(218935711) lecture1 refinery processes1b 2014 lecture0 refining intro


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Post on 08-Nov-2015




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Agendathis presentation is probably too long, select from:zz What is the Purpose of an Oil Refinery?z What Goes In/Out of the Refineryz How Do You Get from Crude Oil toProducts? Separations Chemical Reactionscont...Agenda-Cont.DoProducts?GetCrudetozSeparationsChemical Reactions Major Equipment Minimizing Pollutionz What do The ChemicalEngineersDo?OverviewIS TO TRANSFORM RELATIVELYHIGH VALUE PRODUCTS ASENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND Ad d tOverview - Cont.pricechanging.qualitycrudesconstantlyThe price and specifications of theproducts is constantly changing.Governmentregulations add additional constraints.There isnot muchdifferential between the price of crudeand products.HOW DO I KEEP IN BUSINESS?How Do I Keep In Business ?needdesignrevampplantthezlatest technology to be more efficientzI need to make the plant more flexible responsivezI need to operate (control) the plant in efficient manner possibleandthe mostz I need to keep the equipment running all the timeI NEED CHEMICAL ENGINEERS!OK, But...WHAT GOES ON IN AN OILREFINERY?p iTHE REFINERYNaturalGas Stovead Bags)Fuelarbeque Grills)asoline(C5 - C10)XOrganic Chemicals(Aspirin, Hair Spray)et, AstroJet Fueliesel FuelsHome Heating Oil, Lubricating Oil, WaxCrudeCokeFuelSteel MakingGraphite Fibers(Tennis Racquets)(Carbon Material Similar to Coal)RoadsPot HolesPurifications remove sulfur and heavy metalsRX = Chemical ReactionsCo versionsSeparationsandPur fications(Carbon MaterialAsphaltOilWellSeparations(C5 - C10) X Organic Chemicals (AspiKerosene &arbG(C5 - C10) X Organic Chemicals (Aspirin,elm)Kerosene &Gas Oils (C10+) DGas RX Ethylene RX Polyethylene (GlPropane &Butane RX (7 UP Bottles) (BNaphtha RRX More Polymers (Football H Turf, NylonVery SimplifiedPetroleum and Petrochemical FlowchartWhat Is CrudOil?Oilamixturethousandszof organic chemicals found underground.Itis the result of organic matter decaying overthousands of years; hence the name fossil fuelz Crude oil is found all over the world and varies tremendously in its density, aromatics, sulfur, and metals contentMajor Refinery Productsz LPG (Propane/Butane)z GASOLINE (hundredsz JET FUELSz DIESEL FUELS z HEATING OILS z GREASESz ASPHALTSofblends)z COKE (not the kindyou drink )Gasoline SpecificationsGasoline must meet many criteria which change withthe time of year and geographiccritical specifications are:z Vapor Pressurez Octanelocation.Somez Aromatics / Benzenez Sulfur ContentGasolines are always a in the refineryContentblend ofa number of streamsOther Specificationsrefineryspecifications suchz Cetane numberz Densityz Pour Point z Flash Point z Viscositymustas:otherSo, How Do You Make GoodStuff Out Of That Gooey Crude?So, How Do You Make GoodStuff Out Of That Gooey Crude?So,StuffHow Do You MakeGoodCrude?OutOf That GooeyREACTIONS& SEPARATIONSSo, How Do You Make GoodStuff Out Of That Gooey Crude?z Separate crude into fractionszConvert low octane components to higher octane componentsz Convert the very heavy stuff to heavy oilsz Convert heavy oils to gasoline,diesel,jet fuelz Remove sulfur/nitrogen through reactionzBlend intermediate streams together to meet product specificationsSEPARATIONSC AC O A OSEPARATIONS -CRUDE FRACTIONATIONz HUGE DISTILLATION COLUMNS ATMOSPHERIC DISTILLATION VACUUM DISTILLATIONz TYPICAL SIZE: 1z 750 DEGREES F,000ARRELS/DAYOTHER SEPARATIONSzz DISTILLATIONz ABSORPTIONz ADSORPTIONz SETTLING (WATER/OIL)REACTIONScatalysts rateREACTIONSAlmost all the reactions in the refineryusespecialselectivity efficiencyincreaseof the reaction.reducesThis improvesbyproducts.Reactins to MkHigherOctaneISOMERIZATIONC-C-C-C-C-CnC6-->CCC-C-C-CiC6REFORMING--CnC7CC-CH3CCtolueneCReactiosTo Make HigherOctaneALKYLATIONCCC=C-C+C-C-C-->C-C-C-C-CCisohpropyleneisobutanetae (2,2,dmp)Reactions To Convert HeavyHYDROCRACKINGH2 + heavy oil --> gasoline + dieselOils550 Fuse300 F450 Fboiling point to describe oilsCAT CRACKINGheavy oil--> gasoline + propylene,butane,other light ends550 F300 FReactionsTo Convert ResidResidtheofleft inbarrelthe bottom towersthematerial that iscrude/vacuumoftheCOKINGresid +> 900 Fheat-->coke + heavy oil550 FsolidReactions To Remove SulfurHYDRODESULFURIZATION2 R-SH + H2 -->2 R + 2H2SmercaptanhydrocarbonSULFUR RECOVERYconvert H2S to elemental sulfur:2 H2S + 2 O2 --> SO2 + S + 2 H2O2 H2S + SO2 --> 3S + 2 H2OMAJOR REFINERY EQUIPMENT, Separators,Tankszz Pumps & Compressorsz Furnacesz Heat Exchangersz Instruments (measure flow, pressure, composition)z Control Systemstemperature,MINIMIZING POLLUTIONFurnaceszz Waste Material Goes To The Flare Stackz Avoid Spills & Accidental Releasesz Special Treatment of Sewer Waterz Lots of Paper Work!BAD STUFF IN THE CRUDE?WHAT HAPPENS TO THEBADz SulfurUFF IN THECRUDE?converted to elemental sulfurin high sulfur fuel oil in cokez Heavy Metals (nickel, vanadium) in high sulfur fuel oil and cokez Nitrogen (organic nitrogen) most is converted to ammonia and neutralized in high sulfur fuel oil and cokeREFINERY?WHAT ROLE DOENGINEERS PLAY IN THE REFINERY?What Role Do Chemicalz Operations Engineerz Maintenance Engineerz Control Systems Engineerz Design EngineerEngineersPlay?z Health/Safety/EnvironmentalEngineerz Planning / Scheduling EngineerEngineerzz Plant ManagerS Th R fi i I dOther Ways Chemical EngineersSupport The Refining Industry&Engineerszz Technical Sales Engineersz Engineering & Construction Engineersz Governmental Regulators (EPA)z University ProfessorsTh R fiOther Engineering Disciplines InThe Refineryz Mechanical Engineers - design &maintenance of compressors, vessels z Electrical Engineers - electrical, instrumentation, controlsz Computer Scientists - main plant control &information systemsWhere to get more irmationtrainingzz List books, articles, electronic sourcesz Consulting services, other sourcesSummaryareprocessing plants separations tocomplicatedthat use reactions andzcrudeintogasoline and other valuable productsz Chemical engineers play an important role in keeping these plants running safely and efficiently