21 days to jumpstart your homeschool · of our lives. for instance, if your child disobeys, you...


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Page 2: 21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool · of our lives. For instance, if your child disobeys, you might overreact because your mind generalizes his behavior to mean that he will “always”

21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

21 Days To Jumpstart Your Homeschool

by Adriana Zoder

© HomeschoolWays.com AZ Homeschool Enrichment Series

All downloads on www.homeschoolways.com and its contents are copyright © Adriana Zoder and © HomeschoolWays.com. All rights reserved. Personal use only. No redistribution. No commercial use. This book is the intellectual property of Adriana Zoder and HomeschoolWays.com. Any reproduction in part or in whole is strictly prohibited.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool


Thank you for downloading “21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool.” This ebook is part devotional and part workbook. I wrote it to offer encouragementto fellow travelers in the journey of homeschooling. Be sure to save it on your computer for future reference. Print it out, too. There will be forms for you to fill in, so have a pen ready.

For help with the nitty-gritty of homeschooling, check out my blog, HomeschoolWays.com and my Squidoo lens, Homeschooling 101.

The dictionary defines “to jumpstart” in three ways. First, it means “to start (an engine or vehicle) by temporary connection to an external power source.”Does your homeschool have an external power source? Or is it running on its own juices? In this ebook, you will find many ways to connect to the ultimatepower source for your homeschool, the One Who called you to it.

Secondly, “to jumpstart” means “to start or restart rapidly or forcefully.” Whether you are planning your next school year or have already started, this ebook will work for you.

Finally, it means “to give new energy to something.” Life has a way of bringing our homeschool down, doesn't it? If it's not burnout, it's boredom. Or tragic news. Or the common cold. If you need new energy for your homeschool, this ebook will help.

Psychologists say it takes 21 days to establish a new habit. For the next 21 days, grab the tools offered in this ebook to establish new habits or polish the ones you already have. After three weeks, your homeschool should feel leaner and more relaxed because it has been organized, de-cluttered and connected to God on a regular basis.

May the Lord richly bless your homeschooling efforts!

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 1On Calling

As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, 'Follow Me.' So he arose and followed Him. Matthew 9:9

Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah... 'Arise, go to Nineveh...' But Jonaharose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. Jonah 1:1-3

When the word of the Lord came to you about homeschooling your children, were you a Matthew or a Jonah? Which reaction describes yours best? Did you follow Him immediately? Or did you turn 180 degrees and flee in the opposite direction?

I was a Jonah. Each one of us experiences God's light in a certain way. Our past shapes our present and the way we respond to more light. I had mixed emotions about homeschooling. Besides, I wanted a career.

When I compartmentalized my memories and separated my past from my present, I asked myself the question, “Should I rob my children of the blessings of homeschooling and stick them in public school simply because homeschooling heroes (no names necessary, but true story) lacked grace toward me a decade ago? Or because I feel fulfilled when I receive money formy time and skills outside the home?”

The answer was obvious. My children came first. My hurt pride needed to go.God's call on me to homeschool was unmistakably clear. No sermon guilted me into homeschooling. No friend pressured me into it. The desire to teach my own came from deep within my heart.

So what is your story? How did you decide to homeschool? Write about the steps you took in arriving at this decision.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

My Calling to Homeschool
















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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 2On Wisdom

For wisdom is a defense and money is a defense; but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it. Ecclesiastes 7:12

Do you need some life in your homeschool? Life comes from wisdom. So askfor wisdom. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to allmen liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5

Now, what is wisdom? Knowledge. Information. But depending upon your source of wisdom, it can be very different. James talks about a wisdom that isnot from above in James 3:15. Then, in verse 17, he gives the definition of the wisdom from above: “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits,without partiality and without hypocrisy.”

Create a mission statement for your homeschool on the following page. Threesentences will do. To help you brainstorm, answer the questions:

a. What is education?______________________________________________________________


b. What does learning look like?




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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

c. How can we facilitate learning in our family?





Mission Statement for Our Homeschool










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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 3On Anger, Part 1

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. James 1:19

We do not know how angry we are until we homeschool. Parenting in generalproduces this bitter realization. Homeschooling adds a new dimension.

On the one hand, spending all day with your children helps to know them thoroughly. On the other, it provides a lot more opportunities for irritation.

If I had to state my main purpose in life right now, I would say that I live to represent Jesus to the world. By “world” I mean, first and foremost, my children. That is a high calling. I fall short daily. It's as frustrating as it is glorious, because it keeps me going back to the Word for more. More surrender. More of Jesus' character. Less of me.

When I was a child, I dreamed about being an ambassador for my country. Guess what? My dream has come true. I am an ambassador – for God's country. Except He calls it kingdom.

We are all ambassadors for His kingdom. Our children should think of heaven when they think of us, their parents. If we model the principles of heaven to them on a daily basis, they will.

Here's my number one sign that the kingdom is far, far away from my heart: if I get easily irritated with my children and feel and show anger. That's it. It'sthat simple.

Spend a few extra minutes in prayer today, giving God your anger. Is there unfinished business around that anger in your heart? Use the next page.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

I feel angry at times when...








______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________








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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 4On Anger, Part 2

A fool always loses his temper, but a wise man holds it back. Proverbs 29:11

Did your parents use anger to control your behavior? Mine did. You and I are at a disadvantage. Take heart though. Nothing is impossible for the Lord. Godcan help us work on our shortcomings, be they inherited or learned.

Since you and I spend more time with our children than the parents who sendtheir children to a school for seven or eight hours a day, we will have more opportunities to sin against our children.

If that happens, we must ask for their forgiveness. Children forgive and forgetquickly. It would behoove us to imitate them when others sin against us.

Since you just hurt the Lord's children (you know they are yours to raise, but they really belong to Him, right?), you must also ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you.

Our anger stems from distorted beliefs we have accumulated over the course of our lives. For instance, if your child disobeys, you might overreact becauseyour mind generalizes his behavior to mean that he will “always” disobey and disappoint you. Your fear of being shamed by your child takes over and you retaliate.

The ideal response to disobedience is to focus on that occurrence and calmly deal with it. The emotional reaction must be analyzed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and, maybe, with the help of a professional counselor.

Take five minutes to write down your thoughts about two recent incidents with your children. Why did you lose your temper? Was it their fault? Was it miscommunication? Compare the two incidents. Did they happen at different

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

times of the day? Late afternoons are really tough for me, for instance. I havelearned to schedule quiet time and a break from my children between 3 and 5pm, if possible with daddy's schedule. Come up with ways to take a break from them daily and weekly.








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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 5On Fear

Why are you fearful, o ye of little faith? Matthew 8:26

If yesterday made you feel your need for the Lord, you are on the right track. Those who hunger after righteousness shall be satisfied.

I know you picked up this ebook because you felt something was missing in your homeschool experience. You needed new energy. But you must be proudof something in your homeschool. Otherwise you would not even know that you want to do better.

Write down three things you like about your homeschool.

1. ____________________________________________________________



2. ____________________________________________________________



3. ____________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Now write three things which are sorely lacking in your homeschool.

Ask yourself, “What would I like to see in my homeschool?” Don't censor yourself. Just imagine. Allow your mind to go beyond what you think you cannot do. You have five minutes.

Dreamer's block? Think possibilities. Here are some trigger questions: What would I want to feel better about in our homeschooling process? Do I need more help with housework from my husband? Do I want my kids to grumble less or do their chores faster or better? Some things are realistic, others are not, but this is not the time to be realistic. This is your time to dream and stretch beyond perceived limitations.

1. ____________________________________________________________



2. ____________________________________________________________



3. ____________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 6On Goals

That is the way I run, with a clear goal in mind. 1 Corinthians 9:26

Get your goals on paper. Verba volant, scripta manent. That's Latin for “Spoken words fly away, but written words remain.” A wise man once told me, “If it's not in writing, it does not exist.”

So many people testify to the power of writing goals down. Put them in your planner. Have a special section just for goals and the date to reach them.

Divide them into daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Some goals are quantifiable, others – not so much. So spend some time thinking about how to measure things like “I want to be a better mom” or “I want more patience with the children.”

Check on that page regularly and be amazed at how much you accomplish. Feel the pleasure of checking things off when finished.

Write down five goals you want to accomplish this school year:

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 7On Communion

Daniel knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. Daniel 6:10

You know that Daniel prayed three times a day, but have you ever stopped to wonder why he did it? Was it some sort of mindless ritual or an empty tradition from his childhood?

I think Daniel felt a need to be in God's presence, so he can make good decisions for the kingdom he lead. Daniel was in charge of a lot of people. His job was beyond stressful. He had to lead an empire without cell phones, emails, texting or tweeting. How would you like to do that for a living?

What did he do during his communion time with God, three times a day? He prayed and gave thanks, the Bible says. So here's the strategy. It works for me, so it should work for you. I am no super-woman.

Right after lunch, while your kids play happily, take five minutes to count your blessings. Tell God about your day. Try to remember the Bible passage that really jumped off the page and ministered to your heart that morning.

For me, remembering that passage is always tough. It's amazing how much we forget in four or five hours of busyness. Sometimes I open the Bible and re-read it just to trigger my memory.

If you take five minutes to connect with God in the middle of the day, you will benefit. Your children will know that you walk with Jesus. They will feelit in your hugs and hear it in your tone.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 8On Planning

So I am planning to build a Temple to honor the name of the LORD my God... 1 Kings 5:5

Read this text in other English versions to discover synonyms of the word “plan”: intend, purpose, think about, decide, determine. Planning is all these things. It does not have to be scary. You grab a pen and a piece of paper and start jotting down what needs to be done and when. Pretty soon, you will see a pattern. You can then graduate to a planner.

In today's Bible verse, Solomon is speaking to Hiram, his head builder. If youcould speak to a designer about your house, what would you say? Would you change anything or are you satisfied with the present layout?

How hard would it be to – metaphorically speaking – make your house into a temple to honor the name of the Lord your God? Planning to de-clutter your home, get on a schedule and systematize your meals is one of the most important things you will ever do for your homeschool. If you do it out of your desire to honor the Lord, you will see it is not a chore. Pun intended.

Homeschooling happens mostly at home. Home is not only part of the word homeschool, it is the place where you should feel at rest, at peace, in control. If things get out of control because of no planning, your house is not a templeto honor the name of the Lord.

You have heard the saying, “Life is what happens while you were busy planning other things.” Things do go awry. Planning and flexibility go hand in hand. This does not mean you should not plan. On the contrary. It means you should plan twice as much. Ever heard of Plan B?

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Please find below a chore schedule with what we do at our house. The following page contains two empty frames which you can print out and personalize for your family.

Tip: divide the chores among your children and print one frame per child for their individual chores.

Chore Schedule

Daily Weekly Monthly Semi-annually

Beds Dust Dry-clean Closet

Dishes Vacuum Floor boards Cull clothing

Laundry Mop Switch plates Replace shoes

Pick up room Bathrooms Mow lawn Buy new clothing

Mail sorting Garage Oven Curtains

Pets Car care Yard Window screens

Garden/Plants Trash Tree house Shampoo carpet

Wipe table Bill paying Appliances Move furniture

Porch Ironing Garage Dryer exhaust

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Chore Schedule

Daily Weekly Monthly Semi-annually

Chore Schedule

Daily Weekly Monthly Semi-annually

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 9On Food

Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast. 1 Samuel 1:18

Food brings joy and energy. It's one of the blessings God gave human beings.Providing healthy, nutritious meals for our family should not be stressful.

Plan your menu two weeks at a time. Make your grocery list based on this menu. Schedule your grocery trip. The goal here is to go to the supermarket only once a week. It's not complicated, but it does take planning.

Below, you will find a simple form where you can plan out two weeks' worth of meals. You know your family favorites and your schedule better than anybody else. For instance, some days you find it hard to cook a big meal. Soplan for sandwiches, raw veggies and dip.

I suggest you plan your meals with your homeschool planner open – to note field trips when you might need a sack lunch, for instance. Also, if you have aseparate planner for doctor's appointments and other family events, bring thatto the table.

Check out the supplies needed in your homeschool for the next two weeks and add them to the weekly shopping list. I once had to teach a class about some rare foods and did not bother to read the curriculum until after my husband came back from the grocery store. Guess who had to spend an extra hour of her time at the supermarket that week? Yours truly.

It might seem too tedious at first, but, once you establish the routine, you willnot know how you managed without your menu forms before.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Menu Planning

Week A Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thurs. Friday Saturday




Week B Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thurs. Friday Saturday




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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 10On Overeating

So go ahead. Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart,for God approves of this! Ecclesiastes 9:7

Eating is fun. Here's a caveat though: “If you are a big eater, put a knife to your throat.” Proverbs 23:2

For me, controlling the appetite and keeping weight off is more about self-respect and my desire to see my children's grandchildren than about vanity. I put on 40 lbs. with my first pregnancy and lost 25 of them before I got pregnant again. I gained 35 lbs with my second pregnancy, so I ended up with50 lbs. I lost all of it in two years by breastfeeding, exercising, and controlling my appetite in terms of quality and quantity of foods eaten.

I am now back to my original weight – which was a healthy one – and loving it. If the why is big enough, the how will follow.

I am on a low-fat, low-sugar, high-fiber diet. I drink water between meals (two quarts a day). I do not snack. I have never been a coffee drinker. I keep juice and soda to a minimum. But the most important tip I can give you is this: have a big breakfast, a decent lunch and a small supper.

If you need to lose weight, should you replace some of the meals you plannedyesterday with leaner, healthier ones? Is there anything you might want to cutout from or reduce in your diet?

Use the form below to start a grocery list based on the revised menu. Dry foods can be purchased at least two weeks out. Fresh goods should be purchased weekly. Buying in bulk saves money, so look into the options available in your area.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Grocery List

Staples Bulk Veggies Fruit Dairy/Protein

Freezer Hygiene/Pets



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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 11On Clutter

Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40

You know you must eliminate clutter. But, maybe, life with children has you convinced clutter cannot be tamed.

The opposite of clutter is calm, peace, quietude, rest, stillness, tranquility, order, orderliness. You cannot be at peace while your home is at war.

In order to establish a new habit, you must want to change. You will never want to change if you don't see any benefits in changing. If the benefits of peace and quiet are attractive enough to you, you will want to de-clutter.

So let's de-clutter the house, one room at a time. I have allocated the next fivedays to the task of de-cluttering. Today, de-clutter your living room and kitchen area. In most homes, these two areas connect or, at least, neighbor each other. We start here because we spend most of our time in this area.

Take three boxes and label them: Toss, Keep, Donate. Question every object. Have you used it in the last year? Can somebody else use it? Can it be sold on Craigslist or at a yard sale without too much fuss?

To get motivated, give yourself 30 minutes. Set a timer. How much can you organize? How bad can it be? If you only start, the middle and end will take care of themselves.

Watch out. Culling is addictive. Don't be surprised if you start feeling liberated and get into simplification mode.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 12On Quiet Time

Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Mark 6:31

Stress reaches critical mass and I start acting less than graciously toward my children around 4pm. I have been going, going, going without a break for ten hours. My blood sugar is getting low. My patience is wearing thin.

The result is a very stressful late afternoon which leads into a less than ideal evening. I feel like I let my children and God down (again). One day, I got tired of feeling guilty. I decided to take control of that 4 o'clock slump.

First, I tried putting the kids in quiet time, but they always wanted to play together. It was hard to separate them. So I went into quiet time. Between 3-5pm, daddy is in charge. Mommy is in quiet time. I am in my room with my laptop and my Bible. I write and read. It took the children about a week to understand they should not disturb me, but what a difference mommy quiet time has made in our home.

When I come out of quiet time, I feel like I have accomplished a bit more of my personal goals. I am prepared to return to my mommy role for the evening and spend peaceful time with them.

When daddy must work during those hours, of course I understand and brace.It helps to know it's only temporary.

When is your most stressful time? What steps can you take to minimize it?

Today, de-clutter your bedroom and closet. Use the timer method I explained yesterday if you feel unmotivated.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 13On Patience

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Patience is a virtue. Few possess it. Most of us must learn patience the hard way. Waiting produces patience, but not magically. What you do while waiting makes the difference.

Have you ever been miserable while waiting for something to happen? Or forsomebody to do something? That kind of waiting will not produce patience.

Catching yourself in the act of being miserable, being aware of it, bringing it to God in a quick prayer and redirecting your thoughts toward constructive, positive thoughts – this effort will produce patience. Eventually. It's called perseverance and perseverance produces patience.

We are half way through the five-day “De-clutter Your Home” challenge. Don't lose heart now. Think about the benefits: peace and quiet, order and stillness, rest and tranquility.

Your home should not remind visitors of a museum, but it should make them feel welcome and comfortable. It should have the same effect on you. When you look around, you should have the feeling that everything is in its place.

Today, de-clutter your garage and/or basement. Did I just hit your Achilles' heel? Is this task too much for one day? Break it into small bites. Enlist the help of your husband and older children. Take two days if necessary. Take a whole week. But get it done.

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Day 14On Love

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved meand gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Love gives. It's that simple. When I held my newborn child in my arms, I knew I wanted to give him everything: a good start in life, a solid character, apositive mind, an education, a peaceful outlook during trials, a knowledge of God... I wanted to impart the best of my life to him. Love gives.

As moms, we give so much to our children. Not just our time. Our money. Our skills. Our emotions. Our attention. Our tears. Our sleep. Our all.

Dangers lurk in this ocean of love and giving. For instance, burnout. Even God sets a limit to His giving. So many times in the Bible He deals patiently with His followers. Then comes the turning point. The up-to-here-and-no-further point.

So love your children. Give them everything good for their character. Be aware of boundaries. Set them. Abide by them. Enforce them. Love does not hurt. Love guides and educates.

Today, de-clutter your children's bedrooms. Make decisions for them if they are small. Discuss items with them if they can reason.

Here comes the hard part: discarding some toys. Do your best to explain to them about other children who do not have any toys at all. Plant a seed that can set them on a path to a charitable life. If they protest about an item, allowthem to keep it, within reason. Also, make a deal with your children to de-clutter their room every day. Call it the game of “How much can we clean up in ten minutes?”

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 15On Kindness

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

Kindness is a tough word to understand for me. In the English Bible alone, kindness can be replaced by “mercy” in one context, “favor” in another, and “goodness” in another. It can be translated in six different ways in Romanian,my mother tongue. Eight different ways in French. What is kindness anyway?

To make matters worse, I did not experience much kindness growing up. So Ihave had to learn to be kind. I used to say something unkind and it floored me before hitting the other person the wrong way. I simply did not know howto show kindness. It became really painful when I hurt my children.

It motivated me to be even more fervent in my prayers, as I continued to ask God for a pure heart and for wisdom in dealing with those around me. As yourepent (feel sorry) for your unkindness, Jesus washes you anew. He transforms you. Kindness becomes a habit.

What I know for sure is this: kindness means giving second chances to otherswhen they make mistakes. We all need lots of second chances. Our children need lots of second chances. They are still growing and learning about life. If we don't show them kindness, who will?

Today, de-clutter your home office and your spare bedroom. Clean up the yard and the porch area.

If you feel blah, use a timer. How much can you get done in 30 minutes?

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 16On Goodness

Surely Your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:6

Goodness refers to met expectations. A good apple, for instance, looks good and tastes good. A good friend will be there when needed.

Some people like to say, “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” It feels like a mantra repeated especially when times are not so good. It reassures us that what we see and what we will get eventually are two different things.

Take the story of Joseph, for instance. He suffered much hardship because of his brothers' envy combined with his own immaturity and arrogance. But God meant it for good. Joseph ended up in a place where God used him to save his family from famine.

Therefore, goodness refers to the confidence we have in God's character and providence. His hand has already measured and deemed appropriate what happens to us. Because He's good.

He knows the chords that resonate in you at this particular time. He is preparing you for something beyond your wildest expectations. The question is, will you let Him? Will you allow Him to mold you and change you so that you may be a blessing unto others?

Today, sort your family's clothes. Go through the clothes per room or per family member. Give some clothes away and bless others. Keep some clothesyour children have outgrown for memory's sake. Toss those that are stained beyond repair.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 17On Faithfulness

The LORD rewards everyone for their righteousness and faithfulness. 1 Samuel 26:23

His steadfast love never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. On the contrary, they are new every morning. That's His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

God gave us all 24 hours every day. We juggle our responsibilities within the same amount of time. The basic ones are the same: three meals a day, parenting, house work, teaching the kids, exercise, maybe a part-time job. That's our faithfulness.

God gave everybody different talents. That's His faithfulness. We must discover our own talents. As we hone them, we will increase them. That's ourfaithfulness.

Get a grip on your daily schedule. What could you accomplish if you had an extra hour in your day? I would like to suggest that you already have this time, but you are wasting it on TV. Or social media. Or emails.

Don't believe me? Time yourself.

Based on my experience, I can tell you that you can drive your Inbox to 0 in five minutes. Unless you manage a page for a business, there is no compelling reason to access your social media accounts every day. TV? There's nothing good on, I promise. Besides, because you consume instead ofcreating, TV destroys your creativity. Enough said.

Use the form below to outline what everybody in your family is supposed to do at different times.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Daily Schedule

Time Mom Dad


8 Breakfast





1pm Lunch





6 Supper


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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 18On Gentleness

But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. 1 Thessalonians 2:7

When leading our little lambs to the waters of knowledge in our homeschool, gentleness makes the difference between a good day and a bad day. I was startled to discover that I was more gentle with other people's children than with my own.

After praying about it, the Lord reminded me there is a layer of pride that comes with possession. Since my children belong to Him, I should not covet their behavior to the point where I attach my self-respect upon it.

So I started thinking of my children as the Lord's children. Somehow, it humbled me to know that Somebody Else entrusted me with His little lambs.

He also reminded me of their baby years. How gently I would pick them up from the crib and talk with them. Those nursing years remain one of my mostcherished memories. The challenge is to keep the same sense of wonder and amazement. That's what creates gentleness as we handle toddlers, teens and everything in between.

Today, organize your school books. Keep what you need or will need in the near future. Gather up what you will not use anymore and take it to your co-op or church. Somebody may be praying for the resources sitting in your house underutilized. Of course, you can also try selling them online or at your local bookstore.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 19On Authority

The people were amazed at His teaching, because He taught them as One who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Mark 1:22

Yesterday, we looked at gentleness. Today, we will keep that in mind as we look at teaching the way Jesus did, i.e. with authority. Teaching one's childrentakes both gentleness and authority. Your children must respect you before they learn from you.

Authority comes from knowledge. Remember, they say knowledge is power. Power is authority. So get knowledge first.

If you try to teach the Bible to your children without yourself having been made new over and over again through daily contact with the Word, you will have no authority.

The same goes for math, chemistry, history and any other school subject. Youmust know it before you can teach it with authority. They say the best way to learn is to teach a subject. My mom used to teach history. She told me she studied the day before each class as if she took a test.

Last but not least, authority also comes from knowing your children – their learning styles and the methods that best suit their needs. Life is not always fun and not always challenging, either. Homeschooling prepares these children for life, not just for the SAT.

Today, organize your school supplies. When you don't have to hunt for an eraser for five minutes, you are saving time, mental energy and money. I use CD storage boxes with lids. I printed out pretty labels from the Internet. It takes exactly ten seconds to grab scissors or crayons or markers. When finished, we know exactly where things must go.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 20On Organization

She was also amazed at the food on his tables, the organization of his officials and their splendid clothing, the cup-bearers, and the burnt offerings Solomon made at the Temple of the LORD. 1 Kings 10:5

The Queen of Sheba was amazed at the organization of King Solomon's officials. Some Bible translations use the word “sitting” – the way the court officials were seated at the table or around the throne. Orderliness prevailed in Solomon's court and he is described as the wisest of men. It seems that wisdom and organization go hand in hand.

In the New Testament, Paul lists organization under the gifts of the Spirit. Some people excuse their messiness by saying, “I don't have the gift of organization.” There is a difference between serving the Body of Christ with your calling and gift of organization and serving your family with a decent looking home and a clear picture of your daily routine.

I am not talking about homes that look like they were just featured on HGTV.An organized home does not make you uncomfortable through its impeccability. But if you are ashamed to bring people into your home, then any activity should cease until you organize your surroundings. If you miss appointments because you forgot (yet again) to put them on the calendar or toactually check the calendar, then check your calendar first thing in the morning. Make it a habit to look at the week ahead, too.

Today, organize your school papers. Have a file or a binder strictly for the legalities of homeschooling. If a truancy officer shows up at your door, it should take you five seconds to get to the paperwork showing you are compliant with the law in your state. Another file or binder should show yourdaily schedule, attendance record and grades so far for the school year.

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21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool

Day 21On Celebration

Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. Psalm 47:1

Whew! We made it. Time to celebrate. You have done a good thing. Breathe. Praise God. Pat yourself on the back.

You have a menu, a grocery list, a daily schedule and a chore schedule. Your house is clean and you have blessed some people with your surplus. Your school supplies, papers, and books are organized. You have a place for everything and everything is in its place.

By jumpstarting your homeschool, you can teach your children life skills thatwill make them great spouses and parents. You can also be a help to others as you bless them with your insights. Because of this, I thank you for your contribution to homeschooling.

One last verse, to take you beyond Day 21 – “Let us not grow weary of doinggood, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

You will be tempted to relax your efforts. It's alright to do this after you have been in a routine for a few months. By then, you will have fine tuned the schedule and realized how long everything takes. Even so, don't go more thanone week outside of your routine. It will be hard to catch up.

Now, would you take a minute to let others know about how this ebook has helped you jumpstart your homeschool? Please share about it on social mediaor by email. Simply tell your friends to visit www.homeschoolways.com and download their own copy.

Thank you in advance and happy homeschooling!

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