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Targeting, Re-Targeting, Optimization

Smart Versioning Slides

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Contents▸ Cos’è SV Pro?

▸ Flusso

▸ Case study

▸ Benefici Quantificabili

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SV Pro is easy performance.

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Smart Versioning

▸ To site visits

▸ To ad engagement

▸ To ad exposure


▸ By click/conversion

▸ By engagement

▸ By geo-location

▸ By demographics

▸ By publisher keyword


▸ To geo-location

▸ To publisher keyword

▸ To demographics


Creative Production Tools

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Personalizza i messaggi locali

▸ Local store information and contacts▸ Local weather▸ Local products▸ Local store promotion▸ Local coupon

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Publisher Keyword Targeting

▸ Target basato su publisher keyword

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Targeting Demografico

▸ Imposta le preferenze di target sulla base di informazioni demografiche

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Opzioni Multiple di Audience Retargeting

Visita Recente al Sito

Esposto Recentemente

Previously Dwell

Easily tag campaigns to work with exchange inventory

*only available using Smart Trading

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Visita Recente al Sito





1. Il consumatore visita il sito web2. L’audience è taggata 3. L’Audience viene ritrovata via exchange o premium4. Il messaggio è retargettizato incorporandoi prodotti visti in precedenza

Il consumatore sfoglia i vari prodotti…

Product A Product BProduct CProduct D

A. B.

C. D.

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Esposto Recentemente





1. Il Consumatore viene esposto ad una campagna2. L’Audience viene taggata 3. L’Audience viene ritrovata, via exchange o premium4. Il messaggio successivo viene visualizzato in sequenza

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Previously Dwelled





1. Il Consumatore si sofferma su un annuncio2. L’Audience è taggata 3. L’Audience viene ritrovata via exchange o premium4. Il messaggio successivo viene visualizzato in


*only available using Smart Trading

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Fine del Funnel

Targeted FrequencyNew

Customer, Rich


Fornire dei suggerimenti Presentare

un Piano Tariffario

Ciclo di Acquisto del Cliente

Aquista ORA!

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Search Beahvior

Previous Exposure (to Site, Ad, or






Interest Category (Sports, Finance, Etc)

Conversion Rate

Engagement Rate

Click Rate

▸ Target Audience Group 1Geo: New York City

Age: 25-34

Has visited the site

Success: Conversion Rate

▸ Target Audience Group 2Geo: Los Angeles

Age: 35-54

Previously Dwelled

Searched for ‘nutrition’

Success: Engagement Rate

Algoritmo di Ottimizzazione

Target Audience(s)

Version 1

Version …10000

Version 2

Version 3

Version 4

Version 5…

Version 1

Version …10000

Version 2

Version 3

Version 4

Version 5…

Optimizes to best performing version per ‘Target Audience’ for a single placement or across multiple placements

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Ottimizza i migliori prodotti, offerte o creatività attraverso la Geo-Localizzazione

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Ottimizzazione Retargetizzata

1. Audience visita il sito2. Gioca

3. Ottimizza tra I migliori messaggi ritargettizzati

Version #1: Gioca ancora

Version #2: Offerta

Version #3: Cross-Sell

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Ottimizzazione Demografica

Maschio 25-35

Femmina 25-35

▸ Key-value passati dal 3rd party o dal publisher

Living Room Sofas Kitchen Bedding0


















in R


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Keyword Optimization

▸ Ottimizza sul miglior prodotto, creatività miglior performante, etc. per gruppi di keyword

Bedroom set

Bedroom set

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Workflow that flows

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4 Steps to Creating SV Campaigns

Step 2: Define Audience

▸ Creative- Geo

- Keyword/Demo

- Retargeting

▸ Media- By Placement

Step 1: Define Master Ad

Step 4:Set Optimization/Rotation

▸ Rotation

▸ Optimization

Step 3:Define Method of Version Creation

▸ Manual Process

▸ Excel Upload

▸ Data Feed

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Features efficaci per risparmiare tempo

▸ Apporta modifiche di massa ai banners tramite excel e caricamento collettivo per l'applicazione in automatico alla campagna

Al fine di targettizzare in modo efficace o ottimizzare una

campagna, è necessariala capacità di definire

molte versioni ele loro caratteristiche ...


▸ Abilita xml data feed per aggiornare e dettare il contenuto dell’annuncio

▸ Aggiorna product / offersbased on what’s “hot” one-commerce sites

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Mass Versioning Master Ad

Using Smart Versioning Pro

Yahoo - RON Delivery group(s) are attached to


Ad Copy Product 1

Ad Copy Product 2

Versions are created for each target group per product or offer for



Ad Copy Product 3

Ad Copy Product 1

Ad Copy Product 2


Ad Copy Product 3

Ad Copy Product 1

Ad Copy Product 2


Ad Copy Product 3

Ad Copy Product 1

Ad Copy Product 2


Ad Copy Product 3

Rotation Target Audience1. Geo-

London/Paris/etc.2. Gender- M/F

Smart ItemsText, images, products, etc.


Optimization, Weighted/etc.

Delivery Group Frequency Default Ad

A single mass versioning ad is attached to delivery group

All ad settings are handled in excel or .xml, this is set-

up in mass versioning master ad

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Best Practices (Do’s)

1. Elabora la Strategia

- Definisci gli obbiettivi della campagna: Conversioni? Engagement?

- Traduci quello che sai riguardo alla tua Audience in offerte.

2. Raggiungi la tua audience

- Segmenta chiaramente per evitare sprechi.

- Guidali attraverso il funnel di conversione.

3. Crea

- Fai in modo che le versioni creative siano diverse le une dall’altre in modo significativo; differenti offerte, promozioni o prodotti.

- Mantieni le creatività “fresche” e butta via prontamente quelle non performanti.

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Insidie (Don’ts)

1. L’Ottimizzazione non sostituisce la strategia – Algoritmi sofisticati non sostituiscono una solida strategia e la familiarità dell’inserzionista con la target audience.

2. Testa tutto in una volta – Il volume delle versioni creative ha bisogno di essere bilanciato contro il rischio di perdere il controllo di ciò che è in esecuzione e dove; altrimenti sarà una sfida analizzare e comprendere appieno i risultati.

3. Bassi Volumi / brevi campagne – E 'meglio usare SVP con campagne scalabili, al fine di costruire pool di cookies adeguati per l'ottimizzazione.


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Case Study

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Smart Versioning + Ottimizzazione Automatica

Ugualmente Distribuito

0.15% CTR


0.82% CTR


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Benefici Quantificabili

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Pagheresti un CPM più alto per un

placement targettizato? ”“


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Cost savings worksheet: media & servingAdjust highlighted figures as relevantOverall Budget (Media + Serving) 20,000,000$ Current average CTR 0.09%

Cost AssumptionsTypical Performance buy eCPM (Network, Blind, Exchange) 0.70$ Typical Ad Serving costs (Standard Banners) 0.06$ MM Smart Banner costs (for Performance buy) 0.21$

Bundles eCPM for standard banner + Performance buy 0.76$ Bundled eCPM for Smart Banner + Performance buy 0.91$

Performance AssumptionLift over industry CTR with Smart Versioning 73%Based on analysis of over 6B optimized standard banners

CalculationsEstimated CTR using Smart Versioning 0.16%

Estimated Current CPC 0.84$ Estimated CPC with Smart Versioning 0.58$

Benefit: Cost per click should decrease on average by 31%

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Case Studywithout Smart Versioning

= $48,500 = $3,500



$3,500 production costs for master ad

$1500 production costs per version

30 number of versions

$3,500 production costs for

master ad

$0 production costs per version

30 number of versions

with Smart Versioning

Cost savings: production

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SV Pro Team supporto ad ogni fase della campagna

Creative Manager

SV Pro Specialist

Account Manager

Project Management

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Project Management


•Strategic support – help set up framework

•Understand client objectives / requirements

•Creative support if required


•Campaign set up

•Xml feeds

•Test creative


•Monitor /optimise campaign

•Provide weekly reporting

•Analyse recommend optimisations

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Using Smart Versioning Basic

Yahoo - RON Delivery group(s) are attached to

placements from media plan

Ad CopyOffer A

M/ London

Ad CopyOffer A

F/ London

Ad Copy Default

Ad Versions are automatically created for all


Delivery Group #1


Rotation Target AudienceServing Logic

Limit 3

Even1. Geo- London

2. Gender- M

Smart ItemsText Offer/Product

ImageMaster Ad

Delivery Group #2


Rotation Target AudienceServing Logic

Limit 3

Even1. Geo- London

2. Gender- F

Smart ItemsText Offer/Product

ImageMaster Ad

Ad CopyOffer B

M/ London

Ad CopyOffer B

F/ London

Create delivery

group for each target audience on plan