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m-learning : two years : two life times history of innovation, remonstration and the odd snippet of frustra

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m-learning : two years : two life timesa history of innovation, remonstration and the odd snippet of frustration

Presenter :

Alexander HayesSenior Education Officer, TAFE NSW

Orange, NSW, Australia


CIT National TAFE WorkshopsCanberra, Australia

September 5 – 7 , 2007

Supported and to you by



Mobile learningM-learningmLearningMlearning

What is it ?

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


“…One definition of mobile learning is: Learning that happens across locations, or that

takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies…”

Wikipedia.org : accessed 22 August 2007

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


and for the romantic version …

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


“… M-learning is the exciting art of using mobile technologies to enhance the learning experience. Mobile phones, PDAs, Pocket PCs

and the Internet can be blended to engage and motivate learners, any time and anywhere. …”

m-learning.org : accessed 22 August 2007

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


Del.icio.us / mlearning : accessed 22 August 2007

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


……so if m-learning is now old hat, the next up-coming thing is………..




however some obvious things have changed in our learning community and it doesn't matter how old you are , how technologically challenged you are …… if we don’t adapt…… our learners are going to say………

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


or in slightly older age groups………

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


so we have to understand that language is fluid, as is technology and the sooner

we think that we have mastered one form then we need to track, trace and

translate what occurs next…….

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


No more excuses….

The screen size is too small

How can I read a document through that ?

It costs too much….

SCYS 2003Swan TAFE, Western Australia

We have found ways to employ the use of mobile learning in everyday classroom tasks and the idea of an ‘always on classroom’ is here to stay……..

Research that is only two years old now looks decidedly yesterday…..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London




- allow students to contribute to the development of curriculum that

embodies the use of mobile learning technology

- focus on teaching and learning and not just the technology

- consider the learners’ needs and context

- develop a comprehensive student and teacher induction process

- test learning activity and infrastructure before implementation.


we need to embrace the fact that mobile technologies are a part of

everyone's lives in some way shape or form…..

PD Workshops 2005 - 2007

Bright ideas…..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


are often met with brilliant policy …..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


so we go back to the community and research ways in which to demonstrate the use of mobile learning in a real life

context …..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


AMPLN 2005 Australian Mobile learning Practitioners Network


and get enthusiastic and then form companies and take out domain names

and …..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


lose interest, do more things with the family, be re-inspired and network

with the world …..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London




get re-engaged…..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London




connect, find, locate…..

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


network …..

Mlearn 20076th International Conference On Mobile Learning

16–19 October 2007 Melbourne Australia. Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre


because we all know that the world has changed and …..

Sue WatersChallenger TAFE, Western Australia



and that identity is at the core of the networked world….

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


where life balance is essential ….


and seeing is singing is ….


where learning takes place anywhere, anytime and is always on and occurring

which makes a great talking point….

Handheld Learning 2007 ConferenceOctober 10-12th 2007

October 10-12th 2007Central Hall Westminster, London


that others try to bring to the masses of privileged world citizens not yet enabled with Wi-Fi ( peer-to-peer )




www.laptop.org“..The XO is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children, living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry, bringing to bear both extraordinary talent and many decades of collective field experience for every aspect of this nonprofit humanitarian project...”

which translate text into audio and then audio into learning experiences and learning experiences into culture ….

Mobil-ED Teemu Leinonen - Media Lab UIAH, FI

Mobil-ED initiative is designing learning environments that are meaningfully enhanced with mobile technologies and services.


a culture within which we research and interrogate the idea that WE shape

technology or is it in fact industry ? ….

Mark A.M. Research Fellow , Doctoral Candidate University of Salzburg, Austria

“…….. Mobile learning is a term used to help conceptualize a reality of learning that has always existed in some form or another. People have always exchanged thoughts and ideas and have physically placed themselves in locations for the pursuit of knowledge and learning. Thus mobile learning has always existed. The difference today is the ubiquity and pervasiveness of the exchange of knowledge and information which allows individuals to learn anywhere, anytime. The area of mlearning has changed in the last year because it is becoming more affordable for more people to harness technologies to enhance the dynamic exchange and fluidity of information and augmenting individual mobility in ways unimaginable two or three years ago. Always-on, pervasive learning!


who connect with mobile learning content developers that inspire, interrogate and transform our

understanding of mobile media.….

Stephanie RiegerMobile Content Developer

“…..Coming from a land where an hour of ( painfully slow ) mobile internet can cost a month’s salary—moving to the UK this year has been a revelation. Mobile learning has always made good sense to me as a concept but really came into focus now that I have an inexpensive and reliable 3G data plan. Google, Wikipedia and the mobile web have become my best friends while wandering about my new home. On a whim I look up the history of some guy on a statue, strange British names for vegetables (rocket?) or when and why the Brighton pier burnt down. Now substitute Wikipedia for targeted or location-specific resources, activities, peer networks…(then imagine having all this in your pocket at the age of 10, 30, 60. We might never stop learning J)”


Stephanie RiegerMobile Content Developer, Edinburgh

who in turn translate to trade and industry applications….

Greg Tarrant and Shane SullivanInnovators, builders , m-learners

Greg Tarrant and Shane Sullivan - automatic calculations for builder’s measurements

Blocklayer.com (www.blocklayer.com).

mobile phones access: Blocklayer.com (blocklayer.mobi).

brought to you by champions who bridge the communication divide….

Mobile Technology in TAFEAll about m-learning, e-learning and mobile technology!

Sue WatersChallenger TAFE, Western Australia


only to be brought to their knees by toddlers who have grown up with the

idea that mobile learning is about them….

and managers who can see potential for the use of mobile learning in their


Harriet WakelamManager, Educational Technology, West Coast TAFE , Western Australia

“……..Mlearn to me is that ability to provide holistic education - to use a device most people are comfortable with to provide communication support, training materials and assessment. It allows us to combine, for example online shopping with viewing a training video. At West Coast, we're trying this approach with nurses at Princess Margaret Hospital, and with transit guards at the Public Transport Authority.

What doesn't work... prohibitive purchasing restrictions which prevent us from taking advantage of the best data deals and the ubiquitous blocking of useful sites and an approach where we restrict much in the anticipation of it being abused by a few.”


and teachers who just love the interoperability between web

applications and mobile devices.….

Wendy TannerNESB Lecturer, Coffs Harbour, NSW , Australia

“…….. Having been introduced to Flickr at a LearnScope showcase, I can now admit to being a Flickr addict. I check it everyday, even before checking my emails!! I have Flickr friends and contacts all over the world. As well as uploading personal pictures (my husband and 2 children were overseas last month - we all have Flickr sites - and it really keeps you in touch), I upload pictures of my students (NESB adults) in class, at college excursions and events, and students can look at the photos from anywhere, and comment on them. You can upload to Flickr from mobile phones, and send pictures from Flickr to your blog....its all about INTERCONNECTIVITY.....check out my Flickr site....after all, a picture's worth a thousand words…”

http://www.flickr.com/photos/wentan /

and leaders who live and breathe the m-learning dream.….

Leonard Low Educational Technology Strategist , CIT , Canberra, Australia

“…………. M-Learning is maturing. This year, I've been hearing less hype about what m-learning "could" do, and a lot more conversation about what people are actually doing. Educators are dealing with the nuts andbolts of m-learning - the practical benefits, the barriers, and the issues. The same thing happened 20 years ago with the introduction of PCs into the classroom, and 10 years ago with the introduction of the Internet: technologies that started out as a bit of a gimmick arebecoming inextricably integrated into the enlightened educator's arsenal……..”


as we move into a world filled with magicians who engage using

participatory media with learners.….

Barbara DieuEducator, Sao Paulo, Brazil

“……...do not have a mobile phone...rarely use a normal phone..and hate the sound and intrusiveness….although I recognize there are moments it would be nice to have one...like for instance when you have forgotten to fill up your car and you get stuck on a lonely dirt road.

M-learning for me is ……..swiMMing in knowledge...IMMersed in coMMunication………..”


and others taking a first step forward since e-learning became synonymous

with online learning.….

Annelie Mackinnon TALO Group, Bavaria, Germany

“……... .....m-learning is the next step in work life and lifetime education etc.

The question is how does this field change [the whole ] e- learning and other virtual education forms ? As a multimedia-person I am very interested in this field and it is a pity I cant participate at the CIT National Construction Conference, Canberra, Australia.... “


and despite the organizational reluctance to engage…… our esteemed

colleagues charge on.….

Anne Paterson Chief Education Officer, Sydney Australia

“……... In the last year or so there seems to be so many more tools to use in m-learning and because of the connection between mobile phones and web 2.0 tools you can do so much more. Each new tool, application and mobile phone feature provides additional opportunities for creativity in teaching and learning. “


and extraordinary people with great courage and foresight who link

research with practice .….

Sean FitzgeraldResearcher, Consultant, Trainer and Presenter

“…Only beginning to see full potential of mlearning... technology & access is basic now... requires patience & persistence... like the early Web (remember dial-up?) Soon... ubiquitous access to world's knowledge, expert advice, peer support... via mobile devices and wireless/GPRS. My Nokia 6280 + 3G cap = affordable Net access anywhere... makes me more mobile... now use travel time & down time to check emails, read RSS feeds, browse the Web, Twitter. Watch the mobile widgets & apps, but bank on the standards... html, jpeg, mp3, pdf. Educational world must come to grips with reality of ubiquitous mobile connectivity... major way Net Gens communicate, interact, network & learn... & work .”


and others who “get it” the moment it makes life easier .….

Kerrie Smith Training & Operations Manager, WEA Illawarra, NSW , Australia

“…This is an exciting time to be involved in education and learning. The new e-world has hit the steep part of the exponential curve with portability of learning and learning tools - I’ve currently returned to do a masters degree - instead of lugging reams of paper on a recent overseas trip I was able to download electronic reading references from the Uni. library to take away on my laptop- work when and where convenient - wireless connections let tutorial groups set up anywhere on campus to work on group presentations – choices in distance education tools contact friends and family all round the world cheaply by internet or Skype- amazing stuff and flexible enough for people to choose what is relevant to their situation!!


and educators with plenty to say.….

Di Dell ( slide 1 )Teacher Adult Foundation Education, TAFE NSW, Sydney, Australia

“… I teach in Adult Basic Education, where students are literacy and numeracy learners, or are learning their English as a second language; and most of my students now have mobile phones. In the last year mobile learning has become more relevant to these students, and basic mlearning skills more in demand. I have introduced text shorthand into spelling lessons and into my computer classes for informal email; but most particularly to motivate students to try using SMS messaging as an alternative to phone calls to me - for both convenience and economy. I have found that more and more of my students are willing to try using their mobiles to contact me when absent from class or for other matters, though some need my additional help to do this. ”


and a wealth of knowledge into making practical applications stick with


Di Dell ( slide 2)Teacher Adult Foundation Education, TAFE NSW, Sydney, Australia

“… During a recent recuperation from hospital I had the opportunity to try out what could be done basically from a horizontal position! I started sending photos of my grandchildren, taken from my phone, to a simple weblog set up at www.tumblr.com , which had a convenient mobile posting address. I then set up a moblog, to engage my students in my computer class and to provide them with extra skills. I started taking photos of them during class and sending it to the tumblelog by the end of the lesson. They were delighted. ……..this moblog will be their space this semester to learn skills such as ‘copy and paste’, and to learn to save images, as well as to practice sending photos and text online from a mobile device”


and those of us who explore a million and one ways to engage learners using

mobile technologies .….

Sue WatersLecturer, Challenger TAFE , Western Australia

“….Mobility right now is like the Internet was in 1996; then everyone discounted the Internet, or worried that it would just encourage employees to play games." Smartphone and Pocket PC magazine.

In my opinion, organizations now realize that the Internet is an incredible resource for accessing and exchanging information, for collaborating and networking, and a powerful platform for e-learning. In time organizations will embrace mobility and the true power of m-learning will be unleashed.


and senior management who can see the connections between philosophical

beliefs and working ideals .….

Maret StaronManager, ICVET, TAFE NSW, Sydney, Australia.

“…….Mobile learning fits beautifully within the concept of life based learning. The life based learning model supports more diverse strategies, with learning from work being recognized as only one of many components of learning. It’s more self directed, open ended with continuous inquiry at the heart of it.

It’s a dynamic, holistic and adaptable model, and fits well with innovation and mlearning. If you are interested in finding out more about life based learning, go to the research report on the TAFE NSW ICVET website at


who are worlds apart from the everyday challenges of those seeking,

finding and utilizing connections.….

Trish EverettPrincipal, Parnngurr Community School, Great Sandy Desert, Australia

“……. mlearning in the remote desert where mobile range is 350km away…a bizarre concept… Our mlearning experience is still largely restrained by blue cables and intermittent sat dishes… this hasn’t changed in the last year (probably not likely to in the near future) But students understanding and wiliness to share something like their unique language or culture with people around the world that are accessing this information through their iPods or phones etc has developed over the last year. Community members understandings of what sharing this information means has grown and a more informed debate can now take place over what content should be uploaded…..”


and innovators and early adopters matching good working practice with

global trends.….

Julie CollaredaManager, Learning Innovation, SIT Campus, Sydney

“……. In 2006 my thoughts on mLearning was that it had potential to support teaching and learning but there may be limited uses due to connectivity, the actual devices and the cost….in 2007 I am thinking that mLearning is the new frontier in teaching and learning, the future. As educators we need to be able to use the devices our students regard as essential items to survive in the 21st Century. Mobile devices that are rapidly becoming a mini computer with a camera, connectivity to the world via the Internet, music, voice and video. As educators we need to be more creative in how we can use these new mobile tools to connect, teach and assess………”


with the odd skeptic or realist.….

Jody Baty My Curriculum Analysis Tool Suite (myCATs), Canada

“……. The m-learning industry in Canada is still in its infancy. I've yet to see an m-learning project of any size be implemented at a post- secondary institution here. There are some pilot projects, usually funded with one-time funding by a governmental agency. These have been slow to take off for reasons that others have mentioned: cost, device constraints, incompatible networks, lack of management and development tools, and others. Another reason for the slow adoption of m-learning has to do with the hype around social networking, especially Facebook. Institutions are working hard to figure out ways to harness the power of this application, especially since the API was released earlier this summer. Facebook is getting type of attention that Learning Objects were getting about five years ago, and it is likely to continue as the ‘ flavour of the month' for sometime to come……”


who sits alongside a dynamo of understanding and goodwill.….

Wendy ZammitLecturer, TAFE NSW SIT Campus, Sydney

“…The only thing holding me back is the price of wireless…..the value of my wireless laptop was realized recently in Los Angeles with no phone but access to Skype – problem solved ! ……at work we have a new wireless network + 10 demo laptops - demonstrating programs not yet enabled on our secure network- like Skype, Elluminate, Audacity, Second Life - students getting their mobiles onto the network !? ….I don’t use SMS on a mobile a great deal - send out SMS from Skype - use my MP3 recorder /player - looking forward to convergence or until an iPhone plan is reasonable…..”

http://basicskills.wikispaces.com/Week+7.+Mobile+computing /

and courageous individuals who inspire and navigate through endless


Leigh BlackallEducation Development, Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand

“…….. m-Learning for my institution has not progressed much from where it was a year or so ago. Mobile communications in NZ remains prohibitively expensive with modern devices and software largely unavailable in the NZ market place - I am not aware of any teachers at our institute who are using or experimenting with m-Learning technologies and techniques even basic - Teemu Leinonen presented the mobil-Ed initiative 1 year ago, which successfully inspired a small number of teacher's ideas for mLearning possibilities. Today we talk about mLearning technologies and techniques as a possible investment in the future. We are careful to use designs and formats in our developments now that will be as reusable as possible in mLearning initiatives tomorrow……”


all the way through to educators whose life ambition it is to make

connections grow into quality conversations .….

Graham WegnerPrimary School Educator, E-learning Coordinator, Edu-blogger

“M-learning is something that students are doing with or without their teachers. Only if we decide to get involved can we have any impact on that learning.

Education can no longer afford to ignore the impact mobile technology has on our students and their lives. If we ask them to switch it off, then we turn off the relevance to the rest of their life………”


and special people who bargain with gate keepers and forge new ways to view this dynamic change in digital


Robyn JayProject Manager, Australian Flexible Learning Framework

“…At a professional level I'm seeing a real disparity between simple easy to use m-learning possibilities and complex high level solutions that seem to be having trouble 'finding legs‘.

I think teachers will need some hand holding and institutional level support to get true interactivity happening - at the moment there's quite a 'push' mentality around sending out reminders and info etc.... Costs are still an issue.”


and pragmatists who deep down build the most amazing bridges between the reality of organizational policy and the

reality of the world.….

Stephan RidgwayE-learning Coordinator, TAFE NSW, SIT Campus

“ Networks still remain locked down to proprietary standards – 3G is available but still expensive - the social and collaborative revolution on the www has not translated to the mobile web - students still do not see the mobile phone as a learning medium and largely don't want to be contacted by trainers on their phone - mobile phone innovation has largely stalled as ISP's have no interest in changing - little innovation in m-learning in the last 12 months @ all - the only change I can see is 3g and perhaps the growth in mobile networks in developing countries………………”


and people who champion ways of working and build knowledge despite the complexities of the workplace.….

Jo FullerManager Staff Learning and Development, SWSI, TAFE NSW

“Mobile devices are being used in many ways in education. This is seen in the classroom using IPods to display and share content, PDAs for work based assessment and mobile phones for communication.

A lot of activity is under the radar and paid for by teachers and students because of beauracratic red tape and the fear of being stopped……”


and leaders who engage learners in action learning – making meaning from

what others deemed distractible .….

Warren SlossPlumbing Trades , Great Southern TAFE , Albany Western Australia

“I am currently using as many forms of technology as possible to engage the students both in theclassroom and in the workshop. As all my colleagues are well aware, young students are well versed with most forms of technologies available, so therefore it is up to lecturers/teachers to keep up to date with themany methods available in order to deliver the training required. We use PDA's through to mobile phones as methods of gathering evidence and enhancing delivery, produce Digital Stories, Powerpoint presentations and Flipbook showcases with outstanding results. I continueto update my technological skills as I feel that this is the direction that training in our industry is heading……” http://www.gstafe.wa.edu.au

no matter what sector and how evil they may seem .….

Sue HicktonLecturer, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

“I always have something mobile with me - always. Access to information in the mode of "I want it now" is a part of both my work and personal paradigm - maybe its a Gen X thing? I am working on shifting my organization forward with regards to the concept/shift towards mLearning. It's a challenge, even in a university context, with resistance even within the immediacy of my team of educators. I feel that costs of accessing infrastructure such as mobile phone services need to come down still to increase the use of mobile technologies via this method. Users need to become more savvy in their choice of service providers. I have recently changed and costs have come down literally 200% and I have more access to what I need. This benefits both my work and personal access to information.”


and educators who care for their students, who build and encourage and

grow with their ideas.….

Kathie WarrenICT Support (ELLN teachers), Coffs Coast Community College , Aus.

“… Now all our new arrival students have mobile phones, I have been forced to think through the use of these new tools for teaching and learning. This year my colleagues are looking at using podcasts as a moderation tool. This has meant that they are using digital voice recording, so we now own MP3/MP4 players with voice recorders. In the process of investigating podcasting, file types, etc. I have realized just how useful this technology will be for our TESOL students and teachers, as we use a blended delivery approach . A whole "new" area of expertise for me, the class teachers, and students! “


and me.….

Alex HayesSenior Education Officer, TAFE NSW, Sydney, Australia

“…..M-Learning is the now beyond the concept of a mobile web. It’s now a very real prospect and with great potential for educators . My “online” now moves with me , forever switched on…connected, contactable and accountable …. the ability to harness the reality of learners personal mobile connections in an educational context is a rewarding challenge……our community now expects us to do so …. Why are we then still working in training environments with an always-off sign above the doorway ?....... Should the sign read m-learning +e-learning = me-learning ? ”


Thank you to all those people who generously contributed to this story.

M-learning has come a long way in two years. I now need to go back and tell

the story of the last ten.
