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THE LOUISVILLE DAILY T VOLUME XXX. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, *B;*T*X> i^T> FCBL' ‘T7TD 1*7 PRENTICE, HENDERSON, ^ OSBOHJils, TH1HD 8TB 1ST, BCTfc'X** JSTFKBSC* A»T» GUMS*. ScBRr.RiPTfoK Pricf.a— I n Journal *10? if mailed , $8 if P»id in “w vitlnn three month.'*; Country Daily $5: Tri-Weekly *j; Weekly *2; Evening Bulletin §8 a year or 1«M centa a W cIob Pwo»i1n Advancs.— W eekly—1 copy $2; 10 opies or more *1 60 each. Paper* sent by mail are payable in advance. Remittances by mail, in “registered” letters, at oar risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING IN THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL FOR REGULAR ADVERTISERS. One square, changeable weekly, per annum J" Do. do 2 times per week, per annum w Do, do 8 times do do, 100 00 Each additional square, one-half the above pncso. _ Advertisements published at intervals—*1 for first inse.- on and 60 cents for each subsequent one. Announcing candidates *1 per week for each n*“e- Yearly advertisers pay quarterly; all others in advance. Real estate and steamboat ad vortlsements, shenn# ana •ommiasioners' sales, patent medicine, theatrical, cl reus or similar ii.lverUsing, not published by the year. Advertisements ior charitable institutions, £re eomgn- nles, ward, and other public meetings, and such like, halt P Editorial notices and communicatJons inserted in edito- rial columns and intended to promote private Interests, jo cents per line; these only Inserted at the discretion of the ^^communications will be Inserted unless accompanied Steamboat ^d'verti^iaJnU^SScentsfor flrstinsertion and cents for each continuance; each change considered a new advertisement. Standing advertisements for regular packets for a season of not over six mouths, *12 for one boat, and *6 for each additional boat . , Advertisements Inserted only In the Evening Bulletin will be charged half the above prices; it Inserted In Daily Journal aud continued, after flr-t insertion, in the Even- ing Bulletin, one-fourth the above prices. Advertisements kept on the Inside of the Journal are charged an extra price. ADTUTiauro Rate«-Iw Wkfklt Journal. Eacb quart- (10 lines er less), first insertion $1 Each continuance 60 Written notice must be given to take out and stop ad ertiseinents of yearly advertisers before the year expires, thorwiee we shall charge till done. No contract of yearly advertisements will be dlscontin aed without previous uotice to u*, nor will any charge be made for less than one year at the yearly rates. MEDICAL. Dr. WALLACE’S RHEUMATIC DISCOVERY. U K. WALLACE, ef Suspension Bridge, N. Y.. lias dis- covered a positive, sure, aud speedy cure for Rheu- matism. Tiiffamma tory or Chronic. Inilamtonlory cates unable to raise a hand to theirhead. or be turned in bed without the aid of sheet* placed for the purpose, have been cured by it lu a few day*. Fenton* of all age*, from the sufiering child to the crippled old man, buve been restored to health by hr use. The remedy is prepared from a simple root, the medical properMen of whf*h he discovered while residing iu the northern patt of Vermont, lu 1851. It is used Internally, Is *afo and sure; ond for all the different forms of Hhttuinatism, and .-ueh disease.* a* arise from deranged secretion* if the system, but remedy Is a specific: curing, as those who have used it nay, “like a charm.” It L* not unplea.-aut to take, aud does not inter fere with diet or occupation. It may be rclitd u pon for tbe following difficulties: Inflammatory Rheumatism and Gout; Inflammatory Swelling* 0/ the Joints ond Limbs,* Chronic Rheumatism and Pains in the boots; Seuratair Rains; Crick in the back or neck; Partial Paralysis; .Spasmodic pains in the muscles of the limbs, chest, or neck; Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder, often mistaken Jor Gravel ; Irritation, painfulness, heat, or difficulty in dis- charging the urine; Syphalilic Rheumatism; Secondary Syphalis; Diseased Kidneys; Dropsy and enlarged Testicle; Scrofulous dwelling* of' the Glands; Scurvy eruptions and humors ofthe Skin; Tumors and Ulcers; Removing inflammation and restoring the secretions to a healthy condition. MOTHERS, Please remember that this Discovery Is a sure preventive of Broken Ifr easts It will, in a few hour*, aubuue all in- flammation, and (Often the most painfully distended breasts, so tha* thev may be easily drawn or their contents preecd out. Try it Yon will fiud it safe and sure, aud that you are saved from grea tpain aud suffering by it* use. Inquire for Dr. Wallaok'b Riikcmatic Discovery, whose signature is on the outside wiappcr of each bott e. Price $1. Orders addressed to RAYMOND & TYLER, Louisville, Or Db. W. U. WALLACE, dec 13 dlm&w4m Suspension Bridge, N. Y". THE PREMATURE Decay of Youth. JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. STONE, T>HYSICIAN to th? Troy Lung and Hygeinic Institute, -*• a treaties ou the early Decay of Americau Youth; the n ice of Self-Abuse and it* direful consequences; Seminal Weakne** and other diseases of the Sexual Organs in both male and female. The above work ha* received tbe highest commendation from several leading papers of the Union as one of the roost able ever published on this subject of such vital Interest. It is for gratuitous di».‘rib;ition, and it will be sent by mail in a sealed envelope te any part of the country free ol charge, on receipt of two stamps for postagp. Fail not to send aud obtain this book. A Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice to those who will Reflect. It is a solemn fact that 100,000 die annually in the Uni. ed State* with consumption, marasmus, or premature de cay. There cannot be an effect without an adequate cause. In view of the awful destruction of human life and health, by marasmus or premature exhaustion and decay of nervous systemnervou* debility, caused sexual diseases, such as the. vice of Self-abuse. Seminal Weakness, S; eriiiatcrrlura, Gonorrhu-a, Gleet, Impo- tence, Leucorrhcna Virulent private diseases, both in male and female, and Sterility', and organic diseases of the Kid- neys, and in view of the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quack* an base pretenders, the Directors of the Troy Lung and Hygeiuic Institute have instructed their attending physi- cian to give medical advice, gratis, to all patients thus af- flicted, male or ' female, who may apply by letter or per- soually, with a description of their case, as to a true and reliable means of cure. Aud the Ius itution proposes to treat the unfortunantc, and in cases of extreme poverty aud suffering, for a sum that will only compensate the co.it of medicines. t3T YOUNG MEN suffering from these direful Ills, wit! receive for $5 a bottle of Life Drops, or the IJfe Pills, and a series of Health Rules aud perfect Chart of Cure, which Mill be to them a true polar star through life. TO FEMALES. The Monthly Pills prepared by the Institution, an infallible, never-failing remedy, will be sent by mail to any part of tbe country, on the receipt of «L with ample Instructions for use under all ciicutu stances. tW~ The moH reliable conscientious advice will at all times be given by the physician of the Institution, both to Male and Female, respecting diseases of the sexual organs Medicines and treatment will be sent by mail or express to applicants, to all parts of the couutry, and the Institution will guarantee the success of treatment. CTfThe attending physician will be found at the Insti- tution for consultation, from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. of each day. Sundays, in the forenoon. Address DR. ANDREW STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung an llygeinle Institution, and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, and Lungs, !*> Fifth street Troy. oTd&wly Kerosene Oil! TEE NEW YORK KEROSENE OIL CO. (ESTABLISHED 1*64.) A NNOUNCE that, haviug made groat improvements in the manufacture of Kereseuc, tuey are now enabled o oiler it to the Trade at A REDUCED PRICE. The attention of consumers is respectfully called to the submitted table, the result of a photonietrical examination, by Ed’p N. Kent, Esq., ol New York, Chemist, and dated Feb. 8, 1866; Mates lal. LAMP. Y o _ % 2. <o 3 1 3 i B ^ I ? o 2,» -v Price of the t Gallon. r. l O §2, r B _C ?5r a 3*2 zr 5 f: Kerosene Cainphcne Whale Oil.... Lard Oil Kere.-wne .13.6891 2.436 $1 00 $4 10 t;«m phene. . . - 5.625 1.299 63 4 85 Solar .., 1.892 1 00 12 re .solar .. 1.640! 706 1 25 17 70 'Solar . 2.026 850 2 25 26 47 Large Wick. . .1 663! 871 29 00 Reliable orders from the Trade, by Mall or Telegraph, lied, on application to AUSTENS, Agenta, »:i Pearl Street, N. Y. KEROSENE is also to be obtained at the Manufacturer*’ Prices of all the New York Wholesale Druggists, Grocers, Campbene and Burning Fluid Manufacturers and Dealers in La tuts. N. B. KEROSENE is the trade-mark of the Kerosene Oil Company, and a I persons arv cautioned against using the said trade-u.ark for other oils. ocVi d3ro L ICORICE— 18 cases Sanford Maw; 20 do extra Spanish Mass; 11 do Calab ia t»t>ck; In store and for sale by C. H. WIRGMAN, o25 dtf 301 Main st , between Eighth uud Ninth. LXJCIUS IT ART, 4 and 6 Burling Slip, New York, IMPORTER OF AND DEALER IN Block Tin, Bar Lead, Nickel Antimony, Bar Tin, Babbitt Metal Speiter, IngotCopper, Tinn’rs’Sclder, Pig Lead, Bismuth, SpelterSolder. Also Manufacturer and Importer of 8n.YBR.PLA TED and IIltlTANNIA WAKE. H*“The Trade supplied po the most favorable terms. fi*t d3m Copartnership. » ¥» w * . s. 8. MOODY, Late of Rawson, Cood, A Todd. Late of Gardner & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. Marsh? ’’a Sale. N. Ham A Cb. 1 ^ ty Mt f In Chancery. Hancpc dr Casual , O \ ai*jfa decree of Louisville Charcery Court, IS t •ASe'tln i**- abov' cause, the undersigned or one of M «u .% etfTWTuar, January 11, 1960, aboat the hour ofi* A.«* A. M. sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, kt the house copied by 8. G. Henry A Co., No. f*t4 Main street, between Third and Fourth streets, Louis- ***** LOi OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-Carpets, Beds. Bedding. Bureaus, parlor F urniture, one Piano, one Book Case, a lot of Books. Ac. Terms of Sale—Under *20, cash; *20 and over, on a credit of 4 mouths. , L The pnrehaser will be required to give bond with ap- proved security bearing interest from date until paid W. C. D. WHIPS M. L.C. C. JAS. O. BA LEE, ( TYntiiitles TIIOS. A. MORGAN, I UerUtlea - . Jldtd Lent, South, & Shipmai agaiuot W. R. Glover Marshal's Sale. In Chancery. No. 16,191. B Y virtue of a decree of the Louisville Chancery Court. rendered in the above caus*-, the undersigned, or one of us, will, on Monday 9th of January, I860, about the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court-House door, in the City of Louisville, on a credit of 4 month*, TWO-H0R8ES and ONE BUGGY. The purcha-ter will be required to give bond with approv- ed security, brariig i uteres* from date until paid. W. C. 1). WHIPS, M. L. C. C. _J4_dd ^ S MOItOAV. i Southern Saloon. S. II. PANZER. Proprietor, CORNER OF COURT PLACE AND SIXTH STREET, I.ouMville. Ky. I ^EG leave to inform my friend;* and the public gene. rally that I ail* open on Monday, Nov. 21, at lOo'e'ock. with a (tpleudid LUNCH and continue to set a good Lunch every day at the above hour. 1 Miner i* served to cu t law- yer*. merchant-*, aud others Regular Dinner from 1 to 3 o’clock. All other meals set at all hours. Tho e who want a I kinds of rare Bird.*, Game, Ac , wd do well to call, at my Saloon will be conducted on the New or.eanc* pt/le. Meals sent to offices and rooms when or- dered. u-’i dtf 8. ii. panzer Trunks & Traveling Bags, T niK FINEST NEW YORK AND FRENCH STYLES of Trunks and Traveling Bags can be found at o. phoal’s, ept-20 dtf 61 THI RD STR EET BOOK-KEEPING. COMMERCIAL 1 COLLEGE, roB BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. Southeast corner of Ki/tli and Jtfferson street.", The attention of the public is respectAdly called to the fact that this College Is now firm- ly eatmblishud ui*on a permaneui basis, aud it 'patious Cin depend upon its continuance. The long experience of Mr, Myers as a practical Book- Keeper enables him to instruct students to keep Books in precisely tl»9 saaic manner as thev are kept by the most experienced accountants 1 his, added to the advantage of nearly fifteen year*’ experience as a Teacher of Com- mercial Science, together with the fact that the course of instruction in this College is almost identica'lv the same as that taught by Mr. Bartlett, ol Cincinnati, Ohio, places this College, in many respect, far above anv other in-titu- lion of the kind in this city, and has proved to the princi- pal that his prices are not exorbitant the course of instruction will embrace examples of accounts in business books of every description, viz: Wholesale, Retail, Individual, part ne- ship, Simple and Compound, Company Business; Com- mission, Exchange. Bunking, Manufacturing, Railroad, and S eamboat Buoluess. TIME. The full time required to complete a course of iustruc- tiou in this College will be from lo to 14 weeks during the day, or from 5 to 6 month* at night. NOTIC . Night Class will be open until 1st of July. Fenmansliip Will be taught according to the most approved methods. MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. Special attention will be paid to this Department. A com- plete collection of examples have been carelully selected fioin tbe best authors on the sublecU-examples in Interest, Discount, Premium, Insurance, Loss, and Gain, Equat on. Simple and Compound Fellowehop, Exchange—both For- eign and Domestic, beside a number of problems aud ex- amples, which have been gathered fr m actual experience, ana which have never been published in any book. T ERMS: For a thorough course of Double Entry Book-Keeping, Commercial Calculations, and Penmanship *:& Ou Cost ot Book'* 6 0U Payable one half in advance. Penmanship and Arithmetic, per month, by day 5 00 *4 by night.... 3 50 Payable monthly in advance. HOURS OF INSTRUCTION, From 9 to 12 o’clock a m. From 2 to 5 o’c'ock p. u. From T to 10 o'clock at night. NOTICE. Old books written up, trial balauces and balance sheets struck, sccounts averaged, books opened or cLsed, upon tbe most reasonable t*nuf. For further particulars call upon at tbe Rooms, or ad- dress by mail, d3l dim W. A. MYERS. Principal. ESTABLISHED 1 76Q. PETER EOR IEEAR BP. Swiff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST. (Formerly 4‘2 Chatham Street, New York), YITOULD call the especial attention of Grocers and v v Druggists to his removal, and also the articles of hi* manufacture, viz: HR OWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demivros, Hue Rappco. Purw Virginia, Coa. *c Rappee, Nachltochi s, American Gentleman. Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Fresh Scotch. High Toa*t Scotch, Iri-h High Toast, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, or Luudyfoot. TOBACCO. SMOKING. E1XE CUT CUKWING. SMOKING. No. 1, P. A. L.. or plain St. Jago, No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet, SpanL-h, Nos. 1&2 mix’d Sweet Sf'ented Oronoco, C*nlster. Kitefoot, Tin Foil Caveudixh, Ture Turkish. A Circular of Prices will be eent on application. N. B. Note tbe uew article of Fresh Scotch Sonff, which will befouuJ a superior at tide for dipping purposes. d29 dSrn NOVELTY WORKS IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERY. Steam Eugiues au Cit cular Saw-.Mills. LOUlSVILtE.KY Dissolution of Copartnership. T HE copartnership heretofore existing between EDW*D A. GARDNER and SaM’L S. MOODY, under the tirm of GARDNER tk CO., i«* this day dissolved by mutual consent. EDW’D A. GARDNER will continue tbe business at the old xtand. No. 41* Main street, under the name c>f the old firm. Nov. 1, 1 *50—tf GA RDNER A CO. "THE JONES LAMP,” M ANUFACTURED in every variety and style, and sold at greatly reduced prices by TARBELL & WYMAN, 37 Central atreet, Boaton. Successors to E. F. Jones & Co.) N- B —The Jones Burner, recently improved, gives more light and consumes less oil than any other “Kerosene" or Coal Oil Burner nmuufactured. o31 d3m r |'H E undersigned have this dnv formed a copartnership A under the style of COODde MOODY, for th« purpose UIM IV \ vmU 1' unm.r.Kl ana cu.m M IhSION Bl hINESe, aud have taken the two stores re- eently occupied by DumesuU & Co., an Wall street, where they wid be pleased to see their frieuds. l irm I 1 W. COOD. not, i, lo&i*. djm g s moody. GUNPOWDER. IN METAL KEG 8, ^^ater- tight and Fire-proof, We have in magazine a full supply of the above cele- brated brand of Powder, put np in pafcnf iron kegs, and for sale at same price as wooden kegs by A. V. DuPONT & CO. *y*N. B —For sale by all the Louisville merchants. WE ARE MANUFACTURING STATIONARY AND H Portable Steam Fnginea and Circular Saw-Mills ol the latent and most approved styles. Brass Work of every description. Mill Gearing, Ashcraft’s Steam Gauges, Fa- ber’s Water (ranges, and Wrought Iron Pipe. Steamboat Biacksmithing in all it* branch*-*. Orders solicited. HAWLEY, BILLINGS, Sc BALDWIN. Corner of Eighth and Water streets, o29 dly Louisville, Ky. Regular Line of Packet Ships BETWEEN LIVERPOOL AND LOUISVILLE. Katnblinlied lu 1835- THE undersigned have established a Regular Line of PACKET SHIPS between ST Liverpool and Louisville sail ng from I.iv- •terrvmi the Fir **t and Fifteenth of ev*ry month, and they respectfully ask the patronag « of the im- porters of Louisville for their ships. The ships will be of the first cla*s and commanded by master* exiieritnced in the trade, and particular attention * id 10 " p . .. . . » railing of the ships, they will merit the patronage of the will be pal cargo. The subscriber* trust that by adopting a moderate scale of prices for freight, and insuring regularity in the the Cft-eful stowage and haudling of the it b; f prices for freight, and of the ships, they will m et> of Louisville, who are pers of their goods in Engl aud to line of packets established by us. importers of Louisville, who are invited to direct the ship- .... ....... .. ^ tg e rs of their goods in Englsud to give the preference je of packets established by us. Fu l particulars will be given by Messrs. CAMM ACK & Fu l particulars will De given Dy Messrs. UA MM AC11 CONVERSE, of New Orleans, our Agents at that place. BOULT, ENGLISH, & BRANDON. Liverpool, August 1st. 1859. oct3 d6m l*htnthing A* fiasfittiug. WILLIAM JAMES, 68 FIFTH ST., BETWEEN MAIN & MARKET, Practical Plumber and Gasfitter, I S BREPARED to do Plumbing and Gasfitting in the most Improved stvle aud on the most reasonable terms. Have constantly on hand a large town ttnent ot Gas Fix- tures, Bath Tubs. Wash Baaius, Water Closet* of every diacriptton. Lilt and Force Pumps, fcheet Lead, Lead aud Iron Pipe, Ac., &c. Dwellings, stores, and factories fitted up with Water, Gas, and Steam in the best manner, and warranted to give satis- faction. Every variety of Country Plumbing promptly attended to. Old Fixtures Cleaned, Bronzed, and Kegiltcd at 68 Fifth street, between Main and Market WILLIAM JAMES. Refer to Wm. Preston Johnston, F>q. *11 » d3:u HARDWARE. MEDICAL. D R. J. F. MILLER cures instantly and wlt v oiit draw- ing blood. Corns. Bunions, and Warts. His office is on Jefferson street, over the Crystal Ralace buildings, where he may be found at all hours excepting when out on professional bns'Mss. Ladies wa ted on at their residences. The Doctor will be glad to show the many testimonials to his succors to parties who may favor him with a visit. dtfls HALL’S MEDICAL OFFICE, No. 17 THIRD STREET. LOUISVILLE, KY. I>R. HALL (Formerly of Philadelphia, late of Cincinnati), M OST respectfully aunounce* that he can be confiden- tially consulted at his Mudical Office on ail DLeusea of the Organ- of Generation. Twenty yea. s’ experience enables him to perform the most astonishing cures in a very short time without tho use of mercuty or other poi- sons. Dr. H. has cured, wi hlu the last eleven months, two hundred and fifty obteinate cases that had been treated by euiinaut physicians of Cincinnati and Louisville without success, and be has now under treatm ut seventy five pa- tients with the happiest prospect of a speedy recove. y. Amo eg the Diee*s**s successfully t* sated are Scrofula, RheumatUin, Asthma, Bronchial and Luug Diseases. Ulcers, Tu- mors. Fistula, Ague and Fever, and all Diseases peculiar to Females ; l.ueorihea, Sunpresion of the Menses, Painful Meuntruatinn, Inflammation aud Ulceration of the Ut ru* or the Womb, Prolapsii* Uteri, or Fall- ing of the Womb, Ac.. Ac. AH Dlseas s of the Organs of Generation in both sexes treated in a careful, thorough, and Judicious manner, pointed out by long * xpejleoce aud invest gation. IF* 1 ow charges and quick cures. Recent cases cured in from three to eight days. All syphilitic aud mercurial t tint* entirety rem* red from the system. YOUNG MEN afflict d with Seminal Weakuete should applv to I>r. liall immediately, either in pciaon or Lv let- ter, as. Uh ue\er fails to cure Bis remedies are perfectly safe nud unknown to any other physician iu Die United Stales. TO THE LADIES.— Special attention pud t*> Mid wii'ery and all Difficult and Delicate Dis-ase- of Female*. Dr Hal. is role Agent iu the Urnted Mate* for the sale of Hr R ATt CU’ a celebrated FRENVH PKRIODICAL DROPS, which no femal.- should be without who i* trou- bled with obstructions or irregularit'es. These Drops are the only safe and only positively certain restorative and pi even live known. Price *6 pe. bottle. CAUTION.— Ttiei-e Drops riiou'd not be used bv lad lea wheu iu a certain condit on. as they ate sure to reotore tho Mei.ee* under any circumstances. Medicines sent to any address. Patients at a distance should addroos I,. II ALL, M. 1>., No 76 Third street, Louisville. Ky. tV'All communications confidential. d!6 dly tahrant^s I FFERVESCENT This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in con- formity with the analysis of the waters of tbe celebrat- ed Seltzer Springs, in Germany, in a most conve- nient and portable form, has universally re- ceived the moet favorable recommenda- tions of the Medical Profeeeion and a Discerning Public, as the MOST EFFICIENT AND AGREEABLE Sallno Aperient n use. and a* being entitled to special preference over the many Mineral Spring waters, Soidlltz Powders, and other similar article*, both from its compactness and greater ef- ficacy. It may be u?ed with tbe best effect in all BILIOUS AND FEBRILE DISEASES, SICK HEAD- ACHE, LOSS OF APPETITE, INDIGESTION, AND ALL SIMILAR COM PLAINTS. PE- CULIARLY INCIDENT TO THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEiSONS. It la particularly adapted to the want- of Travelers by Sea and Land. Reeidentelo Hot Climate*. Pe:«oaso! Sedentary liabite. Invalids, and Couvalevcenta; Captain* of Vestel* and Planter* will fiud it a valuable addition to their Medicine Cheats. With tho.-e who have ueed it. It has high favor and Is deemed iudiaptm.-able. IN A TORPID STATE OF THE LIVER—It render* great service in restoring healthy action. IN GOUT AND RHEUMATISM-It gives the best sat- isfaction, allaying all inflammatory symptom*, uud in many cases effectually curing those afflicted. ITS SUCCESS IN CASES OF GRAVEL. INDIGES- TION, HEARTBURN, AND C'v’STI VEN ESSProves it to be a Modicine of the greatest utility. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, AND THE DIS- TRESSING SICKNESS SO USUAL DURING PREG- NANCY"—Yield.- speedily, aud with marked success under ts healthful influence. IT AFFORDS THE GREATEST RELIEF TO THOSE AFFLICTED WITH OR 8UBJECT TO THE PILES—ACTING gently on the bowels, neutralizing all irritating secretions, and thereby removing all intiainma- tory tendencies. IN FACT, IT IS INVALUABLE IN ALL CASES WHERE A GENTLE APERIENT OK PUR- GATIVK IS REQUIRED. It Is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bot- tles, to keep in any climate, and merely require* water l>oured upon it to produce a delightful effervescent buver- Taken in the morning, it never interferes with the avo- vtiouF of the day, acting » the dlgeetivo powers, exciting $100 REWARD. C 1 SCAPED from the Kentucky Penitentiary, on Tiicf l-J day morning, October 4, about half pant 9 o’clock, WM. S. HAPPY, aged 2*iye*ia; painter by trade; 6 feet 6 aches high: weighs atout 140 pound*; complexion fair, p ye* blue; hair dark small sexr under left nipple; scar on pit of stomach; small scar on forehead, above right tern- pie; scar on inside left foot, under ankle; had on citizen's clothing. It is *ut>po«ed that he will make fc Illinois, as he is xnown te* nave a sister iu that State. The above reward will lx* paid ~>r the delivery of the convict at the Penitentiary in Frankfort, or his confine meut in any jail where I can get him. J. W. SOUTH. oct5 dtf Keeper of the Kentucky Penitentiary. October 10, 1869. JAS. I. DAY, SrV“IAL PABTNEK, Late of N. RLKANS NOTICE. 1) F. OUTHRIE is admitted a* a partner in our firm 13. GUTHRIE, WHITE, A CO. Louisville, Nov. 1, 1869.—dtf V IRGINIA TOBACCO- . 60 half boxes Cre-cent, choice bright lbs; 46 boxes Black Hawk’s sup do do; 117 do otberfiue brands; in store aud for sale by o35dtf C. II. WIRGMAN, 301 Main *t\ between Eighth and Ninth. R IO COFEE— 100 bags prime Illo Coffee Just arrived by mallboat and for sale by d29 COOD A MOODY. BRUFF, BRO., AND SEAVER, 44 Warren St., NEW YORK. I N ORDER TO ENSURE PROMPT SHIPMENT. WE solicit orders for tbe followiug goods os early as possi- ble: B. B. & 8. original Oval Eye Cast Steel COTTON HOE8. the most approved kind in market, which were iuvented and introduced by us. R. P. BRUFF* 8 Cast Steel warranted AXES: K. P. BRUFF’ 8 superior quality CARPENTERS OOLS: B. B. A 8. extra fire Thread COTTON HOPE; B. B. A S. real White Oak Root UAMES; TRACE CHAINS, Ac , Ac. Complete catalogues sent by mail on application, ol aim GEOCEBIES. THOMAS S. HAYDON WHOLESALE GROCER AKD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT* No. 664 MAIN ST., BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD LOUISVILLE, KY.. AS in store and to arrive a large and well selected of Groceries, which he wid sell at lowest market a*b or to prompt paying customers ou short time stock rates ,con- S UGAR—49 hhds fully fair to choice received per steam- er Pacific and for sale low by d29 TYLER A MARTIN. C ANDY 8UGARS— ICO bbla A Philadelphia Soft Crushed; 25 tierces Louisiana Granulated; for sale low by TYLER A MARTIN. N EW HAMS—309 received and for sale by d22 HIBBITT A SON. P wi uiywnai, WU1CU no win eeil at low* for ca*h or to prompt paying customer? ou acting in part of New Orleans Sugar and Molasses, Klo, Laguavra, and Java < offee: *;?•£. Powdered, aod Crushed ugar: Virginia. Missouri, and Kentucky Tobacco, carman, Pa.m. and FamJy Soane; Star and Mould Cuudles; 1 * Imperial and Gunpowder Tea*; L0'M»n Yarns an«l Batting; Manilla, Cotton and Hemp Cordage; Window Gla:*** Mackere*. 8. C. So. Hnek^Tutw KK* pp ^ r 8pi . c<*- Nutmegs, Itedcorda In Washboard*, and all other good# kept in grocery houses usually ol / I * T i ER ~rioo^ bl8 boiled tweet Cider received and for rale 7 07 W»J HIBBITT A SON IMPORTANT FOR MAN. tT'URF OIL cures old Sores. Turf Oil cures fresh Wounds. Turf Oil cures Scald Head. Turf Oil cures Tetter. Turf Oil curce Sprains. Turf OU eures Bruises. , Turf OU cures Burn* and leaves no s FOR BEASTS. Turf Oil cure* Saddle Gall. Turf OU cures old Strains. Turf OU cures Swelled Lege. Turf OU cures Stiff Joints. Turf OU cures Sweeney. Turf OU cures Pollevil. Turf Oil cure* Cracked HeeL Turf OU cures Wind Galt For sale by WILSON PETF.R, A CO., CARY A TALBOT, W. SPRINGER A BRO., THO. t COUCH, geo. w. Hart. and all Draggiet* and Country Merchants in the State. apl9 dly catiou*-' of the day, acting gently on the system, restoring the digestive powers, exciting a healthy ad vigorous tone of the tftomarh. and creating an elasticity of mind and flow of spirits which give zc*t to every enjoyment. It also eu- able* the invalid to enjoy many luxuries with impunity, from which he must otherwise be debarred, aud without which life i* irksome and distressing. Numerous text imonials from nrofessional and other gen- tlemen of the highest standing throughout the country, and its steadily increa-iug popularity for a series of years, strongly guarantee its elhracy ami valuable character, aud coinmend it to the favorable uotice of an intelligent public. Prepared and sold. Wholesale and Retail, by JOHN A. TARRANT A CO., Dbuuoibtb. No. 278 Greenwich at., cor. of Warren, N. Y. je!3 d1y3tis FOUND, A CERTAIN RKUEY FOR SPERMATOR- RHEA or INVOLUNTARY" EMISSIONS. Stiff, rcra from this disease, wheu satisfied that the nostrum* ot the quack* can never restore lost health and v gor, writ to meyour friend— former sufferer, aud learn a more ex- cellent way. Address, with stamp enclosed, in perfect confidence. Box 964, Dayton, Ohio. oi7 dAw3m* DR. LA CROLX’S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 260 Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithograph*, gy PRICE ONLY’ TWENTY’-FIVE CENTS._*| arScnt free of postage to all parts of the Union. ON the infirmities of youth and maturity, dise oring the secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing de- bility, uervou*nete, depression of spirit*, palpitation of the heart, sui- cidal imagination*, involuntary blushing*, defective memory, iudi- gestiou. and lasritude. Ac., compris- ing 25o page*, aud illuriruted with upwards of one hundred and thirty engraving*. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those contemplat- ing marriage, who entertain *ecret doubts of their physical condit on, and who are conscious of having ha- zarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every humnn being l* entitled. With Confession* of a Boarding School Miss, a college Student, and a Y'oung Married Lad/, full of romance and thrilling interest. Young men who are troubled with weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in you:h, the effects of which are dizziness, pain*, forgetfulness Mometime* a ringing iu the ears, weak eye*, weakness of the back and lower extremi- ties, confosiou of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AND LON- DON TREATMENT. We have, for the greater port of the post year, devoted our time In VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI- TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skilled Physician* and Surgeous lu Europe and on the Continent—such men a* Cl VI A LE, LENOI RE, RICORD, BttECU ETEAU, ACTON, and CURLINGS of the French and English hospital*. Our tour extended through France, Italy. Germany, Holland, England, Ire- land, Scotland, and Wales, viritiug ia our route the priu- c-pal Hospital* in Paris, London, Rome, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, Berlin, Ac., Ac. We have been amply repaid by the additional kucw.edge we have acquired in the treat- ment of various diseases to w hich we have directed our at- tention. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFI- CIENT REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce Into our practice, and the public may rest aiwured of the Y, and attention being paid ccesjfully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physiciau in our PECULIAR department of profesMonal practice. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canada*, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strict- ly confidential. tFDr. L.’s Office Is still loca a* established, under the name of DR. LA CROIX. auxXi dAwtf At No. 31 Moidez i*aue. Albany. N. V. MRS. WINSLOW, experienced Nnr-e and Female Physician, preset the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP For Children Teething, which greatlv facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing ail Inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN aud spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon It, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and J LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1860. SALT RIVER DISTILLERIES AGENTS- A. L. SflOTWEI.L & SOX, LOUISTILLE, KY\ HENRY HART, ESQ., 24 OLD SLIP, N. Y. JAMES E, GREEKLEAFf BOSTON, MASS. AGENTS XE1LE, HARRIS, *C0<, BALTIMORE, MD, €• II. BECKWITH & CO., CHICAGO, ILL. IT. T. COLEMAN & CO., ! SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. rpHE BRAND HERE REPRESENTED WILL BE BURNED ON.THE HEAD OF EACH BARREL. POSI tlvtly sold only to Jobbers aud the Whotenule Trade, orders sdiclted. Addre«a 018 fls&lylp S. T. SUIT, Proprietor. LOUISVILLE KV. W. H. STOKES (Sactessor to E. A W. U. Stokes), IMPORTEE A..TST33 DEAXER XXsT COACH & SADDLERY HARDWARE, Old-established Saddlery Warehouse, NO. 435 MAIN STREET, RETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH, AM Jkcy-- IF* Merchants and Manufacturers would find It to their interest to examine my slock before making th^lr purchase* and orders (Tom a distance will be attended to as if made in person *3 deow&weowtf BURDEN’S HORSE AND MULE SHOE. No. 5. CVOEBMIEVT Murmur. mm Wfrifc’l* 1 lb. l‘J frs. No. 4. CITY PATTERN" HIND. Weight 1 lb. 15 oz. No. 3. CITY PATTERN" HIND Weight lib. 11 ox. No. 2. CITY PATTERN HIND. Weight l ib. T> < z. No. C. city Pattern FORWARD. Weight 2 lb. 10 oz. '-v-G, No. 1. CITY PATTERN ^ HIND. ft Weight 1 lb. C oz. r---.- . . - - GOVKKS MUST V \TTKRs FOR w AKD. Hdj.'i hot. N«. 1 GOVERN MR.NT FATTF.RN* FORWARD. hot’ No S. GOVERN WENT pattern. forward. WtigkMA.3,x. m No 4. GOVERNMENT PATTERN. FORWARD B'.iyAf 1 11. 1 ..* PLiXTATlON PLANTATION No S. GOVERNMENT PATTERN FOR W AUD. M 1 U>. It «*• m Manufactured at the Troy Irou and Nail Factory, Troy, N# Y. NEW YORK OFFICE, ‘24 BROADWAY. W. F. BURDEN, Agent. may 6 dlaml2 Great Fuss and Feathers!" OPERA AT HOME FOR SALE OR RENT. For Sale. At Memph’s, a fine large BUILDING admirably constructed and located tor tbe boarding of fami- lies. The prices of boa*ding here are such that, in this building, a man adapted for the purpose can net from eight to ten thousand dollar* a year. For lull particular*, address Box 481 Memphis, Tenn. dl9dlm* yjy (j 1 (j} Flouring JfMill for Sole* OLD MUSIC HOUSE, 109 Fourth st., bet, Market ajid Jefferson, YU HERE It has been kept for sale ever since its first Issue at about one-dalf tho price it has been fold for at the Seu> Music House," and, notwithstanding it cannot be procured at any other place in the city," w# have a full supply at either wholesale or retail, together all sorts of valuable Musical Gifts for the Holidays. Don't rush, as we have plentyfor all ! RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. | da dtf We have put up and sold thl* article for over ten years, a»d can say. in oonfiiikncz and tzctu of It, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER ft HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE.TO ^ EFFECT A CUKE when timely u*ed. Never did ^ we know aq Instance of dissatisfaction by any oue who used it. on the oou- trary, all are delighted with it* operations, and speak in term* of highest ^ commendation of it* magi- cal effect* and medical vir- Z0S tuea. We spexk in this matter ** what we do know," after ten years’ TRIPP & CRAGG. Brady’s Publishing House. NEW BOOKS JUST ISSUED. experience, and pledge h ocb refutation kok the EVLKILLMKN1 OF WHAT C# U K UERK DECLARE. Inal- iuo?t every instance where ^ the iufar.t suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief w Ulbe found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the Syr ip i* administered. Thi* valuable prei**ra- ^ tion is the preacripUon of one of the most EXPEItl- ^ ENCEDand SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with MXVZK- FAILING SUCCESS V 1“ THOUSANDS O OF CASES. It not only relieves the ^ child from pain, but Invig- orate* the stomach aud bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone aud euergy ^ to tbe whole svstem. It will almost instantly re- *7® llevo GRIPING IN THE ^ BOWELS, AND WIND g COLIC, and overcome convulsion#, ^ which, if not speedily rem- edled, end in death. We ,R the vest and BCBEST KN T KEY AND se* from teetl„. .. _ say to ever/ mother who ha* a child *uffcriDg from any of tbe foregoiug com- m plaiuu—do not let revu FBEAUDSOES Nutt THE FEE- Hffi JL DICES OF OTUKE8 Stand betweeu your euffenug child aud the relief tbat wfll be SURE—yes, AU- . SOLUTELY SURE to follow tbe use of this med- c Z iciue, If timely used. Full directions for using will ac- company e ae h b ol,t le. None gentiine unless thA-tek fac simile of CURTIS A PERKINS, New York, ou tbe outalde wrapper. Bohl* 5 by °D r u g g l s t s ^ throughout the world. Prinolpol office No. 13 Cedar st, New Y'ork. eprt7dA wly C IGARS— 10.000 Henry Clay; 10,000 Piccolomini; 200,000 Germau, various qualities; 60,00(1 Havana Sixes; KCOt OAl'rL 0 EM‘lNS. TORBITT. THE ADVENTURESS, by George Augustus Sala. 60c. ETHEL TREVOR; or, The Luke’s Victim, by G.tV.M. Reynolds. 80c. AD\ LEIGH: or, The Love Test, by Pierce Egan. 60C. JANE HORTON, by Jack Brace. 26c. THE HAUNTED HOMESTEAD, by J M. Errym. 2oc. FAST LIFE; or. Memoirs of the Marquis of Waterford. 25c. IT'Mailed, free of portoge, on receipt of price. THE WELCOME GUEST, a first claps Family Monthly Newspaper, issued at the low rate of Twenty-five Cents a Year. Send for a specimen. IF” Brady’s mammoth Cotalogue of all tbe beat books rent free of postage. FREDERIC A. BRADY", Publisher, 24 Ann at.. New York. tr Agenta Wanted. d23 dfim 5i»PS oar: ETS -nd in death. We believe It the uut aud UEMEDY IN THE 2 WoDLI* lu all CSSeS of DYS- AND DIAEBUEA IN OIIILDEEN, whether it ari- i te-ethiug. or f-om any other cause. We would HOUSE AND STEAMBOAT FURNISHING GOODS. MARSHALL DICKINSON, 79 Fourth *1 , bet Main and Market. O UR stock of Carpeting and House Furnishing Goods is now complete, and we are now offering superior In- ducements to purchaser# in all kinds of CARPETS, CURTAINS. FLOOR OIL-CLOT1IS, LINEN GOODS. and to fact every article nsualiy kept In a fli*t claw e?lab- Uehment.. Our facilities lor buying our go ds Is such that we can compote with any of the k astern boose* Give us a call. MARSHALL A DICKINSON. di9 79 Fourth *t., between Main and Market. H UTTER—W. It. and Indiana roll and pocked Butter, warranted a choice article for tabic use, received daily per express aud for rale low by dlfi N. S^GLORE & CO B H ERRI NG—20,hbls first quality pickled Herring just re- ceived ond lor *»le by d 28 GARDNER A CO.. 419 Mam st. J AGGING AND ROPE 1,1100 pieces l agging; 3,000 coll# Rope; for sale by THO«. H. HUNT A CO. N EW STYLE FRENCH LEATHER BAGS AND VALISES, latest pattern*, furnished and plain: a!*o a few elegant Ladies’ Ponches and Hags, plain and fur- nished; for sale at d20 A. D. MANSFIELD'S. algued.it Springfield. Tcuu. d23 did M OLASSES -67 bbl* prime Mola«ee« landing iwr E. U. Fairchild and for sale by aucuuu ivn'ir nrniAviv a on dl7 lor wic AND’W BUCHANAN A CO., Corner Washington andSecond #ta. E xtra golden sirup- to km Baltimore, Brune A Son a; 20 bhla do, do; 25 Jido do, do; I-aST-* & ^ LOUISVILLE JOURNAL. TO VIQTOR HUGO. Sin: Your letter to tbe London S’ar has found its way into tbe Amevicfa press, for which it was doubtless intended. If ardent enthusiasm could win justice from her strict course, vours might have had some effect upon tbe destiny of John Brown. But all the elcquecce of ffeoius cannot (ake tbe black- ness from treason, or ^to^erimeon stain frem mur- der. It requires soipethii^ more than sn outbu-st of fine poetry to turn crime into patriotismsome- thing more than impetuous denunciations to check the solemn footsteps of justice. Before this lime you will have learned that Vir- ginia has vindicated the majesty of her law?; and that John Brown ard his unhappy confederates have passed to a higher tribunal for judgment You will lsarn, alio, tbat out of nearly thirty mil- lions of people, spreading over a great continent, there is but a handful of men and women who have received tbe news of this execution with disap- proval. North and South, the great body of our people acquiesce in tbe fate of John Brcwn as an in evitable necessitya solemn oblige ion to the laws Like you, vve may feel compassion for the man who was brave even in his crimes; but he was a great criminal, and so perished. Qod have mercy upon his sou>! Tee itnpulrpt of bnmanity which prompted your letter meet with sympathy from every true heart. But no outburst of compassion, no denunciation frcin abroad, is likely to influence a people who have learned to govern their piarions while they protect their rights. VVb-r, iq th-j ardor cf your fancy, Washington stood before youimmoral with heavenly great- ness--your intellect should have gone a step farther, and informed itself more correctly regardirg tbe Cenctitulion, to establish which be gave tbe best v>ars of a g'orious life. You would have learned that each State of this Union is sovereign io itself iq its laws and in its power to punish crimes com- mitted on its soil. To establish the distinct sovereignty of these States acd link them io ooe beautiful confederation, concessions were made and obligations of forbear- ance were entered upon to which tbe sacred honor ef our Revolutionary fathers was pledged—cot for beimelves alone, but for their children and chil- dren’s children. These obligations make slavery with us a forbidden subject. Washington himself was born in a slavebo-dirg State lived and died the master of slaves. Neither on tbe battle field, the floor cf Congress, nor in the Pref'.dentMl chair, did he suggest the possibility of revolt against the solemn compact made in the Constitution. Had treason, like that of old John Brown broken ont in his time, be would undoubtedly have dose wbat James Buchanan is dcing now. Maintaining cis august position as tbe chief of a great confed oration, onr President respects tho right of a sov ereign State, over whose infernal laws he has no authority, and leaves to her courts the punishment or pardon of the treason which broke out ou her territory. Washington could have done no more than this, crown him with tbe b rio of poetry as you will. Virginia, a sovereign State, has maintained her authority. John Brown is dead. Proven guilty of treason, condemned for atrocious murders, he has atoned for these crimes on the scafiold. It is im- possible for a man to stand upon the verge of eter- nity, into which he must be launched by a violent death, without filling every good heart with grief and compassion. But when ho is brave, when his path cf blood has been lighted by the lurid torch of fanaticism or insanity, such minds as yours, af- fluent, earnest, and poetical, inay be expected to clothe his crimes in white garments, and forgetting the murderer in the brave man, sing ptvans to the rn-rtyr of a vivid imagination only. I am of a eex and . f a nature to whom these feelings arc kindred. I cannot think of old Jjbn Brown upon tbe scaffold without a shudder through all my being. I cannot thick cf a man made in tbe image of his God, Euiferinpr an ignominious death without thrills of pain. But I fiod it impos- sible to fix my miad on tbe rcsffbld of this old mao. It goes back to bis victims at Harper’s Ferry—’.o the women made widows by the outbrjsk of a aia gle morning—to tbe orphans, wto bad never wrong- ed him, so cruelly bereaved by bis crime. I see the two sons who blindly followed bis lead fall martyrs to his rebellious spirit. I lock beyond all this, far away Into the beaut’- ful Souib, atd lo stead of an old man on the gal- low?, I see thousands of ray country-women, gen- tle, good, and lovely, given up a prey to wild in- surrection I see those murderous pikes, inacnfac- tured with t=uch cruri forethought, piercing tbeir bosoms— I hear the cries of children calliog for picture strikes my compassion dumb, and I can only cover my face and pray God lo have mercy on tbe old man's soul! John Brown was tried, condemned, and executed as a traitora guard of American cltizscs stood ironed the scaffold, sad at heart, but sieady in their devotion to tbe laws. The Legislature of a *reat Commonwealth sat, deliberately, af er his «antotce, ard proccunced it ju?t. The Federal Union, in which thirty millions of souls throb, stcod •>y in soltmn silence while the treason of this man was expiated. Out of all these thirty millions of intelligent, educated men, who make their cwn laws atd abide by them, not die hundred thousand can bs found to j .in with you in cotd^moirg the execution of John Brows, while every good be r‘ among them must sympathize ia tbe pity for his fate, which mingles so elcquoctly with your denunciations. Some tho re may be—cay, certainly are— who would add bitterness to your words, and wing them like poisored arrows far and wide, if they had tbe power. But thane are tbe very men and women who instigated his crime, who urged him cn to re- volt, and shrunk away into safe places when the gloom of tii deeds settl'd around him— men aud women who make money l»y r.coodi»ry books, rer- moos, and lecures, and, while they ircito crimes which coin gold for them elves, have no courage to meet tho danger when it arises. But thou-ands acd tens of thousandj share your pi:y for the old man—guilty acd mad as he was— while they put your denunciations aside with calm forbearance, feeling bow little knowledge you possess on a aubl ject which agitates you so deeply. But if tho great mass of my countrymen join ic your pity for the unhappy man, it is rot became they condemn bis execution or sympatbiza with bis revolt. Probably twenty-nine millions and nine hundred thousands of our people l;*ok upon execu- tion as a full and solemn atonement for crimes in which they have no sympathy. Our ccuntry is cow divided into three politic il parties, none ot which will indorse this rebellion oremdsmn the c>ur?e jaetic* has taken. When you call upon tbe Federal Union to interpose its authority against tne liws of Virginia, then is not a ccbcol boy throughout the land—for to all such our Cons itu tion is a text hoik who would not smih at your idea that the General Government has aoy right to interfere with the legal acts of an independent Commonwealth, or that the majority of a single State would interfere, if it bad the power. Ycur picture of John Brown’s trial is a painful one. It must be a hard he*»r'- which does not swell with corapaasdoa as it presents itself: “Upon a wretched pallet, with six half gupiog wounds, rcaxcely conscious of surrounding sounds, bathing bis mattrass with blood, acd with the ghostly oresetes of his two dead sols forever before him That jou place the unhappy man brfore the world, forgetting that thece ghastly wouedi are but tbe evidence of a more gnastlv crime— the fearful wit nesses by which bis guilt was confirmed. It is, ind.ei, a terrible picture you have drawn, but the streets of Harper’s Ferry bad one more ter- rible still. There innocent men, all unconscious of dancer, were shot down like wild animals. There widows, newly bereaved, knelt mourning over their dead, atd orphan children cried aloud for t"e pa- rents that John Brown had so ruthlessly murdered. This pic r ure you have forgotten to place side by sids with the other; but we who love our country- men have sympathy for tbe ioooceut as well es pity for the guilty. Y'ou complain that his trial was hurried, that the jury sat only forty minutos, ond that all the proceed- ings were indecorously urged forward; but were they so swift as the rifle bulls that shot down un- armed men in the streets at Harper’s Ferry? Were they so ruthless as John Brown’s midnight descent upon a sleeping village in Kansas, where husbands and sons were dragged out of their beds, find shot down within hearing of their wives and mothers? Is this the man whom you speak of as “pious, aus- tere, animated with the old puritan spirit, inspired by the spirit of the Gospel”; while you call his com- panions “sacred martyrs”? This, air,* I * tbe bhsphemv of a highly wrought imagination excu-e me for sayingnM origin ri with you; for wilder and mare irreligious men than I tiust you are have gone to greater lengths, and blasphemed more eloquently than this. Tney have prone urcid John Brown’s gallows holier than the cross and held, up his rebellion as a rebuke to the unfinished mission of our Lord the Saviour. “At this moment,” you say, “America attracts the attention of tbe whole world.” Not at this moment only, but ever since she be- came a free nation this has been a truth. To all the kingly governments of Europe she has always been a contrast and an irritationa subject for criticism, and, whenever an opportunity for blame arose, of denunciation. It is not strange, then, that a rebellion in part fostered in Europe should call forth bitter remarks there. “Let the judges of Charlestown and the slave- holding jurors, and the whole population of Vir- ginia ponder on it well they are watchedthey are not alone in the world.” They have pondered on it well, and the execu- tion of John Brown has taken place. If the whole American republic were responsible for his death, as you say it is, it would simply te responsible for a most painful duty, solemnly per- formed; acd received with inourmog resignation even by the most merciful, b. cause of its impera- tive necessity. Justice demanded tbe life of this man, for he had taken human lifenecessity de- manded it, for be was tbe spirit and soul of a trea- son that threatened the foundations of our national- ity that would forever have been plotting more TflE springs field mills, TOGETHER WITU About 20,000 bushels of Wheal, one-third of which is a prime articla of White, are offered for sale. T HIS *ale is rendered nece-sary by a di^soltiUon of the l •rtnerehjp under which .he Mill 1* owned, and It will therefore be oflVred on exceedingly favorable term* 1 1 is SSf the FINEST FLOURING MILLS IN TEN NFS- 8EF located at the thriving town of Springfield, with a popdatiou 0f i foo, and on the ra'Jroad from Na*hvUle to Clark *riilc, 28 mile* from the former place, and i* sur- rou&god by a splencid wheat-growing country. The Mill Is entirely New, In fine condition, aud in *uccea#ful operation. The pur- cliatte can take the Wheat or not at hi# own option. If not eoid privately, the above propel ty will be sold, to the hi>he*t bidder, on the premise#, ON THE I3TH OF JANUARY NEXT, on the following term*; One-third iu four mouth* and the remaioiuff two-tbirde in equal installment* in one aud two years, the whole drawing interest Ixoiu day of tale, and uotefl payable lo bank aud eudor*ed. Bale positive without reserve. For further Information, apply to or addr »*a tha under- ! ,J rT'“— JO. C. STARK, E. A. WILLIAMS. shed so long as he lived on earth. ty— t >Iood! Y’ou call the execution of Brown a “brotterhoed of blood” you say that “tbe fa.ces of our splen- did republic will be bound together by the running noose that bangs from the gibbet.” If this were trueif any brotherhood of blood is connected with this painful event itereits neither with tbe ‘‘whole” American Republic nor with the State of Virginia; but its red track may be found across the foam of the Atlantic, linking Exeter Hall with the sensa'bn pulpits on this side of the ocean. The weight of John Brown’s blood lies with England and the confederates of England who have by their teachings, their money and crafty sympa- thy led the old man on to death. Wbat but this “band of blood” did the people of England expect when they gathered penny contributions through^, ut tha length and breadth of their land, in order to urge this incendiary spirit Toward in Amtr Cd? Pennv contributions, as if Liberty w c re a Tyrant or a Pauper, to be intimidated or bribed by their infamous copper. . A , . What was j this contribution intended for? An insult, or a fund for incendiary uses? If sent to the United States for the purpose of inciting in8urrec tion, or in any way opposing onr laws, then that money has been the price of John Brown s blood, and was tbe first strand of the barer that hung from his gallows. What oid tbe people of Scotland expect when thev rent tbe American flig In twair, and hung it, tattered and qoivtriog beneath the indignity, ov*r the bead of an American woman, who smiled beoigaly under the insult, and received alms after it wa* offered? Ou’ of such acts and such insults tbe baiter of Joan Brown was woven; to such in- sidious eccooragerasDt the old man owes bis death. Was there an English maa or woman living who supposed that a great nation would allow tbe trea- son thus instigated oo a foreign soil to ripen in her bo-om, ond fail to punLb it with all the force of her jubt law?? It is tho people cf England, then, with a very small party in tbe United States, who are united by this “lotjd cf blood It reddens the vestments of our sensation ministers, not the ormi e of our judges. The sacramsctal tables of our political churches are encrim .oned with it, and the phees once sacred are overshadowed by tbe old man’s crime. In these places when you call John Brown “the champion of Christ,” it may be con- sidered meek and holy languagt; but the great mass of oar American ceople will turn from such impiety with a shudder. •• Your letter closes with an appeal to our republic, calling it the sister of the Trench republic. How little you know of the great land you compliment and revile in the same breath. Liberty with us subjects herself to the laws which she has inspired, and ho who revolts against those laws sins against her and the whole people whom she protects. She sprang another Minerva from the minds of patriot statesmen, modestly clad, serene, and beautiful; she presides over our republic, and has so far pro- tected it from anarchy or oppression. It is that our republic may have no sisterhood with those of France that such insurrections as you denominated sacred duty” are met with the whole force of our laws. Were they permitted to obtain a foothold in the land, our republic might indeed become sister to those of France, and perish a9 they did. Had the insurrection at Harper’s Ferry succeed- ed , the tcenes of anarchy which left Frarce lying like an unnatural monster, satiated with the blood of her own childrer, might have been repeated here. But we are not yet prepated to see inno- cent babes shot down in battalions, or fair girls compelled todri. k blood fro hing fioin a yet warm human heart, in order to redeem their fathers from tho hatchet. We ara cot prepared to eee our pas- tors slaughtered at tbe foot of tbeir own altars, or hear coarse songs thuodering through tfco solemn arches of cur temples. It is to save onr country from coosaoguiui’y with republic* found- d cn atrocities like the: e, that onr laws crush rebollicn when i‘. first crests i self. Rest, sir, upon your knees before tho star-span- gled banner. While our pulpits aro turned into political forums, and their ministers preach rapine and bloodshed, the foot of eur flagstaff is, perhaps, tbe most sacred place for devotiou that we hate to offer you. There, certainly, a pore spirit should inspire your prayere. Yes; kneel reverently, and plead that the great country protected by its folds may fling off tho prison so insidiously circulated in her bosom by foreign nations. The spirits of our immortal statesmen will be around you when that prayer is uttered; and, if you aro in truth a patriot, one heavenly voico will whisper, in tones that must be changed if they do not penetrate to tbe depths of your soul “I know no Nurth, no South, no East, no West; nothing but my country.” Kneel, kneel, I beieecb you, sir, and let this pa trio;ic sentiment be the bur Jen of your prayei! Mil ions of souls on this side of the Atlantic will swell tbe breath as it pisses your lips into a cloud of sacred incense, which the spirit of Washington and the mighty ones who have juiced him, shall waft to the feet of Jehovah a d crow ho‘i*r from the work ANN S. STEPHENS. New York, Dec. 27, 1859. GREAT GREAT BARGAINS IN LUMBER, HP H E PennavIvaniR Lumber Company, about clewing A their Lumber-Yard* lu thi* c ty, otter at u lioiewle or retail, AT BEDUORD rniccs. 1,500,0 0 feet ot choice rang, sawed White Pine L L MB E U, thoroughly seasoned. einb amiB a general variety of quality aud thickuc**, nUo Weaihi-rboaiding, Flooring, and Shelving, White p ne shaved aud #awed SUiugie-, Poplar do Sash, ai d Hemlock Fencing aud Scantling. Thi* i* a rare oppo< tuutiy for m- veriou nt. Office corner C*ay aud Market street* Ja no d 1 y STEPHEN CHARI. 9. MARK & DOWNS, 471 IVXaiia st. STAPLE DRY GOODS. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE STOCK OF v the be*» make* of— IRISH LINENS united to ladie*’ at d gentlemen’* wear; TABLE DAM ASKS 8-4, 9-4, and 10-4; NAPKINS and DOILIES, as-o.ted size* and price*: LINEN oUEETINGS. 8 4,9-4, lu-4. 11-4, and 12-4; the ......... 1, ."I, IV-», ll-l, MUU ' - -1 , DAMASK TOWELS, white, colored, and bordeied; HUCKABACK am CRASH TOWKLINGS, assorted; PILLOW LINENS and 8UIKTING COTTuNSol bo*t makes CAMBRICS, plain and barred; F.N«iLI3II LoNG-C LOi II, INDIA DIMITY, Ac. All ol which we will sell at the lowort price*. j«> MARK A DOWNS. 471 Main *t HITE db KMALL, IXII'ORTffBS ANTI TUiALZBS IX CARPETS AND DOUSE FHIMSDINfi. 499 Main at., Louiaville, Ky. 499 LARGE AND VERY SUPERIOR STOCKS or CROSS LEY’ A SON’S CELEBRATED TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, AND VELVET CARPETS; ROYAL WILTON AND MEDALLION CARPETS: EVERY GRADE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN IN- GRAINS; LARGE SELECTION of SUPERIOR BED BLANKETS; HOTEL, STEAMBOAT. AND FAMILY BLANKETS, all aizw, var> Ing from 8-4 to 16-4; Ad early ca>l is eolicitcd. Prices unitors and a* low a* New Y'ork City. HITE A SMALL’S. 4**9 Main street. j 1* Three door* wi'.'-t of the Bank of Louisville. At Reduced Prices. S TEREOSCOPE i and View*, just received by Express. A beautiful amortm. nt of rich colored Parlor Group*. Laud reaper. Statuary. Flower*, Shell*, oe At# » a fiue stock of Stereorcopes, new -tyBa, direct from the London Stereoscopic Company. C'atl and select vour views, at 625. [ian6] a. D. MANSFIELD. | UST RECEIVED An invoice of auperb Indies and Gents’ fine French manufactured Leather Traveling Bags and Satchel*, en- tire uew pattern*. For tale at i»n« A. D. MANSFIELD’S. O PERA GLASSES Ivory, Pearl, Velvet, Ac., at j»’9l A. I). MANSFIELD’S. H RIDA LAND PARTY FANS— Pearl, Ivory, aud Gold Stick*. #pan?1ed, at Jant> A. D. MANSFIELD’S. C LOVER SPED— 67 bajr* Clover-Seed (to arrive per Jetfeieouvilie Radroad) for sale by AND’W BUCHANAN A CO., j6 Corner Washington and Seeoud #t*. K'l'GAR200 hhds fair to prime Sugar in riore and fo r to KHleby [16] AND’W BUCHANAN «c CO. M OLASSES 400 bbls prime Plantation Molastee in store and for sale by AND’W BUCHANAN A CO. R EPINED SUGAR—500 bbl* Cru*hed, Fowdered, and Candy Sugars iu utore and for ea'e bv j6 AND’W BUCHANAN A CO. C ’OFFEE— 600 bag* prime Rio; loo do do Java* 76 do do i.agneyra; for sale by j5 WAGGENER A LONG. S ODA—2*io kegs Lee’s Newcastle for sale by i6 WAGGENER & LONG. C LOVER SEED—250 buriieis prime Clover Seed ju9t re- ceived on consignment and for oale low to close 'ot by N. S. GIORE A CO.. j5 No. 23 Fourth eL, between Main and river. Copartnership Notice. M R wi: LIAM M MORRIS is admitted a* a partner in our house from this date, and the busim-a* will be continued a# heretofore. Jan. 3, I860. d kw J. S. MORRIS A SONS. OHO CASES CONCENTRATED LYE for sale by 4UU ja ddew - mms~ I ~igr J. S. MORRIS* SONS. 100 BBLS TU RPKNTINE, ?ood coo;*erage, for *ri® by jo d&w J. 8. MORRIS A SONffi_ 1 IWWi BOXES FRENCH AND AMERICAN WIN- ljUUU DOW-GLASS, assorted *ize*. lor sale br J3 d&w J. S. MORRIS A SON £ CASKS SPERM OIL for aale by •J 13 d&w J. S. MORRIS A SONS. i d&w 00 1 j nTS TAN N ERS 01 L for Baleby 50 a 1 j4 d&w J. S. MORRIS & SONS. rn KEGS REFINED SALTPETER for rate by j 1 d&w J. 8. MORRIS & SONS. CASES PRIME INDIGO for eale by EDWARD WILDER, 4(8 Main *t. ft CASKS PRIME MADDER for fa'e by •J )4 d&w EDWARD WILDER. 448 Ma ri *t. 100 3%v BBLS COPPERAS for rate b? EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main it. AM BBLS ALUM for sale by jl d&w EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main st. fr CASKS BLUESTONF. for rate by j4 d&w EDWARD WILDER. 448 Main st. 1 lili BAG3 PEPPER for sa’e by 1UU j4 d &w EDWARD W ILD ER, 44S Main it. •JZ BAG: l •> j4d& BAGS ALLSPICE for rale by EDWARD WIl DER, 448 Ma*n ft. PA BAGS RACE GINGER for sale by OU 14 d&w EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main io CASES Nl’TMFG'* for -ale bv i4 d&w El > W A RD W I LPER. 448 Main st. 500 KEGS BICABB. SODA for sale by 14 d& v EDWARD WI I .DER, 418 Main it. H IUKORY’-NUTS15 bbl# lust rece ved and for rale by JOHN F HOWARD & CO., y. Main, between Third and Fourth sta. NEW MUSIC HOUSE, 474 JEFFERSON STREET 474 LOUISVILLE, KY. Mfc. __ Thankful to aiy friend* aud the mu- sical public of I.oui#villo and vicinity for tbe very generoua, unexpectedly libe- ral iiipcort and er couragement they have accorded to me in my new enterprise. ) »- •» heg reave to wtate that lor the J ear Ju*t commencing, it rball be my aim to atudy the tas e# of tin- public and to supply th* in constantly with tiik hsht of ev. ery tiling In tbe Musical line. I shall be weekly in receipt of the beat new Music a# rapidly as published. /• iuouk the many gem# lately received. I can cordially commend the following a# especially excellent: “Bonnie New Moon," by George Linlay. 25c. “Alice Lyle,” by 25c. AS THE “OPERA AT HOME” Ia a standard work, and will continue to be popular so long as Music shall have any votariea, I shall keep it constantly on hand at to* pnbllshers’ price—Fmt Doll.vzb. Pleaae call and examine my #tock. WM. McCAR KELL, NO. 474 JEFFERSON STREET, J2 d&w l.ouiavHlf, Ky . PROPOSALS YI7TI L be race** d until tbe 1st day of February for the > f aale of f. om 75 to 3uu acres goo; Farmipr LAN 1) for the House of Refuge. T. T- Prw t, d , dtFeb! , omcc * No- *• " ttU 8t [Com ier aud Itemocrat copy J WELLINGTON & ABBOTT, SUCCK680CB TO A. Sbignette & Co , No. 47 Water street, New York, IMPORTXBB OK Brandies, Gins, IVinrs, Fruits, &c., Sole Aeenta in the United States for the following highlj celebrated Brandies, Ac.: COGNAC. JULES ROBIN A CO. KOCIICLL.C. ALEX. SEIGNETTE; P. LEVEQUE; A. DEDUCE. FIXE OLD C II A 31 FAG ME. E. GEANTY; II. SUTTON. II * *LL AND GIN. GRAPE LEAF; DEW DROP. Wc have couetactly ou hand a large ntock of the various grade* of Port, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga, Claret, Cham- panic, and other Wines. Aleo Scotch and Iriwh Whiskeys, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum*, White Wine Vinegar, Bordeax Pruue*, Olive Oil, Walnuts, Castile Soap. &c. N. B.—All for rale from United States Bonded Warehouses, ENTITLED TO DEBENTURE. jan3 d6m D RIED rEACHES-lOObn-hela Dried Pcachea and 76 buriieb Dried Apples in atore and for rale by j5 N. S. GI.oRE & CO B UCKWHEAT FLOUR—SOO #*cka freah Buckwheat Flour, warranted frerii ground and the b**t article iu city, for rale low by 1)5] N S. GLORE & CO. £HEESE-300 x. elected w. R. and E. D. Cheese J5 just received aud for rale by N. S. GLORE & CO. Received i Y ANKEE Notion* for Februory. I*r!ce 15c. Spalding’s Prepared Glue. Price 25c. per bottle with brush. . _ Yr< ntlceaua. or Wit and Humor in Paragraph*, by Geo. D. Prentice. X'rice $1 K. HADDEN'S P^ft5°,g£t. D iaries for iwo: Ladle*’ AlroeDae for I860; Gentlemen’# Dlariee lor i860; Ladles’ Micree* * . Ladies’ Almnusc. blue and gold . ». •» vcai let and gold, viiakiitM'art’ aud ills I* rie^'di** CoatmijpoRtan A-t A^ciaUou; Toy Book*, colored and plain; dreaffand mbscribe to the Cosmopolitan Art Aseoda- S"** ,,0‘re *n,h CLAMW? mi r wi'u» CLARK US, Mozart Hall. FLOOR Curtain C. ID XT ETER WINED _ tho above lloej D P in* to alt who will very general and j6j&b JNO. Ai ©3 F H AS NOW IN STORE’ French Merinoea, a] Plaid and printed I French Valours: Poplins and Poplim Etnbro dorie-; Ctutdmerea und Satlci ID Hurd Vale and Sha Tnbte Linens; Napkiusand Doiltea; I < iali Linen.-, & ,; All of which arc offered at the lowest tKtAH JNO. A. J*b P0 Cost for O f ST,K K OF I.ADIE6’, MiSbEb’, AND ... . iULDRrN’s FANCY FURS In the urtKortmen will be lotiod h > me ectxa large and tine Sable, Stone Mar- tin, und Canada Mink. Cali so n for bargains. PRATHER A SMITH. J&u 4o5 mum st , between Fourth aud Fifth. . A LARGE STOCK OK UAT8 and CAPS Jam for men's, bo a’, and child* vu’d wear can b. )u>J Very cheap of ,7?!, PKATIIER & SMITH. 455 Main at. PRENTiCEANA. A NOT HER large supply of thl# inimitable book. At. <* BROOKS’S P.'OL, OF QUALITY'. Third supply. 2 vo.a. $2. d31 j&b F. A. CRUM P, 84 Fourth #t. Fort-Polio Desks. A NOTHER surply of those beautiful aud convenient UM. KoMo De*k» at 84 Fourth street. Ml »&*> F. A. CRUMP. Valuable Books for Ministers. SUITABLE FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. T HE Complete Works of John Calvin, 48 vote. $54 50. The Woiks of John Owen, 16 vote. $24. Kitte’s C'vclouediaof Bib ical I iterature, 2 vols. $4 50 Wall’# History of Intent Baptism. 4 vote. $14. OUhau-ou's Coraroentarteson the New Te*tataent. $12. Sprague’* Annate of the Amcr can Pulpit. 6 vole. $16 5o. I)r Breckinridge’ Tbeolojur. 2 vote. $4 50. The auc lent Church by Dr Kel on. *3. N'eander a i burch Hietory. 5 vote $14 60. Moshicu/* Ecclesiastical History. 3 vole. jj(6 50. The Complete Works of John Howe, 2 vote. "$7. Hi uric* in' * ChrtetUu A tiquitirr, 2 vote. *1 1. Burkit’s Notre on the New Testament, 2 vote. 65. Life and Kptetle* of bt Paul. 2 vole. $»;, Sir Wm. llairllton’s Metaphysics $3. Pool*# AnnotaMoce on tbe B'bble. 3 vote. %12. Kitts’* Daily Bible llluatrat on#, 8 vote. $8. Alexaudei'd Work#, 6 vote; jfcl 25 per vol. $7 60. With a large nuinber of other theologlral books and other A. DAVIDSON, Third street, near Market. handsomely bound Looks. For rale by diiO j&b SPLEIVDIO IIOLIUAV GIFTS. IFatches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. U. FLETCHER O. T. HENNBTT. FLETCHER & BENNETT, 4(13 JIttin street, between Fourth uud Fifth, Have now on hand the largest and b>.-t assortment of GOLD at.d bIL- (U^ J V HR WATi 1 1 1 S. FIN «•; J EW EL- dEatifr KY", and SI I.VER Wa RE ever offered for sale iu this city. Their #to :k ha* been bought ver.» to< for cash, and selected In person direct from the manufac- lurer* and imnortcis, and te ot the beet quality and most fadiioriab'e styles. Heine determ ued to *e.l at extreoiely low PRICES for cash, purchasern will find it to their advan Use to call and exam me our stock before purchasing. A rich assortment, to which we are couria.tl' > ddrng every- thing uew and fashionable, will always be found to select from, viz: Gold Lever Watches; Goid and Sliver Spectacles; Silver i.ever Watches; Gold Pena; Gold Glia d Chaiue; Silver Fo. Ice; Gold Vest Chain#; Sliver S|toons; Go»d Fob •. hain# and Sea’s; Silver Tea Bets; Fine Gold, Coral, & Cameo Si ver Pitchere; P»ns sliver ttohieta and Cups; OlatLoml and Op’vl Ring*; Silver Butter Coolers; Diamond pins & Ear-Rings; Gold Thimbles; Gold pencil*, Opera Gl»#«e*, &c. Gold Lockets; FLETCHER & BENNETT. dl7 d&w&b 463 Main st., between Fourth and Fifth. LAST WEEK GREATLY REDUCED PRICES DRESS GOODS MARTIN & FENTON’S, 96 Fourtb. st. Meriiioes, PeLaines, Shawls, Cloaks, Foulards, Silks, Embroideries; ROBES IN DELAINE & SILK ATT A. «aacj:i«jcjb , jco»:* TRAVELING GOODS, CHINTZ, &C., &C Call at d31 j&b&weow MARTIN & PBNTON’S, f6 Fourth street. A New Song. U f F. have just received from our I ’re?# a beautiful new Song with chorus, entitle i “Harry, the Beau of Mo- t-awk Vale," » reply to Bonnie Kloiae. Composed by Will 8. Hays and arranged for the PUuo by Frank A. Cherri.r. Price 25 cent*. I>. P. FAULDSA t.’O., decSU j&b 539 Main ft., opposite itank of Kentucky. TOYS, DOLLS, & GAMES OF EVERY KIND, OE8IDES a good many useful aud beautiful articles l> #u"able tor thrlaUoss preaenta, all of which we sell ae low a# the lowest. d 20 j&b J- SUE3, No. 00 Fourth st Ntw Imporiations «f Fiue Jewelry. IX HOME MANUFACTURES. OUR MR. VOGT HAS JUST Re- turned from tho East with a very largo and beautiful assortment of Watcheo, , chain#. Ac , wh ch, in addition to the fine •lry manufactured by ounwivce, tender our etock equal to auy in the cit . The addition# from the Ea#t are direct from the manu factorer*, and cornpr #e •• ly such ariiclee a* we do not pro duce at our own e#tabltehinen(. We sell AS CHEAP AS EASTERN HOUSES, and would be glad to have all call—especially the ladies— who desire to exau iue or purchase fiue Goods. tar WHOLESALE AND RETAIL..** VOGT & KLINK, •29 l&b No. 72 Third street, near Market NEW ARRIVAL ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. FIFTH ST., BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET. CJHE: L OYSTERS, BOTH OF SHREWSBURY AND ^ prince’# Ba) ,ju«t received bv Kxprera—only 4t hour# out of the water. Also, a lot of SOFT-SHELL CRABS. f jrVonteon. Grouse, Qitai s, plover*, B'ue-wlng Duck*. Jack Snipe. Pheasant*, and Y’oung Squirrels, with ail other luxuries of the season: all of which I am prepared to serve up in mv Restaurant in un*u passiti e style. *29 j&b C. C. RUEFER, Proprietor. N. It I wPl be in daily receipt of the above-mentioned, and a'*o some fine ster# in the can exnreraly put ftp for me, w»th which Parties, Hotels, aud Families cau be sup- plied at the shortest notice tsr Double Diamond English Ale on draught. C C. R. WALKER’S EXCHANGE. JSk SHELL OYSTERS! SHELL OYSTERS! FRESH VENISON, AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF GAME, FISH, &c F**'" Families by leaving their order# will be supplied with evcrytlnm; iu our Hue in t*»e shortest notice. JOHN CaWEIN & CO., d22 &b Third st , between Main a r id Market. ~~~A MUSICAL MERCHANDISE in great variety, comprising Guitars. Violins, At- c rdeon#. Clarionet*, Flageolets, Fife#, Ol I hi... 1.- la. lint in. utwl i* at ] Drum*, Flutes, Bat jo* aud eveiy article known to the trade. D. I*. FAULD8 & CO., 639 Maiu street, bet. Second & Third decCO J&b*weow JEWELRY STORE scuts. nd price#; K J ul riyle#; nprteiiy For C liri^tmns Presents. ik WATCHES of variou* atyieaand price#;* JEWELRY or new and beauti SILVER-WARE, some made for prea-nts; PLATS D-WaRE, very useful articles of It. Call and see onr s^ock when you are out lookit g for pretty and useful article 3 for prevent*. JAS 1. LEMON A CO., d!9 j&b Ma : n *t.. between Seeoud aud Third. PETERS, CRAGG, & CO., PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS. Having increased our facilities, wo are inow enabled to turn ont from ten to twelv# Pianos per we-»k. We wou*d respectfully .. intonn our wholesale and retail purchaser, that we hope for the future to be able to supply the inoreas ed demand for cur instrument*. A# regard# tbe merit# of our pianos we would respectful!} refer to the fact, for the Iasi five years wr. iiavk ukckivbi tijk nioiiKST AWARpe when placed in competition with tin Premium IHanos of Few York and Boston. 1 7T Fioishiug and Piano Warerootu* corner of Main an<? Sixth street*. pr Factory corner of Fourteenth and Main streets. jail 14 b&itf PETERS. CRAGG. A CO. R AGGED HOMES, and How to Mend Them. 3U3 pages 12mo , muslin. 60 cts. Jesus a# a Child and Among Children. 16roo. Illne- trated. 40 cts. bickncs*-: Uh Trials and Blessings. 490 paces. 12mo. $1. Hymn# fgrtbe Sick Room. 130 page#. 12mo. 40 cts. WM. IL BULKLEY, d28j&b Depoaitory 103 Fouith st. Piano-Fortes at Low Prices. I A SPLENDI D stock of firct-class Instm- BKCTZN^B mi'r.ln at pric*# defying torn petit ion. Cali nVls 'nfland soe them at J J lit JU D. P. FAULDS & CO.’S, dec90 j&b&wecw 63y Main street. Robb's Coal Repot. tWPRINCIPAL OFFICE—YVest sic* of Tliird street a few doors sooth of Market. hl<lw D gy BRANCH OFFICES- Bouth *ds Jackson and Hancock and * ulton between *lo> ivtSbi rc. nod '•<'Peni«« H S t ' OAL ttzsssr '"ir'‘o,°" ** •towed on me is rcep«etfuily aolici - jOSKpH noBB. 08 b&1 T’O THE LADIES. HAVE now In *torea large variety of FANCY GOODS which I will sell low . REAL LACE SF.T8; *nS do COLLARS; 1)0 do HANDKERCHIEFS; JACONET AND DIMITY BREAKFAST SETS; VALFNCIENNE LACES; THREAD do; FANS, GLOVES, LACE MITS, &<• N. V. GERHART 116 FOURTH STREET, Opposite Mozart Uall. POMEROY! SYRACIJSE1 COAL! T Tilt BEST (. prices, for sale by f. G.HZMZT 8. O. Hem a uctioneersand comm res xTL Corner Main and WallatreeU. L< a k^^Cash advanceaaadcon goods ccai amoun t. gaf’Weareat all timesrrady to attend I Eilat s Murithal’s or Coobteble's Sales. lid ure.&c., on terms satisfactory to sellers. HK Mb M. O. IlilMSEY, Main Street. 1 INVITE attention to ray stork )f nrv and ttatUfc GOc»DS. JEWELRY. Rich and elegant designs of Coral, pearl. Garnet, Etrc* can. I.ava, and other s:yles. in vailety.and at prices lo please every taste WATCHE-3. English, Saif*, and Amcricar in Gold or Stiver Casts, ‘e?<rable in quality and at prices that caucot fall toms I tbe wants of all. CLOCKS. Constantly ou bacd the largest a.«6ortment In the city T FINE SPECTACLES. In tins oeparuuentl i.ave a LARGE VARIETY, and 1 am determined to merit a rontinuation of tbe iiboral pat recage tliat 1 have received for years past. Remember— •atisfactiou Is warranted in every case. J. R. ESTERLE has cl targe ot the Watch-Making Da artmenl MASONIC JEWELS AND REGALIA for d fferent degrees may bo liad at tlie Watch and •Jewo'rv store of WM KkNDRI* K, 71 Third st,, between Mam and Ma ket, o!7 j&b>w MEW GOOIkS AT GREAT BARGAIMS! AT TOE Ctieap Lace Store, .90 F OO R r H STREET. I AM in receipt of another lot of new L.ic« Set*. Cottars, 8 ewes, fancy Faus, i^paion be tlus &c , which 1 will sell at very low pi lets. CHARLES F. RAUCH FU8*, d24 j&b 99 ou t h street CHRISTMAS PRJESJbTnTH. Furs at Reduced PriCfS f^r 30 Rays* JMMIBIt As our stock te much too large for the season, (^Sb vp will .e'l our FUb8 at redwed i rici-# or .;u day's, which wil enib'e everybody so deposed kind for ladles d23 j&b H to make hoi day gitta of ih« n.osi appropriate nd mines. A. CKAIG. Corner of Fonrth and Main #tr»*H#. A new supply of si one martin and sa bl Muffe. just received by d 23 j&b] A. CRAIG. A nother supply of children’s furs just received and will be sold very cheap by d 23 j&o A. CRAIG. * \ FEW MORE SETS CANADA S\BI E -JUST RE- ceived and for sale lower tuan they h«vo been for year*. d23j&b A. cPAIG. 6 SETS HUDSON’S BAY 'ABLE JUST RECEIVED on commtesion, wbich, if not so d iu « few da s, will be retnrnrd to New Yortt. Cau be had at great barga.u#. d 23 j&b A. A KA1G. .) ERMINE CAPES AND 2 HALF CAPES FOR OPE- st ra Seta just received by d23 j&b A. CRAIG. A NEW STYLE OF DRESS HATS JUST IN- t reduced by A. C1LV1G promise# to i ave “quite a tekV ruu." d23j&b EVERYTHING NEW IN THE SOFT HAT aaud Cloth and Velvet Cap way are to be bad of f d_3 j&b A. CRAIG. B UTTER- 5 Mbb's frt*sh roll But’e’; 10 boxe* do do do; 6 tubs do packed Co; Just received and for rate by J6 JNO. F. HOWARD A CO. P epper and spicf.— 40b?g#fors*tebv j5 WAGGENER & LONflE^ ^UGAR—200 hhds fair to sU icily prime for rale by O j5 WAGGENER A LuNO. f^JOLASSES- 2oo bb»# prime; ISO Xdo do; for rale by WAGGENER & LONG. R EFINED SUGAR-76 bbls O. C'ushed for rale by J6 WAGGENER A LONG. UfOODBN WAKE- * * 20*) dozeu aborted Bucket*; 75 nret* Tubs; 68 dozen Wasb-Boatds; for rale by j2 G EO. S MOORE A CO._ WHITE LEAD~»iO kegi pure Monongahela on aou. signment and lor rale by j2 GEO S MOORE A CO. S UGAR- 20 hhd* prime N. O. Sugar; 60 bbls Powdered aud crushed Sugar; 15 bbls Loaf do; In store and for sale by MARSHALL IIALPF.RT A CO., j2 628 Main street. C OFFEE—100 bags pi Ime R’o in store and for sale by j2 MARSHALL HALBERT & CO. N AlLS—bOO kegs Nails, assorted sizra, in store and for aale by [J2] MARSHALL HAl BERT & CO. T WINE—ICO bale* extra Twine for rale by 18 THo. H. HUNT A CO. ]\JORTH ALABAMA CuTTON— '2 bales Cotton for nolo by rj3] THOS H. HUNT & CO. W OO L—WOO L W OOL vv 10,000 Ihsak-nn-re’ Wool; G.oOO lb# fleece do; 100,000 lbs Santa Fe do; 5.0 0 Ib# Mexican do; In store and for rale by J3 THOS. H. HUNT & CO. R IO COFFEE—714 bags received by Jeffersonville Rail io read and for sale by RAWSON TODD, A CO. \10LASSKS50 bbls prime new Molaraes in store and Jl J2 for tale by MARSHALL HALRFBT A CO. M 4CKEREL AND CODFISH- 26 bbla >o. 2 Mackerel 60 Mdo No. 2 do; 75 bbte No. 3 large Mackerel; 6o bbla No 3 medium do; 76 Mdo No 3 larg* do; fOU kii* No. 1 do; 290 kits No. 2 do; 75 kits No 3 large do; 2 drum# lar-e Codfish; .0 H do do do. In store aud landiug Lorn steamer Enn : cc: for sale by J4 KaW SON, TODD. A CO. ICE—86 tierces prime new in sre e and for sale by J4 RAWSON, TO I >P, & CO. K Y17IIITE BEANS—10 bb’s White Navy Beane In store aud for rale by 14 W & H. BURK1I ARDT. 417 Market st. D RIED PEACHES 50 busliels Dried P 8Cltos; DO APPLE— 5'i do do Apple*; in store and for **><• by jl for sub* by W. A H. nURKHARDT. 4i7Ma*kntst. B UCKWHEAT- - 50 bare Penu*y)vauia B ckwheat; l.tiuo Buckwheat Bags (12 aud .6<b); Received and for sale by j4 W. A U. BURKHARDT, 417 M rketst RANBERRIIJS—10 boxes Cranberries in store and for > i ' * sale by W. & n BURKHARDT. 417 Market st. N AILS— 100 keg# Nails, a* orred sizes, or rale bv J4 W A ii. BURKHARDT. 417 Marketed t j^AMI Y HBi Flour fo sale 3; FLOUR— Extra end Doub!e Extra Family "e 3y W. & II. BURKHARDT. 417 Market st. C RAB CIDER—10 bbls in store and for rate by j< W A H. Bl KK; ARDT. 417 Market at. ^UG\R59 lihds fully fa*r and prime Sugar landing from Baltic and lor salo by j t _ COOP A MOODY R EFINED SUGARS—60 We Crushed Slid i owdered (dr- le A) New Y'ork Kefiu d Sura-i* 'auarec f o - Eu- reka au d for talc by [j: ] COOD M ODY. ^ ^UGAR—>6 hbd# fair to pr me Sugar andmg per#t-am- boat ualtic aud for ra e by AN O’ vV BUCHANAN A CO., J3 turner Washington and Second sta. Parables of Our Lord. The most beautiful edition ever published, elegantly Illus- trated. BECK’S MEDICAL JCRISPRDDEKCE. An entirely new edition of this valuable Just from the press. For sale by d30 MAXWELL & CO. m t n si ijar irfi hhfl# landing from st-.-auiers Peyto* IS . ua and Jtenny Buhitt an ; for rate by^ d30 RAWSON, » ODD, & CO. 'J00 °do do do Kent nrkr&Miseodrl; for rale hy j-u CASTlIMan A TwKXUTT. S UGAR— 104 bhdii good fa<r to cko ce lauding frocp ft.-aui' Raine, Wa d, and Fort Wayne and for rale by jd29] BA WPoN, TODD, A Ctk UGAR- 25 hhds fully fair N O. Sugar landing from I- anny Bullitt aud 1 e> tooa anJ for .ale by d 31 COOD A MOODY . SHIRIS— SHIRTS—SH RTS J UST receivd a *arge and elegant assortment of Linen and Mnalin Shirts from the cetebcattd t-olden HUl Shiit Factory. (»• ntlemeu In search of neat ani etegar.t- ly fittinc Shirts w. II find a large vario y p^tieras to se- lect from at 5rt>, corner of Main and Tclrd rt roe's. d31 A. D. MANSI IELP. O FTHfc BEST QUALITY AND AT THE LOWEST ' ' * may 4 J&btf CRITTENDEN & GANTT, West aide of Third street. Between Main and Market. W. B. BELKNAP. M. L.TELKNAP- W. Bs BELKNAP ^ ro. IRON AND NAIL MERCHANTS, aor>’TS ro* FAIRBANKS’ SCALES HOUSE AND 6U /J8* AND XUUN LVS STEEL PLC " S, T w AVI.* In hat* for ra»e Tin *»•*. Bl ckT n, Z’oo. IMg Arao punoliea. I ruK MiPKrIor Bataria '«st received and for tale CASK surtvrlor bCUROEDEK & SON. .Jf 28 Wall stre* t. a Jl n - CTRAW'-CUTTERB-rt Straw-Cutters, Sanford’s pat- ~ tern, for i * a?UtIAR-IIOUSE MOLASSES - 50 kb’s Surar-Houia MoU^c* landing per rteaiuor Faunv Bui ltt and tor salo by iUO] ANDREW BUCIlAftAN A CO.

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Page 1: fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Louisville KY Daily Journal/Louisvill… · THELOUISVILLEDAILY T VOLUMEXXX. LOUISVILLEJOURNAL, *B;*T*X>i^T>FCBL'‘T7TD1*7 PRENTICE,HENDERSON,OSBOHJils,






ScBRr.RiPTfoK Pricf.a—


n Journal

*10? if mailed , $8 if P»id in“w

vitlnn three month.'*; Country Daily $5: Tri-Weekly *j;

Weekly *2; Evening Bulletin §8 a year or 1«M centa a

WcIob Pwo»i1n Advancs.—


eekly—1 copy $2; 10

opies or more *1 60 each.

Paper* sent by mail are payable in advance.Remittances by mail, in “registered” letters, at oar risk.


One square, changeable weekly, per annum J"Do. do 2 times per week, per annum wDo, do 8 times do do, 100 00

Each additional square, one-half the above pncso._

Advertisements published at intervals—*1 for first inse.-

on and 60 cents for each subsequent one.

Announcing candidates *1 per week for each n*“e -

Yearly advertisers pay quarterly; all others in advance.

Real estate and steamboat ad vortlsements, shenn# ana

•ommiasioners' sales, patent medicine, theatrical, cl reus or

similar ii.lverUsing, not published by the year.

Advertisements ior charitable institutions, £re eomgn-

nles, ward, and other public meetings, and such like, halt

PEditorial notices and communicatJons inserted in edito-

rial columns and intended to promote private Interests, jo

cents per line; these only Inserted at the discretion of the

^^communications will be Inserted unless accompanied

Steamboat^d'verti^iaJnU^SScentsfor flrstinsertion and

cents for each continuance; each change considered a

new advertisement. Standing advertisements for regular

packets for a season of not over six mouths, *12 for one

boat, and *6 for each additional boat.


Advertisements Inserted only In the Evening Bulletin

will be charged half the above prices; it Inserted In Daily

Journal aud continued, after flr-t insertion, in the Even-

ing Bulletin, one-fourth the above prices.

Advertisements kept on the Inside of the Journal are

charged an extra price.

ADTUTiauro Rate«-Iw Wkfklt Journal.— Eacbquart- (10 lines er less), first insertion $1 w»

Each continuance 60

Written notice must be given to take out and stop adertiseinents of yearly advertisers before the year expires,

thorwiee we shall charge till done.No contract of yearly advertisements will be dlscontin

aed without previous uotice to u*, nor will any charge be

made for less than one year at the yearly rates.



U K. WALLACE, ef Suspension Bridge, N. Y.. lias dis-

covered a positive, sure, aud speedy cure for Rheu-matism. Tiiffammatory or Chronic.

Inilamtonlory cates unable to raise a hand to theirhead.or be turned in bed without the aid of sheet* placed for

the purpose, have been cured by it lu a few day*.Fenton* of all age*, from the sufiering child to the

crippled old man, buve been restored to health by hruse.The remedy is prepared from a simple root, the medical

properMen of whf*h he discovered while residing iu thenorthern patt of Vermont, lu 1851.

It is used Internally, Is *afo and sure; ond for all thedifferent forms of Hhttuinatism, and .-ueh disease.* a* arise

from deranged secretion* if the system, but remedy Is a

specific: curing, as those who have used it nay, “like acharm.” It L* not unplea.-aut to take, aud does not interfere with diet or occupation.

It may be rclitd upon for tbe following difficulties:

Inflammatory Rheumatism and Gout;Inflammatory Swelling* 0/ the Joints ond Limbs,*

Chronic Rheumatism and Pains in the boots;Seuratair Rains; Crick in the back or neck;Partial Paralysis; .Spasmodic pains in the muscles

of the limbs, chest, or neck;Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder, often mistaken

Jor Gravel


Irritation, painfulness, heat, or difficulty in dis-charging the urine;Syphalilic Rheumatism; Secondary Syphalis;Diseased Kidneys; Dropsy and enlarged Testicle;Scrofulous dwelling* of' the Glands;Scurvy eruptions and humors ofthe Skin;Tumors and Ulcers;Removing inflammation and restoring the secretions

to a healthy condition.MOTHERS,

Please remember that this Discovery Is a sure preventiveof Broken Ifreasts It will, in a few hour*, aubuue all in-flammation, and (Often the most painfully distendedbreasts, so tha* thev may be easily drawn or their contentspreecd out. Try it Yon will fiud it safe and sure, audthat you are saved from grea tpain aud suffering by it*

use.Inquire for Dr. Wallaok'b Riikcmatic Discovery,

whose signature is on the outside wiappcr of each bott e.

Price $1. Orders addressed to

RAYMOND & TYLER, Louisville,Or Db. W. U. WALLACE,dec13 dlm&w4m Suspension Bridge, N. Y".

THE PREMATUREDecay of Youth.

JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. STONE,T>HYSICIAN to th? Troy Lung and Hygeinic Institute,

-*• a treaties ou the early Decay of Americau Youth; the

n ice of Self-Abuse and it* direful consequences; Seminal

Weakne** and other diseases of the Sexual Organs in both

male and female.

The above work ha* received tbe highest commendation

from several leading papers of the Union as one of the roost

able ever published on this subject of such vital Interest.

It is for gratuitous di».‘rib;ition, and it will be sent by mail

in a sealed envelope te any part of the country free ol

charge, on receipt of two stamps for postagp.

Fail not to send aud obtain this book.

A Word of Solemn ConscientiousAdvice to those who will Reflect.It is a solemn fact that 100,000 die annually in the Uni.

ed State* with consumption, marasmus, or premature de

cay. There cannot be an effect without an adequate

cause. In view of the awful destruction of human life

and health, by marasmus or premature exhaustion anddecay of nervous system—nervou* debility, caused

sexual diseases, such as the.vice of Self-abuse. Seminal

Weakness, S; eriiiatcrrlura, Gonorrhu-a, Gleet, Impo-tence, Leucorrhcna Virulent private diseases, both in male

and female, and Sterility', and organic diseases of the Kid-

neys, and in view of the deceptions which are practiced

upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by quack*

an base pretenders, the Directors of the Troy Lung and

Hygeiuic Institute have instructed their attending physi-

cian to give medical advice, gratis, to all patients thus af-

flicted, male or ' female, who may apply by letter or per-

soually, with a description of their case, as to a true andreliable means of cure. Aud the Ius itution proposes to

treat the unfortunantc, and in cases of extreme poverty

aud suffering, for a sum that will only compensate the co.it

of medicines.

t3T YOUNG MEN suffering from these direful Ills, wit!

receive for $5 a bottle of Life Drops, or the IJfe Pills, and

a series of Health Rules aud perfect Chart of Cure, which

Mill be to them a true polar star through life.

TO FEMALES. — The Monthly Pills prepared by the

Institution, an infallible, never-failing remedy, will be

sent by mail to any part of tbe country, on the receipt of

«L with ample Instructions for use under all ciicutu


tW~ The moH reliable conscientious advice will at all

times be given by the physician of the Institution, both to

Male and Female, respecting diseases of the sexual organs

Medicines and treatment will be sent by mail or express to

applicants, to all parts of the couutry, and the Institution

will guarantee the success of treatment.

CTfThe attending physician will be found at the Insti-

tution for consultation, from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. of each

day. Sundays, in the forenoon.

Address DR. ANDREW STONE,Physician to the Troy Lung an llygeinle Institution, and

Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, and Lungs,!*> Fifth street Troy. oTd&wly



ANNOUNCE that, haviug made groat improvements inthe manufacture of Kereseuc, tuey are now enabled

o oiler it to the Trade at

A REDUCED PRICE.The attention of consumers is respectfully called to the

submitted table, the result of a photonietrical examination,by Ed’p N. Kent, Esq., ol New York, Chemist, and datedFeb. 8, 1866;

Mateslal. LAMP.





31 3 “

iB ^

I? o

2,» -v











_C ?5r a 3*2zr 5


KeroseneCainphcneWhale Oil....Lard Oil

Kere.-wne .13.6891 2.436 $1 00 $4 10

t;«m phene. .


- 5.625 i 1.299 63 4 85

Solar .., 1.892 1 00 12 re

.solar .. 1.640! 706 1 25 17 70'Solar . 2.026 850 2 25 26 47

Large Wick.


.1 663! 871 29 00

Reliable orders from the Trade, by Mall or Telegraph,lied, on application to

AUSTENS, Agenta,»:i Pearl Street, N. Y.

KEROSENE is also to be obtained at the Manufacturer*’Prices of all the New York Wholesale Druggists, Grocers,Campbene and Burning Fluid Manufacturers and Dealersin La tuts.

N. B. KEROSENE is the trade-mark of the KeroseneOil Company, and a I persons arv cautioned against usingthe said trade-u.ark for other oils. ocVi d3ro

LICORICE—18 cases Sanford Maw;20 do extra Spanish Mass;11 do Calab ia t»t>ck;

In store and for sale by C. H. WIRGMAN,o25 dtf 301 Main st , between Eighth uud Ninth.

LXJCIUS IT ART,4 and 6 Burling Slip, New York,


Block Tin, Bar Lead, NickelAntimony, Bar Tin, Babbitt MetalSpeiter, IngotCopper, Tinn’rs’Sclder,Pig Lead, Bismuth, SpelterSolder.

Also Manufacturer and Importer of

8n.YBR.PLATED and IIltlTANNIA WAKE.H*“The Trade supplied po the most favorable terms.

fi*t d3m

Copartnership.» ¥»w* . s. 8. MOODY,Late of Rawson, Cood, A Todd. Late of Gardner & Co.

MISCELLANEOUS.Marsh? ’’a Sale.

N. HamA Cb. 1 ^ty Mt f In Chancery.

Hancpc dr Casual ,

O \ ai*jfa decree of Louisville Charcery Court,

IS t •ASe'tln i**- abov' cause, the undersigned or one

of M «u .% etfTWTuar, January 11, 1960, aboat the hour

ofi* A.«* A. M. sell, at public auction, to the highest

bidder, kt the house o« copied by 8. G. Henry A Co., No.

f*t4 Main street, between Third and Fourth streets, Louis-

*****LOi OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-Carpets,Beds. Bedding. Bureaus, parlor F urniture, one Piano, oneBook Case, a lot of Books. Ac.Terms of Sale—Under *20, cash; *20 and over, on a

credit of 4 mouths., L

The pnrehaser will be required to give bond with ap-

proved security bearing interest from date until paidW. C. D. WHIPS M. L.C. C.JAS. O. BALEE, ( TYntiiitlesTIIOS. A. MORGAN, I

UerUtlea- .Jldtd

Lent, South, & Shipmaiagaiuot

W. R. Glover

Marshal's Sale.

In Chancery. No. 16,191.

BY virtue of a decree of the Louisville Chancery Court.rendered in the above caus*-, the undersigned, or one

of us, will, on Monday 9th of January, I860, about the

hour of 11 o'clock A. M., sell, at public auction, to the

highest bidder, at the Court-House door, in the City of

Louisville, on a credit of 4 month*,TWO-H0R8ES and ONE BUGGY.

The purcha-ter will be required to give bond with approv-

ed security, brariig iuteres* from date until paid.

W. C. 1). WHIPS, M. L. C. C.

_J4_dd ^SA° MOItOAV. i

Southern Saloon.


I.ouMville. Ky.

I^EG leave to inform my friend;* and the public gene.

rally that I ail* open on Monday, Nov. 21, at lOo'e'ock.

with a (tpleudid LUNCH and continue to set a good Lunchevery day at the above hour. 1 Miner i* served to cu t law-

yer*. merchant-*, aud others Regular Dinner from 1 to 3

o’clock. All other meals set at all hours.Tho e who want a I kinds of rare Bird.*, Game, Ac , wd

do well to call, at my Saloon will be conducted on the Newor.eanc* pt/le. Meals sent to offices and rooms when or-

dered. u-’i dtf 8. ii. panzer


of Trunks and Traveling Bags can be found at

o. phoal’s,ept-20 dtf 61 THI RD STREET





Southeast corner of Ki/tli and Jtfferson street.",

The attention of the public is respectAdlycalled to the fact that this College Is now firm-

ly eatmblishud ui*on a permaneui basis, aud it

'patious Cin depend upon its continuance.

The long experience of Mr, Myers as a practical Book-Keeper enables him to instruct students to keep Books in

precisely tl»9 saaic manner as thev are kept by the mostexperienced accountants 1 his, added to the advantageof nearly fifteen year*’ experience as a Teacher of Com-mercial Science, together with the fact that the course of

instruction in this College is almost identica'lv the sameas that taught by Mr. Bartlett, ol Cincinnati, Ohio, places

this College, in many respect, far above anv other in-titu-

lion of the kind in this city, and has proved to the princi-

pal that his prices are not exorbitant

the course of instructionwill embrace examples of accounts in business books of

every description, viz: Wholesale, Retail, Individual, partne- ship, Simple and Compound, Company Business; Com-mission, Exchange. Bunking, Manufacturing, Railroad,

and S eamboat Buoluess.

TIME.The full time required to complete a course of iustruc-

tiou in this College will be from lo to 14 weeks during the

day, or from 5 to 6 month* at night.


Night Class will be open until 1st of July.

FenmansliipWill be taught according to the most approved methods.

MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC.Special attention will be paid to this Department. A com-plete collection of examples have been carelully selectedfioin tbe best authors on the sublecU-examples in Interest,Discount, Premium, Insurance, Loss, and Gain, Equat on.Simple and Compound Fellowehop, Exchange—both For-eign and Domestic, beside a number of problems aud ex-amples, which have been gathered fr m actual experience,ana which have never been published in any book.

T ERMS:For a thorough course of Double Entry Book-Keeping,Commercial Calculations, and Penmanship *:& Ou

Cost ot Book'* 6 0UPayable one half in advance.

Penmanship and Arithmetic, per month, by day— 5 00“ “ * 4 by night.... 3 50

Payable monthly in advance.

HOURS OF INSTRUCTION,From 9 to 12 o’clock a m.From 2 to 5 o’c'ock p. u.From T to 10 o'clock at night.

NOTICE.Old books written up, trial balauces and balance sheets

struck, sccounts averaged, books opened or cLsed, upontbe most reasonable t*nuf.For further particulars call upon at tbe Rooms, or ad-

dress by mail,d3l dim W. A. MYERS. Principal.



Swiff and Tobacco Manufacturer,16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST.

(Formerly 4‘2 Chatham Street, New York),

YITOULD call the especial attention of Grocers andv v Druggists to his removal, and also the articles of hi*

manufacture, viz:

HROWN SNUFF.Macaboy, Demivros,

Hue Rappco. Purw Virginia,Coa. *c Rappee, Nachltochi s,

American Gentleman. Copenhagen.

YELLOW SNUFF.Scotch, Fresh Scotch.

High Toa*t Scotch, Iri-h High Toast,Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, or Luudyfoot.


No. 1, P. A. L.. or plain St. Jago,No. 2, Cavendish, or sweet, SpanL-h,Nos. 1&2 mix’d Sweet Sf'ented Oronoco, C*nlster.Kitefoot, Tin Foil Caveudixh, Ture Turkish.

A Circular of Prices will be eent on application.

N. B. Note tbe uew article of Fresh Scotch Sonff, whichwill befouuJ a superior at tide for dipping purposes.d29 dSrn


Steam Eugiues au Cit cular Saw-.Mills.


Dissolution of Copartnership.

THE copartnership heretofore existing between EDW*DA. GARDNER and SaM’L S. MOODY, under the

tirm of GARDNER tk CO., i«* this day dissolved by mutualconsent.EDW’D A. GARDNER will continue tbe business at the

old xtand. No. 41* Main street, under the name c>f the oldfirm.Nov. 1, 1*50—tf GARDNER A CO.

"THE JONES LAMP,”MANUFACTURED in every variety and style, and sold

at greatly reduced prices by

TARBELL & WYMAN,37 Central atreet, Boaton.

Successors to E. F. Jones & Co.)N- B —The Jones Burner, recently improved, gives more

light and consumes less oil than any other “Kerosene" orCoal Oil Burner nmuufactured. o31 d3m

r |'HE undersigned have this dnv formed a copartnershipA under the style of COODde MOODY, for th« purpose

UIM IV \ vmU 1 ' unm.r.Kl ana cu.mM IhSION Bl hINESe, aud have taken the two stores re-eently occupied by DumesuU & Co., an Wall street, wherethey wid be pleased to see their frieuds.

l irm I1 W. COOD.not, i, lo&i*. djm g s moody.



^^ater- tight and Fire-proof,

We have in magazine a full supply of the above cele-brated brand of Powder, put np in pafcnf iron kegs, andfor sale at same price as wooden kegs by

A. V. DuPONT & CO.*y*N. B —For sale by all the Louisville merchants.

WE ARE MANUFACTURING STATIONARY ANDH Portable Steam Fnginea and Circular Saw-Mills ol

the latent and most approved styles. Brass Work of everydescription. Mill Gearing, Ashcraft’s Steam Gauges, Fa-ber’s Water (ranges, and Wrought Iron Pipe. SteamboatBiacksmithing in all it* branch*-*. Orders solicited.

HAWLEY, BILLINGS, Sc BALDWIN.Corner of Eighth and Water streets,

o29 dly Louisville, Ky.


Katnblinlied lu 1835-THE undersigned have established a• Regular Line of PACKET SHIPS between

ST Liverpool and Louisville sail ng from I.iv-•terrvmi the Fir **t and Fifteenth of ev*ry

month, and they respectfully ask the patronag « of the im-porters of Louisville for their ships.

The ships will be of the first cla*s and commanded bymaster* exiieritnced in the trade, and particular attention

* id 10"

p . .. . . »railing of the ships, they will merit the patronage of the

will be palcargo. The subscriber* trust that by adopting a moderatescale of prices for freight, and insuring regularity in the

the Cft-eful stowage and haudling of theit b;

f prices for freight, andof the ships, they will met> of Louisville, who are

pers of their goods in Engl aud to

line of packets established by us.

importers of Louisville, who are invited to direct the ship-.... ....... .. ^ tgers of their goods in Englsud to give the preferenceje of packets established by us.

Fu l particulars will be given by Messrs. CAMM ACK &Fu l particulars will De given Dy Messrs. UA MM AC11CONVERSE, of New Orleans, our Agents at that place.

BOULT, ENGLISH, & BRANDON.Liverpool, August 1st. 1859. oct3 d6m

l*htnthing A* fiasfittiug.WILLIAM JAMES,

68 FIFTH ST., BETWEEN MAIN & MARKET,Practical Plumber and Gasfitter,

IS BREPARED to do Plumbing and Gasfitting in themost Improved stvle aud on the most reasonable terms.

Have constantly on hand a large town ttnent ot Gas Fix-tures, Bath Tubs. Wash Baaius, Water Closet* of everydiacriptton. Lilt and Force Pumps, fcheet Lead, Lead audIron Pipe, Ac., &c.Dwellings, stores, and factories fitted up with Water, Gas,and Steam in the best manner, and warranted to give satis-

faction.Every variety of Country Plumbing promptly attended

to. Old Fixtures Cleaned, Bronzed, and Kegiltcd at 68

Fifth street, between Main and MarketWILLIAM JAMES.

Refer to Wm. Preston Johnston, F>q. *11 » d3:u



D R. J. F. MILLER cures instantly and wltvoiit draw-ing blood. Corns. Bunions, and Warts. His office is

on Jefferson street, over the Crystal Ralace buildings,

where he may be found at all hours excepting when out onprofessional bns'Mss. Ladies wa ted on at their residences.

The Doctor will be glad to show the many testimonials to

his succors to parties who may favor him with a visit.

n« dtfls



I>R. HALL(Formerly of Philadelphia, late of Cincinnati),

MOST respectfully aunounce* that he can be confiden-tially consulted at his Mudical Office on ail DLeusea

of the Organ- of Generation. Twenty yea. s’ experienceenables him to perform the most astonishing cures in avery short time without tho use of mercuty or other poi-sons.Dr. H. has cured, wi hlu the last eleven months, two

hundred and fifty obteinate cases that had been treated byeuiinaut physicians of Cincinnati and Louisville withoutsuccess, and be has now under treatm ut seventy five pa-tients with the happiest prospect of a speedy recove. y.

Amoegthe Diee*s**s

successfully t*sated areScrofula, RheumatUin, Asthma,

Bronchial and Luug Diseases. Ulcers, Tu-mors. Fistula, Ague and Fever, and all Diseases

peculiar to Females ; l.ueorihea, Sunpresion of theMenses, Painful Meuntruatinn, Inflammation

aud Ulceration of the Ut ru* or theWomb, Prolapsii* Uteri, or Fall-

ing of the Womb,Ac.. Ac. •

AH Dlseas s of the Organs of Generation in both sexestreated in a careful, thorough, and Judicious manner,pointed out by long * xpejleoce aud invest gation.IF* 1 ow charges and quick cures. Recent cases cured in

from three to eight days. All syphilitic aud mercurialt tint* entirety rem* red from the system.YOUNG MEN afflict d with Seminal Weakuete should

applv to I>r. liall immediately, either in pciaon or Lv let-

ter, as. Uh ue\er fails to cure Bis remedies are perfectlysafe nud unknown to any other physician iu Die UnitedStales.

TO THE LADIES.— Special attention pud t*> Midwii'ery and all Difficult and Delicate Dis-ase- of Female*.Dr Hal. is role Agent iu the Urnted Mate* for the sale of

Hr R ATt CU’ a celebrated FRENVH PKRIODICALDROPS, which no femal.- should be without who i* trou-bled with obstructions or irregularit'es. These Drops arethe only safe and only positively certain restorative andpi even live known. Price *6 pe. bottle.

CAUTION.— Ttiei-e Drops riiou'd not be used bv lad lea

wheu iu a certain condit on. as they ate sure to reotore thoMei.ee* under any circumstances.Medicines sent to any address. Patients at a distance

should addroos I,. II ALL, M. 1>.,

No 76 Third street, Louisville. Ky.tV'All communications confidential. d!6 dly


This valuable and popular Medicine, prepared in con-formity with the analysis of the waters of tbe celebrat-ed Seltzer Springs, in Germany, in a most conve-

nient and portable form, has universally re-ceived the moet favorable recommenda-

tions of the Medical Profeeeion and aDiscerning Public, as the


n use. and a* being entitled to special preference over themany Mineral Spring waters, Soidlltz Powders, and othersimilar article*, both from its compactness and greater ef-ficacy. It may be u?ed with tbe best effect in all



It la particularly adapted to the want- of Travelers bySea and Land. Reeidentelo Hot Climate*. Pe:«oaso!Sedentary liabite. Invalids, and Couvalevcenta;Captain* of Vestel* and Planter* will fiud it avaluable addition to their Medicine Cheats.

With tho.-e who have ueed it. It has high favor and Is

deemed iudiaptm.-able.

IN A TORPID STATE OF THE LIVER—It render*great service in restoring healthy action.

IN GOUT AND RHEUMATISM-It gives the best sat-

isfaction, allaying all inflammatory symptom*, uud inmany cases effectually curing those afflicted.


to be a Modicine of the greatest utility.

ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, AND THE DIS-TRESSING SICKNESS SO USUAL DURING PREG-NANCY"—Yield.- speedily, aud with marked success underts healthful influence.


irritating secretions, and thereby removing all intiainma-tory tendencies.


GATIVK IS REQUIRED.It Is in the form of a Powder, carefully put up in bot-

tles, to keep in any climate, and merely require* waterl>oured upon it to produce a delightful effervescent buver-

Taken in the morning, it never interferes with the avo-vtiouF of the day, acting »

the dlgeetivo powers, exciting

$100 REWARD.C1SCAPED from the Kentucky Penitentiary, on Tiicf

l-J day morning, October 4, about half pant 9 o’clock,

WM. S. HAPPY, aged 2*iye*ia; painter by trade; 6 feet 6

aches high: weighs atout 140 pound*; complexion fair,

p ye* blue; hair dark small sexr under left nipple; scar onpit of stomach; small scar on forehead, above right tern-

pie; scar on inside left foot, under ankle; had on citizen's

clothing.It is *ut>po«ed that he will make fc Illinois, as he is

xnown te* nave a sister iu that State.The above reward will lx* paid ~>r the delivery of the

convict at the Penitentiary in Frankfort, or his confinemeut in any jail where I can get him.

J. W. SOUTH.oct5 dtf Keeper of the Kentucky Penitentiary.

October 10, 1869.



Late of


NOTICE.1) F. OUTHRIE is admitted a* a partner in our firm13. GUTHRIE, WHITE, A CO.

Louisville, Nov. 1, 1869.—dtf

VIRGINIA TOBACCO- .60 half boxes Cre-cent, choice bright lbs;

46 boxes Black Hawk’s sup do do;117 do otberfiue brands;

in store aud for sale byo35dtf

C. II. WIRGMAN,301 Main *t\ between Eighth and Ninth.

R IO COFEE— 100 bags prime Illo Coffee Just arrived bymallboat and for sale by





44 Warren St.,


IN ORDER TO ENSURE PROMPT SHIPMENT. WEsolicit orders for tbe followiug goods os early as possi-


B. B. & 8. original Oval Eye Cast Steel COTTON HOE8.the most approved kind in market, which were iuventedand introduced by us.

R. P. BRUFF* 8 Cast Steel warranted AXES:K. P. BRUFF’8 superior quality CARPENTERSOOLS:B. B. A 8. extra fire Thread COTTON HOPE;B. B. A S. real White Oak Root UAMES;TRACE CHAINS, Ac , Ac.Complete catalogues sent by mail on application,

ol aim




LOUISVILLE, KY..AS in store and to arrive a large and well selectedof Groceries, which he wid sell at lowest marketa*b or to prompt paying customers ou short time


SUGAR—49 hhds fully fair to choice received per steam-er Pacific and for sale low by


CANDY 8UGARS—ICO bbla A Philadelphia Soft Crushed;25 tierces Louisiana Granulated; for sale low by


NEW HAMS—309 received and for sale byd22 HIBBITT A SON.

P wi uiywnai, WU1CU no win eeil at low*for ca*h or to prompt paying customer? ouacting in part of

New Orleans Sugar and Molasses,Klo, Laguavra, and Java < offee:*;?•£. Powdered, aod Crushed ugar:Virginia. Missouri, and Kentucky Tobacco,carman, Pa.m. and FamJy Soane;Star and Mould Cuudles;

1 *

Imperial and Gunpowder Tea*;L0'M»n Yarns an«l Batting;Manilla, Cotton and Hemp Cordage;

Window Gla:*** Mackere*. 8. C. So.

Hnek^Tutw KK*pp^r

’ 8pi.

c<*- Nutmegs, Itedcorda

InWashboard*, and all other good#

kept in grocery housesusually





~rioo^bl8 boiled tweet Cider received and for rale7 07 W»J HIBBITT A SON


Turf Oil cures fresh Wounds.Turf Oil cures Scald Head.Turf Oil cures Tetter.

Turf Oil curce Sprains.

Turf OU eures Bruises.,

Turf OU cures Burn* and leaves no s

FOR BEASTS.Turf Oil cure* Saddle Gall.

Turf OU cures old Strains.

Turf OU cures Swelled Lege.

Turf OU cures Stiff Joints.

Turf OU cures Sweeney.

Turf OU cures Pollevil.

Turf Oil cure* Cracked HeeLTurf OU cures Wind Galt


and all Draggiet* and Country Merchants in the State.apl9 dly

catiou*-' of the day, acting gently on the system, restoringthe digestive powers, exciting a healthy a d vigorous toneof the tftomarh. and creating an elasticity of mind and flowof spirits which give zc*t to every enjoyment. It also eu-able* the invalid to enjoy many luxuries with impunity,from which he must otherwise be debarred, aud withoutwhich life i* irksome and distressing.Numerous text imonials from nrofessional and other gen-

tlemen of the highest standing throughout the country,and its steadily increa-iug popularity for a series of years,strongly guarantee its elhracy ami valuable character, audcoinmend it to the favorable uotice of an intelligent public.Prepared and sold. Wholesale and Retail, by

JOHN A. TARRANT A CO., Dbuuoibtb.No. 278 Greenwich at., cor. of Warren, N. Y.

je!3 d1y3tis



from this disease, wheu satisfied that the nostrum* ot thequack* can never restore lost health and v gor, writ to

me—your friend— former sufferer, aud learn a more ex-cellent way. Address, with stamp enclosed, in perfectconfidence. Box 964, Dayton, Ohio. oi7 dAw3m*


260 Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithograph*,

gy PRICE ONLY’ TWENTY’-FIVE CENTS._*|arScnt free of postage to all parts of the Union.

ON the infirmities of youth andmaturity, dise oring the secret follies

of both sexes of all ages, causing de-bility, uervou*nete, depression ofspirit*, palpitation of the heart, sui-cidal imagination*, involuntaryblushing*, defective memory, iudi-gestiou. and lasritude. Ac., compris-ing 25o page*, aud illuriruted withupwards of one hundred and thirtyengraving*. It is a truthful adviserto the married and those contemplat-ing marriage, who entertain *ecretdoubts of their physical condit on,and who are conscious of having ha-zarded the health, happiness, and

privileges to which every humnn being l* entitled. WithConfession* of a Boarding School Miss, a college Student,and a Y'oung Married Lad/, full of romance and thrillinginterest.Young men who are troubled with weakness, generally

caused by a bad habit in you:h, the effects of which aredizziness, pain*, forgetfulness Mometime* a ringing iu theears, weak eye*, weakness of the back and lower extremi-ties, confosiou of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy,may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AND LON-DON TREATMENT.We have, for the greater port of the post year, devoted

our time In VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI-TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and researchesof the most skilled Physician* and Surgeous lu Europeand on the Continent—such men a* Cl VI A LE, LENOI RE,RICORD, BttECU ETEAU, ACTON, and CURLINGSof the French and English hospital*. Our tour extendedthrough France, Italy. Germany, Holland, England, Ire-land, Scotland, and Wales, viritiug ia our route the priu-c-pal Hospital* in Paris, London, Rome, Venice, Vienna,Dresden, Berlin, Ac., Ac. We have been amply repaid bythe additional kucw.edge we have acquired in the treat-ment of various diseases to w hich we have directed our at-tention. Those who place themselves under our care willnow have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFI-CIENT REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduceInto our practice, and the public may rest aiwured of the

“ Y, and attention being paidccesjfully distinguished us

heretofore, as a Physiciau in our PECULIAR departmentof profesMonal practice.Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the

United States or Canada*, by patients communicatingtheir symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strict-ly confidential.tFDr. L.’s Office Is still loca a* established, under

the name of DR. LA CROIX.auxXi dAwtf At No. 31 Moidez i*aue. Albany. N. V.

MRS. WINSLOW,experienced Nnr-e and Female Physician, preset

the attention of mothers her

SOOTHING SYRUPFor Children Teething,

which greatlv facilitates the process of teething by softeningthe gums, reducing ail Inflammation—will allay ALL PAINaud spasmodic action, and is

SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS.Depend upon It, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves,








24 OLD SLIP, N. Y.









rpHE BRAND HERE REPRESENTED WILL BE BURNED ON.THE HEAD OF EACH BARREL. POSItlvtly sold only to Jobbers aud the Whotenule Trade, orders sdiclted. Addre«a

018 fls&lylpS. T. SUIT, Proprietor.


W. H. STOKES(Sactessor to E. A W. U. Stokes),


COACH & SADDLERY HARDWARE,Old-established Saddlery Warehouse,


IF*Merchants and Manufacturers would find It to their interest to examine my slock before making th^lr purchase*and orders (Tom a distance will be attended to as if made in person *3 deow&weowtf


No. 5.


Wfrifc’l* 1 lb. l‘J frs.

No. 4.



Weight 1 lb. 15 oz.

No. 3.


HINDWeight lib. 11 ox.

No. 2.


Weight l ib. T> < z.

No. C.

city PatternFORWARD.

Weight 2 lb. 10 oz.

'-v-G,No. 1.


Weight 1 lb. C oz.

r---.- .

. --


FOR w AKD.Hdj.'i hot.

N«. 1



No S.




No 4.




No S.


FOR W AUD.M 1 U>. It «*•


Manufactured at the Troy Irou and Nail Factory, Troy, N# Y.

NEW YORK OFFICE, ‘24 BROADWAY. W. F. BURDEN, Agent.may 6 dlaml2

“ Great Fuss and Feathers!"



At Memph’s, a fine large BUILDING admirablyconstructed and located tor tbe boarding of fami-lies. The prices of boa*ding here are such that, in

this building, a man adapted for the purpose cannet from eight to ten thousand dollar* a year. For lull

particular*, address Box 481 Memphis, Tenn.dl9dlm*

yjy (j1

(j}Flouring JfMill for Sole*


109 Fourth st., bet, Market ajid Jefferson,

YU HERE It has been kept for sale ever since its first

Issue at about one-dalf tho price it has been fold

for at the “Seu> Music House," and, notwithstanding it

cannot be procured at any other place in the city," w#

have a full supply at either wholesale or retail, together

all sorts of valuable Musical Gifts for the Holidays.

Don't rush , as we have plentyfor all



da dtf

We have put up and sold thl* article for over tenyears, a»d can say. in oonfiiikncz and tzctuof It, what we have never • been able to say of anyother medicine— NEVER ft HAS IT FAILED, IN ASINGLE INSTANCE.TO ^ EFFECT A CUKE whentimely u*ed. Never did ^ we know aq Instance of


dissatisfaction by any oue • who used it. on the oou-trary, all are delighted with it* operations, and !

speak in term* of highest ^ commendation of it* magi-cal effect* and medical vir- Z0S tuea. We spexk in thismatter ** what we do know," after ten years’


Brady’s Publishing House.


experience, and pledge h ocb refutation kok theEVLKILLMKN1 OF WHAT C# U K UERK DECLARE. Inal-iuo?t every instance where ^ the iufar.t i» suffering frompain and exhaustion, relief w Ulbe found in fifteen ortwenty minutes after the Syr ip i* administered.Thi* valuable prei**ra- ^ tion is the preacripUon of

one of the most EXPEItl- ^ ENCEDand SKILLFULNURSES in New England, and has been used withMXVZK- FAILING SUCCESS V 1“

THOUSANDS O OF CASES.It not only relieves the ^ child from pain, but Invig-

orate* the stomach aud bowels, corrects acidity,and gives tone aud euergy ^ to tbe whole svstem. Itwill almost instantly re- *7® llevo


and overcome convulsion#, ^ which, if not speedily rem-edled, end in death. We ,R the vest andBCBESTKN T KEY ANDse* from teetl—„. .. _ —say to ever/ mother who • ha* a child *uffcriDg fromany of tbe foregoiug com- m plaiuu—do not let revuFBEAUDSOES Nutt THE FEE- Hffi JL DICES OF OTUKE8 Stand

betweeu your euffenug child aud the relief tbat

wfll be SURE—yes, AU- . SOLUTELY SURE — to

follow tbe use of this med-cZ iciue, If timely used. Full

directions for using will ac- r® company e ae h b ol,t le.

None gentiine unless thA-tek fac simile of CURTIS APERKINS, New York, ou tbe outalde wrapper.

Bohl*5by°D r u g g l s t s^ throughout the world.

Prinolpol office No. 13 Cedar st, New Y'ork.


C IGARS—10.000 Henry Clay;10,000 Piccolomini;

200,000 Germau, various qualities;

60,00(1 Havana Sixes;KCOt


THE ADVENTURESS, by George Augustus Sala. 60c.

ETHEL TREVOR; or, The Luke’s Victim, by G.tV.M.Reynolds. 80c.

AD\ LEIGH: or, The Love Test, by Pierce Egan. 60C.

JANE HORTON, by Jack Brace. 26c.


FAST LIFE; or. Memoirs of the Marquis of Waterford.25c.

IT'Mailed, free of portoge, on receipt of price.

THE WELCOME GUEST, a first claps Family MonthlyNewspaper, issued at the low rate of Twenty-five Cents aYear. Send for a specimen.IF” Brady’s mammoth Cotalogue of all tbe beat books

rent free of postage.FREDERIC A. BRADY", Publisher,

24 Ann at.. New York.tr Agenta Wanted. d23 dfim


oar: ETS-nd in death. We believe It the uut audUEMEDY IN THE 2 WoDLI* lu all CSSeS of DYS-AND DIAEBUEA IN OIIILDEEN, whether it ari-

i te-ethiug. or f-om any other cause. We would


MARSHALL DICKINSON,79 Fourth *1 , bet Main and Market.

OUR stock of Carpeting and House Furnishing Goodsis now complete, and we are now offering superior In-

ducements to purchaser# in all kinds ofCARPETS,CURTAINS.FLOOR OIL-CLOT1IS,LINEN GOODS.

and to fact every article nsualiy kept In a fli*t claw e?lab-Uehment.. Our facilities lor buying our go ds Is such thatwe can compote with any of the k astern boose* Give usa call. MARSHALL A DICKINSON.di9 79 Fourth *t., between Main and Market.

HUTTER—W. It. and Indiana roll and pocked Butter,warranted a choice article for tabic use, received daily

per express aud for rale low bydlfi N. S^GLORE & CO B

HERRI NG—20,hbls first quality pickled Herring just re-ceived ond lor *»le by

d28 GARDNER A CO.. 419 Mam st.

JAGGING AND ROPE1,1100 pieces l agging;

3,000 coll# Rope; for sale byTHO«. H. HUNT A CO.

N EW STYLE FRENCH LEATHER BAGS ANDVALISES, latest pattern*, furnished and plain: a!*o

a few elegant Ladies’ Ponches and Hags, plain and fur-nished; for sale atd20 A. D. MANSFIELD'S.

algued.it Springfield. Tcuu.d23 did

MOLASSES -67 bbl* prime Mola«ee« landing iwr E. U.Fairchild and for sale byaucuuu ivn'ir nrniAviv a on



Corner Washington andSecond #ta.

Extra golden sirup-to km Baltimore, Brune A Son a;

20 bhla do, do;

25 Jido do, do;

I-aST-* & ^


TO VIQTOR HUGO.Sin: Your letter to tbe London S’ar has found its

way into tbe Amevicfa press, for which it wasdoubtless intended. If ardent enthusiasm couldwin justice from her strict course, vours might havehad some effect upon tbe destiny ofJohn Brown. Butall the elcquecce of ffeoius cannot (ake tbe black-ness from treason, or ^to^erimeon stain frem mur-der. It requires soipethii^ more than sn outbu-stof fine poetry to turn crime into patriotism—some-thing more than impetuous denunciations to checkthe solemn footsteps of justice.

Before this lime you will have learned that Vir-ginia has vindicated the majesty of her law?; andthat John Brown ard his unhappy confederateshave passed to a higher tribunal for judgmentYou will lsarn, alio, tbat out of nearly thirty mil-lions of people, spreading over a great continent,there is but a handful of men and women who havereceived tbe news of this execution with disap-proval. North and South, the great body of ourpeople acquiesce in tbe fate of John Brcwn as an inevitable necessity—a solemn oblige ion to the lawsLike you, vve may feel compassion for the man whowas brave even in his crimes; but he was a greatcriminal, and so perished. Qod have mercy uponhis sou>!

Tee itnpulrpt of bnmanity which prompted yourletter meet with sympathy from every true heart.But no outburst of compassion, no denunciationfrcin abroad, is likely to influence a people whohave learned to govern their piarions while theyprotect their rights.

VVb-r, iq th-j ardor cf your fancy, Washingtonstood before you—immoral with heavenly great-ness--your intellect should have gone a step farther,and informed itself more correctly regardirg tbeCenctitulion, to establish which be gave tbe bestv>ars of a g'orious life. You would have learnedthat each State of this Union is sovereign io itself

iq its laws and in its power to punish crimes com-mitted on its soil.

To establish the distinct sovereignty of theseStates acd link them io ooe beautiful confederation,concessions were made and obligations of forbear-ance were entered upon to which tbe sacred honoref our Revolutionary fathers was pledged—cot forbeimelves alone, but for their children and chil-dren’s children. These obligations make slaverywith us a forbidden subject.Washington himself was born in a slavebo-dirg

State—lived and died the master of slaves. Neitheron tbe battle field, the floor cf Congress, nor in thePref'.dentMl chair, did he suggest the possibility ofrevolt against the solemn compact made in theConstitution.Had treason, like that of old John Brown broken

ont in his time, be would undoubtedly have dosewbat James Buchanan is dcing now. Maintainingcis august position as tbe chief of a great confedoration, onr President respects tho right of a sovereign State, over whose infernal laws he has noauthority, and leaves to her courts the punishmentor pardon of the treason which broke out ou herterritory.

Washington could have done no more than this,crown him with tbe b rio of poetry as you will.

Virginia, a sovereign State, has maintained herauthority. John Brown is dead. Proven guilty oftreason, condemned for atrocious murders, he hasatoned for these crimes on the scafiold. It is im-possible for a man to stand upon the verge of eter-nity, into which he must be launched by a violentdeath, without filling every good heart with griefand compassion. But when ho is brave, when hispath cf blood has been lighted by the lurid torchof fanaticism or insanity, such minds as yours, af-fluent, earnest, and poetical, inay be expected toclothe his crimes in white garments, and forgettingthe murderer in the brave man, sing ptvans to thern-rtyr of a vivid imagination only.

I am of a eex and . f a nature to whom thesefeelings arc kindred. I cannot think of old JjbnBrown upon tbe scaffold without a shudder throughall my being. I cannot thick cf a man made intbe image of his God, Euiferinpr an ignominiousdeath without thrills of pain. But I fiod it impos-sible to fix my miad on tbe rcsffbld of this old mao.It goes back to bis victims at Harper’s Ferry—’.o

the women made widows by the outbrjsk of a aiagle morning—to tbe orphans, wto bad never wrong-ed him, so cruelly bereaved by bis crime. I seethe two sons who blindly followed bis lead fallmartyrs to his rebellious spirit.

I lock beyond all this, far away Into the beaut’-ful Souib, atd lostead of an old man on the gal-low?, I see thousands of ray country-women, gen-tle, good, and lovely, given up a prey to wild in-surrection— I see those murderous pikes, inacnfac-tured with t=uch cruri forethought, piercing tbeirbosoms— I hear the cries of children calliog for

picture strikes my compassion dumb, and I can onlycover my face and pray God lo have mercy on tbeold man's soul!

John Brown was tried, condemned, and executedas a traitor—a guard of American cltizscs stoodironed the scaffold, sad at heart, but sieady intheir devotion to tbe laws. The Legislature of a*reat Commonwealth sat, deliberately, af er his«antotce, ard proccunced it ju?t. The FederalUnion, in which thirty millions of souls throb, stcod•>y in soltmn silence while the treason of this manwas expiated.Out of all these thirty millions of intelligent,

educated men, who make their cwn laws atd abideby them, not die hundred thousand can bs foundto j .in with you in cotd^moirg the execution ofJohn Brows, while every good be r‘ among themmust sympathize ia tbe pity for his fate, whichmingles so elcquoctly with your denunciations.Some tho re may be—cay, certainly are—who

would add bitterness to your words, and wing themlike poisored arrows far and wide, if they had tbepower. But thane are tbe very men and womenwho instigated his crime, who urged him cn to re-volt, and shrunk away into safe places when thegloom of tii deeds settl'd around him—men audwomen who make money l»y r.coodi»ry books, rer-moos, and lecures, and, while they ircito crimeswhich coin gold for them elves, have no courage tomeet tho danger when it arises. But thou-andsacd tens of thousandj share your pi:y for the oldman—guilty acd mad as he was— while they putyour denunciations aside with calm forbearance,feeling bow little knowledge you possess on a aublject which agitates you so deeply.

But if tho great mass of my countrymen join ic

your pity for the unhappy man, it is rot becamethey condemn bis execution or sympatbiza with bisrevolt. Probably twenty-nine millions and ninehundred thousands of our people l;*ok upon execu-tion as a full and solemn atonement for crimes inwhich they have no sympathy. Our ccuntry is

cow divided into three politic il parties, none otwhich will indorse this rebellion oremdsmn thec>ur?e jaetic* has taken. When you call upon tbeFederal Union to interpose its authority againsttne liws of Virginia, then is not a ccbcol boythroughout the land—for to all such our Cons itution is a text hoik—who would not smih at youridea that the General Government has aoy right tointerfere with the legal acts of an independentCommonwealth, or that the majority of a singleState would interfere, if it bad the power.Ycur picture of John Brown’s trial is a painful

one. It must be a hard he*»r'- which does not swellwith corapaasdoa as it presents itself: “Upon awretched pallet, with six half gupiog wounds,rcaxcely conscious of surrounding sounds, bathingbis mattrass with blood, acd with the ghostlyoresetes of his two dead sols forever before him “

That jou place the unhappy man brfore the world,forgetting that thece ghastly wouedi are but tbeevidence of a more gnastlv crime—the fearful witnesses by which bis guilt was confirmed.

It is, ind.ei, a terrible picture you have drawn,but the streets of Harper’s Ferry bad one more ter-rible still. There innocent men, all unconscious ofdancer, were shot down like wild animals. Therewidows, newly bereaved, knelt mourning over theirdead, atd orphan children cried aloud for t"e pa-rents that John Brown had so ruthlessly murdered.This pic r ure you have forgotten to place side bysids with the other; but we who love our country-men have sympathy for tbe ioooceut as well es pityfor the guilty.

Y'ou complain that his trial was hurried, that thejury sat only forty minutos, ond that all the proceed-ings were indecorously urged forward; but werethey so swift as the rifle bulls that shot down un-armed men in the streets at Harper’s Ferry? Werethey so ruthless as John Brown’s midnight descentupon a sleeping village in Kansas, where husbandsand sons were dragged out of their beds, find shotdown within hearing of their wives and mothers?Is this the man whom you speak of as “pious, aus-tere, animated with the old puritan spirit, inspiredby the spirit of the Gospel”; while you call his com-panions “sacred martyrs”?

This, air,* I * tbe bhsphemv of a highly wroughtimagination—excu-e me for saying—nM origin ri

with you; for wilder and mare irreligious men thanI tiust you are have gone to greater lengths, andblasphemed more eloquently than this. Tney haveprone urcid John Brown’s gallows holier than thecross and held, up his rebellion as a rebuke to theunfinished mission of our Lord the Saviour.“At this moment,” you say, “America attracts

the attention of tbe whole world.”Not at this moment only, but ever since she be-

came a free nation this has been a truth. To all

the kingly governments of Europe she has alwaysbeen a contrast and an irritation—a subject forcriticism, and, whenever an opportunity for blamearose, of denunciation. It is not strange, then,that a rebellion in part fostered in Europe shouldcall forth bitter remarks there.

“Let the judges of Charlestown and the slave-holding jurors, and the whole population of Vir-ginia ponder on it well—they are watched—theyare not alone in the world.”

They have pondered on it well, and the execu-tion of John Brown has taken place.

If the whole American republic were responsiblefor his death, as you say it is, it would simply teresponsible for a most painful duty, solemnly per-formed; acd received with inourmog resignationeven by the most merciful, b. cause of its impera-tive necessity. Justice demanded tbe life of thisman, for he had taken human life—necessity de-manded it, for be was tbe spirit and soul of a trea-son that threatened the foundations of our national-ity—that would forever have been plotting more

TflE springsfield mills,TOGETHER WITU

About 20,000 bushels of Wheal, one-third of which

is a prime articla of White, are offered for sale.

THIS *ale is rendered nece-sary by a di^soltiUon of the

l •rtnerehjp under which .he Mill 1* owned, and It will

therefore be oflVred on exceedingly favorable term* 1 1 is

SSf the FINEST FLOURING MILLS IN TEN NFS-8EF located at the thriving town of Springfield, with a

popdatiou 0f i foo, and on the ra'Jroad from Na*hvUle to

Clark *riilc, 28 mile* from the former place, and i* sur-

rou&god by a splencid wheat-growing country.

The Mill Is entirely New,In fine condition, aud in *uccea#ful operation. The pur-cliatte can take the Wheat or not at hi# own option.

If not eoid privately, the above propel ty will be sold, tothe hi>he*t bidder, on the premise#,

ON THE I3TH OF JANUARY NEXT,on the following term*; One-third iu four mouth* and theremaioiuff two-tbirde in equal installment* in one aud twoyears, the whole drawing interest Ixoiu day of tale, anduotefl payable lo bank aud eudor*ed.

Bale positive without reserve.

For further Information, apply to or addr »*a tha under-• • ! ,J rT'“—


shed so long as he lived on earth.




Y’ou call the execution of Brown a “brotterhoedof blood”—you say that “tbe fa.ces of our splen-did republic will be bound together by the runningnoose that bangs from the gibbet.”

If this were true—if any brotherhood of blood is

connected with this painful event—itereits neitherwith tbe ‘‘whole” American Republic nor with theState of Virginia; but its red track may be foundacross the foam of the Atlantic, linking ExeterHall with the sensa'bn pulpits on this side of theocean. The weight of John Brown’s blood lies withEngland and the confederates of England who haveby their teachings, their money and crafty sympa-thy led the old man on to death. Wbat but this

“band of blood” did the people of England expect

when they gathered penny contributions through^, ut

tha length and breadth of their land, in order to

urge this incendiary spirit Toward in Amtr Cd?

Pennv contributions, as if Liberty w c re a Tyrant

or a Pauper, to be intimidated or bribed by their

infamous copper.. A , .

What wasjthis contribution intended for? An

insult, or a fund for incendiary uses? If sent to the

United States for the purpose of inciting in8urrec

tion, or in any way opposing onr laws, then that

money has been the price of John Brown s blood,

and was tbe first strand of the barer that hung

from his gallows.

What oid tbe people of Scotland expect when

thev rent tbe American flig In twair, and hung it,

tattered and qoivtriog beneath the indignity, ov*r

the bead of an American woman, who smiled

beoigaly under the insult, and received alms after

it wa* offered? Ou’ of such acts and such insults

tbe baiter of Joan Brown was woven; to such in-

sidious eccooragerasDt the old man owes bis death.

Was there an English maa or woman living whosupposed that a great nation would allow tbe trea-

son thus instigated oo a foreign soil to ripen in her

bo-om, ond fail to punLb it with all the force of her

jubt law??It is tho people cf England, then, with a very

small party in tbe United States, who are united bythis “lotjd cf blood ” It reddens the vestmentsof our sensation ministers, not the ormi e of ourjudges. The sacramsctal tables of our political

churches are encrim .oned with it, and the pheesonce sacred are overshadowed by tbe old

man’s crime. In these places when you call JohnBrown “the champion of Christ,” it may be con-sidered meek and holy languagt; but the great

mass of oar American ceople will turn from such

impiety with a shudder. ••

Your letter closes with an appeal to our republic,

calling it the sister of the Trench republic. Howlittle you know of the great land you complimentand revile in the same breath. Liberty with us

subjects herself to the laws which she has inspired,

and ho who revolts against those laws sins against

her and the whole people whom she protects. Shesprang another Minerva from the minds of patriot

statesmen, modestly clad, serene, and beautiful;

she presides over our republic, and has so far pro-

tected it from anarchy or oppression.It is that our republic may have no sisterhood

with those of France that such insurrections as youdenominated sacred duty” are met with the wholeforce of our laws. Were they permitted to obtaina foothold in the land, our republic might indeedbecome sister to those of France, and perish a9 theydid.

Had the insurrection at Harper’s Ferry succeed-ed

, the tcenes of anarchy which left Frarce lyinglike an unnatural monster, satiated with the bloodof her own childrer, might have been repeatedhere. But we are not yet prepated to see inno-cent babes shot down in battalions, or fair girlscompelled todri. k blood fro hing fioin a yet warmhuman heart, in order to redeem their fathers fromtho hatchet. We ara cot prepared to eee our pas-tors slaughtered at tbe foot of tbeir own altars, orhear coarse songs thuodering through tfco solemnarches of cur temples. It is to save onr countryfrom coosaoguiui’y with republic* found- d cnatrocities like the: e, that onr laws crush rebollicnwhen i‘. first crests i self.

Rest, sir, upon your knees before tho star-span-gled banner. While our pulpits aro turned intopolitical forums, and their ministers preach rapineand bloodshed, the foot of eur flagstaff is, perhaps,tbe most sacred place for devotiou that we hate tooffer you. There, certainly, a pore spirit shouldinspire your prayere. Yes; kneel reverently, andplead that the great country protected by its foldsmay fling off tho prison so insidiously circulated inher bosom by foreign nations. The spirits of ourimmortal statesmen will be around you when thatprayer is uttered; and, if you aro in truth a patriot,one heavenly voico will whisper, in tones that mustbe changed if they do not penetrate to tbe depthsof your soul—“I know no Nurth, no South, noEast, no West; nothing but my country.”

Kneel, kneel, I beieecb you, sir, and let this patrio;ic sentiment be the burJen of your prayei!Mil ions of souls on this side of the Atlantic willswell tbe breath as it pisses your lips into a cloudof sacred incense, which the spirit of Washingtonand the mighty ones who have juiced him, shallwaft to the feet of Jehovah a d crow ho‘i*r fromthe work ANN S. STEPHENS.New York, Dec. 27, 1859.


GREAT BARGAINS IN LUMBER,HPH E PennavIvaniR Lumber Company, about clewingA their Lumber-Yard* lu thi* c ty, otter at u lioiewle or

retail, AT BEDUORD rniccs. 1,500,0 0 feet ot choice rang,sawed White Pine L L M B E U, thoroughly seasoned.einb amiB a general variety of quality aud thickuc**, nUoWeaihi-rboaiding, Flooring, and Shelving, White p neshaved aud #awed SUiugie-, Poplar do Sash, ai d HemlockFencing aud Scantling. Thi* i* a rare oppo< tuutiy for m-veriou nt. Office corner C*ay aud Market street*Ja no d 1 y STEPHEN CHARI. 9.

MARK & DOWNS,471 IVXaiia st.


WE HAVE NOW IN STORE A LARGE STOCK OFv the be*» make* of—IRISH LINENS united to ladie*’ at d gentlemen’* wear;TABLE DAM ASKS 8-4, 9-4, and 10-4;NAPKINS and DOILIES, as-o.ted size* and price*:LINEN oUEETINGS. 8 4,9-4, lu-4. 11-4, and 12-4;


......... 1, ."I, IV-», ll-l, MUU ' - -1



bo*t makesCAMBRICS, plain and barred;F.N«iLI3II LoNG-C LOi II,

INDIA DIMITY, Ac.All ol which we will sell at the lowort price*.j«> MARK A DOWNS. 471 Main *tHITE db KMALL,






all aizw, var> Ing from 8-4 to 16-4;

Ad early ca>l is eolicitcd.Prices unitors and a* low a* New Y'ork City.

HITE A SMALL’S. 4**9 Main street.

j 1* Three door* wi'.'-t of the Bank of Louisville.

At Reduced Prices.

STEREOSCOPE i and View*, just received by Express.A beautiful amortm. nt of rich colored Parlor Group*.

Laudreaper. Statuary. Flower*, Shell*, oeAt# » a fiue stock of Stereorcopes, new -tyBa, direct from

the London Stereoscopic Company. C'atl and select vourviews, at 625. [ian6] a. D. MANSFIELD.


An invoice of auperb Indies and Gents’ fine Frenchmanufactured Leather Traveling Bags and Satchel*, en-tire uew pattern*. For tale ati»n« A. D. MANSFIELD’S.

OPERA GLASSES—Ivory, Pearl, Velvet, Ac., at

j»’9l A. I). MANSFIELD’S.

H RIDALAND PARTY FANS—Pearl, Ivory, aud Gold Stick*. #pan?1ed, at


C LOVER SPED— 67 bajr* Clover-Seed (to arrive perJetfeieouvilie Radroad) for sale by

AND’W BUCHANAN A CO.,j6 Corner Washington and Seeoud #t*.

K'l'GAR—200 hhds fair to prime Sugar in riore and for

to KHleby [16] AND’W BUCHANAN «c CO.

MOLASSES— 400 bbls prime Plantation Molastee instore and for sale by


R EPINED SUGAR—500 bbl* Cru*hed, Fowdered, andCandy Sugars iu utore and for ea'e bv


C’OFFEE—• 600 bag* prime Rio;loo do do Java*76 do do i.agneyra; for sale by


SODA—2*io kegs Lee’s Newcastle for sale byi6 WAGGENER & LONG.

C LOVER SEED—250 buriieis prime Clover Seed ju9t re-ceived on consignment and for oale low to close 'ot by

N. S. GIORE A CO..j5 No. 23 Fourth eL, between Main and river.

Copartnership Notice.

M R wi: LIAM M MORRIS is admitted a* a partnerin our house from this date, and the busim-a* will be

continued a# heretofore.Jan. 3, I860.—d kw J. S. MORRIS A SONS.

OHO CASES CONCENTRATED LYE for sale by4UU ja ddew -—mms~ I ~igrJ. S. MORRIS* SONS.

100 BBLS TU RPKNTINE, ?ood coo;*erage, for *ri® byjo d&w J. 8. MORRIS A SONffi_

1 IWWi BOXES FRENCH AND AMERICAN WIN-ljUUU DOW-GLASS, assorted *ize*. lor sale brJ3 d&w J. S. MORRIS A SON

£ CASKS SPERM OIL for aale by•J 13 d&w J. S. MORRIS A SONS.

i d&w00 1


nTS TANN ERS’ 01 L for Baleby

50 a

1 j4 d&w


rn KEGS REFINED SALTPETER for rate byj 1 d&w J. 8. MORRIS & SONS.


ft CASKS PRIME MADDER for fa'e by•J )4 d&w EDWARD WILDER. 448 Ma ri *t.

100 3%vBBLS COPPERAS for rate b?EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main it.

AM BBLS ALUM for sale byjl d&w EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main st.

fr CASKS BLUESTONF. for rate byj4 d&w EDWARD WILDER. 448 Main st.

1 lili BAG3 PEPPER for sa’e by1UU j4 d&w EDWARD W ILDER, 44S Main it.

•JZ BAG:l •> j4d&

BAGS ALLSPICE for rale byEDWARD WIl DER, 448 Ma*n ft.

PA BAGS RACE GINGER for sale byOU 14 d&w EDWARD WILDER, 448 Main

io CASES Nl’TMFG'* for -ale bvi4 d&w El >WARD W I LPER. 448 Main st.

500 KEGS BICABB. SODA for sale by14 d& v EDWARD WI I.DER, 418 Main it.

HIUKORY’-NUTS—15 bbl# lust rece ved and for rale byJOHN F HOWARD & CO.,

y. Main, between Third and Fourth sta.


LOUISVILLE, KY.Mfc. __ Thankful to aiy friend* aud the mu-

sical public of I.oui#villo and vicinity

for tbe very generoua, unexpectedly libe-

ral iiipcort and er couragement they haveaccorded to me in my new enterprise. )

»- •» heg reave to wtate that lor the J ear Ju*t

commencing, it rball be my aim to atudy the tas e# of tin-

public and to supply th* in constantly with tiik hsht of ev.

ery tiling In tbe Musical line. I shall be weekly in receipt

of the beat new Music a# rapidly as published. /• iuouk the

many gem# lately received. I can cordially commend the

following a# especially excellent:

“Bonnie New Moon," by George Linlay. 25c.

“Alice Lyle,” by “ “ 25c.


Ia a standard work, and will continue to be popular so long

as Music shall have any votariea, I shall keep it constantly

on hand at to* pnbllshers’ price—Fmt Doll.vzb. Pleaae

call and examine my #tock.


J2 d&w l.ouiavHlf, Ky .

PROPOSALSYI7TI L be race** d until tbe 1st day of February for the

> f aale of f. om 75 to 3uu acres goo; FarmiprLAN 1) for

the House of Refuge. T. T- Prw t,

d , dtFeb! ,omcc *No- *• " ttU 8t

[Com ier aud Itemocrat copy J


No. 47 Water street, New York,IMPORTXBB OK

Brandies, Gins, IVinrs, Fruits, &c.,

Sole Aeenta in the United States for the following highlj

celebrated Brandies, Ac.:






Wc have couetactly ou hand a large ntock of the variousgrade* of Port, Sherry, Madeira, Malaga, Claret, Cham-panic, and other Wines.Aleo Scotch and Iriwh Whiskeys, Jamaica and St. Croix

Rum*, White Wine Vinegar, Bordeax Pruue*, Olive Oil,Walnuts, Castile Soap. &c.N. B.—All for rale from

United States Bonded Warehouses,ENTITLED TO DEBENTURE.

jan3 d6m

DRIED rEACHES-lOObn-hela Dried Pcachea and 76buriieb Dried Apples in atore and for rale by

j5 N. S. GI.oRE & CO

BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—SOO #*cka freah BuckwheatFlour, warranted frerii ground and the b**t article iu

city, for rale low by 1)5] N S. GLORE & CO.

£HEESE-300 h« x. elected w. R. and E. D. Cheese


just received aud for rale byN. S. GLORE & CO.

Received i

YANKEE Notion* for Februory. I*r!ce 15c.

Spalding’s Prepared Glue. Price 25c. per bottle with

brush. . _Yr< ntlceaua. or Wit and Humor in Paragraph*, by Geo.

D. Prentice. X'rice $1K. HADDEN'S P^ft5°,g£t.

Diaries for iwo :

Ladle*’ AlroeDae for I860;Gentlemen’# Dlariee lor i860;

Ladles’“ “

Micree* *.

Ladies’ Almnusc. blue and gold. ». •» vcai let and gold,

viiakiitM'art’ aud ills I* rie^'di**

CoatmijpoRtan A-t A^ciaUou;Toy Book*, colored and plain;

dreaffand mbscribe to the Cosmopolitan Art Aseoda-

S"** ,,0‘re *n,‘ hCLAMW?

,mi r wi'u»CLARKUS, Mozart Hall.



ETERWINED _tho above lloejD

Pin* to alt who willvery general and


JNO. Ai©3F

HAS NOW IN STORE’French Merinoea, a]

Plaid and printed IFrench Valours:Poplins and PoplimEtnbro dorie-;Ctutdmerea und SatlciIDHurd Vale and ShaTnbte Linens;Napkiusand Doiltea;I < iali Linen.-, & ,;

All of which arc offered at the lowest

tKtAH JNO. A.I» J*b P0

Cost for O

f ST,K K OF I.ADIE6’, MiSbEb’, AND... .

iULDRrN’s FANCY FURS In the urtKortmenwill be lotiod h


me ectxa large and tine Sable, Stone Mar-tin, und Canada Mink. Cali so n for bargains.

PRATHER A SMITH.J« J&u 4o5 mum st , between Fourth aud Fifth.

. A LARGE STOCK OK UAT8 and CAPSJam for men's, bo a’, and child* vu’d wear can b.

)u>J Very cheap of

,7?!, PKATIIER & SMITH.455 Main at.

PRENTiCEANA.A NOTHER large supply of thl# inimitable book. At.<* BROOKS’S P.'OL, OF QUALITY'. Third supply.2 vo.a. $2. d31 j&b F. A. CRUM P, 84 Fourth #t.

Fort-Polio Desks.A NOTHER surply of those beautiful aud convenientUM. KoMo De*k» at 84 Fourth street.Ml »&*> F. A. CRUMP.

Valuable Books for Ministers.SUITABLE FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS.

THE Complete Works of John Calvin, 48 vote. $54 50.The Woiks of John Owen, 16 vote. $24.

Kitte’s C'vclouediaof Bib ical I iterature, 2 vols. $4 50Wall’# History of Intent Baptism. 4 vote. $14.OUhau-ou's Coraroentarteson the New Te*tataent. $12.Sprague’* Annate of the Amcr can Pulpit. 6 vole. $16 5o.I)r Breckinridge’ Tbeolojur. 2 vote. $4 50.The auc lent Church by Dr Kel on. *3.N'eander a i burch Hietory. 5 vote $14 60.Moshicu/* Ecclesiastical History. 3 vole. jj(6 50.The Complete Works of John Howe, 2 vote. "$7.Hi uric* in' * ChrtetUu A tiquitirr, 2 vote. *1 1.

Burkit’s Notre on the New Testament, 2 vote. 65.Life and Kptetle* of bt Paul. 2 vole. $»;,Sir Wm. llairllton’s Metaphysics $3.Pool*# AnnotaMoce on tbe B'bble. 3 vote. %12.Kitts’* Daily Bible llluatrat on#, 8 vote. $8.Alexaudei'd Work#, 6 vote; jfcl 25 per vol. $7 60.

With a large nuinber of other theologlral books and other

A. DAVIDSON,Third street, near Market.

handsomely bound Looks.For rale bydiiO j&b


IFatches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware.


FLETCHER & BENNETT,4(13 JIttin street, between Fourth uud Fifth,

Have now on hand the largest andb>.-t assortment of GOLD at.d bIL-

(U^ J VHR WATi 1 1 1 S. FIN «•; J EWEL-dEatifr KY", and SI I.VER Wa RE ever offeredfor sale iu this city. Their #to :k ha* been bought ver.» to<

for cash, and selected In person direct from the manufac-lurer* and imnortcis, and te ot the beet quality and mostfadiioriab'e styles. Heine determ ued to *e.l at extreoielylow PRICES for cash, purchasern will find it to their advanUse to call and exam me our stock before purchasing. Arich assortment, to which we are couria.tl' > ddrng every-thing uew and fashionable, will always be found to selectfrom, viz:

Gold Lever Watches; Goid and Sliver Spectacles;Silver i.ever Watches; Gold Pena;Gold Glia 1 d Chaiue; Silver Fo. Ice;

Gold Vest Chain#; Sliver S|toons;Go»d Fob •. hain# and Sea’s; Silver Tea Bets;Fine Gold, Coral, & Cameo Si ver Pitchere;

P»ns sliver ttohieta and Cups;OlatLoml and Op’vl Ring*; Silver Butter Coolers;Diamond pins & Ear-Rings; Gold Thimbles;Gold pencil*, Opera Gl»#«e*, &c.Gold Lockets;

FLETCHER & BENNETT.dl7 d&w&b 463 Main st., between Fourth and Fifth.



Meriiioes, PeLaines, Shawls, Cloaks,

Foulards, Silks, Embroideries;

ROBES IN DELAINE & SILKATT A. «aacj:i«jcjb,jco»:*

TRAVELING GOODS, CHINTZ, &C., &CCall atd31 j&b&weow

MARTIN & PBNTON’S,f6 Fourth street.

A New Song.

Uf F. have just received from our I ’re?# a beautiful newSong with chorus, entitle i “Harry, the Beau of Mo-

t-awk Vale," » reply to Bonnie Kloiae. Composed by Will8. Hays and arranged for the PUuo by Frank A. Cherri.r.Price 25 cent*. I>. P. FAULDSA t.’O.,

decSU j&b 539 Main ft., opposite itank of Kentucky.


OF EVERY KIND,OE8IDES a good many useful aud beautiful articles

l> #u"able tor thrlaUoss preaenta, all of which we sell aelow a# the lowest.

d20 j&b J- SUE3, No. 00 Fourth st

Ntw Imporiations «f Fiue Jewelry.


turned from tho East with a very largo

and beautiful assortment of Watcheo,

i ,

chain#. Ac , wh ch, in addition to the fine

•lry manufactured by ounwivce, tender our etock

equal to auy in the cit .

The addition# from the Ea#t are direct from the manufactorer*, and cornpr #e •• ly such ariiclee a* we do not produce at our own e#tabltehinen(. We sell

AS CHEAP AS EASTERN HOUSES,and would be glad to have all call—especially the ladies—who desire to exau iue or purchase fiue Goods.


•29 l&b No. 72 Third street, near Market



CJHE: L OYSTERS, BOTH OF SHREWSBURY AND^ prince’# Ba) ,ju«t received bv Kxprera—only 4t hour#

out of the water. Also, a lot of SOFT-SHELL CRABS.fjrVonteon. Grouse, Qitai s, plover*, B'ue-wlng Duck*.

Jack Snipe. Pheasant*, and Y’oung Squirrels, with ail other

luxuries of the season: all of which I am prepared to serve

up in mv Restaurant in un*u passiti e style.

*29 j&b C. C. RUEFER, Proprietor.

N. It I wPl be in daily receipt of the above-mentioned,and a'*o some fine u» ster# in the can exnreraly put ftp for

me, w»th which Parties, Hotels, aud Families cau be sup-

plied at the shortest notice

tsr Double Diamond English Ale on draught.C C. R.




F**'"Families by leaving their order# will be supplied

with evcrytlnm; iu our Hue in t*»e shortest notice.

JOHN CaWEIN & CO.,d22 &b Third st , between Main a rid Market.

~~~A MUSICAL MERCHANDISE in greatvariety, comprising Guitars. Violins, At-c rdeon#. Clarionet*, Flageolets, Fife#,

Ol I hi... 1.- la. lint in. utwl i* at

]Drum*, Flutes, Bat jo* aud eveiy article

known to the trade.D. I*. FAULD8 & CO.,

639 Maiu street, bet. Second & ThirddecCOJ&b*weow


nd price#; K Jul riyle#;nprteiiy

For C liri^tmns Presents.

ikWATCHES of variou* atyieaand price#;*

JEWELRY or new and beautiSILVER-WARE, some made

for prea-nts;PLATS D-WaRE, very useful articles of It.

Call and see onr s^ock when you are out lookit g for

pretty and useful article 3 for prevent*.

JAS 1. LEMON A CO.,d!9 j&b Ma :n *t.. between Seeoud aud Third.


Having increased our facilities, wo areinow enabled to turn ont from ten to twelv#Pianos per we-»k. We wou*d respectfully

.. intonn our wholesale and retail purchaser,that we hope for the future to be able to supply the inoreased demand for cur instrument*.A# regard# tbe merit# of our pianos we would respectful!}

refer to the fact, for the Iasi five years wr. iiavk ukckivbitijk nioiiKST AWARpe when placed in competition with tin

Premium IHanos of Few York and Boston.1 7T Fioishiug and Piano Warerootu* corner of Main an<?

Sixth street*.

prFactory corner of Fourteenth and Main streets.

jail 14 b&itf PETERS. CRAGG. A CO.

RAGGED HOMES, and How to Mend Them. 3U3 pages12mo , muslin. 60 cts.

Jesus a# a Child and Among Children. 16roo. Illne-trated. 40 cts.

bickncs*-: Uh Trials and Blessings. 490 paces. 12mo. $1.Hymn# fgrtbe Sick Room. 130 page#. 12mo. 40 cts.

WM. IL BULKLEY,d28j&b Depoaitory 103 Fouith st.

Piano-Fortes at Low Prices.

I i

A SPLENDI D stock of firct-class Instm-BKCTZN^B mi'r.ln at pric*# defying torn petit ion. Cali

nVls 'nfland soe them at

J J lit J U D. P. FAULDS & CO.’S,dec90 j&b&wecw 63y Main street.

Robb's Coal Repot.tWPRINCIPAL OFFICE—YVest sic* of Tliird street

a few doors sooth of Market. hl<lw-» DgyBRANCH OFFICES- Bouth *dsJackson and Hancock and * ulton between *lo>

ivtSbi rc. nod '•<'Peni««HS t'OAL

ttzsssr — '"ir'‘o,°" **

•towed on me is rcep«etfuily aolici-

jOSKpH noBB.08 b&1

T’O THE LADIES.HAVE now In *torea large variety of FANCY GOODSwhich I will sell low






Opposite Mozart Uall.


prices, for sale by


8. O. Hema uctioneersand comm res „xTL Corner Main and WallatreeU. L< ak^^Cash advanceaaadcon goods ccai

amoun t.

gaf’Weareat all timesrrady to attend IEilat s Murithal’s or Coobteble's Sales. lidure.&c., on termssatisfactory to sellers.


M. O. IlilMSEY,Main Street.

1INVITE attention to ray stork )f nrv and ttatUfcGOc»DS.JEWELRY.Rich and elegant designs of Coral, pearl. Garnet, Etrc*

can. I.ava, and other s:yles. in vailety.and at prices loplease every taste

WATCHE-3.English, Saif*, and Amcricar in Gold or Stiver Casts,

‘e?<rable in quality and at prices that caucot fall toms Itbe wants of all.

CLOCKS.Constantly ou bacd the largest a.«6ortment In the city


In tins oeparuuentl i.ave a LARGE VARIETY, and 1am determined to merit a rontinuation of tbe iiboral patrecage tliat 1 have received for years past. Remember—•atisfactiou Is warranted in every case.J. R. ESTERLE has cltarge ot the Watch-Making Daartmenl

MASONIC JEWELS AND REGALIA ford fferent degrees may bo liad at tlie Watch and•Jewo'rv store of WM KkNDRI* K,

71 Third st,, between Mam and Ma ket,o!7 j&b>w


.90 F O O R r H STREET.IAM in receipt of another lot of new L.ic« Set*. Cottars,8 ewes, fancy Faus, i^paion be tlus &c , which 1 will

sell at very low pi lets.

CHARLES F. RAUCH FU8*,d24 j&b 99 ou t h street

CHRISTMAS PRJESJbTnTH.Furs at Reduced PriCfS f^r 30 Rays*JMMIBIt As our stock te much too large for the season,

(^Sbvp will .e'l our FUb8 at redwed i rici-# or .;u

day's, which wil enib'e everybody so deposed

kind for ladles

d23 j&b Hto make hoi day gitta of ih« n.osi appropriate

nd mines. A. CKAIG.Corner of Fonrth and Main #tr»*H#.

A new supply of si one martin and sabl Muffe. just received by

d 23 j&b] A. CRAIG.

Another supply of children’s furs justreceived and will be sold very cheap by

d 23 j&o A. CRAIG. *

\ FEW MORE SETS CANADA S\BI E -JUST RE-ceived and for sale lower tuan they h«vo been for

year*. d23j&b A. cPAIG.

6 SETS HUDSON’S BAY 'ABLE JUST RECEIVEDon commtesion, wbich, if not so d iu « few da s, will

be retnrnrd to New Yortt. Cau be had at great barga.u#.d23 j&b A. A KA1G.

.) ERMINE CAPES AND 2 HALF CAPES FOR OPE-st ra Seta just received byd23 j&b A. CRAIG.

A NEW STYLE OF DRESS HATS JUST IN-t reduced by A. C1LV1G promise# to i ave “quite a

tekV ruu." d23j&b

EVERYTHING NEW IN THE SOFT HATaaud Cloth and Velvet Cap way are to be bad of

f d_3 j&b A. CRAIG.

BUTTER-5 Mbb's frt*sh roll But’e’;

10 boxe* do do do;6 tubs do packed Co;

Just received and for rate byJ6 JNO. F. HOWARD A CO.

Pepper and spicf.—40b?g#fors*tebvj5 WAGGENER & LONflE^

^UGAR—200 hhds fair to sU icily prime for rale byO j5 WAGGENER A LuNO.

f^JOLASSES-2oo bb»# prime;ISO Xdo do; for rale by


REFINED SUGAR-76 bbls O. C'ushed for rale byJ6 WAGGENER A LONG.

UfOODBN WAKE-* * 20*) dozeu aborted Bucket*;

75 nret* Tubs;68 dozen Wasb-Boatds; for rale by

j2 G EO. S MOORE A CO._WHITE LEAD~»iO kegi pure Monongahela on aou.

signment and lor rale byj2 GEO S MOORE A CO.

S UGAR-20 hhd* prime N. O. Sugar;60 bbls Powdered aud crushed Sugar;15 bbls Loaf do;

In store and for sale byMARSHALL IIALPF.RT A CO.,

j2 628 Main street.

COFFEE—100 bags pi Ime R’o in store and for sale byj2 MARSHALL HALBERT & CO.

N AlLS—bOO kegs Nails, assorted sizra, in store and foraale by [J2] MARSHALL HAlBERT & CO.

TWINE—ICO bale* extra Twine for rale by18 THo. H. HUNT A CO.

]\JORTH ALABAMA CuTTON— '2 bales Cotton for noloby rj3] THOS H. HUNT & CO.


v v 10,000 Ihsak-nn-re’ Wool;G.oOO lb# fleece do;

100,000 lbs Santa Fe do;5.0 0 Ib# Mexican do;

In store and for rale byJ3 THOS. H. HUNT & CO.

RIO COFFEE—714 bags received by Jeffersonville Railioread and for sale by


\10LASSKS—50 bbls prime new Molaraes in store andJlJ2


M 4CKEREL AND CODFISH-26 bbla >o. 2 Mackerel60 Mdo No. 2 do;75 bbte No. 3 large Mackerel;6o bbla No 3 medium do;76 Mdo No 3 larg* do;

fOU kii* No. 1 do;290 kits No. 2 do;75 kits No 3 large do;2 • drum# lar-e Codfish;.0 H do do do.

In store aud landiug Lorn steamer Enn :cc: for sale byJ4 KaW SON, TODD. A CO.

ICE—86 tierces prime new in sre e and for sale byJ4 RAWSON, TO I >P, & CO.K

Y17IIITE BEANS—10 bb’s White Navy Beane In store* » aud for rale by14 W & H. BURK1I ARDT. 417 Market st.

D RIED PEACHES—50 busliels Dried P 8Cltos;DO APPLE— 5'i do do Apple*;

in store and for **><• byjl

for sub* byW. A H. nURKHARDT. 4i7Ma*kntst.

BUCKWHEAT- - 50 bare Penu*y)vauia B ckwheat;l.tiuo Buckwheat Bags (12 aud .6<b);

Received and for sale byj4 W. A U. BURKHARDT, 417 M rketst

RANBERRIIJS—10 boxes Cranberries in store and for> i

' *

sale byW. & n BURKHARDT. 417 Market st.

NAILS—100 keg# Nails, a* orred sizes, or rale bvJ4 W A ii. BURKHARDT. 417 Marketed

tj^AMI • Y HBi

Flour fo sale 3;

FLOUR— Extra end Doub!e Extra Family"e 3yW. & II. BURKHARDT. 417 Market st.

C RAB CIDER—10 bbls in store and for rate byj< W A H. Bl KK; ARDT. 417 Market at.

^UG\R—59 lihds fully fa*r and prime Sugar landingfrom Baltic and lor salo by


R EFINED SUGARS—60 We Crushed Slid i owdered(dr- le A) New Y'ork Kefiu d Sura-i* 'auarec f o - Eu-

reka aud for talc by [j: ] COOD M ODY.^

^UGAR—>6 hbd# fair to pr me Sugar andmg per#t-am-boat ualtic aud for ra e by

AN O’ vV BUCHANAN A CO.,J3 turner Washington and Second sta.

Parables of Our Lord.The most beautiful edition ever published, elegantly Illus-



An entirely new edition of this valuable Just from

the press.

For sale by


m t n si ijar irfi hhfl# landing from st-.-auiers Peyto*

IS . ua and Jtenny Buhitt an;for rate by^

d30 RAWSON, » ODD, & CO.

'J00 °do do do Kent nrkr&Miseodrl; for rale hyj-u CASTlIMan A TwKXUTT.

SUGAR— 104 bhdii good fa<r to cko ce lauding frocpft.-aui' r« Raine, Wa d, and Fort Wayne and for rale

by jd29] BAWPoN, TODD, A Ctk

UGAR- 25 hhds fully fair N O. Sugar landing from1

I- anny Bullitt aud 1 e> tooa anJ for .ale byd 31 COOD A MOODY .

SHIRIS—SHIRTS—SH RTSJUST receivd a *arge and elegant assortment of Linen

and Mnalin Shirts from the cetebcattd t-olden HUlShiit Factory. (»• ntlemeu In search of neat ani etegar.t-

ly fittinc Shirts w. II find a large vario y o« p^tieras to se-

lect from at 5rt>, corner of Main and Tclrd rt roe's.



may 4 J&btf

CRITTENDEN & GANTT,West aide of Third street.

Between Main and Market.


W. Bs BELKNAP ^ ro.





Tw AVI.* In hat* for ra»e Tin *»•*. Bl ckT n, Z’oo. IMg

Arao punoliea.I

ruK MiPKrIor Bataria A« '«st received and for taleCASK surtvrlor bCUROEDEK & SON..Jf 28 Wall stre* t.a Jl — n —


CTRAW'-CUTTERB-rt Straw-Cutters, Sanford’s pat-

~ tern, for i*

a?UtIAR-IIOUSE MOLASSES - 50 kb’s Surar-Houia

MoU^c* landing per rteaiuor Faunv Bui ltt and tor

salo by iUO] ANDREW BUCIlAftAN A CO.