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    1.1 Background of the study 3

    1.2 Research Problem 7

    1.3 Research Objectives 8

    1.4 Significance of the study 9

    1.4.1 To the researcher 9

    1.4.2 To Malaysian budget airlines 10

    1.4.3 To the respondents 10

    1.4.4 To the budget airlines industry 10

    1.4.5 To the aviation industry 10

    1.5 Rationale of the study 11

    1.6 Research questions 12

    1.7 The scope of the study 12


    2.1 Definition of terms 14

    2.1.1 eCRM 14

    2.1.2 Critical success factors of eCRM 14

    2.2 Organization of Study 18


    3.1 Introduction 20

    3.1.1 Variables 20

    3.1.2 Independent variable 20

    3.1.3 Dependent variable 20

    3.2 Description of Instrument 21

    3.3 Conceptual Framework 23

    3.4 Research Approach 24

    3.5 Research strategy 25

    3.6 Data Collection Method 27

    3.6.1 Primary Data 27

    3.6.2 Secondary Data 34

    3.7 Sampling strategy 35

    3.8 Research Ethics 36

    3.9 Reliability and Validity of Research 37

    3.10 Reliability test 37

    3.11 Validity 38

    3.11.1 Face validity 38

    3.11.2 Content Validity 39

  • 2

    3.12 Time frame 39

    3.13 Conclusion of the chapter 39


    4.1 Introduction 41

    4.2 Descriptive analyse 42

    4.2.1 Characteristics of the Respondents 42

    4.2.2 Frequency of respondents toward Technological Factors in

    Success of E-CRM program 47

    4.2.3 Frequency of respondents toward Organizational Factors in

    Success of e-CRM program 49

    4.2.4 Frequency of respondents toward Organizational Factors in

    Success of e-CRM program 51

    4.2.5 Descriptive statistics report (characteristic part) 52

    4.3 Inferential statistic 53

    4.3.1 Testing hypothesis 53


    5.1 Introduction 56

    5.2 Discussion 56

    5.3 Implication 56

    5.4 Limitations 56

    5.5 Future Research Needs 56

    6 REFRENCES 57

  • 3


    1.1 Background of the study

    Customer relationship management (CRM) is defined as the process of developing,

    attracting and maintaining customer relationship over time (Massey et al., 2001).

    Traditionally, CRM is a set of systems and processes used in physical business locations

    such as physical retail space and offices. It was a standard business process before

    internet was introduced for communication purpose. The traditional CRM focuses on the

    business-customer relationship (Chalmeta, 2006). The phrase CRM is used to refer to

    the business strategy that is employed to interact with anyone it conducts business with.

    This includes the sales prospects and customers. It is a system that defines the way a

    business handles its marketing, sales and support projects to fulfill the goal of

    strengthening existing customer relationships as well as forming new ones.

    With the increasing competitive pressure and the dynamic nature of the global business

    environment, many organizations are shifting from product-focused strategy to

    consumer-focused strategy. In the late 1990s, internet had changed the physical retail

    space or the brick-and-mortar business model (Smith, 2006). The onset of the Web-

    based communications had changed the way a business was conducted as well as the

    way in which a business communicates with its customers. With the availability of the

    internet, the customers are becoming more aware and knowledgeable of the various

    opportunities available to them. The internet has enabled the customers to have an easy

    access to new products as well as make comparison between the products. Customer

  • 4

    retention and loyalty have posed as challenges to the majority of the organizations as

    there is an increase in competition (Uwagwuna, 2011). The customers can easily switch

    to another organization by a click of the mouse.

    In order to survive in this competitive world, many organizations have invested in

    technologies which enable customer-focused relationship marketing strategy for

    instance, new hardware, systems and web applications. It is necessary to develop new

    processes to manage marketing, sales, support and customer relations using the Web for

    those business processes (Schullin et al., 2004). The term CRM has been changed to

    Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) which reflects the web

    experience and the use of wireless web for communication (Farooqi & Dhusia, 2011).

    eCRM can help to smoothen customer-related business processes via internet as well as

    reduce costs of interfacing with customers drastically while achieving the primary goal

    of CRM which is enhance customers experience (Uwagwuna, 2011). Many

    organizations have employed eCRM features into their web portals to increase customer

    loyalty, retention and satisfaction level (Feinberg & Kadam, 2002). The features include

    site customization, information for first time users, mailing list, e-mailing capability,

    frequently asked questions (FAQ), chat rooms, ability to complain and bulletin board.

    With the implementation of eCRM, both the investor and the customer can gain various

    benefits from it. Among the benefits of eCRM implementation to the investors are it

    helps the investors to track the customer behaviour, match the customer behaviour with

  • 5

    their offers, enable quick segmentation of customer database which makes marketing

    cheaper, enhance relationship with the customers, increase customer satisfaction level as

  • 6

    Table 1.1 The difference between CRM and

    eCRM (Farooqi & Dhusia, 2011)

  • 7

    well as retain the customers (Jackson, 2009). On the other hand, it is convenient for the

    customers and they are able to receive quality services, short transaction and quick

    processing, time (Market Pain, 2013).

    The differences between CRM and eCRM are shown in Table 1.1.

    Among the organizations that have adopted eCRM in Malaysia are the Malaysian

    Budget Airlines. As at April 2013, there are 4 budget airlines in Malaysia namely

    AirAsia Sdn. Bhd., MASwings Sdn. Bhd., FlyFirefly Sdn. Bhd. and Malindo Air.

    AirAsia is the first budget airline in Malaysia. It was founded in 1993. This is followed

    by Firefly and MASwings which were founded in 2007 and the new entrant Malindo Air

    founded in 2012. eCRM is an important feature for these three budget airlines as they

    depend heavily on the internet for their sales. eCRM plays an important role for these

    three airlines to attract new customers and retain customers from all around the world.

    There is an increasing competition in the Budget Airlines Industry. Thus, it is necessary

    to strengthen their relationships with the customers and the best way to achieve this goal

    is through the internet.

    1.2 Research Problem

    The emergence of new budget airlines in Asia, Scoot Pte. Ltd which commenced its

    operation in June 2012 has posed a challenge to Malaysian budget airlines. In addition,

    Malaysian budget airlines are facing challenges from other existing budget airlines like

    Jetstar Asia Airways, Tiger Airways, Lion Air and Mandala Airlines as well as other

  • 8

    full-service international airlines like Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways and Philippines

    Airlines. Malaysian budget airlines also face stiff competition from MAS, Malaysias

    national carrier.

    Both the budget airlines and full-service airlines have to compete with each other and

    among themselves. The customers have a variety of choices since there are many

    airlines available now. In addition, the customers are able to compare the prices of the

    tickets through the internet. All the information that the customers need regarding the

    airlines can be easily found on the web. Two out of four of the Malaysian budget airlines

    have some similar destinations as the newly established Scoot Ptd Ltd. For instance,

    both AirAsia and Scoot Ptd. Ltd. fly to Bangkok, Gold Coast, Sydney, Seoul, Taipei and

    Tokyo (Appendix 1 and 2). On the other hand, Malindo Air plans to fly to Bangkok in

    the near future (Appendix 3). In order to survive in this competitive aviation industry,

    Malaysian budget airlines have to find ways to attract new customers as well as retain

    their old customers. eCRM is the best option to achieve these goals.

    Therefore, in this study, the author wishes to find out the factors that influence the

    eCRM of Malaysian budget airlines and further strengthens eCRM of Malaysian budget

    airlines with the findings of the research.

    1.3 Research Objectives

    RO1: To analyse the factors that influence the success of eCRM program in budget

    airlines industry

  • 9

    RO2: To evaluate the effectiveness of the eCRM program implemented by budget

    airlines industry.

    RO3:To analyse how the eCRM of budget airlines industry can be further improved to

    enhance customer service and satisfaction.

    RO4: To develop a conceptual framework integrating factors that influences the success

    of eCRM program and its effect on customer service and satisfaction in the budget

    airlines industry.

    1.4 Significance of the study

    The significances of the study are as follows

    1.4.1 To the researcher

    This study can help the researcher to gain a better understanding regarding the factors

    that influences the success of eCRM program in Malaysian budget airlines. In addition,

    the researcher will be able to find out what is the effective eCRM to attract new

    customers as well as retain the old customers. This knowledge will be very useful for the

    researcher to manage his own organization in future.

  • 10

    1.4.2 To Malaysian budget airlines

    This study helps Malaysian budget airlines to evaluate the effectiveness of its current

    eCRM in attracting new customers and in retaining its old customers. Upon completion

    of this study, Malaysian budget airlines can further improve their eCRM to enhance

    customer satisfaction level as well as to promote customer loyalty by overcoming its

    weaknesses and strengthening its strengths.

    1.4.3 To the respondents

    Through this study, the respondents are able to gain a better insight of their organization.

    In addition, this study can help to create awareness among the respondents regarding the

    roles that they can play to make eCRM a success.

    1.4.4 To the budget airlines industry

    This study can serve as a reference to other budget airlines on how they can improve

    their eCRM to obtain competitive advantage over their competitors.

    1.4.5 To the aviation industry

    This research can be used as a guideline for other airlines in the aviation industry to

    improve their eCRM.

  • 11

    1.5 Rationale of the study

    Electronic Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) is a business and marketing

    strategy that is gaining popularity. Although studies have been done on the factors that

    affect the success of eCRM, a detail study on eCRM of Malaysian budget airlines has

    not been carried out. Besides, the competition in the low-cost aviation industry in Asia

    has increased due to the new entrant, Scoot Ptd. Ltd. which had just started its operation

    in June 2012. Besides facing increasing competition from Scoot Ptd. Ltd., Malaysian

    budget airlines is also facing competition from Malaysia Airlines. In addition, AirAsia

    also faces competition from other foreign airlines and their partnerships.

    As such, it is essential to carry out this research to analyze the factors that contributes to

    the success of eCRM program in Malaysian budget airlines. By analyzing these factors,

    the researcher hopes to give suggestions to improve on the eCRM of Malaysian budget

    airlines. Strengthening the eCRM of Malaysian budget airlines can help to enhance the

    customer services and satisfaction. eCRM needs to be managed well in order to achieve

    the goals of the organization.

    By conducting this research, a conceptual framework integrating the factors that

    influence the success of eCRM program and its effects of customer satisfaction can also

    be done. This will give an insight to how eCRM can be implemented not only in the

    budget airline industry in Malaysia but also to all the other organizations that uses online

  • 12

    marketing. Besides, the knowledge obtained from this research can be used by the

    researcher to improve the management of his organization in the future.

    1.6 Research questions

    This paper seeks the answers for the following questions.

    RQ1: What is the connection between the technological factors and the success of

    eCRM program in the budget airlines industry?

    RQ2: What is the connection between the organizational factors and the success of

    eCRM program in the budget airlines industry?

    1.7 The scope of the study

    This study is conducted to examine the factors that influence the success of eCRM

    program in Malaysian budget airlines. In particular, this study will analyze:-

    a. The connection between the technological factor and the success of eCRM program

    in the budget airlines industry.

    b. The connection between the organizational factor and the success of eCRM

    program in the budget airlines industry

  • 13

    However, this research has several limitations. First of all, this research only covers one

    budget airline, which is AirAsia. There are 118 low-cost airlines in the world with 4

    located in Malaysia (Discount Air Fares, 2013).

    Another limitation of this research is the questionnaire will be distributed to 100 staffs of

    AirAsia at Senai International Airport. There are 8119 staffs in AirAsia Sdn. Bhd.

    (EMIS, 2012). The number of respondents in this study is limited.

    Next, this research only covers two factors that influence the success of eCRM in budget

    airlines industry. The two factors that will be studied are technological factor and

    organizational factor. There are many critical success factors of eCRM as proposed by

    various authors. These factors are shown in Table 2.

  • 14


    2.1 Definition of terms

    2.1.1 eCRM

    eCRM refers to electronic customer relationship management or customer relationship

    management that is Web-based (Dyche, 2004). eCRM provides organizations with a

    means to conduct relevant, interactive and personalized communications with the

    customers. It uses a complete view of the customers to make decisions about channel

    delivery, messaging and offers. In addition, it respects individuals preferences about

    how and whether they wish to communicate with you. eCRM focuses on understanding

    how the economics of customer relationships influence the business. Evolving to eCRM

    from CRM requires organizational and process changes, a non-trivial technical

    architecture as well as a suite of integrated applications to support both the organization

    applications that automate the process and the eCRM process (Parvatiyar & Shainesh,


    2.1.2 Critical success factors of eCRM The critical success factors of eCRM that are proposed by several

    researchers are as follows:-

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  • 16

    Table 2.1: Critical success factors of eCRM The factors that are analyzed in this research are as follows:-

    a. Technological factor

    I. Relative advantage which refers to the degree to which the technology of eCRM

    develops customer information that leads to improved customer service. It also

    refers to how CRM technology will bring benefits to the organization when

    competing with other organizations (Kittipong,2008).

    II. Compatibility refers to how well eCRM matches with the organizations

    previous experiences and current requirement (Kittipong,2008).

    III. Complexity refers to the degree to which the innovation is recognised as

    comparatively hard to use and understand, and therefore considered as a barrier

    for adoption (Kittipong,2008).

    IV. Triability refers to the degree to which an innovation is tested according to some

    limits (Kittipong,2008).

    V. Observability refers to the degree to which the outcome of an innovation can be

    seen by others (Kittipong,2008).

    b. Organizational factor

  • 17

    I. Firm size refers to magnitude of an organization which includes the economies

    scale and the amount of resources available to run the operations (Graubner,


    II. Organization structure refers to a structure that designate formal relationships

    which includes the number of levels in the hierarchy, the span control of

    managers and supervisors (Daft, 2009). It also includes grouping of individuals

    into departments and the design of the systems (Daft, 2009).

    III. Organization culture is defined as a glue that holds an organization together via a

    shared pattern (Inceoglu, 2002).

    IV. Organizational strategy refers to a plan of an organization to interact with the

    competitive environment in order to achieve organizational goals (Daft, 2009).

    V. Top management support refers to the degree to which the top management

    understands an activity in the organization and is involved in the activity (Lee,


    VI. Human resource management refers to the practices and policies involved in

    carrying out the human resource aspects of a management position including

    screening, recruiting, training, appraising and rewarding (Randhawa, 2007).

  • 18

    VII. Knowledge management capabilities refers to the ability to create, integrate,

    transfer and leverage related knowledge across its business units (Remenyi,


    2.2 Organization of Study

    This study conducted on the factors that influence the success of eCRM program in

    budget airlines industry is divided into 5 chapters stated below along with other basic

    components of dissertation such as abstract, acknowledgement, table of content, list of

    figures and tables, reference list, and appendices:

    Chapter 1

    This chapter introduces how CRM evolves into eCRM and the differences between

    CRM and eCRM. Chapter 1 also discusses the number of budget airlines in Malaysia

    and a short introduction on these budget airlines. In addition, this chapter also includes

    the research problem, research objectives, significances of this research, rationale of the

    study, research questions, scope of the study and definition of terms.

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 will focus upon the views of various scholars concerning the success criteria

    of eCRM. In addition, this chapter will discuss various research frameworks by different

    authors that was used to explore critical success factors of eCRM. Lastly, this chapter

  • 19

    includes evaluation of key studies, gaps in the literature and the usefulness of the past


    Chapter 3

    The third chapter is the methodology part of the paper that encompass the research

    purpose, research philosophy, research approach, research approach, project plan and

    timing, research methods, data analysis, data quality (reliability and validity) and ethical

    consideration applied during collection of data.

    Chapter 4

    Fourth chapter will conclude the results drawn from data analysis and discuss on these


    Chapter 5

    Chapter 5 reflects the research objectives. This chapter also includes recommendations

    for the budget airlines which can help to further improve their eCRM, limitations of the

    research and suggestions for further research.

  • 20


    3.1 Introduction

    This chapter of research study provides detailed illustrations concerning research

    methodology used to achieve research objectives. This chapter covers the discussion of

    conceptual framework, research approach, research strategy, research design, data

    collection methods, sampling techniques, data analysis methods, reliability and validity

    of research and research ethics. At the end of the chapter, the overall summary of this

    methodology chapter is provided.

    3.1.1 Variables

    Two independent and one dependent variables have investigated in this research, which

    has explained as following.

    3.1.2 Independent variable

    As literature review suggested, in this research two Independent variables:

    Technological Factors and Organizational Factors in Success of eCRM program

    3.1.3 Dependent variable

    Success of eCRM program

  • 21

    3.2 Description of Instrument

    Three set of questionnaire have developed to measure variables of the study which is

    shows un table below:

  • 22
















    1 2 3 4 5

    To measure Independent Variable Technological Factors in Success of

    eCRM program

    1 eCRM can be successfully implemented because it employs the latest


    2 eCRM which has the relative advantage over its competitors in terms

    of delivering accurate information to the customers is able to ensure

    the success of eCRM implementation.

    3 The compatibility of the eCRM to the organizations previous experience and current requirements plays an important role in

    ensuring the success of eCRM implementation.

    4 An innovation that meets the needs of the customers play an important

    role in determining the success of eCRM implementation.

    5 eCRM is adopted well if it is compatible with individuals job responsibility.

    6 eCRM is adopted well if it is compatible with individuals value system.

    7 eCRM can be successfully adopted if it is easy to use and understand.

    8 The availability of trial in eCRM enables the organization to

    familiarise each of the optional and this ensures the success of eCRM


    9 Triability helps to boost confidence among the adopters and this plays

    an important role in ensuring the success of eCRM implementation.

    10 The positive outcomes of eCRM employment in other organizations

    can help to reduce uncertainties among new adopters.

    To measure Independent Variable Organizational Factors in Success of

    eCRM program

    11 The organization easily adopts eCRM due to its firm size.

    12 Organization structure and culture influence the success of eCRM


    13 Customer-centric strategy can enhance customer satisfaction and

    influences the success of eCRM.

    14 Customer touch points can help the organization to understand the

    customers lifestyle and thus enhances eCRM.

    15 The support from the top management encourages the adoption of

    eCRM among the customers.

    16 The alignment of visions and goals of the organization can ensure the

    success of eCRM.

  • 23

    3.3 Conceptual Framework

    The conceptual framework for the research study is illustrated below:

    17 The success of eCRM depends on the employees who are equiped

    with IT knowledge and skills.

    18 Training can enhance the skills of the employees and ensure the

    success of eCRM.

    19 The ability to use knowledge management with technologies can

    encourage the decision about strategies,product offering and how to

    interact with the customers.

    20 Financial resources influences the success of eCRM implementation.

    To measure Dependent Variable the success of eCRM program

    Do you think the airline which you are working with, eCRM is

    successfully applied because

    21 The organization employs the latest technology

    22 of delivering accurate information to the customers

    23 of innovation that meets the needs of the customers

    24 it is easy to use and understand.

    25 other organizations can help to reduce uncertainties among new


    26 of using Customer-centric strategy

    27 the organization try to understand the customers lifestyle.

    28 it is supported by the top management

    29 of The alignment of visions and goals of the organization

    30 the employees equipped with IT knowledge and skills.

    31 of Financial resources

    32 The organization employs the latest technology?

  • 24

    3.4 Research Approach

    The research approach is the technique which is utilized to respond to the research

    questions while the appropriate selection of research approach depends on the main

    purpose of the research (Goddard, Melville and Goddard 2004). It is observed that

    mainly three types of research approach used for conducting the research which include

    explanatory approach, descriptive approach and exploratory approach (Dawson, 2002).

    The writer chose the explanatory research in order to conduct this research and to

    achieve the research objectives. It is chosen as it provides the explanation for the nature

    of relationships that exist between the variables. For instance, the relationship between

    the critical success factors of eCRM and the success of eCRM program in Malaysian

    budget airlines industry. In addition, it attempts to build as well as detailed the theories

    Figure 3.1 Conceptual framework

    Organizational Factors

    1. Firm size 2. Organizational structure and culture 3. Organizational strategy 4. Top management support 5. IT knowledge 6. Knowledge management capabilities

    7. Financial resources

    Technological Factors

    1. Perceived relative advantage 2. Compatibility 3. Complexity 4. Triability

    5. Observability

    Success of eCRM program

    in Malaysian Budget

    Airlines Industry

  • 25

    and principles related to research study (Dawson, 2002; Goddard, Melville, & Goddard,

    2004). Dawson (2002) stated that explanatory research strives to build theories that

    explain and predict social and natural events. Furthermore, the explanatory research can

    help to answer the question why (McNabb, 2008). For instance, why the eCRM

    program can be successfully implemented in Malaysian budget airlines industry.

    Descriptive approach is not chosen as this method focuses on describing the phenomena

    rather than explaining the reason behind the phenomena. For instance, the descriptive

    approach can describe that the eCRM program is successfully implemented in Malaysian

    budget airlines industry but it does not state why it is successfully implemented. On the

    other hand, explanatory approach can explain the reasons behind this phenomena.

    Exploratory research is not chosen because the purpose of the exploratory research is to

    gain familiarity with a phenomenon. Exploratory research aims to find out how people

    get along in the setting under question. It does not explicit expectations unlike

    explanatory research.

    3.5 Research strategy

    a. There are different research strategies that are used to conduct a research

    by the researchers such as qualitative research strategy, quantitative research

    strategy and triangulation research strategy.

  • 26

    In this research, quantitative research strategy is chosen. The type of quantitative

    research method that is chosen is survey questionnaire. A questionnaire is a printed self-

    reported form designed to elicit information that can be obtained via written responses of

    the participants.

    The quantitative research strategy is done by carrying out multiple regression analysis

    and random sampling. The quantitative research strategy is chosen as it enables the

    researcher to measure and analyze the collected data. In addition, the quantitative

    research strategy allows the connection between the dependent and independent variable

    to be studied. Quantitative research also helps to summarize the data and allows the

    researcher to analyze as well as to compare with other similar studies. It is possible to

    clarify question meaning for respondents based on the response choices. Besides,

    quantitative research involves fewer variables and hence the results are more accurate

    and objective. Quantitative research can help to eliminate bias also. It can eliminate

    irrelevant or confused answers to questions,therefore obtain a more accurate conclusions

    compared to qualitative research strategy. In other words, it filters out all the external

    factors and provides real results. Quantitative research in the form of close ended

    questionnaires is quicker and easier for the participants to answer. Finally, quantitative

    research is chosen as it helps to finalize results and can help the researcher to prove his

    hypothesis as it has the ability to measure data via statistics.

  • 27

    3.6 Data Collection Method

    The data collection method emphasizes on the collection of the data by using a variety of

    primary and secondary sources of information. It is considered an optimal way to gather

    information, in order to keep the information on record and in decision-making,

    contiguous to the issues existing in the considered research (Khanzode, 2004). On the

    other hand, the data collection for this research study deals with general data collection

    method; therefore, primary and secondary data collection for the research is illustrated as

    follows (Goddard, Melville, & Goddard, 2004):

    3.6.1 Primary Data

    According to Ranjit Kumar (2005) primary sources are original document such as

    diaries, letters, interviews, and speeches etc. which gives first hand contemporary

    account written by individual who experience or witness an event. In this study, primary

    data is collected through questionnaires. Questionnaires

    The questionnaires for this study consisted of two parts. The first part includes the open

    ended questions and the second part includes the close ended questions. Open-ended questionnaires

  • 28

    The open-ended questionaires include the background information of the respondents.

    This section will help the researcher to identify the participants and compare the

    respondents in groups. The questions that are included in the open-ended questionaires

    are as follows:

    1. Demographic information:

    i. Gender

    ii. Age

    iii. Race

    iv. Occupation

    v. Working experience with the budget airlines industry Close-ended questionnaires

    The close-ended questionnaires are given to 100 employees of Malaysian budget airlines

    industry at Senai International Airport, Johor Bahru. The employees are selected by

    using stratified random sampling whereby the employees are divided into subgroups

    according to their age groups, race and occupation.

    a) In this study, the writer will conduct a survey on the employees who are

    categorized according to the following age group:-

    b) 21 to 55 years old

  • 29

    c) 21 to 55 years old consumers are chosen as this age group falls under the

    working adult category. The majority of the employees of Malaysian budget

    airlines industry falls under this age group. Hence, this age group is selected by

    the writer.

    In Malaysia, Malays and other indigenous make up 61.4%, Chinese 23.7%, Indians

    7.1% and others 7.8% (WonderfulMalaysia, 2012). Therefore, the writer selects the

    sample according to race as in Figure 3.2.

    21-55years old

    No of Malay participants 63

    No. of Chinese



    No. of Indian participants 9

    Total no of participants 100

    Figure 3.2 stratified random sampling

    The participants include 7 Malay CEOs, 4 Chinese CEOs, 1 Indian CEO, 7 Malay

    managers, 3 Chinese managers, 1 Indian manager, 7 Malay supervisors, 3 Chinese

    supervisors, 1 Indian supervisor, 7 Malay pilots, 3 Chinese pilots, 1 Indian pilot, 7

    Malay stewardesses, 3 Chinese stewardesses, 1 Indian stewardesses, 7 Malay customer

    care officers, 3 Chinese customer care officers, 1 Indian customer care officer, 7 Malay

    licensed aircraft engineers, 3 Chinese licensed aircraft engineers, 1 Indian licensed

  • 30

    aircraft engineer, 7 Malay executives, 4 Chinese executives, 1 Indian executive, 7

    Malay creative designers, 4 Chinese creative designers and 1 Indian creative designer.

    CEO Manager Supervisor Pilot Stewardess Customer






    Executive Creative


    No. of Malay


    7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

    No. of Chinese


    4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

    No. of Indian


    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Total no. of


    12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

    Figure 3.3: Participants in the close-ended questionnaire

    All items are accessed on a 5-point Likert-type scales that ranges from strongly

    disagree to strongly agree to get a better response from the respondents (Clason &

    Dormody, 1994). The respondents will rate each item with 5 points scale which is shown

    in the following table.

    Strongly agree 5

    Agree 4

    Neither agree nor disagree 3

    Disagree 2

    Strongly disagree 1

    Figure 3.4: 5-point Likert-type scales

    The distribution process includes offline process only. It involves distributing the

    questionnaires in paper form at Senai International Airport, Johor Bahru. The questions

    in the questionnaires are designed to identify the interrelationship of the technological

  • 31

    factors, organizational factors and the success of eCRM program in Malaysian budget

    airlines industry. Questionnaires for the employees of Malaysian budget airlines

    There are 32 questions in the questionnaires for the employees of Malaysian budget

    airlines in order to prove the 2 hypotheses that are stated in Chapter 1. They are as


  • 32

    Table 3.1Questionnaires for the employees of Malaysian budget airlines
















    1 2 3 4 5

    To measure Independent Variable Technological Factors in Success of

    eCRM program

    1 eCRM can be successfully implemented because it employs the latest


    2 eCRM which has the relative advantage over its competitors in terms

    of delivering accurate information to the customers is able to ensure

    the success of eCRM implementation.

    3 The compatibility of the eCRM to the organizations previous experience and current requirements plays an important role in

    ensuring the success of eCRM implementation.

    4 An innovation that meets the needs of the customers play an important

    role in determining the success of eCRM implementation.

    5 eCRM is adopted well if it is compatible with individuals job responsibility.

    6 eCRM is adopted well if it is compatible with individuals value system.

    7 eCRM can be successfully adopted if it is easy to use and understand.

    8 The availability of trial in eCRM enables the organization to

    familiarise each of the optional and this ensures the success of eCRM


    9 Triability helps to boost confidence among the adopters and this plays

    an important role in ensuring the success of eCRM implementation.

    10 The positive outcomes of eCRM employment in other organizations

    can help to reduce uncertainties among new adopters.

    To measure Independent Variable Organizational Factors in Success of

    eCRM program

    11 The organization easily adopts eCRM due to its firm size.

    12 Organization structure and culture influence the success of eCRM


    13 Customer-centric strategy can enhance customer satisfaction and

    influences the success of eCRM.

    14 Customer touch points can help the organization to understand the

    customers lifestyle and thus enhances eCRM.

    15 The support from the top management encourages the adoption of

    eCRM among the customers.

    16 The alignment of visions and goals of the organization can ensure the

  • 33

    The questionnaires will be pre-tested by 10 participants to ensure clarity and ease of

    comprehension. The participants will be asked to evaluate the clarity of the wordings,

    level of language in terms of sensitivity, ease of comprehension, as well as format,

    length, instructions for overall survey to minimise ambiguities and communication


    success of eCRM.

    17 The success of eCRM depends on the employees who are equiped

    with IT knowledge and skills.

    18 Training can enhance the skills of the employees and ensure the

    success of eCRM.

    19 The ability to use knowledge management with technologies can

    encourage the decision about strategies,product offering and how to

    interact with the customers.

    20 Financial resources influences the success of eCRM implementation.

    To measure Dependent Variable the success of eCRM program

    Do you think the airline which you are working with, eCRM is

    successfully applied because

    21 The organization employs the latest technology

    22 of delivering accurate information to the customers

    23 of innovation that meets the needs of the customers

    24 it is easy to use and understand.

    25 other organizations can help to reduce uncertainties among new


    26 of using Customer-centric strategy

    27 the organization try to understand the customers lifestyle.

    28 it is supported by the top management

    29 of The alignment of visions and goals of the organization

    30 the employees equipped with IT knowledge and skills.

    31 of Financial resources

    32 The organization employs the latest technology?

  • 34

    A verbal consent will be obtained from the participants prior to distributing the

    questionnaire. All participants are informed the study is on a voluntary basis and that the

    information provided will be kept confidential.

    3.6.2 Secondary Data

    The secondary data is collected for the review of previous literature and for conducting

    the background study for the research topic. The secondary data for the research study

    is collected from authentic journal articles, newspaper publications, reports and books

    (Goddard, Melville, & Goddard, 2004).

    In order to find out information to about the factors that influence the success of eCRM

    program, the writer used secondary sources obtained online. The key words used in the

    search process are factors that influence eCRM and critical success factors of


    3.5 Data analysis methods

    The data analysis methods are those that are used to de-synthesize data to answer the

    research questions (Goddard, Melville, & Goddard, 2004). The data analysis methods

    are also utilized to break down research issue by using the collected data and

    information. Usually, there are two types of data analysis methods including qualitative

    and quantitative that are used in the research studies. In the qualitative data analysis, the

    data are based on observation and interpretation of interview responses while in the

    quantitative approach, the data are based on numerical measurements using survey data

    acquired from the responses of participants (Dawson, 2002).

  • 35

    To conduct the research, quantitative analysis approach is used. The quantitative data

    obtained from the questionnaires will be analysed by using SPSS 20.0. Results will be

    shown in the form of tables.

    Later, a report will be made based on the information obtained from the SPSS 20.0 and

    secondary sources information.

    In addition, the writer will examine whether the 2 hypotheses that have been formed in

    Chapter 1 are accurate and a conclusion will be drawn.

    3.7 Sampling strategy

    The use of probability sampling enables every individual in the population to possess an

    equal opportunity to be selected as a part of the sample. There are three types of

    probability sampling named as random sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster

    sampling (Singh, 2010). Random Sampling is obtained by selecting the consumers

    randomly in which every participant has equal opportunity of being selected for the

    study. Stratified Sampling permits the researcher to consider the subgroups of

    participating consumers within the population. It represents the most accurate features of

    the population within the same sample. Cluster Sampling is used by the researchers

    when the organizations of the sample are a part of the group (Goddard, Melville, &

    Goddard, 2004).

  • 36

    The sampling strategy selected for this study is stratified and random sampling. First of

    all, the writer will identify the total number of employees in Malaysian budget airlines at

    Senai International Airport, Johor Bahru. Later, the employees are subdivided according

    to race, age group and occupation. The writer will select the employees randomly from

    each subgroup as shown in Figure 3.3. A total of 100 employees will be selected

    randomly to participate in the research. The sample has equal opportunity to get

    selected for participating in the research study.

    3.8 Research Ethics

    The research ethics refers to the implementation of several ethical principles that are

    used for the safeguarding of the rights of the research participants (Goddard, Melville

    and Goddard 2004).Therefore, this research is conducted after giving strong

    considerations of the several ethical principles to deal with the ethical issues concerning

    voluntary participation, informed consent, confidentiality, plagiarism, validity, and

    reliability. However, in this research, it is ascertained that every member of the research

    is participated voluntarily and research will be made and survey will be conducted with

    complete authorization. However, proper citation and referencing of research material is

    performed in order to avoid plagiarism issue within the research study (Dawson, 2002).

    The actual name of the budget airlines are not revealed and the term Malaysian budget

    airlines are used. This is a measure to safeguard the privacy and integrity of the budget

    airlines concern.

  • 37

    3.9 Reliability and Validity of Research

    The research is reliable and valid because it employs quantitative approach whereby it

    can eliminate irrelevant or confused answers to questions. It filters out all the external

    factors and provides real results. Therefore, the writer is able to obtain more accurate

    conclusions compared to qualitative research strategy.

    The data is reliable also because the information to be obtained from the participants is

    tested using regression analysis, which is being analyzed critically under the light of

    previous studies. The findings gathered from the employees of Malaysian budget airlines

    are critically analyzed and the validity of such information is compared with the

    information obtained from the findings of the previous studies.

    Alternatively, it can be said that the research is valid and reliable based on the data and

    information being gathered along with the interpretation. The data and information

    provided are meeting the research aims and objectives while answering the research


    3.10 Reliability test

    To determine the reliability of the instrument, the questionnaires were tested using

    Cronbach's alpha. The result of the pre-test and actual test is shown in tables below:

    Variables Number of


    Cronbach's Alpha

    Pre test

    Cronbach's Alpha

    actual test

  • 38

    Variables Number of


    Cronbach's Alpha

    Pre test

    Cronbach's Alpha

    actual test

    Organizational Factor 10 .788 .848

    Technological Factor 10 .712 .765

    Success of E- CRM 12 .742 .819

    As the table shows, Alpha value for all variable ranged from .712 to .848 which is

    acceptable (Cronbach, 1951). Since the internal consistency is statistically significant, all

    items of measurement are accepted for actual data collection. Accordingly, all of items

    which is developed to measure three variables of study, meet the reliability criteria.

    3.11 Validity

    Validity means that the concept we are measuring is actually what we are measuring

    rather than some other concepts. Validity of written is established through an exact

    process of research and development verifying the measures characteristics and

    usefulness (Thyer, 2009). There is two typs of validity ,which researches have to achive:

    face validity and content validity.

    3.11.1 Face validity

    Face validity assumes that when we look at the questionnaire the concepts intended and

    is often dependent on the perception of the reviewer of the measurement instrument.

    Face validity also refers to how the questionnaire looks and how a measure or procedure

    appears. Asking items should be reasonable to gain the information and have to be easy

  • 39

    to understand it means the sentences structure and the vocabulary used must be suitable

    for respondents to their level of understanding (Thyer, 2009). In this study, to insure that

    all items are fully understanding by respondents, pre test was done.

    3.11.2 Content Validity

    Content validity, which includes elements of face validity is refers to evaluation items of

    measure to determine if they are representative perception that the measure seeks to

    examine (Thyer, 2009).

    3.12 Time frame

    Below is the schedule for questionnaires distribution at Senai International Airport,

    Johor Bahru.

    Senai International Airport 28th April 2013

    Figure 3.6 10 Schedule for the questionaires on site distribution

    3.13 Conclusion of the chapter

    It can be concluded that the research methodology created for the research study can

    enable the writer to conduct the study by using the most appropriate tools. Using these

    effective tools selected in this chapter, the writer can obtain the results and findings of the

    study that are presented in the next chapter.

  • 40

  • 41


    4.1 Introduction

    This chapter has contained finding and results of the study include of descriptive

    analyses, interpret demographics information of participants, preliminary analyses of the

    data, and the statistical analyzes used to answer the research questions. This chapter

    organized into three sections: (1) characteristic of respondents, (2) descriptive analyze

    and (3) inferential analyses.

    During data collection, 100 employees of Malaysian budget airlines industry at Senai

    International Airport, Johor Bahru have asked to respond the questionnaire.

    Table 4.1. The number of send questionnaire and received respondents

    Name of airline Number of send


    Number of received


    100 100

    Total 100 100

  • 42

    4.2 Descriptive analyse

    4.2.1 Characteristics of the Respondents

    In the first section of this chapter, characteristics of the respondents in term of gender,

    age, race and occupation have discussed. All of characteristics of the respondents have

    measured at nominal data level (The nominal level of measurement is the lowest level

    out of four ways to characterize data: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and ratio Nominal.

    Nominal level means that data we name data to remember what this level is all about.

    Nominal data deals with names, categories, or labels).

    Table shows the distribution of respondents.

  • 43

    Table 4.2 characteristic of respondents

    Demographic Factors Categories Frequency Percentages


    Female 46 46.0

    Male 54 54.0


    21-32 42 42.0

    33-44 51 51.0

    45-55 7 7.0


    Malay 63 63.0

    Chinese 28 28.0

    Indian 9 9.0


    CEO 12 12.0

    Manager 11 11.0

    Supervisor 11 11.0

    Pilot 11 11.0

    Executive Creative


    11 11.0

    Customer care officer 11 11.0

    Licensed aircraft engineer 11 11.0

    Executive 11 11.0

    Creative designer 11 11.0

    As table shows the proportion of female was 46% and proportion of male was 54 %. The

    numbers of female respondents were 46 individuals, and male were 54 individuals. It

    shows the majority of respondents were male and the less than half of respondents were


  • 44

    From the category of age position, slightly more than half of respondents have 33-44

    years old (51%), following 42% were between 22-33 years old, and have 7% were

    between 45-55 years old.

    In term of race categories, majority of respondents were Malay (63%) following by

    Chinese (28%) and Indian (9%).

    The last parametric information, which has showed Occupation of respondents, in

    immediate airline indicated that respondents have different position with almost same


    Table 4.3 Descriptive statistics report (characteristic part)

    N Range Sum Mean


    Deviation Variance

    Gender 100 1.00 154.00 1.5400 .50091 .251

    Age 100 2.00 165.00 1.6500 .60927 .371

    Race 100 2.00 146.00 1.4600 .65782 .433

    Occupation 100 8.00 496.00 4.9600 2.61279 6.827

    Valid N



  • 45

  • 46

  • 47

    4.2.2 Frequency of respondents toward Technological Factors in Success of E-

    CRM program

    Table 4.4. The percentage, mean and standard deviation of respondents

    (variable 4: Technological Factor)

    Items Frequency of respondents Mean Std.

    Deviation 1 2 3 4 5

    eCRM can be successfully

    implemented because it employs the

    latest technology.

    1 22 47 30 4.1 .74

    eCRM which has the relative

    advantage over its competitors in

    terms of delivering accurate

    information to the customers is able

    to ensure the success of eCRM


    1 19 31 29 20 3.5 1.04

    The compatibility of the eCRM to the

    organizations previous experience and current requirements plays an

    important role in ensuring the success

    of eCRM implementation.

    9 15 31 27 18 3.3 1.19

    An innovation that meets the needs

    of the customers play an important

    role in determining the success of

    eCRM implementation.

    1 8 22 46 23 3.8 .91

    eCRM is adopted well if it is

    compatible with individuals job responsibility.

    1 5 24 42 28 3.9 .90

    eCRM is adopted well if it is

    compatible with individuals value system.

    3 6 23 41 27 3.8 .99

    eCRM can be successfully adopted if

    it is easy to use and understand.

    4 12 32 37 15 3.5 1.019

    The availability of trial in eCRM

    enables the organization to

    familiarise each of the optional and

    4 15 26 40 15 3.5 1.048

  • 48

    this ensures the success of eCRM


    Triability helps to boost confidence

    among the adopters and this plays an

    important role in ensuring the success

    of eCRM implementation.

    14 35 30 21 3.6 .976

    The positive outcomes of eCRM

    employment in other organizations

    can help to reduce uncertainties

    among new adopters.

    1 4 28 31 26 3.8 .919

    *five-Lykert scales from (1: strongly disagree, 2: agree, 3: somehow agree, 4: disagree

    and 5: strongly agree )

    *Number of respondents:100

    According to table above, majority of respondents have believed that eCRM can be

    successfully implemented if the organization meet the criteria of technological factors

    (mean ranged from 3.3 to 4.1) mean shows that the majority of respondents were almost

    agree with an idea that technological factors effect on eCRM to be successful.

    Standard deviation value shows how much difference exists from the average or mean


  • 49

    4.2.3 Frequency of respondents toward Organizational Factors in Success of e-

    CRM program

    Table 4.5. The percentage, mean and standard deviation of respondents

    (variable 4: Organizational Factor)

    Items Frequency of respondents Mean Std.

    Deviation 1 2 3 4 5

    The organization easily adopts eCRM

    due to its firm size.

    1 23 42 34 4.1 .78

    Organization structure and culture

    influence the success of eCRM


    1 2 30 36 31 3.9 .89

    Customer-centric strategy can enhance

    customer satisfaction and influences

    the success of eCRM.

    3 15 25 25 32 3.7 1.16

    Customer touch points can help the

    organization to understand the

    customers lifestyle and thus enhances


    3 15 50 32 4.1 .76

    The support from the top management

    encourages the adoption of eCRM

    among the customers.

    3 25 36 36 4.1 .86

    The alignment of visions and goals of

    the organization can ensure the success

    of eCRM.

    2 28 44 26 3.9 .79

    The success of eCRM depends on the

    employees who are equiped with IT

    knowledge and skills.

    6 33 36 25 3.8 .89

    Training can enhance the skills of the

    employees and ensure the success of

    3 30 40 27 3.9 .83

  • 50


    The ability to use knowledge

    management with technologies can

    encourage the decision about

    strategies,product offering and how to

    interact with the customers.

    1 3 22 45 29 4 .85

    Financial resources influences the

    success of eCRM implementation.

    2 2 29 33 34 4 .94

    *five-Lykert scales from (1: strongly disagree, 2: agree, 3: somehow agree, 4: disagree

    and 5: strongly agree )

    *Number of respondents:100

    Recent table shows that majority of respondents have believed that eCRM can be

    successfully implemented if the organization meet the criteria of technological factors

    (mean ranged from 3.7 to 4.1) mean shows that the majority of respondents were almost

    agree with an idea that organizational factors effect on eCRM to be successful.

  • 51

    4.2.4 Frequency of respondents toward Organizational Factors in Success of e-

    CRM program

    Table 4.6. The percentage, mean and standard deviation of respondents

    (variable 4: Organizational Factor)

    Items Frequency of respondents Mean Std.

    Deviation 1 2 3 4 5

    The organization employs the latest


    1 23 48 28 4.1 .749

    of delivering accurate information to

    the customers

    1 16 31 30 22 3.5 1.049

    of innovation that meets the needs of

    the customers

    7 13 34 25 21 3.3 1.193

    it is easy to use and understand. 1 7 25 42 25 3.8 .914

    other organizations can help to

    reduce uncertainties among new


    1 2 26 42 29 3.9 .90

    of using Customer-centric strategy 2 5 27 42 24 3.8 .995

    the organization try to understand the

    customers lifestyle. 4 10 34 36 16 3.5 1.019

    it is supported by the top


    3 14 26 38 19 3.5 1.048

    of The alignment of visions and goals

    of the organization

    12 36 29 23 3.6 .976

    the employees equipped with IT

    knowledge and skills.

    1 4 40 29 26 3.8 .919

    of Financial resources 4.1 .74968

    The organization employs the latest


    3.5 1.04910

    *five-Lykert scales from (1: strongly disagree, 2: agree, 3: somehow agree, 4: disagree

    and 5: strongly agree ) *Number of respondents:100

  • 52

    According to table above, majority of respondents have believed that eCRM is

    successfully implemented in the airline (mean ranged from 3.3 to 4.1) mean shows that

    the majority of respondents were almost agree with an idea that eCRM is applied

    successfully in the airline.

    4.2.5 Descriptive statistics report (characteristic part)

    Descriptive Statistics

    N Range Mean


    Deviation Variance

    Organizational factors of

    Successful of E-CRM

    100 2.80 4 .57 .329

    Technological factors of

    Successful of E-CRM

    100 2.90 3.7 .55 .310

    Successful of E-CRM 100 3.00 3.7 .54 .301

    To know the level of agreement, the mean of all items of variables computed separately

    which is shows in table above. Mean of variables scale shows that the level of

    respondents agreement were high.

  • 53

    4.3 Inferential statistic

    Pearson correlation was used to test the hypothesis of the study since it is a parametric

    test that requires both variables (independent variable and dependent variable) to be

    normally distributed.

    For interpretation correlation it was referd to Guilford's rule of thumb, which interpreted

    r-value as following: (Guilford, 1973) p.145

    If r-value is smaller than 0.20, it will indicate almost negligible correlation.

    If r-value is between 0.20 and 0.40, it will indicate low correlation.

    If r-value is between 0.40 and 0.70, it will indicate moderate correlation.

    If r-value is between 0.70 and 0.90, it will indicate high correlation.

    If r-value is between 0.90 and 1, it will indicate very high correlation.

    4.3.1 Testing hypothesis Relationship between the technological factors and the success of eCRM


    HO1: There is no significant relationship between the technological factors and the

    success of eCRM program.

    H1: There is relationship between the technological factors and the success of eCRM


  • 54

    The correlation between the technological factors and the success of eCRM program

    was found to be statistically significant [ r (n:100) = .95, p=.00

  • 55

    These findings suggest that there is a positive relationship between the organizational

    factors and the success of eCRM program and it is statistically significant, hence we

    accepted H2. The positive relationship indicated that if organizational factors is

    improved, E-CRM would be successful accordingly and vice versa.

    Since the r-value (correlation value) is positive, it means organizational factors

    associated to the success of eCRM program directly. Nevertheless, according to

    Guilford's rule of thumb, r-value (.54) is between 0.40 and 0.70; it means moderate

    correlation between variables. P value (P=0.00

  • 56


    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 Discussion

    5.3 Implication

    5.4 Limitations

    5.5 Future Research Needs

  • 57


    Cronbach, L. J. (1951). Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests.

    Psychometrika, 16(3), 297334

    Thyer, B. A. (2009). The Handbook of Social Work Research Methods. USA: SAGE.

    Guildford, J. P. (1973). Fundamental statistics in psychology and education. (5th

    ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.