21st bomber command tactical mission report 47, ocr

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    J III I

    UISSION NO.4 ,FLOWN 27MAR 1945.,.,COPY NO. .

    I/ ~ ' I r ~

    , ." . 'I ' . ;: j ;

    .\ I I, ,'I,;, "l . 1,.. {. \.; , ~ . ,, .., .I : . .,1I


    APO 114

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    JH . IU I

    Liaitedo (Jl/

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    P. . . 110.,'0111212

    17 - 2T28303443..4546.,48505152535454



    va Observed Wenther . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .Measures. . . . .

    . . . . ... . . . .

    Rescue Chnrt

    Prepored by I

    . . . . . .. .. . . . .

    Table of Contents. . . . .

    Section C

    Operations Exhibit - T r ~ e k Chart P ~ I _ NI)..,1g11tiol1 Pert II .. U1nlng Section' ; ' Mining Reaul ta Section B Chnrta Showing Yine

    Location Code Designa.tion of U i ~ 1nnd Mine Opera.t ion Section b .. Uinelaying Procedure Section E .. Mine Ha.ndling and Loa.ding.Par t I I I .. Plight Enginearing Pa.rt IV ... Ra.da.r Part V .. GunneryPart VI .. hir_Sen

    XXI Bomber Conuno.nd Directive o.nd313th B o m b n r d m e n ~ Wing Field Order

    Consolido.ted S t o . t i 8 t i c ~ 1 Summary

    Intel l igence (See ;"nnex At Pnr t I I , Seotions 1..and B, for RESULTS) Pnr t I - Enemy Air Opposition Part II - Enemy "ntio.ircro.ft J.nnex E

    J"nnex C - Communieo.tions Par t I - Ro.dnr CounterPart I I _ Radio

    A,-2 SectionXXI Bomber COlllllll1nd

    J.nnex D

    J..nnex G - Distribution

    T a r ~ e t l Shlmonoseki Straits S ~ Rada


    J i . i ! i l


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    Wtlo.latl' !b y 45DntoIn: 1111111 It:::: tlltllli

    1111111111111111111111111I S I O RET IBy i ~ t h . ot the C.O.I


    H&:.DQUAAtERSm BO_Eft CCIDLI.RD;.pO 234

    SUBJECT I Roport or Opero.tiona, 27 linrch 1945TOI COIIIIa.nding Oonera.1. Tventieth Air Poroe . 'lrubingtoll 25, D.O.

    1 . IDEmFICoTIOli cr MISSIOR,0.. On 23 Jilnuo.ry 1 9 ~ , tho XXI Bomber Co_o.nd i uued a.lonoro.l direct.bra to t.ho 313t .h Bolllbll.J'dll'lol\t ' ing to prepll.1"fI tor 1D.i. . .1o.y1ng opera.tions o . ~ i n s t o.r6a.s of immodia.to stro.to&ic and to.Dtico.1

    iJaportnncc to the onemy. On 11 March 1945. a. direct ive 1mS taauodto tn: Canmc.nding Gonera.l. 313th BombllTdlllOnt lnng. to in1t1a.te opOl'a.tions.

    b. Piold Ordor NllCIber 16. B e o . d l l ' l ~ t e r s 313th BombiU'dIDOnt"!'fil18' da.ted 25 l fnrch 1945, directod the 6th. 9th , 504th nnd 505thBacbardment Groups to conduct the in i t in l mino-Inyin& ope re ti on o fth is COJ:mo.nd on 21 l.:arch 194.5.

    c. Target! SpeCified;(1) PrimAry hrgnp:

    (a.) ShimoDo,eki erenl ,"ppfiq ld V4kg (porco.ilJ2.l.!U l&l:lJ.n shipping chnnnel through tho . es tern entrance to Shimono!oki S tr o.lt s w ith tho greates t mine don!l ty o.t turos io c b ~ e IOZ'ound ;.1no, .I.l.o.tlUl'e, a.od Hiko Shima, and tho outer portion ot~ { o . k : l l 1 l a . t s u Hnrbor I i j lncUgld lUlee (EoreG Bp,l;:er) - l!a.in shipping cha.nn.01 througb th e westorn a.pproc.ch to Shimonoloki lo.ikyo . i t h grentostmino density in a.rOn botween Puta.oi nod Shiro. Shima, nnd o.dditionnId is tr ibu ti on io l.!1r:uohimn Suido, o.nchoro.go north or :lako.mo.tou, o.nd.tho o.reo. boundod by Murotn Soki, WutsW'o Shimo., nnd Myoken So.Jcl.

    (b) ~ Hndo, -lreAt M!MUold Lo" (Foro, CW l l, )~ n 1 n .hipping lane through Suo No.do. with 10.5 donso miooflo1d. o.crolsRima Shimn Suido llDd tho nrc"!. botwGcn HiM Shimo. o.nd tM ei ty of Bofu.This f ield was Intor extended to include a. liDO of mine. ncrol l SuoHMO. from Hu,o Shimn to Nngn ShilBnt blocking tlJ ontrnnce to theN'o.vo.1 Por t of TokllYo.atl..

    (0.) J.!a.1o shipp in , lane tbrrugh SUQ lfad-o.. ThDsocondary area. spocified wo.s bQlndod by:33/585 131/0633/535 131/016 131/1413l/10E

    3!/61l l33/41R' 131/54!131/S3E

    -1 -


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    2. stRaTEGY aND PW OF (l'E&.rIOHS:~ S t r n t ~ g i c Importgncp of Tnrget.,

    (1) ShimoPO.eki i . tho most important .hipping conterin tho J ~ p a n e . e Empiro. Sinco porsistont s u b ~ r i n o n t t ~ c k hn. prGet icolly G l i m d n ~ t e d shipping through Bunge Suido and I i i Suido ( .outhern ontrences to tho Inland SoA) nnd tho constriction of th e J ~ p n n o s eeconomy to th e Inner Zone hn8 ,ubPtwntiolly reduced tho maritimo imporhnco of Hngoyo and Yokoho.mo., tho mcjority or a ll 'hipping en routeto tho Jopanose homelnnd passes though Shi=onosoki Stra i ts . I t isQ s t i = o t ~ d that 500 ship passages por month occur through this . t r n -togiC water-way, total l ing some 2,000,000 ton. of s ~ i p p i n g , TheblOCkading of this areo by mino ottock con be expected either to i .o-lato water_borne shipments from tho main terminal por t , in the we,tornportion of the Smpire, pr to torco 0. d iver sion of 'hipping .outh oflyu'hu or north of Ron.hu. thereby adding hundreds of .Ues to normalshipping route. and exposiD& vessel , to attack by our .ublll.arina

    (2) Tho industr iol center. and ci t ies in the area propo.ed for blOCkade in this operation include Yawata, lokura. Uoji.Sh!mono ki, Tobota, Wekamatsu. Ohofu Onoda, UC., landa, Nakatsu.Bofu and TOkuyama, The f i r s t 6 DamlId form one of the major indu. tr ialcenters in Japan proper. This center includesl the largest plantsprOducing pig iron, ingot, and rolled steel in th e Japanese Empire;important plants producing alumina, heavy industr ial chemicals, andsemi_finished iron and steel products; and a large part of the Shi_koku coal f ie lds, the most important in Japan, The area has someplants manufacturing machine tools, machinery parts, and finishedequipment of various kinds, but i ts p r i m ~ y importance l ies in tb stact that i t furnishes a major part of the coal. iron. steel, semif in ished i ron and steel, and other basic materials for f ur th er p ro cessing in the ~ u f a c t u r i n g districts in central Honshu. Shimono_seki is also a major transportation centor, b o i n ~ tho terminus of the2 costal rail line connecting with central Honshu and the terminusof the importQnt railraod tunnel under the Stra i t of MOji. A recentconcentration of war industry is reported at lanada, and reportedimprovement to the harbor at Chofu may indiCate war industries there.T O k U y ~ is an important naval fueling port; portion s of the Japanesef lee t 1101"9 observed there after the Carrier Task FOrGe attack. on theInland Sea on 22-25 March 194.5.

    (3 ) Part ia l blockade of th e Horoshima and Kobo-OsakalU"ea will oslo be effected by blOCkading Shimonolleki. insofar as .allshipping to these area' from the Outer Zone will be required to passthr0U!h water. now under interdiction by our submarines,

    b. TActiCAl S1tuqtionj(1) Tho mining of Shlmonoseki Strait was planned as asupport operntion fo r the invasion of Okinawu Gunto in the Ryukus.

    The immedlo.te tll.ctict.l, objec ti ves o f the rninint; operation were toprevent supplies ttnd reinforoements being .ent from the embarkationpo. t . of ),future and Hiroshima in the a1"9a under attaek and to res t r ic tthe movement of tho Japanese Pleet in opposing t ho invasion.

    c. peta i l t or P1aoniDJI(1) Operational Plaoning:

    ( . ) As indiCated a general directive to p r e p ~ etor mine-layiD& operations was ,;iven to the 313th Bombard_nt Wint;


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    o.B radar runs.crews were alsotargets should

    .UR.Uby tho XXI BOlllbn COJ:lllland. on 23 January 19-.5. At th is t iM 2 (andl ~ t a r a thtrd) n ~ v a l officer , were u . s l ~ n e d to the Win& for min.~ r f e r e liaison. In the period intervening between th l . date andtho f i rs t minelaying operation, an extensive experimental p r o g r ~~ c ~ r l e d out to determlnP mine.laylng tactics suitable for s .a ;airorDft, mQking maximum use of the radar _quipmont conli,tent withthe previous training of the crew radar opera.tors. ThOae t a o ~ l c ,were then to.ught to a l l crew. of ths Wing by radl1renl1vigo.tor .pool&.l i a t s , and o.cldltlono.l instruction in mine Wo.rfU8 'MI.' undertaken.All ordnOonce o.nd armament personnel in the '"fing were also giventra.ining in mine handling and loading prior to the f i rs t mining teort.

    (b) The direc t ive for lUn ing !31n ion Ho. 1 . l l1ued11 ),breh 1945 frOD; the XXI Bombor COIIIlIl\lnd, specified the t iM lorda r e ~ of attack , the approximate number of sorties and density of th eminefield, the preparation of the minea. nnd genernl limitatlona on thealti tudes of attack,

    (c) The tnctical planning for this operation WaSCarried out by the 3l3th Bombbardment Wing, In this planning, o.noffor t was made to make ma.ximum use of exper ience ~ a l n e d in theComm.:md' a low-level incendiary attaOks on the "mc.jor Japanese ai t ioa ,and at the some t ime employ th e most suitnble mine.lay1n& toctics forth e B-29,

    (d) Selection of approaches and m l n e - l ~ i n g runawas largely influenced by enemy antiaircraft defenses. heights ofmountains su rrounding the orea under attack. position of a good in i t ia lpoint, and suitabili ty of radar aiming points for individual aircraf t .(e) All m i n e - l ~ i n g runs were planned ond briefedBeCause of the advantageous position of the moon, allbriefed on th e possibili t ies of visual runs on theirthey be visible,(f) The large number of :l.ircr:::.tt that would be overthe t:l.rget area necessi ta ted 0. scheduling system similar to that em_

    p)oyed in ?revious low_level incendiary attocks. Aircraft of ForceAble and Charlie were to toke_off a.t one-minute intervals, while thoseof force BQker were to take off a t 30-second intervals . All alrcr:l.ftwore to proceed Independently to th e target . An appropriate time interval s e p ~ a t e d the major forces to reduce to a. minimum the possibili_ty of aircraft on different axos of attock over the target area. Attho some time, i t was planned t o sa tu ra te enemy d e f e n s e ~ insofar aspossible.

    (g ) Tho Tact ical P lon fo r t h i s OperAtion 9 S ADf a l l o n :

    1. Foree Able, consitlng of 24 aircrort of the505th Group. was to mine the western entrance to Shimonoseki Straitsa t un ultitude of 5000 feet and axis of attQck of 300 degrees truefrOlll th e ini t iol point,

    . Immediately following this attAck, ForoeBokor, consis ting of 20 :l.ircraft of the 504th Group and 30 oircroitof the 6th Group, was to mine the western o.pproach to ShimonosekiStraits at nn altitude of 5000 feet and oxis of attack of 240 degreestrue from th e ini t iol point.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    H,JLi I

    ~ ThO th ird force, Foree Obara_, oon-sisting of 31 aircrnft of the 9th Group, w ~ to mine Suo Nll.da.. 25a t on altitude of 5000 foot, and 6 at un altitude of 8000 re . t , 0.11at difforent o.xee of attaok from th e same 1n1t10.1 point, i.medl11.telyfol lowing the ntta.cka of Foree BWker.(2 ) Dpt; !}. of AttAgk Pinpi

    ( . )313th BOGlbo.rdllent "flnt; All d"h l l sField Order of theNo. 16 a.tto.ck pIon ere"lth l;lIll&n4ment. ~ l v o n intb8reto.

    (0.) Complete ea.lculnUons were lllQde by thO WingFlight Engineer to determine the mnxlmua mine lond posaible on th i lmission. A, a. result or thoae computational it was decide" to loadaircrnf 't with 12,000 pound. of minea ond no bOfllb bo.y to.ntel in theCD$C of lome nlrcrcft , it wus dccided to permit the Group FlightEngineor to speCify Q min1aum load of 10.000 pounds for IndividU41a.ircraft not Cap(lble of C:ll'rying the fu l l lolU!.

    (b) ~ i n e looding for ench ni rcrc! t _as specifiedin an annex to Field Order 16, For purposes of security nnd eusoof hundling, cJ.l mines 'Were ident if ied by u code designation _h1oh18 given n8 Pl;lJ't I I . Soction C. of Annex A, of this repor t .(c) neta i l s ot h a n d l i ~ and loading of cines inIl1rcr;U't . e re $pecified in paragraph 4 (3 ) thru 4 (9) of Field Order

    16 and in Tactical SOP l S (Pc.rt I I (E ) of Annex A) .(4) Mining Instructions;

    (n) All minos ware to be la id 1 of 2 methodsoutlin ed in 313th BO:Dbnrdment Wing Tucticul SOP No. 100.2 (Part I I(d) of Annex A). Ths specif icnt ion of the m3thod to be used in eachrun .a s ~ i v o n in an annex to Field Order 16.(b) Jet t i soning areas .ero desi&nnted i ~ e d i o . t o l yoff the run_o.y eas t or Tin1an and en routo to the Jo.po.n080 homeland.Instructions for jet t isoning mines wore furnished 1n pnragraph4 (2) b thtu 4 (2) d o f F ield Order 16,(0) Instruct ions we", given to a l l crew navigatorsto Accuratoly plo t the posi t ions of 0.11 mines roleased, inCludingthose jet t isoned wnd thosa released in Cnse of omorOncy. Detai lsof rc.do.r scope photography to id en tif y the posi t ion of mine roleo.s8l'lOre &iwn in ptlTugro.ph (. (11) of Fitlld 01"401" 16.

    (5) UnhntionpJ . Plpnnlngl(a) Detp,il. gf Rout!?:

    1. Royte. Plpnp2d OutlPorces Ableond BD.ker I B. . .

    ht Check Point2nd Check Point3rd Check PointInd1viduo.l I .P.

    I1nitu\I'MI Jimo.Coordino.:teSo.dQ )!hnkiand/or R.A.P. for-.-

    15!04N 14S/38B24!SON 141/1533:?,!30N 13:?/3OE33/20N _ 132/01&8n,aU sortJ.e

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    (b) XXI Bomblllr COIIDand a S 5 1 ~ n e d .2 Super Du*loalrcre.!' t to orb i t the submarine posi t ion a t 30!OOH _ 135/008 trC8271500Z to 2'l'l800Z.

    '.tU':lI orr270700Z.

    EXECUTION OF ijISSIONII . . Take-oct I Aircraft of Poro& Able ..re scheduled toat 270600Z, Forco Balcer at 270630Z. and Poree CharUe a tActual take-orr wal aeoompliehed .1 tolloWBI

    Ab1.BakerCharl ie


    AIRCRAFt Alil98NE2..-a.102

    FIRSt up4'F27OS58Z270627Z270650Z270556Z

    WT WE:Cf'F270622Z2700572m73QI2107301

    b. Route Putl The COUTse flown was enerally .. brietod.'0 substantial deviation wall made en route to varioue in i t ia l points.Deviations in mining rUDI may be seen on chart, of m i n l ~ runa.(Annex A, Part II)

    c. Over Iunt:(1) Prl!IIArv Areu :

    e.) or the 102 aircraft airborne, 92 mined primaryarell.8. A t o t a l of 5&9 },lark 26-1 or 36-1 and 276 Wark: 25 mines . . . .dropped in primary m.1nefields. A detailed breakdown of the type . ofmines and their lOCations is given in Annex A. Part I I .

    (b) Times of release of lIlines by Porce Ablevaried f r 271337Z to 271435Z. by Force Raker from 271&06Z to271506Z, and by Porce Charlie from 27ltlOZ to 271542Z. Altitudesover-all ranged from 4900 feet to 8000 feet. Headings Taried inaccordance ~ i t h mining instructions. Length of mine runs variedfrOlll 1 to 16 minutes. Indicated Air Speeds ranged from 186 to 230miles per hour.(2 ) Secondary Areall

    ( .) Two aircraft of Force B.ker placed 12 Uark2S m i ~ e l in the alternate area. minefield Love.(3} Jettisoned I

    (a) The f o l l o ~ i n g mines ~ r d ~ p p e d in the Je ttisoning are speCified in the Field Order,

    AbleBakerCharlieo6o "12

    d. Route Backl Briefed route ~ a followed subltantiallyby nIl aircraft , althOUgh a l o m e ~ h a t ~ i d e r turn than anticipatedwas necessary to avoid antiaircraft and searchlights in the Yawat.arOa.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    .U Jl l l .U

    j . Iotel11gonQg SummnrYI(1) Enomy Air Oppgaitigol (See Annex D, Pu t I to r

    details). Enemy nir opposition WQS l ignt , only 13 attncks beingexperienced. I t was inaccurate wnd unaggressive exoept in onocnse of attack by r o c k o t ~ r i r l n g t ighter which pressed to 200 yardS,In addition, apprOXimately 60 aircraft were reported lighted butnot ntto.cking.

    deta.1l1).(2) Enomy Aotioirgrpftl (See Annex D, Port II for

    (0) Ovor minefield Mike, enemy antinlrornlt t i rewo.s rated. 118 heavy nnd medium. totena. and II lOro nCOU[ll.to tho.n onprevious night mlulona. Fire Willi ooordinD.ted wi tb offeotivosearohlights. . VOllol. in tho Waknmatsu oroa oontributed to theintensity of the barrage.

    (b ) Over minofield Love on oost 81do of thes t ra i t s , opposition was mongor to moderute and inaccurute. Theaircraft closest to the Straita rate d the intensity as moderute.resultsand B.

    (3) Mining Results:ot the mission are shown


    Dotailed ~ u l y s e s or thein knnox A. Part II , Section- A

    ~ r t l n .._CURTIS E. I.eW.y7Major General. USh


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    J J l lB J I



    Ixhibi tl Traok Cho.rtPQ,r1; I _ Jlavt91tionPart II Wining

    Seotion. A - .lUning RonltaSeotion B - Cbo.r-ta Showing Min. LooQ,'tionSection C - Code Designation ot Mine. and

    lIine Operation.Section D - M l n e l ~ 1 n g ProcedureSection E _ Mine Hondling and Londing

    Port III - Flight EngineeringPart IV - RudarPart V _ GunneryPart VI - Air_Sen ReliQue Chort

    Misdgn l ip , f;727 lIo.rch 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr



    IJfi;uA.. III

    MISSION NO., , . . -DATE 27 Ma.... 45XXI BOIllCOM.


    - - - + - - ..JIMA I



    - - -- -- - - '- -"lNIAN


    \1' 313111.KEY

    f - ' \ f ' - - - - - - - - ~ r -35' i I I I " ~........- ....IIII




    'QRo - + ~ - - - - \ - " ' : : " ~ - - - - + - - - - - t - -


    " . -

    2 O T - . l . . - J : ~ 7 - - I ~ : : ' ~ " : ' : ; : 7 " ; . ~ ~ I - - - - ' ' ( \ - ' \ - i ' : ' - - ' o



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    .U l l UU:

    :f4RI....1 - RAYIQATIOli1. Routes seleoted were very l a t i 5 r ~ c t o r y .2. h shortage of largo L o r ~ maps oaused .ome diff ioulty but thesituation 1s being remedied.

    Cl. ~ t i Q n s Oyer TQrgett Vla1bll i ty Over the tlLrget f t8good. Yoonlight mado tho I .P. and land chock points visible. AlAWo.l mGlLg0[ to heavy so tho.t evasive o.otlon WD.I neoessary.

    b. I P and.4. P .l Tho I .P . c.nd. A. p. n re well solectedIUld could bo picked up ea.aily in tho ro.do.r SCope. They oould beseen visua.lly as well .

    C. Use of R n a ~ r ond EffiQlenqyr Two motho48 were Ule! InInylng the minos. Ons method wa.1I D. time run out from 0. 1a.d.B!" .UllI1ncPoint o.nd. tho other usad CI. forwo.rd altLnt ro.ngo to Ra.dl1l' Alm.1ng Poln1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    JU l l . U

    (4 ) S0 itb BQlPb GrOWl

    ondJI l a te and th otion.(a.) Ale'ti' The file_nth mine wo.. ro leuH 30 .eotwelftb mine wu lIl.hoed. becQ,uu or .ta.tiOD -.It'WIO-

    lOCll:ed Q. minute (b) Ale AU. Eloven 1Il1nea in relll' bollb blL)' _Fe re -la.to duo to a o . l t ~ t 1 o n or bOllb bny dool'.(0) ; ,tC 0521 Ro.clt ao.ltUDDtioD outed e l ena a iD" tobe . ~ v o . d 15 socond. oJ' ter tint II1no wn.1 reloll"4.(d) we 03* I Three minu in to rn rd bCllb bay _I ' l lla. lvoe4 due to mo.ltunotion.,

    ~ Ra491 Soope Pboto RO'ij1ttla.. Forgo Ablp (24..vO,) - Plotting da.to. were DOt a.vo.l1cthlo to r4 1l1rcratt. either beOD.ulo there were no 100PO photos or becaU*O the

    photo . obto.in9d wore no t plotto.ble. Ph" fl.lroroJ't hopped u briored(within i mile). o.nd 6 ",i thin i m11e. or tho re=o.ln4er. one dropped:within 2 mUos, one within 3. o.nd D. th ird within 1011I1108 of thO briel ' -04 pol1t1on" The remaining c.lrCraft returnod o!U'ly or d.1d not ge t o tfthe ground,

    b. Force Bgkp[ (SO Ale) - Plottll1& dntn wen aot o.voJ.lo.bbfo r 19 o.lrcroft . NIne o.lrorntt dropped o.s briofed or within i cdloso.nd 2 within 3 miles of briefed posi t ion, 'nu'ee o. irernt t we" m.1...ing, :l.nd the remaInder returned oo.rly or did not to.ke off .

    e . Porco Chorlie (31 ~ C - Plot t Ing do.to. were not o.vallo.bleon 19 o.ireret. inclgding o J . r e r ~ f t not comploting th o mission. Six o.ire rnf t dropped as briefed o r w ith in 1- mile, :utd thlll remo.lnder droppedwith wn error of 1 milill or lilisa.

    d. The resul t . of the ~ l Y B I . nre shown on the char ta . (SaoSQotion B, PllZ't I I , thiB !nMx.) In genero.l, errors 'It'ere not systemo.tio, bu t wore of 0. componlating nnturo. thus producing 0. good IlI.1ne_f iold po.ttern, For 0. detai led wno.lysis of tho minefields. seo AnnexD, Po.rt I I I .

    '. J. tll.bulo.tion or tho aOcuraoles obto.\ ned fa as fo11O'11'I I4ccl/,tllQy !umbor gf Runs Perogptagel milo 26 sa1 mile ,. ..2 IIliles 5 123 mile . , 0 m.i1e1 -L50 100\(PMf I I - SmTIQN ,;. - HIltING REUL'IS

    1. The follo'lt 'ifll; N1port is submitted In o.ccordo.uee wi th 1Jnl'Department !o t te r . ...0 476.1 (20 October 1943).


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    1.H.1!.J 1

    I!I.. Tho c h a r t . rollo.int; t h h u c t l o n sbow th e pod tlOD or Allminoa plll.Dtod in t h h operation. A legend on the.. c h u t . ladioaa>. t.method or plott ing . a a.. to differentiate bet.een pOlitions t6bll .be4by ndo.r aco p. pbotogro.phl, by tho IUlvtlo.tor, or by the a....-ptiOD tbAtth a cr plo.nted their min Q..I briefed t o r oJrcroJ't that d.1d DOt returnto bl l P o l i t i o n l eato.blhbod by rtull1J' pbotogo.pb;y IU"8 bell.Yed aoOIll'''o.te to I d l e . and those by tbe nc.vif,;c.tor b e ~ n .. aDd 1 I d l e f UleTa 1 .no 'ftI3I' or oltilD:l.t1n& the acouracy of tb e other P0I1t10EU.

    b. The OWllber or B.2; o.lrcrlltt Icbsdul.d t o r t b i a opero.tlODft. 105. or thea S t a i l e d to t::.ke o t f l 5 did not pl&Dt t h e i r .1ft.. Inprimary or cocdnry arenl; and 3 foJled to return to bn ,

    o. The ma.rkl D,nd IIOd1tlca.t1ona of 1111 miD.. planted 1Q thiaoperation are l i . t e d in Teble I (tor oode Seotion S) Gad are plotted on the chArta rollo.lag this etlon. total of 83' minoa of oJ!types wo.. planted in f i e l d . MIKE o.Dd LOVE, of whioh 288 were Mart astuld 549 were lbrk 26_1 or 36_1. Beoo.llU ot the nwaber of d1fterentlIlechnni8lll prepnrnt1otll. o.nd th o f n c t thtLt tho.e were dlltribl, lw4 betweea.26_1 0.N! 36_1 00.1100, no lIottOlllpt WClO III.1Ldo to opIIOlfy typo o ~ I n t t .1000 lb I h e . or the llllrk 25 minOl, o,pproxilllD.toly e were equippedwith ncouotic mechnnbm. J..-3 llod 1 wn withollt lhip COllnt. or delll.Y'l4o.rming. und 20% were equipped with IIlll.gnetic meohnnbma 11-11 with do_loyod o.rming evenly d h t r i b u t e d between 1 and 30 dayo o.nd . h i p COUDUevenly dil t r ibutod botweon 1 nnd 9. or the l1o.rk 26-1 or 36-1 min.. ,approximately 80% were equipped with ncoustic mochanlolll. 4-3 Mod 1 MMlwit hout s hi p Counto or ddnyod nrming. l1nd 20% were eqUipped with 1aD,(;-notic mechLn!sD. l!;I J.!od I , h a l t with 6-Ieeol'd. dead period :lDd ho.lt -. t tb10,S ..second dO:l.d period, .\bout 63% of the lJ9 1Iod 1 tlI5cho.niam with 10,5lecond interlook dead period were t i t t e d with 20 oha ohunt s ncros. thesonsi t rol operating coi l to coarsen the s e n s i t i v i t y . and hnd no d e l ~ darlll1ng blolt hnd ship COlolnts in the ro.tio of 67% on 1 nnd 3:s( on 2, Theremo.ining J.!lil 1&od 1 lllOchnn1sms had 68% s e t on I-Ship counta o.nd 32$ on~ s h 1 p counts (I-ship count i s the oquivo.lent of no pout I ) . With theapproval ot Commonder_in.thief. U.S. Fleet . no o t e r i l i z e r l were Il.ed onof the Dines. The l oc ati on s o f 0.11 jet t isoned mines are given inTo.ble I I , Section J,..

    d. All mines used in this opero.tion wore obto.ined froD Mine600cmbly Depot No. Four. Tinia.n.

    e. All minel dropped in t h i s opero.tion were f i t t e d with 6 f tpCU'nchutoo, Six po.ro.chuto. wel"$ oboervod by orew membero to f a U . nnd5 short . to.t ic cords were returned. This i , n nogligible perconto.goof tho toto.l mines droppod. Paro.chute in . to . l lat ion wo.o ns opacifiedin To.ctioo.l SOP 16-8 (Soo Section E). An undetermined number ot j e t..tillonod minoa wero oboerved to explode on lmpo.ct w ith the wnter when. t a t i c l i n e . were cut or po.ro.ohutes fa i led . One n1rcrnt t j e t t i s o n i n s11110.00 from 7000 toet with se ve red ototic l in eo r epor ted tho.t 7 of 12mnos Ik.rk 2 6 ~ 1 or 36-1 exploded on wo.ter 1lIlpo..ct.

    t . The bnsio to.otic. used in thio opero.tioft are givon in fo.c_t lco.l SOP 1 0 0 ~ 2 (Sect10n c) o.nd in parngrnph 2 (0) of bo.sic repor t . Ingenaro.l, an e f f o r t wn. 1Illlde to hnve os mo..ny o.1rcro..tt 0. . possible dropen forwnrd olant renge from n ro.dor 0.1J:l1ng point . In 001110 co.oe., however,i t wo.s necessary to drop on timod run or b o . e ~ r d olo.nt range trollt nro.d:lr n1.ming point . lrJ.I I P . o.nd ro.dOJ o.iming points o..ro .poo1fied in~ o 3 of Field Order 16. The general method of planning nnd brief ingwo.. 0.0 t o l l o w ' l

    . U ~ . l l l a

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    ~ . H J l ! I

    (1) Upon rocoipt of the mining directive r ioa the BomberCommand, 0. plunning mooting wo.a hold by 'tJw If:ing Plo.nning Seotion. Atth is mooting. o.n IP a.nd o.xllt of a.tta.ck luJttl,ble fo r lo.y1ng oo,oh alne ..fiold ~ r dcaided upon. making tho boat oompromise botweon o.voi4anoeor flak arona (lnd high mounta.inous torra.ln, seleotion of good radara.iming points, nnd selection of moat fa.vora.ble anglo betwoob the axelof tho l inos of mines nnd the normnl 'hipping routoa.

    (2) Attar deoiding tho foregoing, the minefieldl woro d . signod by the Mining Soction. tak ing in to a.ocount depths of waterhipping routes, a.nd grid denaitiea specified by the Bomber Commnnd. Mixedpla.ne lendings for ench a.lrcroJ't wore then apeci f1ed by the Mil:L!:l'IoI: Section in order to a.ssure proper distribution of mine typo. through thof101ds. (Only 1 size mine wns used in I nirorDfj to al.pIlfy loQ4.ing.) These minefiolds 'WOre b id out on lItMdnrd t n r ~ e t ohl1rY printedby the BaDber OOlllmo.nd.

    (3) Overltl.)'l1 ."ere then plotted on stcLndnrd W ll lt oho..rY.I for ea.eh str ing of minee, for use by the nll .r igator of enoh o.lrora.tt.(4) Tho Wing Rndo..r Nnvigntor then solected ro.do.r o.1m1ngpoints for each run, Slnnt ranges, d l s t ~ n c e of run. ltl.)'ing track. o.nddropping interval wero speoified on navig'.torls o.nd bombo.rdier's fllJUill.Md on Gnch chnrt. The cho,rtl were then d is tr ibut ed to the individl1nlnavigntors through tho Group Operationl Officor (s) General and Spooinl briefings were held 1n ea.ch of theGroups. At tho .pecinl briefing for the navigator. , rOodnt nnvlgntors

    were o.vailnble to nssist in explaining the indiv1dunl charta and to makec h ~ e s o.s necesso.ry.(6) Upon complotion of tho mission, no.vigators turned Intheir indiv1dunl cho.rts, on which were plotted the positions in which theminos hnd been dropped. Wing radar personnel then plotted the run de_termined from ra.do..r soope picture.:s. A compoeltG overlny of theae cho..rtlwas uled to determino the pos it ions of 0.11 mine. as plotted on tho np_pondod clw.rt.

    e;. Co.sualtio8 sustained in this opera.tion inolude 3 nircroftloet, :3 nircrt'.tt with mnjor :flllk do.mo.ge, 5 o.i re roft with minor f lakdamage, 2 men wounded and 32 missing. All co.luo.lties were sustained intho YJoWATA ereo..

    h. CritIQue of Minef1eldsl(1) Field ~ I K E (western n p p r o a ~ h to Shimonoseki)l Theappended oho.rt of the minefield shows the finnl lOCations of ~ l minesplanted. Jo s m ~ l l p e r c e n t ~ g e of tho mines fel l on l ~ n d or .hal low woterltheir locntions nre auch, howavar, that i t must be ~ s s u m e d tha.t all themino types used in this opera.t1on WGre compromised to the e n e ~ . Therninetiold density in the main cbnnnel is apprOXimately Q4 planned, butis centered slightly eouth of tho 1110.10 ahippil1i; lane, The o.ncbornge

    north of Wnknmatsu is offootively blocked, considering the large aho-!orens locabd there. The Wellke8t portion of the o.pproo.ch i . throurJ'&Mlzushima Suido, whioh is not known to be used 0.8 a ahipping lnne.(2 ) Field LOVE (Suo Nado.)lplanted o.re shewn in the nppsnded chart.was laid in tho main ahipping lane no rth

    Fino.l posi tiona of noll mineaA heavy ooncentrlltion of mineeof Hime Shimo.. lIu:t the f ields

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    Tota.l Yinu Plontad l IZ

    S.ary gC Mine. PlAnted




    D21-BP15Q21-BS 011 ..B9 012.B9. Dll",s9 -Dl2..89180 13 9 0 0

    Q21.B9 CII-B9 012-89 D11-89 D 1 2 ~ B 9 021_B971864 .10TOTAL

    ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"i'l t y r . , ~ ' 1 ' ' 1 b f 1 ~ ' l ' 1 1 i ' i l f l > f ' 1 c r ' 7 P r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~106 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 III 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

    llinc l !o.rk 36..1or lla.rk 26-1(1000# IlIhe)

    TOTAL 111Total JUnOI Poroe OHARLIS ..

    11 lLU I

    For oode delignll .t ion eee Sootion 0 of tb!1lI Annex.

    1 .HB i1

    TOTALToto.l MinGII lI'orce BAlm .m

    TOTAL .!!Toto.l Minel Foroe ABLE lm

    (SHIMOROSElI o.nd suo RiJ)J. arel18)

    F101d LOVEI Foree CHML;E (SUO Nil.Ph)

    l!lne Uo.rk 36_1or Mnrk 26_1(1000# aho)

    Tabl, I to SMUop A

    Mine Yurk 36-1 Q21-B9 01l-B9 012-B9 011-B9 D 1 2 ~ B 9 D21_B9 DU..Dpor Hark 26-1 182 1.. 9 9 5 6 2(1000# s h e )

    lI.re . l i ~ t l y wen.lc to ei ther dele of the Min cho.nnel. parUoulu ly Inthe doeper portion of Rime Shimo. Baldo, 'booa."' of cdrOl'll!'t ret&ll'nJ,qeo.tly CJ' n1roroJ't tha.t did not get o ft the groUDd.. Tho . t r i l lS or adDIIIapoc11'ied. in Amendment 5 to FhId Order 16 wo.l Io,lel WIll cone14er1nsthD short time lI.vlI.l11l.blo for briefingl II. raok failure in 1 lI.lrorolt,hOWQvor. ClI.uaod ll. 3-mile gll.te to be lef t in the field. Mine . t r ~ .65 Mel 70 o.re minea that wero plo.nted in the seoondnry llJ'oo. by ' o ro .Bi.KER. StriD Ho 70 18 pll.rtioulll.rly well situated. I t .boalel beato.tcd tbo.t ' '101d LOVE 0.1 10.14 in this opont1on ft, not Intell4e4 to roomplete blooklldo. but tM t high lI.ttrltlon to .h ipping shoUld re .u l tIf the enamy attempt. to ule eltll.bllsbod chnnnel

    Field Mike! Fore, BAKER (SHIMONOSE&I)

    Mine Mule 25(2000# l i : ;e)

    liine York 25(2000'# I h e )

    [ IU d MI!!;E, F0tc . ABiI (SHIMQNOSEXI)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    ~ J J l . U

    Tyle I I t;Q SnUg ASwpQlY or MiA" ,z , tU,oM4

    Iillll4I 14\1-41 "Met"""5 liS Q.21-BP- IS/03 H US/53 B1 liS llll..pp 15/03 JIl U.S/53 I: 26 or 36 Q21-B9 15/05 !f 14.5/56 I: 26 or 36 CU-B9 15/05 I 1&5/55 B:1 26 or 36 012-89 15/05 If US/55 B1 2e or 36 Q.2l-B9 15/OS If 1&6/001 26 or 36 'l21-B9 :51/59 R navu B1 26 or :sf) Q21-B9 80/50 H 135/29' B10 26 or 36 Q21-B9 24/51 N 1:58/38 g1 26 or 36 012-89 WSI K 1:58/38 Ii:1 26 or 36 D22-89 24/51 N 138/38 B10 26 or 36 Q21-B9 21/35 N 136/16 B1 26 or 36 Cll-Bg 21/35 N 136/16 E1 26 or 36 022-B9 21/35 H 136/16 B 26 or 36 Q21..B9 14/56/30 II 146/10/15 g, 26 or 36 Q,21-B9 15/01/15 H 14/VSl/lS E1 26 or 3 6 012-89 IS/aVIS H 146/.2/15 1 26 or 36 021_89 15/01/15 " 146/32/15 g1 26 or 36 01l-B9 15/01/15 N 1 4 6 / 3 ~ 1 5 B For code delll1gno.tl0n. lIee Seotion C ot th is J.nnex.

    TAAle II I to Section itSllWMry o f N i n o ; P l s n t e d in P r i m s r v SeQ,1

    Supplegent to Tgble II in Annex L of StAry,tlon I10t: l.1 Ill1nes lSohoduled Minos in ; ' ;0 fa i l ing to tnlce off 36MinoB j o t ~ i 8 o n e d (See T ~ b l e II to Section A) 56


    Mines p l ~ t c d in Field L (Runs 65 &70 ) ),tinos pla.nted outside Field M (Run l?8)Uines r l ! l ~ u r n e d (Field l.!1 Run 9)


    . 123Toto.l m iMS planted in primarytlU'tet e37


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr



    ~ . ~ ~ = = ; , , ~ , . . . ==;==---07AR G ET A-OUTER

    AECLASSIFlED- 7 r . ~ 9 .Sf:CRf:T

    , J, II ,

    -"\)...00 ' " / i ~ " ' ""'-.:...-;" """"', /

    " "< " " \

    """u 'H'""N.""OO..r . . . . . . 'O",en O."GG . ?GG 'COe< . ."H ....COTT[.I



    ' . J - - l - - - l - - - - - - - = - ~ t I 7 _ f Z ~,

    _ J "1000 L.a. "'11".5 2000 L a . M'I"l'e:S- ,",PPIIOIll. P O J f T I ~ VEl t l " ' .O"" te_ "tlOTOJ- t - -+ ..0 StOP!! f'toIOTot.. f"LIilVl""'1"Oll.' .,TIMIIl'TW 0 '


    ( ) M'NK:.$ .$. .L....Oll:t:>I t l D l W ' U I L J 1f t 0U I I I " . _0." ., ""'"""" AIIN " , " , 0 . < 1 . Kn '. TO lIeaP.: _os 1'. " ' .. " .. , ....~ - - - - __= = - = - ~ ~ = : : : : : ~ - L L - - - : . . . ~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr




    ~ , ? I ~ i Z L > ~ - j


    "',0\) " '0 'w "',

    ....u-,0 '

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr





    ....... ' n '. .1 1 . ' U l " , . d u l " O ~ " " 0.I '.0.90. "Al.0 .,. U , ..... ,



    T Alll tE r A -O UT EI II

    D E S IG N O M I N E F I E l . . O MII(,Ef . " ' M O ~ . E I l , I n_, 'T& "" l l IaA,F O ~ c . E : S "SLoE AND BA,I(El:l




    G---e I I : . 1000 1.8. MINES l!!IQ.III:FEO 1.0CA.TION'G-> 2000 I.e. MINE& l ! ! I ~ I ~ " ' ! : D 1.0C.-;T"ION---- r"lAV1Q ....' T O Q . ~ I I : .TIM ....T !! Oli'" 0Cl0I'OG----el ..... _ l ' l O ) l ; I ~ 1 I : l ..C)C.A,Tlon ....to Il>O-lOWN ev, "- ' " !lCCI'O!! PI- lOTC&., 1 Mln l !S ~ l . . V O . O' .-"

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    , ,- ... t I


    TM8ET L' WEST.CALI I "'''0,,_au""&L _L I l "O . 'LU 0&

    . . . . . . . .,000 -CAul 00. . Il. . ","OTTUI

    LEGEND, 1000 Le . "411"'1 &000L8 . ""',na.. . . . ."ox. IP'OSrTIO" ~ 1 I ' P l a o

    ..... IICON PWCnoa.no aeoN ~ T D a . .....,.QA'T... . awnMIC'r. _ ~ O ooo

    MI.... """"""'0 IIV ~ c:HAALItM . . . ~ & L D L.OVa: (1IIMOf'IOII:ICI SI1W'IS . . . . . .oao

    .. . CIU*Q 01' ..., " " "D A l Ia. . . . . . ~ In " " " "AQ, .Na

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr




  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    ,...... " lIIIro_Lt.o "'en ON- ......) ........ 00.0". I.I._ ~ _ , ..




    NAVIGATORS I!.l! loTIMATlt O c to P .A F "P R O X I M A T ~ l -OCATlOn ....a ~

    BV l:lAo.OAq SCOPE Pl-lO,O S .",",U"'UEG S A l-V O IE D .

    I - EQMO


    CESIGN OF MINEF IELD LOVE< I"'''.'''''''' o n o & &:10< 1 STQ. .... I T S ~ )

    o--e It.. 1000 l-e. M1Ml!;e eRlkFI lO l..oc:.a..T1ClN.G-E) , " - 2 0 0 0 l-I!!l. MINI!& I ! U l l l I ~ I ! O L.C)C..IIO,,"nOM.--,, I'--LJMEA;"" " '6 l " "O l C A T ! ! : OClOEq O il MU ... 'nc. ClUI"l.1-1.............. I .ln l l_ lM o e ., . .. BI!&T oiIWAlL. .. .8L .. . ' ' ' ' ~ o e::tMATIOM OM l -OCATIOM OF RAc .. . MIN . l : IUn.

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    , - ".... .. .."

    ' U ' ~ ' . " " ' "


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr



    ~ '"

    . , ~ '.'



    ~ . .



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    1.H. I ! l l


    1. To 81mpl1fy 0.11 requests for mine preplU'll.tion and tor l P e l .ing mines ofter assembly, the ule of the followlns oode 1_ . ~ . t e 4 .2. The Type 111M Ca..a will be lPoolr1od by oode wor48 u tollowa I

    IXPE CASElie-IS, l!od 61lk25Yc-.26. lII!od 1Uk-3lS. Mod. 1


    oO .2 Loot Ilow,. 5. lot 2 Look R:mdom Sf lot S Look Rover Sf lot 11-11 Normo.l a Look ROTorie

    3. Tho type m"ohnniam o.nd the propo.ro.tlon a.u:l 8Ottib! of tMcomponents will bo specifiod by c04'. 0.8 followFIRST SYl.1iOL .. IETTm ... MEC1L\RISK - PR!PAflATICI'coos LEITHa MWiWlIM WD PQugR mE LOCIS

    CDEFGHIJILpQ. A-3 ModI W1R ;" ..3 Jdad2 (4 lUorofo.red condenur in f i r ing

    Ohnnn61)S A-3 Uod2 (2 Jdlrootcred c o n d o ~ e r in t i r ingCho,nn&l)T : '-5..I A-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    J J J1 .U t

    ~ _ 3 6 . Uod 1 mine; ' -3 . Mod I , lOllMadillA (2) sendt in ty

    C04, I Bon


    :5 Hour d ' l ~ d ua1.10 . teri l i lut loaNo lh1p-eou.ntQll .. Ii

    I , I t I s d ir .o ted that the mtnolQYin prooodur. outllDDd. below b.plnced into orrect l.medlately,2-. lHnoloyin@j by cU rcr3.tt ot th e 313th W1nr; will !:'DlIro.lly beoarr1ed o ~ 1n weather unsuitable tor hl!:b-lovol proCislon bo.bias.Depending on tho part icu lar taot ioal situation, altitude. of attaok .O fn ry fro-. sovoro.l bundroll foot to so.OOO toot. Ecob nm .111 be aa4.

    by 1'0.4::.1', lUld ~ n o T t l . l l y by a1ns1e-pla_ rUgbt . . I t .,.1alblli ty IUIll thoaotb:ld ulad aro such tho.t th o bClllba.rdler call t;Ot nallOJ, check polll t l , .,will tako ovor tho mining run in tho I I ' " ao.mor a ~ b l b g r u t bl l t inmoat COIOI rndar t.chnSqu" wil l bo ",.od. throl l f jhol . l t .

    3. Il1nela.ylng 1'1'011 o.lrerCLft p ronnh the tundaMnta.l p r a b l . ofplnelng tho alno a t n d ~ l i g ~ t o d po si ti on in tho .uter i u.ling rndar &laing points or V i 6 U ~ 1 check points on ~ d j o . c e n t c o ~ t l inee C.a1alnad ori s l ~ n d s ) to locoto thot posi t ion. This requires that referonoe poin tmothod be used, since the ~ 1 m i n g point wil l not co in cid e w ith tbo torsot(whioh 18 tho dosigno.ted posi t ion in tho wo.ted. Tho one outllta.Ddlnr;difference botweon m l n e l ~ y i n g ond reforenco point bo.bing i . tha t tb8mines used a.re equipped with SlIIall pnrc.cb.ltos which retard tboir .peedof fo.ll o.nd also cause thl!llll to dr i f t downwind cU'ter roloase from thelli:rcruft. ; ' t high winds ~ n al t i tudes of 25.000 to 30,000 feet . a Ill1ne

    d r i f t downwind as much as 5 to 6 milos before hi t t ing th o water; a to.ltitudes of 5000 feCIt o.nd Dormal w1nds. the d r i f t w111 bo about t mile.Thorefore, in arriving a t tho dropping posi t ion it is necessary to cor_r eo t fo r tho wind dr1 t t of tho miM ~ well os the oourse ~ n rate ottho nircrc.r t , In other rospects, m i n o l ~ i n g i s similnr to roforoncepoint ro.dor bombing.4., Rogo.rdleas of the method usod tc o.rrlvo o.t the d.ropP1n& posit ion ~ o planting minea, i t i5 noces.ary to f i r s t compute th is posi t ion frOD! the ta rge t lOCation o.nd r ind d:lto. over th e ta rge t . Str ic t ly

    sponking. it is not possible to do th is unt i l o.ftor an accuro.te windrun has been IlIlLde in thJ:l viCinity of the tArget. In prtlctice. bewever,it wil l be 0. . t A n d l ~ prooedure to cOllputo the d r o p p i ~ poait1on frolll tMpredict-d w1nd. givon. o.t thl) l a s t weather briefinr; prior to tnko.off .This co.lculation wil l be Nviaed. i f n e e o B s ~ r y , a.f'tlor lU1 aOourate windrltn has been made durin g the o.pproo.oh to tho to.rgot.

    5. The method to be used by thO n . a v 1 ~ t o r in co.pu ti ll& tho dropping posi t ion of the f i r a t Ill-ine frog oo,ch o.1roro.ft 18 a.a followala. Prom tho predicted (or mOtl.sured) wind a t al t i tude. oomputetho bo.lll8tio wind tha.t will bo ~ c t i n g on the mino during i te tilD1t of'

    tal l . , This 15 dono by aacert4ining the o.pprorlllltl.to bo.ll1atio faotorin T(lblo I (lnd multiplying tbe wind a t o.ltitudo by th i s factor; UI lU l IQdirect1cm of b(ll l iat le wind to be tho .ame c.s that of wind o.t ~ l t i t u d e .

    3l3th. Bombo.rdment Wing TactiCal S.O,P. Number 100_2,


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    \ . In tbB ' ield. Order toJ' lo,yiD& the II1nea, the t a rp t ( . -intonded position of tho f irat . ina) will be 8poc1tie, 1a relatlom teQ. J'a.dnr cdmin,; pob t (RAP). t0l!:0tber with 1 of tho 2 thoda or lllyiacoutlined in pQJ'tl.trUpha ., a.ad. a. On Q. cbart ot ow. 1::3.bl0 000.10, plot theteu-sot 1000.tloll ll.nd tho no-wind courso or thD tLiraraft., Tho la t tar willbe determined trOll tho fIlOtbod q,eclf iod 0.& tollowal I t Method.am 1aglvun. tAo direct ion of tho no-w1n4 0011. . . . W'111 be fl'. tCU'C.t 1000.t10Dto J'a.dnr ~ m l n t ; point , whilo i f Ketbod lIS! 18 p'l'on, ~ 1 I I 41l'Oot100 .U lbe from J'll.dllr o.1mift& point to tarj!;ot. Thaa o.Ioorto.ln tho w1bd 4J'U't oftho IIl1no for tho bo.llh't1c wind dotormlnod in aub..po.rut:rc.pb a, abovo.In tho 00'. of tbo loo0.1b m 1 (MQrk 26 nad 36 801'10'). this wl11 beround 1n Table IV. while in tho co.,. or tho 2000-1b aiae (MArk 26 .orio,)tb h wil l be (ound. 1ft 10.\118 V. It a. mixed lo d or lI1ao. h 'bol111 droppedOn tho . . . , run. IolaO tho wind 4I'1It toWLd i l l Table IY. Plot tbe windd rU t Yoctor 'o f lay1DfO o ff the dhtcLnee tblui de ten1lu14 back iQto tbed11'Oot101l II'. Wbioh tho wind 18 b1ow1llr&. OIl. the f tCW a 1 abo1llLbelow. o.t th la point Yoctor. RT t&D4 1"1" b u . bOOb 41'-- .

    o. 110.. dotoraino tho ao-'rin4 hl.qo or u.o t i ra1; 111M to bedroppod f roa the b'ue a.1r Ipcod llnd. the a.lUbI.d... Tb11 'Will be to"1n To.blo II fo r lOOO.lb lI1ac. o.nd. 1D To.'oI. II I fo r zooo-n a la . . . "'d-uro o f f t h i l dlstenco wdth 0. Po.1r of O O ~ o . l ' O S . t&D4 dro.. 0. oi rc lo 00 1;bevector d.16gl'tUI with T' f a oODter ll.Dd ro.d1u.s oqu.1o.l to the 11041114 J'CUlI8of the Il1no.

    d. Computo the h o o . d l ~ of th o dforo . f t durin&: th l 1I1n1q; rimby GIl o.pprox1mo.tlon method 0.' fol lowl . Dro... vector RT'. 'fIblcb o.pproxtaa.te. the cOllTse of tho o.lrcro.l't durins tho m i n i ~ run. Set thl . 00\1,1'10on lU l E6B cOlllplolter. o.nd deteralno tho a r l i t lUlglo ot the o.1rcratt tortb!J wind o. t o.ltltu.de. Add or 'lolbtro.ct th l . CUl&lo f roa the eololr.. (eMp e n d ~ on whether the d r I f t 1a l e f t or r i s h t r e speo t i " l y ) in order todetermine tho heo.dinS du.ring tho a 1 n 1 ~ I'UD.

    Determino the droppin pos i t ion or roloo.so point ot thef i r s t minlt (p) by dro... 0. Uno frolll T' to tho circloatorenoe of tMr c i r c le o.long 0. boariflE; 1800 frOIll tho hoo.d1ng of the u r c r n t t lddetermined 1D sub-pllrcr;l'lI.pb d.. The effoct iYe tro.jectory of the II1ne 1 .nOlf si

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    1l l . l l l l l1

    6. Two hu l a methods wil l bo ""80d for 1ll11101ay11l1. the obo10. ""'IIIdepondont upon tho par t icu lar tac t ioal d tu ..tiotl. 1119'01'104. l I o t bo4 .will be specifiod when i t Is oonvoniont to fly towurda tho radar .r.sacpoin t ( l iP) but not over i t . and will bo plLTtlcularly suited to low &1-t1tudo e .t ta ck , wbi le Method.m wil l bo spoclt'1od when it 18 convon.1ontto f ly over r. to.dlU' 111mlng point , lUllS ,,111 be pnr tl ou la r ly su it ed to &0.Ourc.to mlnel1Lying c10so to lhore. Tho two mothods are explalnod !D. 4etaU below,

    7 . liotb::!d ONE (Ig,rgdt B ' t rUR PlaM apd W) II . . Prom the predicted wind. da.ta, the nc.rtgator .11 1 plot ..vootor diagrMl lUI aho"n OIl Po.r 35, following tho mothod lD par"p '..pb5. Ho wIll 501.10 off tho horltontal r a RP, In ~ u t l 0 . 1 a i l . . . Bowill then convert thla borl1ontnl tango to slBnt tantO for tho &1'"tu4oto be tlO1l'tl., and givo th is alant raDlia to tM n.du opon.tor. 'lb. laterwill sa t up 1l ba:.b ro leue circle fe r t h h alOAt r a a r on the PPl .oopo

    whon on the lI.1n1ng rW),.b . lla .Xo a.n accurate wind run 1It:lon approe.chl_ tho t a r p t d'Da.I t ' thlt IItOlUured wind 11 81!;nificantly di f feren t frOlll the pr041otod wi

    tho nnvigo.tor will ro .plot tho vector dia.gro.m on tho ba . l ' ot the D "wind dC.tll, a.nd wil l furnish the new alo,nt ra.t'll;$ to th& r aW opor..tor .

    c. The IP w11l be tc.k:on about 30 miles from tho r.adar a.1a1qpoir. t . lllot'll; course RP c.s fino.lly deterc1ned on the b u h ot the riacld:l.to. being used.

    do Tho turn wil l be Ill:!.de on oour.e nt tho! IF in tho '8lA0! I lnb-nor a.8 in c. bombing Tun. Tho f i r s t mine w11l be ro lo llsod by thet bOlllbardior on 0. Wark: from tho radar oporo.tor whon the bomb rolce..e oircleinterseots tho ro.dc.r o.1J:Ung point . Truo e.1r speed c.nd course mWlt boae.int.'l.lnod througmut tho cining run.

    o. The bombardior wil l proset tho nnglo botwoon tho vortico.lr tho rc.dar aiming point a t tho roloaso posi t ion on h i. bombsight. GAddrop visual ly it bo Can sao tho ra.dnr 0.1I:Iin& poInt. This _111 roquirotho.t tho bOl:lbo.rdier Ca:lputo thta o.nglo from tho al t i tude o.n.d borhont.:llro.ngo oo.lculo.tod by tho navige.tor.

    f . Succeeding mines will usunlly bo droppod on tho s ooureo a t prodotermino.d time inteTvllIs, whioh will be moa.urod eD ..stop-wn.tCh by tho bombo.rdier.

    g. The I U l . v ~ e . t o r ", i l l take a. piotllre ot tho rado.r .cope a t tbDdroppin!; podt ion , . . ,hile the ro le uo c irc le is s t I l l on t , . eoope. andwil l noto the r:l.nge and timo a t whioh the photo Wl:.11 teken.

    h., One of the gunnoTI (deG1l!'ino.ted by pi lot ) " ' i l l obnl'vo tho:dnos dropped to o.scorto.in i f tho mine parnohutos open properly,8. IWthpd NO (RAP Beman :P-loo0 And foI;gctl .

    a. I f th e d t1 tude of attack: 11 groater than 5000 fOilt, theprocoduro outlinod t h r o ~ g h pa.ragraphs 8, b to 1 vnll be followed. Foro.ltitud41 of 5000 feo t or 10s8, al ter th is method 0.1 given in par&l!'iraphS. j.

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    b . Frolll the predicted wind data, tbe naVl&"tor will plot tb8yoctor dla.,!;rQJ:ls as shown Oft Pq;e 35, rollo.in,; the _thod 1n par..Craph5. Ho wl11 sCnlo off the horlzonta.l ranso. RP, 1n nautioal .11e. , HIwil l then determino the srollnd .peed tho.t the o.1I'oraf't wil l be a a k l q la.th o predictod wlnd Crom o.n E6S oOlllPuter, and ca. loul at e the t1 at run emdea.d rockoning to COTor eU,tanGo RP. Thi. 00.101116t10ft .111 be ohoalce4 byt bombardi&:'.

    c, l!nke an eCOllu.to . ind run when approaohirl& tb s tarset are ...lUI in ptLr!l&ro.ph 7, b. I t II :ro-plot 11 neGe .. ll.ry, the navJsator .U I 1'0co.lculnte the horhonta l rMga Il.nd groUD4 .poOl! for tbll new wind uta,Ql'l.d th:l timo of run to covor RP. This 00.10ula.t101'1 wil l a.pla be checkedby tho boabardler.

    d. If tho c.l t1 tw:l.o l l. tto.ok 18 lI.bOYo 5000 t t , tbe rll4l1lJ' opor-ntor .Ul bo suppliod boforo tho fU&h't with l1o.nt l 'anse. to r . ,nobronbing with tho bOlDbnrdlcr on the lUP, 0.. In 0. bollIblDfj TWl. '1'he purP080of synchroni zing i s to lupply the bombardier with a. proc1doll point tr_whieh to s t4 r t a. timed 1'\111 011 400.4 rockon1ns. I t the o.lUtudil ot attackIe 5000 f t or bel . - . tho rllcbr oporlltor wUl ba ,i .'nQ. 1 alao \ r lUIp 't oaot up a. bomb relo(LlJo clrclo to r l to . r tbg tho t t..cl u 4 DO qaobr"oDIta.t1on will bo ul04,

    0, Tho IP wil l be tBkon a.e 1n pa.ra.graph T, c a.n4 the turn wil l boma,do on oou rso 0.1 in 0. bcflblnE; run. Prom th i l point Oil. tho altliDf; r\UI.wil l bo mo.do in tho IQ.lI10 mo.nnor o.e 0. bolllbing run w ith nc.vlgat.oJ' aD4 p i lo tkUl ing drl . t t . o.nd ro.do.r operAtor o.nd '::la:lbkrdlo:r kUl ing courl l , n .only differonce wIl l be tho bombardier', procodure, a ' deeoribod In par Cl.gro.ph e . f 'below.

    f . The bombardier lIl'1ll lIet a disc speod into the bolibaiE;bt forthe 500-1b bocb for the al t i tude flown. mon tho navh;l .tor g ivos h i . thoground .8p&Od. ho lIl'111 ucorte.1n tho t&ngent or tho dropping atl&lo forthat ground speod !Uld :\1 t t tude in banbing ta ble s fo r the 500-lb bcab,Ho wil l pro .se t hie 1'0.1:& index on the t angont val ue thul dotermined. ~ t tho ro.to motor off he will then oDg15.ge tho tblescope clutch, wi th thOtoloscopo Indox oppodto thO f i r s t synchronir.1ng anglo, At thG CCElaM' lbrk" frolll the rod.a.r opero.tor, the bcabo.rdier lIl'111 turn on thO rota IllDtor.A.t the - n o 'cbock- untlo tho I'Ildo.r o p ~ r a . t o r wil l ";0.111 GnU "0iR the oowc.nglo And 'Uuk ' whon In tha t pOel t ion. The botroblll.rdlor will r o . u t tboteloscope index to agree with the lIighting 1.11&10 wIll make an ad ju l t .ment 'It'1th tho rat05 knob, turning it in the lame direct ion 0.1 t., dis_plo..comont knob 11 turned. ' lhl l o.djustaent wi l l be repe.ted al lacha n ~ e , llnd the ro.te wil l t tue be ki l lod OD the R.;P tho s. . . . in bQabing.The bombnrd1er wil l not have the mino ,..100.50 'When b1a indica1 meet, ho'W-OV

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    i J ~ . B . l i l

    1. ;. gunnor .U l oburve parachute functionlD1; a.a 1a parasrllPb

    j . It the al t i tudo of at tack 18 5000 fee t or losll. the . . tbOdoutl inod in band c abovo should be modified to allow fo r thll fo.ct thll.tthe timed run will ber;ln (ratb8r tJUIl1 oTer) the RAP. u . tn ted inpa.rtLgrllph 8, d. In such cllIIoe. tM lenr;th of run OD. dud reokonlag wi l lbo the dlat4nco RP add.d to t he borhont :J1 r:u\e for the s lan t r marker so t in by the rQ.do.r opore,tor.

    9. The above prooedure util l l0S the I ~ division of responsibilityt \ l I l O ~ the crew tuII the banhlng prac8dure.


    1. In ordln to ha.ve IUnoa opero:te properly, it 15 ~ I o l u t : e l y ftOO_ossary thc.t tho procoduro outl1nod bolow and on the CMck-ott l i a t . befollowed 1,n h ~ d l 1 n g l propQJ'lng. o.nd Inlto.l l lng minoa in u r O r ~ t .2. Tho Mino L o Q . d l ~ Ple.ns (Po.gmO.4))" w111 be prepared by the nag

    O r d n ~ c e Officor and wl11 Q c c o m p ~ tho Field Order ~ Group Operations.There wil l bo n lIopt.rnto Mine Londing Plan for enoh I1rpla.ne Cocama.nder.

    e.. GroUP OporQt19na Will i(1) Plc.ce t nUl:lber of the a.1rp1c.ne tha t the .;.1rplaM

    CClO:IMder _i l l be l I .uiped on both rsheeta of th o llino Loll.ding Plan.(2) Dia tr ibuto Shee t 1 of the LoQ.C11n.g P1nn to the G!'oup

    Ordnc.nce orficer o.nd Sheet 2 to tl: Group ~ n cr r icer bDodhWlyoitor the phne lluigNllOnt i s ~ o . d e .b. The Group Ordna.nce Officer w111 d1str ibute Sheot 1 of tho

    !lino Loc.ding Phn to the Ordnance Officorll who aro to load the par t ic-ular c.ircrc1't concorned.c. The Ordonnc, Officer (qnd Ri' SOCt1on) Will.

    (1) Draw All the mines epecified on the Yine Londing Plnnll1n his poeseooion and tho n o o o 8 a ~ parachutea, r010ll.ao ~ c h a n i l l m a l lI.Ddeoluble wo.ahers Ilnd. del1vlU' them to the delligno:tlId t.1rcro1't.(2) Give ShoO'\; 1 of tho Uino Loading P1o.n to the Chief.i.rlllorer for completion.(3) Place tho !:lines on bol:l.b cra41ea o.nd ins ta l l tho p u -ll.chutoll and aoluble! wallhers on the mines.( t) AttCl.Ch the lIte.t1c cord. to the plQJlll o.fter the lI1rleaare loa.ded.( s) Complete Uta ordne .nce check-oft l i s t e.nd re 'ura to the

    Gl\& Ordnc.nce OfUoer.d. Tho Group MIIlQ..ltent OfUc;er _i l l distr ibute Sheet 2 of t t -

    Uino Loe.dlll,!; Plnn to tho C1h1ef Annorera o.uigned to tho ai rcraf t OODo'cernodo, 3l3th BOIlIbc.rdlllont :4'ing Te.cticnl S.O.P. I'lo l 5 ~ .

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    VEtTOR O I A G R j J , ~ FCR ~ ' l m ! . A Y I N i CowyrAtI916



    I ' - . J?_ , / f f rf 1',- NI" " )r ' ~ - - - - - - - - - : : - : ~

    \ ' T/"- .....\,\\,,,


    s:J.lPLE Cov.roI'ATION:;Target (T): 5 n.m. beBring 180 fran RTemperoture: - 4 0 ~ .C.I. :" .S. : 179 I:lpb (155 k b )Mine: Mark 26_1 (1000 lb size)Uind Drift of Mine (TT'): 2.60 n.m.

    Altitude:25.000 teetTrue Air Speed: 265 cpb. (230kta)Ei.!!!: 150 kts f 'ral l 21Oor.B!l.llietic :;'ind: 0.,54 % 150 or81 ktaN04'iind RaMe of Mine: 0.62 n.m.

    Approximate Laying Course 'BT'):Dri f t Angle:Aircrof t Heading:Hori 'Zon ta l RaMe (RP):tariM Course (PR) or (RP):Layinp; Heeding:Dropri!lll Slo!lt Ran.a:e:Tangent o f I-rL_sct AMle:Bonber11er's Pre-sct ~ Crourd Speed:Run-out Time:

    MEl'HOD ONF1680 T.40 0 Left208 T.5 . 3 ~ n" , .172 T.212 T.6.75 n.m.1.3552.50

    MEmjOD 'Wo348 T .40 Right3080 T.4.40 n.m.3520 T.3120 '1'.

    156 kto.102 sce.

    - 35 .H E Jl.I

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    Ui . I a . l l

    .trapipo the reloc.n ott tM min.. Ia ordllr to r tbe reI . . . . . to on th l mine d ~ r l n g deacent nnd to Com' orf on ~ t e r impact. I t 1. abao-lutoly neC. lnry 10Mt tho bo.nda be 'tightoned to th o correot 1:.ft.lon. n.reloo.o meohAnism can bo orlonta4 in conveniont po.ition on tho C'"nJ long tbe paddist QrO placod directly avor the lUI' weldod on them l Caso.

    1. Tho parnchuto is oontored on tho min. co.'. by . o ~ . of Q . . a l lpin on tho conter of tho ta l l pInto and hold on to the ralon.a by ..anaof sovorol 'hc,cklos. On lome mine! Q .mall ..11 l' lOCated in tbe oenterof th15 taU pInto. On t ~ 8 G minoa n clrcullU" ph te _blob nt. into 1ohi.won must be .crewed into 10M p:lJ'Qcbute boforo ineta.lllltion. n.. para-ohuto 18 oponld on d roppin r; by 0. s hUe Hno att:l.cbod to a. r igid _l ib ...oi' 10M plo.M. I t 11 neceuc.ry 1oho.t thai PUl\Chllto b . orll11l:te4 cn tMmint nl shown on ,ketch I , 00 1oho.t th h sb t l o cord w01 o ae ou.t or ""-top of tho poclc&t of the paro.chu.to. For correot opero.tlC1n the paro.otutemust b. o.bso1uto1y dry.

    e. kf ter the lIlines o.re insto.llod in tho p1o.ne by the o.J'IIClII8Dt O ~ i t 1_ neoeaGtlry to r "tbo crdnnnoo orowl to n t t ~ c b tho pnrll,chl,lte s tat l0cordi to the plo.no. I" t h noceaao.ry to tollow the IIOtho!! shown 1ft Ueteb2 ln o.t"taching stet1c 11noa to prevent prelllo.tllro open1q or tnllu.re. ortho po.ro.chutes. Uost of tho po.reobu"te ,t.:ltlc oords bo.vo 0. . . . .11 olup ontho ond. Theae Ciln be ft.,toned to r.ny oorroctly located aellber. OIl pu_~ o h u t o I ~ t l c corda without cla.spl. i t 11 neceslary to t l e th e end ortho cord to a. QOClber a t leas t t inch in ditu:teter or to Il. clo.lIp ot o.ftOthersto.tlc l ine. Tho length of tbs l1rlO Ihol,lld nnor be ahortoned and thoond must be o.ttncbed to 0. amooth surface t roo of sharp edge.. ~ l n e .should never be 100.dod i t the soluble washers or parachutes nrc dnmp.

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    . .." . - ~ . ...-...f.. .. .. .. :. ~ :':;;.S+:;-n,\?:..::. - ..

    I,,'-.,,,,-- .....rl-i$ "" ' f i t 'I 1 f U ~ M ( i ftk i lN 90" \

    ~ Y I ~ ' " S'f;tt.neIIA/IiF MUS"' I t :Ct. C A OF pTN,,If(

    f'"rAT/C tJA/S' SO71IAr R ~ E A ~ a.rONH MINE' U / / ~ ~NOT PP'l!'"N OTNEI/P


    Au ~ A C ~ /...v5 r / . t IN .rA,A. I UJII' 5"0n t A r J . IV,W / ~ J . , vorPOUt . O IVo rN 'R . t INES"O,e C/VP ~ A . v ~

    S - k ~ ~ < ! k 2-CCRRECT PCSITION!f(; 07 STATIC Lnm;

    - 39 -

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    . l J lU l J I

    fW I I I _ rUGHi' DlQm;RIIIQ

    1. This million wnl flown by Indivlducl ~ l r c r a t t . The xi.uaround_trip ground d l . t ~ n c & on this miS810n was 8578 n 4 u t l c ~ l milol, l o ~ r~ ~ nny ml'llon previoully flown by this Wing. ThO orul out wn. ~ 5000 foet , Tho 1Il1nl1l o.ltltuda ft. 5000 feo t ; tha return. ft. 1lO001lP118b.ad at difforent altitudes betwoen 10,000 and 20,000 toot. This al 10n~ simileI' to othor low-altitude a l 10nl previou8ly f l

    2, Tho crui l . to tho target ot 5000 foet WQI Qcooapli8bed .t up_proxilllo.tely 198 mph CAS by most o.lTorllft. Tho olrcro.ft were in o.lltorich dur ing the climb nnd were able to m Q l n t ~ l n outo 1001'1. power t -t ings during thll ent i re cruise boron &Oll'1g on the mln1ft1; nail"

    3. Tho I l I . l n ' ~ dt i tude .. U . .dO a.8 tho c n d d q lLltltw1i11conloqucntly thore wo.l no olimb noe cry.4, Powers \/ond on tho mine_run proved Intoreetins,. Tho aa . z1_for the mine-run wus se t at 230 mph to be UDder by 10 .1 le . r-oot'dllOndod mnxl= !:lining speed of 240 mph. Tho 9th B'80bar61OQt Groupsot mn.xilllUID nuto lelU1 power at 5000 feet (2150 HPJ.! a.nd S3') a.II4 so t 215mph C/.S on tho run. Other Groups eot D.pproxilllQ.toly 2300 rpm a.ncI s t 'during th e mine-run period of a.bout 10 to 16 minutes a.nd 0a.1ibra.tedoloso to 230 mph. Tho oxtra. power wos mOltly o.s a. procaution 1n OQAOnn engine should be lost.5. after eorn?leting tho mining run, the a.ircraft clilllbed to al_titu do to return. Powor was held on o.nd tho high spood of tho ~ o m b i a g

    run mado i t possible to climb rapidly. The return wa.s accomplished nta.ltitudos botwoon 10,000 nnd 20,000 foot; tho ~ i r o r a . f t returntn& ~ 0.1t i tudcs "Bbo.o 15,000 foet genera.lly made tho oost oocnOQioo.l r e t ~ a.ndreturnod looner.d, SU!ll/jIQ,ry : Groups

    Fli ih t Dn.tn 2>ll W1.. =:vcr::tge BOll.b " ' .d 12,100 12,000 ] 2, 1:50 12.640Avcr:.go Puel to Ta.rget 3,413 3.220 3 . ~ 2 3.390Avernge Puel Used Toto.l 5,872 5,561 5.810 5.745Avoro.gs Fusl Rema.ining 90a 1.129 975 966lUa.im\ll:l Puol Remll.lning 659 656 63. .'"verage Gross Weight 13:5, 171 133..3.57 133,357 131,915(Init lnl)Avorngo Toto.l '1'1lM 14: 29 14133 15:01 14159=, Those figures do no t include aircrU't Innding nt Iwo JimD..

    b. Tho use of briefed metro wind. on return from mission i .of oxtrGme importanco; briefing of crows on matro wind. l ~ e d i D . t e l ybofore the mission haa helped greatly,c. Cruise control wo.s satisfactory on this mission

    . l .U lU l

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    pat IV JUPj.R

    1. or 102 nlrcro!t on takG-

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    I I I I" !

    Pat ' , l IP_

    1. o..-u - . .0 0.1.. \401 GPPod_tob 1 . . , . . . . . , l dl ... . . , . . 0l'I tJe :t.1u-" ..,.1:11 .1 1 OIIt t.o . , . OD retl lnl,. '- '.tzlllltodo to lIOtlry tho p l l o ~ of . . . . .11IIII.I 1rIoppft1Ap. !Id. _ CIU'I'letOll t lllld i t ald.odo 0 ' " , l l" 401 10 t.bo . . . . . . .IIt1 ~ U " " " _ ...1I1.. l.0D..

    . . Of tho CllrOl'ott o_ r o torrlt.ory. 0111,. S ~ U .,o"lI1paotl" _ . . . r8J'OI'tod.

    .-11 .Bl i l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    APRIL 1 9 4 ~,"'. PART vr AIR SEA RESCUE CHARTI ] ~ "


    'CHICHI J1M,\



    - - - - + - -I W JlM,\ I




    , 0


    ,' , ," ' / I __ .

    ,., f


    KEY.- SUBMARINE0- SURFACE VESSELA - NAVY OUMBO- SUPER OUNBO, . _ ! " ! i ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ _ , "".----f--..lNl4N


    ,-tfoti'M. IIITR,l.CII CH4RT XXI SONSER C O M M M ~ D SECRET REPRODUCEO 3 ....l i ' ' [U

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    Part I .. Woather SummaryPll1't I I Char t ForOollllt Weather va Db.ernd Weatlwl'

    Part III Prognost1c YapP ~ r t IV .. Synoptic Map

    . I JR I J I


    M1al!lon Ro 4.727 l!nroh 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    1 lUl l J 1

    SQRf is Tlllot ~ 9 Q I 6/10 low aloud,b ~ 2000 ftj 6 ~ middle cloud. b ~ 15,000 f t , top le,OOO f t .

    T o r ~ 9 t l 5/10 low oloud. bAIO 1800 f t ,top 6000 f t ; 3/10 middlo oloud, elt16,000 ftj visibil i ty 12 mi droppingto 1 lll1 in .oo.ttered shower a,RouteReturningl So.me 0.8 ROllto Outgoins.80.10 on 4/10 low cloud. bo.ao 1500 f t ,Roturnl tops 6000 t t l 3/10 middlealoud, bn80 15,000 ft; visibi l i ty 15mi loworing to 3 m1 In Icnttorod8howo1'8,

    :SOOH to 3S,SOW I ' / 10 . -au , b u .unknown, top &000 r t , oloulac o.t33.511 ' /10 ~ t o . t r C l t u . bAa' 1114,000 riot top 15-15.000 t t beos-Ing oleOoJ' ll.t S3.SOJ; 8/10 011'10-. t I 'c.t l l ' . 'bo.le 2'ft OOO ttl r l . lb l l t tyIS 1ll11u.3/10 atro.toowau.lue. bo... 1500 t t ,top 5000 t t l 10/10 olrro.t:I'e:tu..,ban 2",000 hi ' r idbl11tJ' 10 111.

    Sumo R o I I ~ Outeo:lD&-silO o....ull1 lin.. 1500 f t , 1/10tUtoauo:tWl, '" ' 15,000 t t l fl10oirro.tro.tlltI, b u . 10,000 t t l ' r ial .bil i ty 18 ad; sCattered 1 1 showers in tho YlalDlty.

    'Jiodi!! Alof t . Forocg.!1jBnso to 25'N 2 5 to 340W TCLrgot

    20,000 270/30 -1 ' 270/55 _17 270/70 -2215,000 240/20 .03 255/45 09 270/55 -1310,000 140/15 05 250/33 .01 250/45 -,000 125/17 09 235/26 O. 260/35 _0'5,000 070/23 17 210/23 '" 260/25 012,000 073/27 23 175/19 14 360/20 0'Burro.co 073/19 27 100/12 ,. 04.0/15 OS\'finds Aloft Obn rud

    Bo.so to 200M Tnrgot5,000 250/20 -03Surfo.ce 075/23

    RElljJlKS I M o d o r ~ t e rime icing and turbulence were encountered botween30'1l and 32oN.


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    ,. ,.., uo . ,o :;,

    ~ ~ i ~ 1 1. v)~ . E~ ~ bt. ' i

    w0 8 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0

    ..;;5ut i l!

    ! ' - ~

    z:o.....lfJ. v S.

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    d '

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr



    CIMUttCATICIBPart I .. Ra4ar OOUll"" .......

    Pert II .. Ra410

    Mission No, 4727 March 1945

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    U&I !J%

    PART I RADAR CWNl'!R HfJStBlI1. PurW'1 To oonUnue e. pD8f'Ill ....011 po,- t6 """1DI'DeIll7 CClllllWliOl!lt1ClDl1 aDd re.iSar .1&IBla.'. Methodl outlined 88 follow' 1

    e. 28.143 IIlC 1 _ " 1 AJIlo2It . 38...90 me , . . . .04e. 74 ...)20 IIlC .....,. 1000..3001 me . . . .5 3 APA.6 were uaed in connection with the re4u' r M . l ~ .

    3. RtfyURI80/1500199/330ON.I)200.-H76/1500/99/3300N-l)200.-H75/15ool99/3300Nl)200E.H92/9OO/I/330ON.I)2002-HlOO/lOOO/30/3400N-13130E.H140/750/O/333ON.13130[H150/4oo/6/3400N-13130E.H1551750/12/34oON-13130[HIbO/50Q/12/3400N-13130E-H1471750/6/3400N-13100E-H96/1500/12/3330N-13030E-H7712500/8/333ON-13030oH791750/ 62/33ooN-13130E.H152/1200/313230N-13130E-H..... .



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    ~ l ~ B l t

    8. Eg\.l111D!!pt MeltUD9t191l1: AI!'l:11. 7 t r e i l q . 1 n ut- . UWIGtlo. . . .:Yll!:Z - ) .... aDt.._ .......- 1 Ileedl. hUIlUDC. 1 lnop. -aUn ball ' . . , . .....- 1 weak.- 1 tuse CIIlt 2 out.

    9. Tip1an HsI!!r wee reported 11;.5 s-S aDl'Ma to alii! t r - . tar"'.l I lItation '011 llZtremelJ sood fraB 1.0 11_ south but 11,.narth of 1.0 J1mB..


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    Part I - . .. , . All' Oppollt1oaPart II - In. . , ADt1a1roratt

    tu tgn No. &727 March 1966


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    PART I !N!MX AIR QPPQ9wm1. Typea or F/A attD.ok1M. 15lClltioa and altitUde'

    5 uII2 U/I2 TIE U/I2 T/E U/I1 S/E U/I1 TorlY"'Claimed

    Target 8 1 ' .luat beyObl tarset.:J\t8t be1OD4 t a r p tTarget areaTarget areeTarget areaaa deatroyed.

    5000'5500'5000'5000'5000'5000'2. Tn&! or Fl. aisbted bu.t not atus-k i M :

    8 0/1 Tarset a r .3J S/E U/I 'IVget ar.14 TIE 0/1 Tarse' arM.1 TIE UII Target arM(with sIL in nose)1 Irving ' l ' a r p t area1 TIE WI '1Vget aree.1 TIE 'UII Tokunemi1 TIE transport 5 mi. N of H1JIlIl 1_1 U/I 10 mi. S ot XtdamateuNaval Balle

    5000'5000'5000'5000';,,00'~ 1 l O '9000'~

    3. ' I 'm and accuracy of enemy u r e and t y p e lI'oj,o$11"1 J: , taebwere inaccurate am. Ul'l6gressive except for 1 aircraft _hiob was attaeke4by enemy a i r c r a f t f i r i n g rocket!! f r m 200 yards . other a i r c r a f t attaold.1Wused I!I!l.chine gun f i r e with one possibly mounting 200Glft canncm..

    4. Ene!'9Y aircraft I l I I . r k i ~ : At leest 18 or tbe obl!lerved en8lll7a i r c r a f t had their running l ights on. FollI' ",ere reported aa havina 1white l ight on the 'll'1ng; 1 had an amber l ight on th e r1 sh t wing UPI1 had a red port l ight and an amber starboard l ight ; am oth8l"11 werereported merely as having 1 or more runnit;tg or navigation l i g h t s . ODet\'lin-engine u/r had a strong s / t mounted i n nose.

    5 . Enemy Tactics: One B.29 observed; (by meana of the radar lICope)5 F/A t'ollooing him. One. identified as Tony, f i n a l l y atteclo$d trail.6 o lc lock l evel u i t h breekal;lay a t 7 o'cloo,k in diving l e f t turn. ThisA/e fired only 1 gun, accura te as t o a l t i ~ u d e but t o tbe l e f t or tbeB-29. Tracers were used. There were reports of coc:rdination betoeensearchlights and enemy a i r c r a f t over Ya\18t.a. B-2l,ile were illtlliDatedby S / t . which \1ere then turned ott to allQ'l'l fightlll's t o attec:k. Oneour Ale '1'1815 attacked by an U/I ~ h i c h discharged 2 rockllh trOll 200yards a t 2 O'clock bigh. There was no d6lC8ge. Of tbe 13 attaclcll, 5uere level and 8 flere from above . No one clock position IRIS fovCll"e4.

    6. Enemy farmatione: None 'R'ere o b s ~ v e d .7. Our t a c t i c ! and fireJ)C!!78r Yp. enqnw aircraO: T a c t i " Gon.sisted of returning f i r e 88 soon as F./A OJ;)6ned . f ire. Mild evasiveaction uae also uaed.8 .Results 9/ h i t s on EtAI One Tory 17aS oboerved t o b u n t 1ntoflames am plWl88 s t r a i g h t doolll'l'ard into STotmd.17here i t continuedt o burn.9. Claims by Ale and gun position: To il gunner, 1 Tony d . s t r ~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    ~ J I l J I

    1. The 'Po.ther OTfIr tbe ,uge t ' . a . soas. YiBibill 'y 10-15 aU_and, overhead e. brlsbt . rull lIlOOD. The tun Grwp aiae4 tbe .a'...illDedletelY'Cl'ell1' of the mouth of tbe S t r a i h ClD bea4inc of app r_ l ._ t e l y 3000. er05sinc throush the be, and turnlDa l e f t U'0UDllOD. tbe Onp River, The seeoal aDll th1r4 OrOUJlS turDe4 0'nII ' t h e ~ ern Honshu i sland nartheest of ttml t a r p t aDd ran ld o tbe S)'em_eJd.Bay on a heeding ot 2400, crOlisina O'Y" atld. v0UD4 ...tl l 'D ,.... t i lthe city of Ye:r.ata and turnins l e f t OD dape.rture. 'th e tGlll"th Groupmined tbe Inland Sea remote trem Sb1moDoeeJd. St ra l t . treaJdDs _. , .to rigbt(aouth)on leaving the mining aree.

    2. The t1l"st Group into tbe t U ' p t -' u4 1IaoClft,t. A/It i re trClll B1Ille 11_ . 'I'ben, both A/W aDd Ilea..,. v f l a t .. ~ ted (meager to moderate and 1DaCleurab) t l ' c . po1JR .s ..u.- 1Nd fillBotu. No seerchl1&bta v... l"epc. .bd. RM."7 f l a t . . - . . . .!DOBger and aCC\II"ah a t ocarl llJd u4 , , . . . .t:: . . . . . . .Searcbl1ghh. A/fI. and bea.,- veepoca _ t r - . 1IotIa . .:r veue l s and ahere inatallaUOftII a t Ubo. 'lb. 4/r nat . . . . . . aa linaccurate. tthlle the hasTY t la t ranse4 tree - . . r to 1Dt.... IDUatypes of flak t.'el'e inaccurate, as .e re 4 slMlrch1iab:t ... reparteI , . .ground ins tal la t ions . A/I nes reported a t Yebbd c...... ud _00--'.).Ono sIL ua8 also reported in th i . vic in i ty . 8M.". t lu turn. (.......am inaccurate) vere reported at Osuld an! Ich1Dc.

    3 . Over the target. both flail: and SIL _ere .... etfeoi: l. . .17 . . . st han prev ioualy noted on other targets over the lII:pire. All '1JlM'I'IMpona

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    : l 1 l l l t

    on again r ight on the plane. Thla oceured 2 m1llute l War . II1DUam the plane was illuminatCid to r 8pProx1mately 1 minute betare l ~ t awere shut o t f . At least 4 aircraf t reported tbat t1r1D& their . . .dOlJD into the 803rchl1lht source e8used the l1ghh to be .t1D&U1 .10. Rockets or phoapbcroua bcD.be weI'e obllar'ftd 0ftlI" rna. a ' SOOOteet and were described as l a r p red err c:raD&e bd t - . spe;r1l::11Dc aa4thrO'il'ing au streamers om gra4ua117 deacend1D8. '%'be atr__.-1to be incandescent material that pTe th e obje ct an oct0pu8 ahapel' ..en 'umbrolla appearanoe'.11. A ccmpletc blackout existed, d th 0lIlJ' 'f1fI "'1Jlar d ~ Q I A C ! l . .of l ighta in sme at'thO _a l l e c u t d towD.I .\&Oil .. Bot. On IAlGD4Sea.12. The laat Group. min1.Dl the sec0n4 area tar east: of \be 8h"-o

    aeki area, receh'ed prut ica l ly no AlA oppoaiUoc. At the .101m'',. ofUbc. probably fran II. ship , 2 aircrat t reoeiYe4 10 to 25 lNrate (prell1otllllOOZlCentrst1on of blll"st's 10lJ I le t t aD4 follCM'1DC). 71ft bur.te. 1Iao.curately appeared O'1er 8. pleD(! at 33J\S .. 131/25. ODe a1roraft . . . . . . . . . . .l lak at 33/05 .. 133/13 aDd 1r

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr



    0PD9LtJlb'1lll ""WEL..

    l!1U1 on N; n27 Knrch 1965

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr





    MISSION NO. 47 & 49"27th and 30th IIp-reh 1945

    llining Ui.8sions To Japenose " r a ~ r s

    &""FECTIVER;r',s ('F 1,:ISSICrS ~ C S T OF l.fi&:IOl;3

    .:..ircratt Minins prl..i:ll:u'y Fiolds 177percvnt Of Mining - i rc raf t ..irbornc 90%

    ~ : o . or Mines Drepped on Dcsi.gne.ted Fiolds 1663no. or Hines ~ r c c t i ' ! c . 1645

    . i rcraft Deli\S.ged 9percant Of ~ i r e r a f t . ~ i r b o r M 4.5%

    Crog ~ m b o r casualties 47porcer

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr




    ~ ..., ;;! r;, ..11 ;:.,...,...

    i!, .,. I ;II 2I.; Ii...,,. I I.. e ~


    o ! I "- l;g' t 'i HI ..i!l ' ...


    W ,W. a

    ~ OJ ';, I '" 51g.. ~ ,


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    !H I! 1:1:HJSSlOO' 47 t; li9n.TE. ?7" 30_1J!roh 1945----_.-- .. - .-

    TILl! ovm T..RGET I- . ~ OVER T..RGET. lm'HOD OF UINEL.YDX;1II1T rIZUJ l .()(U'ICI{ '-JRlI\..lT LOr;;; --- H I ~ ~ ; - t R . ~ ' . R -Il";.'.n.;r VlSU-.r. ~ ..T]D-(COlli IZI'l'lOl) IIOOIIJ rmsT L'.sTlttaaion " \7 I

    3'3 '" ."", "'.. 62 1337 z 1506 z 4900 5400 39 22 1 -",.. 32 1410 Z 1542 Z 5000 8000 16 4 1 111'Q'U. 94 55 26 2 II

    sa ion ., ,. I3lJth lIing Item 28 1524 z 1748 z 4700 7500 13 II 1 3

    tp.. 39 1534 z 1645 z 4850 5150 38 - 1 -Charlie 1 1603 Z - 5000 - - - 1 -Roger 9 1602 Z 1702 Z 6900 7000 7 - - 2118 10 1453 Z 1541 Z 7800 8200 9 - - 1Tar..L 87 67 II 3 6

    1'Q'U. .0. u< j( , 17

    ~ K Q ! ! ! ! .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


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    MJ! f i l ( l f 47 &- 49DA1'Ji: ?7 &- 30 JEeb 1245


    . . . . . . . on Ih7313 3 - - - 3 - 8 - - - - - 3 5 1138 - 32 2 34-lJll

    '-'1 sion ~ h -313 1 1 - 2 1 - - - - - - - 1 1053 10 - 3 13- - -10- 3 - 1 1 - 5 1 8 - - - - - 3 6 2191 10 32 5 47


    a crashed Just .short of rummy while utt....inptiIlg tg land ilith 2 (lnginos out.b Mine er iJ 1lJ dod while be ing s s1voed . Alc los t to survey 4 . \prll 1945

    . liJ< lU I


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    U.'II.11:!>:!>" I J j \1

    ~ ~ Q ~ I : l

    tHSSIOll 47 &; 49D A T ~ ~ & 30 MQrch 1945


    tiISSION iO. I #47 #49UNIT J1Jth f : i ~ 313tb Wi!J:_Ale C

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    r u n ,

    Zf i ie",*

    U3'CfiIO d1!!itA bltti li&Hdit'ffta: uneIf

    8tJlMUfa dNVrtJli5b t iM hi

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    ~ ' . : I , _ u ; : ) ; : ) .. IJ"U

    . LH JU I

    PRCliI BCliCQI mTOI BCl!WO 313

    ! . l l -S 110648'4


    (2) ON 21 PE:BRu.:.RY THE ENOO' AIR STRgNGTH IN THE: SASSBO.SHDroNosm RmION \:';'S ESTD.!s-TED ;"T I 360 CCl.m;.T

    80 OPERATION 'm"ININGON 5 l.!nRCH IN THE: ll:t7RE_K.:.OOYA REGION I 240 sIs

    48 'tIE24 CF T H ~ E : TIE 'ERE E S T ~ T E : D TO BE NIGHT PIGErml;SIN '!HE FORllOS;,.IV..NSEI SHOto REGIONI 1'16 CamA!


    (2) '1'BE 13RD !>NO 314TH BWG ,YILL lWtE INCENDIARY ;,:rr.'.CKS ON URBAN(J f SOOTlERN Irt1SHU SlloI1JLT;.NEOUsty mTS ST.;RV:'TICN em:



    ....0 L USING A Mo\lDIUII Cf' 110 SORTIES ON S.;CH CF 1\':0 NIGHTam. . . t2 ud 8'7 Mi.,RCH. t;JlGE1' Ii IS FIRst PRIORITY. MIRESm.L BE L.io.rD AS POLID11S i.3 CLOSELY ;" s PI."l1E UU.DlHO P!JUafS4C

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    U J . I . 1 I : ; ; S Y I J . t ~ '


    (B) WINE GRID LOVE40 laNES E,;CH IN GRIDS e. 9, U . IS, 16, 17. 18, 19,33. 34. '1 . ,12.20 UINES &i.CH IN CRIPS 10. 11. 12, 13. 20. 21, 22. 23.10 l!INES E,I,.CH IN GRIDS 2. 3. 6, T. 24, 25. 26, 27. 28,31, 32. 35, 36. 37. 38. 39, 40.







    . . . J lI BCIiOOJII10. IQWI; SIS1R8JBO'1'. DIIB'C'l'IVE fOB IIISSIOI stlRYA'1'1D1 011I iJtD !WO1. IIB:LIrI StlBPAR;.QR;,.P}( 3. A. (1) (I xn BCI:CCU OP TELECON l108MZ MAR.

    2'-11-& J.ID RfnJ"CB 1I'ITH 'OlLO'mlO IfElf SOBP.>R:.ORi.PH 3. ;.. ( l ) ISo . . . (1) TB BOHIO SlS 1rILI. UoT .0\ TOT.\!. CP 1600 YIRS I I r,;RD.I!;1'SII ,\,11) L 8En1lD 2T u;,aOH ;.JD 1 iJ'Rn. IlICISIW.snrEDOLI AS DESIRED. VJ!O!T W IS rIRst PRIORITr. WIIJES\iILL BE LA.ID AS FOI.I.QVS J.S CLOSELY J.S PJ..:"ICE LOADIHC



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    , F \ I . ! i I , 1 1 ~ S " I . . J " U 2

    H i ~ ! ! l I

    (A) llI!JE GRID H ln"'0 mNSS EACH IN GRIDS 9, 10 , 11, 12, 13, 18. 17,1e, 19, 24, 25,20 1r1INES &CH IN GRIDS 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, 22, 23.27, 28.10 ),fINES H'ACH IN GRIDS 1. 2. 3, ". H , 20, 26, 29.

    (B) JlINE: GRID lDVS40 ),fINES EACH IN GRIDS a, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 16,19 , 33 . 34. 41, 42.20 KINES EACH IN GRIDS 10. 11. 12 , 13, 20, 21, 22,~ 10 IJlNES EACH IN GRIDS 2, 3, 4. 7. 24, .25 .26, 27,28. 31, 32. 35. 38 , 37. Je, 39, 40 .




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    1 , I . J 1 . 1 1 ~ ~ ' " I.J .J\ ' H i _

    ' ~ ~ ! ! I

    PO 16llaps, S-502 Lon.s Ran.se N a v i ~ l l . t i o n Ch.rt113.000,000

    Jap.n Aviation Chart l,218.eaOIndividual ChartaAn Aeronau tica l Char t 1:500.000.

    313th BOlllb 1I'in,APe) 247oeOOK 2S Uarch 1945

    388D. 388A1. A. Orti t ted .

    B. PriendlYI73rd and 3l4th Wgs conduct str ike a g a i n ~ t Southern KYUSHU simultaneous with 313th Wg Str ike. Further information furnistJ.l,dla ter .

    2. 313th Banb Wt; with Porce ABLE. BAKER. and CHARLIE will IlI-1ne XIIEField. and such portions of LOVE Field as . r e desisnated in theSKUlENOSEXI Stre..1t Area on 27 lUrch 194.5. (Reference Annex 1.photost . t of MIKE Md LOVE Field desit;n and location.)A. Primary fgt :(1) Foree ABLE I Uine Field VIKE(2) ForCe BAKSlli Il1ne Field MIKE

    (3) FORCE CHARLIE: Wne Field LOVE

    t e s :

    Secondary Tgt:( I) Force ABIEI Any lOCation witJ\ln area bounded by coordinates:

    33S8N-13lO6E3353N-13101E3354N-131HE3348N_13110E(2) Force SAKER: Any Locaticn within ueo. bounded by eoordin_335aN-1310683353Ji-1310lE3354N_13114E3348N-1311OE3347N.1315433UN_13153E(3) Porce CRARLIEI Arq l ooa ti on within area bounded by oeordin

    a te . I 33541-13ll4E" e l - 1 3 l l c a3U7l-131Sd:33411.13153);




    Jettbon1nt; Are.. , ArJ:t l ooat ion wit hi n a rea bounded by followingooordinatell(1) Area I , 32OO1_132OOE

    33001-131500&25001_1400081 8 o o ' - 1 ~2S00R-13200E

    (2) Area 2, 1&001_1460014001_14600814009..14800&16001_148001

    Takeotf I 1 IIl1l1uta inter't 'al between Ale. SOP tra.ffio procedure Mine Load' See Annex 2.' ~ Load: 6600 Dab.Route Alti tude ' 5000 tt or 500 f t on top of cloude i f practioable.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    I , - - - U . l l I . ' I ~ ~ " -__ IIII


    H,. Wining Alti tude: 5000 feet .I . Return route - . l t i tudel A.a desired.3. Inatructions to Units.

    A. Force Abl0.(1) 505 Gp dispatches 24 AlC to take ott on Runway #1 beginninglero hour. Flies /Iorties 1 to 24.


    C. Poroe Charliel

    B. Force Baker.

    GAP fo r tilled b r n . a t individual !P'1I1 34223O!f-131111.Tl.. n e r target I A p p r o x ~ t e l y T hour p1ua 35 IIlnote, to T hour plus 1 hour lU'lIi 10ll inutel .h i l l or Atk: UO 6llvee" Tnle.Ilaneu_r af te r Atl" A.t'ter c le ari ng to r igh t ot AAArea a t YJ,WJ,.TA II. l e t t turn wil l be made to 32351113145E Cl1l1lbinl> to ainillllJll alt i tude of "000 t ee tcros ' ing KYUSHD.

    (b)( . l(d)( . l

    (1) Qp 4l1p. tahu 31 Ale to to.kll off on Runway 3 beginnin,; . ,0 hour plus one hour. Pl ie . sort iea 75 to 105.

    (3) (a) ROIIte: Base00 JIlIA32301 13230833201 _ 13201EIP (See Annex 3 for ind1Yidual Sortie IP)RAP (S Annex 3 for i nd iv idual So rt ie RAP)33:57J1' _ 1303432:561 _ 13145E....

    (a) Route: BaseIWO JIlIA3230N 13230S3320li 1S201E3334N _ 1313SE (IP)RAP (See Annox 3 for each Sortie RAP)3337N 13034E3235N _ 13145EBue

    (1) 504 Gp dispatohes 20 AlC to tll.ke o tf on Rumray #1 beginnin&tero hour plus 30 minutes. Flies Borties 2S to 44.(2) 5 OIl dbpo.tcbes 30 AlC to take off on Runway #3 b e g i n n 1 ~

    u ro hou.r plus 30 Idnu. tu. Flies sort ies 45 to 74.

    (b) Tillll!l over target : Approximately T hour to T hour plus30 minutes.(c) Axis of Atk: 300 degrees True from !p .

    (d) },!iUleuver after Atk: Straight Gbell.d unti l clear of },J.area a t YAWATA then turn l e t t to 3236N - 13145E, climb.ing to min1.mum alt i tude 8000 fee t crouiT\& IYtfSHU.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    . ~ I . : I l . 1 1 ~ ~ V I J . " " ' .

    .U ~ ! ! : l .

    (a) Route I BueIWO JIWo3230li I3230!3320 I320IE (Ip)RAP (See AnDllx 3 tor ind1Tidual Sortie RAP)3309Jf _ 1331JEBill ie

    (b)(0 )(d)

    Time oV'llr Tr;t: ApproxiaCLtely '1 hour plu. 4.0 :lUn to Thour pl111 1 hour and 15 minutel.Axil of Atk: Sae Annex 3 for individual Sorties utiof . l tk .~ n e u v e r oter Atkl Climb IItrait;ht ahead tor 1 minuteoter mine relell.lle, then turn ri&ht con'tinuinlj; toc11mb to minimum of 8000 t ee t croll.!ling SHIKOJ!:U. Adjustturn oter mine releo.s8 to avoid. AA defenus o.t 'I'OIUY..wA.

    X. (1) D Dny nnd Zero hour: To follo ....(2) lUning instructions I

    (0.) Mines wil l be lo.id by one of two mothods d .epending uponposi t ion of mine run for each lor t ie . (See Annex 3)14 For1ll'o.rd I l an t ro.nte to RAP.2. Time run out frOlll R:.,p.(b) In jettison1nlj; !Iarinl mines i t must be 'elllPhtl.air.ed tho.t

    the IlIine. Co.n be 0. lerioull M1Q.rd to f r iendly IIMpl o.ndleod to the 10sIS of f r iendly 11vell if neoeuory pre-CIlUtiOM ore not followed.(0) Jet t i loned mines mUlt be dropped in deep WQ.ter (OTar600 fee t ) o.nd position accu ro te ly f ixed . I t should beremelllbered tho.t jet t i loned llI.1nel 111'111 be olive und

    d ~ " ' o \ U I unlell dropped in deep wnter.(d) In the event i' beeaael neeeillory to je t t i son ainea

    .hor t ly of tel' toJcooff. releo.lO wil l be IaOde 0.1 fArorr abore aa proctlcoble. A dlstonco of f ive mile. oraore off abore or SAIPAll or TDfIAJlf 111 conllidered 0

    .a re 4i. t4nce tor dropping aine(3) 1000 Lb mn.e. (lie 86 and MIt 315) and lLOea.ories 111'111 be ob-

    t a ~ e . t r o . MAd upon pre.entatioB ot Kine Londing PlanSb..t 11.ei) 8000 Lb l ib.. (lie . ) IUld 0.00."1101'1 .. wil l be obte.1bed t rcaKUllOa Boab o..p apoD. pr..entat1oD. a t Kine Lodillfj; Plan Ill.(15) a.1 pe.l'lloMel wil l be prlllent to direot lolldill& cre to

    p rop . I'nlltaeDtll and to di rec t loa4ins or t ra i l e r l . Ord-DaDOe personnel wil l bo stat ioae4 o t entrance to both IItor-ace Are.. to cbeck truclc. ond t ra i l . , . . to r proper load in&:.

    (6) lb,cropbones or a l l acouatic a in.. DUlt be protected tra.Wl1iSht during the t r ip f rC8 a to ra&e onu to the plan. .lUllS wbilo on tbe bflrdlltaDd. owo.i ting Iodin&.

    ('7) Bea1apherlonl plo.l t1o con r l or clock lltartare .md u t e n 4 e r ~Dun be r o o n d f ro - the aine cmd turned into th e Wins Kine


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 47, Ocr


    I - ".","""" ' ' ' ' ' ' ~H i l I . l l

    O r d n ~ c , orficer . P l ~ t plas t ic covers or Wk 1& extender.lIIust be roph.ced on erteDClera at ter .olublo _ Ihe r . hll:"ebeen inlto.l led.

    (8) White soluble washer. wil l be used on 0.11 mine(p) Ale wil l ollrry rnu1lnWll load of lIlinea OOllUllensurate with

    c h n r ~ e t e r i s t i c s of individual Ala, Minimum mine load 1810000 Lbs. Uc.xillllUll lond is 12000 Lbs.

    (10) Alllmunlt10n up to 200 rounds per turret may be ourried i fdesired.(11) Eo.cb 1./C w111 be equipped wi t i l one eo.eb ndo .r .c ope rudlU'Oll.l:lero.. i!/C moJdng 0. forwllZ"d slo.nt ro.nte rdense w11l take

    0. minimUD of three soope photos: one 15 mile, ~ r l o r to radaro.1eing point . one ten mUe_ pr ior to rodo.r o . i m 1 ~ pOint, o.ndone nt point of mine relenso. ; /e m o . k i ~ timo rolollso runw111 tnko 0. minimU/ll of throe scope photos. Ono photo o.t tLpoint ton lIlihls previous to rado.r oiming point. one a t 0.point 5 milos previous to radar nlming point , And one o.tpoint of fint mimi release. Hoo.