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27.03.22 Seite 1 1 Implementation of MEDISSA National Steering Committee Meeting Ashgabat 2 February, 2011 National Bureau for Drug Prevention Poland

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19.04.23 Seite 11

Implementation of MEDISSA

National Steering Committee MeetingAshgabat 2 February, 2011

National Bureau for Drug Prevention


19.04.23 Seite 22

MEDISSA – one component of CADAP Activities on national level

Support of establishment of ISSA building national information strategy and

action plan improvement of technical skills of

persons involved in dissemination of information about drug problem and risk related to drug use

Activities on local level Development of target-group-specific

communication strategy

19.04.23 Seite 33

Main assumptions and ideas

Assumptions Local level is the best one for counteracting drug

problem Drug problem is involved in cultural context hence

the prevention measures should be also culturally specific

Ideas Initiation and integration of activities of numerous

institutions into well designed and coordinated prevention programs

Mobilization all local resources Formulation and implementation of best response

to local specificity of drug problem

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Development of target-group-specific communication strategies

CADAP input: training and consultancy expertise (designing,

evaluating program) networking


General approach - community based prevention One locality (city, town) selected in each country Dissemination of results and experiences to the national level National and regional networking

Beneficiary input: selection of locality designing campaign

(program) implementing campaign


The action includes development, implementation and evaluation of local campaign/program

19.04.23 Seite 55

Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan

Development of target-group-specific communication strategies


Initial mission

Training seminar

Midterm evaluation seminar

Final evaluation seminar

Initial mission

Training seminar

Midterm evaluation seminar

Final evaluation seminar

Initial mission

Study visit to Poland

Training seminar

Midterm evaluation seminar

Final evaluation seminar

Regional seminar

Initial mission

Training seminar

Midterm evaluation seminar

Final evaluation seminar

Initial mission

Training seminar

Midterm evaluation seminar

Final evaluation seminar

19.04.23 Seite 88

Initial mission Preparatory meeting with national government

and national experts – a half a day Introductory meetings with local experts and

authority – 4 days

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Initial mission – expected outcome

Specificity of local drug problem in selected sites and response identified

Priority for the action selected and agreed Local working group established Detailed draft working plan prepared Draft agenda of next activity (study visit)



19.04.23 Seite 1010

Preparatory meeting with national teem Description of local program - presentation Discussion (rules of collaboration with national

level, possible contribution of central government)

Introduction to activities for national level Discussion – detailed planning of activities



19.04.23 Seite 1111

Preparatory meeting with national teem – expected outcomes Role of institutions from national level in

implementation of local activities defined Draft of detailed plan of national activities

implementation (national information strategy and action plan, web page, help line) developed


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Introductory meetings with local experts and authority

Introductory presentation of the MEDISSA Assessment (role and organization) Training component related to prevention

and early intervetion targeting young occasional drug users as well as public health approach to drug problem

Discussion on composition of local working group (local team)


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Assessment visits to local institutions Gathering information about:

Extend and nature of local drug problem Attitudes to drug problem and drug users Activities of institution on the area of drug problem Cooperation between institutions on the local level Gaps in response to drug problem on the local



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Working group initial seminar Finalization of establishment of local

working group Presentation and discussion of results of

initial assessment Discussion about local priorities Planning further action including study



19.04.23 Seite 1515

Experiences with MEDISSA implementation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

The cities for local program selected (Urgench, Bishkek, and Dushanbe)

The working group/local team established The priorities adopted and action plan drafted

Priorities for Bishkek: Reaching young occasional psychoactive

substances users, especially cannabis, with prevention and early intervention measures

Reducing barriers in access of drug addicts to services and labor market by decreasing discrimination practices

19.04.23 Seite 1616

Experiences with MEDISSA implementation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

Priorities for Urgench Reaching problematic youth, especially young

occasional cannabis users, with prevention and early intervention measures

Improvement of planning process (defining goal, objectives, expected out-puts)

Priorities for Dushanbe Strengthening the capacity of teachers, parents, school

psychologists and pedagogies in dealing with problematic youth

Media campaign addressed to parents to increase awareness

Reaching drug users to involve them in tratment

19.04.23 Seite 1717

Lesson learned

Huge differentiation of drug problem and socio-economical context in the region – differentiated response needed

Crucial role of close collaboration with local expert The need for mutual elaboration of local program

with local experts European best practices cannot be directly transfer

but should be carefully adopted Important role of support from national government

19.04.23 Seite 1818

Conditions of successful implementation The necessity for continuation of actions based on

the results of CADAP 4 The acceptance of MEDISSA component as

capacity building concept Close and efficient collaboration with national and

local stakeholders will play the crucial role in the implementation process

Open-minded and flexible approach to the needs of beneficiary countries
