2415 web lec 18 sourcesofmagneticfield ii

Sources of Magnetic Field II Physics 2415 Lecture 18 Michael Fowler, U a

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Sources of Magnetic Field II

Physics 2415 Lecture 18

Michael Fowler, Ua

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 !oday"s !o#ics

• More a$out solenoids

• %iot&Sa'art law

• Magnetic (aterials

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)(#*re"s Law+ eneral -ase• )(#*re"s Law states that for

any (agnetic .eld generated $ya steady /ow of electricalcurrents, if we ta0e an ar$itraryclosed #ath in s#ace andintegrate around it, then

where now I  is the total netcurrent /owing across anysurface ha'ing the #ath ofintegration as its $oundary,such as the $lue surface shown


• 0 B d I  µ × =∫    l2

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-o(#act Muon Solenoid-MS

• May$e the $iggestsolenoid e'er9thestrong (agnetic .eld4! is inside thecentral solenoid,inner dia(eter :(,length 1;( !he .eldis there to cur'e the

#aths of #articles#roduced, to (easuretheir charge and(ass !he unit

weighs 12,5<< tons

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 !he First Sign of )nti(atter

• -loud cha($er trac0 of a#article, 1=;2

•  !he central line is a lead#late !here is a downward

#er#endicular % .eld•  !he tighter cur'ature in

the to# half (eans aslower #article>so it ca(e

fro( $elow !he cur'aturethen tells us it"s a#ositi'ely charged #article>it"s a #ositron, anantielectron

-ould it $e a #roton? @o>for theo$ser'ed cur'ature, the #roton would

ha'e to $e 'ery slow, and would create(any water dro#lets in this cloud

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 !oroidal Solenoid

•  !his is doughnut sha#ed+ ta0ean ordinary solenoid, $end itaround so the ends (eet, andthe line along the center of thesolenoid $eco(es a circle !hisgeo(etry can contain a #las(awithout needing end (irrors

• Ae show here a cross section,

li0e cutting a doughnut fortoasting+ the current is into thescreen at the outside, co(ingout on the inside

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Field of !oroidal Solenoid

• Using )(#*re"s law to .nd the.eld inside the solenoid+

• Fro( sy((etry, the .eld#oints anticloc0wise as shown

•  !he white dashed #ath is acircle of radius r  !he graysurface co'ering it is cut $ye'ery turn of the wire, total

current NI • )(#*re"s law


gi'es i((ediately

0 encl B d I  µ × =∫    l



 NI  B


π =

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-lic0er Buestion

•  !he .eld outside atoroidal solenoid+

) Cecreases as 16r  with distancefro( the center ofthe solenoid

% Cecreases as 16r 2

- Is Dero


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-lic0er )nswer

•  !he .eld outside atoroidal solenoid+

) Cecreases as 16r  with distancefro( the center ofthe solenoid

% Cecreases as 16r 2

- Is Dero


) surface s#anning the dotted circle will ha'e Derototal current #enetrating>as (uch u# as down, sothe )(#ere integral is Dero

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 !he %iot&Sa'art Law•

 !he electric .eld fro(any distri$ution ofcharges can $e found $yadding or integrating

ter(s fro( each$it of charge

•  !he (agnetic analog isthe %iot&Sa'art law+ for

any collection of wirecurrents, add together.elds fro( current $its+

wea0er .eld

shown dar0e





 I  d r dB




uurr   l

2ˆ /kqr r  

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 !he %iot&Sa'art Law•

Field fro( a .nite lengthof straight wire+

•  !he .eld at the #oint inthe .gure is inward, andhas (agnitude

• Using R E & y tanθ   we .nd











 I   d r dB




uurr   l









 I  dy

 B r 

 µ    θ 

π =


( )0

1 2cos cos


 I  B

  µ θ θ 

π = −

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-lic0er Buestion

• Su##ose we ha'e two current ele(ents+is at the origin, #ointing along the  x&


  is at  x E 1,  y E <,  z  E < and #oints inthe z &direction

-all the force of 1 on 2

• Coes ?

) es

% @o




1 1 I d 


2 2 I d 


12 F r

12 21 F F = −

r r

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-lic0er )nswer•

Su##ose we ha'e two currentele(ents+is at the origin, #ointing along

the x&a3is,

  is at  x E 1,  y E <,  z  E < and#oints in the  z &direction

-all the force of 1 on 2

• Coes ?) es

% @o




Ahat if the two current ele(ents are Gust charged#articles (o'ing through s#ace? Ahat a$out @ewton"s

 !hird Law? It turns out that the total (o(entu( of thetwo #articles is not conserved + there is (o(entu(

1 1 I d rl

2 2 I d 


12 F r

12 21 F F = −

r r

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Field on the )3is of a-urrent Loo#

•  !he 'ectors andare always at rightangles, and adding the

contri$utions fro( theHs going around thecircle, only contri$utionsalong the a3is sur'i'e

also o$'ious fro(sy((etry !he su( ofthe dℓ "s is 2π  R, so the.eld is







d uurl   r 



( )

2 2

0 0 0

3/ 22 32 2

12 sin

4 2 2

 I I I  R R B R

r r   R x

 µ µ µ π θ 

π = = =


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Ferro(agnetic Materials

•  !he ato(s of Fe, -o and @i and rareearths are little (agnets+ in theinco(#letely .lled shell of electrons, the

electron s#ins line u#>and electrons arethe(sel'es (agnets

•  !he ato(s also line u# (agnetically withtheir neigh$ors

• )ll this lining u# is fully e3#lained $yuantu( (echanics and cannot $ee3#lained otherwise

So why isn"t e'ery #iece of iron (agnetic?

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• Jecall the electric .eld was astore of energy>we"ll see thisis also true of the (agnetic.eld !his (eans (aterials willtend to arrange the(sel'es to(ini(iDe the energy in the(agnetic .eld

For e3a(#le, a single crystal ofiron will rearrange its ato(orientation into do(ains+ the(agnetic .eld is then fars(aller

C i i 7 t l

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  Co(ains in 73ternalFields

In an e3ternal (agnetic .eld, the do(ain structurechanges+ do(ains #ointing with the a##lied .eldgrow !he (aterial $eco(es (agnetiDed

%ar0hausen eKect+ (o'e a(agnet ra#idly near (agnetic(aterial, and the (o'ing

do(ain walls (a0e a noise asthey (o'e #ast i(#urities, etcUseful for assessing (aterial


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ard and Soft MagneticMaterials

• Ae"'e seen how the do(ains can grow andshrin0 in res#onse to e3ternal .elds ow readilythis ha##ens for a #articular (aterial de#ends onhow easily the do(ain walls can (o'e !hey canget hung u# on lattice defects or i(#urities, etc

• ) soft (agnet iron has do(ain walls that (o'eeasily It readily $eco(es (agnetiDed in ane3ternal .eld, $ut can easily lose that(agnetiDation if su$Gect to 'i$ration

• ) #er(anent (agnet is less easy to #roduce, $ut0ee#s its (agnetiDation>do(ain walls don"t

(o'e easily

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• 7lectro(agnets are solenoidswith iron inside to (agnify the(agnetic .eld

• In the electro(agnetic door$ell,#ressing the $utton closes thecircuit, the (agnet #ulls the $arand s(all ha((er forward toring the $ell>and also to $rea0

the circuit, which #asses alongthe $ar to a contact at the to# !he cycle re#eats as long as the$utton is #ressed