242-203 comp. eng. sw lab ii: fp with scheme 1 computer eng. software lab ii 242-203, semester 2,...

242-203 Comp. Eng. SW Lab II: FP with Scheme Computer Eng. Software Lab II 242-203, Semester 2, 2014-2015 Who I am: Andrew Davison CoE, WiG Lab Office [email protected] Functional Programming with Scheme Please ask questions

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Page 1: 242-203 Comp. Eng. SW Lab II: FP with Scheme 1 Computer Eng. Software Lab II 242-203, Semester 2, 2014-2015 Who I am: Andrew Davison CoE, WiG Lab Office

242-203 Comp. Eng. SW Lab II: FP with Scheme 1

Computer Eng. Software Lab II242-203, Semester 2, 2014-2015

Who I am:Andrew DavisonCoE, WiG Lab Office [email protected]

Functional Programming with Scheme

Please askquestions

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242-203 Comp. Eng. SW Lab II: FP with Scheme 2


1. Why Scheme?

2. Constants (names)

3. Functions

4. Lists

5. No-name Functions: lambda

6. cond

7. Recursion


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242-203 Comp. Eng. SW Lab II: FP with Scheme 3

8. Higher Order Functions

9. Using DrScheme

10. More Information

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242-203 Comp. Eng. SW Lab II: FP with Scheme 4

1. Why Scheme?

• Scheme is one of the simpler functional programming languages– a Scheme program is a collection of functions

• Scheme also has assignment for greater programming flexibility– but it is not needed in most programs


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• Scheme has plenty of advanced features– e.g. first-class functions

• function body code can be manipulated as data• data can be used as function body code

• Scheme is used in lots of Artficial Intelligence (AI) projects and textbooks.

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2. Constants (names)

myPi is evaluated thenprinted

'myPi is not evaluated

More details on howto use DrScheme aregiven in Section 9.

myPi is defined here

'pi is pre-defined

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3. Functions

• A function call is written as:(operator arg1 arg2 … argn)

• For example:(+ 2 3) means 2 + 3

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Function Call Examples

The + operator(and other arithmetic)operators can takeany number ofarguments.

The same as: (2+3)*(1+2)

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Test Functions (Predicates)

• Test functions return boolean values true or false.

• Their names end with a '?'– e.g. number? char?

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Defining Functions (v.1)

Similar C code is: int sq(int x) { return x*x; }

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Similar C code is: int myMax(int x,int y) { if (x > y) return x; else return y; }

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Combining Functions

• Scheme functions can be easily combined together– make a function call be the argument of another


function callarguments

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4. Lists

• List values are placed inside (list …):– (list ) // an empty list– (list 1 2 3) // a list of numbers– (list 'a 'b 'c) // a list of names– (list (list 1 2) (list 2 3 4)) // a list of

two lists

• If the language includes list abbreviations, then (list ...) can be written as '(...)– '(1 2 3) is the same as (list 1 2 3)

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Basic List Operations• (null? x)

– returns true is x is an empty list; otherwise returns false

• (car x)– returns the first element (head) of a non-empty

list x• (cdr x)

– returns the tail of a non-empty list x• everything except the first element


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• (cadr x)– returns the head element of the tail of x

• (cons h l)– makes a new list where the head is h, the tail is l

• (list arg1 arg2 … argn)– places all of its arguments into a new list

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List Operation Examples

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plusList plusList pulls out the first two arguments of alist and adds them

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Some Other Useful List Functions

• (length x)– returns the length of a list x

• (append x y)– makes a new list by appending list x onto the

front of list y• (reverse x)

– makes a list by reversing the list x

and many, many more...


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combining reverseand append

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5. No-name Functions: lambda

Similar to the C-like code: int ??(int x) { return x *x; }

Similar to a C-likefunction call: ??(3)

The language 'level' must beincreased for lambda to be supported.

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Defining Functions (v.2)

Similar to the C-like code: sq2 = int ??(int x) { return x * x; }

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Why have lambda?

• For simple examples (like ours), there is no need for lambda.

• lambda becomes very useful in higher order programming, where data and functions need to be translated into each other– e.g. parsing, AI

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6. cond: the multi-branch if

Similar to the C code: int sizer(int x) { if (x == 0) return 0; else if (x > 0) return 1; else return -1; }

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7. Recursion

• Base case:– the function returns an answer and stops

• Recursion step:– the body of the function calls itself (with

smaller arguments)

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length Defined

recursive step

base case

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append Defined

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member Defined mem? is a predicate(a test function)

mem is the wrongname

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8. Higher Order Functions

• A higher order function has 1 or more arguments which are function names– higher order functions are also called


• Higher order functions are very important to advanced functional programming and AI.

An ‘Intermediate Student’ feature

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• (apply f x)– its first argument, f, is a function name– its second argument, x, is the input for f– same as executing (f x)

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• (map f x)– returns a list by applying the function f to each

element of the list x

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map and plusList

plusList is appliedto the 4 lists in theinput list.

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9. Using DrScheme

• Download the installation program for DrScheme from:



• The filename:plt-4.1.4-bin-i386-win32.exe

• Installs on Windows XP or later– the installation is called PLT Scheme, v4.1.4

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• Start DrScheme from the Windows Start menu item PLT Scheme:

definitions go here

execute functionshere

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Some Notes

• Set the language mode to “Beginning Student with List Abbreviations”– under the Language >

Choose Language menu item


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• Press the "Run" button after adding a new function to the definitions window– this makes the new function visible down in the

execution window

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Create a Scheme Programusing any text editor

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Load myMax.scmuse the File/Open menu item

Press the "Run" button for the execution window to appear at the bottom.

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Use the myMax Function

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• Alternatively, you can type the function into DrScheme's definition window, and save it from there.– you get colour-coded syntax, indenting

(tabbing), and error checking as you type

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10. More Information

• The "Help/ Help Desk" menu item:

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PLT Scheme Racket

• PLT Scheme v.5 was renamed to be called Racket– two websites:

• http://plt-scheme.org/ (frozen in 2010)• http://racket-lang.org/ (active)

• At the beginner's level (i.e. for us), there's no difference between the two languages.