2340238 meeting, public 06-27-2018 · c1-10\rcont. c1-11. c1-12. c1-13. c1-14. c1-15 ·1· project,...


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Page 1: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever
Page 2: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· · · ·California Public Utilities Commission

·2· · · · · · ·Draft EIR Public Meeting



·5· ·Circle City Substation and Mira Loma-Jefferson

·6· · · · 66 kV Subtransmission Line Project












18· · · · · · · ·365 North Main Street

19· · · · · · · Corona, California 92880


21· · · · · · · · · June 27, 2018

22· · · · · · · · · · 6:30 p.m.



25· · · · · · Keisha Robinson, CSR 14214

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Page 3: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· My first question, is a copy

·2· of this presentation available.

·3· · · · · ·ROBERT:· So this will be made available on our

·4· project website.· We have two slides towards the end

·5· with that address.· We probably have some handouts with

·6· the project URL.

·7· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Are the documents referenced

·8· on this sheet available for our review?

·9· · · · · ·ROBERT:· Yes.· So the graph environmental

10· report is already posted, and when the final is

11· prepared, it will also be posted so you can download it

12· in an electronic format.· The draft that you want to

13· comment on within this comment period by July 20th is

14· already in there.

15· · · · · ·(Discussion off the record.)

16· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Quick question, you said there

17· are two components.· I didn't catch what the first one

18· was; a data component, before that you said something

19· else?

20· · · · · ·MATT:· I believe I was mentioning the source

21· lines?

22· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Yes.

23· · · · · ·MATT:· Two sets of source lines.· Two sets of

24· source lines, that's two circuits on one set of pole.

25· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Two different types of source

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Page 4: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· lines.

·2· · · · · ·MATT:· Coming from different directions.

·3· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· I got it now.

·4· · · · · ·(Discussion off the record.)

·5· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Are these the total

·6· environmental criteria that you evaluated in your

·7· studies?· Are there any others?

·8· · · · · ·MATT:· Right, these 18 right here, correct.

·9· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Are they here in the

10· presentation or are they on the website somewhere?

11· · · · · ·MIKE:· They are on the website in the document.

12· There is an 18 CEQA issue areas.

13· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· CEQA?

14· · · · · ·MIKE:· So CEQA is California Environmental

15· Quality Act Law has an appendix guidelines which list 18

16· areas that need to be considered when analyzing

17· environmental impacts.· Those are the 18 areas that

18· we're giving you.

19· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· And those will be referenced

20· in the document?

21· · · · · ·MATT:· Yes.

22· · · · · ·ROBERT:· Do you want to see that slide again to

23· see the area?

24· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· No, I'm okay.

25· · · · · ·(Discussion off the record.)

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Page 5: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH: Just clarification, I don't

·2· understand all of your terminology, is there a

·3· difference between the word "underground" and

·4· "subtransmission" in this context?

·5· · · · · ·MATT:· Subtransmission could be overhead or

·6· underground -- either on poles or underground.

·7· · · · · ·MIKE:· The term subtransmission relates to the

·8· voltage.· Edison defines transmission as, I think, 230

·9· kilovolts and higher.· Subtransmission is between about

10· 50 and 230.· When we say "subtransmission," we are just

11· talking about 66 kilovolt transmission line.

12· · · · · ·MATT:· And distribution is the lower 12 kV.

13· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· When you say

14· "subtransmission," you are not specifying whether it is

15· above ground or underground at all?· When you say

16· "underground," you're specifying it's underground?

17· · · · · ·MIKE:· Correct.· We will either say "overhead"

18· and "underground" to make that distinction.

19· · · · · ·(Discussion off the record.)

20· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Quick question, the

21· availability, is that going to be mailed to all of the

22· affected residents?

23· · · · · ·MATT:· It's mailed within 2- or 300 feet of the

24· line -- the proposed line.

25· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Is there a possibility to get

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Page 6: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· a replacement.· I don't recall I've received it.

·2· · · · · ·MIKE:· We have copies right in the back.

·3· · · · · ·(Discussion off the record.)

·4· · · · · ·RUSS TITSWARTH:· Just to clarify, that URL that

·5· I can't read, is that on a piece of paper?

·6· · · · · ·MATT:· It is.

·7· · · · · ·Okay. We are ready to receive your comments,

·8· and there is just a few guidelines that are pretty easy

·9· to adhere.· I don't think we are going to have any --

10· · · · · ·MIKE:· Can I say something really quick?· There

11· were speaker cards available when you came in.· If you

12· like to speak, all we ask is that you give us those

13· speaker cards with your names on them.

14· · · · · ·We have a court reporter here to record the

15· comments so that we can translate them into written

16· comments for the conclusion in the final EIR.

17· · · · · ·I know there was -- we did consider a lot of

18· alternatives for this project.· I totally understand

19· that it's not really easy to get at a snapshot, so I

20· encourage you to look at the boards and ask questions

21· after.

22· · · · · ·This phase of the meeting right now.· We really

23· want to hear from you.· We want to hear what your

24· concerns are, what your interests are related to the

25· project so that we can factor that into the preparation

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Page 7: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· of the final EIR.· So that information is available to

·2· the commission and the ALJ when they are making a

·3· proposed decision and voting on the decision.

·4· · · · · ·So if anybody needs a speaker card, if you want

·5· to hold your hand up so we can pass them out; or if you

·6· have one filled out, we will collect them.· We have time

·7· today because we have the room until 8:00 o'clock.· So

·8· if you would like to come up, we have the cards.

·9· · · · · ·What I will do is, I will read off the name of

10· the speaker, and I will let you know who the next person

11· is, and Keisha is here to record your comments.

12· · · · · ·So the first card we have here is

13· and then is the next one.· If you want to

14· come up, there is a microphone here for you to use.

15· · · · · · I understand progress.· Edison

16· provides the air conditioning, lighting and all of that.

17· I do understand progress.· I think the simple solution,

18· which is very improbable, is just stop building homes,

19· but that's improbable.· That's just not going to happen.

20· · · · · ·I think the battery idea is a very short term

21· solution because the more and more houses are coming in

22· so they're getting more and more power and batteries

23· only provide so much power source.

24· · · · · ·What I am upset about is how the homes that are

25· directly impacted -- which I am one of them, the

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Page 8: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· lines -- the poles are in my background, the lines are

·2· going right over my property.· I am real upset on how I

·3· got notified.· I got an occupant letter.· If it's from

·4· California, Edison, whatever.· I don't know about the

·5· rest of you but I throw those in the trash because it's

·6· solicitation as far as I am concerned.

·7· · · · · ·I think the proper way to handle this, as far

·8· as notification, would have been certified letters to

·9· the property owners.· Because on my street, several of

10· the homes are rentals.· So now, the renter gets it, they

11· just think it's garbage, throw it in the trash.· The

12· home owner might be living in Idaho, and they don't know

13· anything about their property value being impacted this,

14· so I think that was a big mistake.

15· · · · · ·As far as the environmental impact reports go,

16· sure, they are not going to kill off some sort of

17· species; I get all of that.· But there was no property

18· value impact report done.· There was no health impact

19· report done that was provided to us home owners, and

20· there was no aesthetic report done.· Those are very

21· important things to home owners like myself.

22· · · · · ·Right now, certain days, depending on weather

23· or how much power are going through these lines, you are

24· going to hear them humming.· I don't know -- it sounds

25· to me that they are going to be increasing at least a

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Page 9: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· hundred percent on the power that going to go above my

·2· house.· When I bought this house in 2000, I dealt with

·3· the lines that were there.· I accepted that.

·4· · · · · ·But now there is more lines in the 18 years I

·5· have been there.· There are more lines that have been

·6· added, more -- I don't know -- transformers or whatever

·7· that have been added.· So now, I am concerned about my

·8· health risks -- for me, my families, my animals --

·9· because of all of the EMFs that are going to be

10· bombarding us with now.

11· · · · · ·And then the noise level -- you talked about

12· the noise possibility, but you didn't talk about the

13· constant humming and buzzing that will give people

14· migraines and tumors and cancer and all of that stuff.

15· · · · · ·I understand progress.· I just truly believe

16· that for aesthetic reasons, health reasons, make

17· everybody happy reasons; people -- I don't know this

18· whole line.· I am being incentive to everybody else, but

19· I am looking at my four tenths of a mile, 25 homes that

20· I live that is being impacted on.· I just feel that to

21· make everybody happy, none of these 25 homes that I know

22· of are going to benefit from this project.· In fact, we

23· are going to get even worse off as far as the aesthetics

24· and everything else I mentioned before.

25· · · · · ·I just believe that if you are going to do this

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Page 10: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's

·2· not us, so why not wherever there is a home that is

·3· actually impacted by this project, whether it's poles in

·4· their backyard or lines going over their property, I

·5· believe those areas should be put underground.· I am

·6· happy with that.· I am not here to fight Edison.· I like

·7· my air conditioner when I use it.· I like my lights on

·8· at night.· I don't like rolling blackouts.

·9· · · · · ·But I think to benefit us, to compromise -- I

10· believe in compromises, and I think putting the existing

11· lines and the new power lines underground where it

12· impacts these homes, I mean directly, is fair.· I think

13· that's the only fair thing you guys can do.· Somebody at

14· the other end wants this power; add it into the project.

15· I don't know how much that costs.· I was told million

16· dollars a mile.· I don't know how accurate that is.· As

17· far as I am concerned, my area, it's four tenths of a

18· mile.· I don't know how many more houses are affected

19· that way.

20· · · · · ·I would be very happy with the compromise of

21· taking the existing lines, put them underground with the

22· new lines, take the poles out, and it will help us

23· aesthetically.· It will help us health-wise.· It will

24· help us with noise, and everything else that is involved

25· with this project.· That is really -- I think that will

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Page 11: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· make a lot of people satisfied.

·2· · · · · ·You have to factor in future law suits.· I said

·3· it one of our counsel meetings in Norco.· Good money is

·4· thrown away on lawyers and courts.· So how many court

·5· cases are there going to be with health issues down the

·6· road.· I think that's going to be the worst one.

·7· Property values, my property values are going to go up

·8· because bigger poles and more -- I know there is less

·9· lines, but there is more power.· There is going to be

10· bigger pole.· It's not going to help my property value

11· any.· It's definitely not helping my view any and it's

12· definitely not helping my wife's migraines any.

13· · · · · ·I just think Edison is a big company, they can

14· afford to eat the cost of putting it underground, and

15· that's all I really have to say.

16· · · · · ·MIKE:· Thank you very much.· So the next person

17· is , and after that is .

18· · · · · · Good evening.· Thank you for

19· the opportunity to speak.· I come from a unique

20· perspective of this issue because during my life of

21· employment, I was a communication consultant for Duke,

22· Virginia Electric Power, Florida Electric Power, and

23· some other places.

24· · · · · ·My background as a FCC licensed person with the

25· capability of maintaining international and broadcast

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Page 12: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· communications and my hobby is amateur radio.· And in

·2· amateur radio and officer of the Corona Norco Club, we

·3· strive to be available and provide urgency

·4· communications.· The biggest one that I remember is the

·5· Good Friday earthquake in Alaska where I spent three,

·6· four days of handling teletype traffic from my own

·7· personal location to support health and welfare --

·8· people looking for people, people on the other end

·9· looking to get the message out.

10· · · · · ·I registered with the Utility

11· Telecommunications Counsel because my activities and

12· proximity to the lines and the back of my yard.· My

13· background line is River Road at 2282 Santa Anita.· The

14· present distrubution lines that are there, I've been

15· told, only the 33 kV line, the lower voltage one is

16· active.· The others are inactive according to the

17· information that I was given.

18· · · · · ·Since those lines create an interesting

19· situation to me, I am extremely worried about what the

20· future brings.

21· · · · · ·Number one, the 33 kV lines permit me to use my

22· radios approximately five days either side of a

23· rainstorm.· The rest of the time, the noise level from

24· those insulators and that 33 kV line, varies signals

25· from around the world to the point that it's quite

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Page 13: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· unable to operate and quite annoying.

·2· · · · · ·The other thing was that when channel 2, 3 --

·3· 3 was in Santa Barbara -- 2, 4, and 5 disappeared from

·4· my antenna on the roof because of the white spots and

·5· unlocking of my receiver because my antenna is pointed

·6· right through those lines on Willson.· I had to buy an

·7· alternative.· Direct TV costs me a hundred bucks a

·8· months just to be able -- so my wife could watch

·9· television comfortably.

10· · · · · ·The noise is a real problem, and underground it

11· disappears, of course.· I would support -- with my

12· background, everything he said makes sense here.· It's

13· going to come.· It's just a matter of -- excuse me. I

14· am monitoring earthquakes out in Hawaii.· It's going to

15· come.· We are going to end up with what they need to

16· provide a service.· And in that vein, I don't dispute

17· anything that they have to do.· I do realize that there

18· are some alteratives that are to our benefit.

19· · · · · ·You mentioned noise, ionizing radiation.· Power

20· lines don't provide ionizing radiation.· There is no

21· health hazard related to power lines except noise.· And

22· I can go out in my background and I can listen to those

23· power lines talking in the middle of the afternoon on a

24· hot dry day.

25· · · · · ·But exposure, I lived in Washington for three

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Page 14: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· years underneath a million volt Bonneville power line,

·2· kids stood under it in the morning for the school bus,

·3· and you could walk out with a four-foot fluorescent tube

·4· in your hand and hold it up and light it, standing there

·5· from the arcing from those million volt lines.· I don't

·6· think that at 80 years of age I am showing any of those

·7· problems that might have occurred from physical -- maybe

·8· mental but not physical.

·9· · · · · ·The other line going off the insulator is

10· extremely aggravating.· The construction of that line

11· down, specifically River Road, has a second impact.

12· Those of you that remember an incident that occurred up

13· in the Bay Area a few years ago where a gas line -- and

14· I am sure SCE realizes that there is a

15· 900-pound-high-pressure gas line within the right-of-way

16· that you own on the back of my property.

17· · · · · ·Construction bothers me because I have lived in

18· (inaudible) season where the major communication

19· facilities were taken out because someone was digging a

20· trench.· Second thing that bothers me is a hundred-foot

21· tower when my back door is 100 feet from that line.· We

22· have an earthquake, I may have a 66-feet kV liner

23· sitting in my back door or electrifying the fence along

24· my property.

25· · · · · ·All of this says to me is that it's going to

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Page 15: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· happen.· Let it happen in a way that improves our

·2· quality of life here in Norco.· Do it underground.· It's

·3· going to cost money.· We pay for those things all of the

·4· time with our bill, spread it out, but do it.· Take it

·5· underground.· We don't need this in the air anymore.

·6· And with that, thank you for your time.

·7· · · · · ·MIKE:· Thank you very much.· So is

·8· next, and then .· And then if anybody else

·9· would still like to speak, we still have more speaker

10· cards.· You are welcome to come up.

11· · · · · · Good evening.· My name is

12· , and I live on Santa Anita with my backyard

13· going up to River Road, which this project is key to.

14· · · · · ·I am not against the project to continue, but I

15· do have some issues and a lot of them have already been

16· mentioned.· When I moved there in the '70s, River Road

17· was a two-lane road, and I was told then that when River

18· Road got widened that Edison had plans to put those

19· lines underground.· That hasn't happened.· We had fewer

20· lines at that time and over the years more lines have

21· been added and equipment put on the poles.

22· · · · · ·Let's see, I am trying to cut it down because

23· some of the things have already been said.

24· · · · · ·I am concerned about the pole heights -- the

25· new pole heights that are going to be installed, if

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Page 16: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· that's the way they are going to go, and pole locations

·2· on the right-away easement.· I am concerned about health

·3· issues and the noise impact that we already have; that's

·4· going to increase, and did I mention my property value.

·5· If somebody comes to look at my house with my backyard,

·6· my views of the Santa Ana Canyon and the sunsets in

·7· Norco, those lines, even though they are higher and they

·8· say, I believe -- is it only six lines?

·9· · · · · ·MIKE:· Yeah, in some of the areas that it's

10· going from.· A single circuit is kind of a standard pole

11· with three lines on it.· Generally, if it's a single

12· circuit, there is two lines on one side and one on the

13· other.· When they take those down and put up the double

14· circuit, it ends up with kind of three lines of each

15· side, so a total of six lines.

16· · · · · · So this project, they tell us

17· that it's good until 2026.· That's no guarantee that

18· those six lines will stay those those six lines, I don't

19· believe.· And now with communication and doing away with

20· some of the -- senior moment here.

21· · · · · ·Anyway, Edison can put other equipment from

22· other companies on their poles for transmission of

23· cellphone distribution.· How much of this pole is going

24· to be littered with other objects over the years. I

25· don't feel that anybody is giving us a guarantee on

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com


PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 201815

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com


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Page 17: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· that.· I would like to see it underground between Second

·2· and the Santa Ana River.· I am not against that part.

·3· And nobody has told us about pole locations or how many

·4· poles will be added or replaced; and the biggest thing,

·5· I think is our property values all along Corona and

·6· Norco will be severely affected.· Thank you.

·7· · · · · ·MIKE:· Thank you.· .

·8· · · · · · Seems that all of us that are

·9· speaking have the same purpose.· Two years ago I

10· addressed -- the audience that was here two years ago --

11· the same issues.

12· · · · · ·More importantly, I had to addressed the fact

13· that we in Corona -- I am the Mayor of Corona.· We asked

14· that we participate.· There is so much overhead in

15· industrial areas and then the -- no, the underground is

16· in the industrial areas, and the overhead is communities

17· where the houses are.· And there is a way where we could

18· work together to make it where it's more efficient and

19· that our residents aren't as affected as the businesses,

20· which is more aesthetically acceptable.

21· · · · · ·And we didn't -- we went through some of the

22· areas that have lines that would be going through

23· people's yard, like your background.· We went to the

24· point where it was even on the news, if anybody

25· remembers back a couple years ago.· We were fighting

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June 27, 2018

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June 27, 201816

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Page 18: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· just to communicate, just talk to us, and I never once

·2· received a phone call on that issue.· I've had some on

·3· many other things, but on that particular issue.· It's a

·4· discussion.· I think it's really important that they

·5· involve the local cities, that we can help work through

·6· some of these so we wouldn't have gotten to this point.

·7· · · · · ·I'm just really frustrated, and I really

·8· believe that there is a better way of the underground

·9· and overhead.· It's a cost factor and I understand that,

10· but we can be more efficient and work together so that

11· we have the areas that should be underground addressed,

12· as well as those that could be overhead could be more

13· acceptable.· That's it.

14· · · · · ·MIKE:· Thank you very much.

15· · · · · ·Robert, did you have anything that you wanted

16· to say in closing?

17· · · · · ·First, let me ask is there anybody else that

18· would like to make a comment?· Like I said, we really do

19· encourage you to submit those written comments.· You

20· don't have to use that form.· You can write a letter,

21· send an e-mail.· It all goes into the same record and

22· will get factored into the final EIR.

23· · · · · · The verbal comments that we gave

24· right now, are they going to be presented too?

25· · · · · ·MIKE:· Yes.· We're having the -- the transcript

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June 27, 2018

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June 27, 201817

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com


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Page 19: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· with the comments will be included in the final EIR, so

·2· they will show up in the final documents.

·3· · · · · · And those are given to the final

·4· commissioners to be read?

·5· · · · · ·MIKE:· Yes, it will all be part of that final

·6· EIR document.

·7· · · · · · And then when might they have the

·8· report complete on the results on this?

·9· · · · · ·MIKE:· What's the schedule?

10· · · · · ·MATT:· It's fall of this year.

11· · · · · ·ROBERT:· That's for the environmental document.

12· A proceeding will take place after that, so probably,

13· well into next year before we have a determination on

14· this project.

15· · · · · So maybe the project wouldn't

16· start until '19 or '20?

17· · · · · ·MIKE:· I can't remember what the construction's

18· proposed schedule was -- '20 or '21.

19· · · · · ·ROBERT:· It is hard to predict how long the

20· proceeding and judge will take.

21· · · · · · Your report shows it is only good

22· until 2026.· That's only three or four years and then

23· everything is going to be outdated at that time.

24· · · · · ·MIKE:· Well, I was going to clarify that.· When

25· we are talking about the forecast period of the

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June 27, 2018

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June 27, 201818

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Page 20: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· document, that's just -- so Southern California Edison

·2· provides a forecast -- a ten-year forecast, and that's

·3· what they use to decide which projects they need to

·4· apply for to build.· The forecast period does not mean

·5· that that's the end of the useful life of the project.

·6· · · · · ·It's a little -- I can totally see where you

·7· are coming from.· The 2026 isn't the end date.· It

·8· doesn't mean that they have to build something else by

·9· 2026 to meet the next need.· It just means that's the

10· periods that they use to estimate when they might have

11· to build the project.

12· · · · · ·And Matt, you can talk a little bit more about

13· that after if you would like.

14· · · · · ·Well, if there is no more comments, we would

15· like to end the public comment portion of the meeting,

16· and we will be here standing by the posters.· We will be

17· happy to walk you through the different alternatives,

18· the different parts of the projects.

19· · · · · ·Thank you very much.· We are really glad that

20· you are here to participate.· Your comments really are

21· important to us.

22· · · · · ·(The EIR Pubic Meeting concluded at 8:00 p.m.)



25· · · · · · · · · · · · · ****

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June 27, 2018

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June 27, 201819

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Page 21: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

·1· · · · · · · · · REPORTER'S CERTIFICATION


·3· · · ·I, Keisha Robinson, a Certified Shorthand Reporter

·4· in and for the State of California, do hereby certify:


·6· · · ·That the foregoing witness was by me duly sworn;

·7· that the deposition was then taken before me at the time

·8· and place herein set forth; that the testimony and

·9· proceedings were reported stenographically by me and

10· later transcribed into typewriting under my direction;

11· that the foregoing is a true record of the testimony and

12· proceedings taken at that time.


14· · · ·IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed my name this

15· 10th day of July, 2018.



18· · · · · · · · · · _________________________________

19· · · · · · · · · · Keisha Robinson, CSR No. 14214







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June 27, 2018

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June 27, 201820

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Page 22: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

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June 27, 2018

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100 13:21

12 4:12

14214 1:25

18 3:8,12, 15,17 8:4

19 18:16


2 12:2,3

2- 4:23

20 18:16,18

2000 8:2

2018 1:21

2026 15:17 18:22 19:7,9

20th 2:13

21 18:18

2282 11:13

230 4:8,10

25 8:19,21

27 1:21


3 12:2,3

300 4:23

33 11:15,21, 24

365 1:18


4 12:3


5 12:3

50 4:10


66 4:11


6:30 1:22


70s 14:16


80 13:6

8:00 6:7 19:22


900-pound-high-pressure 13:15

92880 1:19


acceptable 16:20 17:13

accepted 8:3

accurate 9:16

Act 3:15

active 11:16

activities 11:11

add 9:14

added 8:6,7 14:21 16:4

address 2:5

addressed 16:10,12 17:11

adhere 5:9

aesthetic 7:20 8:16

aesthetically 9:23 16:20

aesthetics 8:23

affected 4:22 9:18 16:6,19

afford 10:14

afternoon 12:23

age 13:6

aggravating 13:10

air 6:16 9:7 14:5

Alaska 11:5

ALJ 6:2

alteratives 12:18

alternative 12:7

alternatives 5:18 19:17

amateur 11:1,2

Ana 15:6 16:2

analyzing 3:16

animals 8:8

Anita 11:13 14:12

annoying 12:1

antenna 12:4,5

anymore 14:5

appendix 3:15

apply 19:4

approximately 11:22

arcing 13:5

area 3:23 9:17 13:13

areas 3:12,16, 17 9:5 15:9 16:15,16,

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June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

22 17:11

audience 16:10

availability 4:21


back 5:2 11:12 13:16,21, 23 16:25

background 7:1 10:24 11:13 12:12,22 16:23

backyard 9:4 14:12 15:5

Barbara 12:3

batteries 6:22

battery 6:20

Bay 13:13

benefit 8:22 9:9 12:18

benefitting 9:1

big 7:14 10:13

bigger 10:8,10


11:4 16:4

bill 14:4

bit 19:12

blackouts 9:8

boards 5:20

bombarding 8:10

Bonneville 13:1

bothers 13:17,20

bought 8:2

brings 11:20

broadcast 10:25

bucks 12:7

build 19:4,8,11

building 6:18

bus 13:2

businesses 16:19

buy 12:6

buzzing 8:13



1:19 3:14 7:4 19:1

call 17:2

cancer 8:14

Canyon 15:6

capability 10:25

card 6:4,12

cards 5:11,13 6:8 14:10

cases 10:5

catch 2:17

cellphone 15:23

CEQA 3:12,13, 14

certified 7:8

channel 12:2

circuit 15:10,12, 14

circuits 2:24

cities 17:5

clarification 4:1


5:4 18:24

closing 17:16

Club 11:2

collect 6:6

comfortably 12:9

comment 2:13 17:18 19:15

comments 5:7,15,16 6:11 17:19,23 18:1 19:14,20

commission 6:2

commissioners 18:4

communicate 17:1

communication 10:21 13:18 15:19

communications 11:1,4

communities 16:16

companies 15:22

company 10:13

complete 18:8

component 2:18

components 2:17

compromise 9:9,20

compromises 9:10

concerned 7:6 8:7 9:17 14:24 15:2

concerns 5:24

concluded 19:22

conclusion 5:16

conditioner 9:7

conditioning 6:16

considered 3:16

constant 8:13

construction 13:10,17

construction's 18:17

consultant 10:21

context 4:4

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June 27, 2018

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continue 14:14

copies 5:2

copy 2:1

Corona 1:19 11:2 16:5,13

correct 3:8 4:17

cost 10:14 14:3 17:9

costs 9:15 12:7

counsel 10:3 11:11

couple 16:25

court 5:14 10:4

courts 10:4

create 11:18

criteria 3:6

CSR 1:25

cut 14:22


data 2:18



day 12:24

days 7:22 11:6,22

dealt 8:2

decide 19:3

decision 6:3

defines 4:8

depending 7:22

determination 18:13

difference 4:3

digging 13:19

Direct 12:7

directions 3:2

directly 6:25 9:12

disappeared 12:3

disappears 12:11

discussion 2:15 3:4, 25 4:19 5:3 17:4

dispute 12:16

distinction 4:18

distribution 4:12 15:23

distrubution 11:14

document 3:11,20 18:6,11 19:1

documents 2:7 18:2

dollars 9:16

door 13:21,23

double 15:13

download 2:11

draft 2:12

dry 12:24

Duke 10:21



earthquake 11:5 13:22

earthquakes 12:14

easement 15:2

easy 5:8,19

eat 10:14

Edison 4:8 6:15 7:4 9:6 10:13 14:18 15:21 19:1

efficient 16:18 17:10

EIR 5:16 6:1 17:22 18:1,6 19:22

Electric 10:22

electrifying 13:23

electronic 2:12

EMFS 8:9

employment 10:21

encourage 5:20 17:19

end 2:4 9:1, 14 11:8 12:15 19:5,7,15



environmental 2:9 3:6, 14,17 7:15 18:11

equipment 14:21 15:21

estimate 19:10

evaluated 3:6

evening 10:18 14:11

excuse 12:13

existing 9:10,21

exposure 12:25

extremely 11:19 13:10


facilities 13:19

fact 8:22 16:12

factor 5:25 10:2 17:9

factored 17:22


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PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com


fall 18:10

families 8:8

FCC 10:24

feel 8:20 15:25

feet 4:23 13:21

fence 13:23

fewer 14:19

fight 9:6

fighting 16:25

filled 6:6

final 2:10 5:16 6:1 17:22 18:1,2,3, 5

Florida 10:22

fluorescent 13:3

forecast 18:25 19:2,4

form 17:20

format 2:12

four-foot 13:3

Friday 11:5

frustrated 17:7

future 10:2 11:20


garbage 7:11

gas 13:13,15

gave 17:23

Generally 15:11

get all 7:17

give 5:12 8:13

giving 3:18 15:25

glad 19:19

good 10:3,18 11:5 14:11 15:17 18:21

graph 2:9

ground 4:15

guarantee 15:17,25

guidelines 3:15 5:8

guys 9:13


hand 6:5 13:4

handle 7:7

handling 11:6

handouts 2:5

happen 6:19 14:1

happened 14:19

happy 8:17,21 9:6,20 19:17

hard 18:19

Hawaii 12:14

hazard 12:21

health 7:18 8:8, 16 10:5 11:7 12:21 15:2

health-wise 9:23

hear 5:23 7:24

heights 14:24,25

helping 10:11,12

higher 4:9 15:7

hobby 11:1

hold 6:5 13:4

home 7:12,19, 21 9:2

homes 6:18,24 7:10 8:19,21 9:12

hot 12:24

house 8:2 15:5

houses 6:21 9:18 16:17

humming 7:24 8:13

hundred 8:1 12:7

hundred-foot 13:20


Idaho 7:12

idea 6:20

impact 7:15,18 13:11 15:3

impacted 6:25 7:13 8:20 9:3

impacts 3:17 9:12

important 7:21 17:4 19:21

importantly 16:12

improbable 6:18,19

improves 14:1

inactive 11:16

inaudible 13:18

incentive 8:18

incident 13:12

included 18:1

increase 15:4

increasing 7:25

industrial 16:15,16

information 6:1 11:17


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PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

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insulator 13:9

insulators 11:24

interesting 11:18

interests 5:24

international 10:25

involve 17:5

involved 9:24

ionizing 12:19,20

issue 3:12 10:20 17:2,3

issues 10:5 14:15 15:3 16:11


Jim 10:17 14:7,11 15:16 17:23 18:3,7, 15,21

judge 18:20



June 1:21


Karen 14:8 16:7,8

Keisha 1:25 6:11

key 14:13

kids 13:2

kill 7:16

kilovolt 4:11

kilovolts 4:9

kind 15:10,14

kv 4:12 11:15,21, 24 13:22


law 3:15 10:2

lawyers 10:4

letter 7:3 17:20

letters 7:8


8:11 11:23

licensed 10:24

life 10:20 14:2 19:5

light 13:4

lighting 6:16

lights 9:7

liner 13:22

lines 2:21,23, 24 3:1 7:1,23 8:3,4,5 9:4,11, 21,22 10:9 11:12,14, 18,21 12:6,20, 21,23 13:5 14:19,20 15:7,8, 11,12,14, 15,18 16:22

list 3:15

listen 12:22

littered 15:24

live 8:20 14:12

lived 12:25 13:17

living 7:12

local 17:5

location 11:7

locations 15:1 16:3

long 18:19

lot 5:17 10:1 14:15

lower 4:12 11:15


made 2:3

mailed 4:21,23

Main 1:18

maintaining 10:25

major 13:18

make 4:18 8:16,21 10:1 16:18 17:18

makes 12:12

making 6:2

Matt 2:20,23 3:2,8,21 4:5,12,23 5:6 18:10 19:12

matter 12:13

Mayor 16:13

means 19:9

meet 19:9

meeting 5:22 19:15,22

meetings 10:3

mental 13:8

mention 15:4

mentioned 8:24 12:19 14:16

mentioning 2:20

message 11:9

microphone 6:14

middle 12:23

migraines 8:14 10:12

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018Index: insulator..migraines

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Page 27: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

MIKE 3:11,14 4:7,17 5:2,10 10:16 14:7 15:9 16:7 17:14,25 18:5,9, 17,24

mile 8:19 9:16,18

million 9:15 13:1,5

mistake 7:14

moment 15:20

money 10:3 14:3

monitoring 12:14

Monroe 6:13 10:17,18

months 12:8

morning 13:2

moved 14:16


names 5:13

news 16:24

night 9:8

noise 8:11,12 9:24 11:23 12:10,19, 21 15:3

Norco 10:3 11:2 14:2 15:7 16:6

North 1:18

notification 7:8

notified 7:3

Number 11:21


objects 15:24

occupant 7:3

occurred 13:7,12

officer 11:2

operate 12:1

opportunity 10:19

outdated 18:23

overhead 4:5,17

16:14,16 17:9,12

owner 7:12

owners 7:9,19,21



paper 5:5

part 16:2 18:5

participate 16:14 19:20

parts 19:18

pass 6:5

pay 14:3

people 8:13,17 10:1 11:8

people's 16:23

percent 8:1

period 2:13 18:25 19:4

periods 19:10

permit 11:21

person 6:10 10:16,24

personal 11:7

perspective 10:20

phase 5:22

phone 17:2

physical 13:7,8

piece 5:5

place 18:12

places 10:23

plans 14:18

point 11:25 16:24 17:6

pointed 12:5

pole 2:24 10:10 14:24,25 15:1,10, 23 16:3

poles 4:6 7:1 9:3,22 10:8 14:21 15:22 16:4

Pollard 10:17 14:7,11, 12 15:16 17:23 18:3,7, 15,21

portion 19:15

possibility 4:25 8:12

posted 2:10,11

posters 19:16

power 6:22,23 7:23 8:1 9:11,14 10:9,22 12:19,21, 23 13:1

predict 18:19

preparation 5:25

prepared 2:11

present 11:14

presentation 2:2 3:10

presented 17:24

pretty 5:8

problem 12:10


PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018Index: MIKE..problems

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

Page 28: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com


proceeding 18:12,20

progress 6:15,17 8:15

project 2:4,6 5:18,25 8:22 9:1, 3,14,25 14:13,14 15:16 18:14,15 19:5,11

projects 19:3,18

proper 7:7

property 7:2,9,13, 17 9:4 10:7,10 13:16,24 15:4 16:5

proposed 4:24 6:3 18:18

provide 6:23 11:3 12:16,20

provided 7:19

proximity 11:12

Pubic 19:22

public 19:15

purpose 16:9

put 9:5,21 14:18,21 15:13,21

putting 9:10 10:14


quality 3:15 14:2

question 2:1,16 4:20

questions 5:20

quick 2:16 4:20 5:10


radiation 12:19,20

radio 11:1,2

radios 11:22

rainstorm 11:23

read 5:5 6:9 18:4

ready 5:7

real 7:2 12:10

realize 12:17

realizes 13:14

reasons 8:16,17

recall 5:1

receive 5:7

received 5:1 17:2

receiver 12:5

record 2:15 3:4, 25 4:19 5:3,14 6:11 17:21

referenced 2:7 3:19

registered 11:10

related 5:24 12:21

relates 4:7

remember 11:4 13:12 18:17

remembers 16:25

rentals 7:10

renter 7:10

replaced 16:4

replacement 5:1

report 2:10 7:18,19, 20 18:8, 21

reporter 5:14

reports 7:15

residents 4:22 16:19

rest 7:5 11:23

results 18:8

review 2:8

Richard 6:13 10:17,18

Rifler 6:12,15

right-away 15:2

right-of-way 13:15

risks 8:8

River 11:13 13:11 14:13,16, 17 16:2

road 10:6 11:13

13:11 14:13,16, 17,18

Robert 2:3,9 3:22 17:15 18:11,19

Robinson 1:25

rolling 9:8

roof 12:4

room 6:7

RUSS 2:1,7,16, 22,25 3:3,5,9, 13,19,24 4:1,13, 20,25 5:4


Santa 11:13 12:3 14:12 15:6 16:2

satisfied 10:1

SCE 13:14

schedule 18:9,18

school 13:2

season 13:18

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018Index: proceeding..season

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

Page 29: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

send 17:21

senior 15:20

sense 12:12

service 12:16

set 2:24

sets 2:23

severely 16:6

sheet 2:8

short 6:20

show 18:2

showing 13:6

shows 18:21

side 11:22 15:12,15

signals 11:24

simple 6:17

single 15:10,11

sitting 13:23

situation 11:19

slide 3:22

slides 2:4

snapshot 5:19

solicitation 7:6

solution 6:17,21

sort 7:16

sounds 7:24

source 2:20,23, 24,25 6:23

Southern 19:1

speak 5:12 10:19 14:9

speaker 5:11,13 6:4,10 14:9

speaking 16:9

species 7:17

specifically 13:11

spent 11:5

Spiegal 14:8 16:7,8



spread 14:4

standard 15:10

standing 13:4 19:16

start 18:16

stay 15:18

stood 13:2

stop 6:18

street 1:18 7:9

strive 11:3

studies 3:7

stuff 8:14

submit 17:19

subtransmission 4:4,5,7, 9,10,14

suits 10:2

sunsets 15:6

support 11:7 12:11


taking 9:21

talk 8:12 17:1 19:12

talked 8:11

talking 4:11 12:23 18:25

Telecommunications 11:11

teletype 11:6

television 12:9

ten-year 19:2

tenths 8:19 9:17

term 4:7 6:20

terminology 4:2

thing 9:13 12:2 13:20 16:4

things 7:21 14:3,23 17:3

throw 7:5,11



time 6:6 11:23 14:4,6,20 18:23

TITSWARTH 2:1,7,16, 22,25 3:3,5,9, 13,19,24 4:1,13, 20,25 5:4

today 6:7

told 9:15 11:15 14:17 16:3

Tom 6:12,15

total 3:5 15:15

totally 5:18 19:6

tower 13:21

traffic 11:6

transcript 17:25

transformers 8:6

translate 5:15

transmission 4:8,11 15:22

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018Index: send..transmission

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

Page 30: 2340238 Meeting, Public 06-27-2018 · C1-10\rcont. C1-11. C1-12. C1-13. C1-14. C1-15 ·1· project, somebody is benefitting at the other end.· It's ·2· not us, so why not wherever

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com

trash 7:5,11

trench 13:20

tube 13:3

tumors 8:14

TV 12:7

two-lane 14:17

types 2:25


unable 12:1

underground 4:3,6,15, 16,18 9:5,11,21 10:14 12:10 14:2,5,19 16:1,15 17:8,11

underneath 13:1

understand 4:2 5:18 6:15,17 8:15 17:9

unique 10:19

unlocking 12:5

upset 6:24 7:2

urgency 11:3

URL 2:6 5:4

Utility 11:10


values 10:7 16:5

varies 11:24

vein 12:16

verbal 17:23

view 10:11

views 15:6

Virginia 10:22

volt 13:1,5

voltage 4:8 11:15

voting 6:3


walk 13:3 19:17

wanted 17:15

Washington 12:25

watch 12:8

weather 7:22

website 2:4 3:10, 11

welfare 11:7

white 12:4

widened 14:18

wife 12:8

wife's 10:12

Willson 12:6

word 4:3

work 16:18 17:5,10

world 11:25

worried 11:19

worse 8:23

worst 10:6

write 17:20

written 5:15 17:19


yard 11:12 16:23

year 18:10,13

years 8:4 13:1, 6,13 14:20 15:24 16:9,10, 25 18:22

PUBLIC MEETINGCircle City Substation and Mira Loma Jefferson

June 27, 2018Index: trash..years

800.211.DEPO (3376)EsquireSolutions.com