24 july 2013 - shire of augusta-margaret river · 2013-10-23 · perth wa 6000 f316 perth wa 6814...

Ordinary Council Meeting 24 JULY 2013 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ATTACHMENTS ITEM NO SUBJECT PAGE 11.1.1 .1 Response to request to leave vacancy unfilled 1 "Review of Theatre Infrastructure and Equipment" prepared by theatre consultant, Richard Stuart 2 Wilde and Woollard Construction Cost Consultants - Cost Estimates for Gallery Lobby and Bar 38

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Page 1: 24 JULY 2013 - Shire of Augusta-Margaret River · 2013-10-23 · PERTH WA 6000 F316 PERTH WA 6814 ' (08) 9214 0400 (08) 9226 0577 waec@waec wa.gov.au  wa gov au FSISO 52C

Ordinary Council Meeting

24 JULY 2013




11.1.1 .1 Response to request to leave vacancy unfilled 1 "Review of Theatre Infrastructure and Equipment" prepared by theatre consultant, Richard Stuart 2 Wilde and Woollard Construction Cost Consultants - Cost Estimates for Gallery Lobby and Bar 38

Page 2: 24 JULY 2013 - Shire of Augusta-Margaret River · 2013-10-23 · PERTH WA 6000 F316 PERTH WA 6814 ' (08) 9214 0400 (08) 9226 0577 waec@waec wa.gov.au  wa gov au FSISO 52C

11. 1. 1 Attachment 1

s [ •. " Elecroral Commission

LGE 282

Mr Gary Evershed Chief Executive Officer Shire of Augusta-Margaret River PO Box 61 MARGARET RIVER W A 6285

Dear Mr Evershed

Request to Leave Vacancy Unfilled

Doc No: File: Date:


1136085 GOV/15 02 JUL 2013

I refer to both your email and subsequent letter dated 28 June 2013 in which you advised of the resignation of Cr Jennie McGregor and your request to seek my agreement that the vacancy remain unfilled until the 2013 ordinary elections.

I have considered the infonnation contained in your correspondence and advise that approval is given under section 4.17(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 to defer filling this vacancy.

Should you require any further infonnation, please contact Phil Richards, Project Manager Local Government Elections on 9214 0443.

Yours sincerely


28 June 2013

123633_1.DOC Level2, 111 St Georges Terrace. PERTH WA 6000 F316 PERTH WA 6814 ' (08) 9214 0400 (08) 9226 0577 waec@waec wa.gov.au

www.waec wa gov au ISO 90C'1 FS 52C<'~ I

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11.1.2 Attachment 1







11 JUNE 2013


02 6687 5809 PO Box 1550

Ballina NSW 2478 [email protected]

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Executive Summary


Summary of Areas addressed in the Review

Key Areas addressed in the Review

1. Theatre Foyers and Public Spaces

2. Theatre Auditorium

3. Stage, Backstage and Loading Dock

4. Fly System

5. Stage Masking Curtains





New and Emerging Technology

Infrastructure Wiring and Systems

Sound and Audio/visual System

Stage Lighting System

10. Asset Management

Cost Estimates

Depreciation Life of Theatre Equipment

Stage Lighting Rig- Proposed Equipment Allocation

Stage Masking Curtain Specification

Fly System Specification and Plan

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Attachment I

Attachment II

Attachment Ill

Attachment IV

Attachment V

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The Shire CEO of Arts Margaret River commissioned the Consultant to undertake a review of the Theatre Infrastructure and Equipment in the Theatre at the Margaret River Cultural Centre W A.

The Theatre was well designed, built and reasonably resourced with theatre equipment when it opened in 1983 as a new theatre for the people of the Margaret River and Augusta regions.

Arts Margaret River, the not-for-profit operator of the Council owned Theatre, has built upon some of the original infrastructure and equipment inventory, much of which is now well past the end of its useful life and in some cases such as the counterweight fly system, potentially unsafe without a major upgrade or complete replacement.

Further, the Theatre is beginning to show signs of wear and tear coupled with limited public amenities and sub-standard technical infrastructure and control systems that no longer match benchmark standards or expectations for regional venues that have newer facilities and use emerging technologies that support and deliver production efficiencies and realise the creative aspirations for their users.

To inform Council, Arts Margaret River and funding agencies of the magnitude of the infrastructure and funding requirement for equipment purchase, it is recommended that an Asset Management Programme is developed and implemented to underpin the replacement and upgrade of Theatre Infrastructure and Equipment. Such a programme will at high level provide meaningful data to support funding submissions and forward strategic planning, whilst providing a Roll ing Replacement Programme that staff can take ownership of and manage on a day-to-day level in a cost effective manner.

It is considered essential to integrate asset management and planning into the overall strategic direction of Arts Margaret River to clearly inform Council, management and funding agencies of the asset management, maintenance and funding priorities for theatre infrastructure and equipment together with the building fabric to ensure the upkeep of Theatre into the future.

With an Asset Management Programme in place, the process of funding capital and maintenance works is demystified and transparent with all assets reported against accepted useful life plans and with depreciation schedules that ultimately flow through to an annual capital works program for all infrastructure and equipment, ensuring that the Arts Margaret River asset base is always current and meeting theatre industry technical and production needs.

Generally, the Theatre and associated spaces are in good condition in terms of building fabric although the technical systems are in urgent need of upgrade and/or replacement to bring them up to current benchmark and technological standard ih the regional venue marketplace.

User groups and hirers have high expectations of venues both for patron comfort and facilities and for the technical and theatre production facilities provided, particularly for regional touring productions working on tight schedules and budgets. It is considered essential for Arts Margaret River to provide its audiences with high levels of comfort and amenity and its hi rers with the best current and emerging technology, ensuring shows can be staged to high standards with speed and efficiency.

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The summary list of cost estimates for infrastructure and theatre equipment items in this report is the basis of a program for necessary upgrade and/or replacement. (Attachment I)

These cost estimates have then been apportioned to OH&S or one of three priority categories for action:

OH&S Priority 1 Immediate Priority 2 Short Term Priority 3 Medium Term

Immediate Immediate replacement/upgrade Replacement/upgrade within 1 - 2 years Replacement/upgrade in 2 - 5 years

Cost estimates for these priorities are:

OH&S Priority 1 Immediate Priority 2 Short Term Priority 3 Medium Term

$181,500 $135,500 $480,100 $380,400

Development of a structured Asset Management Plan for Arts Margaret River will, in the opinion of the Consultant, reap rewards in the long term.

The Consultant is grateful to the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River CEO for his overview of Council's requirements and aspirations for the Margaret River Cultural Centre and the Arts Margaret River Shire CEO, Recreation Centre Manager and Arts Margaret River volunteer staff for their willing assistance in undertaking this review.

I commend this review to Arts Margaret River and the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River.


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The recommendations made in the review are summarised below:

);> A Masterplan be developed to inform future funding to support a strategic Upgrade and Maintenance Programme for the Margaret River Cultural Centre.

);> A comprehensive Asset Managementframework is implemented for Arts Margaret River.

;.. Funding is allocated to address OH&S issues as a priority.

Y Funding is prioritised to address Technical and Building upgrades in the Theatre.

).> A new Counterweight Fly Line and motorised Stage Lighting Bar system should be installed.

;. A new set of Stage Masking Curtains should be installed.

:.> Upgrade to the general lighting system to the Stage area.

-,. Planning for New and Emerging Technology should be incorporated in forward strategic planning.

:l> A plan should be developed to design and implement future infrastructure wiring and systems throughout the Theatre

);> An Upgrade and Replacement plan is developed and implemented for all Stage Lighting, Sound and Audio/visual Infrastructure and Equipment.

)> A Sound System Designer should be commissioned to independently design a new Sound System for the Theatre.

).> Reconfigure the Loading Dock access to the Stage area.

-,. Create a Forestage to improve Stage depth.

)> Demolish the Sound Room to maximise the available Stage area in the Prompt Corner.

:l> Install a Stage Manager Desk and Paging system with Show Relay to Speakers in the backstage and dressing room areas.

)> Install a CCTV Stage View Camera and CCTV Monitors FOH and BOH.

,. A Foyer Paging system and Stage View CCTV Monitor system is installed in the foyers and public spaces.

;... Install Sound Locks to the Rear Stage Crossover Passage to reduce noise penetration.

);> A Masterplan be developed to inform a future refurbishment programme for the Auditorium of the Margaret River Cultural Centre.

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The Consultant met the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Chief Executive and Director Community and Corporate Services to be briefed on Council aspirations for the Margaret River Cultural Centre. The Consultant conducted interviews with management and operational representatives of Arts Margaret River and the Recreation Centre.

Summary of issues reviewed

The Consultant has summarised issues arising during the consultancy as a series of themes reflecting the following:

Standard of Existing Facilities

The Margaret River Cultural Centre and Theatre has been well maintained over its thirty-year life although the main entry aspect and access to the faci lity has been impacted by the construction and landscaping of the significant new Council administration building, resulting in the theatre entrance looking drab in comparison.

The theatre and public foyers are largely unchanged from their original design and these have been well utilised in the theatre's operating life, without significant alteration. With funding from the Royalties for Regions Program a bank of 180 retractable seats was installed in the Theatre to improve audience comfort and sightlines, partially solving issues with seating on the flat floor of the theatre, but not addressing poor sightlines from the flat floor area or restricted viewing from the side balconies.

It is timely to consider the suitability of existing facilities in a changed and highly competitive marketplace with greatly increased customer and hirer expectations for comfort and amenity in all public venues .

It is understood that the management of Arts Margaret River want to reposition the Theatre as a viable venue on the WA Regional Touring Circuit and for hire by external user groups as a means of building on the quality of the theatre presented to the people of the Margaret River region and to generate additional revenue to make the venue operation more sustainable.

A key issue for Arts Margaret River and Council to debate is whether to retain the flat-floor nature of the theatre or whether to consider the theatre to be enhanced with the installation of fixed tiered theatre seating, affording patrons with a more formal theatre experience in well laid out rows of fixed theatre seats with perfect sightlines to the stage and with improved seating in the balcony along with code compliant seating and access for all abilities and wheelchairs.

When Arts Margaret River and Council have determined a future direction for the auditorium of the Cultural Centre, the next stage wou ld be to commission a design scheme to be developed by an Architect with Theatre, Acoustic and Services Consultants for costing by a Quantity Surveyor to assess the cost impact of such a scheme.

Backstage facilities are minimal at best, particularly in the stage and fly tower zone, although a new dressing room . technical workshop, storage and loading dock area was built to make way for expansion of the adjacent Recreation Centre. The expansion of the Recreation Centre to the area occupied by the original dressing room zone has created a sound transfer issue between the stage and recreation centre studio that should be rectified to allow both facilities to operate concurrently without sound penetration.

The Loading Dock poses manual handling issues with the current loading/unloading of scenery and equipment at 90 degrees off the shallow loading dock area into the stage area. Reconfiguration of the Loading Dock with a new door into a raised side stage area in direct line with a truck would improve the efficiency of loading operations and separate the Stage Door entry ram p from the Loading Dock door.

The power supply to the theatre building is inadequate for increased power loads imposed by stage lighting, future mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems, catering kitchen and potential

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increased floor areas with an expansion to the foyers and/or conference facil ities. An upgrade to the power supply to the building and programmed upgrade and/or replacement of the main switchboard is considered essential for the operation of the theatre and associated areas into the future. An Electrical Engineer should advise Council on the installation of new mains supply to the Cultural Centre and the potential requirement for a substation to be installed to service the build ing.

Administration and ticket sales office space is located in a corner at the front of the foyer that provides ready access to visitors and patrons purchasing tickets. This shared office space appears cramped and offers little privacy to management. Larger administration office accommodation, separate to the ticket office and sales counter should be provided in any redevelopment plans for the foyers.

Exhibition space is lacking in the foyers, resulting in the installation of panels for hanging artwork in the foyer at the expense of the view to the gardens and blocking daylight from the already dark foyer area. The existing Bar and Courtyard areas are in need of redevelopment to allow increased use for serving patrons to performances and for corporate functions as an additional revenue stream .

It is understood that one design scheme for the Cultural Centre proposes the construction of Conference and Function facilities to the side of the Theatre. Such a scheme would add critical mass to the Cultural Centre augmenting and complementing the operation and public attendance at the Centre as a whole. There are numerous examples of such mixed use business models working well in regional communities throughout Australia.

User Group Issues and Feedback

Whilst not directly consulted for this review, anecdotal advice from management and some written feedback from individuals and user groups in previous reviews of the theatre indicate that the theatre is well regarded as a valuable and vital asset that plays an important role within the community.

These reports note that Arts Margaret River Theatre is in need of upgrade to both technical infrastructure and audience comfort and amenity. It is noted by some user groups that filni screening at the Theatre is regarded as a high priority in any upgrade works as the Theatre is currently the only cinema in Margaret River. It is understood that a plan to install the latest digital projection and associated digital sound system is underway subject to funding.

A previous benchmark report (Measure-Up) into WA regional touring venues highlighted that an approach towards the implementation of technical upgrades and use of new and energy efficient technology would reduce set up time, technical rehearsal time, staff costs and improve the efficiency and flexibility of the venue, supporting local productions and attracting regional touring productions to the region.

OH&S Issues

Arts Margaret River management has a strong OH&S culture in place, with evidence of staff trained to appropriate ski ll levels and established policies upheld and adhered to at all times. Safety notices are evident throughout the stage and backstage areas reinforcing these policies.

Inspection of the Theatre reinforces evidence of a safe workplace with only a few minor areas identified for further safety upgrade to match industry response to safety issues under current OH&S legislation. The theatre is kept clean and tidy with spare equipment stored, eliminating potential trip hazards in the workplace.

Of particular concern in this review is the worn out second-hand Counterweight Fly System installed in the Fly Tower of the Theatre. Replacement of the counterweight fly system is considered a very high priority in making the theatre rigging safe and more efficient to use during the set up, rehearsal , performance and bump-out of touring productions. Counterweight Fly systems are complex and potentially hazardous systems without proper supervision and operational policies. In a recent safety audit report (January 2013) the existing counterweight fly system has been shown to be defective in many areas. This review supports the findings of that safety audit and further recommends that Council take immediate action to plan for the complete replacement of the Counterweight Fly system with a new system installed to the highest standards by a recognised stage rigging contractor.

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Stage Lighting Bars over the stage are substandard for a regional theatre and should be replaced with motorised Stage Lighting Bars to enable the safe rigging and de-rigging of stage lighting equipment without the need to use counterweights to balance the changing weight load of lighting equipment used from show to show. In a one-person regional theatre operation , use of motorised Stage Lighting Bars is considered imperative from a safety and efficiency perspective. Many regional theatres throughout Australia are now installing motorised stage lighting bars as part of OH&S upgrade programs.

The Loading Dock is shared with the performer access to the backstage area. Installation of a new large Loading Door in the wall in direct line with a truck parked at the Loading Dock with access to a raised side stage area would eliminate any clash between performers arriving at the Stage Door (existing shared Loading Doors) and a new Loading Door a few metres away.

It is understood that Council must plan for the replacement of the roof of the Margaret River Cultural Centre and adjacent Squash Court building in the near future and that closure of the building to undertake this work may provide a window of opportunity to concurrently undertake works identified in this review.

Technological Advances

The pressure on venue managements to be more efficient necessitates an injection of capital funding to upgrade technical resources in Arts Margaret River to meet current and future technological standards and to ensure funding for the most appropriate technologies and asset management systems are in place to deliver ongoing efficiencies for Arts Margaret River and its hirers.

Whilst Arts Margaret River has used the new technology originally purchased for the facility in 1986, much of this technology is well below benchmark standard and is in need of replacement and upgrade in the short to medium term to make the Theatre viable as a regional venue.

With the exception of piecemeal technology upgrades carried out as funding permitted or purchases of additional items of theatre equipment, such as some additional spotlights or sound equipment, much of the infrastructure and equipment inspected has been in place since the Theatre opened and at least half of the inventory is past its use-by date. Some control systems such as lighting and sound control desks must be replaced on a regular basis to remain current. The existing Sound and Lighting desks are in need of urgent replacement.

Sound and Lighting equipment is generally old and well worn, ultimately leading to high maintenance costs. Replacement of the Sound system, Speaker system, Sound Mixing Desk, Stage Lighting Control system, Stage Lighting Dimmers, Spotlights, Cyclorama Floodlights, Followspots together with upgrades to all technical infrastructure and wiring systems is required to bring the theatre up to benchmark standard.

Technical Control positions are cramped and require upgrade to allow ready access and use of control systems, stage lighting dimmer racks and patch panels and audio/visual systems without excessive set up time, as is the present situation.

The Sound Room at the Stage Left location is a physical obstruction to the stage floor in the critical Prompt Corner of the Stage. This sound room is not required and must be demolished and a new location identified for a secure free-standing sound equipment rack in the downstage area of the side stage. Similarly, the existing stage lighting dimmer rack location in the original chair store should be reconfigured and/or relocated as part of any upgrade works when additional stage lighting circuits will be installed to new patch lead panels along with dimmer racks that offer either dimmed or relay control of stage lighting circuits to power conventional, LED or automated lighting fixtures.

Front of House stage lighting positions do not meet the needs of contem porary stage lighting, both in the ceiling lighting slots or side lighting booms. These positions can be upgraded in the short term through the use of stock lighting brackets and pipe-work to make them more flexible to use for new generation stage lighting equipment, although a plan should be developed to reconfigure these important stage lighting positions as part of any redevelopment plans for the auditorium.

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A further requirement is the installation of a dedicated Power Supply for all Audio and Electronic equipment so that the risk of developing "earth potentials" is elim inated through the connection of all Audio and Electronic equipment to Audio/Green Power Points that are fed from the one Distribution Board with a common Technical Earth connection. Audio/Green Power Points are installed at all locations where sound and audio/visual equipment is used. The Green colour of these power points indicates that these power outlets are fed from a dedicated power supply.

To meet the current and future needs of technical infrastructure and control system protocols, a dedicated high-speed data network should be installed throughout the technical areas of the theatre, together with optical fibre circuits to key technical locations to future-proof the theatre for new and emerging technologies.

Further, a connection to Optical Fibre should be made to the Cultural Centre to allow connection to the NBN and other transmission services in the future.

A comprehensive asset management plan should be developed and implemented to provide a framework for Arts Margaret River to secure ongoing capital funding to maintain the upkeep of existing facilities and to allow for ongoing technological upgrade and equipment replacement.

Storage and Equipment Handling

Storage and equipment handling in the facility is important to venue efficiency. The Theatre has reasonably generous storage space at various locations throughout the building.

With any new equipment purchases, storage and handling methods should be included in the purchase plan so that equipment is easily moved around the building.

Making the Theatre more viable for External Hirers

The use of the theatre by external hirers provides an important revenue stream for management to balance staff, operational and infrastructure costs, ensuring a well-resourced theatre facili ty whilst reducing the funding burden on Council.

External hirers have high expectations when renting regional performing arts venues and to be positioned and remain competitive in this market, the Theatre must be technically resourced and staffed to comparable levels with regional theatres on the touring circuit in South Western Australia.


As a not for profit organisation Arts Margaret River is staffed by one full time Shire CEO with a pool of volunteer office and front of house staff and technicians managed through Arts Margaret River on an as required basis.

This staffing model is very limiting and has potential business risks associated with it, in that reliance on volunteers does not guarantee their availability due to other commitments, as opposed to full or part time staff that can be rostered to meet business and operational demands.

In the first instance, Arts Margaret River requires the services of a full .time Technical Supervisor; to manage the technical operation of the Theatre, to uphold OH&S policies, to manage theatre equipment maintenance and replacement programmes and to provide technical expertise and coordination to Arts Margaret River management and Hirers for events and activities staged in the Theatre. A person with the required balance of technical, management and customer service skills is required for this key role in Arts Margaret River management team.

The Technical Supervisor would liaise with hirers over their production schedule and technical requirements supervise work and uphold safety in the theatre.


The Margaret River Cultural Centre is a good example of a modest regional theatre. Its status should be upheld and enhanced with implementation of a strategic asset management programme that ensures the Cultural Centre is maintained to a high standard with the latest technology to foster and support the presentation of the performing arts by Arts Margaret River into the future.

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The following items represent the key areas addressed in the review.

1. Theatre Foyers and Public Spaces

1.1. Issues

The building fabric of the theatre foyers and public spaces is largely unchanged from the original design in brick, timber and glass and has been worked very hard in thirty year operating life of the Cultural Centre.

It is timely to consider the suitability of existing facilities in a changed and highly competitive marketplace with greatly increased customer and hirer expectations for comfort and amenity of public venues, if the Theatre is to operate with greater efficiency and to be more widely used.

Whilst the Foyers function reasonably well from a patron point of view, they lack any "theatrical sparkle" for performances and have quite drab and dated furnishings.

The Bar is modest in its layout and to the side of the foyer at the opposite end of the foyer from the toilets. Sound penetration from the Bar area to the Theatre is an issue.

There is no paging system, show relay sound or recall bells or stage view CCTV system installed in the Foyer.

Wheelchair access is acceptable to the flat floor stalls level, although there are issues with wheelchair access to the toilets due to configuration of doors which do not meet the new DDA code requirements. There is no Wheelchair access to the Balcony level.

Signage and display boards are basic and ad hoc in style.

1.2. Impact on Operations

The age of the building fabric coupled with wear and tear on facilities will in time result in increased maintenance to keep the building up to an acceptable standard.

Deferred upgrade or reduced maintenance will lead to greater deterioration of the building with higher remedial cost as a long term consequence.

Deterioration of public amenities, access and comfort will lead to a reduction of public perception of the Cultural Centre as a venue they choose to visit.

Wheelchair access and DDA compliance issues limit access for all abilities to the Centre.

Poor signage and lack of a Paging system, Foyer Bells and CCTV Monitor system result in slower operation of the foyers at peak times.

The proximity of the bar to the Theatre is an issue in that sound penetration from the Bar area to the Theatre disrupts performances.

1.3. Proposed Solutions

It is understood that a scheme has been investigated by Council to extend the foyers and public amenity with a contemporary "link building" to wrap around the existing foyer and bar, incorporating larger foyers, bar, cafe and exhibition spaces, with a lift providing DDA access to the Theatre Balcony level and to a first floor Exhibition and/or Gallery space to be located in the adjacent Squash Court building. Such a scheme would greatly improve the community and theatre patron amenity of the Cultural Centre and allow for increased utilisation and visitation.

Further, it is understood that Council is considering a design scheme to incorporate construction of future Conference and Function facilities into an expansion of the Cultural

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Centre which would also lead to greater utilisation of the facility in the community as a whole.

It is recommended that a Foyer Paging system with Paging Panel, Foyer Bells, together with at least two Flat Screen CCTV Monitors showing the Stage View picture are installed in the Foyers. Paging Speakers should be located to provide even sound coverage throughout the Foyers, main entry, public toilets and courtyard. These systems are shared with the Theatre systems and are documented elsewhere in the review.

Development of a facility Masterplan and programme of planned upgrade and asset maintenance to an agreed level will inform future funding requirements to upgrade and maintain Margaret River Cultural Centre to benchmark standard as a leading regional theatre and public facility.

1.4. Recommendations

A Masterplan be developed to inform future funding to support a strategic Upgrade and Maintenance Programme for the Margaret River Cultural Centre.

A Foyer Paging system and Stage View CCTV Monitor system is installed in the foyers and public spaces.

2. Theatre Auditorium

2.1. Issues

The building fabric of the theatre auditorium is largely unchanged from the original design and has been worked very hard in Cultural Centre's thirty year operating life.

The Cultural Centre Theatre was designed as a multi-purpose flat floor hall with a wide balcony on three sides supported on columns and overlooking the flat f loor in the style of a Shakespearean Theatre. The original design of the theatre incorporated a mobile stage platform that could be rolled forward into the hall, presumably to provide a level of flexibility and production staging. The mobile stage floor is now fixed in position at the proscenium line and there is very little evidence of its use in recent times.

The Theatre has entrances at the rear on each side on the ground floor and balcony levels with doors opening directly into the foyers. There is a large sliding door arrangement on the south side opening directly to the foyer bar. Glass doors are located along the south side opening directly to the courtyard. The kitchen is located on the northern side with a servery counter with sliding door access to the ground level of the Theatre. A chair store is located off the northern side of the Theatre. These elements all reinforce the multi-purpose nature of the original design as a flexible community hall with stage and fly tower and dressing rooms, but no orchestra pit.

Seating was originally designed as a simple system of around 300 stackable chairs for flexible seating configurations in the ground floor and balcony levels of the Theatre. W ith funds from the Royalties for Regions programme Council installed a retractable tiered seating system with 180 seats at the rear of the flat floor to provide improved comfort and sightlines.

It is tim ely to consider the suitability of existing facilities if the Theatre is to operate with greater efficiency and to be more widely used, particularly for staging regional touring productions and concerts in a more formal theatre setting.

Further, a decision must be made on whether the original flexible flat floor design of the theatre is still considered suitable to meet patron needs or whether the refurbishment of the adjacent Squash Court building and/or use of other flat floor spaces in Margaret River would allow a partial or complete refurbishment of the theatre auditorium to have a formal theatre seating configuration with comfortable fixed theatre seats.

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Inspection of the theatre reveals that there is no hearing assistance system as required under the BCA.

It is noted that there is no mechanical ventilation or air conditioning system to the Theatre.

2.2. Impact on Operations

The multipurpose nature of the theatre limits its use as a formal theatre due to the inherent flexibility of the design with its flat floor and wide balconies.

The Theatre works as a flexible space, subject to technical and OH&S upgrades recommended in this review, but it tacks any formal theatre ambience and is impacted by regimented geometry of the balcony, support columns and flat ceiling.

A challenge for Council and Arts Margaret River is to determine a future direction for the Cultural Centre . Will it remain as a flexible multipurpose space or should it become a formal theatre, more akin to most other theatres on the WA Regional Theatre touring circuit.

Without significant investment in the refurbishment of the theatre auditorium, the Cultural Centre will lag behind theatres in other W A regional towns and cities. This review is not tasked with answering this question, although this issue must be raised to put a context and planning framework around the issues addressed herein.

Entry doors to the theatre from the rear at each side on each level are not sound isolated from the foyers resulting in sound transfer during performances and light spilling into the auditorium. The large sliding doors between the auditorium and foyer bar are lightweight door panels that allow direct sound transfer between the foyer and bar to the theatre as do the glass doors to the Courtyard, distracting patrons during performances. The same situation occurs with the sliding doors to the kitchen. These issues all impact negatively on the creation of a formal theatre ambience.

Audience viewing sightlines from the tiered retractable seating to the stage are acceptable and certainly an improvement on the original flat floor design with rows of chairs.

Audience sightlines from the balcony are less than ideal due to the high timber balu.strade that patrons must lean over to view action on the stage. Without referring to an Acoustic Consultant, it is assumed that the solid timber balustrades were installed to provide sound reflections to patrons seated to the rear of the theatre. However, the existing balustrades severely impact on the viewing angle from the balcony and require remodelling and use of different and more transparent materials to enhance the viewing angle to the stage, comfort for patrons and sense of connection with the ground floor together with increasing the seating capacity of the balcony.

The Technical Control zone and enclosed Bio Box in the balcony at the rear of the theatre require some physical adjustment to accommodate the proposed dig ital projection equipment in an enclosed (smaller) room with sound, audio/visual and lighting control desks within a suitable partially walled area in the centre forward of the Bio Box.

Theatre House Lights are in poor condition and costly to operate in energy terms and problematic to replace blown lamps. The House Light dimmer control system is very outdated 1960s technology, well past its use by date. A new installation of quality LED Downlight lam ps (equivalent to incandescent par spots) should be installed in the cei ling in place of the existing incandescent downlight fittings, with a new programmable House Light Control system with a master panel at the Bio Box and slave panels located at the Control Desk zone, Stage Manager and Foyer control panel. Energy efficiency will result and reduced maintenance costs due to the 50,000 hour life of LED lamps.

Front of House stage lighting positions are minimal are issues re lating to upgrade of these are dealt with elsewhere in the review.

The Speaker system installed in the theatre is outdated and not to benchmark standard. Issues relating to upgrade of the speaker system are dealt with elsewhere in the review.

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Wheelchair access to the theatre auditorium is restricted to the ground level only per the original building design. Redevelopment of the building and expansion of the foyers would allow the entire building to be made DDA com pliant, with wheelchair access to the balcony. It is noted that there is no wheelchair access between the Auditorium and Stage.

Inspection of the theatre reveals that there is no hearing assistance system as required under the BCA.

It is noted that there is no mechanical ventilation or air conditioning to the Theatre. Future building development plans may address this requirement.

2.3. Proposed Solutions

It is proposed that a three stage approach is taken to addressing issues in the theatre:

1. Immediate action on OH&S issues 2. Design, plan and fund Technical and Building upgrades in the short term, without

undertaking works that may be abortive in the broader Masterplan for the theatre 3. Masterplan, architecturally design and fund the long term refurbishment of the

theatre, in association with or stand-alone from the foyer and conference facility planning

Immediate OH&S issues requiring action are: • Ladder Access to the Catwalk in the theatre ceiling is identified by the Consultant

as a potential OH&S risk.

The existing configuration of the access ladder from the Bio Box up to the auditorium ceiling access door has an excessive step from the top rung of the vertical ladder up and over the wall under the access door, risking the person losing balance or tripping when climbing over the wall into the roof space.

A practical solution would be to cut down several courses of bricks in the wall to effectively lower the stepping off threshold between the ladder and the catwalk floor in the roof space and replacing the access door with a higher door.

Technical and Building upgrades include:


• Hearing assistance system -A hearing assistance system in the existing building can be designed by an audio hearing specialist company and installed by a recognised audio equipment installation company, either as the accepted standard hearing induction loop installed under the floor or as an infrared system using infrared transmitters and receivers. The induction loop system is recommended as the best system from an operation and maintenance point of view.

• House Lights- replacement of obsolete incandescent light fittings and obsolete dimmer with energy efficient dimmable LED downlights controlled by a C-Bus or Dynalite Data control system.

The scope of work for such a system can be provided by the Theatre Consultant and be documented by an Electrical Engineer and installed by an Electrical Contractor.

• Bio Box- the Bio Box should be altered to accommodate the proposed Digital Projection system and associated equipment. This installation by a specialist digital cinema installation company should also include a complete refurbishment of the Bio Box to remove all obsolete wiring and panels and make good all walls and the floor of the room to move ahead in the digital world.

A 45 RU Equipment rack should be installed to the rear corner of the Bio Box to house digital projection control equipment and as termination point for patch outlets for new theatre technical infrastructure and systems detailed elsewhere in this review.

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Co nfidentia I ~.

It may be possible as part of the refurbishment of the Bio Box to move the existing front wall installed at some time in the past, back a metre to its original position to free up space in front of it for the Sound, Audio/Visual and Lighting Control Desks to be located in a dedicated open booth in the centre of the balcony, where the operators have the best view of the stage, particularly the Sound Desk Operator.

It is noted that a Building Certifier should to provide advice on whether this section of the balcony can be blocked off from public access, with a permanent Control Desk booth, with low height side walls, effectively limiting escape access for patrons from each side of the balcony to the entry/exit doors on each side of the balcony.

• Sound Locks to theatre entrances- the installation of code compliant sound and light locks to the four main entrance doors to the theatre would elim inate sound and light leaks to the theatre from the foyers.

It is recommended that an Architect develop a design scheme to construct sound and light locks at the location of the existing doors to allow for suitably sized doors with appropriate sound rating and acoustic seals and door set-out to meet all relevant codes.

The sound and light locks would require discrete lighting on a separate lighting circuit under control of the main House Light control system to fade the lights in the sound lock down to a safe level for egress when the rest of the auditorium is in darkness. Additional exit signs or repositioning of existing exit signs will be required to meet code.

• Isolation of sound from the foyer bar is required on the southern side of the theatre auditorium.

It is suggested that a fire rated acoustic wall is constructed to permanently fill the doorway gap in the side brick walls where the existing sliding door panels are located. This acoustic wall should completely eliminate sound transfer from the foyer bar into the auditorium in this location.

• Speaker System -the upgrade of the speaker system is detai led elsewhere, although it is noted here that positions to hang a new speaker system within the theatre auditorium will be required and must be considered when undertaking any other works in the theatre in the centre and sides of the proscenium.

New Speakers should be mounted in such a way so they do not intrude into the view or "picture" of the Proscenium opening.

• Stage Lighting Slots in the auditorium ceiling - the upgrade and reconfiguration of the existing catwalks and slots in the auditorium ceiling could be planned and undertaken as a discrete upgrade project, regardless of the Masterplan for the theatre. Upgrade of the catwalk access and increasing the width of the lighting slots in the centre area of each slot will allow improved stage lighting angles, ease of rigging equipment and improved efficiency for touring productions.

Installation of additional stage lighting and DMX/Data patch outlets in these lighting slots is detailed elsewhere in the review and should be undertaken regardless of the proposed building works.

The Consultant can provide more detailed outl ine of the scope of works for this proposed upgrade scheme at the time of planning these works.

It is noted that reconfiguration of the Stage Lighting Slots in the ceiling of the theatre is considered a modest building job requiring a building contractor (as project manager perhaps), steelworker, plasterer and painter and it would require the erection of a mobile scaffold tower on the auditorium floor.

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A Masterplan of works for the redevelopment of the Theatre is beyond the scope of this review, although the Consultant makes some suggestions for consideration by Council and Arts Margaret River at that time. An Architect would be commissioned to redesign the interior of the theatre to improve aesthetic, comfort, sightlines, DDA access, seating capacity, acoustics and lighting with a schematic design that can be tested and costs estimated by a Quantity Surveyor to assess funding required for such a scheme ..

The Architect for a new theatre interior could be commissioned to provide several studies for configuration of seating, including:

• a gentle raked and tiered stalls floor built on the existing flat floor with the balcony reconfigured and possibly extended forward slightly with a series of boxes to each side of the reshaped balcony

• a steeper tiered stalls rising up to the balcony level and em bracing the balcony • removal of the side balconies and supporting columns and the installation of a

new shaped auditorium, with stalls and balcony seating, constructed within the structural walls of the building

lm plementation of the OH&S and technical and upgrade solutions would greatly enhance the operation of the Theatre in the short term, whilst Council determines priorities for the broader issues in a future Masterplan.

2.4. Recommendations

Funding is allocated to address OH&S issues as a priority.

Funding is prioritised to address Technical and Building upgrades in the Theatre.

A Masterplan be developed to inform a future refurbishment programme for the Auditorium of the Margaret River Cultural Centre.

3. Stage, Backstage and Loading Dock

3.1. Issues

The Stage of the Theatre is modest by regional theatre standards although it is workable for most productions touring in regional W A. The overall dimensions of the Stage are 16m wide by 8.7m deep by 10m high. The Proscenium Opening is 11m wide by 5m high.

The Grid in the Fly Tower over the stage is not full height (2.5 times the proscenium opening) which limits the ability to fly large painted backcloths and scenic elements although it is just adequate height for flying stage masking curtains and stage lighting bars used in all productions.

The Stage floor is concrete at the sides with a roll-out stage wagon system installed to the main acting area as an original design feature, now fixed in place and no longer used if at all for its original purpose. The structure of the stage wagon system, locked into a fixed position, is not an impediment to use of the stage into the future.

There is no Forestage with the current configuration of the Stage for action in front of the Main (House) Curtain, whist scene changes take place behind the curtain.

Stage access has been upgraded with the creation of a stage crossover passage at the time the Recreation Centre was built behind the theatre. However there is a serious sound transfer problem between the Recreation Centre and the Stage, caused through lack of acoustic isolation between the two buildings.

The prompt side of the stage has the benefit an additional area created through the construction of the Recreation Centre with the addition of two large dressing rooms with en-suite amenities, a technical workshop and three secure store rooms.

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A new Loading Dock and truck parking bay was constructed to make way for the construction of the Recreation Centre. This loading bay and loading dock is at a right angle to the two standard size doors that replace the original larger loading door to the backstage area, making the unloading of long items of scenery and equipment more complicated and time consuming than necessary.

Further, the same loading doors are shared by cast, musicians and crew as the Stage Door Entry point to the Theatre, creating a potential risk of injury through mixed use of the Stage Door/Loading Door.

In an area to the auditorium side of the side stage is_ a large store at theatre ground level, in which chairs and tables are stored

At some point a Sound Room was constructed in the downstage prompt side of the stage, effectively blocking this critical entrance to the stage, particularly in dance productions. A Sound Equipment Rack is required in this DS PS location, not a room that blocks Stage Manager and performer entrances.

General lighting in the Fly Tower, Grid above the Stage and Stage area is inadequate, with insufficient light to work safely, both under normal "White Work-Lights", "Blue Performance-Lights" and "Rehearsal Worklights".

There is no Stage Manager Desk or Paging system with Show Relay system to the backstage areas and dressing rooms, for paging cast and crew to the Stage.

There is no CCTV Stage View Camera in the Auditorium to feed a CCTV signal to CCTV monitors in the Foyers and Backstage area.

Safety signage is evident and equipment that requires supervised access or operation is locked to prevent unauthorised use.

3.2. Impact on Operations

The restricted size of the stage is just acceptable to the "B" benchmark standard for regional touring theatres of around 300 seats capacity, but limits the theatre from achieving and "A" category rating for theatres of around 500 seats. In the Margaret River region, this is probably acceptable .

The Fly Tower is again just acceptable in a "B" theatre context and the best is made of the limited height available to fly backcloths and scenic elements .

Safety and operational issues with the Counterweight Fly system are detailed elsewhere in this review.

A Forestage would allow action in front of the Main (House) Curtain whilst scene changes are taking place behind the curtain, making the theatre more flexible and allowing musical groups to be more engaged with their audience.

The noise penetration issue between the Recreation Centre and the Stage is a source of frustration for users of both venues. The stage crossover passage is a bonus but the noise penetration issue must be rectified.

The Loading Dock is poorly planned and should be reconfigured to avoid manual handling issues with the right angle loading and unloading and the risk of injury to cast, musicians

· and crew access to the shared Stage/Loading Doors.

The Sound Room at the side of the stage must be demolished to restore this critical operational area of the stage for use by stage managers and performers.

General lighting in the Fly Tower, Grid above the Stage and Stage area is inadequate, with insufficient light to work safely, both under normal "White Work-Lights", "Blue Performance-Lights" and Rehearsal Worklights, posing a potential risk to safe working conditions.

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The lack of a Stage Manager Desk and Paging system with Show Relay to backstage areas and dressing rooms is unacceptable in terms of benchmarks for a regional theatre.

The lack of a Stage View CCTV Camera inhibits the ability of the Stage Manager to clearly view the action on stage from an audience view point. This Camera signal is also used to feed CCTV Monitors in the Foyers for latecomers and staff to follow the action on stage.

Without an investment in upgrades in the Stage, Backstage and Loading Dock areas, ongoing wear and tear on facilities will, in time result in increased maintenance to keep the building and operation up to an acceptable and safe standard.

3.3. Proposed Solutions

The Stage area must be kept as clear of obstructions as possible to ensure the maximum acting area possible is available to hirers.

The Sound Room at the side of the stage must be demolished to restore this critical operational area of the Stage for use by Stage Managers and performers.

It is recommended that moving the existing rolling Stage Wagons forward by one metre would create a Forestage in front of the Main (House) Curtain and effectively increase the stage depth by one metre. It may be necessary to repair or infill the stage floor to the rear of the stage wagons if necessary once they are moved forward. Further on-site investigation into the practicality of this recommendation will be required. If the stage wagons are not movable, due to Recreation Centre building works, then a new Forestage could be constructed to the front of the stage wagons and the stairs used to access the auditorium installed permanently to the sides of the Forestage rather than in front.

Replacement of the obsolete and potentially unsafe Counterweight Fly system is detailed elsewhere in this review.

The noise penetration issue between the Recreation Centre and the Stage could be reduced to an acceptable level with the introduction of a sound lock at each end of the crossover passage and the acoustic treatment of each sound lock with sound absorbent material applied to the walls and acoustic seals to the doors.

The Loading Dock should be reconfigured to avoid manual handling issues with the right angle loading and unloading and the risk of injury to cast, musicians and crew access to the shared Stage/Loading Doors.

The Loading Dock safety and loading issue could be resolved through cutting a new large Loading Door into the northern wall of the seating store, raising the floor of the seating store to the line of the stairs to the stage and raising the lintel opening in the eastern wall between the side stage and seat store . This rearrangement would allow the safer loading and unloading of scenery between the Side Stage and Loading Dock, whilst retaining the existing shared Stage/Loading Door to be used as a Stage Door only for personnel access.

As the reduced area of the seat store would limit chair and table storage in this area, it is proposed that trolleys of tables and chairs could be stored to the rear of the retractable seating bank in the currently unused area under the balcony. The existing stage lighting dimmer rack and patch lead zone would be reconfigured to house new stage lighting patch lead cabinets and dimmer racks as detailed elsewhere in this review.

An upgraded system of general lighting in the Fly Tower, Grid above the Stage and Stage area should be planned and installed providing normal "White Work-Lights", "Blue Performance-Lights" and Rehearsal Worklights, with a Stage Switch Panel at the Prompt Corner for master control of all work light circuits as follows:

White Lights • Grid White Lights- 8 x twin fluoro fittings on the roof beams • Loading Gallery OP - 3 x twin fluoro fittings under the grid beam • Stage OP- 3 x twin fluoro fittings under the Fly Gallery OP

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• Stage PS- 3 x twin fluoro fittings under the Fly Gallery OP • Sound Lock OP & PS - 1 f luoro fitting on the ceiling • Side Stage PS- existing light fi ttings on the roof beams

Blue Lights • Stage OP - 3 x Blue LED downlight fittings under the Fly Gallery OP • Stage PS - 3 x Blue LED downlight fittings under the Fly Gallery OP • Sound Lock OP & PS- Blue LED down light fitting on the ceiling • Side Stage PS- 4 x Blue LED down light f ittings on the roof beams

Rehearsal W orklights • FOH Slot 1 OP & PS- 2 x LED 70wWorklight • Stage Lighting Bars #1-4 OP & PS- 8 x LED 70wWorklight

(Total of 5 x W orklight circuits wired from the Stage Switch Panel to 5 x 1 OA Outlets located at the new Stage Lighting Patch Panel zone for stage lighting patch circuits to be patched to the Rehearsal Worklight circuits as required, with LED Worklight fittings (1 0) supplied by MRCC)

It is recommended that a Stage Manager Desk and Paging system with Show Relay is installed wi th paging speakers installed in key backstage areas, dressing rooms, toilets, loading dock and workshop, so that performers can hear the Show Relay and receive Paging Calls from the Stage Manager.

It is recommended that a Stage View CCTV Camera and associated control equipment is installed in the centre of the auditorium above the Bio Box to produce a pictu re of the action on stage for relay to a CCTV Monitor on the Stage Manager Desk and for Foyer CCTV Monitors. The Consultant can provide a scope of works for these essential systems that can be installed by an audio/visual contractor.

3.4. Recommendations

Install a Forestage extension to the Stage to improve the overall Stage depth.

Demolish the Sound Room to maximise the available Stage area in the Prompt Corner.

Install Sound locks to the Rear Crossover Passage to reduce noise penetration.

Reconfigure the loading Dock access to the Stage area.

Upgrade to the general lighting system to the Stage area.

Install a Stage Manager Desk and Paging system with Show Relay to Speakers in the backstage and dressing room areas.

Install a CCTV Stag e View Camera and CCTV Monitors FOH and BOH.

4. Fly System

4.1. Issues

The existing second hand counterweight fly system installed in the Theatre is in very poor condition and provides the basic requirements of flying for productions using the Theatre . The existing counterweight system has only 10 sets currently installed and line sets are locked to restrict use to authorised personnel only.

The second hand Counterweight Fly system, originally from His Majesty's Theatre in Perth is a hybrid system assembled from available stock parts . A recent safety review (January 2013) highlights a number of concerns with the existing system. The Consultant supports the findings of that review.

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Further, the number of fly line sets is inadequate, so it is timely to consider whether to upgrade the existing system or completely replace it with current and safer technology.

Throughout the entertainment industry discussion is taking place regarding the relative merits of power flying versus traditional manual counterweight flying systems. The impact of heightened safety concerns, internationally, has led to much discussion in Australia about the future (safety) of existing counterweight fly systems and whether they should be phased out and replaced with powered fly systems to improve safety. However installation of a powered flying system is a very high capital cost and may not be warranted in a regional theatre at this time.

Consideration should be given to the installation of dedicated electric winch lines to fly the heavier Stage Lighting Bars due to the variable loads and frequency of use of these particular line sets.

The Fly system is a crucial part of the infrastructure used to suspend and "fly" the Main Curtain (House Curtain), Stage Masking Curtains (borders and legs), Traverse Curtains (Tabs), White Cyclorama, Stage Lighting Bars and items of scenery for hirers of the Theatre.

The Fly system must be fully operational to allow the safe flying of curtains and stage lighting bars on a day to day basis and for use by hirers to hang and fly elements of scenery for their productions.

4.2. Impact on Operations

Arts Margaret River has reasonably maintained but very old and second hand manual counterweight system installed in the Theatre. The system was originally installed in His Majesty's Theatre Perth.

The small number of working fly lines coupled with increased use of the theatre elevates potential safety issues as reported by others and the needs of Arts Margaret River to position the theatre at benchmark standard for regional theatres on theW A regional touring circuit necessitates upgrades to the Counterweight Fly system . The existing fly system requires significant upgrade and expansion and the cost of these works may be best invested in a new fly system .

The frequent rigging and de-rigging of lighting equipment on the Stage Lighting Bars, resulting in the weight load of the lighting bar changing, warrants the installation of motorised winch sets to fly the Stage Lighting Bars to increase safety and minimise counterweight loading and unloading. This is particularly important in a one-technician operation theatre for the technician to be able to raise and lower the Stage Lighting Bars quickly and safely to make changes for each production, without having to load and unload counterweights.

The limited number of fly lines currently installed limits production flying and is a source of frustration for user groups, designers and technicians. A full complement of at least 16 Counterweight Fly lines plus 4 motorised Stage Lighting Bars is required to make the theatre fully flexible to benchmark standard.

4.3. Proposed Solutions

Plan to install a new Counterweight Fly system plus Motorised Stage Lighting Bars as a complete package, including the Stage Masking Curtains, with installation by a recognised Stage Rigging contractor, all installed at the same time to minimise theatre shutdown time and to maximise the value of travel and personnel costs of a specialist ·contractor travelling to Margaret River.

The new Fly system will provide as a minimum 16 Counterweight Fly Line sets and 4 Motorised Stage Lighting Bars as follows:

1 Main Curtain (House Curtain) 4 Stage Masking Border Curtains (overhead masking curtains) 4 Stage Masking Leg Curtains (side masking curtains)

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1 Mid Stage Traverse Curtains (Tabs) 1 Rear Stage Traverse Curtains (Tabs) 1 White Cyclorama Cloth (Cyc) 1 Cinema Screen 3 Scenery Battens (Hirers scenery) 4 Motorised Stage Lighting Bars

The proposed Hanging Plot, for the new Counterweight Fly system plus Motorised Stage Lighting Bars and Stage Masking Curtains in the Fly Tower, is detailed as Attachment V.

The Stage Masking Curtains are detailed elsewhere in this review.

Consideration should be given to the installation of motorised winch sets for the dedicated Stage Lighting Bars, although these winches are a high initial capital cost, improved operational safety and labour savings will result. Having dedicated electric winches for the Stage Lighting bars alleviates the requirement to load and unload counterweights f rom these bars when lights are rigged and de-rigged, representing a labour saving and greatly improved safety of operation.

It is understood that a portion of the total cost of this installation is currently allocated in the Council budget. It is recommended that funding to install the new Counterweight Fly system, new Motorised Stage Lighting Bars and associated wiring and new Stage Masking Curtains is allocated to enable a tender for these works to be called as a whole package.

This installation will improve the safety of the theatre and immediately elevate the benchmark position of the Theatre and Arts Margaret River on theW A regional touring circuit.

It is recommended that Arts Margaret River retain the outsourced maintenance and safety inspection model for safety inspections and maintenance of the Fly system to reinforce safety compliance of this significant theatre infrastructure into the future.

4.4. Recommendations

A new Counterweight Fly Line and Motorised Stage Lighting Bar system should be installed.

5. Stage Masking Curtains

5.1. Issues

Stage Masking Curtains are in very poor condition and well past the end of useful life and are in need of replacement to ensure users of the Theatre have resources of the highest standards for use on productions. There are not sufficient leg and border curta ins to fully mask the stage to an acceptable standard.

The White Cyclorama cloth is worn out and requires replacement.

The Main (House) Curtain is worn and overdue for replacement.

5.2. Impact on Operations

Stage Masking Curtains are in very poor condition and many are torn beyond repair and are well past the end of useful life.

The stage cannot be fully masked which is a severe impediment to the staging of touring productions.

The White Cyclorama cloth is old and worn and no longer presents as an "infinity sky cloth" for lighting effects.

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Stage Masking Curtains should be treated with fire retardant to manufacturer specifications and the cost of this treatment is high compared to replacement cost with inherently fire retardant fabrics, such as black wool theatre fabric.

5.3. Proposed Solutions

The Stage Masking Curtains must be replaced to ensure users of the Theatre have resources of the highest standards for use on productions.

Planning should be undertaken for the replacement of all stage masking curtains at the earliest opportunity to present the "stage picture" as a neatly dressed and fully masked.

The proposed specification for Stage Masking Curtains is detailed as Attachment IV.

Investment in a new set of Stage Masking Curtains will immediately elevate the benchmark position of the Theatre and Arts Margaret River on the WA regional touring circuit.

5.4. Recommendations

I A new set of Stage Masking Curtains should be installed.

6. New and Emerging Technology

6.1. Issues

In all technical theatre areas technological advancement has been enormous since Arts Margaret River opened in 1986. Whilst Arts Margaret River benefits from some new technology purchased since it opened (such as the data projector and replacement sound and lighting desks) even this technology will be in need of upgrade or replacement in the short to medium term.

At present the theatre is not future-proofed for new and emerging technologies.

6.2. Impact on Operations

Allowing technology to slip behind the broader entertainment industry diminishes the position of Arts Margaret River as a venue that offers current and new technology.

If technology is not kept up to date then services to hirers suffer from reliance on older technology, which may not be as reliable as that provided in other venues.

Venues need to keep abreast of technological change to maintain their benchmark position and to enable touring equipment and systems to interface to installed theatre technical infrastructure and systems.

There is no data network throughout the theatre and backstage areas, although many sound, lighting and audio/visual systems now rely on data networks for data communication throughout touring theatres.

Future use of the Cultural Centre for conferences will require access to high speed broadband via Optical Fibre technology.

6.3. Proposed Solutions

The pressure on venue managements to be more efficient necessitates an injection of capital funding to upgrade Arts Margaret River's technical resources to meet current and future technological standards and to ensure levels of funding for the most appropriate technologies are in place to deliver creative solutions with ongoing efficiencies.

Specific Infrastructure systems are detailed under the Infrastructure, Sound, Audio/visual and Lighting sections of this review- Sections 7, 8 & 9 .

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6.4. Recommendations

Planning for New and Emerging Technology should be incorporated in forward strategic planning.

7. Infrastructure Wiring and Systems

7.1 . Issues

The theatre has very limited infrastructure wiring and patch circuits across all disciplines and is not future-proofed for new and emerging technologies.

Infrastructure wiring and systems installed in the Theatre is generally in poor condition with an ad hoc arrangement of patch panels and termination points.

Additional wiring will, in time, be required for newer technologies and the use of optical fibre wi ll progressively feature in planning for new systems.

7.2. Impact on Operations

Throughout Arts Margaret River infrastructure wiring and systems are in working order although well used and wi ll only just suffice until new wiring networks are installed for sound, audio/visual lighting and communications systems and to support emerging technologies.

7.3. Proposed Solutions

It is timely to undertake a preliminary review of all infrastructure systems and wiring to develop a long term plan for upgrades to infrastructure and systems to meet current and emerging technologies.

Descriptions of required infrastructure wiring is outlined in Sections 6, 8 & 9

7 .4. Recommendations

A plan should be developed to design and implement future infrastructure wiring and systems throughout the Theatre.

8. Sound and Audio/visual System

8.1 . Issues

The Sound system in the Theatre is a hybrid system assembled from parts of the original sound system together with other speakers rigged to make a general sound reinforcement system. None of the equipment is high quality or is it industry standard equipment.

The speaker system requires an upgrade to meet current and future trends and requirements in high quality theatre sound production to meet audience and performer expectations.

The sound mixing desk is well beyond its useful life and is a potential maintenance liability.

The sound mixing desk is currently located on a portable bench at the rear of the balcony to provide a position for the sound operator to hear the live sound mix within the auditorium .

Microphone stock is minimal.

Several Foldback speakers are available for foldback on stage for music groups.

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Apart from a new high power data projector installed in the Bio Box, there is minimal audio/visual equipment.

A Cinema Screen is flown on a counterweight fly line for cinema use.

Cinema sound is processed from the Bio Box to a mixture of screen speakers and side effect speakers, not necessarily to high quality SMPTE Cinema standards.

8.2. Impact on Operations

Sound is such a subjective issue with audiences that, surrounded with digital quality sound in all areas of modern life, theatres have to respond by providing very high quality sound reinforcement and effects systems to meet and exceed this expectation.

The existing sound system struggles to meet the demanding criteria for contemporary theatre and concert sound production.

The sound mixing desk is well past its useful and it must be replaced in the short term with a high quality mixing desk that meets industry benchmarks.

Speaker rigging is not adequate and more permanent solutions should be identified for the style of speakers required to cover every seat in the auditorium when a new speaker system is installed.

Microphone stock is minimal with investment required to build up a suitable stock of microphones and radio microphones to service hirer requirements for varying styles of performance and presentation.

Acquisition of a portable PA system would allow foyer functions to be quickly set up without affecting sound equipment used in the theatre.

Apart from a new high power data projector installed in the Bio Box, there is minimal audio/visual equipment. Further audio/visual equipment will be required if conferences, seminars and meetings are to be staged in the Theatre.

Cinema sound is processed from the Bio Box to a mixture of screen speakers and side effect speakers, not necessarily to high quality SMPTE Cinema standards, which reduces the presentation standard for film screenings.

8.3. Proposed Solutions

Sound is an exacting science and requires expert opinion in addressing a new sound system design for the theatre.

It is recommended that Arts Margaret River commission a recognised Sound System Designer to evaluate the acoustic of the theatre and design a sound system that meets the requirements for sound reproduction in the theatre. Investment in getting a sound system designer to independently design a sound system to best suit the acoustic and technical demands of the Theatre, rather than getting a sound retailer to tailor his product range to the particular theatre.

A new sound mixing desk should be purchased as a matter of high priority. The new sound mixing desk for the Theatre should be a high quality mixing desk that meets industry standards and regional benchmarks. A Digital Sound Mixing Desk may be considered appropriate, now this equipment is at an affordable price point in the market.

A new sound system should utilise the latest digital control systems and network protocols to deliver exceptional sound quality on which performances will be judged by audiences.

Upgraded or new speaker rigging may be required within the auditorium ceiling and roof space to provide optimum speaker placement for perfect sound coverage.

Infrastructure wiring and patch circuits for the sound system, audio/visual and communications are minimal and inconsistent, through a series of patch up installations

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over the years. There is little logic or clarity around this ad hoc installation which appears to have been undertaken in a rush to meet current needs, rather than being a fully planned installation to future-proof the theatre operation.

It is recommended that a new digital m ulticore cable system is installed between the sound control position, Bio Box Equipment Rack and backstage sound Equipment rack located in the DS PS area of the Stage. This digital multicore cable would carry all audio signals between the FOH and BOH elements of the sound system.

At the time of planning this infrastructure upgrade the Consultant or a sound system designer should advise on a holistic approach to infrastructure wiring for sound, video, audio/visual and communications to ensure a complete and future proofed installation is put in place, all at the same time to reduce wiring and labour costs through a package approach to these systems.

A stand-alone portable foyer PA system may be purchased to facilitate a variety of functions and events that could staged around the foyers and building.

Indicative cost estimates for replacement and new sound equipment and audio/visual equipment is included in Attachment I.

A plan for new sound systems should be developed for inclusion in the equipment and upgrade programme, to ensure equipment is replaced and upgraded in accordance with projected useful life and depreciation rates.

8.4. Recommendations

A Sound System Designer should be commissioned to independently design a new sound system for the Theatre.

That an asset management plan is developed and implemented for all Sound Infrastructure and Equipment.

9. Stage Lighting System

9.1. Issues

The stage lighting installation in the Theatre is of a minimal nature that does not fully cater for contemporary production styles and flexible venue operation required of a regional theatre .

The original Stage Lighting Control Desk is worn out and in need of replacement in the short term.

Stage Lighting Dimmer Racks and patch system is worn out and uses obsolete technology that is not suitable for use into the future with energy efficient stage lighting equipment.

Existing Stage Lighting Circuits are minimal in quantity and a new installation is required to meet benchmark standard for a flexible operation of the theatre. Stage Lighting equipment is generally nearing or well beyond useful life, is not energy efficient and is becoming expensive to maintain.

Cyclorama lighting is limited for the size of the cyclorama and theatre.

The one Follow Spotlight is second hand and obsolete and should be replaced with a pair of followspots mounted on platforms as high as possible to each side of the Bio Box.

9.2. Impact on Operations

The poor state of stage lighting control desk will ultimately lead to failure and disruption of performances.

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Stage lighting dimmer racks are old and of insufficient quantity to service contemporary stage lighting rigs. Additional stage lighting dimmers are required to feed the number of stage lighting patch circuits used throughout the stage lighting system. A mixture of stage lighting dimmers and relay controlled circuits are required to control conventional, LED and automated lighting fixtures used in the stage lighting rig.

It is noted that additional stage lighting dimmer racks and consequential increased quantity of three phase power outlets will require an upgrade to the main power supply and switchboard of the building and one cannot occur without the other.

Original and older stage lighting equipment requires a greater level of maintenance and spare parts are no longer stocked for some equipment due to its age. An equipment replacement program is required to progressively bring the stage lighting inventory up to benchmark standard .

A well lit cyclorama is essential for theatre productions , particularly dance productions that make regular use of the Theatre. For many local productions lighting effects on the cyclorama are frequently used in lieu of additional scenery.

There is no side lighting for dance and musical productions. It is recommended that a horizontal stage lighting pipe is suspended 3m off the floor from the Fly Gallery PS and OP, from which energy efficient LED Par spots can be rigged to provide this important lighting, with power and data circuits run to outlets at the Fly Gallery above.

Followspots are an essential component and are expected by hirers in any well resourced theatre. The one Follow Spotlight is second hand and obsolete and should be replaced with a pair of follows pots mounted on platforms to the side of the Bio Box.

An indicative Stage Lighting Equipment List with suggested types of lighting fixtures allocated to each Stage Lighting position in the Theatre is detailed in Attachment Ill.

9.3. Proposed Solutions

It is recommended that a new Stage Lighting Desk and associated DMX/Data network is purchased and installed as a high priority. The Stage Lighting control system should allow for flexible operation of concert and theatre lighting systems in the theatre as the stage lighting equipment is progressively replaced .

It is recommended that the new Stage Lighting Patch Panel location should remain in the original seating store.area and be reconfigured to house at least two or three Patch Lead panels installed at 2000 AFL on the wall with patch leads hanging down clear of the floor, plus six to eight 12 channel Stage Lighting Dimmer/Relay Racks installed on the wall between the Patch Lead Panels, in a layout that allows patch leads to reach the dimmer outlets. At the time of proceeding with this installation, the Consultant can provide a detailed set-out of this equipment for the Electrical Contractor to use for the installation.

An indicative Stage Lighting Equipment List with suggested types of lighting fixtures allocated to each Stage Lighting position in the Theatre is detailed in Attachment Ill.

Followspots are an essential component and are expected by hirers in any well resourced theatre. The one Follow Spotlight is second hand and obsolete and should be replaced with a pair of followspots mounted on platforms to the side of the Bio Box.

Follow Spotlights (2) should be purchased as a medium to high priority.

The existing three stage lighting bars suspended on counterweight lines over the Stage are beyond useful life and should be replaced- refer to Fly system upgrade. An installation of 4 motorised stage lighting bars over the stage is recommended each with 24 x 1 OA stage lighting circuits plus 4 x DMX/data circuits for LED and automated lighting fixtures. The new Stage Lighting Bars should have cable management energy chain built in with cables run to the Grid for ease of operation. Circuits would be installed by an Electrical Contractor between the termination boxes on the Grid via a cable tray to the new Stage Lighting Patch Lead Panels .

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New stage lighting circuit outlets and DMX/data circuits from the motorised stage lighting bars and Front of House locations in the Catwalks and Side Lighting Booms and Floor boxes on the Stage should be wired back to a new Stage Lighting Patch Panel system with patch circuits installed as follows:

Location 10A Circuit DMX/Data Circuit

FOH Ceiling Slot 1 18 2 FOH Ceiling Slot 2 18 2 FOH Booms PS 6 2 FOH Booms OP 6 2 Stage Lighting Bar 1 24 4 Stage Lighting Bar 2 24 4 Stage Lighting Bar 3 24 4 Stage Lighting Bar 4 24 4 Fly Gallery PS 6 2 Fly Gallery PS 6 2 Floor PS 6 2 Floor PS 6 2 Control Position 4 Stage OS PS Control Position 4

Total 168 48

A new Stage Lighting Patch Lead Panel system will be the termination point for these 168 x 1 OA Stage Lighting Circuits and 48 x DMX/Data Circuits .

A significant capital injection will be required to facilitate the upgrade and replacement programme for Stage Lighting, but such investment will result in power savings and reduced labour costs in the long term .

A well structured asset rolling replacement programme and maintenance based on realistic useful depreciation life of all stage lighting equipment would, when fully funded, result in an asset base that is delivered and maintained at a reasonable cost and meets client expectations.

9.4. Recommendations

An Upgrade and Replacement plan is developed and implemented for all Stage Lighting Infrastructure and Equipment.

10. Asset Management

1 0.1 . Issues

Arts Margaret River would benefit from implementation of a comprehensive asset management programme to inform future capital and maintenance funding priorities.

Much of the original fit out equipment in the Theatre is falling due or overdue for replacement.

10.2. Impact on Operations

Experience in other arts venues highlights the difficulties encountered with funding agencies through not having a strategic asset management framework in place.

Implementation of a structured asset management programme should overcome uncertainty with regard to the upgrade and maintenance of the asset base in Arts Margaret River.

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Whilst development and implementation of an asset management programme is a major project for the organisation to undertake, tangible benefits should result from a clear understanding of the funding priorities that such a framework produces for Council.

10.3. Proposed Solutions

A comprehensive asset management plan should be developed and implemented to provide an asset management framework for Council to maintain the upkeep of existing facilities and to allocate funds for ongoing technological upgrade.

Development of such an asset management framework will reap rewards in the long term with a facility that has current and well maintained equipment. A structured rolling replacement program for theatre control systems and equipment will have a positive effect on staff morale and hirer satisfaction with the Theatre. ·

A schedule of industry standard depreciation rates (years) showing recommended life of equipment together with maximum life span before replacement is shown. Attachment II

10.4. Recommendations

That a comprehensive asset management framework is developed and implemented for Arts Margaret River.

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Whilst the cost estimates are high, they represent the quantum of infrastructure and equipment assets within the building fabric of the Margaret River Cultural Centre as a whole. Any replacement and upgrade programme will be structured around the age of existing assets and priorities determined for upgrade and replacement.

It is recommended that a rolling replacement programme is developed and implemented so that, with appropriate levels of funding, Arts Margaret River and Council will have a clear plan of what the annual capital funding requirement is to support the upgrade and replacement of items for each financial year.

Cost estimates have been listed for key equipment items identified in this report, including some minor building works to support technical and facility upgrades. It should be noted that these cost estimates do not include costs of implementing any significant change to the interior of the auditorium with a new fixed theatre seating scheme.

Indicative costs for a good quality fixed theatre seat with code compliant seats with a mix of timber and upholstery finish are in the range of $400 to $600 per seat installed in the theatre.

These cost estimates have then been apportioned to either OH&S or one of three priority categories for action:

OH&S Priority 1 Immediate Priority 2 Short Term Priority 3 Medium Term

Immediate action Immediate replacement Replacement within 1 - 2 years Replacement in 2 - 5 years

Cost estimate totals for these prioritised items are:

OH&S Priority 1 Immediate Priority 2 Short Term Priority 3 Medium Term

$181,500 $135,500 $480,100 $380,400

An injection of capital to undertake these works would bring the Theatre in line with com parable W A regional theatres.

The following tables show the key items identified in the review with cost estimates based on current indicative supply and installation costs.

Schedule of OH&S items requiring immediate action

Item Item Item Cost No Estimate 1.1 Counterweight Fly system for 16 Counterweight lines fully installed 180,000 20 OH&S Bio Box ladder/Door Upgrade - Estimate 1,500

TOTAL $181,500

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Attachment I Schedule of Theatre and Equipment items requiring action

Item No Item Indicative OH&S Purchase/ Purchase/ Purchase/ Cost Issue Replacement Replacement Replacement

Estimate Priority Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 High Immediate Short Medium

Term Term 1.1 Counterweight Fly system for 16

Counterweight lines fully installed 180,000 180,000 1.2 Curtain Tracks (2) 4,500 4,500 1.3 Stage Lighting Bar Motorised Winches

& Install (4) 40,000 40,000 1.4 Stage Lighting Bars (4) 37,000 37,000 1.5 House Curtain 10,000 10,000 1.6 Stage Masking Curtains 40,000 40,000 1.7 Cyclorama Cloth 4,000 4,000

Sub Total Items 1.1 - 1.7 $315,500

2.1 Foyer Paging system 15,000 15,000 2.2 Backstage Paging system 15,000 15,000 2.3 Show Relay Microphone, pre-amp &

splitter 3,000 3,000 2.4 Stage Manager Desk 4,000 4,000 2.5 Headset Communications system 10,000 10,000 2.6 Hearing Assistance Induction Loop

system and Amplifier 12,000 12,000 2.7 Stage View Camera and Controller 4000 4,000 2.8 CCTV Monitor for Stage Manager

Desk 500 500 2.9 CCTV Monitors for Foyers & Install 1,800 1,800

2. 10 Equipment Rack in Bio Box 3,000 3,000 2.11 Equipment Rack at Stage OS PS 3,000 3,000

Sub Total Items 2.1 - 2.11 $71,300

3.1 Sound Digital Multicore Cable 15,000 15,000 3.2 Sound Digital to Analogue Patch

Boxes (2) 16,000 16,000 3.3 Microphone Patch Outlets & Install

(100) 25,000 25,000 3.4 Headset Comms Patch Outlets &

Install (20) 2,500 2,500 3.5 Video Patch Outlets & Install (10) 2,500 2,500 3.6 Data Patch Outlets & Install (50) 10,000 10,000 3.7 Speaker Patch Outlets & Install (20) 6,000 6,000 3.8 Design and Documentation of system 10,000 10,000

Sub Total Items 3.1-3.8 $87,000

4.1 Audio Green Power Distribution Board and sub-main from Main Switchboard (60A3 ph) 10,000 10,000

4.2 Audio Green Power Point Installation (20) 9,000 9,000

Sub Total Items 4.1- 4.2 $19,000

5.1 Stage Switch Panel Installation 4,000 4,000 5.2 White Light circuits, Light Fittings &

Installation 12,000 12,000 5.3 Blue Light circuits, Light Fittings &

installation 10,000 10,000 5.4 Rehearsal Light circuits & installation 2,000 2,000

Sub Total Items 5.1- 5.4 $28,000

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6.1 Stage Lighting Distribution Board and Sub-main wiring from new Main Switchboard (200A 3 ph) 20,000 20,000

6.2 Three Phase Outlets (40A 3 ph) for Sta~e Li~htinQ Dimmer Racks (8) 7,200 7,200

6.3 Stage Lighting Circuit Wiring (168 x 10A circuits) 25,000 25,000

6.4 Stage Lighting DMX/Data Wiring (48 x Cat6) 7,200 7,200

6.5 Stage Lighting Patch Lead Panels for 168 x 10A Stage Lighting circuits (2-3) 8,000 8,000

6.6 Stage Lighting DMX/Data circuit termination in 6 RU wall rack 3,000 3,000

Sub Total Items 6.1 - 6.6 $70,400

7.1 New Main Switchboard 25,000 25,000 7.2 New Mains Cable to Building 25,000 25,000 7.3 New Substation to feed power to

Building TBC

Sub Total Items 7.1-7.3 $50,000

8.1 Stage Lighting Control Desk 15,000 15,000 8.2 Stage Lighting DMX/Data

Nodes/Splitters 20,000 20,000 8.3 Stage Lighting Dimmer/Relay Racks

(8) 32,000 32,000

Sub Total Items 8.1-8.3 $67,000

9.1 Followspots (2) 8,000 8,000 9.2 Profile Spotlights (50) 40,000 40,000 9.3 Fresnel and PC Si)otlights (30) 24,000 24,000 9.4 Par Floodlights- LED (40) 40,000 40,000 9.5 Cyclorama Floodlights - LED (6) . 20,000 20,000 9.6 Rehearsal Worklights- LED (1 0) 1,000 1,000

Sub Total Items 9.1 - 9.6 $133,000

10.1 Sound Mixing Desk (Industry Standard Desk) 15,000 15,000

10.2 Sound Control System Software & Install 9,000 9,000

10.3 Sound Equalisation Equipment in Rack 7,500 7,500 10.4 Microphones (20) 12000 12,000 10.5 Radio Microphones (2) 8,000 8,000 10.6 Speakers - Main PA system L&R

Array 32,000 32,000 10.7 Speakers- Main PA system C Array 8,000 8,000 10.8 Speakers- Main PA Sub Woofers 16,000 16,000 10.9 Speakers - Stage Foldback and

Effects 10,000 10,000 10.10 Playback Devices- CD, Minidisk 500 500 10.11 PA System- Portable for Foyers (1) 10,000 10,000 10.12 Microphone Stands 800 800 10.13 Microphone Cables 1,000 1,000 10.14 Multicore Cables & Stage Box 2,000 2,000

Sub Total Items 10.1 - 10.14 $122,800

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NOTE: These Items require detailed Building Quotes to confirm costs

11 Demolish Sound Room OS PS on Stage - Estimate $500 $500

12 Loading Dock/Chair Store/Side Stage Reconfiguration - Estimate $25,000 $25,000

13 FOH Lighting Catwalk upgrade -Estimate $10,000 $10,000

14 Sound Locks to Rear Stage Crossover -Estimate $10,000 $10,000

15 Sound Locks to Theatre Entrance Doors - Estimate $20,000 $10,000

16 Acoustic Wall to Sliding Door to Bar-Estimate $7,500 $10,000

17 Bio Box Upgrade and reconfigure wall -Estimate $7,500 $7,500

18 Install New House Light system with LED Downlights and Data Control system- Estimate $50,000 $50,000

19 Install Digital Projection Equipment-Estimate $90,000 $90,000

20 OH&S Bio Box Ladder/Door Upgrade -Estimate $1,500 $1 ,500

TOTALS $181,500 $135,500 $480,100 $380,400

Note: It is assumed that Arts Margaret River would allocate priorities to funding these items based on its particular operational requirements and against available funding from Council

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The following table shows typical asset management benchmark depreciation life for theatre equipment

Item Recommended Maximum Depreciation Life Usable

(Years) Life (Years) Counterweight Fly Lines 40 50 Stage Lighting Bar Motorised Winches 20 25

House Curtain 20 25 Stage Masking Curtains- Borders, Legs, Tabs 15 20 Cyclorama Cloth 5 7

Stage Manager Desk 15 20 Headset Communications System- Wired 10 15 Paging System 15 20 Equipment Racks 20 25 CCTVCamera 10 10 CCTV Monitors 10 10

Stage Lighting Control Desk 5 7 Stage Lighting DMX/data Network 10 15 Stage Lighting Dimmer Racks 15 20 Followspots 15 20 Profile Spotlights 15 20 Fresnel and PC Spotlights 15 20 Par Floodlights LED 10 10 Cyclorama Floodlights LED 10 10 Rehearsal Worklights LED 10 10 Stage Lighting Bars and Looms 20 25 Stage Lighting Patch Lead Panels 20 25

Sound Mixing Desk 5 7 Sound system Control Equipment 5 7 Sound Equalisation Equipment 10 15 Microphones 10 15 Radio Microphones 5 7 Speakers- Main PA 10 15 Speakers- Stage Fold back, Subs and Effects 15 20 Playback Devices- CD, Minidisk 5 7 Foyer PA System 10 15 Sound and Audio/visual Infrastructure Wiring and Patch Panels 20 25

Data Projector 3 5 DVD Player 3 5 Projection Screen (Cinema) 15 20 Projection Screen (Portable) 10 15

Stage Floor- Masonite 10 15

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The following is a suggested standard lighting rig that provides quality conventional and energy efficient lighting f ixtures for theatre and concert stage lighting

Item Location Suggested Allocated Lighting Equipment

1 FOH #1 Ceiling Slot (Front) 6 x Source 426 12 x Source 4 Zoom 25/50

2 FOH #2 Ceiling Slot (Rear) 2 x Source 410 12 x Source 4 Zoom 25/50 2 x Rehearsal W orklight LED

3 FOH Boom 1 PS (Front) 2 x Source 426 1 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot

4 FOH Boom 1 OP (Front) 2 x Source 426 1 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot

5 FOH Boom 2 PS (Rear) 2 x Source 426 1 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot

6 FOH Boom 2 OP (Rear) 2 x Source 426 1 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot

7 Lighting Bar #1 10 x Ram a Fresnel 1.2k 7 x Source 4 Junior Zoom 25/50 2 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot 2 x Rehearsal W orklight LED

8 Lighting Bar #2 10 x Rama Fresnel1 .2k 5 x Source 4 Junior Zoom 25/50 4 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot 2 x Rehearsal W orklight LED

9 Lighting Bar #3 10 x Ram a Fresnel 1.2k 5 x Source 4 Junior Zoom 25/50 6 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot 2 x Rehearsal W orklight LED

10 Lighting Bar #4 4 x Source 4 Junior Zoom 25/50 6 x Philips P2 CYC LED 8 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot 2 x Rehearsal W orklight LED

11 Side Lighting Bar PS 4 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot

12 Side Lighting Bar OP 4 x Philips SL Par 150 LED Spot

13 Floor Stands on Stage 2 x Source 4 Junior Zoom 25/50 2 x Selecon Rama Fresnel 1.2k

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Attachment IV



Stage Masking Curtains shall be manufactured by a recognised Stage Curtain Manufacturer.

Stage Masking Curtains to be made with theatrical fabrics that meet or exceed Fire Indices for Curtains used in Theatres in W A.

All Curtains to have: • Top Hem with 50mm black webbing with black eyelets at 200 centres and black ties

knotted in the eyelet • Side Hem of 50mm minimum • Bottom with a 100mm hem with a 75mm Calico Chain Pocket and Chain fitted inside the

hem • Fullness as listed • Fabric to be at least 520 gsm weight • Confirm all measurements on site

Option 1

I (pair 4 4 (pair) 2 (pair) 1

Option 2

I (pair} 4 4 (pair} 2 (pair} 1


Use Velour for House Curtain and Velour for Black Curtains

House Curtain 6m wide x 5.5m drop 100% fullness velvet and flat Black backing Borders Black Velour 12m x 2.5m flat plus 25mm conduit tail pipe Legs Black Velour 3m wide 6m drop 1 00% fullness Tabs Black Velour6m wide 6m drop 100% fullness White Cyclorama Filled Cloth 12m wide 6m drop plus 25mm tail pipe

Use Velour for House Curtain and Wool for Black Curtains

House Curtain 6m wide x 5.5m drop 100% fullness velvet and flat Black backing Borders Black Wool 12m x 2.5m flat plus 25mm conduit tail pipe Legs Black Wool 3m wide 6m drop 100% fullness Tabs Black Wool6m wide 6m drop 100% fullness White Cyclorama Filled Cloth 12m wide 6m drop plus 25mm tail pipe

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Attachment V



The Theatre Fly System and Stage Lighting Bar installation is to be manufactured by a recognised Theatre Rigging Manufacturer and Installation Contractor.

The Theatre Fly System shall conform to all relevant Australian Standards and Crane Codes applicable to complete or sections of Theatre Fly Systems and Stage Lighting Bars.

The Stage Rigging Contractor shall inspect the site and take all necessary measurements for the installation.

The Stage Rigging Contractor shall produce Shop Drawings for approval of the Consultant prior to installation.

The Stage Rigging Contractor shall remove for disposal, or recycling, the existing counterweight installation in its entirety, including grinding off and making good all welds that were used to locate the existing Head Blocks and Loft Blocks

The Stage Rigging Contractor shall negotiate with Council over the potentia l supply of any Scaffold or Height Access equipment required to undertake the installation.

NOTE- It is essential that batten "Drift" is as high as possible (50mm below Loft Beams) to allow all Battens to be flown fully out to the Grid- Adjust wire length to suit limited Cradle travel and keep trim chain length as short as possible. Consider using an alternate rigging method for the Batten Clamps and Trim Chains by using a Rated Turnbuckle installed along the top of the Batten to maximise the Drift.

The new Fly system will provide as a minimum 16 Counterweight Fly Line sets (36 Maximum) at 200mm centres and 4 Motorised Stage Lighting Bars as follows:

1 500kg Batten - Main Curtain (House Curtain) 1 500kg Batten- Cinema Screen (existing Cinema Screen & Frame) 4 300kg Batten- Stage Masking Border Curtains (overhead masking curtains) 4 300kg Batten - Stage Masking Leg Curtains (side masking curtains) 1 300kg Batten - Mid Stage Traverse Curtains (Tabs) 1 300kg Batten- Rear Stage Traverse Curtains (Tabs) 1 300kg Batten- White Cyclorama Cloth (Cyc) 3 300kg Batten - Scenery (Hirers scenery) 4 500kg Motorised Stage Lighting Bars with Cable Management

The Fly System installation shall include: • Unistrut wall frame to the sheer brick wallOP for Guide Rails (39 maximum) • Aluminium Guide Rails fitted to Unistrut Frame for 16 Line Sets at 200mm centres • Counterweight Cradle with Nylon Guide Shoes and built heavy to "Equal Empty Batten

Weight" installed as per the set-out plan • Hardwood Timber Top and Bottom Buffer Stop fitted to Guide Rails • Return Sheaves for 16 Line Sets • Rope Lock Rail with Blackboard at 45 degrees and 1 OOmm kick rai l at stage floor • Rope Locks with padlock locking facility for 16 Line Sets • Head Blocks installed to top of Head Beam and attached to Angle Iron wall bracket for 16

Line Sets • Loft Blocks ( 4,3,2, 1 wire with wire guides- over rigged) installed to top of Loft Beams 4 per

set for 16 Line Sets • 6mm minimum Wire Ropes with swaged ends and eyes and Rated Shackle fitted 4 per set

for 16 Line Sets • Trim Chain -large link 300mm long to 4 lines per set for 16 Line Sets • Carabina (Snap Hook) for end of Trim Chain • Batten Clamp with Ring or Rated Shackle 4 per line set for 16 Line Sets • Batten- RHS 75 x 50mm 12 long thick wall , welded and sleeved joints, painted black

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• Hauling Rope 24mm Hemp Rope with Sliced Eye at top of Cradle and whipped end for tension tie to bottom of Cradle

• Diversion Sheaves (2 x 90 degree per line) for 3 upstage Line Sets to be installed on the Grid floor in rigid brackets - Note -avoid obstruction of Grid access ladder

• Leg Return Arms- install 4 pairs of Leg Return Arms to the ends of battens as indicated on the plans. Leg Arm to be 50x25 RHS with a double swivel "knuckle joint" with a fixed attachment point to the end of the nominated batten. Leg Return Arm to have a ring or eye welded to the end for attachment of a sash cord tie line

• Leg Return Arms to be 600mm long (No 1 Legs) and 1 ,OOOmm long (No 2, 3, 4 Legs & Rear Tabs)

• Paint Leg Return Arms Matt black • Leg Return Arm to have a 12m length of sash cord to tie it off to the mesh on the Grid, to

"Arm " the Leg Return Arm downstage when the Leg Batten is flown in to its working trim, allowing the Leg Return Arm to swing free when the Leg Batten is flown out

The Motorised Stage Lighting Bar System installation shall include: • Jands Motorised Pile Wind Hoist 500kg payload • Mount Hoist on Grid Floor over Stage or at the PS Grid Wall on rig id steel brackets • Loft Blocks (4,3,2, 1 wire with wire guides - over rigged) installed to top of Loft Beams 4 per

set for 16 Line Sets • 5mm SWR Wire Ropes with swaged end and eye and rated Shackle- 4 per Hoist • Jands JLX PRO 12 m long Stage Lighting Bar • 24 x 1 OA ci rcuits plus 4 x DMX/Data Outlets with XLR 5pin outlets • 40mm Numbering to all outlets to approved number schedule • Cable Management system and Energy Chain Bin on top of PS end of Lighting Bar for

Multicore and DMX/Data Cables with Energy Chain and associated rigid mounting hardware (Allow 9m travel for cables)

• Socapex Outlet Box to mount on a bracket above the Grid for 24 circuits plus 4 DMX/Data outlets, directly above the Lighting Bar (Circuit wiring from Stage Lighting Patch Lead Panels by others)

• Power Isolator to Hoist- 15A single Phase circuit per Hoist (Circuit wiring from DB by others)

• Data Control Circuit from Hoist Control Box wired in Rigid PVC Conduit down to the Side Stage USPS for a Data Connection Box for the Hoist Pendant Controls (4) to plug in (Position TBC)

• Pendant Controls ( 4) to each have a 1Om flexible Data Cable with industrial connectors fitted and strain relief to the SAX Controller

• Wall mounted frame for 4 x SAX 1 Pendant Controllers (design to be approved) to be stored with cable hooks for flexible cables to be coiled

The Fly Gallery Stage Lighting Bar System installation shall include: • Stage Lighting Bar (Pipe) suspended from the Fly Gallery above PS and OP at 3m off the

stage floor for Stage Lighting Side Lighting Spotlights • Stage Lighting Bar of 48.3mm Pipe 7m long- one per side of the Stage • Barrel Clamps (4) along Lighting Bar - 500mm from each end and 2m between clamps • SWR 6mm Swaged Wire Rope with Rated Shackle from the Barrel Clamp up to Fly Gallery

and clamped with an approved clamp and Rated Shackle to the Fly Gallery • Wire Rope length to be confirmed on site

Confidential 12/06/2013 Page 35

Page 39: 24 JULY 2013 - Shire of Augusta-Margaret River · 2013-10-23 · PERTH WA 6000 F316 PERTH WA 6814 ' (08) 9214 0400 (08) 9226 0577 waec@waec wa.gov.au  wa gov au FSISO 52C

~ -o





8000 7800







6400 6200


5800 5600





4600 4400



3800 3600




2800 2600



1800 1600




800 600




39 White Cyclorama • Dive rt 38 Scenery Batten -Hirers - Divert

37 Rear Black Tabs on Track · Divert

36 35


" '' Lightmg Bn 4

31 30 Black l~g~

29 Black Border

" 27 Scenery Batten -Hi rers


25 24

" Lighting Bar 3

" 21 Mid Blilt k tabs on Track

20 Black Legs

19 Black Border

18 17 ~neory Batte-n- Hire rs



14 Ughtin~ Bar 2

" 12 Cmema Saccn 11 Black Legs

10 Black Bor der


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2 Black Borde r

1 House Curtain - Tabs on Track


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Page 40: 24 JULY 2013 - Shire of Augusta-Margaret River · 2013-10-23 · PERTH WA 6000 F316 PERTH WA 6814 ' (08) 9214 0400 (08) 9226 0577 waec@waec wa.gov.au  wa gov au FSISO 52C


11.1.2 Attachment 2

ELEMENTAL DETAIL ,vi . " . l'll' I I 0 t

W 0 0 L \ I. l D

Project: Augusta Margaret River Cultural Centre Details: Preliminary Cost Indication

Building: Augusta Margaret River Cultural. Centre

Item Item Description No.


CEMQ!.II!QNS ANQ AL TI;BAIIQ~S -124 Remove existing bitumen


Gallery Lobby

125 New foyer area added to existing floor slab including waterproofing mabrane etc

126 New glass wall to east facade

127 Extra over for auto double slidrng doors

128 Extra over for column to support the glass wall

129 Vertical sunshades to east facade

130 New roof framing to extended building area

131 Allow for additional steel works to existing roof frame to suit new construction

132 Roof covering & roof insulation on and including safety mesh ( including existing lobby area)

133 Extra over for polycarbonate roof skylights

134 Allow for roof plumbing

135 Ply veneer supawood acoustic ceiling panels including insulation

136 Extra over for forming skyhghtlrghting shaft etc.,

137 Floor covering - considered as carpet {P.C. $501m2 supply)

138 Floor covering to existing area considered as remaining

139 New electrical services to foyer and auditorium

140 Air conditioning to the foyer and auditorium

141 Allow to make good to existing face brick walls and re-painting

142 Allow for storm water disposal system to suit new roof covering


143 New walls to form store

144 Hardwall plaster & Painting

145 Plasterboard ceiling finiShes including insulation & Painting

146 Floor finishes - vinyl (P C. $601m2 supply)

147 New electrical services

148 Shelving to store

149 Bar Counter

150 Bar cupboard

151 Overhead cupboard

152 Bar fit-out

153 New electrical services to Arts M/R Office and Store

CostX Job No: 1597

Page 6 of 14

Cost Base Date: July 2013 Date of Printing: 12/07/2013



Quantity Unit

33 m2

151 m2

23 m2

1 No.


26 m2

207 m2


207 m2



198 m2


132 m2






44 m2

87 m2

9 rn2

33 m2


6 m

7 m

7 m

7 m



Rate Amount


8.00 264

55 8,305

750 17,250

10,800 10,800


1,050 27.300

155 32,085

" 1,350

72 14,904



290.00 57,420


70 9,240





65 2,860

42 3,654

108 972

87 2,871


450 2,700

1,100 7,700

950 6,650

485 3,395



WILDE AND WOOLLARD Unit 1 I Ground Floor

1008 Wellington Street

West Perth, WA 6005 J'

Page 41: 24 JULY 2013 - Shire of Augusta-Margaret River · 2013-10-23 · PERTH WA 6000 F316 PERTH WA 6814 ' (08) 9214 0400 (08) 9226 0577 waec@waec wa.gov.au  wa gov au FSISO 52C

ELEMENTAL DETAIL ,vi Project: Augusta Margaret River Cultural Centre

Building: Augusta Margaret River Cultural Centre

Item Item Description No.


$.1te. Preparation

154 Remove topsoil and form building pad

155 External paving

156 Landscaping


157 Design Contingency

158 Contract Contingency

159 Preliminaries

160 Locality Allowance




161 Unless indicated on the preliminary drawings, all specifications are assumed

162 No new finishes to existing areas considered in this cost report


163 Goods & Services Tax. (G.S.T.)

164 Excavation in rock.

165 Window treatments

166 Sewer extension outside the site boundary

167 Power up-grade.

168 Transformer

·159 Furniture & Equipment

170 Extension of School Insurance

171 Architect's & Consutants' Fees

172 Disbursement (DA Fees, Building Licence Fee,Building Surveyor Fees, Independent Certifier Fees)

173 Q.S Fees- Cost Planning

174 Q.S Fees - Bill Of Quantities

175 Q.S Fees - Contract Administration

176 Escalation


CostX Page 7 of 14

Job No: 1597 Cost Base Date: July 2013 Date of Printing: 12/07/2013

••• W OOt t AID

Details: Preliminary Cost Indication

Quantity Unit










Rate Amount









.. 469,654

WILDE AND WOOLLARD Unit 1 I Ground Floor

1008 Welling1on Street ,01 West Perth, WA 6005 , f