired, dehydrate longer, if a moister patty is desired, dehydrate for less time. If you do not have a dehydrator, you can eat the burgers raw or lightly cooked in the oven at 170F for 2 hours.

Ingredients: • 4 raw pecans • 2 medjool dates, pitted • 2 tbsp melted cacao butter• 2 tbsp melted organic virgin coconut oil• 2 tbsp pure maple syrup • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder • pinch of sea salt

Directions: Melt cacao butter and coconut oil in a double boiler, or in a bowl over a pot with hot water. Stir in cacao powder and maple syrup and whisk until smooth. Pour chocolate mixture evenly into 4 mini muffin tin liners. Place pecan on top of chocolate and half of a date on top of the pecan. Add a few kernels of sea salt on top. Place in freezer for 30 minutes-1 hour to set. Enjoy.

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Lunch Sea Veggie and Cucumber Salad

Day 5 Recipes

Breakfast Sliced Fruit With Banana Milk

Morning Boost Strawberry Lemonade

Ingredients: • ½ cup fresh or frozen strawberries (thawed if frozen)• 1 kiwi, peeled• 1 apple• 1 pear• 1 banana• ¼ cup filtered water

Directions: Place the banana and water in blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a bowl. Slice your strawberries, kiwi, apple and pear and place in the bowl with banana milk. Stir and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries• 1 lemon, juiced• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 3 cups filtered water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 cucumber, sliced• 2 cups spinach• 2 tbsp wakame seaweed - soaked in filtered water for 10 minutes• 1 nori sheet - torn into 1 inch squares• 1 avocado, diced• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl. Toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Coconut Parfait

Dinner Zucchini Mac n’ No Cheese

Ingredients: • 2 zucchini • ½ cup raw cashews or raw macadamia nuts - soaked in filtered water for 30 minutes, then drained• 2 pieces sun dried tomato - dried or packed in water. Soaked for 30 minutes if dried, then drained• 1 yellow bell pepper, cored and chopped• ½ clove garlic, peeled• 4 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 green onion, stem removed• 1 lemon, juiced• ½ cup filtered water• pinch sea salt

Directions: Slice zucchinis into pasta shapes using a vegetable spiralizer, vegetable peeler or mandolin slicer and set aside. Place remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Toss with pasta and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 bananas, sliced• 1 medjool date, pitted and chopped• 4 tbsp dried, shredded unsweetened coconut• 1 tbsp carob powder

Directions: Toss carob powder and shredded coconut together to combine. Place ¼ of the banana slices in the bottom of a glass. Top with ¼ of the chopped date, then ¼ of the coconut carob mixture. Continue layering until all ingredients have been used. Enjoy!

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Lunch Dilly Avocado Green Salad

Day 6 Recipes

Breakfast Hemp and Walnut Berry Bowl

Morning Boost Orange Slushie

Ingredients: • 2 cups fresh or frozen berry mix - thawed• 1 banana, sliced• 1 tbsp hemp seeds• 1 tbsp raw walnuts, chopped

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 8-10 oranges, juiced• 1 tsp pure vanilla extract• ½ cup coconut water

Directions: Make orange juice then freeze it in ice cube trays until fully frozen. Once frozen, place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and slushie like. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 head green leaf lettuce, chopped• 1 avocado, diced• ½ cucumber, diced• 1 rib celery, diced• 1 lime, juiced• 2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl. Toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Single Blueberry Pie

Dinner Raw Pad Thai

Salad Ingredients: • 1 head butter lettuce• 1 red bell pepper, chopped• 1 small cucumber• 1-2 carrots• 1 cup daikon or watermelon radish

Dressing Ingredients: • 2 tbsp natural almond butter• 4 tbsp coconut water• 1 lime, juiced• ½ tsp paprika• ½ tsp coriander powder• sea salt to taste• 1 tbsp coconut oil

Directions: Wash and chop lettuce. Prepare other veggies by cutting into different shapes and sizes. Combine dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk with a fork. Pour dressing over salad and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 4 tbsp raw walnuts • 2 medjool dates• ½ cup frozen and thawed blueberries• 1 tsp pure maple syrup • squeeze of lemon juice

Directions: Chop walnuts and dates as fine as you can with a knife. Place mixture in the bottom of an 8 oz glass. Blend blueberries, maple syrup and lemon until smooth. Pour over “crust” in the bottom of the glass. Eat!

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Lunch Arugula and Grapefruit Salad

Day 7 Recipes

Breakfast Raw Apple Crumble

Morning Boost Nutnog

Ingredients: • 2 apples, cored and diced• 4 medjool dates, pitted• 2 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut• 1 tbsp raw walnuts• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ½ orange, juiced

Directions: Place chopped apples, orange juice and ¼ tsp cinnamon in a bowl and toss. Place remaning ingredients in a food processor or blender and pulse until mixture comes together. Place crumble mixture over apples. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 cups homemade almond milk• 3 medjool dates, pitted• 1 banana • ½ tsp cinnamon• ¼ tsp nutmeg• ¼ tsp vanilla powder/pure vanilla extract• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 4 cups arugula• 1 grapefruit - peeled and divided into sections• 1 orange, peeled and divided into sections• ½ zucchini, diced• 3 tbsp raw walnuts, chopped• Pinch sea salt

Directions: Chop grapefruit and orange sections into bite size pieces. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy.

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Afternoon Boost 2 Bite Brownies

Dinner Mock Tuna Salad

Ingredients: • ¼ cup raw sunflower seeds, soaked 30 minutes and drained• ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked 30 minutes and drained• 1 avocado• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 rib celery, chopped fine• 1 carrot, shredded• ¼ cucumber, chopped fine• 2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped• 2 tbsp parsley, chopped• 1 green onion, chopped• 2 cups romaine lettuce, chopped• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place avocado, lemon juice and salt in a high speed blender or food processor and process until smooth. Place sunflower and pumpkin seeds into the machine and pulse to break up. Add celery, carrot, cucumber, parsley, dill and green onion into the machine and pulse to combine. Remove mixture from machine and place over romaine lettuce. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• 3 tbsp unsweetened, dried shredded coconut• 1 tbsp natural almond butter• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 1 tbsp cocoa powder• ¼ tsp cinnamon powder• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until mixture comes together. Remove mixture from machine and form into one inch balls. Enjoy!

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Lunch Beet, Kale Miso Salad

Day 8 Recipes

Breakfast Bok Choy and Banana Smoothie

Morning Boost Orange Pineapple Juice

Ingredients: • 2 heads baby bok choy• 2 fresh or frozen bananas• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 1 tbsp natural almond butter

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 5 oranges, juiced• 1 cup fresh or frozen pineapple

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy.

Salad Ingredients: • 1 bunch kale, stems removed and chopped• 1 beet, shredded• ½ cucumber, shredded

Dressing Ingredients: • 1 tbsp miso paste• 1 orange, juiced• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 tbsp tahini• ½ inch piece ginger, minced fine• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all dressing ingredients in the bottom of a large salad bowl and whisk to combine. Add kale and massage for 1-2 minutes until dressing is fully coating the kale and the kale has wilted slightly. Add beet and cucumber. Toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Walnut Spice Balls

Dinner Cauliflower Couscous

Ingredients: • ½ head cauliflower, chopped• ½ cucumber, diced• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 clove garlic, minced fine• 2 tbsp parsley, chopped• 2 tbsp dill, chopped• 3 tbsp hemp seeds• Pinch sea salt

Directions: Place cauliflower and herbs into a blender or food processor and pulse until the cauliflower is the size of rice. Remove from machine and transfer to a bowl. Add remaining ingredients, toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 3 tbsp raw walnuts• 2 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut• ½ orange, juiced• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 1 tsp cinnamon

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until a ball forms. Remove mixture from machine and form into 1 inch balls. Enjoy!

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Lunch Chili Spiced Jicama Salad

Day 9 Recipes

Breakfast Coconut Milk Chia Pudding

Morning Boost Raspberry Lemonade

Ingredients: • 1 cup homemade coconut milk• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries• 2 tbsp dried, unsweetened shredded coconut

Directions: Place chia seeds and coconut milk in a bowl, stir and allow to sit for 30-60 minutes or unitl chia seeds have absorbed most of the milk. Add remaining ingredients, stir and enjoy.

Ingredients: • 1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries• 1 lemon, juiced• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 3 cups filtered water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 cups jicama, diced• 1 carrot, diced• 1 rib celery, diced• 1 green onion, sliced• 1 bell pepper, diced• 1 tbsp chili powder (spice mix not straight chilis)• 1 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil• 2 limes, juiced• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place chili powder, olive oil, lime juice, maple syrup and sea salt in a salad bowl and whisk to combine. Add remaning ingredients, toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Guacamole and Cucumber Chips

Dinner Lasagna Bowl

Marinara sauce Ingredients: • 1 tomato, diced• 3 pieces sun-dried tomatoes - soaked for 30 minutes if dry, then drained• ½ bell pepper, diced• ½ clove garlic, minced• ½ lemon, juiced• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 5 leaves basil• 2 tbsp fresh parsley• 1 tsp dried oregano• pinch sea salt

Cheeze sauce Ingredients: • ¼ cup raw cashews - soaked in filtered water for 30 minutes, then drained• 1 tbsp tahini• ½ bell pepper, diced• 2 pieces sun-dried tomatoes - soaked for 30 minutes if dry, then drained• 2 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Other Ingredients:• 1 zucchini, sliced into lasagna noodle shapes on a mandolin or using a vegetable peeler• ½ cup cherry tomatoes, chopped• 1 cup spinach, chopped• 2 leaves basil, chopped

Directions: Place all marinara sauce ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Set aside. Place all cheeze sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Set aside. To assemble, either layer ingredients into bowl like a lasagna, or simply combine all ingredients, toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 avocado, diced• 1 tomato, chopped• 1 green onion, chopped• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 lime, juiced• ½ tsp cumin• pinch sea salt• 1 cucumber, sliced

Directions: Mash avocado with garlic, lime juice, cumin and salt. Stir in tomato and green onion. Serve on cucumber slices.

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Lunch Almond Ginger Green Salad

Day 10 Recipes

Breakfast Blueberry Pie Smoothie

Morning Boost Warm Chai

Ingredients: • 2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries• 1 tbsp natural almond butter• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 1 fresh or frozen banana• 2 cups filtered water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • ½ cup dried unsweetened shredded coconut or raw hazelnuts • 2 cups filtered water• 2 medjool dates, pitted• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• ¼ inch piece ginger• ¼ tsp allspice powder• ¼ tsp cardamom powder• 1 tbsp raw carob powder (optional) • pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Strain through a jam bag, nutmilk bag or sieve. Warm on a stove. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 3 cups spinach• 1 carrot, shredded• ½ beet, shredded

Dressing Ingredients:• 2 tbsp natural almond butter• 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• ½ tbsp pure maple syrup• 1 inch piece ginger• 1 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos

Directions: Place all dressing ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Place salad ingredients into a bowl. Pour dressing over salad, toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Salsa and Celery Sticks

Dinner Creamy Green Dream Soup

Ingredients: • 2 cups spinach• ½ cucumber• 1 cup fresh or frozen green peas• 1 cup chopped celeriac root • 1 tbsp fresh dill• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 avocado, pitted and diced• pinch Himalayan or Sea salt• A few cracks fresh ground black pepper

Directions: Place all ingredients aside from avocado in a blender and blend until smooth. Add avocado and blend just to combine. Serve.

Ingredients: • 1 tomato, diced• 1 bell pepper, diced• 2 green onions, sliced• 2 limes, juiced• 1 clove garlic, minced• pinch sea salt• chili flakes to taste• 3 ribs celery, sliced

Directions: Combine all ingredients except for celery in a bowl and toss. Serve with celery sticks!

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Lunch Better Than Ranch Salad

Day 11 Recipes

Breakfast Pineapple Raspberry Bowl

Morning Boost Kale and Grape Juice

Ingredients: • 1 cup frozen or fresh pineapple• 1 cup frozen or fresh raspberries • 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice • 2 medjool dates, pitted • ¼ cup soaked raw sunflower and raw pumpkin seeds• 2 tbsp goji berries

Directions: Blend pineapple, raspberries, orange juice, and dates in a blender until smooth. Pour blended contents into a bowl or large coffee mug, top with seeds and goji berries and eat with a spoon.

Ingredients: • 4 cups organic grapes (any kind will do) • 1 lemon, peeled• 3 stalks kale• 1 apple

Directions: Process ingredients through a juicer. Enjoy.

Salad Ingredients: • 2 cups romaine lettuce• 2 cups spinach• 1 carrot, grated• 1 rib celery, diced

Dressing Ingredients:• 1/4 cup soaked and rinsed raw cashews• ½ cup unsweetened plain almond or coconut milk• ½ tsp onion powder• ½ tsp garlic powder• 1 scallion, chopped• 2 tbsp fresh parsley• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt and pepper

Directions: Place all salad ingredients in a bowl and set aside. Blend dressing ingredients in a personal or high speed blender. Pour dressing over salad, toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Apples with Caramel Sauce

Dinner Raw Chilli

Ingredients: • 2 tomatoes, chopped• ½ zucchini, chopped• 1 bell pepper, cored and chopped• 3 pieces sun dried tomatoes - soaked• 1 green onion, sliced• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 cup fresh or frozen organic corn• 1 lime, juiced• 1 tbsp chili powder (spice mix not straight spicy chilis)• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place ½ of the tomato, zucchini, bell pepper and the corn, along with the sun dried tomatoes, green onion, garlic, lime juice, chili powder and salt in a blender and blend until smooth. Combine remaining chopped ingredients in a bowl and pour blended portion on top. Stir and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 apples, cut into chunks

Caramel Sauce Ingredients: • 6 medjool dates, pitted• 2 tbsp pure maple syrup (optional, add flavour) • ¼ cup hot water• 1 tbsp natural almond butter • 1 tbsp organic virgin coconut oil• 1 tsp cinnamon • dash of sea salt

Directions: Place all caramel sauce ingredients into a high speed blender or food processor. Blend until smooth and creamy. Pour caramel sauce into a glass container and dip apples in sauce.

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Lunch Kale Salad

Day 12 Recipes

Breakfast Apple Strudel

Morning Boost Spiced Almond Milk

Ingredients: • 2 apples, cored and thinly sliced • 4 medjool dates, pitted and soaked 30+ min in water• 2 tbsp raisins, soaked with dates• ½ tsp cinnamon powder• 1 orange, juiced

Directions: Place soaked dates, raisins, orange juice and cinnamon in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour date mixture over sliced apples. Toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • ¼ cup raw almonds (soaked overnight)• 2 cups filtered water• ½ tsp cinnamon• 1 inch piece ginger• ¼ tsp allspice• 3 medjool dates, pitted

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high for 1-2 minutes. Strain through a sieve or nut milk bag. Enjoy!

Salad Ingredients: • 4-5 cups baby kale• 2 ribs celery, diced

Dressing Ingredients:• ¼-½ cup raw almond butter• 1 tbsp maple syrup• 1 orange, juiced• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 tbsp miso paste or tamari• 1 tbsp dijon mustard

Directions: Blend all dressing ingredients in a blender until smooth. Place kale and celery in a large mixing bowl. Pour dressing over kale and celery and massage to soften.

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Afternoon Boost Grape Orange and Apple Salad

Dinner Celeriac Carrot Fettuccine Alfredo

Ingredients: • 2 carrots• 1 small head celeriac• ½ cup raw cashews, soaked for 30+ minutes in water, then drained and rinsed • 2 tbsp tahini• 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 lemon, juiced• 2 tbsp parsley• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 tbsp Braggs/tamari/coconut aminos

Directions: Slice carrots and celeriac into noodle shapes with a spirooli slicer, mandoline slicer or vegetable peeler. Place remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour sauce over noodles and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 cup grapes, sliced• 1 orange, peeled and chopped• 1 apple, cored and diced

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl. Toss and enjoy!

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Lunch Walnut Pear Salad

Day 13 Recipes

Breakfast Chocolate Shake Smoothie

Morning Boost Sweet Green Juice

Ingredients: • 2 peeled and frozen bananas• 1 cup homemade coconut milk• 1 tbsp cacao powder • 2 medjool dates, pitted

Directions: Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 apples, cores removed• ½ cucumber• 2 ribs celery• ⅓ bunch parsley• 1 lemon, peeled

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer or blender in a high speed blender and strain. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 head red leaf lettuce• 2 pears, cored and chopped• ¼ cup raw walnuts, chopped• 2 tbsp dried cranberries• 1 orange, juiced• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Creamy Herb Dip And Zucchini Chips

Dinner No Meat Taco Wraps

Taco Meat Ingredients: • ¼ cup raw walnuts, soaked overnight and drained• 1 zucchini, diced• 1 tomato, diced• 1 tbsp chili powder• pinch sea salt

Salsa Ingredients: • 1 tomato, diced• ½ bell pepper, diced• 1 green onion, chopped• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Wrap Ingredients: • 1 head romaine lettuce• 1 avocado, pitted and sliced• 1 lime, cut into wedges

Directions: Place taco meat ingredients into a blender or food processor and pulse until mixture resembles ground meat. Place salsa ingredients in a bowl and toss. Remove lettuce leaves from head of lettuce. Assemble tacos by placing some taco meat, some salsa, avocado and whatever toppings you like inside leaves of romaine. Top with lime juice and Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 avocado, pitted• 2 cups spinach• 2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped• 2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt• 2 zucchinis, sliced

Directions: Place all ingredients except for zucchinis in a food processor or high speed blender. Blend until smooth. Serve on sliced zucchini. Enjoy!

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Lunch Herbed Zucchini Salad

Day 14 Recipes

Breakfast Berry Chia Pudding

Morning Boost Hot Carob Cocoa

Ingredients: • 1 cup homemade almond milk• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 2 medjool dates, pitted and chopped• 1 cup frozen berries

Directions: Place chia seeds and coconut milk in a bowl and allow to sit and soak for 30 minutes. Add berries and dates. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 cups homemade almond milk• 1 tbsp carob powder• 2 medjool dates, pitted• ½ tsp cinnamon• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend for 1-2 minutes, or until your cocoa is warm. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 head romaine lettuce• 1 zucchini - sliced into noodle shapes • 2 tbsp raw pine nuts• 2 tbsp parsley, chopped• 2 tbsp cilantro, chopped• 2 tbsp basil, chopped• 2 tbsp mint, chopped• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Directions: Slice zucchini on spirooli slicer or using a mandolin or vegetable peeler. Place all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy!

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Afternoon Boost Energy Rich Trail Mix

Dinner Coconut Curry

Ingredients: • 2 cups homemade coconut milk• 1 tbsp curry powder of choice• 1 tomato, diced• ½ cup fresh or frozen organic corn• 1 carrot, diced fine• ½ inch piece ginger• 1 lime, juiced• 2 cups spinach, chopped• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place coconut milk, curry powder, ginger, lime juice and salt in a blender and blend until smooth. Place chopped veggies in a bowl. Pour coconut mixture over veggies. Mix and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 tbsp raisins• 2 tbsp dried cranberries• 2 tbsp raw almonds• 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Enjoy!

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Lunch Crunchy Coleslaw

Day 15 Recipes

Breakfast Pineapple Orange Delight Smoothie

Morning Boost Green Lemonade

Ingredients: • 1 cup pineapple• 1 orange, peeled• 1 banana, peeled• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 1 cup filtered water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • ½ cucumber• 4 ribs celery• 1 head romaine lettuce• 2 apples, cored• 1 lemon, peeled

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer or blender and strain through a sieve or nut milk bag. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 cup green cabbage, shredded• 1 cup purple cabbage, shredded• 1 carrot, shredded• 1 green onion, sliced• 1 avocado, pitted• 3 tbsp homemade almond milk• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 clove garlic, minced• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place avocado, lemon juice, almond milk, garlic and salt in a blender and blend until smooth. Place remaining ingredients in a bowl and toss. Pour avocado mixture over veggies, toss and enjoy!

Page 61: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Almond Date Bites

Dinner Deconstructed Sushi Bowl

Ingredients: • 1 small head cauliflower, diced• 1 lemon, juiced• 1 tbsp coconut sugar• pinch sea salt• ½ cucumber, sliced thin• 1 carrot, sliced thin• 1 avocado, diced• 2 nori pieces, torn• Braggs/tamari/coconut aminos

Directions: Place cauliflower, lemon juice, coconut sugar and salt into a blender or food processor and pulse until cauliflower resembles rice and ingredients are well mixed. Place all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 5 medjool dates, pitted• 5 raw almonds

Directions: Place one almond inside each date. Enjoy!

Page 62: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Creamy Mint Cucumber Salad

Day 16 Recipes

Breakfast Hemp Strawberry Banana Bowl

Morning Boost Turmeric Hazelnut Milk

Ingredients: • 2 cups strawberries, sliced• 1 banana, sliced• 2 tbsp hemp seeds• ½ tsp cinnamon

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl, toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • ¼ cup raw hazelnuts• 2 cups filtered water• ¼ tsp turmeric powder• 3 medjool dates, pitted

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high for 1-2 minutes. Strain through a nut milk bag or sieve, or consume as is.

Ingredients: • ½ cup raw cashews, soaked 30 minutes and drained• 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• 2 tbsp fresh mint leaves• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt• 1 tsp coconut sugar• 1 cucumber, shredded• 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped

Directions: Place soaked and drained cashews, almond milk, mint leaves, lemon juice, salt and coconut sugar in a blender and blend until smooth. Place remaining ingredients in a bowl. Top with dressing, toss and enjoy!

Page 63: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Sunflower Seed Carob Balls

Dinner Asian Lettuce Wraps And Creamy Dipping Sauce

Wraps Ingredients: • 1 carrot, sliced thin• 1 beet, sliced thin• ½ cucumber, sliced thin• 1 bell pepper, cored and sliced thin• 1 head romaine lettuce, leaves removed from head

Dipping Sauce Ingredients: • 3 tbsp natural almond butter• 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• 1 inch piece ginger, minced fine• 1 clove garlic, minced fine• 1 orange, juiced• 1 tbsp braggs/tamari/coconut aminos

Directions: Place all dipping sauce ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Assemble wraps by placing veggies in lettuce leaves. Wrap and enjoy with sauce.

Ingredients: • 3 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• 2 tbsp unsweetened, shredded dried coconut• 4 medjool dates, pitted• ½ orange, juiced• 1 tbsp raw carob powder

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until mixture comes together. Remove from your machine and form into 1 inch balls. Enjoy!

Page 64: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Taco Salad

Day 17 Recipes

Breakfast Pumpkin Seed Date Apple Bowl

Morning Boost Orange Strawberry Juice

Ingredients: • 2 apples, cored and chopped• 3 medjool dates, pitted and chopped• 2 tbsp raw pumpkin seeds• ½ tsp cinnamon powder

Directions: Place all ingredients in a bowl. Toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 6 oranges, peeled• 2 cups strawberries

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer or blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Salsa Ingredients: • 1 tomato, diced• 1 bell pepper, cored and diced• pinch chili flakes• 1 green onion, sliced• 1 lime, juiced• pinch sea salt

Guacamole Ingredients: • 1 avocado, pitted• 1 lime, juiced• pinch cumin powder• pinch sea salt

Salad Ingredients: • 1 head romaine lettuce, chopped• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 cup organic corn

Directions: Place salsa ingredients in a bowl and toss. Place guacamole ingredients in a bowl and mash with a fork. Combine salad ingredients, salsa and guacamole in a bowl. Toss and enjoy!

Page 65: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Spinach Dip And Carrot Sticks

Dinner Margarita Pizza Bites

Marinara Sauce Ingredients: • 1 tomato• 3 sun dried tomatoes - soaked in filtered water and drained to soften, if hard• ½ bell pepper, cored• 4 leaves basil• 1 medjool date, pitted• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Cheeze Ingredients: • ½ cup raw cashews, soaked 30 minutes and drained• 2 tbsp tahini• 3 tbsp nutritional yeast• ½ bell pepper• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Pizza Ingredients: • 2 zucchini, sliced into rounds• 1 tomato, sliced• basil for topping

Directions: Blend all marinara ingredients in a blender until smooth. Set aside. Blend all cheeze ingredients in a blender and set aside. Assemble pizza bites by spreading a layer of marinara sauce over zucchini rounds, top with tomato and basil, then add a dollop of cheeze. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 avocado, pitted• 3 cups spinach• 1 lime, juiced• 1 clove garlic, minced• pinch cumin powder• pinch sea salt• 3 carrots, sliced

Directions: Place all ingredients except for carrots in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth and creamy. Enjoy on sliced carrots.

Page 66: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Toona Salad

Day 18 Recipes

Breakfast Creamy Coconut Milk Smoothie

Morning Boost Strawberry Lime Chia Drink

Ingredients: • 2 peeled and frozen bananas• 2 cups homemade coconut milk• 1 tsp cinnamon powder• 1 cup spinach

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 limes, juiced• 2 cups strawberries• 2 tbsp chia seeds• 2 cups filtered water• 1 tbsp pure maple syrup

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend. The chia seeds will not fully break down. Allow to sit for 10 minutes while chia seeds gel. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • ½ cup raw almonds, soaked and peeled• ½ cup raw macadamia nuts• 2 ribs celery, chopped • 3 green onions• 1 tbsp fresh parsley • ¼ lemon, juiced• ½ clove garlic, crushed• 1 avocado• sea salt and pepper to taste• 1 heart romaine lettuce

Directions: Pulse almonds and macadamia nuts in the food processor until coarsely ground. Add celery, green onion, parsley, lemon, crushed garlic and salt and pepper. Process until well combined. Add avocado and blend until it is incorporated. Serve on romaine lettuce leaves.

Page 67: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Pineapple Mango Smoothie

Dinner Chunky Tomato Soup

Ingredients: • 2 tomatoes, diced• ½ cup raw cashews, soaked 30 minutes and drained• ½ bell pepper, cored and chopped• 3 pieces sun dried tomatoes - soaked to soften, if hard• 1 rib celery• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt• 2 tbsp parsley• 2 leaves basil• 1 cup cherry tomatoes, diced

Directions: Place all ingredients except for cherry tomatoes in a blender and blend until smooth. Stir in cherry tomatoes. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 cups mango, chopped• 2 cups pineapple, chopped• 2 cups homemade almond milk• pinch vanilla powder or pure vanilla extract• 1 cup filtered water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Page 68: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Kitchen Sink Salad

Day 19 Recipes

Breakfast Chia Pudding With Banana And Walnuts

Morning Boost Zingy Fresh Green Juice

Ingredients: • 1 cup homemade almond milk• 3 tbsp chia seeds• 1 banana, sliced• 2 tbsp raw walnuts, chopped• ½ tsp cinnamon powder

Directions: Place chia seeds and almond milk in a bowl and stir to combine. Allow to sit for 30-60 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • ½ cucumber• 3 ribs celery• 1 lemon, peeled• 1 lime, peeled• 1 handful parsley• 1 handful cilantro• 2 carrots• 1 inch piece ginger

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer or blend in a blender and strain through a sieve or nut milk bag. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 avocado, diced• 1 carrot, diced• 1 beet, diced• 1 head green leaf lettuce, chopped• 1 rib celery, diced• 2 tbsp tahini• 1 orange, juiced• 1 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos• 1 green onion, sliced

Directions: Place tahini, orange juice, Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos and sliced green onion in the bottom of a large bowl and whisk to combine. Add remaining salad ingredients, toss and enjoy!

Page 69: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Apple With Strawberry Date Dip

Dinner Sweet And Sour Raw Rice Wraps

‘rice’ Ingredients: • 1 small head cauliflower, diced• 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds• 1 green onion, sliced• pinch sea salt

Sweet And Sour Sauce Ingredients: • 2 cups pineapple• 1 tomato• 2 pieces sun dried tomato - soaked for 30 minutes, if hard• pinch sea salt

Wrap Ingredients: • 1 carrot, sliced• ½ cucumber, sliced• 1 avocado, sliced• 1 head romaine lettuce

Directions: Place rice ingredients into a food processor or blender and pulse until cauliflower resembles rice. You may have to do this in a few batches. Set aside. Place all sweet and sour sauce ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. To assemble wraps place some of the rice mixture in each romaine leaf, add sliced veggies, wrap and dip in sauce.

Ingredients: • 2 apples, sliced• 1 cup strawberries• 1 orange, juiced• 4 medjool dates, pitted

Directions: Place strawberries, orange juice and dates in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve with apple slices.

Page 70: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Minted Pea Salad

Day 20 Recipes

Breakfast Green Goddess Smoothie

Morning Boost Spiced Walnut Milk

Ingredients: • 2 cups fresh or frozen berries• 1 banana, peeled• 1 cup homemade almond milk• 2 cups spinach• 1 inch piece ginger• 2 cups filtered water

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy

Ingredients: • ¼ cup raw walnuts• 2 cups filtered water• 2 medjool dates, pitted• ½ tsp cinnamon• 1 inch piece ginger• ¼ tsp cardamom

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Strain through a sieve or nut milk bag or drink as is.

Ingredients: • 1 avocado, pitted• 1 lime, juiced• ½ bunch mint leaves, removed from stems• pinch sea salt• 1 head butter lettuce, chopped• 2 cups fresh or frozen and thawed peas

Directions: Place avocado, lime juice, mint, 1 cup peas and sea salt in a blender and blend until smooth. You may need to add a little filtered water to get the dressing to blend. Pour dressing over lettuce and remaining cup of peas and enjoy!

Page 71: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Walnut Chia Balls

Dinner Rich Sprout Salad

Dressing Ingredients: • 2 tomatoes• ½ cup raw cashews - soaked for 30 minutes and drained• 2 pieces sun dried tomatoes - soaked for 30 minutes to soften, if hard• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• pinch sea salt• 1 lemon, juiced

Salad Ingredients: • 4 cups spinach• 2 cups sprouts of choice• ½ zucchini, shredded

Directions: Place all dressing ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Place salad ingredients in a bowl and toss to combine. Pour dressing over salad, toss and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 3 tbsp raw walnuts• 2 tbsp chia seeds• 2 medjool dates, pitted• 2 tbsp raisins• ½ tsp cinnamon

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until mixture comes together. Remove from machine, form into 1 inch balls and enjoy!

Page 72: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Lunch Pizza Salad

Day 21 Recipes

Breakfast Coconut Topped Smoothie Bowl

Morning Boost Orange Carrot Juice

Ingredients: • 2 bananas, peeled• 1 cup berries• 2 cups homemade almond milk• 3 tbsp shredded, unsweetened dried coconut• 1 cup strawberries, sliced

Directions: Place banana, berries (not sliced strawberries) and almond milk in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour mixture into a bowl and top with shredded coconut and strawberry slices. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • ½ cucumber• 5 oranges, peeled• 2 carrots• 1 inch piece ginger

Directions: Run all ingredients through a juicer or blend in a blender and strain through a sieve or a nut milk bag. Enjoy!

Ingredients: • 1 head red leaf lettuce, chopped• 2 tbsp raw pine nuts• 1 tomato, chopped• 2 sun dried tomatoes, chopped• 6 basil leaves, chopped• 1 tsp dried oregano• 1 bell pepper, cored and chopped• 1 tbsp Braggs/tamari/coconut aminos• 1 lemon, juiced• pinch sea salt

Directions: Place all ingredients in a large bowl, toss and enjoy!

Page 73: 21 Day Raw Food Cleanse - groundednutrition.com...Nov 21, 2016  · 1. They are high in water and fiber - Raw foods have the highest water and highest fiber content of any other food

Afternoon Boost Blueberry Pudding

Dinner Alfredo Zucchini pasta

Ingredients: • 2 zucchinis• ½ cup raw cashews - soaked 30 minutes and drained• 2 tbsp tahini• 2 tbsp homemade almond milk• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 lemon, juiced• 2 tbsp dried basil• 1 tbsp nutritional yeast• 1 tbsp Braggs/Tamari/coconut aminos

Directions: Slice zucchini into noodle shapes with a spirooli slicer, mandolin slicer or vegetable peeler. Place remaining ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Pour sauce over noodles and enjoy!

Ingredients: • 2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)• 1 tbsp chia seeds• 1 tbsp carob powder• 3 medjool dates, pitted

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!