23.4, 23.5, 24.1 the state, the economy & business

23.4, 23.5, 24.1 The State, The Economy & Business 1920s

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23.4, 23.5, 24.1 The State, The Economy & Business. 1920s. Ohio (R) Had “look” but little experience “Ohio Gang” Plagued by scandals… Died while in office. (1921-1923). Warren G. Harding “Return to Normalcy”. Served Harding, Coolidge and Hoover Gov’t s/b run like a business - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Warren G. Harding “Return to Normalcy”

1. Ohio (R)

2. Had “look” but little experience

3. “Ohio Gang”

4. Plagued by scandals…

5. Died while in office


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Sec. of Treasury Andrew Mellon

1. Served Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

2. Gov’t s/b run like a business

a. Cut federal budget

b. Cut taxes..

c. Mostly benefited high income & businesses

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Calvin Coolidge“Silent Cal”

1. Vermont (R)

2. “The Business of America is Business”

3. Very small gov’t

4. Agenda

5. Appreciated experience of wealthy; let them make economic decision


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Herbert Hoover1. Iowa (R)2. Sec. of Commerce

a. Business would act in interest of public

b. Nat’l Trade Assoc – cooperation between businesses = increased efficiency and decrease competition…

c. 200 largest co. owned 50% of corp. wealth

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War Debts &Reparations

1. US largest creditor globally

2. NY Financial Capital

3. Anti-Amer. Sentiments overseas; US wants some of it’s loans repaid…

4. Dawes Act

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Dawes Plan

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Keeping Peace: Kellogg-Briand Pact

renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy


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The New Negro & Harlem

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Harlem Renaissance1. Finding meaning and

self-identity for AA

2. Celebration of AA artists, writers, and musicians

3. Represented social and cultural change of 1920’s

4. WritersLangston Hughes

Zora Neale Hurston

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The Savoy

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The Cotton Club

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Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong

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Marcus Garvey

1. Wanted separate society for blacks

2. Promoted businesses

3. Advocate of returning to Africa

4. “Black is Beautiful”

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A. Election of 1928

Herbert Hoover (R) vs. Alfred Smith [(D) and Catholic]

“We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before.”

“A chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage”

Wins by a landslide*- life was good in the 1920s

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Hooverville Nation

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The Bull Market

1. Dreams of becoming Rich via Stocks

2. Speculation

3. Buying on Margin

4. Corporations invest in market instead of research

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1. What happened? 2. “The bottom fell out of the market!”3. loss of confidence in market = some investors

sell4. prices dropped = thousands sell their shares5. Savings lost =$30 Billion/16 million shares6. How does Hoover and Mellon respond?

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Causes of the Depression

1. Overproduction

2. Farmers in debt

3. Low wages; high debt

4. Unequal distribution of income

5. Trickle-effect…

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soup kitchens and bread lines(psychological effects)

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Hoover’s Presidency during the Depression

“Business as usual”Did not want to go into deficit spending!Work hard; gov’t should not give handouts

Negotiated w/businesses and unions Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) & Emergency Relief Act (ERA)

emergency financing to large businesses trickle-effect

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Bonus Army Camp

Who were they and what did they want?

Want bonus now not in 1945 ($500/$1000)

Patman Bill rejected

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Election of 1932

Hoover’s actions with the Bonus Army seals his fate: Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the newly elected president

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Day OneBank Holiday

a. Closed banks before bank runs bankrupt them

b. Emergency Banking Relief Act = Inspected by gov’t to ensure they were secured

c. Restores confidence to the people

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Helping America’s Farmers 1. Agricultural

Adjustment Acta. Gov’t will pay subsidyb. Lower production =

_____ pricesc. Set prices at pre-

depression rated. Commercial farmers

benefited moste. Sharecroppers and

tenant farmers lost jobs and homes (AA)

2. Later ruled unconstitutional

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Helping Industry:

National Industrial Recovery Act a. Self-regulating: established fair practice codes and


b. Allowed for unions = increase in membership

c. Considered unconstitutional - Why?

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Critics and the Second New Deal

CriticsGov’t too big


Not doing enough

Huey Long

Second New DealJobs, retirement, housing

Social Security Act• Pension

• Unemployment benefits

• Disability insurance

• Farmers/domestic workers not covered

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National Labor Relations Act AKA Wagner Act

Legalized unions = increase in unions

Fair labor practices

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New Deal in the South & West

Does little for sharecroppers and tenant farmers

Does help with modernizing the regionsTennessee Valley Authority

Rural Electrification Administration

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Dust Bowl(1933-1936)

Lack of water, overproduction, and windy conditions added fuel to the fire

Resulted in a westward migration

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Dust Bowl(1933-1936)

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New Deal and the Dust Bowl

1. Resettlement Administration

2. Crop and seed loans

3. Gave direct aid to sharecroppers and tenant farmers

4. Conservation techniques: water, soil

5. Crop rotation

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Southwest Farmers

Who was the worst affected?

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Court-packing Deal

Wanted to set a retirement age for SCJ



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Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

Social ReformerAnti-lynching

Health ins

Child labor



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People of Color and the New Deal

FDR cautiousGains

Mary M. BethuneRobert WeaverPWACIO

Setbacks: eligibility requirements for PWA


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Roosevelt Recession

Initially worked

Tried reducing deficit by cutting programs and constricting credit = recession

Stock collapse again

Decreased industrial output

Farm prices decrease

Unemployment up 20%

Ultimately, what ends the depression?