25. medicinal plants by allah dad khan


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Page 1: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan
Page 2: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan

Uses of medicinal PlantsBy Allah Dad Khan

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Page 11: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan
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Page 13: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan
Page 14: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan
Page 15: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan

The benefits of ashwagandha are many; in addition to promoting fertility, aiding in wound care, and boosting the immune system, some other benefits are:

Diuretic Sleep aid Galactogogue Anti-epileptic Anti-tumor Pain relief Eye health Heart tonic Lowers cholesterol Regulates blood sugar Reduces depression and anxiety Combats stress Fights cognitive decline due to brain cell degeneration

13. Aswagandha ( Witthania somnifera)

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Garlic Numerous double-blind studies have shown that

garlic is a powerful herb for treating cancer. Naturopaths have been using raw garlic, and even garlic juice or soups, to treat cancer for ages. Garlic has even proven to kill brain cancer cells (in addition to colon cancers) without harming healthy cells, and with no side effects. Add some onions and broccoli, and you’ve got a cancer fighting power-house.

It is also a staple of the Ayurvedic herbal medicine cabinet. Check out the health benefits of garlic, here.


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Green tea isn’t just a social grace, but a healing remedy for colon and other cancers. Not only does it inhibit the formation of cancerous cells, but the catechin polyphenols within can even kill cancerous cells without harming healthy cells. By drinking green tea regularly, you can eradicate colon tumors while they are in their most infant stages.

15. Green Tea

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Chirata is an herb. People use the parts that grow above the ground to make medicine.

Chirata is used for fever, constipation, upset stomach, loss of appetite, intestinal worms, skin diseases, and cancer. Some people use it as “a bitter tonic.”

16. Chirata

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Gurmar is an herbal supplement that is used to regulate glucose levels, boost insulin levels, prevent sugar cravings and promote whole-body cleansing. After chewing gurmar leaves, the tongue is unable to taste sweets, and the literal translation of this plant's name is “sugar killer” or “destroyer of sugar.” Gurmar, or gymnema sylvestre, grows in the tropical forests of India and has been used for more than 2,000 years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Gurmar is one of the most popular herbal supplements for the treatment of diabetes because of its ability to prevent sugar from accumulating in the body. Diabetics do not naturally produce enough insulin to regulate the rate at which their bodies absorb glucose, or sugar. Glucose then builds up in the person’s bloodstream without being absorbed into the cells for energy production. Gurmar increases the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas and allows the body to naturally maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It has been used to balance blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and can reduce the amount of prescription insulin a diabetic must take on a daily basis.

17. Gurmar ( Gymnema sylvestre )

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Guggul has been used in the traditional Ayurvedic medical system for centuries and has been studied extensively in Asia . Commercial products are promoted for use in hyperlipidemia; however, clinical studies do not substantiate this claim. Anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular effects are being evaluated, as well as use in cancer, obesity, and diabetes.

18. Guggal ( Commiphora mukul)

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The whole plant is alterative, antiperiodic, constipative, demulscent, diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatoprotective, hydragogue, narcotic, sedative and tonic. It is effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver , spleen  and is also credited with emollient, antiseptic and laxative properties. It has a protective effect on the liver and has shown hepatoprotective activity in cases of toxicity induced by drugs and chemicals. Useful in chronic enlargement of liver (hepatomegaly). Also useful in heart diseases, skin diseases, piles, gonorrhoea, prostate swelling, and inflammatory swellings. Useful in cough and consumption.

19.Makoi ( Solanum nigrum)

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The literal meaning of word Pashanbheda is, one that breaks stones (Pashan is stone and bheda means to break, in Sanskrit). There are many plants that are known by this name due to their diuretic and lithotriptic (dissolving or destroying stone in the bladder or kidneys) activities. One such plant that is widely accepted under the name Pashanbheda(Bergenia ligulata) is Bergenia ligulata syn. Saxifrega ligulata. This medicinal plant is useful in treatment of many ailments but particularly for urinary calculi. Pashanbheda herb is found in Himalaya and the Khasi hills Assam. The rhizomes of this plant are used to prevent and expel urinary stones.

20. Pashanbheda(Bergenia ligulata)

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Senna is a herb that is generally used for its laxative properties. Senna is also known as cassia senna, wild senna, cassia marilandica, or locust plant. It works by interacting with the bacteria in the digestive track, resulting in intestinal contractions. These contractions are caused by the anthraquinone that is contained in senna. These dimeric glycosides anthraquinone derivatives are known as Senna glycosides or sennosides. They are named after their abundant occurrence in these plants of the genus Senna. The main forms of these glycosides are often referred to by: A, B, C & D. Both leaves and pods of the senna plant are used for their laxative effects. The pods are less potent than the leaves.

21. Senna (Cassia Senna)

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Maintains Normal Blood Circulation. Remedies Motion Sickness.  Improves absorption.  Cold and Flu Prevention. G Combats Stomach Discomfort.  Colon Cancer Prevention Reduce Pain and Inflammation Fights Common Respiratory Problems Ovarian Cancer Treatment.  Strengthens Immunity. Combats Morning Sickness

22. Ginger

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Page 26: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan

1. Blood Sugar Control 2.Candida yeast infections 3.Stomach bug /flu 4. Irritable Bowl syndrome. 5. Cancer preventer 6. Arthritis 7. Anti bacterial 8. Food Preservative 9. Cognitive Development 10. Antioxidant 11. Weight reducer 12. Massage Therapy 13.Anti Fungal 14. Lowering LDL Cholesterol 15. Salmonella fighter 16.Tooth Deacy 17.Nutrients 18.Insect Repeelent. 19.Cold , sore throat and cough 20. Alzheimer,s disease 21. Depression 23. Virus fighter24. Parkinson Disease

23. Cinamon

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1. Headache 2.Stop Bleeding from wound 3.Anti bacterial 4. Antifungal 5.Gasteric ulcer 6. Diarrohoea 7.Malnutrition 8. Fever , Bronchitis, eye infection 9.Anemia 10.Scurvy 11.Urinary problem 12.De wormer 13. Cardiac 14. Hysteria

24. Moringa ( Moringa oleifera)

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1. Instant remedy for stomachache 2.Cold , flue 3. Diabetes 4.Rid of Alcohol addiction 5. Cholera 6.Dissole kidney stone. 7. Weight loss 8.Reduces Gas and flatulence 9. Acidity and hyper acidity. 10. Constipation 11. Mouth problems 12. Itching , boils and eczema 13. Excessive bleeding and irregular menses. 14.Digestion 15. Arthiritis 16.Lost appetite 17. Piles 18. Sexual Disability 19.Breast feeding 20.Heart Problems 21, Insecticide 22. Bed wetting 23. Ear Pain 24. Joint Pain 25. Paralysis

26. Ajwain

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1. Rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds 2. Improving digestion -  3. Enhancing memory and concentration 4. Neurological protection 5. Prevent brain aging 6.Cancer prevention 7. Macular degeneration 8. Improved memory 9. Pain relief 10. Anti inflammatory 11. Anti Bacterial 12.Immune booster 13. Hair growth 14. Fresh breath 15. Respiratory health 16.Liver Detoxification 17. Anti aging 18. Better circulation

25. Rosemary

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The health benefits of coriander include its use in the treatment of skin inflammation , high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, and blood sugar disorders, while also benefiting eye care.

27. Coriander

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Page 32: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan

1. Anti spasmodic. 2.Anti microbial 3. Anti oxidant 4.Anti carcinogenic 5. Anti inflammatory 6.Carminative. 7.Diuretic 8.Expectorant. 9.Emmenagogue 10 . Lose weight 11.Protect from anemia 12. Remove acne 13. Relieves menstrual pain 14. Water Retention

29. Fennel ( Saunf)

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1. Asthma 2.Bleeding nose 3.Burns 4.Chest irritation 5.Cough 6. Congestion 7.Dandruff 8.Diabetec. 9. Ear infection 10.Fever treatment 11.Fresh face 12. Hair loss and premature graying 13. Headache 14.Heart Attack 15.Joint Pain 16.Memory power 17. Migrane 18.Obesity 19.Perfecr sleep 20.Piles and madness. 21.Pimples. 22.Severe cold 23.Tooth ache and swelling gums 24.Weakness of brain . 26. White and black spots on skin

30. Kalonji

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It is used for external application in headache, tooth ache, osteo-arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and balding.shukrala – increases sperm countVatasrahara – useful in gout treatmentVisarpa – useful in herpesKasahara – relieves cough, coldKushtahara – useful in skin diseasesShwasahara – useful in asthma, COPD and other respiratory diseasesHikkahara – relieves hiccupsJwarahara – useful in feverIt is used in the treatment of epilepsyIt is hepato-protective (protects liver against degeneration)It is a good anti-viral herbThe oil extracted from Costus root is also used for anti inflammatory and pain relieving purposes.It helps to lower blood pressure.

31. Kuth ( Saussurea lappa)

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1. Anemia2. Anti cancer3. Anti inflammatory4. Anti Septic5. Bacterial infection6. Balsamic action7. Detoxifying8. Diabetes9. 9.Digestive health 10. Gastrititis 11. Heartburn 12. High blood pressure13. High Chollestrol14. Insominia15. Nervous system 16. Purifying action17. Skin health18. Weight Loss

28. Lemon grass

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1. Aids Digestion2. Reduce Cholesterol3. Reduce risk of heart disease 4. Control Diabetes5. Heart burn6. Lose weight7. Sore throat8. Increase breast milk9. Reduce menstrual discomfort 10. Increase breast size11. Prevent colon cancer12. Sooth skin inflammation13. Correct skin problems14. Resolve hair problems15. Diabetes 16. Constipation 17. Cancer18. High blood pressure 19. Liver intoxication

29. Fenugreek ( Methi )

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1. Lose weight 2.Moisturize from inside out 3. Get your glow on 4. Calm your skin

30. Sea buckthorn

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Page 40: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan

1.Good food 2. Lower blood Pressure 3.Stop coughing 4. Boost immunity 5. disifectant 6. Get rid of pests 7. Good smell 8. Boost mood 9. Improve vision 10.Cures cold 11.Cures acne 12.Prevent hair loss 13.Improve bone health 14.Aid digestion


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1. Help treat Piles2. Prevent Diabetes3. Aid in Digestion4. Insominia5. Asthma6. Bronchitis7. Respiratory disorders.8. Benefit for Lactation9. Anemia10. Cognitive malfunction 11. Fights viral infection12. Boost immune system13. Prevent colon cancer 14. Remove toxins from body .


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1. Antifungal2. Antibacterial3. Anti viral4. Anti inflammatory5. Anti cancer6. Ant allergic 7. Eliminates intestinal worms8. Respiratory ailments 9. Cure menopause 10. Powerful pain killer 11. Anti oxidant 12. Digestive 13. Arthritis


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1. Anti allergic 2. Asthma3. Relieve muscle spasms.4. Repelling mosquito5. Anti microbial6. Insomnia7. Acne and warts 8. Tooth ache 9. Nausia and vomiting10. Cough and breath11. Seasonal abilities12. Sinusitius13. Morning sickness 14. Fltulence15. Cold16. Asphrodisiac17. Stress 18. Antioxidant19. Prevent hair loss20. Hair conditioners


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1.Lower cholesterol, protect against heart disease and control high blood pressure

2. Counter inflammation associated with gout, lupus and fibrocystic breasts:

3. Control constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disorders and gallstones:5. Treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and rosacea6. Promote healthy hair and nails:7. Minimise nerve damage that causes numbness and tingling as well as

other disorders:8. Reduce cancer risk and guard against the effects of ageing: 9. Treat menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, female infertility

and endometriosis: 10. Fight prostate problems, male infertility and impotence:

37. Flax seed

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Liver disease from alcohol Viral hepatitis Cancer High cholestrol

38.Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)

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1. Relieves constipation 2. Treat diarrhea 3.Treats acidity 4. Help Weight Loss 5.Improves Digestion 6. Keeps heart

Healthy 6. Prevent diabetes 7. Cures anal fissures and piles .

39. Ispaghol ( Platago ovata)

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Page 54: 25. medicinal plants By Allah Dad Khan